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The Pros And Cons Of German Concentration Camps
During WWll in German concentration camps many Jewish people were experimented on. It was a
very painful experience for them. Thousands died as a result. Each of the doctors that were
performing these unethical experimentations were put on trial for what they had done after the war
was over. This lead to new regulations and ethical boundaries in the medical field. Most of the
doctors were trying to cure diseases and solve some kind of problem. Some of the doctors did the
experimentations because they took joy from it or they were trying to prove the superiority of
German people over others. Some of the most ruthless doctors of that time were Karl Brandt, Carl
Clauberg, Aribert Heim, August Hirt, Johann Kremer, Maria Mandel, Josef Mengele, Herta
Oberheuser, and Horst Schumann. Karl Brandt was Hitler's personal Physician. He was the
'dominant medical figure' of his time (Lifton 35). He participated in the Euthanasia program and
killed those labeled as 'useless eaters'. After the war he was found guilty at the doctors trial and was
executed for his crimes("Karl Brandt"). Carl Clauberg asked Himmler, a fan of his research, to be a
part of finding a cheap and effective way of sterilization. He was granted his request and assigned to
Auschwitz where he carried out horrible things to the prisoners("Carl Clauberg"). Aribert Heim was
the doctor at Mauthausen concentration camp. He was called 'Dr. Death' by the prisoners. Dr. Death
wanted to figure out which ways killed people
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General Medical Experiment
General Medical Experiment Organs of the victims from the holocaust were put into jars and
displayed for research. The Nazis called them "unworthy lives" – who deemed too sick, weak or
handicapped for the "Master Race." More than 70,000 were killed, gassed to death or otherwise
murdered between 1939 and 1941 at the hands of the sadist doctors and nurses by the end of the war.
Thousands of brains, uteruses with fetuses and other organs and parts were preserved in jars until
1978. (Dark Chapter Closes On Patients ' Treated To Death' Last Rites For Victims Of Nazi
Experiments,GEORGE JAHN, VIENN) "The Nazi physicians performed brutal medical
experiments upon helpless concentration camp inmates. These acts of torture were characterized by
several shocking features: (1) people were forced to become subjects in very dangerous studies
against ... Show more content on ...
He worked in Auschwitz Block 10. Block 10 mostly contained women who were married between
the ages of 20 to 40 who had not borne children. Among the subjects their feared being killed,
sterilized, or inseminated by Clauberg. He would tease the female subjects they would undergo
sexual intercourse with a male subject for this purpose. After he would inseminated their wombs
with animal sperm and monsters were growing inside of them. Three–Hundred female prisoners
were experimented on, in Block 10. Dr. Clauberg also conducted the sterilization experiment in
which he blocked the fallopian tubes, creating the goal of effective mass sterilization. Many inmates
had their genitals mutilated to discover cheap methods of mass sterilization. The injection of caustic
substances into their cervix or uterus producing horrible pain, inflamed ovaries, bursting spasms in
their stomach and bleeding. Young males had their testicles subject to large doses of radiation and
were subsequently castrated to ascertain the pathological change in their
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Medical Experiments During The Third Reich
Have you ever heard of the Nazi Party led by Adolf Hitler, the Holocaust, or even the medical
experiments of the SS? Well, get ready to learn about it. Adolf Hitler was an anticommunist that
fought for Germany in WWI. He was the leader of the Nazi's. The Holocaust was a genocide in
which Adolf Hitler 's Nazi Germany and its collaborators killed about six million Jews. The medical
experiments of the SS were experiments performed by doctors on prisoners. During World War II, a
number of German physicians conducted painful and often deadly experiments on thousands of
concentration camp prisoners without their consent. Unethical medical experimentation carried out
during the Third Reich may be divided into three categories. The three categories consisted of
experiments aimed at facilitating the survival of Axis military personnel. The second category of
experimentation aimed at developing and testing pharmaceuticals and treatment methods for injuries
and illnesses which German military and occupation personnel encountered in the field. While the
third category of medical experimentation sought to advance the racial and ideological tenets of the
Nazi worldview ( Doctors have always been thought of as the saviors of
mankind, the healers, and caretakers of our utter existence. Even ancient civilizations revered the
medicine men as having special power to protect life. The trust of a physician is sacred. This is why
the practice of medicine by the
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Holocaust Medical Experiments
As described by many historian, there were a few discovering happened after the Second World War
including the Holocaust Experimental Data which was considered as a human normative ethics
based on experimental research during the nineteen century. Researches investigate the set of
questions arise in the Jew's community during and aftermath of the holocaust which allowed them to
know with absolute and scientific certainty what was happening inside Nuremberg concentration
camps. Most of them prove that horrific Nazi human experiments were conducted on Jewish
prisoners against their will, resulting in torture and death which is considered as These paper will
analyses the holocaust's origin thus that the consequences that the Jewish population ... Show more
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The proof is that there was a trial for German physicians who conducted these human experiments
on concentration camp prisoners which were prosecuted as war criminals. Until now, the society still
continue to discuss if it is acceptable in the medical community to consider the medical research
data that were collected during these experimentations. Even some of these experiments had
legitimate scientific purposes, the methods used violated the canons of medical ethics. Others were
racial in nature, designed to advance Nazi racial theories. Most were simply bad science.
Additionally, some believe there are major ethical problems with using the data collected in this
unethical manner. Once a decision to use the data has been made, experts suggest that it must not be
included as ordinary scientific research, just to be cited and placed in a medical journal. I agree with
author Robert J. Lifton who suggested that citation of the data must contain a thorough expose' of
exactly what tortures and atrocities were committed for that experiment. Citations of the Nazi data
must be accompanied with the author's condemnation of the data as a lesson in horror and as a moral
aberration in medical science. The author who chooses to use the Nazi data must be prepared to
expose the Nazi doctors' immoral experiments as medical evil. I suggest that if I was a judge that
time, I had most definitely torture the Germans in the same way as they tortured Jewish people.
According to the philosophy written by Richard Matthews inside the book entitled "The Absolute
Violation: Why Torture Must be Prohibited," he said " It's a comprehensive refutation of the
arguments in favor of torture, including act and rule utilitarianism, as well as "dirty
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Research Paper On Mengele
Introduction [attention getter] Mengele once said, "The more we do to you, the less you seem to
believe we are doing it." [topic justification] Mengele is very important to the Holocaust because he
shows that Nazis didn't care. They didn't care if the Jews suffered and died, they just knew Hitler
was their leader and wanted to keep their family safe. [credibility] Research shows that Mengele did
many experiments on camp prisoners. [orientation] WWII started September 1st 1939 and lasted
until September 2nd 1945. The holocaust started January 30th 1933 and ended May 8th 1945. This
all started because Hitler didn't like the jews and ordered his people to take out all Jews. [preview of
main ideas/thesis] Josef Mengele was an SS doctor, one of ... Show more content on
Third main idea i. [topic sentence] Mengele did many experiments to many different people like
attaching twins' eyeballs to each other's heads, attaching and detaching limbs, and so on. ii. [support
for III] He enjoyed having his assistants round up 14 gypsy twins one night, then injecting
chloroform into the hearts and killing them, which then he dissected every inch of their bodies. iii.
[analysis of support] Twins and children which were later to be experimented on had no idea that
was going to happen to them. iv. [support for III] One experiment he tried was injecting chemicals
into the subject's eyes to try and change them colors. v. [analysis of support] Just like Mengele his
assistant, Dr. Herta Oberhauser, was inhumane. She rubbed grounded glass into open wounds, killed
with oil and evipan injections, and removed vital organs. vi. [transition statement] Most say they
remember Josef as the man that would give them chocolates and treat them like family, some even
called him "Uncle Josef". III. Conclusion [summary] No matter the Nazi they thought they were
doing what was right, what their country needed. Mengele helped us learn a lot of things about twins
and others, not in the best way, but we are now more educated about the human body and twins.
Still, no matter the Nazi they were all
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Racial Hygiene And The Victims Of Medical Experiments
Each year, about 2.7 million shelter animals are euthanized, simply because they have nowhere to
call "home". We humans seem to think we can determine which lives are worthy, or unworthy, of
life. Similarly, Hitler believed he had the right to determine which lives were worthy of living.
During the Holocaust, it is estimated that about 6 million Jews were "euthanized" because he
deemed them as undeserving of life. Included within that estimation are the victims of medical
experiments, which physicians imposed on them without consent. People in positions of power
determined who were worthy of continuing to live, with what we now consider basic human rights,
and those unworthy were euthanized or used in medical experimentation. By simply understanding
the expansive amount of pain and suffering these "unworthy" individuals went through, you will
understand why it is imperative that we teach this dark point in human history and make sure it is
never repeated.
In the early twentieth century, a popular idea known as racial hygiene played a prominent role in
creating a division between races. The German government created a set of policies that dictated
which individuals were worthy and unworthy of reproducing, in the hopes of obtaining more
desirable qualities, based on these ideas. In 1933, the German government started a series of forced
sterilizations, without consent. Robert Jay Lifton writes that a group of individuals deemed
"'hereditarily sick'" were the main targets.
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Joseph Mengele and his Atrocities Essay
Three thousand twins entered Auschwitz between 1940 and 1944. Only two hundred and fifty pairs
of twins ever had the smell of freedom again. Why did this unfortunate event occur? It occurred
because the Nazis party was in control and Adolf Hitler was the Fuhrer and he wanted a perfect race.
"Right, left", what kind of a man could send people to their death with a flick of a cane, without one
scent of remorse or one inkling of guilt? –his name was Josef Mengele. (Nazi304) Hitler gave
Mengele all the resources he could and this is the main reason why he went to Auschwitz, because
the of the availability of the victims he could do his work on. The stories and pictures of Auschwitz
tell a gruesome tale of death and torture. Josef Mengele ... Show more content on ...
During his stay at Auschwitz he was nicknamed the "Angel of Death." When the trains arrived at
Auschwitz they would sit i the cars for days before being herded out like cattle. After this hellish
journey, the first thing that people saw when they left the cars was Josef Mengele, the Angel of
Auschwitz standing in his immaculate SS uniform, shining boots, perfectly brushed and pressed
shirt and pants, and glistening silver skulls.(Mengele156) He would perch there and would yell
"left!" or "right!", left meaning a quick end as you headed to the gas chambers and right meant you
were placed on a starvation diet and had to work as a slave. During this time in Auschwitz his first
and only son, Rolf, was born on March 11, 1944. His moment of happiness in Auschwitz (his
perverse perception of happiness) was short lived. In the middle of January in 1945 he fled
Auschwitz and went to Grossen– Rosen camp. He then fled before the Russians liberated it on
February 11, 1945. After fleeing Grossen–Rosen he was captured as a prisoner of war and held in a
POW camp in Munich. He stole some papers from a fellow prisoner and the American Army
released him not realizing he was part of the SS. During his life on the run he went under several
aliases, these include;
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Human Experimentation In Nazi Germany
People may think all human experimentation is ethical and happens under supervised, and controlled
conditions with the consent of the person. This wasn't the case in Nazi Germany. The Nazi's
performed some of the most inhumane, disturbing human experiments documented by man. The
Nazi's saw their extermination camps as a prime place for scientific experiments to advance their
military and Nazi racial ideology. Prisoners were forced to participate in the experiments and
usually died as an effect. If the subject lived, the results often resulted in trauma, disfigurement, or
permanent disability. This happened on a large scale, and affected the lives of many. These
experiments were typically aimed toward Jews, but some Romani, Sinti, Soviet prisoners of war,
and disabled Germans were involved in these ruthless experiments. It is important to remember
these diabolical acts not because of how awful they were, but the technological and medical
advancements they posed. If we don't acknowledge the suffering these people endured, then I feel
that they have died in vain. One of the experiments ... Show more content on ...
In 1941, the Luftwaffe conducted experiments on more than 350 people. These experiments were
conducted to simulate the conditions the armies encountered on the Eastern Front in order to prepare
their army for the cold weather. They placed prisoners naked in the open air for several hours with
temperatures as low as –21 fahrenheit. Some subjects were dipped into vats of freezing water. Those
who didn't die from freezing, were resuscitated using gruesome methods. The worst probably being
internal irrigation, whereby victims had boiling water forced into the bladder and stomach ("Worst
Nazi Experiments"). Many experiments were conducted on captured Russian troops; the Nazi's
wondered wheateher their genetics gave them superior resistance to cold ("Nazi Human
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The Medical Experiments By The Ss ( Nazi )
The Medical Experiments By The SS (Nazi) Have you ever heard of the Nazi Party led by Adolf
Hitler, the Holocaust, or even the medical experiments of the SS? Well, get ready to learn about it.
Adolf Hitler was an anticommunist that fought for Germany in WWI. He was the leader of the
Nazi's. The Holocaust was a genocide in which Adolf Hitler 's Nazi Germany and its collaborators
killed about six million Jews. The medical experiments of the SS were experiments performed by
doctors on prisoners. During World War II, a number of German physicians conducted painful and
often deadly experiments on thousands of concentration camp prisoners without their consent.
Unethical medical experimentation carried out during the Third Reich may be divided into three
categories. The three categories consisted of experiments aimed at facilitating the survival of Axis
military personnel. The second category of experimentation aimed at developing and testing
pharmaceuticals and treatment methods for injuries and illnesses which German military and
occupation personnel encountered in the field. While the third category of medical experimentation
sought to advance the racial and ideological tenets of the Nazi worldview (
Doctors have always been thought of as the saviors of mankind, the healers, and caretakers of our
utter existence. Even ancient civilizations revered the medicine men as having special power to
protect life. The trust of a physician is sacred. This is why
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The Holocaust : The Causes Of The Holocaust
Dr Klein: 'the Jew is the gangrenous appendix in the body of mankind' (The Nazi Doctors: Robert
Jay Lifton)
Hello ladies and gentleman,
What does the Holocaust mean to you? Some would say mass genocide, the extermination of the
Jews or some may not be able to define it at all. The Holocaust – one of mankind's worst atrocities
committed in the past one hundred years. Full of the thirteen years of prejudice and mistreatment
that was endorsed by the fascist ideals. Over twelve million people perished due to this mass
genocide of all races, ages, classes, and creeds. However, for some ignorance is bliss. Some do not
acknowledge these atrocities against the human race caused by their own – it is a lie! They shout.
They feel dignified for their supposed superior thoughts. Although people are able to have their own
rights to thought and speech, their opinions are filled with hate, ignorance, and deceit. This is why
the Holocaust did happen.
