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Ring Documentation, Release 1.10
Ring mode for Emacs Editor
What is new in Ring 1.3?, 163
Ring Notepad
Introduction, 204
Ring Notepad - Creating and running your first con-
sole application, 205
Ring Notepad - Creating and running your first game,
Ring Notepad - Creating and running your first GUI
application, 208
Ring Notepad - Creating and running your first Web
application, 209
Ring Notepad - Main Window, 205
The Browser Menu, 215
The Distribute Menu, 216
The Edit Menu, 213
The File Menu, 212
The Help Menu, 216
The Main File in the Project, 211
The Program Menu, 215
The Tools Menu, 216
The View Menu, 213
Ring Notepad - Creating and running your first console
Ring Notepad, 205
Ring Notepad - Creating and running your first game
Ring Notepad, 210
Ring Notepad - Creating and running your first GUI ap-
Ring Notepad, 208
Ring Notepad - Creating and running your first Web ap-
Ring Notepad, 209
Ring Notepad - Main Window
Ring Notepad, 205
Ring Package Manager (RingPM)
Create Package in the Current Folder, 879
Creating New Package, 876
Deleting All Packages, 876
Discovering Packages, 873
Features, 873
Installing Packages, 874
Introduction, 872
Printing List of Installed Packages, 875
Remove Package, 876
Run Package, 875
The Package Description File, 878
The RingPM Registry File, 881
Update Package, 875
Updating the RingPM Registry, 874
Ring source code files and permissions
Deploying Web Applications in the Cloud, 514
Ring State
Embedding Ring Language in C/C++ Programs, 925
Ring State Functions
Embedding Ring Language in C/C++ Programs, 925
Ring State Variables
Embedding Ring Language in C/C++ Programs, 926
Ring VM - Tracing Functions
What is new in Ring 1.5?, 125
Extension, 914
Extension, 914
ring_state_new() and ring_state_mainfile()
Embedding Ring in Ring, 912
ring_state_new() and ring_state_mainfile() functions
What is new in Ring 1.7?, 83
Embedding Ring in Ring, 911
RingAllegro Functions Reference
Introduction, 1245
RingCodeHighlighter Class
RingQt Classes Reference, 1214
RingConsoleColors Extension
What is new in Ring 1.6?, 92
RingConsoleColors Functions Reference
Introduction, 1243
RingFreeGLUT Extension
What is new in Ring 1.5?, 111
RingFreeGLUT Functions Reference
Introduction, 1298
Facebook Login, 517
Get Request, 517
Get Stock Data From Yahoo, 519
Introduction, 516
Post Request, 517
Save output to string, 518
What is new in Ring 1.2?, 172
RingLibCurl Functions Reference
Introduction, 1233
Close Window Event, 541
Create Window, 538
Display Image, 538
Display PNG Images, 539
Display Transparent Images, 540
Draw Rectangle, 539
Introduction, 537
Mouse Events, 542
Play Sound, 543
Switch Between Two Images, 538
Use TTF Fonts, 540
What is new in Ring 1.1?, 181
RingLibSDL Functions Reference
Introduction, 1264
Index 2068
Ring Documentation, Release 1.10
Client Example, 547
Client Example - Using Classes, 550
First Application using RingLibuv, 545
Introduction, 544
Server Example, 546
Server Example using Classes, 549
The Events Loop, 546
Threads Example, 551
Threads Example - Using Classes, 552
RingLibuv Extension
What is new in Ring 1.7?, 86
RingLibuv Functions Reference
Introduction, 1289
RingLibZip Functions Reference
Introduction, 1242
RingMurmurHash Extension
What is new in Ring 1.6?, 92
RingMurmurHash Functions Reference
Example, 1215
Introduction, 1214
MurmurHash1 functions, 1215
MurmurHash2 functions, 1215
MurmurHash3 functions, 1215
RingOpenGL (OpenGL 1.1) Functions Reference
Introduction, 1307
RingOpenGL (OpenGL 1.2) Functions Reference
Introduction, 1332
RingOpenGL (OpenGL 1.3) Functions Reference
Introduction, 1358
RingOpenGL (OpenGL 1.4) Functions Reference
Introduction, 1387
RingOpenGL (OpenGL 1.5) Functions Reference
Introduction, 1417
RingOpenGL (OpenGL 2.0) Functions Reference
Introduction, 1448
RingOpenGL (OpenGL 2.1) Functions Reference
Introduction, 1482
RingOpenGL (OpenGL 3.0) Functions Reference
Introduction, 1524
RingOpenGL (OpenGL 3.1) Functions Reference
Introduction, 1569
RingOpenGL (OpenGL 3.2) Functions Reference
Introduction, 1615
RingOpenGL (OpenGL 3.3) Functions Reference
Introduction, 1662
RingOpenGL (OpenGL 4.0) Functions Reference
Introduction, 1708
RingOpenGL (OpenGL 4.1) Functions Reference
Introduction, 1755
RingOpenGL (OpenGL 4.2) Functions Reference
Introduction, 1802
RingOpenGL (OpenGL 4.3) Functions Reference
Introduction, 1849
RingOpenGL (OpenGL 4.4) Functions Reference
Introduction, 1896
RingOpenGL (OpenGL 4.5) Functions Reference
Introduction, 1943
RingOpenGL (OpenGL 4.6) Functions Reference
Introduction, 1990
RingOpenGL Extension
What is new in Ring 1.5?, 120
RingPostgreSQL Constants
PostgreSQL, 344
RingPostgreSQL Extension
What is new in Ring 1.9?, 59
RingPostgreSQL Functions
PostgreSQL, 345
RingQt Classes and their Qt Documentation
Desktop and Mobile Development, 783
RingQt Classes Reference
CodeEditor Class, 1000
Introduction, 999
QAbstractButton Class, 1000
QAbstractItemView Class, 1001
QAbstractPrintDialog Class, 1003
QAbstractScrollArea Class, 1003
QAbstractSlider Class, 1004
QAbstractSocket Class, 1005
QAbstractSpinBox Class, 1006
QAction Class, 1007
QAllEvents Class, 1008
QApp Class, 1013
QAxBase Class, 1013
QAxObject Class, 1015
QAxWidget Class, 1015
QBitmap Class, 1015
QBluetoothAddress Class, 1015
QBluetoothDeviceDiscoveryAgent Class, 1015
QBluetoothDeviceInfo Class, 1016
QBluetoothHostInfo Class, 1016
QBluetoothLocalDevice Class, 1017
QBluetoothServer Class, 1018
QBluetoothServiceDiscoveryAgent Class, 1018
QBluetoothServiceInfo Class, 1019
QBluetoothSocket Class, 1020
QBluetoothTransferManager Class, 1021
QBluetoothTransferReply Class, 1021
QBluetoothTransferRequest Class, 1021
QBluetoothUuid Class, 1021
QBoxLayout Class, 1022
QBrush Class, 1022
QBuffer Class, 1023
QButtonGroup Class, 1023
QByteArray Class, 1024
QCalendarWidget Class, 1026
QCamera Class, 1027
QCameraImageCapture Class, 1028
QCameraViewfinder Class, 1029
Index 2069
Ring Documentation, Release 1.10
QChar Class, 1029
QCheckBox Class, 1031
QChildEvent Class, 1032
QClipboard Class, 1032
QColor Class, 1032
QColorDialog Class, 1035
QComboBox Class, 1035
QCompleter Class, 1037
QCompleter2 Class, 1038
QCompleter3 Class, 1038
QCoreApplication Class, 1038
QCursor Class, 1039
QDate Class, 1040
QDateEdit Class, 1041
QDateTime Class, 1041
QDateTimeEdit Class, 1042
QDesktopServices Class, 1043
QDesktopWidget Class, 1044
QDial Class, 1044
QDialog Class, 1045
QDir Class, 1045
QDirModel Class, 1047
QDockWidget Class, 1048
QDrag Class, 1048
