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Healing at the Speed of Light

 Cold Laser Healing

Founded in 1994, Theralase
builds the finest therapeutic
medical laser On the market

Theralase designs, develops and
manufactures patented, super-pulsed
laser technology utilized in biostimulation
and bio-destruction applications. The
technology is safe and effective in the
treatment of chronic pain, neural muscular
skeletal conditions, and wound care for
human, equine, and companion animals.

Founded in 1994, Theralase is committed
to cutting edge quantitative research to
remain the most clinically and technically
researched therapeutic medical laser in
the market.

The highly trained Theralase team
continuously strives to bring our valued
customers the latest technology,
superior customer support (technical
and marketing) and training, in order to
contribute to the success of their practice.

Used by thousands of medical practitioners worldwide
and improving the lives of human patients for over
17 years the award winning Theralase TLC-1000
laser technology is now being offered to DVMs as a
modern way to treat Equine and Companion animals
without the risk of injury or discomfort.


                                                MANAGING PAIN AND INFLAMMATION

Neuro-musculoskeletal conditions are common in people. We’ve all had aches and pains, muscle stiffness and
soreness and sprains that just won’t go away. We can even cause repetitive stress injury at work or from things
in our lives we do everyday. Pain and inflammation are things we’ve grown to accept as something we probably
will just have to endure, until now. Practitioners across North America have discovered a modern treatment
tool that heals injuries on a cellular level using the Theralase line of therapeutic laser products.

The Theralase superpulsed laser system can deeply penetrate through skin to promote cellular regeneration
at the source of the injury. Laser light energy helps to repair damaged cells by accelerating the body’s natural
healing mechanisms. Depending on the severity of the injury or condition your patient can return to an active
lifestyle or just be pain free within a few weeks versus a few months of rest.


Super pulsed 905nm
technology Able to
penetrate 4” into tissue

Safe and Effective
Theralase’s Superpulsed 905 nm near infrared and 660nm visible red laser technology accelerates healing by
reducing pain and inflammation while staying below the Maximal Permissible Exposure (MPE) tolerance for
human and animal cells.

                                                      100MW                     5MW                      100MW
                                                SUPER PULSED              CONTINUOUS                CONTINUOUS
                                            (INSTANTANEOUS)                     WAVE                       WAVE

                                                                50,000                 5 mW                    100
                                                               mW / Cm²                 Cm²                   mW/Cm²


          1/4” Penetration Depth                        18,450 mW / Cm²            1.8 mW / Cm²            37 mW / Cm²

          1” Penetration Depth                          6,810 mW / Cm²             0.7 mW / Cm²            14 mW / Cm²

          4” Penetration Depth                          2,510 mW / Cm²             0.3 mW / Cm²             5 mW / Cm²

True Laser Diodes vs. LED
Theralase utilizes True laser diodes in its probes which focus 100% of the light where you are applying the
laser. The light points where it is directed much like a flashlight beam in the dark. LED light projects light in
all directions with only 5-6% directed in a forward manner. Think of an old fashioned light bulb that lights
up a room but isn’t focused. Theralase’s collimated lasers directs all of their light where you need it, at the
application site.
                                        Laser 100% of light energy in the forward direction

                                   100 mW       LASER                                            100 mW

                                       LED - 5 to 6 % of light energy in the forward direction

                                      15 mw                                                0.9 mW

                        THE SCIENCE BEHIND THE PRODUCT

                                                 the only laser that activates all
                                                 three known cellular pathways

660 nm - Accelerated Healing (Adenosine Triphosphate
(ATP) Pathway
Cells that lack energy are unable to participate in the healing process. Light
energy is delivered to injured cells which in turn absorbs the light and converts
it into food energy and uses it to replenish themselves. Once cells are fully
recharged they are able to replicate and divide and build upon one another
to heal the injured area. Theralase stimulates the mitochondria of the cell
to produce more ATP (energy) to be used to repair damaged tissue through
Oxidative Phosphorylization.

