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Joseph J. Eron Jr., MD
Professor of Medicine
University of North Carolina School of
Director, AIDS Clinical Trials Unit
University of North Carolina
Chapel Hill, North Carolina
The Evolving Role of Integrase
Inhibitors in HIV Therapy
This program is supported by an educational grant from
The Evolving Role of Integrase Inhibitors in HIV Therapy
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The Evolving Role of Integrase Inhibitors in HIV Therapy
Program Director and Content Planning
Joseph J. Eron Jr., MD
Professor of Medicine
University of North Carolina School
of Medicine
Director, AIDS Clinical Trials Unit
University of North Carolina
Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Paul E. Sax, MD
Clinical Director
HIV Program and Division of
Infectious Diseases
Brigham and Women’s Hospital
Professor of Medicine
Harvard Medical School
Boston, Massachusetts
Kimberly Y. Smith, MD
Associate Professor of Medicine
Division of Infectious Diseases
Rush University Medical Center
Chicago, Illinois
The Evolving Role of Integrase Inhibitors in HIV Therapy
Joseph J. Eron, Jr., MD, has disclosed that he has served as a
consultant for AbbVie, Bristol-Myers Squibb, GlaxoSmithKline/ViiV,
Gilead Sciences, Merck, Tibotec/Janssen, and Tobira; has received
funds for research support from Bristol-Myers Squibb and
GlaxoSmithKline/ViiV; and has served on the data and safety monitoring
board for Vertex.
Paul E. Sax, MD, has disclosed that he has received consulting fees
from Bristol-Myers Squibb, Gilead Sciences, GlaxoSmithKline/ViiV,
Janssen, and Merck and funds for research support from Bristol-Myers
Squibb, Gilead Sciences, and GlaxoSmithKline/ViiV.
Kimberly Y. Smith, MD, MPH, has disclosed that she has received
consulting fees from AbbVie, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Gilead Sciences,
GlaxoSmithKline, Janssen, Merck, and ViiV.
The Evolving Role of Integrase
Inhibitors in HIV Therapy
Viral Life Cycle and
Mechanism of Action
The Evolving Role of Integrase Inhibitors in HIV Therapy
HIV Viral Life Cycle
The Evolving Role of Integrase Inhibitors in HIV Therapy
HIV Viral Life Cycle
Currently available integrase inhibitors
 Raltegravir (approved 10/07)
 Elvitegravir* (approved 8/12)
 Dolutegravir (approved 8/13)
*Currently available only as part of a coformulated single-tablet regimen.
The Evolving Role of Integrase Inhibitors in HIV Therapy
Integrase Inhibitors in DHHS Guidelines
 All 3 integrase inhibitors are now part of preferred first-line
DHHS Guidelines. February 2013. DHHS Recommendation on INSTIs. October 2013.
Preferred Regimens Alternative Regimens
Boosted PI
Using Integrase Inhibitors in
Treatment-Naive Patients
The Evolving Role of Integrase Inhibitors in HIV Therapy
STARTMRK: Raltegravir vs Efavirenz in
Treatment-Naive Patients
 Randomized, double-blind (through 5 yrs), placebo-controlled, phase III trial
 Primary endpoint: HIV-1 RNA < 50 copies/mL at Wk 48
HIV-infected, treatment-naive
patients with HIV-1 RNA
> 5000 copies/mL and
no resistance to EFV,
(N = 563)
Efavirenz 600 mg QHS + TDF/FTC
(n = 282)
Raltegravir 400 mg BID + TDF/FTC
(n = 281)
Lennox J, et al. Lancet. 2009;374:796-806.
Stratified by HIV-1 RNA (> vs ≤ 50,000 copies/mL)
and viral hepatitis status
The Evolving Role of Integrase Inhibitors in HIV Therapy
STARTMRK: RAL vs EFV in Treatment-
Naive Patients: 5-Yr Final Report
 RAL noninferior to EFV in HIV-1 RNA < 50 c/mL at Wk 48
(primary endpoint; ITT, NC = F analysis); superior from Wk 192
Rockstroh J, et al. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2013;63:77-85.
0 48 72 96 120 144
Pts at Risk, n
∆: +9.5% (95% CI: 1.7% to 17.3%;
noninferiority P < .001)
24012 216
The Evolving Role of Integrase Inhibitors in HIV Therapy
STARTMRK: RAL vs EFV in Treatment-
Naive Patients: 5-Yr Final Report
 Efficacy as good as or better
than EFV in all baseline
subgroups tested
 CD4+ cell count at Wk 240:
+374 (RAL) vs +312 (EFV)
 RAL associated with
– Fewer CNS adverse events
(39.1% vs 64.2%; P < .001)
– Fewer drug-related clinical
adverse events (52.0% vs
80.1%; P < .001)
– Fewer discontinuations due to
adverse events (5% vs 9%)
Rockstroh J, et al. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2013;63:77-85 plus Supplemental Digital Content.
VF and Resistance at Wk 240
(n = 281)
(n = 282)
VF, n (%) 55 (19.6) 59 (20.9)
Resistance data
available, n 23 20
mutations only, n 1 7
NRTI mutations only, n 3 2
resistance mutations, n 3 3
The Evolving Role of Integrase Inhibitors in HIV Therapy
QDMRK: RAL QD Inferior to RAL BID at
Wk 48 in Treatment-Naive Patients
 Randomized, noninferiority phase III
trial of RAL 800 mg QD (n = 382) vs
RAL 400 mg BID (n = 389), both with
 RAL QD inferior to RAL BID at Wk 48 in
ITT (NC = F) analysis
 Lower RAL trough levels associated
with higher risk of failure in QD arm but
not in BID arm
 More resistance at failure in QD arm
 PK studies of 2 new RAL formulations
administered as 1200-mg once daily
showed promise in healthy patients[2]
1. Eron J, et al. Lancet Infect Dis. 2011;11:907-915. 2. Krishna R, et al. EACS 2013, Abstract PE10/17.
*Failure included both failure to suppress and rebounders.
Most patients with VF and RAL resistance had
≥ 2 mutations associated with resistance to RAL.
Parameter, n RAL QD
(n = 382)
(n = 388)
Pts with VF* and
HIV-1 RNA > 400 c/mL
30 16
Resistance data available 27 11
FTC resistance only 11 2
Integrase inhibitor and FTC
9 2
No evidence of resistance 7 7
RAL 800 mg
QD (n = 382)
RAL 400 mg
BID (n = 389)
∆: -5.7
(95% CI: -10.7 to -0.83;
P for noninferiority = .044)
Wk 48
The Evolving Role of Integrase Inhibitors in HIV Therapy
Elvitegravir/Cobicistat vs EFV or ATV/RTV
+ TDF/FTC in Treatment-Naive Pts
 Randomized, double-blind, active-controlled phase III studies
 Primary endpoint: HIV-1 RNA < 50 copies/mL at Wk 48
1. Sax P, et al. Lancet. 2012;379:2439-2448. 2. DeJesus E, et al. Lancet. 2012;379:2429-2438.
Treatment naive;
HIV-1 RNA ≥ 5000 copies/mL;
any CD4+ cell count;
susceptible to TDF, FTC, and EFV, or ATV;
eGFR ≥ 70 mL/min
Study 102[1]
(N = 700)
Study 103[2]
(N = 708)
(n = 348)
(n = 352)
(n = 353)
(n = 355)
The Evolving Role of Integrase Inhibitors in HIV Therapy
EVG/COBI/TDF/FTC Noninferior to
EFV/TDF/FTC Through Wk 144
 EVG/COBI arm noninferior to EFV
arm at Wk 48 primary endpoint[1]
through Wk 144[2,3]
– Results consistent across
subgroups: BL HIV-1 RNA,
CD4+ cell count, age, sex, race
– Treatment-related study d/c: 6% in
EVG/COBI arm vs 7% in EFV arm
at Wk 144
 VF: 7% in EVG/COBI arm and 10%
in EFV arm at Wk 144
 Similar CD4+ cell count increase at
Wk 144:
– +321 cells/mm3
+300 cells/mm3
1. Sax PE, et al. Lancet. 2012;379:2439-2448. 2. Zolopa A, et al. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2013;63:96-
100. 3. Wohl D, et al. ICAAC 2013. Abstract H-672a.
Wk 48 Wk 144
(n = 348)
(n = 352)
88 84
Δ: 3.6%
(-1.6 to 8.8)
Δ: 4.9%
(1.3 to 11.1)
Wk 96
Δ: 2.7%
(-2.9 to 8.3)
The Evolving Role of Integrase Inhibitors in HIV Therapy
EVG/COBI/TDF/FTC Noninferior to
ATV/RTV + TDF/FTC Through Wk 144
 EVG/COBI arm noninferior to
ATV/RTV arm at Wk 48 primary
and through Wk 144[2,3]
– Results consistent across subgroups:
BL HIV-1 RNA, CD4+ count,
adherence, age, sex, race
 Treatment-related study d/c:
6% in EVG/COBI arm vs
9% in ATV/RTV arm at Wk 144
 VF: 8% in EVG/COBI arm vs
7% in ATV/RTV arm at Wk 144
 Similar CD4+ cell count increase at
Wk 144: +280 cells/mm3
vs +293 cells/mm3
1. De Jesus E, et al. Lancet. 2012;379:2429-2438. 2. Rockstroh J, et al. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr.
2013;62:483-486. 3. Clumeck N, et al. EACS 2013. Abstract LBPS7/2.
(n = 353)
(n = 355)
Δ: 3.0%
(-1.9 to 7.8)
Δ: 1.1%
(-4.5 to 6.7)
Wk 48 Wk 144
90 87
Δ: 3.1%
(-3.2 to 9.4)
Wk 96
The Evolving Role of Integrase Inhibitors in HIV Therapy
EVG/COBI/TDF/FTC Adverse Events
 EVG/COBI vs EFV: fewer CNS, rash events; smaller
increase in TC, HDL-C, and LDL-C (but similar increase in
TC:HDL ratio), similar TG increase; more nausea[1]
 EVG/COBI vs ATV/RTV: less jaundice; similar increase in
TC, HDL-C, and LDL-C; smaller TG increase[2]
 Small, rapid increase in serum creatinine related to
inhibition of tubular secretion of creatinine by COBI
– 0.14 ± 0.13 mg/dL at Wk 48; most change occurs by Wk 2[3]
 4 pts (0.6% of total) developed tubulopathy, likely from
1. Sax P, et al. Lancet. 2012;379:2439-2448. 2. DeJesus E, et al. Lancet. 2012;379:2429-
2438. 3. TDF/FTC/EVG/COBI [package insert].
The Evolving Role of Integrase Inhibitors in HIV Therapy
EVG/COBI/TDF/FTC Resistance Summary
 EVG/COBI vs EFV through
Wk 144[1-3]
through Wk 144[4-6]
1. Sax PE, et al. Lancet. 2012;379:2439-2448. 2. Zolopa A, et al. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr.
2013;63:96-100. 3. Wohl D, et al. ICAAC 2013. Abstract H-672a. 4. De Jesus E, et al. Lancet.
2012;379:2429-2438. 5. Rockstroh J, et al. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2013;62:483-486.
6. Clumeck N, et al. EACS 2013. Abstract LBPS7/2
(n = 348)
(n = 352)
Wk 48 96 144 48 96 144
at VF, n 8 +2 +0 8 +2 +4
RAMs, n 7 +2 +0
RAMs, n 8 +2 +4
RAMs, n 8 +2 +0 2 +1 +1
(n = 353)
(n = 355)
Wk 48 96 144 48 96 144
at VF, n 5 +1 +2 0 +0 +2
RAMS, n 4 0 +1
PI RAMs, n 0 +0 +0
RAMs, n 3 +1 +2 0 0 +2
The Evolving Role of Integrase Inhibitors in HIV Therapy
Dolutegravir vs Currently “Preferred”
Regimens in Treatment-Naive Pts
 Randomized, noninferiority phase III studies
 Primary endpoint: HIV-1 RNA < 50 copies/mL at Wk 48
ART-naive pts
VL ≥ 1000 c/mL
(N = 822)
DTG 50 mg QD + 2 NRTIs*
(n = 411)
RAL 400 mg BID + 2 NRTIs*
(n = 411)
*Investigator-selected NRTI backbone: either TDF/FTC or ABC/3TC.