QDragEnterEvent Class, 1049
QDragLeaveEvent Class, 1049
QDragMoveEvent Class, 1049
QDropEvent Class, 1050
QEvent Class, 1050
QFile Class, 1051
QFile2 Class, 1051
QFileDevice Class, 1051
QFileDialog Class, 1052
QFileInfo Class, 1053
QFileSystemModel Class, 1055
QFont Class, 1056
QFontDialog Class, 1058
QFontMetrics Class, 1058
QFrame Class, 1059
QFrame2 Class, 1060
QFrame3 Class, 1060
QGeoAddress Class, 1060
QGeoAreaMonitorInfo Class, 1061
QGeoAreaMonitorSource Class, 1061
QGeoCircle Class, 1061
QGeoCoordinate Class, 1062
QGeoPositionInfo Class, 1062
QGeoPositionInfoSource Class, 1062
QGeoRectangle Class, 1063
QGeoSatelliteInfo Class, 1064
QGeoSatelliteInfoSource Class, 1064
QGeoShape Class, 1064
QGradient Class, 1064
QGraphicsVideoItem Class, 1065
QGridLayout Class, 1065
QGuiApplication Class, 1066
QHBoxLayout Class, 1068
QHeaderView Class, 1068
QHostAddress Class, 1071
QHostInfo Class, 1071
QIcon Class, 1072
QImage Class, 1073
QInputDialog Class, 1074
QIODevice Class, 1072
QJsonArray Class, 1075
QJsonDocument Class, 1076
QJsonObject Class, 1077
QJsonParseError Class, 1077
QJsonValue Class, 1077
QKeySequence Class, 1078
QLabel Class, 1079
QLayout Class, 1080
QLCDNumber Class, 1078
QLinearGradient Class, 1083
QLineEdit Class, 1081
QListView Class, 1083
QListWidget Class, 1084
QListWidgetItem Class, 1085
QMainWindow Class, 1086
QMatrix4x4 Class, 1088
QMdiArea Class, 1089
QMdiSubWindow Class, 1090
QMediaObject Class, 1090
QMediaPlayer Class, 1091
QMediaPlaylist Class, 1092
QMenu Class, 1092
QMenuBar Class, 1093
QMessageBox Class, 1094
QMimeData Class, 1095
QMutex Class, 1095
QMutexLocker Class, 1096
QNetworkAccessManager Class, 1096
QNetworkProxy Class, 1097
QNetworkReply Class, 1097
QNetworkRequest Class, 1098
QNmeaPositionInfoSource Class, 1098
QObject Class, 1099
QOpenGLBuffer Class, 1100
QOpenGLContext Class, 1100
QOpenGLDebugLogger Class, 1101
QOpenGLFramebufferObject Class, 1102
QOpenGLFunctions Class, 1102
QOpenGLFunctions_3_2_Core Class, 1106
QOpenGLPaintDevice Class, 1114
QOpenGLShader Class, 1115
QOpenGLShaderProgram Class, 1115
QOpenGLTexture Class, 1119
QOpenGLTimerQuery Class, 1121
Index 2070
Ring Documentation, Release 1.10
QOpenGLVersionProfile Class, 1121
QOpenGLVertexArrayObject Class, 1122
QOpenGLWidget Class, 1122
QPageSetupDialog Class, 1123
QPaintDevice Class, 1123
QPainter Class, 1123
QPainter2 Class, 1126
QPainterPath Class, 1126
QPen Class, 1127
QPicture Class, 1128
QPixmap Class, 1128
QPixmap2 Class, 1130
QPlainTextEdit Class, 1130
QPoint Class, 1132
QPointF Class, 1133
QPrinter Class, 1134
QPrinterInfo Class, 1135
QPrintPreviewDialog Class, 1133
QPrintPreviewWidget Class, 1133
QProcess Class, 1136
QProgressBar Class, 1137
QPushButton Class, 1138
QQmlError Class, 1138
QQuaternion Class, 1139
QQuickWidget Class, 1139
QRadioButton Class, 1140
QRect Class, 1140
QRegion Class, 1142
QRegularExpression Class, 1143
QRegularExpressionMatch Class, 1143
QRegularExpressionMatchIterator Class, 1144
QScreen Class, 1144
QScrollArea Class, 1145
QScrollBar Class, 1146
QSerialPort Class, 1146
QSerialPortInfo Class, 1147
QSize Class, 1147
QSlider Class, 1148
QSpinBox Class, 1148
QSplashScreen Class, 1149
QSplitter Class, 1149
QSqlDatabase Class, 1150
QSqlDriver Class, 1151
QSqlDriverCreatorBase Class, 1151
QSqlError Class, 1152
QSqlField Class, 1152
QSqlIndex Class, 1153
QSqlQuery Class, 1153
QSqlRecord Class, 1154
QStackedWidget Class, 1155
QStandardPaths Class, 1155
QStatusBar Class, 1156
QString2 Class, 1156
QStringList Class, 1157
QStringRef Class, 1158
QSurfaceFormat Class, 1160
QSystemTrayIcon Class, 1161
QTabBar Class, 1161
QTableView Class, 1164
QTableWidget Class, 1165
QTableWidgetItem Class, 1168
QTabWidget Class, 1163
QTcpServer Class, 1169
QTcpSocket Class, 1170
QTest Class, 1170
QTextBlock Class, 1170
QTextBrowser Class, 1171
QTextCharFormat Class, 1172
QTextCodec Class, 1174
QTextCursor Class, 1174
QTextDocument Class, 1176
QTextEdit Class, 1178
QTextStream Class, 1180
QTextStream2 Class, 1182
QTextStream3 Class, 1182
QTextStream4 Class, 1182
QTextStream5 Class, 1182
QThread Class, 1182
QThreadPool Class, 1183
QTime Class, 1184
QTimer Class, 1184
QToolBar Class, 1185
QToolButton Class, 1185
QTreeView Class, 1186
QTreeWidget Class, 1188
QTreeWidgetItem Class, 1190
QUrl Class, 1192
QUuid Class, 1193
QVariant Class, 1194
QVariant2 Class, 1195
QVariant3 Class, 1195
QVariant4 Class, 1195
QVariant5 Class, 1195
QVBoxLayout Class, 1193
QVector2D Class, 1195
QVector3D Class, 1196
QVector4D Class, 1197
QVideoWidget Class, 1197
QVideoWidgetControl Class, 1198
QWebEngineView Class, 1198
QWebView Class, 1199, 1200
QWidget Class, 1200
QWindow Class, 1206
QXmlStreamAttribute Class, 1210
QXmlStreamAttributes Class, 1210
QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration Class, 1211
QXmlStreamEntityResolver Class, 1211
QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration Class, 1211
Index 2071
Ring Documentation, Release 1.10
QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration Class, 1211
QXmlStreamReader Class, 1211
QXmlStreamWriter Class, 1213
RingCodeHighlighter Class, 1214
What is new in Ring 1.4?, 147
What is new in Ring 1.1?, 182
Low Level Functions, 895
Low Level Functions, 892
Low Level Functions, 887
Low Level Functions, 888
Low Level Functions, 894
Low Level Functions, 892
Low Level Functions, 887
ringvm_give() function
Low Level Functions, 903
Low Level Functions, 895
Low Level Functions, 903
Low Level Functions, 890
Low Level Functions, 889
Low Level Functions, 895
Low Level Functions, 894
ringvm_see() and ringvm_give() functions
What is new in Ring 1.7?, 82
ringvm_see() function
Low Level Functions, 903
Low Level Functions, 893
Low Level Functions, 893
Low Level Functions, 894
Low Level Functions, 894
Create Zip File, 521
Extract Zip File, 521
Introduction, 520
Print files in Zip file, 521
Using RingZip Classes, 521
Zip Class Reference, 523
ZipEntry Class Reference, 523
RingZip Library
What is new in Ring 1.3?, 166
Rotate Text
Desktop and Mobile Development, 746
The Type Hints Library, 839
Run Package
Ring Package Manager (RingPM), 875
Run the program
Getting Started - First Style, 197
Getting Started - Second Style, 200
Getting Started - Third Style, 202
Running Forms
Form Designer, 798
Runtime Errors
Reference, 990
Runtime Errors when Embedding Ring in Ring
Embedding Ring in Ring, 913
How to contribute?, 195
Samples in this book
Applications developed in little hours, 15
Samples Source (Authors)
Using RingOpenGL and RingFreeGLUT for 3D
Graphics, 606
