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 Jasmine Lu (+86)17322110281
The risks and challenges of AI security
The new infrastructure has allowed the development of the Industrial Internet to be carried out
on super-large-scale collective decision-making wisdom with well-planned coverage of key
regions across the country.
In the process of analysis, we still have many valuable discoveries. Blockchain and artificial
intelligence are also included in the category of new infrastructure.
At the end of April, when the SASAC and the National Development and Reform Commission held
a regular economic operation conference, the scope of the new infrastructure was clearly defined
for the first time. The Internet of Things as the representative of the communication network
infrastructure, and the blockchain and artificial intelligence as the representatives of the new
technology infrastructure belong to the level of information infrastructure.
Just like bicycles, watches and sewing machines are the three major pieces of the industrial age.
Artificial intelligence, blockchain, and the Internet of Things are becoming the new three major
pieces in the intelligent era.
Coupled with the unexpected occurrence of the new infrastructure and the new crown epidemic,
it has become a booster for the digital migration of human society, making the coupling between
the new three major items closer and closer, and the landing is accelerating.
The watershed from the physical world to the digital world has emerged.
You must know that a very important recent event is the plunge in oil prices. This is a stampede in
the financial market and a landmark event in the conversion of old and new energy. Industrial
C&T RF Antennas Inc
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 Jasmine Lu (+86)17322110281
civilization, oil is energy; intelligent civilization, data replaces oil and becomes new energy. The
drop in oil prices was expected, but it was not expected to be so extreme.
The end of the Stone Age is not due to the absence of stone. The end of the oil age is not because
oil is gone. The beginning of the digital age and the beginning of the information age have
replaced these things.
In the process of the conversion of new and old energy, many times it is not a continuous change,
but a step-change. Behind this step-by-step jump, there are multiple factors reaching the critical
point, thus triggering the inevitability of the overall jump.
After analysis by various research institutions and top companies, it is believed that in order for a
smartphone to bear fruit, three conditions must be met, which are indispensable.
First, the processing power of the mobile phone's central processor has to be greatly improved.
This capacity has grown 24 times from 2001 to 2008. Secondly, the communication speed should
be accelerated, and this capability has also grown 375 times in 8 years. Third, the screen
resolution, which is the improvement of the fineness of the picture, has also grown 24 times.
All the data point together, these three conditions will be mature around 2008. Therefore, it is no
accident that Jobs developed the iPhone with the goal of 2008.
Google and Microsoft are also doing well in secret technology reserves in sync with Apple.
Paul Graham, an angel investor in Silicon Valley, once said that when you see someone using new
technology to bring something that was impossible before, they are likely to be the winners in
the future. Those who simply respond to new technologies in order to protect existing sources of
income are likely to be losers.
Has the combination of blockchain and the Internet of Things reached a critical point?
This article will show you the data and content of various research reports in a comprehensive
manner, and help you make an appropriate assessment of the current status of technological
1. The energy and petrochemical industry is the first to sound the horn
In the stage of using data as a new energy source, every enterprise will become a data asset
The implementation of the combination of blockchain and the Internet of Things requires broad
consensus and application throughout the industry in order to cross the turning point and enter
the stage of benign development.
On May 15th, a publication called "Energy and Petrochemical Trading Industry Blockchain
Application White Paper" issued a clear signal.
This white paper brings together many leading companies, including Sinochem Energy
Technology Co., Ltd., China National Petroleum International Co., Ltd., Macquarie Group
Commodities and Global Market, COSCO SHIPPING Energy Transportation Co., Ltd., Bank of China
Co., Ltd., China China Construction Bank Co., Ltd., China Merchants Energy Transportation Co.,
Ltd., and Shanghai Wanxiang Blockchain Co., Ltd. jointly released.
Unlike the simple joint release, this white paper has also been jointly recommended by the
above-mentioned corporate management, and it is second to none in the history of blockchain
C&T RF Antennas Inc
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 Jasmine Lu (+86)17322110281
The energy and petrochemical industry has its own particularities, but it also includes common
development across industries.
Three words can be used to describe the key characteristics of the energy and petrochemical
industry, namely, heavy operation, heavy capital, and high risk.
