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The St.Xavier's College Science Fest

11 infinite bounce questions clockwise
           2 set of connection question
11 infinite bounce questions counter clockwise
1)The Philosopher Diderot was once invited to
  the court by Catherine the Great, but then
 annoyed her by trying to convert everyone to
  atheism. Catherine, then asked X for help,
  who then came to court and presented an
   algebraic proof of the existence of God.
 According to De Morgan, X advanced toward
  Diderot, and said gravely, and in a tone of
perfect conviction: "Sir, ( a + bn )/n = x , hence
              God exists; reply! "
                  IDENTIFY X
'Turdus merula' singing
          In the dead of night
       Take these broken wings
            And learn to fly..’

Identify the common name of this Turdus
   merula from the lyrics of the song?
“X is a reduced scale Piccard, as the real chap was very
 tall. He had an interminable neck that sprouted from a
    collar that was much too large... I made X a mini-

Identify the character X, the author is talking about, which
                was based on this scientist.
professor calculus (Tin Tin)
Due to this condition one person might be able to
  hear smells, while another feel sounds, and yet
   another can taste shapes. Nobel Prize winning
 Physicist Richard Feynman also experienced this
 type of condition, reporting that he saw equations
in colour. For him the variable n was “mildly violet-
  bluish”. The cause for this condition is said to be
 heriditary, but can also be caused by psychedelic
   drugs, a stroke, during temporal lobe epileptic
    seizure, and also by blindness and deafness.
  many musicians and artists are said to have this
   condition includeing Billy Joel, Marilyn Monroe,
       Stevie Wonder, etc. name this condition
Names             Country         ____________ Notes

        Chao Lu   China           67,890       World Record (current)

Hiroyuki Goto     Japan           42,195       World Record 1995-2006

Krishan Chahal    India           43,000       Indian record holder
Dave Turner       Great Britain   1,250        Record – both forward and
Andreas Lietzow   Germany         1,088        While Juggling 5 balls
Grace Hare        Canada          31           Youngest person in the top 200
                                               list - 3yrs 56 days
                 Identify the column
      #events of the blanked out coloumn was
     displayed in a very famous movie recently.
recitation of decimal digits of pi from memory.
The word X was introduced to the public by
  the Czech interwar writer Karel Čapek in his
play R.U.R. in 1920. He later explained that he
    had originally wanted to call the creatures
 laboři. However, he did not like the word, and
    sought advice from his brother Josef, who
   suggested the word "X". The word means
literally "serf labor", and figuratively "drudgery"
    or "hard work" in Czech and also in many
                  Slavic languages.
                 Whats the word X ?
This phenomenon occurs in just 2 regions of the
   brain- the sub-ventricular zone and the sub-
granular zone of the dentate gyrus. This property
 was exhibited in the popular movie ‘Rise of the
  planet of the apes’ directed by Rupert Wyatt in
which a chimp used for experimentation attained
 exceptional intelligence. It was 1 discovered by

    Elizabeth Gould. Music is known to aid this
particular process. It is said that It was due to the
    playing of the violin for decades that Albert
Einstein’s brain showed the manifestation of this
It is described as ‘a test for intelligence in a
computer, requiring that a human being should
  be unable to distinguish the machine from
 another human being by using the replies to
      questions put to both’. It is commonly
   regarded as the barrier which a computer
   program must break to be considered an
      artificial intelligence. Identify the Test.
Turin Test
This tree features as the Tree of Life in
 Disney's "Lion King". It grows 5 to 30 metres
(16 to 98 ft) high, with a trunk diameter of 7 to
11 metres (23 to 36 ft). Its trunk can hold up to
 120,000 litres of water. For most of the year,
the tree is leafless, and looks very much like it
 has its roots sticking up in the air. Name the
Baobab Tree
6) “ The LM footpads are only depressed in the
 surface about 1 or 2 inches, although the surface
 appears to be very, very fine grained, as you get
close to it. It's almost like a powder. Ground mass
                        is very fine.”
                         “ ___ ___ ”
“ Yes, the surface is fine and powdery. I can kick it
    up loosely with my toe. It does adhere in fine
   layers, like powdered charcoal, to the sole and
  sides of my boots. I only go in a small fraction of
an inch, maybe an eighth of an inch, but I can see
   the footprints of my boots and the treads in the
                  fine, sandy particles.”