Save and Restore Images
ODBC Functions, 327
Save Image Inside the Database
MySQL Functions, 335
Save output to string
RingLibCurl, 518
Scaling and Rotating Images
Graphics and Game Programming, 533
Scope Rules
Accessing the class attributes from braces inside
class methods, 814
Conflict between Class Attributes and Local Vari-
ables, 811
Conflict between Global Variables and Class At-
tributes, 810
Conflict between self inside braces and self in the
class region, 817
Creating a Class for each Window in GUI applica-
tions, 816
Defining Variables and Variables Access, 808
How Ring find the Variable?, 809
Introduction, 807
Summary of Scope Rules, 821
The For Loops uses the local scope, 821
The Self Object, 809
Three Scopes, 808
Index 2072
Ring Documentation, Release 1.10
Using Braces to access objects inside Class Methods,
Using braces to escape from the current object scope,
Using Object.Attribute, 809
Scope Rules for Functions and Methods
Calling a function sharing the name with a method in
the current class, 826
Example about Sharing Names between Functions
and Methods, 824
How Ring find a functions and methods?, 824
Introduction, 823
Screen Shots
The Gold Magic 800 Game, 676
ScriptFunctions Class
Web Development (CGI Library), 510
Lists, 263
Search of global names while defining the class attributes
Frequently Asked Questions, 963
Security and Internet Functions
Decrypt(), 351
Download(), 352
Encrypt(), 350
Example, 351
File Hash, 351
Introduction, 347
MD5(), 348
RandBytes(), 352
SendEmail(), 352
SHA1(), 349
SHA224(), 350
SHA256(), 349
SHA384(), 350
SHA512(), 349
Security Class
Stdlib Classes, 434
Send Parameters
Functions - First Style, 248
Functions - Second Style, 252
Functions - Third Style, 256
Security and Internet Functions, 352
Serial Execution of Programs
Embedding Ring in Ring, 910
Server Example
RingLibuv, 546
Server Example using Classes
RingLibuv, 549
Set List Item
Lists, 262
Reflection and Meta-programming, 390
Setter and Getter
Object Oriented Programming, 358
Security and Internet Functions, 349
Security and Internet Functions, 350
Security and Internet Functions, 349
Security and Internet Functions, 350
Security and Internet Functions, 349
Shared Libraries
Extension, 922
Short-circuit evaluation
Control Structures - First Style, 234
Shutdown() Function
System Functions, 312
Stdlib Functions, 399
Language Design, 31
Simple Client and Server Example
Desktop and Mobile Development, 750
Sin() Implementation
Extension, 918
Single: Desktop and Mobile Development
Introduction, 679
Stdlib Functions, 406
Smart Garbage Collector
Language Design, 39
Snakes And Ladder Game
What is new in Ring 1.10?, 46
Lists, 263
Sort() and List of Objects
Object Oriented Programming, 365
Sound Class
Game Engine for 2D Games, 557
Source Code
Resources, 2039
The Gold Magic 800 Game, 678
Source Code File Sections
Program Structure, 259
Low Level Functions, 884
Special Thanks
Introduction, 25
Special thanks to contributors
How to contribute?, 195
Stdlib Functions, 396
Stdlib Functions, 396
Index 2073
Ring Documentation, Release 1.10
Sprite Automatic Movement
Game Engine for 2D Games, 564
Sprite Class
Game Engine for 2D Games, 556
Sprite Keypress Event
Game Engine for 2D Games, 565
Sprite Mouse Event
Game Engine for 2D Games, 566
Sprite State Event
Game Engine for 2D Games, 567
Introduction, 337
sqlite_close(), 338
sqlite_execute(), 338
sqlite_init(), 338
sqlite_open(), 338
SQLite Class
Stdlib Classes, 432
SQLite, 338
SQLite, 338
SQLite, 338
SQLite, 338
Squares Puzzle Game
Applications developed in little hours, 10
Mathematical Functions, 293
Stack Class
Stdlib Classes, 417
Stars Fighter Game
Game Engine for 2D Games, 576
Stdlib Functions, 400
Static Methods
Code Generator, 946
StdBase Class
Stdlib Classes, 412
Stdlib Classes
Conversion Class, 429
DataType Class, 428
DateTime Class, 423
Debug Class, 427
File Class, 425
HashTable Class, 418
Internet Class, 435
Introduction, 411
List Class, 415
Math Class, 420
MySQL Class, 431
ODBC Class, 430
PostgreSQL Class, 433
Queue Class, 417
Security Class, 434
SQLite Class, 432
Stack Class, 417
StdBase Class, 412
String Class, 413
System Class, 426
Tree Class, 419
Stdlib Functions
apppath(), 394
ASCIIList2Str(), 410
binarydigits(), 403
capitalized(), 397
changestring(), 406
dayofweek(), 404
direxists(), 406
endswith(), 400
EpochTime(), 408
evenorodd(), 402
factorial(), 398
factors(), 402
fibonacci(), 399
file2list(), 400
filter(), 396
FSize(), 407
gcd(), 401
getnumber(), 394
getstring(), 394
Introduction, 392
isleapyear(), 403
ismainsourcefile(), 406
ispalindrome(), 403
isprime(), 399
isspecial(), 397
isvowel(), 398
JustFileName(), 395
JustFilePath(), 394
lcm(), 401
linecount(), 398
List2Code() Function, 410
list2file(), 399
ListAllFiles() Function, 408
makedir(), 407
map(), 396
matrixmulti(), 403
matrixtrans(), 404
newlist(), 397
OSCopyFile() Function, 409
OSCopyFolder() Function, 409
OSCreateOpenFolder() Function, 409
OSDeleteFile() Function, 410
OSDeleteFolder() Function, 409
OSRenameFile() Function, 410
permutation(), 404
Index 2074
Ring Documentation, Release 1.10
print(), 393
Print2Str() Function, 393
prodlist(), 402
puts(), 393
readline(), 405
sign(), 399
sleep(), 406
split(), 396
splitmany(), 396
startswith(), 400
Str2ASCIIList(), 410
substring(), 405
sumlist(), 401
SystemCmd() Function, 408
SystemSilent() Function, 409
times(), 395
TrimAll(), 407
TrimLeft(), 407
TrimRight(), 408
value(), 395
StdLib functions and classes written in Ring
What is new in Ring 1.1?, 179
Step Option
Control Structures - First Style, 232
Steps to create the extension
Create your first extension, 949
StopWatch Application
What is new in Ring 1.8?, 70
Stdlib Functions, 410
Data Type, 289
str2list() and list2str()
Strings, 275
Strings, 275
String Class
Stdlib Classes, 413
String Literals
Strings, 271
Data Type, 287
String2Constant Application
What is new in Ring 1.8?, 69
Access String Letters, 271
Convert Letters Case, 271
Copy(), 273
Find SubString, 274
Get Number of Characters from position, 274
Get String Length, 271
Get Substring from position to end, 274
Introduction, 270
Left(), 272
Lines(), 273
Merge binary characters, 276
Right(), 272
str2list() and list2str(), 275
strcmp(), 275
String Literals, 271
Substr(), 273
Transform Substring To Another Substring, 274
Trim(), 273
StyleFunctions Class
Web Development (CGI Library), 510
Strings, 273
Stdlib Functions, 405
Stdlib Functions, 401
Summary of Scope Rules
Scope Rules, 821
Super Man 2016 Game
Game Engine for 2D Games, 591
Swap Items
