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Ring Documentation, Release 1.6
Language Design, 34
Tree Class
Stdlib Classes, 348
Triangle Rotation
Using RingOpenGL and RingFreeGLUT for 3D
Graphics, 528
Strings, 216
Stdlib Functions, 337
Stdlib Functions, 337
Stdlib Functions, 338
TrueType Fonts
Graphics and Game Programming, 455
Eval() and Debugging, 254
Trying to be natural
Language Design, 29
Type Hints Library
What is new in Ring 1.5?, 80
Data Type, 225
Files, 243
Mathematical Functions, 235
Update the Android SDK
Building RingQt Applications for Mobile, 695
Upload Files
Web Development (CGI Library), 396
URL Encode
Web Development (CGI Library), 401
Use TTF Fonts
RingLibSDL, 464
User Types
The Type Hints Library, 741
Users registration and Login
Web Development (CGI Library), 423
Using ’<’ and ’:’ operators as ’from’ keyword
What is new in Ring 1.3?, 113
Using ’case’ as ’on’ in switch statements
Syntax Flexibility, 738
Using ’def’ as ’func’ in functions/methods definition
Syntax Flexibility, 738
Using ’end’ keyword after Packages/Classes/Functions
Syntax Flexibility, 739
Using ’endpackage’/’endclass’/’endfunc’ keywords after
Syntax Flexibility, 739
Using ’put’ and ’get’ as ’see’ and ’give’
Syntax Flexibility, 738
Using () around the function parameters
Syntax Flexibility, 732
Using ? to print expression then new line
Getting Started - First Style, 144
What is new in Ring 1.6?, 46
in the start of the variable name
Syntax Flexibility, 735
Using && and || operators
What is new in Ring 1.6?, 45
Using _ in numbers
Mathematical Functions, 236
Using Atom
Using Other Code Editors, 167
Using Bootstrap Library using Functions
Web Development (CGI Library), 417
Using Bootstrap Library using Objects
Web Development (CGI Library), 418
Using braces { } in Packages/Classes/Functions
Syntax Flexibility, 739
Using Braces to access objects inside Class Methods
Scope Rules, 716
Using braces to escape from the current object scope
Scope Rules, 724
Using braces to start and end different control structures
Syntax Flexibility, 737
Using C/C++ Compiler and Linker
Distributing Ring Application, 760
Using configuration file that wrap C++ library
Code Generator, 820
Using CR as Carriage return
What is new in Ring 1.6?, 45
Using Emacs Editor
Using Other Code Editors, 169
Using Eval() with our Natural Code
Natural Language Programming, 374
Using f after numbers
Mathematical Functions, 236
Using Fonts
Using RingOpenGL and RingFreeGLUT for 3D
Graphics, 549
Using Geany
Using Other Code Editors, 166
Using Layout
Desktop and Mobile Development, 591
Using Layouts
Form Designer, 711
Using Lists during definition
Lists, 211
Using Many Source Code Files
Program Structure, 205
Using Notepad++
Using Other Code Editors, 165
Using NULL instead of NULLPointer()
What is new in Ring 1.2?, 121
Index 1853
Ring Documentation, Release 1.6
Using Object.Attribute
Scope Rules, 713
Using Other Code Editors
Introduction, 164
Using Atom, 167
Using Emacs Editor, 169
Using Geany, 166
Using Notepad++, 165
Using Sublime Text 2, 168
Using Visual Studio IDE, 169
Using QCheckBox
Desktop and Mobile Development, 618
Using QComboBox Class
Desktop and Mobile Development, 599
Using QDateEdit
Desktop and Mobile Development, 613
Using QDesktopWidget Class
Desktop and Mobile Development, 653
Using QDial
Desktop and Mobile Development, 614
Using QDockWidget
Desktop and Mobile Development, 606
Using QFrame
Desktop and Mobile Development, 623
Using QInputDialog Class
Desktop and Mobile Development, 644
Using qLCDNumber
Desktop and Mobile Development, 641
Using QProgressBar
Desktop and Mobile Development, 610
Using QProgressBar and Timer
Desktop and Mobile Development, 633
Using QRadioButton and QButtonGroup
Desktop and Mobile Development, 619
Using QSlider
Desktop and Mobile Development, 611
Using QSpinBox
Desktop and Mobile Development, 611
Using QTableWidget
Desktop and Mobile Development, 609
Using QTabWidget
Desktop and Mobile Development, 607
Using QTreeView and QFileSystemModel