Heavy operation means that the energy and petrochemical market has complicated trade
execution links, more paperwork, which is very labor-intensive, and heavy capital means that the
single transaction amount is large, which is a typical high-risk capital-intensive industry. The
execution process is cumbersome, Long cycle and large scale, coupled with intensified
competition, high risk, and low gross profit
So what does the integration of blockchain, Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, and other
technologies solve in the industry? This involves the essence of blockchain application and
industry integration.
The prerequisite for any technology to be universally accepted is whether it helps break through
the bottleneck of the industry chain, whether it can create unique value, or even rewrite the
original system and system.
The petroleum-based energy and petrochemical industry chain, from upstream exploration and
development to midstream oil refining and chemical industry, and then to downstream terminal
market sales, is mainly characterized by a long chain, long cycle, many participants, and involves
large and complex cross-border transactions And international settlement.
Similar to the shape of the industrial chain in many industries, the refinement of the division of
labor and cooperation has advantages and disadvantages. At present, the main contradiction in
the energy and petrochemical industry is the constant friction between many participants in the
industry chain, and the overall operational efficiency of the industry chain cannot be improved.
The information flow, physical logistics, and capital flow of energy and petrochemical transactions
run through the entire industrial chain from upstream to downstream. Under the traditional
transaction model, the key characteristics of heavy operations, heavy capital, and high risk are
the unsmooth and fragmented third-rate.
The bottlenecks of information flow, physical logistics, and capital flow limit the efficient
transmission of value on the industrial chain and the marginal revenue of the overall industrial
chain. The profit space is gradually being compressed, and the bottleneck of the industrial chain
needs to be resolved urgently.
Using traditional IT technology, enterprises in the industry chain have made efforts in information
communication, process optimization, contract form optimization, etc. through agreements and
other forms in order to improve operational efficiency and smooth transaction processes.
However, with the gradual liberalization of China's energy market, many SMEs, especially
non-state-owned SMEs, have begun to play a more important role in the industrial chain. More
market participants and higher market activity have increased the complexity of transactions Sex
and trust barriers, and industry efficiency issues are further highlighted.
According to the analysis of the white paper, the blockchain will gradually realize the digitization
of information flow, physical logistics and capital flow in the energy and petrochemical trading
industry, solve the three-stream split problem, complete the construction of the industrial chain
C&T RF Antennas Inc
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 Jasmine Lu (+86)17322110281
digital infrastructure, and promote the transmission of industrial value.
Based on the integration of three streams, it brings business innovation, model innovation, and
value creation opportunities to the industry, and realizes the digital ecology 1.0 stage of the
energy and petrochemical trading industry.
With the integration of three streams on the chain, the amount of data accumulated and
circulated in the industry digital ecology will increase dramatically. This is the integration of
multiple technologies such as blockchain + Internet of Things + artificial intelligence, which will
unlock the value potential of industry data. Market value will be reflected through data
association. The boundaries of digital currency, assets, and data will gradually blur and merge
with each other, and the digital ecology of the energy and petrochemical trading industry will
move towards the 2.0 era.
No industry can be separated from the four types of transformation of time, space, form, and
ownership. Its core is to control logistics, warehousing, production, and terminal sales networks.
The white paper abstracts the energy and petrochemical industry, and proposes an ecosystem of
digital intelligence applications.
The system adopts a layered structure, which mainly includes: data collection and underlying
mechanism layer, data analysis layer (algorithm / traditional), operation execution layer
(intelligence / traditional), industry application / service layer (ecology).
In the smart era, we have always emphasized the importance of the C2M model
(Customer-to-Manufacturer, consumer direct manufacturing, to achieve personalized
customization) or the C2B model (Consumer-to-Business, consumer-to-business, customized
The white paper makes a reasonable prediction about the promotion of C2B mode in the energy
and petrochemical industry.
Using data as new energy runs through the entire industrial chain of the energy and
petrochemical industry, and can connect from the most upstream exploration and development
of the energy and petrochemical industry chain, to midstream refining and chemical and fine
chemicals, to downstream retail.