Lists, 269
Switch Between Two Images
RingLibSDL, 538
Switch Statement
Control Structures - First Style, 230
Control Structures - Second Style, 237
Control Structures - Third Style, 240
Syntax Flexibility
Change Language Keywords, 828
Change Language Operators, 829
Ignore new lines after keywords, 837
Introduction, 827
Language Design, 37
Load Syntax Files, 829
Using ’case’ as ’on’ in switch statements, 835
Using ’def’ as ’func’ in functions/methods defini-
tion, 835
Using ’end’ keyword after Pack-
ages/Classes/Functions, 836
Using ’endpackage’/’endclass’/’endfunc’ keywords
after Packages/Classes/Functions, 836
Using ’put’ and ’get’ as ’see’ and ’give’, 835
Using () around the function parameters, 829
in the start of the variable name, 832
Using braces { } in Packages/Classes/Functions, 836
Using braces to start and end different control struc-
tures, 834
Using Semi-colon after and between statements, 831
Using the ’else’ keyword as ’other’ in switch state-
ment, 832
Using the ’elseif’ keyword as ’but’ in if statement,
Index 2075
Ring Documentation, Release 1.10
Using the ’end’ keyword in different control struc-
tures, 833
What is new in Ring 1.1?, 176
SysGet() Function
System Functions, 307
System Class
Stdlib Classes, 426
System Functions
ChDir() Function, 311
CurrentDir() Function, 311
Example, 308
ExeFileName() Function, 311
ExeFolder() Function, 311
Get Active Source File Name, 310
Get Command Line Arguments, 309
Introduction, 305
IsAndroid() Function, 308
IsFreeBSD() Function, 308
IsLinux() Function, 308
IsMacOSX() Function, 307
IsMSDOS() Function, 307
IsUnix() Function, 307
IsWindows() Function, 307
IsWindows64() Function, 307
PrevFileName() Function, 310
Shutdown() Function, 312
SysGet() Function, 307
System() Function, 306
Version() Function, 311
Windowsnl() Function, 309
System() Function
System Functions, 306
SystemCmd() Function
Stdlib Functions, 408
SystemSilent() Function
Stdlib Functions, 409
Files, 300
Web Development (CGI Library), 474
Files, 300
How to contribute?, 195
Testing the extension
Create your first extension, 950
Text Class
Game Engine for 2D Games, 556
The Browser Menu
Ring Notepad, 215
The Camera
Using RingOpenGL and RingFreeGLUT for 3D
Graphics, 616
The Cards Game
Demo Programs, 772
Desktop and Mobile Development, 772
The Designer Windows
Form Designer, 797
The Difference between Qt and RingQt
Desktop and Mobile Development, 782
The Distribute Menu
Ring Notepad, 216
The documentation says functional programming is sup-
ported, but then this happens?
Frequently Asked Questions, 955
The Edit Menu
Ring Notepad, 213
The Events Loop
Desktop and Mobile Development, 681
RingLibuv, 546
The File Menu
Ring Notepad, 212
The files ring.ring and ring.ringo
Distributing Ring Application, 863
The First GUI Application
Desktop and Mobile Development, 680
The First Triangle
Using RingOpenGL and RingFreeGLUT for 3D
Graphics, 609
The First Window using RingFreeGLUT
Using RingOpenGL and RingFreeGLUT for 3D
Graphics, 607
The For Loops uses the local scope
Scope Rules, 821
What is new in Ring 1.8?, 75
The Game Story
The Gold Magic 800 Game, 676
The Gold Magic 800 Game
How to play?, 676
Introduction, 675
Screen Shots, 676
Source Code, 678
The Game Story, 676
What will you learn?, 676
The Help Menu
Ring Notepad, 216
The Main File in the Project
Ring Notepad, 211
The Natural Library
What is new in Ring 1.4?, 145
The Package Description File
Ring Package Manager (RingPM), 878
The Program Menu
Ring Notepad, 215
The Properties
Form Designer, 797
The Qt project for your Ring application
Index 2076
Ring Documentation, Release 1.10
Building RingQt Applications for Mobile, 788
The Ring Package Manager (RingPM)
What is new in Ring 1.10?, 49
The RingPM Registry File
Ring Package Manager (RingPM), 881
The Self Object
Scope Rules, 809
The Tools Menu
Ring Notepad, 216
The Trace Library and the Interactive Debugger
BreakPoint, 907
Disable BreakPoints, 907
Execute Program Line by Line, 906
Interactive Debugger, 906
Introduction, 904
Loading the Trace library, 905
Pass Error, 906
Trace All Events, 905
Trace control flow between functions, 905
Using the Interactive Debugger, 907
The Type Hints Library
Example, 838
Introduction to the Type Hints Library, 837
Rules, 839
User Types, 838
Using Types inside Code, 839
Why Type Hints?, 838
The View Menu
Ring Notepad, 213
Graphics and Game Programming, 535
Threads Example
RingLibuv, 551
Threads Example - Using Classes
RingLibuv, 552
Threads Support
Code Generator, 935
Three Scopes
Scope Rules, 808
TicTacToe 3D Game
Using RingOpenGL and RingAllegro for 3D Graph-
ics, 663
TicTacToe Game
Applications developed in little hours, 9
Date and Time, 278
Date and Time, 279
Stdlib Functions, 395
Trace All Events
The Trace Library and the Interactive Debugger, 905
Trace control flow between functions
The Trace Library and the Interactive Debugger, 905
Trace Library and Interactive Debugger
What is new in Ring 1.5?, 129
Transaction Example
MySQL Functions, 336
Transactions and Using Commit and Rollback
ODBC Functions, 326
Transform Substring To Another Substring
Strings, 274
Transparent Image
Graphics and Game Programming, 534
Transparent Implementation
Language Design, 37
Tree Class
Stdlib Classes, 419
Triangle Rotation
Using RingOpenGL and RingFreeGLUT for 3D
Graphics, 612
Strings, 273
Stdlib Functions, 407
Stdlib Functions, 407
Stdlib Functions, 408
TrueType Fonts
Graphics and Game Programming, 531
Eval() and Debugging, 313
Trying to be natural
Language Design, 32
Type Hints Library
What is new in Ring 1.5?, 132
Data Type, 283
Files, 302
Mathematical Functions, 293
Update Package
Ring Package Manager (RingPM), 875
Update the Android SDK
Building RingQt Applications for Mobile, 787
Updating the RingPM Registry
Ring Package Manager (RingPM), 874
Upload Files
Web Development (CGI Library), 468
URL Encode
Web Development (CGI Library), 473
Deploying Web Applications in the Cloud, 513
Use TTF Fonts
RingLibSDL, 540
Index 2077

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The Ring programming language version 1.10 book - Part 211 of 212

