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Baker, Nevada 89311
Acknowledgement and deep felt gratitude are herewith expressed to my ever-
present Teacher and Friend, Vitvan. The background laid by Vitvan in his over 50
years of teaching, writing and counseling, form the basis for the following
presentation. Without that foundation this present work could not have been
accomplished. His assistance during the writing of this sketch was felt as a constant
aid, support and guidance, which resulted in the conceptual framework erected. I do
not wish to imply that I was acting merely as a witness to this current portrayal of
process, but rather that the depicting is the resultant of a cooperative or joint effort,
with Vitvan as the prime directing or influencing agent. I have been extremely
conscious of this in the past few weeks.
“Years ago we tried to interpret a man to himself by beginning with that
which he was most familiar, his ‘physical body’; explaining the way it
functions, then describing his psychic-nature, his mental organization, etc.,
and gradually leading him into the instruction concerning ‘spiritual forces.’
“Now, in the foundation part of our course we have a different
approach. We use various diagrams and analogies to enable the beginning
student, with the aid of his imagination, to gain some grasp of the overall
‘picture’ of the Cosmic Process. For—and let us emphasize this point—it is
fundamental in our Teaching that each individual is integral with that Process.
Each individual represents an epitomization of that Process. There is no
individual apart from that process. Individual is merely a label representing a
phase of the Entire Process.”
In order to properly comprehend any phase of the Cosmic Process, we must
have an adequate understanding of the way it operates. The better our understanding
of this organizing activity, the greater will be our comprehension of any given phase
and the more closely we may cooperate with the Natural Order direction.
It is hoped that the presentation to follow will assist the students of our School
in their endeavors to “Tread the Path” and that this sketch will lend itself towards
becoming a minor addition to the literature of the School of the Natural Order.
Faithfully in the Great Work,
Page No.
Configuration - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3
Field - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3
Force - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3
Function - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4
Functional Operator or Operational Procedure - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4
Motion - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3
Order - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4
Organizational Level - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3
Process - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3
Self-awareness (Consciousness) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3
Space - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4
State; state - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3
Structure - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3
Time - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3
Veridical - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4
Lesson No. Title Page No.
Negative Substance, Positive Power, Primary Gunas, Seven
Rays, The Multiplicity
Symmetrizing and Dispersal Tendencies 12
Some Phases of the Natural Order Process 17
Main Chart of the School of the Natural Order 33
Quantum Field Interactions in Sense Perception 36
I – Self-awareness (Consciousness):
Vitvan: “Indubitable factness as referent for the word Consciousness is
axiomatic.” “Self-awareness is Self-evident.” Consciousness is structurally
described as activity in and of field through its union with the Power-to-be-
II – (a) state: Degree of Self-awareness, characterized by or represented as the
level of organized field synthesis.
(b) State: Degree of development of the Individualizing or Autonomous Field on
the Mind-Level.
III – Field: A synthetic, structural, pattern or network in Negative Substance in
process, representative of a state of Self-awareness. The activity in this
network of field equates with state of Self-awareness.
The word field may also be described as representing a regional stress
whose tendency towards balancing eventuates in an organization process.
IV - Organizational Level: A given structural stratum upon which synthesis, ordering
and complexity are in process.
V - Motion: A – An alteration or change in the structural pattern of a given
B – When this change in a field pattern takes place in cooperation
with the ordering process that we label Natural, we say that the direction of
the motion is towards increasing states of Self-awareness.
VI - Time: The measurement of change in synthetic, structural, field pattern in the
direction of increasing states of Self-awareness. Time equates with
measurement of change in structure. Time also equates with measurement in
change in a state of Self-knowing in the direction of increasing Self-
VII - Force: That which is causative with respect to motion or activity on any
organizational level; namely, the urge of the Power-to-be-conscious to
become conscious of Itself. This urge is responsible for the direction spoken
of in #V.
VIII - Configuration: A synthetic field aggregate, usually pertaining to a structure
which is perceivable through sense modality registry.
IX - Process: An ongoing motion of ordering with respect to any organizational
X - Structure: Synthetic field-pattern in process or in constant flux.
XI - Function: A developed and ordered, operational modality, pertaining to and
inherent in the pattern of a given field on any organizational level.
XII - Order: The unidirectional, sequential and cyclic process of structured field
XIII - Functional Operator or Operational Procedure: A particular process of
organization in structure (field) which will facilitate a more parallel or
aligned cooperation with the Natural Order Process. Examples: Meditation;
Breath Work.
XIV - Veridical: Truly based with respect to empirical referent.
XV - Space: See the word “Field” in #III.
We, in the School of the Natural Order, do not ascribe to the notion that the
accumulation of some vast amount of information, mental concepts, etc., constitutes
a knowledge of Reality. Mental concepts, though they may be descriptive of that
viewed in clear perception, in and of themselves are more or less static structures,
while Reality is a process. However, the reality of such mental concepts constitutes a
process or function; on the mental level of course. Therefore, if we could formulate a
system of mental structuring that is conceptually descriptive of Reality; and, if we
could set up a method of relating these concepts in a manner that parallels the way in
which Natural Order process operates; then we would have, through the integration of
this methodology into our respective consciousnesses, the means whereby we could
order our functions more in accord with the natural course of growth and
development. This is the direction of the Natural Order Process.
Through the years, Vitvan has been a foremost exponent in utilizing,
incorporating and synthesizing the empirically established referents of modern
science, as well as the views of contemporary theoretical physics into the teachings of
the School of the Natural Order. The reasons for the utilization of scientific
terminology and concepts into the teachings of our School are several; we will discuss
two of them below.
1. In the educational system of our country today, there is considerable stress
laid upon the application of the scientific method to almost every field of study. In
this present context we feel that we must incorporate enough of the scientific
approach so as not to outrage the sensibilities of those trained in our educational
institutions. Since the achieving of new frontiers takes place in modern science
continually, we realize that a presentation, which incorporates these new
advancements, represents a process, rather than a static or crystallized conceptual
A quotation from the “Correspondence Course” by Vitvan will point this up:
“The scientists of today have opened wide a door whereby we can enter
with sure and confident tread into the frequency world. We must, therefore,
have enough of the scientific approach not only for our own individual
development, but also in order to properly present the Wisdom Teaching for
this New Age. Those who fail to measure up to the requirements of the New
Age will quickly be outmoded and their thought structures relegated to the
scrap heap upon which is rapidly being piled the other representations of the
age which has past.”
2. In using the concepts and terminology of the Science of Semantics and of
modern physics, etc., we have access to a vehicle of expression in which reification of
terms is difficult in the extreme; this situation contains value of high order, in that
confusion—through misinterpretation of statements made—is at a minimum. In other
words, we have, so to speak, a way of bypassing the race-psyche’s value and cognitive
systems and therefore the individual’s as well. We, at this point, again wish to quote
from Vitvan’s works. You will note that there is indicated a definitive and explicit
direction as to the terminology, thought structure, conceptual framework, etc., which
is seen to be fitting as descriptive of Reality for this New Age:
“I am not at peace with the continuance of this symbolical form of
communication; I am getting impatient to abolish it entirely, on the grounds
that it is no longer necessary. In the cycle that is now dawning (and
particularly for those who have appreciable understanding of field-physics),
wherein we will function in non-personal identifications with syntheticalized
faculties of awareness, extension of uranographical and zodiacal symbolism
will not be necessary for or requisite to understanding the Cosmic Process.
For some thinkers the question may immediately occur: will it not be
advisable to retain the symbolism for those who will not develop synthetical
awareness, non-personal identification, etc.? The answer is no, on the
grounds that the age or cycle for it (affinity in the race-psyche for it) has
passed, that other symbolical forms (the mental concept) have intruded and
displaced it; and most particularly, we now have a methodology designed to
quicken or develop the synthetical and non-personal faculties of awareness.
Anyone can develop full understanding of the Cosmic Process without
knowing ancient scriptures. Modern scriptures should be written in modern
terms, words and other symbols which correspond to our up-to-date
perceptive awareness. This may shock identifiers with ancient
representations; but I am of the opinion that we should leave aside our
babyhood remnants of our infantile state and dispense with those qualities
that hang on, even though they evoke sentimental feelings and emotions. We
can still cherish a memory of being taught at our mother’s knee without
nostalgia overtaking us; and those early impressions on the psychic-nature
can be rolled up, pigeonholed, tagged and tucked away in memory files (thus
destroying their baleful influence) as lessons learned in Nature’s school.
“Therefore, to summarize these ideas, I believe that a formulation of
the verbalistic phase of our instruction in accordance with clarity of
perception of today and of tomorrow, will be more advantageous to
understanding than trying to go back, revive the long forgotten symbolical
representations, struggle against ignorant prejudice to re-establish the key to
the Christian Scripture, etc..”
(From “The Christos Series,” pages 9 and 10, Book IV.)
The above described direction is that which we will tend towards by reason of
the considerations mentioned in the foregoing quote and in the sentences preceding
The development of a Unitary Field Theory (sometimes called Unified Field
Theory) has been attempted by many theoretical physicists and mathematicians for
the last half century; among these was Albert Einstein who, using a mathematical
approach, along with a matter, field duality, was self-admittedly unsuccessful. In
1948 a British physicist-biologist of little renown, named Lancelot Law Whyte, wrote a
book entitled, “Unitary Principle in Physics and Biology” and achieved the long looked
for union.
By way of explanation, in order for a theory to be truly unitary, it must be
applicable to every and all aspects of the Cosmos; from the remotest to the nearest;
from the minutest to the most gigantic. In turn, a unitary theory must apply to all
interrelationships of these innumerable aspects. Briefly, a unitary theory is one which
unifies the Sciences—Physics, Biology, Psychology, etc.—through an underlying
principle more basic than found in any one science or specialized field of science.
Between the years 1954 and 1956, Dr. Leo J. Baranski undertook the writing up
of material garnered through 25 years of intensive effort in pursuit of a Unitary Field
Theory. His book represents that arrived at in his search, as well as a utilization,
expansion and furtherance of Unitary Theory as developed by L. L. Whyte.
During a lecture on July 7, 1963, Vitvan introduced the book: “Scientific Basis
for World Civilization: Unitary Field Theory,” by Dr. Leo J. Baranski. At that time he
“I have looked over this book; read the Preface and browsed through it.
20 years ago I would have been so excited over this I would not know
what to do. Students in the School should learn the scientific approach to the
Unitary Field. This work in my opinion, is going to be a textbook; and
students of the School of the Natural Order should be way out in front in this
general worldwide study.”
Approximately six months later is was decided to use the aforementioned book
as a basis for the weekly Sunday classes here at Headquarters. In working Unitary
Field process concepts into his consciousness, the present writer became strikingly
aware that it would be possible to completely include present day Field Theory in the
teaching of the School of the Natural Order. Heretofore, the inclusion of modern
science into our literature and presentation has been extremely limited or restricted
because of the seven to eight years of university mathematics as necessary
background for reasonably adequate treatment.
The empirical referents acceptable to science have not as yet been established
as regards Unitary Field Theory. However, if a given description of the Natural Order
Process parallels the clear perception of same by one on the Mind-level, we would
accept that the empirical referent has been established. This is the case as regards
field process concepts and their interrelationships.
Although a non-mathematical approach to field theory is now possible, one
should not suppose that the grasp of this material is necessarily simple. The degree of
difficulty, however, is more on the order of the alienness of the mental patterning
necessary for grasping field process concepts, relative to the more or less linear
procedure most of us follow when functioning cortically.
The procedure to be followed in this course of lessons will be the setting up of
descriptions respecting process concepts, symbols used, and the application of this
conceptual framework towards the determination of what we label functional
operators which are described in the Glossary of Terms, #XIII. Please refer frequently
to this list of described terms for clarification, as well as to the accompanying
diagrams, etc., that we will call attention to.
The present presentation represents a correlation of Unitary Field Theory with
the Wisdom Teaching as given by Vitvan. Vitvan stated not too long ago that to
incorporate Modern Science into the teaching of the School we need not change our
teaching at all. His statement still remains true, as the fitting of field process
concepts to the literature does not alter the literature one whit. Neither is it
necessary to change the views expressed in Unitary Field Theory, except to amplify or
stress certain aspects thereof, wherein it would better suit our purposes. This last is
primarily in the area where we will place more emphasis upon increasing (or greater)
states of Self-awareness as the prime mover or tendency in the Cosmic Process.
It is assumed that the reader has a reasonable working knowledge of that which
is set forth in our “Correspondence Course”; as the greater part of the terminology
used will be derived therefrom. It may seem, as we proceed, that many of the
concepts introduced differ considerably from what has been given prior. However, if a
careful study is made, it may be found that very little newness has been provided. On
the other hand it may be observed that the interrelating of certain concepts, present
in the School’s literature, is handled in a manner somewhat different than heretofore,
but yet in a way which may throw a bit more understanding upon these points through
the change in view.
In the past, two widely differing descriptions of Reality are, at present,
approaching each other in rapid convergence. The bases of these two descriptions are
primarily resultant from two forms of discipline: self-discipline and the scientific
method. The first discipline leads more directly to perception of Reality through unity
with It. The second discipline—relative to the first method—is a sort of roundabout
way of approach. However, because of the nature of this latter discipline, a veridical
description of process-reality is gained and may be relied upon. Thus our almost
unreserved adoption of that conceptual framework into our description of Cosmic
+ * -
Let us begin our study of process in terms of field with a brief review of what,
in this School, we label the Descending and the Ascending Arcs. As we go through this,
however, it would be well to keep in mind the following two statements: A –
“Creation is in continuum.” B – “Every individual motion is a Universal movement.”
Concerning statement A: when, and as we talk about certain phases of the
Cosmic Process, we may speak of these phases as having taken place or as going to
take place, but only for purposes of clarity or as an aid to understanding. There will
be no confusion respecting this point, if, as background for mental structuring, it is
understood that all phases of the Cosmic Process are eventuating in a simultaneous
circularity—Here-Now! When it is stated otherwise, it is merely for purposes of
description. “There is no ‘beginning’ and no ‘end.’”
With respect to statement B: we should keep in consciousness that each local
field system represents the Cosmic Self in process of successive states of Its own Self-
knowing; also that the direction of the individual motion, when aligned with the
Natural Order, is towards these successive states of increasing Self-awareness.
Now keeping the above in mind, let us go ahead with our description of the
‘Ascending’ and ‘Descending’ Arcs. Note: the single quotes are relative to the Cosmic
Process. We will therefore eliminate these single quotes by treating a local phase of
the Cosmic Process which does have a beginning and an ending.
Referring to the chart on the next page we have, at a beginning, a unity, which
we express symbolically by the Word AUM within the triangle at the top. From this
unity a polarization occurs resulting in what we label the Negative Pole (Mother—
Undifferentiated Light) and the Positive Pole (Father—Activating Principle). The union
of these two we call the Son (Power-to-be-conscious). In this union the Mother-
substance is acted upon by the Positive Power and becomes tremendously stimulated.
Resulting from this there ensues a differentiating process, from one (Undifferentiated
Light) into three (the three primary gunas), from three into seven (the seven rays),
and from seven into a vast, vast multiplicity.1
Though this chart and others we may use are shown as stratified or layered we are not inferring that process is
such. It is suggested that the truer way of picturing the phases represented would be the mental superimposing of
all the components shown.
The Positive Power which is causative with respect to the Mother’s
differentiating does not itself differentiate or change in any way. It does, however,
continue to activate the Negative; first in the ‘lowest’ phase and then in each
successive stage as the organizing or Natural Order Process begins.
Our primary consideration here will be this synthesizing or organizing process
which we call the Natural Order Process. It has been stated that the only permanence
is change. Our concern is an understanding of the way that this change takes place.
We need not go into any detail as regards each step of each phase of organization in
process, rather, by grasping a few universally applicable and somewhat circularly
related process concepts, we will have comprehended the basis for understanding
process in all of its stages. Also, in achieving this grasp, we will have patterned the
mental substance in such a way that a parallelism or correspondence will exist
between it and the Natural Order Process, thus enabling a given one to cooperate
more closely with this process. The apprehending of these field process concepts may,
perhaps, throw a greater light and emphasis upon the need for an increased program
of meditation, breath work, etc., which we will discuss later on in terms of field
process concepts.
We will now launch into a description of field process concepts, which will be
discussed from the standpoint of tendencies. In the School’s literature the words
“synthetical field” have been used to some extent. A synthetical field is described as
a synthesis or organization of lesser or smaller structures or fields into a larger
structural whole. Our use of the word “structure” is with the keeping in mind the
characteristic constant change or never-the-sameness as applies to that which the
word represents.
The Unitary Principle is labelled the symmetrizing tendency. It is one principle,
but stated in terms of two aspects: one as regards local process and the other as
regards the Cosmic Process. We will state briefly these two aspects and then deal
with them in greater detail.
The symmetrizing tendency, as applies to local process, is the tendency
towards the utilization, aggregation or synthesizing of lesser fields (structures) into
larger structural aggregates. This tendency alone, influencing the ‘lowest’ level of
differentiation as per our chart above, would soon result in the utilization of all the
field structures available on that ‘lowest’ or quantum level in building the next
‘higher’ level of structure, the sub-atomic, and we would soon have no process
without some counteracting tendency.