Based on the digital ecology 2.0 of the energy and petrochemical trading industry and relying on
the payment system of digital currency, the financial connection between energy and
petrochemical trade and retail can be achieved. That is, at the beginning of trade, the retail end
of the corresponding market can be locked. The value transmission and financial settlement of
each layer on the chain are locked by the programmable digital currency driven by the smart
contract "grow on the blockchain", which can achieve the ultimate control of the counterparty
credit risk and achieve cross-layer B2B2C.
Once the cross-layer mechanism and the data of the C and B terminals are opened up, the
innovation of the energy and petrochemical trading industry from the traditional B2B2C model to
the C2B model becomes possible, and the real computing economy that realizes the sale of fixed
production with market logic will come.
2. 75% of IoT users join the blockchain
In early May, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued a notice on further
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 Jasmine Lu (+86)17322110281
promoting the comprehensive development of the mobile Internet of Things. The notice pointed
out that by the end of 2020, the narrow-band IoT NB-IoT will achieve universal coverage in the
main urban areas of cities above the county level, the number of connections will reach 1.2
billion, and the market size of the mobile IoT will exceed 2 trillion.
According to statistics, every second now, there are 127 new devices connected to the Internet of
Things. IBM's Internet white paper predicts that there will be more than 100 billion machines
connected to the world by 2025. By that time, there will be about 10 billion people in the world,
which will correspond to the data of 10 billion individuals and 100 billion machines.
A white paper from the European Union also provided insight into the trend that “blockchain is
accelerating integration with technologies such as the Internet of Things and artificial intelligence.”
The report is titled "The Integration of Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence and the Internet of
Things", Convergence of Blockchain, AI and IoT, from The European Union Blockchain
Observatory and Forum.
According to Gartner's survey of more than 500 companies in North America, the integration of
the Internet of Things and blockchain has become the best choice for digital transformation and
innovation, and the speed of progress is much faster than we expected.
75% of IoT technology adopters in North America have already or plan to use blockchain by the
end of 2020. Among the users of blockchain, 86% have implemented both blockchain and IoT
technologies in various projects. These ratios are much higher than Gartner's original
Among the respondents surveyed, 63% said that the biggest benefit of the combination of IoT
and blockchain is to enhance the security and credibility of multi-party transactions and shared
data; 56% believe that both The combination will lead to improved business efficiency and
reduced costs; 43% of people believe that this approach is conducive to increasing revenue and
creating business opportunities.
3. The economic expression of the machine network
Alibaba's Dharma Institute listed "large-scale collaboration between machines as possible" in the
"Top Ten Technology Trends in 2020" as the fourth largest trend.
Bodhidharma believes that the development of technologies such as the Internet of Things and
5G will achieve collaboration between multiple agents, machines cooperate with each other and
compete with each other to complete tasks, and the group intelligence brought by the
collaboration of multiple agents will further amplify the intelligent system the value of.
That is, machines are getting closer to human behavior, resulting in large-scale collaboration.
Schrödinger's book "What is Life?" In the article, thermodynamics, quantum mechanics, and
chemical theory are used to explain the nature of life. The argument that organisms consume
negative entropy as food comes from this book. This book studies people as machines.
So, conversely, in the future communication network, Internet of Things and smart device
network, is it possible to use blockchain to enable machines to achieve large-scale collaboration
like humans?
To answer this question, Zou Chuanwei, chief economist of Wanxiang Blockchain and Platon,
believes that three important economic aspects need to be considered.
C&T RF Antennas Inc
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 Jasmine Lu (+86)17322110281
Level 1: How the machine becomes an economic subject that can be evaluated.
Because the premise of economic incentives is to accurately measure the contribution of the
machine. Accurately measuring contributions includes the following three aspects:
There is only one: each machine must have a unique identity and cannot be forged or modified;
There is a record of what you do: the behavior of the machine is traceable and cannot be denied;
My proof: The authenticity of the machine's identity and behavior can be self-certified through
algorithms, without the need for manual or institutional verification.
Only the machines in the machine network with the above characteristics, their actions and
contributions can be measured, and they can be regarded as economic subjects that can be
evaluated, or called machine economists.
To this end, 4 tasks need to be done:
One is to introduce a unique ID, that is, the digital identity of the machine, into the machine
through technologies such as modules and chips. It is implemented at the bottom of the
hardware and cannot be tampered with.
