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Ring Documentation, Release 1.8
CGI Support, 803
Generate Object File, 804
Introduction, 789
No Run, 803
Performance, 803
Printing Final Intermediate Code, 798
Printing Instruction Operation Code, 803
Printing Intermediate Code, 796
Printing Rules, 792
Printing Tokens, 790
Comments about developing for Android using RingQt
Building RingQt Applications for Mobile, 738
Comments about evaluation
Control Structures - First Style, 205
Comments in configuration file
Code Generator, 869
Compact Syntax
Language Design, 31
Compiler and Virtual Machine (VM)
How to contribute?, 166
Compiler Errors
Reference, 921
Compiling on Manjaro Linux
What is new in Ring 1.8?, 44
Object Oriented Programming, 319
Configuration file
Code Generator, 865
Configuration file for the Allegro library
Code Generator, 870
Configuration Files Examples
Code Generator, 884
Configure the Apache web server
Web Development (CGI Library), 418
Conflict between Class Attributes and Local Variables
Scope Rules, 760
Conflict between Global Variables and Class Attributes
Frequently Asked Questions, 900
Scope Rules, 759
Conflict between self inside braces and self in the class
Scope Rules, 766
Constants Type
Code Generator, 870
Constructor methods in Ring
Frequently Asked Questions, 896
Contact the Authors
Resources, 1946
Context Menu
Desktop and Mobile Development, 644
Control Structures
Branching, 200
Looping, 211
Control Structures - First Style
Comments about evaluation, 205
Do Again Loop, 203
Exit, 203
Exit from two loops, 203
Exit/Loop inside sub functions, 204
For In Loop, 202
for in to modify lists, 202
For Loop, 201
Introduction, 199
Loop Command, 204
Looping, 201
Short-circuit evaluation, 204
Step Option, 202
Switch Statement, 200
While Loop, 201
Control Structures - Second Style
Branching, 207
Exceptions, 209
For In Loop, 209
For Loop, 208
If Statement, 207
Introduction, 206
Looping, 208
Switch Statement, 207
Control Structures - Third Style
Branching, 210
Exceptions, 213
For In Loop, 213
For Loop, 212
If Statement, 210
Introduction, 209
Switch Statement, 210
While Loop, 211
Data Type, 257
Conversion Class
Stdlib Classes, 389
Convert between Numbers and Bytes
What is new in Ring 1.4?, 119
Convert Letters Case
Strings, 241
Web Development (CGI Library), 430
Copy Lists
Lists, 235
Strings, 243
Could you explain the output of the StrCmp() function?
Frequently Asked Questions, 903
Create Database
MySQL Functions, 299
Create Executable File
Getting Started - First Style, 167
Getting Started - Second Style, 170
Index 1951
Ring Documentation, Release 1.8
Getting Started - Third Style, 172
Create Lists
Lists, 231
Create Multi Dimension Array Using List and Recursion
Lists, 238
Create Table and Insert Data
MySQL Functions, 300
Create Window
RingLibSDL, 493
Create your first extension
Introduction, 884
Location, 885
Steps to create the extension, 885
Testing the extension, 886
Create Zip File
RingZip, 476
Creating a Class for each Window in GUI applications
Scope Rules, 765
Creating Lists
Performance Tips, 807
Creating Menubar
Desktop and Mobile Development, 641
Creating more than one window
Desktop and Mobile Development, 680
Creating Reports using the WebLib and the GUILib
Desktop and Mobile Development, 732
Creating StatusBar
Desktop and Mobile Development, 646
Creating the Game Window
Game Engine for 2D Games, 512
Creating the Qt resource file using Folder2qrc
Distributing Ring Application using Ring2EXE, 820
Creating Toolbar
Desktop and Mobile Development, 645
Creating Windows Installer
Distributing Ring Application, 812
CRUD Example using MVC
Web Development (CGI Library), 452
CurrentDir() Function
System Functions, 280
Data Type
Ascii(), 258
Char(), 258
Check Character, 253
Check Data Type, 252
Conversion, 257
Dec(), 258
Hex(), 258
Hex2str(), 259
Introduction, 251
IsAlNum(), 254
IsAlpha(), 254
IsCntrl(), 254
IsDigit(), 255
IsGraph(), 255
IsList(), 253
IsLower(), 255
IsNULL(), 253
IsNumber(), 252
IsPrint(), 255
IsPunct(), 256
IsSpace(), 256
IsString(), 252
IsUpper(), 256
IsXdigit(), 256
Number(), 257
Str2Hex(), 259
String(), 257
Type(), 253
Database, ModelBase & ControllerBase classes
Web Development (CGI Library), 460
DataType Class
Stdlib Classes, 388
Date and Time
AddDays(), 250
clock(), 248
ClosPerSecond(), 248
Date(), 248
DiffDays(), 250
EpochTime(), 250
Introduction, 247
Time(), 248
TimeList(), 249
Date and Time, 248
DateTime Class
Stdlib Classes, 383
Stdlib Functions, 365
Debug Class
Stdlib Classes, 387
Data Type, 258
Mathematical Functions, 263
Declarative Programming
Declarative programming on the top of Object-
Oriented, 398
executing code after the end of object access, 398
Introduction, 394
More Beatiful Code, 399
Objects inside lists, 395
Return object by reference, 396
Declarative programming on the top of Object-Oriented
Declarative Programming, 398
Declare parameters
Functions - First Style, 218
Index 1952
Ring Documentation, Release 1.8
Functions - Second Style, 222
Functions - Third Style, 226
Security and Internet Functions, 313
Deep Copy
Variables, 195
Default value for object attributes
Object Oriented Programming, 330
Default value for object attributes is NULL
What is new in Ring 1.8?, 46
Define Declarative Languages
Language Design, 34
Define Functions
Functions - First Style, 217
Functions - Second Style, 221
Functions - Third Style, 225
Define Natural Statements
Language Design, 32
Defining Commands
Using the Natural Library, 413
Defining commands using classes
Using the Natural Library, 416
Defining Constants
Code Generator, 868
Defining Variables and Variables Access
Scope Rules, 757
Delete Item From List
Lists, 232
Demo Programs
Introduction, 284
Language Shell, 285
Main Menu, 285
The Cards Game, 721
Designed for a clear goal
Language Design, 29
Desktop and Mobile Development
Adding Hyperlink to QLabel, 662
Change Focus, 697
Classes and their Methods to use the default events,
Context Menu, 644
Creating Menubar, 641
Creating more than one window, 680
Creating Reports using the WebLib and the GUILib,
Creating StatusBar, 646
Creating Toolbar, 645
Dialog Functions, 687
Display Image using QLabel, 666
Display Scaled Image using QLabel, 675
Drawing using QPainter, 677
Dynamic Objects, 701
Inheritance from GUI Classes, 693
KeyPress and Mouse Move Events, 687