905 nm - Inflammation (Nitric Oxide (NO) Pathway)
When tissue injury occurs, the inflammatory process is initiated to immobilize
the area and prevent further damage, which acts as a signal that the body is
hurt. This process is usually associated with pain caused by pressuring nerve
endings. In order to reabsorb this interstitial fluid and decrease inflammation
in the region the body produces Nitric Oxide (NO) which has been proven
to relax the limphatic system and increase the diameter of capillaries, This
process not only reduces inflammation but brings much needed oxygen and
other metabolites to the injured tissue aiding in their natural healing.

Independent research shows that the proprietary Theralase 905nm super-
pulsed technology increases the production of NO by 700% (Published in
Lasers in Surgery and Medicine 03/2009).

905 nm - Pain (Lipid Absorption Pathway)
Pain results when a stimulus causes action potentials to rapidly propogate
along a nerve cell. These actions potentials are primarily due to an expulsion
of positively charged sodium ions (Na+) and an influx of potassium (K+) ions
into the nerve cell altering the electrical potential across the membrane. The
peak absorption of lipids occurs in the 905 nm to 910 nm range Laser light
is thus directly absorbed by receptors within the bi-lipid cellular membrane
of nerve cells. Once absorbed, the laser light will increase the porosity of the
cellular membrane allowing for reabsorption of sodium ions and an expulsion of
potassium ions across the membrane rebalancing the sodium-potassium pump
and removing the pain signal.

Photons with wavelengths of 905nm effectively removes the pain signal at the
source by rebalancing the sodium potassium pathway.



Acne Vulgaris                          TMJ                Post Dental Tooth Implant
Hair Loss                      Trigeminal Neuralgia                          Trismus
Herpes Simplex 1 & 2                 Wrinkles                     Cervical Arthrosis
Labyrinthitis                  Gingival Flap - Front                       Torticollis
Migraine / Cephalea           Gum Hypersensitivity        Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
Labyrinthitis/ Meniere’s        Gum Inflammation                   Intercostallic Pain
Otitis                              Oral Ulcers                     Tietze Syndrome
Sinusitis                  Post Dental Muscle Soreness               Dorsal Arthrosis
Stomatitis                 Post Dental Tooth Extraction     Lumbar Disc Herniation

Lumbar Spine Stenosis              Hip Bursitis                 Diabetic Neuropathy
Lumber Arthrosis                Piriformis Strain                  Mortons Neuroma
Post Herpetic Pain                  Groin Pull                       Plantar Fasciitis
Sacroiliac Joint Pain             Hemorrhoids                           Sesamoiditis
Frozen Shoulder                 Pelvic Floor Pain              Acupuncture Shallow
Rotator Cuff                        Prostatitis                    Acupuncture Mid
Shoulder Pain                        Sciatica                     Acupuncture Deep
Lipedema                           Shin Splints                              Eczema
Lymphedema                  Iliotibial Band Friction                    Fibromylagia
Raynaud’s Syndrome                  Knee Pain             Keloid / Hypertrophic Scar
Tendinitis, Strains        Medial / Lateral Cruciate                        Psoriasis
Tennis / Golfer’s Elbow        Osgood-Schlatter                              Sutures
Carpal Tunnel                 Patellofemoral Pain                           Synovitis
DuPuytren’s Contracture       Achilles’ Tendonitis                           Wounds
Finger Arthritis                  Ankle Sprain                        Thumb Sprain
                             Calcaneal Heel Spurs


                                                  Efficacy rates of up to 90%
                                                         with no side effects

               1.	     Decrease / eliminate pain
               2.	     Reduce inflammation
               3.	     Promote new blood vessels and tissue growth
               4.	     Promote nerve axon growth
               5.	     Faster wound healing and closure
               6.	     Non-Invasive / No Side Effects
               7.	     Extremely Safe / Drug Free
               8.	     Highly Effective for Patient (90% efficacy rates)
               9.	     Alternative to other treatments; such as Analgesics, NSAID’s, 	
                       Cox-2 Inhibitors, TENS, Ultrasound, Inferential

  Acute                          Sub-acute                             CHRONIC
CONDITIONS 	                    CONDITIONS 	                          CONDITIONS 	
5 Treatment sessions              10 Treatment sessions                20 Treatment sessions



“I first purchased a therapeutic unit 2 years ago. The laser system quickly doubled my referrals within a few
weeks. Initially I used it to complement my other treatment modalities including ultrasound and electrotherapy.
I have recently upgraded to a more powerful system and now use it as a stand alone therapy that has replaced
all other modalities. I’m averaging 200 laser treatments per month. The cost of the upgrade was offset within
3 months.”