Second, the machine network introduces a new addressing mechanism to achieve the
uniqueness of address and identification.
The third is self-certification. Any activity of the machine will be signed with the identity of the
machine to achieve self-certification of the machine's identity and behavior, without the need for
manual and centralized institutions.
The fourth is interaction and accounting. The machine network no longer takes featureless
information packets as the main body. Any behavior is part of transactions and participation in
economic activities. The transaction accounting is realized through the blockchain, which is used
for subsequent cross-validation and behavior traceability. And contribution statistics to provide
the basis.
Level 2: What payment tools are used between machines.
The payment between machines can be through a financial account or through a token in the
blockchain. When the number of nodes in the machine network is large, the efficiency of
payment through a financial account may not keep up with the efficiency of interaction between
From the perspective of economic mechanism design, the machine should be given a stable
incentive to ensure that the economic activities in the machine network are not disturbed by
fluctuations in the value of payment instruments.
Level 3: How to design economic models of machine networks.
Although a single machine has a controller or owner, the machine network, as a network, has no
owner and has strong public product attributes. In the early stage of development, any network
is small-scale, and the network effect is very small. New entrants need to pay for the switch and
bear early risks.
How to motivate new entrants to make them compatible with the further development of the
network? In this regard, a distributed economic model and a floating value token should be
introduced to ensure that the token can effectively capture value from economic activities in the
machine network through programmable design. Only in this way will the machine network have
C&T RF Antennas Inc
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 Jasmine Lu (+86)17322110281
endogenous growth power.
On this basis, large-scale collaboration between machines is not fantasy.
Zou Chuanwei proposed that by introducing a market mechanism into the machine network, a
decentralized, value-exchange-based large-scale collaboration mechanism between machines can
be realized, which promotes large-scale collaboration between machines like humans.
Many IoT companies are focusing on promoting large-scale collaboration between machines to
solve related problems.
According to third-party statistics, global cellular IoT module shipments exceeded 300 million in
2019, and China is an important market among them, and the total market share of the
above-mentioned nine major Chinese manufacturers is between 65% and 70%, playing a key role.
---- Written at the end ----
It is difficult for sailors to demonstrate their skills when there is no wind on the sea.
When crises and industrial changes occur, the skills of comprehensive analysis and strategy
development become more valuable.
As an effective way to deal with the crisis, the new infrastructure is gradually showing its effects.
Judging from various economic data, April continued the recovery momentum since March, and
the economy picked up.
Industrial added value in April was 3.9% year-on-year, up 5.0 percentage points from March; fixed
asset investment (excluding farmers) was 0.8% year-on-year, up 10.3 percentage points from
March; real estate investment was 7.0% year-on-year, up 5.8 percentage points from March;
Manufacturing investment was -6.7% year-on-year, a decrease of 13.9 percentage points from
March; infrastructure investment (hydroelectric gas) was 4.8% year-on-year, an increase of 12.8
percentage points from March; total retail sales of consumer goods was -7.5%, a decrease of 3
Monthly narrowed by 8.3 percentage points.
With the acceleration of human society's migration to digitalization, the integration of blockchain
and the Internet of Things will become more in-depth. The reasonable judgment of the current
situation helps us make every choice. And every choice now has the potential to determine our
situation 2-3 years later.
Of course, if you want to identify the important changes that are happening, you need to analyze
more and more details. Let us maintain a dynamic perspective and continue to track changes in
the market together.
The main points of this article:
1. The unexpected encounter of the new infrastructure and the new crown epidemic has become
a booster for the digital migration of human society, making the coupling between artificial
intelligence, blockchain, and the Internet of Things more and more close, and the landing is
2. The landing of the combination of blockchain and the Internet of Things requires broad
consensus and application in the entire industry in order to cross the turning point and enter a
healthy development.
3. According to Gartner's corporate survey, the integration of the Internet of Things and
blockchain has become the best choice for digital transformation and innovation, and the speed
C&T RF Antennas Inc
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 Jasmine Lu (+86)17322110281
of progress is much faster than we expected.
4. In the future communication networks, Internet of Things and smart device networks, it is
possible to use machines to achieve large-scale collaboration like humans through blockchain.
