SlideShare a Scribd company logo
Ring Documentation, Release 1.5.1
Date and Time, 186
DateTime Class
Stdlib Classes, 316
Stdlib Functions, 299
Debug Class
Stdlib Classes, 320
Data Type, 196
Mathematical Functions, 201
Declarative Programming
Declarative programming on the top of Object-
Oriented, 331
executing code after the end of object access, 331
Introduction, 327
More Beatiful Code, 332
Objects inside lists, 328
Return object by reference, 329
Declarative programming on the top of Object-Oriented
Declarative Programming, 331
Declare parameters
Functions - First Style, 160
Functions - Second Style, 164
Functions - Third Style, 168
Security and Internet Functions, 251
Deep Copy
Variables, 137
Define Declarative Languages
Language Design, 22
Define Functions
Functions - First Style, 159
Functions - Second Style, 163
Functions - Third Style, 167
Define Natural Statements
Language Design, 20
Defining Commands
Using the Natural Library, 346
Defining commands using classes
Using the Natural Library, 349
Defining Constants
Code Generator, 745
Defining Variables and Variables Access
Scope Rules, 653
Delete Item From List
Lists, 173
Demo Programs
Introduction, 222
Language Shell, 223
Main Menu, 223
The Cards Game, 622
Designed for a clear goal
Language Design, 17
Desktop and Mobile Development
Adding Hyperlink to QLabel, 563
Change Focus, 598
Classes and their Methods to use the default events,
Creating Menubar, 543
Creating more than one window, 581
Creating Reports using the WebLib and the GUILib,
Creating StatusBar, 547
Creating Toolbar, 546
Dialog Functions, 588
Display Image using QLabel, 567
Display Scaled Image using QLabel, 576
Drawing using QPainter, 578
Dynamic Objects, 602
Inheritance from GUI Classes, 594
KeyPress and Mouse Move Events, 588
Menubar and StyleSheet Example, 568
Methods to use Events with Events Filter, 631
Movable Label Example, 584
Moving Objects using the Mouse, 590
New Classes names - Index Start from 1, 633
Notepad Application, 607
Other Widgets Events, 572
Playing Sound, 582
Printing using QPrinter, 580
QLineEdit Events and QMessageBox, 570
QMessagebox Example, 585
QVideoWidget and QMediaPlayer, 564
Regular Expressions, 599
RingQt Classes and their Qt Documentation, 633
Rotate Text, 596
Simple Client and Server Example, 600
The Cards Game, 622
The Difference between Qt and RingQt, 632
The First GUI Application, 533
Using Layout, 534
Using QCheckBox, 560
Using QComboBox Class, 542
Using QDateEdit, 555
Using QDesktopWidget Class, 595
Using QDial, 556
Using QDockWidget, 548
Using QFrame, 565
Using QInputDialog Class, 586
Using qLCDNumber, 583
Using QProgressBar, 552
Using QProgressBar and Timer, 575
Using QRadioButton and QButtonGroup, 561
Using QSlider, 553
Using QSpinBox, 553
Using QTableWidget, 551
Using QTabWidget, 549
Index 1745
Ring Documentation, Release 1.5.1
Using QTreeView and QFileSystemModel, 540
Using QTreeWidget and QTreeWidgetItem, 541
Using QWebView, 559
Using the QColorDialog Class, 582
Using the QFileDialog Class, 577
Using the QListWidget Class, 537
Using the QTextEdit Class, 536
Using the QTimer Class, 574
Weight History Application, 603
Determine Structure Members Types
Code Generator, 745
Dialog Functions
Desktop and Mobile Development, 588
Date and Time, 188
Files, 204
Stdlib Functions, 301
Disable BreakPoints
The Trace Library and the Interactive Debugger, 724
Display Error Message
Extension, 732
Display Image
RingLibSDL, 425
Display Image using QLabel
Desktop and Mobile Development, 567
Display PNG Images
RingLibSDL, 426
Display Scaled Image using QLabel
Desktop and Mobile Development, 576
Display Transparent Images
RingLibSDL, 427
Display Warnings Option
What is new in Ring 1.2?, 94
Distributing Applications and Games for Mobile
Distributing Ring Application, 686
Distributing Applications for Microsoft Windows
Distributing Ring Application, 685
Distributing Ring Application
Creating Windows Installer, 685
Distributing Applications and Games for Mobile,
Distributing Applications for Microsoft Windows,
Introduction, 684
Protecting the Source Code, 685
Using C/C++ Compiler and Linker, 686
Do Again Loop
Control Structures - First Style, 145
How to contribute?, 112
Download Requirements
Building RingQt Applications for Mobile, 637
Download Requirements and Update the Android SDK
Building Games For Android, 482
Security and Internet Functions, 252
Draw Rectangle
RingLibSDL, 426
Drawing Text
Game Engine for 2D Games, 437
Drawing using QPainter
Desktop and Mobile Development, 578
Drawing using RingOpenGL
Using RingOpenGL and RingFreeGLUT for 3D
Graphics, 487
Drawing, Animation and Input
Graphics and Game Programming, 412
Dynamic Attributes
Object Oriented Programming, 260
Dynamic Objects
Desktop and Mobile Development, 602
Dynamic Typing
Variables, 137
Editors Support
How to contribute?, 113
Embedding Ring in Ring
Embedding Ring in Ring, 726
Embedding Ring in Ring without sharing the State,
Serial Execution of Programs, 727
Embedding Ring in Ring without sharing the State
Embedding Ring in Ring, 727
What is new in Ring 1.3?, 87
Embedding Ring Language in C/C++ Programs
Introduction, 738
Ring State, 739
Ring State Functions, 739
Ring State Variables, 740
Encourage Organization
Language Design, 19
Security and Internet Functions, 250
Stdlib Functions, 295
Entering Items
Form Designer, 651
Enum and Numbers
Code Generator, 746
Date and Time, 188
Stdlib Functions, 303
Equality of functions
Functional Programming, 269
Eval() and Debugging, 220
Index 1746
Ring Documentation, Release 1.5.1
Eval() and Debugging
Assert(), 222
Eval(), 220
Introduction, 219
Raise(), 221
Try/Carch/Done, 220
Stdlib Functions, 297
Events Code
Form Designer, 647
Files, 210
