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The Resurrection Of The Christ Essay
The Resurrection
Paul based his life and teaching on the life, death, burial and resurrection of the Lord. He said that
all of his teaching was for naught unless Jesus of Nazareth rose from the dead. (I Cor. 15) And
today, without the Lord's resurrection the Gospel is nothing.
The resurrection of our Lord became the "first fruits" of all whose physical bodies lie sleeping;
awaiting the resurrection upon the Lord's return. (I Cor. 15:20–23). The phrase "first fruits" referred
the earliest portion of the crop; harvest had begun. When Jesus arose, that was the beginning of the
resurrection of all humanity and the assurance of our resurrection. Consequently, the resurrection of
Jesus is the heart of Christianity.
Even though, Jesus had told the apostles that He would die, the day of the crucifixion was a tragic
day for them. When those scalawags plotted against and killed the Lord, the apostles lost their hopes
and dreams. They were grieved and confused. Many of them had gone into seclusion, but when they
were convinced that He had arisen their confusion melted away, dried their tears and renewed their
faith and hope.
Those who deny the resurrection have concocted a number of theories as to how or by what means
the tomb became empty.
Foolishness invented the idea that those women, on the first day of the week, lost their way
returning to the tomb. Not only is it unreasonable to believe that all of those women could have
forgotten where Jesus had been laid, Joseph of
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Proof Jesus Resurrection
Valerie Wild
Instructor Christian Kettering
Philosophy 240–C01
7 April 2018
Proof of the Resurrection Jesus was raised from the dead can be proven. I have learned this from
reading the book The Case for the Resurrection of Jesus. All the points in this book are very solid
proof of Jesus resurrection. The book clearly provides evidence which leads me to this Bible verse.
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him
should not perish, but have everlasting life" (KJV, John 3:16). Jesus being raised from the dead has
good solid evidence that it happened. I have learned from the minimal facts approach that one can
solidly defend Jesus' Resurrection. These minimal facts are strongly attested ... Show more content
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I think a main one would be that God does exist. If the Resurrection did not happen how could God
even exist. God was the one who raised Jesus from the dead. So, this gives evidence of God existing
in Heaven. Habermas and Lincona said, "The writers of the New Testament asserted that it was God
who raised Jesus from the dead" (136). Someone might say that science proves no one comes back
to life. Scientifically no one will rise from the dead due to natural causes. It is not implied that Jesus
came back to life naturally (Habermas and Licona 136). "The Resurrection is not an isolated event;
it occurred in an interconnected religo–historical context that helps to provide meaning, Habermas
and Licona said (136). If the Resurrection explains that God exists, then I believe also that this
means the Creation happened just as it says in the Bible in Genesis. Everything was created by
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Resurrection In Charles Dickens A Tale Of Two Cities
You are riding in the tumbil to your death, you think of how Jesus felt carrying the cross to his
death. Did he know he was going to receive a second chance? Will you receive a second chance?
Few citizens of the French Revolution resurrected, but many lost their lives trying to. Charles
Dickens captures some of the horrific times prior to and during the French Revolution in his novel,
A Tale of Two Cities. Resurrection offers struggling people a purpose in life, like Dr. Manette,
Charles Darnay, and Sydney Carton.
The Evremonde twins, Charles Darnay's father and uncle imprisoned Dr. Manette for eighteen years.
Dr. Manette is imprisoned for not keeping the promise to the Evremonde brothers of how they
treated her and her family. Sexually assaulting the girl, and killing the girl's family. Spending 18
years in prison makes him mentally go insane, but Miss Pross brought Lucie to visit Dr. Manette,
her father one day. Dickens writes, "With a weary sound that was not a sigh, nor a groan, he bent to
work again, until the silence was broken" (47). Lucie watches her father as he goes on within his
daily routine(shoe making). Dr. Manette leaving prison and Lucie becomes the golden thread of his
life, keeping him together and soon returning him to how he is prior to the imprisonment. Dickens
writes, "Charles ... Show more content on ...
Dr. Manette, Sydney Carton, and Charles Darnay all resurrected for their love to Lucie.
Resurrections can be more than returning from the dead: you can resurrect for a bad start or hard
time and in turn have a great experience. Jesus wants to sacrifice himself to save his people just like
Sydney Charton saved Charles for Lucie. The crowd crying for the guillotine and the crowd yelling
at Jesus. Though there would alway be a few people on the lives ones to watch in silence and
disbelief. Sydney has a friend just like jesus has ?? carry the cross for him. Sydney carton was very
much like Jesus he is
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1 Corinthians 15: 1-11 Resurrection
The implications of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ are best discussed in 1 Corinthians 15:1–11 in
which we see the struggles of the Christians in the Greek city of Corinth living some twenty years
after the resurrection. They were afraid of being disembodied souls or spirits after death because
they had not embraced the Christian belief that human beings will experience resurrection to eternal
life. The apostle Paul addresses the Corinthians' confusion by proclaiming the absolute reality of
Christ's bodily resurrection. He reinforces the vital fact of the Christian faith as the resurrection of
Jesus Christ from the dead. If the story of the life of Jesus Christ had ended at the crucifixion, there
would be no good news to share, no bold church ... Show more content on ...
Paul's point is that if all we got out of Christ is a little inspiration for a few short years, if he was
only a good moral teacher, then there's no foundation for a church or religion. Christianity would
have just been a small blip in the timeline of world religions. If there is no resurrection, trying to
live a life of spiritual wholeness wouldn't have seemed worth doing or worth teaching to others.
Without the resurrection, every person who has ever lived would be hopelessly lost in sin and
without something to believe in. The hope inspired by the resurrection called people to the church
by giving them a reason to act morally and to trust in the teachings of the apostles. If Christ had
remained dead, then when we died we would remain dead and damned as the Bible says the reward
of sin is death (Romans 6:23). But Christ indeed has risen from the dead and "has become the first–
fruits of those who have fallen asleep" (v. 20), assuring that we will follow Him in resurrection. This
promised an afterlife for Christians and this motivated them to join the church to save themselves
and to convince the ones they loved to join as well. Both of these allowed it to spread and build
upon itself to be the world wide institution it is
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The Resurrection Of Jesus Christ
When it comes to the resurrection of Jesus Christ there are many different theories on what actually
happened. As Christians we believe what is said in the Bible, but sometimes our minds cannot help
but wonder "what if". The legitimacy of the Bible regarding the resurrection of Jesus has been
questioned time and again, what most do not realize is, there is proof that Jesus rose from the grave.
With the empty tomb, eyewitnesses and the changed lives of the Disciples, we are able to prove that
the resurrection of Jesus did indeed happened.
The empty tomb could quite honestly be the strongest proof that Jesus resurrected from his grave.
Even Roman and Jewish tradition admits to the empty tomb. When Jesus was found by the women
to be resurrected the disciples did not go off to a far land to preach where it could have been easy to
lie about it. They went and preached in Jerusalem where Jesus died and was buried. It was easy for
everyone to go and verify that Jesus was indeed actually gone. If Jesus was still there in the tomb,
no one would have believed them. Paul Althaus writes, the resurrection proclamation "could not
have been maintained in Jerusalem for a single day, for a single hour, if the emptiness of the tomb
had not been established as a fact for all concerned." Even with all of this there are still a few
theories that deny this. Some believe that they simply went to the wrong tomb. If the women went to
the wrong tomb, why did they not redirect them to the write
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The Resurrection Of Jesus Was A Literal, Historical Event
For thousands of years, man has wondered about life and death. Questions such as 'What is there
after death?' and 'Do I have a purpose on this planet?' have plagued countless people. When looking
at the statement in question, "It is not necessary for Christian faith to believe that the resurrection of
Jesus was a literal, historical event.", one must remember that in the minds of Christians, not only is
it a comfort that there is something after death, but also an answer to both of the previous questions;
yes, there is life after death and; yes, the purpose is to follow the Christian belief and eventually
spend eternity in heaven with God after death. I ask you to keep this in mind when reading the rest
of this essay, for man's fear of death is complex and ongoing.
The biggest problems and the four components of the resurrection
There are four components to the resurrection; the appearances after death, the verb 'to be', the
empty tomb and the passages in the bible. All of these components have meaning to them, however
with this meaning comes problems. For example, the verb 'to be' in the quote "he is risen" (Matthew
28:6) is a historical present, however the problem is that the verb may have been changed during
translation over the past two thousand years causing doubt in its literal meaning. This links to
another component, literature; when looking at Christianity's belief in the resurrection of Jesus, the
bible is our main source. Just like the verb 'to be', some of the
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Summary: The Transforming Reality Of The Bodily Resurrection
H.S. Horton–Parker states that "scholars, Christians, and non–Christians have different opinions
concerning the meaning of the gospel accounts of the resurrection of Jesus". (1) After reading "The
Transforming Reality of the Bodily Resurrection" by N.T. Wright I am able to appreciate the
significance of the meaning behind the word "resurrection". Jesus' resurrection plays a pivotal part
in our Christian faith. The Bible states in John 3:17, "For God did not send his son into the world to
condemn the world, but to save the world through him" (New International Version). Jesus' death
and resurrection create a larger picture of "salvation history" for us. Through this action we can now
be saved from our sins and receive eternal life. N.T.
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The Resurrection Historical Evidence
The resurrection of Jesus Christ can be seen as a highly argued topic. However, Perman's article,
"Historical Evidence for the Resurrection", does a magnificent job detailing and explaining evidence
of Jesus' resurrection that will make you a believer. When looking at evidence of Jesus' resurrection,
no other theory of what happened to Jesus can compare, and it is overall seen as the best
explanation. The historical grounds show solid truth that Jesus has risen from the dead.
There are three truths stated in the article that give the best explanations and prime evidence as to
how Jesus has resurrected from the dead. Although there are three truths, there is one in particular I
want to talk about. The truth I want to talk about is, "the tomb ... Show more content on ...
Men in this day and age were superior to women and it would be more likely that men would have
found Jesus' tomb if it were a legend. Knowing that Jewish women were the one's believed to have
discovered the empty tomb can be confusing to understand. At first, I believed that it did not make
sense that women would have found Jesus' body, because it would be much more likely and make
more sense that male's would have been the very first people to discover the tomb empty. Men
discovering the tomb would have been a normal outcome but the theory that women were the ones
with the discovery was unimaginable to happen, showing strong plausible evidence of why it is
actually true. Women were the least credible source and least trustworthy at this time so the fact that
they were the ones to discover the tomb is prime evidence to the resurrection of Jesus because they
were considered not believable. The fact that women were the ones to discover the empty tomb was
despised and went against all beliefs of believing women at this time which is why the information
deems to be
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The Resurrection of Jesus Christ Essay example
The Resurrection of Jesus Christ
No other event in history has been the object of as much scrutiny and criticism as the resurrection of
Jesus Christ. The resurrection of Christ is the basis upon which all Christianity stands. If the
resurrection never happened, then there would be no Christianity, as the Apostle Paul says in 1
Corinthians 15:14, "And if Christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless and so is your faith."
This is why opponents of the Christian faith have tried to attempt to discredit the Biblical account of
the resurrection. Of the many theories of the resurrection, the Biblical account is the only
historically reliable and possible explanation of the resurrection. The historical reliability of the
Bible is ... Show more content on ...
This first test has basically shown that the text which people have in their possession is essentially
the original text. The second test is the internal evidence test. The internal evidence test proves
whether or not what was recorded is credible and to what extent. Dr.
Louis Gottschalk, former professor of history at the University of Chicago, states the ability of the
writer to tell the truth is helpful in determining credibility. The "ability to tell the truth" is related in
two ways. They are the witness's nearness chronologically and geographically (McDowell 51–52).
New Testament accounts were written by men who were eyewitnesses or related the story from
eyewitness accounts. Chronologically speaking, the Gospels were all written while people, other
than Christians, who had been eyewitnesses to the life of Christ were still alive. For the most part
the non–Christian eyewitnesses were opponents of the faith. The resulting effect of this would be the
necessity for the disciples to relate the life of Christ accurately due to the fact that any inaccuracies
would have allowed opponents to discredit
Christianity right from the beginning (McDowell 52–53). The third test to prove historical reliability
is that of exterior evidence. Gottschalk defines external evidence as "conformity or agreement with
other known historical or scientific facts...(McDowell 54)." Other writers are a great source of
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The Resurrection Of Jesus Christ
CHRISTIANITY Claim Christianity claims that God sent his only son, Jesus Christ, to earth over
2,000 years ago to save humanity from sin. One of the main reasons Jesus was sent to earth was to
preach the word of God and convert people into Christians. Jesus is the perfect human and was
created in God's image. Although Jesus is not God, God is Jesus. So for those few individuals that
saw Jesus Christ have seen the face of God. Unlike other religions, Christians do not have to ponder
about what God is like or what God expects of us, because we have the word of Jesus, and God is
Jesus. Christians also claim that Jesus must be the son of God because he died for our sins and was
resurrected by God. The resurrection of Christ should not be mistaken for resuscitation, since Jesus
died on the cross, was placed in a tomb, and was brought back by God to a worshiped state of being.