ART-naive pts
VL ≥ 1000 c/mL
CrCL > 50 mL/min
(N = 833)
DTG 50 mg QD + ABC/3TC QD
(n = 414)
(n = 419)
(active controlled)
(placebo controlled)
DTG 50 mg QD + 2 NRTIs*
(n = 242)
DRV/RTV 800/100 mg QD + 2 NRTIs*
(n = 242)
ART-naive pts
VL ≥ 1000 c/mL
(N = 484)
(open label)
1. Raffi F, et al. Lancet. 2013;381:735-743. 2. Walmsley S, et al. N Engl J Med. 2013;369:1807-1818.
3. Feinberg J, et al. ICAAC 2013. Abstract H1464a.
The Evolving Role of Integrase Inhibitors in HIV Therapy
SPRING-2: DTG vs RAL + 2 NRTIs in Naive
 DTG noninferior to RAL at both
Wk 48 primary endpoint[1]
Wk 96[2]
 Treatment-related study d/c:
2% in each arm at Wk 96
 VF atWk 96[2]
: 5% (22/411) in
DTG arm and 7% (29/411) in
RAL arm
 Similar CD4+ cell count
increase at Wk 96:
– +276 cells/mm3
(DTG) vs
+264 cells/mm3
88 85
DTG 50 mg QD
(n = 411)
RAL 400 mg BID
(n = 411)
Wk 48 Wk 96
1. Raffi F, et al. Lancet. 2013;381:735-743. 2. Raffi F, et al. IAS 2013. Abstract TULBPE17.
Δ: 4.4%
(-1.1% to 10.0%)
Δ: 2.5%
(-2.2% to 7.1%)
The Evolving Role of Integrase Inhibitors in HIV Therapy
in Naive Patients at Wk 48
 DTG superior to EFV at Wk 48
primary efficacy endpoint
 Treatment-related study d/c:
2% in DTG arm vs 10% in EFV
 VF at Wk 48: 4% (18/414) in
DTG arm and 4% (17/419) in
EFV arm
 CD4+ cell count increase at
Wk 48 greater with DTG:
– +267 cells/mm3
(DTG) vs +208
(P < .001)
Δ +7.4%
(95% CI +2.5% to +12.3%; P = .003)
Walmsley S, et al. N Engl J Med. 2013;369:1807-1818.
DTG 50 mg +
The Evolving Role of Integrase Inhibitors in HIV Therapy
Naive Patients at Wk 48
 DTG superior to DRV/RTV at
Wk 48 primary efficacy
– Treatment-related study d/c:
2% in DTG arm vs 4% in
 VF at Wk 48: < 1% (n = 2) in
each arm
 Similar CD4+ cell count
increase at Wk 48:
– +210 cells/mm³ in each arm
Δ +7.1%
(95% CI: +0.9% to +13.2%; P = .025)
Feinberg J, et al. ICAAC 2013. Abstract H1464a.
DTG 50 mg
800/100 mg QD
The Evolving Role of Integrase Inhibitors in HIV Therapy
Virologic Suppression at Wk 48 by
Baseline HIV-1 RNA
1. Lennox J, et al. Lancet. 2009;374:796-806. 2. Sax PE, et al. Lancet. 2012;379:2439-2448. 3. DeJesus E, et al. Lancet.
2012;379:2429-2438. 4. Brinson C, et al. CROI 2013. Abstract 554. 5. Feinberg J, et al. ICAAC 2013. Abstract H1464a.
≤ 100,000 c/mL
> 100,000 c/mL
3020100-20 -10
Difference, % (DTG-RAL) and 95% CI
In favor of RAL In favor of DTG
≤ 100,000 c/mL
> 100,000 c/mL
3020100-20 -10
Difference, % (DTG-EFV) and 95% CI
In favor of DTGIn favor of EFV
Study 102[2]
≤ 100,000 c/mL
> 100,000 c/mL
3020100-20 -10
Difference , % (DTG-DRV/RTV) and 95% CI
In favor of DTGIn favor of DRV/RTV
≤ 100,000 c/mL
> 100,000 c/mL
Difference, % (EVG/COBI-EFV) and 95% CI
In favor of EFV In favor of EVG/COBI
Study 103[3]
-15 -10 -5 5 10 150
≤ 100,000 c/mL
> 100,000 c/mL
Difference, % (EVG/COBI-ATV/RTV) and 95% CI
In favor of ATV/RTV In favor of EVG/COBI
≤ 100,000 c/mL
> 100,000 c/mL
3020100-20 -10
Difference, % (RAL-EFV) and 95% CI
In favor of EFV In favor of RAL
-15 -10 -5 5 10 150
The Evolving Role of Integrase Inhibitors in HIV Therapy
Similar Efficacy of INSTIs (RAL or DTG) +
ABC/3TC or TDF/FTC, Even for High BL VL
 In SPRING-2, similar efficacy with ABC/3TC or TDF/FTC + RAL or
DTG, including with high BL HIV-1 RNA*
Eron J, et al. Glasgow 2012. Abstract P204.
< 100k 100K - < 250K 250K - 500K > 500K
N =
Baseline HIV-1 RNA (c/mL)
*Pooled data from both INSTIs.
The Evolving Role of Integrase Inhibitors in HIV Therapy
Dolutegravir: Adverse Events Summary
 DTG vs RAL[1,2]
– Adverse events similar between
 DTG vs EFV[3]
– CNS events and rash more
common with EFV; insomnia
more frequent with DTG
 DTG vs DRV/RTV[4]
– More diarrhea with DRV/RTV;
more headache with DTG
 DTG associated with small,
rapid increase in serum
creatinine in first 4 wks of tx that
remained stable through Wk 48
(mean change from baseline:
+0.11 mg/dL; range: -0.60 to
0.62 mg/dL)[5]
– Rise in creatinine related to
inhibition of tubular secretion of
creatinine by DTG
– No drug-related
discontinuations due to renal
adverse events
1. Raffi F, et al. Lancet. 2013;381:735-743. 2. Raffi F, et al. IAS 2013. Abstract TULBPE17.
3. Walmsley S, et al. N Engl J Med. 2013;369:1807-1818. 4. Feinberg J, et al. ICAAC 2013. Abstract
H1464a. 5. Dolutegravir [package insert].
The Evolving Role of Integrase Inhibitors in HIV Therapy
Resistance Summary
 DTG vs RAL[1,2]
– 0 pts with resistance in DTG arm
– 1 pt with INSTI-R and 4 pts with NRTI-R with RAL at Wk 48;
no additional resistance by Wk 96
 DTG vs EFV[3]
– 0 pts with resistance in DTG arm
– 1 pt with NRTI and 4 with NNRTI resistance in EFV arm
 DTG vs DRV/RTV[4]
– No pts with resistance in either arm
1. Raffi F, et al. Lancet. 2013;381:735-743. 2. Raffi F, et al. IAS 2013. Abstract TULBPE17. 3. Walmsley
S, et al. N Engl J Med. 2013;369:1807-1818. 4. Feinberg J, et al. ICAAC 2013. Abstract H1464a.
The Evolving Role of Integrase Inhibitors in HIV Therapy
Integrase Inhibitors for Initial Therapy:
 While there are many options for initial therapy, regimens
that include an integrase inhibitor have many favorable
– All are potent, well tolerated, favorable metabolic profile
– Rates of transmitted (baseline) drug resistance to INSTIs
presumed to be low
– Few drug–drug interactions (RAL, DTG)
– Resistance rarely reported with DTG
– Available as single-pill regimen (EVG)
 Integrase inhibitor–based regimens may be appropriate for
many (if not most) treatment-naive patients
Switch Studies Involving
Integrase Inhibitors
The Evolving Role of Integrase Inhibitors in HIV Therapy
Switching Virologically Suppressed
Patients to RAL
 SWITCHMRK-1 and -2[1]
– Switching to RAL inferior to remaining on LPV/RTV-based regimen in pts with
HIV-1 RNA < 50 c/mL for > 3 mos, particularly among those with previous VF
– TC, non–HDL-C, and TG improved in switch pts
– Switching from to RAL noninferior to remaining on boosted PI-based regimens
through Wk 48 in pts with HIV-1 RNA < 50 c/mL for ≥ 6 mos
 Switching to RAL significantly improved lipids and TC:HDL-C ratio
 EASIER/ANRS 138[3]
– Switch from ENF to RAL regimens maintained virologic suppression through Wk 48
in patients with multidrug resistance and HIV-1 RNA < 400 c/mL for ≥ 3 mos
1. Eron J, et al. Lancet. 2010;375:396-407. 2. Martinez E, et al. AIDS. 2010;24:1697-1707.
3. Gallien S, et al. J Antimicrob Chemother. 2011;66:2099-2106.
The Evolving Role of Integrase Inhibitors in HIV Therapy
Study 123: Switch From RAL + TDF/FTC to
 Open-label, multicenter, 48-wk pilot study of switch from RAL + TDF/FTC to
EVG/COBI/TDF/FTC in pts with HIV-1 RNA < 50 c/mL for 6 mos (N = 48)
 Primary endpoint: HIV-1 RNA < 50 c/mL at Wk 12 postswitch
 Secondary endpoints: Safety and tolerability by Wk 24 and Wk 48
HIV-1 RNA < 50 c/mL at Wk 24 and Wk 48 postswitch
 All subjects maintained virologic
suppression at Wks 12 and 24
– 38/38 subjects who reached
Wk 48 at time of report also
 TC and LDL-C improved;
no renal AEs
Crofoot G, et al. IAS 2013. Abstract TUPE283.
Wk 12
48/48 48/48 38/38*
Wk 24 Wk 48
The Evolving Role of Integrase Inhibitors in HIV Therapy
Examples of Ongoing INSTI Switch
Studies in Suppressed Pts
 Raltegravir (primarily switches for tolerability)
– TDF-based NRTI + boosted PI → RAL + boosted PI in pts with low BMD
– Boosted PI → RAL in HIV/HCV-coinfected pts to assess effect on fibrosis
– NNRTI or boosted PI → RAL to assess effect on lipids
– LPV/RTV → RAL to assess endothelial recovery
– NRTIs + boosted PI → RAL + boosted PI to assess safety and efficacy of
NRTI-sparing regimen
 Elvitegravir (primarily switches for simplicity)
– Phase IIIb open-label pilot study: RAL + TDF/FTC → EVG/COBI/TDF/FTC
– Phase IIIb open-label study: NNRTI + TDF/FTC → EVG/COBI/TDF/FTC
– Phase IIIb open-label study: Boosted PI + TDF/FTC → EVG/COBI/TDF/FTC
Using Integrase Inhibitors in
Treatment-Experienced Patients
The Evolving Role of Integrase Inhibitors in HIV Therapy
TRIO Study (ANRS 139): RAL + ETR +
DRV/RTV in Treatment-Experienced Pts
 Multicenter phase II study of DRV/RTV + ETR + RAL (N = 103); addition of
NRTIs, ENF at discretion of physician
– Inclusion criteria: susceptibility to DRV and ETR based on ≤ 3 DRV and
≤ 3 ETR RAMs, respectively
– 59% of pts had < 1 active agent in OBR, as assessed by GSS
 86% of pts reached HIV-1 RNA < 50 c/mL at Wk 48 (95% CI: 79% to 93%)[1]
 Of 100 pts entering extension trial through Wk 96, 88% achieved HIV-1 RNA
< 50 c/mL (95% CI: 82% to 94%)[2]
 Median CD4+ cell count change: +150 cells/mm3
 4 tx-related grade 3/4 AEs reported before Wk 48: recurrent epidermal
necrolysis (n = 1) (study d/c); nephrolithiasis (n = 1); lipodystrophia (n = 1);
muscle spasm (n = 1)
 No further events between Wks 48 and 96
1. Yazdanpanah Y, et al Clin Infect Dis. 2009;49:1441-1449.
2. Fagard C, et al. Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2012;59:489-493.
The Evolving Role of Integrase Inhibitors in HIV Therapy
Study 145: Elvitegravir vs Raltegravir in
Treatment-Experienced Patients
 Randomized, placebo-controlled phase III study
Molina J, et al. Lancet Infect Dis. 2012;12:27-35.
HIV-infected pts,
HIV-1 RNA ≥ 1000
resistance or 6 mos of
exposure to ≥ 2
antiretroviral classes
(N = 702)
Wk 96
*EVG currently unavailable as single agent.
EVG dose reduced to 85 mg QD for pts receiving ATV/RTV or LPV/RTV as part of background regimen.
Background regimen to include fully active RTV-boosted PI, selected using resistance testing.
Selected from ENF, ETR, MVC, or NRTI. Option of also adding FTC or 3TC for pts with M184V/I.
Wk 48
Elvitegravir 150 mg (or 85 mg) QD*
Boosted PI‡
+ Third Agent§
(n = 351)
Raltegravir 400 mg BID +
Boosted PI‡
+ Third Agent§
(n = 351)
The Evolving Role of Integrase Inhibitors in HIV Therapy
Study 145: EVG Noninferior to RAL at Wks
48 and 96
 Similar incidence of
resistance at VF with EVG vs
– Integrase resistance: 6.6%
vs 7.4%
– OBR resistance: 7.4% vs
 Both regimens well tolerated
– Higher rates of diarrhea with
EVG at Wks 48 and 96
– Discontinuations: 3% vs 4%
Elion R, et al. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2013;63:494-497.
Wk 48 Wk 96 Wk 48 Wk 96 Wk 48 Wk 96
59 58
EVG (n = 351)
RAL (n = 351)
48 45
26 29 26 26
22 23 19 19
*VF includes never suppressed, rebound, switch of BR, and
d/c due to lack of efficacy.
Others include death, discontinuation due to AE,
investigator’s discretion, lost to follow-up, pregnancy, protocol
violation, subject noncompliance, withdrawal of consent.
The Evolving Role of Integrase Inhibitors in HIV Therapy
SAILING: Dolutegravir vs Raltegravir in
ART-Exp’d, Integrase Inhibitor–Naive Pts
 Randomized, double-blind, noninferiority, phase III study
integrase inhibitor–naive
patients with HIV-1 RNA
> 400 copies/mL and
≥ 2 class resistance
(N = 715)
Dolutegravir 50 mg QD
+ Raltegravir placebo + OBR*
(n = 354)
Raltegravir 400 mg BID
+ Dolutegravir placebo + OBR*
(n = 361)
Stratified by number of fully active background
agents, use of DRV, screening HIV-1 RNA
(≤ vs > 50,000 copies/mL) Wk 48
*OBR comprising at least 1 and no more than 2 active agents.