  • 1. Ring Documentation, Release 1.10 Ring mode for Emacs Editor What is new in Ring 1.3?, 163 Ring Notepad Introduction, 204 Ring Notepad - Creating and running your first con- sole application, 205 Ring Notepad - Creating and running your first game, 210 Ring Notepad - Creating and running your first GUI application, 208 Ring Notepad - Creating and running your first Web application, 209 Ring Notepad - Main Window, 205 The Browser Menu, 215 The Distribute Menu, 216 The Edit Menu, 213 The File Menu, 212 The Help Menu, 216 The Main File in the Project, 211 The Program Menu, 215 The Tools Menu, 216 The View Menu, 213 Ring Notepad - Creating and running your first console application Ring Notepad, 205 Ring Notepad - Creating and running your first game Ring Notepad, 210 Ring Notepad - Creating and running your first GUI ap- plication Ring Notepad, 208 Ring Notepad - Creating and running your first Web ap- plication Ring Notepad, 209 Ring Notepad - Main Window Ring Notepad, 205 Ring Package Manager (RingPM) Create Package in the Current Folder, 879 Creating New Package, 876 Deleting All Packages, 876 Discovering Packages, 873 Features, 873 Installing Packages, 874 Introduction, 872 Printing List of Installed Packages, 875 Remove Package, 876 Run Package, 875 The Package Description File, 878 The RingPM Registry File, 881 Update Package, 875 Updating the RingPM Registry, 874 Ring source code files and permissions Deploying Web Applications in the Cloud, 514 Ring State Embedding Ring Language in C/C++ Programs, 925 Ring State Functions Embedding Ring Language in C/C++ Programs, 925 Ring State Variables Embedding Ring Language in C/C++ Programs, 926 Ring VM - Tracing Functions What is new in Ring 1.5?, 125 ring_ext.c Extension, 914 ring_ext.h Extension, 914 ring_state_new() and ring_state_mainfile() Embedding Ring in Ring, 912 ring_state_new() and ring_state_mainfile() functions What is new in Ring 1.7?, 83 ring_state_setvar() Embedding Ring in Ring, 911 RingAllegro Functions Reference Introduction, 1245 RingCodeHighlighter Class RingQt Classes Reference, 1214 RingConsoleColors Extension What is new in Ring 1.6?, 92 RingConsoleColors Functions Reference Introduction, 1243 RingFreeGLUT Extension What is new in Ring 1.5?, 111 RingFreeGLUT Functions Reference Introduction, 1298 RingLibCurl Facebook Login, 517 Get Request, 517 Get Stock Data From Yahoo, 519 Introduction, 516 Post Request, 517 Save output to string, 518 What is new in Ring 1.2?, 172 RingLibCurl Functions Reference Introduction, 1233 RingLibSDL Close Window Event, 541 Create Window, 538 Display Image, 538 Display PNG Images, 539 Display Transparent Images, 540 Draw Rectangle, 539 Introduction, 537 Mouse Events, 542 Play Sound, 543 Switch Between Two Images, 538 Use TTF Fonts, 540 What is new in Ring 1.1?, 181 RingLibSDL Functions Reference Introduction, 1264 RingLibuv Index 2068
  • 2. Ring Documentation, Release 1.10 Client Example, 547 Client Example - Using Classes, 550 First Application using RingLibuv, 545 Introduction, 544 Server Example, 546 Server Example using Classes, 549 The Events Loop, 546 Threads Example, 551 Threads Example - Using Classes, 552 RingLibuv Extension What is new in Ring 1.7?, 86 RingLibuv Functions Reference Introduction, 1289 RingLibZip Functions Reference Introduction, 1242 RingMurmurHash Extension What is new in Ring 1.6?, 92 RingMurmurHash Functions Reference Example, 1215 Introduction, 1214 MurmurHash1 functions, 1215 MurmurHash2 functions, 1215 MurmurHash3 functions, 1215 RingOpenGL (OpenGL 1.1) Functions Reference Introduction, 1307 RingOpenGL (OpenGL 1.2) Functions Reference Introduction, 1332 RingOpenGL (OpenGL 1.3) Functions Reference Introduction, 1358 RingOpenGL (OpenGL 1.4) Functions Reference Introduction, 1387 RingOpenGL (OpenGL 1.5) Functions Reference Introduction, 1417 RingOpenGL (OpenGL 2.0) Functions Reference Introduction, 1448 RingOpenGL (OpenGL 2.1) Functions Reference Introduction, 1482 RingOpenGL (OpenGL 3.0) Functions Reference Introduction, 1524 RingOpenGL (OpenGL 3.1) Functions Reference Introduction, 1569 RingOpenGL (OpenGL 3.2) Functions Reference Introduction, 1615 RingOpenGL (OpenGL 3.3) Functions Reference Introduction, 1662 RingOpenGL (OpenGL 4.0) Functions Reference Introduction, 1708 RingOpenGL (OpenGL 4.1) Functions Reference Introduction, 1755 RingOpenGL (OpenGL 4.2) Functions Reference Introduction, 1802 RingOpenGL (OpenGL 4.3) Functions Reference Introduction, 1849 RingOpenGL (OpenGL 4.4) Functions Reference Introduction, 1896 RingOpenGL (OpenGL 4.5) Functions Reference Introduction, 1943 RingOpenGL (OpenGL 4.6) Functions Reference Introduction, 1990 RingOpenGL Extension What is new in Ring 1.5?, 120 RingPostgreSQL Constants PostgreSQL, 344 RingPostgreSQL Extension What is new in Ring 1.9?, 59 RingPostgreSQL Functions PostgreSQL, 345 RingQt Classes and their Qt Documentation Desktop and Mobile Development, 783 RingQt Classes Reference CodeEditor Class, 1000 Introduction, 999 QAbstractButton Class, 1000 QAbstractItemView Class, 1001 QAbstractPrintDialog Class, 1003 QAbstractScrollArea Class, 1003 QAbstractSlider Class, 1004 QAbstractSocket Class, 1005 QAbstractSpinBox Class, 1006 QAction Class, 1007 QAllEvents Class, 1008 QApp Class, 1013 QAxBase Class, 1013 QAxObject Class, 1015 QAxWidget Class, 1015 QBitmap Class, 1015 QBluetoothAddress Class, 1015 QBluetoothDeviceDiscoveryAgent Class, 1015 QBluetoothDeviceInfo Class, 1016 QBluetoothHostInfo Class, 1016 QBluetoothLocalDevice Class, 1017 QBluetoothServer Class, 1018 QBluetoothServiceDiscoveryAgent Class, 1018 QBluetoothServiceInfo Class, 1019 QBluetoothSocket Class, 1020 QBluetoothTransferManager Class, 1021 QBluetoothTransferReply Class, 1021 QBluetoothTransferRequest Class, 1021 QBluetoothUuid Class, 1021 QBoxLayout Class, 1022 QBrush Class, 1022 QBuffer Class, 1023 QButtonGroup Class, 1023 QByteArray Class, 1024 QCalendarWidget Class, 1026 QCamera Class, 1027 QCameraImageCapture Class, 1028 QCameraViewfinder Class, 1029 Index 2069
