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ESSD. European Society for Social Drug Research. 19
. Annual Conference. 2-4 October
2008. Budapest. Hungary.
“The point of view of the adolescent in front of cocaine. Discourses and attitudes about
cocaine consumption”
David Pere Martínez Oró
Genus Foundation
Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB)
Open University of Catalonia (UOC)
1. Theme. 4. Attitude and opinions.
2. Title of the paper. “The point of view of the adolescent in front of cocaine.
Discourses and attitudes about cocaine consumption”
3. Author.
David Pere Martínez Oro.
Master Degree of Psychology.
Master (EEED) in Research Sociological Psychology.
Phd in Sociological Psychology Autonomous University of Barcelona.
Teaching Consultant at the Open University of Catalonia.
Coordinator at the “Genus Foundation” research department.
Coordinator “Observatory of New Consumptions” Ethnographic station.
4. Contact details.
C/Enric Granados 116 2-1. CP 08008.
Barcelona. Spain.
Phone: +34 933683242
Fax: + 34 933683453.
5. Abstract.
Understand social and personal factors affect by adolescents when confronted to drug
issues, especially cocaine. Also understand the social mechanisms, which lead to
acceptance or reject drug consumption.
Specific Objectives.
Ø Analyze risk perception about drug consumption.
Ø Determine which contexts and social situations are propitious to cocaine
initiation and consumption.
Ø Understand how group norms influence drug consumption guidelines and
patterns for adolescents.
Ø Understand the adolescent discourses that explain why cocaine is Spain’s
second most consumed illegal drug
Ø Elucidate which factors determine the choice of starting drug-consumption or
This research has been subsidize by the National Programme about Drugs (PNSD) of
Spanish’ Health Ministry.
- We used a qualitative methodology. The principal method used was linguistic. We used
a discussion-group technique. We realized eight discussion groups in eight Spanish
cities. The results were obtained through a discourse analysis. Discussion groups are
(Ibáñez,J. 1986; Ortí,A. 1986; Alonso. L. E 1998) meeting of 7 or 8 persons, with more
or less similar characteristics, who are asked to speak freely about a topic which the
group develops in its own way, under the guidance of a moderator, and for a period of
approximately two hours. (Conde, 2002). According to Spanish sociological tradition,
the focus group and the Delphi method are other techniques. A focus group is utilized
when we want to find information about a specific topic; the focus group discusses only
one topic, and is more closely directed by the moderator. The Delphi method is used
for prospective research.(Bas,1999)
The discussion group participants were chosen in a way to reflect different social characteristics
of adolescents.
1. All groups consisted of people between 15 and 18 years old.
2. All participants were students and were living in average of social structuring (no
marginalized people)
3. The first group is composed of male adolescent users of cocaine. (Barcelona,
4. The second group is composed of female adolescent users of cocaine. (Vitoria, Basque
5. The third group is composed of female and male cocaine users. (Barcelona, Catalonia)
6. The fourth group is composed of female and male adolescents, half of whom are users
of cocaine and half of whom do not take this drug. (Albacete, Castilla- La Mancha)
7. The fifth group is composed of female and male adolescent users of cocaine. (Madrid)
8. The sixth group is composed of female adolescents who are not users of cocaine.
(Bilbao, Catalonia)
9. The seventh group is composed of male adolescents who are not users of
cocaine.(Lleida, Basque Country)
10. The eighth group is composed of females and males who are drug users (e.g. MDMA,
speed, cannabis) but do not use cocaine. (Lleida, Catalonia)
This selection permitted the observation of the different points of view of adolescents toward
cocaine. We discovered that these points of view are mainly a product of adolescents’
education and social background. The choice of subjects also permitted us to collect data
about adolescents with different perspectives on cocaine consumption—cocaine users, non
cocaine-users (non cocaine user who are close to cocaine user and non-cocaine users who
do not have close contact which this drug, and users of drugs other than cocaine.
Ø The importance of free-time and partying, caused by the rare expectancies
of the future
Ø A young person’s group of friends is determinant in the initiation of drug
Ø The extreme normalization of drug consumption in the context of youth parties.
Ø Spanish adolescents’ high accessibility to buy cocaine.
Ø The psychosocial differences between girls and boys towards cocaine
Ø The low perception of risk, generated by the illusion that “bad things only
happen to others”.
Ø The contradiction of effects caused by drugs, generated by the educative
discourses that don’t conform to reality.
Ø Young people express what we could call a “liberalism of the body” produced
by the normalization of drug consumption.
To conclude, we can say that nowadays adolescents are a product of the consumers’
society. Their identity is created by free-time and consumption products. Illegal drugs are
an ingredient for parties because they are easily accessible and their consumption
doesn’t raise alarms or preoccupation. We can say that they are normalized. The
perception of risk is low and there tends to be an illusionary opinion about drugs. Girls are
getting closer everyday to drug consumption.
6. Technical equipment required for the presentation.
Slides, necessary for a power point presentation.
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“The point of view of the adolescent in front of cocaine. discourses and attitudes about cocaine consumption”

  • 1. ESSD. European Society for Social Drug Research. 19 th . Annual Conference. 2-4 October 2008. Budapest. Hungary. “The point of view of the adolescent in front of cocaine. Discourses and attitudes about cocaine consumption” David Pere Martínez Oró Genus Foundation Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) Open University of Catalonia (UOC) 1. Theme. 4. Attitude and opinions. 2. Title of the paper. “The point of view of the adolescent in front of cocaine. Discourses and attitudes about cocaine consumption” 3. Author. David Pere Martínez Oro. Master Degree of Psychology. Master (EEED) in Research Sociological Psychology. Phd in Sociological Psychology Autonomous University of Barcelona. Teaching Consultant at the Open University of Catalonia. Coordinator at the “Genus Foundation” research department. Coordinator “Observatory of New Consumptions” Ethnographic station. 4. Contact details. C/Enric Granados 116 2-1. CP 08008. Barcelona. Spain. Phone: +34 933683242 Fax: + 34 933683453. e-mail: 5. Abstract.