Cahn P, et al. Lancet. 2013;382:700-708.
The Evolving Role of Integrase Inhibitors in HIV Therapy
SAILING: Superior Rate of Virologic
Suppression With DTG vs RAL at Wk 48
 Lower incidence of resistance
at VF with DTG vs RAL
– Integrase resistance: 1%
(4/354) vs 5% (17/361);
P = .003
– OBR resistance: 1% (4/354) vs
3% (12/361)
 Both regimens well tolerated
with similar AE profiles
– Grades 2-4: 8% vs 9%
– Discontinuations: 3% vs 4%
 No difference in outcome between
study arms when combined with
fully active DRV/RTV
Cahn P, et al. Lancet. 2013;382:700-708.
No Wk
48 Data
DTG + OBR (n = 354)
RAL + OBR (n = 361)
9 9
Δ: 7.4% (95% CI: 0.7-14.2;
P = .03)
The Evolving Role of Integrase Inhibitors in HIV Therapy
VIKING-3: Dolutegravir After Failure of
Integrase Inhibitor–Based Regimen
 Phase III single-arm trial
 Mean HIV-1 RNA change from baseline to Day 8
– Overall: -1.4 log10 copies/mL (P < .001)
– No primary integrase resistance mutations at BL: -1.6 log10 copies/mL
– Q148 + ≤ 1 secondary integrase resistance mutation: -1.1 log10 copies/mL
– Q148 + ≥ 2 secondary integrase resistance mutations: -1.0 log10 copies/mL
Nichols G, et al. Glasgow 2012. Abstract O232.
Pts with HIV-1 RNA
≥ 500 c/mL, RAL and/or
EVG resistance, and
resistance to ≥ 2 other
antiretroviral classes*
(N = 183)
Dolutegravir 50
mg BID +
Continue Failing
Dolutegravir 50 mg BID +
Optimized Background Regimen With
Overall Susceptibility Score ≥ 1
(ie, ≥ 1 active drug)
Day 8 Wk 24 Wk 48
*Detected at screening or based on historical evidence.
Optimized Therapy
The Evolving Role of Integrase Inhibitors in HIV Therapy
VIKING-3: Efficacy of DTG in
INSTI-Experienced Pts at Wk 48
 24-wk data on full cohort
(N = 183) and 48-wk data on
first 114 pts
 Response rates affected
by baseline INSTI resistance
but not overall susceptibility
score of background regimen
HIV-1 RNA < 50 c/mL at Wk 24
by INSTI Mutation(s), n/N (%)
Overall Susceptibility Score
0 1 ≥ 2 Total
No Q148 4/4 (100) 35/40 (83) 57/70 (76) 96/114 (79)
Q148 + 1 2/2 (100) 8/12 (67) 10/17 (59) 20/31 (65)
Q148 + ≥ 2 1/2 (50) 2/11 (18) 1/3 (33) 4/16 (25)
Outcome, n (%) Wk 24
(n = 183)
Wk 48
(n = 114)
HIV-1 RNA < 50 c/mL at
Wk 24 (snapshot, ITT-E) 126 (69) 64 (56)
Virologic nonresponse 50 (27) 44 (39)
d/c due to AE or death 5 (3) 5 (4)
Nichols G, et al. IAS 2013. Abstract TULBPE19.
The Evolving Role of Integrase Inhibitors in HIV Therapy
Drug–Drug Interactions With Integrase
Inhibitors and Key Drugs
 Rifampin
 Antacids
polyvalent cations
(Ca++, Mg++)
 Antacids
 Benzodiazepines
 Beta blockers
 Calcium channel
 Erectile dysfunction
 Inhaled/injectable
 OCPs (norgestimate)
 Rifampin
 Statins
 Medications containing
polyvalent cations (Ca++,
Mg++), including
laxatives, antacids
 Metformin
 Rifampin
1. DHHS Adult Guidelines. February 2013. 2. Raltegravir [package insert]. 3. Dolutegravir [package insert].
*May be a class effect
The Evolving Role of Integrase Inhibitors in HIV Therapy
Integrase Inhibitors for Treatment-
Experienced Patients: Conclusions
 INSTIs appropriate for many treatment-experienced pts
– For INSTI-naive pts, all INSTIs should be active
– DTG superior to RAL, EVG noninferior to RAL
– For INSTI-experienced pts, DTG superior to RAL
– Cross-resistance between EVG and RAL
 Difficult to use EVG due to current FDC-only regimen, lack of data
combining FDC with other ARVs
 Much clinical experience with RAL as component of new regimens for
pts with NRTI, NNRTI, PI experience
 DTG represents a new option for INSTI-experienced pts
– BID dosing recommended for those with INSTI resistance
The Evolving Role of Integrase Inhibitors in HIV Therapy
Raltegravir Summary:
Advantages and Disadvantages
Advantages Disadvantages
 INSTI with longest track record of
safety and efficacy—approved in
 Noninferior to EFV in initial therapy
at Wk 48 (superior from Wk 192
through Yr 5 final analysis)
 Fewer CNS adverse effects, less
rash, and better lipids than EFV
 Few drug–drug interactions
 No food effect
 Conflicting data on efficacy in switch
 Integral part of many regimens in
treatment-experienced pts
 Twice-daily dosing
 No FDC available or planned
 Rare CNS, cutaneous, and muscle-
related adverse effects
 Inferior to DTG in treatment-
experienced patients
 Risk of resistance at VF, especially in
treatment-experienced pts
 When VF failure occurs with
resistance, 2-class resistance is
The Evolving Role of Integrase Inhibitors in HIV Therapy
Elvitegravir Summary:
Advantages and Disadvantages
Advantages Disadvantages
 Only INSTI currently available as a
1-pill once-daily regimen
 Noninferior to EFV and ATV/RTV in
initial therapy
 Maintains antiviral activity as well as
comparators across HIV-1 RNA and
CD4+ cell count strata
 Fewer CNS adverse effects, less
rash, and better lipids than EFV
 Less jaundice than ATV/RTV
 Appears to be effective switch
regimen for patients on first-line RAL
 Noninferior to RAL in treatment-
experienced patients
 Not recommended for patients with
eGFR < 70 mL/min
 Must be taken with food
 Cobicistat inhibits tubular secretion of
creatinine, increasing Cr levels
 More nausea than EFV
 Risk of resistance at VF, especially in
treatment-experienced patients
 When VF occurs with resistance,
2-class resistance is common
 Many COBI-related drug–drug
 Currently only available in FDC,
limiting regimen flexibility
The Evolving Role of Integrase Inhibitors in HIV Therapy
Dolutegravir Summary:
Advantages and Disadvantages
Advantages Disadvantages
 Once-daily administration
 Small mg dose and tablet size
 Noninferior to RAL and superior to
 Maintains comparable or better
virologic activity to EFV, RAL,
DRV/RTV across low and high HIV-
 Fewer CNS and rash events vs EFV
 When VF occurs, no integrase
resistance mutations as yet detected
in treatment-naive patients
 Few drug–drug interactions
 Can be taken with or without food
 Not yet available as part of FDC
 Inhibits tubular secretion of
creatinine, increasing Cr levels
 Relatively little clinical experience
compared with RAL (especially) and
Go Online for More Educational
Content on Integrase Inhibitors!
Interactive Virtual Presentation with faculty commentary and case
studies illustrating the use of integrase inhibitors across the treatment

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HIV Alert:Новые стратегии и агенты в лечении ВИЧ/Novel Strategies and Agents ...
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New Data on Resistance to DAAs and Implications for Therapy.2015
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Fall 2014 HIV Update.Clinical Impact of New Data From ICAAC 2014, IDWeek 2014...
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Evolving Switch Strategies for Virologically Suppressed HIV-Infected Patients...
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The role of integrase inhibitors in first line and later antiretroviral therapy.2013

  • 1. Joseph J. Eron Jr., MD Professor of Medicine University of North Carolina School of Medicine Director, AIDS Clinical Trials Unit University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, North Carolina The Evolving Role of Integrase Inhibitors in HIV Therapy This program is supported by an educational grant from
  • 2. The Evolving Role of Integrase Inhibitors in HIV Therapy About These Slides  Users are encouraged to use these slides in their own noncommercial presentations, but we ask that content and attribution not be changed. Users are asked to honor this intent  These slides may not be published or posted online without permission from Clinical Care Options (email Disclaimer The materials published on the Clinical Care Options Web site reflect the views of the authors of the CCO material, not those of Clinical Care Options, LLC, the CME providers, or the companies providing educational grants. The materials may discuss uses and dosages for therapeutic products that have not been approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration. A qualified healthcare professional should be consulted before using any therapeutic product discussed. Readers should verify all information and data before treating patients or using any therapies described in these materials.
  • 3. The Evolving Role of Integrase Inhibitors in HIV Therapy Program Director and Content Planning Faculty Joseph J. Eron Jr., MD Professor of Medicine University of North Carolina School of Medicine Director, AIDS Clinical Trials Unit University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, North Carolina Paul E. Sax, MD Clinical Director HIV Program and Division of Infectious Diseases Brigham and Women’s Hospital Professor of Medicine Harvard Medical School Boston, Massachusetts Kimberly Y. Smith, MD Associate Professor of Medicine Division of Infectious Diseases Rush University Medical Center Chicago, Illinois
  • 4. The Evolving Role of Integrase Inhibitors in HIV Therapy Disclosures Joseph J. Eron, Jr., MD, has disclosed that he has served as a consultant for AbbVie, Bristol-Myers Squibb, GlaxoSmithKline/ViiV, Gilead Sciences, Merck, Tibotec/Janssen, and Tobira; has received funds for research support from Bristol-Myers Squibb and GlaxoSmithKline/ViiV; and has served on the data and safety monitoring board for Vertex. Paul E. Sax, MD, has disclosed that he has received consulting fees from Bristol-Myers Squibb, Gilead Sciences, GlaxoSmithKline/ViiV, Janssen, and Merck and funds for research support from Bristol-Myers Squibb, Gilead Sciences, and GlaxoSmithKline/ViiV. Kimberly Y. Smith, MD, MPH, has disclosed that she has received consulting fees from AbbVie, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Gilead Sciences, GlaxoSmithKline, Janssen, Merck, and ViiV.