Desktop and Mobile Development, 597
Using QTreeWidget and QTreeWidgetItem
Desktop and Mobile Development, 598
Using QWebView
Desktop and Mobile Development, 617
Using Ring2EXE
Building RingQt Applications for Mobile, 698
Distributing Ring Application using Ring2EXE, 761
Using RingOpenGL and RingAllegro for 3D Graphics
3D Cube and Texture, 570
Introduction, 569
Many Cubes, 574
TicTacToe 3D Game, 579
Using RingOpenGL and RingFreeGLUT for 3D Graphics
Drawing using RingOpenGL, 524
Frames Per Second, 557
Introduction, 521
Keyboard Events and Colors, 529
Make a Cube using RingOpenGL and RingFreeG-
LUT, 566
Menu Events, 542
Mouse Events, 538
Samples Source (Authors), 522
The Camera, 532
The First Triangle, 525
The First Window using RingFreeGLUT, 523
Triangle Rotation, 528
Using Fonts, 549
What is RingFreeGLUT?, 523
What is RingOpenGL?, 522
Window Resize Event, 526
Using RingZip Classes
RingZip, 445
Using Self.Attribute
Object Oriented Programming, 298
Using Self.Attribute in the Class Region to define new at-
What is new in Ring 1.1?, 131
Using Semi-colon after and between statements
Syntax Flexibility, 734
Using Sublime Text 2
Using Other Code Editors, 168
Using Tab instead of char(9)
What is new in Ring 1.6?, 44
Using the
operator as not
What is new in Ring 1.6?, 45
Using the ’else’ keyword as ’other’ in switch statement
Syntax Flexibility, 735
Using the ’elseif’ keyword as ’but’ in if statement
Syntax Flexibility, 735
Using the ’end’ keyword in different control structures
Syntax Flexibility, 736
Using the Interactive Debugger
The Trace Library and the Interactive Debugger, 792
Using the Natural Library
Defining Commands, 382
Defining commands using classes, 385
Introduction, 379
Natural Library - Demo Program, 380
Operators, 384
Using the QColorDialog Class
Desktop and Mobile Development, 640
Using the QFileDialog Class
Desktop and Mobile Development, 635
Index 1854
Ring Documentation, Release 1.6
Using the QListWidget Class
Desktop and Mobile Development, 594
Using the QTextEdit Class
Desktop and Mobile Development, 593
Using the QTimer Class
Desktop and Mobile Development, 632
Using the tool
Code Generator, 811
Using This.Attribute in nested Braces inside the Class
What is new in Ring 1.1?, 131
Using Types inside Code
The Type Hints Library, 742
Using Visual Studio IDE
Using Other Code Editors, 169
Stdlib Functions, 325
Deep Copy, 171
Dynamic Typing, 171
Introduction, 170
Weakly Typed, 172
Variables Scope
Functions - First Style, 195
Functions - Second Style, 199
Functions - Third Style, 203
Low Level Functions, 771
Version() Function
System Functions, 252
Video-Music-Player Application
Applications developed in little hours, 9
What is new in Ring 1.5?, 48
Virtual Machine Instructions
Reference, 1815
Visual Implementation
Language Design, 35
Weakly Typed
Variables, 172
Web Development (CGI Library)
Application Class, 435
Configure the Apache web server, 387
Cookies, 399
CRUD Example using MVC, 421
Database, ModelBase & ControllerBase classes, 429
Generating Pages using Objects, 411
Gradient, 410
Hash Functions, 405
Hello World Program using the Web Library, 388
HTML Lists, 408
HTML Special Characters, 404
HTML Tables, 409
HtmlPage Class, 416, 440
HTTP Get Example, 389
HTTP POST Example, 394
Introduction, 386
Page Class, 436
Random Image, 407
Ring CGI Hello World Program, 388
ScriptFunctions Class, 438
StyleFunctions Class, 438
Templates, 402
Upload Files, 396
URL Encode, 401
Users registration and Login, 423
Using Bootstrap Library using Functions, 417
Using Bootstrap Library using Objects, 418
Web Library Features, 389
WebLib API, 434
WebPage Class, 439
Web Library Features
Web Development (CGI Library), 389
WebLib API
Web Development (CGI Library), 434
WebPage Class
Web Development (CGI Library), 439
Weight History Application
Desktop and Mobile Development, 661
Werdy Application
Applications developed in little hours, 12
What about predefined parameters or optional parameters
in functions?