A task that could only be accomplished by the hand of God. The Christians claim that God
resurrected Jesus after Jesus claimed to be the son of God proves either one of two things. The first
is that Jesus is the son of God, liked he claimed. The second is that God resurrected a blasphemer,
which is something God would never do (Ford CH. 8). Evidence and Logical Support for Your
Claim The biggest piece of evidence for Christianity is the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Evidence for
the resurrection is supported by the empty tomb, eyewitnesses, and the credibility of those
eyewitnesses. The first piece of
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Historical Reality Of The Resurrection Research Paper
The Historical Reality of the Resurrection
There are four main arguments used to deny the historical reality of the Resurrection. In this essay, I
will explain why they are not supported by the facts of the matter
The first main argument is the classic stolen–body argument. Obviously this story is fake because
there were usually about 16 roman guards in a patrol, and all of them had different sleep patterns,
therefore, at least one of them must have been awake at all times. Also, the boulder in front of the
tomb was huge, and there's no way the apostles could move it without waking up the roman guards.
The second main argument is that Jesus did not die, but actually faked his death. Clearly this is false
because the Romans and perfected
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The Resurrection Of Jesus Sparknotes
This paper is a review of the book The Resurrection of Jesus: A New Historiographical Approach by
Michael Licona. This book is comprised of pages that "investigate the question of the historicity of
Jesus' resurrection while providing unprecedented interaction with the literature of professional
historians outside of the community of biblical scholars on both hermeneutical and methodological
considerations." The book is separated into five long chapters: "Chapter 1: Important Consideration
pertaining to Historical Truth" , "Chapter 2: The Historians and Miracles", "Chapter 3: Historical
Sources Pertaining to the Resurrection of Christ", "Chapter 4: The Historical Bedrock Pertaining to
the Fate of Jesus", and "Chapter 5: Weighing Hypothesis". Licona tackles the research of world
historians who interpreted relevant data and draw their own conclusions. Evidence throughout the
book proves Licona's interest in horizons and objectivity. He outlines several strategies for
eliminating bias perspectives and public appeals. It is evident that knowing the past involves many
challenges. Therefore, since the past is forever gone, it can never be viewed directly nor
reconstructed. Chapter 1 deals with a significant considerations pertaining to historical truth. Licona
surveyed several topics on how historians gain the extent of knowledge and the validity of truth.
Historians gained assistance by initiating investigations and developing steps to minimize biases, the
need for a
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The Spiritual Resurrection Of Jesus
I have heard that there are those who do not believe in the physical resurrection of Jesus, yet still
profess to be Christians. I am not sure how they work all that out, but for me the physical
resurrection, taken together with the death of Jesus on the cross and the Ascension, are fundamental
to the belief that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. Part of the proof of who Jesus is comes from the
Resurrection. As we read in the Gospel stories and in the opening chapter of Acts of the Apostles,
the physical resurrection of Jesus was proof for the Apostles, Jesus' closest friends, of who Jesus
really is. I think it is also part of the proof we need to understand and believe who Jesus is. One of
the ways, the disciples figure out that it is Jesus with them is in the breaking of bread. I believe that
one of the best ways we experience the Resurrection is through the sharing of Holy Communion. I
remember one day after church, on a day we celebrated Holy Communion, a member of the
congregation came up to speak to me. I knew he had been involved in a car accident while being
drunk and had been arrested and fired from his job. He had put himself into a rehabilitation clinic
and had been released and was trying hard to stay sober and come to church. That fateful day came
when he went out and got drunk again. He tried again to get himself sober, but I could tell he was
struggling. He told me that something happened in his experience of communion that morning. He
said that he really felt
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Raised As A Metaphorical Language In The Resurrection Of...
In relation to any sacrifice it must be offered with good intent to be in right relationship with God
however that sacrifice must also be accepted.The resurrection shows God's acceptance of Jesus'
sacrifice. The resurrection was Jesus making himself visible and God making himself known.
"Raised" is use of a metaphorical language to make sense of the event that has occurred and to
articulate what happened. "On the third day" God is vindicating God's purpose and cause. The
empty tomb implies Jesus is no longer in the physical world. Nobody claimed to find Jesus' body if
they did it would be hard to sustain he was resurrected.Angels tell women "He is risen" and
command them to inform disciples [Mt 28:5–8; Mk 16:5–8; Lk 24:3–8]. This forms part
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The Cornerstone of Christian Faith: the Resurrection of Jesus
The resurrection of Jesus Christ separates Christianity from all other religions. Christianity without
the literal, physical resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead is merely one religion among many.
"And if Christ is not risen," said the Apostle Paul, "then our preaching is empty and your faith is in
vain". (1 Corinthians 15:14) Furthermore, "You are still in your sins!" Paul could not have chosen
stronger language. (Mohler)
Still, the resurrection of Jesus Christ has been under persistent attacks since the Apostolic age. Why?
Because it is the central confirmation of Jesus' identity as the incarnate Son of God, and the ultimate
sign of Christ's completed work of atonement, redemption, reconciliation, and salvation. Those who
oppose ... Show more content on ...
For to this day the Manichees say that the resurrection of the Savior was phantom–wise, and not
real." (Hanegraaff)
Like the church fathers, the medieval church and the Reformation produced compelling confessions
concerning the bodily resurrection. Thomas Aquinas condemns those who "have not believed in the
resurrection of the body, and have strained to twist the words of holy Scripture to mean a spiritual
resurrection." the Westminster Confession assert: "On the third day he rose from the dead, with the
same body in which he suffered; with which also he ascended into heaven, and there sittith at the
right hand of the Father." (Hanegraaff)
Finally, the characteristics of Christ's body bear eloquent truth to his physical resurrection. Jesus
invited the disciples to examine His resurrected His resurrected body so that they would know
beyond the shadow of a doubt that it was the exact same one that had been fatally tormented. He
also ate food as proof of the nature of His resurrected body.
Jesus provided the final exclamation mark for His physical resurrection by telling the disciples that
His resurrected body was comprised of "flesh and bones." "Touch me and see;" He says, "a ghost
does not have flesh and bones, as you see I have" (Luke 24:39).
Those who would attack the Church and reject its gospel must direct their arrows at the most crucial
truth claim of the New Testament
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Jesus 's Death, Burial And Resurrection
This paper will show the facts in regards to Jesus's death, burial and resurrection, as the bible states.
This paper will also show how reading these passages have impacted my life and how I grasp and
understand the scriptures. Being a college student at a Baptist school, many people believe that I
should know what the scriptures say, because I am at a baptist school. Though I am not fluent in the
scriptures, reading the passages from the views of different disciples helped me get an understanding
about the Word that I didn't know before.
Hampton 2
One of the life lessons that I learned when reading this scripture is that I will always find amazing in
about the death, burial and resurrection of Christ and how God allowed Jesus to endure it. God has a
love for us, who are flawed, so much that he gave his only son to die a very excruciating death on
our behalf. While reading these verses it made me think about all the times when I have not lived
my life 100 percent for Christ. While reading these verses it seems almost like an insult to God and
his son, for not taking the gift that he has given us and using it for his glory. Another life lesson that
I learned is how little faith I have had in God. Many times people profess themselves as Christian,
because thats a norm, if you grew up in church you're a Christian, but
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The Resurrection Of Jesus Christ
The resurrection of Jesus Christ is one of the most debated issues throughout history. Christians
place their trust in a resurrected Christ for salvation and a promise of eternal life. If the resurrection
never happened, Christianity is a lie and people have been mislead for generations. On the other
hand if the resurrection is true, Christianity is true also. This issue is of extreme importance because
one's soul is at stake. If all the claims that Christians make for the resurrection are true, the evidence
for these claims must be examined. Equally important, are the claims against the resurrection; they
too need to be looked at with careful consideration. Because so much is at stake, the question must
be answered: Is the ... Show more content on ...
Gary Habermas in The Case for the Resurrection of Jesus calls this the minimal facts approach.
"The minimal facts approach considers only the data that meets two criteria: 1. The data are strongly
evidenced 2. The data are granted by virtually all scholars on the subject, even the skeptical ones."
On the basis of this approach, four different arguments will be examined for the resurrection of
Christ in this paper.
The Empty Tomb Only a few explanations can explain the empty tomb: A stolen body, an
earthquake, or the actual resurrection. Some believe that the disciples stole the body of Jesus. This is
recorded in the book a Matthew. A claim that the Jews made in an attempt to explain the
resurrection. If this were true there entire faith would have been a lie. All of Jesus Disciples died for
what they believed in which includes the resurrection. This would mean that the disciples died for
something they made up In Matthew 28:2 there is a recording of an earthquake when an angel of the
Lord roll away the stone from the entrance of the tomb. Some will argue that the earthquake buried
the body of Jesus under the rubble, thus having an appearance of an empty tomb. This claim does
not explain Jesus appearing to Mary right after this event. Also, if the body of Jesus was just buried
under rubble it could still be available for examination. After exulting
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New Testament
New Testament – Death and Resurrection
The following texts are some of the scriptures that tell about the death and resurrection of Jesus.
These scriptures are verses that the believer can believe on the promises of merciful God. Gospels
Paul Peter Matthew 26:35 Romans 6:5 Acts 2:38 (Speaking) John 8:21 1Corinthians 15:21 1 Peter
1:3 John 11:24–25 Philippians 3:10 2 Peter 1:1 Each of the writers had a personal encounter with
Jesus to where they can express jubilation of knowing the truth. The same gentlemen understood the
power of the cross and wanted to follow the commandment of "Go and tell the world" because of
love. Looking at 2 Corinthians 5:14–21, the believer sees many important aspects like reconcile,
conversion, regeneration, justification, substitution, and the nature of resurrection. Assuming, the
person has been saved or born again in the family of God. The first of six tells about the nature of
resurrection is when someone dies a physical death and instantly brought back to life with the face
of Jesus in front of the individual. The power and proof of the resurrection was when Jesus appeared
in different locations. The keys of death changed hands
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Comparing the Teaching on the Resurrection in I...
Comparing the Teaching on the Resurrection in I Corinthians and the Thessalonian Letters
The purpose of this paper is to compare the teaching on the resurrection of Jesus Christ as it is noted
in Paul's letter to the Corinthians and Thessalonian letters. The resurrection of Jesus Christ is one of
the primary doctrines of study in the Bible because it reveals the victory that believers have over
death, hell and the grave. However, the belief in a bodily resurrection has been the central focus of
controversy since the death of Jesus Christ.
So, before we begin with our comparison of Paul's teaching on the resurrection, we need to begin by
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However, in order for us to understand the basic elements for a resurrection, we must consider the
following statement. "The spirit or the soul does not die, and therefore the spirit or soul cannot be
raised. Only the body can lie down in death, and only the body can stand up in the resurrection"
(McGee 396). This means that our body is only a temporary dwelling place because it will one day
give way to corruption. The main teaching of the early followers was of Christ dying for the sins of
mankind, and then being resurrected on the third day. So, in order to understand the difference
between the teaching on the resurrection in the letter to the Corinthians and the Thessalonian letters,
we must understand that the primary difference is not found in the reality of a literal resurrection,
but in the ones who will be resurrected. In I Corinthians chapter 15 Paul basically focuses on the
resurrection of Jesus Christ. This chapter is devoted to the understanding that Jesus was resurrected
in order to give believers victory over the powers of the grave. In I Corinthians 15 Paul tells us that
some people believe that Christ has risen, but deny the fact
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Resurrection In Charles Dicken's A Tale Of Two Cities
The concept of resurrection has always been an alluring subject in all cultures. Some believe this
can be achieved through purification and repentance. Throughout the book, situations arise in which
characters allude to rising again in a new life. The reader sees to what length people will go to bring
about improvement in a beloved's life, or to achieve a much desired afterlife of one's own. In
Charles Dicken's novel, A Tale of Two Cities, the idea of resurrection plays a huge role in the lives
of many characters, including Dr. Manette, Sydney Carton, and Jerry Cruncher; the theme also adds
to Dickens's message by illustrating the importance of love, morality, and faith. One very significant
example is of Dr. Manette, who originally was traumatized as a result of his unfair imprisonment but
eventually is "recalled to life" (Dickens 13). While Dr. Manette was in jail, he grappled exhaustingly
every day trying to deal with his deteriorating mental state. His time spent in the Bastille is
compared to him being buried alive for this reason; it was so inhumane and cruel that he felt dead.
Dr. Manette was essentially being brought back to life with his release from prison. However, "Dr.