  • 5. The Evolving Role of Integrase Inhibitors in HIV Therapy
  • 6. Viral Life Cycle and Mechanism of Action
  • 7. The Evolving Role of Integrase Inhibitors in HIV Therapy HIV Viral Life Cycle Attachment fusion Budding Reverse transcription Maturation Integration Uncoating Transcription, translation Assembly
  • 8. The Evolving Role of Integrase Inhibitors in HIV Therapy HIV Viral Life Cycle Currently available integrase inhibitors  Raltegravir (approved 10/07)  Elvitegravir* (approved 8/12)  Dolutegravir (approved 8/13) Budding Reverse transcription Maturation Transcription, translation Assembly *Currently available only as part of a coformulated single-tablet regimen. Attachment fusion Uncoating Integrase inhibitors
  • 9. The Evolving Role of Integrase Inhibitors in HIV Therapy Integrase Inhibitors in DHHS Guidelines  All 3 integrase inhibitors are now part of preferred first-line regimens DHHS Guidelines. February 2013. DHHS Recommendation on INSTIs. October 2013. Preferred Regimens Alternative Regimens NNRTI  EFV/TDF/FTC  EFV + ABC/3TC  RPV/TDF/FTC or RPV + ABC/3TC Boosted PI  ATV/RTV + TDF/FTC  DRV/RTV + TDF/FTC  ATV/RTV + ABC/3TC  DRV/RTV + ABC/3TC  FPV/RTV + (TDF/FTC or ABC/3TC)  LPV/RTV + (TDF/FTC or ABC/3TC) INSTI  RAL + TDF/FTC  EVG/COBI/TDF/FTC  DTG + ABC/3TC  DTG + TDF/FTC  RAL + ABC/3TC
  • 10. Using Integrase Inhibitors in Treatment-Naive Patients
  • 11. The Evolving Role of Integrase Inhibitors in HIV Therapy STARTMRK: Raltegravir vs Efavirenz in Treatment-Naive Patients  Randomized, double-blind (through 5 yrs), placebo-controlled, phase III trial  Primary endpoint: HIV-1 RNA < 50 copies/mL at Wk 48 HIV-infected, treatment-naive patients with HIV-1 RNA > 5000 copies/mL and no resistance to EFV, TDF, or FTC (N = 563) Efavirenz 600 mg QHS + TDF/FTC (n = 282) Raltegravir 400 mg BID + TDF/FTC (n = 281) Lennox J, et al. Lancet. 2009;374:796-806. Stratified by HIV-1 RNA (> vs ≤ 50,000 copies/mL) and viral hepatitis status
  • 12. The Evolving Role of Integrase Inhibitors in HIV Therapy STARTMRK: RAL vs EFV in Treatment- Naive Patients: 5-Yr Final Report  RAL noninferior to EFV in HIV-1 RNA < 50 c/mL at Wk 48 (primary endpoint; ITT, NC = F analysis); superior from Wk 192 Rockstroh J, et al. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2013;63:77-85. 281 282 100 80 60 40 20 0 HIV-1RNA<50c/mL(%) 0 48 72 96 120 144 Wks RAL EFV Pts at Risk, n 281 282 276 282 280 281 281 282 277 281 280 281 86 82 81 79 75 69 281 282 192 76 67 ∆: +9.5% (95% CI: 1.7% to 17.3%; noninferiority P < .001) 24012 216 71 61 277 282 279 279 24 279 282 168 281 282
  • 13. The Evolving Role of Integrase Inhibitors in HIV Therapy STARTMRK: RAL vs EFV in Treatment- Naive Patients: 5-Yr Final Report  Efficacy as good as or better than EFV in all baseline subgroups tested  CD4+ cell count at Wk 240: +374 (RAL) vs +312 (EFV)  RAL associated with – Fewer CNS adverse events (39.1% vs 64.2%; P < .001) – Fewer drug-related clinical adverse events (52.0% vs 80.1%; P < .001) – Fewer discontinuations due to adverse events (5% vs 9%) Rockstroh J, et al. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2013;63:77-85 plus Supplemental Digital Content. VF and Resistance at Wk 240 RAL (n = 281) EFV (n = 282) VF, n (%) 55 (19.6) 59 (20.9) Resistance data available, n 23 20 INSTI or NNRTI mutations only, n 1 7 NRTI mutations only, n 3 2 NRTI + (RAL or EFV) resistance mutations, n 3 3
  • 14. The Evolving Role of Integrase Inhibitors in HIV Therapy QDMRK: RAL QD Inferior to RAL BID at Wk 48 in Treatment-Naive Patients  Randomized, noninferiority phase III trial of RAL 800 mg QD (n = 382) vs RAL 400 mg BID (n = 389), both with TDF/FTC[1]  RAL QD inferior to RAL BID at Wk 48 in ITT (NC = F) analysis  Lower RAL trough levels associated with higher risk of failure in QD arm but not in BID arm  More resistance at failure in QD arm  PK studies of 2 new RAL formulations administered as 1200-mg once daily showed promise in healthy patients[2] 1. Eron J, et al. Lancet Infect Dis. 2011;11:907-915. 2. Krishna R, et al. EACS 2013, Abstract PE10/17. HIV-1RNA<50c/mL (NC=F) *Failure included both failure to suppress and rebounders. Most patients with VF and RAL resistance had ≥ 2 mutations associated with resistance to RAL. Parameter, n RAL QD (n = 382) RAL BID (n = 388) Pts with VF* and HIV-1 RNA > 400 c/mL 30 16 Resistance data available 27 11 FTC resistance only 11 2 Integrase inhibitor and FTC resistance 9 2 No evidence of resistance 7 7 83 89 0 20 40 60 80 100 RAL 800 mg QD (n = 382) RAL 400 mg BID (n = 389) 318/ 382 343/ 389 ∆: -5.7 (95% CI: -10.7 to -0.83; P for noninferiority = .044) Wk 48
  • 15. The Evolving Role of Integrase Inhibitors in HIV Therapy Elvitegravir/Cobicistat vs EFV or ATV/RTV + TDF/FTC in Treatment-Naive Pts  Randomized, double-blind, active-controlled phase III studies  Primary endpoint: HIV-1 RNA < 50 copies/mL at Wk 48 1. Sax P, et al. Lancet. 2012;379:2439-2448. 2. DeJesus E, et al. Lancet. 2012;379:2429-2438. Treatment naive; HIV-1 RNA ≥ 5000 copies/mL; any CD4+ cell count; susceptible to TDF, FTC, and EFV, or ATV; eGFR ≥ 70 mL/min Study 102[1] (N = 700) Study 103[2] (N = 708) EVG/COBI/TDF/FTC QD (n = 348) EFV/FTC/TDF QD (n = 352) EVG/COBI/TDF/FTC QD (n = 353) ATV/RTV + TDF/FTC QD (n = 355)
  • 16. The Evolving Role of Integrase Inhibitors in HIV Therapy EVG/COBI/TDF/FTC Noninferior to EFV/TDF/FTC Through Wk 144  EVG/COBI arm noninferior to EFV arm at Wk 48 primary endpoint[1] and through Wk 144[2,3] – Results consistent across subgroups: BL HIV-1 RNA, CD4+ cell count, age, sex, race – Treatment-related study d/c: 6% in EVG/COBI arm vs 7% in EFV arm at Wk 144  VF: 7% in EVG/COBI arm and 10% in EFV arm at Wk 144  Similar CD4+ cell count increase at Wk 144: – +321 cells/mm3 (EVG/COBI) vs +300 cells/mm3 (EFV) 1. Sax PE, et al. Lancet. 2012;379:2439-2448. 2. Zolopa A, et al. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2013;63:96- 100. 3. Wohl D, et al. ICAAC 2013. Abstract H-672a. Wk 48 Wk 144 EVG/COBI/TDF/FTC (n = 348) EFV/TDF/FTC (n = 352) 80 75 0 20 40 60 80 100 88 84 Δ: 3.6% (-1.6 to 8.8) Δ: 4.9% (1.3 to 11.1) 84 82 Wk 96 Δ: 2.7% (-2.9 to 8.3)
  • 17. The Evolving Role of Integrase Inhibitors in HIV Therapy EVG/COBI/TDF/FTC Noninferior to ATV/RTV + TDF/FTC Through Wk 144  EVG/COBI arm noninferior to ATV/RTV arm at Wk 48 primary endpoint[1] and through Wk 144[2,3] – Results consistent across subgroups: BL HIV-1 RNA, CD4+ count, adherence, age, sex, race  Treatment-related study d/c: 6% in EVG/COBI arm vs 9% in ATV/RTV arm at Wk 144  VF: 8% in EVG/COBI arm vs 7% in ATV/RTV arm at Wk 144  Similar CD4+ cell count increase at Wk 144: +280 cells/mm3 (EVG/COBI) vs +293 cells/mm3 (ATV/RTV) 1. De Jesus E, et al. Lancet. 2012;379:2429-2438. 2. Rockstroh J, et al. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2013;62:483-486. 3. Clumeck N, et al. EACS 2013. Abstract LBPS7/2. EVG/COBI/TDF/FTC (n = 353) ATV/RTV + TDF/FTC (n = 355) Δ: 3.0% (-1.9 to 7.8) Δ: 1.1% (-4.5 to 6.7) Wk 48 Wk 144 78 75 0 20 40 60 80 100 90 87 Δ: 3.1% (-3.2 to 9.4) 83 82 Wk 96
  • 18. The Evolving Role of Integrase Inhibitors in HIV Therapy EVG/COBI/TDF/FTC Adverse Events Summary  EVG/COBI vs EFV: fewer CNS, rash events; smaller increase in TC, HDL-C, and LDL-C (but similar increase in TC:HDL ratio), similar TG increase; more nausea[1]  EVG/COBI vs ATV/RTV: less jaundice; similar increase in TC, HDL-C, and LDL-C; smaller TG increase[2]  Small, rapid increase in serum creatinine related to inhibition of tubular secretion of creatinine by COBI – 0.14 ± 0.13 mg/dL at Wk 48; most change occurs by Wk 2[3]  4 pts (0.6% of total) developed tubulopathy, likely from TDF[3] 1. Sax P, et al. Lancet. 2012;379:2439-2448. 2. DeJesus E, et al. Lancet. 2012;379:2429- 2438. 3. TDF/FTC/EVG/COBI [package insert].
  • 19. The Evolving Role of Integrase Inhibitors in HIV Therapy EVG/COBI/TDF/FTC Resistance Summary  EVG/COBI vs EFV through Wk 144[1-3]  EVG/COBI vs ATV/RTV through Wk 144[4-6] 1. Sax PE, et al. Lancet. 2012;379:2439-2448. 2. Zolopa A, et al. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2013;63:96-100. 3. Wohl D, et al. ICAAC 2013. Abstract H-672a. 4. De Jesus E, et al. Lancet. 2012;379:2429-2438. 5. Rockstroh J, et al. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2013;62:483-486. 6. Clumeck N, et al. EACS 2013. Abstract LBPS7/2 EVG/COBI (n = 348) EFV (n = 352) Wk 48 96 144 48 96 144 Resistance at VF, n 8 +2 +0 8 +2 +4 INSTI RAMs, n 7 +2 +0 NNRTI RAMs, n 8 +2 +4 NRTI RAMs, n 8 +2 +0 2 +1 +1 EVG/COBI (n = 353) ATV/RTV (n = 355) Wk 48 96 144 48 96 144 Resistance at VF, n 5 +1 +2 0 +0 +2 INSTI RAMS, n 4 0 +1 PI RAMs, n 0 +0 +0 NRTI RAMs, n 3 +1 +2 0 0 +2
  • 20. The Evolving Role of Integrase Inhibitors in HIV Therapy Dolutegravir vs Currently “Preferred” Regimens in Treatment-Naive Pts  Randomized, noninferiority phase III studies  Primary endpoint: HIV-1 RNA < 50 copies/mL at Wk 48 ART-naive pts VL ≥ 1000 c/mL (N = 822) DTG 50 mg QD + 2 NRTIs* (n = 411) RAL 400 mg BID + 2 NRTIs* (n = 411) *Investigator-selected NRTI backbone: either TDF/FTC or ABC/3TC. ART-naive pts VL ≥ 1000 c/mL HLA-B*5701-neg CrCL > 50 mL/min (N = 833) DTG 50 mg QD + ABC/3TC QD (n = 414) EFV/TDF/FTC QD (n = 419) SPRING-2[1] (active controlled) SINGLE[2] (placebo controlled) DTG 50 mg QD + 2 NRTIs* (n = 242) DRV/RTV 800/100 mg QD + 2 NRTIs* (n = 242) ART-naive pts VL ≥ 1000 c/mL (N = 484) FLAMINGO[3] (open label) 1. Raffi F, et al. Lancet. 2013;381:735-743. 2. Walmsley S, et al. N Engl J Med. 2013;369:1807-1818. 3. Feinberg J, et al. ICAAC 2013. Abstract H1464a.
  • 21. The Evolving Role of Integrase Inhibitors in HIV Therapy SPRING-2: DTG vs RAL + 2 NRTIs in Naive Patients  DTG noninferior to RAL at both Wk 48 primary endpoint[1] and Wk 96[2]  Treatment-related study d/c: 2% in each arm at Wk 96  VF atWk 96[2] : 5% (22/411) in DTG arm and 7% (29/411) in RAL arm  Similar CD4+ cell count increase at Wk 96: – +276 cells/mm3 (DTG) vs +264 cells/mm3 (RAL) HIV-1RNA<50copies/mL(%) 88 85 DTG 50 mg QD (n = 411) RAL 400 mg BID (n = 411) 0 20 40 60 80 100 81 76 Wk 48 Wk 96 1. Raffi F, et al. Lancet. 2013;381:735-743. 2. Raffi F, et al. IAS 2013. Abstract TULBPE17. 361/ 411 351/ 411 333/ 411 314/ 411 Δ: 4.4% (-1.1% to 10.0%) Δ: 2.5% (-2.2% to 7.1%)
  • 22. The Evolving Role of Integrase Inhibitors in HIV Therapy SINGLE: DTG + ABC/3TC vs EFV/TDF/FTC in Naive Patients at Wk 48  DTG superior to EFV at Wk 48 primary efficacy endpoint  Treatment-related study d/c: 2% in DTG arm vs 10% in EFV arm  VF at Wk 48: 4% (18/414) in DTG arm and 4% (17/419) in EFV arm  CD4+ cell count increase at Wk 48 greater with DTG: – +267 cells/mm3 (DTG) vs +208 cells/mm3 (EFV) (P < .001) HIV-1RNA<50c/mLatWk48(%) 88 81 Δ +7.4% (95% CI +2.5% to +12.3%; P = .003) Walmsley S, et al. N Engl J Med. 2013;369:1807-1818. DTG 50 mg + ABC/3TC QD EFV/TDF/ FTC QD 0 20 40 60 80 100 364/ 414 340/ 419
  • 23. The Evolving Role of Integrase Inhibitors in HIV Therapy FLAMINGO: DTG vs DRV/RTV + 2 NRTIs in Naive Patients at Wk 48  DTG superior to DRV/RTV at Wk 48 primary efficacy endpoint – Treatment-related study d/c: 2% in DTG arm vs 4% in DRV/RTV arm  VF at Wk 48: < 1% (n = 2) in each arm  Similar CD4+ cell count increase at Wk 48: – +210 cells/mm³ in each arm HIV-1RNA<50c/mLatWk48(%) 90 83 Δ +7.1% (95% CI: +0.9% to +13.2%; P = .025) Feinberg J, et al. ICAAC 2013. Abstract H1464a. DTG 50 mg QD + NRTIs DRV/RTV 800/100 mg QD + NRTIs 217/ 242 200/ 242 0 20 40 60 80 100
  • 24. The Evolving Role of Integrase Inhibitors in HIV Therapy Virologic Suppression at Wk 48 by Baseline HIV-1 RNA 1. Lennox J, et al. Lancet. 2009;374:796-806. 2. Sax PE, et al. Lancet. 2012;379:2439-2448. 3. DeJesus E, et al. Lancet. 2012;379:2429-2438. 4. Brinson C, et al. CROI 2013. Abstract 554. 5. Feinberg J, et al. ICAAC 2013. Abstract H1464a. ≤ 100,000 c/mL > 100,000 c/mL SPRING-2[4] 3020100-20 -10 Difference, % (DTG-RAL) and 95% CI In favor of RAL In favor of DTG ≤ 100,000 c/mL > 100,000 c/mL SINGLE[4] 3020100-20 -10 Difference, % (DTG-EFV) and 95% CI In favor of DTGIn favor of EFV Study 102[2] FLAMINGO[5] ≤ 100,000 c/mL > 100,000 c/mL 3020100-20 -10 Difference , % (DTG-DRV/RTV) and 95% CI In favor of DTGIn favor of DRV/RTV 40 ≤ 100,000 c/mL > 100,000 c/mL Difference, % (EVG/COBI-EFV) and 95% CI In favor of EFV In favor of EVG/COBI Study 103[3] -15 -10 -5 5 10 150 ≤ 100,000 c/mL > 100,000 c/mL Difference, % (EVG/COBI-ATV/RTV) and 95% CI In favor of ATV/RTV In favor of EVG/COBI ≤ 100,000 c/mL > 100,000 c/mL STARTMRK[1] 3020100-20 -10 Difference, % (RAL-EFV) and 95% CI In favor of EFV In favor of RAL -15 -10 -5 5 10 150
  • 25. The Evolving Role of Integrase Inhibitors in HIV Therapy Similar Efficacy of INSTIs (RAL or DTG) + ABC/3TC or TDF/FTC, Even for High BL VL  In SPRING-2, similar efficacy with ABC/3TC or TDF/FTC + RAL or DTG, including with high BL HIV-1 RNA* Eron J, et al. Glasgow 2012. Abstract P204. < 100k 100K - < 250K 250K - 500K > 500K 0 20 40 60 80 100 HIV-1RNA<50c/mLatWk48by FDASnapshotAnalysis(%) 86 n/ N = 88 225/ 257 91 306/ 335 36/ 42 82 72/ 88 81 13/ 16 76 29/ 38 72 13/ 18 64 18/ 28 Baseline HIV-1 RNA (c/mL) TDF/FTC ABC/3TC *Pooled data from both INSTIs.