The main definition as to what the Holocaust is defined by the opening of the death camps from
1939 to 1945. However, the true definition is based on when the oppressive regime of the Nazi Party
closed in on those deemed as the 'Untermensch', unworthy of life and existence. The NDSAP
created the first scheme of the 'Aktion T4 Plan' – killing all disabled, homosexuals, gypsies,
alcoholics and mentally ill between the ages of 16–49. They used the following methods: Phenol
injections, starvation, and carbon monoxide poisoning and sedative
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Road Rage
19 March 2012
Life during the Holocaust:
Life in the ghettos, Dr. Mengele's medical care, and food in the camps
Genocide during WWII was unbelievably cruel and awful. The Holocaust was sure to be
remembered from this time period and have permanently engraved horrible memories into those
who survived. During the Holocaust many victims suffered while living in the ghettos, soon to reach
the camps they also suffered there as well. The encounters with Dr. Mengele were unbearable too.
Elie Wiesel's memoir Night is very important especially the fact that it accurately describes what
really happened during the Holocaust. One of these many reasons is that Wiesel was an actual
survivor of the Holocaust. His descriptions of his experiences in the ... Show more content on ...
Mengele (a typical SS officer: a cruel face, but not devoid of intelligence, and wearing a monocle); a
conductors baton in his hand, he was standing among the other officers" (Wiesel 29). From this
moment on Elie stood frightened like never before. Dr. Mengele being head of selection process
only took the fittest people to work. For this process you would want to be between the ages of 16–
40. Elie Wiesel and his father lied about their age to make sure they would make it through
selection. Elie was 15 but said he was 18 and his father was 50 but said he was 40. Without lying
they probably would have both been selected to go to the crematories (Wiesel 30). Elie Wiesel
remembers when Mengele was selecting more victims but just by marking their number down.
Luckily Wiesel was not selected but more or less hid his number from the doctor as he was running
past. The end of the road was near for those who had gotten marked down in the doctors little book
(Wiesel 68). Though selection was a big piece of the Holocaust so were the medical experiments
held by Dr. Mengele on innocent victims of the Holocaust. His experiences are very similar in detail
to others as well. Typically known for getting his reputation as an SS doctor at Auschwitz, Josef
Mengele was also known for conducting medical experiments on those who suffered during the
Holocaust. Dr. Mengele did many horrible experiments on those who suffered during the Holocaust.
Dr. Mengele did many horrible
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The Pros And Cons Of Nazi Eugenics
During the reign of Adolf Hitler, Europe was taken into a state of chaos. German physicians were
called to extermination camps. The reason was straightforward to them: They were called to camps
to try to unlock the secrets of genetic engineering, hands stretched out in reach to get closer to
creating the Aryan, or superior race. The use of Nazi eugenics was supported by the German
government in order to create the Aryan and to exterminate those who did not fit into their criteria.
They promoted the use of biology to accomplish their goals of racial purity, a core concept in the
Nazi ideology. Physicians were attracted to the scientific ideology and aided in the establishment of
National Socialist Physicians' League in 1929 to "purify the German medical community of 'Jewish
Bolshevism.'" (Grodin 371). However, today it seems they were there solely to kill camp inmates as
painfully as possible. These acts of torture were characterized by several shocking features: victims
were forced to become subjects in very dangerous studies against their will; nearly all subjects
endured incredible suffering, mutilation, and unimaginable pain, and the experiments often were
deliberately designed to terminate in a fatal outcome. The accounts for the medical exploits are
numerous, ranging from conjoined twins experiments to phenol injections, high altitude
experiments, tests of resurrections by placing humans in extreme temperatures, and artificial
insemination. The Nazi medical experiments
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The World Of The Holocaust
From 1933 to 1945 over 11 million people were slaughtered over the course of those 12 years. This
event in history is known as the Holocaust. The people who lost their lives were Jews, Gypsies,
Political prisoners, Roma, Jehovah Witnesses, homosexuals, and anyone who opposed the Nazi rule.
The prisoners were sent to concentration camps where they were tortured, forced to work, starved,
placed in gas chambers for mass extermination, and experimented on by Nazi doctors as if they
were not human. The Holocaust was put in place by Adolf Hitler, Chancellor of Germany at the
time. Hitler wanted the people slaughtered in order to form a master race, known as the Aryans. His
master race plan was only a side goal, his first objective was to ... Show more content on ...
The committee at the Nuremburg trials never even took into consideration the use of the data and so
it can be used in citation. However, some of the data should most definitely not be cited, most
notably the Dachau Hypothermia Experiments. The goal of the experiments was to establish the
most effective way of treating hypothermia in patients. However it was done in a very brutal way
that cannot be repeated in the future. Many scientists have used the data in citation, but a just as a
large amount of scientists have denounced the data and any paper that uses the data as a source. The
Nazi data collected from the Dachau hypothermia experiments should not be used due to the lack of
ethics used to obtain the results, the misuse of the scientific method, and the falsity of the data.
Ethically, the Dachau hypothermia experiments were a calamitous endeavor and the scientists doing
the experiments knew what they were doing was wrong. Before the Allied forces took the
concentration camps the Nazi scientists "In an attempt to conceal the atrocities, the original,
incriminating records of most of the concentration–camp studies of humans were destroyed before
the camps were captured by the Allied forces" (Berger 1435). This proves that the doctors were not
shrouded by the memorization of Nazi propaganda. They knew what they were doing was a clear
violation of human rights. In the experiments the doctors would take the patients, "They were
usually stripped naked and
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Essay On Auschwitz
In 1940 Auschwitz was established in the suburbs of Oswiecim. Oswiecim is a Polish city that was
annexed to the Third Reich by the Nazis. Auschwitz was established because there were too many
Polish people in the local prisons. In 1942 Auschwitz became a death camp and it was the largest
known. (, n.d.) The camp was expanded throughout its existence, this resulted
in Auschwitz consisting of three camps. The three camps were Main Camp, Birkenau, and
Monowitz. Main Camp was known as Auschwitz I, Birkenau was known as Auschwitz II, and
Monowitz was known as Auschwitz III. (Preisler, n.d.) Auschwitz was liberated in 1945. "Historians
and analysts estimate the number of people murdered at Auschwitz somewhere between 2.1 million
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Carl Clauberg. Carl Clauberg was born in Wuppertal in 1898. During World War I he participated as
an infantryman. (Dr. Carl Clauberg, n.d.) After he had studied medicine and advanced to be a
doctor–in–chief at the University gynecological clinic in Kiel. In 1933 he entered the NSDAP. Also
in 1933 he was appointed professor for gynecology at Koenigsberg University. (Carl Clauberg, n.d.)
In 1942 Carl Clauberg went to work at Auschwitz. There he conducted mass sterilization
experiments. "Professor Carl Clauberg injected chemical substances into wombs during his
experiments. Thousands of Jewish and Gypsy women were subjected to this treatment. They were
sterilized by the injections, producing horrible pain, inflamed ovaries, bursting spasms in the
stomach, and bleeding. The injections seriously damaged the ovaries of the victims, which were then
removed and sent to Berlin." (Dr. Carl Clauberg, n.d.) In 1948 Clauberg was put to trail in the Soviet
Union. He was sentenced to twenty–five years, but after seven years he was pardoned. Survivor
groups protested this and so he was arrested in 1955. Shortly before his trial should have started he
died in August 1957. (Carl Clauberg,
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Medical Experiments of the Holocaust Essay
Medical Experiments of the Holocaust
As a society we place those in the medical profession on a pedestal. They are people to be looked up
to and admired. In many ways they are Gods, right here with us on earth. People put the hope and
faith in doctors hoping they can perform miracles. Throughout history, doctors have indeed
preformed many wonders. There were, however, some doctors that betrayed this belief and peoples
trust. These doctors could be found in concentration camps such as Auschwitz and Dachau. These
doctors committed unspeakable acts against the Jews and other minorities, believing that they were
conducting helpful experiments. Following the holocaust, however, they were punished for their ...
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The victim would be placed beneath sun lamps, which were so hot, the skin would burn. They
would then freeze and reheat the victim, repeatedly. Another revival technique was irrigation; the
victim would have boiling hot water irrigated throughout their bladder, intestines and stomach. All
patients died from this technique. They would also submit to high altitude changes. They would be
locked in a low–pressure chamber until their lungs would explode. These experiments would help
the doctor to determine the limits of the human body.
The second class of experiments involved medical research. Doctor's would conduct medical
experiments, which included the gas chamber and epidemic disease. Some victims were killed in gas
chambers. This would allow better research to help develop ways of stopping such chemical attacks
by the enemy or to help improve there way of killing there victims by showing them the effects of
phosphorus and mustard gas burns. Doctors would also inject the victims with diseases such as
malaria, smallpox, cholera and spotted fever. They would do so in order to observe the effectiveness
of vaccines. Doctors would also break bones and flesh and then infect the wounds. They would also
perform operations on the victims without administering anesthesia; all victims of these operations
were killed during or shortly after.
The third class involved experiments about the human race. These doctors would
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Medical Experiments During Ww2
Throughout WW2, the Nazis conducted many experiments on prisoners in the concentration camps.
The experiments were extremely brutal to the persons being experimented on. Many of these
doctors used their authority to justify the means of their "research". There are various different
experiments that were conducted for supposed benefit to the German army. Experiments conducted
by Nazis were inhumane and traumatizing to those lucky enough to survive. Although the
experiments done on humans during WW2 were absurd, there are some factors that were beneficial.
Some of the data recorded by the Nazis is used in many scientists works today. For example, "Nazi
hypothermia studies, for instance, have been cited in the medical literature for decades, and recently
several scientists have sought to use the data in their own work"(Tyson). Another compelling
argument regarding the injustices done to the prisoners revolves around the Nuremberg trials. After
the war, the Nuremberg trials were "held for the purpose of bringing Nazi war criminals to justice"
(Nuremberg Trials). Laws were also made after the Holocaust to protect human test subjects of
future experiments. On the contrary to the dreadful things done to the prisoners, few relevant points
are presented as positive outcomes. ... Show more content on ...
Commonly, doctors are thought of as the "saviors of mankind, the healers, and caretakers of our
utter existence"(Medical experiments...), suggesting that they are responsible for life and death of
patients. Trust is a crucial factor that must be present between doctor and patient. However, it is
denounced that "The Nazi doctors violated the trust placed in them by humanity. The most painful
truth is for the most part the doctors escaped their crimes against humanity and lived a life, unlike
their victims"(Medical experiments..), thus emphasizing the horrors that the nazi doctors put their
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Human Inhumanity
Human experimentation is subjecting living beings to science experiments that can sometimes be
painful, cruel, deadly and risky. The human beings used in these experiments have changed the lives
of billions with advancements made in the medical field, over the last two centuries, some of the
subjects used in the experiments have been compensated for the physical and emotional damage
done (Veracity,2). However, many have lost their lives due to the experiments. By examining the
cruelty and inhumanity that the people were treated during the procedures of the experiments
throughout history, the abuse of power of the doctors performing experiments, and the permanent
disabilities that some of the subjects would experience for the rest of their lives, it is clear that the
data gathered from human experimentation it is not ethical, and shouldn't be used by future
Human experimentation has been around for many centuries. Experiments have been performed on
willing and unwilling participants, some experiments were not harmful to the subjects, while others
caused distress, pain and even death to the subjects. An unknown Auschwitz survivor wrote ""I
suffered immense pain and cruelty from the experiments. They were inhuman, but because of them,
I survived..." (The conference on Jewish material claims against Germany,3). Subjects were often
tested without anesthesia or painkiller causing them a lot of pain, many subjects were not able to
survive these painful and cruel
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Why Is Josef Mengele Considered The Angel Of Death?
I felt the prick of the needle. I felt the cold operating table. I saw cold face of a man in a white coat.
I found out that although I escaped death, I was welcomed to a much worse fate. I soon found out
his name was Josef Mengele. Many medical experiments are done in the name of science however,
the horrific procedures performed by Dr. Josef Mengele can hardly be considered scientific.
Through examining the genetic experiments, military experiments, and anatomical capacities of the
human body, it is clear why Mengele is considered the "Angel of Death".
Mengele is from Günzburg, Germany. He was born to a prosperous father who own a factory which
manufactured farming equipment. He was the first of three sons. He joined the Nazi Party in 1937,
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Josef Mengele can hardly be considered scientific. Through his actions with his experiments and
selection process it is clear as to why he is called the "angel of death". In the immediate post–world
war Mengele found himself in custody of the US army, he was quickly released as the US was
unaware of who Mengele was at the time. From the summer of 1945 to the spring of 1949 Mengele
worked on a farm under false papers in Rosenheim, Bavaria. In 1949 his prosperous family helped
him with his escape to Argentina. In 1959 a warrant for his arrest had been issued in West Germany
and in 1960 and extraction order had been placed. Scared of the Capture of Adolf Eichmann in
Buenos Aires (Argentina), Mengele fled to Paraguay and eventually to Brazil. He spent the final
years of his life in Sao Paulo, Brazil. He died while he was on vacation in Bertioga, Brazil. He was
swimming in a resort pool, when he suffered from a stroke and died. He was confirmed dead on
February 7, 1979. He was buried under the fake name Wolfgang Gerhard. In 1992 Germany
authorities exhumed his body and were able to undoubtedly identify it as Josef Mengele (Josef
Mengele). He died escaping justice and going unpenalized for the death and torture of hundreds of
thousands of individuals for 34
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Nazi Human Experimentation
In 1942– 1945 Malaria was the largest experiment that was taking place in the Dachau camp, given
to over 1,084 inmates. Inmates chosen for this experiment were relatively healthy before being
purposefully infected by malaria–infected mosquitoes as their hands remained held in cages full of
them, or injected with malaria–infected blood (The Evolution). In attempt to cure the malaria
doctors such as Professor Dachfinney would give the malaria infected victims countless mixtures of
medications such as, quinine, neosalvarsan, pyramidon and antipyrine. This experiment resulted in
the death of three–hundred victims, thirty from malaria, and 270 from drug overdoses
(Hektoeninternational). Phosgene, a toxic gas used for defense during World War I, was exposed to
52 Russian prisoners at Buchenwald concentration–camp (Hektoeninternational). This was done in
the attempt to find an antidote to the gas. After prisoners received exposure of the gas, many
suffered from pulmonary edema as the phosgene gas caused extreme irritation to the lungs. All
prisoners died and were autopsied. At Buchenwald concentration camp, a variety of poison
experiments took place over a ten month span. These experiments investigated the effect poisons
had on humans. The poisons were distributed to the prisoners in secrecy as it was contaminated
within their food. After consuming the poison subjects were immediately killed so they could be
autopsied (The Holocaust). Himmler discovered that most of the SS
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Prisoners Should Not Be Allowed For Research Essay
There have been questions about the morals and ethics behind prisoner research for a long time.