  • 3. Ring Documentation, Release 1.10 QChar Class, 1029 QCheckBox Class, 1031 QChildEvent Class, 1032 QClipboard Class, 1032 QColor Class, 1032 QColorDialog Class, 1035 QComboBox Class, 1035 QCompleter Class, 1037 QCompleter2 Class, 1038 QCompleter3 Class, 1038 QCoreApplication Class, 1038 QCursor Class, 1039 QDate Class, 1040 QDateEdit Class, 1041 QDateTime Class, 1041 QDateTimeEdit Class, 1042 QDesktopServices Class, 1043 QDesktopWidget Class, 1044 QDial Class, 1044 QDialog Class, 1045 QDir Class, 1045 QDirModel Class, 1047 QDockWidget Class, 1048 QDrag Class, 1048 QDragEnterEvent Class, 1049 QDragLeaveEvent Class, 1049 QDragMoveEvent Class, 1049 QDropEvent Class, 1050 QEvent Class, 1050 QFile Class, 1051 QFile2 Class, 1051 QFileDevice Class, 1051 QFileDialog Class, 1052 QFileInfo Class, 1053 QFileSystemModel Class, 1055 QFont Class, 1056 QFontDialog Class, 1058 QFontMetrics Class, 1058 QFrame Class, 1059 QFrame2 Class, 1060 QFrame3 Class, 1060 QGeoAddress Class, 1060 QGeoAreaMonitorInfo Class, 1061 QGeoAreaMonitorSource Class, 1061 QGeoCircle Class, 1061 QGeoCoordinate Class, 1062 QGeoPositionInfo Class, 1062 QGeoPositionInfoSource Class, 1062 QGeoRectangle Class, 1063 QGeoSatelliteInfo Class, 1064 QGeoSatelliteInfoSource Class, 1064 QGeoShape Class, 1064 QGradient Class, 1064 QGraphicsVideoItem Class, 1065 QGridLayout Class, 1065 QGuiApplication Class, 1066 QHBoxLayout Class, 1068 QHeaderView Class, 1068 QHostAddress Class, 1071 QHostInfo Class, 1071 QIcon Class, 1072 QImage Class, 1073 QInputDialog Class, 1074 QIODevice Class, 1072 QJsonArray Class, 1075 QJsonDocument Class, 1076 QJsonObject Class, 1077 QJsonParseError Class, 1077 QJsonValue Class, 1077 QKeySequence Class, 1078 QLabel Class, 1079 QLayout Class, 1080 QLCDNumber Class, 1078 QLinearGradient Class, 1083 QLineEdit Class, 1081 QListView Class, 1083 QListWidget Class, 1084 QListWidgetItem Class, 1085 QMainWindow Class, 1086 QMatrix4x4 Class, 1088 QMdiArea Class, 1089 QMdiSubWindow Class, 1090 QMediaObject Class, 1090 QMediaPlayer Class, 1091 QMediaPlaylist Class, 1092 QMenu Class, 1092 QMenuBar Class, 1093 QMessageBox Class, 1094 QMimeData Class, 1095 QMutex Class, 1095 QMutexLocker Class, 1096 QNetworkAccessManager Class, 1096 QNetworkProxy Class, 1097 QNetworkReply Class, 1097 QNetworkRequest Class, 1098 QNmeaPositionInfoSource Class, 1098 QObject Class, 1099 QOpenGLBuffer Class, 1100 QOpenGLContext Class, 1100 QOpenGLDebugLogger Class, 1101 QOpenGLFramebufferObject Class, 1102 QOpenGLFunctions Class, 1102 QOpenGLFunctions_3_2_Core Class, 1106 QOpenGLPaintDevice Class, 1114 QOpenGLShader Class, 1115 QOpenGLShaderProgram Class, 1115 QOpenGLTexture Class, 1119 QOpenGLTimerQuery Class, 1121 Index 2070
  • 4. Ring Documentation, Release 1.10 QOpenGLVersionProfile Class, 1121 QOpenGLVertexArrayObject Class, 1122 QOpenGLWidget Class, 1122 QPageSetupDialog Class, 1123 QPaintDevice Class, 1123 QPainter Class, 1123 QPainter2 Class, 1126 QPainterPath Class, 1126 QPen Class, 1127 QPicture Class, 1128 QPixmap Class, 1128 QPixmap2 Class, 1130 QPlainTextEdit Class, 1130 QPoint Class, 1132 QPointF Class, 1133 QPrinter Class, 1134 QPrinterInfo Class, 1135 QPrintPreviewDialog Class, 1133 QPrintPreviewWidget Class, 1133 QProcess Class, 1136 QProgressBar Class, 1137 QPushButton Class, 1138 QQmlError Class, 1138 QQuaternion Class, 1139 QQuickWidget Class, 1139 QRadioButton Class, 1140 QRect Class, 1140 QRegion Class, 1142 QRegularExpression Class, 1143 QRegularExpressionMatch Class, 1143 QRegularExpressionMatchIterator Class, 1144 QScreen Class, 1144 QScrollArea Class, 1145 QScrollBar Class, 1146 QSerialPort Class, 1146 QSerialPortInfo Class, 1147 QSize Class, 1147 QSlider Class, 1148 QSpinBox Class, 1148 QSplashScreen Class, 1149 QSplitter Class, 1149 QSqlDatabase Class, 1150 QSqlDriver Class, 1151 QSqlDriverCreatorBase Class, 1151 QSqlError Class, 1152 QSqlField Class, 1152 QSqlIndex Class, 1153 QSqlQuery Class, 1153 QSqlRecord Class, 1154 QStackedWidget Class, 1155 QStandardPaths Class, 1155 QStatusBar Class, 1156 QString2 Class, 1156 QStringList Class, 1157 QStringRef Class, 1158 QSurfaceFormat Class, 1160 QSystemTrayIcon Class, 1161 QTabBar Class, 1161 QTableView Class, 1164 QTableWidget Class, 1165 QTableWidgetItem Class, 1168 QTabWidget Class, 1163 QTcpServer Class, 1169 QTcpSocket Class, 1170 QTest Class, 1170 QTextBlock Class, 1170 QTextBrowser Class, 1171 QTextCharFormat Class, 1172 QTextCodec Class, 1174 QTextCursor Class, 1174 QTextDocument Class, 1176 QTextEdit Class, 1178 QTextStream Class, 1180 QTextStream2 Class, 1182 QTextStream3 Class, 1182 QTextStream4 Class, 1182 QTextStream5 Class, 1182 QThread Class, 1182 QThreadPool Class, 1183 QTime Class, 1184 QTimer Class, 1184 QToolBar Class, 1185 QToolButton Class, 1185 QTreeView Class, 1186 QTreeWidget Class, 1188 QTreeWidgetItem Class, 1190 QUrl Class, 1192 QUuid Class, 1193 QVariant Class, 1194 QVariant2 Class, 1195 QVariant3 Class, 1195 QVariant4 Class, 1195 QVariant5 Class, 1195 QVBoxLayout Class, 1193 QVector2D Class, 1195 QVector3D Class, 1196 QVector4D Class, 1197 QVideoWidget Class, 1197 QVideoWidgetControl Class, 1198 QWebEngineView Class, 1198 QWebView Class, 1199, 1200 QWidget Class, 1200 QWindow Class, 1206 QXmlStreamAttribute Class, 1210 QXmlStreamAttributes Class, 1210 QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration Class, 1211 QXmlStreamEntityResolver Class, 1211 QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration Class, 1211 Index 2071
  • 5. Ring Documentation, Release 1.10 QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration Class, 1211 QXmlStreamReader Class, 1211 QXmlStreamWriter Class, 1213 RingCodeHighlighter Class, 1214 RingREPL What is new in Ring 1.4?, 147 RingSQLite What is new in Ring 1.1?, 182 ringvm_callfunc() Low Level Functions, 895 RingVM_CallList() Low Level Functions, 892 RingVM_CFunctionsList() Low Level Functions, 887 RingVM_ClassesList() Low Level Functions, 888 ringvm_evalinscope() Low Level Functions, 894 RingVM_FilesList() Low Level Functions, 892 RingVM_FunctionsList() Low Level Functions, 887 ringvm_give() function Low Level Functions, 903 ringvm_hideerrorMsg() Low Level Functions, 895 ringvm_info() Low Level Functions, 903 RingVM_MemoryList() Low Level Functions, 890 RingVM_PackagesList() Low Level Functions, 889 ringvm_passerror() Low Level Functions, 895 ringvm_scopescount() Low Level Functions, 894 ringvm_see() and ringvm_give() functions What is new in Ring 1.7?, 82 ringvm_see() function Low Level Functions, 903 ringvm_settrace() Low Level Functions, 893 ringvm_tracedata() Low Level Functions, 893 ringvm_traceevent() Low Level Functions, 894 ringvm_tracefunc() Low Level Functions, 894 RingZip Create Zip File, 521 Extract Zip File, 521 Introduction, 520 Print files in Zip file, 521 Using RingZip Classes, 521 Zip Class Reference, 523 ZipEntry Class Reference, 523 RingZip Library What is new in Ring 1.3?, 166 Rotate Text Desktop and Mobile Development, 746 Rules The Type Hints Library, 839 Run Package Ring Package Manager (RingPM), 875 Run the program Getting Started - First Style, 197 Getting Started - Second Style, 200 Getting Started - Third Style, 202 Running Forms Form Designer, 798 Runtime Errors Reference, 990 Runtime Errors when Embedding Ring in Ring Embedding Ring in Ring, 913 Samples How to contribute?, 195 Samples in this book Applications developed in little hours, 15 Samples Source (Authors) Using RingOpenGL and RingFreeGLUT for 3D Graphics, 606 Save and Restore Images ODBC Functions, 327 Save Image Inside the Database MySQL Functions, 335 Save output to string RingLibCurl, 518 Scaling and Rotating Images Graphics and Game Programming, 533 Scope Rules Accessing the class attributes from braces inside class methods, 814 Conflict between Class Attributes and Local Vari- ables, 811 Conflict between Global Variables and Class At- tributes, 810 Conflict between self inside braces and self in the class region, 817 Creating a Class for each Window in GUI applica- tions, 816 Defining Variables and Variables Access, 808 How Ring find the Variable?, 809 Introduction, 807 Summary of Scope Rules, 821 The For Loops uses the local scope, 821 The Self Object, 809 Three Scopes, 808 Index 2072
