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State of the Union 2013
Pre Class
 ** Use the packet that you did while I was out
 to help you!
• According to Article II of the Constitution:
    – What are the qualifications a person must
      meet in order to become President?
    – What are 3 powers that the President has?
• Who votes directly for the President?
Executive Branch of the
    United States

…“Take care that the laws be faithfully
executed” (carried out, enforced)
  - enforces laws, treaties and court
The President
   • Must be 35
     years old
   • Must have lived
     in the United
     States for 14
   • Must be a
     natural born

                       President Obama is the 44th
                       President of the United States
The Vice-President
Presides over Senate and casts a
vote in the event of a tie.
Assumes Presidency should
President be unable to finish his

Role Vice-President plays mostly
determined by President:
VP Biden: “behind the scenes”
counselor for Obama
VP Cheney: national security; one
of the most visible VP’s in U.S.
VP Gore: advisor to President on
environmental issues
                               Daniel Webster: “I do not choose
                               to be buried until I am already
How much do they make?
President: $400,000 per year
--   $50,000 expense account
--   $100,000 nontaxable for travel
--   $19,000 official entertainment
--   free housing (1600 Pennsylvania Ave.)
• Secret Service protection (up to 10 years after leaving
• Country home (Camp David)
• Personal airplane (Air Force One)
• Staff of 400-500 full-time employees
 Retired president: $196,700 per year
-- $150,000 to maintain staff
Vice President: $227,300 per
-- $10,000 expense account
-- free housing (Number One
 Observatory Circle)
The President’s Cabinet
The Cabinet
First established by George Washington in
1789. The “inner cabinet” has the most
--   Secretary of State
--   Secretary of Treasury
--   Secretary of War (now Defense)
--   Attorney General

cabinet secretaries: provide oversight of a
governmental department.
•   appointed by the President and
    approved by the Senate.
More on the President’s cabinet…
• 1789: 4 Cabinet posts
• TODAY: 15 Cabinet members
• Last cabinet department was created in
  2002 -- the Department of Homeland
Created in 2002, un response
to September 11, 2001 attacks
Obama’s “Inner” Cabinet
  Secretary of State     Secretary of the Treasury
 John Kerry (incoming)     Jack Lew (incoming)
Obama’s “Inner” Cabinet
  Secretary of Defense     Attorney General
Leon Pantella (outgoing)      Eric Holder






The President’s Expressed Powers
Commander in Chief
• Commander in Chief of
  Army, Navy & National

                          President Eisenhower sends the 101st
                          airborne division of the Army to
                          desegregate Central High in Little
                          Rock, Arkansas (1957)
Chief Executive
                                                        9/8/74 – Ford pardons

• “faithfully execute” the
• grant pardons for federal
  offenses except for cases of
• nominate judges of the
  Supreme Court and all
  other officers of the U.S.
  (Senate confirms)
• fill vacancies that may
  happen in Senate            My fellow Americans, our long national
                                     nightmare is over...Our Constitution works; our
                                     great Republic is a government of laws and not
                                     of men.
Diplomatic (Foreign Affairs) Powers

• appoint ambassadors, ministers and consuls
• make treaties subject to Senate confirmation
• receive ambassadors

                                         Pres Obama
                                         gives Japanese
                                         emperor a bow
Legislative Powers
• Give State of the Union address to Congress
• Recommend “measures” to the Congress
• Upon “extraordinary occasions” convene both
  houses of Congress
Pre Class
• List 2 expressed powers of the President.
• The President also has powers that are not in
  the Constitution. Can you give an example of
Presidential Decision Making
1.   U.S. Army troops are trapped on an island off the coast of South Korea.
     How can they be rescued?
 Commander in Chief
2. A breakfast is scheduled with top leaders from Congress to check on two
     educational bills introduced by the White House. How can support be
Chief Legislator
 3.       A summit meeting is scheduled with a new Russian leader. What can
be done to improve U.S. Russian relations?
Head of State
4.        Many people are complaining about high taxes. How can taxes be
cut and the government’s programs maintained?
          Economic Leader
5.        A U. S. embassy has been bombed and several Americans have been
killed. What should be done?
          Commander in Chief of Foreign-Policy Leader
Decision Making, cntd
6.       A senatorial candidate from the President’s party is in financial trouble. How
can she be helped?
         Party Chief