It is not to be supposed, when we speak of a grouping together of fields into a
larger aggregate, that it is a simple addition of parts towards just a larger mass,
rather, this synthesizing of smaller, synthetic fields into a larger synthesis, when
paralleling the Natural Order Process, results in achieving a structure whose
functions, modalities and general structural arrangement differ radically from what
we would expect from a simple additive process. This synthesizing operation would
exemplify what is meant when it is stated that the whole is greater than the sum of
its parts.
On the level of the Cosmic Field the symmetrizing tendency takes on a
characteristic motion towards equipartition or equal distribution of “free energy”
field structures throughout the Universal Field as-a-whole. Here we have a statement
of the counteracting tendency to the Unitary Principle as applies to local process. To
alleviate the confusion of using one word to describe two seemingly contradictory
tendencies we will use the term “dispersal tendency” when speaking of the Unitary
Principle as concerns the Cosmic Field.
To the above two tendencies we wish to add a third on our own. This we
describe as the urge or tendency of the Self to Know Itself. The Universal Field as
seen with clear perception may be described as one Act of Consciousness. From this
State of Consciousness or Self-awareness one only perceives the varying states of
one’s own Self-knowing, and these states tending in the direction of greater states of
Self-awareness. This totality or synthesis of states of consciousness and their
representations we label the Self or the Cosmic Self and the tendency to become
more Self-aware as the primary or basic tendency in the overall process. This third
factor in process is causative with respect to the balance of the symmetrizing
tendency and the dispersal tendency, which equalization results in the Natural Order
Process or the organizing process. This balance is not the perfect balance which might
be supposed, but only a degree thereof. The ‘lower’ the phase of process the greater
the degree of imbalance. Balance here refers not only to symmetrizing and dispersal
tendencies but also to a balance in polarity. So, we have it, that degree of balance,
stage of field synthesis, and state of consciousness are synonymic terms.
Let us clarify, before we continue, two of the terms we have been using:
symmetry and synthetic. We are not using the word “symmetry” as descriptive of
form characterizing right-handedness, left-handedness relative to a median line, but
rather as regards the tendency on the part of a given unit of local order to utilize
lesser structures in the immediate surround both for maintaining that local unit as
well as for increasing the complexity of the stage or phase under consideration. This,
too, applies to units of local order being grouped together into larger structural
aggregates. In this way, a field aggregate which is synthetically larger or more
complex, relatively speaking, is also said to be more highly symmetrical. In addition,
an aggregate which is crystallized or closed to the Natural Order Process is
structurally designated by the term “finally symmetrized.”
To some of us, the word “synthetic,” as applied to such words as vitamins,
rubber, etc., has the connotation of artificiality or unnaturalness. This term, as used
in this paper and as used in chemistry and physics, denotes a grouping together of
simpler components into a more complex matrix, pattern or arrangement.
Let us now continue with our discussion of process concepts utilizing a simple
process diagram in so doing:
Note the use of the arrowed lines denotable as representing tendency. The
motion of the symmetrizing tendency is towards a closed end or the cessation of an
organizing process and could be called a downswing. The dispersal tendency, on the
other hand, represents an upswinging direction in that through it those components
inherent in a unit of completed symmetry are dispersed or released and again made
available for the continuation of the Natural Order Process. Through the generally
ordered cooperation of these two tendencies we have the resultant as shown, and add
that the direction of this resultant is towards greater states of Self-awareness.
Though the word “cooperation” has been used here, as if there may be some
implicit inference that this “cooperation” may or may not eventuate, we wish to
categorically state that the cooperation between that which we label the dispersal
and symmetrizing tendencies is not only predetermined but also representative of the
primary tendency in the Cosmic Process—the urge of the Self to Know Itself.
The study of the above diagrammatical direction which we call the Natural
Order Process is the fundamental consideration here as this will be most advantageous
in assisting us in cooperating with it.
Our health, happiness and very existence depend upon divesting our natures of
that which does not pertain to the Natural Order Process. The readjustment necessary
for achieving that which is called “the Middle Path” may not have, as its constituents,
phases which are entirely pleasant. But if the direction of process is primarily toward
the Septenary goal, then the sooner we, respectively, begin to coordinate our
functions in accordance with that stream, the less will be the upheaved burden that
we will have to loose from ourselves.
+ * -
Before we proceed to a greater depth with the development of process
concepts, we find it necessary to delineate the representations of some of the words
we have used and will be using. The understanding of the relationships between these
words, or symbol-concepts, is also quite important and will greatly facilitate the
mental grasp of the Natural Order Process as well as assisting in the clarification of
the meanings of these symbols. The terms to be described, for the major part, are
those which most of us utilize to a considerable extent in discussing points in the
School’s literature. It is felt that, at least to some degree, one who uses a given word
takes on the responsibility of being able to set up a verbal referent for that word
based upon an experiential referent. If one is unable to do this—that is, describe his
terms—we are of the opinion that he is just making noises.
In our setting up of referents for terms used, the attempt will be made to give
an adequate description; though not necessarily scientifically or mathematically
rigorous this will be sufficient for our purposes.
Let us start off by delivering ourselves from the dualistic outlook of speaking in
terms of field and matter. There are many types of fields, each exhibiting particular
or distinguishing characteristics. A few of these are: gravitational, electric,
electrostatic, magnetic, electromagnetic. Each of these fields is described in terms of
its structure and pattern, the different types of fields varying in structure, as well as
the manner in which they interact with other fields. A method of portraying field
structure is that of using a bar magnet with a piece of paper placed on top and some
iron filings then sprinkled on the paper. The magnetic field of the bar magnet orders
the iron filings into the familiar and characteristic pattern of a cross-section of that
field. We could call this volume surrounding the magnet, which exhibits this ordering
characteristic, a region of patterned stress. This little experiment exemplifies a
structure other than that of which we are aware through the senses, and that which
we call field exhibits polarity. In general all fields are similar to that described above.
We intend to utilize “field” as the basic unit/structural component of the
universe. All structure regardless of fineness, type, mass, minuteness, vastness, etc.,
etc., we will show, is comprised of fields—a synthesis of fields. The word “field” we
will use in place of “substance” or “matter” because of the greater veridicality of its
connotation, as well because it may be less easily reified. We do, however, equate
the word “field” with the word “Mother,” and this on every level of structural reality:
the Light Mother (The Realms of Supernal Light and Diamond Light) and the World
Mother (Reflected Light). (See page 6 of the “Cosmology Course” of the School of the
Natural Order for a chart portraying these differentiations.) We will speak of field as
that acted upon by the Positive Power in every phase of process reality.
The kind of field which will concern us here, we will designate as formative or
configurating. If the word “field” is used without either of the above two descriptive
terms, it will be understood.
A number of years ago, magnetic fields and others were thought of as
emanating from a given configuration and that the configuration was causative with
respect to the type of field under observation. Subsequently it was found that there
exist fields which have no configurational basis. In other words, sometimes a field
could be detected when or where there was no so-called ‘matter’ in the environs.
In the subatomic phase of the organizing process (refer to chart—“Some Phases
of the Natural Order Process”—at the end of this lesson) it has been found that there
are 40 some ‘particles’ necessary to account for the different types of activities,
actions, reactions, etc., on that level. Basically, however, this number can be
categorized into three divisions of positive, negative and neutral (or binding force);
this grouping is with respect to charge. For our purposes this is sufficient and we will
speak of electronic fields (negative charges), proton fields (positive charges), and
meson fields (neutral charges) as the constituents of the organizational stage called
the atomic synthetic field level.
Nuclear physicists, in observing the motion of an ‘electron’ have tried to set up
equations descriptive thereof; they have succeeded in doing so but the extremely
complex Schrödinger equation, which represents this achievement, contains an
imaginary element describing the ‘electron’ as a discontinuous entity. The electron
field is continuous but exhibits a periodic rearrangement of its constituting quantum
fields such that radiation is emitted cyclically. The physicist, as of yet, is averse to
giving credence to that which he cannot measure. Thus he hesitates when asked
about the ‘electron’ between radiation cycles. Perhaps, at some ‘future’ date
instruments, of the degree of sensitivity necessary, will be developed for the
detection of these individual quantum fields.
Vitvan has called this discontinuity, “blinking points of light,” on and off, on
and off, etc. There is a change in arrangement of electron field pattern and radiation
is given off, another cyclic change in field pattern and no radiation given off. The
point we wish to present here is partly the cyclic nature of field arrangements, but
more essentially that at the most basic state of structure there is no ‘thing,’ no solid,
no ‘matter,’ etc., only field.
We will quote a paragraph from a work by Albert Einstein which will perhaps
clarify this:
“What is regarded as matter is situated in regions in which the field is
especially strong. Motion of matter means that the regions in which the field
is especially strong change with time. Hence, a resting electron has to be
represented in a unitary electromagnetic theory by a small region, inside of
which the field is very strong, and outside of which it dies out quickly. Such a
region, with a strong, but finite field, represents concentrated energy—that
is, matter.”
The changing of field arrangement such that detectable radiation eventuates,
is, according to Vitvan, through “the intersection of lines of force.” What do we have
as the result of intersection of lines? We have only a number of points! Dimensionless
points! Nothing solid, no-thing at the most basic level of structure from which all the
rest is synthesized. Therefore, if we have no-thing, no solid particles, etc., at the
most basic level, it will be the same in successively ‘higher’ organizational phases as
well. Also, if we have field (regional stress) at the most basic level, then we have
field at all successive stages of process.
Now, having set up a reasonable description for the symbol “field,” let us
utilize this in delineating some of the factors concerned with the Natural Order
Process. These factors will appear as structural operators in the ordering of local units
in a given phase where there is alignment with that ordering process called natural.
We will choose a given phase and discuss it relative to the next phase ‘above’ it and
to the phase adjacently ‘below’ it.
We are going to use the term “free energy” or “free energy structures”
considerably from here on. By this term, or terms, we imply structured synthetic
fields usually being concerned with the ‘lowest’ four phases of process. (See “Some
Phases of the Natural Order Process,” at the end of this lesson.) These ‘free energy
structures’ are utilized for increasing the complexity, developing the organization,
furthering the order, etc., etc., relative to phases of process as we will deal with
them below.
A given local process in cooperation with that which we label the Natural Order
is structurally organized in such a way, that a degree of balance between the
dispersal and symmetrizing tendencies obtains with the ensuing resultant of a high
level of free energy maintained, which is a necessary factor for continuation of
process. A local process is also ordered such that, if this high level of free energy falls
off, a restorative tendency returns the energy level to its high norm. The arrangement
of its comprising synthetic fields is such that it is able to utilize the free energy
structures in its surround for the above purposes as well as the pertinent ones below.
A given local process tends in the direction of greater organization, more
complexity and higher ordering of its componential fields and of the functional
capabilities and modalities obtaining in that phase, all of which become the ordering
of the local unit towards its assimilability, its utilizability as a synthesizable or
polarizable field component for the next structural phase in the Natural Order
Balance with respect to both polarity and the dispersal and symmetrizing
tendencies must be maintained to a degree or resulting completion of
symmetrization, and subsequent dispersal would follow. A degree of imbalance,
however, is also necessary, as otherwise, there would ‘soon’ be reached ‘final’
symmetrization and cessation of process. A finer and finer balance becomes the case
as the organizational phase called Mind is approached. In other words, a certain
leniency is allowed while “on the Path,” but this leeway grows less and less as the
Path is pursued, and is likened to a ‘razor’s edge’ when approaching the transitional
stage of the purified psyche.
The foregoing delineations pertain to the Natural Order Process and are
applicable to every organizational phase in or of that process. Though this is true, our
application will primarily consist in dealing with the man-state (psyche and
configuration) and the synthetic process on the Autonomous Field level towards the
development thereof. We have considerable groundwork yet to lay before we may
attempt to apply field concepts to those phases. As has been mentioned previously,
when and if this groundwork is grasped, we will have the means whereby we may
discuss any event, any action or reaction, any stage of a growth and development
process, etc., etc., and this, without using words which are circularly defined;
symbols which eventuate in undefined terms or words that are easily reified.
+ * -
Each successively ‘higher’ level represents a synthesis of all the levels ‘below’
In breaking away from the matter-field duality, we automatically achieve a
non-aristotelian approach to mental structuring. The value systems built up from
identity of sense faculty registry with process reality will rapidly disintegrate when
the full integration into one’s consciousness of field-in-process concepts is gained. Let
us not be misquoted, through misunderstanding, that we are stating that the reports
of the senses are false. Rather, we say, that the sense modalities, through only a
partial of limited sensitivity to the entire electromagnetic spectrum, give us an
extremely incomplete view of Reality. Then, when and if we identify with this limited
view, and act accordingly, we have opened wide the door of confusion, grief,
contradiction, and all manner of activities which are not necessarily aligned with the
Natural Order Process. From veridically based grounds of orientation to the Natural
Order Process, respecting the level of the phase one now operates in, one may gain
alignment with the next and ‘higher’ phase of process—the development of the
Autonomous or Individualizing Field on the Mind-level, which phase we will discuss in
a subsequent lesson.
As we continue our description of process and delineate some of the terms
used, let us sharply differentiate between verbal referents and experiential referents.
The verbal referent pertains strictly to the mental phase of process and may or may
not have the veridical component; namely, the experience as that upon which the
description is based. The experiential referent is the experience itself on a non-
verbal, non-mental level. There is, of course, mental function and the experience of
cognitive processes on that level, but the function or experience of intellect is never
that on any other level. The tendencies to identify the verbal or mental with
experiential referents, to identify sense-modality registry with process reality, and
that tendency towards reification or identification of word with that spoken of, have
been called “the cognitive invariants of the human.” One called it, “the lie and the
Father of it.”
This that is labeled “cognitive invariant,” however, need not be such, through
the development of the ability to abstract consciously, as well as through the
integration and application of that gained through the understanding of field-process
concepts. It should be pointed out here, that the steady application of the functional
operators: meditation, breath work, AUM chanting, etc., is essential in destroying the
influence of the now outgrown “cognitive invariant.” Let us then, through sharp
discrimination, rid ourselves of those false-to-life-process-fact concepts and begin to
tread the Path in the direction of the Natural Order, at the particular synthetic stage
in the development of the psyche where we should be organizing and ordering that
phase of process.
We shall now return to descriptions of terms and set up referents and
interrelationships among the word-concepts: motion, force and time.
Vitvan and Einstein (as covered in Lesson Three) have described motion as a
change in field pattern or structure, or we could say, as a change in the arrangement
of comprising field aggregates relative to the synthetic field of which it is composed.
This altering in arrangement is brought about by that third and most basic tendency in
the Cosmic Process, the urge of the Self towards more or greater Self-awareness.
When observable motion eventuates, relative to a given local process, it is the change
in field structure or the pattern which is this motion.
Let us turn to the second organizational phase of process (called the subatomic
field phase) for elucidation of this point. We will suppose that we are observing an
electron field whose pattern is thus:
The point e is representative of the intersection of ‘lines of force’ resulting in a point
of radiation, by means of which we can detect that there is ‘something’ there. A
change now takes place in the field pattern eventuating in a structural alteration
portrayed as:
The solid lines in this figure represent the former pattern, while the dotted
intersecting lines determine the altered pattern. The ‘new’ point of intersection
designates a ‘spatial removal’ from point e to point e' (read e-prime). But, that which
is causative with respect to the ‘movements’ (positional variant) of the ‘electron’
from e to e' is a change in field structure. Another way of stating this is to say that
there was an apparent motion of the ‘electron’ from point e to e' as indicated by the
arrow. What actually took place, however, was an alteration or change in the
arrangement of ‘lines of force’ in the configurating field.
We will consider for a moment the direction of this motion which we have now
equated with a change in field pattern. A radically new and different conceptual
referent is to be developed here, which, though not too difficult to comprehend, may
prove to be not too easily accommodated to function.
In our School of the Natural Order, a high value is placed upon what we call an
accurate “roadmap.” The truer to territory the roadmap, the less difficulty we have
when “taking the journey” (developing functional abilities). A much higher value,
however, we place upon the developing of these functional abilities, as it is through
this method that actual growth and development take place, rather than in achieving
the mental grasp of some conceptual framework, regardless of its nature. Our stress is
placed on function. First, understand the conceptual framework descriptive of field-
process-reality, and then apply this comprehension—change it over to function; that is
the immediate goal.
To return to our subject regarding the direction of motion in general, we wish
to categorically state that the only Force, Power or Energy of which we are aware
equates with the urge of the Self to know Itself. We regard this as causative with
respect to every activity, every motion, every change in any and every phase of the
Cosmic Process. It is stated, therefore, that in every organizing, ordering, complexing
or structuring process, the prime mover or motivator is this urge towards increasing
Self-knowing. It is not to be construed that the use of the words causative, prime
mover, etc., imply that the Force or Power referred to is extraneous to process, the
reverse is the case—the Power is one with process.