Laws were even made to restrict and prevent research on prisoners. An example of such laws is the
Nuremburg code which was made because of inhumane research being conducted in concentration
camps during WWII. Prisoners are now considered a vulnerable population and research is
extremely restricted because of this. Prisoners shouldn't be allowed to participate in scientific
research because they can be manipulated, it can be dangerous, and they aren't educated/smart
enough to comprehend the tests being conducted. There are laws to allow only safe research but
dangerous research still occurs anyways. For example in Pennsylvania Prisoners Were Human
Guinea Pigs in Army Mind–Drug Test it says, "320 prisoners were injected with varying doses of 16
drugs in secret chemical warfare experiments" (Epstien 1). Different substances that are used in
chemical warfare were tested on prisoners which is clearly a dangerous test to perform where
casualties would be expected. This was secret research performed by the military and was
comparable to the research that was performed on Jews in the concentration camps such as
Auschwitz. Another example of dangerous research is, "he used radioactive materials,
hallucinogenic drugs, and carcinogenic materials on prisoners" (Urbina ... Show more content on ...
There is no more proof needed to prove that scientific research on inmates can be abused and
misused on a massive scale. It has happened time and time again and needs to end which can only
be accomplished by making it illegal. If we don't make it illegal now, more people will have their
human rights violated and will end up as victims of unfair medical research with possibly permanent
damage to their bodies and
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The Holocaust Medical Experiments
Kamree Drummond Mr. Buchanan World History Honors 3rd Block March 27, 2017 Medical
Experiments of the Holocaust During World War II, there were many acts of cruelty done towards
people seen as unsuitable or worthless to the Nazis. These people included Jew, homosexuals,
gypsies, and the handicapped. In this paper, I'm going to describe the medical experiments that were
performed on inmates by Nazi doctors during the Holocaust. These experiments include: the twin
experiments, the freezing experiments, the seawater experiments, and the bone grafting and nerve
experiments. One of the main experiments the nazis performed on the prisoners in the concentration
camps had the purpose of wanting to find a way to treat a person who was severely cold or frozen,
thus began the freezing experiments. These experiments were mostly used to benefit German Air
Force. The freezing experiments were mainly held at the Dachau concentration camp. The Dachau
camp was mainly built for political prisoners of war. Approximately 188,000 people lived there, and
31,951 were said to have been executed there. Dachau was active for almost all of the 12–year Nazi
regime, making it one of the longest–running camps. The freezing experiments at Dachau took place
in August 1942. One of the most common of the experiments involved forcing the prisoners to sit in
an ice ... Show more content on ...
This formed the sea–water experiments. These experiments were created by the German Air Force
and Navy. They wanted to discover how severe the effects of drinking sea–water are on humans.
The reason people cannot drink seawater is because of their urine. The kidneys can only produce
urine if the amount of salt is less than the amount of salt in seawater. So, drinking seawater would
cause people to urinate more water than they drank which would cause a person to become
dehydrated and even thirstier until they would eventually
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Hippocratic Nazis
Hippocratic Nazis
Looking at the extraordinary medical procedures that have become routine today, one rarely stops to
CONTEMPLATE the backgrounds or research that went into creating our rich medical knowledge,
but not a single one of these few could ever imagine the dark background behind much of our
understanding of iatrics. It would often be assumed to be a result of tests on animals, dissections of
cadavers, or through observational study. On the contrary, much of it comes as a result of twisted,
malicious, and inhumane experimentation on live human beings, with a complete disregard for
human life. To these doctors, the victims weren't human; they were much less than that. Seeing as
they personally designed these experiments and desired to learn more ... Show more content on ...
This is ridiculous, because these men were evil. They couldn't have been "brainwashed" because
"some of the Paperclip scientists had worked in the U.S. before the war, as many Americans had
worked in Germany," (Swanson). They even so blatantly disregarded the Oath that two sociologists,
Binding and Hoche, set out to eliminate the Hippocratic Oath altogether, arguing that people were
valued based on their contributions to society, that a doctor's focus should be utilitarian, and that the
"quality of life" should be the determining factor in medical treatment ("Euthanasia in Nazi
Germany"). No one instructed doctors to do this, it was on their own, caused by their own feelings
of prejudice. In fact, this is directly opposite the Hippocratic Oath, which champions the importance
of the individual, in that the value of each human life is concrete, and one shouldn't ever have to
prove their worth ("Euthanasia in Nazi Germany"). So it was dismissed, that which guides doctors
and proves them to be
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The Pros And Cons Of The Holocaust
What does the Holocaust mean to you? Some would say mass genocide, the extermination of the
Jews or some may not be able to define it at all. The Holocaust – one of mankind's worst atrocities
committed in the past one hundred years, full of the thirteen years of prejudice and mistreatment that
was endorsed by the fascist ideals. Over twelve million people perished due to this mass genocide of
all races, ages, classes, and creeds. However, for some ignorance is bliss. Some do not acknowledge
these atrocities against the human race caused by their own – it is a lie! They shout. They feel
dignified for their supposed superior thoughts. Although people are able to have their own rights to
thought and speech, their opinions are filled with hate, ignorance, and deceit. This is why the
Holocaust did happen.
The main definition as to what the Holocaust is defined by the opening of the death camps from
1939 to 1945. However, the true definition is based on when the oppressive regime of the Nazi Party
closed in on those deemed as the 'Ubermensch', unworthy of life and existence. The NDSAP created
the first scheme of the 'Aktion T4 Plan' – killing all disabled, homosexuals, gypsies, alcoholics and
mentally ill between the ages of 16–49. They used the following methods: Phenol injections,
starvation, and carbon monoxide poisoning and sedative overdose, which murdered over 30,000
individuals. Over 200,000 individuals were mass sterilized to avoid their unwanted genetics to be
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Ethical Dilemmas In Medical Research
Doctors have always been thought of as the "caretakers of mankind" and that is why the type of
medicine performed by the doctors of Nazi Germany was so shocking, egregious and immoral that it
violated the trust placed in them by humanity. The Holocaust seems so far removed from our reality
today, and it may be hard for people to imagine the horrors inflicted by such doctors as Joseph
Mengele and others in the name of "medical advancement". There is no doubt that these
experimentations are viewed as barbaric, unethical and thinly veiled under the guise of science.
Many feel that findings from these studies should never be published or used. An ethical and moral
dilemma still remains today as some of the research resulted in data that potentially ... Show more
content on ...
One of the most gruesome and well known doctors of human experimentation during the Holocaust
was Josef Mengele. He was known as the Angel of Death (citation) or the "White Angel" for his
cold and cruel demeanor during the camp selection process (6). Mengele performed many horrific
experiments on twins. Most experiments were performed on Jewish and Roma (Gypsy) children in
the context of finding out the genetic origins of disease and to also to see if he could unlock the
secret of multiple births in the hopes of increasing the German race. Of the 1000 set of twins that
were experimented on, only 200 sets survived. (7). If Mengele did not deem the patients worthy of
being kept alive, he would have their bodies dissected and cataloged. Mengele did such atrocious
things to these children such as injecting lethal chemicals into their eyes in the hopes of creating
blue eyes, a requirement for his pursuit of the "perfect Aryan" specimen (6). He also injected the
patients with "mysterious concoctions" or syringes filled with diseases such as typhus or
tuberculosis to see the effects on the body. Another of his atrocities involved sewing twins together
in the hopes of creating his own set of Siamese twins. Moreover, Mengele performed surgeries
without anesthesia for such things as amputations, organ removal and
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The Holocaust : The Experiments Of The Holocaust
The Holocaust was a traumatic event for the Jews, but not only did it affect the Jews, it affected
people from different minorities, people with disabilities, and so on. The lucky ones were able to
escape to different countries, or hide in non–Jewish homes. Those who were not lucky were either
killed on the spot, or sent to work in brutal concentration camps. Nazi medical experiments were
one of the few ordeals to occur during the Holocaust. Dr. Josef Mengle performed many horrific
experiments, one of them being on twins. To begin with, twins that were a part of the medical
experiments were examined, from head to toe. During the first couple of days, twins were allowed
to keep their hair as it was a part of the data that was collected. Dr. Josef Mengle was an SS
physician and also a SS captain who was assigned to perform many different experiments on the
prisoners that were in the camps, many being twins. In addition, Dr. Mengle believed that doing
experiments on twins was a search for genetic studies. It was said that some were better off dying in
the gas chambers, then awaiting to be experimented on because it was just so brutal and painful.
Jews were then divided when arriving to the camps. For example, men, women, and children were
separated, others were sent straight to the chambers, and those that seemed out of the ordinary, like
twins and dwarfs were placed in the experimental blocks. On the other hand, Dr. Mengle performed
different types experiments on
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Super Soldiers And Super Soldier Experimentation Essay
Super Soldier Experiments Going through life, at times, one would wonder how vast the greed of
human beings is. Is it as dangerous as we think? Wanting something? Desiring something so much
that you would risk everything you own and love? Is it as sinful as we are taught as kids to believe?
All we have to do is take those desires and create something good out of it. However, when we
desire something that affects the rights of other living things, it is extremely bad and these questions
will all be answered with a solid "Yes.". I will be sharing with you the opinion of many others whom
are against such situations; situations such as super soldier experiments.
Super Soldier experimentation is a version of human experiments on military soldiers based on the
idea of making them the perfect killing machines. The government in charge of a certain military
base doesn't want any interference of human emotions, hunger, PTSD, and fatigue. For those in
charge, being rid of those pesky human emotions would benefit them greatly due to the fact that
those sorts of emotions may negatively impact the army's progress in defeating their enemies. These
kinds of experiments as well as other types of human experiments have been going on for as long as
the first World War or, perhaps, even before then. Numerous have been articles put out on very
notable figures in history partaking in these supposedly top secret events. Genetically modified
humans have been an ambitious venture for
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Medical Experiments of the Holocaust Essay
Medical Experiments of the Holocaust Kaitlin Holocaust in History January 6, 2013 Many brutal
atrocities were committed during the Holocaust by the Nazi party against anyone they viewed as
"unpure". This included the Jews, Gypsies, homosexuals, Afro–Germans, Slavs, communists, the
handicapped, and the mentally disabled. These groups were targeted, stripped away of their rights
and citizenship, and then sent to concentration camps. Some of these camps were death camps;
created for the sole purpose to annihilate these groups of people, mainly the Jews. At these camps,
the prisoners were tortured, starved, brutally killed, and experimented on. In this research paper, I
am going to discuss some of the medical experiments that were ... Show more content on ...
They forced about ninety Gypsies to drink seawater only, while being deprived of food. Obviously
since the salt content of the water causes the body to retain more salt, and lose more water, which is
why seawater is undrinkable, these experiments caused serious bodily injury, major dehydration,
and an enormous amounts of pain and suffering. The Gypsies were so dehydrated and so desperate
for water, they reportedly "licked the floored after they had been mopped just to get a drop of fresh
water." (The Experiments, Experiments were conducted to find an antidote to
phosgene, a toxic gas use as a weapon during World–War I. At Fort Ney near Strasbourg, France,
Nazi doctors exposed roughly 52 concentration camp prisoners to the phosgene gas. This gas caused
extreme irritation to the prisoners' lungs. Many of the prisoners suffered pulmonary edema after the
exposure. Four died as a result of the experiments. (The Experiments) Josef Mengele, a Nazi doctor
stationed at Auschwitz, was called the "Angel of Death". Many times he would be the one who was
in charge of "selection". He had the power to decide the fate of the prisoner; he had the power of life
and death over them. He was in charge of the many experiments conducted at Auschwitz. The
experiments he is most known for are genetic experiments, and the experimentations on twins.
(Josef Mengele) Many of those who were experimented on were children. They were kept
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The Trials Of The Nuremberg
Values Conflict Paper – Nuremberg Trials
The Nuremberg Doctors Trial of 1946 is the preeminent case recognizing the importance of medical
ethics and human rights specifically about human research subjects. The defendants in the trials
include Nazi leadership, physicians, and investigators prosecuted for conducting unethical and
inhumane medical experiments on civilians and prisoners of war resulting in extreme pain,
suffering, permanent injury and often death. The Nuremberg Code, borne of these trials, establishes
ethical guidelines for human experimentation to ensure the rights of subjects in medical research.
Herein, this writer will first identify and discuss ethical dilemmas presented in the Nuremberg case
followed by three ... Show more content on ...
Ethical Standards
1.02 Self–Determination
The second subsection of the NASW Code of Ethics is 1.02 Self–Determination. This standard
highlights the clients' right to be involved in the decision making process regarding his/her treatment
and care, to include refusing treatment. This standard also speaks to the clients' understanding that
these rights may be limited by the social worker "...when, in the social workers' professional
judgment, clients' actions or potential actions pose a serious, foreseeable, and imminent risk to
themselves or others" (NASW website, 2017). Nazi scientists and physicians conducted torturous
and human experiments on prisoners of war held in concentration camps throughout Germany.
These involuntary experimental subjects were not involved in the decision–making process
regarding their treatment and care and were, in fact, "treated" against their will. "Prisoners were
forced to drink poisoned water and breathe noxious gases." (Gambrill, 2004, p. 14). Doctors forcing
individuals to participate in clinical trials directly contradicts the ethical standard of self–
determination hence the application to the Nuremberg case.
1.03 Informed Consent The third subsection of the NASW Code of Ethics is 1.03
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Essay on Genocide of the Holocaust
Genocide of the Holocaust Arthur Caplan, editor of When Medicine Went Mad: Bioethics and the
Holocaust, states, "The Holocaust, unlike many other instances of mass killing, was scientifically
inspired, supervised and meditated genocide." Since all genocides are a grand–scale effort to
systematically eradicate populations, their success hinges on having large portions of a nation going
along with genocidal policy. The individuals in a society must be convinced of genocide's
legitimacy in 'their case', they need to forget that it is murder. Genocide obtains it legitimacy for the
people of a nation from professionals, those knowledgeable individuals that provide the ideological,
intellectual, and ... Show more content on ...
Genocide would be necessary in order to maintain the health of Germany. In Mein Kampf, Hitler
explains, "Anyone who wants to cure this era, which is inwardly sick and rotten, must first summon
up the courage to make clear the causes of the disease." Of course, he was referring to the Jews,
Gypsies, and homosexuals that were 'contaminating' the German race. This is the ideology behind
the medical experimentation in sanitation and hygiene, that led to the gas chambers and
euthanasia...all in an effort to rid the German race of it unwanted members. "Medicine and science
had played crucial roles both in fostering of Nazi ideology and in implementing the final solution."
