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The Vicious Cycle of Diarrhea and Malnutrition:
           Effect on Growth and Development
        Cognition, Obesity, Biomarkers, Pathogens
                        Richard L Guerrant
                   Aldo AM Lima, Reinaldo Oria,
       Jim Roche, Rebecca Scharf, Mark DeBoer, Jim Nataro,
       Orleancio Azevedo, Noronha Diniz, Pranay Sinha, et al
             Infectious Diseases and International Health
                      Centers for Global Health
      University of Virginia-Federal University of Ceara-ICIDR-NIAID/FIC/FNIH
                         Charlottesville, VA-Fortaleza, Brazil
                The Global Crisis of Childhood Diarrhea
                    Boston - April 30, 2012
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Cofounder of AlGlutamine, LLC

Member Probiotics Scientific Advisory Board
The Vicious Diarrhea-MN Cycle

        Inc. incidence +
          Inc. duration
            & severity

       Dec. Wt gain (short)
       Dec. Ht gain (long)
Malnutrition increases incidence
         and duration of diarrhea

                         >-3 WAZ <-3 WAZ %inc. p value

Episodes/2m                1.9              2.6             37% 0.001
Duration (d)               6.7             11.6              73% 0.004
Total d of D.              12.1            24.2             100% <0.001

•By Wilcoxon rank sum test
•Also valid for moderate MN (<90% HAZ)   Schorling JB et al, Int J Epi 19: 728-735, 1990.
ECD /Enteric Infections Stunt Growth („60s-‟80s)
•“Matagram” and dysentery/bpnuem Scrimshaw Taylor Gordon; Mata etal. Am J Clin Nutr24:249, 1971.
•ECD (not fever/pneumonia) stunts Ht 6.5%, irresp of feeding Martorell R et al. Am J Dis Child
129: 1296, 1975.

 •ECD (not ARI) impairs Ht & Wt gains Rowland MG et al. Br J Nutr 37: 441, 1977.
 •ECD (& ARI) <1yo/nonBF impairs Wt gains Rowland et al. Am J Clin Nutr 47:134, 1988.
 •ECD (not ARI) impairs Wt gains to 10% @3yo Condon-Paoloni et l. AJPH 67: 651, 1977.
 •ECD impairs Wt (32% @2wks), Ht (41% @ 3.5m) Guerrant et al. JID 148: 986, 1983.
 •ECD blunts catchup growth & PD (not fever/pneumonia) stunts Wt & Ht Leslie J, de
 Souza MA. Ch 15 in Edge of Development 1996; Schorling, Guerrant Lancet 335: 599, 1990; Moore et al Gastro 139:
 156, 2011.
   •ECD (not ARI) stunts Wt @ 2m & 2/10cm Ht @ 5yo, esp. Shigella, ETEC but irresp of
   etiol. Black RE et al, Pediatr 73: 799, 1984.
“Matagram” showing that repeated diarrheal and
other illnesses pull children off their growth curves

       Mata L. The children of Santa Maria Cauque. MIT Press, Cambridge MA. 1978.
Starting ok
                  WHZ                   but losing
                         WAZ          at 3-24 months!

Pediatrics 125: e473, 2010.         Latin America
Pediatrics 107: e75, 2001.     S.Asia
Diarrhea ablates catch-up growth
                Weight gain (kg/month)


                                                                                     Weight for age <-3
                                                                                     Weight for age >-3


                                               <15       15-30    31-45        >45
                                                     % of Days with Diarrhea

Schorling JB, Guerrant RL. Diarrhea and catch-up growth. Lancet 335: 599-600, 1990;
Petri et al. JCI 118: 1278, 2008; Guerrant et al. Nutr Rev 66: 487, 2008; Checkley et al. IJE 37: 816, 2008.
Early childhood diarrhea (0-2 years old) impairs height-for-
               age at 2-7 years old (8.2cm)

                                Moore SR et al, Int J Epi 30: 1457, 2001.
Multi-country analysis confirms that
   diarrhea increases stunting (HAZ-2 <-2)
                 Every 5 episodes stunts 13%
 (over incidence range of 3.6-13.4 episodes/child-yr!)*

* >5 episodes of diarrhea before 2yo
   accounts for 25% of all stunting.   Checkley et al, Int‟l J Epi 37: 816-30, 2008.
The Vicious Cycle of Diarrhea and Malnutrition:
           Effect on Growth and Development
        Cognition, Obesity, Biomarkers, Pathogens

 •Vicious cycles of the diseases of poverty;
 •ECD    lasting stunting and cognitive impairment;
 •Potential effects of early infections and stunting on
 •Biomarkers/Pathogens-esis/Novel Interventions
Infectious Diseases Impair IQ   The Economist, July 1, 2010.

                                 When controlling for :
                                 •GDP per capita;
                                 • Education (WB lit.AVED)

                                 Nutritional deficiencies
                                 correlation w IQ was
                                 lost when ID removed

                                     ie ID, not MN or
                                     poverty may cause
                                     the “Flynn Effect” of

                                Eppig C, CL Fincher, R Thornhill.
                                Proc Biol Sci 277: 3801, 2010.
Vicious Cycles of the Diseases of Poverty
                      Enteric & Other                    Anti-
                    Infections +Diarrhea               Microbials;

Worsened Infection
Intensity & Damage                                 Intestinal Damage
                               Repeated &            & Inflammation
             Microbiome        Persisting
 Impaired Innate &              Infections             Nutrient
 Acquired Mucosal                                   Malabsorption
    Defenses                                          &/or Loss
                               Hs genome

                          Malnutrition                   Repair

                      Impaired Vaccine Responses
                      Cognitive Impairment
                                                                     DM, HT, CVD,

                           Poverty                                     Met. Synd.
                                                                     $$Health Care
Albendazole Improves Physical and Cognitive
Development (hookworm, Ascaris &Trichuris)

  •Kenyan schoolchildren had better Fitness, Growth
  (W+L) and Appetite 2-4m after single Albendazole.
     Stephenson L, et al. AJTMH 41: 78, 1989; TRSTMH 84: 277, 1990;
           J Nutr 123: 1036, 1993.

  •Jamaican schoolchildren had better short & long-
  term memory (WISC digit span), Fluency and scanning
  2 m after Albendazole x3d & arithmetic 10y w HAZ-2.
      Nokes C, Grantham McGregor S, Bundy D, et al. Proc R Soc Lond B 247:
      77, 1992 ; Chang SM et al J Child Psychol Psychiat 43:775, 2002.
Global Burden of Infections/MN:
             Decreasing Mortality, but Increasing Morbidity
                     Of 7.6-10.6m Child Deaths/yr:

                                                                                             Diarrhea specific mortality


                                                                                                 rate per thousand

 YLL                                                                                                                       10


(Yrs of Life Lost)                                                                                                          0
                                                                                                                                    <1y               1-4y        0-4y
                               Malnutrition                                                                                                      Age group
                                                   Diarrhea 15-18% (>3100/d)
Morbidity                                                                              6

                                                            Episodes per Person Year

 YLD                       178m stunted (HAZ<-2)

(Yrs Lost to Disability)   MN is THE leading risk                                      2                                                                                 1990-2000
   20% of ALL children;    factor for health loss!                                     0
     32% DC children!      11-16% of all DALYs ;                                           0-5m                             6-11m     1y         2y          3y     4y
                                                                                                                                          Age group
                           35% of all <5yo DALYs!*
DALYs          (Disability Adjusted Life Yrs)
                                                                                                         Black , Bryce et al. Lancet 375: 1969, 2010;
                            *Black et al Lancet; 371:243, ‟08;
  (YLL + YLD)               Murray, Lopez Lancet 349: 1436, „97;
                                       367: 1747, „06.
                                                                                                                     365:1147, 2005.
                                                                                                         Kosek et al. Bull WHO 81: 197, 2003; .
                            Bhutta et al Lancet 371: 417, „08.                                                        JHPN 27:319, 2009.
                                                                                                         Guerrant et al Tr Parasitol 18: 191, 2002.
Diarrhea increases stunting &
            Stunting impairs Cognitive
            Development & Schooling
Mod-sev HAZ-2yo                 25-61% IQ z lower @ 8-11yo
       (Philippines Nonverbal Intel. - Guthrie test; p<0.001)
   •Both severity and timing dependent; only 1/3 catch up
   •Partially reversible
   •Compounded with indirect effects on schooling.
                                                                              30% lower
                                                                              IQ @ 11yo

                                Stunting impairs cognition, but schooling still helps
Stunting delays schooling   Mendez M & Adair L. J Nutr 129: 1555-62, 1999.
Nutrition @ 0-2yo increases IQ and earning
 Atole veg/prot suppl (2/4 Guatemalan villages ‟69-‟77)
   (163kcal/11.5g protein vs 59kc/0prot “Fresco” -INCAP Martorell, et al)

•10% better Raven IQ
    (AFTER adjusting for schooling)
                      Stein AD et al. Arch Ped Adolesc Med 162: 612-8, 2008.

•46% higher wages @ 25-42yo m
    •8-20% higher reading, Raven, schooling f
        (But not after 3yo!)
                          Hoddinott J et al. Lancet 371: 411-6, 2008.
Magnitude of lasting disability effects
from early childhood diarrhea (ECD):
          1. Growth shortfalls (esp. HAZ-2; 8.2cm by 7yo)
                      HAZ-2 is the best predictor of human capital!
                       (schooling, economic productivity, offspring wt!)
                        Victora C. et al, 5 cohorts (Bz, Guat, India, Philipp, S Africa) Lancet 371: 340, 2008.