Manette's rebirth has just begun and does not become complete until he is reunited with his
daughter" (Dingyuan and Xiaohua 91). His freedom does not only affect his life, it has a huge
impact on his daughter and even other characters like Darnay. Lucie's unconditional love for her
father is
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Faith And Transformation After Christ 's Resurrection
Faith and Transformation after Christ's Resurrection Jesus Christ' death and resurrection is important
to teach and prepare the people. There were so many insecurities and fears the people had about
death and some even felt unworthy to die innocent. After Jesus came here to simply eliminate the
lies that the world has conceived regarding the body and where the soul would end. Scholars
believed in reincarnation like Josephus, who called it transmigration. Others like the" Pharisee's",
they believed in the resurrection and thought the soul of the righteous lives on in a new body and the
wicked souls perish. Paul of Tarsus explains, in (1 Cor 15:40–44) that there are two bodies a
heavenly body and an earthly body. They laid Christ's dead body into the tomb with dishonor and he
raised in glory "his risen body" from the dead. In another way to explain a believer in the
resurrection of a body without their full understanding, according to Klawans Josephus write, "a
Maccabean martyr looked at his hands and spoke", "I hope to get these hands back again" (pg.108
Josephus Theologies), meaning when he dies he wanted to return in the same body in which he had
his faith in. At that moment, the martyr could have begun to believe in Christ's words, explained that
the resurrected body is not like the first, Mark 14:58 "We heard him say, I will destroy this temple
that is made with hands, and within three days I will build
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Arguments Against The Resurrection Of Jesus
"Do not abandon yourselves to despair. We are the Easter people and hallelujah is our song"– Saint
Pope John Paul II. The Resurrection is one of the most important miracles in the Catholic faith. It is
not an opinion but a fact. Many people, specifically atheists, try to employ erroneous arguments to
refute the historical reality of Jesus' Resurrection from the dead. These so called 'rebuttals' are
unscientific and unsupported by the facts of the matter. Furthermore by often ignoring important
aspects of the event in question all reasonableness and objectivity is lost. Here are the four most
commonly used arguments atheists use against the Resurrection debunked. "The mystery of the
vanishing body." Atheists claim that Christ's body was stolen from the tomb by His Apostles while
the guards were sleeping. This tall–tale was originally created by Pharisees who bribed the guards to
repeat it. But the logic does not follow. If all the guards were catching z's then how could they, or
anyone, know who stole the body or even that it was stolen for that matter? ... Show more content
on ...
In fact, all who saw the Resurrected Messiah, including the Apostles and all at the mountain
evidently suffered from Schizophrenia or some other Psychotic disorder. That is to say, all eye
witnesses from that wondrous day all experienced the same hallucinations. This theory is possibly
the most far–fetched. What caused these mass amounts of hallucination? And why were they all the
same? Perhaps the heat, or maybe even extra–terrestrials had some work in it? Furthermore, people
hallucinate what they fear or expect; the women and the Apostles had no expectation of Christ's
Resurrection due to the fact that they themselves did not fully understand the prophecy of His
Resurrection. Finally, St. Thomas refused to believe that Christ had risen until he had seen for
himself, Jesus
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The Resurrection Of Jesus Christ
Introduction: I came across an article on BBC news written on April 9,2017 that stated, A quarter of
people who describe themselves as Christians in Great Britain do not believe in the resurrection of
Jesus. To take the resurrection out of Christianity is like taking the heat out of fire, the darkness out
of the night, all the blood out of a man. Simply put, you cannot separate the resurrection from
Christianity. The resurrection of Christ is the hinge on which Christianity hangs. It is the foundation
of our faith. Yet there are many who try to refute this momentous history of the church. Josh
McDowell said, "The resurrection of Jesus Christ is either one of the most wicked, vicious, heartless
hoaxes ever foisted on the minds of human ... Show more content on ...
He was seen by the Apostles, and by over five hundred people at one time. It was inconceivable to
deny bodily resurrection if Christ was raised from the dead. Let's look at his argument.
V:12, Now if Christ is preached, that He has been raised from the dead, how do some among you
say that there is no resurrection of the dead? Paul presents a dilemma to the believers at Corinth. On
one hand, Paul preached to the Corinthians that Christ has been raised from the dead and the they
believed it. Let's look back at what Paul says at the beginning of chapter 15:1–3,11. "Now I make
known to you, brethren, the gospel which I preached to you, which also you received, in which also
you stand, by which also you are saved, if you hold fast to the word which I preached to you, unless
you believed in vain. For I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received, that Christ
died for our sins according to the Scriptures, and that He was buried, according to the Scriptures,
and that He was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures... look at what he says in verse
11, whether then it was I or they, so we preach and so you believed. Now they were buying into the
lie that there is no resurrection of the dead. They were inconsistent and illogical in their beliefs.
In verse 13 Paul's makes a simple point, if you deny the resurrection of the dead, then you denied
the resurrection of Jesus. Listen to what he says, "But
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Christ's Resurrection Research Paper
The earliness of these accounts, at a time when hostile witnesses were present, would have made a
fabrication unlikely and dangerous. There is agreement on the main facts and great variety in the
witnesses given, yet they are not a mere repetition of some standardized story with all the
discrepancies worked out. Indeed, the accounts of Christ's resurrection appearances are clearly
independent of one another, as their surface dissimilarities suggest. Deeper scrutiny, however,
reveals that these appearances are non–contradictory. No reputable New Testament historian doubts
the historical fact that the tomb in which Christ was placed after his crucifixion was empty.
Therefore, there are only three explanations for it. Either his enemies took the ... Show more content
on ...
Women had virtually no credibility in the first–century Jewish culture, and their testimony in a court
of law was considered worthless. For example, if a man was accused of a crime that only women
witnessed, he could not be convicted on that basis. If the account of Jesus' resurrection were a fable
added later in an attempt to authenticate Christianity, why would the record have women be the first
to see him and testify to the empty tomb, unless it had really happened that way? Women bringing
testimony of his resurrection that is then denied by the male disciples makes the latter look bad, and
these men were the first leaders of the Christian Church. A fabricated story added later by the
Church would certainly have painted their first leaders in a more favorable light. If he did not rise
from the dead, what became of his body? If his enemies stole it and never showed it openly, that
would have encouraged the very rumors of a resurrection that they were very anxious to prevent.
But the decisive proof that his enemies did not take the body is that they surely would have quickly
produced it with great fanfare, for they stopped short of nothing to discredit the
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Jesus Resurrection Research Paper
Jesus' resurrection is one of the most important historic event in history. Even though many people
have different theories that deny the resurrection, I believe that Jesus did rise from the dead, the
reason for this is that it is shown through biblical scriptures, Jesus' life on earth, eyewitnesses, and
the growth of the Christian faith today. There are many biblical scriptures that give evidence that the
resurrection did occur. Some information that is agreed upon by everyone, no matter the belief, is
that Jesus died, he was put in the tomb, and the tomb was found empty. This is shown in the Bible
when it says "Early on the first day of the week, while it was still dark, Mary Magdalene went to the
tomb and saw that the stone had ... Show more content on ...
In the world today, thirty one percent of people are Christian; that is 2.2 billion people (Curt). The
bases of the Christian faith is on the belief that the resurrection did occur. There are so many people
in the world who have strong faith and identify as Christian. As we talked about in class, there were
so many people willing to die for Jesus and the belief of his resurrection, there are few things in life
people would truly die for. Some people that risked it all for their faith were Peter, Simon, and
James. Peter and Simon were crucified, Peter was crucified upside down, and James was beheaded.
All three of them died horrible deaths because they believed in Jesus so strongly. If Jesus did not
resurrect why would so many people give their life up for
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The Resurrection Of Jesus Is The Focal Point Of Christianity
There is far reaching agreement among researchers today, over a wide religious spectrum, that the
resurrection of Jesus is the focal point of Christianity, asserted by conventional believers in light of
New Testament passages like 1 Corinthians 15:12–20; However, it is also declared by higher
analytical scholars, also. For instance, one of the current problems which face Christian theology is
that the resurrection of Jesus plays a decisive part. If the confidence and trust which are firmly
associated to the resurrection is in doubt, there is a risk of jeopardizing everything to which a
Christian clings. The explanation and narrative of the chronological basis of the Resurrection of
Jesus has been the focus of historical investigation and debate, as well as a theme of discussion
among theologians. The description of the Gospels, together with the empty tomb and the
manifestation of the risen Christ to His followers, have been observed as historic reports of a factual
event, as exact versions of prophetic encounters, as dishonest eschatological allegories, and as a lie
invented by early Christian authors, with numerous interpretations. It has been proposed, for
instance, that Jesus was never crucified, that there was an empty tomb because the body of Christ
was stolen, or that Jesus Christ was never in the grave.
"In Christian apologetics, no historical argument surpasses the resurrection of Jesus for its sheer
evidential force."
Despite the powerful robust
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Life, Death, Burial And Resurrection Of The Lord Essay
Paul based his life and teaching on the life, death, burial and resurrection of the Lord. He said that
all of his teaching was for naught unless Jesus of Nazareth rose from the dead. (I Cor. 15) And
today, without the Lord's resurrection the Gospel is nothing.
The resurrection of our Lord became the "first fruits" of all whose physical bodies lie sleeping;
awaiting the resurrection upon the Lord's return. (I Cor. 15:20–23). The phrase "first fruits" referred
the earliest portion of the crop; it meant that the harvest had begun. When Jesus arose, that was the
beginning of the resurrection of all humanity and the assurance of our resurrection. Consequently,
the resurrection of Jesus is the heart of Christianity.
Even though, Jesus had told the apostles that He would die, the day of the crucifixion was a tragic
day for them. When those scalawags plotted against the Lord and killed Him, the apostles were
robbed of their hopes and dreams. They were grieved and confused. Many of them went into
seclusion; however, as soon as those men were convinced that the Lord was alive their confusion
melted away, dried their tears and renewed their faith and hope.
Numerous theories as to how or by what means the tomb became empty have been offered by those
who believe not that Jesus of Nazareth was the Messiah or that He rose from the dead.
Only fool hearted men could have invented the idea that those women, on the first day of the week,
lost their way returning to the tomb. Not
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Significance Of Christ 's Resurrection Essay
Upon discussing about the importance and significance of Christ's resurrection, there will be a few
different, major aspects that this research paper will cover. The resurrection touches many different
area of studies. Those who consider this event to be true (doesn't have to just be Christian only) will
have to agree that it's a historical landmark; a phenomenal, miraculous event that cannot be too easy
to explain. On the theological aspect, which all Christians should be take into consideration to
ponder and come to a realization that this event (the resurrection) has completely changed the course
of human history as regarding to the communion between man and God the Father. A necessary step
in the reconciliation process between man's sinful nature and God as a just judge. So it is not
whether it is one or another, historical or theological. Whether the audience is believer or non–
believer. A proper, biblical understanding of Christ's resurrection serves as a foundational truth for
those who root genuine faith in God. Moreover, it is also the same faith that believes in the work
that Jesus has done on earth and how he had finished with a closure. Hence the resurrection. Non–
believers or believers of God's truth all have the responsibility properly comprehend the resurrection
and the impact it has not just on both the theological and historical aspect. This event should have a
big significance upon one's personal faith and salvation that can be found in this specific
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The Resurrection Of Jesus Research Paper
Many people ridicule Christians for believing in a man who resurrected from the dead. They laugh
at Christians and criticize them for basing their faith on an event that lack proof and evidence.
However, the evidence that skeptics use to challenge the Christian faith, in actuality, support the
claims that Jesus truly was the God that he claimed to be. The evidence that affirms Jesus' claims to
be true include his lifestyle and teachings, the prophecies that he fulfilled, historical facts, and the
dramatic transformation of the lives of his disciples. Many may ask Christians how they can believe
in a Savior without proof of his divinity; but, in reality, God has given us an abundance of signs. He
is still providing us with compelling evidence ... Show more content on ...
Jesus is alive, for he continued to work in the lives of his disciples. The change of the lives of his
followers demonstrate the work of Christ in them. Our historical knowledge relies on testimonies.
The testimonies of the disciples are valid because eleven of them dies for their belief in the claims
that Jesus made (McDowell 89–90). The power of Jesus is shown through them. Initially, they were
cowards in their faith. Peter denied Jesus three time, and Thomas doubted Jesus' resurrection. The
disciples' weak faith in Jesus and doubt in his resurrection suddenly transformed into an undeniable
belief that led them to give up their lives for this Jesus. What could have changed the disciples'
minds so suddenly besides the witnessing of the resurrection of Jesus. They all personally had an
encounter with the resurrected body of Jesus. Peter, one of the disciples of Jesus, proclaimed that
We [the disciples] did not follow cleverly invented stories when we told [the people] about the
power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but we were eyewitnesses of his majesty. (New
International Version, 2 Peter
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Crucifixion And Resurrection Of Jesus
Crucifixion and Resurrection of Christ in History "For the Jews, Jesus arrived as the long awaited
Messiah. But on His arrival many did not recognize Him. Others refused to accept Him because He
did not fit their image as a King. Everywhere He went in His short life on earth, He made enemies
and devoted friends. Men hated Him so deeply that they sought to end His life and did crucify Him.
Amazingly as the Bible had predicted centuries before their occurrence, all of the events of His life
from His lowly birth to death on a cross and then to His resurrection, did occur just as they had been
predicted" ( The crucifixion and resurrection of Christ was a pivotal moment
in history. It had a significant impacted not ... Show more content on ...
Men and women were seen as equals in the eyes of God. Jesus ' teaching taught men to love their
wives and children, and to not use harsh treatment against either of them. Jesus influenced authority
in Rome, which granted women more rights. Women were given the same property rights as men,
and were allowed to be a guardian of their children. "Christian women started marrying later, and
they married men of their own choosing. This eroded the ancient practice of men marrying child
brides against their will, often as young as eleven or twelve years old" ( The historical
practice of men marrying against a young female 's will had changed. Women could choose who
they wanted to marry. "Many men, including biblical heroes, have had multiple wives, but Jesus
made clear this was never God's intention. Whenever he spoke about marriage, it was always in the
context of monogamy. He said, "The two [not three or four] will become one flesh." As Christianity
spread, God's intention of monogamous marriages became the norm" ( Many men
followed the practice of having many wives. Jesus ' teaching explained that God created marriage
for one man and one woman. "Two more cruel practices were abolished as Christianity gained
influence. In some cultures, such as India, widows were burned alive on their husbands' funeral
pyres. In China, the crippling practice of foot binding was intended to make women totter
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Proof Of The Resurrection
Proof of the Resurrection Before one can prove the resurrection, one must demonstrate that Christ
died on the cross. Many people in the world think that the claim to resurrection was an elaborate
hoax. The Qur'an contends that Jesus went to India and died there. The night before his crucifixion
was scheduled, Jesus was under so much stress that he sweat blood, a condition called hematidrosis.
