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By Wayne Griswold © copyright 2006, all rights reserved.
Because I was flooded with information through my studies and because I was hopping
from one project to another, my work confused most people. This is why I have decided
that the greater good would come out, if I produced a text book and took one piece at a
time and put them together in a logical format.
Too My Wife Thanks
When the student, studies the old text books I know that these texts included
experiments, that were conducted that would upset the EPA, and the board of health to
name a few, in this day and age.
I recommend the study of DYNAMIC CHEMISTRY, written by Harry C. Biddle and
George L. Bush. The book was copyright in © 1937, by the Rand McNally & Company.
Some of the references come from this book.
Avogadro’s Law, Equal volumes of gases at the same temperature and pressure contain an
equal number of molecules, so equal volumes of gases, such as oxygen, hydrogen, and
steam contain an equal number of molecules. So when two atoms of hydrogen unite with
one atom of oxygen they form a molecule of water, the number of molecules in the
quantity of water, volume for volume, is reduced when the water turns into steam. I
believe that these numbers are off on the gases.)
Amedeo Avogadro, (1776-1856), was an Italian physicist and chemist. His research in
molecular structure was one of the early steps leading to modern atomic theory. In 1811
he published the important hypothesis, now known as Avogadro’s Law. Comments are
taken from the New Standard Encyclopedia, standard educational corporation Chicago /
John Dalton, (1766-1844) early in life began a study of the atmosphere. He wanted to
discover whether it is a mixture or a compound. If it is a mixture he asked, why does not
its heaviest gas, carbon dioxide, settle down to the earth and leave hydrogen as the
topmost layer Dalton also tried to determine whether the atoms of all elements are alike
in size and weight. After many experiments, he decided that the atoms of the same
element are alike, but that the atoms different elements are unlike. (Quote)
Oxygen, the measuring stick, there is nothing strange or uncommon about relative
measurements. In fact, all measures are relative. They show the relation of one thing to
another. So when the topic of volume is used, it normally refers to different elements
weighed or measured in identical volumes. For purposes of calculating the relative
weights of molecules a molecule of oxygen has been chosen as a standard measuring unit
Corresponding to one foot, the foot the yardstick all came from relative numbers. It has
been given a weight value of 32. Since there are two atoms in a molecule of oxygen, each
atom has a weight value of 16. The two numerals 32 and 16, as well as all the other
weights of molecules and atoms are simply convenient numbers. They do not represent
the weights on any actual weighing machine or scales. This is because they are merely
relative-that is, they merely show the relation of one to another. The use of 32 for the
molecular weight and 16 for the atomic weight of oxygen, however, makes possible a
convenient scale for the atomic weights of all elements.
We have to remember though, a liter of oxygen weighs 1.429 grams, on a weight scale.
Times, 1.429 X 22.4= 32.0096
Thus 22.4 liters, weighs 32.0096 grams on a weight scale. Because the O2 molecule
under STP was weighed half of that is 16.0048 grams. (Quote)
The course in GENERAL CHEMISTRY, written by William Mc Pherson and William
Edwards Henderson Fourth Edition, Ginn and Company copyright © 1933, is one I
would recommend as a reference book. Indications brought about in the early years show
not every scientist was happy with Avogadro’s number, Page 111 of the book states, the
law of Dulong and Petit. As early as 1819 Dulong and Petit discovered a relationship
between the atomic weights of solid elementary substances and their specific heats. Their
generalization was of special service in fixing upon the multiple of the combining weight
which correctly represents the atomic weight at a time before the acceptance of
Avogadro’s principle. These investigators found that the atomic weight multiplied by the
specific heat gives an approximate constant whose value is about 6.4. This is called the
atomic heat of the elements. By the specific heat is meant the quantity of heat required to
raise the temperature of a gram of the solid substance one degree. Evidently the
approximate atomic weight of an element will be given by the equation.
Atomic weight = 6.4 divided by specific heat.
Accurate determination of atomic weights, we have seen that Avogadro’s principle is only
approximately true. Consequently the molecular weights of gases as determined by
experiment are usually subject to error of a few tenths of 1%. The portion of nitrogen is
22.41. Of the various gases is therefore subject to about the same error, as will be seen
from the values in the preceding table. All that these figures tell us is that the true value is
very near 14. The smallest combining weight can be very accurately determined by the
analysis of any of these compounds, and is found to be 7.004. It is therefore evident that
the accurate atomic weight is twice this value, namely, 14.008. (Quote)
Historical note for nearly fifty years following the announcement of the atomic theory
chemists were busy trying to find some authoritative principle that would be a guide to
deciding which one of the combining weights theories of an element is its true atomic
weight. They were unwilling to accept Avogadro’s principle as a guide, partly because
there was little direct evidence for its truth and partly because it seemed to involve a
number of contradictions. For years it also caused confusion in the writings of text
books, as some chemists adhered to other methods, such as the use of consistent
volume to measure the physical weight of the elements. I believe that the reader would
find the duplicate weight scales that were used along with the elements of up to .99999
pure. This standard was 1cm3, for solids and 1ml for liquids and gases are kept at the
Smithsonian Institute in Washington D.C. The original scales and elements are kept in
a vault in Sweden I would state that the differences in the weights are very minor.
In 1858, at a large congress of chemists, the Italian chemist Connizzaro demonstrated that
Avogadro’s principle leads to consistent results if applied in the way that has been
described, in numerous text books. Recent physical methods have been devised that
measure the relative atomic weights directly by electrical methods. These were referred to
in connection with the discovery that many elements have atoms of different weights.
So if we were to study H2O, we would find that 1ml of H2O equals one gram. As
denoted in any number of chemistry text books. The book I am using at this point is
modern chemistry by H. Clark Metcalfe, Jone E. Williams Joseph F. Castka. Published by
Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc. Copyright In © 1974.
The statement that 1ml of H2O equals 1 gram implies that a volume of 18ml, is needed to
produce the atomic weight of water at 4 degrees C. So it would be considered as 1 mol of
water. On the other hand 1 mol of Oxygen is equal to 22.4 liters of Oxygen under
standard pressure temperature and volume, to obtain the weight of Oxygen or O2, which
is 32 grams. In order to determine the weight of O, 32 are divided in two, or half of 22.4
The same is true for the atomic weight of Hydrogen. It is weighed under standard
temperature, pressure and volume. So one mol of H2, weighs 2.008 grams in 22.4 liters
and the weight of H would be 1.004 grams for half of 22.4 liters of Hydrogen.
So the statements in some texts that all of the elements were weighed in the same volume
of space are correct and incorrect. The use of Avogadro’s number became the standard to
determine the weights of the elements, as one mol irregardless of volume occupied by the
elements. This has lead to a lot of confusion on the part of different scientists, at different
times and text.
Which means Avogadro’s; measurements were derived from the extraction of the element
from a chemical compound. This is not a good standard. The standard of pure elements of
.99999% pure in a volume of the same measurement is the best standard on a weight
scale, as it reflects the true weight under gravity.
I have studied numerous text books over the years; these books had caused confusion to
me on the issue of atomic weights until I determined that the weights in a 1cm3 volume
or 1ml would not affect the outcome of the reduction of the number of atoms at the 10 to
the minus 3 level.
Sometimes in life a person simply has to go for it. Studies are only that, to go forward
with new theories and principles it is simply done. I have chosen to create a new form of
math, which allows me to move in new directions of thought inventions and innovation. I
really would like to ply my math, in this section. Yet I feel it is important to give the
reader, a background in what I am doing before I reach the mathematics.
What is so important about weights? I will tell you, everything has a weight you have a
weight, I do and everything on the earth does. It means we are pulled to the earth by
Gravity, Gravity has a presence and is the source for the energy that makes us function as
living entities. It is also the source behind the rise of magnetic and molecular forces as
well. In free space there is nothing to filter gravity forces, this is why the human body
falls apart or suffers degradation. Yet I digress this introduction is intended to open the
mind of the reader about the possibilities that exist in the field of science.
The foundation of the weights of the elements has led to a number of areas of science
opening up into new fields. The uses of mathematics are the only way for a scientist to
open up his theories and represent new concepts. So when I studied the various areas of
science I became engrossed in the area of the valance and hybrid valance. These are used
to determine the simple compounds and complex compounds, the valance for the simple
compounds. The hybrid valance for the complex compounds.
Yet the two forms of math used are incompatible with each other. I knew that there had to
be a way to form mathematics that would answer both. This is where the Simulacrum
charts came from. From my desire to understand more deeply the formation of the
elements and these elements into compounds. In doing so I had to study what other
scientists have done, References Einstein’s, Distant Parallism 1928. Then for some of the
work are James E. Brady / Gerard E. Humiston General Chemistry. Copyright in © 1975,
1978, 1982, Third Edition.
Page 84 refers to Schrödinger with the mathematics of quantum mechanics or wave
mechanics. He used the analogy of a guitar sting and the harmonics induced by vibrating
the string. Which lead Schrödinger to the 3 dimensional harmonics given off by the
electrons, in the form of a wave length this implies that if a guitar string vibrates and
gives off a wavelength so could electrons? This could happen with other particles of the
Atoms, so an analogy of that line of thought could be the wavelengths produced by the
quanta of photon particle packets (Introduced by Einstein). Which, was not discovered
until the formation of
Schrödinger’s mathematical formulas which lead to the discovery of the different
spectrums of light? These light spectrums have different intensity of forces. The red
spectrum is not as forceful as the ultra light spectrum; which has turned out to be a very
important find for science.
The astronomers view the stars and the sun. With the wave length formulas the elemental
make up of the stars can be determined very nicely. In the past few years, dark matter has
been determined to exist. I have referred to it as black or dark matter. There are reasons
for the usage of both. Plank theorized the existence of particles that had holes in them
that absorbed light. These were termed by him as black matter, (In 1917) because they
could absorb light. Light could enter and be absorbed thus disappear. The theory of dark
matter is another concept altogether, in the sense that I used it for, was for the particles
that could reach ultra light velocities thus disappear from our space time reference. Yet I
did not believe that they disappeared into nothing I determined that we could not detect
them with the technology of the present. I also determined that they could still transfer a
kinetic impact on the elements and cause the elements to have unique energies, unto their
individual make up. It was this type of an explanation that also tied magnetic and
gravitational forces together.
The concept of the Set and Subsets are taken from Arithmetic its structure and concepts,
written by Francis J. Mueller, second edition, Copyright © 1956, 1964 by Prentice-Hall,
Inc, Englewood Cliffs, N.J.
Page 137 of the arithmetic book goes into inverse operations. The operation of
subtraction and division, are the respective companion operations to addition and
multiplication. The book gives an analogy of a husband and wife. Which in some
contexts the two are best identified as component parts of a single unit; in others it is
more appropriate to think of each as separate individuals, closely related, but each having
distinctly different characteristics. So the analogy could apply to multiplication and
division. In some instances it is best to think of one being the reverse of the other, as
division being simply the undoing operation for multiplication; in other instances, it
would be better to consider the two as being essentially independent of each other. From
the mathematical point of view, addition and subtraction are best looked upon as
complementary parts of a unit. In fact, mathematically, subtraction is dependent upon
addition for its very definition. From a practical, problem-solving point of view, however,
there are advantages to considering the two as individual operations-each with special
qualities that better suit it to the solution of certain kinds of problems (Quote).
I believe that the reader would find, that multiplication can be undone with subtraction,
and addition can be undone with division. In this day and age, inversion is simply turning
a pencil upside down or the reverse of its original point and reference. So the question
How would one invert a perfect sphere? How would one know if it were truly inverted?
From the above point of view, I would say to cut it in half. Or divide it then I would have
two imperfect portions, of the sphere that would show the inner regions distinction.
Such could be the case with determining the various regions that make up the nucleus of
the atom. It is common for it to be understood as a very dense region spherical in nature,
yet I believe it to be a dense region made up of sub-regions that are formed by quadrants
that combine from a 360 degree joining of these regions. I also believe it to be crystalline
in structure. When induced into vibration, appears circular; “which is an illusion” caused
by the energy of induction “A-rays”.
So it means that there are six sides to a box, and there are six sides to the nucleus of the
atom. These regions I believe are made up of black and dark matter that is tightly
compacted together that forms what we call the nucleus of the atom.
That as the regions degenerate the element changes form, into isotopes in some cases.
As with uranium transforming, into lead, in other cases, elements change form entirely,
such as the elements of calcium and helium are given off from the denigration of
Uranium into lead.
From the Simulacrum point of view, inverse operations continue on in the elements
everyday of their existence. Simply put the undoing of one into another. Just like the
perfect sphere it is broken in two and in the case of Uranium broken into smaller portions
termed subsets, which produces Lead.
These are arrived at using disunion concepts, whereas in the formation of energies I union
the elements into subsets. This also leads to the formation of complex molecules in
chains. Whereas disunion concepts show what type of element is given off in the
deterioration of the element or elements involved; or an isotope of the elements;
This is done by comparing the subset given off; to the yellow book of calculations and of
the elements, then matching these numbers as close as possible with the subsets given off
and the closest element in the yellow book. So Calcium has quite a number of isotopes
and so does Helium. There are a variety of variations of element isotopes in all of the
elements. So the standard of elements is more of an average than fact.
Subset operations are taken from the book as well, except with a twist I have placed upon
them in order to answer questions I have had over time.
A set is a collection of things whether real or imagined. (Simulacrum means an imaginary
semblance of something or a mirror image of something.) Refer to page 43 of the
arithmetic its structure and concepts. The fingers on your right hand are a set of 5
elements and there is more to it than that. The fingers are similar and work together and
they each have a separate function, for example the thumb is different from the fingers, it
apposes the other parts of the set, yet technically it is still considered a finger.
The Elements are also similar yet different. Example, aluminum verses iron, what do they
have in common? Nothing really except they are each a part of the set of elements. In the
periodic table Al, belongs to the IIIA table and Fe, to the VIII portion of the table. So Al,
and Fe, is a portion of the elements further defined into sub tables or a subset of the
elements set.
How does Simulacrum Science use these concepts? The theory of Simulacrum involves
the concept of the set starting at the nucleus of the atom, in that there are six sides to the
makeup of the nucleus of the atoms and these are really subsets to the set of an element,
yet the individual elements are a subset of the overall set of the elements in the atomic
weights charts. Which are also the new Invariants and Tensor’s Einstein predicted.
As with the region of the nucleus of the atom, each region is comprised of different
portions of black and dark matter. Grouped in different quantize s of numbers and
different configurations, which form the shape of the atom; as well as its size. Different
sizes and shapes create different flow patterns of the dark matter of gravity through them,
thus beginning the filtration and concentration process matter imposes upon gravity. In
some instances magnetic forces are formed, as with the placement of iron with mercury.
When Iron is placed upon Mercury, London forces are formed which in turn cause the
motion of electrons, the electrons cast into motion give off a magnetic field that
induces a small magnetic charge into the iron. Yet from the Simulacrum point of view,
Iron in conjunction with mercury causes a clash of the forces of different sizes of dark
and black matter that slam into the electrons of the mercury and iron, giving rise to the
London forces. These are tabled in the chart
In countless numbers this happens to all of the elements in one way or another. Normally
I would just show that element A forms a union with element B that creates subset 1a. Or
A U B> 1a. 1a, is the result of the filtering of gravity through the elements. Thus the
energy allowed through the region. Yet in real calculation it would go, A + B = number
that is divided / by 25, then 4 and two or two again until it falls within .0501 and .0999 of
the charts index then divided again by eleven. As there are 11 universes that intersect
with ours, by the way it is now an accepted concept and was not when I first started; 11
universes in parallel with our own, each giving rise to the energies of the others through
intersection. Einstein termed it distant parallelism in his unified field theories. To save
Room for Simulacrum Mathematics, I won’t go into great detail of Einstein’s work. I will
place just enough to get the point across. For the full work by Einstein, I would suggest to
the reader to go to the website 1919 through
1930.html. There are other sites as well.
Albert Einstein, Berlin
translated by A. Unzicker from
Unified Field Theory based on
Riemannian Metrics and distant Parallelism
Mathematische Annalen 102 (1930), pp 685-697
In the present work I will describe a theory I have been working on for a year; it will be
exposed in a manner that it can be understood comfortably by everyone who knows
general relativity. The following version is necessary, because due to coherences and
improvements found in the meantime reading the earlier work would be a useless loss of
time. The topic is presented in a way that seems most advisable for a comfortable access.
In particular, I learned to know through Mr. Weitzenböck and Mr. Cartan that the
treatment of the continua we are talking about is not new. Mr. Cartan kindly wrote an
essay about the history of the relevant mathematical tools in order to complete my paper;
it is printed right after this paper in the same review. Also here I give my best thanks to
Mr. Cartan for his valuable contribution. The most important and however new result of
the present work is the finding of the most simple field laws that can be applied to a
Riemannian manifold with distant parallelism. I will discuss only briefly their physical
meaning. 1 The structure of the continuum
Since the number of dimensions has no impact on the following considerations, we
suppose an n-dimensional continuum. To take into account the facts of metrics and
gravitation we assume the existence of Riemann-metrics. But in nature we have also
electromagnetic fields, which cannot be described by Riemannian metrics. The question
arises: How can we join to our Riemannian spaces in a naturally logical way an
additional structure that provides a uniform character of the whole thing?
The continuum is (pseudo-)Euclidean in the vicinity of the point P. In every point there is
a local coordinate system of geodesics (i.e. orthogonal n-bein), in which the theorem of
Pythagoras is valid. The orientation of this n-beins is not important in a Riemannian
manifold. We assume that these elementary Euclidean spaces are governed by still
another direction law. We assume that with this space structure - like in Euclidean
geometry- it makes sense to speak of a parallel orientation of all n-beins together (which
would be senseless in a space with metrical structure only). In the following we think of
the orthogonal n-beins being always in parallel orientation. The however arbitrary
orientation of the local n-bein in one point P then determines the orientation of the local
n-beins in all points of the continuum uniquely. Our task is now to set up the simplest
limiting laws, which can be applied to such a continuum. Doing so, we hope to derive the
general laws
of nature, like the earlier general relativity tried this for gravitation by applying a purely
metrical space structure.
2 Mathematical description of the space structure
The local n-bein consists of n orthogonal unit vectors with components hs
with respect
to any Gaussian coordinate system. Here like always a lower Latin index shows the
affiliation to a certain bein of the n-beins, a Greek index - due to its upper or lower
position - the covariant or contra variant transformation character of the relevant entity
with respect to a change of the Gaussian coordinate system. The general transformation
property of the hs
is the following. If all local systems or n-beins are twisted in the same
manner, which is allowed, and a new Gaussian coordinate system is introduced at the
same time, then exists the following transformation law between the new and old hs
Now a Simulacrum comment
There are several reasons why Einstein’s unified theory is so needful. Einstein once stated
that God probably does not play dice. His statement simply means the universe is to
organized, to be created from chaos. This would mean it comes from intelligent design. I
would have to agree with him. The mathematics could not work other wise.
I also think the 1928 version of Einstein’s work is helpful as well. “quote.” Therefore,
new invariants and tensors will arise besides those known in Riemannian geometry made
by Einstein, 1928. Here is its write up as well. It fits Simulacrum mathematics very well
because Simulacrum mathematics is based upon it as well.
Albert Einstein
translation by A. Unzicker
Riemannian Geometry with Maintaining the Notion
of Distant Parallelism
June 7th, 1928
Riemannian Geometry has led to a physical description of the gravitational field in the
theory of general relativity, but it did not provide concepts that can be assigned to the
electromagnetic field. Therefore, theoreticians aim to find natural generalizations or
extensions of Riemannian geometry that are richer of concepts, hoping to get to a logical
construction that unifies all physical field concepts under one single leading point. Such
endeavors brought me to a theory which should be communicated even without
attempting any physical interpretation, because it can claim a certain interest just for the
neutrality of the concepts introduced therein.
Riemannian geometry is characterized by a Euclidean metric in an infinitesimal
neighborhood of any point P. Furthermore, the absolute values of the line elements which
belong to the neighborhood of two points P and Q of finite distance can be compared.
However, the notion of parallelism of such line elements is missing; a concept of
direction does not exist for the finite case. The theory outlined in the following is
characterized by introducing - beyond the Riemannian metric- the concept of
`direction' `equality of directions' or `parallelism' for finite distances. Therefore, new
invariants and tensors will arise besides those known in Riemannian geometry.
1 n-bein field and metric
Given an arbitrary point P of the n-dimensional continuum, let's imagine an orthogonal n-
bein of n unit vectors that represents a local coordinate system. Aa are the components of
a line element or another vector with respect to this local system (n-bein). Besides that,
we introduce a Gaussian coordinate system of the xν
for describing a finite domain. Let
be the components of a vector (A) with respect to that, and h a
the ν-components of
the unit vectors forming the n-bein. Then, we have1
= ha
Aa.... (1)
One obtains the inversion of (1) by calling hνa
the normalized sub determinants of the h
Aa = hµa Aµ
... . (1a)
Since the infinitesimal sets are euclidic, for the modulus A of the vector (A) holds
a = hµa hνa Aµ
... . (2)
Therefore, the components of the metric tensor appear in the form
gµν = hµa hνa, ... (3)
whereby the sum has to be taken over a.For a fixed a, the ha
are the components of a
contra variant vector. Furthermore, the following relations hold:
hµa ha
= δµ
... (4)
hµa hb
= δa b,... (5)
with δ = 1 if the indices are equal, and or δ = 0, if not. The correctness of (4) and (5)
follows from the above definition of the hµa as the normalized sub determinants of the ha
The vector property of hµa follows conveniently from the fact that the l.h.s. and therefore,
the r.h.s of (1a) as well, are invariant for any coordinate transformation and for any
choice of the vector (A). The n-bein field is determined by n2
functions ha
, whereas the
Riemannian metric is determined just by [(n(n+1))/ 2] quantities. According to (3), the
metric is determined by the n-bein field but not vice versa.