          2. Fitness impairment (=17% decr. work prod.)
          3. Cognitive impairment (c. 10 IQ points)
          4. School performance (c. 1 yr)
                             (increased age at starting school and age-for-grade)

   These effects >DOUBLE the global diarrhea DALYs.
Moore et al. Int J Epi 30: 1457, 2001. Guerrant DI et al. Am J Trop Med Hyg 61: 707, 1999.
Niehaus et al Am J Trop Med Hyg 66: 590, 2002. Guerrant et al Tr Parasitol 18: 191, 2002. Lorntz et al PIDJ 2006.
Low HAZ-2 correlates with:
    •Adult stunting
    •Less attained schooling (1y=12-14% lifetime earnings)
    •Reduced economic productivity (Monthly income)

    •Lower offspring birthwt (in females)
    •Hi glucose, BP, lipids (p BMI controlled for,
    implicating subsequent wt gains; ?Barker hypothesis;
    “Thrifty epigenotype” & genetic „canalization‟)

HAZ-2 is the best predictor of human capital!
 (schooling, economic productivity, offspring wt!)
 Victora C. et al, 5 cohorts (Bz, Guat, India, Philipp, S Africa) Lancet 371: 340, 2008.
The cognitive deficit most impaired with diarrhea
         is Semantic Fluency (as in Alzheimer‟s Disease)
        (and ApoE4 protects children‟s cognition with heavy diarrhea; “thrift allele”)


                                               R2 = 0.135, p=0.012
    Test of
   IQ at
                         0    5    10   15    20      25        30   Guerrant DI et al. Am J Trop Med Hyg 61: 707, 1999. Niehaus et al.
                             Diarrhea rates at 0-2yo                 AJTMH 66: 590, 2002. Patrick et al. Child Neuropsych 11: 233, 2005.
                                                                     Oria R, Patrick P, Lima A, et al Pediatr Res. 57: 310, 2005.
Neurocognitive markers of
 cortical function (>5yo):
•TONI/Raven Prog. Matrices
•WRAML Verbal learning
•WISC Coding
•NEPSY Fluency (Sem/Ph)

 (vs Developmental Psychology;
 nature + nurture: Bailey, HOME;
      McArthur Language)
Most (>75%) of Human Brain Growth & Development
         Occurs in the First 2 Years of Life
                    Human brain        Human brain wt/age

           Human postnatal visual cortex dendritic tree

                    birth     15 m       2 yo
  + only 1 opportunity for neuronal connections or „forever lost‟
Importance of a Healthy Gut in Early Childhood
             To full growth and healthy development:

          Key in first 2 years of life, because that‟s when:

                      1.Synaptic “tracks” are laid;

                      2.Most vulnerable

                              Mendez M & Adair L. J Nutr 129: 1555-62, 1999.
                 
         
                              Stein AD et al. Arch Ped Adolesc Med 162: 612-8, 2008.
        
                              Hoddinott J et al. Lancet 371: 411-6, 2008.
Might ECD/Stunting also risk Obesity?!
     [Bad water colliding with bad diets]
    Of 117/532 Adults in Maceio Slum (NE Brazil) who were

• 30% (vs 23.6% of nonstunted) were overweight or obese
     • 16% (vs 23% of nonstunted) were underweight

  ?via increased cortisol:insulin or decreased IGF-1 levels
 ??Transgenerational epigenetic DNA methylation/silencing

                      Sawaya AL et al. Nutr Rev 62: S127-133, 2004;
                      Varela-Silva et al. Coll Anthropol 1: 39-46, 2007.
Low HAZ-2 correlates with:
    •Adult stunting
    •Less attained schooling (1y=12-14% lifetime earnings)
    •Reduced economic productivity (Monthly income)

    •Lower offspring birthwt (in females)
    •Hi glucose, BP, lipids (p BMI controlled for,
    implicating subsequent wt gains; ?Barker hypothesis;
    “Thrifty epigenotype” & genetic „canalization‟)

HAZ-2 is the best predictor of human capital!
 (schooling, economic productivity, offspring wt!)
 Victora C. et al, 5 cohorts (Bz, Guat, India, Philipp, S Africa) Lancet 371: 340, 2008.
Long-term epigenetic effects
                 & evolution of imprinting
(Dense cytosine methylation of CG dinucleotides silences promoters)

 • Heavy LEP promoter methylation occurs during
   postzygotic development in mice & humans.
                            Stoger R. Epigenetics 1: 155, 2006.
                            Stoger R. BioEssays 30: 156, 2008.

  • LEP (and IGF2, IL10, ABCA1, GNASAS, MEG3) methylation greater in
    WBC of periconceptually DHW exposed vs sibs.
                                   Tobi, Stein et al. Hum Mol Gen 18: 4046, 2009.
Early MN     Later Obesity & Heart Disease

• 300k 19yo men more obese if mothers pregnant
  in Dutch Hunger Winter of 1944-5.
                  Ravelli GP et al. NEJM 295: 349, 1976.
                  Whitelaw NC & Whitelaw E. Hum Mol Genet. 15: R131, 2006.

• 7845 women in DHW Famine (@10-17yo) have
  27% more HD.
                vanAbeelen A et al. BBC News & Europ Heart J. Aug 25, 2011.

• Early Childhood Stunting (or lo BWt) has 29-65%
  greater Abd obesity (waist:hip/eaHAZ-3)
                      Schroeder, Martorell, Flores. AJEpi 149: 177, 1999.
Chronic consequences of enteric infections:
                                      Physical and cognitive development

                                                                                                                Margolis „10
                                                                Niehaus „02
                                                                Pinkerton „11
                                                                Eppig „10

                                                                        Mendez, Adair „99
                          Moore ‟01                                                                           Cognitive
         ECD              Checkley „08       Early                      Stein, Martorell „08
                                                                        Sinha P „11
   Enteropathy                           Stunting
 (Early Childhood                          HAZ-2                                Van Abeelen ‟11
     Diarrhea)                                                                  Victora ‟08 ; Martins 06;
                                                                                Sesso 04; Ferreira „09
                                                           Grillol 05;
                                                                                Barker NEJM „05
                                                           Schroeder „99
                                                           Ferreira „01, „09
                                                                                        Obesity                          DM/GiTT
                                                           Bhargava „04
                             Ravelli (DHWinter) „76                                     Abd (waist:hip)                  Met. Synd
                             Barker „86, „88, „90 , ‟92
                                                          Fall ‟08                                                       HiLDL; LoHDL
                                                          Victora „08
      Poor      Later
      childhood obesity                                                                                                        Poor
      growth                                                                                                                   childhood
                                    2h G>140@30yo                                                           CHD<64yo      Z    growth

                                    1.5k Delhi                                                              8k Norway
                                    Bhargava „04                                                            Barker „05
JID 148: 986, 1983.
CID 28: 966, 1999.
Markers and Impact of Environmental Enteropathy
        Assessing:               Urine                   Stool               Blood
   Barrier/Abs Damage:            L/M **                Alpha1-AT           EndoCAb**
                                    Cr                  ?Zonulin*             Zonulin
                            ?Intestinal FABP*        ?Intestinal FABP*     Intestinal FABP

     Inflammation:                                  MeBlue Microscopy
                                                   Lactoferrin (nonBF)**
                              Nitric Oxide (ie           IL-8 et al
                            nitrates+nitrites) *       ?IL-8 mRNA*
                                                   ??Calprotectin mRNA*                      **Documented to
                                                                                               be associated
                                                       ?Neopterin*                             with stunting.
         Repair:               ?Citrulline*                                  ?Citrulline     *Research
                                                        (?Reg-1*)                             questions.

   Small Bowel Overgrowth                          Lactulose Breath Test

       Tissue Biopsy                               +quantitative culture                       Gut Integrity
                            METABONOME                                                        Meeting-Seattle,
      Field History:                                 Hx of ProD >7d**                         December, 2010
Prolonged or Persistent Diarrhea
    (ie any     diarrhea >7d)
 signals heavy diarrhea burdens and
 weight and height growth shortfalls;
    provides a “field biomarker” for
       impending malnutrition!

        Moore, Lima et al. Gastroenterol. 139: 1156, 2010.
Emerging causes of Persistent Diarrhea/MN
             in Fortaleza, Brazil

                                     Cases             Controls
                                     (n=127)            (n=331)
 Enteroaggregative E. coli
      AA probe +                      32%*                 14%
      AA probe -                      36*                  17
 Cryptosporidium                      25**                  5
 Giardia lamblia                      21**                  8

                             Ricci et al. Nature S1: 29, 2006
  *P<0.05; **P<002           Fang et al J Ped Gastro Nutr 1995
                             Koopmans et al Ped ID J 16:504, 1997
                             Lima et al. J Infect Dis 181: 1643, 2000
                             Steiner T et al. J Infect Dis 177: 88, 1998.
Emerging causes of Persistent Diarrhea/MN
             in Fortaleza, Brazil
                                                Cases              Controls
                                                (n=127)             (n=331)
Enteroaggregative E. coli
(-0.76 HAZ; p<0.05; Steiner JID 177: 88,‟98
  EAEC w MN in MalED CC Lima „12)
     AA probe +                                  32%*                 14%
     AA probe -                                  36*                  17
Cryptosporidium                                  25**                  5
(Checkley „97; ‟98; Agnew JID 177: 754,„98)
Giardia lamblia                                  21**                   8
 (Newman TMIH 6: 624, ‟01 Sx w MN; PD>AD) Ricci et al. Nature S1: 29, 2006
                                              Fang et al J Ped Gastro Nutr 1995
                                              Koopmans et al Ped ID J 16:504, 1997
                                              Lima et al. J Infect Dis 181: 1643, 2000
  *P<0.05; **P<002                            Steiner T et al. J Infect Dis 177: 88, 1998.
Evidence for lasting disability effects
from early childhood diarrhea/enteric infections*
 Growth shortfalls (esp. HAZ-2; 8.2cm by 7yo)
 •Crypto Infections increase diarrhea morbidity and nutritional shortfalls to 18m
                                                  [Agnew 98; Lima 00; Newman 99]
 •Crypto infections +diarrhea = dec. wt gain @1m                      [Checkley 97]
 •Crypto infections <6m/stunted = .95-1.05 cm deficits @1y             [Checkley 98]
 •EAggEC infections + inflammation = growth shortfalls                    [Steiner 98]
 •Diarrrhea<2yo = 3.6cm stunted @7yo (8.2cm w helminths)                   [Moore 01;
                                                                  + Checkley et al, 08]
 Fitness impairment (=17% decr. work prod.)
 •Albendazole =7% inc. HST @4m                                     [Stephenson 93]
 •Diarrhea or Crypto <2yo = 4-8% dec. HST @4-7yo                       [Guerrant 99]
 •4.3% inc. HST = 16.6% inc. work prod.                                 [Ndamba 93]

 Cognitive impairment (c. 10 IQ points)
 •Diarrhea <2yo dec. WISC coding/digit @5-9yo                                 [Guerrant 99]
 •Diarrhea <2yo dec. TONI @6-10yo                                              [Niehaus 02]
 •Giardia or stunting = 4-10 pts dec. WISC-R @9yo                             [Berkman 02]
 School performance (c. 1 yr)))
 •Diarrhea <2yo = inc. AASS; AFG                                    [Lorntz 06; Guerrant 02]
                 * Petri et al JCI 118: 1277-1290, 2008; Guerrant et al Nutr Rev 66: 487-505, 2008.
Cryptosporidium, EAEC, Giardia
          or Intestinal Inflammation
Stunt Growth and/or Psychomotor Development

 •Fecal neopterin (inflammation) in 72 children
 followed 15m in rural Gambia had impaired long-term
 ht and wt gains (r=-0.29 and -0.36; p<0.001)
       [not Giardia or L/M]

                    Campbell DI et al. J Ped Gastro Nutr 39: 153, 2004.
ECD or Giardiasis Stunt Growth and Cognition
•Stunting or Giardia Peru <2yo                         WISC-R IQ @ 9yo
                                       Berkman DS et al. Lancet 359: 564, 2002.