Menubar and StyleSheet Example, 667
Methods to use Events with Events Filter, 730
Movable Label Example, 683
Moving Objects using the Mouse, 689
New Classes names - Index Start from 1, 732
Notepad Application, 706
Other Widgets Events, 671
Playing Sound, 681
Printing using QPrinter, 679
QLineEdit Events and QMessageBox, 669
QMessagebox Example, 684
QVideoWidget and QMediaPlayer, 663
Regular Expressions, 698
RingQt Classes and their Qt Documentation, 732
Rotate Text, 695
Simple Client and Server Example, 699
The Cards Game, 721
The Difference between Qt and RingQt, 731
The First GUI Application, 631
Using Layout, 632
Using QCheckBox, 659
Using QComboBox Class, 640
Using QDateEdit, 654
Using QDesktopWidget Class, 694
Using QDial, 655
Using QDockWidget, 647
Using QFrame, 664
Using QInputDialog Class, 685
Using qLCDNumber, 682
Using QProgressBar, 651
Using QProgressBar and Timer, 674
Using QRadioButton and QButtonGroup, 660
Using QSlider, 652
Using QSpinBox, 652
Using QTableWidget, 650
Using QTabWidget, 648
Using QTreeView and QFileSystemModel, 638
Using QTreeWidget and QTreeWidgetItem, 639
Using QWebView, 658
Using the QColorDialog Class, 681
Using the QFileDialog Class, 676
Using the QListWidget Class, 635
Using the QTextEdit Class, 634
Using the QTimer Class, 673
Weight History Application, 702
Determine Structure Members Types
Code Generator, 868
Dialog Functions
Desktop and Mobile Development, 687
Date and Time, 250
Files, 266
Index 1953
Ring Documentation, Release 1.8
Stdlib Functions, 367
Disable BreakPoints
The Trace Library and the Interactive Debugger, 845
Display Error Message
Extension, 855
Display Image
RingLibSDL, 493
Display Image using QLabel
Desktop and Mobile Development, 666
Display PNG Images
RingLibSDL, 494
Display Scaled Image using QLabel
Desktop and Mobile Development, 675
Display Transparent Images
RingLibSDL, 495
Display Warnings Option
What is new in Ring 1.2?, 144
Distributing Applications and Games for Mobile
Distributing Ring Application, 812
Distributing Applications for Microsoft Windows
Distributing Ring Application, 811
Distributing Applications for Mobile using RingQt
Distributing Ring Application using Ring2EXE, 816
Distributing Ring Application
Creating Windows Installer, 812
Distributing Applications and Games for Mobile,
Distributing Applications for Microsoft Windows,
Introduction, 810
Protecting the Source Code, 811
Using C/C++ Compiler and Linker, 812
Distributing Ring Application using Ring2EXE
Building standalone console application, 814
Building the Cards Game for Mobile using RingQt,
Building the Form Designer for Mobile using
RingQt, 818
Building the Weight History Application for Mobile
using RingQt, 817
Creating the Qt resource file using Folder2qrc, 820
Distributing Applications for Mobile using RingQt,
Distributing RingAllegro Applications, 815
Example, 813
How Ring2EXE works?, 813
Important Information about Ring2EXE, 820
Introduction, 812
Options, 814
Using Ring2EXE, 813
Distributing RingAllegro Applications
Distributing Ring Application using Ring2EXE, 815
Do Again Loop
Control Structures - First Style, 203
How to contribute?, 165
Download Requirements
Building RingQt Applications for Mobile, 736
Download Requirements and Update the Android SDK
Building Games For Android, 558
Security and Internet Functions, 314
Draw Rectangle
RingLibSDL, 494
Drawing Text
Game Engine for 2D Games, 513
Drawing using QPainter
Desktop and Mobile Development, 677
Drawing using RingOpenGL
Using RingOpenGL and RingFreeGLUT for 3D
Graphics, 563
Drawing, Animation and Input
Graphics and Game Programming, 479
Dynamic Attributes
Object Oriented Programming, 323
Dynamic Objects
Desktop and Mobile Development, 701
Dynamic Typing
Variables, 195
Editors Support
How to contribute?, 166
Embedding Ring in Ring
Embedding Ring in Ring, 847
Embedding Ring in Ring without sharing the State,
ring_state_new() and ring_state_mainfile(), 850
ring_state_setvar(), 849
Runtime Errors when Embedding Ring in Ring, 851
Serial Execution of Programs, 848
Embedding Ring in Ring without sharing the State
Embedding Ring in Ring, 848
What is new in Ring 1.3?, 137
Embedding Ring Language in C/C++ Programs
Introduction, 861
Ring State, 862
Ring State Functions, 862
Ring State Variables, 863
Employee Application
What is new in Ring 1.6?, 60
Encourage Organization
Language Design, 31
Security and Internet Functions, 312
Stdlib Functions, 361
Entering Items
Form Designer, 751
Index 1954
Ring Documentation, Release 1.8
Enum and Numbers
Code Generator, 869
Environment Errors
Reference, 923
Date and Time, 250
Stdlib Functions, 369
Equality of functions
Functional Programming, 334
Eval() and Debugging, 282
Eval() and Debugging
Assert(), 284
Eval(), 282
Introduction, 281
Raise(), 283
Try/Carch/Done, 282
Stdlib Functions, 363
Events Code
Form Designer, 747
Distributing Ring Application using Ring2EXE, 813
Files, 272
FoxRing Functions Reference, 1139
Mathematical Functions, 260
Natural Language Programming, 401
Objects Library for RingQt Application, 740
RingMurmurHash Functions Reference, 1125
Security and Internet Functions, 313
System Functions, 277
The Type Hints Library, 787
Example - The Trace Library
Low Level Functions, 838
Example - Using the Trace Functions
Low Level Functions, 834
Example about Sharing Names between Functions and
Scope Rules for Functions and Methods, 773
Control Structures - Second Style, 209
Control Structures - Third Style, 213
Execute Program Line by Line
The Trace Library and the Interactive Debugger, 844
Execute Query and Print Result
ODBC Functions, 293
executing code after the end of object access
Declarative Programming, 398
Executing code during code generation
Code Generator, 869
ExeFileName() Function
System Functions, 280
ExeFolder() Function
System Functions, 280
Control Structures - First Style, 203
Exit from two loops
Control Structures - First Style, 203
Exit/Loop inside sub functions
Control Structures - First Style, 204
Check Parameters Count, 854
Check Parameters Type, 855
Display Error Message, 855
Fopen() and Fclose() Implementation, 856
Function Prototype, 856
Function Structure, 854
Get Parameters Values, 855
Introduction, 851
Module Organization, 853
MySQL_Columns() Implementation, 859
Return Value, 855
RING API - list Functions, 857
RING API - String Functions, 859
ring_ext.c, 852
ring_ext.h, 852