Please browse for more information, thank you.

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  • 1. C&T RF Antennas Inc Please Contact us for more information, thank you.  Jasmine Lu (+86)17322110281 The risks and challenges of AI security The new infrastructure has allowed the development of the Industrial Internet to be carried out on super-large-scale collective decision-making wisdom with well-planned coverage of key regions across the country. In the process of analysis, we still have many valuable discoveries. Blockchain and artificial intelligence are also included in the category of new infrastructure. At the end of April, when the SASAC and the National Development and Reform Commission held a regular economic operation conference, the scope of the new infrastructure was clearly defined for the first time. The Internet of Things as the representative of the communication network infrastructure, and the blockchain and artificial intelligence as the representatives of the new technology infrastructure belong to the level of information infrastructure. Just like bicycles, watches and sewing machines are the three major pieces of the industrial age. Artificial intelligence, blockchain, and the Internet of Things are becoming the new three major pieces in the intelligent era. Coupled with the unexpected occurrence of the new infrastructure and the new crown epidemic, it has become a booster for the digital migration of human society, making the coupling between the new three major items closer and closer, and the landing is accelerating. The watershed from the physical world to the digital world has emerged. You must know that a very important recent event is the plunge in oil prices. This is a stampede in the financial market and a landmark event in the conversion of old and new energy. Industrial
  • 2. C&T RF Antennas Inc Please Contact us for more information, thank you.  Jasmine Lu (+86)17322110281 civilization, oil is energy; intelligent civilization, data replaces oil and becomes new energy. The drop in oil prices was expected, but it was not expected to be so extreme. The end of the Stone Age is not due to the absence of stone. The end of the oil age is not because oil is gone. The beginning of the digital age and the beginning of the information age have replaced these things. In the process of the conversion of new and old energy, many times it is not a continuous change, but a step-change. Behind this step-by-step jump, there are multiple factors reaching the critical point, thus triggering the inevitability of the overall jump. After analysis by various research institutions and top companies, it is believed that in order for a smartphone to bear fruit, three conditions must be met, which are indispensable. First, the processing power of the mobile phone's central processor has to be greatly improved. This capacity has grown 24 times from 2001 to 2008. Secondly, the communication speed should be accelerated, and this capability has also grown 375 times in 8 years. Third, the screen resolution, which is the improvement of the fineness of the picture, has also grown 24 times. All the data point together, these three conditions will be mature around 2008. Therefore, it is no accident that Jobs developed the iPhone with the goal of 2008. Google and Microsoft are also doing well in secret technology reserves in sync with Apple. Paul Graham, an angel investor in Silicon Valley, once said that when you see someone using new technology to bring something that was impossible before, they are likely to be the winners in the future. Those who simply respond to new technologies in order to protect existing sources of income are likely to be losers. Has the combination of blockchain and the Internet of Things reached a critical point? This article will show you the data and content of various research reports in a comprehensive manner, and help you make an appropriate assessment of the current status of technological development. 1. The energy and petrochemical industry is the first to sound the horn In the stage of using data as a new energy source, every enterprise will become a data asset company. The implementation of the combination of blockchain and the Internet of Things requires broad consensus and application throughout the industry in order to cross the turning point and enter the stage of benign development. On May 15th, a publication called "Energy and Petrochemical Trading Industry Blockchain Application White Paper" issued a clear signal. This white paper brings together many leading companies, including Sinochem Energy Technology Co., Ltd., China National Petroleum International Co., Ltd., Macquarie Group Commodities and Global Market, COSCO SHIPPING Energy Transportation Co., Ltd., Bank of China Co., Ltd., China China Construction Bank Co., Ltd., China Merchants Energy Transportation Co., Ltd., and Shanghai Wanxiang Blockchain Co., Ltd. jointly released. Unlike the simple joint release, this white paper has also been jointly recommended by the above-mentioned corporate management, and it is second to none in the history of blockchain applications.