Mathematical Functions, 198
Natural Language Programming, 334
Objects Library for RingQt Application, 640
Security and Internet Functions, 251
System Functions, 215
The Type Hints Library, 682
Example - The Trace Library
Low Level Functions, 718
Example - Using the Trace Functions
Low Level Functions, 714
Example about Sharing Names between Functions and
Scope Rules for Functions and Methods, 668
Control Structures - Second Style, 151
Control Structures - Third Style, 155
Execute Program Line by Line
The Trace Library and the Interactive Debugger, 723
Execute Query and Print Result
ODBC Functions, 231
executing code after the end of object access
Declarative Programming, 331
Executing code during code generation
Code Generator, 746
ExeFileName() Function
System Functions, 218
ExeFolder() Function
System Functions, 218
Control Structures - First Style, 145
Exit from two loops
Control Structures - First Style, 145
Exit/Loop inside sub functions
Control Structures - First Style, 146
Check Parameters Count, 731
Check Parameters Type, 732
Display Error Message, 732
Fopen() and Fclose() Implementation, 733
Function Prototype, 733
Function Structure, 731
Get Parameters Values, 732
Introduction, 728
Module Organization, 730
MySQL_Columns() Implementation, 736
Return Value, 732
RING API - list Functions, 734
RING API - String Functions, 736
ring_ext.c, 729
ring_ext.h, 729
Shared Libraries, 737
Sin() Implementation, 733
Extensions in C/C++
How to contribute?, 113
Extract Zip File
RingZip, 409
Facebook Login
RingLibCurl, 405
Stdlib Functions, 293
Stdlib Functions, 297
Files, 205
Introduction, 13
Files, 208
Files, 208
FetchStockData Application
Applications developed in little hours, 3
Files, 210
Files, 206
Files, 209
Files, 208
Files, 209
Stdlib Functions, 294
Fifteen Puzzle Game
Applications developed in little hours, 3
Fifteen Puzzle Game 2
Applications developed in little hours, 7
File Class
Stdlib Classes, 318
File Hash
Security and Internet Functions, 251
Stdlib Functions, 295
Index 1747
Ring Documentation, Release 1.5.1
Clearerr(), 208
Dir(), 204
Example, 210
Fclose(), 205
Feof(), 208
Ferror(), 208
Fexists(), 210
Fflush(), 206
Fgetc(), 209
Fgetpos(), 208
Fgets(), 209
Fopen(), 205
Fputc(), 209
Fputs(), 209
Fread(), 210
Freopen(), 206
Fseek(), 207
Fsetpos(), 208
Ftell(), 207
Fwrite(), 210
Introduction, 202
Numbers and Bytes, 212
Perror(), 208
Read File using Read(), 204
Remove(), 205
Rename(), 205
Rewind(), 207
Tempfile(), 207
Tempname(), 207
Ungetc(), 209
Write file using Write(), 204
Stdlib Functions, 291
Filtering using Expressions
Code Generator, 746
Find SubString
Strings, 183
Find() and List of Objects
Object Oriented Programming, 261
First-Class Functions
Functional Programming, 267
First-Class Lists
Lists, 177
Flappy Bird 3000 Game
Game Engine for 2D Games, 463
Files, 205
Fopen() and Fclose() Implementation
Extension, 733
For In Loop
Control Structures - First Style, 144
Control Structures - Second Style, 151
Control Structures - Third Style, 155
for in to modify lists
Control Structures - First Style, 144
For Loop
Control Structures - First Style, 143
Control Structures - Second Style, 150
Control Structures - Third Style, 154
Form Designer
Entering Items, 651
Events Code, 647
Introduction, 644
Keyboard Shortcuts, 650
Menubar Designer, 650
More Samples and Tests, 652
Running Forms, 647
The Designer Windows, 646
The Properties, 646
Using Layouts, 652
What is new in Ring 1.3?, 88
Window Flags, 651
Files, 209
Files, 209
Frames Per Second
Using RingOpenGL and RingFreeGLUT for 3D
Graphics, 520
Files, 210
Files, 206
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I connect to dbase/harbour database?, 1720
Can Ring work on Windows XP?, 1722
Conflict between Global Variables and Class At-
tributes, 1708
Constructor methods in Ring, 1704
Could you explain the output of the StrCmp() func-
tion?, 1711
Getter and Setter Methods, 1706
Goal of including the Main function in Ring, 1702
How can I disable maximize button and resize win-
dow?, 1718
How to add Combobox and other elements to the
cells of a QTableWidget?, 1725
How to Close a window then displaying another
one?, 1717
How to create a Modal Window?, 1717
How to create an array of buttons in GUI applica-
tions?, 1716
How to extend RingQt and add more classes?, 1722
How to get the current source file path?, 1709
How to get the file size using ftell() and fseek() func-
tions?, 1709
How to insert an item to the first position in the list?,
Index 1748
Ring Documentation, Release 1.5.1
How to perform some manipulations on selected
cells in QTableWidget?, 1725
How to print keys or values only in List/Dictionary?,
How to print lists that contains objects?, 1714
How to print new lines and other characters?, 1715
How to use many source code files in the project?,
How to use NULL and ISNULL() function?, 1713
How to use SQLite using ODBC?, 1719
Introduction, 1694
Is Ring some sort of improvement over PHP?, 1697
List index start from 1, 1703
Philosophy behind data types in Ring, 1700
Search of global names while defining the class at-
tributes, 1707
The documentation says functional programming is
supported, but then this happens?, 1699
What about predefined parameters or optional pa-
rameters in functions?, 1709
What about the Boolean values in Ring?, 1701
What are the advantages to using Ring over C# or
Java?, 1699
What are the advantages to using Ring over Lisp or
Smalltalk?, 1696
What are the advantages to using Ring over native C
or C++?, 1697
What are the advantages to using Ring over Python
and Ruby?, 1698
What are the advantages to using Ring over Tcl and
Lua?, 1698
What happens when we create a new object?, 1705
What is the difference between Ring and Python?