You will recall the discussion anent the Descending Arc and the differentiating
process concerned therewith in Lesson Two. Just as the tendency is for the
differentiating process to occur, so also is there not only the tendency but also the
teleological assuredness for an integrating or de-differentiating process to eventuate,
which we label the Natural Order Process. This is what is called the evolutionary
process by most biologists. The words ‘evolutionary process’ however, do not,
because of their current usage and described meaning, have what we classify as the
proper or ontological connotation, which we consider a necessary prerequisite when
dealing with process. So, we will avoid these terms and continue using “Natural Order
In discussing the Descending Arc, there was described a differentiation from
one to three to seven and then into a vast multiplicity. On the Ascending Arc there is
the re-synthesizing of this multiplicity into the seven, etc. This grouping, aggregating,
combining, etc., occurs in the direction of the Septenary synthetic which we call the
Mind-level, or the phase in process when Self is All. Now, since the only Power we are
aware of is the urge of the Self to know Itself and, since the ‘higher’ the phase of
field-process, the greater the degree of Self-knowing, and, since synthetic field-
process tends towards ‘higher’ and ‘higher’ stages of field synthesis, then it follows,
that motion, which we have described as a change in arrangement of field
components in any and every instance, becomes the direction of greater or increasing
states of Self-awareness. The above statement is also a description of the direction of
the Natural Order Process.
The foregoing may seem to be the question: If all motion is towards increasing
Self-awareness, and if this is described as the direction of the Natural Order Process,
then since motion also obtains as regards the dispersal and symmetrizing tendencies,
does this then signify that these two tendencies are included in the Natural Order
Process? No, not necessarily. But, as was mentioned earlier, the primary tendency in
the Cosmic Process is towards the above increasing states of Self-awareness. The
other two tendencies (dispersal and symmetrizing) are utilized as necessary
components with this major one. These three tendencies together represent the
Cosmic Process.
The further delineation of the above point seems advisable. In process reality
there is no waste, only utilization. What may appear to be destruction, forces of
darkness, dissipation, decay and death or that which is to be avoided, are, as viewed
from an ontological or Cosmic vantage point, very necessary to the continuation of
the Natural Order Process. Without the continuous re-supplying of free-energy
structures resulting from destruction, decay, etc., we would shortly have no process.
And likewise, without the tendency towards aggregating these structures we would
have no process. But, while these two principles are absolutely necessary to the
Natural Order Process they are not necessarily included in it. Since the prime
organizing factor in the Cosmic Process, the urge towards greater Self-knowing,
overrides the other two tendencies, their motion is also in the stated direction
(towards greater Self-knowing), but one step removed as regards an exact identity
with that direction.
To clarify the “one step removed” we will use an analogy. Let us suppose that
a farmer, whose income results from growing crops, finds that he must let a large
portion of his land lie fallow for a year or two so that it will become arable once
more. Now, while the ground is lying fallow, it is not directly helping to maintain his
income at the level required, but indirectly, or “one step removed,” the lying fallow
is very much related to that which is necessary for his livelihood.
A statement was quoted in Lesson Two. That was: “Every individual motion
represents a Universal movement.” In place of the word “represents” we could, with
validity, put “equates with,” as, since there is but one motivator in all process, and
as this Power pertains to the Universal Field-as-a-whole, any and every motion can be
none other or less than Cosmic in scope or proportion.
A single electron field, leaving as its indicated path, a track in the physicist’s
cloud chamber; a snowy cumulus drifting across the afternoon sky; the orbital
spiraling of the planet Jupiter’s 11 moons; a family en route to a vacation in Canada;
energy exchanges taking place in an atomic reactor chamber; a baby taking its first
steps; a morsel of food on its way to ingestion; and a non-finite number of etc.’s; all
of these motions may be veridically described as directional with respect to the
eventual goal of the Septenary, re-synthetical phase of process, which may be
equated with increasing states of Self-knowing towards what we call the Mind-level.
We have spoken of motion as a change in field pattern in the direction of
greater synthesis or greater Self-awareness. Vitvan describes consciousness as the
activity taking place respecting all phases of process, and the state of consciousness,
as the degree of field synthesis, towards the recombining of the plurality into the
seven rays, upon or in which this activity occurs. A certain completion of organization
must obtain, however, with reference to a given ordering field, before consciousness
may be evidenced in that field. In other words, though with each of us, respectively,
there is activity going on, on the level of the Individualizing Field, functional
awareness does not as yet pertain to that phase, at least for most of us. We state,
that a degree of completion of organization has to eventuate, before consciousness
can transfer identity to the higher level, for when the transition is first made, one
discovers that he is only an infant. He then understands that he must begin the
growth, development and organizing of his vehicle on the Mind-level—the lowest level
of Light’s Regions.
+ * -
At the beginning of the last lesson we said we would give descriptions for the
terms motion, force and time. The first two of these, we covered in Lesson Four, but
we have yet to describe that which the term “time” represents. We will also portray
galactic “outpourings” and how they apply to planetary field-process organizational
Motion, we have discussed, as an alteration in ordering of comprising
synthesized fields relative to the larger polarizing field which is composed of them.
This larger and configurating field is causative with respect to the arrangement and
rearrangement of those constituting, smaller, polarized structures. It has been noted
that a direction is attributed to our delineation of the word “motion” and that this
direction is spoken of as though it were dual in nature. This, however, is mostly for
purposes of clarity in description. These two directions are towards increased states
of Self-awareness and larger and more complex field syntheses which are
representative of these states.
It would be well to point out that the greater or higher the degree of Self-
awareness, the ‘lower’ the level of field in which that state functions. Please refer to
our diagram at the end of Lesson Three where elucidation of this point is made. It is
stated in our literature that psychic functioning is on the molecular level of process
and that Mind-level function has to do with the atomic and subatomic levels, and that
on the last named level the configuration is built of a vast synthesis of atomic and
subatomic fields—the Autonomous Field or the Individualized Field.
In explaining the relationship of the concepts time and motion, we will have
set up sufficiently our referent for the word “time.” When we observe certain local
processes, it is noted that structural alterations or changes in field arrangement
occur. When this eventuates in the direction of the Natural Order we denote the
degree or amount of change in pattern in this direction as time. Or, it could be
stated, that that which the word “time” represents equates with measurement of
motion in the direction of the Natural Order Process. This measurement of motion
may or may not be relative to some arbitrary standard. The arbitrarily chosen
standard that is used generally today is the result of field interactions between the
gravitational fields of the earth and the rest of the solar system, and the resultant of
this, interacting with the galactic gravitational field, which culminates in the
spiraling, cyclic, orbital pattern of the synthetic field, labeled the planet Earth. It is
the counting of the cycles of this spiraling pathway and those mostly arbitrary
divisions of these cycles which we usually use as our standard and compare with other
changes. A clock is spoken of as a counter of sequential rhythmic field interactions. It
is in this context that the Earth’s planetary pathway represents our clock. The Earth’s
spiraling pathway is, of course, in the direction of increasing Self-awareness. We also
equate time with the measurement of change in degree of Self-awareness
unidirectionally towards increasing states of Self-knowing.
A background has now been presented, adequate enough for utilization in
depicting the planetary field organizing process respecting the phases thereof. This
will be accomplished in terms of field syntheses and through the use of that
developed, concerning factors in field-processes as pertain to local process in Lesson
Three of this series.
Let us begin this very interesting and illuminative characterization with the
signification of what the term galaxy2
represents, in terms of componential
arrangement. Simply speaking, our solar system is comprised of a self-illuminating
star at its approximate center, and nine planets in different orbits revolving around
it. A solar or star system is, essentially, the structural unit of a galaxy. The particular
galaxy in which our sun (a star) is located is a synthesis of around one-hundred billion
stars. This galaxy is located in what is called a galactic group subsystem which
contains 16 other galaxies similar to ours. These galactic group subsystems, each a
synthesis of billions upon billions of solar units, are the structural units of what we
call the Universe, and number in the thousand-billions.
In times not so modern, it was theorized that, at some date, several billion
years ago, a small and extremely densely packed mass underwent an explosive
expansion and this was the birth of the Universe. This theoretical depicture is
affectionately known today as the “big bang” hypothesis and is, at present, still
accepted by some scientists, though empirical evidence is, we believe, to the
Briefly delineated, this empirical evidence is as follows: It is noted through
observation that stellar fields may be categorized into just two broad groupings called
Population I and Population II stars. Population I stars are thought to have been
formed relatively recently and in their different types display an evolutionary
sequence. It is in the Population II grouping only that we find the stars that go into
nova (explosion or dispersion).
From the observation and classification of individual galaxies it is found that
three general divisions are necessary and sufficient. Vast, nebulous, self-luminous,
dust-clouds comprise the first. The second is composed of what are labelled, spiral
arm galaxies. The third are called elliptical galaxies and, for the most part, do have
that characteristic somewhat circular form. Percentage-wise the distribution of the
millions of galaxies observed is thus: Nebulous: 3%, Spiral Arm: 80%, Elliptical: 17%.
Let us apply our understanding of Population I and II stars to the three types of
galaxies, and then view this in conjunction with our grasp of field-process operation.
It is noted that the spiral arm galaxies have, as their inhabitants, primarily Population
I stars, while the elliptical galaxies are inhabited almost exclusively by white dwarfs
and red giants (Population II). Also it is noted that in the spiral arm galaxies there are
immense clouds of interstellar dust which are not found in the elliptical galaxies, as
though, in this latter case, the components for continuing process, galactically
speaking, have been used up. From our understanding of process concepts, we would
suppose that final symmetrization has been reached and, if this is the case, that the
dispersal tendency would start the redistribution of the bound up field structures.
At times we will find it advantageous to delete the word “field” as applies to various processes described or
discussed, not only for purposes of brevity, but also particularly to avoid considerable redundancy. It is left
therefore as an exercise for the student to supply mentally the deletions. (Examples: Galaxy – galactic field; planet
– planetary field: atom – atomic field; etc., etc.)
From observation we find that this conclusion seems to be the correct one, as it is in
these elliptical (finally symmetrized) galaxies that the novae appear.
So, there are: nebulous galaxies, those just in the process of formation; spiral
arm galaxies, in varying stages of Natural Order Process; and elliptical galaxies, those
which have reached the last stage in synthesis. We have talked about three types of
galaxies, but only for convenience. There are stages of each type, one flowing into
the next in an unbroken chain of sequential process. The vast majority, however, do
resemble in appearance and structure the spiral arm, or irregular galaxy, as it is
sometimes called. This galactic chain in process, from the nebulous to those including
the exploding novae, represent what we in our School sometimes call the
mahamanvantaric cycle.
The elliptic or exploding galaxies are representative of the Descending Arc. The
other 97% are representative of the Ascending Arc, and display individual
characteristics exhibiting process in an almost infinite number of stages. These
stages, we are going to posit, grouped into one synthetic field, comprise the Universe,
which is Self-influencing through these galactic fields, but only in one direction. This
direction is the one spoken of before, and points from the nebulous galaxies towards
the finally symmetrized or elliptic galaxies which are denotable as increasing states of
Most of us in this School of the Natural Order have gained the experiential
referent for the affective nature of contact with One who functions on the Mind-
level—Vitvan. Those who visit here at Headquarters mention their consciousness of
this characteristic influencing almost without exception. They also mention that when
they depart, and as their distance from here increases, that a lessening of the feeling
of this influence is experienced. Some, however, report that their awareness of this
Field remains for several days after a visit here. This fading of influence need not be
the case however, as the Field which is representative of the state called Mind-level
does not attenuate with any change in tri-coordinate location. In order for this to be
operative one must have thoroughly developed the ability to “tune in” to that state,
to a great degree. But regardless of one’s capacities along these lines, the influence,
assistance and guidance are ever present to one who has made and maintains the
contact. The achieving of intelligent cooperation with this influencing aid to Self-
development entails our breaking through what we sometimes call “the Veil of Maya”
(read “The Veil of Maya” as given by Vitvan for an elucidation of this point, as well as
a description of the way of rending the “Veil”).
From the foregoing discussion it may be readily discerned that spatial proximity
is not prerequisite to the affectiveness of a field in a higher phase of process on a
field the next step lower in process. The tendency, briefly stated, is for the more
highly synthesized field to influence the lesser towards increasing organization on its
present level, as well as tending to bring the lesser to the higher state or next phase
of process. From the Mind-level of clear perception (Knowing), all is Here-Now. From
this viewpoint there is no vast, seemingly interminable spaciousness to the Universe.
It seems to fold in on itself in complete superimposition. The gigantic proportionality
collapses, so to speak, and becomes One, One Self in an intimate immediacy of
It was stated earlier that a sequential chain of one way process is evidenced
pertaining to the galactic phase of organization. The spatial disproportion of each
galaxy from any other, instead of being reckoned in terms of hundreds and thousands
of light years distant, is reduced to zero from our vantage point of perceptivity. It is
from this view that the subsequent portrayal of the galactic field organizing process is
elicited. We do not choose this standpoint just for the reason that we find it
advantageous, but solely because this is the way we perceive it.
Let us consider two successive phases in an organizing process and, for
convenience, we will deal with them as layered or as one above the other. It will be
assumed that the second phase has not as yet ‘taken place’ or been synthesized by
the grouping of the synthetic fields of the next lower level or first phase into
arrangements which characterize that second phase. Our first phase, it is assumed, is
ordered in the manner described in Lesson Three. (It might be well to review that
section.) A part of this organization of a given phase has to do with that ordering
process moving in the direction of utilizability and polarizability towards facilitating
the development of the prototypal arrangements characterizing the successive phases
in the Natural Order Process.
We will treat all organizational phases of process, represented by the
superimpositional array of galactic, solar system, and planetary fields, as the
sequential, influensive, causative, and directive factors in ordering planetary phases
of organization and in synthesizing ordered componential fields into more highly
complex syntheses whose arrangements denote increasing states of Self-awareness.
With respect to a given planetary field organizing process, these influencing and
already existent galactic organizing fields could be called Archetypal. That is, all of
the organizational phases which are to take place within a given planetary field
process, obtain, a priori, in the Archetype (Cosmic Field).
Thus, when the first phase, discussed two paragraphs back, is becoming
organized in preparation for and to the degree necessary that the next phase in
process may proceed, it is the precursive affectiveness of two analogical phases in
that superimposed synthetic field, which encompasses all phases of all organization in
the Universe that generally directs that organizing. Likewise, it is this same influence
that brings about the synthesis of the first phase field aggregates into the
arrangements which distinguish the second phase. The pattern of the grouping of the
second phase structures is also such that they may be utilizable for the third phase to
All of this grouping, aggregating, synthesizing, etc., into larger or greater and
more highly ordered arrangements of fields is in the general direction of the
Septenary synthetic which is representative of that state of consciousness called the
Mind-level. The word “general” is used here to avoid the implicit assumption that we
infer teleological grounds for all process. We do, however, wish to state that a
teleological basis is accepted and applicable to Natural Order Process in at least two
general ways: One, that in Natural Order Process, the direction of field arrangement
is towards greater complexity, higher organizational phases and towards that
aforementioned Septenary re-synthesis. Two, that, since the urge of the Self to Know
Itself is the prime mover in Natural Order Process, a one-way direction is given to
increasing states of Self-knowing. It may be added that the pathway of statement one
is representational in that of statement two.
There is, as concerns the Natural Order Process, a non-teleological aspect. This
aspect of randomness or chance, entering into our portrayal of field process, does
not, however, assume the dominating proportions attributed to it by the evolutionary
biologists, the ecologists, and most of the other life scientists. For them, there is no
formative tendency in ‘life,’ or any other process working unidirectionally towards a
synthetic culmination. Rather, extreme emphasis is placed upon probability laws as
the governing factor in the growth and development process from phase to succeeding
We will take a moment here to point up how unrealistic this chance notion
seems to us. The constituents of a hemoglobin molecule (a very complex molecule
found in the human bloodstream) can be spatially ordered in a great number of ways.
This number is so large that, for all practical purposes, it is infinite. The number of
arrangements is written 10623
in a shorthand way of notation. It signifies the number
10 followed by 622 zeros, and is read: ten to the six-hundred and twenty-third power.
Assuming that process is statistical in nature, this means that there is one chance in
that the correct combination might eventuate. To our way of evaluating, this
represents zero probability.
Let us suppose that every man, woman and child on this planet, whose
imaginative population we will place at 10 billion (5 times the present), started
counting at the rate of 100 numbers per second and that this counting went on for
one thousand, thousand billion years. The number arrived at by all this counting, we
will assume, is the same as the number of fields necessary to comprise one grain of
sand and then let’s suppose that this planet is composed of these grains of sand
through and through. So, to obtain the number of minute fields composing the Earth
we will have to multiply the number of fields per grain by the number of grains it
would take to build a sphere the size of our planet. We will imagine that each grain
measures one millionth of an inch in diameter and that the Earth’s diameter is 4,000
miles. Now, let us suppose that we have a billion, billion, billion, billion Earths so
constituted, and multiply all these billions together, times the vast number of minute
fields we had for just the one planet. Our resultant figure is about 1066
, which,
compared with 10623
, is far far smaller than a mustard seed compared with the size of
our galaxy.
Our views with respect to the nature of process differ radically from those of
the scientific classicist. As concerns randomness, when applied to the Natural Order
Process, a differentiating out of particularizations or an ordering of specific field
arrangements designates the pertinence thereto. The inclusion into field process, of
the dispersal and symmetrizing tendencies precludes an entirely pre-ordered
directness to the Septenary synthetic.
We will discuss this aspect in detail in the Lesson on ‘environment’ (note the
quotes) which is to follow.