“I bought a laser only 4 weeks ago. Once I finally learned how to turn it on, I have not     stopped! In this short
time of owning it, it’s generating a fair bit of income for me along with a great deal of renewed enthusiasm in
myself, my staff and the patients. I’m glad I didn’t wait to purchase. This is the healing tool of the future!”

“The Theralase laser has been a great addition to my practice at providing fast results through many of the
extremity injuries. I have had to use ultrasound and tens previously. This laser is amazing for both acute and
chronic injuries.”

“The Theralase® Laser is the most effective technology we have ever used. Our players now rely on Theralase®
to keep them healthy and playing at their peak.”

“I am most impressed with our clinical results using the Theralase therapeutic laser system. We have successfully
treated TMJ, rotator cuff tendonitis, carpal tunnel syndrome and discogenic conditions of the spine.”

                                                                       CLINICAL PROOF

                                                       LASER CAN BE UTILIZED TO TREAT
                                                             A NUMBER OF CONDITIONS

Roberta T Chow, Mark I Johnson, Rodrigo A B Lopes-Martins, Jans M Bjorndal. The Lancet. 10.1016/S0140-
6736(09)61522-1. Nov 2009

We identified 16 randomized controlled clinical trials including a total of 820 patients. In acute neck pain,
results of two trials showed a relative risk (RR) of 1-69 (95% CI 1.22 - 2.33) for pain improvement of LLLT
versus placebo. Five trials of chronic pain reporting categorial data showed an RR for pain improvement of
4.05 (2.74 - 5.98) of LLLT. Patients in 11 trials reporting changes in visual analog scale had pain intensity
reduced by 19.86mm (10.04-29.68). Seven trials provided follow up data for 1-22 weeks after completion of
treatment with short term pain relief persisting in the medium term with a reduction of 22.07 mm(17.42-26.72).
Side effects from LLLT were mild and not different from those of placebo.

We show that LLLT reduces pain immediately after treatment in acute neck pain and up to 22 weeks after
completion of treatment in patients with chronic pain.

Effects of 904 Nm low-level laser therapy in the management of
lateral epicondylitis: a randomized Controlled trial
Lam LK, Cheing GL., Photomedicine and Laser Surgery. 2007 April, 25(2):65-71.

The aim of this study was to evalute the effectivenesss of 904nm low-level laser therapy (LLLT) in the
management of lateral epicondylitis. 39 patients with lateral epicondylitis were randomly assigned to be treated
with a low-level laser or placebo for 9 sessions. Mechanical pain threshold, maximum grip strength using
VAS and DASH evaluation techniques. The study revealed that LLLT in addition to exercise is effective in
improving the grip strength and subjective rating of physical function of patients with lateral epicondylitis.

efficacy of 904 nm gallium arsinide low level laser therapy in the
management of chronic myofascial pain in the neck: a double blind
and randomized controlled trial
Ali Gur, MD., Aysegul Jale Serac, Renzi Cevik, Ozlem Altindag and Serdar Sarac. Lasers in Surgery and
Medicine 2004;35(3):229-35

A prospective, double blind, randomized and controlled trial was conducted in patients with chronic myofascial
pain syndrome (MPS) in the neck to evaluate the effects of infrared low level 904nm Gallium Arsenide (Ga-
as) laser therapy (LLLT) on clinical and quality of life. 60 MPS patients were were randomly assigned to two
groups; laser treatment and placebo treatment. All patients received treatment every day except weekends foir
two weeks and were followed up at 2,3 and 12 weeks. Patients were assessed by pain at rest, pain at movement,
number of trigger points, NPAD, BDI and the Nottingham Health Profile. Results showed that the laser group
experienced a significant improvement in pain at all outcome measures (p<0.01) over the placebo group.