This disorder would also make the skin very fragile, so when the Roman soldier flogged Jesus the
next day, his skin would be oversensitive. As the scourging continues, his back would become
shredded from his shoulders to his legs. He would have bled so much that he would have gone into
hypovolemic shock. Hypovolemia makes the heart beat faster, the blood pressure drops, the kidneys
shut down, and he would be very thirsty. Jesus would be in severe to critical condition just from the
beating. At the site of the crucifixion, Jesus would have been laid down, and his wrists would have
been nailed to the cross beam with five to seven–inch–long spikes. Then crossbeam was hoisted up
and attached to the vertical stake; then his feet were nailed to the cross. Jesus arms would have
stretched enough to dislocate both shoulders. This upright suspension caused his diaphragm to be
locked in the inhale position. He would have to push up with his feet to exhale, then relax and
inhale. As breathing slows down the carbonic acid would increase, causing an irregular heartbeat,
which along with the rapid heartbeat caused by low blood volume, would cause heart failure. Heart
failure would cause fluid to build up around the heart
Anthony 5 and the lungs. When the soldiers put the spear in his side, it would have released the
edema around the lungs and heart, and blood would have come from the hole they made in his heart.
At this point, Jesus was dead. Next to be proven is that the body of Jesus was buried and three days
later the tomb was empty.
A prominent member of the Sanhedrin, Joseph of Arimathea, requested that he be given the body of
Jesus to bury. When Pilate granted his request, he took Jesus' body down from the cross, wrapped it
in burial clothes, and laid him in a new tomb. The Christians would not have
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Jesus Resurrection Research Paper
Jesus' resurrection was the greatest miracle he has planned out and accomplished. We, Christians,
must believe that Jesus died and resurrected from the dead for our salvation. Salvation is a term that
means the deliverance from sin and its consequences, believed by Christians to be brought about by
faith in Christ. During the resurrection, the Jews believed Jesus was there to defend and defeat their
enemies. They thought wrong. Jesus needed to sacrifice his own life to save us. Everyone didn't
want him to complete this plan. They thought he was crazy and out of his mind for him to put his
life on the line, but Jesus did it anyway. Whenever the Jews told him that he shouldn't be doing this,
or telling him that he shouldn't go, he told him that it was the devil speaking through them and that
they're not thinking. ... Show more content on ...
This proportion wanted to kill Jesus. They thought he wasn't the person that was coming to save
them. One reason they thought he wasn't Jesus: he was a poor carpenter, not a military leader/ living
lavishly. Another reason for their disbelief: Jesus didn't have any attention to diminish and demolish
their enemies. These theories that they created made Jesus seem fake, and that's why they granted
him with blasphemy. Blasphemy is the act or offense of speaking sacrilegiously about God or sacred
things; profane talk. The Romans then sentenced him with treason for claiming that he was "The
King of the Jews." Later then crucified, died, buried, and rose from the dead on the 3rd day. This,
too, is a doctrine that we Christians must
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Historical Evidence For The Resurrection Of Christ
Historical Evidence for the Resurrection of Christ "Don't be alarmed," he said. "You are looking for
Jesus the Nazarene, who was crucified. But he has risen! He is not here!" says Mark 16:6. The
resurrection of Jesus Christ is the greatest and most miraculous event in human history. Many
believe though, it is a great historical problem. But, when we look at the evidence, the truth of the
resurrection provides the most valid explanation. Though skepticism about the resurrection of Jesus
exists; the empty tomb, the appearances of Christ after his death, and the violent deaths of the
apostles, provide well–founded evidence for the resurrection of Christ. After the death of Jesus on
the cross, he was placed and buried in a tomb, which was found to be empty three days later. The
empty tomb of Jesus can be proven historically. Many believe that the first accounts of the empty
tomb in the gospels were developed later, but they actually predate the Gospels. The first accounts
of the empty tomb were found in the letters of Paul, which were written 15–20 years after the death
of Jesus. In Corinthians 15, written by Paul before the gospels, he specifically speaks of the empty
tomb, "...he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures." All of Paul's
letters were public documents and could be read by anyone, thus inviting anyone to openly seek the
truth of the reusrrection. On the third day after Jesus 's death, Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother
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Proof For The Resurrection Essay
Many individuals question the legitimacy of the resurrection, however there are bounteous measures
of confirmation supporting it. There are three simple confirmations of the resurrection. The first is
that there were more than 600 observers of the resurrected Christ; and they wouldn't put their life on
the line for something they knew was false. The second verification is that a few people guarantee
Jesus never died on the cross, however there is proof that he indeed did. Also, the third and last
proof is that the primary observer of his restoration was a lady. Every one of these realities are clear
proof of the resurrection, and there are a large number of actualities demonstrating the revival of
God, be that as it may I observe these three ... Show more content on ...
There are two reasons the guards kept him from leaving the tomb; guards would get executed in the
event that they let detainees escape, and also so Jesus couldn't move the stone that sealed the tomb.
It is said in the pocket handbook of Christian Apologetics that it was "Roman law" that if a guard let
a detainee escape he would be "executed"(71). Unmistakably the guards would not give Jesus a
chance to escape, and if he did, they would be killed. Additionally, the disciples couldn't get him out
either because they would doubtlessly be slaughtered by the highly trained assassins. On top of all
of this, no man including weak and tortured Jesus would have the physical strength to move the
stone that sealed the tomb. It weighed thousands of pounds and the only true explanation for
someone to escape the tomb would be through the power of angels.
The swoon theory could never be a sensible situation. The guards and assassins wouldn't chance
their lives by letting Jesus live and regardless of the possibility that he did survive and his disciples
came to get them, they would surely be murdered by the guards. In the event that he survived they
would ensure that Jesus was executed immediately. Yet, who initially witnessed the rise of Jesus
form the tomb? It was a lady, and in the time period this was taking place, a woman's job was to take
care of the family and stay at home. So, for what reason would the Bible have them a woman as the
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The Resurrection Of Christ Jesus
"The Resurrection of Christ Jesus according to the Apostle Paul"
The example in the Gospels can express many examples of resurrection which delivers a strong
message In the New Testament. The term resurrection by Webster definition explains, "Life,
raising from the dead." The Greek defines it as, "A standing up again, recovery." John 11:25
explain Jesus speaking to Martha concerning her Brother Lazarus's death. He says, "I am the
resurrection, (standing up again), and the life (breath), he who believes in Me shall live even if
he dies." There is much to contemplate when death and life have expression, as to stand up and
The commencement of this information will be organized in several parts to search and compare
a topics of this essay. Theologians give commentary to this topic as well and explain historical
content to understand. Many have believed Christ had not resurrected but was taken away and
buried. Some believed it to be a rumor to validate that which had been preached among the many
disciples. Eyewitnesses came forth to speak what happened and to solidify and cancel rumors.
The Apostle Paul converted to Christianity receiving a one on one account with the risen Lord
during his reign of terrorism in his day. My goal is to gather information to focus on the
comparison and contrast to the subject, "The resurrection of Christ".
To achieve this goal I have organized insight in three paragraphs, to include scriptures on eye
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The Resurrection Of Jesus : Focal Point Of Christianity
I. Introduction ....................................................................................3 II. A Historic Event
....................................................................................4 A. As a Symbol or Figure of Speech
.......................................................5 B. The Empty Tomb
III. New Testament Accounts ....................................................................8 A. Jesus Died by
Crucifixion .....................................................................8 B. The Disciples of Christ were
Convinced that He Resurrected ......................................................10 C. Paul, the Persecutor of
Christians, was Miraculously Transformed.......................................................12 D. James, the Half
Brother of Jesus, was Abruptly Transformed ...........................................................14
IV. Skepticism of History and Other Explanations ........................................15
V. Conclusion ....................................................................................20
VI. Bibliography...................................................................................22
There is far reaching agreement among researchers today over a wide religious spectrum that the
resurrection of Jesus is the focal point of Christianity, asserted by conventional believers in light of
New Testament passages like 1 Corinthians 15:12–20. However, it is also declared by secular
analytical intellectuals also. One of the major confrontational arguments facing Christian theology
or apologetics is the resurrection of Jesus being a significant part; therefore, if the
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Christianity And Resurrection
When I was younger my parents and I would go to a church often and then we had stopped for a
while. My mom then registered me into Catholic church classes when I was in fourth grade so I
could do be baptized and do my first communion. After I had got baptized and everything I started
to question which religion was the right path. Then I started questioning Christianity specifically.
Christianity has a claim which is "that 2000 years ago, God the Son came to the Earth to reveal the
Father to us and then die to save us from our sins" (, there are some
people that don't believe this, but there are other claim and evidence as well in which I will mention.
One of the questions is why is Jesus called God the Son? We are ... Show more content on ...
Hitchens claims that is Jesus existed he would have been mentioned in other documents beside the
New Testament. If someone were to claim that Jesus did not exist 2,000 years ago, it could not be
proven because we are now living 2,000 years after the event happened. Early opponents of Jesus
did not ever claim that Jesus did not exist. They did not claim He did not exist because they did not
want to seem foolish for saying that, if it came out to be true that He did exist. Instead of claiming
that He did not exist, they decided to discredit Him by saying that He worked miracles in the power
of Satan. Jesus was attacked when the early opponents started saying He performed exorcisms for
Satan, which would not make sense because why would Satan want Him to perform exorcisms, if
what Satan wanted was to fill people with demons and not get them out of people. Satan was only
able to make the people blind instead of healing them, while Jesus was able to heal people who were
blind and sick. The Jesus the Gospels would mention or talk about would not have been a Jesus they
would have made up. The reason being, the ways they would make him appear sometimes, which is
Him being weak. For example, in the book "From Plato to Plantinga: An Introduction to
Philosophy" it says that "He actually sweated drops like that of blood in the Garden of Gethsemane
because He was under so much stress" ( and also that "He wept at the
tomb of His
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The Resurrection of the Dead
As with most other Pauline attributed documents, 1 Corinthians is believed to be a single document
that addresses salient topics and rationalizes Paul's view of faithfulness to Christ with Corinth
citizens. The newly founded church of Corinth was in correspondence with Paul requesting his
answers to questions they posed on topics ranging from marriage to the resurrection of the dead; the
latter being one of the most highlighted in 1 Corinthians. Paul's assurance of resurrection illustrates
a concern for Corinth as he admonishes their disbelief in resurrection of the dead with a series of
explanations as to why such doubt would render the faith of Christ "in vain". Given the context of
the time, Paul's correspondence with Corinth clearly ... Show more content on ...
Beginning as a direct rebuttal of Corinth beliefs regarding resurrection and eventually evolving into
a explicit and according to Paul irritable account of the events that lead to resurrection of the dead.
The passage showcases Paul's authority on followers of Christ and just how seriously his
understanding and beliefs regarding Christ were taken. Again as 1 Corinthians is in part a direct
address to his intentions in helping the church and part response to Corinth inquiries.The
Resurrection of the Dead passage Paul structures his response in a way that makes no room for his
commentary to be misinterpreted or ignored. Verses 12–19 are a clear formulation of taking
Corinthian rebuttals to resurrection and using their own phrasing to admonish their disbelief.These
verses are structured as a continuous unfolding of Paul's response. It begins in verse 12 with an
acknowledgement that some in Corinth do not believe in resurrection of the dead and then continues
on verse after verse appealing to that disbelief. The structure is a very much a "this, then this, then
this argument, mounting the consequences of not believing in resurrection of the dead on top of one
another until he reaches a conclusion that should cause all disbelief to vanish; if Corinthians do not
believe in resurrection then they cannot believe that Christ was resurrected and if they do not believe
that then their faith must be in vain.
Paul's intent is didactic and he utilizes
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Turning The Stone: The Truth Behind The Resurrection
Turning the Stone– The Truth behind the Resurrection
The Christian faith is founded on the idea of the resurrection and Jesus dying for everyone's sins.
The Resurrection is a central story of the Christian faith, and it must be true for the Christianity to
hold up. The Bible is the ultimate source for information on the Resurrection from the disciples
themselves through the Gospels. Many theorists have come up with theories that contradict and
counter the Resurrection because of the lack of belief and proof. Although there are arguments
against the resurrection, there are more arguments for it. Christianity arose due to the Resurrection,
and consists of the sacrifice Jesus made for the greater good of all the people.
There are many theories that try to disprove the Resurrection because people do not believe it is
logical. The Swoon Theory is based on the idea that Jesus did not die after all he went through on
the cross. People who believe this theory think that he was just passed out. This is how people who
argue the resurrection explain Jesus appearing to his disciples after his supposed death. This theory
was "championed by 18/19th century rationalists." (Emberson 3). Other people believe that the
whole story of the ... Show more content on ...