2 Teleparallelism and rotation invariance
By postulating the existence of the n-bein field (in every point) one expresses implicitly
the existence of a Riemannian metric and distant parallelism. Let then (A) and (B) be two
vectors in the points P and Q which have the same local coordinates with respect to their
n-beins (that means Aa = Ba), they have to be regarded as equal (because of (2)) and as
If we take the metric and the teleparallelism as the essential, i.e. the objective meaningful
things, then we realize that the n-bein field is not yet fully determined by these settings.
Yet metric and teleparallelism remain intact, if we substitute the n-beins of all points of
the continuum with substitutability rotation invariance and note: Only those mathematical
relations can claim or a real meaning that are rotational invariant.
Thus by keeping the coordinate system fixed, and a given a metric and a parallel
connection, the ha
are not yet fully determined; there is a possible substitution which
corresponds to the rotation invariance
= da m Am ..., (6)
whereby da m is chosen orthogonal and independent of the coordinates. (Aa) is an arbitrary
vector with respect to the local system, (A*
a) the same vector with respect to the rotated
local system According to (1a), from (6) follows
= da m hµm Aν
= da m hµm, ... (6a)
da m db m = dm a dm b = δa b , ... (6b)
∂da m
∂xν = 0. ... (6c)
Then the postulate of rotation invariance tells us that among the relations in which the
quantities h appear, only those may be seen as meaningful, which are transformed in h*
equal form, if h*
is introduced by eqns. (6). In other words: n-bein fields which are related
by locally equal rotations are equivalent.
The rule of infinitesimal parallel transport of a vector from point (xν
) to a neighboring
point (xν
+ d xν
) is obviously characterized by
d Aa = 0, ... (7)
that means by the equation
∂xσ Aµ
d xσ
+ hµa d Aµ
= 0
Mulitplicated by ha
this equation becomes after looking at (5)
d Aν
= - ∆µσ
d xσ
= ha
ν ∂hµa
This law of parallel transport is rotation invariant and not symmetric with respect to the
lower indices of the quantities ∆µσ
. If one transports now the vector (A) according to this
law along a closed curve, the vector remains unaltered; this means, that the Riemann
Rk, l m
= -
∂∆k l
∂xm +
∂∆k m
∂xl +∆αl
∆k m
∆k l
build from the connection coefficients vanishes according to (7a), which can be verified
easily. Besides this law of parallel transport there is that (nonintegrable) symmetric
transport law due to the Riemannian metric (2) and (3). It is given by the well-known
d xτ
∂xτ +
∂xµ -
According to (3), the Γµτ
are expressed by the quantities h of the n-bein fields. Thereby
one has to keep in mind that
= hα
. ... (9)
Because of this setting and due to (4) and (5) the equations
gνλ = δν
are fulfilled which define gµλ
from gµλ. This transport law based on the metric only is
rotation invariant in the above sense.
3 Invariants and covariants
On the manifold we are considering, besides the tensors and invariants of Riemann-
geometry which contain the quantities h only in the combination (3), there exist other
tensors and invariants, among which we will have a look at the simplest ones only.
If one starts with a vector (Aν
) in the point xν
, with the shifts d and [d] in the
neighboring point (x+ d xν
) the two vectors
+ d Aν
are produced. Thus the difference
d Aν
d Aν
= (Γαβ
) Aα
d xβ
has vector character as well. Therefore,
is a tensor, and also its skew symmetric part
) = Λβα
The fundamental meaning of this tensor in the theory developed here results from the
following: If this tensor vanishes, then the continuum is Euclidean. Namely, if
0 = 2 Λαβ
= ha
∂xβ -
holds, then by multiplication with hνb follows
0 =
∂xβ -
∂xα .
However, one may assume
ha b =
∂xα .
Therefore the field is derivable from n scalars ψb. We choose now the coordinates
according to the equation
ψb = x
Then, due to (7a) all the ∆βα
vanish, and the hµa and the gµν are constant.-
Since the tensor2
is formally the simplest one admitted by our theory, this tensor
shall be used as a starting point for characterizing such a continuum, and not the more
complicated Riemannian curvature tensor. The simplest quantities which come in mind
are the vector
and the invariants
and gµν gασ
From one of the latter ones (actually, from a linear combination of it), after multiplication
with the invariant volume element
h d τ,
(whereby h means the determinant mid hµα mid, d τ the product d x1... d xn), an invariant
integral J may be built. The setting
δJ = 0
provides then 16 differential equations for the 16 quantities hµα.
The question if this leads to laws with relevance for physics shall be investigated later.- It
may clarify things, to confront Weyl's modification of the Riemannian theory with the
one presented here:
Weyl : no comparison at distance, neither of the moduli, neither of directions of
Riemann : comparison at distance for moduli of vectors, but not of directions of
Present theory: comparison of both moduli and directions of vectors at distance.3
1 We assign Greek letters to the coordinate indices and Latin ones to the bein indices.
2 tr. note: in the literature this is called torsion tensor.
3 tr. note: This is the origin of the name distant parallelism as a synonym for absolute parallelism or teleparallelism , in German Fernparallelismus .
Simulacrum Point’s interjected here.
In the beginning I will only use the four pole charts. Later we will get into the six poles
charting, which show the six sides of the box. Example of six pole outlay.
Each of the four, or six pole designs has a number value.
Subsets are formed thus Element A U Element B> A number divided by 25 divided by 4
divided 2 if necessary, then divided by 11, rounded off to a .000000 number.
Six pole example
As I mentioned earlier, these regions have a number assigned and are compacted into a
tight cluster, I expanded them in order to show that each of these regions contain a
number value which show the relationship of how an element is formed and on how it
shows the various isotopes that can be formed just by increasing or decreasing the value
of the number value. Example of the element Copper is a part of the table of elements.
At this time I would point out that, Invariant, (a mathematical quantity or expression that
is constant through out a certain range of conditions) could also be applied to the nucleus
of the atom.
This would mean that each elements construction would use, Simulacrum numbers that
become the invariant numbers of the elements
Then the term Tensor, (a mathematical entity with components that change in a particular
way in the transformation from one coordinate system to another) would be the change in
numbers of the Simulacrum vector positions or the term of these positions could be
viewed as the quadrant numbers of each of the pole regions.
Vector, a quantity possessing both magnitude and direction as force or velocity; so when I
imply that there is a vector position, these are formed by the quadrant numbers of the
The- (the word the, is used before adjectives that are used substantively to note an
individual, a class or a number of individuals, or an abstract idea. So when Einstein
refers to the n-bein field, he is referring to an abstract idea. About the existence of
parallel mixing and intersecting (to follow a path or crossing or to go through something)
1 n-bein field and metric
Given an arbitrary point P of the n-dimensional continuum, let's imagine an orthogonal n-
bein of n unit vectors that represents a local coordinate system Quote.
Point P could be referred to as the 7th
pole at the nucleus of the atom, which is shown in
the example of the 6 pole chart above where all Poles intermix.
3 Invariants and co-variants
On the manifold we are considering, besides the tensors and invariants of Riemann-
geometry which contain the quantities h only in the combination (3), there exist other
tensors and invariants, among which we will have a look at the simplest ones only.
(Again Simulacrum math fits this concept very well.)
If one starts with a vector (Aν
) in the point xν
, with the shifts d and [d] in the
neighboring point (x+ d xν
) the two vectors. “Quote”
Referring to the manifold (1 of great variety; numerous. 2. Manifested in many ways,
or including many acts or elements; complex, 3. Existing in great abundance v.t. To
make more than one copy of at once, as with carbon paper on a typewriter.) (Isn’t this
Simulacrum as well?)
So then the vectors would be the lines that tie in the poles along states of velocity; into 19
the various pole regions.
Vector, (a quantity possessing both magnitude and direction as force or velocity.) So
When I imply that there is a vector position, these are formed by the quadrant numbers of
the poles. Vector (Aν
) could be connecting to the North Pole, in the point xν
, constituting
the clusters of the dark and black matter that, have been referred to as the atoms of the
North Pole.
Because these clusters form the atoms, that in turn all together form a solid block or
liquid of the element, 1ml or 1cm3 volume. These regions of the nucleus of the atoms, are
formed of dark and black matter. Simulacrum mathematics uses an average of alignment
of the nucleus regions for calculation of the elements.
So when we refer to the Tensor, (a mathematical entity with components that change in a
particular way in a transformation from one coordinate system to another. This happens
in several ways, which is why the sub-sets show different numbers at mostly the wake
and south poles. These simulacrum numbers called sub-sets show the force and change
occurring in these regions. With Union concepts, yet show radical change;
yet when we are dealing with Dis-Union concepts. The quantities of h are referring to the
black and dark matter. Then ha
refers to the vector and velocity state of h in the sub-
By the way I believe that the number and make up of the atoms in a block mass are
duplicated in the regions of the nucleus of the atoms that are constituted of black and dark
The sub-set regions seem to align to the numbers in the original charts, which means they
could be real characters of the isotopes of an atom. This could well account for the
various changes of the elements of one sample to another. The integrators are a product of
the way in which the elements are placed together in a group.
When the regions of black and dark matter are taken into account it would lead back to
the Schrödinger’s quantum or wave mechanics. If the electrons are portions of the regions
that make up the nucleus of the atom, then at this point it is important to consider the
possibility that different types of electrons are the product of the different regions of the
nucleus. A very good example of this would be a fluorescent light (after the energy of
emitting light from the regular ballast system of A.C. energy is drained and light emission
stops from the power source from the wall, yet light energy will again be emitted using a
high frequency wave generator, which strongly makes the argument that electrons have
different natures and react to energy differently. It also implies that the electrons are
shattered to create the photons of light emission.
When I refer to energy differently, I simply mean the wave length of the energy emitted to create
the reaction of the fluorescent light. In other words when the tube burns out, a Tesla coil will
again cause light emission, of a slightly different spectrum. Which again implies that electrons
could very well be a broken off piece, of the nucleus of the atom, then is shattered into photon
emission. That when enough of these electrons are destroyed to form light photons the emission
will stop. Until a higher frequency energy is put through the system to break off different
electrons from different sections of the atom.
This will eventually create an isotope of the element, as it changes from one state to another. I
think this is the basis for metal fatigue in mechanical parts and supporting structures in buildings
etc. In other words there is much more going on than meets the eye. Let’s use the frame of a car
or truck for example, they will crack and wear out over time, this is fatigue. I think it is caused
mainly because of the resistance of dark matter (gravity) to a change in state.
Gravity pulls harder against an object that is in motion, yes this would even include
Space. I also think that this is the basis for friction on parts moving against one another. The
reason for this is the elements all filter Dark and Black matter, (Gravity) differently. So it is quite
common for them to conflict with one another. In other words the dark matter particle’s passages,
through the elements are of different size, velocity state and orientation in the state of Distant
Parallelism. What the Charts are designed to do is give a crude idea of what is going on, and a
possible way to use these conflicting forces. Let’s look at an example of Lead and Tin. Lead and
Tin go together very nicely, let’s see if we can understand why.
Lead (Pb) Tin (Sn) Subset Pb/Sn
5.88636 U 6.73363 > 5.74090
5.88727 U 6.74363 > 5.74181
4.90636 U 5.61200 > 4.78454
7.53909 U 8.43000 > 7.17727
Arrows indicate a vector state, in the above and also a charge, in the state of the particles
Lead (Pb) fits within the 5 grouping, the average of the two subsets again end up in the 5
grouping. This also creates a region of direction that the two independent elements lacked. It is
not that the two elements are changed; it is the subsets that hold them together in the electron
Lets compare Copper (Cu) to the Pb/Sn subset. Copper forms a stirrer, or the blending of
more than one vector state. This is one of the reasons that it is a good thermo conductor,
as well as a good electrical conductor. If we were to compare Cu, with Silver (Ag)
If you wonder why Silver, is a better electrical conductor than Copper, Yet not as good a
thermo conductor, the above examples should show why. Silver will allow larger
electrons to pass and more of them. The subset of Lead/Tin will not. Copper is limited in
the lower right corner, and has a conflict of electron vector states.
Let’s compare Silver (Ag) to Aluminum (Al)
What is the difference between Ag, and Al ?
It is a matter of particle size and state. The top represents the North Pole, lower left, The
Wave Pole, to the right of that is the Wake Pole, at the bottom is the South Pole.
Notice that both elements are in the 6 grouping. It is the last three numerations at the end
that give the charge state. Ex. 818 at top of Ag, 181 for Al. Ag has a greater magnetic
force, than Al. Because the majority of the last 3 numerations are high
While the last 3 numerations of Al, are low. These numbers denote that Al, is a good
thermo conductor, yet not quite as good electron conductor. These examples also show
why Al, has a lower melting point than Ag.
The 4 Pole views of Pb. Shows a star cluster, energy going out and no entry. By the way
the same is true for Sn.
Yet a 6 Pole chart will show entry of energy, for Lead (Pb).
I would think that this is one reason for Lead’s use in radiation shielding.
Tin (Sn), Show’ exit of energy only in the 4 Pole Charts
Yet again the Six Pole charts for Sn Shows an entry.
If the reader studies the numbers you will find that Pb and Sn are mirrors of one another.
For the Most part I use the 4 Pole calculations, mostly because they tell me all I need to
know. When I really get serious I use the 6 Pole charts.
An example would be the union of Pb and Sn.
Pb U Sn
5.88636 6.74363 > 5.74090
6.02090 6.89727 > 5.87181
4.90545 5.62000 > 4.78454
5.88727 6.74363 > 5.74181
4.90636 5.62000 > 4.78454
7.53909 8.43000 > 7.17727
Lead and Tin, both have entry points on the East Poles, Yet the union of Lead and Tin,
show an entry point at the South Pole. This is the source of diffraction of the elements.
This is caused by the inference of Black and Dark matter through the elements. Which
makes up a guide for how to use these energies of gravity? Diffraction is an interesting
topic, as it refers to the bending of the light waves. Yet it is established that light travels
in quanta particle packets in waves. When light enters glass it slows in velocity from
186,000 miles per second to roughly 124.000 miles per second. Upon exiting the glass
the light reaccelerates back to the 186,000 miles per second. Could the answer be that the
particle packets are accelerated by black and dark matter?
I think that it is the only logical reason for that to occur. If that were true then why can’t
matter cause a slowing of black and dark matter as well? Talking of black and dark
matter, I don’t feel we can even begin to understand the complex nature of the myriad of
these particle streams. I believe Einstein understood it to a very high level. This is why he
formed the distant parallelism concept.
I think when the states of velocity are taken into account the only logical explanation is
there are streams of dark matter particles that pass through matter as if it were not there.
Though there is enough inference that other larger slower dark matter particles are struck
By these higher state particles and accelerated after being slowed by matter. I would
conjecture that the mean average velocity state of dark matter to be roughly 3.5 billion
miles per second. Thus creating the term distant parallelism as a needful way to explain
It is this reason I was able to form an artificial gravity well. This is the reason I formed
the mathematics in the format as it is now, to give a visible image of the interaction of the
particle makeup of the nucleus of the atom, as well as the particle passage through the
By inducing matter into motion and vibration this causes a conflict of the dark and black
matters passage through thus causing conflict that in turn breaks of pieces of the nucleus.
This is the change in state I have referred before. In the instance of forming alloys it is
needful to contribute some particles back into the region so that the kick back forces can
draw the elements together. The kick back forces are a direct result of the reacceleration
of dark matter in-between the sub regions of the atom. I think it will be found that
elements are constantly losing and gaining electrons as well as other sub atomic matter.
Thus an evolution of transforming the elements over time I doubt that there is one atom
on the earth or else where for that matter that is the same as they once were. We absorb
sub particles from our surroundings and loose sub particles every instance of our lives,
and so does all other matter. It is good in a way to know this because we can use that
knowledge to create new forms of materials for use in our everyday lives.
It is needful for the student to understand the vastness of these concepts in order to be
able to use the mathematics and charting as, an expansion of ideas and new tools to
understand how to use them.
Lets again take up the topic of kick back forces, the interplay in these are quite simple yet
hard for most students to understand. If we view a target being struck by a bullet upon of
the instant of contact the target is pulled towards the muzzle of the rifle, then the bullet
passes through and the target is drawn towards the receding bullet. Which leads to a
question of what would happen if the bullet upon impact instantly stretched elongated
and accelerated in higher velocity in the same instance. I believe that the initial impact
would cause the target to be kicked back towards the muzzle.
I believe that this is the interplay through the nucleus and sub particles of the atom. This
is a very similar process going on with black and dark matter. They become the bullets.
The interplay then creates a view of distant parallelism. With a twist, Steven Hawks view
of string theory. Especially dark matter can and does exist in more than one space time,
through multiple matter in and through out our sun, earth and outside of our solar system
all in the same instant in our way of measuring time. In a sense they act just as a string,
for matter to slide along, as in someone propelling from a cliff. Every object in their path;
is affected by their vibrations and interplay through matter. If for some reason matter is
caused into motion, this can and does set up a region were there is a deflection to the dark
matter, and it will change direction yet still affect other matter in its new direction. A very
good example is the formation of the alloy of Fe and Al. By creating conditions for the
interplay to occur. I know I use interplay as a word quite often, yet it is the only way I can
explain what is going on.
Again take Lead and Tin sets, they both have an east entry point for dark matter on the 6
Pole view. Yet the mirror of the union indicates a slower south entry between them. This
is an example of how dark matter of distant Parallism is brought into our space time
reference even if it is only for an instant, which by the way is exactly what occurs when
light photons passage through glass.
As Einstein pointed out that there is a distortion in the time between a person sitting and
one in motion. I don’t believe he viewed it as a fact only an observation. Through
calculation he was able to prove a distortion of time to different observers from different
reference points. At the speed of light rounding it off he determined as 1/10 time
differential. So what would be the effect, if one were to ponder the 1/100 time
The particles of dark matter are traveling in waves from 360 spherical degrees in and to
all directions through space and time. These could very well be organized by earth’s
matter, into a lower velocity state as well as a mirror effect to form what we view as
gravity. There the kick back forces would propel us to earth.
Example Pb
Above again is the example of Lead with an east entry for dark matter.
Tin also has an east entry, yet the particles that enter Tin are of a different size and
velocity than the ones that enter Lead. This is why the kick back forces of the particles
attract the two together so nicely. The region between the elements I call the subsets are
made up imaginary element’s themselves and they act just as if they were real elements.
This would also explain the formation of various isotopes.
Example Lead and Tin
These form the mirror subset as viewed above. Which means that a change in the state of dark matter has
occurred by combining the two elements together? By demonstrating the lower velocity South entry in the
mirror, we see an interaction of the different sizes and state of the dark matter filtered by the two elements.
In other words the state of the dark matter reaches a state of conflict, causing the impact of these particles
into the nucleus of the atoms thus lowering their states of velocity.
This is the reason that the energy can be used at that stage. There are infinite
combinations that occur all the time. It is only a matter to determine which elements to
use to create a desired energy state.
Lets take a look at the difference between, the atomic weights of the elements and their
specific gravity. Specific gravity is an elements displacement of water which raises an
interesting question. Why would an element behave differently with water, than it would
on a weight scale? To find that answer it becomes necessary to determine the overall
subset for water. Water is formed into dipoles and it literally is formed as H, O, H. There
are other variations of the 6 Pole charts, so for understanding I will form them thus.
H U O > Sub #1 U H >
North North North North
East East East East
West West West West
Wave Wave Wave Wave
Wake Wake Wake Wake
South South South South
Which form’s Sub #2. Then we union sub #1 U to sub #2, to attain the overall for the
water dipole, the numbers would change for heavy water.
H U O > Sub #1 U H Sub #2
5.72636 U 7.27181> 5.90818 U 5.72636 > 5.28818
5.85727 U 5.37181> 5.10454 U 5.85727 > 4.98272
4.77272 U 6.06000> 4.92363 U 4.77272 > 8.81454
5.72727 U 7.27272> 5.90909 U 5.72727 > 5.28909
4.77272 U 6.06090> 4.92454 U 4.77272 > 8.81545
7.15909 U 4.54545> 5.32000 U 7.15909 > 5.67272
Although I call Sub #2 H20. There are two other Sub’s, yet this is a good and accurate overview.
Notice that H2O has an entry at the east and wave poles. High numerations exit on the north;
wake; While the low numerations exit on the west and south.
Aluminum has an atomic weight of 26.98154 and a specific gravity of 2.6989.
Notice that the entry is all south. I think we need at this time to union Al, to H2O. Also I
am going to assume that the reader knows the alignment of the poles.
Al, U H2O Al/H2O
6.13181 U 5.28818 > 5.19090
6.27272 U 4.98272 > 5.11636
5.11000 U 8.81454 > 6.32909
6.13272 U 5.28909 > 5.19181
7.66636 U 5.67272 > 6.06363
5.11090 U 8.81545 > 6.33000
H2O, has one entry from the east, Al/H2O has one entry on the east and one west.
Iron, (Fe) has an atomic weight of 55.847 and a specific gravity of 7.874. So the atomic
weight and the specific gravity follow according to the difference of the weight of Al, and
Fe. Lets look at Fe.