•Of 160 Children <5yo in Turkey, those w Giardia were stunted
             (OR=7.7) and had psychomotor impairment (OR=2.7)
                                      Simsek Z et al. J Trop Pediatr 50: 90, 2004.
•Giardia Egypt <4yo had cognitive development if E4-
                                        Yahya RS et al. Internet J Parasit Dis 4:1, 2009.

•Heavy ECD or Giardia <2yo                        Sem. Flu @ 6-12yo E4-
            Newman TMIH 6: 624, „01 PD; Patrick PD et al. Child Neuropsych 11: 1-12, 2005
            Oria R et al. Ped Res 57: 310, „05; Bz J Biol Res 43: 249, 2010.

•Giardia 6-13yo Iran had WISC Fluency, Span (indep of WAZ)
                                         Partovi F et al. Iran JPH 36: 73, 2007.

•Asxy Giardia Salvador <4yo have stunting 1y later
                                         Prado MS et al. Parasitol 131: 51, 2005.
•Sx Giardia S India predict wasting and cognition@ 3yo
                                          Ajjampur SSA et al. Trop Paediatr 31: 203, 2011.
                                          Guerrant, Oria, Moore, Scharf, Lima “ 201, 2011.
Enteroaggregative E. coli (EAEC) causes
Persistent Diarrhea, Intestinal Inflammation, Growth Shortfalls

•EAEC is associated with 36% of PD; 30-74% w HIV
•EAEC-PD has elevated fecal LF, IL-8, IL-1 [Fli-C; TLR5]
•EAEC-no D. also had elevated LF & Growth Shortfalls
                          Steiner T et al JID 177: 88, 1998; Wanke et al JID 178: 185, 1998;
                          Samie A et al. 77: 142, 2007; Steiner T et al JCI 105: 1769, 2000.
                          Nataro et al and Steiner et al CID: 2006.

                  EAEC Turista (26%)
      Only with IL-8 -251 AA or AT Polymorphism
•0/23 w EAEC Diarrhea had TT vs 9-18% of 46 others without Sx
or without EAEC (OR = 208; p<0.01)
•Also those with -251 AA had greater fecal IL-8 (vs AT or TT;
p<0.01)                         Jiang ZD et al. JID 188: 506, 2003.
MalED Case-Control Site, Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil

•Serves 313
km2 ; 13km
from UPC

•21k children           IPREDE Nutrition Clinic, Fortaleza
•2000 new

•30% of <3yo
have HAZ <-2

                    Aldo Lima, Alvaro Madeiro, Sulivan Mota, et al. 2010-12.
Brazil case control: EAEC with MN
       Microorganism             Control           Cases *           p values             Total
                                  N (%)             N (%)                                 N (%)
      EPEC                       3/62 (4.8)        1/88 (1.1)             ns           4/150 (2.7)
      aEPEC                      1/62 (1.6)        5/88 (5.7)             ns            6/150 (4)
      EAEC                       4/62 (6.5)       22/88 (25)         p = 0.0147       26/150 (17.3)
      EHEC                       3/62 (4.8)        3/88 (3.4)             ns            6/150 (4)
      EIEC                       5/62 (8.1)        8/88 (9.1)             ns          13/150 (8.7)
      ETEC                       2/62 (3.2)        4/88 (4.5)             ns            6/150 (4)
      Campylobacter             14/70 (20)       12/104 (11.5)            ns          26/174 (14.9)
      Adenovirus                  0/42 (0)         1/72 (1.4)             ns           1/114 (0.9)
      Astrovirus                  0/42 (0)         1/72 (1.4)             ns           1/114 (0.9)
      E. histolytica             2/38 (5.3)        2/63 (3.2)             ns            4/101 (4)
      Giardia                   7/38 (18.4)       12/63 (19)              ns          19/101 (18.8)
      Cryptosporidium            2/38 (5.3)        1/63 (1.6)             ns            3/101 (3)
EPEC: enteropathogenic E. coli; EHEC: enterohemorragic E. coli; EAEC: enteroadherence E. coli (aaiC + aatA);
EIEC: enteroinvasive E. coli.
Case: child <-2 WAZ; and control: >-1 WAZ; * Fisher‟s exact test.               Aldo Lima, A Havt et al 2011.
Cryptosporidiosis impairs growth:

•Even “Asyx” (63 vs 37%)               162-342g less @3m
•Stunting (persisting @ 1y) if:
  •Infection @ <5m (Agnew <1y       1-2 Z @ 2yo)
  •Stunted @ time of infection

•Also in Africa (Molback) if <1yo, no catchup
• And Asia (Ajjampur)            Checkley et al. Am J Epi 145: 156, 1997;
     multiple Crypto common          “              “     148: 497, 1998;
                                 Agnew et al. JID 177: 754, 1998;
     and lower HAZ-2             Molback et al. Am J Clin Nutr. 65: 149, 1997;
                                 Ajjampur et al. AJTMH 83: 1110, 2010.
Murine model of weanling malnutrition
     & Cryptosporidium infection

                             C57BL/6J mice at 7 days
                              old.    Note the difference
                              in the body weight between
                              the      nourished      and
                              malnourished mice.

                          4h of separation
                                    8h of separation

                                       12h of separation
    C57BL/6J Wild types
                              4 5 6 = Crypto infection      14
                                         Age (days)
Cryptosporidium infection causes Malnutrition
                                        ie. MN is an ID AND
                                MN worsens Crypto infection
                          275                                                                 NC (n=11)
                          250                                                                 NI 106 (n=16)
   % initial weight (g)

                                                                                              MC (n=10)
                          225                                                      41%
                                                                                   loss       MI 105 (n=14)
                          200                                                                 MI 106 (n=16)
                          175                                                        further 48% loss

                                                                                          **p<0.01 vs all groups by
                                6   7   8     9     10    11        12   13   14          ANOVA‟s Bonferroni test
                                              Age (days)
                                            Coutinho, Oria, Meton, Sevilleja, et al. J Parasitol 94: 1225, 2008.
Synergistic effects of malnutrition and
Cryptosporidium infection on ileal architecture
                  (H&E; 10X; at 14do; 8d p infection)

    Nourished Non-infected                  Malnourished Non-infected

     Nourished Infected                     Malnourished Infected
                       Coutinho, Oria, Meton, Sevilleja, et al. J Parasitol 94: 1225, 2008.
Malnutrition is associated with a 1 to 2.3 log (ie 10 to
                                             200-fold) heavier infection by fecal shedding or in colon
                                                  or ileum in 107 Cryptosporidium-infected mice
                                                                                                                                   at peak infection (d8)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                log Mean (# of parasites / mg of ileal tissue)
log Mean (# of parasites / mg of stool)




                                                                                                    log Mean (# of parasites / mg of colonic tissue)


                                          0.50                                                                                                         1.50

                                                                                                                                                       1.00                                                                                                      -0.50
                                                   MN (n=12)                          N (n=14)                                                                                                                                                                                 MN (n=6)                          N (n=3)
                                                                         Group                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Group
                                                               Error bars: +/- 1 SE                                                                                                                                                                                                       Error bars: +/- 1 SE

                                                 Fecal Shedding                                                                                        0.00
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Parasites/gm ileum
                                              (MN = 1.55 vs N = 0.54                                                                                                MN (n=7)                          N (n=3)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         (MN = 2.02 ± 0.11 vs N = -0.25 ± 0.13,
                                          log/mg; N=26 mice in 3 paired                                                                                                                  Group
                                                                                                                                                                               Error bars: +/- 1 SE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 n=9 mice, p < 0.001)
                                              experiments; p=0.015)
                                                                                                                                                              Parasites/gm colon
                                                                                                 (MN = 1.79 vs N = -0.14, n=10 mice, p= 0.001)
                                           Detected by Real-time PCR                                                                                          Coutinho, Oria, Meton, Sevilleja, et al. J Parasitol 94: 1225, 2008.
Cryptosporidium causes and worsens MN
    Unexcysted oocysts in weaned, 2% protein MN mice

     N, Uninfected     P<0.03

                                                             MN        MN-Infected
                     N, infected
      MN, Uninfected

                MN, infected             P=0.029

             Infection @ d58

                Costa L, Noronha, Roche, et al. JID 205: 1464, 2012.
“Peace Corps Gut”

                        Normal                        PCV w Diarrhea and Malabsorption (d-xylose & B12)
40% (of 114) had d-xylose <5g
52% (of 23) had low Schilling B12
                                                          Lindenbaum et al. AIM 65: 1201, 1966.
Bx nl in 2/17 (12%); 8 had mild ;7 moderate “jejunitis”
Candidates to help “repave”
     the small bowel absorptive
            tennis court
                          (every 3 days!)

            Normal                       HIV+ Patient with Cryptosporidium infection
         Yamada et al. (1995)                         Conlon et al. (1984)
Zinc, Vitamin A, Glutamine, Alanylglutamine, Arginine, ?ApoE
      peptides, targeted antimicrobials, adjuvants, vaccines
       Carneiro, Bushen, Brito, Lima, Guerrant. Curr. Infect Dis Rep. 5: 114, 2003.
       Bushen et al. CID 38: 1764, 2004; Lima N et al. J Pediatr Gastroent Nutr 44: 365, 2007.
       Ueno… Moore. Am J Physiol GI Liver Physiol 301: 2011. Castro I et al Nutrition, 2011.
Vicious Cycles of the Diseases of Poverty
                      Enteric & Other                    Anti-
                    Infections +Diarrhea               Microbials;

Worsened Infection
Intensity & Damage                                 Intestinal Damage
                               Repeated &            & Inflammation
             Microbiome        Persisting
 Impaired Innate &              Infections             Nutrient
 Acquired Mucosal                                   Malabsorption
    Defenses                                          &/or Loss
                               Hs genome

                          Malnutrition                   Repair

                      Impaired Vaccine Responses
                      Cognitive Impairment
                                                                     DM, HT, CVD,

                           Poverty                                     Met. Synd.
                                                                     $$Health Care
Diarrhea (Ac, Pro, PD) predisposes to
   growth decrements (WAZ or HAZ)


             Moore, Lima et al. Gastroenterol. 139: 1156, 2010.
Glutamine and Ala-Gln ORRT
       improve the repair of intestinal epithelium
                  in IEC6 cells and in
         children and HIV+ pts with diarrhea.