  • 26. The Evolving Role of Integrase Inhibitors in HIV Therapy Dolutegravir: Adverse Events Summary  DTG vs RAL[1,2] – Adverse events similar between arms  DTG vs EFV[3] – CNS events and rash more common with EFV; insomnia more frequent with DTG  DTG vs DRV/RTV[4] – More diarrhea with DRV/RTV; more headache with DTG  DTG associated with small, rapid increase in serum creatinine in first 4 wks of tx that remained stable through Wk 48 (mean change from baseline: +0.11 mg/dL; range: -0.60 to 0.62 mg/dL)[5] – Rise in creatinine related to inhibition of tubular secretion of creatinine by DTG – No drug-related discontinuations due to renal adverse events 1. Raffi F, et al. Lancet. 2013;381:735-743. 2. Raffi F, et al. IAS 2013. Abstract TULBPE17. 3. Walmsley S, et al. N Engl J Med. 2013;369:1807-1818. 4. Feinberg J, et al. ICAAC 2013. Abstract H1464a. 5. Dolutegravir [package insert].
  • 27. The Evolving Role of Integrase Inhibitors in HIV Therapy Resistance Summary  DTG vs RAL[1,2] – 0 pts with resistance in DTG arm – 1 pt with INSTI-R and 4 pts with NRTI-R with RAL at Wk 48; no additional resistance by Wk 96  DTG vs EFV[3] – 0 pts with resistance in DTG arm – 1 pt with NRTI and 4 with NNRTI resistance in EFV arm  DTG vs DRV/RTV[4] – No pts with resistance in either arm 1. Raffi F, et al. Lancet. 2013;381:735-743. 2. Raffi F, et al. IAS 2013. Abstract TULBPE17. 3. Walmsley S, et al. N Engl J Med. 2013;369:1807-1818. 4. Feinberg J, et al. ICAAC 2013. Abstract H1464a.
  • 28. The Evolving Role of Integrase Inhibitors in HIV Therapy Integrase Inhibitors for Initial Therapy: Conclusions  While there are many options for initial therapy, regimens that include an integrase inhibitor have many favorable characteristics – All are potent, well tolerated, favorable metabolic profile – Rates of transmitted (baseline) drug resistance to INSTIs presumed to be low – Few drug–drug interactions (RAL, DTG) – Resistance rarely reported with DTG – Available as single-pill regimen (EVG)  Integrase inhibitor–based regimens may be appropriate for many (if not most) treatment-naive patients
  • 30. The Evolving Role of Integrase Inhibitors in HIV Therapy Switching Virologically Suppressed Patients to RAL  SWITCHMRK-1 and -2[1] – Switching to RAL inferior to remaining on LPV/RTV-based regimen in pts with HIV-1 RNA < 50 c/mL for > 3 mos, particularly among those with previous VF – TC, non–HDL-C, and TG improved in switch pts  SPIRAL[2] – Switching from to RAL noninferior to remaining on boosted PI-based regimens through Wk 48 in pts with HIV-1 RNA < 50 c/mL for ≥ 6 mos  Switching to RAL significantly improved lipids and TC:HDL-C ratio  EASIER/ANRS 138[3] – Switch from ENF to RAL regimens maintained virologic suppression through Wk 48 in patients with multidrug resistance and HIV-1 RNA < 400 c/mL for ≥ 3 mos 1. Eron J, et al. Lancet. 2010;375:396-407. 2. Martinez E, et al. AIDS. 2010;24:1697-1707. 3. Gallien S, et al. J Antimicrob Chemother. 2011;66:2099-2106.
  • 31. The Evolving Role of Integrase Inhibitors in HIV Therapy Study 123: Switch From RAL + TDF/FTC to EVG/COBI/TDF/FTC  Open-label, multicenter, 48-wk pilot study of switch from RAL + TDF/FTC to EVG/COBI/TDF/FTC in pts with HIV-1 RNA < 50 c/mL for 6 mos (N = 48)  Primary endpoint: HIV-1 RNA < 50 c/mL at Wk 12 postswitch  Secondary endpoints: Safety and tolerability by Wk 24 and Wk 48 HIV-1 RNA < 50 c/mL at Wk 24 and Wk 48 postswitch  All subjects maintained virologic suppression at Wks 12 and 24 – 38/38 subjects who reached Wk 48 at time of report also suppressed  TC and LDL-C improved; no renal AEs Crofoot G, et al. IAS 2013. Abstract TUPE283. HIV-1RNA<50c/mL(%) 100 80 60 40 20 0 Wk 12 48/48 48/48 38/38* Wk 24 Wk 48
  • 32. The Evolving Role of Integrase Inhibitors in HIV Therapy Examples of Ongoing INSTI Switch Studies in Suppressed Pts  Raltegravir (primarily switches for tolerability) – TDF-based NRTI + boosted PI → RAL + boosted PI in pts with low BMD – Boosted PI → RAL in HIV/HCV-coinfected pts to assess effect on fibrosis progression – NNRTI or boosted PI → RAL to assess effect on lipids – LPV/RTV → RAL to assess endothelial recovery – NRTIs + boosted PI → RAL + boosted PI to assess safety and efficacy of NRTI-sparing regimen  Elvitegravir (primarily switches for simplicity) – Phase IIIb open-label pilot study: RAL + TDF/FTC → EVG/COBI/TDF/FTC – Phase IIIb open-label study: NNRTI + TDF/FTC → EVG/COBI/TDF/FTC – Phase IIIb open-label study: Boosted PI + TDF/FTC → EVG/COBI/TDF/FTC
  • 33. Using Integrase Inhibitors in Treatment-Experienced Patients
  • 34. The Evolving Role of Integrase Inhibitors in HIV Therapy TRIO Study (ANRS 139): RAL + ETR + DRV/RTV in Treatment-Experienced Pts  Multicenter phase II study of DRV/RTV + ETR + RAL (N = 103); addition of NRTIs, ENF at discretion of physician – Inclusion criteria: susceptibility to DRV and ETR based on ≤ 3 DRV and ≤ 3 ETR RAMs, respectively – 59% of pts had < 1 active agent in OBR, as assessed by GSS  86% of pts reached HIV-1 RNA < 50 c/mL at Wk 48 (95% CI: 79% to 93%)[1]  Of 100 pts entering extension trial through Wk 96, 88% achieved HIV-1 RNA < 50 c/mL (95% CI: 82% to 94%)[2]  Median CD4+ cell count change: +150 cells/mm3  4 tx-related grade 3/4 AEs reported before Wk 48: recurrent epidermal necrolysis (n = 1) (study d/c); nephrolithiasis (n = 1); lipodystrophia (n = 1); muscle spasm (n = 1)  No further events between Wks 48 and 96 1. Yazdanpanah Y, et al Clin Infect Dis. 2009;49:1441-1449. 2. Fagard C, et al. Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2012;59:489-493.
  • 35. The Evolving Role of Integrase Inhibitors in HIV Therapy Study 145: Elvitegravir vs Raltegravir in Treatment-Experienced Patients  Randomized, placebo-controlled phase III study Molina J, et al. Lancet Infect Dis. 2012;12:27-35. HIV-infected pts, HIV-1 RNA ≥ 1000 copies/mL, resistance or 6 mos of exposure to ≥ 2 antiretroviral classes (N = 702) Wk 96 *EVG currently unavailable as single agent. † EVG dose reduced to 85 mg QD for pts receiving ATV/RTV or LPV/RTV as part of background regimen. ‡ Background regimen to include fully active RTV-boosted PI, selected using resistance testing. § Selected from ENF, ETR, MVC, or NRTI. Option of also adding FTC or 3TC for pts with M184V/I. Wk 48 Elvitegravir 150 mg (or 85 mg) QD* + Boosted PI‡ + Third Agent§ (n = 351) Raltegravir 400 mg BID + Boosted PI‡ + Third Agent§ (n = 351)
  • 36. The Evolving Role of Integrase Inhibitors in HIV Therapy Study 145: EVG Noninferior to RAL at Wks 48 and 96  Similar incidence of resistance at VF with EVG vs RAL – Integrase resistance: 6.6% vs 7.4% – OBR resistance: 7.4% vs 7.1%  Both regimens well tolerated – Higher rates of diarrhea with EVG at Wks 48 and 96 – Discontinuations: 3% vs 4% Elion R, et al. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2013;63:494-497. 100 80 60 40 20 0 Subjects(%) Wk 48 Wk 96 Wk 48 Wk 96 Wk 48 Wk 96 Virologic Response Virologic Failure* Other 59 58 EVG (n = 351) RAL (n = 351) 48 45 26 29 26 26 22 23 19 19 *VF includes never suppressed, rebound, switch of BR, and d/c due to lack of efficacy.  Others include death, discontinuation due to AE, investigator’s discretion, lost to follow-up, pregnancy, protocol violation, subject noncompliance, withdrawal of consent.
  • 37. The Evolving Role of Integrase Inhibitors in HIV Therapy SAILING: Dolutegravir vs Raltegravir in ART-Exp’d, Integrase Inhibitor–Naive Pts  Randomized, double-blind, noninferiority, phase III study Treatment-experienced, integrase inhibitor–naive patients with HIV-1 RNA > 400 copies/mL and ≥ 2 class resistance (N = 715) Dolutegravir 50 mg QD + Raltegravir placebo + OBR* (n = 354) Raltegravir 400 mg BID + Dolutegravir placebo + OBR* (n = 361) Stratified by number of fully active background agents, use of DRV, screening HIV-1 RNA (≤ vs > 50,000 copies/mL) Wk 48 *OBR comprising at least 1 and no more than 2 active agents. Cahn P, et al. Lancet. 2013;382:700-708.