                  Fill in the statement.
That's one small step for [a] man, one giant
             leap for mankind
In 1967, a radio signal was detected in a UK
  observatory. The signal had a 1.33 second
period and 0.04 second pulsewidth. The signal
   turned out to be radio emissions from the
  pulsar CP1919, the first one recognized as
   The discoverers had initially proposed the
explanation that the signal might be a beacon
     or a communication from an intelligent
extraterrestrial civilization and hence named it
           What did 'LGM' stand for?
Little Green Men
"During an 'immortal dinner' 28th December 1817
 hosted by Haydon and attended by Wordsworth,
        Charles Lamb, Y and Monkhouse, Y
lightheartedly said X 'has destroyed all the poetry
   of the rainbow, by reducing it to the prismatic
  colours.' Y then proposed a toast to 'X's health,
and confusion to mathematics' to the amusement
                       of all."
But the funny part is, although held responsible, it
   was not X but actually Z who unweavered the
               secrets of the rainbow.
                      X - 10pts
                      Y – 15pts
                      Z - 20pts
The calculus controversy was an argument between X and J
over who had first invented calculus. The last years of J's life,
were embittered by a long controversy with X over whether J
         had discovered calculus independently of X.
   For J, who was also a philosopher, an additional central
  concern was the matter of reconciling human freedom with
     the determinism. J's solution casts God as a kind of
"optimizer" of all original possibilities: Giving us the best of all
                         possible worlds.
 K actively rejected J's optimism after the Lisbon earthquake,
 convinced that if this were the best possible world, it should
   surely be better than it is. K wrote a very famous satirical
                novel denouncing J's philosophy.

                             X – 5pts
                             J – 10pts
                             K - 15pts
X – Newton
       Y – Keats
Z – Theoderic of Freiberg
       J – Leibniz
      K – Voltaire
1) Cult of the Dead Cow, also known as cDc or cDc
        Communications, is a DoItYourself media
   organization.In 1999, the cDc formed a group to the
 creation of anti-censorship technology in furtherance of
human rights on the Internet . In the late 1990s, the cDc
  worked with a group of Chinese dissidents called "The
   Hong Kong Blondes" to disrupt computer networks
  within the People's Republic of China in order to allow
    PRC citizens to access censored content online.
 In 1996, cDc member Omega coined the term X, which
is used very popularly to denote protests of these kinds.
2) This existence of this cute marsupial animal is
limited to a specific continent. At birth it is the size
of a jelly bean and lives with it’s mother till the age
   of 1. An adult female has about 1 cub in a year.
   Males have a dark scent gland in the center of
  their chest which they use to mark their territory.
      They live in tall gumtree forests and when
   stressed about their habitats develop a disease
                   called ‘Chlamydia’.
On the more legitimate side of torrent usage,
apparently both Facebook and Twitter use X to
  transfer updates to their servers, and many
   games including World of Warcraft deliver
    patches and updates using the protocol.
The UK Government realising in 2004 that X is
  the cheapest and most effective method of
sharing large files with the public, As part of the
   UK Prime Minister’s transparency initiative
 realesed several files with details on how the
Government spends the public’s money. These
    files were shared wih the Public using X.
                    Identify X
situated in sweden, identify what this famous hideout
 is used for currently. It is said to be protected from
              even a nuclear holocaust!
  Koala bears
   Bit torrent
Wikileaks servers

 Julian assagne
In 1961, Lorenz was using a numerical
computer model to rerun a weather prediction,
    when, as a shortcut on a number in the
    sequence, he entered the decimal .506
  instead of entering the full        .506127 .
The result was a completely different weather
     scenario. In 1963 Lorenz published a
theoretical study of this effect in a well-known
 paper called Deterministic Nonperiodic Flow.
How is the concept published by him popularly
            known as to the public?
Butterfly Effect
In 1960 cambridge university, where X was a
 fellow, elected to erect a chapel. X, believing
  that a religious institution had no place at a
  university dedicated to knowledge, made a
fuss. X was sent a letter by Winston Churchill
   pointing out that the funds for the chapel's
    construction had been raised by private
means, and nobody would be forced to attend.