And is Ring Open Source?, 1697
Where can I write a program and execute it?, 1708
Why do we need Yet Another Programming Lan-
guage (YAPL)?, 1695
Why I get a strange result when printing nl with
lists?, 1710
Why I get Calling Function without definition Er-
ror?, 1721
Why Ring is largely focussed on UI creation?, 1697
Why Ring is not case-sensitive, 1703
Why Ring is weakly typed?, 1696
Why Ring uses ’See’, ’Give’, ’But’ and ’Ok’ Key-
words?, 1700
Why setClickEvent() doesn’t see the object methods
directly?, 1721
Why the ability to define your own languages Instead
of just handing over the syntax so you can parse
it using whatever code you like?, 1699
Why the Assignment operator uses Deep copy?,
Why the window title bar is going outside the
screen?, 1715
Why this example use the GetChar() twice?, 1712
Why we don’t use () after the qApp class name?,
Why you can specify the number of loops you want
to break out of?, 1700
Files, 207
Files, 208
Stdlib Functions, 302
Files, 207
Function Prototype
Extension, 733
function prototype
Code Generator, 742
Function Structure
Extension, 731
Functional Programming
Anonymous and Nested Functions, 268
Equality of functions, 269
First-Class Functions, 267
Higher-order Functions, 267
Introduction, 265
Pure Functions, 266
Functions - First Style
Call Functions, 159
Declare parameters, 160
Define Functions, 159
Introduction, 158
Main Function, 160
Recursion, 162
Return Value, 161
Send Parameters, 160
Variables Scope, 161
Functions - Second Style
Call Functions, 163
Declare parameters, 164
Define Functions, 163
Introduction, 162
Main Function, 164
Recursion, 166
Return Value, 165
Send Parameters, 164
Variables Scope, 165
Functions - Third Style
Call Functions, 167
Declare parameters, 168
Define Functions, 167
Introduction, 166
Main Function, 168
Recursion, 170
Index 1749
Ring Documentation, Release 1.5.1
Return Value, 169
Send Parameters, 168
Variables Scope, 169
Reflection and Meta-programming, 272
Files, 210
Game Class
Game Engine for 2D Games, 434
Game Engine Classes
Game Engine for 2D Games, 433
Game Engine for 2D Games
Animate Class, 436
Animate Events, 447
Animation, 441
Animation and Functions, 442
Creating the Game Window, 436
Drawing Text, 437
Flappy Bird 3000 Game, 463
Game Class, 434
Game Engine Classes, 433
GameObject Class, 434
Games Layer, 433
Graphics Library Bindings, 432
Interface to graphics library, 432
Introduction, 431
Map, 449
Map Class, 436
Map Events, 450
Moving Text, 438
Object and Drawing, 452
Playing Sound, 440
Project Layers, 432
Sound Class, 436
Sprite Automatic Movement, 443
Sprite Class, 435
Sprite Keypress Event, 444
Sprite Mouse Event, 445
Sprite State Event, 446
Stars Fighter Game, 455
Super Man 2016 Game, 470
Text Class, 435
What is new in Ring 1.1?, 102
GameObject Class
Game Engine for 2D Games, 434
Games Layer
Game Engine for 2D Games, 433
Stdlib Functions, 296
Generate Object File
Command Line Options, 701
Generate/Execute Ring Object Files (*.ringo)
What is new in Ring 1.1?, 97
Generating Pages using Objects
Web Development (CGI Library), 375
Get Active Source File Name
System Functions, 217
Get Command Line Arguments
System Functions, 216
Get List Item
Lists, 173
Get List Size
Lists, 173
Get Number of Characters from position
Strings, 183
Get Parameters Values
Extension, 732
Get Request
RingLibCurl, 405
Get Stock Data From Yahoo
RingLibCurl, 407
Get String Length
Strings, 180
Get Substring from position to end
Strings, 183
Reflection and Meta-programming, 284
Getting Input, 157
Stdlib Functions, 289
Stdlib Functions, 289
Getter and Setter Methods
Frequently Asked Questions, 1706
Getting Input
GetChar(), 157
Getting Started - First Style, 115
Getting Started - Second Style, 117
Getting Started - Third Style, 119
Give Command, 157
Input(), 158
Introduction, 156
Getting Started - First Style
Getting Input, 115
Hello World, 114
Introduction, 113
Multi-Line literals, 114
No Explicit End For Statements, 115
Not Case-Sensitive, 114
Run the program, 114
Writing Comments, 115
Getting Started - Second Style
Getting Input, 117
Hello World, 116
Introduction, 115
Multi-Line literals, 116
Index 1750
Ring Documentation, Release 1.5.1
No Explicit End For Statements, 117
Not Case-Sensitive, 116
Run the program, 116
Writing Comments, 117
Getting Started - Third Style
Getting Input, 119
Hello World, 118
Introduction, 117
Multi-Line literals, 118
No Explicit End For Statements, 119
Not Case-Sensitive, 118
Run the program, 118
Writing Comments, 119
Give Command
Getting Input, 157
Reflection and Meta-programming, 271
Goal of including the Main function in Ring
Frequently Asked Questions, 1702
Web Development (CGI Library), 374
Graphics and Game Programming
Drawing, Animation and Input, 412
Introduction, 411
Playing Sound, 419
Scaling and Rotating Images, 420
Threads, 422
Transparent Image, 421
TrueType Fonts, 418
Graphics Library Bindings
Game Engine for 2D Games, 432
Hash Functions
Web Development (CGI Library), 369
HashTable Class
Stdlib Classes, 311
Hello World
Getting Started - First Style, 114
Getting Started - Second Style, 116
Getting Started - Third Style, 118
Hello World Program using the Web Library
Web Development (CGI Library), 352
Data Type, 196
Data Type, 197
Higher-order Functions
Functional Programming, 267
Introduction, 13
Natural Language Programming, 334
How can I disable maximize button and resize window?
Frequently Asked Questions, 1718
How Ring find a functions and methods?
Scope Rules for Functions and Methods, 668
How Ring find the Variable?
Scope Rules, 654
How to add Combobox and other elements to the cells of
a QTableWidget?
Frequently Asked Questions, 1725
How to Close a window then displaying another one?
Frequently Asked Questions, 1717
How to contribute?
Applications, 113
Compiler and Virtual Machine (VM), 113
Documentation, 112
Editors Support, 113
Extensions in C/C++, 113
Ideas and suggestions, 113
Introduction, 111
Libraries in Ring, 113
Samples, 112
Special thanks to contributors, 112
Testing, 112
How to create a Modal Window?
Frequently Asked Questions, 1717
How to create an array of buttons in GUI applications?
Frequently Asked Questions, 1716
How to extend RingQt and add more classes?
Frequently Asked Questions, 1722
How to get the current source file path?
Frequently Asked Questions, 1709
How to get the file size using ftell() and fseek() functions?
Frequently Asked Questions, 1709
How to insert an item to the first position in the list?
Frequently Asked Questions, 1714
How to perform some manipulations on selected cells in
Frequently Asked Questions, 1725
How to print keys or values only in List/Dictionary?
Frequently Asked Questions, 1710
How to print lists that contains objects?
Frequently Asked Questions, 1714
How to print new lines and other characters?
Frequently Asked Questions, 1715
How to use many source code files in the project?
Frequently Asked Questions, 1711
How to use NULL and ISNULL() function?
Frequently Asked Questions, 1713
How to use SQLite using ODBC?
Frequently Asked Questions, 1719
HTML Lists
Web Development (CGI Library), 372
HTML Special Characters
Web Development (CGI Library), 368
HTML Tables
Web Development (CGI Library), 373
HtmlPage Class
Index 1751
Ring Documentation, Release 1.5.1
Web Development (CGI Library), 380, 404
HTTP Get Example
Web Development (CGI Library), 353
Web Development (CGI Library), 358
Ideas and suggestions
How to contribute?, 113
If Statement
Control Structures - Second Style, 149
Control Structures - Third Style, 152
Object Oriented Programming, 259
Inheritance from GUI Classes
Desktop and Mobile Development, 594
Getting Input, 158
Lists, 176
Install Qt for Android
Building RingQt Applications for Mobile, 637
Interactive Debugger
The Trace Library and the Interactive Debugger, 723
Interface to graphics library
Game Engine for 2D Games, 432
Internet Class
Stdlib Classes, 327
Features, 13
History, 13
Introduction, 11
Motivation, 12
Is Ring some sort of improvement over PHP?