Frequently Asked Questions, 1791
What about the Boolean values in Ring?
Frequently Asked Questions, 1783
What are the advantages to using Ring over C# or Java?
Frequently Asked Questions, 1781
What are the advantages to using Ring over Lisp or
Frequently Asked Questions, 1778
What are the advantages to using Ring over native C or
Frequently Asked Questions, 1779
What are the advantages to using Ring over Python and
Frequently Asked Questions, 1780
What are the advantages to using Ring over Tcl and Lua?
Frequently Asked Questions, 1780
What happens when we create a new object?
Frequently Asked Questions, 1787
What is new in Ring 1.1?
Better Code Generator for Extensions, 131
Better Documentation, 131
Better Natural Language Programming Support, 123
Game Engine for 2D Games, 129
Generate/Execute Ring Object Files (*.ringo), 124
Index 1855
Ring Documentation, Release 1.6
Introduction, 122
List of changes and new features, 123
New Functions and Changes, 126
RingLibSDL, 129
RingSQLite, 130
StdLib functions and classes written in Ring, 127
Syntax Flexibility, 124
Using Self.Attribute in the Class Region to define
new attributes, 131
Using This.Attribute in nested Braces inside the
Class Methods, 131
What is new in Ring 1.2?
Better Call Command, 121
Better Functions, 118
Better Quality, 121
Better Ring Notepad, 118
Better RingQt, 118
Display Warnings Option, 121
Introduction, 116
List of changes and new features, 117
New Functions, 117
Objects Library for RingQt, 119
RingLibCurl, 120
Using NULL instead of NULLPointer(), 121
What is new in Ring 1.3?
Better Loop|Exit Command, 112
Better Ring Notepad, 108
Better RingQt, 104
Better StdLib, 112
Embedding Ring in Ring without sharing the State,
Form Designer, 115
Introduction, 103
List of changes and new features, 104
New Functions, 113
Return Self by Reference, 113
Ring mode for Emacs Editor, 111
RingZip Library, 114
Using ’<’ and ’:’ operators as ’from’ keyword, 113
What is new in Ring 1.4.1?
What is new in Ring 1.4?, 100
What is new in Ring 1.4?
Better RingQt, 99
Better StdLib, 97
Better WebLib, 97
Change: Basic Extensions are separated from
RingVM, 92
Convert between Numbers and Bytes, 96
Introduction, 91
List of changes and new features, 92
New Style to Ring Notepad, 95
Qt Class Convertor, 99
RingREPL, 95
The Natural Library, 93
What is new in Ring 1.4.1?, 100
What is new in Ring 1.5.1?
What is new in Ring 1.5?, 81
What is new in Ring 1.5.2?
What is new in Ring 1.5?, 86
What is new in Ring 1.5.3?
What is new in Ring 1.5?, 87
What is new in Ring 1.5.4?
What is new in Ring 1.5?, 90
What is new in Ring 1.5?