X's response was to propose the construction
   of a college brothel, since after all nobody
  would be forced to attend and and he would
        personally raise the money for it.
                     Identify X
Francis Crick
This condition was thought to exist only in
women and was thought to have been caused
due to a 'wandering womb'. The symptoms for
     this was said to include muscle spasms,
         irritability, loss of appetite, sexual
     dissatisfaction and "a tendency to cause
trouble". Treatment recommended for this was
  'pelvic massages' however later on vibrators
           were used. Name this disorder
Six Italian scientists and an ex-government official
  were sentenced to six years in prison in 2011
when a regional court in Italy found them guilty of
    multiple manslaughter in L'Aquila in 2009.
   Malcolm Sperrin said about this trial - "If the
scientific community is to be penalised for making
predictions that turn out to be incorrect, or for not
 accurately predicting an event that subsequently
occurs, then scientific endeavour will be restricted
    to certainties only and the benefits that are
associated with findings from medicine to physics
                   will be stalled."
   What was the crime that these six scientists
               supposedly committed?
they couldn't predict an earthquake which
       killed more than 300 people.
As a young child, X had difficulty making friends, and was
      considered a lonely, remote child. X was talented in
 language; X also liked to quote himself and other poets, and
 often referred to himself in a third person perspective.During
     further studies in medicine, X identified among other
children, a similar pattern of behaviour and abilities such as, a
  lack of empathy, little ability to form friendships, one-sided
  conversations, intense absorption in a special interest, and
       clumsy movements. X called these children "little
 professors". One of the children studied - Fritz V. became a
professor of astronomy and solved an error in Newton’s work
he originally noticed as a child. Another one of these children
  were, Austrian writer and Nobel Laurete in literarture, Alfred
           Who is X and what is being talked about?
Hans Asperger and aspergers syndrome
In their biography of X, Hunt and Draper write, “X
     furnished grist for the believers in occult
theories ...such as his conviction that amber was
   a magic substance having the properties of
    electrons.... also believing that Moses was
  undoubtedly a practical and skilled electrician
    far in advance of his time”, etc. X also later
  claimed that he could communicate with other
                 planets like Mars.
In 1972, Ruth Norman, Co founder of UNARIUS-
  a new religious movement began publishing X
Speaks, a series of messages that she said were
given to her by X from his dwelling in outer space.
                      Identify X
Nikola Tesla
The innovation patent by APO in Australia was
   designed to provide a quick, easy and cheap
     alternative to a traditional patent for small
businesses. APO has been criticised for granting
patents for impossible or absurd, already known,
          or arguably obvious inventions.
John Keogh was issued the innovation patent for
a "circular transportation facilitation device" under
   this patent system introduced in May 2001 .
For this grant, IP Australia (under APO) was later
         awarded an Ig Nobel Prize in 2001.
 How do we better know that which John Keogh
              was issued a patent for?
Arthur Sasse a photographer, wanted to get X
 smiling on his 72nd birthday, in 1951. X was
    tired, and so, in order to get rid of the
 photographer, X did something which Sasse
               took a picture of.
   On June 19, 2009, the photograph was
 auctioned at a record $74,324, the most for
                any picture of X.
                   Identify X
Albert Einstein
This herb is of the genus Musa. It is slightly
 radioactive on account of small amounts of
potassium-40 and can exist in various colours
 ranging from bubblegum pink to green and
     white stripes among several others.
  A song on this herb was written by Frank
   Silver and Irving Cohn in 1923 during its
shortage and for many decades was the best
         selling sheet music in history.
The name of this drug is derived from the spanish
pronunciation of the slang words for prostitute and
    brothel. The psychoactive effects of this drug
 includes, inhibition, elation, and a distorted sense
      of time, visual sensitivity and heightened
imagination. It was documented that this drug was
  used to treat rheumatism and gout, in 2737 B.C.
   by Chinese emperor Shen Nung, supporters of
   this drug have shown the effectiveness of this
 drug in treating AIDS, glaucoma, cancer, multiple
  sclerosis, epilepsy, and chronic pain. Name this
Connect the following specifically : stuxnet,
  flame, duqu, gauss, shamoon, mahdi.