To believe in the Bible, people have to have faith. The Resurrection was not put in just as some
fictional children's story. The death on the cross, the testimony from the disciples, and the guards are
some of the few things that prove that the Resurrection actually did occur. Jesus was raised to the
heavens and was freed from all his physical pain and suffering when he was human. The
resurrection is the basis for the Christian faith because Jesus' act of dying on the cross was pure
selflessness in order for all of his people to live life without being punished for the endless amount
of sins that are
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The Resurrection Of The Christ Essay

  • 1. The Resurrection Of The Christ Essay The Resurrection Paul based his life and teaching on the life, death, burial and resurrection of the Lord. He said that all of his teaching was for naught unless Jesus of Nazareth rose from the dead. (I Cor. 15) And today, without the Lord's resurrection the Gospel is nothing. The resurrection of our Lord became the "first fruits" of all whose physical bodies lie sleeping; awaiting the resurrection upon the Lord's return. (I Cor. 15:20–23). The phrase "first fruits" referred the earliest portion of the crop; harvest had begun. When Jesus arose, that was the beginning of the resurrection of all humanity and the assurance of our resurrection. Consequently, the resurrection of Jesus is the heart of Christianity. Even though, Jesus had told the apostles that He would die, the day of the crucifixion was a tragic day for them. When those scalawags plotted against and killed the Lord, the apostles lost their hopes and dreams. They were grieved and confused. Many of them had gone into seclusion, but when they were convinced that He had arisen their confusion melted away, dried their tears and renewed their faith and hope. Those who deny the resurrection have concocted a number of theories as to how or by what means the tomb became empty. Foolishness invented the idea that those women, on the first day of the week, lost their way returning to the tomb. Not only is it unreasonable to believe that all of those women could have forgotten where Jesus had been laid, Joseph of ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Proof Jesus Resurrection Valerie Wild Instructor Christian Kettering Philosophy 240–C01 7 April 2018 Proof of the Resurrection Jesus was raised from the dead can be proven. I have learned this from reading the book The Case for the Resurrection of Jesus. All the points in this book are very solid proof of Jesus resurrection. The book clearly provides evidence which leads me to this Bible verse. "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life" (KJV, John 3:16). Jesus being raised from the dead has good solid evidence that it happened. I have learned from the minimal facts approach that one can solidly defend Jesus' Resurrection. These minimal facts are strongly attested ... Show more content on ... I think a main one would be that God does exist. If the Resurrection did not happen how could God even exist. God was the one who raised Jesus from the dead. So, this gives evidence of God existing in Heaven. Habermas and Lincona said, "The writers of the New Testament asserted that it was God who raised Jesus from the dead" (136). Someone might say that science proves no one comes back to life. Scientifically no one will rise from the dead due to natural causes. It is not implied that Jesus came back to life naturally (Habermas and Licona 136). "The Resurrection is not an isolated event; it occurred in an interconnected religo–historical context that helps to provide meaning, Habermas and Licona said (136). If the Resurrection explains that God exists, then I believe also that this means the Creation happened just as it says in the Bible in Genesis. Everything was created by ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Resurrection In Charles Dickens A Tale Of Two Cities You are riding in the tumbil to your death, you think of how Jesus felt carrying the cross to his death. Did he know he was going to receive a second chance? Will you receive a second chance? Few citizens of the French Revolution resurrected, but many lost their lives trying to. Charles Dickens captures some of the horrific times prior to and during the French Revolution in his novel, A Tale of Two Cities. Resurrection offers struggling people a purpose in life, like Dr. Manette, Charles Darnay, and Sydney Carton. The Evremonde twins, Charles Darnay's father and uncle imprisoned Dr. Manette for eighteen years. Dr. Manette is imprisoned for not keeping the promise to the Evremonde brothers of how they treated her and her family. Sexually assaulting the girl, and killing the girl's family. Spending 18 years in prison makes him mentally go insane, but Miss Pross brought Lucie to visit Dr. Manette, her father one day. Dickens writes, "With a weary sound that was not a sigh, nor a groan, he bent to work again, until the silence was broken" (47). Lucie watches her father as he goes on within his daily routine(shoe making). Dr. Manette leaving prison and Lucie becomes the golden thread of his life, keeping him together and soon returning him to how he is prior to the imprisonment. Dickens writes, "Charles ... Show more content on ... Dr. Manette, Sydney Carton, and Charles Darnay all resurrected for their love to Lucie. Resurrections can be more than returning from the dead: you can resurrect for a bad start or hard time and in turn have a great experience. Jesus wants to sacrifice himself to save his people just like Sydney Charton saved Charles for Lucie. The crowd crying for the guillotine and the crowd yelling at Jesus. Though there would alway be a few people on the lives ones to watch in silence and disbelief. Sydney has a friend just like jesus has ?? carry the cross for him. Sydney carton was very much like Jesus he is ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. 1 Corinthians 15: 1-11 Resurrection The implications of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ are best discussed in 1 Corinthians 15:1–11 in which we see the struggles of the Christians in the Greek city of Corinth living some twenty years after the resurrection. They were afraid of being disembodied souls or spirits after death because they had not embraced the Christian belief that human beings will experience resurrection to eternal life. The apostle Paul addresses the Corinthians' confusion by proclaiming the absolute reality of Christ's bodily resurrection. He reinforces the vital fact of the Christian faith as the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. If the story of the life of Jesus Christ had ended at the crucifixion, there would be no good news to share, no bold church ... Show more content on ... Paul's point is that if all we got out of Christ is a little inspiration for a few short years, if he was only a good moral teacher, then there's no foundation for a church or religion. Christianity would have just been a small blip in the timeline of world religions. If there is no resurrection, trying to live a life of spiritual wholeness wouldn't have seemed worth doing or worth teaching to others. Without the resurrection, every person who has ever lived would be hopelessly lost in sin and without something to believe in. The hope inspired by the resurrection called people to the church by giving them a reason to act morally and to trust in the teachings of the apostles. If Christ had remained dead, then when we died we would remain dead and damned as the Bible says the reward of sin is death (Romans 6:23). But Christ indeed has risen from the dead and "has become the first– fruits of those who have fallen asleep" (v. 20), assuring that we will follow Him in resurrection. This promised an afterlife for Christians and this motivated them to join the church to save themselves and to convince the ones they loved to join as well. Both of these allowed it to spread and build upon itself to be the world wide institution it is ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. The Resurrection Of Jesus Christ When it comes to the resurrection of Jesus Christ there are many different theories on what actually happened. As Christians we believe what is said in the Bible, but sometimes our minds cannot help but wonder "what if". The legitimacy of the Bible regarding the resurrection of Jesus has been questioned time and again, what most do not realize is, there is proof that Jesus rose from the grave. With the empty tomb, eyewitnesses and the changed lives of the Disciples, we are able to prove that the resurrection of Jesus did indeed happened. The empty tomb could quite honestly be the strongest proof that Jesus resurrected from his grave. Even Roman and Jewish tradition admits to the empty tomb. When Jesus was found by the women to be resurrected the disciples did not go off to a far land to preach where it could have been easy to lie about it. They went and preached in Jerusalem where Jesus died and was buried. It was easy for everyone to go and verify that Jesus was indeed actually gone. If Jesus was still there in the tomb, no one would have believed them. Paul Althaus writes, the resurrection proclamation "could not have been maintained in Jerusalem for a single day, for a single hour, if the emptiness of the tomb had not been established as a fact for all concerned." Even with all of this there are still a few theories that deny this. Some believe that they simply went to the wrong tomb. If the women went to the wrong tomb, why did they not redirect them to the write ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. The Resurrection Of Jesus Was A Literal, Historical Event For thousands of years, man has wondered about life and death. Questions such as 'What is there after death?' and 'Do I have a purpose on this planet?' have plagued countless people. When looking at the statement in question, "It is not necessary for Christian faith to believe that the resurrection of Jesus was a literal, historical event.", one must remember that in the minds of Christians, not only is it a comfort that there is something after death, but also an answer to both of the previous questions; yes, there is life after death and; yes, the purpose is to follow the Christian belief and eventually spend eternity in heaven with God after death. I ask you to keep this in mind when reading the rest of this essay, for man's fear of death is complex and ongoing. The biggest problems and the four components of the resurrection There are four components to the resurrection; the appearances after death, the verb 'to be', the empty tomb and the passages in the bible. All of these components have meaning to them, however with this meaning comes problems. For example, the verb 'to be' in the quote "he is risen" (Matthew 28:6) is a historical present, however the problem is that the verb may have been changed during translation over the past two thousand years causing doubt in its literal meaning. This links to another component, literature; when looking at Christianity's belief in the resurrection of Jesus, the bible is our main source. Just like the verb 'to be', some of the ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Summary: The Transforming Reality Of The Bodily Resurrection H.S. Horton–Parker states that "scholars, Christians, and non–Christians have different opinions concerning the meaning of the gospel accounts of the resurrection of Jesus". (1) After reading "The Transforming Reality of the Bodily Resurrection" by N.T. Wright I am able to appreciate the significance of the meaning behind the word "resurrection". Jesus' resurrection plays a pivotal part in our Christian faith. The Bible states in John 3:17, "For God did not send his son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him" (New International Version). Jesus' death and resurrection create a larger picture of "salvation history" for us. Through this action we can now be saved from our sins and receive eternal life. N.T. ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. The Resurrection Historical Evidence The resurrection of Jesus Christ can be seen as a highly argued topic. However, Perman's article, "Historical Evidence for the Resurrection", does a magnificent job detailing and explaining evidence of Jesus' resurrection that will make you a believer. When looking at evidence of Jesus' resurrection, no other theory of what happened to Jesus can compare, and it is overall seen as the best explanation. The historical grounds show solid truth that Jesus has risen from the dead. There are three truths stated in the article that give the best explanations and prime evidence as to how Jesus has resurrected from the dead. Although there are three truths, there is one in particular I want to talk about. The truth I want to talk about is, "the tomb ... Show more content on ... Men in this day and age were superior to women and it would be more likely that men would have found Jesus' tomb if it were a legend. Knowing that Jewish women were the one's believed to have discovered the empty tomb can be confusing to understand. At first, I believed that it did not make sense that women would have found Jesus' body, because it would be much more likely and make more sense that male's would have been the very first people to discover the tomb empty. Men discovering the tomb would have been a normal outcome but the theory that women were the ones with the discovery was unimaginable to happen, showing strong plausible evidence of why it is actually true. Women were the least credible source and least trustworthy at this time so the fact that they were the ones to discover the tomb is prime evidence to the resurrection of Jesus because they were considered not believable. The fact that women were the ones to discover the empty tomb was despised and went against all beliefs of believing women at this time which is why the information deems to be ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. The Resurrection of Jesus Christ Essay example The Resurrection of Jesus Christ No other event in history has been the object of as much scrutiny and criticism as the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The resurrection of Christ is the basis upon which all Christianity stands. If the resurrection never happened, then there would be no Christianity, as the Apostle Paul says in 1 Corinthians 15:14, "And if Christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless and so is your faith." This is why opponents of the Christian faith have tried to attempt to discredit the Biblical account of the resurrection. Of the many theories of the resurrection, the Biblical account is the only historically reliable and possible explanation of the resurrection. The historical reliability of the Bible is ... Show more content on ... This first test has basically shown that the text which people have in their possession is essentially the original text. The second test is the internal evidence test. The internal evidence test proves whether or not what was recorded is credible and to what extent. Dr. Louis Gottschalk, former professor of history at the University of Chicago, states the ability of the writer to tell the truth is helpful in determining credibility. The "ability to tell the truth" is related in two ways. They are the witness's nearness chronologically and geographically (McDowell 51–52). The New Testament accounts were written by men who were eyewitnesses or related the story from eyewitness accounts. Chronologically speaking, the Gospels were all written while people, other than Christians, who had been eyewitnesses to the life of Christ were still alive. For the most part the non–Christian eyewitnesses were opponents of the faith. The resulting effect of this would be the necessity for the disciples to relate the life of Christ accurately due to the fact that any inaccuracies would have allowed opponents to discredit Christianity right from the beginning (McDowell 52–53). The third test to prove historical reliability is that of exterior evidence. Gottschalk defines external evidence as "conformity or agreement with other known historical or scientific facts...(McDowell 54)." Other writers are a great source of exterior ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. The Resurrection Of Jesus Christ CHRISTIANITY Claim Christianity claims that God sent his only son, Jesus Christ, to earth over 2,000 years ago to save humanity from sin. One of the main reasons Jesus was sent to earth was to preach the word of God and convert people into Christians. Jesus is the perfect human and was created in God's image. Although Jesus is not God, God is Jesus. So for those few individuals that saw Jesus Christ have seen the face of God. Unlike other religions, Christians do not have to ponder about what God is like or what God expects of us, because we have the word of Jesus, and God is Jesus. Christians also claim that Jesus must be the son of God because he died for our sins and was resurrected by God. The resurrection of Christ should not be mistaken for resuscitation, since Jesus died on the cross, was placed in a tomb, and was brought back by God to a worshiped state of being. A task that could only be accomplished by the hand of God. The Christians claim that God resurrected Jesus after Jesus claimed to be the son of God proves either one of two things. The first is that Jesus is the son of God, liked he claimed. The second is that God resurrected a blasphemer, which is something God would never do (Ford CH. 8). Evidence and Logical Support for Your Claim The biggest piece of evidence for Christianity is the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Evidence for the resurrection is supported by the empty tomb, eyewitnesses, and the credibility of those eyewitnesses. The first piece of ... Get more on ...