+ * -
A quotation from the “Correspondence Course” will set the basic note for the
subject of this lesson, which is ‘environment.’
“The registry of energy wave-lengths and frequencies apparently creates
modifications respecting the state of the Perceiver and to such an extent that it has
been said: ‘The changes in that perceived, follow, as representation, the
modifications of the state of the Perceiver.’ In the final analysis, however, this
apparent change in the state is caused by an ‘inverse reflection’ of the process of
Self-awareness; i.e., the Self on Its own level, by the activity inherent in awareness of
Itself becomes the causative factor (‘creator’) of the wave-lengths and frequencies.
So, it is really frequency modifying the state. The state (as activity of Self-awareness)
‘creates’ the energy-wave and frequency. It is in the sense of separation from the
Real-Self (on its own level) that we, respectively, experience, observe, register, etc.,
the activity of Self-awareness as energy wave-lengths and frequencies. The length of
the waves and rate of frequency registered only seem to change and modify the state
of the Perceiver. As contradictory as it seems, the self-same Self resides at the basis
of both levels; the Self aware of Itself in sense of separation from the fullness of Its
own Self-perceiving, perceives its own activity, energy wave-lengths and frequencies”
(or ‘environment’).
The parenthetical addition at the end of the quotation is ours.
The non-intuitive explicitness above is that the ‘environment (wave-frequency)
does not alter the state or that which is representational respecting the state. A given
state may be described in terms of its representation. The representation equates
with the degree of field synthesis towards the aforementioned immediate goal. State
may be described as intensity of Self-knowing, and this as the activity occurring in the
representational field. This synthetic field, in addition to being representative of the
state of Self-awareness, is that, in, by and through which the Power-to-be-conscious
becomes conscious; namely, the Mother (a synonym for Mother is Field).
Cosmic Process has been designated as “one act of consciousness.” In this one
act of consciousness, there is only one Self, one Power-to-be-conscious in varying
states of Its own Self-knowing. Respecting a particular state of Self-awareness or I-
ness, however, there obtains identification of this one Self with its ‘parts’ resultant in
a ‘sense’ of separateness. This phase of process we, in our School, label the man-
state or, sometimes, the Individualizing phase of the Comic Process.
As we, respectively, and ‘individually,’ identify with the multiplicity of
activities concerning or pertaining to the man-state (the development of the psychic-
nature) it seems that we function in an ‘energy world’ from which we register
frequencies of varying wave-length and quality. The words, wave-frequency, free-
energy structures and ‘environment’ may be reduced to synonymic equality, so we
will use them in this manner henceforth.
Ostensibly, we utilize from this ‘energy-world’ the free energy structures
compatible with and necessary for the metabolic, catabolic, etc., processes of
growth, development, maintenance, function, etc. The terms growth, development,
maintenance, etc., contain inferentially the connotation of alteration or change in
structural process and therefore modification in representation of state. Since the
state or manner of Self-knowing, is the activity eventuating in and through the
representation (synthetic field, Mother-substance, etc.), then we have, therefore, an
alteration in state by reason of the ‘environmental’ influence.
The above sketch relates the one-way energy exchange between local process
and that which acts upon it and is other than it, from the viewpoint of ‘sense-of-
separateness.’ This view could also be termed the “common-sense’ attitude. If we
plant a seed (potential process on the plant level) in the ground, having sufficient
sunlight, water, etc., a field synthesizing, polarizing process eventuates. But when we
describe that which the expressions—sunlight, water, etc., represent, our delineation
deals with states of awareness from a representational aspect. As was stated prior,
the only Force, Power or Energy of which we are aware is the urge of the Self to Know
Itself and this, as the prime mover of all activities in all phases of field-process. So,
we have now, Self acting ‘upon’ Itself or more simply and more correctly put, just
The foregoing monistic description of synthetic field interaction is acceptable
to us by reason of perceptive cognition. However, as far as the utilizability of a
rigorous monistic approach in description of phases of process, we feel that the
unwieldy sentence structure necessary would soon result in a syntactical aphasia for
both the writer and the reader. But, it would be in order to keep in mind the above
points descriptive of the actuality of the exchange between a given ‘local’ process
and that ‘other than’ the ‘local’ process.
For purposes of clarity, simplicity and understandability we will sometimes
speak as though a given synthesized field is acted upon by the environment, but
keeping as background for mental perception the essential or intrinsic Oneness of the
Cosmic Process. In local phases of process, field interaction, as the differentiating and
integrating aspect thereof, assumes a role of extreme importance in the sequential
organizing procedure which we in the School designate as Natural. All activities may
be depicted in terms of field-in-process interactions and/or field-in-process re-
arrangements or syntheses.
Akin to the above, though not precisely in alignment with this presentation, we
wish to give an excerpt from an article entitled, “The Reality of the Non-Material” by
F. L. Kunz, in “Main Currents,” November-December, 1963, which we find most
“The old situation is as follows: in that part of biology called ecology, creatures
and their material surroundings have long been studied as one whole. The
interdependence of soil, water and air and of all the plant and animal life in a region
is intricate, but well ordered. Each species has its niche. The creatures seem to
depend upon the physical environment, having only limited adaptability to a radically
new one. Therefore, in the causal relation, the non-living material environment
seems to be the dominant component, although it is obvious that the living orders are
superior in many ways.
“The basic truth is today seen quite differently. The seas and lakes, the
mountains and snows and streams, the atmosphere and its clouds, are themselves
docile creatures of the true environment, the force field continua; and it is known
that living creatures also trade skillfully and directly with this true environment.
“For example, plants live in and exchange with the electromagnetic field. The
plant has measurable polarities and gradients that vary with the season, the month,
the week. H. S. Burr, of Yale, has read the phases of the moon from his electrical
recordings of the live activities of maple trees. The photoelectric effect described in
Einstein’s equation is at work as photons strike the chloroplasts of green leaves.”
Our emphasis is to be upon tendency concerning these interactions, re-
arrangements, etc.,, rather than the mechanistic, materialistic or vitalistic doctrines
of the majority of present-day biologists. Science today, in general, treats the ‘living’
organism as some sort of mechanical ensemble which adapts or is altered by that
which is called environment. This, plus chance mutation and “survival of the fittest,”
form the basis of the dualists’ outlook on the origin, development and progression of
species, with consciousness of Self-awareness denoted as a mere by-product, hardly
worthy of consideration. While our viewpoint is not strictly teleological, we do lay the
stress upon the tendency in process towards one-way development: greater synthesis,
higher organization, greater complexity, etc., representative of increasing states of
Self-awareness. In this light, environment—i.e., frequency registry, field interaction—
becomes the primary differentiating factor from homogeneity to heterogeneity, from
the Many to the One, but through or by way of an infinitude of variations.
Without a random factor, as pertains to process, units of local order would
present uniformity or sameness in appearance, function, organization and so on. This
would be the case if the Natural Order operated on a precisely teleological basis. That
this basis is not the correct one, can be shown even from making a few comparisons
of images in the psyche appearing substantive. This Universe is not one of endless
duplication and re-duplication, but one of unlimited or non-finite diversity. This
signifies an orderedness but yet a randomness to the phases of the organizing process.
The pathway of the ordering activity is, in general, an ordered randomness.
It is quite simple to state or list on the grounds of predeterminism (teleology),
the various and succeeding general phases or steps of process, as has been done on
our chart at the end of Lesson Three. But, to attempt, on this basis, to delineate
process as concerns particularities or specifics is, in our opinion, an impossibility.
Randomness as applies to the generally ordered direction of process has the same
bearing as the relationship between the symmetrizing and dispersal tendencies, and
the Natural Order Process, which was discussed on page 28, Lesson Four. There is a
close relationship, but not one of identity.
It has been stated that the Natural Order Process, in the direction of increasing
organization of field syntheses and greater states of Self-awareness, will take place,
regardless of field aggregate combinations differing from those of this particular
planet, Earth. In other words, that which is called ‘life’ by our biologists need not be
restricted to the carbon, hydrogen, oxygen basis which we have here. Through the
intervention of an arrangement brought about by intragalactic and intergalactic
regional stresses, plus the formative tendency in process, a specifically non-finite
number of differing foundations for ‘life’ process would not only be conjectured but
firmly expected. It is our opinion that the Cosmos is literally teeming with ‘life.’
You have perhaps noted the use of the single quotes regarding the word life.
We, in the School of the Natural Order do not differentiate between what most
scientists would call ‘living’ and ‘non-living’ field syntheses. Any line drawn, with
respect to organizational phases, which sets apart one group from another, we feel is
purely arbitrary. Activity pertains to all levels of field process; there being no ‘inert,’
‘lifeless’ or ‘dead’ as pertains to process.
Vitvan states the above thus:
“Embryologists, cytologists, morphologists, and I guess we could add
histologists, use the term ‘living-matter’ so that they can differentiate what they call
living-matter from what they label dead matter. The phenomenal aspect of
representations in substance is of course that with which these scientists are
concerned, and only that. But from our teleological position, in the School of the
Natural Order, to differentiate living-substance or living-matter from that matter
which does not exhibit intrinsic or self-motivating qualities is purely arbitrary.
However, the line of demarcation (which I must say is also arbitrary) between living-
matter and non-living matter is somewhere in the dynamic configurating process
between the molecule and the colloid. Molecular structures below the colloidal level
(the atom and its structural components, the vortices of energy) are considered non-
living-matter, because these energy-structures do not exhibit observable inherent
self-motivating attributes under microscopic examination. Therefore, the line of
demarcation between non-living-matter and living-matter is between the molecular
and colloidal structures.
“While we retain and use these terms living-matter and non-living matter, we
do so as a concession to current usage of to the Aristotelian cytologists’ viewpoint.
From the non-aristotelian attitude, orientation, etc., the word ‘living’ could only be
used to represent the Field, irrespective of whether the phenomenal aspect in
relation to the structure of the Field is ‘below’ or ‘above’ the colloidal state in the
configurating process. So, the term non-living-matter would be a label without a
referent or significs.”
Though we full well realize that a division between ‘living’ and ‘non-living’ is
rather unwarranted, it is evident that there is some sort of alteration in activity when
that called ‘death’ occurs.
It is quite evident that process is cyclic in nature. Two labels applied to the
originating of a unit of local order and its culminating final symmetrization are ‘life’
and ‘death.’ To an Aristotelian, one who identifies with the reports of the senses as
reality, or to one who had the dualistic outlook of field and ‘matter’ or ‘spirit’ and
‘matter,’ ‘death’ might be described as the ‘withdrawal of the spirit’—that which
activates something which is described as inert ‘matter.’
With the background we have built up in developing and describing field-
process concepts, a delineation of that which eventuates at the transition called
‘death’ may be ventured in terms of field synthesis and polarization. We will begin by
depicting briefly the transitional phases of field-process in the development of an
embryo from fertilization to its development as a functioning field synthesis.
You will recall in our discussion of motion that an electron ‘particle’ was
described as the re-arrangement of the fields composing the electron field such that
radiation is given off which may be detected by the physicist. The radiation is given
off cyclically, so it was stated that the electronic ‘particle’ is discontinuous. The
periodicity, evidenced in the subatomic phase of process, obtains throughout the
Universe up to and including the galactic phase. But the organizing field, per se,
whatever the phase or local process under discussion, is prior to and causative,
relative to the synthesis which is its representation.
A given formative field, prior to a synthesizing cycle, sometimes called a
‘putting forth,’ exists as a regional stress, the partial fulfillment of which, results in a
synthesizing, polarizing or configurating process. The word “partial” is used here to
indicate a never-to-be-completed-ness as concerns the Cosmic Process or process of
Self-knowing. This is also indicative of the imbalance spoken of in an earlier lesson.
In its cyclic nature, our given field begins a configurating cycle through
polarizing synthesizable, lesser, structured fields, into componental arrangements
representative of its stress pattern. If we were to consider the formation of a human
embryo, the process begins basically on the atomic level, the synthesis of which local
units go to make up the DNA molecular field: from the atomic to the molecular, then
from the molecular to the mega-molecular or colloidal and on to the cellular field
phase of structure, these DNA molecular fields are of ultimate importance in energy
exchanges and the releasing of other molecular field bonds for the continuation of
When the multicellular phase (an aggregating of similar cells in cooperation) is
reached, organization takes the direction of differentiating out systemic cellular
groups which perform particular functions, related to each other in such a way that
the organism is viable in its surround. Finally, when systemic ordering has been
completed to a degree, that which is labeled the birth process occurs. From this point
the polarizing process continues systemically until through a tending too far towards
the dispersal tendency, or the symmetrizing tendency, or a combination of each, as
concerns the various systems, a formative process no longer obtains. The
configurating field changes its arrangement such that there is no longer the
coordinated super-positioning of the formative field with its polarized parts and the
dispersal tendency begins to dissipate the local system into utilizable synthetic fields
for the continuation of process.
That which we label the configuration, which is a synthesized field itself, does
not fall all to pieces immediately upon the change in arrangement of the organizing
field. Those polarizable parts, of which the configuration is comprised, retain what
we could label residual polarity or cohesiveness. Analogically, if we were to take an
unmagnetized bar or iron and place it in the spatial proximity of a highly magnetized
bar, the former would take on the characteristic alignment known as magnetism.
Upon removal from the local vicinity of the highly magnetized bar, the newly
magnetized one would not lose its polarity but would exhibit that which the physicists
call residual magnetism.
This formative process we are describing, you will note, is presented as a
synthesis of smaller fields into larger field syntheses. It is not to be supposed,
however, that those fields synthesized lose their identity on their own level through
this eventuation. Though, as was mentioned earlier, the whole is greater than the
sum of its parts, and this, through the arrangement and functional relationships of
those parts, each part in and of itself is representative of an aspect or state of Self-
awareness. How many of these parts are there as pertains to one given ‘human’
configuration? Billions upon billions upon billions! Herein lies a delineation of the
phrase, “those lesser lives which compose the “elemental self.”
+ ^ -
On the next page will be found the Main Chart as used in our School of the
Natural Order. It was thought advisable that this chart be included in the present
course of lessons as a valuable reference for clarification and correlation of phases
and points discussed, as well as terminology used.
It is full well realized that many of the phases of process shown on this chart
are not taken up in the present brief sketch. However, the field-process concepts
described are applicable, in general, to all phases of process portrayed.
In the depicting of the ‘life’/‘death’ cycle in the last lesson there was no
mention made anent the psychic phase of process. This phase is one which concerns
most of us through the immediacy of our functioning.
According to Vitvan, psychic-functioning takes place in the molecular phase of
field-process. It is the organizing, complexifying, arranging and re-arranging, of
molecular field chains, as well as the lesser field structures composing them, that we
in our School designate as psychic functioning, growth, and sequential development.
The pattern of organization for the structuring of the psychic field resides in the
arrangement of the configurating field which we term Autonomous or Individualizing.
This psychic field pattern is therefore representative of the degree of organization on
the Mind-level relative to the completed Septenary Synthesis, and exhibits those
developed qualities and faculties acquired or built into the Individualizing Field.
Quality or guna described structurally, equates with particular or specific synthetic
field arrangements, sometimes including a reversal of polarity in the arrangement.
In a way of speaking, the development of the various aspects of the psychic
phase of process parallels and characterizes the organizing of structure on the Mind-
level. When the psychic ordering process has been completed to a degree, a
transitional stage occurs wherein consciousness begins to transfer identity from the
psyche (personality, in sense-of-separateness) to the Autonomous Field phase of
process (the first degree of Oneness). The completed transition we label the Second
Let us now turn to a description, in terms of field process, of psychic nature
functioning through frequency registry as pertains to the sense modalities. In our
opinion sense functioning occurs in the psychic-field. This point has been delineated
by Vitvan in our literature to the extent that we do not deem it necessary to re-
substantiate this here. In depicting this phase of psychic nature functioning, we will
use the diagram labeled “Quantum Field Interactions in Sense Functions” below.
It will be advantageous, before launching into our subject, to describe the term
wave-frequency in some detail. The photon, or unit structure of that which we call
light may be described as a “bundled field”; the “bundle” composed of quantum
structural fields synthesized and in process of periodic re-arrangement. The classic
description of this cyclic change would take on the characteristics of a sine wave:
. However, in terms of modern physics, we have seen that there is a
variance in measurable radiation from zero up to an intensity which is readily
detectable. This measurement actually represents a change in arrangement of field
pattern rather than being a description of the relative motion of some ‘particle’
whose movement is described as a ‘wave.’ Pictorially, we could display the
characteristic cyclic field alterations thus:
The gap between the figures shows a discontinuity of radiation. This gap also
portrays a period when no radiation is given off; i.e., there is ‘nothing’ there. The
thickest part of the figures describes intense radiation, while the tapering ends
portray an increasing or a lessening of emanation. It should be clearly understood that
the figures only depict degrees of the radiation of ‘something’ and are not
representative of shape or pathway of motion as concerns a photon field. We could
also use the above delineation in discussing the cyclic palingenetic rhythm. In this
way, the nodes of the above diagram would portray cyclic organizing periods labeled
incarnations; while the gaps would characterize intervals between organizational
The word wave then is described as representing an alteration in field pattern.