7.        One of the large automobile manufacturers is going bankrupt. Should it be
given a government loan?
          Economic Leader
8.        A meeting is scheduled with the Secretary of Defense and two Army
generals to discuss plans for developing new weapons. Should their plans be
          Commander in Chief
9.        There is an oil spill off the coast of California, how should it be cleaned up?
          Chief Executive
10.       A presidential press conference is planned for next week. How should plans
to cut down on government paperwork be announced?
          Chief Executive
Informal Powers

• Those powers not explicitly written in the
• Similar to “necessary and proper” powers
  of Congress
• In the modern era (since 1933), the
  President’s informal powers may be
  significantly more powerful than his
  formal powers
Why has the President’s power
• Article II is vague – “to take care that
  the laws be faithfully executed.”
• Expanded bureaucracy – 15 cabinets,
  independent agencies (ie. CIA)
• 20th century – US faced Depression
  and wars; had to act in emergencies
• Modern media (TV) allows candidates
  to appeal directly to the American
  people for support of his agenda
• The President in pop culture – we
  perceive him to be all-powerful
Executive Orders
• Orders issued by the President that
  carry the force of law
• Clinton’s “Don’t ask don’t tell”
  gays in the military policy
• FDR’sinternment of Japanese
  Americans (EO 9066)
• GWB trying suspected terrorists in
  military tribunals

                                    Notice for Japanese “relocation,” 1942
Executive Agreements
• International agreements, usually related to trade, made
  by a president that has the force of a treaty; does NOT
  need Senate approval
• Jefferson’s purchase of Louisiana in 1803
• GWB announced cuts in
  the nuclear arsenal, but
  not in a treaty; usually
  trade agreements between
     US and other nations
Executive Privilege
• Claim by a president that he has the right to decide
  that the national interest will be better served if
  certain information is withheld from the
  public, including the Courts and Congress
• Nixon did not want to turn
  over private tapes in the
  midst of Watergate –
  claimed EP
President v. Congress
• Prez’s power has grown tremendously, BUT
   – Congress has oversight power
   – Prez has a TERM LIMIT (22nd
     amendment), Congress does NOT
Closing Questions
•   Why are informal powers more important
    than formal powers, particularly to modern
•   Identify several advantages and
    disadvantages of the use of the president’s
    informal powers.
•   Has the use and perhaps abuse of the
    informal powers created an “Imperial
    Presidency?” Defend your answer.
Reminders 
– QUIZ WEDNESDAY on the executive branch
   • Presidential qualifications
   • Expressed and informal powers of the Presidents
   • 7 roles/jobs of the President
– Following the President on social media journal
Analyzing Presidential Decisions
Scenario #1
• The President issues an order that women in
  the armed forces may now serve in a direct
  combat capacity during wartime.
EXPRESSED (formal) Powers in the    Informal Powers

Commander in Chief – civilian       Executive Order – similar to
leader of the military              Truman’s desegregation of the
                                    military & Clinton's "Don’t Ask
                                    Don’t Tell" policy
Chief Executive – responsible for
the Department of Defense
Scenario #2
• The president and the Secretary of State
  negotiate an agreement with North Korea to
  end its designs on building a nuclear weapon.
  In exchange, the U.S. will commit $15 billion in
  humanitarian aid to the North Korean people
  suffering from mass starvation, and forgive up
  to $25 billion in loans by the North Korean
  government to U.S. banks. The president
  consulted Congress, but did not request a
EXPRESSED (formal) Powers in the   Informal Powers