TLC-1000 Cold laser

Laser System: 	
Class 3 B

Laser Source:
Indium Galium Arsenide (InGaAs)
Laser Diodes
Peak Power :
50,000 mW
905 nm Near Infrared,
660 nm Visible
Delivery System:

Number of Diodes:                                  Treatment Area Size:

Multiple Probe:	   9 - 5 x 905 nm, 4 x 660 nm      Multiple Probe:	   20 cm 2
Triple Probe:	     3 - 1 x 905 nm, 2 x 660 nm      Triple Probe:	     1 cm 2 2
Single Probe:	     1-905 nm with Collimated Beam   Single Probe:	     0.2 cm
Health Canada • FDA •CE • ISO     13485:2003

                                                         A TURN-KEY SOLUTION

                                                product, support and clinical
                                             Knowledge to grow your practice

Interactive Training Resources                                                     Clinical Support
Theralase provides operation and basic use through        Theralase provides ongoing clinical support through
interactive training resources available online or via    “free” monthly webinars and on staff clinicians who
DVD. Simply watch the videos to see how to safely         are available to discuss patient treatment plans and
and effectively update your Theralase laser.                                                        protocols.

                                                                                Marketing Support
                                                          Theralase offers a number of highly efective
                                                          marketing products FREE of Charge. An online
                                                          repository of professionally developed marketing
                                                          materials is accessible 24/7 exclusively to Theralase

                                                                              Extended Warranty
                                                          Should your system require maintenance or
                                                          calibration while under warranty. Theralase offers a
                                                          loaner program while your system is being serviced.

                                                          *Extended warranty options are available with every
                                                          system to ensure on-going use of this revolutionary
   Experience the Theralase TLC 1000 Therapeutic Laser

                  WANT MORE INFO?

             Phone	    	   1 866 843 5273

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The Science of Therapeutic Laser Technology