(Caplan) While medicine and science were being utilized, they had taken on a very different form.
They were not treating individuals, but torturing them. It is obvious that the Hippocratic oath was
either forgotten, or large, significant parts were completely ignored. The Hippocratic Oath (Original
Version) I swear by Apollo the physician and Aesculapius, and Health, and All–heal, and all the
gods and goddesses, that, according to my ability and judgement, I will keep this Oath and this
stipulation. I will follow that system of regimen which, according to my ability and judgement, I
consider for the benefit of my patients, and abstain from whatever is deleterious
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Scientific Murder Essay
Scientific Murder:
Human Experimentation in Nazi Germany
The Nazi's were infamous for their cruel and unusual experiments on humans. Although they played
a small part of Nazi Germany's attempt at racial hygiene, these experiments desecrated and
exterminated thousands of humans (Lifton 269). "The Nazi medical experiments of the 1930's
and 1940's are the most famous example of recent disregard for ethical conduct " (Polit &
Hungler 127). For the sake of science, thousands lost their lives "I have no words. I thought
we were human beings. We were living creatures. How could they do things like that?"
(Auschwitz survivor as quoted in Lifton 269). Was it really science, or was it murder? ... Show more
content on ...
Friedlander quotes Henrich Bunke saying, "It provided the opportunity to collaborate with
experienced professors, to do scientific work, and to complete my education." as his excuse
for joining T4 (127). Autopsies were the greatest opportunity for these young physicians. As a result,
human organs were available for research (Friedlander 127).
With the beginning of this program, scientists made the decision to utilize the killing program to
benefit research. Two institutes for research took a great part in benefiting from the killings.
"The clinic for Psychiatry and Neurology of Heidelberg University, directed by Professor Carl
Schneider, and the observation ward and research station at the state hospital in Brandenburg–
Gorden, headed by Hans Heinze" (Friedlander 127).
The experiments done on the camp prisoners can be divided into two categories. The first was
created to help the war effort and was performed by the medical services of the German military.
The Luftwaffe (German Air Force) performed high altitude experiments on camp prisoners to test
conditions experienced by pilots. Other examples of military experiments were inducing
hypothermia, human toleration of seawater ingestion, and immunization experiments against several
diseases (Friedlander 132). Women were used in military experiments to test treatment of combat
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Vivien Spitz's Doctors From Hell
Vivien Spitz, the author of Doctors from Hell , was the youngest court reporter at the Nuremberg
Trials in 1946. As an eyewitness to the war crimes trials of Nazi doctors, her book is primarily her
personal account, and her documentary review from the Nuremberg Trials, of the torture and murder
by medical experiment, on prisoners held by the Nazis during WWII. In writing Doctors from Hell,
the author infers that it is critical to highlight the medical experimentation portion of the Nuremberg
Trials, since doctors might be expected to be among the least likely participants in genocide. Spitz
provided very detailed testimony about the nature of the medical experiments, and the doctors who
performed them. The author suggested in the way she ... Show more content on ...
However, Spitz's account, written in 2005, appears so far to have had no lasting impact on inhibiting
similar atrocities that we still see around the world today. It just may be that the murder, aggression
and violence that have been part of man's character since the beginning, cannot be vanquished. If
that proves to be the unfortunate case, then civilization on planet earth, may ultimately cease to
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The Medical Ethics Of Human Experimentation
When one researches about the medical ethics in human experimentation, it is difficult to disregard
the harsh realities of it. As Leonard Nimoy stated in his role as Spock in the movie, Star Trek II: The
Wrath of Khan, "the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few". This is the cruel truth that be
seen everywhere, but many people tend to ignore it since it is such a dreary thought. Many people,
especially those in third world countries, are exploited every day. Large corporate companies come
to typically poorer foreign nations, where there is a large gap between the rich and poor, to find
cheaper workers. Many people in these foreigners tend to be desperate for money and immediately
sign up for these jobs. Typical corporations would hire these people and make them work in
inhumane working conditions such as long hours, less pay, and give no sanitation facilities.
Although this happens on an everyday basis, there are very few people out there who challenge the
large corporations. This example can also apply to medical ethics, sometimes a small amount of
people have to suffer through experiments to help the general public. Although this is a morbid
thought, it has been used in the past. During the mid–twentieth century, many American scientist
believe that experimenting on a few people and making them suffer would create results that would
be very beneficial to the general public. Today, most modern developed countries don't believe in
this ideology, but there are
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Ethical Constraints In Medical Experiments
Although scholars have obtained verbal histories and generic written documentation evidencing the
general research activities of these low–status prisoner doctors, little identifying information has
been found recording the names of these prisoner doctors, or the roles they played in specific
experiments. However, there are a few examples where identifying information about specific
prisoner doctors was recorded and retained. For example, typhus began to spread feverishly through
the ranks of the German front line, and SS officials such as Heinrich Himmler and Medical Chief
Ernst–Robert Grawitz, were impatient for a vaccine. When the facility where typhus vaccine
research was being conducted was bombed by the allies, the head physician, Dr. ... Show more
content on ...
Many of the mid–status non–prisoner doctors conducted research to benefit the Nazi military effort.
Research on altitude, sea–water, and mustard gas was conducted to help increase the survival rate of
navy, air force, and army personnel. In order to do so, the mid–status doctors were required to either
suspend, or redefine their moral code, to serve their higher purpose of careerism. The first group of
these experiments, the high–altitude experiments, were done under the supervision of Dr. Sigmund
Rascher, an SS doctor at the Dachau camp. High–altitude research duplicated the atmospheric
conditions a German pilot might encounter in combat when falling great distances through space
without a parachute and source of oxygen. Altitude experiments were carried out by locking the
prisoner in an airtight, low–pressure chamber, then simulating high altitude atmospheric conditions
and pressures up to 68,000 feet.25 The prisoner was observed to see the conditions at which a
German pilot would not be able to survive. The unprecedented opportunity to use live human
subjects accelerated Rascher's research efforts; the research was extraordinarily [MISSING]German
air force to benefit the pilots.26 Dr. Rascher, in the extreme environment of the Nazi concentration
camp, clearly was unconcerned with the moral breach required to conduct the lethal high–altitude
experiments. Rascher's career, unhindered by medical ethics, was enhanced by having produced this
groundbreaking research, as "in science, professional success is determined by the publication of...
[credible] research."27 [MISSING; DID HE PUBLISH?]. Another non–prisoner doctor, Dr.
Wilhelm Beiglboeck conducted seawater experiments to improve naval personnel's chances of
survival in a potable water shortage emergency. The primary purpose of the research was to develop
a method of making seawater drinkable
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Experiments For The Holocaust
Based on what they know, Hitler hired Nazi doctors to do experiments on people to see which
experiments kills more people at a time.His experiments include: Freezing/ Hypothermia,Genetics
Infectious Disease,Interrogation and Torture Killing/ Genocide,High Altitude
Pharmacological,Sterilization Surgery,Traumatic Injuries
Freezing experiments were conducted for the Nazi high command. The experiments were conducted
on men. The German forces were ill prepared for the bitter winter. Thousands of Germans died of
freezing. The experiments were conducted by Dr. Sigmund Rascherat Birkenau, Dachau and
The Nordic or Aryan Race was the most important goal for the Nazi. It was the largest part of the
overall plan. The blonde hair, blue eye, ... Show more content on ...
Each situation results in human infection.
There were many types of torture. There was the freezing torture. There was the twin torture. There
was the no air torture. There was the poison torture.
Genocide basically means that they will kill. There were people to do genocide. It was like
torture,except a little bit different.Many people died because of genocide. It was the worst time for
Jews.The purpose of this experiment was to test the limits of human endurance and existence at high
altitudes with and without oxygen. The experiment was designed to duplicate the conditions that a
German pilot might encounter in combat. When being shot down, a pilot might fall great distances
through space without a parachute and without a source of oxygen.
The experimenter would lock the victim into an airtight, low–pressure chamber––provided by the
German Air Force–– and would change the pressure to be up to 68 thousand feet in order to mimic
the flier 's descent.
This experiment was extremely dangerous and many people died due to the extreme changes in
There was all kinds of medicine used in the holocaust. There was types of racial experiments. There
was War–injury related experiments. There were types of pharmaceutical testing. There was the
Nuremberg Trials.
Some scientists and physicians opposed the involuntary aspect of the law while others pointed to
possible flaws. But the designation of
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Biomedical Experimentation in the Holocaust Essay
There were many ways that the Nazi tortured the Jews during the Holocaust. They harmed them
both mentally and physically, but the most horrific kind of torture was the physical abuse. The Nazis
tortured, killed, and experimented on the Jews in an inhuman way. The experimentations that were
conducted by the doctors were very horrendous and shocking. They had three categories for the
experiments: military, biomedical, and racial/ideological. Though all the types of experimentations
were terrible, the biomedical category was the most appalling. In the biomedical experimentations,
the doctors did some cruel studies on the prisoners that included injecting diseases, inflicting
wounds, and killing them to observe body functions. They were ... Show more content on ...
Malaria, one of the diseases that broke out in Germany and German–occupied countries, was
injected to the prisoners through mosquitoes that carried the disease. "Inmates considered to be
healthy were deliberately infected with malaria by infected mosquitoes, or were injected with
malaria–infected blood" (Spitz 103). In order to keep enough infected people, they would draw
blood from the infected people and insert it in other prisoners (Spitz 103). In several cases when no
one died during an experiment, the doctors would order for the experiment to worsen and for more
injections to be injected. The injections that were being injected in the prisoners after being in
contact with the disease were medicines and vaccines that they were testing. Whenever a medicine
doesn't work, a new medicine would be injected to see what it'll do to the body (Splitz 103). In the
concentration camps of Buchenwald and Natzweiler, more than seven hundred prisoners were
subjected to the typhus experiments. Not only did these two camps run experiments for typhus but
also for diseases such as yellow fever, smallpox, cholera and many more. The typhus experiments
were very repugnant in the way that doctors would kill people just to keep the disease still intact
with them. They had prisoners known as 'passage persons' who acted like capsules for the diseases.
The doctors would use these people to take their blood and inject it in others. "They
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Nazi Human Experimentation
In 1933–1945, under Adolf Hitler, the National Socialist German Workers' party detained political
control over Germany. Members of this group more commonly known as the Nazi party, wanted to
institute Germany as a dominant world power. They began by establishing a dictatorship over all
cultural, economic, and political activities of the people (Nazis). This would launch the beginning of
the Holocaust, a massive massacre of roughly 11 million Jews, Gypsies, homosexuals, Soviet
prisoners of war, mentally handicapped, and countless more (The Simon). Most of these deaths
occurred in concentration camps that developed all throughout Europe. In particular camps such as
Dachau, Auschwitz, Buchenwald, Ravensbruck, and Sachsenhausen, medical experiments were
cold–heartedly performed on selected prisoners without consent and generally, concluded in death,
mutilation or permanent disability (Nazi Science). Schools all over America teach a broad history of
the Holocaust and the concentration camps to their students at some point in time. However, from
experience, I do not recall ever discussing these medical experiments or the Nuremberg Code that
resulted from them. The Nuremburg code was created just after the Nuremburg trials following
WWII. These trials were held before the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg against
leading Nazi doctors, whom twenty–three received charges with War Crimes and Crimes Against
Humanity as evidence exposed the many merciless tortures they had
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The Cruel Experiments Of The Holocaust
"The first time I went to use the latrine located at the end of the children's barrack, I was greeted by
the scattered corpses of several children lying on the ground ... It was there that I made a silent
pledge – a vow to make sure that Miriam and I didn't end up on that filthy floor." (Eva Mozes, The
twins Eva and Miriam Mozes survived Auschwitz) During World War 2, A power hungry leader
called Hitler started taking many places and countries. Hitler was trying to make a master of blued
eyed blonde hair pure German people. People who believed him were called Nazis.He also did not
like the Jews saying they were "corrupting the German race" (Jones,67). Nazis would take prisoners
of war, or Jews, or anyone he needed for experiments, and put them into concentration camps. In
these concentration camps the Nazi would do many things to the prisoners to torture, kill, or learn to
help their cause. The Nazis conducted cruel experiments on prisoners to help their cause. Some of
these experiments included tests involving freezing temperatures, high altitudes, and twins. ... Show
more content on ...
It was called the Hypothermia experiment. These were conducted in the Dachau concentration camp
between August 1942 and May 1943. It was performed to find out the best way to treat hypothermia
victims. It was targeted for German air force pilots who were shot down in the North sea. The
people used where male civilian prisoners from different religions and nationalities as well as
Russian prisoners of war. Their participation was usually forced, but occasionally people
"volunteered" in response to promises, rarely fulfilled, of release from the camp or commutation of
the death
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The Is The Thought Of Mind Control Of People
Some people believe there are conspiracies out there. If you go around and ask random people about
certain conspiracies they will say one of three things: " I have never heard of this event.", "That
event never happened. That does not even sound realistic.", or " This event definitely did occur. You
just do not see any proof because the government destroyed all proof and paperwork." People will
naturally have different opinions. I believe these events have to exist. There are too many cover ups
and boring actions in life for there not to be anything out there that is not true, even if it does sound
weird, such as the Project Monarch coverup. Threw the history, why the "mind control" was
implemented, and the stages. I do believe.
Project Monarch is the believed mind control of people. In the beginning the concept of mind
control can be traced back to Egypt, Greece, India and Babylon; especially back to Egypt from the
source called the Book of the Dead. In the book the details have been revealed of torture, using
drugs, and hypnotism. From there on the concept of mind control has been used widely, such as
"During the 13th Century, the Roman Catholic church increased and solidified its dominion
throughout Europe with the infamous Inquisition." ( Patton Operation Monarch ) The most famous
usage was during WWII. Multiple scientist such as Dr. Joseph Mengele or Dr. Green, he was also
nicknamed the Angel of Death. " he is infamous for his sordid human experiments on
... Get more on ...
Causes Of The Holocaust
A tear, that is, a salty drop of liquid secreted from the eye. Leaves a trail of sorrows. Burning grief.
Desolation. From 1933 until 1945, Adolf Hitler and his Nazi Germany kill millions of European
Jews, in the Holocaust. These acts are committed because of Hitler's pure hatred for the Jewish,
viewing them as a race rather than a religion. He blames them for all of Germany's troubles and
unsuccessful outcome of World War I. And in order to enforce his beliefs, Hitler creates a 'Final
Solution' in which he attempts to banish every Jew in Germany. Through propaganda, Hitler
influences the Germans to share a mutual abhorrence of the Jewish, and with this, his army grows.