Commander in Chief – involves      Executive Agreement - POTUS
military                           negotiates agreement with N.
Foreign Powers:
Appoint ministers (Secretary of
State)                             Chief Legislator – needs $ from
Negotiate treaties – though may    Congress
not require formal treaty
Scenario #3
• A major earthquake hits 80 miles south of San Francisco
  incurring enormous damage with hundreds feared dead or
  missing, and billions of dollars in property damage. The
  president mobilizes the National Guard as well as regular
  army units to assist in the rescue effort and to help
  maintain order. He instructs agencies of the federal
  government (ex. FEMA, Health and Human Services,
  Homeland Security) to send aid. After visiting the “Quake
  Zone,” the President addresses a joint session of Congress
  and requests short and long term financial assistance for
  the affected areas.
EXPRESSED (formal) Powers in the   Informal Powers

Commander in Chief – mobilizes     Chief Legislator – takes lead by
National Guard & military          addressing Congress

Chief Executive – mobilizes
agencies of federal government

Legislative Powers – recommend
measures to Congress
Scenario #4
• In his State of the Union Address, the
  president outlines a comprehensive plan to
  overhaul the Social Security system including
  an option to privatize Social Security accounts.
  He expects Congress to pass his plan in its
EXPRESSED (formal) Powers in the     Informal Powers

Legislative powers:                  Chief Legislator – President
State of the Union address           initiates his domestic agenda to
Recommend measures to                the Congress

Chief Executive – head of all        Political Party Leader – expects
executive depts.. including Social   the assistance and loyalty of
Security Administration              members of his party in Congress
Scenario #5
• In a 7-2 decision, the U.S. Supreme Court
  strikes down an Oklahoma law requiring the
  teaching of intelligent design in public schools.
  As an act of defiance, the governor of
  Oklahoma orders the closing of several public
  schools which had refused to teach the
  intelligent design curriculum. The president of
  the United States commits National Guard
  troops to forcibly open the public schools and
  restore order.
EXPRESSED (formal) Powers in the    Informal Powers

Chief Executive - “faithfully
execute the laws;” in this case a
Supreme Court decision

Commander in Chief – commits
National Guard troops
Scenario #6
• For several months, there have been credible reports that
  there is a mass genocide bring carried out by an African
  nation's government against ethnic minorities. Amnesty
  International estimates that more than 500,000 have been
  murdered thus far. In a speech to a joint session of
  Congress, the president of the US declares that he will
  commit 25,000 American troops to t assist the United
  Nations in an effort to stop the violence against civilians
  and restore peace to the country. In his speech, the
  president contends “as the last remaining superpower, the
  US has a moral obligation and the means to stop the
  murders of countless innocent men, women and children.”
EXPRESSED (formal) Powers in the   Informal Powers

Commander in Chief – commit US

Head of State – Chief diplomat
addressing UN
What makes a good President?
Demographic Characteristics of U. S.

•   Male - 100%
•   Caucasian – 99.98%
•   Protestant - 97%
•   British ancestry - 82%
•   College education - 77%
•   Politicians - 69%
•   Lawyers - 62%
•   Top 3% wealth & social class - At least 50%
•   Elected from large states - 69%
“Fortunate Son” (CCR)
• What do you think this song is about, i.e. what’s
  going on? (Hint: You may incorporate historical
  information into your answer .)
• Compare and contrast these lyrics to the
  demographic characteristics of presidents. What
  connections can you make between the lyrics and
  those statistics?
• What do you think is the overall message of the
Essential Question
• Is it important for the President to
  be able to identify with YOU?
• What would you change about the
  demographics of the American presidents?
  (ie. More women, a latino President, more
  African American
  presidents, wealth, religion, etc.)
• It is important for a Presidential candidate to look
• An effective President must be an excellent public
• All Presidents must have military experience.
• America is ready to vote for a woman President.
• The President should be able to declare war without
  the permission of Congress.
• Let’s abandon the Electoral College and just have the
  winner be one who receives the most votes from the
• Presidential candidates should be limited on how
  much they can spend on their campaign.
• The system would work better if the President
  and Vice President were from different parties.
• America would benefit from having a legitimate
  3rd party option.
• I would not give the President the power to
Number your page 1-5. Next to each #, write
whether you agree or disagree with each statement listed.