Shared Libraries, 860
Sin() Implementation, 856
Extensions in C/C++
How to contribute?, 166
Extract Zip File
RingZip, 476
Facebook Login
RingLibCurl, 472
Stdlib Functions, 359
Stdlib Functions, 363
Fast Enough For Many Applications
Language Design, 38
Files, 267
Introduction, 25
Files, 270
Files, 270
FetchStockData Application
Applications developed in little hours, 4
Files, 272
Files, 268
Files, 271
Index 1955
Ring Documentation, Release 1.8
Files, 270
Files, 271
Stdlib Functions, 360
Fifteen Puzzle Game 2
Applications developed in little hours, 5
File Class
Stdlib Classes, 385
File Hash
Security and Internet Functions, 313
Stdlib Functions, 361
Clearerr(), 270
Dir(), 266
Example, 272
Fclose(), 267
Feof(), 270
Ferror(), 270
Fexists(), 272
Fflush(), 268
Fgetc(), 271
Fgetpos(), 270
Fgets(), 271
Fopen(), 267
Fputc(), 271
Fputs(), 271
Fread(), 272
Freopen(), 268
Fseek(), 269
Fsetpos(), 270
Ftell(), 269
Fwrite(), 272
Introduction, 264
Numbers and Bytes, 274
Perror(), 270
Read File using Read(), 266
Remove(), 267
Rename(), 267
Rewind(), 269
Tempfile(), 269
Tempname(), 269
Ungetc(), 271
Write file using Write(), 266
Stdlib Functions, 357
Filtering using Expressions
Code Generator, 869
Find in files Application
What is new in Ring 1.8?, 40
Find SubString
Strings, 244
Find() and List of Objects
Object Oriented Programming, 325
First Application using RingLibuv
RingLibuv, 500
First-Class Functions
Functional Programming, 332
First-Class Lists
Lists, 236
Flappy Bird 3000 Game
Game Engine for 2D Games, 539
Files, 267
Fopen() and Fclose() Implementation
Extension, 856
For In Loop
Control Structures - First Style, 202
Control Structures - Second Style, 209
Control Structures - Third Style, 213
for in to modify lists
Control Structures - First Style, 202
For Loop
Control Structures - First Style, 201
Control Structures - Second Style, 208
Control Structures - Third Style, 212
Form Designer
Entering Items, 751
Events Code, 747
Introduction, 744
Keyboard Shortcuts, 750
Menubar Designer, 750
More Samples and Tests, 752
Running Forms, 747
The Designer Windows, 746
The Properties, 746
Using Layouts, 752
What is new in Ring 1.3?, 138
Window Flags, 751
Form Designer Translation
Multi-language applications, 754
Forms Translation
Multi-language applications, 755
FoxRing functions
FoxRing Functions Reference, 1127
FoxRing Functions Reference
Example, 1139
FoxRing functions, 1127
frAbs() function, 1128
frAddBs() function, 1129
frALines() function, 1135
frAllTrim() function, 1133
frAsc() function, 1128
frAt() function, 1129
frAtC() function, 1129
frBetween() function, 1137
frChr() function, 1130
Index 1956
Ring Documentation, Release 1.8
frEmpty() function, 1130
frFile() function, 1131
frFileToStr() function, 1131
frForceExt() function, 1135
frForcePath() function, 1133
frIIf() function, 1137
frInList() function, 1133
frInt() function, 1136
frJustDrive() function, 1134
frJustExt() function, 1134
frJustFName() function, 1135
frJustPath() function, 1134
frJustStem() function, 1134
frLen() function, 1135
frListToString() function, 1136
frLTrim() function, 1133
frPadL() function, 1135
frPadR() function, 1135
frProper() function, 1135
frReplicate() function, 1135
frRTrim() function, 1134
frSetIfEmpty() function, 1132
frSetSeparatorTo() function, 1138
frSpace() function, 1132
frStr() function, 1131
frStringToList() function, 1137
frStrTran() function, 1136
frStuff() function, 1136
frSubStr() function, 1136
frTransform() function, 1138
frVal() function, 1137
frVarType() function, 1138
Introduction, 1126
FoxRing Library
What is new in Ring 1.8?, 48
Files, 271
Files, 271
frAbs() function
FoxRing Functions Reference, 1128
frAddBs() function
FoxRing Functions Reference, 1129
frALines() function
FoxRing Functions Reference, 1135
frAllTrim() function
FoxRing Functions Reference, 1133
Frames Per Second
Using RingOpenGL and RingFreeGLUT for 3D
Graphics, 596
frAsc() function
FoxRing Functions Reference, 1128
frAt() function
FoxRing Functions Reference, 1129
frAtC() function
FoxRing Functions Reference, 1129
frBetween() function
FoxRing Functions Reference, 1137
frChr() function
FoxRing Functions Reference, 1130
Files, 272
frEmpty() function
FoxRing Functions Reference, 1130
Files, 268
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I connect to dbase/harbour database?, 912
Can Ring work on Windows XP?, 914
Conflict between Global Variables and Class At-
tributes, 900
Constructor methods in Ring, 896
Could you explain the output of the StrCmp() func-
tion?, 903
Getter and Setter Methods, 898
Goal of including the Main function in Ring, 894
How can I disable maximize button and resize win-
dow?, 910
How to add Combobox and other elements to the
cells of a QTableWidget?, 917
How to Close a window then displaying another
one?, 909
How to create a Modal Window?, 909
How to create an array of buttons in GUI applica-
tions?, 908
How to extend RingQt and add more classes?, 914
How to get the current source file path?, 901
How to get the file size using ftell() and fseek() func-
tions?, 901
How to insert an item to the first position in the list?,
How to perform some manipulations on selected
cells in QTableWidget?, 917
How to print keys or values only in List/Dictionary?,
How to print lists that contains objects?, 906
How to print new lines and other characters?, 907
How to use many source code files in the project?,
How to use NULL and ISNULL() function?, 905
How to use SQLite using ODBC?, 911
Introduction, 886
Is Ring some sort of an improvement of PHP?, 889
List index start from 1, 895
Philosophy behind data types in Ring, 892
Search of global names while defining the class at-
tributes, 899
Index 1957
Ring Documentation, Release 1.8
The documentation says functional programming is
supported, but then this happens?, 891
What about predefined parameters or optional pa-
rameters in functions?, 901
What about the Boolean values in Ring?, 893
What are the advantages of using Ring over native C
or C++?, 889
What are the advantages to using Ring over C# or
Java?, 891
What are the advantages to using Ring over Lisp or
Smalltalk?, 888
What are the advantages to using Ring over Python
and Ruby?, 890
What are the advantages to using Ring over Tcl and
Lua?, 891
What happens when we create a new object?, 897
What is the difference between Ring and Python?