Frequently Asked Questions, 1697
Data Type, 192
Data Type, 192
IsAndroid() Function
System Functions, 215
Reflection and Meta-programming, 280
Reflection and Meta-programming, 274
Reflection and Meta-programming, 276
Data Type, 192
Data Type, 193
IsFreeBSD() Function
System Functions, 215
Reflection and Meta-programming, 274
Reflection and Meta-programming, 273
Data Type, 193
Stdlib Functions, 298
IsLinux() Function
System Functions, 215
Data Type, 191
Reflection and Meta-programming, 273
Data Type, 193
IsMacOSX() Function
System Functions, 214
Stdlib Functions, 301
Reflection and Meta-programming, 281
IsMSDOS() Function
System Functions, 214
Data Type, 191
Data Type, 190
Reflection and Meta-programming, 279
Reflection and Meta-programming, 275
Reflection and Meta-programming, 278
Stdlib Functions, 294
Data Type, 193
Reflection and Meta-programming, 280
Reflection and Meta-programming, 281
Data Type, 194
Data Type, 194
Stdlib Functions, 292
Data Type, 190
IsUnix() Function
System Functions, 214
Data Type, 194
Stdlib Functions, 293
Index 1752
Ring Documentation, Release 1.5.1
IsWindows() Function
System Functions, 214
IsWindows64() Function
System Functions, 214
Data Type, 194
Stdlib Functions, 290
Stdlib Functions, 289
Keyboard Events and Colors
Using RingOpenGL and RingFreeGLUT for 3D
Graphics, 492
Keyboard Shortcuts
Form Designer, 650
KeyPress and Mouse Move Events
Desktop and Mobile Development, 588
Language Design
Compact Syntax, 19
Define Declarative Languages, 22
Define Natural Statements, 20
Designed for a clear goal, 17
Encourage Organization, 19
Introduction, 16
Simple, 17
Smart Garbage Collector, 25
Transparent Implementation, 23
Trying to be natural, 18
Visual Implementation, 24
Why Ring?, 17
Language Functions
Reference, 1728
Language Grammar
Reference, 1731
Language Keywords
Reference, 1727
Language Shell
Demo Programs, 223
Stdlib Functions, 296
Strings, 181
Libraries in Ring
How to contribute?, 113
Library Usage
Objects Library for RingQt Application, 640
Stdlib Functions, 293
Strings, 182
List Class
Stdlib Classes, 308
List index start from 1
Frequently Asked Questions, 1703
List of changes and new features
What is new in Ring 1.1?, 96
What is new in Ring 1.2?, 90
What is new in Ring 1.3?, 77
What is new in Ring 1.4?, 65
What is new in Ring 1.5?, 26
list of functions
Mathematical Functions, 198
Stdlib Functions, 294
ListAllFiles() Function
Stdlib Functions, 303
Access List Items by String Index, 178
Add Items, 172
Copy Lists, 176
Create Lists, 172
Delete Item From List, 173
First-Class Lists, 177
Get List Item, 173
Get List Size, 173
Insert(), 176
Introduction, 171
Nested Lists, 176
Passing Lists to Functions, 177
Passing Parameters Using List, 178
Reverse(), 175
Search, 174
Set List Item, 173
Sort(), 174
Swap Items, 179
Using Lists during definition, 177
Load Syntax Files
Syntax Flexibility, 673
Loading the Trace library
The Trace Library and the Interactive Debugger, 722
Reflection and Meta-programming, 271
Logical Operators
Operators, 139
Loop Command
Control Structures - First Style, 146
Control Structures, 153
Control Structures - First Style, 143
Control Structures - Second Style, 150
Low Level Functions
callgc(), 702
Example - The Trace Library, 718
Example - Using the Trace Functions, 714
Introduction, 701
nullpointer(), 704
Index 1753
Ring Documentation, Release 1.5.1
object2pointer(), 704
pointer2object(), 704
ptrcmp(), 705
ringvm_callfunc(), 714
RingVM_CallList(), 710
RingVM_CFunctionsList(), 706
RingVM_ClassesList(), 706
ringvm_evalinscope(), 713
RingVM_FilesList(), 711
RingVM_FunctionsList(), 706
ringvm_hideerrorMsg(), 713
RingVM_MemoryList(), 708
RingVM_PackagesList(), 707
ringvm_passerror(), 713
ringvm_scopescount(), 713
ringvm_settrace(), 712
ringvm_tracedata(), 712
ringvm_traceevent(), 712
ringvm_tracefunc(), 713
space(), 703
varptr(), 703
Main Function
Functions - First Style, 160
Functions - Second Style, 164
Functions - Third Style, 168
Main Menu
Demo Programs, 223
Make a Cube using RingOpenGL and RingFreeGLUT
Using RingOpenGL and RingFreeGLUT for 3D
Graphics, 529
Stdlib Functions, 302
Game Engine for 2D Games, 449
Map Class
Game Engine for 2D Games, 436
Map Events
Game Engine for 2D Games, 450
Stdlib Functions, 291
Math Class
Stdlib Classes, 313
Mathematical Functions
Decimals(), 201
Example, 198
Introduction, 197
list of functions, 198
Random(), 200
Unsigned(), 201
Stdlib Functions, 298
Stdlib Functions, 299
Security and Internet Functions, 248
Menu Events
Using RingOpenGL and RingFreeGLUT for 3D
Graphics, 505
Menubar and StyleSheet Example
Desktop and Mobile Development, 568
Menubar Designer
Form Designer, 650
Reflection and Meta-programming, 286
Methods to use Events with Events Filter
Desktop and Mobile Development, 631
Reflection and Meta-programming, 279
Misc Operators
Operators, 140
Module Organization
Extension, 730
More Beatiful Code
Declarative Programming, 332
More Samples and Tests
Form Designer, 652
More Syntax Flexibility
What is new in Ring 1.5?, 57
Introduction, 12
Mouse Events
RingLibSDL, 429
Using RingOpenGL and RingFreeGLUT for 3D
Graphics, 501
Movable Label Example
Desktop and Mobile Development, 584
Moving Objects using the Mouse
Desktop and Mobile Development, 590
Moving Text
Game Engine for 2D Games, 438
Multi-Line literals
Getting Started - First Style, 114
Getting Started - Second Style, 116
Getting Started - Third Style, 118
MySQL Class
Stdlib Classes, 324
MySQL Functions
Create Database, 237
Create Table and Insert Data, 238
Introduction, 235
MySQL_AutoCommit(), 243
MySQL_Close(), 237
MySQL_Columns(), 240
MySQL_Commit(), 243
MySQL_Connect(), 237
MySQL_Error(), 237
MySQL_Escape_String(), 242
Index 1754

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The Ring programming language version 1.5.1 book - Part 178 of 180