1. All Presidents must have military experience.
2. America is ready to vote for a woman President.
3. The President should be able to declare war without the
   permission of Congress.
4. Let’s abandon the Electoral College and just have the winner
   be one who receives the most votes from the people
5. The system would work better if the President and Vice
   President were from different parties.
How much power should the President
Presidential Burials
White House Office
• White House staff members/aides that
  President appoints and works with daily.
  Appointed without Senate confirmation.

• Includes “assistant to the President”, “press
  secretary”, and “special consultant”.
Organization of White House Office:
Circular:                        Pyramid:
President deals directly         A “hierarchy” that
with staff members               communicates
                                 through a “chief of staff”.

 First Lady also has her own office/staff.
NY Times Exdorsements
Executive Office of the President
Originated with FDR, created in 1939
President’s personal “bureaucracy”
Monitors work done in cabinet departments
and federal agencies.
A group of offices, councils, boards devoted
to specific areas (national
security, trade, budget, etc…)
Approximately 2,000 employees
EOP Overview cont’d…
• Chief of Staff: Bill Daley
     (formerly Rahm Emanuel)
-- Highest ranking member of
   office. Serves managerial and
   advisory role.
-- Senior aide to President.
   “Second Most Powerful Person
   in Washington”.
 Office of Management &
   Budget (OMB)
-- Largest office in EOP- prepares
   budget & monitors funds spent
   by Congress.
-- Oversees budgets/records of
   Executive agencies.
Independent Agencies
• Exist outside federal executive departments but
  are still considered part of Executive branch.

 Created by Congress
 President appoints people to them and they are
 confirmed by the Senate.

 Examples include…
•   CIA (Central Intelligence Agency)
•   EPA (Environmental Protection Agency)
•   FEC (Federal Election Commission)
•   FTC (Federal Trade Commission)
How much do they make?
President of the United States                    $400,000
Executive Schedule

Level 1: Cabinet-level officials                  $196,700
 Level II: Deputy secretaries of departments,
secretaries of military departments, & heads of   $177,000
major agencies

Level III: Under secretaries of departments &
heads of middle-level agencies

 Level IV: Assistant secretaries & general
counsels of departments, heads of minor
agencies, members of certain boards &

Level V: Administrators, commissioners,
directors, & members of boards, commissions, or   $143,500
units of agencies

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The Presidency - Qualifications, Powers and Roles