And is Ring Open Source?, 889
Where can I write a program and execute it?, 900
Which of 3 coding styles are commonly used or rec-
ommended by the community?, 918
Why do we need Yet Another Programming Lan-
guage (YAPL)?, 887
Why I get a strange result when printing nl with
lists?, 902
Why I get Calling Function without definition Er-
ror?, 913
Why is Ring largely focussed on UI creation?, 889
Why is Ring weakly typed?, 888
Why Ring is not case-sensitive, 895
Why Ring uses ’See’, ’Give’, ’But’ and ’Ok’ Key-
words?, 892
Why setClickEvent() doesn’t see the object methods
directly?, 913
Why the ability to define your own languages Instead
of just handing over the syntax so you can parse
it using whatever code you like?, 892
Why the Assignment operator uses Deep copy?, 896
Why the window title bar is going outside the
screen?, 907
Why this example use the GetChar() twice?, 904
Why we don’t use () after the qApp class name?, 907
Why you can specify the number of loops you want
to break out of?, 892
frFile() function
FoxRing Functions Reference, 1131
frFileToStr() function
FoxRing Functions Reference, 1131
frForceExt() function
FoxRing Functions Reference, 1135
frForcePath() function
FoxRing Functions Reference, 1133
frIIf() function
FoxRing Functions Reference, 1137
frInList() function
FoxRing Functions Reference, 1133
frInt() function
FoxRing Functions Reference, 1136
frJustDrive() function
FoxRing Functions Reference, 1134
frJustExt() function
FoxRing Functions Reference, 1134
frJustFName() function
FoxRing Functions Reference, 1135
frJustPath() function
FoxRing Functions Reference, 1134
frJustStem() function
FoxRing Functions Reference, 1134
frLen() function
FoxRing Functions Reference, 1135
frListToString() function
FoxRing Functions Reference, 1136
frLTrim() function
FoxRing Functions Reference, 1133
frPadL() function
FoxRing Functions Reference, 1135
frPadR() function
FoxRing Functions Reference, 1135
frProper() function
FoxRing Functions Reference, 1135
frReplicate() function
FoxRing Functions Reference, 1135
frRTrim() function
FoxRing Functions Reference, 1134
frSetIfEmpty() function
FoxRing Functions Reference, 1132
frSetSeparatorTo() function
FoxRing Functions Reference, 1138
frSpace() function
FoxRing Functions Reference, 1132
frStr() function
FoxRing Functions Reference, 1131
frStringToList() function
FoxRing Functions Reference, 1137
frStrTran() function
FoxRing Functions Reference, 1136
frStuff() function
FoxRing Functions Reference, 1136
frSubStr() function
FoxRing Functions Reference, 1136
frTransform() function
FoxRing Functions Reference, 1138
frVal() function
FoxRing Functions Reference, 1137
frVarType() function
FoxRing Functions Reference, 1138
Files, 269
Index 1958
Ring Documentation, Release 1.8
Files, 270
Stdlib Functions, 368
Files, 269
Function Prototype
Extension, 856
function prototype
Code Generator, 865
Function Structure
Extension, 854
Functional Programming
Anonymous and Nested Functions, 333
Equality of functions, 334
First-Class Functions, 332
Higher-order Functions, 332
Introduction, 330
Pure Functions, 331
Functions - First Style
Call Functions, 217
Declare parameters, 218
Define Functions, 217
Introduction, 216
Main Function, 218
Recursion, 220
Return Value, 219
Send Parameters, 218
Variables Scope, 219
Functions - Second Style
Call Functions, 221
Declare parameters, 222
Define Functions, 221
Introduction, 220
Main Function, 222
Recursion, 224
Return Value, 223
Send Parameters, 222
Variables Scope, 223
Functions - Third Style
Call Functions, 225
Declare parameters, 226
Define Functions, 225
Introduction, 224
Main Function, 226
Recursion, 228
Return Value, 227
Send Parameters, 226
Variables Scope, 227
Reflection and Meta-programming, 338
Files, 272
Game Class
Game Engine for 2D Games, 510
Game Engine Classes
Game Engine for 2D Games, 509
Game Engine for 2D Games
Animate Class, 512
Animate Events, 523
Animation, 517
Animation and Functions, 518
Creating the Game Window, 512
Drawing Text, 513
Flappy Bird 3000 Game, 539
Game Class, 510
Game Engine Classes, 509
GameObject Class, 510
Games Layer, 509
Graphics Library Bindings, 508
Interface to graphics library, 508
Introduction, 507
Map, 525
Map Class, 512
Map Events, 526
Moving Text, 514
Object and Drawing, 528
Playing Sound, 516
Project Layers, 508
Sound Class, 512
Sprite Automatic Movement, 519
Sprite Class, 511
Sprite Keypress Event, 520
Sprite Mouse Event, 521
Sprite State Event, 522
Stars Fighter Game, 531
Super Man 2016 Game, 546
Text Class, 511
What is new in Ring 1.1?, 152
GameObject Class
Game Engine for 2D Games, 510
Games Layer
Game Engine for 2D Games, 509
Stdlib Functions, 362
Generate Object File
Command Line Options, 804
Generate/Execute Ring Object Files (*.ringo)
What is new in Ring 1.1?, 147
Generating Pages using Objects
Web Development (CGI Library), 442
Get Active Source File Name
System Functions, 279
Get Command Line Arguments
System Functions, 278
Get List Item
Lists, 232
Index 1959
Ring Documentation, Release 1.8
Get List Size
Lists, 232
Get Number of Characters from position
Strings, 244
Get Parameters Values
Extension, 855
Get Request
RingLibCurl, 472
Get Stock Data From Yahoo
RingLibCurl, 474
Get String Length
Strings, 241
Get Substring from position to end
Strings, 244
Reflection and Meta-programming, 350
Getting Input, 215
Stdlib Functions, 355
Stdlib Functions, 355
Getter and Setter Methods
Frequently Asked Questions, 898
Getting Input
GetChar(), 215
Getting Started - First Style, 168
Getting Started - Second Style, 171
Getting Started - Third Style, 173
Give Command, 215
Input(), 216
Introduction, 214
Getting Started - First Style
Create Executable File, 167
Getting Input, 168
Hello World, 167
Introduction, 166
Multi-Line literals, 167
No Explicit End For Statements, 168
Not Case-Sensitive, 167
Run the program, 167
Using ? to print expression then new line, 168
Writing Comments, 169
Getting Started - Second Style
Create Executable File, 170
Getting Input, 171
Hello World, 170
Introduction, 169
Multi-Line literals, 170
No Explicit End For Statements, 171
Not Case-Sensitive, 170
Run the program, 170
Writing Comments, 171
Getting Started - Third Style
Create Executable File, 172
Getting Input, 173
Hello World, 172
Introduction, 171
Multi-Line literals, 173
No Explicit End For Statements, 173
Not Case-Sensitive, 172
Run the program, 172
Writing Comments, 173
Give Command
Getting Input, 215
Reflection and Meta-programming, 337
Goal of including the Main function in Ring
Frequently Asked Questions, 894
Google API Shortener Application
Applications developed in little hours, 6
Web Development (CGI Library), 441
Graphics and Game Programming
Drawing, Animation and Input, 479
Introduction, 478
Playing Sound, 487
Scaling and Rotating Images, 488
Threads, 490
Transparent Image, 489
TrueType Fonts, 486
Graphics Library Bindings
Game Engine for 2D Games, 508
Hash Functions
Web Development (CGI Library), 436
HashTable Class
Stdlib Classes, 378
Hello World
Getting Started - First Style, 167
Getting Started - Second Style, 170
Getting Started - Third Style, 172
Hello World Program using the Web Library
Web Development (CGI Library), 419
Data Type, 258
Data Type, 259
Higher-order Functions
Functional Programming, 332
Introduction, 24
Natural Language Programming, 401
How can I disable maximize button and resize window?
Frequently Asked Questions, 910
How Ring find a functions and methods?
Scope Rules for Functions and Methods, 773
How Ring find the Variable?