  • 1. Healing at the Speed of Light COLD LASER THERAPY Cold Laser Healing
  • 2. Pg.2 THERALASE Founded in 1994, Theralase builds the finest therapeutic medical laser On the market Theralase designs, develops and manufactures patented, super-pulsed laser technology utilized in biostimulation and bio-destruction applications. The technology is safe and effective in the treatment of chronic pain, neural muscular skeletal conditions, and wound care for human, equine, and companion animals. Founded in 1994, Theralase is committed to cutting edge quantitative research to remain the most clinically and technically researched therapeutic medical laser in the market. The highly trained Theralase team continuously strives to bring our valued customers the latest technology, superior customer support (technical and marketing) and training, in order to contribute to the success of their practice. Used by thousands of medical practitioners worldwide and improving the lives of human patients for over 17 years the award winning Theralase TLC-1000 laser technology is now being offered to DVMs as a modern way to treat Equine and Companion animals without the risk of injury or discomfort.
  • 3. Pg.3 NEURO/MUSCULO/SKELETAL MANAGING PAIN AND INFLAMMATION Neuro-musculoskeletal conditions are common in people. We’ve all had aches and pains, muscle stiffness and soreness and sprains that just won’t go away. We can even cause repetitive stress injury at work or from things in our lives we do everyday. Pain and inflammation are things we’ve grown to accept as something we probably will just have to endure, until now. Practitioners across North America have discovered a modern treatment tool that heals injuries on a cellular level using the Theralase line of therapeutic laser products. The Theralase superpulsed laser system can deeply penetrate through skin to promote cellular regeneration at the source of the injury. Laser light energy helps to repair damaged cells by accelerating the body’s natural healing mechanisms. Depending on the severity of the injury or condition your patient can return to an active lifestyle or just be pain free within a few weeks versus a few months of rest.
  • 4. Pg.4 THE SCIENCE BEHIND THE PRODUCT Super pulsed 905nm technology Able to penetrate 4” into tissue Safe and Effective Theralase’s Superpulsed 905 nm near infrared and 660nm visible red laser technology accelerates healing by reducing pain and inflammation while staying below the Maximal Permissible Exposure (MPE) tolerance for human and animal cells. 100MW 5MW 100MW SUPER PULSED CONTINUOUS CONTINUOUS (INSTANTANEOUS) WAVE WAVE 50,000 5 mW 100 mW / Cm² Cm² mW/Cm² TISSUE SURFACE 1/4” Penetration Depth 18,450 mW / Cm² 1.8 mW / Cm² 37 mW / Cm² 1” Penetration Depth 6,810 mW / Cm² 0.7 mW / Cm² 14 mW / Cm² 4” Penetration Depth 2,510 mW / Cm² 0.3 mW / Cm² 5 mW / Cm² True Laser Diodes vs. LED Theralase utilizes True laser diodes in its probes which focus 100% of the light where you are applying the laser. The light points where it is directed much like a flashlight beam in the dark. LED light projects light in all directions with only 5-6% directed in a forward manner. Think of an old fashioned light bulb that lights up a room but isn’t focused. Theralase’s collimated lasers directs all of their light where you need it, at the application site. Laser 100% of light energy in the forward direction 100 mW LASER 100 mW LED - 5 to 6 % of light energy in the forward direction 15 mw 0.9 mW
  • 5. Pg.5 THE SCIENCE BEHIND THE PRODUCT the only laser that activates all three known cellular pathways 660 nm - Accelerated Healing (Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) Pathway Cells that lack energy are unable to participate in the healing process. Light energy is delivered to injured cells which in turn absorbs the light and converts it into food energy and uses it to replenish themselves. Once cells are fully recharged they are able to replicate and divide and build upon one another to heal the injured area. Theralase stimulates the mitochondria of the cell to produce more ATP (energy) to be used to repair damaged tissue through Oxidative Phosphorylization. 905 nm - Inflammation (Nitric Oxide (NO) Pathway) When tissue injury occurs, the inflammatory process is initiated to immobilize the area and prevent further damage, which acts as a signal that the body is hurt. This process is usually associated with pain caused by pressuring nerve endings. In order to reabsorb this interstitial fluid and decrease inflammation in the region the body produces Nitric Oxide (NO) which has been proven to relax the limphatic system and increase the diameter of capillaries, This process not only reduces inflammation but brings much needed oxygen and other metabolites to the injured tissue aiding in their natural healing. Independent research shows that the proprietary Theralase 905nm super- pulsed technology increases the production of NO by 700% (Published in Lasers in Surgery and Medicine 03/2009). 