  • 1. State of the Union 2013
  • 2. Pre Class ** Use the packet that you did while I was out to help you! • According to Article II of the Constitution: – What are the qualifications a person must meet in order to become President? – What are 3 powers that the President has? • Who votes directly for the President?
  • 3. Executive Branch of the United States …“Take care that the laws be faithfully executed” (carried out, enforced) - enforces laws, treaties and court decisions
  • 4. The President Constitutional Requirements • Must be 35 years old • Must have lived in the United States for 14 years • Must be a natural born citizen President Obama is the 44th President of the United States
  • 5. The Vice-President Presides over Senate and casts a vote in the event of a tie. Assumes Presidency should President be unable to finish his term. Role Vice-President plays mostly determined by President: VP Biden: “behind the scenes” counselor for Obama VP Cheney: national security; one of the most visible VP’s in U.S. History VP Gore: advisor to President on environmental issues Daniel Webster: “I do not choose to be buried until I am already dead”.
  • 6. How much do they make? President: $400,000 per year -- $50,000 expense account -- $100,000 nontaxable for travel -- $19,000 official entertainment -- free housing (1600 Pennsylvania Ave.) • Secret Service protection (up to 10 years after leaving office) • Country home (Camp David) • Personal airplane (Air Force One) • Staff of 400-500 full-time employees Retired president: $196,700 per year -- $150,000 to maintain staff
  • 7. Vice President: $227,300 per year -- $10,000 expense account -- free housing (Number One Observatory Circle)
  • 9. The Cabinet First established by George Washington in 1789. The “inner cabinet” has the most power: -- Secretary of State -- Secretary of Treasury -- Secretary of War (now Defense) -- Attorney General cabinet secretaries: provide oversight of a governmental department. • appointed by the President and approved by the Senate.
  • 10. More on the President’s cabinet… • 1789: 4 Cabinet posts • TODAY: 15 Cabinet members • Last cabinet department was created in 2002 -- the Department of Homeland Security.
  • 11. Created in 2002, un response to September 11, 2001 attacks
  • 12. Obama’s “Inner” Cabinet Secretary of State Secretary of the Treasury John Kerry (incoming) Jack Lew (incoming)
  • 13. Obama’s “Inner” Cabinet Secretary of Defense Attorney General Leon Pantella (outgoing) Eric Holder
  • 14. E G D A C B F
  • 15. The President’s Expressed Powers Commander in Chief • Commander in Chief of Army, Navy & National Guard President Eisenhower sends the 101st airborne division of the Army to desegregate Central High in Little Rock, Arkansas (1957)
  • 16. Chief Executive 9/8/74 – Ford pardons Nixon • “faithfully execute” the laws • grant pardons for federal offenses except for cases of impeachment • nominate judges of the Supreme Court and all other officers of the U.S. (Senate confirms) • fill vacancies that may happen in Senate My fellow Americans, our long national nightmare is over...Our Constitution works; our great Republic is a government of laws and not of men.
  • 17. Diplomatic (Foreign Affairs) Powers • appoint ambassadors, ministers and consuls • make treaties subject to Senate confirmation • receive ambassadors Pres Obama gives Japanese emperor a bow
  • 18. Legislative Powers • Give State of the Union address to Congress • Recommend “measures” to the Congress • Upon “extraordinary occasions” convene both houses of Congress
  • 19. Pre Class • List 2 expressed powers of the President. • The President also has powers that are not in the Constitution. Can you give an example of one?
  • 20. Presidential Decision Making 1. U.S. Army troops are trapped on an island off the coast of South Korea. How can they be rescued? Commander in Chief 2. A breakfast is scheduled with top leaders from Congress to check on two educational bills introduced by the White House. How can support be gained? Chief Legislator 3. A summit meeting is scheduled with a new Russian leader. What can be done to improve U.S. Russian relations? Head of State 4. Many people are complaining about high taxes. How can taxes be cut and the government’s programs maintained? Economic Leader 5. A U. S. embassy has been bombed and several Americans have been killed. What should be done? Commander in Chief of Foreign-Policy Leader
  • 21. Decision Making, cntd 6. A senatorial candidate from the President’s party is in financial trouble. How can she be helped? Party Chief 7. One of the large automobile manufacturers is going bankrupt. Should it be given a government loan? Economic Leader 8. A meeting is scheduled with the Secretary of Defense and two Army generals to discuss plans for developing new weapons. Should their plans be supported? Commander in Chief 9. There is an oil spill off the coast of California, how should it be cleaned up? Chief Executive 10. A presidential press conference is planned for next week. How should plans to cut down on government paperwork be announced? Chief Executive
  • 22. Informal Powers • Those powers not explicitly written in the Constitution • Similar to “necessary and proper” powers of Congress • In the modern era (since 1933), the President’s informal powers may be significantly more powerful than his formal powers