       Control                          with Glutamine                       with Ala-Gln
Brito, Carneiro, Lima, Guerrant. 2004.
Carneiro, Bushen, Brito, Lima, Guerrant. Curr. Infect Dis Rep. 5: 114, 2003.
Bushen et al. CID 38: 1764, 2004; Lima N et al. J Pediatr Gastroent Nutr 44: 365, 2007.
Ueno… Moore. Am J Physiol GI Liver Physiol 301: 2011.
Diarrhea impairs Cognitive
          Development & Growth
ECD0-2, HAZ2 or WAZ2 predicts TONI & Coding @ 6-12yo
     (Brazil cohort of 131 followed from birth; UV p<0.05)

  •Excluding household income, maternal education,
  child sex, birth wt, breastfeeding

  •ECD remained a predictor of IQ even after adjusting
  for HAZ and WAZ (multivariate p< 0.006-0.029)

                         Pinkerton, Oria, Lima, Patrick et al. 2012.
Prolonged and persistent diarrhea account for only
                     17% of episodes, yet half of all diarrhea days
                AND predict heavy diarrhea burdens and growth shortfalls!
                                                                    Acute (<7d)
         75%                                                        Prolonged (7-13d)
                                                                    Persistent (≥14d)
% of diarrhea

                                                           25%       25%

                        By episodes                       By days

                                 Moore, Lima et al. Gastroenterol. 139: 1156, 2010.
Proposed model for Ala-Gln coupling to EGFR signal
transduction during enteric infections and malnutrition.

                                    Moore S, Polk B et al. 2009.
AlaGln improves Wt, morphometry, apoptosis &
   proliferation in MN weaned C57Bl/6 mice

          Ueno… Moore.
          Am J Physiol
          GI Liver
          Physiol 301:
AlaGln improves barrier function (lactulose
excretion) and weight gains in malnourished
             children in Brazil
                                                                      * p < 0.05

                                             0.4   A                    *



                             Escore z


                                                       Glicina   Alanil-Glutamina

               Lima N et al. J Pediatr Gastroent Nutr 44: 365, 2007.
Gln or Ala-Gln enhance absorption
 (even with Crypto infections when Glucose fails)
         3                                                         3
                                        Ringers Control                                              Ringers Control
                                        10 mM Gln                                                    10 mM Gln
                                        10 mM AlaGln               2                                 10 mM AlaGln



         0                                                             n=9         n=9         n=6
              n=18    n=18     n=6                                           Cryptosporidium
                     Control                                                     Infected

             Alanyl-glutamine compares favorably to glutamine
             in Control and Crypto-infected calves in Ussing
             Chambers in driving net sodium absorption

                                 Blikslager et al, Am J Physiol 281: G645, 2001.
Another vicious cycle: Barrier disruption & Inflammation

(lo cap; nonselect)
Claudin, Occludin,
     ZO1, actin,

 AJ (Th2, IL13)
(hi cap; ionselect)
    E-cadherin,                           Lunn P. Proc Nutr Soc
                                          59: 147, 2000.
                                          Turner JR Nature Rev,
                                          Immunol 9: 799, 2009.
                                          Salazar-Lindo E....
                                          D Brewster…
                                          A Fasano....P Tarr.
                                          JPGN 39: S662, 2004.
                                          Sears C. Clin Micro
                                          Rev 22: 349, 2009.
Urine Metabonome in MN vs Control Children
showing increased NAG, DMA, DMG; less Mannitiol
      (by NMRS and PLS-DA coefficient plot)
                    Projection to Latent Structure-Discriminant Analysis

                                                                            Cases vs
                                                                            Control s

                                                                           Swann J,
                                                                           Lima AAM,
                                                                           et al. 2011.
Enteroaggregative E. coli (EAEC)
    Infection Impairs Growth
     & MN worsens infection
   DMEM / HS (Nourished Control) n=11
   EAEC-JM221 (Nourished infected) n=12
   EAEC-JM221 (Malnourished infected) n=7                             EAEC
                                                                      29% less
                                                                      p<0.03 p d8

                                                                      Further 32% less
                                                                       with MN

          Peak shedding = 102-2.8 Nourished/ 103.1-7.5 Malnourished
                                                                      Roche, Cabel,
                                                                      Nataro et al,
                                                                      JID 202: 506,
   Glutamine                     HSP70, which:

•Attenuates iNOS, IL-6, IL-8
    (in rat CP bypass)

•Protects against neurodegeneration
    (in spinocerebellar degeneration, SCA-1 mice)

                Hayashi Y et al. Circ. 106: 2601, 2002.
                Cummings CJ et al. Hum Mol Genet 10: 1511, 2001.
Cryptosporidium and Giardia genotypes in
        Brazil and South Africa
 •C. hominis predominates in NE Brazil with:
    greater shedding, lactoferrin & growth shortfalls
                                Bushen, Lima et al. TRSTMH, 2006.

  •C. hominis predominates in Limpopo, S. Africa;
     assoc. w diarrhea (57%); lactoferrin (59%)
                               Samie et al. Expt Parasitol 114: 314, 2006.

  •74% of Giardia are Assemblage B, with
    greater shedding (3.6 v 1.4 x 105/ml); lactoferrin
    (especially with first infection; 74 40 20%; also longer)
                            Kohli, Lima et al., TRSTMH 102: 718-725, 2008.
Conclusions (re Crypto and MN)
•Crypto infections, +diarrhea, ProD or PD impair growth in
young children (or mice);
•Likely via disrupted intestinal mucosal function (L/M; V/C);
•MN worsens Crypto (in stunted children or MN mice), thus
completing the vicious cycle (that also impairs cognitive
development, with an “Alzheimer-like” deficit).
•ApoE4 protects against these deficits only in children with
heavy diarrhea burdens.
•ApoE4/4 targeted transgenic Eko mice grow better and have
less barrier disruption & infection.
•Arginine, like ApoE4, protects mice and may protect children
from the vicious diarrhea-MN cycle.
Disruption of Intestinal Barrier Function in Children
 with Acute and Persistent Diarrhea in Fortaleza, Brazil


 Mannitol    0.4
  Ratios     0.3



                         Control                     AD                         PD
                           n=20                      n=18                       n=2

        [vs controls: *p=0.001; **p<0.001]
                                      Guerrant, Lima, Barboza, et al Adv Exp Med Biol 473:103-11, 1999.
                                      Barboza et al BrasJ Med Biol Res 32:1499-1504, 1999.
EndoCAb correlates with disrupted intestinal
  barrier function and with stunted growth

                Campbell DI, Elia M, Lunn PG. J Nutr 133:1237, 2003.
                Petri, Ahmed, Haque et al 2010.
Enteroaggregative E. coli (EAEC) causes
Persistent Diarrhea, Intestinal Inflammation, Growth Shortfalls and
          is the Leading Bacterial Enteropathogen in US

  •EAEC is associated with 36% of PD; 30-74% w HIV
  •EAEC-PD has elevated fecal LF, IL-8, IL-1
  •EAEC-no D. also had elevated LF & Growth Shortfalls
  •EAEC filtrates induce IL-8 release in Caco-2 cells.
  •EAEC Fli-C (unique flagellin) cloned/sequenced is
  responsible for the IL-8 release.
  •EAEC signif assoc with 4.5% diarrhea in Baltimore
  and New Haven (vs 2-3% Cj, Salm; 10-12% Rota, Noro)
               Steiner T et al JID 177: 88, 1998; Wanke et al JID 178: 185, 1998;
               Samie A et al. 77: 142, 2007; Steiner T et al JCI 105: 1769, 2000.
               Nataro et al and Steiner et al CID: 2006.
HAZ correlates with Grades and Rank
 (among 242 college schoolgirls in S. India)

                                r2=.037                                r2=.030
                                p =.003                                p =.007

 (Independent of also significant # siblings, paternal education.)
                            Pranay Sinha, B.S. Ramakrishna, et al. August, 2011.
Infant MN       CVD
  Barker Hypothesis

                      Barker D. et al. Lancet 1986, „89, ‟90.
                      Hertfordshire & Southampton, UK
“Thrifty epigenotype”
Candidate genes for environmental „canalization‟

Stoger R. BioEssays 30: 156, 2008.
Infants with ProD are high risk
                   for future episodes of PD

                         (+) Prolonged Diarrhea
                           prior to age 1 year
% of children
    with                                             p=0.002
                                                     Log-rank test

                                 No Prolonged Diarrhea
                                   prior to age 1 year

                             Age (months)
                          Moore, Lima et al. Gastroenterol. 139: 1156, 2010.
Cryptosporidium: A Leading cause of
     Prolonged and Persistent Diarrhea &
              Growth Shortfalls
                                                % w Crypto P (vs no D)*

  •Persistent Diarrhea (n=71)                       23.9%*           0.0002

  •Prolonged Diarrhea (n=98)                        12.2%*           0.018

  •Acute Diarrhea (n=402)                           11.4%*           0.0043

  •No Diarrhea (n=289)                                5.2%               -
Also Giardia with 20.5% of 88 with PD (p=0.0003); and fecal WBC or LF in 43-77% (p<0.02).

                                        Lima AAM et al. JID 181: 1643, 2000.
                                        Moore S et al. Gastroenterol 139: 1156, 2010.
Long-term Consequences of
     Cryptosporidium Infection
•Malnutrition             Sallon ‟88; Sarabia-Arce ‟90; Checkley ‟99; (Peru)
                          Lima ‟92; (Brazil); Molback ‟93; ‟97; (G-Bissau)

•Even Asxy Crypto               Stunting         Checkley ‟97; (Peru)
    C. hominis > parvum, c 2x shedding           Bushen ‟07 (Brazil))
    (3.5x106); LF; longer growth delay

•Early Diarrhea or Crypto                        DI Guerrant et al „99
    Fitness + Cognitive
    impairment 4-7y later
•Reactive Arthritis/Reiter‟s                Hay ‟87; Ozgul ‟99; Shepherd
                                            ‟89; Cron ‟95; Hunter „04
     Chalmers & Davies Expt Parasitol 124: 138, 2010.
ApoE4 Upregulates an
    Arginine-selective Cat-1 Transporter
•Transgenic mice expressing the human APOE4
allele have expression of mRNA for the
constituitive Arg selective y+ transporter (Cat1) in

•Hence NO (not iNOS) and cell proliferation.