Better Code Generator for Extensions, 72
Better Documentation Generator for Extensions, 73
Better Objects Library, 59
Better Quality, 81
Better Ring Notepad, 50
Better RingQt, 57
Better StdLib, 53
Better WebLib, 54
Calculator Application, 49
Introduction, 47
List of changes and new features, 48
More Syntax Flexibility, 79
Ring VM - Tracing Functions, 73
RingFreeGLUT Extension, 59
RingOpenGL Extension, 68
Trace Library and Interactive Debugger, 77
Type Hints Library, 80
Video-Music-Player Application, 48
What is new in Ring 1.5.1?, 81
What is new in Ring 1.5.2?, 86
What is new in Ring 1.5.3?, 87
What is new in Ring 1.5.4?, 90
Windows StartUp Manager Application, 49
What is new in Ring 1.6?
Better Ring For Android, 38
Better Ring Notepad, 41
Better RingQt, 43
Better RingREPL, 44
Better RingVM, 44
Better Scripts for building Ring, 40
Better StdLib, 44
Employee Application, 37
Introduction, 36
List of changes and new features, 37
New Tool: Folder2qrc, 39
New Tool: Ring2EXE, 38
RingConsoleColors Extension, 40
RingMurmurHash Extension, 40
Using ? to print expression then new line, 46
Using && and || operators, 45
Using CR as Carriage return, 45
Using Tab instead of char(9), 44
Using the
operator as not, 45
Index 1856
Ring Documentation, Release 1.6
What is RingFreeGLUT?
Using RingOpenGL and RingFreeGLUT for 3D
Graphics, 523
What is RingOpenGL?
Using RingOpenGL and RingFreeGLUT for 3D
Graphics, 522
What is the difference between Ring and Python? And is
Ring Open Source?
Frequently Asked Questions, 1779
Where can I write a program and execute it?
Frequently Asked Questions, 1790
Which of 3 coding styles are commonly used or recom-
mended by the community?
Frequently Asked Questions, 1808
While Loop
Control Structures - First Style, 177
Control Structures - Third Style, 187
Why do we need Yet Another Programming Language
Frequently Asked Questions, 1777
Why I get a strange result when printing nl with lists?
Frequently Asked Questions, 1792
Why I get Calling Function without definition Error?
Frequently Asked Questions, 1803
Why Ring is largely focussed on UI creation?
Frequently Asked Questions, 1778
Why Ring is not case-sensitive
Frequently Asked Questions, 1785
Why Ring is weakly typed?
Frequently Asked Questions, 1778
Why Ring uses ’See’, ’Give’, ’But’ and ’Ok’ Keywords?
Frequently Asked Questions, 1782
Why Ring?
Language Design, 28
Why setClickEvent() doesn’t see the object methods di-
Frequently Asked Questions, 1803
Why the ability to define your own languages Instead of
just handing over the syntax so you can parse it
using whatever code you like?
Frequently Asked Questions, 1781
Why the Assignment operator uses Deep copy?
Frequently Asked Questions, 1786
Why the window title bar is going outside the screen?
Frequently Asked Questions, 1797
Why this example use the GetChar() twice?
Frequently Asked Questions, 1794
Why Type Hints?
The Type Hints Library, 741
Why we don’t use () after the qApp class name?
Frequently Asked Questions, 1797
Why you can specify the number of loops you want to
break out of?