  • 23. Why has the President’s power grown? • Article II is vague – “to take care that the laws be faithfully executed.” • Expanded bureaucracy – 15 cabinets, independent agencies (ie. CIA) • 20th century – US faced Depression and wars; had to act in emergencies • Modern media (TV) allows candidates to appeal directly to the American people for support of his agenda • The President in pop culture – we perceive him to be all-powerful
  • 24. Executive Orders • Orders issued by the President that carry the force of law • Clinton’s “Don’t ask don’t tell” gays in the military policy • FDR’sinternment of Japanese Americans (EO 9066) • GWB trying suspected terrorists in military tribunals Notice for Japanese “relocation,” 1942
  • 25. Executive Agreements • International agreements, usually related to trade, made by a president that has the force of a treaty; does NOT need Senate approval • Jefferson’s purchase of Louisiana in 1803 • GWB announced cuts in the nuclear arsenal, but not in a treaty; usually trade agreements between US and other nations
  • 26. Executive Privilege • Claim by a president that he has the right to decide that the national interest will be better served if certain information is withheld from the public, including the Courts and Congress • Nixon did not want to turn over private tapes in the midst of Watergate – claimed EP
  • 27. President v. Congress • Prez’s power has grown tremendously, BUT – Congress has oversight power – Prez has a TERM LIMIT (22nd amendment), Congress does NOT
  • 28. Closing Questions • Why are informal powers more important than formal powers, particularly to modern presidents? • Identify several advantages and disadvantages of the use of the president’s informal powers. • Has the use and perhaps abuse of the informal powers created an “Imperial Presidency?” Defend your answer.
  • 29.
  • 30. Reminders  – QUIZ WEDNESDAY on the executive branch • Presidential qualifications • Expressed and informal powers of the Presidents • 7 roles/jobs of the President – Following the President on social media journal due MONDAY!!!! BE WORKING ON IT!
  • 32. Scenario #1 • The President issues an order that women in the armed forces may now serve in a direct combat capacity during wartime.
  • 33. EXPRESSED (formal) Powers in the Informal Powers Constitution Commander in Chief – civilian Executive Order – similar to leader of the military Truman’s desegregation of the military & Clinton's "Don’t Ask Don’t Tell" policy Chief Executive – responsible for the Department of Defense
  • 34. Scenario #2 • The president and the Secretary of State negotiate an agreement with North Korea to end its designs on building a nuclear weapon. In exchange, the U.S. will commit $15 billion in humanitarian aid to the North Korean people suffering from mass starvation, and forgive up to $25 billion in loans by the North Korean government to U.S. banks. The president consulted Congress, but did not request a treaty.
  • 35. EXPRESSED (formal) Powers in the Informal Powers Constitution Commander in Chief – involves Executive Agreement - POTUS military negotiates agreement with N. Korea Foreign Powers: Appoint ministers (Secretary of State) Chief Legislator – needs $ from Negotiate treaties – though may Congress not require formal treaty
  • 36. Scenario #3 • A major earthquake hits 80 miles south of San Francisco incurring enormous damage with hundreds feared dead or missing, and billions of dollars in property damage. The president mobilizes the National Guard as well as regular army units to assist in the rescue effort and to help maintain order. He instructs agencies of the federal government (ex. FEMA, Health and Human Services, Homeland Security) to send aid. After visiting the “Quake Zone,” the President addresses a joint session of Congress and requests short and long term financial assistance for the affected areas.
  • 37. EXPRESSED (formal) Powers in the Informal Powers Constitution Commander in Chief – mobilizes Chief Legislator – takes lead by National Guard & military addressing Congress Chief Executive – mobilizes agencies of federal government Legislative Powers – recommend measures to Congress
  • 38. Scenario #4 • In his State of the Union Address, the president outlines a comprehensive plan to overhaul the Social Security system including an option to privatize Social Security accounts. He expects Congress to pass his plan in its entirety.
  • 39. EXPRESSED (formal) Powers in the Informal Powers Constitution Legislative powers: Chief Legislator – President State of the Union address initiates his domestic agenda to Recommend measures to the Congress Congress Chief Executive – head of all Political Party Leader – expects executive depts.. including Social the assistance and loyalty of Security Administration members of his party in Congress
  • 40. Scenario #5 • In a 7-2 decision, the U.S. Supreme Court strikes down an Oklahoma law requiring the teaching of intelligent design in public schools. As an act of defiance, the governor of Oklahoma orders the closing of several public schools which had refused to teach the intelligent design curriculum. The president of the United States commits National Guard troops to forcibly open the public schools and restore order.
  • 41. EXPRESSED (formal) Powers in the Informal Powers Constitution Chief Executive - “faithfully execute the laws;” in this case a Supreme Court decision Commander in Chief – commits National Guard troops