Index 1960

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The Ring programming language version 1.5.4 book - Part 185 of 185
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Mahmoud Samir Fayed
The Ring programming language version 1.8 book - Part 200 of 202
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The Ring programming language version 1.5.2 book - Part 179 of 181
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The Ring programming language version 1.5.4 book - Part 182 of 185
Mahmoud Samir Fayed
The Ring programming language version 1.7 book - Part 194 of 196
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The Ring programming language version 1.7 book - Part 194 of 196
Mahmoud Samir Fayed

Similar to The Ring programming language version 1.8 book - Part 199 of 202 (20)

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The Ring programming language version 1.5.2 book - Part 181 of 181
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The Ring programming language version 1.8 book - Part 199 of 202

  • 1. Ring Documentation, Release 1.8 CGI Support, 803 Generate Object File, 804 Introduction, 789 No Run, 803 Performance, 803 Printing Final Intermediate Code, 798 Printing Instruction Operation Code, 803 Printing Intermediate Code, 796 Printing Rules, 792 Printing Tokens, 790 Comments about developing for Android using RingQt Building RingQt Applications for Mobile, 738 Comments about evaluation Control Structures - First Style, 205 Comments in configuration file Code Generator, 869 Compact Syntax Language Design, 31 Compiler and Virtual Machine (VM) How to contribute?, 166 Compiler Errors Reference, 921 Compiling on Manjaro Linux What is new in Ring 1.8?, 44 Composition Object Oriented Programming, 319 Configuration file Code Generator, 865 Configuration file for the Allegro library Code Generator, 870 Configuration Files Examples Code Generator, 884 Configure the Apache web server Web Development (CGI Library), 418 Conflict between Class Attributes and Local Variables Scope Rules, 760 Conflict between Global Variables and Class Attributes Frequently Asked Questions, 900 Scope Rules, 759 Conflict between self inside braces and self in the class region Scope Rules, 766 Constants Type Code Generator, 870 Constructor methods in Ring Frequently Asked Questions, 896 Contact the Authors Resources, 1946 Context Menu Desktop and Mobile Development, 644 Control Structures Branching, 200 Looping, 211 Control Structures - First Style Comments about evaluation, 205 Do Again Loop, 203 Exit, 203 Exit from two loops, 203 Exit/Loop inside sub functions, 204 For In Loop, 202 for in to modify lists, 202 For Loop, 201 Introduction, 199 Loop Command, 204 Looping, 201 Short-circuit evaluation, 204 Step Option, 202 Switch Statement, 200 While Loop, 201 Control Structures - Second Style Branching, 207 Exceptions, 209 For In Loop, 209 For Loop, 208 If Statement, 207 Introduction, 206 Looping, 208 Switch Statement, 207 Control Structures - Third Style Branching, 210 Exceptions, 213 For In Loop, 213 For Loop, 212 If Statement, 210 Introduction, 209 Switch Statement, 210 While Loop, 211 Conversion Data Type, 257 Conversion Class Stdlib Classes, 389 Convert between Numbers and Bytes What is new in Ring 1.4?, 119 Convert Letters Case Strings, 241 Cookies Web Development (CGI Library), 430 Copy Lists Lists, 235 Copy() Strings, 243 Could you explain the output of the StrCmp() function? Frequently Asked Questions, 903 Create Database MySQL Functions, 299 Create Executable File Getting Started - First Style, 167 Getting Started - Second Style, 170 Index 1951
  • 2. Ring Documentation, Release 1.8 Getting Started - Third Style, 172 Create Lists Lists, 231 Create Multi Dimension Array Using List and Recursion Lists, 238 Create Table and Insert Data MySQL Functions, 300 Create Window RingLibSDL, 493 Create your first extension Introduction, 884 Location, 885 Steps to create the extension, 885 Testing the extension, 886 Create Zip File RingZip, 476 Creating a Class for each Window in GUI applications Scope Rules, 765 Creating Lists Performance Tips, 807 Creating Menubar Desktop and Mobile Development, 641 Creating more than one window Desktop and Mobile Development, 680 Creating Reports using the WebLib and the GUILib Desktop and Mobile Development, 732 Creating StatusBar Desktop and Mobile Development, 646 Creating the Game Window Game Engine for 2D Games, 512 Creating the Qt resource file using Folder2qrc Distributing Ring Application using Ring2EXE, 820 Creating Toolbar Desktop and Mobile Development, 645 Creating Windows Installer Distributing Ring Application, 812 CRUD Example using MVC Web Development (CGI Library), 452 CurrentDir() Function System Functions, 280 Data Type Ascii(), 258 Char(), 258 Check Character, 253 Check Data Type, 252 Conversion, 257 Dec(), 258 Hex(), 258 Hex2str(), 259 Introduction, 251 IsAlNum(), 254 IsAlpha(), 254 IsCntrl(), 254 IsDigit(), 255 IsGraph(), 255 IsList(), 253 IsLower(), 255 IsNULL(), 253 IsNumber(), 252 IsPrint(), 255 IsPunct(), 256 IsSpace(), 256 IsString(), 252 IsUpper(), 256 IsXdigit(), 256 Number(), 257 Str2Hex(), 259 String(), 257 Type(), 253 Database, ModelBase & ControllerBase classes Web Development (CGI Library), 460 DataType Class Stdlib Classes, 388 Date and Time AddDays(), 250 clock(), 248 ClosPerSecond(), 248 Date(), 248 DiffDays(), 250 EpochTime(), 250 Introduction, 247 Time(), 248 TimeList(), 249 Date() Date and Time, 248 DateTime Class Stdlib Classes, 383 dayofweek() Stdlib Functions, 365 Debug Class Stdlib Classes, 387 Dec() Data Type, 258 Decimals() Mathematical Functions, 263 Declarative Programming Declarative programming on the top of Object- Oriented, 398 executing code after the end of object access, 398 Introduction, 394 More Beatiful Code, 399 Objects inside lists, 395 Return object by reference, 396 Declarative programming on the top of Object-Oriented Declarative Programming, 398 Declare parameters Functions - First Style, 218 Index 1952