  • 38. The Evolving Role of Integrase Inhibitors in HIV Therapy SAILING: Superior Rate of Virologic Suppression With DTG vs RAL at Wk 48  Lower incidence of resistance at VF with DTG vs RAL – Integrase resistance: 1% (4/354) vs 5% (17/361); P = .003 – OBR resistance: 1% (4/354) vs 3% (12/361)  Both regimens well tolerated with similar AE profiles – Grades 2-4: 8% vs 9% – Discontinuations: 3% vs 4%  No difference in outcome between study arms when combined with fully active DRV/RTV Cahn P, et al. Lancet. 2013;382:700-708. 100 80 60 40 20 0 Subjects(%) Virologic Success Virologic Nonresponse No Wk 48 Data DTG + OBR (n = 354) RAL + OBR (n = 361) 71 64 20 28 9 9 Δ: 7.4% (95% CI: 0.7-14.2; P = .03)
  • 39. The Evolving Role of Integrase Inhibitors in HIV Therapy VIKING-3: Dolutegravir After Failure of Integrase Inhibitor–Based Regimen  Phase III single-arm trial  Mean HIV-1 RNA change from baseline to Day 8 – Overall: -1.4 log10 copies/mL (P < .001) – No primary integrase resistance mutations at BL: -1.6 log10 copies/mL – Q148 + ≤ 1 secondary integrase resistance mutation: -1.1 log10 copies/mL – Q148 + ≥ 2 secondary integrase resistance mutations: -1.0 log10 copies/mL Nichols G, et al. Glasgow 2012. Abstract O232. Pts with HIV-1 RNA ≥ 500 c/mL, RAL and/or EVG resistance, and resistance to ≥ 2 other antiretroviral classes* (N = 183) Dolutegravir 50 mg BID + Continue Failing Regimen Dolutegravir 50 mg BID + Optimized Background Regimen With Overall Susceptibility Score ≥ 1 (ie, ≥ 1 active drug) Day 8 Wk 24 Wk 48 *Detected at screening or based on historical evidence. Functional Monotherapy Optimized Therapy
  • 40. The Evolving Role of Integrase Inhibitors in HIV Therapy VIKING-3: Efficacy of DTG in INSTI-Experienced Pts at Wk 48  24-wk data on full cohort (N = 183) and 48-wk data on first 114 pts  Response rates affected by baseline INSTI resistance but not overall susceptibility score of background regimen HIV-1 RNA < 50 c/mL at Wk 24 by INSTI Mutation(s), n/N (%) Overall Susceptibility Score 0 1 ≥ 2 Total No Q148 4/4 (100) 35/40 (83) 57/70 (76) 96/114 (79) Q148 + 1 2/2 (100) 8/12 (67) 10/17 (59) 20/31 (65) Q148 + ≥ 2 1/2 (50) 2/11 (18) 1/3 (33) 4/16 (25) Outcome, n (%) Wk 24 (n = 183) Wk 48 (n = 114) HIV-1 RNA < 50 c/mL at Wk 24 (snapshot, ITT-E) 126 (69) 64 (56) Virologic nonresponse 50 (27) 44 (39) d/c due to AE or death 5 (3) 5 (4) Nichols G, et al. IAS 2013. Abstract TULBPE19.
  • 41. The Evolving Role of Integrase Inhibitors in HIV Therapy Drug–Drug Interactions With Integrase Inhibitors and Key Drugs RAL[1,2] EVG/COBI[1] DTG[3]  Rifampin  Antacids containing polyvalent cations (Ca++, Mg++)  Antacids  Benzodiazepines  Beta blockers  Calcium channel blockers  Erectile dysfunction drugs  Inhaled/injectable corticosteroids  MVC  OCPs (norgestimate)  Rifampin  Statins  EFV  ETR  FPV/RTV  Medications containing polyvalent cations (Ca++, Mg++), including laxatives, antacids  Metformin  Rifampin  TPV/RTV 1. DHHS Adult Guidelines. February 2013. 2. Raltegravir [package insert]. 3. Dolutegravir [package insert]. *May be a class effect
  • 42. The Evolving Role of Integrase Inhibitors in HIV Therapy Integrase Inhibitors for Treatment- Experienced Patients: Conclusions  INSTIs appropriate for many treatment-experienced pts – For INSTI-naive pts, all INSTIs should be active – DTG superior to RAL, EVG noninferior to RAL – For INSTI-experienced pts, DTG superior to RAL – Cross-resistance between EVG and RAL  Difficult to use EVG due to current FDC-only regimen, lack of data combining FDC with other ARVs  Much clinical experience with RAL as component of new regimens for pts with NRTI, NNRTI, PI experience  DTG represents a new option for INSTI-experienced pts – BID dosing recommended for those with INSTI resistance
  • 43. The Evolving Role of Integrase Inhibitors in HIV Therapy Raltegravir Summary: Advantages and Disadvantages Advantages Disadvantages  INSTI with longest track record of safety and efficacy—approved in 2007  Noninferior to EFV in initial therapy at Wk 48 (superior from Wk 192 through Yr 5 final analysis)  Fewer CNS adverse effects, less rash, and better lipids than EFV  Few drug–drug interactions  No food effect  Conflicting data on efficacy in switch strategies  Integral part of many regimens in treatment-experienced pts  Twice-daily dosing  No FDC available or planned  Rare CNS, cutaneous, and muscle- related adverse effects  Inferior to DTG in treatment- experienced patients  Risk of resistance at VF, especially in treatment-experienced pts  When VF failure occurs with resistance, 2-class resistance is common
  • 44. The Evolving Role of Integrase Inhibitors in HIV Therapy Elvitegravir Summary: Advantages and Disadvantages Advantages Disadvantages  Only INSTI currently available as a 1-pill once-daily regimen  Noninferior to EFV and ATV/RTV in initial therapy  Maintains antiviral activity as well as comparators across HIV-1 RNA and CD4+ cell count strata  Fewer CNS adverse effects, less rash, and better lipids than EFV  Less jaundice than ATV/RTV  Appears to be effective switch regimen for patients on first-line RAL  Noninferior to RAL in treatment- experienced patients  Not recommended for patients with eGFR < 70 mL/min  Must be taken with food  Cobicistat inhibits tubular secretion of creatinine, increasing Cr levels  More nausea than EFV  Risk of resistance at VF, especially in treatment-experienced patients  When VF occurs with resistance, 2-class resistance is common  Many COBI-related drug–drug interactions  Currently only available in FDC, limiting regimen flexibility
  • 45. The Evolving Role of Integrase Inhibitors in HIV Therapy Dolutegravir Summary: Advantages and Disadvantages Advantages Disadvantages  Once-daily administration  Small mg dose and tablet size  Noninferior to RAL and superior to EFV and DRV/RTV  Maintains comparable or better virologic activity to EFV, RAL, DRV/RTV across low and high HIV- 1 RNA  Fewer CNS and rash events vs EFV  When VF occurs, no integrase resistance mutations as yet detected in treatment-naive patients  Few drug–drug interactions  Can be taken with or without food  Not yet available as part of FDC  Inhibits tubular secretion of creatinine, increasing Cr levels  Relatively little clinical experience compared with RAL (especially) and EVG
  • 46. Go Online for More Educational Content on Integrase Inhibitors! Interactive Virtual Presentation with faculty commentary and case studies illustrating the use of integrase inhibitors across the treatment spectrum

Editor's Notes

  1. Hello, my name is Dr. Joseph Eron. I am a Professor of Medicine and Director of the AIDS Clinical Trials Unit at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill. I would like to welcome you to this CME-certified program about the Evolving Role of Integrase Inhibitors in HIV Therapy.
  2. You are invited to use these slides for personal study or in your own noncommercial presentations.
  3. I was the Program Director for this activity and worked with Paul E. Sax, MD, and Kimberly Y. Smith, MD, MPH, to pull together the comprehensive content in this program.
  4. These are the disclosures for faculty members.
  5. Let’s move on to our program: The evolving role of integrase inhibitors in HIV therapy.
  6. We will first discuss the viral life cycle and mechanisms of action of the various HIV medications.
  7. As HIV infects cells, it must go through multiple steps: it first has to attach and fuse to the cell. The next step is reverse transcription of the viral RNA to DNA; there are many inhibitors that block that step. The next critical step is the integration of the reverse transcribed viral DNA into the host DNA. This step is critical: If viral DNA is not integrated into host DNA, the virus cannot replicate.   This integration is catalyzed by an HIV-encoded enzyme called integrase. Since this is a viral enzyme, not a human enzyme, integrase has been a target for drug development for quite a while. After the virus has integrated it is transcribed along with the host DNA; and then comes translation and assembly of host and viral proteins. Protease inhibitors work during the assembly process; mature viral particles that are infectious are not possible without active proteases.
  8. There are now 3 integrase inhibitors available in the United States. Raltegravir has been available for 6 years. Elvitegravir was approved in 2012 but in the United States is currently available only in a fixed-dose, coformulated single-tablet regimen. Dolutegravir was most recently approved—in August 2013. This program will address all 3 of these drugs.
  9. How do these integrase inhibitors currently fit into our guidelines? Since October 2013, all three are now components of preferred first-line regimens. Raltegravir combined with tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (DF)/emtricitabine is a preferred regimen in both the US Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) and International Antiviral Society (IAS)–USA guidelines. Raltegravir in combination with abacavir/lamivudine is an alternative regimen. In October 2013, the US Department of Health and Human Services issued a recommendation specifically about integrase inhibitors in which it upgraded the elvitegravir/cobicistat fixed-dose regimen to preferred status and also added dolutegravir plus either tenofovir/emtricitabine or abacavir/lamivudine to the preferred category. The elvitegravir/cobicistat fixed-dose regimen must be given with food and should be given only to patients with estimated CrCl ≥ 70 mL/min. The other 2 integrase inhibitors can be given without regard to food. Regimens that contain abacavir/lamivudine should be given only to patients who are HLA-B*5701 negative.
  10. Let’s discuss studies of integrase inhibitors in treatment-naive patients.
  11. BID, twice daily; EFV, efavirenz; FTC, emtricitabine; QHS, dosed at bedtime; TDF, tenofovir. The STARTMRK study compared raltegravir head to head with efavirenz in treatment-naive patients. This was a randomized double-blinded study through 5 years. Both drugs were paired with the fixed-dose combination tenofovir DF/emtricitabine.
  12. EFV, efavirenz; ITT, intent to treat; NC = F, noncompleter equals failure; RAL, raltegravir. At the 48-week primary endpoint analysis, raltegravir was noninferior to efavirenz with respect to the percentage of patients with HIV-1 RNA &amp;lt; 50 copies/mL. Over the rest of the study, however, there was a gradual separation between the efficacy seen in the 2 arms. By the fourth year, the efficacy result in the raltegravir arm was actually superior to that seen in patients treated with efavirenz. At the final time point the difference was 10%; this met the criteria for noninferiority and superiority, favoring raltegravir. Over the course of the study, both therapies were very effective; the subtle difference that occurred over time was predominantly driven by tolerability.
  13. CNS, central nervous system; EFV, efavirenz; INSTI, integrase strand transfer inhibitor; RAL, raltegravir; VF, virologic failure. We generally describe both raltegravir and efavirenz as having a low barrier to resistance. In one sense, that’s true: If there is virologic rebound with these drugs, mutations almost always develop. However, this slide shows that virologic rebound and resistance with these drugs is actually quite uncommon, even over a 5-year study. The table demonstrates that there were 55 patients in the raltegravir arm and 59 patients in the efavirenz arm that had protocol-defined virologic failure and were available for resistance testing. The number of patients in the raltegravir arm that developed integrase resistance was actually quite smalla total of 4and 6 developed NRTI resistance. For efavirenz, you see a similar result: NNRTI resistance was slightly more commonthere were 10 patients that had NNRTI resistance. NRTI resistance was numerically slightly less: Only 5 patients developed NRTI resistance. CD4+ cell count responses were very good in both arms. As we’ve seen before, the CD4+ cell count increase was greater with raltegravir than efavirenzwhether that’s statistically significant is unclear. There were fewer central nervous system (CNS) adverse events, fewer drug-related adverse events, and fewer discontinuations with raltegravir vs efavirenz.
  14. BID, twice daily; BL, baseline; FTC, emtricitabine; ITT, intent to treat; NC = F, noncompleter equals failure; QD, once daily; RAL, raltegravir; TDF, tenofovir; VF, virologic failure. A problem often cited with raltegravir is the need for twice-daily administration. The QDMRK study compared once-daily raltegravir with twice-daily raltegravir, both with tenofovir DF/emtricitabine, in treatment-naive patients. After 48 weeks, 83% of those on the once-daily regimen had HIV-1 RNA &amp;lt; 50 copies/mL vs 89% on the twice-daily regimen. Upon statistical analysis, the response with the once-daily regimen was inferior to that seen with the twice-daily regimen.   When the results were examined more fully, it was evident that there were nearly twice as many patients30 vs 16with virologic failure in the once-daily arm. Not surprisingly, there were also more patients with resistance—20 patients had evidence of resistance on once-daily raltegravir compared with 4 on the twice-daily schedule. Many interpret this as solid evidence that in treatment-naive patients starting therapy, raltegravir should be administered as a twice-daily medication. A more recent study of 2 new formulations of raltegravir administered as 1200 mg once daily showed that these agents had favorable pharmacokinetics in the fed or fasted state in healthy patients. They are being studied for potential development.
  15. ATV, atazanavir; COBI, cobicistat; EFV, efavirenz; eGFR, estimated glomerular filtration rate; EVG, elvitegravir; FTC, emtricitabine; QD, once daily; RTV, ritonavir; TDF, tenofovir. Let’s now address the elvitegravir combination regimen. In order for elvitegravir to be active and have adequate pharmacokinetics, it must be administered with a pharmacologic booster, such as cobicistat or ritonavir. There were 2 large, randomized phase III trials of elvitegravir/cobicistat, one comparing it with efavirenz and the other comparing it with atazanavir/ritonavir. The partner NRTIs in both of these trials were tenofovir DF and emtricitabine. As we noted above, elvitegravir, cobicistat, tenofovir DF, and emtricitabine are all combined in a single tablet.   The studies are randomized, double-blind, active-controlled, phase III studies; the study designs appear on this slide.