Again Lets see if we can see why it has a higher specific gravity, With its union to H2O.
Fe U H2O > Fe/H2O
6.34636 U 5.28818 > 5.28818
6.49181 U 4.98272 > 5.21545
5.28909 U 8.81454 > 6.41090
6.34727 U 5.28909 > 5.28909
5.28909 U 8.81545 > 6.41090
7.93454 U 5.67272 > 6.18545
I notice that the numerations for Fe, West and Wake are identical. Also H2O and Fe/H20
are identical. On the North Pole. Also Fe, Wake and H20 West and Fe/H2O west are the
identical. Two entry points West and Wake, for Fe/H2O, compared to Al/H2O, Entry East
and West.
Strontium (Sr) has an atomic weight of 87.62 and a specific gravity of 2.54. It varies a lot
when compared to Al, or Fe. I wonder why. Let’s look at it in union with H2O.
Sr U H2O > Sr/H20
4.97818 U 5.28818 > 4.66636
5.09181 U 4.98272 > 4.57909
6.03454 U 8.81454 > 6.75000
4.97818 U 5.28909 > 4.66727
8.29727 U 8.81545 > 7.77818
6.22272 U 5.67272 > 5.35636
Example of Strontium and Water
The first thing I notice
is that Sr/H2O only has one entry point, and because the lower
numerations are the largest, thus more forceful most of the energy is repelling against the
H2O dipole. All the other numerations are high, thus they match and push against the
H2O. Example Water
I know this if I wanted to pump water through tubing, I would try to match the Sr, subset.
I want to show the extremes, So lets use Gold (Au), Au, has an atomic weight of
196.9665 and a specific gravity of 18.88. Lead (Pb) has an atomic weight of 207. 2, yet a
specific gravity of 11.35 On a scale Pb, outweighs Au,. Yet with water it is lighter or has a
lesser specific gravity. Let’s find out why.
Au, U H2O > Au/H2O
5.59545 U 5.28818 > 4.94727
5.72363 U 4.98272 > 4.86636
4.66363 U 8.81454 > 6.12636
5.59636 U 5.28909 > 4.94818
4.66363 U 8.81545 > 6.12727
6.99545 U 5.67272 > 5.75818
Example Gold and Water
I would have to assume that because all numerations are high, that Au/H2O would settle
in water like a stone or have a higher specific gravity. Numerations from a 636 to 909, are
gravity related, or molecular in nature. Now we calculate for the Pb union with H2O.
Pb U H2O > Pb/H2O
5.88636 U 5.28818 > 5.07909
6.02090 U 4.98272 > 5.00181
4.90545 U 8.81454 > 6.23636
5.88727 U 5.28909 > 5.08000
4.90636 U 8.81545 > 6.23727
7.35909 U 5.67272 > 5.92363
If we compare to Au/H2O, Pb, has two entry points. East and Wave, Also again these are
the low slow, powerful energy entries. This also would cause Lead not to fall in water as
easy. Or it would cause it to have a lesser specific gravity as compared to that of Gold.
Example of Gold and Water
Notice the differences between the ways Au, is intercepted by water compared to Pb Let’s
compare Al, Fe, and Sr. With their interactions with Water as well.
As the student develops a better understanding of the mathematics, it will become clear
as to how and why these interactions occur. The hardest object to learn of the math is the
interlocking combinations of the various particle sizes involved. As well as the particle
velocity states, in distant parallelism that Einstein alluded to. Yet the information and
facts are all over the scientific world, of past scientists and the new ones in our day and
age we are very lucky to have the skills of these scientists.
Example of Iron and Strontium with water
Sr, only has one low slow entry, again the most powerful. Al, and Fe, is slightly higher
energy entry points. When I speak of higher energy I am referring to the last three
Numerations these are a 545 and higher. Which are more magnetic and gravity related.
By making comparisons of the known factual work, we can establish a format to allow
the charting to make predictions of the unknown. Sodium when formed into NaOH,
forms, Sodium hydroxide, (NaOH) is a material that reacts violently with water, perhaps
the question we should ask is Why? Let’s take a look and find out. I will format it in the
order of
O, Na, H. O. U Na > O/Na U H O/Na/H
7.27181 U 5.22454 > 5.68000 U 5.72636 > 5.18454
5.37181 U 5.34454 > 4.87090 U 5.35727 > 4.64909
6.06000 U 6.33363 > 5.63363 U 4.77272 > 5.16454
7.27272 U 5.22545 > 5.68090 U 5.72727 > 5.18545
6.06090 U 8.70909 > 6.71363 U 4.77272 > 5.22090
4.54545 U 6.53181 > 5.03545 U 7.15909 > 5.54272
Example of caustic Lye
High numeration energy entry, Low Powerful exit, now to see how it reacts with H2O.
O/Na/H U H2O > O/Na/H/H20
5.18454 U 5.28818 > 4.76000
4.64909 U 4.98272 > 5.51000
5.16454 U 8.81454 > 6.35454
5.18545 U 5.28909 > 4.76090
5.22090 U 8.81545 > 6.38000
5.54272 U 5.67272 > 5.09818
This combination, is nasty.
Example of NaOH.
The vast majority of the numbers are the powerful low numerations; it is no wonder why
this would strip H, away from H2O as well as O, for that matter a very nasty material.
As I go forward with Simulacrum mathematics’ I see a new world and new possibilities.
Which shines the Universe under a new light, gone should be the misconceptions of the
past. Most of the scientific materials we depend upon are based in the 1700’s and the
One of the discoveries I made was artificial gravity or an enhanced molecular field. It has
been used to create new and useful materials. We will Calculate the entire portion of these
system’s at a later time. I feel it is important for the student to understand the basic’s first.
Another related system is the deflecting or blocking of magnetic fields.
It takes imagination to stretch science in new directions to create new processes in order
to understand the nature of matter and energy. Lithium is highly reactive in water. Lets try
and determine why?
Lithium (Li)
Example of Li,.
Notice Li, has all low numerations, the low slow powerful ones. Lets view in
combination with H2O.
Example of Water; Water overall is sub #2 in these lessons
H U O > Sub #1 U H Sub #2
5.72636 U 7.27181> 5.90818 U 5.72636 > 5.28818
5.85727 U 5.37181> 5.10454 U 5.85727 > 4.98272
4.77272 U 6.06000> 4.92363 U 4.77272 > 8.81454
5.72727 U 7.27272> 5.90909 U 5.72727 > 5.28909
4.77272 U 6.06090> 4.92454 U 4.77272 > 8.81545
7.15909 U 4.54545> 5.32000 U 7.15909 > 5.67272
Example of Lithium mixed with Water
Li U H2O > Li/H2O
6.31000 U 5.28818 > 5.27181
6.45454 U 4.98272 > 5.19909
5.26000 U 8.81454 > 6.39727
6.31090 U 5.28909 > 5.27272
5.26090 U 8.81545 > 6.39818
7.88909 U 5.67272 > 6.16454
Example of Li, and H2O,.
The subset formed acts as a stirrer to the molecules of H2O. The Low slow powerful
particles emitted from the Wave and South will strike Oxygen the strongest, in the H2O
molecule; and liberating the hydrogen atoms, in a violent reaction.
Referring to the first page, of Dalton’s findings and the finding of other researchers the
atoms of the same element are alike and atoms of different elements are different. The
same is true for the subset mixtures of compounds. It is the passage of dark and black
matter in packets that create the subset regions. Not all dark and black matter will pass
through the regions of the diverse different atoms. These particle packets are deflected off
the atoms, where they mix and merge with particle deflection of other atoms.
For example if we were to view what happens to the quanta packets of light photons
traveling in waves and their interaction with a glass pane not all photon packets will pass
through the pane. Thus are deflected off from the glass. This deflection mixes with other
deflective light from rocks trees etc, color is formed due to the different velocity states of
the photon packets. Yet I believe there is enough evidence to prove that the particle
packets of photons contain different sizes as well.
These variances in size would imply that the lower number numerations are larger
packets and have a lower velocity state. This is what I believe goes on in and around the
nucleus of the atoms as it pertains to the dark and black matter packets in a velocity state.
Different atoms deflect different dark and black matter particle packets. These are the
source of the reactive actions that occur in the preceding equations above. I suspect that
the higher numerations are smaller particles at higher velocity states. It is when the lower
and higher numerations collide that reactions occur.
These reactions occur trillions of times a second in and around all matter and energy
particles. The dark and black matter are the deflective medium that cause the diffraction
of radio signals through space as well as other light associated particle packets. I believe
that these dark and black matter particles collide with each other as well. This creates the
dynamics of the Universe?
The above diagram then could represent even one black matter particle as it is affected by
the dark matter. It is simple really. Dark matter particle packets traveling in waves are
smaller in size thus are in velocity states that Einstein described as Distant Parallelism.
This could indicate that they exist outside of our space time reference yet still affect the
energy and matter of our space time? Imagine a state where particle packets exist with
velocity states at 3.4 billion miles per second from our space time reference. Imagine
dark matter packets at even higher velocity states than that.
In theory a dog trotting across the Brooklyn bridge could cause it to collapse, If that were
to be true, then there is a lot more going on that just the dog’s trot. It would cause
vibrations into the atoms of the elements that the bridge is made of which would cause a
collision of the dark and black matter, with the matter of the bridge. The term of
Simulacrum came from the mirror reflections of these particles creating regions that are
in and through out the entire fabric of the space and time of the elements of the bridge.
Einstein’s Distant Parallelism, Hawkins’s sting theories would also pertain, because a
rose by any other name is still a rose. In essence both theories imply the same thing. Then
the difference between those theories and Simulacrum is simply, Simulacrum is trying to
define what transpires between matter and energy. How do we use the obvious? Which I
hope is by design I would gather? This is why the subset regions have been designed, in
order to get a better view of these reactions.
In the earlier sections I have shown the overall subset region for NaOH, I held off from
pointing out, Sodium (Na). Na, is also highly reactive with H2O. So Lets take a look see.
Study the numbers; even the first numerations are similar. There will be collisions in all
regions, between the dark and black matter. Stripping the O, from the H2 as well as the
H, from H,. What has not been viewed is the structure of the Hydrogen or the Oxygen.
Example of O, and H,.
In the above examples, are O, not O2, or H, not H2. To obtain those examples there must
be subset’s calculated. Lets start with H, Then. Notice in the preceding portions of the
book to determine H2O, I calculated H U O > Sub, U H > overall for water.
+ Example of H2
H U H > H2
5.72636 U 5.72636 > 5.20545
5.85727 U 5.85727 > 5.32454
4.77272 U 4.77272 > 8.67727
5.72727 U 5.72727 > 5.20636
4.77272 U 4.77272 > 8.67727
7.15909 U 7.15909 > 6.50818
Now for O2.
O U O > O2
7.27181 U 7.27181 > 6.61090
5.37181 U 5.37181 > 4.88363
6.06000 U 6.06000 > 5.50909
7.27272 U 7.27272 > 6.61181
6.06090 U 6.06090 > 5.51000
4.54545 U 4.54545 > 8.26454
What I have attempted to do, is show that the Oxygen atom is larger than the Hydrogen
atom. Now once again compare to the single H, atom on each side of O,. At the same
time, it will take serious energy to combine them. Can the student see why?
Example of H,.
The numbers between O, and H2, are opposite numerations similar to Pb, and Sn, as
viewed earlier in this text. It indicates H2O, is not easy to divide it into separate segments
of pure O, and pure H, of course we already knew that. Yet these numerations indicate
why, it would take enormous energy to combine them as well. Example, H2 and O, later.
Through the studies of the six poles of the elements and their combining subsets, the
mysteries of these energies can be better understood. By taken known scientific facts
through subset patterns, it becomes apparent that knowledge can be expanded upon into
new designs.
In the forward of the book, is the six pole table. It is a column format instead of the 3-D
view this format will allow the student to form the 3-D view. I have considered using a
different 3-D format, yet that will come later one that shows the crystal makeup of the
atoms. It is illusion due to vibration that gives off the impression that the atoms are
round, or circular.
Examples of H2, and O,.
Oxygen (O), will combine with H2, although there is a resistance to the formation at the
East and South poles. Which indicates the need for enormous energy to combine H2, with
O, The reason it can be stated in this manner is because H2, East has a low numeration as
well as the South poles of H2, and O, are high numerations, thus will resist the combining
together of those segments. We are not using charge factors with these charts. The
electron charge of the orbital’s have already been established in the chemistry texts, Yet
Low and High numerations indicate some form of magnetic and gravity (molecular).
charges. The Magnetic or Gravitational (molecular), charges in these regions have not
been mapped out except in Simulacrum theory these Low or High numerations are the
reason for the established electron theory, simply because they are the source of the
energy behind the electron motion. Along with the state of were electrons would be found
These regions give rise to electrons, photons, X-rays, etc. This is accomplished by
vibrations induced upon the atoms, and the emissions given off are due to the interference
of the atoms normal state, which is a state of rest. The atoms are caused into motion;
This affects the normal passage of dark and black matter through these regions of the
atoms. This causes the black and dark matter to strip off subatomic particles known as the
electro-magnetic spectrum. These are the electrons, photons, etc. I know I repeat myself,
yet it is a very important concept, if the student plans on using the mathematics to any
advantage. While we are on the topic lets discuss the electron orbital’s, let’s view Al, and
The above examples are a crude version of the structure and orbital of electrons. The
student can get a better example from any number chemistry text books. These are the
images viewed under an electron microscope. I believe that the spherical distortion is due
to the vibration induced by the microscope’s electron bombardment, thus interfering with
dark matters passage through.
Are electrons, in a true orbit, or are they trapped in stasis by kick back forces of dark and
black matter? I believe that under normal circumstances they are locked in stasis. It
would cause the electron’s to be shattered into molecular, magnetic and photon particles
Once again I will mention that the atoms themselves are crystal in structure, or they have
geometric and trigonal configurations. Vibrations induced into the region of the atoms
cause them to spin. I have mentioned this before and will again, it is that important of a
concept to understand. This will help the student to understand the mathematics with
much more clarity.
At this point, I will again bring up Schrödinger’s work found on pages 4 and 5. I earlier
mentioned the spectrum of the light waves and electromagnetic spectrum. Just what
medium are the electrons vibrating in? In other words, there is something there for them
to be affected by and that is why there is an effect by the electrons vibrations. I think that
it is the dark matter energy causing the effect.
In fact I believe it is very similar to which the light photons are emitted. The basic
premise is, electron’s induced into vibration are struck by dark matter. Particles of the
electron are cast off in waves. Which are transferred over the median by dark matter? It is
in much this manner that the alloys are joined in the induction furnace. This is
accomplished by creating a region that becomes the target region for the electrons to
settle to. If an electron or the nucleus of the atom is caused into a spin, then the east,
wake, west, and wave are all interfering with each other. At that stage there can be no
kick back forces of dark matter that will join them together. I believe the electrons
emulate the structure of the atom from which they are sprung. This is simply because the
whole structure is formed from the same dark matter material.
There was a joke in a Steven Hawkins’s book. A professor was giving a talk on the string
theory. At the end of his lecture, a little old lady stood up and said, very clever young
man. But everyone knows that the earth is supported by the back of a giant turtle. The
professor smiled and said Ok madam, if that is the case; then what is the turtle standing
on? The old lady replied why everyone knows it is turtles all the way down.
In a sense that is what electrons are, a minor mirror of the whole from where they came. I
would imagine that the photons are the mirrors of the electrons, etc. These are important
insights for the purpose of calculation.
The most important concept behind calculation is to have a clear insight to the goal at the
end. In other words pick a topic, define it. Study the characteristics of the materials, and
the elements involved; It does not matter if it is the alloy’s, communication, photon drive
or a whatever. If the concept deals with a real design then it is made up of the physical
elements, which has to be studied and understood, before calculations can be derived.
For instance, it is known that Iron (Fe) is cubic in structure. Aluminum (Al) is crystalline.
In order to alloy them, Al, has to be rotated into a cubic shape. We know that Fe, has 26
electrons and Al, has 13 electrons. To pair them in a proper format, we have to double the
Al, in order to form the union by volume not weight. This leads to the knowledge that Al,
has a melting temperature that is almost 1/3rd
of Fe, Al, boil off point is much lower than
Fe,. So a way needs to be developed to preserve the electrons of Al, rather than having it
become ionic. Aluminum is a paramagnetic element. If it were to become ionic it would
become diamagnetic.
A diamagnetic element is feebly repelled in the presence of a ferromagnetic field. As Fe,
cools down it has plenty of electron spin, which forms a ferromagnetic force. This is why
under normal conditions, the electrons are stripped away from the Al, becoming ionic and
Fe, becomes ferromagnetic. This is also why under normal circumstances the alloy
becomes brittle, which requires a special set of conditions to form a true alloy. The more
that is known about a material the greater the chances of success.
On pages 27 and 28, are the simulacrum chart images of Al, and Fe,. I will again bring
them in for review, with the above added insight.
Al, and Fe,.
The numerations at the end of the equations are opposite, Al, is low, Fe is high. Al has a
high entry, and Fe, has a low entry. It tells me that they should merge together, if the right
conditions are met. It would require knowledge of the desired outcome, as well as
matching the simulacrum images of other elements to blend with the Al, Thus preserving
the integrity of the electron structures of the Al. Because we want to form Al, with Fe,
We would calculate Al2, Fe, Lets go for it.
Al, U Fe, > #1 U Al, > Al2 / Fe
6.13181 U 6.34636 > 5.67181 U 6.13181 > 5.36545
6.27272 U 6.49181 > 5.80181 U 6.27272 > 5.48818
5.11000 U 5.28909 > 4.72727 U 5.11000 > 8.94272
6.13272 U 6.34727 > 5.67272 U 6.13272 > 5.36636
5.11090 U 5.28909 > 4.72727 U 5.11090 > 8.94363
7.66636 U 7.93454 > 7.09181 U 7.66636 > 6.70818
Al2/Fe subset
In order to form this region, we are going to have to create its mirror or as closely as
possible to it. We would ideally like to have all the starting numbers of all the poles in the
same region. Yet I suspect that the wake and west poles will deviate. The last three
numerals are going to have to be high where the Al2/Fe is low, such as in the wake and
west poles. The numerations that are high are going to have to be low, such as the north,
east, wave and south poles. That would become the mirror region for the alloy to form.
Because I have not calculated this before in the six pole charts it should be very
interesting. Lets begin with the alloy generator that works somewhat and see if it can be
improved. Right away, we have Fe, and Pb, lets union them.
Fe, U Pb, > Fe/Pb U C, Fe/Pb/C
6.34636 U 5.88636 > 5.56000 U 8.53181 > 6.40545
6.49181 U 6.02090 > 5.68727 U 6.30272 > 5.45000
5.28909 U 4.90545 > 4.63363 U 7.11000 > 5.33818
6.34727 U 5.88727 > 5.56090 U 8.53272 > 6.40636
5.28909 U 4.90636 > 4.63454 U 7.11090 > 5.33909
7.93454 U 7.35909 > 6.95181 U 5.33272 > 5.58363
If the student compares the Fe, combo, the North Pole is not what is desired. The
numbers are to high 6, instead of a 5. Also the end numbers are both 545. This would
repel the Al2/Fe combo, although it is a good starting point because the majority of the
numerations would attract.
Fe/Pb/C Combo
The next combination should be Na/Si/03, added to the Fe/Pb/C combo. It acts as a
binder and an energy regulator. I will calculate in this manner,
(Water glass).
O, U Na > O/Na U O, > O/Na/O U Si, > O/Na/O/Si
7.27181 U 5.22454 > 5.68000 U 7.27181 > 5.88727 U 6.38272 > 5.57727 U
5.37181 U 5.34454 > 4.87090 U 5.37181 > 4.65545 U 6.52909 > 5.08363 U
6.06000 U 6.33363 > 8.26454 U 6.06000 > 5.14727 U 5.31909 > 4.75727 U
7.27272 U 5.22545 > 5.68090 U 7.27272 > 5.88818 U 6.38363 > 5.57818 U
6.06090 U 8.70909 > 6.71363 U 6.06090 > 5.80636 U 5.32000 > 4.75818 U
4.54545 U 6.53181 > 5.03545 U 4.54545 > 8.71000 U 7.98000 > 7.58636 U
O, > O/Na/O/Si/O
7.27181 > 5.84090 Notice, the overall subset is by itself out side the group
5.37181 > 4.75272 we would like to see. Yet we will combo it with Fe/Pb/C
6.06000 > 4.91727 to determine how it will work in the sets.
7.27272 > 5.84181
6.06090 > 4.91818
4.54545 > 5.51454
We will apply Fe,Pb,C, with NaSiO3. Here we go.
Fe/Pb/C U NaSiO3 > #1 Fe/Na combo These are U with Fe2 because of 2 plates.
Fe2 #1 Fe/Na,Combo/Fe2
6.40545 U 5.84090 > 5.56636 U 5.76909 > 5.15454
5.45000 U 4.75272 > 4.63727 U 5.90181 > 4.79090
5.33818 U 4.91727 > 4.66181 U 4.80818 > 8.60909
6.40636 U 5.84181 > 5.56727 U 5.77000 > 5.15454
5.33909 U 4.91818 > 4.66272 U 4.80818 > 8.61000
5.58363 U 5.51454 > 5.04454 U 7.21363 > 5.57181
I want to point out that, everything is working to restrict the flow of gravity, to a very fine
degree. With that in mind, the magnetic forces will come to play to create our region for
the alloy. But for now we still have to subset the quartz, in the clay and the added Fe.