  • 3. Ring Documentation, Release 1.8 Functions - Second Style, 222 Functions - Third Style, 226 Decrypt() Security and Internet Functions, 313 Deep Copy Variables, 195 Default value for object attributes Object Oriented Programming, 330 Default value for object attributes is NULL What is new in Ring 1.8?, 46 Define Declarative Languages Language Design, 34 Define Functions Functions - First Style, 217 Functions - Second Style, 221 Functions - Third Style, 225 Define Natural Statements Language Design, 32 Defining Commands Using the Natural Library, 413 Defining commands using classes Using the Natural Library, 416 Defining Constants Code Generator, 868 Defining Variables and Variables Access Scope Rules, 757 Delete Item From List Lists, 232 Demo Programs Introduction, 284 Language Shell, 285 Main Menu, 285 The Cards Game, 721 Designed for a clear goal Language Design, 29 Desktop and Mobile Development Adding Hyperlink to QLabel, 662 Change Focus, 697 Classes and their Methods to use the default events, 727 Context Menu, 644 Creating Menubar, 641 Creating more than one window, 680 Creating Reports using the WebLib and the GUILib, 732 Creating StatusBar, 646 Creating Toolbar, 645 Dialog Functions, 687 Display Image using QLabel, 666 Display Scaled Image using QLabel, 675 Drawing using QPainter, 677 Dynamic Objects, 701 Inheritance from GUI Classes, 693 KeyPress and Mouse Move Events, 687 Menubar and StyleSheet Example, 667 Methods to use Events with Events Filter, 730 Movable Label Example, 683 Moving Objects using the Mouse, 689 New Classes names - Index Start from 1, 732 Notepad Application, 706 Other Widgets Events, 671 Playing Sound, 681 Printing using QPrinter, 679 QLineEdit Events and QMessageBox, 669 QMessagebox Example, 684 QVideoWidget and QMediaPlayer, 663 Regular Expressions, 698 RingQt Classes and their Qt Documentation, 732 Rotate Text, 695 Simple Client and Server Example, 699 The Cards Game, 721 The Difference between Qt and RingQt, 731 The First GUI Application, 631 Using Layout, 632 Using QCheckBox, 659 Using QComboBox Class, 640 Using QDateEdit, 654 Using QDesktopWidget Class, 694 Using QDial, 655 Using QDockWidget, 647 Using QFrame, 664 Using QInputDialog Class, 685 Using qLCDNumber, 682 Using QProgressBar, 651 Using QProgressBar and Timer, 674 Using QRadioButton and QButtonGroup, 660 Using QSlider, 652 Using QSpinBox, 652 Using QTableWidget, 650 Using QTabWidget, 648 Using QTreeView and QFileSystemModel, 638 Using QTreeWidget and QTreeWidgetItem, 639 Using QWebView, 658 Using the QColorDialog Class, 681 Using the QFileDialog Class, 676 Using the QListWidget Class, 635 Using the QTextEdit Class, 634 Using the QTimer Class, 673 Weight History Application, 702 Determine Structure Members Types Code Generator, 868 Dialog Functions Desktop and Mobile Development, 687 DiffDays() Date and Time, 250 Dir() Files, 266 direxists() Index 1953
  • 4. Ring Documentation, Release 1.8 Stdlib Functions, 367 Disable BreakPoints The Trace Library and the Interactive Debugger, 845 Display Error Message Extension, 855 Display Image RingLibSDL, 493 Display Image using QLabel Desktop and Mobile Development, 666 Display PNG Images RingLibSDL, 494 Display Scaled Image using QLabel Desktop and Mobile Development, 675 Display Transparent Images RingLibSDL, 495 Display Warnings Option What is new in Ring 1.2?, 144 Distributing Applications and Games for Mobile Distributing Ring Application, 812 Distributing Applications for Microsoft Windows Distributing Ring Application, 811 Distributing Applications for Mobile using RingQt Distributing Ring Application using Ring2EXE, 816 Distributing Ring Application Creating Windows Installer, 812 Distributing Applications and Games for Mobile, 812 Distributing Applications for Microsoft Windows, 811 Introduction, 810 Protecting the Source Code, 811 Using C/C++ Compiler and Linker, 812 Distributing Ring Application using Ring2EXE Building standalone console application, 814 Building the Cards Game for Mobile using RingQt, 816 Building the Form Designer for Mobile using RingQt, 818 Building the Weight History Application for Mobile using RingQt, 817 Creating the Qt resource file using Folder2qrc, 820 Distributing Applications for Mobile using RingQt, 816 Distributing RingAllegro Applications, 815 Example, 813 How Ring2EXE works?, 813 Important Information about Ring2EXE, 820 Introduction, 812 Options, 814 Using Ring2EXE, 813 Distributing RingAllegro Applications Distributing Ring Application using Ring2EXE, 815 Do Again Loop Control Structures - First Style, 203 Documentation How to contribute?, 165 Download Requirements Building RingQt Applications for Mobile, 736 Download Requirements and Update the Android SDK Building Games For Android, 558 Download() Security and Internet Functions, 314 Draw Rectangle RingLibSDL, 494 Drawing Text Game Engine for 2D Games, 513 Drawing using QPainter Desktop and Mobile Development, 677 Drawing using RingOpenGL Using RingOpenGL and RingFreeGLUT for 3D Graphics, 563 Drawing, Animation and Input Graphics and Game Programming, 479 Dynamic Attributes Object Oriented Programming, 323 Dynamic Objects Desktop and Mobile Development, 701 Dynamic Typing Variables, 195 Editors Support How to contribute?, 166 Embedding Ring in Ring Embedding Ring in Ring, 847 Embedding Ring in Ring without sharing the State, 848 ring_state_new() and ring_state_mainfile(), 850 ring_state_setvar(), 849 Runtime Errors when Embedding Ring in Ring, 851 Serial Execution of Programs, 848 Embedding Ring in Ring without sharing the State Embedding Ring in Ring, 848 What is new in Ring 1.3?, 137 Embedding Ring Language in C/C++ Programs Introduction, 861 Ring State, 862 Ring State Functions, 862 Ring State Variables, 863 Employee Application What is new in Ring 1.6?, 60 Encourage Organization Language Design, 31 Encrypt() Security and Internet Functions, 312 endswith() Stdlib Functions, 361 Entering Items Form Designer, 751 Index 1954
  • 5. Ring Documentation, Release 1.8 Enum and Numbers Code Generator, 869 Environment Errors Reference, 923 EpochTime() Date and Time, 250 Stdlib Functions, 369 Equality of functions Functional Programming, 334 Eval() Eval() and Debugging, 282 Eval() and Debugging Assert(), 284 Eval(), 282 Introduction, 281 Raise(), 283 Try/Carch/Done, 282 evenorodd() Stdlib Functions, 363 Events Code Form Designer, 747 Example Distributing Ring Application using Ring2EXE, 813 Files, 272 FoxRing Functions Reference, 1139 Mathematical Functions, 260 Natural Language Programming, 401 Objects Library for RingQt Application, 740 RingMurmurHash Functions Reference, 1125 Security and Internet Functions, 313 System Functions, 277 The Type Hints Library, 787 Example - The Trace Library Low Level Functions, 838 Example - Using the Trace Functions Low Level Functions, 834 Example about Sharing Names between Functions and Methods Scope Rules for Functions and Methods, 773 Exceptions Control Structures - Second Style, 209 Control Structures - Third Style, 213 Execute Program Line by Line The Trace Library and the Interactive Debugger, 844 Execute Query and Print Result ODBC Functions, 293 executing code after the end of object access Declarative Programming, 398 Executing code during code generation Code Generator, 869 ExeFileName() Function System Functions, 280 ExeFolder() Function System Functions, 280 Exit Control Structures - First Style, 203 Exit from two loops Control Structures - First Style, 203 Exit/Loop inside sub functions Control Structures - First Style, 204 Extension Check Parameters Count, 854 Check Parameters Type, 855 Display Error Message, 855 Fopen() and Fclose() Implementation, 856 Function Prototype, 856 Function Structure, 854 Get Parameters Values, 855 Introduction, 851 Module Organization, 853 MySQL_Columns() Implementation, 859 Return Value, 855 RING API - list Functions, 857 RING API - String Functions, 859 ring_ext.c, 852 ring_ext.h, 852 Shared Libraries, 860 Sin() Implementation, 856 Extensions in C/C++ How to contribute?, 166 Extract Zip File RingZip, 476 Facebook Login RingLibCurl, 472 factorial() Stdlib Functions, 359 factors() Stdlib Functions, 363 Fast Enough For Many Applications Language Design, 38 Fclose() Files, 267 Features Introduction, 25 Feof() Files, 270 Ferror() Files, 270 FetchStockData Application Applications developed in little hours, 4 Fexists() Files, 272 Fflush() Files, 268 Fgetc() Files, 271 Fgetpos() Index 1955