  • 1. Ring Documentation, Release 1.5.1 Date and Time, 186 DateTime Class Stdlib Classes, 316 dayofweek() Stdlib Functions, 299 Debug Class Stdlib Classes, 320 Dec() Data Type, 196 Decimals() Mathematical Functions, 201 Declarative Programming Declarative programming on the top of Object- Oriented, 331 executing code after the end of object access, 331 Introduction, 327 More Beatiful Code, 332 Objects inside lists, 328 Return object by reference, 329 Declarative programming on the top of Object-Oriented Declarative Programming, 331 Declare parameters Functions - First Style, 160 Functions - Second Style, 164 Functions - Third Style, 168 Decrypt() Security and Internet Functions, 251 Deep Copy Variables, 137 Define Declarative Languages Language Design, 22 Define Functions Functions - First Style, 159 Functions - Second Style, 163 Functions - Third Style, 167 Define Natural Statements Language Design, 20 Defining Commands Using the Natural Library, 346 Defining commands using classes Using the Natural Library, 349 Defining Constants Code Generator, 745 Defining Variables and Variables Access Scope Rules, 653 Delete Item From List Lists, 173 Demo Programs Introduction, 222 Language Shell, 223 Main Menu, 223 The Cards Game, 622 Designed for a clear goal Language Design, 17 Desktop and Mobile Development Adding Hyperlink to QLabel, 563 Change Focus, 598 Classes and their Methods to use the default events, 628 Creating Menubar, 543 Creating more than one window, 581 Creating Reports using the WebLib and the GUILib, 633 Creating StatusBar, 547 Creating Toolbar, 546 Dialog Functions, 588 Display Image using QLabel, 567 Display Scaled Image using QLabel, 576 Drawing using QPainter, 578 Dynamic Objects, 602 Inheritance from GUI Classes, 594 KeyPress and Mouse Move Events, 588 Menubar and StyleSheet Example, 568 Methods to use Events with Events Filter, 631 Movable Label Example, 584 Moving Objects using the Mouse, 590 New Classes names - Index Start from 1, 633 Notepad Application, 607 Other Widgets Events, 572 Playing Sound, 582 Printing using QPrinter, 580 QLineEdit Events and QMessageBox, 570 QMessagebox Example, 585 QVideoWidget and QMediaPlayer, 564 Regular Expressions, 599 RingQt Classes and their Qt Documentation, 633 Rotate Text, 596 Simple Client and Server Example, 600 The Cards Game, 622 The Difference between Qt and RingQt, 632 The First GUI Application, 533 Using Layout, 534 Using QCheckBox, 560 Using QComboBox Class, 542 Using QDateEdit, 555 Using QDesktopWidget Class, 595 Using QDial, 556 Using QDockWidget, 548 Using QFrame, 565 Using QInputDialog Class, 586 Using qLCDNumber, 583 Using QProgressBar, 552 Using QProgressBar and Timer, 575 Using QRadioButton and QButtonGroup, 561 Using QSlider, 553 Using QSpinBox, 553 Using QTableWidget, 551 Using QTabWidget, 549 Index 1745
  • 2. Ring Documentation, Release 1.5.1 Using QTreeView and QFileSystemModel, 540 Using QTreeWidget and QTreeWidgetItem, 541 Using QWebView, 559 Using the QColorDialog Class, 582 Using the QFileDialog Class, 577 Using the QListWidget Class, 537 Using the QTextEdit Class, 536 Using the QTimer Class, 574 Weight History Application, 603 Determine Structure Members Types Code Generator, 745 Dialog Functions Desktop and Mobile Development, 588 DiffDays() Date and Time, 188 Dir() Files, 204 direxists() Stdlib Functions, 301 Disable BreakPoints The Trace Library and the Interactive Debugger, 724 Display Error Message Extension, 732 Display Image RingLibSDL, 425 Display Image using QLabel Desktop and Mobile Development, 567 Display PNG Images RingLibSDL, 426 Display Scaled Image using QLabel Desktop and Mobile Development, 576 Display Transparent Images RingLibSDL, 427 Display Warnings Option What is new in Ring 1.2?, 94 Distributing Applications and Games for Mobile Distributing Ring Application, 686 Distributing Applications for Microsoft Windows Distributing Ring Application, 685 Distributing Ring Application Creating Windows Installer, 685 Distributing Applications and Games for Mobile, 686 Distributing Applications for Microsoft Windows, 685 Introduction, 684 Protecting the Source Code, 685 Using C/C++ Compiler and Linker, 686 Do Again Loop Control Structures - First Style, 145 Documentation How to contribute?, 112 Download Requirements Building RingQt Applications for Mobile, 637 Download Requirements and Update the Android SDK Building Games For Android, 482 Download() Security and Internet Functions, 252 Draw Rectangle RingLibSDL, 426 Drawing Text Game Engine for 2D Games, 437 Drawing using QPainter Desktop and Mobile Development, 578 Drawing using RingOpenGL Using RingOpenGL and RingFreeGLUT for 3D Graphics, 487 Drawing, Animation and Input Graphics and Game Programming, 412 Dynamic Attributes Object Oriented Programming, 260 Dynamic Objects Desktop and Mobile Development, 602 Dynamic Typing Variables, 137 Editors Support How to contribute?, 113 Embedding Ring in Ring Embedding Ring in Ring, 726 Embedding Ring in Ring without sharing the State, 727 Serial Execution of Programs, 727 Embedding Ring in Ring without sharing the State Embedding Ring in Ring, 727 What is new in Ring 1.3?, 87 Embedding Ring Language in C/C++ Programs Introduction, 738 Ring State, 739 Ring State Functions, 739 Ring State Variables, 740 Encourage Organization Language Design, 19 Encrypt() Security and Internet Functions, 250 endswith() Stdlib Functions, 295 Entering Items Form Designer, 651 Enum and Numbers Code Generator, 746 EpochTime() Date and Time, 188 Stdlib Functions, 303 Equality of functions Functional Programming, 269 Eval() Eval() and Debugging, 220 Index 1746
  • 3. Ring Documentation, Release 1.5.1 Eval() and Debugging Assert(), 222 Eval(), 220 Introduction, 219 Raise(), 221 Try/Carch/Done, 220 evenorodd() Stdlib Functions, 297 Events Code Form Designer, 647 Example Files, 210 Mathematical Functions, 198 Natural Language Programming, 334 Objects Library for RingQt Application, 640 Security and Internet Functions, 251 System Functions, 215 The Type Hints Library, 682 Example - The Trace Library Low Level Functions, 718 Example - Using the Trace Functions Low Level Functions, 714 Example about Sharing Names between Functions and Methods Scope Rules for Functions and Methods, 668 Exceptions Control Structures - Second Style, 151 Control Structures - Third Style, 155 Execute Program Line by Line The Trace Library and the Interactive Debugger, 723 Execute Query and Print Result ODBC Functions, 231 executing code after the end of object access Declarative Programming, 331 Executing code during code generation Code Generator, 746 ExeFileName() Function System Functions, 218 ExeFolder() Function System Functions, 218 Exit Control Structures - First Style, 145 Exit from two loops Control Structures - First Style, 145 Exit/Loop inside sub functions Control Structures - First Style, 146 Extension Check Parameters Count, 731 Check Parameters Type, 732 Display Error Message, 732 Fopen() and Fclose() Implementation, 733 Function Prototype, 733 