SiO2, is quartz, yet so is SiO4. I believe that SiO4 in clay is the more likely candidate.
O2 U Si > SiO2 U O2 > SiO4
6.61090 U 6.38272 > 5.90636 U 6.61090 > 5.69000
4.88363 U 6.52909 > 5.18727 U 4.88363 > 4.57818
5.50909 U 5.31909 > 4.92181 U 5.50909 > 4.74181
6.61181 U 6.38363 > 5.90727 U 6.61181 > 5.69090
5.51000 U 5.32000 > 4.92272 U 5.51000 > 4.74181
8.26454 U 7.98000 > 7.38363 U 8.26454 > 7.11272
SiO4 U Fe > SiO4/Fe U Cu, winding > SiO4/Fe/Cu,.
5.69000 U 6.34636 > 5.47090 U 7.22090 > 5.76909
4.57818 U 6.49181 > 5.03181 U 7.38636 > 5.64454
4.74181 U 5.28909 > 4.56000 U 6.01818 > 4.80818
5.69090 U 6.34727 > 5.47181 U 7.22181 > 5.77000
4.74181 U 5.28909 > 4.56000 U 6.01818 > 4.80818
7.11272 U 7.93454 > 6.84000 U 9.02727 > 7.21272
What is left to do, is to subset SiO4FeCu, into quartz SiO4, as the final clay layer.
SiO4 U SiO4FeCu > #2 combo
5.69090 U 5.76909 > 5.20909 what we have here is the final lap
4.57818 U 5.64454 > 4.64636 we will now have to subset #1U#2
4.74181 U 4.80818 > 8.68181 for our field overall.
5.69090 U 5.77000 > 5.21000
4.74181 U 4.80818 > 8.68181
7.11272 U 7.21272 > 6.51181
#1 U #2 Rune OV
5.15454 U 5.20909 > 4.71090
4.79090 U 4.64636 > 8.57909
8.60909 U 8.68181 > 7.86000
5.15454 U 5.21000 > 4.71090
8.61000 U 8.68181 > 7.86000
5.57181 U 6.51181 > 5.49272
Rune overall
Let’s compare to our Al2/Fe
This material would come together in the North and South Poles. It would come together
in the Wave Pole. With feeble repelling in the East, Wake, and West, Poles. This is why
we have the minute flaws. Yet notice, the low slow numerations are present, if anything
will effect dark matter this design will. What is left to do is union Rune Overall with the
Al2Fe, to see what is formed.
Rune OV U Al2Fe > Structure of material
4.71090 U 5.36545 > 4.58000
8.57909 U 5.48818 > 6.39454
7.86000 U 8.94272 > 7.63727
4.71090 U 5.36636 > 4.58090
7.86000 U 8.94363 > 7.63818
5.49272 U 6.70818 > 5.54636
At this point I can see where the micro fractures are coming from. We would have
attractions on the north, east, west, wave, and wake. The flaw would be at the South Pole.
For the most part each segment would form inner-metallic compounds. The regions
themselves would have a fine line of separation.
Structure of Material
So the S.M. region becomes the molecular mold to hold the material together in. Notice
the East of S.M. is low, where the East of Al2Fe, is high. They will draw together. The
South Pole becomes the weak link, between the inter-metallic compound regions. It
makes me wonder, if adding a .05% of Cu, to the alloy would eliminate the problem.
Let’s see.
In Rune field
Cu .05% U Al2Fe > .05%CuAl2Fe U Rune O.A > Al2Fe.05%Cu
.361045 U 5.36545 > 5.20636 U 4.71090 > 9.01545
.369318 U 5.48818 > 5.32636 U 8.57909 > 6.32090
.300909 U 8.94272 > 8.40363 U 7.86000 > 7.39272
.361045 U 5.36636 > 5.20636 U 4.71090 > 9.01545
.300909 U 8.94363 > 8.40454 U 7.86000 > 7.39272
.4513635 U 6.70818 > 6.50909 U 5.49272 > 5.45545
Material with .05% Cu
Everything about the addition of Copper indicates to me that it makes the problem worse.
When compared to the goal of forming the ideal Al2Fe, material.
The material with .05% Cu, is very close to Tb. Lets view Tb. The oxide of Tb, is
chocolate or dark maroon color. The above material should be maroon in color as well. It
is a rare element of the lanthanide series. It has 19 isotopes, used in solid state devices.
The oxide has potential application as an activator for green phosphors used in color TV
Tubes; That is used to dope calcium fluoride, calcium, tungstate, and strontium
molybdate. Sodium terbium borate is used as a laser material and emits coherent light at
5460A. In
1982 it cost $600.00 a pound. It can only be remelted in a vacuum furnace.
Terbium (Tb)
Compared to the subset of Al2Fe, 05%Cu. formed in the Rune field.
The major variance is the east, and south poles, even at that they are in the same first digit
range. On all 6 poles. For every intent this material would act as an isotope of Tb; I
digress, yet when I see examples like the above, I notice it. Cu, at .05% won’t work. Let’s
try something else. Let’s try Bismuth (Bi), at .05% and see what happens.
Bi X .05% > .05%Bi U Al2Fe > Al2Fe.05%Bi
5.93636 X .296815 U 5.36545 > 5.14727
6.07181 X .3035905 U 5.48818 > 5.26545
4.94727 X .2473635 U 8.94272 > 8.35545
5.93636 X .296815 U 5.36636 > 5.14818
4.94727 X .2473635 U 8.94363 > 8.3554
7.42090 X .371045 U 6.70818 > 6.43545
I won’t bother to show the 6 pole block, all the arrows are pointed outward. Similar to
Ta,. Ta, would have an entry on the east, wake, and exits on the rest of the poles. These
numerations would throw the first numerations off in the Al2Fe. In a similar manner as .
05% Cu, does. They I believe would land in the 8. Grouping, were our desired field is in
the 5 group. At this point I will do further research, to determine what to use. Good
examples for the student to follow
The Al2Fe, goal of Rune field
At this point I think that the NaSiO3, should be taken out because this alloy appears to
interfere, with the desired result’s. From a six pole view, that is.
The above union with SiO4, is outside coating on the iron plates.
I will apply the Fe/Pb/C, into the SiO4, then will apply the copper windings. I think that
after that another coating of SiO4, needs to be applied to get the rune overall. Then we
will be able to see how the structure fits in with Al2Fe, target material.
Rune Structure
Minus NaSiO3
FePbC. U SiO4 > Rune field U Cu, windings (Cu,W) > First stage R.(F#R)
6.40545 U 5.69000 > 5.49818 U 7.22090 > 578181
5.45000 U 4.57818 > 4.55818 U 7.38636 > 5.42909
5.33818 U 4.74181 > 4.58181 U 6.01818 > 4.81818
6.40636 U 5.69090 > 5.49909 U 7.22181 > 5.78272
5.33909 U 4.74181 > 4.58272 U 6.01818 > 4.81909
5.58363 U 7.11272 > 5.77090 U 9.02727 > 6.72636
F#R U SiO4 > Rune overall (F#R+Q) U Al2Fe > Material in field#
5.78181 U 5.69000 > 5.21454 U 5.36545 > 4.80909
5.42909 U 4.57818 > 4.54909 U 5.48818 > 4.99363
4.81818 U 4.74181 > 8.69090 U 8.94272 > 8.01545
5.78272 U 5.69090 > 5.21545 U 5.36636 > 4.81000
4.81909 U 4.74181 > 8.69090 U 8.94363 > 8.01545
6.72636 U 7.11272 > 6.29090 U 6.70818 > 5.90909
The material will be drawn in on the wave, east, west, and wake. Let’s view the rune.
The RuneOVF#RQ, Fits as well as any design I have seen. All of the first numbers except
for the East, match the first number grouping. Even the east pole is in the high end of Its
side. Everything else fits like a hand in a glove.
At this point I want to change direction. The calculations show the condition of which the
elements will fit into as far as what they become with the merging conditions imposed
upon them by their unions. What has been left out so far is how do we use this? For that
we have to go back to the discoveries of Hans Oersted, and Michael Faraday. Let’s see
what these scientists discovered.
Hans Oersted of Denmark discovered, that an electric current sets up a magnetic field
around a wire in which the current is flowing. When the wire is wrapped into loops one
face of the lire loop becomes at North Pole while the opposite face of the loop forms a
South Pole.
Michael Faraday and James Maxwell determined the time was altered by the presence of
a magnetic field. Maxwell states: a magnetic field is induced in “any” region of space in
which an electric field is changing with time. The magnitude of the induced magnetic
field is “proportional” to the rate at which the electric field changes. And the direction of
the induced magnetic field is at right angles to the changing electric field.
The work of Faraday, and Maxwell, is an extension to Hans Oerated’s, discovery. I will
use Oersted’s, findings. A moving electrical charge produces; a magnetic field that is
produced by the current flow, which forms around a current carrying conductor. The
polarity of the magnet is determined by the currents direction. That by reversing the
direction of the current flow causes a directional change in the magnetic field; South
becomes North; North replaces South.
With these basic facts, along with others I will mention later. I personally would like to
know. Who established that there is only one type of electron? Who established the fact,
that positrons are holes that the electrons try to fill up, which causes current flow (fall),
Scientists have proven that water dipoles will form into a magnetic alignment, yet they
are molecular in charge. There are so many examples of magnetic and molecular forces in
matter, as to be able to fill thousands of books explosive devices that require no electrical
charge. Explosive devices are made up of, to quite an extent, (not all of course) from non-
electrical conducting elements. Yet it is proven when an explosion occurs that
a magnetic field is given of as a result.
In order for the rune to be understood, there is going to have to be the realization that in
the least, there are molecular forces emitted from the rune field. I believe that I have been
able to prove that there are numerous types of electrons associated with the elements.
Some are more magnetic oriented, some are more related to the molecular forces, while
others are the electrons used in lighting, heat, forming magnetic fields in conductive
windings, at the expense of causing heat to form in the, example Cu, wire, Al, wire, and
to a lesser degree, Ag, wire. It is also done at the expense of the deterioration at the
elemental level in the windings. A permanent magnet has no heat emissions.
The Oersteds discovery, Faraday and Maxwell’s work speak for them selves. Maxwell
states: A magnetic field is induced in any region of space in which an electric field is
changing with time. Further the magnitude of the induced magnetic field is proportional
to the rate at which the electric field changes. The direction of the induced magnetic field
is at right angles to the changing electric field.
I have used a criss-cross winding in the design of the runes. I have done this to cause a
counter force at the section of the crossed wiring, even in the ceramic runes with the
oxide Cu, with NaSiO3. The cross hatch design causes confusion in space time to the
flow of dark and black matter. The dark matter, is caused to rise up from the rune, in a
similar manner as the Cu, wire rose up with Oersted’s discovery. This is why the rune
becomes attracted to the base of the crucible. The source of energy to power the rune is
the induction furnace.
Dark and black matter form convergence points into the crucible, with the ceramic runes
and would with the electrical rune, provided that the electrical rune is far enough from the
crucible as to prevent the induction furnace from melting it down. It is possible that a
violent explosion would occur, if the electric rune were to be destroyed in such a manner.
That said there are numerous ways to construct runes, which can be made of diverse
materials. These runes used are convergence runes. They can also be built to repel
different elements and combinations of elements. I hope that this text will give the
student the power of the Simulacrum mathematics, to help in that endeavor.
Although the mathematics is proprietary to W.G. Simco LLC and can only be used by my
permission. I do not want unregulated copies to be printed. In order to explain my
technologies, I have to be free to open up other areas of research. This is done for the
benefit of the student for their own work.
Motors and Generators
Electric motors consist of a laminated core wrapped with loops of Cu, Wire. The loops
themselves are dependent on the horsepower requirements of its design.
The armature sits inside a metal tube that has either electromagnetic magnetic fields or
permanent Magnets.
The brushes put electrical power to the armature, through the commutator. In theory The
north portion of the armature is repelled by the north oriented magnets and attracted to
the south oriented magnet. The south portion of the armature, is repelled by the south
magnet and attracted to the north oriented magnet. Then the commentator reverses power
into the copper windings and the process starts over again.
I will point out that this design, has power applied virtual one hundred percent of the time
because the brush to commutator switching, is done instantly.
The linear motors, on the other hand are constructed of either a solid steel shaft, or a
hollow tube of steel which is incased by steel alloyed end caps. Inside the windings are
made continuous and in stages.
The linear design sits inside a steel tube, that has South or North oriented magnets
pointing inwards. So there is no north and south magnetic configuration inside the tube.
What the end caps provide is two fold. 1. The alloys cut through the magnetic fields with
no or reduced emf forces which are the forces behind dynamic braking in a standard
motor. 2. The caps act as inward reflector for the magnetic forces. In a sense it is similar
to a laser; the magnetic forces are bounced back and forth through the coil liberating the
electrons. The only way out for the electrons is the wiring. The wiring is restricted by the
resistance of the windings, leaving a magnetic residue in the coil, where the magnetic
forces, set the stage for further action, and restricts the entry of energy from a power
The system has a potential draw of current from the power source only 25% of the time,
in its contact with the commutator. The system also has a cross hatch winding at the end
of construction. These act as a choke winding to tone down the high frequency energy
given off. The calculations are indicative of the magnetic fields that the magnets emit.
The coil should be constructed in the following manner
*1Pb U Sn, > close,Ru? Bi, > Pb,Sn,Bi, U Cu Wire> *1,Cu,.
5.88636 U 6.74363 > 5.74090 U 5.93636 > 5.30818 U 7.22090 > 5.69545
6.02090 U 6.89727 > 5.87181 U 6.04363 > 5.41636 U 7.38636 > 5.81909
4.90545 U 5.62000 > 4.78454 U 4.90454 > 8.80818 U 6.01818 > 6.73909
5.88727 U 6.74363 > 5.74181 U 5.93636 > 5.30818 U 7.22181 > 5.69545
4.90636 U 5.62000 > 4.78454 U 4.90454 > 8.80818 U 6.01818 > 6.73909
7.53909 U 8.43000 > 7.17727 U 7.38636 > 6.62000 U 9.02727 > 7.11272
This shows cores numerations, next the Cu, winding over the core. Then the end caps.
Core Material
With the Cu, wire coiled on the core.
All of the energy, from the core is slamming into the Cu, windings. Now for the end caps.
We will calculate the windings after both caps are calculated.
*1 U Fe, > *1,Fe U Pb,Sn,Bi, > end cap 1
5.69545 U 6.34636 > 5.47363 U 5.30818 > 4.90090
5.81909 U 6.49181 > 5.59636 U 5.41636 > 5.00545
6.73909 U 5.28909 > 5.46727 U 8.80818 > 6.48909
5.69545 U 6.34727 > 5.47363 U 5.30818 > 4.90090
6.73909 U 5.28909 > 5.46727 U 8.80818 > 6.48909
7.11272 U 7.93454 > 6.84000 U 6.62000 > 6.11818
Now these elements have to be run all over again except this time in reverse. Because the
numbers change. Bi,U Sn, > 1 U Pb, > 11 U Fe, > 111 U Cu, > 12 U Pb, > 123 U Sn, >
1234 U Bi > *2. Also the coil is 180 degrees opposite on entry through the magnetic
Bi U Sn > 1 U Pb, > 11 U Fe, > 111
5.93636 U 6.74363 > 5.76363 U 5.88636 > 5.29545 U 6.34636 > 5.29181
6.07181 U 6.89727 > 5.89545 U 6.02090 > 5.41636 U 6.49181 > 5.41272
4.94727 U 5.62000 > 4.80363 U 4.90545 > 8.82636 U 5.28909 > 6.41636
5.93636 U 6.74363 > 5.76363 U 5.88727 > 5.29636 U 6.34727 > 5.29272
4.94727 U 5.62000 > 4.80363 U 4.90636 > 8.82727 U 5.28909 > 6.41636
7.42090 U 8.43000 > 7.21000 U 7.35909 > 6.62272 U 7.93454 > 6.61727
Continuation of cap subsets
111 U Cu, > 12 U Pb,Sn,Bi,> Opposite, end cap 2
5.29181 U 7.22090 > 5.68727 U 5.30818 > 4.99818
5.41272 U 7.38636 > 5.81818 U 5.41636 > 5.10636
6.41636 U 6.01818 > 5.65181 U 8.80818 > 6.57272
5.29272 U 7.22181 > 5.68818 U 5.30818 > 4.99818
6.41636 U 6.01818 > 5.65181 U 8.80818 > 6.57272
6.61727 U 9.02727 > 7.11090 U 6.62000 > 6.24181
Even though we are dealing with the same elements, the order in which they are put will
determine a different out come in subset numerations. Magnetic energy will enter the coil
through the end caps. So this has to calculated, in their impact with the Cu, wire. That
subset was established from the core outwards. Now for the interplay between the end
caps through the core and Copper wire region.
Here I want to clarify that just as white light is broken into different light spectrums by a
prism. It is quite possible that gravity (dark matter), is the white light of magnetic forces.
This causes gravity to break down into the spectrums of magnetic and molecular forces
due to the elemental interaction. In other words the elements become the prism of gravity.
It then becomes important to study how to use that knowledge through mathematics.
Subset interaction of the combined elements
*1 is the Pb,Sn,Bi,Cu. We have union *1 with end cap 1. Form that subset the union *1
with end cap 11, after that we union the two sets together to determine the overall stage
of the coil.
*1 U (E.C.)1 > *1(E.C.) 1 *1 U (E.C.)11 > *1(E.C.)11
5.69545 U 4.90090 > 4.81636 5.69545 U 4.99818 > 4.86090
5.81909 U 5.00545 > 4.92000 5.81909 U 5.10636 > 4.96636
6.73909 U 6.48909 > 6.01272 6.73909 U 6.57272 > 6.05090
5.69545 U 4.90090 > 4.81636 5.69545 U 4.99818 > 4.86090
6.73909 U 6.48909 > 6.01272 6.73909 U 6.57272 > 6.05090
7.11272 U 6.11818 > 6.01454 7.11272 U 6.24181 > 6.07000
In order to understand the coil field we need to union *1(E.C.)1 with *1(E.C.)11.
*1(E.C.) U *1 (E.C.) 11> Coil field
4.81636 U 4.86090 > 8.79727
4.92000 U 4.96636 > 8.98727
6.01272 U 6.05090 > 5.48363
4.81636 U 4.86090 > 8.79727
6.01272 U 6.05090 > 5.48363
6.01454 U 6.07000 > 5.49272
The next item on the list is to determine the Nd,B,Fe, magnetic field.
Nd U B > Nd,B, U Fe,. > Neodymium field
8.19545 U 7.67272 > 7.21272 U 6.34636 > 6.16363
6.05454 U 5.66909 > 5.32909 U 6.49181 > 5.37363
6.83000 U 6.39636 > 6.01181 U 5.28909 > 5.13727
8.19636 U 7.67272 > 7.21363 U 6.34727 > 6.16454
6.83000 U 6.39818 > 6.01272 U 5.28909 > 5.13727
5.12272 U 4.79909 > 9.02000 U 7.93454 > 7.70636
Now to union the Neo, field to the Coil field.
Neo,field U Coil,field > Coil Energy It is no wonder why it has so much
6.16363 U 8.79727 > 6.80090 Power. 090, 090, 000. Are the low
5.37363 U 8.98727 > 6.52818 est, most powerful emission’s and
5.13727 U 5.48363 > 4.82818 Further more they are driven by
6.16454 U 8.79727 > 6.80090 some of the highest numbers possi
5.13727 U 5.48363 > 4.82818 -ble. 818, 818, 818.
7.70636 U 5.49272 > 6.00000
All the forces are going into the coil; the only exit is the wake. This simulates north, or
south poles. I believe that the other poles are often mistaken for the north or south poles.
It really would be a good idea for the student to study magnetism. One source I would
recommend is General Chemistry, by James E. Brady and Gerard E. Humiston, the third
edition is the copy I have. Pages,668 through 670. I am going to quote some of this
because, it deals with unpaired electrons. (quote) page 669. Related to the property of
para-magnetism is the phenomenon called ferromagnetism, observed for the three pure
elements, iron, cobalt, and nickel. Ferromagnetic materials, the paramagnetic ones, are
also attracted to a magnetic field; however, the magnitude of the interaction for the
ferromagnetic substance is approximately a million times stronger than it is with para
magnetic materials. The origin of ferromagnetism is the same as para-magnetism. That is
the existence of unpaired electrons in the ferromagnetic material. In these substances it is
“believed” (not proven) that regions exist, called domains, that contain very large
numbers of paramagnetic atoms with their atomic magnets all lined up in the same
From the Simulacrum point of view; what causes the atomic domains to line up? Every
time I read articles like this I can’t help but to find it quite humorous. There is only so
much that can be explained by electron spin and electron orbital’s. The electron
microscope destroys much of the magnetic and paramagnetic electrons, before they are
even detected. The only electrons that are left are the most durable. In the near future, I
hope to build a less intrusive scope.
For a vast majority of this text, I have been running calculations, that show the
orientation of the atoms and their associated electrons, and their relationship in the
filtering of dark matter. Dark matter is filtered slowed, into our space time and converged
into a magnetic or molecular force. That the electrons play a part I have no doubt. What I
do doubt is the conventional wisdom and theory pertaining to ferromagnetic fields.