      The list may not be exhaustive
virus (aimed at middle east countries)
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ParadigmFest: sapientia (science quiz)

  • 1. PARADIGM: The St.Xavier's College Science Fest Mumbai SAPIENTIA THE SCIENCE QUIZ
  • 2. 11 infinite bounce questions clockwise 2 set of connection question 11 infinite bounce questions counter clockwise
  • 3. 1)The Philosopher Diderot was once invited to the court by Catherine the Great, but then annoyed her by trying to convert everyone to atheism. Catherine, then asked X for help, who then came to court and presented an algebraic proof of the existence of God. According to De Morgan, X advanced toward Diderot, and said gravely, and in a tone of perfect conviction: "Sir, ( a + bn )/n = x , hence God exists; reply! " IDENTIFY X
  • 4.
  • 6. 'Turdus merula' singing In the dead of night Take these broken wings And learn to fly..’ Identify the common name of this Turdus merula from the lyrics of the song?
  • 7.
  • 9. “X is a reduced scale Piccard, as the real chap was very tall. He had an interminable neck that sprouted from a collar that was much too large... I made X a mini- Piccard.....” Identify the character X, the author is talking about, which was based on this scientist.
  • 10.
  • 12. Due to this condition one person might be able to hear smells, while another feel sounds, and yet another can taste shapes. Nobel Prize winning Physicist Richard Feynman also experienced this type of condition, reporting that he saw equations in colour. For him the variable n was “mildly violet- bluish”. The cause for this condition is said to be heriditary, but can also be caused by psychedelic drugs, a stroke, during temporal lobe epileptic seizure, and also by blindness and deafness. many musicians and artists are said to have this condition includeing Billy Joel, Marilyn Monroe, Stevie Wonder, etc. name this condition
  • 13.
  • 15. Names Country ____________ Notes Chao Lu China 67,890 World Record (current) Hiroyuki Goto Japan 42,195 World Record 1995-2006 Krishan Chahal India 43,000 Indian record holder Dave Turner Great Britain 1,250 Record – both forward and backward Andreas Lietzow Germany 1,088 While Juggling 5 balls Grace Hare Canada 31 Youngest person in the top 200 list - 3yrs 56 days Identify the column #events of the blanked out coloumn was displayed in a very famous movie recently.
  • 16.
  • 17. recitation of decimal digits of pi from memory.
  • 18. The word X was introduced to the public by the Czech interwar writer Karel Čapek in his play R.U.R. in 1920. He later explained that he had originally wanted to call the creatures laboři. However, he did not like the word, and sought advice from his brother Josef, who suggested the word "X". The word means literally "serf labor", and figuratively "drudgery" or "hard work" in Czech and also in many Slavic languages. Whats the word X ?
  • 19.
  • 20. ROBOT
  • 21. This phenomenon occurs in just 2 regions of the brain- the sub-ventricular zone and the sub- granular zone of the dentate gyrus. This property was exhibited in the popular movie ‘Rise of the planet of the apes’ directed by Rupert Wyatt in which a chimp used for experimentation attained exceptional intelligence. It was 1 discovered by st Elizabeth Gould. Music is known to aid this particular process. It is said that It was due to the playing of the violin for decades that Albert Einstein’s brain showed the manifestation of this phenomenon.
  • 22.
  • 24. It is described as ‘a test for intelligence in a computer, requiring that a human being should be unable to distinguish the machine from another human being by using the replies to questions put to both’. It is commonly regarded as the barrier which a computer program must break to be considered an artificial intelligence. Identify the Test.
  • 25.
  • 27. This tree features as the Tree of Life in Disney's "Lion King". It grows 5 to 30 metres (16 to 98 ft) high, with a trunk diameter of 7 to 11 metres (23 to 36 ft). Its trunk can hold up to 120,000 litres of water. For most of the year, the tree is leafless, and looks very much like it has its roots sticking up in the air. Name the tree.
  • 28.