Function Structure, 731 Get Parameters Values, 732 Introduction, 728 Module Organization, 730 MySQL_Columns() Implementation, 736 Return Value, 732 RING API - list Functions, 734 RING API - String Functions, 736 ring_ext.c, 729 ring_ext.h, 729 Shared Libraries, 737 Sin() Implementation, 733 Extensions in C/C++ How to contribute?, 113 Extract Zip File RingZip, 409 Facebook Login RingLibCurl, 405 factorial() Stdlib Functions, 293 factors() Stdlib Functions, 297 Fclose() Files, 205 Features Introduction, 13 Feof() Files, 208 Ferror() Files, 208 FetchStockData Application Applications developed in little hours, 3 Fexists() Files, 210 Fflush() Files, 206 Fgetc() Files, 209 Fgetpos() Files, 208 Fgets() Files, 209 fibonacci() Stdlib Functions, 294 Fifteen Puzzle Game Applications developed in little hours, 3 Fifteen Puzzle Game 2 Applications developed in little hours, 7 File Class Stdlib Classes, 318 File Hash Security and Internet Functions, 251 file2list() Stdlib Functions, 295 Files Index 1747
  • 4. Ring Documentation, Release 1.5.1 Clearerr(), 208 Dir(), 204 Example, 210 Fclose(), 205 Feof(), 208 Ferror(), 208 Fexists(), 210 Fflush(), 206 Fgetc(), 209 Fgetpos(), 208 Fgets(), 209 Fopen(), 205 Fputc(), 209 Fputs(), 209 Fread(), 210 Freopen(), 206 Fseek(), 207 Fsetpos(), 208 Ftell(), 207 Fwrite(), 210 Introduction, 202 Numbers and Bytes, 212 Perror(), 208 Read File using Read(), 204 Remove(), 205 Rename(), 205 Rewind(), 207 Tempfile(), 207 Tempname(), 207 Ungetc(), 209 Write file using Write(), 204 filter() Stdlib Functions, 291 Filtering using Expressions Code Generator, 746 Find SubString Strings, 183 Find() and List of Objects Object Oriented Programming, 261 First-Class Functions Functional Programming, 267 First-Class Lists Lists, 177 Flappy Bird 3000 Game Game Engine for 2D Games, 463 Fopen() Files, 205 Fopen() and Fclose() Implementation Extension, 733 For In Loop Control Structures - First Style, 144 Control Structures - Second Style, 151 Control Structures - Third Style, 155 for in to modify lists Control Structures - First Style, 144 For Loop Control Structures - First Style, 143 Control Structures - Second Style, 150 Control Structures - Third Style, 154 Form Designer Entering Items, 651 Events Code, 647 Introduction, 644 Keyboard Shortcuts, 650 Menubar Designer, 650 More Samples and Tests, 652 Running Forms, 647 The Designer Windows, 646 The Properties, 646 Using Layouts, 652 What is new in Ring 1.3?, 88 Window Flags, 651 Fputc() Files, 209 Fputs() Files, 209 Frames Per Second Using RingOpenGL and RingFreeGLUT for 3D Graphics, 520 Fread() Files, 210 Freopen() Files, 206 Frequently Asked Questions Can I connect to dbase/harbour database?, 1720 Can Ring work on Windows XP?, 1722 Conflict between Global Variables and Class At- tributes, 1708 Constructor methods in Ring, 1704 Could you explain the output of the StrCmp() func- tion?, 1711 Getter and Setter Methods, 1706 Goal of including the Main function in Ring, 1702 How can I disable maximize button and resize win- dow?, 1718 How to add Combobox and other elements to the cells of a QTableWidget?, 1725 How to Close a window then displaying another one?, 1717 How to create a Modal Window?, 1717 How to create an array of buttons in GUI applica- tions?, 1716 How to extend RingQt and add more classes?, 1722 How to get the current source file path?, 1709 How to get the file size using ftell() and fseek() func- tions?, 1709 How to insert an item to the first position in the list?, 1714 Index 1748
  • 5. Ring Documentation, Release 1.5.1 How to perform some manipulations on selected cells in QTableWidget?, 1725 How to print keys or values only in List/Dictionary?, 1710 How to print lists that contains objects?, 1714 How to print new lines and other characters?, 1715 How to use many source code files in the project?, 1711 How to use NULL and ISNULL() function?, 1713 How to use SQLite using ODBC?, 1719 Introduction, 1694 Is Ring some sort of improvement over PHP?, 1697 List index start from 1, 1703 Philosophy behind data types in Ring, 1700 Search of global names while defining the class at- tributes, 1707 The documentation says functional programming is supported, but then this happens?, 1699 What about predefined parameters or optional pa- rameters in functions?, 1709 What about the Boolean values in Ring?, 1701 What are the advantages to using Ring over C# or Java?, 1699 What are the advantages to using Ring over Lisp or Smalltalk?, 1696 What are the advantages to using Ring over native C or C++?, 1697 What are the advantages to using Ring over Python and Ruby?, 1698 What are the advantages to using Ring over Tcl and Lua?, 1698 What happens when we create a new object?, 1705 What is the difference between Ring and Python? And is Ring Open Source?, 1697 Where can I write a program and execute it?, 1708 Why do we need Yet Another Programming Lan- guage (YAPL)?, 1695 Why I get a strange result when printing nl with lists?, 1710 Why I get Calling Function without definition Er- ror?, 1721 Why Ring is largely focussed on UI creation?, 1697 Why Ring is not case-sensitive, 1703 Why Ring is weakly typed?, 1696 Why Ring uses ’See’, ’Give’, ’But’ and ’Ok’ Key- words?, 1700 Why setClickEvent() doesn’t see the object methods directly?, 1721 Why the ability to define your own languages Instead of just handing over the syntax so you can parse it using whatever code you like?, 1699 Why the Assignment operator uses Deep copy?, 1704 Why the window title bar is going outside the screen?, 1715 Why this example use the GetChar() twice?, 1712 Why we don’t use () after the qApp class name?, 1715 Why you can specify the number of loops you want to break out of?, 1700 Fseek() Files, 207 Fsetpos() Files, 208 FSize() Stdlib Functions, 302 Ftell() Files, 207 Function Prototype Extension, 733 function prototype Code Generator, 742 Function Structure Extension, 731 Functional Programming Anonymous and Nested Functions, 268 Equality of functions, 269 First-Class Functions, 267 Higher-order Functions, 267 Introduction, 265 Pure Functions, 266 Functions - First Style Call Functions, 159 Declare parameters, 160 Define Functions, 159 Introduction, 158 Main Function, 160 Recursion, 162 Return Value, 161 Send Parameters, 160 Variables Scope, 161 Functions - Second Style Call Functions, 163 Declare parameters, 164 Define Functions, 163 Introduction, 162 Main Function, 164 Recursion, 166 Return Value, 165 Send Parameters, 164 Variables Scope, 165 Functions - Third Style Call Functions, 167 Declare parameters, 168 Define Functions, 167 Introduction, 166 Main Function, 168 Recursion, 170 Index 1749