Gravity has always been under rated, especially if gravity is the white light of
Magnetism, as mentioned on page, 63.
There are numerous examples of magnetic forces being given off through the imposition

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  • 1. THE STUDY OF SCIENCE AND REFERENCE TEXTS: TEXT BOOK 2 By Wayne Griswold © copyright 2006, all rights reserved. Because I was flooded with information through my studies and because I was hopping from one project to another, my work confused most people. This is why I have decided that the greater good would come out, if I produced a text book and took one piece at a time and put them together in a logical format. Too My Wife Thanks When the student, studies the old text books I know that these texts included experiments, that were conducted that would upset the EPA, and the board of health to name a few, in this day and age. I recommend the study of DYNAMIC CHEMISTRY, written by Harry C. Biddle and George L. Bush. The book was copyright in © 1937, by the Rand McNally & Company. Some of the references come from this book. Avogadro’s Law, Equal volumes of gases at the same temperature and pressure contain an equal number of molecules, so equal volumes of gases, such as oxygen, hydrogen, and steam contain an equal number of molecules. So when two atoms of hydrogen unite with one atom of oxygen they form a molecule of water, the number of molecules in the quantity of water, volume for volume, is reduced when the water turns into steam. I believe that these numbers are off on the gases.) Amedeo Avogadro, (1776-1856), was an Italian physicist and chemist. His research in molecular structure was one of the early steps leading to modern atomic theory. In 1811 he published the important hypothesis, now known as Avogadro’s Law. Comments are taken from the New Standard Encyclopedia, standard educational corporation Chicago / 1982. John Dalton, (1766-1844) early in life began a study of the atmosphere. He wanted to discover whether it is a mixture or a compound. If it is a mixture he asked, why does not its heaviest gas, carbon dioxide, settle down to the earth and leave hydrogen as the topmost layer Dalton also tried to determine whether the atoms of all elements are alike in size and weight. After many experiments, he decided that the atoms of the same element are alike, but that the atoms different elements are unlike. (Quote) A STANDARD FOR RELATIVE WEIGHTS Oxygen, the measuring stick, there is nothing strange or uncommon about relative measurements. In fact, all measures are relative. They show the relation of one thing to another. So when the topic of volume is used, it normally refers to different elements weighed or measured in identical volumes. For purposes of calculating the relative weights of molecules a molecule of oxygen has been chosen as a standard measuring unit 1
  • 2. Corresponding to one foot, the foot the yardstick all came from relative numbers. It has been given a weight value of 32. Since there are two atoms in a molecule of oxygen, each atom has a weight value of 16. The two numerals 32 and 16, as well as all the other weights of molecules and atoms are simply convenient numbers. They do not represent the weights on any actual weighing machine or scales. This is because they are merely relative-that is, they merely show the relation of one to another. The use of 32 for the molecular weight and 16 for the atomic weight of oxygen, however, makes possible a convenient scale for the atomic weights of all elements. We have to remember though, a liter of oxygen weighs 1.429 grams, on a weight scale. Times, 1.429 X 22.4= 32.0096 Thus 22.4 liters, weighs 32.0096 grams on a weight scale. Because the O2 molecule under STP was weighed half of that is 16.0048 grams. (Quote) The course in GENERAL CHEMISTRY, written by William Mc Pherson and William Edwards Henderson Fourth Edition, Ginn and Company copyright © 1933, is one I would recommend as a reference book. Indications brought about in the early years show not every scientist was happy with Avogadro’s number, Page 111 of the book states, the law of Dulong and Petit. As early as 1819 Dulong and Petit discovered a relationship between the atomic weights of solid elementary substances and their specific heats. Their generalization was of special service in fixing upon the multiple of the combining weight which correctly represents the atomic weight at a time before the acceptance of Avogadro’s principle. These investigators found that the atomic weight multiplied by the specific heat gives an approximate constant whose value is about 6.4. This is called the atomic heat of the elements. By the specific heat is meant the quantity of heat required to raise the temperature of a gram of the solid substance one degree. Evidently the approximate atomic weight of an element will be given by the equation. Atomic weight = 6.4 divided by specific heat. Accurate determination of atomic weights, we have seen that Avogadro’s principle is only approximately true. Consequently the molecular weights of gases as determined by experiment are usually subject to error of a few tenths of 1%. The portion of nitrogen is 22.41. Of the various gases is therefore subject to about the same error, as will be seen from the values in the preceding table. All that these figures tell us is that the true value is very near 14. The smallest combining weight can be very accurately determined by the analysis of any of these compounds, and is found to be 7.004. It is therefore evident that the accurate atomic weight is twice this value, namely, 14.008. (Quote) .
  • 3. Historical note for nearly fifty years following the announcement of the atomic theory chemists were busy trying to find some authoritative principle that would be a guide to deciding which one of the combining weights theories of an element is its true atomic weight. They were unwilling to accept Avogadro’s principle as a guide, partly because there was little direct evidence for its truth and partly because it seemed to involve a number of contradictions. For years it also caused confusion in the writings of text books, as some chemists adhered to other methods, such as the use of consistent volume to measure the physical weight of the elements. I believe that the reader would find the duplicate weight scales that were used along with the elements of up to .99999 pure. This standard was 1cm3, for solids and 1ml for liquids and gases are kept at the Smithsonian Institute in Washington D.C. The original scales and elements are kept in a vault in Sweden I would state that the differences in the weights are very minor. In 1858, at a large congress of chemists, the Italian chemist Connizzaro demonstrated that Avogadro’s principle leads to consistent results if applied in the way that has been described, in numerous text books. Recent physical methods have been devised that measure the relative atomic weights directly by electrical methods. These were referred to in connection with the discovery that many elements have atoms of different weights. So if we were to study H2O, we would find that 1ml of H2O equals one gram. As denoted in any number of chemistry text books. The book I am using at this point is modern chemistry by H. Clark Metcalfe, Jone E. Williams Joseph F. Castka. Published by Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc. Copyright In © 1974. The statement that 1ml of H2O equals 1 gram implies that a volume of 18ml, is needed to produce the atomic weight of water at 4 degrees C. So it would be considered as 1 mol of water. On the other hand 1 mol of Oxygen is equal to 22.4 liters of Oxygen under standard pressure temperature and volume, to obtain the weight of Oxygen or O2, which is 32 grams. In order to determine the weight of O, 32 are divided in two, or half of 22.4 liters. The same is true for the atomic weight of Hydrogen. It is weighed under standard temperature, pressure and volume. So one mol of H2, weighs 2.008 grams in 22.4 liters and the weight of H would be 1.004 grams for half of 22.4 liters of Hydrogen. So the statements in some texts that all of the elements were weighed in the same volume of space are correct and incorrect. The use of Avogadro’s number became the standard to determine the weights of the elements, as one mol irregardless of volume occupied by the elements. This has lead to a lot of confusion on the part of different scientists, at different times and text. Which means Avogadro’s; measurements were derived from the extraction of the element from a chemical compound. This is not a good standard. The standard of pure elements of
  • 4. .99999% pure in a volume of the same measurement is the best standard on a weight scale, as it reflects the true weight under gravity. I have studied numerous text books over the years; these books had caused confusion to me on the issue of atomic weights until I determined that the weights in a 1cm3 volume or 1ml would not affect the outcome of the reduction of the number of atoms at the 10 to the minus 3 level. Sometimes in life a person simply has to go for it. Studies are only that, to go forward with new theories and principles it is simply done. I have chosen to create a new form of math, which allows me to move in new directions of thought inventions and innovation. I really would like to ply my math, in this section. Yet I feel it is important to give the reader, a background in what I am doing before I reach the mathematics. What is so important about weights? I will tell you, everything has a weight you have a weight, I do and everything on the earth does. It means we are pulled to the earth by Gravity, Gravity has a presence and is the source for the energy that makes us function as living entities. It is also the source behind the rise of magnetic and molecular forces as well. In free space there is nothing to filter gravity forces, this is why the human body falls apart or suffers degradation. Yet I digress this introduction is intended to open the mind of the reader about the possibilities that exist in the field of science. The foundation of the weights of the elements has led to a number of areas of science opening up into new fields. The uses of mathematics are the only way for a scientist to open up his theories and represent new concepts. So when I studied the various areas of science I became engrossed in the area of the valance and hybrid valance. These are used to determine the simple compounds and complex compounds, the valance for the simple compounds. The hybrid valance for the complex compounds. Yet the two forms of math used are incompatible with each other. I knew that there had to be a way to form mathematics that would answer both. This is where the Simulacrum charts came from. From my desire to understand more deeply the formation of the elements and these elements into compounds. In doing so I had to study what other scientists have done, References Einstein’s, Distant Parallism 1928. Then for some of the work are James E. Brady / Gerard E. Humiston General Chemistry. Copyright in © 1975, 1978, 1982, Third Edition. Page 84 refers to Schrödinger with the mathematics of quantum mechanics or wave mechanics. He used the analogy of a guitar sting and the harmonics induced by vibrating the string. Which lead Schrödinger to the 3 dimensional harmonics given off by the electrons, in the form of a wave length this implies that if a guitar string vibrates and gives off a wavelength so could electrons? This could happen with other particles of the Atoms, so an analogy of that line of thought could be the wavelengths produced by the quanta of photon particle packets (Introduced by Einstein). Which, was not discovered until the formation of
  • 5. Schrödinger’s mathematical formulas which lead to the discovery of the different spectrums of light? These light spectrums have different intensity of forces. The red spectrum is not as forceful as the ultra light spectrum; which has turned out to be a very important find for science. The astronomers view the stars and the sun. With the wave length formulas the elemental make up of the stars can be determined very nicely. In the past few years, dark matter has been determined to exist. I have referred to it as black or dark matter. There are reasons for the usage of both. Plank theorized the existence of particles that had holes in them that absorbed light. These were termed by him as black matter, (In 1917) because they could absorb light. Light could enter and be absorbed thus disappear. The theory of dark matter is another concept altogether, in the sense that I used it for, was for the particles that could reach ultra light velocities thus disappear from our space time reference. Yet I did not believe that they disappeared into nothing I determined that we could not detect them with the technology of the present. I also determined that they could still transfer a kinetic impact on the elements and cause the elements to have unique energies, unto their individual make up. It was this type of an explanation that also tied magnetic and gravitational forces together. The concept of the Set and Subsets are taken from Arithmetic its structure and concepts, written by Francis J. Mueller, second edition, Copyright © 1956, 1964 by Prentice-Hall, Inc, Englewood Cliffs, N.J. Page 137 of the arithmetic book goes into inverse operations. The operation of subtraction and division, are the respective companion operations to addition and multiplication. The book gives an analogy of a husband and wife. Which in some contexts the two are best identified as component parts of a single unit; in others it is more appropriate to think of each as separate individuals, closely related, but each having distinctly different characteristics. So the analogy could apply to multiplication and division. In some instances it is best to think of one being the reverse of the other, as division being simply the undoing operation for multiplication; in other instances, it would be better to consider the two as being essentially independent of each other. From the mathematical point of view, addition and subtraction are best looked upon as complementary parts of a unit. In fact, mathematically, subtraction is dependent upon addition for its very definition. From a practical, problem-solving point of view, however, there are advantages to considering the two as individual operations-each with special qualities that better suit it to the solution of certain kinds of problems (Quote). I believe that the reader would find, that multiplication can be undone with subtraction, and addition can be undone with division. In this day and age, inversion is simply turning a pencil upside down or the reverse of its original point and reference. So the question How would one invert a perfect sphere? How would one know if it were truly inverted?
  • 6. From the above point of view, I would say to cut it in half. Or divide it then I would have two imperfect portions, of the sphere that would show the inner regions distinction. Such could be the case with determining the various regions that make up the nucleus of the atom. It is common for it to be understood as a very dense region spherical in nature, yet I believe it to be a dense region made up of sub-regions that are formed by quadrants that combine from a 360 degree joining of these regions. I also believe it to be crystalline in structure. When induced into vibration, appears circular; “which is an illusion” caused by the energy of induction “A-rays”. So it means that there are six sides to a box, and there are six sides to the nucleus of the atom. These regions I believe are made up of black and dark matter that is tightly compacted together that forms what we call the nucleus of the atom. That as the regions degenerate the element changes form, into isotopes in some cases. As with uranium transforming, into lead, in other cases, elements change form entirely, such as the elements of calcium and helium are given off from the denigration of Uranium into lead. From the Simulacrum point of view, inverse operations continue on in the elements everyday of their existence. Simply put the undoing of one into another. Just like the perfect sphere it is broken in two and in the case of Uranium broken into smaller portions termed subsets, which produces Lead. These are arrived at using disunion concepts, whereas in the formation of energies I union the elements into subsets. This also leads to the formation of complex molecules in chains. Whereas disunion concepts show what type of element is given off in the deterioration of the element or elements involved; or an isotope of the elements; This is done by comparing the subset given off; to the yellow book of calculations and of the elements, then matching these numbers as close as possible with the subsets given off and the closest element in the yellow book. So Calcium has quite a number of isotopes and so does Helium. There are a variety of variations of element isotopes in all of the elements. So the standard of elements is more of an average than fact. Subset operations are taken from the book as well, except with a twist I have placed upon them in order to answer questions I have had over time. A set is a collection of things whether real or imagined. (Simulacrum means an imaginary semblance of something or a mirror image of something.) Refer to page 43 of the arithmetic its structure and concepts. The fingers on your right hand are a set of 5 elements and there is more to it than that. The fingers are similar and work together and they each have a separate function, for example the thumb is different from the fingers, it apposes the other parts of the set, yet technically it is still considered a finger. The Elements are also similar yet different. Example, aluminum verses iron, what do they have in common? Nothing really except they are each a part of the set of elements. In the periodic table Al, belongs to the IIIA table and Fe, to the VIII portion of the table. So Al,
  • 7. and Fe, is a portion of the elements further defined into sub tables or a subset of the elements set. How does Simulacrum Science use these concepts? The theory of Simulacrum involves the concept of the set starting at the nucleus of the atom, in that there are six sides to the makeup of the nucleus of the atoms and these are really subsets to the set of an element, yet the individual elements are a subset of the overall set of the elements in the atomic weights charts. Which are also the new Invariants and Tensor’s Einstein predicted. As with the region of the nucleus of the atom, each region is comprised of different portions of black and dark matter. Grouped in different quantize s of numbers and different configurations, which form the shape of the atom; as well as its size. Different sizes and shapes create different flow patterns of the dark matter of gravity through them, thus beginning the filtration and concentration process matter imposes upon gravity. In some instances magnetic forces are formed, as with the placement of iron with mercury. When Iron is placed upon Mercury, London forces are formed which in turn cause the motion of electrons, the electrons cast into motion give off a magnetic field that induces a small magnetic charge into the iron. Yet from the Simulacrum point of view, Iron in conjunction with mercury causes a clash of the forces of different sizes of dark and black matter that slam into the electrons of the mercury and iron, giving rise to the London forces. These are tabled in the chart In countless numbers this happens to all of the elements in one way or another. Normally I would just show that element A forms a union with element B that creates subset 1a. Or A U B> 1a. 1a, is the result of the filtering of gravity through the elements. Thus the energy allowed through the region. Yet in real calculation it would go, A + B = number that is divided / by 25, then 4 and two or two again until it falls within .0501 and .0999 of the charts index then divided again by eleven. As there are 11 universes that intersect with ours, by the way it is now an accepted concept and was not when I first started; 11 universes in parallel with our own, each giving rise to the energies of the others through intersection. Einstein termed it distant parallelism in his unified field theories. To save Room for Simulacrum Mathematics, I won’t go into great detail of Einstein’s work. I will place just enough to get the point across. For the full work by Einstein, I would suggest to the reader to go to the website 1919 through 1930.html. There are other sites as well. Albert Einstein, Berlin translated by A. Unzicker from Unified Field Theory based on Riemannian Metrics and distant Parallelism Mathematische Annalen 102 (1930), pp 685-697 In the present work I will describe a theory I have been working on for a year; it will be exposed in a manner that it can be understood comfortably by everyone who knows general relativity. The following version is necessary, because due to coherences and improvements found in the meantime reading the earlier work would be a useless loss of
  • 8. time. The topic is presented in a way that seems most advisable for a comfortable access. In particular, I learned to know through Mr. Weitzenböck and Mr. Cartan that the treatment of the continua we are talking about is not new. Mr. Cartan kindly wrote an essay about the history of the relevant mathematical tools in order to complete my paper; it is printed right after this paper in the same review. Also here I give my best thanks to Mr. Cartan for his valuable contribution. The most important and however new result of the present work is the finding of the most simple field laws that can be applied to a Riemannian manifold with distant parallelism. I will discuss only briefly their physical meaning. 1 The structure of the continuum Since the number of dimensions has no impact on the following considerations, we suppose an n-dimensional continuum. To take into account the facts of metrics and gravitation we assume the existence of Riemann-metrics. But in nature we have also electromagnetic fields, which cannot be described by Riemannian metrics. The question arises: How can we join to our Riemannian spaces in a naturally logical way an additional structure that provides a uniform character of the whole thing? The continuum is (pseudo-)Euclidean in the vicinity of the point P. In every point there is a local coordinate system of geodesics (i.e. orthogonal n-bein), in which the theorem of Pythagoras is valid. The orientation of this n-beins is not important in a Riemannian manifold. We assume that these elementary Euclidean spaces are governed by still another direction law. We assume that with this space structure - like in Euclidean geometry- it makes sense to speak of a parallel orientation of all n-beins together (which would be senseless in a space with metrical structure only). In the following we think of the orthogonal n-beins being always in parallel orientation. The however arbitrary orientation of the local n-bein in one point P then determines the orientation of the local n-beins in all points of the continuum uniquely. Our task is now to set up the simplest limiting laws, which can be applied to such a continuum. Doing so, we hope to derive the general laws of nature, like the earlier general relativity tried this for gravitation by applying a purely metrical space structure. 2 Mathematical description of the space structure The local n-bein consists of n orthogonal unit vectors with components hs ν with respect to any Gaussian coordinate system. Here like always a lower Latin index shows the affiliation to a certain bein of the n-beins, a Greek index - due to its upper or lower position - the covariant or contra variant transformation character of the relevant entity with respect to a change of the Gaussian coordinate system. The general transformation property of the hs ν is the following. If all local systems or n-beins are twisted in the same manner, which is allowed, and a new Gaussian coordinate system is introduced at the same time, then exists the following transformation law between the new and old hs ν end quote Now a Simulacrum comment There are several reasons why Einstein’s unified theory is so needful. Einstein once stated that God probably does not play dice. His statement simply means the universe is to
  • 9. organized, to be created from chaos. This would mean it comes from intelligent design. I would have to agree with him. The mathematics could not work other wise. I also think the 1928 version of Einstein’s work is helpful as well. “quote.” Therefore, new invariants and tensors will arise besides those known in Riemannian geometry made by Einstein, 1928. Here is its write up as well. It fits Simulacrum mathematics very well because Simulacrum mathematics is based upon it as well. Albert Einstein translation by A. Unzicker Riemannian Geometry with Maintaining the Notion of Distant Parallelism June 7th, 1928 Riemannian Geometry has led to a physical description of the gravitational field in the theory of general relativity, but it did not provide concepts that can be assigned to the electromagnetic field. Therefore, theoreticians aim to find natural generalizations or extensions of Riemannian geometry that are richer of concepts, hoping to get to a logical construction that unifies all physical field concepts under one single leading point. Such endeavors brought me to a theory which should be communicated even without attempting any physical interpretation, because it can claim a certain interest just for the neutrality of the concepts introduced therein. Riemannian geometry is characterized by a Euclidean metric in an infinitesimal neighborhood of any point P. Furthermore, the absolute values of the line elements which belong to the neighborhood of two points P and Q of finite distance can be compared. However, the notion of parallelism of such line elements is missing; a concept of direction does not exist for the finite case. The theory outlined in the following is characterized by introducing - beyond the Riemannian metric- the concept of `direction' `equality of directions' or `parallelism' for finite distances. Therefore, new invariants and tensors will arise besides those known in Riemannian geometry. 1 n-bein field and metric Given an arbitrary point P of the n-dimensional continuum, let's imagine an orthogonal n- bein of n unit vectors that represents a local coordinate system. Aa are the components of a line element or another vector with respect to this local system (n-bein). Besides that, we introduce a Gaussian coordinate system of the xν for describing a finite domain. Let Aν be the components of a vector (A) with respect to that, and h a νδ the ν-components of the unit vectors forming the n-bein. Then, we have1 Aν = ha ν Aa.... (1) One obtains the inversion of (1) by calling hνa ν the normalized sub determinants of the h a ν , Aa = hµa Aµ ... . (1a) Since the infinitesimal sets are euclidic, for the modulus A of the vector (A) holds
  • 10. A2 = ∑ A2 a = hµa hνa Aµ Aν ... . (2) Therefore, the components of the metric tensor appear in the form gµν = hµa hνa, ... (3) whereby the sum has to be taken over a.For a fixed a, the ha µ are the components of a contra variant vector. Furthermore, the following relations hold: hµa ha ν = δµ ν ... (4) hµa hb µ = δa b,... (5) with δ = 1 if the indices are equal, and or δ = 0, if not. The correctness of (4) and (5) follows from the above definition of the hµa as the normalized sub determinants of the ha µ . The vector property of hµa follows conveniently from the fact that the l.h.s. and therefore, the r.h.s of (1a) as well, are invariant for any coordinate transformation and for any choice of the vector (A). The n-bein field is determined by n2 functions ha µ , whereas the Riemannian metric is determined just by [(n(n+1))/ 2] quantities. According to (3), the metric is determined by the n-bein field but not vice versa. 2 Teleparallelism and rotation invariance By postulating the existence of the n-bein field (in every point) one expresses implicitly the existence of a Riemannian metric and distant parallelism. Let then (A) and (B) be two vectors in the points P and Q which have the same local coordinates with respect to their n-beins (that means Aa = Ba), they have to be regarded as equal (because of (2)) and as 'parallel'. If we take the metric and the teleparallelism as the essential, i.e. the objective meaningful things, then we realize that the n-bein field is not yet fully determined by these settings. Yet metric and teleparallelism remain intact, if we substitute the n-beins of all points of the continuum with substitutability rotation invariance and note: Only those mathematical relations can claim or a real meaning that are rotational invariant. Thus by keeping the coordinate system fixed, and a given a metric and a parallel connection, the ha µ are not yet fully determined; there is a possible substitution which corresponds to the rotation invariance Aa * = da m Am ..., (6) whereby da m is chosen orthogonal and independent of the coordinates. (Aa) is an arbitrary vector with respect to the local system, (A* a) the same vector with respect to the rotated local system According to (1a), from (6) follows hµa * Aµ = da m hµm Aν or
  • 11. hµa * = da m hµm, ... (6a) whereby da m db m = dm a dm b = δa b , ... (6b) ∂da m ∂xν = 0. ... (6c) Then the postulate of rotation invariance tells us that among the relations in which the quantities h appear, only those may be seen as meaningful, which are transformed in h* of equal form, if h* is introduced by eqns. (6). In other words: n-bein fields which are related by locally equal rotations are equivalent. The rule of infinitesimal parallel transport of a vector from point (xν ) to a neighboring point (xν + d xν ) is obviously characterized by d Aa = 0, ... (7) that means by the equation ∂hµa ∂xσ Aµ d xσ + hµa d Aµ = 0 Mulitplicated by ha ν this equation becomes after looking at (5) d Aν = - ∆µσ ν Aµ d xσ (7a) with
  • 12. ∆µσ ν = ha ν ∂hµa ∂xσ . This law of parallel transport is rotation invariant and not symmetric with respect to the lower indices of the quantities ∆µσ ν . If one transports now the vector (A) according to this law along a closed curve, the vector remains unaltered; this means, that the Riemann tensor Rk, l m i = - ∂∆k l i ∂xm + ∂∆k m i ∂xl +∆αl i ∆k m α -∆αm i ∆k l α build from the connection coefficients vanishes according to (7a), which can be verified easily. Besides this law of parallel transport there is that (nonintegrable) symmetric transport law due to the Riemannian metric (2) and (3). It is given by the well-known equations _ d Aν = Γµτ ν Aµ d xτ ( 8 ) Γµτ ν = 1 2 gνα  ∼ { ( ( ∼ } ∂γµα ∂xτ + ∂γτα ∂xµ - ∂γµτ ∂xα   .