905 nm - Pain (Lipid Absorption Pathway) Pain results when a stimulus causes action potentials to rapidly propogate along a nerve cell. These actions potentials are primarily due to an expulsion of positively charged sodium ions (Na+) and an influx of potassium (K+) ions into the nerve cell altering the electrical potential across the membrane. The peak absorption of lipids occurs in the 905 nm to 910 nm range Laser light is thus directly absorbed by receptors within the bi-lipid cellular membrane of nerve cells. Once absorbed, the laser light will increase the porosity of the cellular membrane allowing for reabsorption of sodium ions and an expulsion of potassium ions across the membrane rebalancing the sodium-potassium pump and removing the pain signal. Photons with wavelengths of 905nm effectively removes the pain signal at the source by rebalancing the sodium potassium pathway.
  • 6. Pg.6 TREATABLE CONDITIONS OVER 70 CLINICALLY TESTED PRE-PROGRAMMED TREATMENTS Acne Vulgaris TMJ Post Dental Tooth Implant Hair Loss Trigeminal Neuralgia Trismus Herpes Simplex 1 & 2 Wrinkles Cervical Arthrosis Labyrinthitis Gingival Flap - Front Torticollis Migraine / Cephalea Gum Hypersensitivity Thoracic Outlet Syndrome Labyrinthitis/ Meniere’s Gum Inflammation Intercostallic Pain Otitis Oral Ulcers Tietze Syndrome Sinusitis Post Dental Muscle Soreness Dorsal Arthrosis Stomatitis Post Dental Tooth Extraction Lumbar Disc Herniation Lumbar Spine Stenosis Hip Bursitis Diabetic Neuropathy Lumber Arthrosis Piriformis Strain Mortons Neuroma Post Herpetic Pain Groin Pull Plantar Fasciitis Sacroiliac Joint Pain Hemorrhoids Sesamoiditis Frozen Shoulder Pelvic Floor Pain Acupuncture Shallow Rotator Cuff Prostatitis Acupuncture Mid Shoulder Pain Sciatica Acupuncture Deep Lipedema Shin Splints Eczema Lymphedema Iliotibial Band Friction Fibromylagia Raynaud’s Syndrome Knee Pain Keloid / Hypertrophic Scar Tendinitis, Strains Medial / Lateral Cruciate Psoriasis Tennis / Golfer’s Elbow Osgood-Schlatter Sutures Carpal Tunnel Patellofemoral Pain Synovitis DuPuytren’s Contracture Achilles’ Tendonitis Wounds Finger Arthritis Ankle Sprain Thumb Sprain Calcaneal Heel Spurs
  • 7. Pg.7 TREATMENT Efficacy rates of up to 90% with no side effects 1. Decrease / eliminate pain 2. Reduce inflammation 3. Promote new blood vessels and tissue growth 4. Promote nerve axon growth 5. Faster wound healing and closure 6. Non-Invasive / No Side Effects 7. Extremely Safe / Drug Free 8. Highly Effective for Patient (90% efficacy rates) 9. Alternative to other treatments; such as Analgesics, NSAID’s, Cox-2 Inhibitors, TENS, Ultrasound, Inferential Acute Sub-acute CHRONIC CONDITIONS CONDITIONS CONDITIONS 5 Treatment sessions 10 Treatment sessions 20 Treatment sessions
  • 8. Pg.8 BUT DON’T TAKE OUR WORD FOR IT... HERE’S WHAT YOUR COLLEAGUES ARE SAYING ABOUT THERALASE DR. ALBERT SCALES DC “I first purchased a therapeutic unit 2 years ago. The laser system quickly doubled my referrals within a few weeks. Initially I used it to complement my other treatment modalities including ultrasound and electrotherapy. I have recently upgraded to a more powerful system and now use it as a stand alone therapy that has replaced all other modalities. I’m averaging 200 laser treatments per month. The cost of the upgrade was offset within 3 months.” DR. JOYCE ALLMAN, DC “I bought a laser only 4 weeks ago. Once I finally learned how to turn it on, I have not stopped! In this short time of owning it, it’s generating a fair bit of income for me along with a great deal of renewed enthusiasm in myself, my staff and the patients. I’m glad I didn’t wait to purchase. This is the healing tool of the future!” DR. STEVEN CHUI DC “The Theralase laser has been a great addition to my practice at providing fast results through many of the extremity injuries. I have had to use ultrasound and tens previously. This laser is amazing for both acute and chronic injuries.” GEORGE POULIS AND DAVE ABRAHAM “The Theralase® Laser is the most effective technology we have ever used. Our players now rely on Theralase® to keep them healthy and playing at their peak.” DR. DAVID WEST DC “I am most impressed with our clinical results using the Theralase therapeutic laser system. We have successfully treated TMJ, rotator cuff tendonitis, carpal tunnel syndrome and discogenic conditions of the spine.”