                Colton, et al. Neurobiol Aging 23: 777, 2002
                Czapiga & Colton. J Neuroimmunol. 134: 44, 2003.
Arginine improves wt gain & reduces ileal
Cryptosporidium infection by over 10-fold by both iNOS
          & arginase-dependent pathways
                                                     Oocyst shedding in Ileum
                                            * p < 0.05
                                                                        * p < 0.05

  Oocysts per mg of tissue

                                                               * p < 0.05






                                      PBS         Arg 200mM    Arg 100mM             Arg 200mM +    Arg 200mM +
                                                                                     L-NAME 20mM    BEC 2.2mM
 L-NAME = NG-nitroarginine methyl ester (blocks iNOS);
 BEC = S-(2-boronoethyl)-L- cysteine (blocks Arginase)                               Castro I. et al. Nutrition, 2012.
MN-Infected ApoE4/4ki Mice have better growth and
              Villus/Crypt Architecture, and shed less Cryptosporidia
% of Weight

                                                                        * #                                ApoE 4/4 MNI (n=16)
                                                                                                           WT MNI (n=13)
              100                                                                                          ApoE KO MNI (n=14)

                                           0     1        2      3          4     5       6   7

                                             * p<0.05 ApoE TR 4/4 MNI vs Wild type MNI
                                            # p<0.0001 ApoE TR 4/4 MNI vs ApoE KO MNI


                                          10 6                p<0.05
                                                                                                                             Wild type MNI (n=12)
                                                 p<0.05                                                                      ApoE KO MNI (n=12)
               nº parasites/mg of stool

                                          10 5                                                                               ApoE 3/3 TR MNI (n=8)
                                                                                                                             ApoE 4/4 TR MNI (n=17)
                                          10 4

                                          10 3

                                          10 2
                                                          1                      3                  5                 7


                                                     Apoe4 mice had no shedding on day 7                                                              De Azevedo, Oria, et al. 2012.
Recurrent diarrhea impairs height
           and weight gains

                               Ht gain (cm)          Wt gain (kg)

No recurrent diarrhea               1.74 cm             0.44 kg
Recurrent diarrhea*                 1.38 cm**           0.25 kg***

    * >30% prevalence over subsequent 2m
    ** 21% less; p=0.1
    *** 43% less; p=0.01

                              Schorling & Guerrant. Diarrhea and catch-up growth.
                              Lancet 335: 599-600, 1990.

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The Vicious Cycle of Diarrhea and Malnutrition: Effect on Growth and Development Cognition, Obesity, Biomarkers, Pathogens