  • 13. According to (3), the Γµτ ν are expressed by the quantities h of the n-bein fields. Thereby one has to keep in mind that gµν = hα µ hα ν . ... (9) Because of this setting and due to (4) and (5) the equations gµλ gνλ = δν µ are fulfilled which define gµλ from gµλ. This transport law based on the metric only is rotation invariant in the above sense. 3 Invariants and covariants On the manifold we are considering, besides the tensors and invariants of Riemann- geometry which contain the quantities h only in the combination (3), there exist other tensors and invariants, among which we will have a look at the simplest ones only. If one starts with a vector (Aν ) in the point xν , with the shifts d and [d] in the neighboring point (x+ d xν ) the two vectors Aν + d Aν und Aν + _ d A ν are produced. Thus the difference d Aν - _ d Aν = (Γαβ ν -∆αβ ν ) Aα d xβ has vector character as well. Therefore, (Γαβ ν -∆αβ ν ) is a tensor, and also its skew symmetric part
  • 14. 1 2 (∆αβ ν -∆βα ν ) = Λβα ν ... The fundamental meaning of this tensor in the theory developed here results from the following: If this tensor vanishes, then the continuum is Euclidean. Namely, if 0 = 2 Λαβ ν = ha ν ( ∂hαa ∂xβ - ∂hβa ∂xα ) , holds, then by multiplication with hνb follows 0 = ∂hαb ∂xβ - ∂hβb ∂xα . However, one may assume ha b = ∂ψb ∂xα . Therefore the field is derivable from n scalars ψb. We choose now the coordinates according to the equation ψb = x b Then, due to (7a) all the ∆βα ν vanish, and the hµa and the gµν are constant.- Since the tensor2 Λβα ν is formally the simplest one admitted by our theory, this tensor shall be used as a starting point for characterizing such a continuum, and not the more complicated Riemannian curvature tensor. The simplest quantities which come in mind are the vector
  • 15. Λµα α and the invariants gµν Λµβ α Λνα β and gµν gασ gβτ Λαβ µ Λστ ν From one of the latter ones (actually, from a linear combination of it), after multiplication with the invariant volume element h d τ, (whereby h means the determinant mid hµα mid, d τ the product d x1... d xn), an invariant integral J may be built. The setting δJ = 0 provides then 16 differential equations for the 16 quantities hµα. The question if this leads to laws with relevance for physics shall be investigated later.- It may clarify things, to confront Weyl's modification of the Riemannian theory with the one presented here: Weyl : no comparison at distance, neither of the moduli, neither of directions of vectors. Riemann : comparison at distance for moduli of vectors, but not of directions of vectors. Present theory: comparison of both moduli and directions of vectors at distance.3 Footnotes: 1 We assign Greek letters to the coordinate indices and Latin ones to the bein indices. 2 tr. note: in the literature this is called torsion tensor. 3 tr. note: This is the origin of the name distant parallelism as a synonym for absolute parallelism or teleparallelism , in German Fernparallelismus . Simulacrum Point’s interjected here. In the beginning I will only use the four pole charts. Later we will get into the six poles charting, which show the six sides of the box. Example of six pole outlay. Each of the four, or six pole designs has a number value.
  • 16. Subsets are formed thus Element A U Element B> A number divided by 25 divided by 4 divided 2 if necessary, then divided by 11, rounded off to a .000000 number. Six pole example As I mentioned earlier, these regions have a number assigned and are compacted into a tight cluster, I expanded them in order to show that each of these regions contain a number value which show the relationship of how an element is formed and on how it shows the various isotopes that can be formed just by increasing or decreasing the value of the number value. Example of the element Copper is a part of the table of elements.
  • 17. At this time I would point out that, Invariant, (a mathematical quantity or expression that is constant through out a certain range of conditions) could also be applied to the nucleus of the atom. This would mean that each elements construction would use, Simulacrum numbers that become the invariant numbers of the elements Then the term Tensor, (a mathematical entity with components that change in a particular way in the transformation from one coordinate system to another) would be the change in numbers of the Simulacrum vector positions or the term of these positions could be viewed as the quadrant numbers of each of the pole regions. Vector, a quantity possessing both magnitude and direction as force or velocity; so when I imply that there is a vector position, these are formed by the quadrant numbers of the poles. The- (the word the, is used before adjectives that are used substantively to note an individual, a class or a number of individuals, or an abstract idea. So when Einstein refers to the n-bein field, he is referring to an abstract idea. About the existence of parallel mixing and intersecting (to follow a path or crossing or to go through something) 1 n-bein field and metric Given an arbitrary point P of the n-dimensional continuum, let's imagine an orthogonal n- bein of n unit vectors that represents a local coordinate system Quote. Point P could be referred to as the 7th pole at the nucleus of the atom, which is shown in the example of the 6 pole chart above where all Poles intermix. 3 Invariants and co-variants On the manifold we are considering, besides the tensors and invariants of Riemann- geometry which contain the quantities h only in the combination (3), there exist other tensors and invariants, among which we will have a look at the simplest ones only. (Again Simulacrum math fits this concept very well.) If one starts with a vector (Aν ) in the point xν , with the shifts d and [d] in the neighboring point (x+ d xν ) the two vectors. “Quote” Referring to the manifold (1 of great variety; numerous. 2. Manifested in many ways, or including many acts or elements; complex, 3. Existing in great abundance v.t. To make more than one copy of at once, as with carbon paper on a typewriter.) (Isn’t this Simulacrum as well?)
  • 18. So then the vectors would be the lines that tie in the poles along states of velocity; into 19 the various pole regions. Vector, (a quantity possessing both magnitude and direction as force or velocity.) So When I imply that there is a vector position, these are formed by the quadrant numbers of the poles. Vector (Aν ) could be connecting to the North Pole, in the point xν , constituting the clusters of the dark and black matter that, have been referred to as the atoms of the North Pole. Because these clusters form the atoms, that in turn all together form a solid block or liquid of the element, 1ml or 1cm3 volume. These regions of the nucleus of the atoms, are formed of dark and black matter. Simulacrum mathematics uses an average of alignment of the nucleus regions for calculation of the elements. So when we refer to the Tensor, (a mathematical entity with components that change in a particular way in a transformation from one coordinate system to another. This happens in several ways, which is why the sub-sets show different numbers at mostly the wake and south poles. These simulacrum numbers called sub-sets show the force and change occurring in these regions. With Union concepts, yet show radical change; yet when we are dealing with Dis-Union concepts. The quantities of h are referring to the black and dark matter. Then ha ν refers to the vector and velocity state of h in the sub- state. By the way I believe that the number and make up of the atoms in a block mass are duplicated in the regions of the nucleus of the atoms that are constituted of black and dark matter. The sub-set regions seem to align to the numbers in the original charts, which means they could be real characters of the isotopes of an atom. This could well account for the various changes of the elements of one sample to another. The integrators are a product of the way in which the elements are placed together in a group. When the regions of black and dark matter are taken into account it would lead back to the Schrödinger’s quantum or wave mechanics. If the electrons are portions of the regions that make up the nucleus of the atom, then at this point it is important to consider the possibility that different types of electrons are the product of the different regions of the nucleus. A very good example of this would be a fluorescent light (after the energy of emitting light from the regular ballast system of A.C. energy is drained and light emission stops from the power source from the wall, yet light energy will again be emitted using a high frequency wave generator, which strongly makes the argument that electrons have different natures and react to energy differently. It also implies that the electrons are shattered to create the photons of light emission. When I refer to energy differently, I simply mean the wave length of the energy emitted to create the reaction of the fluorescent light. In other words when the tube burns out, a Tesla coil will again cause light emission, of a slightly different spectrum. Which again implies that electrons could very well be a broken off piece, of the nucleus of the atom, then is shattered into photon emission. That when enough of these electrons are destroyed to form light photons the emission will stop. Until a higher frequency energy is put through the system to break off different
  • 19. electrons from different sections of the atom. This will eventually create an isotope of the element, as it changes from one state to another. I think this is the basis for metal fatigue in mechanical parts and supporting structures in buildings etc. In other words there is much more going on than meets the eye. Let’s use the frame of a car or truck for example, they will crack and wear out over time, this is fatigue. I think it is caused mainly because of the resistance of dark matter (gravity) to a change in state. Gravity pulls harder against an object that is in motion, yes this would even include Space. I also think that this is the basis for friction on parts moving against one another. The reason for this is the elements all filter Dark and Black matter, (Gravity) differently. So it is quite common for them to conflict with one another. In other words the dark matter particle’s passages, through the elements are of different size, velocity state and orientation in the state of Distant Parallelism. What the Charts are designed to do is give a crude idea of what is going on, and a possible way to use these conflicting forces. Let’s look at an example of Lead and Tin. Lead and Tin go together very nicely, let’s see if we can understand why. Example Lead (Pb) Tin (Sn) Subset Pb/Sn 5.88636 U 6.73363 > 5.74090 5.88727 U 6.74363 > 5.74181 4.90636 U 5.61200 > 4.78454 7.53909 U 8.43000 > 7.17727 Or Arrows indicate a vector state, in the above and also a charge, in the state of the particles passage. Lead (Pb) fits within the 5 grouping, the average of the two subsets again end up in the 5 grouping. This also creates a region of direction that the two independent elements lacked. It is not that the two elements are changed; it is the subsets that hold them together in the electron shells.
  • 20. Lets compare Copper (Cu) to the Pb/Sn subset. Copper forms a stirrer, or the blending of more than one vector state. This is one of the reasons that it is a good thermo conductor, as well as a good electrical conductor. If we were to compare Cu, with Silver (Ag) Silver If you wonder why Silver, is a better electrical conductor than Copper, Yet not as good a thermo conductor, the above examples should show why. Silver will allow larger electrons to pass and more of them. The subset of Lead/Tin will not. Copper is limited in the lower right corner, and has a conflict of electron vector states. Let’s compare Silver (Ag) to Aluminum (Al) What is the difference between Ag, and Al ? It is a matter of particle size and state. The top represents the North Pole, lower left, The Wave Pole, to the right of that is the Wake Pole, at the bottom is the South Pole. Notice that both elements are in the 6 grouping. It is the last three numerations at the end that give the charge state. Ex. 818 at top of Ag, 181 for Al. Ag has a greater magnetic force, than Al. Because the majority of the last 3 numerations are high While the last 3 numerations of Al, are low. These numbers denote that Al, is a good thermo conductor, yet not quite as good electron conductor. These examples also show why Al, has a lower melting point than Ag. The 4 Pole views of Pb. Shows a star cluster, energy going out and no entry. By the way the same is true for Sn.
  • 21. Yet a 6 Pole chart will show entry of energy, for Lead (Pb). I would think that this is one reason for Lead’s use in radiation shielding. Tin (Sn), Show’ exit of energy only in the 4 Pole Charts
  • 22. Yet again the Six Pole charts for Sn Shows an entry. If the reader studies the numbers you will find that Pb and Sn are mirrors of one another. For the Most part I use the 4 Pole calculations, mostly because they tell me all I need to know. When I really get serious I use the 6 Pole charts. An example would be the union of Pb and Sn. Pb U Sn 5.88636 6.74363 > 5.74090 6.02090 6.89727 > 5.87181 4.90545 5.62000 > 4.78454 5.88727 6.74363 > 5.74181 4.90636 5.62000 > 4.78454 7.53909 8.43000 > 7.17727
  • 23. Lead and Tin, both have entry points on the East Poles, Yet the union of Lead and Tin, show an entry point at the South Pole. This is the source of diffraction of the elements. This is caused by the inference of Black and Dark matter through the elements. Which makes up a guide for how to use these energies of gravity? Diffraction is an interesting topic, as it refers to the bending of the light waves. Yet it is established that light travels in quanta particle packets in waves. When light enters glass it slows in velocity from 186,000 miles per second to roughly 124.000 miles per second. Upon exiting the glass the light reaccelerates back to the 186,000 miles per second. Could the answer be that the particle packets are accelerated by black and dark matter? I think that it is the only logical reason for that to occur. If that were true then why can’t matter cause a slowing of black and dark matter as well? Talking of black and dark matter, I don’t feel we can even begin to understand the complex nature of the myriad of these particle streams. I believe Einstein understood it to a very high level. This is why he formed the distant parallelism concept. I think when the states of velocity are taken into account the only logical explanation is there are streams of dark matter particles that pass through matter as if it were not there. Though there is enough inference that other larger slower dark matter particles are struck By these higher state particles and accelerated after being slowed by matter. I would conjecture that the mean average velocity state of dark matter to be roughly 3.5 billion miles per second. Thus creating the term distant parallelism as a needful way to explain it. It is this reason I was able to form an artificial gravity well. This is the reason I formed the mathematics in the format as it is now, to give a visible image of the interaction of the particle makeup of the nucleus of the atom, as well as the particle passage through the elements. By inducing matter into motion and vibration this causes a conflict of the dark and black
  • 24. matters passage through thus causing conflict that in turn breaks of pieces of the nucleus. This is the change in state I have referred before. In the instance of forming alloys it is needful to contribute some particles back into the region so that the kick back forces can draw the elements together. The kick back forces are a direct result of the reacceleration of dark matter in-between the sub regions of the atom. I think it will be found that elements are constantly losing and gaining electrons as well as other sub atomic matter. Thus an evolution of transforming the elements over time I doubt that there is one atom on the earth or else where for that matter that is the same as they once were. We absorb sub particles from our surroundings and loose sub particles every instance of our lives, and so does all other matter. It is good in a way to know this because we can use that knowledge to create new forms of materials for use in our everyday lives. It is needful for the student to understand the vastness of these concepts in order to be able to use the mathematics and charting as, an expansion of ideas and new tools to understand how to use them. Lets again take up the topic of kick back forces, the interplay in these are quite simple yet hard for most students to understand. If we view a target being struck by a bullet upon of the instant of contact the target is pulled towards the muzzle of the rifle, then the bullet passes through and the target is drawn towards the receding bullet. Which leads to a question of what would happen if the bullet upon impact instantly stretched elongated and accelerated in higher velocity in the same instance. I believe that the initial impact would cause the target to be kicked back towards the muzzle. I believe that this is the interplay through the nucleus and sub particles of the atom. This is a very similar process going on with black and dark matter. They become the bullets. The interplay then creates a view of distant parallelism. With a twist, Steven Hawks view of string theory. Especially dark matter can and does exist in more than one space time, through multiple matter in and through out our sun, earth and outside of our solar system all in the same instant in our way of measuring time. In a sense they act just as a string, for matter to slide along, as in someone propelling from a cliff. Every object in their path; is affected by their vibrations and interplay through matter. If for some reason matter is caused into motion, this can and does set up a region were there is a deflection to the dark matter, and it will change direction yet still affect other matter in its new direction. A very good example is the formation of the alloy of Fe and Al. By creating conditions for the interplay to occur. I know I use interplay as a word quite often, yet it is the only way I can explain what is going on. Again take Lead and Tin sets, they both have an east entry point for dark matter on the 6 Pole view. Yet the mirror of the union indicates a slower south entry between them. This is an example of how dark matter of distant Parallism is brought into our space time reference even if it is only for an instant, which by the way is exactly what occurs when light photons passage through glass. As Einstein pointed out that there is a distortion in the time between a person sitting and
  • 25. one in motion. I don’t believe he viewed it as a fact only an observation. Through calculation he was able to prove a distortion of time to different observers from different reference points. At the speed of light rounding it off he determined as 1/10 time differential. So what would be the effect, if one were to ponder the 1/100 time differential? The particles of dark matter are traveling in waves from 360 spherical degrees in and to all directions through space and time. These could very well be organized by earth’s matter, into a lower velocity state as well as a mirror effect to form what we view as gravity. There the kick back forces would propel us to earth. Example Pb Above again is the example of Lead with an east entry for dark matter.
  • 26. Tin also has an east entry, yet the particles that enter Tin are of a different size and velocity than the ones that enter Lead. This is why the kick back forces of the particles attract the two together so nicely. The region between the elements I call the subsets are made up imaginary element’s themselves and they act just as if they were real elements. This would also explain the formation of various isotopes. Example Lead and Tin These form the mirror subset as viewed above. Which means that a change in the state of dark matter has occurred by combining the two elements together? By demonstrating the lower velocity South entry in the mirror, we see an interaction of the different sizes and state of the dark matter filtered by the two elements. In other words the state of the dark matter reaches a state of conflict, causing the impact of these particles into the nucleus of the atoms thus lowering their states of velocity.
  • 27. This is the reason that the energy can be used at that stage. There are infinite combinations that occur all the time. It is only a matter to determine which elements to use to create a desired energy state. Lets take a look at the difference between, the atomic weights of the elements and their specific gravity. Specific gravity is an elements displacement of water which raises an interesting question. Why would an element behave differently with water, than it would on a weight scale? To find that answer it becomes necessary to determine the overall subset for water. Water is formed into dipoles and it literally is formed as H, O, H. There are other variations of the 6 Pole charts, so for understanding I will form them thus. H U O > Sub #1 U H > North North North North East East East East West West West West Wave Wave Wave Wave Wake Wake Wake Wake South South South South Which form’s Sub #2. Then we union sub #1 U to sub #2, to attain the overall for the water dipole, the numbers would change for heavy water. H U O > Sub #1 U H Sub #2 5.72636 U 7.27181> 5.90818 U 5.72636 > 5.28818 5.85727 U 5.37181> 5.10454 U 5.85727 > 4.98272 4.77272 U 6.06000> 4.92363 U 4.77272 > 8.81454 5.72727 U 7.27272> 5.90909 U 5.72727 > 5.28909 4.77272 U 6.06090> 4.92454 U 4.77272 > 8.81545 7.15909 U 4.54545> 5.32000 U 7.15909 > 5.67272 Although I call Sub #2 H20. There are two other Sub’s, yet this is a good and accurate overview. Notice that H2O has an entry at the east and wave poles. High numerations exit on the north; wake; While the low numerations exit on the west and south.
  • 28. Aluminum has an atomic weight of 26.98154 and a specific gravity of 2.6989. Notice that the entry is all south. I think we need at this time to union Al, to H2O. Also I am going to assume that the reader knows the alignment of the poles. Al, U H2O Al/H2O 6.13181 U 5.28818 > 5.19090 6.27272 U 4.98272 > 5.11636 5.11000 U 8.81454 > 6.32909 6.13272 U 5.28909 > 5.19181 7.66636 U 5.67272 > 6.06363 5.11090 U 8.81545 > 6.33000 H2O, has one entry from the east, Al/H2O has one entry on the east and one west.