The process of abolishing Jews begins by segregating them from the rest of the community. They
can no longer integrate with the Germans, own businesses, earn degrees, or let alone attend school.
As restrictions worsen, Jewish families are forced out of their homes and into ghettos: "the
intermediate period between normal life and the agony they experienced in the concentration camp,
between hope and despair, between life and death." (Sterling xxix). How cruel to put them through
these levels of pain. They are also completely separated from the rest of the population, and forced
to wear badges that identify them as Jewish. From the ghettos they are sent to concentration camps
which consist of extreme conditions and forced–labor. And, out of the millions of Jews sent to these
camps, only a small fraction
... Get more on ...

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The Pros And Cons Of German Concentration Camps

  • 1. The Pros And Cons Of German Concentration Camps During WWll in German concentration camps many Jewish people were experimented on. It was a very painful experience for them. Thousands died as a result. Each of the doctors that were performing these unethical experimentations were put on trial for what they had done after the war was over. This lead to new regulations and ethical boundaries in the medical field. Most of the doctors were trying to cure diseases and solve some kind of problem. Some of the doctors did the experimentations because they took joy from it or they were trying to prove the superiority of German people over others. Some of the most ruthless doctors of that time were Karl Brandt, Carl Clauberg, Aribert Heim, August Hirt, Johann Kremer, Maria Mandel, Josef Mengele, Herta Oberheuser, and Horst Schumann. Karl Brandt was Hitler's personal Physician. He was the 'dominant medical figure' of his time (Lifton 35). He participated in the Euthanasia program and killed those labeled as 'useless eaters'. After the war he was found guilty at the doctors trial and was executed for his crimes("Karl Brandt"). Carl Clauberg asked Himmler, a fan of his research, to be a part of finding a cheap and effective way of sterilization. He was granted his request and assigned to Auschwitz where he carried out horrible things to the prisoners("Carl Clauberg"). Aribert Heim was the doctor at Mauthausen concentration camp. He was called 'Dr. Death' by the prisoners. Dr. Death wanted to figure out which ways killed people ... Get more on ...
  • 2. General Medical Experiment General Medical Experiment Organs of the victims from the holocaust were put into jars and displayed for research. The Nazis called them "unworthy lives" – who deemed too sick, weak or handicapped for the "Master Race." More than 70,000 were killed, gassed to death or otherwise murdered between 1939 and 1941 at the hands of the sadist doctors and nurses by the end of the war. Thousands of brains, uteruses with fetuses and other organs and parts were preserved in jars until 1978. (Dark Chapter Closes On Patients ' Treated To Death' Last Rites For Victims Of Nazi Experiments,GEORGE JAHN, VIENN) "The Nazi physicians performed brutal medical experiments upon helpless concentration camp inmates. These acts of torture were characterized by several shocking features: (1) people were forced to become subjects in very dangerous studies against ... Show more content on ... He worked in Auschwitz Block 10. Block 10 mostly contained women who were married between the ages of 20 to 40 who had not borne children. Among the subjects their feared being killed, sterilized, or inseminated by Clauberg. He would tease the female subjects they would undergo sexual intercourse with a male subject for this purpose. After he would inseminated their wombs with animal sperm and monsters were growing inside of them. Three–Hundred female prisoners were experimented on, in Block 10. Dr. Clauberg also conducted the sterilization experiment in which he blocked the fallopian tubes, creating the goal of effective mass sterilization. Many inmates had their genitals mutilated to discover cheap methods of mass sterilization. The injection of caustic substances into their cervix or uterus producing horrible pain, inflamed ovaries, bursting spasms in their stomach and bleeding. Young males had their testicles subject to large doses of radiation and were subsequently castrated to ascertain the pathological change in their ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Medical Experiments During The Third Reich Have you ever heard of the Nazi Party led by Adolf Hitler, the Holocaust, or even the medical experiments of the SS? Well, get ready to learn about it. Adolf Hitler was an anticommunist that fought for Germany in WWI. He was the leader of the Nazi's. The Holocaust was a genocide in which Adolf Hitler 's Nazi Germany and its collaborators killed about six million Jews. The medical experiments of the SS were experiments performed by doctors on prisoners. During World War II, a number of German physicians conducted painful and often deadly experiments on thousands of concentration camp prisoners without their consent. Unethical medical experimentation carried out during the Third Reich may be divided into three categories. The three categories consisted of experiments aimed at facilitating the survival of Axis military personnel. The second category of experimentation aimed at developing and testing pharmaceuticals and treatment methods for injuries and illnesses which German military and occupation personnel encountered in the field. While the third category of medical experimentation sought to advance the racial and ideological tenets of the Nazi worldview ( Doctors have always been thought of as the saviors of mankind, the healers, and caretakers of our utter existence. Even ancient civilizations revered the medicine men as having special power to protect life. The trust of a physician is sacred. This is why the practice of medicine by the ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Holocaust Medical Experiments As described by many historian, there were a few discovering happened after the Second World War including the Holocaust Experimental Data which was considered as a human normative ethics based on experimental research during the nineteen century. Researches investigate the set of questions arise in the Jew's community during and aftermath of the holocaust which allowed them to know with absolute and scientific certainty what was happening inside Nuremberg concentration camps. Most of them prove that horrific Nazi human experiments were conducted on Jewish prisoners against their will, resulting in torture and death which is considered as These paper will analyses the holocaust's origin thus that the consequences that the Jewish population ... Show more content on ... The proof is that there was a trial for German physicians who conducted these human experiments on concentration camp prisoners which were prosecuted as war criminals. Until now, the society still continue to discuss if it is acceptable in the medical community to consider the medical research data that were collected during these experimentations. Even some of these experiments had legitimate scientific purposes, the methods used violated the canons of medical ethics. Others were racial in nature, designed to advance Nazi racial theories. Most were simply bad science. Additionally, some believe there are major ethical problems with using the data collected in this unethical manner. Once a decision to use the data has been made, experts suggest that it must not be included as ordinary scientific research, just to be cited and placed in a medical journal. I agree with author Robert J. Lifton who suggested that citation of the data must contain a thorough expose' of exactly what tortures and atrocities were committed for that experiment. Citations of the Nazi data must be accompanied with the author's condemnation of the data as a lesson in horror and as a moral aberration in medical science. The author who chooses to use the Nazi data must be prepared to expose the Nazi doctors' immoral experiments as medical evil. I suggest that if I was a judge that time, I had most definitely torture the Germans in the same way as they tortured Jewish people. According to the philosophy written by Richard Matthews inside the book entitled "The Absolute Violation: Why Torture Must be Prohibited," he said " It's a comprehensive refutation of the arguments in favor of torture, including act and rule utilitarianism, as well as "dirty ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Research Paper On Mengele Introduction [attention getter] Mengele once said, "The more we do to you, the less you seem to believe we are doing it." [topic justification] Mengele is very important to the Holocaust because he shows that Nazis didn't care. They didn't care if the Jews suffered and died, they just knew Hitler was their leader and wanted to keep their family safe. [credibility] Research shows that Mengele did many experiments on camp prisoners. [orientation] WWII started September 1st 1939 and lasted until September 2nd 1945. The holocaust started January 30th 1933 and ended May 8th 1945. This all started because Hitler didn't like the jews and ordered his people to take out all Jews. [preview of main ideas/thesis] Josef Mengele was an SS doctor, one of ... Show more content on ... Third main idea i. [topic sentence] Mengele did many experiments to many different people like attaching twins' eyeballs to each other's heads, attaching and detaching limbs, and so on. ii. [support for III] He enjoyed having his assistants round up 14 gypsy twins one night, then injecting chloroform into the hearts and killing them, which then he dissected every inch of their bodies. iii. [analysis of support] Twins and children which were later to be experimented on had no idea that was going to happen to them. iv. [support for III] One experiment he tried was injecting chemicals into the subject's eyes to try and change them colors. v. [analysis of support] Just like Mengele his assistant, Dr. Herta Oberhauser, was inhumane. She rubbed grounded glass into open wounds, killed with oil and evipan injections, and removed vital organs. vi. [transition statement] Most say they remember Josef as the man that would give them chocolates and treat them like family, some even called him "Uncle Josef". III. Conclusion [summary] No matter the Nazi they thought they were doing what was right, what their country needed. Mengele helped us learn a lot of things about twins and others, not in the best way, but we are now more educated about the human body and twins. Still, no matter the Nazi they were all ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Racial Hygiene And The Victims Of Medical Experiments Each year, about 2.7 million shelter animals are euthanized, simply because they have nowhere to call "home". We humans seem to think we can determine which lives are worthy, or unworthy, of life. Similarly, Hitler believed he had the right to determine which lives were worthy of living. During the Holocaust, it is estimated that about 6 million Jews were "euthanized" because he deemed them as undeserving of life. Included within that estimation are the victims of medical experiments, which physicians imposed on them without consent. People in positions of power determined who were worthy of continuing to live, with what we now consider basic human rights, and those unworthy were euthanized or used in medical experimentation. By simply understanding the expansive amount of pain and suffering these "unworthy" individuals went through, you will understand why it is imperative that we teach this dark point in human history and make sure it is never repeated. In the early twentieth century, a popular idea known as racial hygiene played a prominent role in creating a division between races. The German government created a set of policies that dictated which individuals were worthy and unworthy of reproducing, in the hopes of obtaining more desirable qualities, based on these ideas. In 1933, the German government started a series of forced sterilizations, without consent. Robert Jay Lifton writes that a group of individuals deemed "'hereditarily sick'" were the main targets. ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Joseph Mengele and his Atrocities Essay Three thousand twins entered Auschwitz between 1940 and 1944. Only two hundred and fifty pairs of twins ever had the smell of freedom again. Why did this unfortunate event occur? It occurred because the Nazis party was in control and Adolf Hitler was the Fuhrer and he wanted a perfect race. "Right, left", what kind of a man could send people to their death with a flick of a cane, without one scent of remorse or one inkling of guilt? –his name was Josef Mengele. (Nazi304) Hitler gave Mengele all the resources he could and this is the main reason why he went to Auschwitz, because the of the availability of the victims he could do his work on. The stories and pictures of Auschwitz tell a gruesome tale of death and torture. Josef Mengele ... Show more content on ... During his stay at Auschwitz he was nicknamed the "Angel of Death." When the trains arrived at Auschwitz they would sit i the cars for days before being herded out like cattle. After this hellish journey, the first thing that people saw when they left the cars was Josef Mengele, the Angel of Auschwitz standing in his immaculate SS uniform, shining boots, perfectly brushed and pressed shirt and pants, and glistening silver skulls.(Mengele156) He would perch there and would yell "left!" or "right!", left meaning a quick end as you headed to the gas chambers and right meant you were placed on a starvation diet and had to work as a slave. During this time in Auschwitz his first and only son, Rolf, was born on March 11, 1944. His moment of happiness in Auschwitz (his perverse perception of happiness) was short lived. In the middle of January in 1945 he fled Auschwitz and went to Grossen– Rosen camp. He then fled before the Russians liberated it on February 11, 1945. After fleeing Grossen–Rosen he was captured as a prisoner of war and held in a POW camp in Munich. He stole some papers from a fellow prisoner and the American Army released him not realizing he was part of the SS. During his life on the run he went under several aliases, these include; ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Human Experimentation In Nazi Germany People may think all human experimentation is ethical and happens under supervised, and controlled conditions with the consent of the person. This wasn't the case in Nazi Germany. The Nazi's performed some of the most inhumane, disturbing human experiments documented by man. The Nazi's saw their extermination camps as a prime place for scientific experiments to advance their military and Nazi racial ideology. Prisoners were forced to participate in the experiments and usually died as an effect. If the subject lived, the results often resulted in trauma, disfigurement, or permanent disability. This happened on a large scale, and affected the lives of many. These experiments were typically aimed toward Jews, but some Romani, Sinti, Soviet prisoners of war, and disabled Germans were involved in these ruthless experiments. It is important to remember these diabolical acts not because of how awful they were, but the technological and medical advancements they posed. If we don't acknowledge the suffering these people endured, then I feel that they have died in vain. One of the experiments ... Show more content on ... In 1941, the Luftwaffe conducted experiments on more than 350 people. These experiments were conducted to simulate the conditions the armies encountered on the Eastern Front in order to prepare their army for the cold weather. They placed prisoners naked in the open air for several hours with temperatures as low as –21 fahrenheit. Some subjects were dipped into vats of freezing water. Those who didn't die from freezing, were resuscitated using gruesome methods. The worst probably being internal irrigation, whereby victims had boiling water forced into the bladder and stomach ("Worst Nazi Experiments"). Many experiments were conducted on captured Russian troops; the Nazi's wondered wheateher their genetics gave them superior resistance to cold ("Nazi Human ... Get more on ...
  • 9. The Medical Experiments By The Ss ( Nazi ) The Medical Experiments By The SS (Nazi) Have you ever heard of the Nazi Party led by Adolf Hitler, the Holocaust, or even the medical experiments of the SS? Well, get ready to learn about it. Adolf Hitler was an anticommunist that fought for Germany in WWI. He was the leader of the Nazi's. The Holocaust was a genocide in which Adolf Hitler 's Nazi Germany and its collaborators killed about six million Jews. The medical experiments of the SS were experiments performed by doctors on prisoners. During World War II, a number of German physicians conducted painful and often deadly experiments on thousands of concentration camp prisoners without their consent. Unethical medical experimentation carried out during the Third Reich may be divided into three categories. The three categories consisted of experiments aimed at facilitating the survival of Axis military personnel. The second category of experimentation aimed at developing and testing pharmaceuticals and treatment methods for injuries and illnesses which German military and occupation personnel encountered in the field. While the third category of medical experimentation sought to advance the racial and ideological tenets of the Nazi worldview ( Doctors have always been thought of as the saviors of mankind, the healers, and caretakers of our utter existence. Even ancient civilizations revered the medicine men as having special power to protect life. The trust of a physician is sacred. This is why ... Get more on ...