  • 6. Ring Documentation, Release 1.5.1 Return Value, 169 Send Parameters, 168 Variables Scope, 169 functions() Reflection and Meta-programming, 272 Fwrite() Files, 210 Game Class Game Engine for 2D Games, 434 Game Engine Classes Game Engine for 2D Games, 433 Game Engine for 2D Games Animate Class, 436 Animate Events, 447 Animation, 441 Animation and Functions, 442 Creating the Game Window, 436 Drawing Text, 437 Flappy Bird 3000 Game, 463 Game Class, 434 Game Engine Classes, 433 GameObject Class, 434 Games Layer, 433 Graphics Library Bindings, 432 Interface to graphics library, 432 Introduction, 431 Map, 449 Map Class, 436 Map Events, 450 Moving Text, 438 Object and Drawing, 452 Playing Sound, 440 Project Layers, 432 Sound Class, 436 Sprite Automatic Movement, 443 Sprite Class, 435 Sprite Keypress Event, 444 Sprite Mouse Event, 445 Sprite State Event, 446 Stars Fighter Game, 455 Super Man 2016 Game, 470 Text Class, 435 What is new in Ring 1.1?, 102 GameObject Class Game Engine for 2D Games, 434 Games Layer Game Engine for 2D Games, 433 gcd() Stdlib Functions, 296 Generate Object File Command Line Options, 701 Generate/Execute Ring Object Files (*.ringo) What is new in Ring 1.1?, 97 Generating Pages using Objects Web Development (CGI Library), 375 Get Active Source File Name System Functions, 217 Get Command Line Arguments System Functions, 216 Get List Item Lists, 173 Get List Size Lists, 173 Get Number of Characters from position Strings, 183 Get Parameters Values Extension, 732 Get Request RingLibCurl, 405 Get Stock Data From Yahoo RingLibCurl, 407 Get String Length Strings, 180 Get Substring from position to end Strings, 183 getattribute() Reflection and Meta-programming, 284 GetChar() Getting Input, 157 getnumber() Stdlib Functions, 289 getstring() Stdlib Functions, 289 Getter and Setter Methods Frequently Asked Questions, 1706 Getting Input GetChar(), 157 Getting Started - First Style, 115 Getting Started - Second Style, 117 Getting Started - Third Style, 119 Give Command, 157 Input(), 158 Introduction, 156 Getting Started - First Style Getting Input, 115 Hello World, 114 Introduction, 113 Multi-Line literals, 114 No Explicit End For Statements, 115 Not Case-Sensitive, 114 Run the program, 114 Writing Comments, 115 Getting Started - Second Style Getting Input, 117 Hello World, 116 Introduction, 115 Multi-Line literals, 116 Index 1750
  • 7. Ring Documentation, Release 1.5.1 No Explicit End For Statements, 117 Not Case-Sensitive, 116 Run the program, 116 Writing Comments, 117 Getting Started - Third Style Getting Input, 119 Hello World, 118 Introduction, 117 Multi-Line literals, 118 No Explicit End For Statements, 119 Not Case-Sensitive, 118 Run the program, 118 Writing Comments, 119 Give Command Getting Input, 157 globals() Reflection and Meta-programming, 271 Goal of including the Main function in Ring Frequently Asked Questions, 1702 Gradient Web Development (CGI Library), 374 Graphics and Game Programming Drawing, Animation and Input, 412 Introduction, 411 Playing Sound, 419 Scaling and Rotating Images, 420 Threads, 422 Transparent Image, 421 TrueType Fonts, 418 Graphics Library Bindings Game Engine for 2D Games, 432 Hash Functions Web Development (CGI Library), 369 HashTable Class Stdlib Classes, 311 Hello World Getting Started - First Style, 114 Getting Started - Second Style, 116 Getting Started - Third Style, 118 Hello World Program using the Web Library Web Development (CGI Library), 352 Hex() Data Type, 196 Hex2str() Data Type, 197 Higher-order Functions Functional Programming, 267 History Introduction, 13 Natural Language Programming, 334 How can I disable maximize button and resize window? Frequently Asked Questions, 1718 How Ring find a functions and methods? Scope Rules for Functions and Methods, 668 How Ring find the Variable? Scope Rules, 654 How to add Combobox and other elements to the cells of a QTableWidget? Frequently Asked Questions, 1725 How to Close a window then displaying another one? Frequently Asked Questions, 1717 How to contribute? Applications, 113 Compiler and Virtual Machine (VM), 113 Documentation, 112 Editors Support, 113 Extensions in C/C++, 113 Ideas and suggestions, 113 Introduction, 111 Libraries in Ring, 113 Samples, 112 Special thanks to contributors, 112 Testing, 112 How to create a Modal Window? Frequently Asked Questions, 1717 How to create an array of buttons in GUI applications? Frequently Asked Questions, 1716 How to extend RingQt and add more classes? Frequently Asked Questions, 1722 How to get the current source file path? Frequently Asked Questions, 1709 How to get the file size using ftell() and fseek() functions? Frequently Asked Questions, 1709 How to insert an item to the first position in the list? Frequently Asked Questions, 1714 How to perform some manipulations on selected cells in QTableWidget? Frequently Asked Questions, 1725 How to print keys or values only in List/Dictionary? Frequently Asked Questions, 1710 How to print lists that contains objects? Frequently Asked Questions, 1714 How to print new lines and other characters? Frequently Asked Questions, 1715 How to use many source code files in the project? Frequently Asked Questions, 1711 How to use NULL and ISNULL() function? Frequently Asked Questions, 1713 How to use SQLite using ODBC? Frequently Asked Questions, 1719 HTML Lists Web Development (CGI Library), 372 HTML Special Characters Web Development (CGI Library), 368 HTML Tables Web Development (CGI Library), 373 HtmlPage Class Index 1751