The word frequency denotes the number of these field alterations relative to some
standard of measurement of field change or some sub-division of this standard. The
standard generally used today, planetarily speaking, is the cyclic spiraling pathway of
the Earth and is labeled the year. At some fixed velocity, such as that of light,
182,280 miles per second, an increase in frequency brings about a smaller time lapse
or distance between #1, #2 and #3 in our diagram on the above page. We could say
that the higher the frequency of field alterations, the shorter the wave length. But,
keeping in mind that the word wave as applied to certain phases of field-process,
used in the way we ordinarily do in our School, represents a discontinuity of field
radiation. In the world of extended objects, the world of the senses, we do observe
continuous waves such as ocean waves, but in our study of the psyche it is the
discontinuous wave-field that concerns us.
Referring to the diagram on the next page, it will be noted that all five sense
modalities are portrayed, but it will serve our purpose to discuss primarily the visual
modality while the others will be touched upon but briefly. This discussion, as
concerns cortical functioning, will be in terms of the formation of quantum chains in
reticular space (field), as it is the quantum phase of organization which is the
empirically established field level through which the thought processes occur. That
which is to follow will not only supply a more highly veridical basis for the description
of sense and cortical functioning, but will also yield a structural foundation from
which to view the abstracting process and the others thereof.
The outmoded, outdated doctrine of nerve impulse, nerve cell as applies to the
operation of the human nervous system has been replaced by the field-in-process
mode of approach which was quite recently and experientially determined. The ten
billion or so nerve cells in the cortex are but the merest fraction of the number of
structures required for the multiplicity of combinations necessary for the thought
processes of the average individual.
Let us now take up the visual modality in terms of field-process interactions.
First we must have a source of wave-fields to which the visual modality will respond.
We have labeled the emanation from this source “photon wave-fields”. The synthetic
field arrangement here is such that the sensation of transparency or clearness is
perceived. This synthesis may be changed in arrangement through interaction with a
prismatic field (glass prism), the change resulting in what is called visible spectrum.
One should note the use of the word “visible” as denoting only a very small portion of
a vast and continuous range of frequencies in the electromagnetic spectrum.
Let us suppose that the photon wave-fields from our light source impinge on a
synthetic field-process, the form of which we have conveniently chosen and labeled
“APPLE”. Upon the intersection of these synthetic fields a great number of
interactions eventuate. We will only concern ourselves here with those occurrences
having to do with vision. The field interaction between the synthetic field-process
labeled “APPLE” and the photon synthetic wave-field, a quantic aggregate, results in
the reflection of an altered wave-field pattern of the particular wave or frequency
that we label red. “Altered” here refers to a change in the periodic interval of the
cyclic photon field. This periodicity is characterized by how frequently the quantum
fields composing the photon field are rearranged. A change in the rapidity of cyclic
quantum field rearrangements would be determinative respecting the color viewed. A
description of that which the word “arrangement” represents would be the spatial
orientation of the composing fields singly, in groups, in sub-groups, with respect to
each other, etc., in an ordering process.
A part of the altered photon ‘stream’ passes through the lens of the eye and is
slightly changed again. When the ‘stream’ reaches the retinal field, still another
interaction occurs. Keep in mind that all of these changes in field arrangement are
taking place on the quantum level. As the result of this last interchange, a sequential
building-up of quantum chains is begun in the optic nerve, which is directional and
toward the cortex. Upon arrival at that structuring center called the cortex—the
reticular field—a quantum chain is built up on a molecular field. The pattern of this
quantum chain is representative of that field from which the reflection came. Also
there is a similarity in structural pattern between that which we call the
configuration and the quantum field aggregate formulated in the brain. This quantum
chain represents that which we call a first order abstraction.
Atmospheric wave patterns (sounds) within a certain range of frequency act as
auditory stimuli to set up quantum chains similarly to the way this was described
above. When and if we originate one of these particular wave patterns (the sound of
the word “APPLE” for instance) and then link up or couple the formulated chains from
both the sound and from the visual modality and do this in a certain manner, we have
then identified two dissimilar and spatially separated field structures with each other.
It is usually the case that this identity is not differentiated from that synthetic field
from which the photons were reflected. We in this School call this state of affairs
objective identity or identity of sense faculty registry with configurational Reality.
Earlier in this series the term “cognitive invariant of the human” was applied
to the above. Primitive man had to place greater value on this “invariant” for
purposes of survival. At present however, the hanging on to this old value system, or
not seeing it for what it represents, characterizes non-cooperation with the Natural
Order Process and a leaning too far toward the symmetrizing tendency resulting in the
canalization and/or crystallization of the psyche.
Now, a word about words, both spoken and written. Spoken language
developed long before a written language evolved. If you will note on our chart
above, the word “APPLE,” this symbol, namely the arrangement of the ink pattern on
the paper, the interaction with the photon wave-field has the effect of forming a
quantum chain in the visual area of the brain. A spoken word has the same resultant
effect, but the quantum chain, representative of that auditory stimulus, is spatially

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  • 2. FOREWORD Acknowledgement and deep felt gratitude are herewith expressed to my ever- present Teacher and Friend, Vitvan. The background laid by Vitvan in his over 50 years of teaching, writing and counseling, form the basis for the following presentation. Without that foundation this present work could not have been accomplished. His assistance during the writing of this sketch was felt as a constant aid, support and guidance, which resulted in the conceptual framework erected. I do not wish to imply that I was acting merely as a witness to this current portrayal of process, but rather that the depicting is the resultant of a cooperative or joint effort, with Vitvan as the prime directing or influencing agent. I have been extremely conscious of this in the past few weeks. “Years ago we tried to interpret a man to himself by beginning with that which he was most familiar, his ‘physical body’; explaining the way it functions, then describing his psychic-nature, his mental organization, etc., and gradually leading him into the instruction concerning ‘spiritual forces.’ “Now, in the foundation part of our course we have a different approach. We use various diagrams and analogies to enable the beginning student, with the aid of his imagination, to gain some grasp of the overall ‘picture’ of the Cosmic Process. For—and let us emphasize this point—it is fundamental in our Teaching that each individual is integral with that Process. Each individual represents an epitomization of that Process. There is no individual apart from that process. Individual is merely a label representing a phase of the Entire Process.” In order to properly comprehend any phase of the Cosmic Process, we must have an adequate understanding of the way it operates. The better our understanding of this organizing activity, the greater will be our comprehension of any given phase and the more closely we may cooperate with the Natural Order direction. It is hoped that the presentation to follow will assist the students of our School in their endeavors to “Tread the Path” and that this sketch will lend itself towards becoming a minor addition to the literature of the School of the Natural Order. Faithfully in the Great Work,
  • 3. CONTENTS GLOSSARY OF TERMS: Page No. Configuration - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3 Field - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3 Force - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3 Function - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4 Functional Operator or Operational Procedure - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4 Motion - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3 Order - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4 Organizational Level - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3 Process - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3 Self-awareness (Consciousness) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3 Space - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4 State; state - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3 Structure - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3 Time - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3 Veridical - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4 Lesson No. Title Page No. ONE: AIM AND DIRECTION 5 TWO: INTRODUCTION TO FIELD PROCESS CONCEPTS 9 THREE: FIELD PROCESS AND MATTER 13 FOUR: ON FORCE, MOTION AND DIRECTION 18 FIVE: THE GALACTIC FIELD ORGANIZING PROCESS 22 SIX: ‘ENVIRONMENT’, SELF AND FIELD 27 SEVEN: PSYCHIC-FUNCTIONING AND FIELD INTERACTION 34 EIGHT: MEDITATION, BREATH WORK AND COOOPERATION WITH THE NATURAL ORDER PROCESS 40 Diagrams Negative Substance, Positive Power, Primary Gunas, Seven Rays, The Multiplicity 10 Symmetrizing and Dispersal Tendencies 12 Some Phases of the Natural Order Process 17 Main Chart of the School of the Natural Order 33 Quantum Field Interactions in Sense Perception 36
  • 4. GLOSSARY OF TERMS I – Self-awareness (Consciousness): Vitvan: “Indubitable factness as referent for the word Consciousness is axiomatic.” “Self-awareness is Self-evident.” Consciousness is structurally described as activity in and of field through its union with the Power-to-be- conscious. II – (a) state: Degree of Self-awareness, characterized by or represented as the level of organized field synthesis. (b) State: Degree of development of the Individualizing or Autonomous Field on the Mind-Level. III – Field: A synthetic, structural, pattern or network in Negative Substance in process, representative of a state of Self-awareness. The activity in this network of field equates with state of Self-awareness. The word field may also be described as representing a regional stress whose tendency towards balancing eventuates in an organization process. IV - Organizational Level: A given structural stratum upon which synthesis, ordering and complexity are in process. V - Motion: A – An alteration or change in the structural pattern of a given field. B – When this change in a field pattern takes place in cooperation with the ordering process that we label Natural, we say that the direction of the motion is towards increasing states of Self-awareness. VI - Time: The measurement of change in synthetic, structural, field pattern in the direction of increasing states of Self-awareness. Time equates with measurement of change in structure. Time also equates with measurement in change in a state of Self-knowing in the direction of increasing Self- awareness. VII - Force: That which is causative with respect to motion or activity on any organizational level; namely, the urge of the Power-to-be-conscious to become conscious of Itself. This urge is responsible for the direction spoken of in #V. VIII - Configuration: A synthetic field aggregate, usually pertaining to a structure which is perceivable through sense modality registry. IX - Process: An ongoing motion of ordering with respect to any organizational level. X - Structure: Synthetic field-pattern in process or in constant flux.
  • 5. XI - Function: A developed and ordered, operational modality, pertaining to and inherent in the pattern of a given field on any organizational level. XII - Order: The unidirectional, sequential and cyclic process of structured field synthesis. XIII - Functional Operator or Operational Procedure: A particular process of organization in structure (field) which will facilitate a more parallel or aligned cooperation with the Natural Order Process. Examples: Meditation; Breath Work. XIV - Veridical: Truly based with respect to empirical referent. XV - Space: See the word “Field” in #III.
  • 6. LESSON ONE AIM AND DIRECTION We, in the School of the Natural Order, do not ascribe to the notion that the accumulation of some vast amount of information, mental concepts, etc., constitutes a knowledge of Reality. Mental concepts, though they may be descriptive of that viewed in clear perception, in and of themselves are more or less static structures, while Reality is a process. However, the reality of such mental concepts constitutes a process or function; on the mental level of course. Therefore, if we could formulate a system of mental structuring that is conceptually descriptive of Reality; and, if we could set up a method of relating these concepts in a manner that parallels the way in which Natural Order process operates; then we would have, through the integration of this methodology into our respective consciousnesses, the means whereby we could order our functions more in accord with the natural course of growth and development. This is the direction of the Natural Order Process. Through the years, Vitvan has been a foremost exponent in utilizing, incorporating and synthesizing the empirically established referents of modern science, as well as the views of contemporary theoretical physics into the teachings of the School of the Natural Order. The reasons for the utilization of scientific terminology and concepts into the teachings of our School are several; we will discuss two of them below. 1. In the educational system of our country today, there is considerable stress laid upon the application of the scientific method to almost every field of study. In this present context we feel that we must incorporate enough of the scientific approach so as not to outrage the sensibilities of those trained in our educational institutions. Since the achieving of new frontiers takes place in modern science continually, we realize that a presentation, which incorporates these new advancements, represents a process, rather than a static or crystallized conceptual framework. A quotation from the “Correspondence Course” by Vitvan will point this up: “The scientists of today have opened wide a door whereby we can enter with sure and confident tread into the frequency world. We must, therefore, have enough of the scientific approach not only for our own individual development, but also in order to properly present the Wisdom Teaching for this New Age. Those who fail to measure up to the requirements of the New Age will quickly be outmoded and their thought structures relegated to the scrap heap upon which is rapidly being piled the other representations of the age which has past.” 2. In using the concepts and terminology of the Science of Semantics and of modern physics, etc., we have access to a vehicle of expression in which reification of terms is difficult in the extreme; this situation contains value of high order, in that confusion—through misinterpretation of statements made—is at a minimum. In other
  • 7. words, we have, so to speak, a way of bypassing the race-psyche’s value and cognitive systems and therefore the individual’s as well. We, at this point, again wish to quote from Vitvan’s works. You will note that there is indicated a definitive and explicit direction as to the terminology, thought structure, conceptual framework, etc., which is seen to be fitting as descriptive of Reality for this New Age: “I am not at peace with the continuance of this symbolical form of communication; I am getting impatient to abolish it entirely, on the grounds that it is no longer necessary. In the cycle that is now dawning (and particularly for those who have appreciable understanding of field-physics), wherein we will function in non-personal identifications with syntheticalized faculties of awareness, extension of uranographical and zodiacal symbolism will not be necessary for or requisite to understanding the Cosmic Process. For some thinkers the question may immediately occur: will it not be advisable to retain the symbolism for those who will not develop synthetical awareness, non-personal identification, etc.? The answer is no, on the grounds that the age or cycle for it (affinity in the race-psyche for it) has passed, that other symbolical forms (the mental concept) have intruded and displaced it; and most particularly, we now have a methodology designed to quicken or develop the synthetical and non-personal faculties of awareness. Anyone can develop full understanding of the Cosmic Process without knowing ancient scriptures. Modern scriptures should be written in modern terms, words and other symbols which correspond to our up-to-date perceptive awareness. This may shock identifiers with ancient representations; but I am of the opinion that we should leave aside our babyhood remnants of our infantile state and dispense with those qualities that hang on, even though they evoke sentimental feelings and emotions. We can still cherish a memory of being taught at our mother’s knee without nostalgia overtaking us; and those early impressions on the psychic-nature can be rolled up, pigeonholed, tagged and tucked away in memory files (thus destroying their baleful influence) as lessons learned in Nature’s school. “Therefore, to summarize these ideas, I believe that a formulation of the verbalistic phase of our instruction in accordance with clarity of perception of today and of tomorrow, will be more advantageous to understanding than trying to go back, revive the long forgotten symbolical representations, struggle against ignorant prejudice to re-establish the key to the Christian Scripture, etc..” (From “The Christos Series,” pages 9 and 10, Book IV.) The above described direction is that which we will tend towards by reason of the considerations mentioned in the foregoing quote and in the sentences preceding it. The development of a Unitary Field Theory (sometimes called Unified Field Theory) has been attempted by many theoretical physicists and mathematicians for the last half century; among these was Albert Einstein who, using a mathematical
  • 8. approach, along with a matter, field duality, was self-admittedly unsuccessful. In 1948 a British physicist-biologist of little renown, named Lancelot Law Whyte, wrote a book entitled, “Unitary Principle in Physics and Biology” and achieved the long looked for union. By way of explanation, in order for a theory to be truly unitary, it must be applicable to every and all aspects of the Cosmos; from the remotest to the nearest; from the minutest to the most gigantic. In turn, a unitary theory must apply to all interrelationships of these innumerable aspects. Briefly, a unitary theory is one which unifies the Sciences—Physics, Biology, Psychology, etc.—through an underlying principle more basic than found in any one science or specialized field of science. Between the years 1954 and 1956, Dr. Leo J. Baranski undertook the writing up of material garnered through 25 years of intensive effort in pursuit of a Unitary Field Theory. His book represents that arrived at in his search, as well as a utilization, expansion and furtherance of Unitary Theory as developed by L. L. Whyte. During a lecture on July 7, 1963, Vitvan introduced the book: “Scientific Basis for World Civilization: Unitary Field Theory,” by Dr. Leo J. Baranski. At that time he said: “I have looked over this book; read the Preface and browsed through it. 20 years ago I would have been so excited over this I would not know what to do. Students in the School should learn the scientific approach to the Unitary Field. This work in my opinion, is going to be a textbook; and students of the School of the Natural Order should be way out in front in this general worldwide study.” Approximately six months later is was decided to use the aforementioned book as a basis for the weekly Sunday classes here at Headquarters. In working Unitary Field process concepts into his consciousness, the present writer became strikingly aware that it would be possible to completely include present day Field Theory in the teaching of the School of the Natural Order. Heretofore, the inclusion of modern science into our literature and presentation has been extremely limited or restricted because of the seven to eight years of university mathematics as necessary background for reasonably adequate treatment. The empirical referents acceptable to science have not as yet been established as regards Unitary Field Theory. However, if a given description of the Natural Order Process parallels the clear perception of same by one on the Mind-level, we would accept that the empirical referent has been established. This is the case as regards field process concepts and their interrelationships. Although a non-mathematical approach to field theory is now possible, one should not suppose that the grasp of this material is necessarily simple. The degree of difficulty, however, is more on the order of the alienness of the mental patterning necessary for grasping field process concepts, relative to the more or less linear procedure most of us follow when functioning cortically. The procedure to be followed in this course of lessons will be the setting up of descriptions respecting process concepts, symbols used, and the application of this conceptual framework towards the determination of what we label functional
  • 9. operators which are described in the Glossary of Terms, #XIII. Please refer frequently to this list of described terms for clarification, as well as to the accompanying diagrams, etc., that we will call attention to. The present presentation represents a correlation of Unitary Field Theory with the Wisdom Teaching as given by Vitvan. Vitvan stated not too long ago that to incorporate Modern Science into the teaching of the School we need not change our teaching at all. His statement still remains true, as the fitting of field process concepts to the literature does not alter the literature one whit. Neither is it necessary to change the views expressed in Unitary Field Theory, except to amplify or stress certain aspects thereof, wherein it would better suit our purposes. This last is primarily in the area where we will place more emphasis upon increasing (or greater) states of Self-awareness as the prime mover or tendency in the Cosmic Process. It is assumed that the reader has a reasonable working knowledge of that which is set forth in our “Correspondence Course”; as the greater part of the terminology used will be derived therefrom. It may seem, as we proceed, that many of the concepts introduced differ considerably from what has been given prior. However, if a careful study is made, it may be found that very little newness has been provided. On the other hand it may be observed that the interrelating of certain concepts, present in the School’s literature, is handled in a manner somewhat different than heretofore, but yet in a way which may throw a bit more understanding upon these points through the change in view. In the past, two widely differing descriptions of Reality are, at present, approaching each other in rapid convergence. The bases of these two descriptions are primarily resultant from two forms of discipline: self-discipline and the scientific method. The first discipline leads more directly to perception of Reality through unity with It. The second discipline—relative to the first method—is a sort of roundabout way of approach. However, because of the nature of this latter discipline, a veridical description of process-reality is gained and may be relied upon. Thus our almost unreserved adoption of that conceptual framework into our description of Cosmic Process. + * -
  • 10. LESSON TWO INTRODUCTION TO FIELD PROCESS CONCEPTS Let us begin our study of process in terms of field with a brief review of what, in this School, we label the Descending and the Ascending Arcs. As we go through this, however, it would be well to keep in mind the following two statements: A – “Creation is in continuum.” B – “Every individual motion is a Universal movement.” Concerning statement A: when, and as we talk about certain phases of the Cosmic Process, we may speak of these phases as having taken place or as going to take place, but only for purposes of clarity or as an aid to understanding. There will be no confusion respecting this point, if, as background for mental structuring, it is understood that all phases of the Cosmic Process are eventuating in a simultaneous circularity—Here-Now! When it is stated otherwise, it is merely for purposes of description. “There is no ‘beginning’ and no ‘end.’” With respect to statement B: we should keep in consciousness that each local field system represents the Cosmic Self in process of successive states of Its own Self- knowing; also that the direction of the individual motion, when aligned with the Natural Order, is towards these successive states of increasing Self-awareness. Now keeping the above in mind, let us go ahead with our description of the ‘Ascending’ and ‘Descending’ Arcs. Note: the single quotes are relative to the Cosmic Process. We will therefore eliminate these single quotes by treating a local phase of the Cosmic Process which does have a beginning and an ending. Referring to the chart on the next page we have, at a beginning, a unity, which we express symbolically by the Word AUM within the triangle at the top. From this unity a polarization occurs resulting in what we label the Negative Pole (Mother— Undifferentiated Light) and the Positive Pole (Father—Activating Principle). The union of these two we call the Son (Power-to-be-conscious). In this union the Mother- substance is acted upon by the Positive Power and becomes tremendously stimulated. Resulting from this there ensues a differentiating process, from one (Undifferentiated Light) into three (the three primary gunas), from three into seven (the seven rays), and from seven into a vast, vast multiplicity.1 1 Though this chart and others we may use are shown as stratified or layered we are not inferring that process is such. It is suggested that the truer way of picturing the phases represented would be the mental superimposing of all the components shown.