  • 30. 6) “ The LM footpads are only depressed in the surface about 1 or 2 inches, although the surface appears to be very, very fine grained, as you get close to it. It's almost like a powder. Ground mass is very fine.” “ ___ ___ ” “ Yes, the surface is fine and powdery. I can kick it up loosely with my toe. It does adhere in fine layers, like powdered charcoal, to the sole and sides of my boots. I only go in a small fraction of an inch, maybe an eighth of an inch, but I can see the footprints of my boots and the treads in the fine, sandy particles.” Fill in the statement.
  • 31.
  • 32. That's one small step for [a] man, one giant leap for mankind
  • 33. In 1967, a radio signal was detected in a UK observatory. The signal had a 1.33 second period and 0.04 second pulsewidth. The signal turned out to be radio emissions from the pulsar CP1919, the first one recognized as such. The discoverers had initially proposed the explanation that the signal might be a beacon or a communication from an intelligent extraterrestrial civilization and hence named it LGM-1. What did 'LGM' stand for?
  • 34.
  • 36.
  • 37. "During an 'immortal dinner' 28th December 1817 hosted by Haydon and attended by Wordsworth, Charles Lamb, Y and Monkhouse, Y lightheartedly said X 'has destroyed all the poetry of the rainbow, by reducing it to the prismatic colours.' Y then proposed a toast to 'X's health, and confusion to mathematics' to the amusement of all." But the funny part is, although held responsible, it was not X but actually Z who unweavered the secrets of the rainbow. X - 10pts Y – 15pts Z - 20pts
  • 38.
  • 39. The calculus controversy was an argument between X and J over who had first invented calculus. The last years of J's life, were embittered by a long controversy with X over whether J had discovered calculus independently of X. For J, who was also a philosopher, an additional central concern was the matter of reconciling human freedom with the determinism. J's solution casts God as a kind of "optimizer" of all original possibilities: Giving us the best of all possible worlds. K actively rejected J's optimism after the Lisbon earthquake, convinced that if this were the best possible world, it should surely be better than it is. K wrote a very famous satirical novel denouncing J's philosophy. X – 5pts J – 10pts K - 15pts
  • 40.
  • 41. X – Newton Y – Keats Z – Theoderic of Freiberg J – Leibniz K – Voltaire
  • 42.
  • 43. 1) Cult of the Dead Cow, also known as cDc or cDc Communications, is a DoItYourself media organization.In 1999, the cDc formed a group to the creation of anti-censorship technology in furtherance of human rights on the Internet . In the late 1990s, the cDc worked with a group of Chinese dissidents called "The Hong Kong Blondes" to disrupt computer networks within the People's Republic of China in order to allow PRC citizens to access censored content online. In 1996, cDc member Omega coined the term X, which is used very popularly to denote protests of these kinds.
  • 44.
  • 45. 2) This existence of this cute marsupial animal is limited to a specific continent. At birth it is the size of a jelly bean and lives with it’s mother till the age of 1. An adult female has about 1 cub in a year. Males have a dark scent gland in the center of their chest which they use to mark their territory. They live in tall gumtree forests and when stressed about their habitats develop a disease called ‘Chlamydia’.
  • 46.
  • 47. On the more legitimate side of torrent usage, apparently both Facebook and Twitter use X to transfer updates to their servers, and many games including World of Warcraft deliver patches and updates using the protocol. The UK Government realising in 2004 that X is the cheapest and most effective method of sharing large files with the public, As part of the UK Prime Minister’s transparency initiative realesed several files with details on how the Government spends the public’s money. These files were shared wih the Public using X. Identify X
  • 48.
  • 49. situated in sweden, identify what this famous hideout is used for currently. It is said to be protected from even a nuclear holocaust!
  • 50.
  • 51. Hactivism Koala bears Bit torrent Wikileaks servers Julian assagne
  • 52. In 1961, Lorenz was using a numerical computer model to rerun a weather prediction, when, as a shortcut on a number in the sequence, he entered the decimal .506 instead of entering the full .506127 . The result was a completely different weather scenario. In 1963 Lorenz published a theoretical study of this effect in a well-known paper called Deterministic Nonperiodic Flow. How is the concept published by him popularly known as to the public?
  • 53.
  • 54.