  16. BL, baseline; COBI, cobicistat; d/c, discontinuation; EFV, efavirenz; EVG, elvitegravir; FTC, emtricitabine; TDF, tenofovir; VF, virologic failure. This slide illustrates the comparison of the single-tablet elvitegravir/cobicistat regimen with the single-tablet efavirenz regimen; this study has now reported data through 144 weeks. What can be seen consistently over time is that both regimens are very effective. At Week 48, the proportion with HIV-1 RNA &amp;lt; 50 copies/mL with the integrase inhibitor regimen was 88%. If we go back and compare that with the results of raltegravir in STARTMRK at 48 weeks (86% with HIV-1 RNA &amp;lt; 50 copies/mL), the results are very similar.   Efficacy with the elvitegravir/cobicistat regimen was numerically better than with the efavirenz regimen at all 3 time points—48, 96, and 144 weeks—and statistically meet the criteria for noninferiority. The results are consistent across multiple demographic and disease subgroups. Treatment-related discontinuations are similar between treatment arms; the rate of virologic failure at 144 weeks was 3% higher in the efavirenz arm than in the elvitegravir/cobicistat arm. CD4+ cell count increases were also similar; so overall, this trial demonstrates very similar effects of elvitegravir/cobicistat in a fixed-dose combination compared with efavirenz in a fixed-dose combination, both with tenofovir/emtricitabine.
  17. ATV, atazanavir; BL, baseline; COBI, cobicistat; d/c, discontinuation; EVG, elvitegravir; FTC, emtricitabine; RTV, ritonavir; TDF, tenofovir; VF, virologic failure. This slide illustrates the comparison between the elvitegravir/cobicistat fixed-dose combination and atazanavir/ritonavir plus a separate tablet of tenofovir/emtricitabine over 144 weeks. Again, please notice the efficacy of the integrase strand transfer inhibitor (INSTI) regimen: 90% of patients reached HIV-1 RNA &amp;lt; 50 copies/mL at 48 weeks. As well, there was very little difference between the 2 treatment arms in this trial; elvitegravir/cobicistat attained the criteria for noninferiority to the boosted PI regimen. The results in this trial were consistent across the various demographic and disease subgroups that were studied such as baseline viral load, baseline CD4+ cell count, adherence, age, race, sex, and so on.   Treatment discontinuations were slightly fewer with elvitegravir/cobicistat compared with atazanavir/ritonavir, and the number of virologic failures was similar. CD4+ cell count increases were also similar, so it’s quite clear that the overall efficacy and tolerability of these regimens were very similar.
  18. ATV, atazanavir; CNS, central nervous system; COBI, cobicistat; EFV, efavirenz; EVG, elvitegravir; FTC, emtricitabine; HDL-C, high density lipoprotein-cholesterol; LDL-C, low density lipoprotein-cholesterol; RTV, ritonavir; TC, total cholesterol; TDF, tenofovir; TG, triglycerides. When one compares elvitegravir/cobicistat with efavirenz, there are clearly fewer CNS toxicities, fewer rash events, and smaller increases in total cholesterol, high density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol and low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, but it’s important to note that the total cholesterol/HDL cholesterol ratio actually did not increase among efavirenz patients. There were similar changes in triglycerides; so while the rash and the CNS effects probably have clinical importance, the cholesterol and triglyceride effects probably have limited, if any, clinical significance. There was more nausea with elvitegravir/cobicistat, although the nausea seen with this regimen tends to be quite short-lived.   In the comparison between elvitegravir/cobicistat with atazanavir/ritonavir, there was less jaundice with elvitegravir/cobicistat. Regarding lipids, increases in the cholesterol fractions were all similar, but with elvitegravir/cobicistat there was a smaller triglyceride increase that that seen with the boosted PI regimen.   It’s important to remember that with any cobicistat-including regimen, a small but rapid increase in serum creatinine of approximately 0.14 or 0.15 mg/dL will occur. It usually occurs quickly, by Week 2. This is not an effect on renal function; the effect is due to a decrease in creatinine excretion in the proximal tubule.   On the other hand, we do know that tenofovir causes tubulopathy. There were actually 4 cases of tubulopathy very early, in the first 24-48 weeks of Study 102. The good news is that over the rest of the 144 weeks there were no more cases of tubulopathy with elvitegravir/cobicistat; and in the 103 study, compared with atazanavir/ritonavir, there were no cases of tubulopathy that developed in the elvitegravir/cobicistat arm.
  19. ATV, atazanavir; COBI, cobicistat; EFV, efavirenz; EVG, elvitegravir; FTC, emtricitabine; INSTI, integrase strand transfer inhibitor; PI, protease inhibitor; RAL, raltegravir; RTV, ritonavir; TDF, tenofovir; VF, virologic failure. If we review the resistance data from these studies, one of the main points is that even though elvitegravir is boosted by cobicistat, the resistance patterns are not those of a boosted protease inhibitor. The resistance patterns one sees with elvitegravir/cobicistat are similar to those seen with raltegravir.   In Study 102, over 144 weeks, a total of 10 patients developed resistance, a similar number to what we saw in the STARTMRK trial. For efavirenz, the number is slightly higher—14 patients. With elvitegravir/cobicistat, we are more likely to see integrase resistance and NRTI resistance at similar rates, whereas with efavirenz one sees NNRTI resistance in nearly every patient with resistance and fewer with NRTI resistance.   If we look at Study 103, there are very similar data for elvitegravir/cobicistat: 8 patients developed resistance over 144 weeks. With atazanavir/ritonavir we see a pattern evident in many trials of first-line therapy with boosted PIs, that is, no resistance to either boosted PIs or NRTIs at virologic failure over the first 96 weeks; between 96 weeks and 144 weeks, 2 patients developed NRTI resistance.
  20. 3TC, lamivudine; ABC, abacavir; ART, antiretroviral therapy; BID, twice daily; CrCL, creatinine clearance; DRV, darunavir; DTG, dolutegravir; EFV, efavirenz; FTC, emtricitabine; QD, once daily; RAL, raltegravir; RTV, ritonavir; TDF, tenofovir; VL, viral load. Dolutegravir is the newest antiretroviral drug and also the newest INSTI. The phase III clinical trial program compared dolutegravir in 3 separate trials with drugs in the preferred regimens in each of the three classes. The SPRING-2 study was a double-blinded head-to-head comparison of dolutegravir with raltegravir with a choice of NRTIs, either tenofovir DF/emtricitabine or abacavir/lamivudine. The SINGLE study was a head-to-head double-blind study vs efavirenz; in this case, dolutegravir was always paired with abacavir/lamivudine and efavirenz was given as the single-tablet coformulated regimen, efavirenz/tenofovir DF/emtricitabine. The FLAMINGO study was an open-label head-to-head comparison with darunavir/ritonavir, with a choice of NRTIs by investigator.
  21. BID, twice daily; d/c, discontinuation; DTG, dolutegravir; QD, once daily; RAL, raltegravir; VF, virologic failure. In the SPRING-2 study—the comparison of dolutegravir with raltegravir—approximately two thirds of patients were also treated with tenofovir/emtricitabine, the rest with abacavir/lamivudine. At 48 weeks, 88% of patients treated with dolutegravir had HIV-1 RNA &amp;lt; 50 copies/mL. Again, this is very similar to other first-line studies of INSTIs. The response to raltegravir is slightly lower, with dolutegravir clearly meeting the criteria for noninferiority. At 96 weeks, 81% vs 76% had HIV-1 RNA, respectively—slightly more than a 4% difference favoring dolutegravir and maintaining the criteria for noninferiority.   Treatment-related study drug discontinuation was very low: 2% in each arm at 96 weeks. Virologic failures were 5% in the dolutegravir arm and 7% in the raltegravir arm; the CD4+ cell count increases were the same in each arm.
  22. 3TC, lamivudine; ABC, abacavir; d/c, discontinuation; DTG, dolutegravir; EFV, efavirenz; FTC, emtricitabine; QD, once daily; TDF, tenofovir; VF, virologic failure. The SINGLE study compared dolutegravir plus abacavir/lamivudine with efavirenz as part of the fixed-dose combination with tenofovir DF/emtricitabine. The 48-week data showed that 88% of those treated with the INSTI dolutegravir reached HIV-1 RNA &amp;lt; 50 copies/mL, but only 81% of those treated with efavirenz reached this endpoint; this difference of 7.5% meets the criterion for statistical superiority. This is the first example of a regimen attaining superiority to fixed-dose efavirenz/tenofovir DF/emtricitabine at the 48-week primary endpoint. It was clear that this difference was primarily driven by treatment-related study discontinuation: 2% with dolutegravir vs 10% with efavirenz. Virologic failure was 4% in both arms.   There is a difference in CD4+ cell count response—the difference is 60 cells/mm³, which is statistically significant. We’ve seen this lower CD4+ cell count response with efavirenz in many studies but it is unclear whether this difference is clinically relevant.
  23. d/c, discontinuation; DRV, darunavir; DTG, dolutegravir; QD, once daily; RTV, ritonavir; TDF, tenofovir; VF, virologic failure. The FLAMINGO trial is an open-label head-to-head comparison of dolutegravir vs darunavir/ritonavir; as in SPRING-2, the investigators could select between tenofovir DF/emtricitabine and abacavir/lamivudine. Approximately 60% chose tenofovir DF/emtricitabine and 40% chose abacavir/lamivudine. With the INSTI dolutegravir, 90% reached HIV-1 RNA &amp;lt; 50 copies/mL vs 83% with darunavir/ritonavir. This 7% difference and the 95% confidence interval meets the criteria both for noninferiority and superiority of dolutegravir vs darunavir/ritonavir. Treatment-related discontinuations favored dolutegravir by 2%. Virologic failures were very low in both arms. However, there were numerically more administrative failures—patients that dropped off the study—in the darunavir/ritonavir arm and when this was added to the difference in treatment discontinuation, the superiority threshold was reached. CD4+ cell count responses were 210 cells/mm³ in each arm.
  24. ATV, atazanavir; COBI, cobicistat; DRV, darunavir; DTG, dolutegravir; EFV, efavirenz; EVG, elvitegravir; FTC, emtricitabine; RAL, raltegravir; RTV, ritonavir. If we look at virologic suppression at 48 weeks across all the INSTI studies that we’ve discussed and how this endpoint is affected by viral load, we can see some interesting patterns. In STARTMRK, raltegravir was noninferior to efavirenz at 48 weeks. We see similar responses at both high versus low baseline viral loads with perhaps a slightly better response with raltegravir in the lower viral load stratum. In Study 102, elvitegravir/cobicistat is slightly favored in both low and high baseline viral load groups. In Study 103, again, elvitegravir/cobicistat is slightly favored, but not significantly in the comparison.   In the SPRING-2 study, the dolutegravir arm is similar to raltegravir in the baseline low viral load stratum, with a possible difference in those with high baseline viral loads. In SINGLE, dolutegravir is slightly favored over efavirenz in both of the viral load subgroups. And finally, in the FLAMINGO study comparing dolutegravir with darunavir/ritonavir, responses in the stratum below 100,000 copies were quite comparable; however, among those with baseline viral loads &amp;gt; 100,000 copies/mL, responses numerically and statistically favored dolutegravir.   It will be very important that we determine the reasons for this apparent superiority. When these studies are published, we’ll want to assess virologic failures, toxicity failures, and administrative failures before concluding whether or not this represents a difference in potency, since multiple factors are reflected in the overall combined endpoint used in the US Food and Drug Administration snapshot analysis.
  25. 3TC, lamivudine; ABC, abacavir; BL, baseline; DTG, dolutegravir; FDA, US Food and Drug Administration; FTC, emtricitabine; INSTI, integrase strand transfer inhibitor; RAL, raltegravir; TDF, tenofovir; VL, viral load. What about partner drugs for the integrase inhibitors? Are they different? The SPRING-2 study compared dolutegravir with raltegravir, each paired with abacavir/lamivudine or tenofovir DF/emtricitabine. We know from ACTG 5202 that abacavir/lamivudine was not as effective as tenofovir DF/emtricitabine at high baseline viral loads when partnered with efavirenz or atazanavir/ritonavir. But when we look at the SPRING-2 study, even at higher viral loads abacavir/lamivudine appears to be performing just as well if not numerically better than tenofovir DF/emtricitabine. When my group presented this study last year, we also looked at the endpoint of time to virologic failure and this was also not different between abacavir/lamivudine and tenofovir DF/emtricitabine—regardless of the partner INSTI—when comparing patients with low and high baseline viral load.
  26. CNS, central nervous system; DRV, darunavir; DTG, dolutegravir; EFV, efavirenz; RAL, raltegravir; RTV, ritonavir; tx, treatment. Let’s review adverse events with dolutegravir. We saw in the SPRING-2 study of dolutegravir and raltegravir that they are both very tolerable with few adverse events. In the SINGLE study of dolutegravir vs efavirenz, remember that overall efficacy results were driven by tolerability. There were more treatment-related discontinuations with efavirenz, predominantly due to CNS events and rash. In the FLAMINGO study of dolutegravir vs darunavir/ritonavir, more diarrhea was documented with darunavir/ritonavir and more headache with dolutegravir. Side effects in both arms were relatively mild.   It is important to remember that dolutegravir, like cobicistat, is associated with a rise in serum creatinine of about 0.1-0.2 mg/dL. This happens within the first 2-4 weeks and tends to be stable over time. It is also due to inhibition of tubular secretion of creatinine by dolutegravir, although dolutegravir inhibits a different transporter than cobicistat. The overall effect is, however, similar.