  • 1. The Vicious Cycle of Diarrhea and Malnutrition: Effect on Growth and Development Cognition, Obesity, Biomarkers, Pathogens Richard L Guerrant Aldo AM Lima, Reinaldo Oria, Jim Roche, Rebecca Scharf, Mark DeBoer, Jim Nataro, Orleancio Azevedo, Noronha Diniz, Pranay Sinha, et al Infectious Diseases and International Health Centers for Global Health University of Virginia-Federal University of Ceara-ICIDR-NIAID/FIC/FNIH Charlottesville, VA-Fortaleza, Brazil The Global Crisis of Childhood Diarrhea PROGRAMME FOR GLOBAL PAEDIATRIC RESEARCH SYMPOSIUM Boston - April 30, 2012            
  • 2. Disclosures Cofounder of AlGlutamine, LLC Member Probiotics Scientific Advisory Board
  • 3. The Vicious Diarrhea-MN Cycle Diarrhea Inc. incidence + Inc. duration & severity Malnutrition Dec. Wt gain (short) Dec. Ht gain (long)
  • 4. Malnutrition increases incidence and duration of diarrhea >-3 WAZ <-3 WAZ %inc. p value Episodes/2m 1.9 2.6 37% 0.001 Duration (d) 6.7 11.6 73% 0.004 Total d of D. 12.1 24.2 100% <0.001 •By Wilcoxon rank sum test •Also valid for moderate MN (<90% HAZ) Schorling JB et al, Int J Epi 19: 728-735, 1990.
  • 5. ECD /Enteric Infections Stunt Growth („60s-‟80s) •Guatemala •“Matagram” and dysentery/bpnuem Scrimshaw Taylor Gordon; Mata etal. Am J Clin Nutr24:249, 1971. •ECD (not fever/pneumonia) stunts Ht 6.5%, irresp of feeding Martorell R et al. Am J Dis Child 129: 1296, 1975. •Gambia •ECD (not ARI) impairs Ht & Wt gains Rowland MG et al. Br J Nutr 37: 441, 1977. •ECD (& ARI) <1yo/nonBF impairs Wt gains Rowland et al. Am J Clin Nutr 47:134, 1988. •Mexico •ECD (not ARI) impairs Wt gains to 10% @3yo Condon-Paoloni et l. AJPH 67: 651, 1977. •Brazil •ECD impairs Wt (32% @2wks), Ht (41% @ 3.5m) Guerrant et al. JID 148: 986, 1983. •ECD blunts catchup growth & PD (not fever/pneumonia) stunts Wt & Ht Leslie J, de Souza MA. Ch 15 in Edge of Development 1996; Schorling, Guerrant Lancet 335: 599, 1990; Moore et al Gastro 139: 156, 2011. •Bangladesh •ECD (not ARI) stunts Wt @ 2m & 2/10cm Ht @ 5yo, esp. Shigella, ETEC but irresp of etiol. Black RE et al, Pediatr 73: 799, 1984.
  • 6. “Matagram” showing that repeated diarrheal and other illnesses pull children off their growth curves Mata L. The children of Santa Maria Cauque. MIT Press, Cambridge MA. 1978.
  • 7. Starting ok WHZ but losing WAZ at 3-24 months! HAZ Victora…Shrimpton, Pediatrics 125: e473, 2010. Latin America Africa Pediatrics 107: e75, 2001. S.Asia
  • 8. Diarrhea ablates catch-up growth 0.5 Weight gain (kg/month) 0.4 0.3 Weight for age <-3 Weight for age >-3 0.2 0.1 0 <15 15-30 31-45 >45 % of Days with Diarrhea Schorling JB, Guerrant RL. Diarrhea and catch-up growth. Lancet 335: 599-600, 1990; Petri et al. JCI 118: 1278, 2008; Guerrant et al. Nutr Rev 66: 487, 2008; Checkley et al. IJE 37: 816, 2008.
  • 9.
  • 10. Early childhood diarrhea (0-2 years old) impairs height-for- age at 2-7 years old (8.2cm) Moore SR et al, Int J Epi 30: 1457, 2001.
  • 11. Multi-country analysis confirms that diarrhea increases stunting (HAZ-2 <-2) Every 5 episodes stunts 13% (over incidence range of 3.6-13.4 episodes/child-yr!)* * >5 episodes of diarrhea before 2yo accounts for 25% of all stunting. Checkley et al, Int‟l J Epi 37: 816-30, 2008.
  • 12. The Vicious Cycle of Diarrhea and Malnutrition: Effect on Growth and Development Cognition, Obesity, Biomarkers, Pathogens •Vicious cycles of the diseases of poverty; •ECD lasting stunting and cognitive impairment; •Potential effects of early infections and stunting on obesity/DM/MetS/CVD; •Biomarkers/Pathogens-esis/Novel Interventions
  • 13. Infectious Diseases Impair IQ The Economist, July 1, 2010. When controlling for : •GDP per capita; • Education (WB lit.AVED) •Temperature; Nutritional deficiencies correlation w IQ was lost when ID removed ie ID, not MN or poverty may cause the “Flynn Effect” of IQ:Development Eppig C, CL Fincher, R Thornhill. Proc Biol Sci 277: 3801, 2010.
  • 14. Vicious Cycles of the Diseases of Poverty Enteric & Other Anti- Water, Sanitation Infections +Diarrhea Microbials; Vaccines Environment Worsened Infection Intensity & Damage Intestinal Damage Repeated & & Inflammation Microbiome Persisting Impaired Innate & Infections Nutrient Acquired Mucosal Malabsorption Defenses &/or Loss Hs genome Probiotic Malnutrition Repair Nutrients Microflora Impaired Vaccine Responses Cognitive Impairment Obesity DM, HT, CVD, Poverty Met. Synd. $$Health Care
  • 15. Albendazole Improves Physical and Cognitive Development (hookworm, Ascaris &Trichuris) •Kenyan schoolchildren had better Fitness, Growth (W+L) and Appetite 2-4m after single Albendazole. Stephenson L, et al. AJTMH 41: 78, 1989; TRSTMH 84: 277, 1990; J Nutr 123: 1036, 1993. •Jamaican schoolchildren had better short & long- term memory (WISC digit span), Fluency and scanning 2 m after Albendazole x3d & arithmetic 10y w HAZ-2. Nokes C, Grantham McGregor S, Bundy D, et al. Proc R Soc Lond B 247: 77, 1992 ; Chang SM et al J Child Psychol Psychiat 43:775, 2002.
  • 16. Global Burden of Infections/MN: Decreasing Mortality, but Increasing Morbidity Of 7.6-10.6m Child Deaths/yr: Diarrhea specific mortality 25 Mortality rate per thousand 20 1955-1979 15 YLL 10 5 1982-1990 1990-2000 (Yrs of Life Lost) 0 <1y 1-4y 0-4y Malnutrition Age group 53% Diarrhea 15-18% (>3100/d) Morbidity 6 Episodes per Person Year 5 YLD 178m stunted (HAZ<-2) 4 3 1955-1979 1980-1990 (Yrs Lost to Disability) MN is THE leading risk 2 1990-2000 1 20% of ALL children; factor for health loss! 0 32% DC children! 11-16% of all DALYs ; 0-5m 6-11m 1y 2y 3y 4y Age group 35% of all <5yo DALYs!* DALYs (Disability Adjusted Life Yrs) Black , Bryce et al. Lancet 375: 1969, 2010; *Black et al Lancet; 371:243, ‟08; (YLL + YLD) Murray, Lopez Lancet 349: 1436, „97; 367: 1747, „06. 365:1147, 2005. Kosek et al. Bull WHO 81: 197, 2003; . Bhutta et al Lancet 371: 417, „08. JHPN 27:319, 2009. Guerrant et al Tr Parasitol 18: 191, 2002.
  • 17. Diarrhea increases stunting & Stunting impairs Cognitive Development & Schooling Mod-sev HAZ-2yo 25-61% IQ z lower @ 8-11yo (Philippines Nonverbal Intel. - Guthrie test; p<0.001) •Both severity and timing dependent; only 1/3 catch up •Partially reversible •Compounded with indirect effects on schooling. 30% lower IQ @ 11yo Stunting impairs cognition, but schooling still helps Stunting delays schooling Mendez M & Adair L. J Nutr 129: 1555-62, 1999.
  • 18. Nutrition @ 0-2yo increases IQ and earning Atole veg/prot suppl (2/4 Guatemalan villages ‟69-‟77) (163kcal/11.5g protein vs 59kc/0prot “Fresco” -INCAP Martorell, et al) •10% better Raven IQ (AFTER adjusting for schooling) Stein AD et al. Arch Ped Adolesc Med 162: 612-8, 2008. •46% higher wages @ 25-42yo m •8-20% higher reading, Raven, schooling f (But not after 3yo!) Hoddinott J et al. Lancet 371: 411-6, 2008.
  • 19. Magnitude of lasting disability effects from early childhood diarrhea (ECD): 1. Growth shortfalls (esp. HAZ-2; 8.2cm by 7yo) HAZ-2 is the best predictor of human capital! (schooling, economic productivity, offspring wt!) Victora C. et al, 5 cohorts (Bz, Guat, India, Philipp, S Africa) Lancet 371: 340, 2008. 2. Fitness impairment (=17% decr. work prod.) 3. Cognitive impairment (c. 10 IQ points) 4. School performance (c. 1 yr) (increased age at starting school and age-for-grade) These effects >DOUBLE the global diarrhea DALYs. Moore et al. Int J Epi 30: 1457, 2001. Guerrant DI et al. Am J Trop Med Hyg 61: 707, 1999. Niehaus et al Am J Trop Med Hyg 66: 590, 2002. Guerrant et al Tr Parasitol 18: 191, 2002. Lorntz et al PIDJ 2006.
  • 20. Low HAZ-2 correlates with: •Adult stunting •Less attained schooling (1y=12-14% lifetime earnings) •Reduced economic productivity (Monthly income) •Lower offspring birthwt (in females) •Hi glucose, BP, lipids (p BMI controlled for, implicating subsequent wt gains; ?Barker hypothesis; “Thrifty epigenotype” & genetic „canalization‟) HAZ-2 is the best predictor of human capital! (schooling, economic productivity, offspring wt!) Victora C. et al, 5 cohorts (Bz, Guat, India, Philipp, S Africa) Lancet 371: 340, 2008.
  • 21. The cognitive deficit most impaired with diarrhea is Semantic Fluency (as in Alzheimer‟s Disease) (and ApoE4 protects children‟s cognition with heavy diarrhea; “thrift allele”) 125 R2 = 0.135, p=0.012 100 Test of Non-verbal Intelligence-III quotient 75 IQ at 6-9yo 50 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Guerrant DI et al. Am J Trop Med Hyg 61: 707, 1999. Niehaus et al. Diarrhea rates at 0-2yo AJTMH 66: 590, 2002. Patrick et al. Child Neuropsych 11: 233, 2005. Oria R, Patrick P, Lima A, et al Pediatr Res. 57: 310, 2005.
  • 22. Neurocognitive markers of cortical function (>5yo): •TONI/Raven Prog. Matrices •WRAML Verbal learning •WISC Coding •NEPSY Fluency (Sem/Ph) (vs Developmental Psychology; nature + nurture: Bailey, HOME; McArthur Language)
  • 23. Most (>75%) of Human Brain Growth & Development Occurs in the First 2 Years of Life Human brain Human brain wt/age growth Human postnatal visual cortex dendritic tree birth 15 m 2 yo + only 1 opportunity for neuronal connections or „forever lost‟
  • 24. Importance of a Healthy Gut in Early Childhood To full growth and healthy development: Key in first 2 years of life, because that‟s when: 1.Synaptic “tracks” are laid; 2.Most vulnerable Mendez M & Adair L. J Nutr 129: 1555-62, 1999.           Stein AD et al. Arch Ped Adolesc Med 162: 612-8, 2008.   Hoddinott J et al. Lancet 371: 411-6, 2008.
  • 25. Might ECD/Stunting also risk Obesity?! [Bad water colliding with bad diets] Of 117/532 Adults in Maceio Slum (NE Brazil) who were stunted: • 30% (vs 23.6% of nonstunted) were overweight or obese vs • 16% (vs 23% of nonstunted) were underweight ?via increased cortisol:insulin or decreased IGF-1 levels ??Transgenerational epigenetic DNA methylation/silencing Sawaya AL et al. Nutr Rev 62: S127-133, 2004; Varela-Silva et al. Coll Anthropol 1: 39-46, 2007.
  • 26. Low HAZ-2 correlates with: •Adult stunting •Less attained schooling (1y=12-14% lifetime earnings) •Reduced economic productivity (Monthly income) •Lower offspring birthwt (in females) •Hi glucose, BP, lipids (p BMI controlled for, implicating subsequent wt gains; ?Barker hypothesis; “Thrifty epigenotype” & genetic „canalization‟) HAZ-2 is the best predictor of human capital! (schooling, economic productivity, offspring wt!) Victora C. et al, 5 cohorts (Bz, Guat, India, Philipp, S Africa) Lancet 371: 340, 2008.