  • 11. The Positive Power which is causative with respect to the Mother’s differentiating does not itself differentiate or change in any way. It does, however, continue to activate the Negative; first in the ‘lowest’ phase and then in each successive stage as the organizing or Natural Order Process begins. Our primary consideration here will be this synthesizing or organizing process which we call the Natural Order Process. It has been stated that the only permanence is change. Our concern is an understanding of the way that this change takes place. We need not go into any detail as regards each step of each phase of organization in process, rather, by grasping a few universally applicable and somewhat circularly related process concepts, we will have comprehended the basis for understanding process in all of its stages. Also, in achieving this grasp, we will have patterned the mental substance in such a way that a parallelism or correspondence will exist between it and the Natural Order Process, thus enabling a given one to cooperate more closely with this process. The apprehending of these field process concepts may, perhaps, throw a greater light and emphasis upon the need for an increased program of meditation, breath work, etc., which we will discuss later on in terms of field process concepts. We will now launch into a description of field process concepts, which will be discussed from the standpoint of tendencies. In the School’s literature the words “synthetical field” have been used to some extent. A synthetical field is described as a synthesis or organization of lesser or smaller structures or fields into a larger structural whole. Our use of the word “structure” is with the keeping in mind the characteristic constant change or never-the-sameness as applies to that which the word represents. The Unitary Principle is labelled the symmetrizing tendency. It is one principle, but stated in terms of two aspects: one as regards local process and the other as regards the Cosmic Process. We will state briefly these two aspects and then deal with them in greater detail. The symmetrizing tendency, as applies to local process, is the tendency towards the utilization, aggregation or synthesizing of lesser fields (structures) into larger structural aggregates. This tendency alone, influencing the ‘lowest’ level of
  • 12. differentiation as per our chart above, would soon result in the utilization of all the field structures available on that ‘lowest’ or quantum level in building the next ‘higher’ level of structure, the sub-atomic, and we would soon have no process without some counteracting tendency. It is not to be supposed, when we speak of a grouping together of fields into a larger aggregate, that it is a simple addition of parts towards just a larger mass, rather, this synthesizing of smaller, synthetic fields into a larger synthesis, when paralleling the Natural Order Process, results in achieving a structure whose functions, modalities and general structural arrangement differ radically from what we would expect from a simple additive process. This synthesizing operation would exemplify what is meant when it is stated that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. On the level of the Cosmic Field the symmetrizing tendency takes on a characteristic motion towards equipartition or equal distribution of “free energy” field structures throughout the Universal Field as-a-whole. Here we have a statement of the counteracting tendency to the Unitary Principle as applies to local process. To alleviate the confusion of using one word to describe two seemingly contradictory tendencies we will use the term “dispersal tendency” when speaking of the Unitary Principle as concerns the Cosmic Field. To the above two tendencies we wish to add a third on our own. This we describe as the urge or tendency of the Self to Know Itself. The Universal Field as seen with clear perception may be described as one Act of Consciousness. From this State of Consciousness or Self-awareness one only perceives the varying states of one’s own Self-knowing, and these states tending in the direction of greater states of Self-awareness. This totality or synthesis of states of consciousness and their representations we label the Self or the Cosmic Self and the tendency to become more Self-aware as the primary or basic tendency in the overall process. This third factor in process is causative with respect to the balance of the symmetrizing tendency and the dispersal tendency, which equalization results in the Natural Order Process or the organizing process. This balance is not the perfect balance which might be supposed, but only a degree thereof. The ‘lower’ the phase of process the greater the degree of imbalance. Balance here refers not only to symmetrizing and dispersal tendencies but also to a balance in polarity. So, we have it, that degree of balance, stage of field synthesis, and state of consciousness are synonymic terms. Let us clarify, before we continue, two of the terms we have been using: symmetry and synthetic. We are not using the word “symmetry” as descriptive of form characterizing right-handedness, left-handedness relative to a median line, but rather as regards the tendency on the part of a given unit of local order to utilize lesser structures in the immediate surround both for maintaining that local unit as well as for increasing the complexity of the stage or phase under consideration. This, too, applies to units of local order being grouped together into larger structural aggregates. In this way, a field aggregate which is synthetically larger or more complex, relatively speaking, is also said to be more highly symmetrical. In addition, an aggregate which is crystallized or closed to the Natural Order Process is structurally designated by the term “finally symmetrized.”
  • 13. To some of us, the word “synthetic,” as applied to such words as vitamins, rubber, etc., has the connotation of artificiality or unnaturalness. This term, as used in this paper and as used in chemistry and physics, denotes a grouping together of simpler components into a more complex matrix, pattern or arrangement. Let us now continue with our discussion of process concepts utilizing a simple process diagram in so doing: Note the use of the arrowed lines denotable as representing tendency. The motion of the symmetrizing tendency is towards a closed end or the cessation of an organizing process and could be called a downswing. The dispersal tendency, on the other hand, represents an upswinging direction in that through it those components inherent in a unit of completed symmetry are dispersed or released and again made available for the continuation of the Natural Order Process. Through the generally ordered cooperation of these two tendencies we have the resultant as shown, and add that the direction of this resultant is towards greater states of Self-awareness. Though the word “cooperation” has been used here, as if there may be some implicit inference that this “cooperation” may or may not eventuate, we wish to categorically state that the cooperation between that which we label the dispersal and symmetrizing tendencies is not only predetermined but also representative of the primary tendency in the Cosmic Process—the urge of the Self to Know Itself. The study of the above diagrammatical direction which we call the Natural Order Process is the fundamental consideration here as this will be most advantageous in assisting us in cooperating with it. Our health, happiness and very existence depend upon divesting our natures of that which does not pertain to the Natural Order Process. The readjustment necessary for achieving that which is called “the Middle Path” may not have, as its constituents, phases which are entirely pleasant. But if the direction of process is primarily toward the Septenary goal, then the sooner we, respectively, begin to coordinate our functions in accordance with that stream, the less will be the upheaved burden that we will have to loose from ourselves. + * -
  • 14. LESSON THREE FIELD PROCESS AND ‘MATTER’ Before we proceed to a greater depth with the development of process concepts, we find it necessary to delineate the representations of some of the words we have used and will be using. The understanding of the relationships between these words, or symbol-concepts, is also quite important and will greatly facilitate the mental grasp of the Natural Order Process as well as assisting in the clarification of the meanings of these symbols. The terms to be described, for the major part, are those which most of us utilize to a considerable extent in discussing points in the School’s literature. It is felt that, at least to some degree, one who uses a given word takes on the responsibility of being able to set up a verbal referent for that word based upon an experiential referent. If one is unable to do this—that is, describe his terms—we are of the opinion that he is just making noises. In our setting up of referents for terms used, the attempt will be made to give an adequate description; though not necessarily scientifically or mathematically rigorous this will be sufficient for our purposes. Let us start off by delivering ourselves from the dualistic outlook of speaking in terms of field and matter. There are many types of fields, each exhibiting particular or distinguishing characteristics. A few of these are: gravitational, electric, electrostatic, magnetic, electromagnetic. Each of these fields is described in terms of its structure and pattern, the different types of fields varying in structure, as well as the manner in which they interact with other fields. A method of portraying field structure is that of using a bar magnet with a piece of paper placed on top and some iron filings then sprinkled on the paper. The magnetic field of the bar magnet orders the iron filings into the familiar and characteristic pattern of a cross-section of that field. We could call this volume surrounding the magnet, which exhibits this ordering characteristic, a region of patterned stress. This little experiment exemplifies a structure other than that of which we are aware through the senses, and that which we call field exhibits polarity. In general all fields are similar to that described above. We intend to utilize “field” as the basic unit/structural component of the universe. All structure regardless of fineness, type, mass, minuteness, vastness, etc., etc., we will show, is comprised of fields—a synthesis of fields. The word “field” we will use in place of “substance” or “matter” because of the greater veridicality of its connotation, as well because it may be less easily reified. We do, however, equate the word “field” with the word “Mother,” and this on every level of structural reality: the Light Mother (The Realms of Supernal Light and Diamond Light) and the World Mother (Reflected Light). (See page 6 of the “Cosmology Course” of the School of the Natural Order for a chart portraying these differentiations.) We will speak of field as that acted upon by the Positive Power in every phase of process reality. The kind of field which will concern us here, we will designate as formative or configurating. If the word “field” is used without either of the above two descriptive terms, it will be understood.
  • 15. A number of years ago, magnetic fields and others were thought of as emanating from a given configuration and that the configuration was causative with respect to the type of field under observation. Subsequently it was found that there exist fields which have no configurational basis. In other words, sometimes a field could be detected when or where there was no so-called ‘matter’ in the environs. In the subatomic phase of the organizing process (refer to chart—“Some Phases of the Natural Order Process”—at the end of this lesson) it has been found that there are 40 some ‘particles’ necessary to account for the different types of activities, actions, reactions, etc., on that level. Basically, however, this number can be categorized into three divisions of positive, negative and neutral (or binding force); this grouping is with respect to charge. For our purposes this is sufficient and we will speak of electronic fields (negative charges), proton fields (positive charges), and meson fields (neutral charges) as the constituents of the organizational stage called the atomic synthetic field level. Nuclear physicists, in observing the motion of an ‘electron’ have tried to set up equations descriptive thereof; they have succeeded in doing so but the extremely complex Schrödinger equation, which represents this achievement, contains an imaginary element describing the ‘electron’ as a discontinuous entity. The electron field is continuous but exhibits a periodic rearrangement of its constituting quantum fields such that radiation is emitted cyclically. The physicist, as of yet, is averse to giving credence to that which he cannot measure. Thus he hesitates when asked about the ‘electron’ between radiation cycles. Perhaps, at some ‘future’ date instruments, of the degree of sensitivity necessary, will be developed for the detection of these individual quantum fields. Vitvan has called this discontinuity, “blinking points of light,” on and off, on and off, etc. There is a change in arrangement of electron field pattern and radiation is given off, another cyclic change in field pattern and no radiation given off. The point we wish to present here is partly the cyclic nature of field arrangements, but more essentially that at the most basic state of structure there is no ‘thing,’ no solid, no ‘matter,’ etc., only field. We will quote a paragraph from a work by Albert Einstein which will perhaps clarify this: “What is regarded as matter is situated in regions in which the field is especially strong. Motion of matter means that the regions in which the field is especially strong change with time. Hence, a resting electron has to be represented in a unitary electromagnetic theory by a small region, inside of which the field is very strong, and outside of which it dies out quickly. Such a region, with a strong, but finite field, represents concentrated energy—that is, matter.” The changing of field arrangement such that detectable radiation eventuates, is, according to Vitvan, through “the intersection of lines of force.” What do we have as the result of intersection of lines? We have only a number of points! Dimensionless points! Nothing solid, no-thing at the most basic level of structure from which all the rest is synthesized. Therefore, if we have no-thing, no solid particles, etc., at the
  • 16. most basic level, it will be the same in successively ‘higher’ organizational phases as well. Also, if we have field (regional stress) at the most basic level, then we have field at all successive stages of process. Now, having set up a reasonable description for the symbol “field,” let us utilize this in delineating some of the factors concerned with the Natural Order Process. These factors will appear as structural operators in the ordering of local units in a given phase where there is alignment with that ordering process called natural. We will choose a given phase and discuss it relative to the next phase ‘above’ it and to the phase adjacently ‘below’ it. We are going to use the term “free energy” or “free energy structures” considerably from here on. By this term, or terms, we imply structured synthetic fields usually being concerned with the ‘lowest’ four phases of process. (See “Some Phases of the Natural Order Process,” at the end of this lesson.) These ‘free energy structures’ are utilized for increasing the complexity, developing the organization, furthering the order, etc., etc., relative to phases of process as we will deal with them below. A given local process in cooperation with that which we label the Natural Order is structurally organized in such a way, that a degree of balance between the dispersal and symmetrizing tendencies obtains with the ensuing resultant of a high level of free energy maintained, which is a necessary factor for continuation of process. A local process is also ordered such that, if this high level of free energy falls off, a restorative tendency returns the energy level to its high norm. The arrangement of its comprising synthetic fields is such that it is able to utilize the free energy structures in its surround for the above purposes as well as the pertinent ones below. A given local process tends in the direction of greater organization, more complexity and higher ordering of its componential fields and of the functional capabilities and modalities obtaining in that phase, all of which become the ordering of the local unit towards its assimilability, its utilizability as a synthesizable or polarizable field component for the next structural phase in the Natural Order Process. Balance with respect to both polarity and the dispersal and symmetrizing tendencies must be maintained to a degree or resulting completion of symmetrization, and subsequent dispersal would follow. A degree of imbalance, however, is also necessary, as otherwise, there would ‘soon’ be reached ‘final’ symmetrization and cessation of process. A finer and finer balance becomes the case as the organizational phase called Mind is approached. In other words, a certain leniency is allowed while “on the Path,” but this leeway grows less and less as the Path is pursued, and is likened to a ‘razor’s edge’ when approaching the transitional stage of the purified psyche. The foregoing delineations pertain to the Natural Order Process and are applicable to every organizational phase in or of that process. Though this is true, our application will primarily consist in dealing with the man-state (psyche and configuration) and the synthetic process on the Autonomous Field level towards the development thereof. We have considerable groundwork yet to lay before we may attempt to apply field concepts to those phases. As has been mentioned previously, when and if this groundwork is grasped, we will have the means whereby we may
  • 17. discuss any event, any action or reaction, any stage of a growth and development process, etc., etc., and this, without using words which are circularly defined; symbols which eventuate in undefined terms or words that are easily reified. + * -
  • 18. SOME PHASES OF THE NATURAL ORDER PROCESS Each successively ‘higher’ level represents a synthesis of all the levels ‘below’ it.