  • 6. Ring Documentation, Release 1.10 Using Braces to access objects inside Class Methods, 812 Using braces to escape from the current object scope, 820 Using Object.Attribute, 809 Scope Rules for Functions and Methods Calling a function sharing the name with a method in the current class, 826 Example about Sharing Names between Functions and Methods, 824 How Ring find a functions and methods?, 824 Introduction, 823 Screen Shots The Gold Magic 800 Game, 676 ScriptFunctions Class Web Development (CGI Library), 510 Search Lists, 263 Search of global names while defining the class attributes Frequently Asked Questions, 963 Security and Internet Functions Decrypt(), 351 Download(), 352 Encrypt(), 350 Example, 351 File Hash, 351 Introduction, 347 MD5(), 348 RandBytes(), 352 SendEmail(), 352 SHA1(), 349 SHA224(), 350 SHA256(), 349 SHA384(), 350 SHA512(), 349 Security Class Stdlib Classes, 434 Send Parameters Functions - First Style, 248 Functions - Second Style, 252 Functions - Third Style, 256 SendEmail() Security and Internet Functions, 352 Serial Execution of Programs Embedding Ring in Ring, 910 Server Example RingLibuv, 546 Server Example using Classes RingLibuv, 549 Set List Item Lists, 262 setattribute() Reflection and Meta-programming, 390 Setter and Getter Object Oriented Programming, 358 SHA1() Security and Internet Functions, 349 SHA224() Security and Internet Functions, 350 SHA256() Security and Internet Functions, 349 SHA384() Security and Internet Functions, 350 SHA512() Security and Internet Functions, 349 Shared Libraries Extension, 922 Short-circuit evaluation Control Structures - First Style, 234 Shutdown() Function System Functions, 312 sign() Stdlib Functions, 399 Simple Language Design, 31 Simple Client and Server Example Desktop and Mobile Development, 750 Sin() Implementation Extension, 918 Single: Desktop and Mobile Development Introduction, 679 sleep() Stdlib Functions, 406 Smart Garbage Collector Language Design, 39 Snakes And Ladder Game What is new in Ring 1.10?, 46 Sort() Lists, 263 Sort() and List of Objects Object Oriented Programming, 365 Sound Class Game Engine for 2D Games, 557 Source Code Resources, 2039 The Gold Magic 800 Game, 678 Source Code File Sections Program Structure, 259 space() Low Level Functions, 884 Special Thanks Introduction, 25 Special thanks to contributors How to contribute?, 195 split() Stdlib Functions, 396 splitmany() Stdlib Functions, 396 Index 2073
  • 7. Ring Documentation, Release 1.10 Sprite Automatic Movement Game Engine for 2D Games, 564 Sprite Class Game Engine for 2D Games, 556 Sprite Keypress Event Game Engine for 2D Games, 565 Sprite Mouse Event Game Engine for 2D Games, 566 Sprite State Event Game Engine for 2D Games, 567 SQLite Introduction, 337 sqlite_close(), 338 sqlite_execute(), 338 sqlite_init(), 338 sqlite_open(), 338 SQLite Class Stdlib Classes, 432 sqlite_close() SQLite, 338 sqlite_execute() SQLite, 338 sqlite_init() SQLite, 338 sqlite_open() SQLite, 338 Squares Puzzle Game Applications developed in little hours, 10 SRandom() Mathematical Functions, 293 Stack Class Stdlib Classes, 417 Stars Fighter Game Game Engine for 2D Games, 576 startswith() Stdlib Functions, 400 Static Methods Code Generator, 946 StdBase Class Stdlib Classes, 412 Stdlib Classes Conversion Class, 429 DataType Class, 428 DateTime Class, 423 Debug Class, 427 File Class, 425 HashTable Class, 418 Internet Class, 435 Introduction, 411 List Class, 415 Math Class, 420 MySQL Class, 431 ODBC Class, 430 PostgreSQL Class, 433 Queue Class, 417 Security Class, 434 SQLite Class, 432 Stack Class, 417 StdBase Class, 412 String Class, 413 System Class, 426 Tree Class, 419 Stdlib Functions apppath(), 394 ASCIIList2Str(), 410 binarydigits(), 403 capitalized(), 397 changestring(), 406 dayofweek(), 404 direxists(), 406 endswith(), 400 EpochTime(), 408 evenorodd(), 402 factorial(), 398 factors(), 402 fibonacci(), 399 file2list(), 400 filter(), 396 FSize(), 407 gcd(), 401 getnumber(), 394 getstring(), 394 Introduction, 392 isleapyear(), 403 ismainsourcefile(), 406 ispalindrome(), 403 isprime(), 399 isspecial(), 397 isvowel(), 398 JustFileName(), 395 JustFilePath(), 394 lcm(), 401 linecount(), 398 List2Code() Function, 410 list2file(), 399 ListAllFiles() Function, 408 makedir(), 407 map(), 396 matrixmulti(), 403 matrixtrans(), 404 newlist(), 397 OSCopyFile() Function, 409 OSCopyFolder() Function, 409 OSCreateOpenFolder() Function, 409 OSDeleteFile() Function, 410 OSDeleteFolder() Function, 409 OSRenameFile() Function, 410 permutation(), 404 Index 2074
  • 8. Ring Documentation, Release 1.10 print(), 393 Print2Str() Function, 393 prodlist(), 402 puts(), 393 readline(), 405 sign(), 399 sleep(), 406 split(), 396 splitmany(), 396 startswith(), 400 Str2ASCIIList(), 410 substring(), 405 sumlist(), 401 SystemCmd() Function, 408 SystemSilent() Function, 409 times(), 395 TrimAll(), 407 TrimLeft(), 407 TrimRight(), 408 value(), 395 StdLib functions and classes written in Ring What is new in Ring 1.1?, 179 Step Option Control Structures - First Style, 232 Steps to create the extension Create your first extension, 949 StopWatch Application What is new in Ring 1.8?, 70 Str2ASCIIList() Stdlib Functions, 410 Str2Hex() Data Type, 289 str2list() and list2str() Strings, 275 strcmp() Strings, 275 String Class Stdlib Classes, 413 String Literals Strings, 271 String() Data Type, 287 String2Constant Application What is new in Ring 1.8?, 69 Strings Access String Letters, 271 Convert Letters Case, 271 Copy(), 273 Find SubString, 274 Get Number of Characters from position, 274 Get String Length, 271 Get Substring from position to end, 274 Introduction, 270 Left(), 272 Lines(), 273 Merge binary characters, 276 Right(), 272 