  • 27. Long-term epigenetic effects & evolution of imprinting (Dense cytosine methylation of CG dinucleotides silences promoters) • Heavy LEP promoter methylation occurs during postzygotic development in mice & humans. Stoger R. Epigenetics 1: 155, 2006. Stoger R. BioEssays 30: 156, 2008. • LEP (and IGF2, IL10, ABCA1, GNASAS, MEG3) methylation greater in WBC of periconceptually DHW exposed vs sibs. Tobi, Stein et al. Hum Mol Gen 18: 4046, 2009.
  • 28. Early MN Later Obesity & Heart Disease • 300k 19yo men more obese if mothers pregnant in Dutch Hunger Winter of 1944-5. Ravelli GP et al. NEJM 295: 349, 1976. Whitelaw NC & Whitelaw E. Hum Mol Genet. 15: R131, 2006. • 7845 women in DHW Famine (@10-17yo) have 27% more HD. vanAbeelen A et al. BBC News & Europ Heart J. Aug 25, 2011. • Early Childhood Stunting (or lo BWt) has 29-65% greater Abd obesity (waist:hip/eaHAZ-3) Schroeder, Martorell, Flores. AJEpi 149: 177, 1999.
  • 29. Chronic consequences of enteric infections: Physical and cognitive development Margolis „10 Niehaus „02 Pinkerton „11 Eppig „10 Mendez, Adair „99 Moore ‟01 Cognitive ECD Checkley „08 Early Stein, Martorell „08 Sinha P „11 Impairment Enteropathy Stunting (Early Childhood HAZ-2 Van Abeelen ‟11 Diarrhea) Victora ‟08 ; Martins 06; Sesso 04; Ferreira „09 BMI-2 Preg/LBWt Grillol 05; Barker NEJM „05 Adult HD/HT Schroeder „99 Ferreira „01, „09 Obesity DM/GiTT Bhargava „04 Ravelli (DHWinter) „76 Abd (waist:hip) Met. Synd Barker „86, „88, „90 , ‟92 Fall ‟08 HiLDL; LoHDL Victora „08 Poor Later childhood obesity Poor Later growth childhood 2h G>140@30yo CHD<64yo Z growth obesity 1.5k Delhi 8k Norway BMI Bhargava „04 Barker „05
  • 30. JID 148: 986, 1983. CID 28: 966, 1999.
  • 31. Markers and Impact of Environmental Enteropathy Assessing: Urine Stool Blood Barrier/Abs Damage: L/M ** Alpha1-AT EndoCAb** Cr ?Zonulin* Zonulin ?Intestinal FABP* ?Intestinal FABP* Intestinal FABP Inflammation: MeBlue Microscopy (Hemoccult) Lactoferrin (nonBF)** MPO Nitric Oxide (ie IL-8 et al nitrates+nitrites) * ?IL-8 mRNA* ?Calprotectin* ??Calprotectin mRNA* **Documented to be associated ?Neopterin* with stunting. ?SAA3* Repair: ?Citrulline* ?Citrulline *Research (?Reg-1*) questions. Small Bowel Overgrowth Lactulose Breath Test Tissue Biopsy +quantitative culture Gut Integrity METABONOME Meeting-Seattle, Field History: Hx of ProD >7d** December, 2010
  • 32. Prolonged or Persistent Diarrhea (ie any diarrhea >7d) signals heavy diarrhea burdens and weight and height growth shortfalls; ie. provides a “field biomarker” for impending malnutrition! Moore, Lima et al. Gastroenterol. 139: 1156, 2010.
  • 33. Emerging causes of Persistent Diarrhea/MN in Fortaleza, Brazil Cases Controls (n=127) (n=331) Enteroaggregative E. coli AA probe + 32%* 14% AA probe - 36* 17 Cryptosporidium 25** 5 Giardia lamblia 21** 8 Ricci et al. Nature S1: 29, 2006 *P<0.05; **P<002 Fang et al J Ped Gastro Nutr 1995 Koopmans et al Ped ID J 16:504, 1997 Lima et al. J Infect Dis 181: 1643, 2000 Steiner T et al. J Infect Dis 177: 88, 1998.
  • 34. Emerging causes of Persistent Diarrhea/MN in Fortaleza, Brazil Cases Controls (n=127) (n=331) Enteroaggregative E. coli (-0.76 HAZ; p<0.05; Steiner JID 177: 88,‟98 EAEC w MN in MalED CC Lima „12) AA probe + 32%* 14% AA probe - 36* 17 Cryptosporidium 25** 5 (Checkley „97; ‟98; Agnew JID 177: 754,„98) Giardia lamblia 21** 8 (Newman TMIH 6: 624, ‟01 Sx w MN; PD>AD) Ricci et al. Nature S1: 29, 2006 Fang et al J Ped Gastro Nutr 1995 Koopmans et al Ped ID J 16:504, 1997 Lima et al. J Infect Dis 181: 1643, 2000 *P<0.05; **P<002 Steiner T et al. J Infect Dis 177: 88, 1998.
  • 35. Evidence for lasting disability effects from early childhood diarrhea/enteric infections* Growth shortfalls (esp. HAZ-2; 8.2cm by 7yo) •Crypto Infections increase diarrhea morbidity and nutritional shortfalls to 18m [Agnew 98; Lima 00; Newman 99] •Crypto infections +diarrhea = dec. wt gain @1m [Checkley 97] •Crypto infections <6m/stunted = .95-1.05 cm deficits @1y [Checkley 98] •EAggEC infections + inflammation = growth shortfalls [Steiner 98] •Diarrrhea<2yo = 3.6cm stunted @7yo (8.2cm w helminths) [Moore 01; + Checkley et al, 08] Fitness impairment (=17% decr. work prod.) •Albendazole =7% inc. HST @4m [Stephenson 93] •Diarrhea or Crypto <2yo = 4-8% dec. HST @4-7yo [Guerrant 99] •4.3% inc. HST = 16.6% inc. work prod. [Ndamba 93] Cognitive impairment (c. 10 IQ points) •Diarrhea <2yo dec. WISC coding/digit @5-9yo [Guerrant 99] •Diarrhea <2yo dec. TONI @6-10yo [Niehaus 02] •Giardia or stunting = 4-10 pts dec. WISC-R @9yo [Berkman 02] School performance (c. 1 yr))) •Diarrhea <2yo = inc. AASS; AFG [Lorntz 06; Guerrant 02] * Petri et al JCI 118: 1277-1290, 2008; Guerrant et al Nutr Rev 66: 487-505, 2008.
  • 36. Cryptosporidium, EAEC, Giardia or Intestinal Inflammation Stunt Growth and/or Psychomotor Development •Fecal neopterin (inflammation) in 72 children followed 15m in rural Gambia had impaired long-term ht and wt gains (r=-0.29 and -0.36; p<0.001) [not Giardia or L/M] Campbell DI et al. J Ped Gastro Nutr 39: 153, 2004.
  • 37. ECD or Giardiasis Stunt Growth and Cognition •Stunting or Giardia Peru <2yo WISC-R IQ @ 9yo Berkman DS et al. Lancet 359: 564, 2002. •Of 160 Children <5yo in Turkey, those w Giardia were stunted (OR=7.7) and had psychomotor impairment (OR=2.7) Simsek Z et al. J Trop Pediatr 50: 90, 2004. •Giardia Egypt <4yo had cognitive development if E4- Yahya RS et al. Internet J Parasit Dis 4:1, 2009. •Heavy ECD or Giardia <2yo Sem. Flu @ 6-12yo E4- Newman TMIH 6: 624, „01 PD; Patrick PD et al. Child Neuropsych 11: 1-12, 2005 Oria R et al. Ped Res 57: 310, „05; Bz J Biol Res 43: 249, 2010. •Giardia 6-13yo Iran had WISC Fluency, Span (indep of WAZ) Partovi F et al. Iran JPH 36: 73, 2007. •Asxy Giardia Salvador <4yo have stunting 1y later Prado MS et al. Parasitol 131: 51, 2005. •Sx Giardia S India predict wasting and cognition@ 3yo Ajjampur SSA et al. Trop Paediatr 31: 203, 2011. Guerrant, Oria, Moore, Scharf, Lima “ 201, 2011.
  • 38. Enteroaggregative E. coli (EAEC) causes Persistent Diarrhea, Intestinal Inflammation, Growth Shortfalls •EAEC is associated with 36% of PD; 30-74% w HIV •EAEC-PD has elevated fecal LF, IL-8, IL-1 [Fli-C; TLR5] •EAEC-no D. also had elevated LF & Growth Shortfalls Steiner T et al JID 177: 88, 1998; Wanke et al JID 178: 185, 1998; Samie A et al. 77: 142, 2007; Steiner T et al JCI 105: 1769, 2000. Nataro et al and Steiner et al CID: 2006. EAEC Turista (26%) Only with IL-8 -251 AA or AT Polymorphism •0/23 w EAEC Diarrhea had TT vs 9-18% of 46 others without Sx or without EAEC (OR = 208; p<0.01) •Also those with -251 AA had greater fecal IL-8 (vs AT or TT; p<0.01) Jiang ZD et al. JID 188: 506, 2003.
  • 39. MalED Case-Control Site, Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil •Serves 313 km2 ; 13km from UPC •21k children IPREDE Nutrition Clinic, Fortaleza •2000 new children/yr •30% of <3yo have HAZ <-2 n=380 children enrolled Aldo Lima, Alvaro Madeiro, Sulivan Mota, et al. 2010-12.
  • 40. Brazil case control: EAEC with MN Microorganism Control Cases * p values Total N (%) N (%) N (%) EPEC 3/62 (4.8) 1/88 (1.1) ns 4/150 (2.7) aEPEC 1/62 (1.6) 5/88 (5.7) ns 6/150 (4) EAEC 4/62 (6.5) 22/88 (25) p = 0.0147 26/150 (17.3) EHEC 3/62 (4.8) 3/88 (3.4) ns 6/150 (4) EIEC 5/62 (8.1) 8/88 (9.1) ns 13/150 (8.7) ETEC 2/62 (3.2) 4/88 (4.5) ns 6/150 (4) Campylobacter 14/70 (20) 12/104 (11.5) ns 26/174 (14.9) Adenovirus 0/42 (0) 1/72 (1.4) ns 1/114 (0.9) Astrovirus 0/42 (0) 1/72 (1.4) ns 1/114 (0.9) E. histolytica 2/38 (5.3) 2/63 (3.2) ns 4/101 (4) Giardia 7/38 (18.4) 12/63 (19) ns 19/101 (18.8) Cryptosporidium 2/38 (5.3) 1/63 (1.6) ns 3/101 (3) EPEC: enteropathogenic E. coli; EHEC: enterohemorragic E. coli; EAEC: enteroadherence E. coli (aaiC + aatA); EIEC: enteroinvasive E. coli. Case: child <-2 WAZ; and control: >-1 WAZ; * Fisher‟s exact test. Aldo Lima, A Havt et al 2011.
  • 41. Cryptosporidiosis impairs growth: •Even “Asyx” (63 vs 37%) 162-342g less @3m •Stunting (persisting @ 1y) if: •Infection @ <5m (Agnew <1y 1-2 Z @ 2yo) •Stunted @ time of infection •Also in Africa (Molback) if <1yo, no catchup • And Asia (Ajjampur) Checkley et al. Am J Epi 145: 156, 1997; multiple Crypto common “ “ 148: 497, 1998; Agnew et al. JID 177: 754, 1998; and lower HAZ-2 Molback et al. Am J Clin Nutr. 65: 149, 1997; Ajjampur et al. AJTMH 83: 1110, 2010.
  • 42. Murine model of weanling malnutrition & Cryptosporidium infection  C57BL/6J mice at 7 days old. Note the difference in the body weight between the nourished and malnourished mice. 4h of separation 8h of separation 12h of separation C57BL/6J Wild types 4 5 6 = Crypto infection 14 Age (days)
  • 43. Cryptosporidium infection causes Malnutrition ie. MN is an ID AND MN worsens Crypto infection 275 NC (n=11) 250 NI 106 (n=16) % initial weight (g) MC (n=10) 225 41% loss MI 105 (n=14) 200 MI 106 (n=16) 175 further 48% loss 150 125 ** 100 **p<0.01 vs all groups by 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ANOVA‟s Bonferroni test Age (days) Coutinho, Oria, Meton, Sevilleja, et al. J Parasitol 94: 1225, 2008.
  • 44. Synergistic effects of malnutrition and Cryptosporidium infection on ileal architecture (H&E; 10X; at 14do; 8d p infection) Nourished Non-infected Malnourished Non-infected Nourished Infected Malnourished Infected Coutinho, Oria, Meton, Sevilleja, et al. J Parasitol 94: 1225, 2008.
  • 45. Malnutrition is associated with a 1 to 2.3 log (ie 10 to 200-fold) heavier infection by fecal shedding or in colon or ileum in 107 Cryptosporidium-infected mice at peak infection (d8) 2.50 2.00 log Mean (# of parasites / mg of ileal tissue) log Mean (# of parasites / mg of stool) 2.00 1.50 1.50 1.00 1.00 log Mean (# of parasites / mg of colonic tissue) 2.00 0.50 0.50 1.50 0.00 1.00 -0.50 0.00 MN (n=12) N (n=14) MN (n=6) N (n=3) Group Group 0.50 Error bars: +/- 1 SE Error bars: +/- 1 SE Fecal Shedding 0.00 Parasites/gm ileum (MN = 1.55 vs N = 0.54 MN (n=7) N (n=3) (MN = 2.02 ± 0.11 vs N = -0.25 ± 0.13, log/mg; N=26 mice in 3 paired Group Error bars: +/- 1 SE n=9 mice, p < 0.001) experiments; p=0.015) Parasites/gm colon (MN = 1.79 vs N = -0.14, n=10 mice, p= 0.001) Detected by Real-time PCR Coutinho, Oria, Meton, Sevilleja, et al. J Parasitol 94: 1225, 2008.
  • 46. Cryptosporidium causes and worsens MN Unexcysted oocysts in weaned, 2% protein MN mice N, Uninfected P<0.03 14% P<0.05 MN MN-Infected N, infected MN, Uninfected 23% P<0.03 MN, infected P=0.029 Infection @ d58 Costa L, Noronha, Roche, et al. JID 205: 1464, 2012.
  • 47. “Peace Corps Gut” Normal PCV w Diarrhea and Malabsorption (d-xylose & B12) 40% (of 114) had d-xylose <5g 52% (of 23) had low Schilling B12 Lindenbaum et al. AIM 65: 1201, 1966. Bx nl in 2/17 (12%); 8 had mild ;7 moderate “jejunitis”