  • 6. Ring Documentation, Release 1.8 Files, 270 Fgets() Files, 271 fibonacci() Stdlib Functions, 360 Fifteen Puzzle Game 2 Applications developed in little hours, 5 File Class Stdlib Classes, 385 File Hash Security and Internet Functions, 313 file2list() Stdlib Functions, 361 Files Clearerr(), 270 Dir(), 266 Example, 272 Fclose(), 267 Feof(), 270 Ferror(), 270 Fexists(), 272 Fflush(), 268 Fgetc(), 271 Fgetpos(), 270 Fgets(), 271 Fopen(), 267 Fputc(), 271 Fputs(), 271 Fread(), 272 Freopen(), 268 Fseek(), 269 Fsetpos(), 270 Ftell(), 269 Fwrite(), 272 Introduction, 264 Numbers and Bytes, 274 Perror(), 270 Read File using Read(), 266 Remove(), 267 Rename(), 267 Rewind(), 269 Tempfile(), 269 Tempname(), 269 Ungetc(), 271 Write file using Write(), 266 filter() Stdlib Functions, 357 Filtering using Expressions Code Generator, 869 Find in files Application What is new in Ring 1.8?, 40 Find SubString Strings, 244 Find() and List of Objects Object Oriented Programming, 325 First Application using RingLibuv RingLibuv, 500 First-Class Functions Functional Programming, 332 First-Class Lists Lists, 236 Flappy Bird 3000 Game Game Engine for 2D Games, 539 Fopen() Files, 267 Fopen() and Fclose() Implementation Extension, 856 For In Loop Control Structures - First Style, 202 Control Structures - Second Style, 209 Control Structures - Third Style, 213 for in to modify lists Control Structures - First Style, 202 For Loop Control Structures - First Style, 201 Control Structures - Second Style, 208 Control Structures - Third Style, 212 Form Designer Entering Items, 751 Events Code, 747 Introduction, 744 Keyboard Shortcuts, 750 Menubar Designer, 750 More Samples and Tests, 752 Running Forms, 747 The Designer Windows, 746 The Properties, 746 Using Layouts, 752 What is new in Ring 1.3?, 138 Window Flags, 751 Form Designer Translation Multi-language applications, 754 Forms Translation Multi-language applications, 755 FoxRing functions FoxRing Functions Reference, 1127 FoxRing Functions Reference Example, 1139 FoxRing functions, 1127 frAbs() function, 1128 frAddBs() function, 1129 frALines() function, 1135 frAllTrim() function, 1133 frAsc() function, 1128 frAt() function, 1129 frAtC() function, 1129 frBetween() function, 1137 frChr() function, 1130 Index 1956
  • 7. Ring Documentation, Release 1.8 frEmpty() function, 1130 frFile() function, 1131 frFileToStr() function, 1131 frForceExt() function, 1135 frForcePath() function, 1133 frIIf() function, 1137 frInList() function, 1133 frInt() function, 1136 frJustDrive() function, 1134 frJustExt() function, 1134 frJustFName() function, 1135 frJustPath() function, 1134 frJustStem() function, 1134 frLen() function, 1135 frListToString() function, 1136 frLTrim() function, 1133 frPadL() function, 1135 frPadR() function, 1135 frProper() function, 1135 frReplicate() function, 1135 frRTrim() function, 1134 frSetIfEmpty() function, 1132 frSetSeparatorTo() function, 1138 frSpace() function, 1132 frStr() function, 1131 frStringToList() function, 1137 frStrTran() function, 1136 frStuff() function, 1136 frSubStr() function, 1136 frTransform() function, 1138 frVal() function, 1137 frVarType() function, 1138 Introduction, 1126 FoxRing Library What is new in Ring 1.8?, 48 Fputc() Files, 271 Fputs() Files, 271 frAbs() function FoxRing Functions Reference, 1128 frAddBs() function FoxRing Functions Reference, 1129 frALines() function FoxRing Functions Reference, 1135 frAllTrim() function FoxRing Functions Reference, 1133 Frames Per Second Using RingOpenGL and RingFreeGLUT for 3D Graphics, 596 frAsc() function FoxRing Functions Reference, 1128 frAt() function FoxRing Functions Reference, 1129 frAtC() function FoxRing Functions Reference, 1129 frBetween() function FoxRing Functions Reference, 1137 frChr() function FoxRing Functions Reference, 1130 Fread() Files, 272 frEmpty() function FoxRing Functions Reference, 1130 Freopen() Files, 268 Frequently Asked Questions Can I connect to dbase/harbour database?, 912 Can Ring work on Windows XP?, 914 Conflict between Global Variables and Class At- tributes, 900 Constructor methods in Ring, 896 Could you explain the output of the StrCmp() func- tion?, 903 Getter and Setter Methods, 898 Goal of including the Main function in Ring, 894 How can I disable maximize button and resize win- dow?, 910 How to add Combobox and other elements to the cells of a QTableWidget?, 917 How to Close a window then displaying another one?, 909 How to create a Modal Window?, 909 How to create an array of buttons in GUI applica- tions?, 908 How to extend RingQt and add more classes?, 914 How to get the current source file path?, 901 How to get the file size using ftell() and fseek() func- tions?, 901 How to insert an item to the first position in the list?, 906 How to perform some manipulations on selected cells in QTableWidget?, 917 How to print keys or values only in List/Dictionary?, 902 How to print lists that contains objects?, 906 How to print new lines and other characters?, 907 How to use many source code files in the project?, 903 How to use NULL and ISNULL() function?, 905 How to use SQLite using ODBC?, 911 Introduction, 886 Is Ring some sort of an improvement of PHP?, 889 List index start from 1, 895 Philosophy behind data types in Ring, 892 Search of global names while defining the class at- tributes, 899 Index 1957
  • 8. Ring Documentation, Release 1.8 The documentation says functional programming is supported, but then this happens?, 891 What about predefined parameters or optional pa- rameters in functions?, 901 What about the Boolean values in Ring?, 893 What are the advantages of using Ring over native C or C++?, 889 What are the advantages to using Ring over C# or Java?, 891 What are the advantages to using Ring over Lisp or Smalltalk?, 888 What are the advantages to using Ring over Python and Ruby?, 890 What are the advantages to using Ring over Tcl and Lua?, 891 What happens when we create a new object?, 897 What is the difference between Ring and Python? And is Ring Open Source?, 889 Where can I write a program and execute it?, 900 Which of 3 coding styles are commonly used or rec- ommended by the community?, 918 Why do we need Yet Another Programming Lan- guage (YAPL)?, 887 Why I get a strange result when printing nl with lists?, 902 Why I get Calling Function without definition Er- ror?, 913 Why is Ring largely focussed on UI creation?, 889 Why is Ring weakly typed?, 888 Why Ring is not case-sensitive, 895 Why Ring uses ’See’, ’Give’, ’But’ and ’Ok’ Key- words?, 892 Why setClickEvent() doesn’t see the object methods directly?, 913 Why the ability to define your own languages