  27. DRV, darunavir; DTG, dolutegravir; EFV, efavirenz; INSTI, integrase strand transfer inhibitor; R, resistance; RAL, raltegravir; RTV, ritonavir. When we consider resistance, there is a clear difference between dolutegravir and raltegravir. In the head-to-head comparison of dolutegravir and raltegravir—the SPRING-2 study—no patients developed resistance either to INSTIs or NRTIs in the dolutegravir arm. There was only 1 patient in the raltegravir arm who developed integrase resistance, but there were 4 who developed NRTI resistance.   In the comparison of dolutegravir vs efavirenz—–the SINGLE study—once again, no patients in the dolutegravir arm developed integrase or NRTI resistance, whereas 1 patient on efavirenz developed NRTI resistance and 4 patients developed NNRTI resistance. And finally, in FLAMINGO, the head-to-head comparison of dolutegravir with darunavir/ritonavir, no patients in either arm developed resistance to protease inhibitors, integrase inhibitors, or NRTIs. In addition, there were only 2 patients with virologic failures in each arm.
  28. DTG, dolutegravir; EVG, elvitegravir; INSTI, integrase strand transfer inhibitor; RAL, raltegravir. There are now several INSTIs available for initial therapy of HIV-infected persons. All are potent and well tolerated, with favorable metabolic profiles. We believe that transmitted resistance to integrase inhibitors is currently low. Raltegravir and dolutegravir have relatively few drug-drug interactions. Resistance seems to be less common with dolutegravir. Currently, there is 1 single-tablet regimen containing an INSTI (elvitegravir/cobicistat/tenofovir DF/emtricitabine). I believe it’s a reasonable conclusion that INSTI-based regimens may be appropriate for many of your patients that are treatment naive.
  29. Let’s review switch studies involving integrase inhibitors.
  30. ENF, enfuvirtide; HDL-C, high density lipoprotein-cholesterol; LPV/RTV, lopinavir/ritonavir; PI, protease inhibitor; RAL, raltegravir; TC, total cholesterol; TG, triglycerides; VF, virologic failure. There have been several switch studies with raltegravir; in SWITCHMRK 1 and 2, a lopinavir/ritonavir-based regimen was switched to a raltegravir-based regimen, but in this study the switch did not meet noninferiority. This was a blinded and relatively complicated study.   Another study, SPIRAL, had a very similar design. It was an open-label switch from any boosted PI regimen to a raltegravir regimen; in this case, the switch to raltegravir was noninferior when considering the proportion with HIV-1 RNA &amp;lt; 50 copies at 48 weeks after the switch. Switching to raltegravir in both studies—both SWITCHMRK and SPIRAL—improved lipids and the total cholesterol-to-HDL ratio. There’s also evidence in the SPIRAL study that some inflammatory markers improved by switching to raltegravir.   In the EASIER study, switching from enfuvirtide to raltegravir was effective, and patients were able to maintain virologic suppression.
  31. AE, adverse event; COBI, cobicistat; EVG, elvitegravir; FTC, emtricitabine; LDL-C, low density lipoprotein-cholesterol; RAL, raltegravir; TC, total cholesterol; TDF, tenofovir. Study 123 assessed the switch from raltegravir and tenofovir DF/emtricitabine as separate agents, to the fixed-dosed combination elvitegravir/cobicistat/tenofovir DF/emtricitabine. This is a small study with 48 patients but so far all those patients that have switched and have reached 48 weeks after the switch have maintained a suppressed viral load. When one considers this switch, it is important to realize that a trade-off is being made: the simplicity of a single-tablet regimen but with the potential for more drug‑drug interactions and a low level of nausea at the time of the switch.
  32. BMD, bone mineral density; COBI, cobicistat; EVG, elvitegravir; FTC, emtricitabine; HCV, hepatitis C virus; LPV/RTV, lopinavir/ritonavir; PI, protease inhibitor; RAL, raltegravir; TDF, tenofovir DF. This slide lists many of the ongoing studies of switches to INSTIs. There are many phase III switch studies ongoing, from a variety of regimens to raltegravir and to elvitegravir/cobicistat/tenofovir DF/emtricitabine.
  33. Let’s review studies of integrase inhibitors in treatment-experienced patients.
  34. AE, adverse event; d/c, discontinuation; DRV, darunavir; ENF, enfuvirtide; ETR, etravirine; GSS, genotypic susceptibility score; OBR, optimized background regimen; RAL, raltegravir; RAM, resistance associated mutation; RTV, ritonavir; tx, treatment. The TRIO study included highly treatment-experienced patients who were naive to integrase inhibitors. This study was undertaken when 3 new drugs had become available: raltegravir, etravirine, and darunavir/ritonavir. Giving 3 active potent drugs to patients as a new regimen should provide a very potent regimen. In this study, 88% of 100 patients had HIV-1 RNA &amp;lt; 50 copies/mLat 96 weeks.
  35. 3TC, lamivudine; ATV/RTV, atazanavir/ritonavir; BID, twice daily; ENF, enfuvirtide; ETR, etravirine; EVG, elvitegravir; FTC, emtricitabine; LPV/RTV, lopinavir/ritonavir; MVC, maraviroc; PI, protease inhibitor; QD, once daily; RAL, raltegravir. Study 145 compared elvitegravir with raltegravir in treatment-experienced patients, each paired with a boosted PI plus a third agent (a regimen that at this time, is unavailable in the United States). The boosted PI and the third agent were chosen before the random assignment to the INSTI. These were treatment-experienced, integrase-naive patients and they had to have resistance or exposure to 2 or more antiretroviral classes.
  36. AE, adverse event; BR background regimen; d/c, discontinuation; EVG, elvitegravir; OBR, optimized background regimen; RAL, raltegravir; VF, virologic failure. At 48 weeks and 96 weeks, response rates were very similar between elvitegravir and raltegravir: 58% and 59%, respectively, achieved HIV-1 RNA &amp;lt; 50 copies/mL at 48 weeks, and 48% and 45% achieved the same endpoint at 96 weeks. Virologic failure was slightly more common with raltegravir, and nonvirologic failure (tolerability or loss to follow up) was very similar between the 2 groups. This suggests that when paired with a boosted PI, the tolerability of elvitegravir and raltegravir were very similar. Integrase resistance occurred in roughly 7% of the virologic failures, slightly higher than but not significantly different from raltegravir. Discontinuations were similar between the 2 groups.  
  37. ART, antiretroviral therapy; BID, twice daily; DRV, darunavir; OBR, optimized background regimen; QD, once daily. The SAILING study was recently published. This was a randomized double study comparing dolutegravir with raltegravir in antiretroviral therapy–experienced, but integrase-naive patients. This study did not require pairing the drugs with a boosted PI, because there is no boosting requirement for either dolutegravir or raltegravir. The patients were treatment experienced, with at least 2-class resistance, and they had to be susceptible to an optimized background compromising at least 1 but no more than 2 fully active agents.
  38. AE, adverse event; DTG, dolutegravir; DRV, darunavir; OBR, optimized background regimen; RAL, raltegravir; RTV, ritonavir; VF, virologic failure. At 48 weeks, the dolutegravir arm was actually superior to the raltegravir arm with 71% vs 64% reaching HIV-1 RNA &amp;lt; 50 copies/mL at 48 weeks. In this case, the difference is driven by virologic nonresponse. Both regimens are quite well tolerated, so the discontinuation rate was low and similar between the 2 arms. Integrase resistance was only seen in 1% (4 patients) in the dolutegravir arm compared with 5% (17 patients) on raltegravir but this difference was statistically significant. Resistance to background agents was also low among those on dolutegravir—1%—compared with 3% with raltegravir. So it appears that the patterns with resistance to dolutegravir seen in the studies of treatment-naive patients were seen once again in this more experienced population.
  39. BID, twice daily; BL, baseline; EVG, elvitegravir; RAL, raltegravir. The VIKING study assessed treatment-experienced patients with integrase inhibitor resistance. All patients in this study had a history of integrase resistance; they were not required to have integrase resistance at baseline. The 183 individuals that entered the trial received dolutegravir functional monotherapy for an 8-day period to test the activity of dolutegravir in these patients, and then at Day 8, their regimen was optimized. They were required to be susceptible to 1 fully active drug in the background regimen and were given that along with dolutegravir. In this study, dolutegravir was given at a dose of 50 mg twice daily.   Over the 8-day monotherapy period, it was clearly seen that dolutegravir demonstrated activity against viruses that have INSTI resistance. The best result was seen in those with a history of integrase resistance but no integrase resistance mutations at baseline. These patients had a decrease in HIV-1 RNA of 1.5 log10 copies/mL. Those that had  1 integrase mutation with Q148 still had a good response, but slightly less than those with no mutations. However, if Q148 was paired with ≥ 2 integrase mutations, there was a diminution of effect.
  40. AE, adverse event; BL, baseline; d/c, discontinuation; DTG, dolutegravir; INSTI, integrase strand transfer inhibitor; ITT-E, intent-to-treat, exposed. At Weeks 24 and 48, the proportion of patients with HIV-1 RNA &amp;lt; 50 copies/mL was 69% and 56% overall. Most of the treatment failure was virologic nonresponse; very little was due to discontinuation due to adverse event. As shown in in the lower table, among patients with no mutation at locus 148 (so among patients with no mutations or mutations at loci 143 or 155), nearly 80% had a virologic response at Week 24. On the other hand, in those with mutations at locus 148 plus ≥ 2 mutations, the response rate was substantially lower. The number of patients with this many mutations is fairly small but response to dolutegravir will be attenuated.
  41. COBI, cobicistat; DTG, dolutegravir; EFV, efavirenz; ETR, etravirine; EVG, elvitegravir; FPV, fosamprenavir; MVC, maraviroc; OCPs, oral contraceptive pills; RAL, raltegravir; RTV, ritonavir; TPV, tipranavir. This slide summarizes some of the key drug-drug interactions with integrase inhibitors. It is important to realize that one will see many of the same interactions with cobicistat as with ritonavir. Rifampin affects all of the INSTIs; rifampin can be used with raltegravir or dolutegravir, but there is a recommendation for dose adjustment.   Dolutegravir and raltegravir should not be dosed at the same time as antacids or laxatives that contain calcium or magnesium (this may be a class effect, but is mentioned in the prescribing information for these 2 drugs). There also is a theoretic interaction with metformin of which one should be aware.
  42. ARV, antiretroviral; BID, twice daily; DTG, dolutegravir; EVG, elvitegravir; FDC, fixed-dose combination; INSTI, integrase strand transfer inhibitor; PI, protease inhibitor; RAL, raltegravir. So, let’s summarize: integrase inhibitors are clearly appropriate as a component of antiretroviral regimens for many treatment-experienced patients. Dolutegravir seems to be the best choice for most treatment-experienced patients who are integrase naive. With integrase inhibitor–experienced patients, dolutegravir is the only choice, and it should be dosed at 50 mg twice daily.
  43. CNS, central nervous system; DTG, dolutegravir; EFV, efavirenz; FDC, fixed-dose combination; INSTI, integrase strand transfer inhibitor; VF, virologic failure. Let’s summarize some advantages and disadvantages of raltegravir. We have the most experience with this drug; it is 6 years since its approval. There are few drug-drug interactions and no substantial food effect. Although the switch data were conflicting, in the right setting switches to raltegravir-based regimens are safe and effective. Raltegravir’s disadvantages include twice-daily dosing; and there are no fixed-dose combinations available with raltegravir.
  44. ATV, atazanavir; CNS, central nervous system; COBI, cobicistat; Cr, creatinine; EFV, efavirenz; eGFR, estimated glomerular filtration rate; FDC, fixed-dose combination; INSTI, integrase strand transfer inhibitor; RAL, raltegravir; RTV, ritonavir; VF, virologic failure. Elvitegravir has the advantage of currently being included in the only INSTI single-tablet regimen. Longer-term data are accumulating and there is much interest in this elvitegravir/cobicistat/tenofovir DF/emtricitabine combination regimen as part of a switch strategy. There are disadvantages: It is not recommended for patients with an estimated glomerular filtration rate  70 mL/min, and there is a food requirement for this drug. With cobicistat, there are many drug–drug interactions plus a benign increase in creatinine that needs to be taken into account when monitoring patients. For the time being, elvitegravir is only available as part of this fixed-dose combination, so there are limited possibilities for its use.
  45. Al, aluminum; Ca, calcium; CNS, central nervous system; Cr, creatinine; DRV/RTV, darunavir/ritonavir; EFV, efavirenz; EVG, elvitegravir; FDC, fixed-dose combination; Fe, iron; Mg, magnesium; RAL, raltegravir; VF, virologic failure. Finally, dolutegravir is the only INSTI that is dosed once daily and does not require a pharmacologic booster. It’s been already compared with 3 of the preferred regimens in the US treatment guidelines for treatment-naive patients and has compared favorably to all 3. As yet, in treatment-naive patients, we have not seen emergence of resistance at virologic failure. There appear to be few drug–drug interactions, and it can be taken with and without food. Some disadvantages: It’s not yet available as part of a fixed-dose combination, and there is a creatinine effect with its use that one should monitor.