  • 10. The Holocaust : The Causes Of The Holocaust Dr Klein: 'the Jew is the gangrenous appendix in the body of mankind' (The Nazi Doctors: Robert Jay Lifton) Hello ladies and gentleman, What does the Holocaust mean to you? Some would say mass genocide, the extermination of the Jews or some may not be able to define it at all. The Holocaust – one of mankind's worst atrocities committed in the past one hundred years. Full of the thirteen years of prejudice and mistreatment that was endorsed by the fascist ideals. Over twelve million people perished due to this mass genocide of all races, ages, classes, and creeds. However, for some ignorance is bliss. Some do not acknowledge these atrocities against the human race caused by their own – it is a lie! They shout. They feel dignified for their supposed superior thoughts. Although people are able to have their own rights to thought and speech, their opinions are filled with hate, ignorance, and deceit. This is why the Holocaust did happen. The main definition as to what the Holocaust is defined by the opening of the death camps from 1939 to 1945. However, the true definition is based on when the oppressive regime of the Nazi Party closed in on those deemed as the 'Untermensch', unworthy of life and existence. The NDSAP created the first scheme of the 'Aktion T4 Plan' – killing all disabled, homosexuals, gypsies, alcoholics and mentally ill between the ages of 16–49. They used the following methods: Phenol injections, starvation, and carbon monoxide poisoning and sedative ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Road Rage 19 March 2012 Life during the Holocaust: Life in the ghettos, Dr. Mengele's medical care, and food in the camps Genocide during WWII was unbelievably cruel and awful. The Holocaust was sure to be remembered from this time period and have permanently engraved horrible memories into those who survived. During the Holocaust many victims suffered while living in the ghettos, soon to reach the camps they also suffered there as well. The encounters with Dr. Mengele were unbearable too. Elie Wiesel's memoir Night is very important especially the fact that it accurately describes what really happened during the Holocaust. One of these many reasons is that Wiesel was an actual survivor of the Holocaust. His descriptions of his experiences in the ... Show more content on ... Mengele (a typical SS officer: a cruel face, but not devoid of intelligence, and wearing a monocle); a conductors baton in his hand, he was standing among the other officers" (Wiesel 29). From this moment on Elie stood frightened like never before. Dr. Mengele being head of selection process only took the fittest people to work. For this process you would want to be between the ages of 16– 40. Elie Wiesel and his father lied about their age to make sure they would make it through selection. Elie was 15 but said he was 18 and his father was 50 but said he was 40. Without lying they probably would have both been selected to go to the crematories (Wiesel 30). Elie Wiesel remembers when Mengele was selecting more victims but just by marking their number down. Luckily Wiesel was not selected but more or less hid his number from the doctor as he was running past. The end of the road was near for those who had gotten marked down in the doctors little book (Wiesel 68). Though selection was a big piece of the Holocaust so were the medical experiments held by Dr. Mengele on innocent victims of the Holocaust. His experiences are very similar in detail to others as well. Typically known for getting his reputation as an SS doctor at Auschwitz, Josef Mengele was also known for conducting medical experiments on those who suffered during the Holocaust. Dr. Mengele did many horrible experiments on those who suffered during the Holocaust. Dr. Mengele did many horrible ... Get more on ...
  • 12. The Pros And Cons Of Nazi Eugenics During the reign of Adolf Hitler, Europe was taken into a state of chaos. German physicians were called to extermination camps. The reason was straightforward to them: They were called to camps to try to unlock the secrets of genetic engineering, hands stretched out in reach to get closer to creating the Aryan, or superior race. The use of Nazi eugenics was supported by the German government in order to create the Aryan and to exterminate those who did not fit into their criteria. They promoted the use of biology to accomplish their goals of racial purity, a core concept in the Nazi ideology. Physicians were attracted to the scientific ideology and aided in the establishment of National Socialist Physicians' League in 1929 to "purify the German medical community of 'Jewish Bolshevism.'" (Grodin 371). However, today it seems they were there solely to kill camp inmates as painfully as possible. These acts of torture were characterized by several shocking features: victims were forced to become subjects in very dangerous studies against their will; nearly all subjects endured incredible suffering, mutilation, and unimaginable pain, and the experiments often were deliberately designed to terminate in a fatal outcome. The accounts for the medical exploits are numerous, ranging from conjoined twins experiments to phenol injections, high altitude experiments, tests of resurrections by placing humans in extreme temperatures, and artificial insemination. The Nazi medical experiments ... Get more on ...
  • 13. The World Of The Holocaust From 1933 to 1945 over 11 million people were slaughtered over the course of those 12 years. This event in history is known as the Holocaust. The people who lost their lives were Jews, Gypsies, Political prisoners, Roma, Jehovah Witnesses, homosexuals, and anyone who opposed the Nazi rule. The prisoners were sent to concentration camps where they were tortured, forced to work, starved, placed in gas chambers for mass extermination, and experimented on by Nazi doctors as if they were not human. The Holocaust was put in place by Adolf Hitler, Chancellor of Germany at the time. Hitler wanted the people slaughtered in order to form a master race, known as the Aryans. His master race plan was only a side goal, his first objective was to ... Show more content on ... The committee at the Nuremburg trials never even took into consideration the use of the data and so it can be used in citation. However, some of the data should most definitely not be cited, most notably the Dachau Hypothermia Experiments. The goal of the experiments was to establish the most effective way of treating hypothermia in patients. However it was done in a very brutal way that cannot be repeated in the future. Many scientists have used the data in citation, but a just as a large amount of scientists have denounced the data and any paper that uses the data as a source. The Nazi data collected from the Dachau hypothermia experiments should not be used due to the lack of ethics used to obtain the results, the misuse of the scientific method, and the falsity of the data. Ethically, the Dachau hypothermia experiments were a calamitous endeavor and the scientists doing the experiments knew what they were doing was wrong. Before the Allied forces took the concentration camps the Nazi scientists "In an attempt to conceal the atrocities, the original, incriminating records of most of the concentration–camp studies of humans were destroyed before the camps were captured by the Allied forces" (Berger 1435). This proves that the doctors were not shrouded by the memorization of Nazi propaganda. They knew what they were doing was a clear violation of human rights. In the experiments the doctors would take the patients, "They were usually stripped naked and ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Essay On Auschwitz In 1940 Auschwitz was established in the suburbs of Oswiecim. Oswiecim is a Polish city that was annexed to the Third Reich by the Nazis. Auschwitz was established because there were too many Polish people in the local prisons. In 1942 Auschwitz became a death camp and it was the largest known. (, n.d.) The camp was expanded throughout its existence, this resulted in Auschwitz consisting of three camps. The three camps were Main Camp, Birkenau, and Monowitz. Main Camp was known as Auschwitz I, Birkenau was known as Auschwitz II, and Monowitz was known as Auschwitz III. (Preisler, n.d.) Auschwitz was liberated in 1945. "Historians and analysts estimate the number of people murdered at Auschwitz somewhere between 2.1 million ... Show more content on ... Carl Clauberg. Carl Clauberg was born in Wuppertal in 1898. During World War I he participated as an infantryman. (Dr. Carl Clauberg, n.d.) After he had studied medicine and advanced to be a doctor–in–chief at the University gynecological clinic in Kiel. In 1933 he entered the NSDAP. Also in 1933 he was appointed professor for gynecology at Koenigsberg University. (Carl Clauberg, n.d.) In 1942 Carl Clauberg went to work at Auschwitz. There he conducted mass sterilization experiments. "Professor Carl Clauberg injected chemical substances into wombs during his experiments. Thousands of Jewish and Gypsy women were subjected to this treatment. They were sterilized by the injections, producing horrible pain, inflamed ovaries, bursting spasms in the stomach, and bleeding. The injections seriously damaged the ovaries of the victims, which were then removed and sent to Berlin." (Dr. Carl Clauberg, n.d.) In 1948 Clauberg was put to trail in the Soviet Union. He was sentenced to twenty–five years, but after seven years he was pardoned. Survivor groups protested this and so he was arrested in 1955. Shortly before his trial should have started he died in August 1957. (Carl Clauberg, ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Medical Experiments of the Holocaust Essay Medical Experiments of the Holocaust As a society we place those in the medical profession on a pedestal. They are people to be looked up to and admired. In many ways they are Gods, right here with us on earth. People put the hope and faith in doctors hoping they can perform miracles. Throughout history, doctors have indeed preformed many wonders. There were, however, some doctors that betrayed this belief and peoples trust. These doctors could be found in concentration camps such as Auschwitz and Dachau. These doctors committed unspeakable acts against the Jews and other minorities, believing that they were conducting helpful experiments. Following the holocaust, however, they were punished for their ... Show more content on ... The victim would be placed beneath sun lamps, which were so hot, the skin would burn. They would then freeze and reheat the victim, repeatedly. Another revival technique was irrigation; the victim would have boiling hot water irrigated throughout their bladder, intestines and stomach. All patients died from this technique. They would also submit to high altitude changes. They would be locked in a low–pressure chamber until their lungs would explode. These experiments would help the doctor to determine the limits of the human body. The second class of experiments involved medical research. Doctor's would conduct medical experiments, which included the gas chamber and epidemic disease. Some victims were killed in gas chambers. This would allow better research to help develop ways of stopping such chemical attacks by the enemy or to help improve there way of killing there victims by showing them the effects of phosphorus and mustard gas burns. Doctors would also inject the victims with diseases such as malaria, smallpox, cholera and spotted fever. They would do so in order to observe the effectiveness of vaccines. Doctors would also break bones and flesh and then infect the wounds. They would also perform operations on the victims without administering anesthesia; all victims of these operations were killed during or shortly after. The third class involved experiments about the human race. These doctors would ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Medical Experiments During Ww2 Throughout WW2, the Nazis conducted many experiments on prisoners in the concentration camps. The experiments were extremely brutal to the persons being experimented on. Many of these doctors used their authority to justify the means of their "research". There are various different experiments that were conducted for supposed benefit to the German army. Experiments conducted by Nazis were inhumane and traumatizing to those lucky enough to survive. Although the experiments done on humans during WW2 were absurd, there are some factors that were beneficial. Some of the data recorded by the Nazis is used in many scientists works today. For example, "Nazi hypothermia studies, for instance, have been cited in the medical literature for decades, and recently several scientists have sought to use the data in their own work"(Tyson). Another compelling argument regarding the injustices done to the prisoners revolves around the Nuremberg trials. After the war, the Nuremberg trials were "held for the purpose of bringing Nazi war criminals to justice" (Nuremberg Trials). Laws were also made after the Holocaust to protect human test subjects of future experiments. On the contrary to the dreadful things done to the prisoners, few relevant points are presented as positive outcomes. ... Show more content on ... Commonly, doctors are thought of as the "saviors of mankind, the healers, and caretakers of our utter existence"(Medical experiments...), suggesting that they are responsible for life and death of patients. Trust is a crucial factor that must be present between doctor and patient. However, it is denounced that "The Nazi doctors violated the trust placed in them by humanity. The most painful truth is for the most part the doctors escaped their crimes against humanity and lived a life, unlike their victims"(Medical experiments..), thus emphasizing the horrors that the nazi doctors put their "patients" ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Human Inhumanity Human experimentation is subjecting living beings to science experiments that can sometimes be painful, cruel, deadly and risky. The human beings used in these experiments have changed the lives of billions with advancements made in the medical field, over the last two centuries, some of the subjects used in the experiments have been compensated for the physical and emotional damage done (Veracity,2). However, many have lost their lives due to the experiments. By examining the cruelty and inhumanity that the people were treated during the procedures of the experiments throughout history, the abuse of power of the doctors performing experiments, and the permanent disabilities that some of the subjects would experience for the rest of their lives, it is clear that the data gathered from human experimentation it is not ethical, and shouldn't be used by future generation. Human experimentation has been around for many centuries. Experiments have been performed on willing and unwilling participants, some experiments were not harmful to the subjects, while others caused distress, pain and even death to the subjects. An unknown Auschwitz survivor wrote ""I suffered immense pain and cruelty from the experiments. They were inhuman, but because of them, I survived..." (The conference on Jewish material claims against Germany,3). Subjects were often tested without anesthesia or painkiller causing them a lot of pain, many subjects were not able to survive these painful and cruel ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Why Is Josef Mengele Considered The Angel Of Death? I felt the prick of the needle. I felt the cold operating table. I saw cold face of a man in a white coat. I found out that although I escaped death, I was welcomed to a much worse fate. I soon found out his name was Josef Mengele. Many medical experiments are done in the name of science however, the horrific procedures performed by Dr. Josef Mengele can hardly be considered scientific. Through examining the genetic experiments, military experiments, and anatomical capacities of the human body, it is clear why Mengele is considered the "Angel of Death". Mengele is from Günzburg, Germany. He was born to a prosperous father who own a factory which manufactured farming equipment. He was the first of three sons. He joined the Nazi Party in 1937, ... Show more content on ... Josef Mengele can hardly be considered scientific. Through his actions with his experiments and selection process it is clear as to why he is called the "angel of death". In the immediate post–world war Mengele found himself in custody of the US army, he was quickly released as the US was unaware of who Mengele was at the time. From the summer of 1945 to the spring of 1949 Mengele worked on a farm under false papers in Rosenheim, Bavaria. In 1949 his prosperous family helped him with his escape to Argentina. In 1959 a warrant for his arrest had been issued in West Germany and in 1960 and extraction order had been placed. Scared of the Capture of Adolf Eichmann in Buenos Aires (Argentina), Mengele fled to Paraguay and eventually to Brazil. He spent the final years of his life in Sao Paulo, Brazil. He died while he was on vacation in Bertioga, Brazil. He was swimming in a resort pool, when he suffered from a stroke and died. He was confirmed dead on February 7, 1979. He was buried under the fake name Wolfgang Gerhard. In 1992 Germany authorities exhumed his body and were able to undoubtedly identify it as Josef Mengele (Josef Mengele). He died escaping justice and going unpenalized for the death and torture of hundreds of thousands of individuals for 34 ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Nazi Human Experimentation In 1942– 1945 Malaria was the largest experiment that was taking place in the Dachau camp, given to over 1,084 inmates. Inmates chosen for this experiment were relatively healthy before being purposefully infected by malaria–infected mosquitoes as their hands remained held in cages full of them, or injected with malaria–infected blood (The Evolution). In attempt to cure the malaria doctors such as Professor Dachfinney would give the malaria infected victims countless mixtures of medications such as, quinine, neosalvarsan, pyramidon and antipyrine. This experiment resulted in the death of three–hundred victims, thirty from malaria, and 270 from drug overdoses (Hektoeninternational). Phosgene, a toxic gas used for defense during World War I, was exposed to 52 Russian prisoners at Buchenwald concentration–camp (Hektoeninternational). This was done in the attempt to find an antidote to the gas. After prisoners received exposure of the gas, many suffered from pulmonary edema as the phosgene gas caused extreme irritation to the lungs. All prisoners died and were autopsied. At Buchenwald concentration camp, a variety of poison experiments took place over a ten month span. These experiments investigated the effect poisons had on humans. The poisons were distributed to the prisoners in secrecy as it was contaminated within their food. After consuming the poison subjects were immediately killed so they could be autopsied (The Holocaust). Himmler discovered that most of the SS ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Prisoners Should Not Be Allowed For Research Essay There have been questions about the morals and ethics behind prisoner research for a long time. Laws were even made to restrict and prevent research on prisoners. An example of such laws is the Nuremburg code which was made because of inhumane research being conducted in concentration camps during WWII. Prisoners are now considered a vulnerable population and research is extremely restricted because of this. Prisoners shouldn't be allowed to participate in scientific research because they can be manipulated, it can be dangerous, and they aren't educated/smart enough to comprehend the tests being conducted. There are laws to allow only safe research but dangerous research still occurs anyways. For example in Pennsylvania Prisoners Were Human Guinea Pigs in Army Mind–Drug Test it says, "320 prisoners were injected with varying doses of 16 drugs in secret chemical warfare experiments" (Epstien 1). Different substances that are used in chemical warfare were tested on prisoners which is clearly a dangerous test to perform where casualties would be expected. This was secret research performed by the military and was comparable to the research that was performed on Jews in the concentration camps such as Auschwitz. Another example of dangerous research is, "he used radioactive materials, hallucinogenic drugs, and carcinogenic materials on prisoners" (Urbina ... Show more content on ... There is no more proof needed to prove that scientific research on inmates can be abused and misused on a massive scale. It has happened time and time again and needs to end which can only be accomplished by making it illegal. If we don't make it illegal now, more people will have their human rights violated and will end up as victims of unfair medical research with possibly permanent damage to their bodies and ... Get more on ...