  • 20.
  • 21. Historical Reality Of The Resurrection Research Paper The Historical Reality of the Resurrection There are four main arguments used to deny the historical reality of the Resurrection. In this essay, I will explain why they are not supported by the facts of the matter The first main argument is the classic stolen–body argument. Obviously this story is fake because there were usually about 16 roman guards in a patrol, and all of them had different sleep patterns, therefore, at least one of them must have been awake at all times. Also, the boulder in front of the tomb was huge, and there's no way the apostles could move it without waking up the roman guards. The second main argument is that Jesus did not die, but actually faked his death. Clearly this is false because the Romans and perfected ... Get more on ...
  • 22.
  • 23. The Resurrection Of Jesus Sparknotes This paper is a review of the book The Resurrection of Jesus: A New Historiographical Approach by Michael Licona. This book is comprised of pages that "investigate the question of the historicity of Jesus' resurrection while providing unprecedented interaction with the literature of professional historians outside of the community of biblical scholars on both hermeneutical and methodological considerations." The book is separated into five long chapters: "Chapter 1: Important Consideration pertaining to Historical Truth" , "Chapter 2: The Historians and Miracles", "Chapter 3: Historical Sources Pertaining to the Resurrection of Christ", "Chapter 4: The Historical Bedrock Pertaining to the Fate of Jesus", and "Chapter 5: Weighing Hypothesis". Licona tackles the research of world historians who interpreted relevant data and draw their own conclusions. Evidence throughout the book proves Licona's interest in horizons and objectivity. He outlines several strategies for eliminating bias perspectives and public appeals. It is evident that knowing the past involves many challenges. Therefore, since the past is forever gone, it can never be viewed directly nor reconstructed. Chapter 1 deals with a significant considerations pertaining to historical truth. Licona surveyed several topics on how historians gain the extent of knowledge and the validity of truth. Historians gained assistance by initiating investigations and developing steps to minimize biases, the need for a ... Get more on ...
  • 24.
  • 25. The Spiritual Resurrection Of Jesus I have heard that there are those who do not believe in the physical resurrection of Jesus, yet still profess to be Christians. I am not sure how they work all that out, but for me the physical resurrection, taken together with the death of Jesus on the cross and the Ascension, are fundamental to the belief that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. Part of the proof of who Jesus is comes from the Resurrection. As we read in the Gospel stories and in the opening chapter of Acts of the Apostles, the physical resurrection of Jesus was proof for the Apostles, Jesus' closest friends, of who Jesus really is. I think it is also part of the proof we need to understand and believe who Jesus is. One of the ways, the disciples figure out that it is Jesus with them is in the breaking of bread. I believe that one of the best ways we experience the Resurrection is through the sharing of Holy Communion. I remember one day after church, on a day we celebrated Holy Communion, a member of the congregation came up to speak to me. I knew he had been involved in a car accident while being drunk and had been arrested and fired from his job. He had put himself into a rehabilitation clinic and had been released and was trying hard to stay sober and come to church. That fateful day came when he went out and got drunk again. He tried again to get himself sober, but I could tell he was struggling. He told me that something happened in his experience of communion that morning. He said that he really felt ... Get more on ...
  • 26.
  • 27. Raised As A Metaphorical Language In The Resurrection Of... In relation to any sacrifice it must be offered with good intent to be in right relationship with God however that sacrifice must also be accepted.The resurrection shows God's acceptance of Jesus' sacrifice. The resurrection was Jesus making himself visible and God making himself known. "Raised" is use of a metaphorical language to make sense of the event that has occurred and to articulate what happened. "On the third day" God is vindicating God's purpose and cause. The empty tomb implies Jesus is no longer in the physical world. Nobody claimed to find Jesus' body if they did it would be hard to sustain he was resurrected.Angels tell women "He is risen" and command them to inform disciples [Mt 28:5–8; Mk 16:5–8; Lk 24:3–8]. This forms part ... Get more on ...
  • 28.
  • 29. The Cornerstone of Christian Faith: the Resurrection of Jesus The resurrection of Jesus Christ separates Christianity from all other religions. Christianity without the literal, physical resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead is merely one religion among many. "And if Christ is not risen," said the Apostle Paul, "then our preaching is empty and your faith is in vain". (1 Corinthians 15:14) Furthermore, "You are still in your sins!" Paul could not have chosen stronger language. (Mohler) Still, the resurrection of Jesus Christ has been under persistent attacks since the Apostolic age. Why? Because it is the central confirmation of Jesus' identity as the incarnate Son of God, and the ultimate sign of Christ's completed work of atonement, redemption, reconciliation, and salvation. Those who oppose ... Show more content on ... For to this day the Manichees say that the resurrection of the Savior was phantom–wise, and not real." (Hanegraaff) Like the church fathers, the medieval church and the Reformation produced compelling confessions concerning the bodily resurrection. Thomas Aquinas condemns those who "have not believed in the resurrection of the body, and have strained to twist the words of holy Scripture to mean a spiritual resurrection." the Westminster Confession assert: "On the third day he rose from the dead, with the same body in which he suffered; with which also he ascended into heaven, and there sittith at the right hand of the Father." (Hanegraaff) Finally, the characteristics of Christ's body bear eloquent truth to his physical resurrection. Jesus invited the disciples to examine His resurrected His resurrected body so that they would know beyond the shadow of a doubt that it was the exact same one that had been fatally tormented. He also ate food as proof of the nature of His resurrected body. Jesus provided the final exclamation mark for His physical resurrection by telling the disciples that His resurrected body was comprised of "flesh and bones." "Touch me and see;" He says, "a ghost does not have flesh and bones, as you see I have" (Luke 24:39). Those who would attack the Church and reject its gospel must direct their arrows at the most crucial truth claim of the New Testament ... Get more on ...
  • 30.
  • 31. Jesus 's Death, Burial And Resurrection This paper will show the facts in regards to Jesus's death, burial and resurrection, as the bible states. This paper will also show how reading these passages have impacted my life and how I grasp and understand the scriptures. Being a college student at a Baptist school, many people believe that I should know what the scriptures say, because I am at a baptist school. Though I am not fluent in the scriptures, reading the passages from the views of different disciples helped me get an understanding about the Word that I didn't know before. Hampton 2 One of the life lessons that I learned when reading this scripture is that I will always find amazing in about the death, burial and resurrection of Christ and how God allowed Jesus to endure it. God has a love for us, who are flawed, so much that he gave his only son to die a very excruciating death on our behalf. While reading these verses it made me think about all the times when I have not lived my life 100 percent for Christ. While reading these verses it seems almost like an insult to God and his son, for not taking the gift that he has given us and using it for his glory. Another life lesson that I learned is how little faith I have had in God. Many times people profess themselves as Christian, because thats a norm, if you grew up in church you're a Christian, but ... Get more on ...
  • 32.
  • 33. The Resurrection Of Jesus Christ The resurrection of Jesus Christ is one of the most debated issues throughout history. Christians place their trust in a resurrected Christ for salvation and a promise of eternal life. If the resurrection never happened, Christianity is a lie and people have been mislead for generations. On the other hand if the resurrection is true, Christianity is true also. This issue is of extreme importance because one's soul is at stake. If all the claims that Christians make for the resurrection are true, the evidence for these claims must be examined. Equally important, are the claims against the resurrection; they too need to be looked at with careful consideration. Because so much is at stake, the question must be answered: Is the ... Show more content on ... Gary Habermas in The Case for the Resurrection of Jesus calls this the minimal facts approach. "The minimal facts approach considers only the data that meets two criteria: 1. The data are strongly evidenced 2. The data are granted by virtually all scholars on the subject, even the skeptical ones." On the basis of this approach, four different arguments will be examined for the resurrection of Christ in this paper. The Empty Tomb Only a few explanations can explain the empty tomb: A stolen body, an earthquake, or the actual resurrection. Some believe that the disciples stole the body of Jesus. This is recorded in the book a Matthew. A claim that the Jews made in an attempt to explain the resurrection. If this were true there entire faith would have been a lie. All of Jesus Disciples died for what they believed in which includes the resurrection. This would mean that the disciples died for something they made up In Matthew 28:2 there is a recording of an earthquake when an angel of the Lord roll away the stone from the entrance of the tomb. Some will argue that the earthquake buried the body of Jesus under the rubble, thus having an appearance of an empty tomb. This claim does not explain Jesus appearing to Mary right after this event. Also, if the body of Jesus was just buried under rubble it could still be available for examination. After exulting ... Get more on ...
  • 34.
  • 35. New Testament New Testament – Death and Resurrection The following texts are some of the scriptures that tell about the death and resurrection of Jesus. These scriptures are verses that the believer can believe on the promises of merciful God. Gospels Paul Peter Matthew 26:35 Romans 6:5 Acts 2:38 (Speaking) John 8:21 1Corinthians 15:21 1 Peter 1:3 John 11:24–25 Philippians 3:10 2 Peter 1:1 Each of the writers had a personal encounter with Jesus to where they can express jubilation of knowing the truth. The same gentlemen understood the power of the cross and wanted to follow the commandment of "Go and tell the world" because of love. Looking at 2 Corinthians 5:14–21, the believer sees many important aspects like reconcile, conversion, regeneration, justification, substitution, and the nature of resurrection. Assuming, the person has been saved or born again in the family of God. The first of six tells about the nature of resurrection is when someone dies a physical death and instantly brought back to life with the face of Jesus in front of the individual. The power and proof of the resurrection was when Jesus appeared in different locations. The keys of death changed hands ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Comparing the Teaching on the Resurrection in I... Comparing the Teaching on the Resurrection in I Corinthians and the Thessalonian Letters The purpose of this paper is to compare the teaching on the resurrection of Jesus Christ as it is noted in Paul's letter to the Corinthians and Thessalonian letters. The resurrection of Jesus Christ is one of the primary doctrines of study in the Bible because it reveals the victory that believers have over death, hell and the grave. However, the belief in a bodily resurrection has been the central focus of controversy since the death of Jesus Christ. So, before we begin with our comparison of Paul's teaching on the resurrection, we need to begin by ... Show more content on ... However, in order for us to understand the basic elements for a resurrection, we must consider the following statement. "The spirit or the soul does not die, and therefore the spirit or soul cannot be raised. Only the body can lie down in death, and only the body can stand up in the resurrection" (McGee 396). This means that our body is only a temporary dwelling place because it will one day give way to corruption. The main teaching of the early followers was of Christ dying for the sins of mankind, and then being resurrected on the third day. So, in order to understand the difference between the teaching on the resurrection in the letter to the Corinthians and the Thessalonian letters, we must understand that the primary difference is not found in the reality of a literal resurrection, but in the ones who will be resurrected. In I Corinthians chapter 15 Paul basically focuses on the resurrection of Jesus Christ. This chapter is devoted to the understanding that Jesus was resurrected in order to give believers victory over the powers of the grave. In I Corinthians 15 Paul tells us that some people believe that Christ has risen, but deny the fact ... Get more on ...
  • 38.
  • 39. Resurrection In Charles Dicken's A Tale Of Two Cities The concept of resurrection has always been an alluring subject in all cultures. Some believe this can be achieved through purification and repentance. Throughout the book, situations arise in which characters allude to rising again in a new life. The reader sees to what length people will go to bring about improvement in a beloved's life, or to achieve a much desired afterlife of one's own. In Charles Dicken's novel, A Tale of Two Cities, the idea of resurrection plays a huge role in the lives of many characters, including Dr. Manette, Sydney Carton, and Jerry Cruncher; the theme also adds to Dickens's message by illustrating the importance of love, morality, and faith. One very significant example is of Dr. Manette, who originally was traumatized as a result of his unfair imprisonment but eventually is "recalled to life" (Dickens 13). While Dr. Manette was in jail, he grappled exhaustingly every day trying to deal with his deteriorating mental state. His time spent in the Bastille is compared to him being buried alive for this reason; it was so inhumane and cruel that he felt dead. Dr. Manette was essentially being brought back to life with his release from prison. However, "Dr. Manette's rebirth has just begun and does not become complete until he is reunited with his daughter" (Dingyuan and Xiaohua 91). His freedom does not only affect his life, it has a huge impact on his daughter and even other characters like Darnay. Lucie's unconditional love for her father is ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Faith And Transformation After Christ 's Resurrection Faith and Transformation after Christ's Resurrection Jesus Christ' death and resurrection is important to teach and prepare the people. There were so many insecurities and fears the people had about death and some even felt unworthy to die innocent. After Jesus came here to simply eliminate the lies that the world has conceived regarding the body and where the soul would end. Scholars believed in reincarnation like Josephus, who called it transmigration. Others like the" Pharisee's", they believed in the resurrection and thought the soul of the righteous lives on in a new body and the wicked souls perish. Paul of Tarsus explains, in (1 Cor 15:40–44) that there are two bodies a heavenly body and an earthly body. They laid Christ's dead body into the tomb with dishonor and he raised in glory "his risen body" from the dead. In another way to explain a believer in the resurrection of a body without their full understanding, according to Klawans Josephus write, "a Maccabean martyr looked at his hands and spoke", "I hope to get these hands back again" (pg.108 Josephus Theologies), meaning when he dies he wanted to return in the same body in which he had his faith in. At that moment, the martyr could have begun to believe in Christ's words, explained that the resurrected body is not like the first, Mark 14:58 "We heard him say, I will destroy this temple that is made with hands, and within three days I will build ... Get more on ...