  • 3. C&T RF Antennas Inc Please Contact us for more information, thank you.  Jasmine Lu (+86)17322110281 The energy and petrochemical industry has its own particularities, but it also includes common development across industries. Three words can be used to describe the key characteristics of the energy and petrochemical industry, namely, heavy operation, heavy capital, and high risk. Heavy operation means that the energy and petrochemical market has complicated trade execution links, more paperwork, which is very labor-intensive, and heavy capital means that the single transaction amount is large, which is a typical high-risk capital-intensive industry. The execution process is cumbersome, Long cycle and large scale, coupled with intensified competition, high risk, and low gross profit So what does the integration of blockchain, Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, and other technologies solve in the industry? This involves the essence of blockchain application and industry integration. The prerequisite for any technology to be universally accepted is whether it helps break through the bottleneck of the industry chain, whether it can create unique value, or even rewrite the original system and system. The petroleum-based energy and petrochemical industry chain, from upstream exploration and development to midstream oil refining and chemical industry, and then to downstream terminal market sales, is mainly characterized by a long chain, long cycle, many participants, and involves large and complex cross-border transactions And international settlement. Similar to the shape of the industrial chain in many industries, the refinement of the division of labor and cooperation has advantages and disadvantages. At present, the main contradiction in the energy and petrochemical industry is the constant friction between many participants in the industry chain, and the overall operational efficiency of the industry chain cannot be improved. The information flow, physical logistics, and capital flow of energy and petrochemical transactions run through the entire industrial chain from upstream to downstream. Under the traditional transaction model, the key characteristics of heavy operations, heavy capital, and high risk are the unsmooth and fragmented third-rate. The bottlenecks of information flow, physical logistics, and capital flow limit the efficient transmission of value on the industrial chain and the marginal revenue of the overall industrial chain. The profit space is gradually being compressed, and the bottleneck of the industrial chain needs to be resolved urgently. Using traditional IT technology, enterprises in the industry chain have made efforts in information communication, process optimization, contract form optimization, etc. through agreements and other forms in order to improve operational efficiency and smooth transaction processes. However, with the gradual liberalization of China's energy market, many SMEs, especially non-state-owned SMEs, have begun to play a more important role in the industrial chain. More market participants and higher market activity have increased the complexity of transactions Sex and trust barriers, and industry efficiency issues are further highlighted. According to the analysis of the white paper, the blockchain will gradually realize the digitization of information flow, physical logistics and capital flow in the energy and petrochemical trading industry, solve the three-stream split problem, complete the construction of the industrial chain
  • 4. C&T RF Antennas Inc Please Contact us for more information, thank you.  Jasmine Lu (+86)17322110281 digital infrastructure, and promote the transmission of industrial value. Based on the integration of three streams, it brings business innovation, model innovation, and value creation opportunities to the industry, and realizes the digital ecology 1.0 stage of the energy and petrochemical trading industry. With the integration of three streams on the chain, the amount of data accumulated and circulated in the industry digital ecology will increase dramatically. This is the integration of multiple technologies such as blockchain + Internet of Things + artificial intelligence, which will unlock the value potential of industry data. Market value will be reflected through data association. The boundaries of digital currency, assets, and data will gradually blur and merge with each other, and the digital ecology of the energy and petrochemical trading industry will move towards the 2.0 era. No industry can be separated from the four types of transformation of time, space, form, and ownership. Its core is to control logistics, warehousing, production, and terminal sales networks. The white paper abstracts the energy and petrochemical industry, and proposes an ecosystem of digital intelligence applications. The system adopts a layered structure, which mainly includes: data collection and underlying mechanism layer, data analysis layer (algorithm / traditional), operation execution layer (intelligence / traditional), industry application / service layer (ecology). In the smart era, we have always emphasized