  • 21. The Holocaust Medical Experiments Kamree Drummond Mr. Buchanan World History Honors 3rd Block March 27, 2017 Medical Experiments of the Holocaust During World War II, there were many acts of cruelty done towards people seen as unsuitable or worthless to the Nazis. These people included Jew, homosexuals, gypsies, and the handicapped. In this paper, I'm going to describe the medical experiments that were performed on inmates by Nazi doctors during the Holocaust. These experiments include: the twin experiments, the freezing experiments, the seawater experiments, and the bone grafting and nerve experiments. One of the main experiments the nazis performed on the prisoners in the concentration camps had the purpose of wanting to find a way to treat a person who was severely cold or frozen, thus began the freezing experiments. These experiments were mostly used to benefit German Air Force. The freezing experiments were mainly held at the Dachau concentration camp. The Dachau camp was mainly built for political prisoners of war. Approximately 188,000 people lived there, and 31,951 were said to have been executed there. Dachau was active for almost all of the 12–year Nazi regime, making it one of the longest–running camps. The freezing experiments at Dachau took place in August 1942. One of the most common of the experiments involved forcing the prisoners to sit in an ice ... Show more content on ... This formed the sea–water experiments. These experiments were created by the German Air Force and Navy. They wanted to discover how severe the effects of drinking sea–water are on humans. The reason people cannot drink seawater is because of their urine. The kidneys can only produce urine if the amount of salt is less than the amount of salt in seawater. So, drinking seawater would cause people to urinate more water than they drank which would cause a person to become dehydrated and even thirstier until they would eventually ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Hippocratic Nazis Hippocratic Nazis Looking at the extraordinary medical procedures that have become routine today, one rarely stops to CONTEMPLATE the backgrounds or research that went into creating our rich medical knowledge, but not a single one of these few could ever imagine the dark background behind much of our understanding of iatrics. It would often be assumed to be a result of tests on animals, dissections of cadavers, or through observational study. On the contrary, much of it comes as a result of twisted, malicious, and inhumane experimentation on live human beings, with a complete disregard for human life. To these doctors, the victims weren't human; they were much less than that. Seeing as they personally designed these experiments and desired to learn more ... Show more content on ... This is ridiculous, because these men were evil. They couldn't have been "brainwashed" because "some of the Paperclip scientists had worked in the U.S. before the war, as many Americans had worked in Germany," (Swanson). They even so blatantly disregarded the Oath that two sociologists, Binding and Hoche, set out to eliminate the Hippocratic Oath altogether, arguing that people were valued based on their contributions to society, that a doctor's focus should be utilitarian, and that the "quality of life" should be the determining factor in medical treatment ("Euthanasia in Nazi Germany"). No one instructed doctors to do this, it was on their own, caused by their own feelings of prejudice. In fact, this is directly opposite the Hippocratic Oath, which champions the importance of the individual, in that the value of each human life is concrete, and one shouldn't ever have to prove their worth ("Euthanasia in Nazi Germany"). So it was dismissed, that which guides doctors and proves them to be ... Get more on ...
  • 23. The Pros And Cons Of The Holocaust What does the Holocaust mean to you? Some would say mass genocide, the extermination of the Jews or some may not be able to define it at all. The Holocaust – one of mankind's worst atrocities committed in the past one hundred years, full of the thirteen years of prejudice and mistreatment that was endorsed by the fascist ideals. Over twelve million people perished due to this mass genocide of all races, ages, classes, and creeds. However, for some ignorance is bliss. Some do not acknowledge these atrocities against the human race caused by their own – it is a lie! They shout. They feel dignified for their supposed superior thoughts. Although people are able to have their own rights to thought and speech, their opinions are filled with hate, ignorance, and deceit. This is why the Holocaust did happen. The main definition as to what the Holocaust is defined by the opening of the death camps from 1939 to 1945. However, the true definition is based on when the oppressive regime of the Nazi Party closed in on those deemed as the 'Ubermensch', unworthy of life and existence. The NDSAP created the first scheme of the 'Aktion T4 Plan' – killing all disabled, homosexuals, gypsies, alcoholics and mentally ill between the ages of 16–49. They used the following methods: Phenol injections, starvation, and carbon monoxide poisoning and sedative overdose, which murdered over 30,000 individuals. Over 200,000 individuals were mass sterilized to avoid their unwanted genetics to be spread. ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Ethical Dilemmas In Medical Research Doctors have always been thought of as the "caretakers of mankind" and that is why the type of medicine performed by the doctors of Nazi Germany was so shocking, egregious and immoral that it violated the trust placed in them by humanity. The Holocaust seems so far removed from our reality today, and it may be hard for people to imagine the horrors inflicted by such doctors as Joseph Mengele and others in the name of "medical advancement". There is no doubt that these experimentations are viewed as barbaric, unethical and thinly veiled under the guise of science. Many feel that findings from these studies should never be published or used. An ethical and moral dilemma still remains today as some of the research resulted in data that potentially ... Show more content on ... One of the most gruesome and well known doctors of human experimentation during the Holocaust was Josef Mengele. He was known as the Angel of Death (citation) or the "White Angel" for his cold and cruel demeanor during the camp selection process (6). Mengele performed many horrific experiments on twins. Most experiments were performed on Jewish and Roma (Gypsy) children in the context of finding out the genetic origins of disease and to also to see if he could unlock the secret of multiple births in the hopes of increasing the German race. Of the 1000 set of twins that were experimented on, only 200 sets survived. (7). If Mengele did not deem the patients worthy of being kept alive, he would have their bodies dissected and cataloged. Mengele did such atrocious things to these children such as injecting lethal chemicals into their eyes in the hopes of creating blue eyes, a requirement for his pursuit of the "perfect Aryan" specimen (6). He also injected the patients with "mysterious concoctions" or syringes filled with diseases such as typhus or tuberculosis to see the effects on the body. Another of his atrocities involved sewing twins together in the hopes of creating his own set of Siamese twins. Moreover, Mengele performed surgeries without anesthesia for such things as amputations, organ removal and ... Get more on ...
  • 25. The Holocaust : The Experiments Of The Holocaust The Holocaust was a traumatic event for the Jews, but not only did it affect the Jews, it affected people from different minorities, people with disabilities, and so on. The lucky ones were able to escape to different countries, or hide in non–Jewish homes. Those who were not lucky were either killed on the spot, or sent to work in brutal concentration camps. Nazi medical experiments were one of the few ordeals to occur during the Holocaust. Dr. Josef Mengle performed many horrific experiments, one of them being on twins. To begin with, twins that were a part of the medical experiments were examined, from head to toe. During the first couple of days, twins were allowed to keep their hair as it was a part of the data that was collected. Dr. Josef Mengle was an SS physician and also a SS captain who was assigned to perform many different experiments on the prisoners that were in the camps, many being twins. In addition, Dr. Mengle believed that doing experiments on twins was a search for genetic studies. It was said that some were better off dying in the gas chambers, then awaiting to be experimented on because it was just so brutal and painful. Jews were then divided when arriving to the camps. For example, men, women, and children were separated, others were sent straight to the chambers, and those that seemed out of the ordinary, like twins and dwarfs were placed in the experimental blocks. On the other hand, Dr. Mengle performed different types experiments on ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Super Soldiers And Super Soldier Experimentation Essay Super Soldier Experiments Going through life, at times, one would wonder how vast the greed of human beings is. Is it as dangerous as we think? Wanting something? Desiring something so much that you would risk everything you own and love? Is it as sinful as we are taught as kids to believe? All we have to do is take those desires and create something good out of it. However, when we desire something that affects the rights of other living things, it is extremely bad and these questions will all be answered with a solid "Yes.". I will be sharing with you the opinion of many others whom are against such situations; situations such as super soldier experiments. Super Soldier experimentation is a version of human experiments on military soldiers based on the idea of making them the perfect killing machines. The government in charge of a certain military base doesn't want any interference of human emotions, hunger, PTSD, and fatigue. For those in charge, being rid of those pesky human emotions would benefit them greatly due to the fact that those sorts of emotions may negatively impact the army's progress in defeating their enemies. These kinds of experiments as well as other types of human experiments have been going on for as long as the first World War or, perhaps, even before then. Numerous have been articles put out on very notable figures in history partaking in these supposedly top secret events. Genetically modified humans have been an ambitious venture for ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Medical Experiments of the Holocaust Essay Medical Experiments of the Holocaust Kaitlin Holocaust in History January 6, 2013 Many brutal atrocities were committed during the Holocaust by the Nazi party against anyone they viewed as "unpure". This included the Jews, Gypsies, homosexuals, Afro–Germans, Slavs, communists, the handicapped, and the mentally disabled. These groups were targeted, stripped away of their rights and citizenship, and then sent to concentration camps. Some of these camps were death camps; created for the sole purpose to annihilate these groups of people, mainly the Jews. At these camps, the prisoners were tortured, starved, brutally killed, and experimented on. In this research paper, I am going to discuss some of the medical experiments that were ... Show more content on ... They forced about ninety Gypsies to drink seawater only, while being deprived of food. Obviously since the salt content of the water causes the body to retain more salt, and lose more water, which is why seawater is undrinkable, these experiments caused serious bodily injury, major dehydration, and an enormous amounts of pain and suffering. The Gypsies were so dehydrated and so desperate for water, they reportedly "licked the floored after they had been mopped just to get a drop of fresh water." (The Experiments, Experiments were conducted to find an antidote to phosgene, a toxic gas use as a weapon during World–War I. At Fort Ney near Strasbourg, France, Nazi doctors exposed roughly 52 concentration camp prisoners to the phosgene gas. This gas caused extreme irritation to the prisoners' lungs. Many of the prisoners suffered pulmonary edema after the exposure. Four died as a result of the experiments. (The Experiments) Josef Mengele, a Nazi doctor stationed at Auschwitz, was called the "Angel of Death". Many times he would be the one who was in charge of "selection". He had the power to decide the fate of the prisoner; he had the power of life and death over them. He was in charge of the many experiments conducted at Auschwitz. The experiments he is most known for are genetic experiments, and the experimentations on twins. (Josef Mengele) Many of those who were experimented on were children. They were kept ... Get more on ...