  • 29. Iron, (Fe) has an atomic weight of 55.847 and a specific gravity of 7.874. So the atomic weight and the specific gravity follow according to the difference of the weight of Al, and Fe. Lets look at Fe. Again Lets see if we can see why it has a higher specific gravity, With its union to H2O. Fe U H2O > Fe/H2O 6.34636 U 5.28818 > 5.28818 6.49181 U 4.98272 > 5.21545 5.28909 U 8.81454 > 6.41090 6.34727 U 5.28909 > 5.28909 5.28909 U 8.81545 > 6.41090 7.93454 U 5.67272 > 6.18545 I notice that the numerations for Fe, West and Wake are identical. Also H2O and Fe/H20 are identical. On the North Pole. Also Fe, Wake and H20 West and Fe/H2O west are the identical. Two entry points West and Wake, for Fe/H2O, compared to Al/H2O, Entry East and West.
  • 30. Strontium (Sr) has an atomic weight of 87.62 and a specific gravity of 2.54. It varies a lot when compared to Al, or Fe. I wonder why. Let’s look at it in union with H2O. Sr U H2O > Sr/H20 4.97818 U 5.28818 > 4.66636 5.09181 U 4.98272 > 4.57909 6.03454 U 8.81454 > 6.75000 4.97818 U 5.28909 > 4.66727 8.29727 U 8.81545 > 7.77818 6.22272 U 5.67272 > 5.35636 Example of Strontium and Water The first thing I notice is that Sr/H2O only has one entry point, and because the lower numerations are the largest, thus more forceful most of the energy is repelling against the H2O dipole. All the other numerations are high, thus they match and push against the H2O. Example Water
  • 31. I know this if I wanted to pump water through tubing, I would try to match the Sr, subset. I want to show the extremes, So lets use Gold (Au), Au, has an atomic weight of 196.9665 and a specific gravity of 18.88. Lead (Pb) has an atomic weight of 207. 2, yet a specific gravity of 11.35 On a scale Pb, outweighs Au,. Yet with water it is lighter or has a lesser specific gravity. Let’s find out why. Au, U H2O > Au/H2O 5.59545 U 5.28818 > 4.94727 5.72363 U 4.98272 > 4.86636 4.66363 U 8.81454 > 6.12636 5.59636 U 5.28909 > 4.94818 4.66363 U 8.81545 > 6.12727 6.99545 U 5.67272 > 5.75818 Example Gold and Water I would have to assume that because all numerations are high, that Au/H2O would settle in water like a stone or have a higher specific gravity. Numerations from a 636 to 909, are gravity related, or molecular in nature. Now we calculate for the Pb union with H2O. Pb U H2O > Pb/H2O 5.88636 U 5.28818 > 5.07909 6.02090 U 4.98272 > 5.00181 4.90545 U 8.81454 > 6.23636 5.88727 U 5.28909 > 5.08000 4.90636 U 8.81545 > 6.23727 7.35909 U 5.67272 > 5.92363 If we compare to Au/H2O, Pb, has two entry points. East and Wave, Also again these are the low slow, powerful energy entries. This also would cause Lead not to fall in water as easy. Or it would cause it to have a lesser specific gravity as compared to that of Gold.
  • 32. Example of Gold and Water Notice the differences between the ways Au, is intercepted by water compared to Pb Let’s compare Al, Fe, and Sr. With their interactions with Water as well. As the student develops a better understanding of the mathematics, it will become clear as to how and why these interactions occur. The hardest object to learn of the math is the interlocking combinations of the various particle sizes involved. As well as the particle
  • 33. velocity states, in distant parallelism that Einstein alluded to. Yet the information and facts are all over the scientific world, of past scientists and the new ones in our day and age we are very lucky to have the skills of these scientists. Example of Iron and Strontium with water Sr, only has one low slow entry, again the most powerful. Al, and Fe, is slightly higher energy entry points. When I speak of higher energy I am referring to the last three Numerations these are a 545 and higher. Which are more magnetic and gravity related. By making comparisons of the known factual work, we can establish a format to allow the charting to make predictions of the unknown. Sodium when formed into NaOH, forms, Sodium hydroxide, (NaOH) is a material that reacts violently with water, perhaps the question we should ask is Why? Let’s take a look and find out. I will format it in the order of O, Na, H. O. U Na > O/Na U H O/Na/H 7.27181 U 5.22454 > 5.68000 U 5.72636 > 5.18454 5.37181 U 5.34454 > 4.87090 U 5.35727 > 4.64909 6.06000 U 6.33363 > 5.63363 U 4.77272 > 5.16454 7.27272 U 5.22545 > 5.68090 U 5.72727 > 5.18545
  • 34. 6.06090 U 8.70909 > 6.71363 U 4.77272 > 5.22090 4.54545 U 6.53181 > 5.03545 U 7.15909 > 5.54272 Example of caustic Lye High numeration energy entry, Low Powerful exit, now to see how it reacts with H2O. O/Na/H U H2O > O/Na/H/H20 5.18454 U 5.28818 > 4.76000 4.64909 U 4.98272 > 5.51000 5.16454 U 8.81454 > 6.35454 5.18545 U 5.28909 > 4.76090 5.22090 U 8.81545 > 6.38000 5.54272 U 5.67272 > 5.09818 This combination, is nasty. Example of NaOH.
  • 35. The vast majority of the numbers are the powerful low numerations; it is no wonder why this would strip H, away from H2O as well as O, for that matter a very nasty material. As I go forward with Simulacrum mathematics’ I see a new world and new possibilities. Which shines the Universe under a new light, gone should be the misconceptions of the past. Most of the scientific materials we depend upon are based in the 1700’s and the 1800’s. One of the discoveries I made was artificial gravity or an enhanced molecular field. It has been used to create new and useful materials. We will Calculate the entire portion of these system’s at a later time. I feel it is important for the student to understand the basic’s first. Another related system is the deflecting or blocking of magnetic fields. It takes imagination to stretch science in new directions to create new processes in order to understand the nature of matter and energy. Lithium is highly reactive in water. Lets try and determine why? Lithium (Li) 6.31000 6.45454 5.26000 6.31090 5.26090 7.88909 Example of Li,. Notice Li, has all low numerations, the low slow powerful ones. Lets view in combination with H2O. Example of Water; Water overall is sub #2 in these lessons H U O > Sub #1 U H Sub #2 5.72636 U 7.27181> 5.90818 U 5.72636 > 5.28818
  • 36. 5.85727 U 5.37181> 5.10454 U 5.85727 > 4.98272 4.77272 U 6.06000> 4.92363 U 4.77272 > 8.81454 5.72727 U 7.27272> 5.90909 U 5.72727 > 5.28909 4.77272 U 6.06090> 4.92454 U 4.77272 > 8.81545 7.15909 U 4.54545> 5.32000 U 7.15909 > 5.67272 Example of Lithium mixed with Water Li U H2O > Li/H2O 6.31000 U 5.28818 > 5.27181 6.45454 U 4.98272 > 5.19909 5.26000 U 8.81454 > 6.39727 6.31090 U 5.28909 > 5.27272 5.26090 U 8.81545 > 6.39818 7.88909 U 5.67272 > 6.16454 Example of Li, and H2O,. The subset formed acts as a stirrer to the molecules of H2O. The Low slow powerful particles emitted from the Wave and South will strike Oxygen the strongest, in the H2O molecule; and liberating the hydrogen atoms, in a violent reaction. Referring to the first page, of Dalton’s findings and the finding of other researchers the atoms of the same element are alike and atoms of different elements are different. The same is true for the subset mixtures of compounds. It is the passage of dark and black matter in packets that create the subset regions. Not all dark and black matter will pass through the regions of the diverse different atoms. These particle packets are deflected off the atoms, where they mix and merge with particle deflection of other atoms. For example if we were to view what happens to the quanta packets of light photons
  • 37. traveling in waves and their interaction with a glass pane not all photon packets will pass through the pane. Thus are deflected off from the glass. This deflection mixes with other deflective light from rocks trees etc, color is formed due to the different velocity states of the photon packets. Yet I believe there is enough evidence to prove that the particle packets of photons contain different sizes as well. These variances in size would imply that the lower number numerations are larger packets and have a lower velocity state. This is what I believe goes on in and around the nucleus of the atoms as it pertains to the dark and black matter packets in a velocity state. Different atoms deflect different dark and black matter particle packets. These are the source of the reactive actions that occur in the preceding equations above. I suspect that the higher numerations are smaller particles at higher velocity states. It is when the lower and higher numerations collide that reactions occur. Example These reactions occur trillions of times a second in and around all matter and energy particles. The dark and black matter are the deflective medium that cause the diffraction of radio signals through space as well as other light associated particle packets. I believe that these dark and black matter particles collide with each other as well. This creates the dynamics of the Universe? The above diagram then could represent even one black matter particle as it is affected by the dark matter. It is simple really. Dark matter particle packets traveling in waves are smaller in size thus are in velocity states that Einstein described as Distant Parallelism. This could indicate that they exist outside of our space time reference yet still affect the energy and matter of our space time? Imagine a state where particle packets exist with
  • 38. velocity states at 3.4 billion miles per second from our space time reference. Imagine dark matter packets at even higher velocity states than that. In theory a dog trotting across the Brooklyn bridge could cause it to collapse, If that were to be true, then there is a lot more going on that just the dog’s trot. It would cause vibrations into the atoms of the elements that the bridge is made of which would cause a collision of the dark and black matter, with the matter of the bridge. The term of Simulacrum came from the mirror reflections of these particles creating regions that are in and through out the entire fabric of the space and time of the elements of the bridge. Einstein’s Distant Parallelism, Hawkins’s sting theories would also pertain, because a rose by any other name is still a rose. In essence both theories imply the same thing. Then the difference between those theories and Simulacrum is simply, Simulacrum is trying to define what transpires between matter and energy. How do we use the obvious? Which I hope is by design I would gather? This is why the subset regions have been designed, in order to get a better view of these reactions. In the earlier sections I have shown the overall subset region for NaOH, I held off from pointing out, Sodium (Na). Na, is also highly reactive with H2O. So Lets take a look see. Na, 5.22454 5.34454 6.33363 5.22545 8.70909 6.53181 Study the numbers; even the first numerations are similar. There will be collisions in all regions, between the dark and black matter. Stripping the O, from the H2 as well as the H, from H,. What has not been viewed is the structure of the Hydrogen or the Oxygen. Example of O, and H,.
  • 39. ] ] ] In the above examples, are O, not O2, or H, not H2. To obtain those examples there must be subset’s calculated. Lets start with H, Then. Notice in the preceding portions of the book to determine H2O, I calculated H U O > Sub, U H > overall for water. + Example of H2
  • 40. H U H > H2 5.72636 U 5.72636 > 5.20545 5.85727 U 5.85727 > 5.32454 4.77272 U 4.77272 > 8.67727 5.72727 U 5.72727 > 5.20636 4.77272 U 4.77272 > 8.67727 7.15909 U 7.15909 > 6.50818 Now for O2. O U O > O2 7.27181 U 7.27181 > 6.61090 5.37181 U 5.37181 > 4.88363 6.06000 U 6.06000 > 5.50909 7.27272 U 7.27272 > 6.61181 6.06090 U 6.06090 > 5.51000 4.54545 U 4.54545 > 8.26454 What I have attempted to do, is show that the Oxygen atom is larger than the Hydrogen
  • 41. atom. Now once again compare to the single H, atom on each side of O,. At the same time, it will take serious energy to combine them. Can the student see why? Example of H,. The numbers between O, and H2, are opposite numerations similar to Pb, and Sn, as viewed earlier in this text. It indicates H2O, is not easy to divide it into separate segments of pure O, and pure H, of course we already knew that. Yet these numerations indicate why, it would take enormous energy to combine them as well. Example, H2 and O, later. Through the studies of the six poles of the elements and their combining subsets, the mysteries of these energies can be better understood. By taken known scientific facts through subset patterns, it becomes apparent that knowledge can be expanded upon into new designs. In the forward of the book, is the six pole table. It is a column format instead of the 3-D view this format will allow the student to form the 3-D view. I have considered using a different 3-D format, yet that will come later one that shows the crystal makeup of the atoms. It is illusion due to vibration that gives off the impression that the atoms are
  • 42. round, or circular. Examples of H2, and O,. Oxygen (O), will combine with H2, although there is a resistance to the formation at the East and South poles. Which indicates the need for enormous energy to combine H2, with O, The reason it can be stated in this manner is because H2, East has a low numeration as well as the South poles of H2, and O, are high numerations, thus will resist the combining together of those segments. We are not using charge factors with these charts. The electron charge of the orbital’s have already been established in the chemistry texts, Yet Low and High numerations indicate some form of magnetic and gravity (molecular).
  • 43. charges. The Magnetic or Gravitational (molecular), charges in these regions have not been mapped out except in Simulacrum theory these Low or High numerations are the reason for the established electron theory, simply because they are the source of the energy behind the electron motion. Along with the state of were electrons would be found These regions give rise to electrons, photons, X-rays, etc. This is accomplished by vibrations induced upon the atoms, and the emissions given off are due to the interference of the atoms normal state, which is a state of rest. The atoms are caused into motion; This affects the normal passage of dark and black matter through these regions of the atoms. This causes the black and dark matter to strip off subatomic particles known as the electro-magnetic spectrum. These are the electrons, photons, etc. I know I repeat myself, yet it is a very important concept, if the student plans on using the mathematics to any advantage. While we are on the topic lets discuss the electron orbital’s, let’s view Al, and Fe,.
  • 44. The above examples are a crude version of the structure and orbital of electrons. The student can get a better example from any number chemistry text books. These are the images viewed under an electron microscope. I believe that the spherical distortion is due to the vibration induced by the microscope’s electron bombardment, thus interfering with dark matters passage through. Are electrons, in a true orbit, or are they trapped in stasis by kick back forces of dark and black matter? I believe that under normal circumstances they are locked in stasis. It would cause the electron’s to be shattered into molecular, magnetic and photon particles Once again I will mention that the atoms themselves are crystal in structure, or they have geometric and trigonal configurations. Vibrations induced into the region of the atoms cause them to spin. I have mentioned this before and will again, it is that important of a concept to understand. This will help the student to understand the mathematics with much more clarity. At this point, I will again bring up Schrödinger’s work found on pages 4 and 5. I earlier mentioned the spectrum of the light waves and electromagnetic spectrum. Just what medium are the electrons vibrating in? In other words, there is something there for them to be affected by and that is why there is an effect by the electrons vibrations. I think that it is the dark matter energy causing the effect.
  • 45. In fact I believe it is very similar to which the light photons are emitted. The basic premise is, electron’s induced into vibration are struck by dark matter. Particles of the electron are cast off in waves. Which are transferred over the median by dark matter? It is in much this manner that the alloys are joined in the induction furnace. This is accomplished by creating a region that becomes the target region for the electrons to settle to. If an electron or the nucleus of the atom is caused into a spin, then the east, wake, west, and wave are all interfering with each other. At that stage there can be no kick back forces of dark matter that will join them together. I believe the electrons emulate the structure of the atom from which they are sprung. This is simply because the whole structure is formed from the same dark matter material. There was a joke in a Steven Hawkins’s book. A professor was giving a talk on the string theory. At the end of his lecture, a little old lady stood up and said, very clever young man. But everyone knows that the earth is supported by the back of a giant turtle. The professor smiled and said Ok madam, if that is the case; then what is the turtle standing on? The old lady replied why everyone knows it is turtles all the way down. In a sense that is what electrons are, a minor mirror of the whole from where they came. I would imagine that the photons are the mirrors of the electrons, etc. These are important insights for the purpose of calculation.
  • 46. The most important concept behind calculation is to have a clear insight to the goal at the end. In other words pick a topic, define it. Study the characteristics of the materials, and the elements involved; It does not matter if it is the alloy’s, communication, photon drive or a whatever. If the concept deals with a real design then it is made up of the physical elements, which has to be studied and understood, before calculations can be derived. For instance, it is known that Iron (Fe) is cubic in structure. Aluminum (Al) is crystalline. In order to alloy them, Al, has to be rotated into a cubic shape. We know that Fe, has 26 electrons and Al, has 13 electrons. To pair them in a proper format, we have to double the Al, in order to form the union by volume not weight. This leads to the knowledge that Al, has a melting temperature that is almost 1/3rd of Fe, Al, boil off point is much lower than Fe,. So a way needs to be developed to preserve the electrons of Al, rather than having it become ionic. Aluminum is a paramagnetic element. If it were to become ionic it would become diamagnetic. A diamagnetic element is feebly repelled in the presence of a ferromagnetic field. As Fe, cools down it has plenty of electron spin, which forms a ferromagnetic force. This is why under normal conditions, the electrons are stripped away from the Al, becoming ionic and Fe, becomes ferromagnetic. This is also why under normal circumstances the alloy becomes brittle, which requires a special set of conditions to form a true alloy. The more that is known about a material the greater the chances of success. On pages 27 and 28, are the simulacrum chart images of Al, and Fe,. I will again bring them in for review, with the above added insight. Al, and Fe,.
  • 47. The numerations at the end of the equations are opposite, Al, is low, Fe is high. Al has a high entry, and Fe, has a low entry. It tells me that they should merge together, if the right conditions are met. It would require knowledge of the desired outcome, as well as matching the simulacrum images of other elements to blend with the Al, Thus preserving the integrity of the electron structures of the Al. Because we want to form Al, with Fe, We would calculate Al2, Fe, Lets go for it. Al, U Fe, > #1 U Al, > Al2 / Fe 6.13181 U 6.34636 > 5.67181 U 6.13181 > 5.36545 6.27272 U 6.49181 > 5.80181 U 6.27272 > 5.48818 5.11000 U 5.28909 > 4.72727 U 5.11000 > 8.94272 6.13272 U 6.34727 > 5.67272 U 6.13272 > 5.36636 5.11090 U 5.28909 > 4.72727 U 5.11090 > 8.94363 7.66636 U 7.93454 > 7.09181 U 7.66636 > 6.70818 Al2/Fe subset
  • 48. In order to form this region, we are going to have to create its mirror or as closely as possible to it. We would ideally like to have all the starting numbers of all the poles in the same region. Yet I suspect that the wake and west poles will deviate. The last three numerals are going to have to be high where the Al2/Fe is low, such as in the wake and west poles. The numerations that are high are going to have to be low, such as the north, east, wave and south poles. That would become the mirror region for the alloy to form. Because I have not calculated this before in the six pole charts it should be very interesting. Lets begin with the alloy generator that works somewhat and see if it can be improved. Right away, we have Fe, and Pb, lets union them. Fe, U Pb, > Fe/Pb U C, Fe/Pb/C 6.34636 U 5.88636 > 5.56000 U 8.53181 > 6.40545 6.49181 U 6.02090 > 5.68727 U 6.30272 > 5.45000 5.28909 U 4.90545 > 4.63363 U 7.11000 > 5.33818 6.34727 U 5.88727 > 5.56090 U 8.53272 > 6.40636 5.28909 U 4.90636 > 4.63454 U 7.11090 > 5.33909 7.93454 U 7.35909 > 6.95181 U 5.33272 > 5.58363 If the student compares the Fe, combo, the North Pole is not what is desired. The numbers are to high 6, instead of a 5. Also the end numbers are both 545. This would repel the Al2/Fe combo, although it is a good starting point because the majority of the numerations would attract. Fe/Pb/C Combo
  • 49. The next combination should be Na/Si/03, added to the Fe/Pb/C combo. It acts as a binder and an energy regulator. I will calculate in this manner, (Water glass). O, U Na > O/Na U O, > O/Na/O U Si, > O/Na/O/Si 7.27181 U 5.22454 > 5.68000 U 7.27181 > 5.88727 U 6.38272 > 5.57727 U 5.37181 U 5.34454 > 4.87090 U 5.37181 > 4.65545 U 6.52909 > 5.08363 U 6.06000 U 6.33363 > 8.26454 U 6.06000 > 5.14727 U 5.31909 > 4.75727 U 7.27272 U 5.22545 > 5.68090 U 7.27272 > 5.88818 U 6.38363 > 5.57818 U 6.06090 U 8.70909 > 6.71363 U 6.06090 > 5.80636 U 5.32000 > 4.75818 U 4.54545 U 6.53181 > 5.03545 U 4.54545 > 8.71000 U 7.98000 > 7.58636 U O, > O/Na/O/Si/O 7.27181 > 5.84090 Notice, the overall subset is by itself out side the group 5.37181 > 4.75272 we would like to see. Yet we will combo it with Fe/Pb/C 6.06000 > 4.91727 to determine how it will work in the sets. 7.27272 > 5.84181 6.06090 > 4.91818 4.54545 > 5.51454 We will apply Fe,Pb,C, with NaSiO3. Here we go.