  • 19. LESSON FOUR ON FORCE, MOTION AND DIRECTION In breaking away from the matter-field duality, we automatically achieve a non-aristotelian approach to mental structuring. The value systems built up from identity of sense faculty registry with process reality will rapidly disintegrate when the full integration into one’s consciousness of field-in-process concepts is gained. Let us not be misquoted, through misunderstanding, that we are stating that the reports of the senses are false. Rather, we say, that the sense modalities, through only a partial of limited sensitivity to the entire electromagnetic spectrum, give us an extremely incomplete view of Reality. Then, when and if we identify with this limited view, and act accordingly, we have opened wide the door of confusion, grief, contradiction, and all manner of activities which are not necessarily aligned with the Natural Order Process. From veridically based grounds of orientation to the Natural Order Process, respecting the level of the phase one now operates in, one may gain alignment with the next and ‘higher’ phase of process—the development of the Autonomous or Individualizing Field on the Mind-level, which phase we will discuss in a subsequent lesson. As we continue our description of process and delineate some of the terms used, let us sharply differentiate between verbal referents and experiential referents. The verbal referent pertains strictly to the mental phase of process and may or may not have the veridical component; namely, the experience as that upon which the description is based. The experiential referent is the experience itself on a non- verbal, non-mental level. There is, of course, mental function and the experience of cognitive processes on that level, but the function or experience of intellect is never that on any other level. The tendencies to identify the verbal or mental with experiential referents, to identify sense-modality registry with process reality, and that tendency towards reification or identification of word with that spoken of, have been called “the cognitive invariants of the human.” One called it, “the lie and the Father of it.” This that is labeled “cognitive invariant,” however, need not be such, through the development of the ability to abstract consciously, as well as through the integration and application of that gained through the understanding of field-process concepts. It should be pointed out here, that the steady application of the functional operators: meditation, breath work, AUM chanting, etc., is essential in destroying the influence of the now outgrown “cognitive invariant.” Let us then, through sharp discrimination, rid ourselves of those false-to-life-process-fact concepts and begin to tread the Path in the direction of the Natural Order, at the particular synthetic stage in the development of the psyche where we should be organizing and ordering that phase of process. We shall now return to descriptions of terms and set up referents and interrelationships among the word-concepts: motion, force and time. Vitvan and Einstein (as covered in Lesson Three) have described motion as a change in field pattern or structure, or we could say, as a change in the arrangement of comprising field aggregates relative to the synthetic field of which it is composed.
  • 20. This altering in arrangement is brought about by that third and most basic tendency in the Cosmic Process, the urge of the Self towards more or greater Self-awareness. When observable motion eventuates, relative to a given local process, it is the change in field structure or the pattern which is this motion. Let us turn to the second organizational phase of process (called the subatomic field phase) for elucidation of this point. We will suppose that we are observing an electron field whose pattern is thus: e The point e is representative of the intersection of ‘lines of force’ resulting in a point of radiation, by means of which we can detect that there is ‘something’ there. A change now takes place in the field pattern eventuating in a structural alteration portrayed as: e' The solid lines in this figure represent the former pattern, while the dotted intersecting lines determine the altered pattern. The ‘new’ point of intersection designates a ‘spatial removal’ from point e to point e' (read e-prime). But, that which is causative with respect to the ‘movements’ (positional variant) of the ‘electron’ from e to e' is a change in field structure. Another way of stating this is to say that there was an apparent motion of the ‘electron’ from point e to e' as indicated by the arrow. What actually took place, however, was an alteration or change in the arrangement of ‘lines of force’ in the configurating field. We will consider for a moment the direction of this motion which we have now equated with a change in field pattern. A radically new and different conceptual referent is to be developed here, which, though not too difficult to comprehend, may prove to be not too easily accommodated to function. In our School of the Natural Order, a high value is placed upon what we call an accurate “roadmap.” The truer to territory the roadmap, the less difficulty we have when “taking the journey” (developing functional abilities). A much higher value, however, we place upon the developing of these functional abilities, as it is through this method that actual growth and development take place, rather than in achieving the mental grasp of some conceptual framework, regardless of its nature. Our stress is placed on function. First, understand the conceptual framework descriptive of field- process-reality, and then apply this comprehension—change it over to function; that is the immediate goal. To return to our subject regarding the direction of motion in general, we wish to categorically state that the only Force, Power or Energy of which we are aware equates with the urge of the Self to know Itself. We regard this as causative with respect to every activity, every motion, every change in any and every phase of the
  • 21. Cosmic Process. It is stated, therefore, that in every organizing, ordering, complexing or structuring process, the prime mover or motivator is this urge towards increasing Self-knowing. It is not to be construed that the use of the words causative, prime mover, etc., imply that the Force or Power referred to is extraneous to process, the reverse is the case—the Power is one with process. You will recall the discussion anent the Descending Arc and the differentiating process concerned therewith in Lesson Two. Just as the tendency is for the differentiating process to occur, so also is there not only the tendency but also the teleological assuredness for an integrating or de-differentiating process to eventuate, which we label the Natural Order Process. This is what is called the evolutionary process by most biologists. The words ‘evolutionary process’ however, do not, because of their current usage and described meaning, have what we classify as the proper or ontological connotation, which we consider a necessary prerequisite when dealing with process. So, we will avoid these terms and continue using “Natural Order Process.” In discussing the Descending Arc, there was described a differentiation from one to three to seven and then into a vast multiplicity. On the Ascending Arc there is the re-synthesizing of this multiplicity into the seven, etc. This grouping, aggregating, combining, etc., occurs in the direction of the Septenary synthetic which we call the Mind-level, or the phase in process when Self is All. Now, since the only Power we are aware of is the urge of the Self to know Itself and, since the ‘higher’ the phase of field-process, the greater the degree of Self-knowing, and, since synthetic field- process tends towards ‘higher’ and ‘higher’ stages of field synthesis, then it follows, that motion, which we have described as a change in arrangement of field components in any and every instance, becomes the direction of greater or increasing states of Self-awareness. The above statement is also a description of the direction of the Natural Order Process. The foregoing may seem to be the question: If all motion is towards increasing Self-awareness, and if this is described as the direction of the Natural Order Process, then since motion also obtains as regards the dispersal and symmetrizing tendencies, does this then signify that these two tendencies are included in the Natural Order Process? No, not necessarily. But, as was mentioned earlier, the primary tendency in the Cosmic Process is towards the above increasing states of Self-awareness. The other two tendencies (dispersal and symmetrizing) are utilized as necessary components with this major one. These three tendencies together represent the Cosmic Process. The further delineation of the above point seems advisable. In process reality there is no waste, only utilization. What may appear to be destruction, forces of darkness, dissipation, decay and death or that which is to be avoided, are, as viewed from an ontological or Cosmic vantage point, very necessary to the continuation of the Natural Order Process. Without the continuous re-supplying of free-energy structures resulting from destruction, decay, etc., we would shortly have no process. And likewise, without the tendency towards aggregating these structures we would have no process. But, while these two principles are absolutely necessary to the Natural Order Process they are not necessarily included in it. Since the prime organizing factor in the Cosmic Process, the urge towards greater Self-knowing,
  • 22. overrides the other two tendencies, their motion is also in the stated direction (towards greater Self-knowing), but one step removed as regards an exact identity with that direction. To clarify the “one step removed” we will use an analogy. Let us suppose that a farmer, whose income results from growing crops, finds that he must let a large portion of his land lie fallow for a year or two so that it will become arable once more. Now, while the ground is lying fallow, it is not directly helping to maintain his income at the level required, but indirectly, or “one step removed,” the lying fallow is very much related to that which is necessary for his livelihood. A statement was quoted in Lesson Two. That was: “Every individual motion represents a Universal movement.” In place of the word “represents” we could, with validity, put “equates with,” as, since there is but one motivator in all process, and as this Power pertains to the Universal Field-as-a-whole, any and every motion can be none other or less than Cosmic in scope or proportion. A single electron field, leaving as its indicated path, a track in the physicist’s cloud chamber; a snowy cumulus drifting across the afternoon sky; the orbital spiraling of the planet Jupiter’s 11 moons; a family en route to a vacation in Canada; energy exchanges taking place in an atomic reactor chamber; a baby taking its first steps; a morsel of food on its way to ingestion; and a non-finite number of etc.’s; all of these motions may be veridically described as directional with respect to the eventual goal of the Septenary, re-synthetical phase of process, which may be equated with increasing states of Self-knowing towards what we call the Mind-level. We have spoken of motion as a change in field pattern in the direction of greater synthesis or greater Self-awareness. Vitvan describes consciousness as the activity taking place respecting all phases of process, and the state of consciousness, as the degree of field synthesis, towards the recombining of the plurality into the seven rays, upon or in which this activity occurs. A certain completion of organization must obtain, however, with reference to a given ordering field, before consciousness may be evidenced in that field. In other words, though with each of us, respectively, there is activity going on, on the level of the Individualizing Field, functional awareness does not as yet pertain to that phase, at least for most of us. We state, that a degree of completion of organization has to eventuate, before consciousness can transfer identity to the higher level, for when the transition is first made, one discovers that he is only an infant. He then understands that he must begin the growth, development and organizing of his vehicle on the Mind-level—the lowest level of Light’s Regions. + * -
  • 23. LESSON FIVE THE GALACTIC FIELD ORGANIZING PROCESS At the beginning of the last lesson we said we would give descriptions for the terms motion, force and time. The first two of these, we covered in Lesson Four, but we have yet to describe that which the term “time” represents. We will also portray galactic “outpourings” and how they apply to planetary field-process organizational phases. Motion, we have discussed, as an alteration in ordering of comprising synthesized fields relative to the larger polarizing field which is composed of them. This larger and configurating field is causative with respect to the arrangement and rearrangement of those constituting, smaller, polarized structures. It has been noted that a direction is attributed to our delineation of the word “motion” and that this direction is spoken of as though it were dual in nature. This, however, is mostly for purposes of clarity in description. These two directions are towards increased states of Self-awareness and larger and more complex field syntheses which are representative of these states. It would be well to point out that the greater or higher the degree of Self- awareness, the ‘lower’ the level of field in which that state functions. Please refer to our diagram at the end of Lesson Three where elucidation of this point is made. It is stated in our literature that psychic functioning is on the molecular level of process and that Mind-level function has to do with the atomic and subatomic levels, and that on the last named level the configuration is built of a vast synthesis of atomic and subatomic fields—the Autonomous Field or the Individualized Field. In explaining the relationship of the concepts time and motion, we will have set up sufficiently our referent for the word “time.” When we observe certain local processes, it is noted that structural alterations or changes in field arrangement occur. When this eventuates in the direction of the Natural Order we denote the degree or amount of change in pattern in this direction as time. Or, it could be stated, that that which the word “time” represents equates with measurement of motion in the direction of the Natural Order Process. This measurement of motion may or may not be relative to some arbitrary standard. The arbitrarily chosen standard that is used generally today is the result of field interactions between the gravitational fields of the earth and the rest of the solar system, and the resultant of this, interacting with the galactic gravitational field, which culminates in the spiraling, cyclic, orbital pattern of the synthetic field, labeled the planet Earth. It is the counting of the cycles of this spiraling pathway and those mostly arbitrary divisions of these cycles which we usually use as our standard and compare with other changes. A clock is spoken of as a counter of sequential rhythmic field interactions. It is in this context that the Earth’s planetary pathway represents our clock. The Earth’s spiraling pathway is, of course, in the direction of increasing Self-awareness. We also equate time with the measurement of change in degree of Self-awareness unidirectionally towards increasing states of Self-knowing. A background has now been presented, adequate enough for utilization in depicting the planetary field organizing process respecting the phases thereof. This
  • 24. will be accomplished in terms of field syntheses and through the use of that developed, concerning factors in field-processes as pertain to local process in Lesson Three of this series. Let us begin this very interesting and illuminative characterization with the signification of what the term galaxy2 represents, in terms of componential arrangement. Simply speaking, our solar system is comprised of a self-illuminating star at its approximate center, and nine planets in different orbits revolving around it. A solar or star system is, essentially, the structural unit of a galaxy. The particular galaxy in which our sun (a star) is located is a synthesis of around one-hundred billion stars. This galaxy is located in what is called a galactic group subsystem which contains 16 other galaxies similar to ours. These galactic group subsystems, each a synthesis of billions upon billions of solar units, are the structural units of what we call the Universe, and number in the thousand-billions. In times not so modern, it was theorized that, at some date, several billion years ago, a small and extremely densely packed mass underwent an explosive expansion and this was the birth of the Universe. This theoretical depicture is affectionately known today as the “big bang” hypothesis and is, at present, still accepted by some scientists, though empirical evidence is, we believe, to the contrary. Briefly delineated, this empirical evidence is as follows: It is noted through observation that stellar fields may be categorized into just two broad groupings called Population I and Population II stars. Population I stars are thought to have been formed relatively recently and in their different types display an evolutionary sequence. It is in the Population II grouping only that we find the stars that go into nova (explosion or dispersion). From the observation and classification of individual galaxies it is found that three general divisions are necessary and sufficient. Vast, nebulous, self-luminous, dust-clouds comprise the first. The second is composed of what are labelled, spiral arm galaxies. The third are called elliptical galaxies and, for the most part, do have that characteristic somewhat circular form. Percentage-wise the distribution of the millions of galaxies observed is thus: Nebulous: 3%, Spiral Arm: 80%, Elliptical: 17%. Let us apply our understanding of Population I and II stars to the three types of galaxies, and then view this in conjunction with our grasp of field-process operation. It is noted that the spiral arm galaxies have, as their inhabitants, primarily Population I stars, while the elliptical galaxies are inhabited almost exclusively by white dwarfs and red giants (Population II). Also it is noted that in the spiral arm galaxies there are immense clouds of interstellar dust which are not found in the elliptical galaxies, as though, in this latter case, the components for continuing process, galactically speaking, have been used up. From our understanding of process concepts, we would suppose that final symmetrization has been reached and, if this is the case, that the dispersal tendency would start the redistribution of the bound up field structures. 2 At times we will find it advantageous to delete the word “field” as applies to various processes described or discussed, not only for purposes of brevity, but also particularly to avoid considerable redundancy. It is left therefore as an exercise for the student to supply mentally the deletions. (Examples: Galaxy – galactic field; planet – planetary field: atom – atomic field; etc., etc.)
  • 25. From observation we find that this conclusion seems to be the correct one, as it is in these elliptical (finally symmetrized) galaxies that the novae appear. So, there are: nebulous galaxies, those just in the process of formation; spiral arm galaxies, in varying stages of Natural Order Process; and elliptical galaxies, those which have reached the last stage in synthesis. We have talked about three types of galaxies, but only for convenience. There are stages of each type, one flowing into the next in an unbroken chain of sequential process. The vast majority, however, do resemble in appearance and structure the spiral arm, or irregular galaxy, as it is sometimes called. This galactic chain in process, from the nebulous to those including the exploding novae, represent what we in our School sometimes call the mahamanvantaric cycle. The elliptic or exploding galaxies are representative of the Descending Arc. The other 97% are representative of the Ascending Arc, and display individual characteristics exhibiting process in an almost infinite number of stages. These stages, we are going to posit, grouped into one synthetic field, comprise the Universe, which is Self-influencing through these galactic fields, but only in one direction. This direction is the one spoken of before, and points from the nebulous galaxies towards the finally symmetrized or elliptic galaxies which are denotable as increasing states of Self-awareness. Most of us in this School of the Natural Order have gained the experiential referent for the affective nature of contact with One who functions on the Mind- level—Vitvan. Those who visit here at Headquarters mention their consciousness of this characteristic influencing almost without exception. They also mention that when they depart, and as their distance from here increases, that a lessening of the feeling of this influence is experienced. Some, however, report that their awareness of this Field remains for several days after a visit here. This fading of influence need not be the case however, as the Field which is representative of the state called Mind-level does not attenuate with any change in tri-coordinate location. In order for this to be operative one must have thoroughly developed the ability to “tune in” to that state, to a great degree. But regardless of one’s capacities along these lines, the influence, assistance and guidance are ever present to one who has made and maintains the contact. The achieving of intelligent cooperation with this influencing aid to Self- development entails our breaking through what we sometimes call “the Veil of Maya” (read “The Veil of Maya” as given by Vitvan for an elucidation of this point, as well as a description of the way of rending the “Veil”). From the foregoing discussion it may be readily discerned that spatial proximity is not prerequisite to the affectiveness of a field in a higher phase of process on a field the next step lower in process. The tendency, briefly stated, is for the more highly synthesized field to influence the lesser towards increasing organization on its present level, as well as tending to bring the lesser to the higher state or next phase of process. From the Mind-level of clear perception (Knowing), all is Here-Now. From this viewpoint there is no vast, seemingly interminable spaciousness to the Universe. It seems to fold in on itself in complete superimposition. The gigantic proportionality collapses, so to speak, and becomes One, One Self in an intimate immediacy of Knowing.