the importance of the C2M model (Customer-to-Manufacturer, consumer direct manufacturing, to achieve personalized customization) or the C2B model (Consumer-to-Business, consumer-to-business, customized business). The white paper makes a reasonable prediction about the promotion of C2B mode in the energy and petrochemical industry. Using data as new energy runs through the entire industrial chain of the energy and petrochemical industry, and can connect from the most upstream exploration and development of the energy and petrochemical industry chain, to midstream refining and chemical and fine chemicals, to downstream retail. Based on the digital ecology 2.0 of the energy and petrochemical trading industry and relying on the payment system of digital currency, the financial connection between energy and petrochemical trade and retail can be achieved. That is, at the beginning of trade, the retail end of the corresponding market can be locked. The value transmission and financial settlement of each layer on the chain are locked by the programmable digital currency driven by the smart contract "grow on the blockchain", which can achieve the ultimate control of the counterparty credit risk and achieve cross-layer B2B2C. Once the cross-layer mechanism and the data of the C and B terminals are opened up, the innovation of the energy and petrochemical trading industry from the traditional B2B2C model to the C2B model becomes possible, and the real computing economy that realizes the sale of fixed production with market logic will come. 2. 75% of IoT users join the blockchain In early May, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued a notice on further
  • 5. C&T RF Antennas Inc Please Contact us for more information, thank you.  Jasmine Lu (+86)17322110281 promoting the comprehensive development of the mobile Internet of Things. The notice pointed out that by the end of 2020, the narrow-band IoT NB-IoT will achieve universal coverage in the main urban areas of cities above the county level, the number of connections will reach 1.2 billion, and the market size of the mobile IoT will exceed 2 trillion. According to statistics, every second now, there are 127 new devices connected to the Internet of Things. IBM's Internet white paper predicts that there will be more than 100 billion machines connected to the world by 2025. By that time, there will be about 10 billion people in the world, which will correspond to the data of 10 billion individuals and 100 billion machines. A white paper from the European Union also provided insight into the trend that “blockchain is accelerating integration with technologies such as the Internet of Things and artificial intelligence.” The report is titled "The Integration of Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence and the Internet of Things", Convergence of Blockchain, AI and IoT, from The European Union Blockchain Observatory and Forum. According to Gartner's survey of more than 500 companies in North America, the integration of the Internet of Things and blockchain has become the best choice for digital transformation and innovation, and the speed of progress is much faster than we expected. 75% of IoT technology adopters in North America have already or plan to use blockchain by the end of 2020. Among the users of blockchain, 86% have implemented both blockchain and IoT technologies in various projects. These ratios are much higher than Gartner's original expectations. Among the respondents surveyed, 63% said that the biggest benefit of the combination of IoT and blockchain is to enhance the security and credibility of multi-party transactions and shared data; 56% believe that both The combination will lead to improved business efficiency and reduced costs; 43% of people believe that this approach is conducive to increasing revenue and creating business opportunities. 3. The economic expression of the machine network Alibaba's Dharma Institute listed "large-scale collaboration between machines as possible" in the "Top Ten Technology Trends in 2020" as the fourth largest trend. Bodhidharma believes that the development of technologies such as the Internet of Things and 5G will achieve collaboration between multiple agents, machines cooperate with each other and compete with each other to complete tasks, and the group intelligence brought by the collaboration of multiple agents will further amplify the intelligent system the value of. That is, machines are getting closer to human behavior, resulting in large-scale collaboration. Schrödinger's book "What is Life?" In the article, thermodynamics, quantum mechanics, and chemical theory are used to explain the nature of life. The argument that organisms consume negative entropy as food comes from this book. This book studies people as machines. So, conversely, in the future communication network, Internet of Things and smart device network, is it possible to use blockchain to enable machines to achieve large-scale collaboration like humans? To answer this question, Zou Chuanwei, chief economist of Wanxiang Blockchain and Platon, believes that three important economic aspects need to be considered.