Frequently Asked Questions, 1782
Window Flags
Form Designer, 710
Window Resize Event
Using RingOpenGL and RingFreeGLUT for 3D
Graphics, 526
Windows StartUp Manager Application
Applications developed in little hours, 11
What is new in Ring 1.5?, 49
Windowsnl() Function
System Functions, 250
Wrap structures
Code Generator, 813
Wrapping C++ Classes
Code Generator, 819
Write file using Write()
Files, 238
Writing Comments
Getting Started - First Style, 145
Getting Started - Second Style, 147
Getting Started - Third Style, 149
Zip Class Reference
RingZip, 447
ZipEntry Class Reference
RingZip, 447
Index 1857

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The Ring programming language version 1.6 book - Part 189 of 189

  • 1. Ring Documentation, Release 1.6 Language Design, 34 Tree Class Stdlib Classes, 348 Triangle Rotation Using RingOpenGL and RingFreeGLUT for 3D Graphics, 528 Trim() Strings, 216 TrimAll() Stdlib Functions, 337 TrimLeft() Stdlib Functions, 337 TrimRight() Stdlib Functions, 338 TrueType Fonts Graphics and Game Programming, 455 Try/Carch/Done Eval() and Debugging, 254 Trying to be natural Language Design, 29 Type Hints Library What is new in Ring 1.5?, 80 Type() Data Type, 225 Ungetc() Files, 243 Unsigned() Mathematical Functions, 235 Update the Android SDK Building RingQt Applications for Mobile, 695 Upload Files Web Development (CGI Library), 396 URL Encode Web Development (CGI Library), 401 Use TTF Fonts RingLibSDL, 464 User Types The Type Hints Library, 741 Users registration and Login Web Development (CGI Library), 423 Using ’<’ and ’:’ operators as ’from’ keyword What is new in Ring 1.3?, 113 Using ’case’ as ’on’ in switch statements Syntax Flexibility, 738 Using ’def’ as ’func’ in functions/methods definition Syntax Flexibility, 738 Using ’end’ keyword after Packages/Classes/Functions Syntax Flexibility, 739 Using ’endpackage’/’endclass’/’endfunc’ keywords after Packages/Classes/Functions Syntax Flexibility, 739 Using ’put’ and ’get’ as ’see’ and ’give’ Syntax Flexibility, 738 Using () around the function parameters Syntax Flexibility, 732 Using ? to print expression then new line Getting Started - First Style, 144 What is new in Ring 1.6?, 46 in the start of the variable name Syntax Flexibility, 735 Using && and || operators What is new in Ring 1.6?, 45 Using _ in numbers Mathematical Functions, 236 Using Atom Using Other Code Editors, 167 Using Bootstrap Library using Functions Web Development (CGI Library), 417 Using Bootstrap Library using Objects Web Development (CGI Library), 418 Using braces { } in Packages/Classes/Functions Syntax Flexibility, 739 Using Braces to access objects inside Class Methods Scope Rules, 716 Using braces to escape from the current object scope Scope Rules, 724 Using braces to start and end different control structures Syntax Flexibility, 737 Using C/C++ Compiler and Linker Distributing Ring Application, 760 Using configuration file that wrap C++ library Code Generator, 820 Using CR as Carriage return What is new in Ring 1.6?, 45 Using Emacs Editor Using Other Code Editors, 169 Using Eval() with our Natural Code Natural Language Programming, 374 Using f after numbers Mathematical Functions, 236 Using Fonts Using RingOpenGL and RingFreeGLUT for 3D Graphics, 549 Using Geany Using Other Code Editors, 166 Using Layout Desktop and Mobile Development, 591 Using Layouts Form Designer, 711 Using Lists during definition Lists, 211 Using Many Source Code Files Program Structure, 205 Using Notepad++ Using Other Code Editors, 165 Using NULL instead of NULLPointer() What is new in Ring 1.2?, 121 Index 1853