  • 28. The Trials Of The Nuremberg Values Conflict Paper – Nuremberg Trials The Nuremberg Doctors Trial of 1946 is the preeminent case recognizing the importance of medical ethics and human rights specifically about human research subjects. The defendants in the trials include Nazi leadership, physicians, and investigators prosecuted for conducting unethical and inhumane medical experiments on civilians and prisoners of war resulting in extreme pain, suffering, permanent injury and often death. The Nuremberg Code, borne of these trials, establishes ethical guidelines for human experimentation to ensure the rights of subjects in medical research. Herein, this writer will first identify and discuss ethical dilemmas presented in the Nuremberg case followed by three ... Show more content on ... Ethical Standards 1.02 Self–Determination The second subsection of the NASW Code of Ethics is 1.02 Self–Determination. This standard highlights the clients' right to be involved in the decision making process regarding his/her treatment and care, to include refusing treatment. This standard also speaks to the clients' understanding that these rights may be limited by the social worker "...when, in the social workers' professional judgment, clients' actions or potential actions pose a serious, foreseeable, and imminent risk to themselves or others" (NASW website, 2017). Nazi scientists and physicians conducted torturous and human experiments on prisoners of war held in concentration camps throughout Germany. These involuntary experimental subjects were not involved in the decision–making process regarding their treatment and care and were, in fact, "treated" against their will. "Prisoners were forced to drink poisoned water and breathe noxious gases." (Gambrill, 2004, p. 14). Doctors forcing individuals to participate in clinical trials directly contradicts the ethical standard of self– determination hence the application to the Nuremberg case. 1.03 Informed Consent The third subsection of the NASW Code of Ethics is 1.03 ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Essay on Genocide of the Holocaust Genocide of the Holocaust Arthur Caplan, editor of When Medicine Went Mad: Bioethics and the Holocaust, states, "The Holocaust, unlike many other instances of mass killing, was scientifically inspired, supervised and meditated genocide." Since all genocides are a grand–scale effort to systematically eradicate populations, their success hinges on having large portions of a nation going along with genocidal policy. The individuals in a society must be convinced of genocide's legitimacy in 'their case', they need to forget that it is murder. Genocide obtains it legitimacy for the people of a nation from professionals, those knowledgeable individuals that provide the ideological, intellectual, and ... Show more content on ... Genocide would be necessary in order to maintain the health of Germany. In Mein Kampf, Hitler explains, "Anyone who wants to cure this era, which is inwardly sick and rotten, must first summon up the courage to make clear the causes of the disease." Of course, he was referring to the Jews, Gypsies, and homosexuals that were 'contaminating' the German race. This is the ideology behind the medical experimentation in sanitation and hygiene, that led to the gas chambers and euthanasia...all in an effort to rid the German race of it unwanted members. "Medicine and science had played crucial roles both in fostering of Nazi ideology and in implementing the final solution." (Caplan) While medicine and science were being utilized, they had taken on a very different form. They were not treating individuals, but torturing them. It is obvious that the Hippocratic oath was either forgotten, or large, significant parts were completely ignored. The Hippocratic Oath (Original Version) I swear by Apollo the physician and Aesculapius, and Health, and All–heal, and all the gods and goddesses, that, according to my ability and judgement, I will keep this Oath and this stipulation. I will follow that system of regimen which, according to my ability and judgement, I consider for the benefit of my patients, and abstain from whatever is deleterious ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Scientific Murder Essay Scientific Murder: Human Experimentation in Nazi Germany The Nazi's were infamous for their cruel and unusual experiments on humans. Although they played a small part of Nazi Germany's attempt at racial hygiene, these experiments desecrated and exterminated thousands of humans (Lifton 269). "The Nazi medical experiments of the 1930's and 1940's are the most famous example of recent disregard for ethical conduct " (Polit & Hungler 127). For the sake of science, thousands lost their lives "I have no words. I thought we were human beings. We were living creatures. How could they do things like that?" (Auschwitz survivor as quoted in Lifton 269). Was it really science, or was it murder? ... Show more content on ... Friedlander quotes Henrich Bunke saying, "It provided the opportunity to collaborate with experienced professors, to do scientific work, and to complete my education." as his excuse for joining T4 (127). Autopsies were the greatest opportunity for these young physicians. As a result, human organs were available for research (Friedlander 127). With the beginning of this program, scientists made the decision to utilize the killing program to benefit research. Two institutes for research took a great part in benefiting from the killings. "The clinic for Psychiatry and Neurology of Heidelberg University, directed by Professor Carl Schneider, and the observation ward and research station at the state hospital in Brandenburg– Gorden, headed by Hans Heinze" (Friedlander 127). The experiments done on the camp prisoners can be divided into two categories. The first was created to help the war effort and was performed by the medical services of the German military. The Luftwaffe (German Air Force) performed high altitude experiments on camp prisoners to test conditions experienced by pilots. Other examples of military experiments were inducing hypothermia, human toleration of seawater ingestion, and immunization experiments against several diseases (Friedlander 132). Women were used in military experiments to test treatment of combat ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Vivien Spitz's Doctors From Hell Vivien Spitz, the author of Doctors from Hell , was the youngest court reporter at the Nuremberg Trials in 1946. As an eyewitness to the war crimes trials of Nazi doctors, her book is primarily her personal account, and her documentary review from the Nuremberg Trials, of the torture and murder by medical experiment, on prisoners held by the Nazis during WWII. In writing Doctors from Hell, the author infers that it is critical to highlight the medical experimentation portion of the Nuremberg Trials, since doctors might be expected to be among the least likely participants in genocide. Spitz provided very detailed testimony about the nature of the medical experiments, and the doctors who performed them. The author suggested in the way she ... Show more content on ... However, Spitz's account, written in 2005, appears so far to have had no lasting impact on inhibiting similar atrocities that we still see around the world today. It just may be that the murder, aggression and violence that have been part of man's character since the beginning, cannot be vanquished. If that proves to be the unfortunate case, then civilization on planet earth, may ultimately cease to ... Get more on ...
  • 32. The Medical Ethics Of Human Experimentation When one researches about the medical ethics in human experimentation, it is difficult to disregard the harsh realities of it. As Leonard Nimoy stated in his role as Spock in the movie, Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, "the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few". This is the cruel truth that be seen everywhere, but many people tend to ignore it since it is such a dreary thought. Many people, especially those in third world countries, are exploited every day. Large corporate companies come to typically poorer foreign nations, where there is a large gap between the rich and poor, to find cheaper workers. Many people in these foreigners tend to be desperate for money and immediately sign up for these jobs. Typical corporations would hire these people and make them work in inhumane working conditions such as long hours, less pay, and give no sanitation facilities. Although this happens on an everyday basis, there are very few people out there who challenge the large corporations. This example can also apply to medical ethics, sometimes a small amount of people have to suffer through experiments to help the general public. Although this is a morbid thought, it has been used in the past. During the mid–twentieth century, many American scientist believe that experimenting on a few people and making them suffer would create results that would be very beneficial to the general public. Today, most modern developed countries don't believe in this ideology, but there are ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Ethical Constraints In Medical Experiments Although scholars have obtained verbal histories and generic written documentation evidencing the general research activities of these low–status prisoner doctors, little identifying information has been found recording the names of these prisoner doctors, or the roles they played in specific experiments. However, there are a few examples where identifying information about specific prisoner doctors was recorded and retained. For example, typhus began to spread feverishly through the ranks of the German front line, and SS officials such as Heinrich Himmler and Medical Chief Ernst–Robert Grawitz, were impatient for a vaccine. When the facility where typhus vaccine research was being conducted was bombed by the allies, the head physician, Dr. ... Show more content on ... Many of the mid–status non–prisoner doctors conducted research to benefit the Nazi military effort. Research on altitude, sea–water, and mustard gas was conducted to help increase the survival rate of navy, air force, and army personnel. In order to do so, the mid–status doctors were required to either suspend, or redefine their moral code, to serve their higher purpose of careerism. The first group of these experiments, the high–altitude experiments, were done under the supervision of Dr. Sigmund Rascher, an SS doctor at the Dachau camp. High–altitude research duplicated the atmospheric conditions a German pilot might encounter in combat when falling great distances through space without a parachute and source of oxygen. Altitude experiments were carried out by locking the prisoner in an airtight, low–pressure chamber, then simulating high altitude atmospheric conditions and pressures up to 68,000 feet.25 The prisoner was observed to see the conditions at which a German pilot would not be able to survive. The unprecedented opportunity to use live human subjects accelerated Rascher's research efforts; the research was extraordinarily [MISSING]German air force to benefit the pilots.26 Dr. Rascher, in the extreme environment of the Nazi concentration camp, clearly was unconcerned with the moral breach required to conduct the lethal high–altitude experiments. Rascher's career, unhindered by medical ethics, was enhanced by having produced this groundbreaking research, as "in science, professional success is determined by the publication of... [credible] research."27 [MISSING; DID HE PUBLISH?]. Another non–prisoner doctor, Dr. Wilhelm Beiglboeck conducted seawater experiments to improve naval personnel's chances of survival in a potable water shortage emergency. The primary purpose of the research was to develop a method of making seawater drinkable ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Experiments For The Holocaust Based on what they know, Hitler hired Nazi doctors to do experiments on people to see which experiments kills more people at a time.His experiments include: Freezing/ Hypothermia,Genetics Infectious Disease,Interrogation and Torture Killing/ Genocide,High Altitude Pharmacological,Sterilization Surgery,Traumatic Injuries Freezing experiments were conducted for the Nazi high command. The experiments were conducted on men. The German forces were ill prepared for the bitter winter. Thousands of Germans died of freezing. The experiments were conducted by Dr. Sigmund Rascherat Birkenau, Dachau and Auschwitz. The Nordic or Aryan Race was the most important goal for the Nazi. It was the largest part of the overall plan. The blonde hair, blue eye, ... Show more content on ... Each situation results in human infection. There were many types of torture. There was the freezing torture. There was the twin torture. There was the no air torture. There was the poison torture. Genocide basically means that they will kill. There were people to do genocide. It was like torture,except a little bit different.Many people died because of genocide. It was the worst time for Jews.The purpose of this experiment was to test the limits of human endurance and existence at high altitudes with and without oxygen. The experiment was designed to duplicate the conditions that a German pilot might encounter in combat. When being shot down, a pilot might fall great distances through space without a parachute and without a source of oxygen. The experimenter would lock the victim into an airtight, low–pressure chamber––provided by the German Air Force–– and would change the pressure to be up to 68 thousand feet in order to mimic the flier 's descent. This experiment was extremely dangerous and many people died due to the extreme changes in pressure. There was all kinds of medicine used in the holocaust. There was types of racial experiments. There was War–injury related experiments. There were types of pharmaceutical testing. There was the Nuremberg Trials. Some scientists and physicians opposed the involuntary aspect of the law while others pointed to possible flaws. But the designation of ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Biomedical Experimentation in the Holocaust Essay There were many ways that the Nazi tortured the Jews during the Holocaust. They harmed them both mentally and physically, but the most horrific kind of torture was the physical abuse. The Nazis tortured, killed, and experimented on the Jews in an inhuman way. The experimentations that were conducted by the doctors were very horrendous and shocking. They had three categories for the experiments: military, biomedical, and racial/ideological. Though all the types of experimentations were terrible, the biomedical category was the most appalling. In the biomedical experimentations, the doctors did some cruel studies on the prisoners that included injecting diseases, inflicting wounds, and killing them to observe body functions. They were ... Show more content on ... Malaria, one of the diseases that broke out in Germany and German–occupied countries, was injected to the prisoners through mosquitoes that carried the disease. "Inmates considered to be healthy were deliberately infected with malaria by infected mosquitoes, or were injected with malaria–infected blood" (Spitz 103). In order to keep enough infected people, they would draw blood from the infected people and insert it in other prisoners (Spitz 103). In several cases when no one died during an experiment, the doctors would order for the experiment to worsen and for more injections to be injected. The injections that were being injected in the prisoners after being in contact with the disease were medicines and vaccines that they were testing. Whenever a medicine doesn't work, a new medicine would be injected to see what it'll do to the body (Splitz 103). In the concentration camps of Buchenwald and Natzweiler, more than seven hundred prisoners were subjected to the typhus experiments. Not only did these two camps run experiments for typhus but also for diseases such as yellow fever, smallpox, cholera and many more. The typhus experiments were very repugnant in the way that doctors would kill people just to keep the disease still intact with them. They had prisoners known as 'passage persons' who acted like capsules for the diseases. The doctors would use these people to take their blood and inject it in others. "They ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Nazi Human Experimentation In 1933–1945, under Adolf Hitler, the National Socialist German Workers' party detained political control over Germany. Members of this group more commonly known as the Nazi party, wanted to institute Germany as a dominant world power. They began by establishing a dictatorship over all cultural, economic, and political activities of the people (Nazis). This would launch the beginning of the Holocaust, a massive massacre of roughly 11 million Jews, Gypsies, homosexuals, Soviet prisoners of war, mentally handicapped, and countless more (The Simon). Most of these deaths occurred in concentration camps that developed all throughout Europe. In particular camps such as Dachau, Auschwitz, Buchenwald, Ravensbruck, and Sachsenhausen, medical experiments were cold–heartedly performed on selected prisoners without consent and generally, concluded in death, mutilation or permanent disability (Nazi Science). Schools all over America teach a broad history of the Holocaust and the concentration camps to their students at some point in time. However, from experience, I do not recall ever discussing these medical experiments or the Nuremberg Code that resulted from them. The Nuremburg code was created just after the Nuremburg trials following WWII. These trials were held before the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg against leading Nazi doctors, whom twenty–three received charges with War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity as evidence exposed the many merciless tortures they had ... Get more on ...
  • 37. The Cruel Experiments Of The Holocaust "The first time I went to use the latrine located at the end of the children's barrack, I was greeted by the scattered corpses of several children lying on the ground ... It was there that I made a silent pledge – a vow to make sure that Miriam and I didn't end up on that filthy floor." (Eva Mozes, The twins Eva and Miriam Mozes survived Auschwitz) During World War 2, A power hungry leader called Hitler started taking many places and countries. Hitler was trying to make a master of blued eyed blonde hair pure German people. People who believed him were called Nazis.He also did not like the Jews saying they were "corrupting the German race" (Jones,67). Nazis would take prisoners of war, or Jews, or anyone he needed for experiments, and put them into concentration camps. In these concentration camps the Nazi would do many things to the prisoners to torture, kill, or learn to help their cause. The Nazis conducted cruel experiments on prisoners to help their cause. Some of these experiments included tests involving freezing temperatures, high altitudes, and twins. ... Show more content on ... It was called the Hypothermia experiment. These were conducted in the Dachau concentration camp between August 1942 and May 1943. It was performed to find out the best way to treat hypothermia victims. It was targeted for German air force pilots who were shot down in the North sea. The people used where male civilian prisoners from different religions and nationalities as well as Russian prisoners of war. Their participation was usually forced, but occasionally people "volunteered" in response to promises, rarely fulfilled, of release from the camp or commutation of the death ... Get more on ...
  • 38. The Is The Thought Of Mind Control Of People Some people believe there are conspiracies out there. If you go around and ask random people about certain conspiracies they will say one of three things: " I have never heard of this event.", "That event never happened. That does not even sound realistic.", or " This event definitely did occur. You just do not see any proof because the government destroyed all proof and paperwork." People will naturally have different opinions. I believe these events have to exist. There are too many cover ups and boring actions in life for there not to be anything out there that is not true, even if it does sound weird, such as the Project Monarch coverup. Threw the history, why the "mind control" was implemented, and the stages. I do believe. Project Monarch is the believed mind control of people. In the beginning the concept of mind control can be traced back to Egypt, Greece, India and Babylon; especially back to Egypt from the source called the Book of the Dead. In the book the details have been revealed of torture, using drugs, and hypnotism. From there on the concept of mind control has been used widely, such as "During the 13th Century, the Roman Catholic church increased and solidified its dominion throughout Europe with the infamous Inquisition." ( Patton Operation Monarch ) The most famous usage was during WWII. Multiple scientist such as Dr. Joseph Mengele or Dr. Green, he was also nicknamed the Angel of Death. " he is infamous for his sordid human experiments on ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Causes Of The Holocaust A tear, that is, a salty drop of liquid secreted from the eye. Leaves a trail of sorrows. Burning grief. Desolation. From 1933 until 1945, Adolf Hitler and his Nazi Germany kill millions of European Jews, in the Holocaust. These acts are committed because of Hitler's pure hatred for the Jewish, viewing them as a race rather than a religion. He blames them for all of Germany's troubles and unsuccessful outcome of World War I. And in order to enforce his beliefs, Hitler creates a 'Final Solution' in which he attempts to banish every Jew in Germany. Through propaganda, Hitler influences the Germans to share a mutual abhorrence of the Jewish, and with this, his army grows. The process of abolishing Jews begins by segregating them from the rest of the community. They can no longer integrate with the Germans, own businesses, earn degrees, or let alone attend school. As restrictions worsen, Jewish families are forced out of their homes and into ghettos: "the intermediate period between normal life and the agony they experienced in the concentration camp, between hope and despair, between life and death." (Sterling xxix). How cruel to put them through these levels of pain. They are also completely separated from the rest of the population, and forced to wear badges that identify them as Jewish. From the ghettos they are sent to concentration camps which consist of extreme conditions and forced–labor. And, out of the millions of Jews sent to these camps, only a small fraction ... Get more on ...