str2list() and list2str(), 275 strcmp(), 275 String Literals, 271 Substr(), 273 Transform Substring To Another Substring, 274 Trim(), 273 StyleFunctions Class Web Development (CGI Library), 510 Substr() Strings, 273 substring() Stdlib Functions, 405 sumlist() Stdlib Functions, 401 Summary of Scope Rules Scope Rules, 821 Super Man 2016 Game Game Engine for 2D Games, 591 Swap Items Lists, 269 Switch Between Two Images RingLibSDL, 538 Switch Statement Control Structures - First Style, 230 Control Structures - Second Style, 237 Control Structures - Third Style, 240 Syntax Flexibility Change Language Keywords, 828 Change Language Operators, 829 Ignore new lines after keywords, 837 Introduction, 827 Language Design, 37 Load Syntax Files, 829 Using ’case’ as ’on’ in switch statements, 835 Using ’def’ as ’func’ in functions/methods defini- tion, 835 Using ’end’ keyword after Pack- ages/Classes/Functions, 836 Using ’endpackage’/’endclass’/’endfunc’ keywords after Packages/Classes/Functions, 836 Using ’put’ and ’get’ as ’see’ and ’give’, 835 Using () around the function parameters, 829 in the start of the variable name, 832 Using braces { } in Packages/Classes/Functions, 836 Using braces to start and end different control struc- tures, 834 Using Semi-colon after and between statements, 831 Using the ’else’ keyword as ’other’ in switch state- ment, 832 Using the ’elseif’ keyword as ’but’ in if statement, 832 Index 2075
  • 9. Ring Documentation, Release 1.10 Using the ’end’ keyword in different control struc- tures, 833 What is new in Ring 1.1?, 176 SysGet() Function System Functions, 307 System Class Stdlib Classes, 426 System Functions ChDir() Function, 311 CurrentDir() Function, 311 Example, 308 ExeFileName() Function, 311 ExeFolder() Function, 311 Get Active Source File Name, 310 Get Command Line Arguments, 309 Introduction, 305 IsAndroid() Function, 308 IsFreeBSD() Function, 308 IsLinux() Function, 308 IsMacOSX() Function, 307 IsMSDOS() Function, 307 IsUnix() Function, 307 IsWindows() Function, 307 IsWindows64() Function, 307 PrevFileName() Function, 310 Shutdown() Function, 312 SysGet() Function, 307 System() Function, 306 Version() Function, 311 Windowsnl() Function, 309 System() Function System Functions, 306 SystemCmd() Function Stdlib Functions, 408 SystemSilent() Function Stdlib Functions, 409 Tempfile() Files, 300 Templates Web Development (CGI Library), 474 Tempname() Files, 300 Testing How to contribute?, 195 Testing the extension Create your first extension, 950 Text Class Game Engine for 2D Games, 556 The Browser Menu Ring Notepad, 215 The Camera Using RingOpenGL and RingFreeGLUT for 3D Graphics, 616 The Cards Game Demo Programs, 772 Desktop and Mobile Development, 772 The Designer Windows Form Designer, 797 The Difference between Qt and RingQt Desktop and Mobile Development, 782 The Distribute Menu Ring Notepad, 216 The documentation says functional programming is sup- ported, but then this happens? Frequently Asked Questions, 955 The Edit Menu Ring Notepad, 213 The Events Loop Desktop and Mobile Development, 681 RingLibuv, 546 The File Menu Ring Notepad, 212 The files ring.ring and ring.ringo Distributing Ring Application, 863 The First GUI Application Desktop and Mobile Development, 680 The First Triangle Using RingOpenGL and RingFreeGLUT for 3D Graphics, 609 The First Window using RingFreeGLUT Using RingOpenGL and RingFreeGLUT for 3D Graphics, 607 The For Loops uses the local scope Scope Rules, 821 What is new in Ring 1.8?, 75 The Game Story The Gold Magic 800 Game, 676 The Gold Magic 800 Game How to play?, 676 Introduction, 675 Screen Shots, 676 Source Code, 678 The Game Story, 676 What will you learn?, 676 The Help Menu Ring Notepad, 216 The Main File in the Project Ring Notepad, 211 The Natural Library What is new in Ring 1.4?, 145 The Package Description File Ring Package Manager (RingPM), 878 The Program Menu Ring Notepad, 215 The Properties Form Designer, 797 The Qt project for your Ring application Index 2076
  • 10. Ring Documentation, Release 1.10 Building RingQt Applications for Mobile, 788 The Ring Package Manager (RingPM) What is new in Ring 1.10?, 49 The RingPM Registry File Ring Package Manager (RingPM), 881 The Self Object Scope Rules, 809 The Tools Menu Ring Notepad, 216 The Trace Library and the Interactive Debugger BreakPoint, 907 Disable BreakPoints, 907 Execute Program Line by Line, 906 Interactive Debugger, 906 Introduction, 904 Loading the Trace library, 905 Pass Error, 906 Trace All Events, 905 Trace control flow between functions, 905 Using the Interactive Debugger, 907 The Type Hints Library Example, 838 Introduction to the Type Hints Library, 837 Rules, 839 User Types, 838 Using Types inside Code, 839 Why Type Hints?, 838 The View Menu Ring Notepad, 213 Threads Graphics and Game Programming, 535 Threads Example RingLibuv, 551 Threads Example - Using Classes RingLibuv, 552 Threads Support Code Generator, 935 Three Scopes Scope Rules, 808 TicTacToe 3D Game Using RingOpenGL and RingAllegro for 3D Graph- ics, 663 TicTacToe Game Applications developed in little hours, 9 Time() Date and Time, 278 TimeList() Date and Time, 279 times() Stdlib Functions, 395 Trace All Events The Trace Library and the Interactive Debugger, 905 Trace control flow between functions The Trace Library and the Interactive Debugger, 905 Trace Library and Interactive Debugger What is new in Ring 1.5?, 129 Transaction Example MySQL Functions, 336 Transactions and Using Commit and Rollback ODBC Functions, 326 Transform Substring To Another Substring Strings, 274 Transparent Image Graphics and Game Programming, 534 Transparent Implementation Language Design, 37 Tree Class Stdlib Classes, 419 Triangle Rotation Using RingOpenGL and RingFreeGLUT for 3D Graphics, 612 Trim() Strings, 273 TrimAll() Stdlib Functions, 407 TrimLeft() Stdlib Functions, 407 TrimRight() Stdlib Functions, 408 TrueType Fonts Graphics and Game Programming, 531 Try/Carch/Done Eval() and Debugging, 313 Trying to be natural Language Design, 32 Type Hints Library What is new in Ring 1.5?, 132 Type() Data Type, 283 Ungetc() Files, 302 Unsigned() Mathematical Functions, 293 Update Package Ring Package Manager (RingPM), 875 Update the Android SDK Building RingQt Applications for Mobile, 787 Updating the RingPM Registry Ring Package Manager (RingPM), 874 Upload Files Web Development (CGI Library), 468 URL Encode Web Development (CGI Library), 473 Usage Deploying Web Applications in the Cloud, 513 Use TTF Fonts RingLibSDL, 540 Index 2077