  • 2. Ring Documentation, Release 1.6 Using Object.Attribute Scope Rules, 713 Using Other Code Editors Introduction, 164 Using Atom, 167 Using Emacs Editor, 169 Using Geany, 166 Using Notepad++, 165 Using Sublime Text 2, 168 Using Visual Studio IDE, 169 Using QCheckBox Desktop and Mobile Development, 618 Using QComboBox Class Desktop and Mobile Development, 599 Using QDateEdit Desktop and Mobile Development, 613 Using QDesktopWidget Class Desktop and Mobile Development, 653 Using QDial Desktop and Mobile Development, 614 Using QDockWidget Desktop and Mobile Development, 606 Using QFrame Desktop and Mobile Development, 623 Using QInputDialog Class Desktop and Mobile Development, 644 Using qLCDNumber Desktop and Mobile Development, 641 Using QProgressBar Desktop and Mobile Development, 610 Using QProgressBar and Timer Desktop and Mobile Development, 633 Using QRadioButton and QButtonGroup Desktop and Mobile Development, 619 Using QSlider Desktop and Mobile Development, 611 Using QSpinBox Desktop and Mobile Development, 611 Using QTableWidget Desktop and Mobile Development, 609 Using QTabWidget Desktop and Mobile Development, 607 Using QTreeView and QFileSystemModel Desktop and Mobile Development, 597 Using QTreeWidget and QTreeWidgetItem Desktop and Mobile Development, 598 Using QWebView Desktop and Mobile Development, 617 Using Ring2EXE Building RingQt Applications for Mobile, 698 Distributing Ring Application using Ring2EXE, 761 Using RingOpenGL and RingAllegro for 3D Graphics 3D Cube and Texture, 570 Introduction, 569 Many Cubes, 574 TicTacToe 3D Game, 579 Using RingOpenGL and RingFreeGLUT for 3D Graphics Drawing using RingOpenGL, 524 Frames Per Second, 557 Introduction, 521 Keyboard Events and Colors, 529 Make a Cube using RingOpenGL and RingFreeG- LUT, 566 Menu Events, 542 Mouse Events, 538 Samples Source (Authors), 522 The Camera, 532 The First Triangle, 525 The First Window using RingFreeGLUT, 523 Triangle Rotation, 528 Using Fonts, 549 What is RingFreeGLUT?, 523 What is RingOpenGL?, 522 Window Resize Event, 526 Using RingZip Classes RingZip, 445 Using Self.Attribute Object Oriented Programming, 298 Using Self.Attribute in the Class Region to define new at- tributes What is new in Ring 1.1?, 131 Using Semi-colon after and between statements Syntax Flexibility, 734 Using Sublime Text 2 Using Other Code Editors, 168 Using Tab instead of char(9) What is new in Ring 1.6?, 44 Using the operator as not What is new in Ring 1.6?, 45 Using the ’else’ keyword as ’other’ in switch statement Syntax Flexibility, 735 Using the ’elseif’ keyword as ’but’ in if statement Syntax Flexibility, 735 Using the ’end’ keyword in different control structures Syntax Flexibility, 736 Using the Interactive Debugger The Trace Library and the Interactive Debugger, 792 Using the Natural Library Defining Commands, 382 Defining commands using classes, 385 Introduction, 379 Natural Library - Demo Program, 380 Operators, 384 Using the QColorDialog Class Desktop and Mobile Development, 640 Using the QFileDialog Class Desktop and Mobile Development, 635 Index 1854
  • 3. Ring Documentation, Release 1.6 Using the QListWidget Class Desktop and Mobile Development, 594 Using the QTextEdit Class Desktop and Mobile Development, 593 Using the QTimer Class Desktop and Mobile Development, 632 Using the tool Code Generator, 811 Using This.Attribute in nested Braces inside the Class Methods What is new in Ring 1.1?, 131 Using Types inside Code The Type Hints Library, 742 Using Visual Studio IDE Using Other Code Editors, 169 value() Stdlib Functions, 325 Variables Deep Copy, 171 Dynamic Typing, 171 Introduction, 170 Weakly Typed, 172 Variables Scope Functions - First Style, 195 Functions - Second Style, 199 Functions - Third Style, 203 varptr() Low Level Functions, 771 Version() Function System Functions, 252 Video-Music-Player Application Applications developed in little hours, 9 What is new in Ring 1.5?, 48 Virtual