  • 56. In 1960 cambridge university, where X was a fellow, elected to erect a chapel. X, believing that a religious institution had no place at a university dedicated to knowledge, made a fuss. X was sent a letter by Winston Churchill pointing out that the funds for the chapel's construction had been raised by private means, and nobody would be forced to attend. X's response was to propose the construction of a college brothel, since after all nobody would be forced to attend and and he would personally raise the money for it. Identify X
  • 57.
  • 59. This condition was thought to exist only in women and was thought to have been caused due to a 'wandering womb'. The symptoms for this was said to include muscle spasms, irritability, loss of appetite, sexual dissatisfaction and "a tendency to cause trouble". Treatment recommended for this was 'pelvic massages' however later on vibrators were used. Name this disorder
  • 60.
  • 62. Six Italian scientists and an ex-government official were sentenced to six years in prison in 2011 when a regional court in Italy found them guilty of multiple manslaughter in L'Aquila in 2009. Malcolm Sperrin said about this trial - "If the scientific community is to be penalised for making predictions that turn out to be incorrect, or for not accurately predicting an event that subsequently occurs, then scientific endeavour will be restricted to certainties only and the benefits that are associated with findings from medicine to physics will be stalled." What was the crime that these six scientists supposedly committed?
  • 63.
  • 64. they couldn't predict an earthquake which killed more than 300 people.
  • 65. As a young child, X had difficulty making friends, and was considered a lonely, remote child. X was talented in language; X also liked to quote himself and other poets, and often referred to himself in a third person perspective.During further studies in medicine, X identified among other children, a similar pattern of behaviour and abilities such as, a lack of empathy, little ability to form friendships, one-sided conversations, intense absorption in a special interest, and clumsy movements. X called these children "little professors". One of the children studied - Fritz V. became a professor of astronomy and solved an error in Newton’s work he originally noticed as a child. Another one of these children were, Austrian writer and Nobel Laurete in literarture, Alfred Jellinek. Who is X and what is being talked about?
  • 66.
  • 67. Hans Asperger and aspergers syndrome
  • 68. In their biography of X, Hunt and Draper write, “X furnished grist for the believers in occult theories ...such as his conviction that amber was a magic substance having the properties of electrons.... also believing that Moses was undoubtedly a practical and skilled electrician far in advance of his time”, etc. X also later claimed that he could communicate with other planets like Mars. In 1972, Ruth Norman, Co founder of UNARIUS- a new religious movement began publishing X Speaks, a series of messages that she said were given to her by X from his dwelling in outer space. Identify X
  • 69.
  • 71. The innovation patent by APO in Australia was designed to provide a quick, easy and cheap alternative to a traditional patent for small businesses. APO has been criticised for granting patents for impossible or absurd, already known, or arguably obvious inventions. John Keogh was issued the innovation patent for a "circular transportation facilitation device" under this patent system introduced in May 2001 . For this grant, IP Australia (under APO) was later awarded an Ig Nobel Prize in 2001. How do we better know that which John Keogh was issued a patent for?
  • 72.
  • 73. wheel
  • 74. Arthur Sasse a photographer, wanted to get X smiling on his 72nd birthday, in 1951. X was tired, and so, in order to get rid of the photographer, X did something which Sasse took a picture of. On June 19, 2009, the photograph was auctioned at a record $74,324, the most for any picture of X. Identify X
  • 75.
  • 77. This herb is of the genus Musa. It is slightly radioactive on account of small amounts of potassium-40 and can exist in various colours ranging from bubblegum pink to green and white stripes among several others. A song on this herb was written by Frank Silver and Irving Cohn in 1923 during its shortage and for many decades was the best selling sheet music in history.
  • 78.
  • 80. The name of this drug is derived from the spanish pronunciation of the slang words for prostitute and brothel. The psychoactive effects of this drug includes, inhibition, elation, and a distorted sense of time, visual sensitivity and heightened imagination. It was documented that this drug was used to treat rheumatism and gout, in 2737 B.C. by Chinese emperor Shen Nung, supporters of this drug have shown the effectiveness of this drug in treating AIDS, glaucoma, cancer, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, and chronic pain. Name this drug.
  • 81.
  • 83. Connect the following specifically : stuxnet, flame, duqu, gauss, shamoon, mahdi. The list may not be exhaustive
  • 84.
  • 85. virus (aimed at middle east countries)