  • 42.
  • 43. Arguments Against The Resurrection Of Jesus "Do not abandon yourselves to despair. We are the Easter people and hallelujah is our song"– Saint Pope John Paul II. The Resurrection is one of the most important miracles in the Catholic faith. It is not an opinion but a fact. Many people, specifically atheists, try to employ erroneous arguments to refute the historical reality of Jesus' Resurrection from the dead. These so called 'rebuttals' are unscientific and unsupported by the facts of the matter. Furthermore by often ignoring important aspects of the event in question all reasonableness and objectivity is lost. Here are the four most commonly used arguments atheists use against the Resurrection debunked. "The mystery of the vanishing body." Atheists claim that Christ's body was stolen from the tomb by His Apostles while the guards were sleeping. This tall–tale was originally created by Pharisees who bribed the guards to repeat it. But the logic does not follow. If all the guards were catching z's then how could they, or anyone, know who stole the body or even that it was stolen for that matter? ... Show more content on ... In fact, all who saw the Resurrected Messiah, including the Apostles and all at the mountain evidently suffered from Schizophrenia or some other Psychotic disorder. That is to say, all eye witnesses from that wondrous day all experienced the same hallucinations. This theory is possibly the most far–fetched. What caused these mass amounts of hallucination? And why were they all the same? Perhaps the heat, or maybe even extra–terrestrials had some work in it? Furthermore, people hallucinate what they fear or expect; the women and the Apostles had no expectation of Christ's Resurrection due to the fact that they themselves did not fully understand the prophecy of His Resurrection. Finally, St. Thomas refused to believe that Christ had risen until he had seen for himself, Jesus ... Get more on ...
  • 44.
  • 45. The Resurrection Of Jesus Christ Introduction: I came across an article on BBC news written on April 9,2017 that stated, A quarter of people who describe themselves as Christians in Great Britain do not believe in the resurrection of Jesus. To take the resurrection out of Christianity is like taking the heat out of fire, the darkness out of the night, all the blood out of a man. Simply put, you cannot separate the resurrection from Christianity. The resurrection of Christ is the hinge on which Christianity hangs. It is the foundation of our faith. Yet there are many who try to refute this momentous history of the church. Josh McDowell said, "The resurrection of Jesus Christ is either one of the most wicked, vicious, heartless hoaxes ever foisted on the minds of human ... Show more content on ... He was seen by the Apostles, and by over five hundred people at one time. It was inconceivable to deny bodily resurrection if Christ was raised from the dead. Let's look at his argument. V:12, Now if Christ is preached, that He has been raised from the dead, how do some among you say that there is no resurrection of the dead? Paul presents a dilemma to the believers at Corinth. On one hand, Paul preached to the Corinthians that Christ has been raised from the dead and the they believed it. Let's look back at what Paul says at the beginning of chapter 15:1–3,11. "Now I make known to you, brethren, the gospel which I preached to you, which also you received, in which also you stand, by which also you are saved, if you hold fast to the word which I preached to you, unless you believed in vain. For I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received, that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, and that He was buried, according to the Scriptures, and that He was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures... look at what he says in verse 11, whether then it was I or they, so we preach and so you believed. Now they were buying into the lie that there is no resurrection of the dead. They were inconsistent and illogical in their beliefs. In verse 13 Paul's makes a simple point, if you deny the resurrection of the dead, then you denied the resurrection of Jesus. Listen to what he says, "But ... Get more on ...
  • 46.
  • 47. Christ's Resurrection Research Paper The earliness of these accounts, at a time when hostile witnesses were present, would have made a fabrication unlikely and dangerous. There is agreement on the main facts and great variety in the witnesses given, yet they are not a mere repetition of some standardized story with all the discrepancies worked out. Indeed, the accounts of Christ's resurrection appearances are clearly independent of one another, as their surface dissimilarities suggest. Deeper scrutiny, however, reveals that these appearances are non–contradictory. No reputable New Testament historian doubts the historical fact that the tomb in which Christ was placed after his crucifixion was empty. Therefore, there are only three explanations for it. Either his enemies took the ... Show more content on ... Women had virtually no credibility in the first–century Jewish culture, and their testimony in a court of law was considered worthless. For example, if a man was accused of a crime that only women witnessed, he could not be convicted on that basis. If the account of Jesus' resurrection were a fable added later in an attempt to authenticate Christianity, why would the record have women be the first to see him and testify to the empty tomb, unless it had really happened that way? Women bringing testimony of his resurrection that is then denied by the male disciples makes the latter look bad, and these men were the first leaders of the Christian Church. A fabricated story added later by the Church would certainly have painted their first leaders in a more favorable light. If he did not rise from the dead, what became of his body? If his enemies stole it and never showed it openly, that would have encouraged the very rumors of a resurrection that they were very anxious to prevent. But the decisive proof that his enemies did not take the body is that they surely would have quickly produced it with great fanfare, for they stopped short of nothing to discredit the ... Get more on ...
  • 48.
  • 49. Jesus Resurrection Research Paper Jesus' resurrection is one of the most important historic event in history. Even though many people have different theories that deny the resurrection, I believe that Jesus did rise from the dead, the reason for this is that it is shown through biblical scriptures, Jesus' life on earth, eyewitnesses, and the growth of the Christian faith today. There are many biblical scriptures that give evidence that the resurrection did occur. Some information that is agreed upon by everyone, no matter the belief, is that Jesus died, he was put in the tomb, and the tomb was found empty. This is shown in the Bible when it says "Early on the first day of the week, while it was still dark, Mary Magdalene went to the tomb and saw that the stone had ... Show more content on ... In the world today, thirty one percent of people are Christian; that is 2.2 billion people (Curt). The bases of the Christian faith is on the belief that the resurrection did occur. There are so many people in the world who have strong faith and identify as Christian. As we talked about in class, there were so many people willing to die for Jesus and the belief of his resurrection, there are few things in life people would truly die for. Some people that risked it all for their faith were Peter, Simon, and James. Peter and Simon were crucified, Peter was crucified upside down, and James was beheaded. All three of them died horrible deaths because they believed in Jesus so strongly. If Jesus did not resurrect why would so many people give their life up for ... Get more on ...
  • 50.
  • 51. The Resurrection Of Jesus Is The Focal Point Of Christianity Introduction There is far reaching agreement among researchers today, over a wide religious spectrum, that the resurrection of Jesus is the focal point of Christianity, asserted by conventional believers in light of New Testament passages like 1 Corinthians 15:12–20; However, it is also declared by higher analytical scholars, also. For instance, one of the current problems which face Christian theology is that the resurrection of Jesus plays a decisive part. If the confidence and trust which are firmly associated to the resurrection is in doubt, there is a risk of jeopardizing everything to which a Christian clings. The explanation and narrative of the chronological basis of the Resurrection of Jesus has been the focus of historical investigation and debate, as well as a theme of discussion among theologians. The description of the Gospels, together with the empty tomb and the manifestation of the risen Christ to His followers, have been observed as historic reports of a factual event, as exact versions of prophetic encounters, as dishonest eschatological allegories, and as a lie invented by early Christian authors, with numerous interpretations. It has been proposed, for instance, that Jesus was never crucified, that there was an empty tomb because the body of Christ was stolen, or that Jesus Christ was never in the grave. "In Christian apologetics, no historical argument surpasses the resurrection of Jesus for its sheer evidential force." Despite the powerful robust ... Get more on ...
  • 52.
  • 53. Life, Death, Burial And Resurrection Of The Lord Essay Paul based his life and teaching on the life, death, burial and resurrection of the Lord. He said that all of his teaching was for naught unless Jesus of Nazareth rose from the dead. (I Cor. 15) And today, without the Lord's resurrection the Gospel is nothing. The resurrection of our Lord became the "first fruits" of all whose physical bodies lie sleeping; awaiting the resurrection upon the Lord's return. (I Cor. 15:20–23). The phrase "first fruits" referred the earliest portion of the crop; it meant that the harvest had begun. When Jesus arose, that was the beginning of the resurrection of all humanity and the assurance of our resurrection. Consequently, the resurrection of Jesus is the heart of Christianity. Even though, Jesus had told the apostles that He would die, the day of the crucifixion was a tragic day for them. When those scalawags plotted against the Lord and killed Him, the apostles were robbed of their hopes and dreams. They were grieved and confused. Many of them went into seclusion; however, as soon as those men were convinced that the Lord was alive their confusion melted away, dried their tears and renewed their faith and hope. Numerous theories as to how or by what means the tomb became empty have been offered by those who believe not that Jesus of Nazareth was the Messiah or that He rose from the dead. Only fool hearted men could have invented the idea that those women, on the first day of the week, lost their way returning to the tomb. Not ... Get more on ...
  • 54.
  • 55. Significance Of Christ 's Resurrection Essay Upon discussing about the importance and significance of Christ's resurrection, there will be a few different, major aspects that this research paper will cover. The resurrection touches many different area of studies. Those who consider this event to be true (doesn't have to just be Christian only) will have to agree that it's a historical landmark; a phenomenal, miraculous event that cannot be too easy to explain. On the theological aspect, which all Christians should be take into consideration to ponder and come to a realization that this event (the resurrection) has completely changed the course of human history as regarding to the communion between man and God the Father. A necessary step in the reconciliation process between man's sinful nature and God as a just judge. So it is not whether it is one or another, historical or theological. Whether the audience is believer or non– believer. A proper, biblical understanding of Christ's resurrection serves as a foundational truth for those who root genuine faith in God. Moreover, it is also the same faith that believes in the work that Jesus has done on earth and how he had finished with a closure. Hence the resurrection. Non– believers or believers of God's truth all have the responsibility properly comprehend the resurrection and the impact it has not just on both the theological and historical aspect. This event should have a big significance upon one's personal faith and salvation that can be found in this specific ... Get more on ...
  • 56.
  • 57. The Resurrection Of Jesus Research Paper Many people ridicule Christians for believing in a man who resurrected from the dead. They laugh at Christians and criticize them for basing their faith on an event that lack proof and evidence. However, the evidence that skeptics use to challenge the Christian faith, in actuality, support the claims that Jesus truly was the God that he claimed to be. The evidence that affirms Jesus' claims to be true include his lifestyle and teachings, the prophecies that he fulfilled, historical facts, and the dramatic transformation of the lives of his disciples. Many may ask Christians how they can believe in a Savior without proof of his divinity; but, in reality, God has given us an abundance of signs. He is still providing us with compelling evidence ... Show more content on ... Jesus is alive, for he continued to work in the lives of his disciples. The change of the lives of his followers demonstrate the work of Christ in them. Our historical knowledge relies on testimonies. The testimonies of the disciples are valid because eleven of them dies for their belief in the claims that Jesus made (McDowell 89–90). The power of Jesus is shown through them. Initially, they were cowards in their faith. Peter denied Jesus three time, and Thomas doubted Jesus' resurrection. The disciples' weak faith in Jesus and doubt in his resurrection suddenly transformed into an undeniable belief that led them to give up their lives for this Jesus. What could have changed the disciples' minds so suddenly besides the witnessing of the resurrection of Jesus. They all personally had an encounter with the resurrected body of Jesus. Peter, one of the disciples of Jesus, proclaimed that We [the disciples] did not follow cleverly invented stories when we told [the people] about the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but we were eyewitnesses of his majesty. (New International Version, 2 Peter ... Get more on ...
  • 58.
  • 59. Crucifixion And Resurrection Of Jesus Crucifixion and Resurrection of Christ in History "For the Jews, Jesus arrived as the long awaited Messiah. But on His arrival many did not recognize Him. Others refused to accept Him because He did not fit their image as a King. Everywhere He went in His short life on earth, He made enemies and devoted friends. Men hated Him so deeply that they sought to end His life and did crucify Him. Amazingly as the Bible had predicted centuries before their occurrence, all of the events of His life from His lowly birth to death on a cross and then to His resurrection, did occur just as they had been predicted" ( The crucifixion and resurrection of Christ was a pivotal moment in history. It had a significant impacted not ... Show more content on ... Men and women were seen as equals in the eyes of God. Jesus ' teaching taught men to love their wives and children, and to not use harsh treatment against either of them. Jesus influenced authority in Rome, which granted women more rights. Women were given the same property rights as men, and were allowed to be a guardian of their children. "Christian women started marrying later, and they married men of their own choosing. This eroded the ancient practice of men marrying child brides against their will, often as young as eleven or twelve years old" ( The historical practice of men marrying against a young female 's will had changed. Women could choose who they wanted to marry. "Many men, including biblical heroes, have had multiple wives, but Jesus made clear this was never God's intention. Whenever he spoke about marriage, it was always in the context of monogamy. He said, "The two [not three or four] will become one flesh." As Christianity spread, God's intention of monogamous marriages became the norm" ( Many men followed the practice of having many wives. Jesus ' teaching explained that God created marriage for one man and one woman. "Two more cruel practices were abolished as Christianity gained influence. In some cultures, such as India, widows were burned alive on their husbands' funeral pyres. In China, the crippling practice of foot binding was intended to make women totter ... Get more on ...
  • 60.