Machine Instructions Reference, 1815 Visual Implementation Language Design, 35 Weakly Typed Variables, 172 Web Development (CGI Library) Application Class, 435 Configure the Apache web server, 387 Cookies, 399 CRUD Example using MVC, 421 Database, ModelBase & ControllerBase classes, 429 Generating Pages using Objects, 411 Gradient, 410 Hash Functions, 405 Hello World Program using the Web Library, 388 HTML Lists, 408 HTML Special Characters, 404 HTML Tables, 409 HtmlPage Class, 416, 440 HTTP Get Example, 389 HTTP POST Example, 394 Introduction, 386 Page Class, 436 Random Image, 407 Ring CGI Hello World Program, 388 ScriptFunctions Class, 438 StyleFunctions Class, 438 Templates, 402 Upload Files, 396 URL Encode, 401 Users registration and Login, 423 Using Bootstrap Library using Functions, 417 Using Bootstrap Library using Objects, 418 Web Library Features, 389 WebLib API, 434 WebPage Class, 439 Web Library Features Web Development (CGI Library), 389 WebLib API Web Development (CGI Library), 434 WebPage Class Web Development (CGI Library), 439 Weight History Application Desktop and Mobile Development, 661 Werdy Application Applications developed in little hours, 12 What about predefined parameters or optional parameters in functions? Frequently Asked Questions, 1791 What about the Boolean values in Ring? Frequently Asked Questions, 1783 What are the advantages to using Ring over C# or Java? Frequently Asked Questions, 1781 What are the advantages to using Ring over Lisp or Smalltalk? Frequently Asked Questions, 1778 What are the advantages to using Ring over native C or C++? Frequently Asked Questions, 1779 What are the advantages to using Ring over Python and Ruby? Frequently Asked Questions, 1780 What are the advantages to using Ring over Tcl and Lua? Frequently Asked Questions, 1780 What happens when we create a new object? Frequently Asked Questions, 1787 What is new in Ring 1.1? Better Code Generator for Extensions, 131 Better Documentation, 131 Better Natural Language Programming Support, 123 Game Engine for 2D Games, 129 Generate/Execute Ring Object Files (*.ringo), 124 Index 1855
  • 4. Ring Documentation, Release 1.6 Introduction, 122 List of changes and new features, 123 New Functions and Changes, 126 RingLibSDL, 129 RingSQLite, 130 StdLib functions and classes written in Ring, 127 Syntax Flexibility, 124 Using Self.Attribute in the Class Region to define new attributes, 131 Using This.Attribute in nested Braces inside the Class Methods, 131 What is new in Ring 1.2? Better Call Command, 121 Better Functions, 118 Better Quality, 121 Better Ring Notepad, 118 Better RingQt, 118 Display Warnings Option, 121 Introduction, 116 List of changes and new features, 117 New Functions, 117 Objects Library for RingQt, 119 RingLibCurl, 120 Using NULL instead of NULLPointer(), 121 What is new in Ring 1.3? Better Loop|Exit Command, 112 Better Ring Notepad, 108 Better RingQt, 104 Better StdLib, 112 Embedding Ring in Ring without sharing the State, 114 Form Designer, 115 Introduction, 103 List of changes and new features, 104 New Functions, 113 Return Self by Reference, 113 Ring mode for Emacs Editor, 111 RingZip Library, 114 Using ’<’ and ’:’ operators as ’from’ keyword, 113 What is new in Ring 1.4.1? What is new in Ring 1.4?, 100 What is new in Ring 1.4? Better RingQt, 99 Better StdLib, 97 Better WebLib, 97 Change: Basic Extensions are separated from RingVM, 92 Convert between Numbers and Bytes, 96 Introduction, 91 List of changes and new features, 92 New Style to Ring Notepad, 95 Qt Class Convertor, 99 RingREPL, 95 The Natural Library, 93 What is new in Ring 1.4.1?, 100 What is new in Ring 1.5.1? What is new in Ring 1.5?, 81 What is new in Ring 1.5.2? What is new in Ring 1.5?, 86 What is new in Ring 1.5.3? What is new in