  • 2. Objective Understand social and personal factors affect by adolescents when confronted to drug issues, especially cocaine. Also understand the social mechanisms, which lead to acceptance or reject drug consumption. Specific Objectives. Ø Analyze risk perception about drug consumption. Ø Determine which contexts and social situations are propitious to cocaine initiation and consumption. Ø Understand how group norms influence drug consumption guidelines and patterns for adolescents. Ø Understand the adolescent discourses that explain why cocaine is Spain’s second most consumed illegal drug Ø Elucidate which factors determine the choice of starting drug-consumption or not. Methodology. This research has been subsidize by the National Programme about Drugs (PNSD) of Spanish’ Health Ministry. - We used a qualitative methodology. The principal method used was linguistic. We used a discussion-group technique. We realized eight discussion groups in eight Spanish cities. The results were obtained through a discourse analysis. Discussion groups are (Ibáñez,J. 1986; Ortí,A. 1986; Alonso. L. E 1998) meeting of 7 or 8 persons, with more or less similar characteristics, who are asked to speak freely about a topic which the group develops in its own way, under the guidance of a moderator, and for a period of approximately two hours. (Conde, 2002). According to Spanish sociological tradition, the focus group and the Delphi method are other techniques. A focus group is utilized when we want to find information about a specific topic; the focus group discusses only one topic, and is more closely directed by the moderator. The Delphi method is used for prospective research.(Bas,1999) The discussion group participants were chosen in a way to reflect different social characteristics of adolescents. 1. All groups consisted of people between 15 and 18 years old. 2. All participants were students and were living in average of social structuring (no marginalized people)
  • 3. 3. The first group is composed of male adolescent users of cocaine. (Barcelona, Catalonia) 4. The second group is composed of female adolescent users of cocaine. (Vitoria, Basque Country) 5. The third group is composed of female and male cocaine users. (Barcelona, Catalonia) 6. The fourth group is composed of female and male adolescents, half of whom are users of cocaine and half of whom do not take this drug. (Albacete, Castilla- La Mancha) 7. The fifth group is composed of female and male adolescent users of cocaine. (Madrid) 8. The sixth group is composed of female adolescents who are not users of cocaine. (Bilbao, Catalonia) 9. The seventh group is composed of male adolescents who are not users of cocaine.(Lleida, Basque Country) 10. The eighth group is composed of females and males who are drug users (e.g. MDMA, speed, cannabis) but do not use cocaine. (Lleida, Catalonia) This selection permitted the observation of the different points of view of adolescents toward cocaine. We discovered that these points of view are mainly a product of adolescents’ education and social background. The choice of subjects also permitted us to collect data about adolescents with different perspectives on cocaine consumption—cocaine users, non cocaine-users (non cocaine user who are close to cocaine user and non-cocaine users who do not have close contact which this drug, and users of drugs other than cocaine. Results. Ø The importance of free-time and partying, caused by the rare expectancies of the future Ø A young person’s group of friends is determinant in the initiation of drug consumption. Ø The extreme normalization of drug consumption in the context of youth parties. Ø Spanish adolescents’ high accessibility to buy cocaine. Ø The psychosocial differences between girls and boys towards cocaine consumption. Ø The low perception of risk, generated by the illusion that “bad things only happen to others”.
  • 4. Ø The contradiction of effects caused by drugs, generated by the educative discourses that don’t conform to reality. Ø Young people express what we could call a “liberalism of the body” produced by the normalization of drug consumption. Conclusions. To conclude, we can say that nowadays adolescents are a product of the consumers’ society. Their identity is created by free-time and consumption products. Illegal drugs are an ingredient for parties because they are easily accessible and their consumption doesn’t raise alarms or preoccupation. We can say that they are normalized. The perception of risk is low and there tends to be an illusionary opinion about drugs. Girls are getting closer everyday to drug consumption. 6. Technical equipment required for the presentation. Slides, necessary for a power point presentation. References bibliographic Alonso, L.E.(1998). La Mirada cualitativa en Sociologia”. Fundamentos. Madrid Bass, E. (1999) Prospectiva. Ariel. Barcelona. Ibañez, J.(1986). Perspectivas de la investigación social: el diseño en las tres perspectivas. En García Ferrando. M., Ibañez, J., y Alvira, F. “El Análisis de la realidad social: Métodos y técnicas de investigación”. Alianza Editorial. Madrid. Ortí, A (1986). La apertura y el enfoque cualitativo o structural: la entrevista abierta semidirectiva y la discussion de grupo” En García Ferrando. M., Ibañez, J., y Alvira, F. “El Análisis de la realidad social: Métodos y técnicas de investigación”. Alianza Editorial. Madrid. Theoretical framework. Boys, A., Marsden, J., Griffiths, P., & Strang, J. (2000). Drug use functions predict cocaine- related problems in young people. Drug and Alcohol Review, 19(2), 181. Conde, F. (1999). Los hijos de la des-regulación. jóvenes, usus y abusos en los consumos de drogas. Madrid: CREFAT. Conde, F. (2002). La mirada de los padres: Crisis y transformaciones de los modelos de educación de la juventud. Madrid: Fundación CREFAT.
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