  • 48. Candidates to help “repave” the small bowel absorptive tennis court (every 3 days!) Normal HIV+ Patient with Cryptosporidium infection Yamada et al. (1995) Conlon et al. (1984) Zinc, Vitamin A, Glutamine, Alanylglutamine, Arginine, ?ApoE peptides, targeted antimicrobials, adjuvants, vaccines Carneiro, Bushen, Brito, Lima, Guerrant. Curr. Infect Dis Rep. 5: 114, 2003. Bushen et al. CID 38: 1764, 2004; Lima N et al. J Pediatr Gastroent Nutr 44: 365, 2007. Ueno… Moore. Am J Physiol GI Liver Physiol 301: 2011. Castro I et al Nutrition, 2011.
  • 49. Vicious Cycles of the Diseases of Poverty Enteric & Other Anti- Water, Sanitation Infections +Diarrhea Microbials; Vaccines Environment Worsened Infection Intensity & Damage Intestinal Damage Repeated & & Inflammation Microbiome Persisting Impaired Innate & Infections Nutrient Acquired Mucosal Malabsorption Defenses &/or Loss Hs genome Probiotic Malnutrition Repair Nutrients Microflora Impaired Vaccine Responses Cognitive Impairment Obesity DM, HT, CVD, Poverty Met. Synd. $$Health Care
  • 50. Diarrhea (Ac, Pro, PD) predisposes to growth decrements (WAZ or HAZ) * Moore, Lima et al. Gastroenterol. 139: 1156, 2010.
  • 51. Glutamine and Ala-Gln ORRT improve the repair of intestinal epithelium in IEC6 cells and in children and HIV+ pts with diarrhea. Control with Glutamine with Ala-Gln Brito, Carneiro, Lima, Guerrant. 2004. Carneiro, Bushen, Brito, Lima, Guerrant. Curr. Infect Dis Rep. 5: 114, 2003. Bushen et al. CID 38: 1764, 2004; Lima N et al. J Pediatr Gastroent Nutr 44: 365, 2007. Ueno… Moore. Am J Physiol GI Liver Physiol 301: 2011.
  • 52. Diarrhea impairs Cognitive Development & Growth independently ECD0-2, HAZ2 or WAZ2 predicts TONI & Coding @ 6-12yo (Brazil cohort of 131 followed from birth; UV p<0.05) •Excluding household income, maternal education, child sex, birth wt, breastfeeding •ECD remained a predictor of IQ even after adjusting for HAZ and WAZ (multivariate p< 0.006-0.029) Pinkerton, Oria, Lima, Patrick et al. 2012.
  • 53. Prolonged and persistent diarrhea account for only 100% 17% of episodes, yet half of all diarrhea days AND predict heavy diarrhea burdens and growth shortfalls! 83% Acute (<7d) 75% Prolonged (7-13d) Persistent (≥14d) % of diarrhea morbidity 50% 50% 25% 25% 25% 12% 5% 0% By episodes By days Moore, Lima et al. Gastroenterol. 139: 1156, 2010.
  • 54. Proposed model for Ala-Gln coupling to EGFR signal transduction during enteric infections and malnutrition. Moore S, Polk B et al. 2009.
  • 55. AlaGln improves Wt, morphometry, apoptosis & proliferation in MN weaned C57Bl/6 mice Ueno… Moore. Am J Physiol GI Liver Physiol 301: 2011.
  • 56. AlaGln improves barrier function (lactulose excretion) and weight gains in malnourished children in Brazil * p < 0.05 0.4 A * Peso-para-Estatura 0.3 Cumulativo WHZ Escore z Gain 0.2 0.1 0.0 Glicina Alanil-Glutamina Lima N et al. J Pediatr Gastroent Nutr 44: 365, 2007.
  • 57. Gln or Ala-Gln enhance absorption (even with Crypto infections when Glucose fails) 3 3 Ringers Control Ringers Control 10 mM Gln 10 mM Gln 10 mM AlaGln 2 10 mM AlaGln 2 JnetNa JnetNa 1 1 0 0 n=9 n=9 n=6 n=18 n=18 n=6 Cryptosporidium Control Infected Alanyl-glutamine compares favorably to glutamine in Control and Crypto-infected calves in Ussing Chambers in driving net sodium absorption Blikslager et al, Am J Physiol 281: G645, 2001.
  • 58. Another vicious cycle: Barrier disruption & Inflammation TJ (TNF, MLCK) (lo cap; nonselect) Claudin, Occludin, ZO1, actin, myosin AJ (Th2, IL13) (hi cap; ionselect) E-cadherin, Lunn P. Proc Nutr Soc abCatenin, myosin 59: 147, 2000. Turner JR Nature Rev, Immunol 9: 799, 2009. Salazar-Lindo E.... D Brewster… A Fasano....P Tarr. JPGN 39: S662, 2004. Sears C. Clin Micro Rev 22: 349, 2009.
  • 59. Urine Metabonome in MN vs Control Children showing increased NAG, DMA, DMG; less Mannitiol (by NMRS and PLS-DA coefficient plot) Projection to Latent Structure-Discriminant Analysis Cases vs Control s p=0.0248 n=75 CA2-3 Swann J, Lima AAM, et al. 2011.
  • 60. Enteroaggregative E. coli (EAEC) Infection Impairs Growth & MN worsens infection DMEM / HS (Nourished Control) n=11 EAEC-JM221 (Nourished infected) n=12 EAEC-JM221 (Malnourished infected) n=7 EAEC 29% less p<0.03 p d8 Further 32% less with MN P<0.02 ** Peak shedding = 102-2.8 Nourished/ 103.1-7.5 Malnourished Roche, Cabel, Sevilleja, Nataro et al, JID 202: 506, 2010.
  • 61. Induces Glutamine HSP70, which: •Attenuates iNOS, IL-6, IL-8 (in rat CP bypass) •Protects against neurodegeneration (in spinocerebellar degeneration, SCA-1 mice) Hayashi Y et al. Circ. 106: 2601, 2002. Cummings CJ et al. Hum Mol Genet 10: 1511, 2001.
  • 62. Cryptosporidium and Giardia genotypes in Brazil and South Africa •C. hominis predominates in NE Brazil with: greater shedding, lactoferrin & growth shortfalls Bushen, Lima et al. TRSTMH, 2006. •C. hominis predominates in Limpopo, S. Africa; assoc. w diarrhea (57%); lactoferrin (59%) Samie et al. Expt Parasitol 114: 314, 2006. •74% of Giardia are Assemblage B, with greater shedding (3.6 v 1.4 x 105/ml); lactoferrin (especially with first infection; 74 40 20%; also longer) Kohli, Lima et al., TRSTMH 102: 718-725, 2008.
  • 63. Conclusions (re Crypto and MN) •Crypto infections, +diarrhea, ProD or PD impair growth in young children (or mice); •Likely via disrupted intestinal mucosal function (L/M; V/C); •MN worsens Crypto (in stunted children or MN mice), thus completing the vicious cycle (that also impairs cognitive development, with an “Alzheimer-like” deficit). •ApoE4 protects against these deficits only in children with heavy diarrhea burdens. •ApoE4/4 targeted transgenic Eko mice grow better and have less barrier disruption & infection. •Arginine, like ApoE4, protects mice and may protect children from the vicious diarrhea-MN cycle.
  • 64. Disruption of Intestinal Barrier Function in Children with Acute and Persistent Diarrhea in Fortaleza, Brazil 0.8 ** 0.7 0.6 * 0.5 Mean Lactulose: Mannitol 0.4 Excretion Ratios 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 Control AD PD n=20 n=18 n=2 [vs controls: *p=0.001; **p<0.001] Guerrant, Lima, Barboza, et al Adv Exp Med Biol 473:103-11, 1999. Barboza et al BrasJ Med Biol Res 32:1499-1504, 1999.
  • 65. EndoCAb correlates with disrupted intestinal barrier function and with stunted growth Campbell DI, Elia M, Lunn PG. J Nutr 133:1237, 2003. Petri, Ahmed, Haque et al 2010.
  • 66. Enteroaggregative E. coli (EAEC) causes Persistent Diarrhea, Intestinal Inflammation, Growth Shortfalls and is the Leading Bacterial Enteropathogen in US •EAEC is associated with 36% of PD; 30-74% w HIV •EAEC-PD has elevated fecal LF, IL-8, IL-1 •EAEC-no D. also had elevated LF & Growth Shortfalls •EAEC filtrates induce IL-8 release in Caco-2 cells. •EAEC Fli-C (unique flagellin) cloned/sequenced is responsible for the IL-8 release. •EAEC signif assoc with 4.5% diarrhea in Baltimore and New Haven (vs 2-3% Cj, Salm; 10-12% Rota, Noro) Steiner T et al JID 177: 88, 1998; Wanke et al JID 178: 185, 1998; Samie A et al. 77: 142, 2007; Steiner T et al JCI 105: 1769, 2000. Nataro et al and Steiner et al CID: 2006.
  • 67. HAZ correlates with Grades and Rank (among 242 college schoolgirls in S. India) r2=.037 r2=.030 p =.003 p =.007 (Independent of also significant # siblings, paternal education.) Pranay Sinha, B.S. Ramakrishna, et al. August, 2011.
  • 68. Infant MN CVD Barker Hypothesis Barker D. et al. Lancet 1986, „89, ‟90. Hertfordshire & Southampton, UK
  • 69. “Thrifty epigenotype” Candidate genes for environmental „canalization‟ Stoger R. BioEssays 30: 156, 2008.
  • 70. Infants with ProD are high risk for future episodes of PD (+) Prolonged Diarrhea prior to age 1 year * % of children with p=0.002 Log-rank test Persistent Diarrhea No Prolonged Diarrhea prior to age 1 year Age (months) Moore, Lima et al. Gastroenterol. 139: 1156, 2010.
  • 71. Cryptosporidium: A Leading cause of Prolonged and Persistent Diarrhea & Growth Shortfalls % w Crypto P (vs no D)* •Persistent Diarrhea (n=71) 23.9%* 0.0002 •Prolonged Diarrhea (n=98) 12.2%* 0.018 •Acute Diarrhea (n=402) 11.4%* 0.0043 •No Diarrhea (n=289) 5.2% - Also Giardia with 20.5% of 88 with PD (p=0.0003); and fecal WBC or LF in 43-77% (p<0.02). Lima AAM et al. JID 181: 1643, 2000. Moore S et al. Gastroenterol 139: 1156, 2010.
  • 72. Long-term Consequences of Cryptosporidium Infection •Malnutrition Sallon ‟88; Sarabia-Arce ‟90; Checkley ‟99; (Peru) Lima ‟92; (Brazil); Molback ‟93; ‟97; (G-Bissau) •Even Asxy Crypto Stunting Checkley ‟97; (Peru) C. hominis > parvum, c 2x shedding Bushen ‟07 (Brazil)) (3.5x106); LF; longer growth delay •Early Diarrhea or Crypto DI Guerrant et al „99 (Brazil)) Fitness + Cognitive impairment 4-7y later •Reactive Arthritis/Reiter‟s Hay ‟87; Ozgul ‟99; Shepherd ‟89; Cron ‟95; Hunter „04 Chalmers & Davies Expt Parasitol 124: 138, 2010.
  • 73. ApoE4 Upregulates an Arginine-selective Cat-1 Transporter •Transgenic mice expressing the human APOE4 allele have expression of mRNA for the constituitive Arg selective y+ transporter (Cat1) in microglia. •Hence NO (not iNOS) and cell proliferation. Colton, et al. Neurobiol Aging 23: 777, 2002 Czapiga & Colton. J Neuroimmunol. 134: 44, 2003.
  • 74. Arginine improves wt gain & reduces ileal Cryptosporidium infection by over 10-fold by both iNOS & arginase-dependent pathways Oocyst shedding in Ileum 200000 * p < 0.05 175000 * p < 0.05 150000 Oocysts per mg of tissue * p < 0.05 125000 100000 75000 50000 25000 0 PBS Arg 200mM Arg 100mM Arg 200mM + Arg 200mM + L-NAME 20mM BEC 2.2mM L-NAME = NG-nitroarginine methyl ester (blocks iNOS); BEC = S-(2-boronoethyl)-L- cysteine (blocks Arginase) Castro I. et al. Nutrition, 2012.
  • 75. MN-Infected ApoE4/4ki Mice have better growth and Villus/Crypt Architecture, and shed less Cryptosporidia Post-infection 110 % of Weight 105 * # ApoE 4/4 MNI (n=16) WT MNI (n=13) 100 ApoE KO MNI (n=14) 95 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Days * p<0.05 ApoE TR 4/4 MNI vs Wild type MNI # p<0.0001 ApoE TR 4/4 MNI vs ApoE KO MNI Shedding p<0.05 10 6 p<0.05 Wild type MNI (n=12) p<0.05 ApoE KO MNI (n=12) p<0.05 nº parasites/mg of stool 10 5 ApoE 3/3 TR MNI (n=8) p=0.05 ApoE 4/4 TR MNI (n=17) 10 4 10 3 10 2 1 3 5 7 Groups Apoe4 mice had no shedding on day 7 De Azevedo, Oria, et al. 2012.
  • 76. Recurrent diarrhea impairs height and weight gains Ht gain (cm) Wt gain (kg) No recurrent diarrhea 1.74 cm 0.44 kg Recurrent diarrhea* 1.38 cm** 0.25 kg*** * >30% prevalence over subsequent 2m ** 21% less; p=0.1 *** 43% less; p=0.01 Schorling & Guerrant. Diarrhea and catch-up growth. Lancet 335: 599-600, 1990.