  • 6. C&T RF Antennas Inc Please Contact us for more information, thank you.  Jasmine Lu (+86)17322110281 Level 1: How the machine becomes an economic subject that can be evaluated. Because the premise of economic incentives is to accurately measure the contribution of the machine. Accurately measuring contributions includes the following three aspects: There is only one: each machine must have a unique identity and cannot be forged or modified; There is a record of what you do: the behavior of the machine is traceable and cannot be denied; My proof: The authenticity of the machine's identity and behavior can be self-certified through algorithms, without the need for manual or institutional verification. Only the machines in the machine network with the above characteristics, their actions and contributions can be measured, and they can be regarded as economic subjects that can be evaluated, or called machine economists. To this end, 4 tasks need to be done: One is to introduce a unique ID, that is, the digital identity of the machine, into the machine through technologies such as modules and chips. It is implemented at the bottom of the hardware and cannot be tampered with. Second, the machine network introduces a new addressing mechanism to achieve the uniqueness of address and identification. The third is self-certification. Any activity of the machine will be signed with the identity of the machine to achieve self-certification of the machine's identity and behavior, without the need for manual and centralized institutions. The fourth is interaction and accounting. The machine network no longer takes featureless information packets as the main body. Any behavior is part of transactions and participation in economic activities. The transaction accounting is realized through the blockchain, which is used for subsequent cross-validation and behavior traceability. And contribution statistics to provide the basis. Level 2: What payment tools are used between machines. The payment between machines can be through a financial account or through a token in the blockchain. When the number of nodes in the machine network is large, the efficiency of payment through a financial account may not keep up with the efficiency of interaction between machines. From the perspective of economic mechanism design, the machine should be given a stable incentive to ensure that the economic activities in the machine network are not disturbed by fluctuations in the value of payment instruments. Level 3: How to design economic models of machine networks. Although a single machine has a controller or owner, the machine network, as a network, has no owner and has strong public product attributes. In the early stage of development, any network is small-scale, and the network effect is very small. New entrants need to pay for the switch and bear early risks. How to motivate new entrants to make them compatible with the further development of the network? In this regard, a distributed economic model and a floating value token should be introduced to ensure that the token can effectively capture value from economic activities in the machine network through programmable design. Only in this way will the machine network have
  • 7. C&T RF Antennas Inc Please Contact us for more information, thank you.  Jasmine Lu (+86)17322110281 endogenous growth power. On this basis, large-scale collaboration between machines is not fantasy. Zou Chuanwei proposed that by introducing a market mechanism into the machine network, a decentralized, value-exchange-based large-scale collaboration mechanism between machines can be realized, which promotes large-scale collaboration between machines like humans. Many IoT companies are focusing on promoting large-scale collaboration between machines to solve related problems. According to third-party statistics, global cellular IoT module shipments exceeded 300 million in 2019, and China is an important market among them, and the total market share of the above-mentioned nine major Chinese manufacturers is between 65% and 70%, playing a key role. ---- Written at the end ---- It is difficult for sailors to demonstrate their skills when there is no wind on the sea. When crises and industrial changes occur, the skills of comprehensive analysis and strategy development become more valuable. As an effective way to deal with the crisis, the new infrastructure is gradually showing its effects. Judging from various economic data, April continued the recovery momentum since March, and the economy picked up. Industrial added value in April was 3.9% year-on-year, up 5.0 percentage points from March; fixed asset investment (excluding farmers) was 0.8% year-on-year, up 10.3 percentage points from March; real estate investment was 7.0% year-on-year, up 5.8 percentage points from March; Manufacturing investment was -6.7% year-on-year, a decrease of 13.9 percentage points from March; infrastructure investment (hydroelectric gas) was 4.8% year-on-year, an increase of 12.8 percentage points from March; total retail sales of consumer goods was -7.5%, a decrease of 3 Monthly narrowed by 8.3 percentage points. With the acceleration of human society's migration to digitalization, the integration of blockchain and the Internet of Things will become more in-depth. The reasonable judgment of the current situation helps us make every choice. And every choice now has the potential to determine our situation 2-3 years later. Of course, if you want to identify the important changes that are happening, you need to analyze more and more details. Let us maintain a dynamic perspective and continue to track changes in the market together. The main points of this article: 1. The unexpected encounter of the new infrastructure and the new crown epidemic has become a booster for the digital migration of human society, making the coupling between artificial intelligence, blockchain, and the Internet of Things more and more close, and the landing is accelerating. 2. The landing of the combination of blockchain and the Internet of Things requires broad consensus and application in the entire industry in order to cross the turning point and enter a healthy development. 3. According to Gartner's corporate survey, the integration of the Internet of Things and blockchain has become the best choice for digital transformation and innovation, and the speed
  • 8. C&T RF Antennas Inc Please Contact us for more information, thank you.  Jasmine Lu (+86)17322110281 of progress is much faster than we expected. 4. In the future communication networks, Internet of Things and smart device networks, it is possible to use machines to achieve large-scale collaboration like humans through blockchain. Please browse for more information, thank you.