Instead of just handing over the syntax so you can parse it using whatever code you like?, 892 Why the Assignment operator uses Deep copy?, 896 Why the window title bar is going outside the screen?, 907 Why this example use the GetChar() twice?, 904 Why we don’t use () after the qApp class name?, 907 Why you can specify the number of loops you want to break out of?, 892 frFile() function FoxRing Functions Reference, 1131 frFileToStr() function FoxRing Functions Reference, 1131 frForceExt() function FoxRing Functions Reference, 1135 frForcePath() function FoxRing Functions Reference, 1133 frIIf() function FoxRing Functions Reference, 1137 frInList() function FoxRing Functions Reference, 1133 frInt() function FoxRing Functions Reference, 1136 frJustDrive() function FoxRing Functions Reference, 1134 frJustExt() function FoxRing Functions Reference, 1134 frJustFName() function FoxRing Functions Reference, 1135 frJustPath() function FoxRing Functions Reference, 1134 frJustStem() function FoxRing Functions Reference, 1134 frLen() function FoxRing Functions Reference, 1135 frListToString() function FoxRing Functions Reference, 1136 frLTrim() function FoxRing Functions Reference, 1133 frPadL() function FoxRing Functions Reference, 1135 frPadR() function FoxRing Functions Reference, 1135 frProper() function FoxRing Functions Reference, 1135 frReplicate() function FoxRing Functions Reference, 1135 frRTrim() function FoxRing Functions Reference, 1134 frSetIfEmpty() function FoxRing Functions Reference, 1132 frSetSeparatorTo() function FoxRing Functions Reference, 1138 frSpace() function FoxRing Functions Reference, 1132 frStr() function FoxRing Functions Reference, 1131 frStringToList() function FoxRing Functions Reference, 1137 frStrTran() function FoxRing Functions Reference, 1136 frStuff() function FoxRing Functions Reference, 1136 frSubStr() function FoxRing Functions Reference, 1136 frTransform() function FoxRing Functions Reference, 1138 frVal() function FoxRing Functions Reference, 1137 frVarType() function FoxRing Functions Reference, 1138 Fseek() Files, 269 Index 1958
  • 9. Ring Documentation, Release 1.8 Fsetpos() Files, 270 FSize() Stdlib Functions, 368 Ftell() Files, 269 Function Prototype Extension, 856 function prototype Code Generator, 865 Function Structure Extension, 854 Functional Programming Anonymous and Nested Functions, 333 Equality of functions, 334 First-Class Functions, 332 Higher-order Functions, 332 Introduction, 330 Pure Functions, 331 Functions - First Style Call Functions, 217 Declare parameters, 218 Define Functions, 217 Introduction, 216 Main Function, 218 Recursion, 220 Return Value, 219 Send Parameters, 218 Variables Scope, 219 Functions - Second Style Call Functions, 221 Declare parameters, 222 Define Functions, 221 Introduction, 220 Main Function, 222 Recursion, 224 Return Value, 223 Send Parameters, 222 Variables Scope, 223 Functions - Third Style Call Functions, 225 Declare parameters, 226 Define Functions, 225 Introduction, 224 Main Function, 226 Recursion, 228 Return Value, 227 Send Parameters, 226 Variables Scope, 227 functions() Reflection and Meta-programming, 338 Fwrite() Files, 272 Game Class Game Engine for 2D Games, 510 Game Engine Classes Game Engine for 2D Games, 509 Game Engine for 2D Games Animate Class, 512 Animate Events, 523 Animation, 517 Animation and Functions, 518 Creating the Game Window, 512 Drawing Text, 513 Flappy Bird 3000 Game, 539 Game Class, 510 Game Engine Classes, 509 GameObject Class, 510 Games Layer, 509 Graphics Library Bindings, 508 Interface to graphics library, 508 Introduction, 507 Map, 525 Map Class, 512 Map Events, 526 Moving Text, 514 Object and Drawing, 528 Playing Sound, 516 Project Layers, 508 Sound Class, 512 Sprite Automatic Movement, 519 Sprite Class, 511 Sprite Keypress Event, 520 Sprite Mouse Event, 521 Sprite State Event, 522 Stars Fighter Game, 531 Super Man 2016 Game, 546 Text Class, 511 What is new in Ring 1.1?, 152 GameObject Class Game Engine for 2D Games, 510 Games Layer Game Engine for 2D Games, 509 gcd() Stdlib Functions, 362 Generate Object File Command Line Options, 804 Generate/Execute Ring Object Files (*.ringo) What is new in Ring 1.1?, 147 Generating Pages using Objects Web Development (CGI Library), 442 Get Active Source File Name System Functions, 279 Get Command Line Arguments System Functions, 278 Get List Item Lists, 232 Index 1959
  • 10. Ring Documentation, Release 1.8 Get List Size Lists, 232 Get Number of Characters from position Strings, 244 Get Parameters Values Extension, 855 Get Request RingLibCurl, 472 Get Stock Data From Yahoo RingLibCurl, 474 Get String Length Strings, 241 Get Substring from position to end Strings, 244 getattribute() Reflection and Meta-programming, 350 GetChar() Getting Input, 215 getnumber() Stdlib Functions, 355 getstring() Stdlib Functions, 355 Getter and Setter Methods Frequently Asked Questions, 898 Getting Input GetChar(), 215 Getting Started - First Style, 168 Getting Started - Second Style, 171 Getting Started - Third Style, 173 Give Command, 215 Input(), 216 Introduction, 214 Getting Started - First Style Create Executable File, 167 Getting Input, 168 Hello World, 167 Introduction, 166 Multi-Line literals, 167 No Explicit End For Statements, 168 Not Case-Sensitive, 167 Run the program, 167 Using ? to print expression then new line, 168 Writing Comments, 169 Getting Started - Second Style Create Executable File, 170 Getting Input, 171 Hello World, 170 Introduction, 169 Multi-Line literals, 170 No Explicit End For Statements, 171 Not Case-Sensitive, 170 Run the program, 170 Writing Comments, 171 Getting Started - Third Style Create Executable File, 172 Getting Input, 173 Hello World, 172 Introduction, 171 Multi-Line literals, 173 No Explicit End For Statements, 173 Not Case-Sensitive, 172 Run the program, 172 Writing Comments, 173 Give Command Getting Input, 215 globals() Reflection and Meta-programming, 337 Goal of including the Main function in Ring Frequently Asked Questions, 894 Google API Shortener Application Applications developed in little hours, 6 Gradient Web Development (CGI Library), 441 Graphics and Game Programming Drawing, Animation and Input, 479 Introduction, 478 Playing Sound, 487 Scaling and Rotating Images, 488 Threads, 490 Transparent Image, 489 TrueType Fonts, 486 Graphics Library Bindings Game Engine for 2D Games, 508 Hash Functions Web Development (CGI Library), 436 HashTable Class Stdlib Classes, 378 Hello World Getting Started - First Style, 167 Getting Started - Second Style, 170 Getting Started - Third Style, 172 Hello World Program using the Web Library Web Development (CGI Library), 419 Hex() Data Type, 258 Hex2str() Data Type, 259 Higher-order Functions Functional Programming, 332 History Introduction, 24 Natural Language Programming, 401 How can I disable maximize button and resize window? Frequently Asked Questions, 910 How Ring find a functions and methods? Scope Rules for Functions and Methods, 773 How Ring find the Variable? Index 1960