  • 9. Pg.9 CLINICAL PROOF LASER CAN BE UTILIZED TO TREAT A NUMBER OF CONDITIONS EFFICACY OF LOW-LEVEL LASER THERAPY IN THE MANAGEMENT OF NECK PAIN: a SYSTEMIC REVIEW AND META-ANALYSIS OF RANDOMIZED PLACEBO OR ACTIVE TREATMENT CONTROLLED TRIALS Roberta T Chow, Mark I Johnson, Rodrigo A B Lopes-Martins, Jans M Bjorndal. The Lancet. 10.1016/S0140- 6736(09)61522-1. Nov 2009 We identified 16 randomized controlled clinical trials including a total of 820 patients. In acute neck pain, results of two trials showed a relative risk (RR) of 1-69 (95% CI 1.22 - 2.33) for pain improvement of LLLT versus placebo. Five trials of chronic pain reporting categorial data showed an RR for pain improvement of 4.05 (2.74 - 5.98) of LLLT. Patients in 11 trials reporting changes in visual analog scale had pain intensity reduced by 19.86mm (10.04-29.68). Seven trials provided follow up data for 1-22 weeks after completion of treatment with short term pain relief persisting in the medium term with a reduction of 22.07 mm(17.42-26.72). Side effects from LLLT were mild and not different from those of placebo. We show that LLLT reduces pain immediately after treatment in acute neck pain and up to 22 weeks after completion of treatment in patients with chronic pain. Effects of 904 Nm low-level laser therapy in the management of lateral epicondylitis: a randomized Controlled trial Lam LK, Cheing GL., Photomedicine and Laser Surgery. 2007 April, 25(2):65-71. The aim of this study was to evalute the effectivenesss of 904nm low-level laser therapy (LLLT) in the management of lateral epicondylitis. 39 patients with lateral epicondylitis were randomly assigned to be treated with a low-level laser or placebo for 9 sessions. Mechanical pain threshold, maximum grip strength using VAS and DASH evaluation techniques. The study revealed that LLLT in addition to exercise is effective in improving the grip strength and subjective rating of physical function of patients with lateral epicondylitis. efficacy of 904 nm gallium arsinide low level laser therapy in the management of chronic myofascial pain in the neck: a double blind and randomized controlled trial Ali Gur, MD., Aysegul Jale Serac, Renzi Cevik, Ozlem Altindag and Serdar Sarac. Lasers in Surgery and Medicine 2004;35(3):229-35 A prospective, double blind, randomized and controlled trial was conducted in patients with chronic myofascial pain syndrome (MPS) in the neck to evaluate the effects of infrared low level 904nm Gallium Arsenide (Ga- as) laser therapy (LLLT) on clinical and quality of life. 60 MPS patients were were randomly assigned to two groups; laser treatment and placebo treatment. All patients received treatment every day except weekends foir two weeks and were followed up at 2,3 and 12 weeks. Patients were assessed by pain at rest, pain at movement, number of trigger points, NPAD, BDI and the Nottingham Health Profile. Results showed that the laser group experienced a significant improvement in pain at all outcome measures (p<0.01) over the placebo group.
  • 10. Pg.10 SPECIFICATIONS TLC-1000 Cold laser BEST IN CLASS Laser System: Class 3 B Laser Source: Indium Galium Arsenide (InGaAs) Laser Diodes Peak Power : 50,000 mW Wavelengths: 905 nm Near Infrared, 660 nm Visible Delivery System: Superpulsed Number of Diodes: Treatment Area Size: Multiple Probe: 9 - 5 x 905 nm, 4 x 660 nm Multiple Probe: 20 cm 2 Triple Probe: 3 - 1 x 905 nm, 2 x 660 nm Triple Probe: 1 cm 2 2 Single Probe: 1-905 nm with Collimated Beam Single Probe: 0.2 cm Approvals: Health Canada • FDA •CE • ISO 13485:2003
  • 11. Pg.11 A TURN-KEY SOLUTION product, support and clinical Knowledge to grow your practice Interactive Training Resources Clinical Support Theralase provides operation and basic use through Theralase provides ongoing clinical support through interactive training resources available online or via “free” monthly webinars and on staff clinicians who DVD. Simply watch the videos to see how to safely are available to discuss patient treatment plans and and effectively update your Theralase laser. protocols. Marketing Support Theralase offers a number of highly efective marketing products FREE of Charge. An online repository of professionally developed marketing materials is accessible 24/7 exclusively to Theralase customers. Extended Warranty Should your system require maintenance or calibration while under warranty. Theralase offers a loaner program while your system is being serviced. *Extended warranty options are available with every system to ensure on-going use of this revolutionary technology.
  • 12. CALL TODAY FOR A FREE DEMONSTRATION Experience the Theralase TLC 1000 Therapeutic Laser WANT MORE INFO? Phone 1 866 843 5273 Online E-Mail