  • 8. Ring Documentation, Release 1.5.1 Web Development (CGI Library), 380, 404 HTTP Get Example Web Development (CGI Library), 353 HTTP POST Example Web Development (CGI Library), 358 Ideas and suggestions How to contribute?, 113 If Statement Control Structures - Second Style, 149 Control Structures - Third Style, 152 Inheritance Object Oriented Programming, 259 Inheritance from GUI Classes Desktop and Mobile Development, 594 Input() Getting Input, 158 Insert() Lists, 176 Install Qt for Android Building RingQt Applications for Mobile, 637 Interactive Debugger The Trace Library and the Interactive Debugger, 723 Interface to graphics library Game Engine for 2D Games, 432 Internet Class Stdlib Classes, 327 Introduction Features, 13 History, 13 Introduction, 11 Motivation, 12 Is Ring some sort of improvement over PHP? Frequently Asked Questions, 1697 IsAlNum() Data Type, 192 IsAlpha() Data Type, 192 IsAndroid() Function System Functions, 215 isattribute() Reflection and Meta-programming, 280 iscfunction() Reflection and Meta-programming, 274 isclass() Reflection and Meta-programming, 276 IsCntrl() Data Type, 192 IsDigit() Data Type, 193 IsFreeBSD() Function System Functions, 215 isfunction() Reflection and Meta-programming, 274 isglobal() Reflection and Meta-programming, 273 IsGraph() Data Type, 193 isleapyear() Stdlib Functions, 298 IsLinux() Function System Functions, 215 IsList() Data Type, 191 islocal() Reflection and Meta-programming, 273 IsLower() Data Type, 193 IsMacOSX() Function System Functions, 214 ismainsourcefile() Stdlib Functions, 301 ismethod() Reflection and Meta-programming, 281 IsMSDOS() Function System Functions, 214 IsNULL() Data Type, 191 IsNumber() Data Type, 190 isobject() Reflection and Meta-programming, 279 ispackage() Reflection and Meta-programming, 275 ispackagesclass() Reflection and Meta-programming, 278 isprime() Stdlib Functions, 294 IsPrint() Data Type, 193 isprivateattribute() Reflection and Meta-programming, 280 isprivatemethod() Reflection and Meta-programming, 281 IsPunct() Data Type, 194 IsSpace() Data Type, 194 isspecial() Stdlib Functions, 292 IsString() Data Type, 190 IsUnix() Function System Functions, 214 IsUpper() Data Type, 194 isvowel() Stdlib Functions, 293 Index 1752
  • 9. Ring Documentation, Release 1.5.1 IsWindows() Function System Functions, 214 IsWindows64() Function System Functions, 214 IsXdigit() Data Type, 194 JustFileName() Stdlib Functions, 290 JustFilePath() Stdlib Functions, 289 Keyboard Events and Colors Using RingOpenGL and RingFreeGLUT for 3D Graphics, 492 Keyboard Shortcuts Form Designer, 650 KeyPress and Mouse Move Events Desktop and Mobile Development, 588 Language Design Compact Syntax, 19 Define Declarative Languages, 22 Define Natural Statements, 20 Designed for a clear goal, 17 Encourage Organization, 19 Introduction, 16 Simple, 17 Smart Garbage Collector, 25 Transparent Implementation, 23 Trying to be natural, 18 Visual Implementation, 24 Why Ring?, 17 Language Functions Reference, 1728 Language Grammar Reference, 1731 Language Keywords Reference, 1727 Language Shell Demo Programs, 223 lcm() Stdlib Functions, 296 Left() Strings, 181 Libraries in Ring How to contribute?, 113 Library Usage Objects Library for RingQt Application, 640 linecount() Stdlib Functions, 293 Lines() Strings, 182 List Class Stdlib Classes, 308 List index start from 1 Frequently Asked Questions, 1703 List of changes and new features What is new in Ring 1.1?, 96 What is new in Ring 1.2?, 90 What is new in Ring 1.3?, 77 What is new in Ring 1.4?, 65 What is new in Ring 1.5?, 26 list of functions Mathematical Functions, 198 list2file() Stdlib Functions, 294 ListAllFiles() Function Stdlib Functions, 303 Lists Access List Items by String Index, 178 Add Items, 172 Copy Lists, 176 Create Lists, 172 Delete Item From List, 173 First-Class Lists, 177 Get List Item, 173 Get List Size, 173 Insert(), 176 Introduction, 171 Nested Lists, 176 Passing Lists to Functions, 177 Passing Parameters Using List, 178 Reverse(), 175 Search, 174 Set List Item, 173 Sort(), 174 Swap Items, 179 Using Lists during definition, 177 Load Syntax Files Syntax Flexibility, 673 Loading the Trace library The Trace Library and the Interactive Debugger, 722 locals() Reflection and Meta-programming, 271 Logical Operators Operators, 139 Loop Command Control Structures - First Style, 146 Looping Control Structures, 153 Control Structures - First Style, 143 Control Structures - Second Style, 150 Low Level Functions callgc(), 702 Example - The Trace Library, 718 Example - Using the Trace Functions, 714 Introduction, 701 nullpointer(), 704 Index 1753
  • 10. Ring Documentation, Release 1.5.1 object2pointer(), 704 pointer2object(), 704 ptrcmp(), 705 ringvm_callfunc(), 714 RingVM_CallList(), 710 RingVM_CFunctionsList(), 706 RingVM_ClassesList(), 706 ringvm_evalinscope(), 713 RingVM_FilesList(), 711 RingVM_FunctionsList(), 706 ringvm_hideerrorMsg(), 713 RingVM_MemoryList(), 708 RingVM_PackagesList(), 707 ringvm_passerror(), 713 ringvm_scopescount(), 713 ringvm_settrace(), 712 ringvm_tracedata(), 712 ringvm_traceevent(), 712 ringvm_tracefunc(), 713 space(), 703 varptr(), 703 Main Function Functions - First Style, 160 Functions - Second Style, 164 Functions - Third Style, 168 Main Menu Demo Programs, 223 Make a Cube using RingOpenGL and RingFreeGLUT Using RingOpenGL and RingFreeGLUT for 3D Graphics, 529 makedir() Stdlib Functions, 302 Map Game Engine for 2D Games, 449 Map Class Game Engine for 2D Games, 436 Map Events Game Engine for 2D Games, 450 map() Stdlib Functions, 291 Math Class Stdlib Classes, 313 Mathematical Functions Decimals(), 201 Example, 198 Introduction, 197 list of functions, 198 Random(), 200 Unsigned(), 201 matrixmulti() Stdlib Functions, 298 matrixtrans() Stdlib Functions, 299 MD5() Security and Internet Functions, 248 Menu Events Using RingOpenGL and RingFreeGLUT for 3D Graphics, 505 Menubar and StyleSheet Example Desktop and Mobile Development, 568 Menubar Designer Form Designer, 650 mergemethods() Reflection and Meta-programming, 286 Methods to use Events with Events Filter Desktop and Mobile Development, 631 methods() Reflection and Meta-programming, 279 Misc Operators Operators, 140 Module Organization Extension, 730 More Beatiful Code Declarative Programming, 332 More Samples and Tests Form Designer, 652 More Syntax Flexibility What is new in Ring 1.5?, 57 Motivation Introduction, 12 Mouse Events RingLibSDL, 429 Using RingOpenGL and RingFreeGLUT for 3D Graphics, 501 Movable Label Example Desktop and Mobile Development, 584 Moving Objects using the Mouse Desktop and Mobile Development, 590 Moving Text Game Engine for 2D Games, 438 Multi-Line literals Getting Started - First Style, 114 Getting Started - Second Style, 116 Getting Started - Third Style, 118 MySQL Class Stdlib Classes, 324 MySQL Functions Create Database, 237 Create Table and Insert Data, 238 Introduction, 235 MySQL_AutoCommit(), 243 MySQL_Close(), 237 MySQL_Columns(), 240 MySQL_Commit(), 243 MySQL_Connect(), 237 MySQL_Error(), 237 MySQL_Escape_String(), 242 Index 1754