  • 50. Fe/Pb/C U NaSiO3 > #1 Fe/Na combo These are U with Fe2 because of 2 plates. Fe2 #1 Fe/Na,Combo/Fe2 6.40545 U 5.84090 > 5.56636 U 5.76909 > 5.15454 5.45000 U 4.75272 > 4.63727 U 5.90181 > 4.79090 5.33818 U 4.91727 > 4.66181 U 4.80818 > 8.60909 6.40636 U 5.84181 > 5.56727 U 5.77000 > 5.15454 5.33909 U 4.91818 > 4.66272 U 4.80818 > 8.61000 5.58363 U 5.51454 > 5.04454 U 7.21363 > 5.57181 I want to point out that, everything is working to restrict the flow of gravity, to a very fine degree. With that in mind, the magnetic forces will come to play to create our region for the alloy. But for now we still have to subset the quartz, in the clay and the added Fe. SiO2, is quartz, yet so is SiO4. I believe that SiO4 in clay is the more likely candidate. O2 U Si > SiO2 U O2 > SiO4 6.61090 U 6.38272 > 5.90636 U 6.61090 > 5.69000 4.88363 U 6.52909 > 5.18727 U 4.88363 > 4.57818 5.50909 U 5.31909 > 4.92181 U 5.50909 > 4.74181 6.61181 U 6.38363 > 5.90727 U 6.61181 > 5.69090 5.51000 U 5.32000 > 4.92272 U 5.51000 > 4.74181 8.26454 U 7.98000 > 7.38363 U 8.26454 > 7.11272
  • 51. SiO4 U Fe > SiO4/Fe U Cu, winding > SiO4/Fe/Cu,. 5.69000 U 6.34636 > 5.47090 U 7.22090 > 5.76909 4.57818 U 6.49181 > 5.03181 U 7.38636 > 5.64454 4.74181 U 5.28909 > 4.56000 U 6.01818 > 4.80818 5.69090 U 6.34727 > 5.47181 U 7.22181 > 5.77000 4.74181 U 5.28909 > 4.56000 U 6.01818 > 4.80818 7.11272 U 7.93454 > 6.84000 U 9.02727 > 7.21272 What is left to do, is to subset SiO4FeCu, into quartz SiO4, as the final clay layer. SiO4 U SiO4FeCu > #2 combo 5.69090 U 5.76909 > 5.20909 what we have here is the final lap 4.57818 U 5.64454 > 4.64636 we will now have to subset #1U#2 4.74181 U 4.80818 > 8.68181 for our field overall. 5.69090 U 5.77000 > 5.21000 4.74181 U 4.80818 > 8.68181 7.11272 U 7.21272 > 6.51181
  • 52. #1 U #2 Rune OV 5.15454 U 5.20909 > 4.71090 4.79090 U 4.64636 > 8.57909 8.60909 U 8.68181 > 7.86000 5.15454 U 5.21000 > 4.71090 8.61000 U 8.68181 > 7.86000 5.57181 U 6.51181 > 5.49272 Rune overall
  • 53. Let’s compare to our Al2/Fe This material would come together in the North and South Poles. It would come together in the Wave Pole. With feeble repelling in the East, Wake, and West, Poles. This is why we have the minute flaws. Yet notice, the low slow numerations are present, if anything will effect dark matter this design will. What is left to do is union Rune Overall with the Al2Fe, to see what is formed. Rune OV U Al2Fe > Structure of material 4.71090 U 5.36545 > 4.58000 8.57909 U 5.48818 > 6.39454 7.86000 U 8.94272 > 7.63727 4.71090 U 5.36636 > 4.58090 7.86000 U 8.94363 > 7.63818 5.49272 U 6.70818 > 5.54636 At this point I can see where the micro fractures are coming from. We would have attractions on the north, east, west, wave, and wake. The flaw would be at the South Pole. For the most part each segment would form inner-metallic compounds. The regions themselves would have a fine line of separation.
  • 54. Structure of Material So the S.M. region becomes the molecular mold to hold the material together in. Notice the East of S.M. is low, where the East of Al2Fe, is high. They will draw together. The South Pole becomes the weak link, between the inter-metallic compound regions. It makes me wonder, if adding a .05% of Cu, to the alloy would eliminate the problem. Let’s see. In Rune field Cu .05% U Al2Fe > .05%CuAl2Fe U Rune O.A > Al2Fe.05%Cu .361045 U 5.36545 > 5.20636 U 4.71090 > 9.01545 .369318 U 5.48818 > 5.32636 U 8.57909 > 6.32090 .300909 U 8.94272 > 8.40363 U 7.86000 > 7.39272 .361045 U 5.36636 > 5.20636 U 4.71090 > 9.01545 .300909 U 8.94363 > 8.40454 U 7.86000 > 7.39272 .4513635 U 6.70818 > 6.50909 U 5.49272 > 5.45545
  • 55. Material with .05% Cu Everything about the addition of Copper indicates to me that it makes the problem worse. When compared to the goal of forming the ideal Al2Fe, material.
  • 56. The material with .05% Cu, is very close to Tb. Lets view Tb. The oxide of Tb, is chocolate or dark maroon color. The above material should be maroon in color as well. It is a rare element of the lanthanide series. It has 19 isotopes, used in solid state devices. The oxide has potential application as an activator for green phosphors used in color TV Tubes; That is used to dope calcium fluoride, calcium, tungstate, and strontium molybdate. Sodium terbium borate is used as a laser material and emits coherent light at 5460A. In 1982 it cost $600.00 a pound. It can only be remelted in a vacuum furnace. Terbium (Tb) Compared to the subset of Al2Fe, 05%Cu. formed in the Rune field.
  • 57. The major variance is the east, and south poles, even at that they are in the same first digit range. On all 6 poles. For every intent this material would act as an isotope of Tb; I digress, yet when I see examples like the above, I notice it. Cu, at .05% won’t work. Let’s try something else. Let’s try Bismuth (Bi), at .05% and see what happens. Bi X .05% > .05%Bi U Al2Fe > Al2Fe.05%Bi 5.93636 X .296815 U 5.36545 > 5.14727 6.07181 X .3035905 U 5.48818 > 5.26545 4.94727 X .2473635 U 8.94272 > 8.35545 5.93636 X .296815 U 5.36636 > 5.14818 4.94727 X .2473635 U 8.94363 > 8.3554 7.42090 X .371045 U 6.70818 > 6.43545 I won’t bother to show the 6 pole block, all the arrows are pointed outward. Similar to Ta,. Ta, would have an entry on the east, wake, and exits on the rest of the poles. These numerations would throw the first numerations off in the Al2Fe. In a similar manner as . 05% Cu, does. They I believe would land in the 8. Grouping, were our desired field is in the 5 group. At this point I will do further research, to determine what to use. Good examples for the student to follow The Al2Fe, goal of Rune field At this point I think that the NaSiO3, should be taken out because this alloy appears to interfere, with the desired result’s. From a six pole view, that is.
  • 58. The above union with SiO4, is outside coating on the iron plates. I will apply the Fe/Pb/C, into the SiO4, then will apply the copper windings. I think that after that another coating of SiO4, needs to be applied to get the rune overall. Then we will be able to see how the structure fits in with Al2Fe, target material. Rune Structure Minus NaSiO3 FePbC. U SiO4 > Rune field U Cu, windings (Cu,W) > First stage R.(F#R) 6.40545 U 5.69000 > 5.49818 U 7.22090 > 578181 5.45000 U 4.57818 > 4.55818 U 7.38636 > 5.42909 5.33818 U 4.74181 > 4.58181 U 6.01818 > 4.81818 6.40636 U 5.69090 > 5.49909 U 7.22181 > 5.78272 5.33909 U 4.74181 > 4.58272 U 6.01818 > 4.81909 5.58363 U 7.11272 > 5.77090 U 9.02727 > 6.72636 Al2Fe,F#RQ F#R U SiO4 > Rune overall (F#R+Q) U Al2Fe > Material in field# 5.78181 U 5.69000 > 5.21454 U 5.36545 > 4.80909 5.42909 U 4.57818 > 4.54909 U 5.48818 > 4.99363 4.81818 U 4.74181 > 8.69090 U 8.94272 > 8.01545 5.78272 U 5.69090 > 5.21545 U 5.36636 > 4.81000 4.81909 U 4.74181 > 8.69090 U 8.94363 > 8.01545 6.72636 U 7.11272 > 6.29090 U 6.70818 > 5.90909
  • 59. The material will be drawn in on the wave, east, west, and wake. Let’s view the rune. RuneOVF#RQ
  • 60. The RuneOVF#RQ, Fits as well as any design I have seen. All of the first numbers except for the East, match the first number grouping. Even the east pole is in the high end of Its side. Everything else fits like a hand in a glove. At this point I want to change direction. The calculations show the condition of which the elements will fit into as far as what they become with the merging conditions imposed upon them by their unions. What has been left out so far is how do we use this? For that we have to go back to the discoveries of Hans Oersted, and Michael Faraday. Let’s see what these scientists discovered. Hans Oersted of Denmark discovered, that an electric current sets up a magnetic field around a wire in which the current is flowing. When the wire is wrapped into loops one face of the lire loop becomes at North Pole while the opposite face of the loop forms a South Pole. Michael Faraday and James Maxwell determined the time was altered by the presence of a magnetic field. Maxwell states: a magnetic field is induced in “any” region of space in which an electric field is changing with time. The magnitude of the induced magnetic field is “proportional” to the rate at which the electric field changes. And the direction of the induced magnetic field is at right angles to the changing electric field. The work of Faraday, and Maxwell, is an extension to Hans Oerated’s, discovery. I will use Oersted’s, findings. A moving electrical charge produces; a magnetic field that is produced by the current flow, which forms around a current carrying conductor. The polarity of the magnet is determined by the currents direction. That by reversing the direction of the current flow causes a directional change in the magnetic field; South becomes North; North replaces South.
  • 61. With these basic facts, along with others I will mention later. I personally would like to know. Who established that there is only one type of electron? Who established the fact, that positrons are holes that the electrons try to fill up, which causes current flow (fall), through? Scientists have proven that water dipoles will form into a magnetic alignment, yet they are molecular in charge. There are so many examples of magnetic and molecular forces in matter, as to be able to fill thousands of books explosive devices that require no electrical charge. Explosive devices are made up of, to quite an extent, (not all of course) from non- electrical conducting elements. Yet it is proven when an explosion occurs that a magnetic field is given of as a result.
  • 62. In order for the rune to be understood, there is going to have to be the realization that in the least, there are molecular forces emitted from the rune field. I believe that I have been able to prove that there are numerous types of electrons associated with the elements. Some are more magnetic oriented, some are more related to the molecular forces, while others are the electrons used in lighting, heat, forming magnetic fields in conductive windings, at the expense of causing heat to form in the, example Cu, wire, Al, wire, and to a lesser degree, Ag, wire. It is also done at the expense of the deterioration at the elemental level in the windings. A permanent magnet has no heat emissions. The Oersteds discovery, Faraday and Maxwell’s work speak for them selves. Maxwell states: A magnetic field is induced in any region of space in which an electric field is changing with time. Further the magnitude of the induced magnetic field is proportional to the rate at which the electric field changes. The direction of the induced magnetic field is at right angles to the changing electric field. I have used a criss-cross winding in the design of the runes. I have done this to cause a counter force at the section of the crossed wiring, even in the ceramic runes with the oxide Cu, with NaSiO3. The cross hatch design causes confusion in space time to the flow of dark and black matter. The dark matter, is caused to rise up from the rune, in a similar manner as the Cu, wire rose up with Oersted’s discovery. This is why the rune becomes attracted to the base of the crucible. The source of energy to power the rune is the induction furnace. Dark and black matter form convergence points into the crucible, with the ceramic runes and would with the electrical rune, provided that the electrical rune is far enough from the crucible as to prevent the induction furnace from melting it down. It is possible that a violent explosion would occur, if the electric rune were to be destroyed in such a manner. That said there are numerous ways to construct runes, which can be made of diverse materials. These runes used are convergence runes. They can also be built to repel different elements and combinations of elements. I hope that this text will give the student the power of the Simulacrum mathematics, to help in that endeavor. Although the mathematics is proprietary to W.G. Simco LLC and can only be used by my permission. I do not want unregulated copies to be printed. In order to explain my technologies, I have to be free to open up other areas of research. This is done for the benefit of the student for their own work. Motors and Generators Electric motors consist of a laminated core wrapped with loops of Cu, Wire. The loops themselves are dependent on the horsepower requirements of its design.
  • 63. The armature sits inside a metal tube that has either electromagnetic magnetic fields or permanent Magnets. The brushes put electrical power to the armature, through the commutator. In theory The north portion of the armature is repelled by the north oriented magnets and attracted to the south oriented magnet. The south portion of the armature, is repelled by the south magnet and attracted to the north oriented magnet. Then the commentator reverses power into the copper windings and the process starts over again. I will point out that this design, has power applied virtual one hundred percent of the time because the brush to commutator switching, is done instantly. The linear motors, on the other hand are constructed of either a solid steel shaft, or a hollow tube of steel which is incased by steel alloyed end caps. Inside the windings are made continuous and in stages. The linear design sits inside a steel tube, that has South or North oriented magnets pointing inwards. So there is no north and south magnetic configuration inside the tube.
  • 64. What the end caps provide is two fold. 1. The alloys cut through the magnetic fields with no or reduced emf forces which are the forces behind dynamic braking in a standard motor. 2. The caps act as inward reflector for the magnetic forces. In a sense it is similar to a laser; the magnetic forces are bounced back and forth through the coil liberating the electrons. The only way out for the electrons is the wiring. The wiring is restricted by the resistance of the windings, leaving a magnetic residue in the coil, where the magnetic forces, set the stage for further action, and restricts the entry of energy from a power source. The system has a potential draw of current from the power source only 25% of the time, in its contact with the commutator. The system also has a cross hatch winding at the end of construction. These act as a choke winding to tone down the high frequency energy given off. The calculations are indicative of the magnetic fields that the magnets emit. The coil should be constructed in the following manner *1Pb U Sn, > close,Ru? Bi, > Pb,Sn,Bi, U Cu Wire> *1,Cu,. 5.88636 U 6.74363 > 5.74090 U 5.93636 > 5.30818 U 7.22090 > 5.69545 6.02090 U 6.89727 > 5.87181 U 6.04363 > 5.41636 U 7.38636 > 5.81909 4.90545 U 5.62000 > 4.78454 U 4.90454 > 8.80818 U 6.01818 > 6.73909 5.88727 U 6.74363 > 5.74181 U 5.93636 > 5.30818 U 7.22181 > 5.69545 4.90636 U 5.62000 > 4.78454 U 4.90454 > 8.80818 U 6.01818 > 6.73909 7.53909 U 8.43000 > 7.17727 U 7.38636 > 6.62000 U 9.02727 > 7.11272 This shows cores numerations, next the Cu, winding over the core. Then the end caps. Core Material
  • 65. With the Cu, wire coiled on the core. All of the energy, from the core is slamming into the Cu, windings. Now for the end caps. We will calculate the windings after both caps are calculated. *1 U Fe, > *1,Fe U Pb,Sn,Bi, > end cap 1 5.69545 U 6.34636 > 5.47363 U 5.30818 > 4.90090 5.81909 U 6.49181 > 5.59636 U 5.41636 > 5.00545 6.73909 U 5.28909 > 5.46727 U 8.80818 > 6.48909 5.69545 U 6.34727 > 5.47363 U 5.30818 > 4.90090 6.73909 U 5.28909 > 5.46727 U 8.80818 > 6.48909 7.11272 U 7.93454 > 6.84000 U 6.62000 > 6.11818 Now these elements have to be run all over again except this time in reverse. Because the numbers change. Bi,U Sn, > 1 U Pb, > 11 U Fe, > 111 U Cu, > 12 U Pb, > 123 U Sn, > 1234 U Bi > *2. Also the coil is 180 degrees opposite on entry through the magnetic field. Bi U Sn > 1 U Pb, > 11 U Fe, > 111 5.93636 U 6.74363 > 5.76363 U 5.88636 > 5.29545 U 6.34636 > 5.29181 6.07181 U 6.89727 > 5.89545 U 6.02090 > 5.41636 U 6.49181 > 5.41272 4.94727 U 5.62000 > 4.80363 U 4.90545 > 8.82636 U 5.28909 > 6.41636
  • 66. 5.93636 U 6.74363 > 5.76363 U 5.88727 > 5.29636 U 6.34727 > 5.29272 4.94727 U 5.62000 > 4.80363 U 4.90636 > 8.82727 U 5.28909 > 6.41636 7.42090 U 8.43000 > 7.21000 U 7.35909 > 6.62272 U 7.93454 > 6.61727 Continuation of cap subsets 111 U Cu, > 12 U Pb,Sn,Bi,> Opposite, end cap 2 5.29181 U 7.22090 > 5.68727 U 5.30818 > 4.99818 5.41272 U 7.38636 > 5.81818 U 5.41636 > 5.10636 6.41636 U 6.01818 > 5.65181 U 8.80818 > 6.57272 5.29272 U 7.22181 > 5.68818 U 5.30818 > 4.99818 6.41636 U 6.01818 > 5.65181 U 8.80818 > 6.57272 6.61727 U 9.02727 > 7.11090 U 6.62000 > 6.24181 Even though we are dealing with the same elements, the order in which they are put will determine a different out come in subset numerations. Magnetic energy will enter the coil through the end caps. So this has to calculated, in their impact with the Cu, wire. That subset was established from the core outwards. Now for the interplay between the end caps through the core and Copper wire region. Here I want to clarify that just as white light is broken into different light spectrums by a prism. It is quite possible that gravity (dark matter), is the white light of magnetic forces. This causes gravity to break down into the spectrums of magnetic and molecular forces due to the elemental interaction. In other words the elements become the prism of gravity. It then becomes important to study how to use that knowledge through mathematics. Subset interaction of the combined elements
  • 67. *1 is the Pb,Sn,Bi,Cu. We have union *1 with end cap 1. Form that subset the union *1 with end cap 11, after that we union the two sets together to determine the overall stage of the coil. *1 U (E.C.)1 > *1(E.C.) 1 *1 U (E.C.)11 > *1(E.C.)11 5.69545 U 4.90090 > 4.81636 5.69545 U 4.99818 > 4.86090 5.81909 U 5.00545 > 4.92000 5.81909 U 5.10636 > 4.96636 6.73909 U 6.48909 > 6.01272 6.73909 U 6.57272 > 6.05090 5.69545 U 4.90090 > 4.81636 5.69545 U 4.99818 > 4.86090 6.73909 U 6.48909 > 6.01272 6.73909 U 6.57272 > 6.05090 7.11272 U 6.11818 > 6.01454 7.11272 U 6.24181 > 6.07000 In order to understand the coil field we need to union *1(E.C.)1 with *1(E.C.)11.
  • 68. *1(E.C.) U *1 (E.C.) 11> Coil field 4.81636 U 4.86090 > 8.79727 4.92000 U 4.96636 > 8.98727 6.01272 U 6.05090 > 5.48363 4.81636 U 4.86090 > 8.79727 6.01272 U 6.05090 > 5.48363 6.01454 U 6.07000 > 5.49272 The next item on the list is to determine the Nd,B,Fe, magnetic field. Nd U B > Nd,B, U Fe,. > Neodymium field 8.19545 U 7.67272 > 7.21272 U 6.34636 > 6.16363 6.05454 U 5.66909 > 5.32909 U 6.49181 > 5.37363 6.83000 U 6.39636 > 6.01181 U 5.28909 > 5.13727 8.19636 U 7.67272 > 7.21363 U 6.34727 > 6.16454 6.83000 U 6.39818 > 6.01272 U 5.28909 > 5.13727 5.12272 U 4.79909 > 9.02000 U 7.93454 > 7.70636 Now to union the Neo, field to the Coil field. Neo,field U Coil,field > Coil Energy It is no wonder why it has so much 6.16363 U 8.79727 > 6.80090 Power. 090, 090, 000. Are the low 5.37363 U 8.98727 > 6.52818 est, most powerful emission’s and 5.13727 U 5.48363 > 4.82818 Further more they are driven by 6.16454 U 8.79727 > 6.80090 some of the highest numbers possi 5.13727 U 5.48363 > 4.82818 -ble. 818, 818, 818. 7.70636 U 5.49272 > 6.00000
  • 69. All the forces are going into the coil; the only exit is the wake. This simulates north, or south poles. I believe that the other poles are often mistaken for the north or south poles. It really would be a good idea for the student to study magnetism. One source I would recommend is General Chemistry, by James E. Brady and Gerard E. Humiston, the third edition is the copy I have. Pages,668 through 670. I am going to quote some of this because, it deals with unpaired electrons. (quote) page 669. Related to the property of para-magnetism is the phenomenon called ferromagnetism, observed for the three pure elements, iron, cobalt, and nickel. Ferromagnetic materials, the paramagnetic ones, are also attracted to a magnetic field; however, the magnitude of the interaction for the ferromagnetic substance is approximately a million times stronger than it is with para magnetic materials. The origin of ferromagnetism is the same as para-magnetism. That is the existence of unpaired electrons in the ferromagnetic material. In these substances it is “believed” (not proven) that regions exist, called domains, that contain very large numbers of paramagnetic atoms with their atomic magnets all lined up in the same direction. From the Simulacrum point of view; what causes the atomic domains to line up? Every time I read articles like this I can’t help but to find it quite humorous. There is only so much that can be explained by electron spin and electron orbital’s. The electron microscope destroys much of the magnetic and paramagnetic electrons, before they are even detected. The only electrons that are left are the most durable. In the near future, I hope to build a less intrusive scope. For a vast majority of this text, I have been running calculations, that show the orientation of the atoms and their associated electrons, and their relationship in the filtering of dark matter. Dark matter is filtered slowed, into our space time and converged into a magnetic or molecular force. That the electrons play a part I have no doubt. What I do doubt is the conventional wisdom and theory pertaining to ferromagnetic fields. Gravity has always been under rated, especially if gravity is the white light of Magnetism, as mentioned on page, 63. There are numerous examples of magnetic forces being given off through the imposition