Ring 1.5?, 87 What is new in Ring 1.5.4? What is new in Ring 1.5?, 90 What is new in Ring 1.5? Better Code Generator for Extensions, 72 Better Documentation Generator for Extensions, 73 Better Objects Library, 59 Better Quality, 81 Better Ring Notepad, 50 Better RingQt, 57 Better StdLib, 53 Better WebLib, 54 Calculator Application, 49 Introduction, 47 List of changes and new features, 48 More Syntax Flexibility, 79 Ring VM - Tracing Functions, 73 RingFreeGLUT Extension, 59 RingOpenGL Extension, 68 Trace Library and Interactive Debugger, 77 Type Hints Library, 80 Video-Music-Player Application, 48 What is new in Ring 1.5.1?, 81 What is new in Ring 1.5.2?, 86 What is new in Ring 1.5.3?, 87 What is new in Ring 1.5.4?, 90 Windows StartUp Manager Application, 49 What is new in Ring 1.6? Better Ring For Android, 38 Better Ring Notepad, 41 Better RingQt, 43 Better RingREPL, 44 Better RingVM, 44 Better Scripts for building Ring, 40 Better StdLib, 44 Employee Application, 37 Introduction, 36 List of changes and new features, 37 New Tool: Folder2qrc, 39 New Tool: Ring2EXE, 38 RingConsoleColors Extension, 40 RingMurmurHash Extension, 40 Using ? to print expression then new line, 46 Using && and || operators, 45 Using CR as Carriage return, 45 Using Tab instead of char(9), 44 Using the operator as not, 45 Index 1856
  • 5. Ring Documentation, Release 1.6 What is RingFreeGLUT? Using RingOpenGL and RingFreeGLUT for 3D Graphics, 523 What is RingOpenGL? Using RingOpenGL and RingFreeGLUT for 3D Graphics, 522 What is the difference between Ring and Python? And is Ring Open Source? Frequently Asked Questions, 1779 Where can I write a program and execute it? Frequently Asked Questions, 1790 Which of 3 coding styles are commonly used or recom- mended by the community? Frequently Asked Questions, 1808 While Loop Control Structures - First Style, 177 Control Structures - Third Style, 187 Why do we need Yet Another Programming Language (YAPL)? Frequently Asked Questions, 1777 Why I get a strange result when printing nl with lists? Frequently Asked Questions, 1792 Why I get Calling Function without definition Error? Frequently Asked Questions, 1803 Why Ring is largely focussed on UI creation? Frequently Asked Questions, 1778 Why Ring is not case-sensitive Frequently Asked Questions, 1785 Why Ring is weakly typed? Frequently Asked Questions, 1778 Why Ring uses ’See’, ’Give’, ’But’ and ’Ok’ Keywords? Frequently Asked Questions, 1782 Why Ring? Language Design, 28 Why setClickEvent() doesn’t see the object methods di- rectly? Frequently Asked Questions, 1803 Why the ability to define your own languages Instead of just handing over the syntax so you can parse it using whatever code you like? Frequently Asked Questions, 1781 Why the Assignment operator uses Deep copy? Frequently Asked Questions, 1786 Why the window title bar is going outside the screen? Frequently Asked Questions, 1797 Why this example use the GetChar() twice? Frequently Asked Questions, 1794 Why Type Hints? The Type Hints Library, 741 Why we don’t use () after the qApp class name? Frequently Asked Questions, 1797 Why you can specify the number of loops you want to break out of? Frequently Asked Questions, 1782 Window Flags Form Designer, 710 Window Resize Event Using RingOpenGL and RingFreeGLUT for 3D Graphics, 526 Windows StartUp Manager Application Applications developed in little hours, 11 What is new in Ring 1.5?, 49 Windowsnl() Function System Functions, 250 Wrap structures Code Generator, 813 Wrapping C++ Classes Code Generator, 819 Write file using Write() Files, 238 Writing Comments Getting Started - First Style, 145 Getting Started - Second Style, 147 Getting Started - Third Style, 149 Zip Class Reference RingZip, 447 ZipEntry Class Reference RingZip, 447 Index 1857