  • 61. Proof Of The Resurrection Proof of the Resurrection Before one can prove the resurrection, one must demonstrate that Christ died on the cross. Many people in the world think that the claim to resurrection was an elaborate hoax. The Qur'an contends that Jesus went to India and died there. The night before his crucifixion was scheduled, Jesus was under so much stress that he sweat blood, a condition called hematidrosis. This disorder would also make the skin very fragile, so when the Roman soldier flogged Jesus the next day, his skin would be oversensitive. As the scourging continues, his back would become shredded from his shoulders to his legs. He would have bled so much that he would have gone into hypovolemic shock. Hypovolemia makes the heart beat faster, the blood pressure drops, the kidneys shut down, and he would be very thirsty. Jesus would be in severe to critical condition just from the beating. At the site of the crucifixion, Jesus would have been laid down, and his wrists would have been nailed to the cross beam with five to seven–inch–long spikes. Then crossbeam was hoisted up and attached to the vertical stake; then his feet were nailed to the cross. Jesus arms would have stretched enough to dislocate both shoulders. This upright suspension caused his diaphragm to be locked in the inhale position. He would have to push up with his feet to exhale, then relax and inhale. As breathing slows down the carbonic acid would increase, causing an irregular heartbeat, which along with the rapid heartbeat caused by low blood volume, would cause heart failure. Heart failure would cause fluid to build up around the heart Anthony 5 and the lungs. When the soldiers put the spear in his side, it would have released the edema around the lungs and heart, and blood would have come from the hole they made in his heart. At this point, Jesus was dead. Next to be proven is that the body of Jesus was buried and three days later the tomb was empty. A prominent member of the Sanhedrin, Joseph of Arimathea, requested that he be given the body of Jesus to bury. When Pilate granted his request, he took Jesus' body down from the cross, wrapped it in burial clothes, and laid him in a new tomb. The Christians would not have ... Get more on ...
  • 62.
  • 63. Jesus Resurrection Research Paper Jesus' resurrection was the greatest miracle he has planned out and accomplished. We, Christians, must believe that Jesus died and resurrected from the dead for our salvation. Salvation is a term that means the deliverance from sin and its consequences, believed by Christians to be brought about by faith in Christ. During the resurrection, the Jews believed Jesus was there to defend and defeat their enemies. They thought wrong. Jesus needed to sacrifice his own life to save us. Everyone didn't want him to complete this plan. They thought he was crazy and out of his mind for him to put his life on the line, but Jesus did it anyway. Whenever the Jews told him that he shouldn't be doing this, or telling him that he shouldn't go, he told him that it was the devil speaking through them and that they're not thinking. ... Show more content on ... This proportion wanted to kill Jesus. They thought he wasn't the person that was coming to save them. One reason they thought he wasn't Jesus: he was a poor carpenter, not a military leader/ living lavishly. Another reason for their disbelief: Jesus didn't have any attention to diminish and demolish their enemies. These theories that they created made Jesus seem fake, and that's why they granted him with blasphemy. Blasphemy is the act or offense of speaking sacrilegiously about God or sacred things; profane talk. The Romans then sentenced him with treason for claiming that he was "The King of the Jews." Later then crucified, died, buried, and rose from the dead on the 3rd day. This, too, is a doctrine that we Christians must ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Historical Evidence For The Resurrection Of Christ Historical Evidence for the Resurrection of Christ "Don't be alarmed," he said. "You are looking for Jesus the Nazarene, who was crucified. But he has risen! He is not here!" says Mark 16:6. The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the greatest and most miraculous event in human history. Many believe though, it is a great historical problem. But, when we look at the evidence, the truth of the resurrection provides the most valid explanation. Though skepticism about the resurrection of Jesus exists; the empty tomb, the appearances of Christ after his death, and the violent deaths of the apostles, provide well–founded evidence for the resurrection of Christ. After the death of Jesus on the cross, he was placed and buried in a tomb, which was found to be empty three days later. The empty tomb of Jesus can be proven historically. Many believe that the first accounts of the empty tomb in the gospels were developed later, but they actually predate the Gospels. The first accounts of the empty tomb were found in the letters of Paul, which were written 15–20 years after the death of Jesus. In Corinthians 15, written by Paul before the gospels, he specifically speaks of the empty tomb, "...he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures." All of Paul's letters were public documents and could be read by anyone, thus inviting anyone to openly seek the truth of the reusrrection. On the third day after Jesus 's death, Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. Proof For The Resurrection Essay Many individuals question the legitimacy of the resurrection, however there are bounteous measures of confirmation supporting it. There are three simple confirmations of the resurrection. The first is that there were more than 600 observers of the resurrected Christ; and they wouldn't put their life on the line for something they knew was false. The second verification is that a few people guarantee Jesus never died on the cross, however there is proof that he indeed did. Also, the third and last proof is that the primary observer of his restoration was a lady. Every one of these realities are clear proof of the resurrection, and there are a large number of actualities demonstrating the revival of God, be that as it may I observe these three ... Show more content on ... There are two reasons the guards kept him from leaving the tomb; guards would get executed in the event that they let detainees escape, and also so Jesus couldn't move the stone that sealed the tomb. It is said in the pocket handbook of Christian Apologetics that it was "Roman law" that if a guard let a detainee escape he would be "executed"(71). Unmistakably the guards would not give Jesus a chance to escape, and if he did, they would be killed. Additionally, the disciples couldn't get him out either because they would doubtlessly be slaughtered by the highly trained assassins. On top of all of this, no man including weak and tortured Jesus would have the physical strength to move the stone that sealed the tomb. It weighed thousands of pounds and the only true explanation for someone to escape the tomb would be through the power of angels. The swoon theory could never be a sensible situation. The guards and assassins wouldn't chance their lives by letting Jesus live and regardless of the possibility that he did survive and his disciples came to get them, they would surely be murdered by the guards. In the event that he survived they would ensure that Jesus was executed immediately. Yet, who initially witnessed the rise of Jesus form the tomb? It was a lady, and in the time period this was taking place, a woman's job was to take care of the family and stay at home. So, for what reason would the Bible have them a woman as the ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. The Resurrection Of Christ Jesus "The Resurrection of Christ Jesus according to the Apostle Paul" The example in the Gospels can express many examples of resurrection which delivers a strong message In the New Testament. The term resurrection by Webster definition explains, "Life, raising from the dead." The Greek defines it as, "A standing up again, recovery." John 11:25 explain Jesus speaking to Martha concerning her Brother Lazarus's death. He says, "I am the resurrection, (standing up again), and the life (breath), he who believes in Me shall live even if he dies." There is much to contemplate when death and life have expression, as to stand up and breath. The commencement of this information will be organized in several parts to search and compare a topics of this essay. Theologians give commentary to this topic as well and explain historical content to understand. Many have believed Christ had not resurrected but was taken away and buried. Some believed it to be a rumor to validate that which had been preached among the many disciples. Eyewitnesses came forth to speak what happened and to solidify and cancel rumors. The Apostle Paul converted to Christianity receiving a one on one account with the risen Lord during his reign of terrorism in his day. My goal is to gather information to focus on the comparison and contrast to the subject, "The resurrection of Christ". To achieve this goal I have organized insight in three paragraphs, to include scriptures on eye witnessed
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  • 72. The Resurrection Of Jesus : Focal Point Of Christianity THE RESURRECTION OF JESUS: FOCAL POINT OF CHRISTIANITY CONTENTS I. Introduction ....................................................................................3 II. A Historic Event ....................................................................................4 A. As a Symbol or Figure of Speech .......................................................5 B. The Empty Tomb .........................................................................6 III. New Testament Accounts ....................................................................8 A. Jesus Died by Crucifixion .....................................................................8 B. The Disciples of Christ were Convinced that He Resurrected ......................................................10 C. Paul, the Persecutor of Christians, was Miraculously Transformed.......................................................12 D. James, the Half Brother of Jesus, was Abruptly Transformed ...........................................................14 IV. Skepticism of History and Other Explanations ........................................15 V. Conclusion ....................................................................................20 VI. Bibliography...................................................................................22 THE RESURRECTION OF JESUS: FOCAL POINT OF CHRISTIANITY Introduction There is far reaching agreement among researchers today over a wide religious spectrum that the resurrection of Jesus is the focal point of Christianity, asserted by conventional believers in light of New Testament passages like 1 Corinthians 15:12–20. However, it is also declared by secular analytical intellectuals also. One of the major confrontational arguments facing Christian theology or apologetics is the resurrection of Jesus being a significant part; therefore, if the ... Get more on ...
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  • 74. Christianity And Resurrection When I was younger my parents and I would go to a church often and then we had stopped for a while. My mom then registered me into Catholic church classes when I was in fourth grade so I could do be baptized and do my first communion. After I had got baptized and everything I started to question which religion was the right path. Then I started questioning Christianity specifically. Christianity has a claim which is "that 2000 years ago, God the Son came to the Earth to reveal the Father to us and then die to save us from our sins" (, there are some people that don't believe this, but there are other claim and evidence as well in which I will mention. One of the questions is why is Jesus called God the Son? We are ... Show more content on ... Hitchens claims that is Jesus existed he would have been mentioned in other documents beside the New Testament. If someone were to claim that Jesus did not exist 2,000 years ago, it could not be proven because we are now living 2,000 years after the event happened. Early opponents of Jesus did not ever claim that Jesus did not exist. They did not claim He did not exist because they did not want to seem foolish for saying that, if it came out to be true that He did exist. Instead of claiming that He did not exist, they decided to discredit Him by saying that He worked miracles in the power of Satan. Jesus was attacked when the early opponents started saying He performed exorcisms for Satan, which would not make sense because why would Satan want Him to perform exorcisms, if what Satan wanted was to fill people with demons and not get them out of people. Satan was only able to make the people blind instead of healing them, while Jesus was able to heal people who were blind and sick. The Jesus the Gospels would mention or talk about would not have been a Jesus they would have made up. The reason being, the ways they would make him appear sometimes, which is Him being weak. For example, in the book "From Plato to Plantinga: An Introduction to Philosophy" it says that "He actually sweated drops like that of blood in the Garden of Gethsemane because He was under so much stress" ( and also that "He wept at the tomb of His ... Get more on ...
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  • 76. The Resurrection of the Dead As with most other Pauline attributed documents, 1 Corinthians is believed to be a single document that addresses salient topics and rationalizes Paul's view of faithfulness to Christ with Corinth citizens. The newly founded church of Corinth was in correspondence with Paul requesting his answers to questions they posed on topics ranging from marriage to the resurrection of the dead; the latter being one of the most highlighted in 1 Corinthians. Paul's assurance of resurrection illustrates a concern for Corinth as he admonishes their disbelief in resurrection of the dead with a series of explanations as to why such doubt would render the faith of Christ "in vain". Given the context of the time, Paul's correspondence with Corinth clearly ... Show more content on ... Beginning as a direct rebuttal of Corinth beliefs regarding resurrection and eventually evolving into a explicit and according to Paul irritable account of the events that lead to resurrection of the dead. The passage showcases Paul's authority on followers of Christ and just how seriously his understanding and beliefs regarding Christ were taken. Again as 1 Corinthians is in part a direct address to his intentions in helping the church and part response to Corinth inquiries.The Resurrection of the Dead passage Paul structures his response in a way that makes no room for his commentary to be misinterpreted or ignored. Verses 12–19 are a clear formulation of taking Corinthian rebuttals to resurrection and using their own phrasing to admonish their disbelief.These verses are structured as a continuous unfolding of Paul's response. It begins in verse 12 with an acknowledgement that some in Corinth do not believe in resurrection of the dead and then continues on verse after verse appealing to that disbelief. The structure is a very much a "this, then this, then this argument, mounting the consequences of not believing in resurrection of the dead on top of one another until he reaches a conclusion that should cause all disbelief to vanish; if Corinthians do not believe in resurrection then they cannot believe that Christ was resurrected and if they do not believe that then their faith must be in vain. Paul's intent is didactic and he utilizes ... Get more on ...
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  • 78. Turning The Stone: The Truth Behind The Resurrection Turning the Stone– The Truth behind the Resurrection The Christian faith is founded on the idea of the resurrection and Jesus dying for everyone's sins. The Resurrection is a central story of the Christian faith, and it must be true for the Christianity to hold up. The Bible is the ultimate source for information on the Resurrection from the disciples themselves through the Gospels. Many theorists have come up with theories that contradict and counter the Resurrection because of the lack of belief and proof. Although there are arguments against the resurrection, there are more arguments for it. Christianity arose due to the Resurrection, and consists of the sacrifice Jesus made for the greater good of all the people. There are many theories that try to disprove the Resurrection because people do not believe it is logical. The Swoon Theory is based on the idea that Jesus did not die after all he went through on the cross. People who believe this theory think that he was just passed out. This is how people who argue the resurrection explain Jesus appearing to his disciples after his supposed death. This theory was "championed by 18/19th century rationalists." (Emberson 3). Other people believe that the whole story of the ... Show more content on ... To believe in the Bible, people have to have faith. The Resurrection was not put in just as some fictional children's story. The death on the cross, the testimony from the disciples, and the guards are some of the few things that prove that the Resurrection actually did occur. Jesus was raised to the heavens and was freed from all his physical pain and suffering when he was human. The resurrection is the basis for the Christian faith because Jesus' act of dying on the cross was pure selflessness in order for all of his people to live life without being punished for the endless amount of sins that are ... Get more on ...