  • 42. Scenario #6 • For several months, there have been credible reports that there is a mass genocide bring carried out by an African nation's government against ethnic minorities. Amnesty International estimates that more than 500,000 have been murdered thus far. In a speech to a joint session of Congress, the president of the US declares that he will commit 25,000 American troops to t assist the United Nations in an effort to stop the violence against civilians and restore peace to the country. In his speech, the president contends “as the last remaining superpower, the US has a moral obligation and the means to stop the murders of countless innocent men, women and children.”
  • 43. EXPRESSED (formal) Powers in the Informal Powers Constitution Commander in Chief – commit US troops Head of State – Chief diplomat addressing UN
  • 44.
  • 45. What makes a good President?
  • 46. Demographic Characteristics of U. S. Presidents • Male - 100% • Caucasian – 99.98% • Protestant - 97% • British ancestry - 82% • College education - 77% • Politicians - 69% • Lawyers - 62% • Top 3% wealth & social class - At least 50% • Elected from large states - 69%
  • 47. “Fortunate Son” (CCR) • What do you think this song is about, i.e. what’s going on? (Hint: You may incorporate historical information into your answer .) • Compare and contrast these lyrics to the demographic characteristics of presidents. What connections can you make between the lyrics and those statistics? • What do you think is the overall message of the songwriter?
  • 48. Essential Question • Is it important for the President to be able to identify with YOU? • What would you change about the demographics of the American presidents? (ie. More women, a latino President, more African American presidents, wealth, religion, etc.)
  • 49. Agree/Disagree • It is important for a Presidential candidate to look good. • An effective President must be an excellent public speaker. • All Presidents must have military experience. • America is ready to vote for a woman President. • The President should be able to declare war without the permission of Congress. • Let’s abandon the Electoral College and just have the winner be one who receives the most votes from the people
  • 50. Agree/Disagree • Presidential candidates should be limited on how much they can spend on their campaign. • The system would work better if the President and Vice President were from different parties. • America would benefit from having a legitimate 3rd party option. • I would not give the President the power to pardon.
  • 51. Agree/Disagree Number your page 1-5. Next to each #, write whether you agree or disagree with each statement listed. 1. All Presidents must have military experience. 2. America is ready to vote for a woman President. 3. The President should be able to declare war without the permission of Congress. 4. Let’s abandon the Electoral College and just have the winner be one who receives the most votes from the people 5. The system would work better if the President and Vice President were from different parties.
  • 52. How much power should the President have?
  • 54. White House Office • White House staff members/aides that President appoints and works with daily. Appointed without Senate confirmation. • Includes “assistant to the President”, “press secretary”, and “special consultant”. Organization of White House Office: Circular: Pyramid: President deals directly A “hierarchy” that with staff members communicates through a “chief of staff”.  First Lady also has her own office/staff.
  • 55. NY Times Exdorsements • /28/opinion/presidential-endorsement- timeline.html
  • 56. Executive Office of the President (EOP) Originated with FDR, created in 1939 President’s personal “bureaucracy” Monitors work done in cabinet departments and federal agencies. A group of offices, councils, boards devoted to specific areas (national security, trade, budget, etc…) Approximately 2,000 employees
  • 57. EOP Overview cont’d… • Chief of Staff: Bill Daley (formerly Rahm Emanuel) -- Highest ranking member of office. Serves managerial and advisory role. -- Senior aide to President. “Second Most Powerful Person in Washington”.  Office of Management & Budget (OMB) -- Largest office in EOP- prepares budget & monitors funds spent by Congress. -- Oversees budgets/records of Executive agencies.
  • 58. Independent Agencies • Exist outside federal executive departments but are still considered part of Executive branch.  Created by Congress  President appoints people to them and they are confirmed by the Senate.  Examples include… • CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) • EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) • FEC (Federal Election Commission) • FTC (Federal Trade Commission)
  • 59. How much do they make? President of the United States $400,000 Executive Schedule Level 1: Cabinet-level officials $196,700 Level II: Deputy secretaries of departments, secretaries of military departments, & heads of $177,000 major agencies Level III: Under secretaries of departments & heads of middle-level agencies $162,900 Level IV: Assistant secretaries & general counsels of departments, heads of minor agencies, members of certain boards & $153,200 commissions Level V: Administrators, commissioners, directors, & members of boards, commissions, or $143,500 units of agencies

Editor's Notes

  3. Making the President seem “real”Michelle clip – 2:00Ann Romney clip – 8:00