  • 26. It was stated earlier that a sequential chain of one way process is evidenced pertaining to the galactic phase of organization. The spatial disproportion of each galaxy from any other, instead of being reckoned in terms of hundreds and thousands of light years distant, is reduced to zero from our vantage point of perceptivity. It is from this view that the subsequent portrayal of the galactic field organizing process is elicited. We do not choose this standpoint just for the reason that we find it advantageous, but solely because this is the way we perceive it. Let us consider two successive phases in an organizing process and, for convenience, we will deal with them as layered or as one above the other. It will be assumed that the second phase has not as yet ‘taken place’ or been synthesized by the grouping of the synthetic fields of the next lower level or first phase into arrangements which characterize that second phase. Our first phase, it is assumed, is ordered in the manner described in Lesson Three. (It might be well to review that section.) A part of this organization of a given phase has to do with that ordering process moving in the direction of utilizability and polarizability towards facilitating the development of the prototypal arrangements characterizing the successive phases in the Natural Order Process. We will treat all organizational phases of process, represented by the superimpositional array of galactic, solar system, and planetary fields, as the sequential, influensive, causative, and directive factors in ordering planetary phases of organization and in synthesizing ordered componential fields into more highly complex syntheses whose arrangements denote increasing states of Self-awareness. With respect to a given planetary field organizing process, these influencing and already existent galactic organizing fields could be called Archetypal. That is, all of the organizational phases which are to take place within a given planetary field process, obtain, a priori, in the Archetype (Cosmic Field). Thus, when the first phase, discussed two paragraphs back, is becoming organized in preparation for and to the degree necessary that the next phase in process may proceed, it is the precursive affectiveness of two analogical phases in that superimposed synthetic field, which encompasses all phases of all organization in the Universe that generally directs that organizing. Likewise, it is this same influence that brings about the synthesis of the first phase field aggregates into the arrangements which distinguish the second phase. The pattern of the grouping of the second phase structures is also such that they may be utilizable for the third phase to proceed. All of this grouping, aggregating, synthesizing, etc., into larger or greater and more highly ordered arrangements of fields is in the general direction of the Septenary synthetic which is representative of that state of consciousness called the Mind-level. The word “general” is used here to avoid the implicit assumption that we infer teleological grounds for all process. We do, however, wish to state that a teleological basis is accepted and applicable to Natural Order Process in at least two general ways: One, that in Natural Order Process, the direction of field arrangement is towards greater complexity, higher organizational phases and towards that aforementioned Septenary re-synthesis. Two, that, since the urge of the Self to Know Itself is the prime mover in Natural Order Process, a one-way direction is given to
  • 27. increasing states of Self-knowing. It may be added that the pathway of statement one is representational in that of statement two. There is, as concerns the Natural Order Process, a non-teleological aspect. This aspect of randomness or chance, entering into our portrayal of field process, does not, however, assume the dominating proportions attributed to it by the evolutionary biologists, the ecologists, and most of the other life scientists. For them, there is no formative tendency in ‘life,’ or any other process working unidirectionally towards a synthetic culmination. Rather, extreme emphasis is placed upon probability laws as the governing factor in the growth and development process from phase to succeeding phase. We will take a moment here to point up how unrealistic this chance notion seems to us. The constituents of a hemoglobin molecule (a very complex molecule found in the human bloodstream) can be spatially ordered in a great number of ways. This number is so large that, for all practical purposes, it is infinite. The number of arrangements is written 10623 in a shorthand way of notation. It signifies the number 10 followed by 622 zeros, and is read: ten to the six-hundred and twenty-third power. Assuming that process is statistical in nature, this means that there is one chance in 10623 that the correct combination might eventuate. To our way of evaluating, this represents zero probability. Let us suppose that every man, woman and child on this planet, whose imaginative population we will place at 10 billion (5 times the present), started counting at the rate of 100 numbers per second and that this counting went on for one thousand, thousand billion years. The number arrived at by all this counting, we will assume, is the same as the number of fields necessary to comprise one grain of sand and then let’s suppose that this planet is composed of these grains of sand through and through. So, to obtain the number of minute fields composing the Earth we will have to multiply the number of fields per grain by the number of grains it would take to build a sphere the size of our planet. We will imagine that each grain measures one millionth of an inch in diameter and that the Earth’s diameter is 4,000 miles. Now, let us suppose that we have a billion, billion, billion, billion Earths so constituted, and multiply all these billions together, times the vast number of minute fields we had for just the one planet. Our resultant figure is about 1066 , which, compared with 10623 , is far far smaller than a mustard seed compared with the size of our galaxy. Our views with respect to the nature of process differ radically from those of the scientific classicist. As concerns randomness, when applied to the Natural Order Process, a differentiating out of particularizations or an ordering of specific field arrangements designates the pertinence thereto. The inclusion into field process, of the dispersal and symmetrizing tendencies precludes an entirely pre-ordered directness to the Septenary synthetic. We will discuss this aspect in detail in the Lesson on ‘environment’ (note the quotes) which is to follow. + * -
  • 28. LESSON SIX ‘ENVIRONMENT’, SELF AND FIELD A quotation from the “Correspondence Course” will set the basic note for the subject of this lesson, which is ‘environment.’ “The registry of energy wave-lengths and frequencies apparently creates modifications respecting the state of the Perceiver and to such an extent that it has been said: ‘The changes in that perceived, follow, as representation, the modifications of the state of the Perceiver.’ In the final analysis, however, this apparent change in the state is caused by an ‘inverse reflection’ of the process of Self-awareness; i.e., the Self on Its own level, by the activity inherent in awareness of Itself becomes the causative factor (‘creator’) of the wave-lengths and frequencies. So, it is really frequency modifying the state. The state (as activity of Self-awareness) ‘creates’ the energy-wave and frequency. It is in the sense of separation from the Real-Self (on its own level) that we, respectively, experience, observe, register, etc., the activity of Self-awareness as energy wave-lengths and frequencies. The length of the waves and rate of frequency registered only seem to change and modify the state of the Perceiver. As contradictory as it seems, the self-same Self resides at the basis of both levels; the Self aware of Itself in sense of separation from the fullness of Its own Self-perceiving, perceives its own activity, energy wave-lengths and frequencies” (or ‘environment’). The parenthetical addition at the end of the quotation is ours. The non-intuitive explicitness above is that the ‘environment (wave-frequency) does not alter the state or that which is representational respecting the state. A given state may be described in terms of its representation. The representation equates with the degree of field synthesis towards the aforementioned immediate goal. State may be described as intensity of Self-knowing, and this as the activity occurring in the representational field. This synthetic field, in addition to being representative of the state of Self-awareness, is that, in, by and through which the Power-to-be-conscious becomes conscious; namely, the Mother (a synonym for Mother is Field). Cosmic Process has been designated as “one act of consciousness.” In this one act of consciousness, there is only one Self, one Power-to-be-conscious in varying states of Its own Self-knowing. Respecting a particular state of Self-awareness or I- ness, however, there obtains identification of this one Self with its ‘parts’ resultant in a ‘sense’ of separateness. This phase of process we, in our School, label the man- state or, sometimes, the Individualizing phase of the Comic Process. As we, respectively, and ‘individually,’ identify with the multiplicity of activities concerning or pertaining to the man-state (the development of the psychic- nature) it seems that we function in an ‘energy world’ from which we register frequencies of varying wave-length and quality. The words, wave-frequency, free- energy structures and ‘environment’ may be reduced to synonymic equality, so we will use them in this manner henceforth.
  • 29. Ostensibly, we utilize from this ‘energy-world’ the free energy structures compatible with and necessary for the metabolic, catabolic, etc., processes of growth, development, maintenance, function, etc. The terms growth, development, maintenance, etc., contain inferentially the connotation of alteration or change in structural process and therefore modification in representation of state. Since the state or manner of Self-knowing, is the activity eventuating in and through the representation (synthetic field, Mother-substance, etc.), then we have, therefore, an alteration in state by reason of the ‘environmental’ influence. The above sketch relates the one-way energy exchange between local process and that which acts upon it and is other than it, from the viewpoint of ‘sense-of- separateness.’ This view could also be termed the “common-sense’ attitude. If we plant a seed (potential process on the plant level) in the ground, having sufficient sunlight, water, etc., a field synthesizing, polarizing process eventuates. But when we describe that which the expressions—sunlight, water, etc., represent, our delineation deals with states of awareness from a representational aspect. As was stated prior, the only Force, Power or Energy of which we are aware is the urge of the Self to Know Itself and this, as the prime mover of all activities in all phases of field-process. So, we have now, Self acting ‘upon’ Itself or more simply and more correctly put, just Self-acting. The foregoing monistic description of synthetic field interaction is acceptable to us by reason of perceptive cognition. However, as far as the utilizability of a rigorous monistic approach in description of phases of process, we feel that the unwieldy sentence structure necessary would soon result in a syntactical aphasia for both the writer and the reader. But, it would be in order to keep in mind the above points descriptive of the actuality of the exchange between a given ‘local’ process and that ‘other than’ the ‘local’ process. For purposes of clarity, simplicity and understandability we will sometimes speak as though a given synthesized field is acted upon by the environment, but keeping as background for mental perception the essential or intrinsic Oneness of the Cosmic Process. In local phases of process, field interaction, as the differentiating and integrating aspect thereof, assumes a role of extreme importance in the sequential organizing procedure which we in the School designate as Natural. All activities may be depicted in terms of field-in-process interactions and/or field-in-process re- arrangements or syntheses. Akin to the above, though not precisely in alignment with this presentation, we wish to give an excerpt from an article entitled, “The Reality of the Non-Material” by F. L. Kunz, in “Main Currents,” November-December, 1963, which we find most interesting. “The old situation is as follows: in that part of biology called ecology, creatures and their material surroundings have long been studied as one whole. The interdependence of soil, water and air and of all the plant and animal life in a region is intricate, but well ordered. Each species has its niche. The creatures seem to depend upon the physical environment, having only limited adaptability to a radically new one. Therefore, in the causal relation, the non-living material environment seems to be the dominant component, although it is obvious that the living orders are superior in many ways.
  • 30. “The basic truth is today seen quite differently. The seas and lakes, the mountains and snows and streams, the atmosphere and its clouds, are themselves docile creatures of the true environment, the force field continua; and it is known that living creatures also trade skillfully and directly with this true environment. “For example, plants live in and exchange with the electromagnetic field. The plant has measurable polarities and gradients that vary with the season, the month, the week. H. S. Burr, of Yale, has read the phases of the moon from his electrical recordings of the live activities of maple trees. The photoelectric effect described in Einstein’s equation is at work as photons strike the chloroplasts of green leaves.” Our emphasis is to be upon tendency concerning these interactions, re- arrangements, etc.,, rather than the mechanistic, materialistic or vitalistic doctrines of the majority of present-day biologists. Science today, in general, treats the ‘living’ organism as some sort of mechanical ensemble which adapts or is altered by that which is called environment. This, plus chance mutation and “survival of the fittest,” form the basis of the dualists’ outlook on the origin, development and progression of species, with consciousness of Self-awareness denoted as a mere by-product, hardly worthy of consideration. While our viewpoint is not strictly teleological, we do lay the stress upon the tendency in process towards one-way development: greater synthesis, higher organization, greater complexity, etc., representative of increasing states of Self-awareness. In this light, environment—i.e., frequency registry, field interaction— becomes the primary differentiating factor from homogeneity to heterogeneity, from the Many to the One, but through or by way of an infinitude of variations. Without a random factor, as pertains to process, units of local order would present uniformity or sameness in appearance, function, organization and so on. This would be the case if the Natural Order operated on a precisely teleological basis. That this basis is not the correct one, can be shown even from making a few comparisons of images in the psyche appearing substantive. This Universe is not one of endless duplication and re-duplication, but one of unlimited or non-finite diversity. This signifies an orderedness but yet a randomness to the phases of the organizing process. The pathway of the ordering activity is, in general, an ordered randomness. It is quite simple to state or list on the grounds of predeterminism (teleology), the various and succeeding general phases or steps of process, as has been done on our chart at the end of Lesson Three. But, to attempt, on this basis, to delineate process as concerns particularities or specifics is, in our opinion, an impossibility. Randomness as applies to the generally ordered direction of process has the same bearing as the relationship between the symmetrizing and dispersal tendencies, and the Natural Order Process, which was discussed on page 28, Lesson Four. There is a close relationship, but not one of identity. It has been stated that the Natural Order Process, in the direction of increasing organization of field syntheses and greater states of Self-awareness, will take place, regardless of field aggregate combinations differing from those of this particular planet, Earth. In other words, that which is called ‘life’ by our biologists need not be restricted to the carbon, hydrogen, oxygen basis which we have here. Through the intervention of an arrangement brought about by intragalactic and intergalactic regional stresses, plus the formative tendency in process, a specifically non-finite
  • 31. number of differing foundations for ‘life’ process would not only be conjectured but firmly expected. It is our opinion that the Cosmos is literally teeming with ‘life.’ You have perhaps noted the use of the single quotes regarding the word life. We, in the School of the Natural Order do not differentiate between what most scientists would call ‘living’ and ‘non-living’ field syntheses. Any line drawn, with respect to organizational phases, which sets apart one group from another, we feel is purely arbitrary. Activity pertains to all levels of field process; there being no ‘inert,’ ‘lifeless’ or ‘dead’ as pertains to process. Vitvan states the above thus: “Embryologists, cytologists, morphologists, and I guess we could add histologists, use the term ‘living-matter’ so that they can differentiate what they call living-matter from what they label dead matter. The phenomenal aspect of representations in substance is of course that with which these scientists are concerned, and only that. But from our teleological position, in the School of the Natural Order, to differentiate living-substance or living-matter from that matter which does not exhibit intrinsic or self-motivating qualities is purely arbitrary. However, the line of demarcation (which I must say is also arbitrary) between living- matter and non-living matter is somewhere in the dynamic configurating process between the molecule and the colloid. Molecular structures below the colloidal level (the atom and its structural components, the vortices of energy) are considered non- living-matter, because these energy-structures do not exhibit observable inherent self-motivating attributes under microscopic examination. Therefore, the line of demarcation between non-living-matter and living-matter is between the molecular and colloidal structures. “While we retain and use these terms living-matter and non-living matter, we do so as a concession to current usage of to the Aristotelian cytologists’ viewpoint. From the non-aristotelian attitude, orientation, etc., the word ‘living’ could only be used to represent the Field, irrespective of whether the phenomenal aspect in relation to the structure of the Field is ‘below’ or ‘above’ the colloidal state in the configurating process. So, the term non-living-matter would be a label without a referent or significs.” Though we full well realize that a division between ‘living’ and ‘non-living’ is rather unwarranted, it is evident that there is some sort of alteration in activity when that called ‘death’ occurs. It is quite evident that process is cyclic in nature. Two labels applied to the originating of a unit of local order and its culminating final symmetrization are ‘life’ and ‘death.’ To an Aristotelian, one who identifies with the reports of the senses as reality, or to one who had the dualistic outlook of field and ‘matter’ or ‘spirit’ and ‘matter,’ ‘death’ might be described as the ‘withdrawal of the spirit’—that which activates something which is described as inert ‘matter.’ With the background we have built up in developing and describing field- process concepts, a delineation of that which eventuates at the transition called ‘death’ may be ventured in terms of field synthesis and polarization. We will begin by depicting briefly the transitional phases of field-process in the development of an embryo from fertilization to its development as a functioning field synthesis.
  • 32. You will recall in our discussion of motion that an electron ‘particle’ was described as the re-arrangement of the fields composing the electron field such that radiation is given off which may be detected by the physicist. The radiation is given off cyclically, so it was stated that the electronic ‘particle’ is discontinuous. The periodicity, evidenced in the subatomic phase of process, obtains throughout the Universe up to and including the galactic phase. But the organizing field, per se, whatever the phase or local process under discussion, is prior to and causative, relative to the synthesis which is its representation. A given formative field, prior to a synthesizing cycle, sometimes called a ‘putting forth,’ exists as a regional stress, the partial fulfillment of which, results in a synthesizing, polarizing or configurating process. The word “partial” is used here to indicate a never-to-be-completed-ness as concerns the Cosmic Process or process of Self-knowing. This is also indicative of the imbalance spoken of in an earlier lesson. In its cyclic nature, our given field begins a configurating cycle through polarizing synthesizable, lesser, structured fields, into componental arrangements representative of its stress pattern. If we were to consider the formation of a human embryo, the process begins basically on the atomic level, the synthesis of which local units go to make up the DNA molecular field: from the atomic to the molecular, then from the molecular to the mega-molecular or colloidal and on to the cellular field phase of structure, these DNA molecular fields are of ultimate importance in energy exchanges and the releasing of other molecular field bonds for the continuation of process. When the multicellular phase (an aggregating of similar cells in cooperation) is reached, organization takes the direction of differentiating out systemic cellular groups which perform particular functions, related to each other in such a way that the organism is viable in its surround. Finally, when systemic ordering has been completed to a degree, that which is labeled the birth process occurs. From this point the polarizing process continues systemically until through a tending too far towards the dispersal tendency, or the symmetrizing tendency, or a combination of each, as concerns the various systems, a formative process no longer obtains. The configurating field changes its arrangement such that there is no longer the coordinated super-positioning of the formative field with its polarized parts and the dispersal tendency begins to dissipate the local system into utilizable synthetic fields for the continuation of process. That which we label the configuration, which is a synthesized field itself, does not fall all to pieces immediately upon the change in arrangement of the organizing field. Those polarizable parts, of which the configuration is comprised, retain what we could label residual polarity or cohesiveness. Analogically, if we were to take an unmagnetized bar or iron and place it in the spatial proximity of a highly magnetized bar, the former would take on the characteristic alignment known as magnetism. Upon removal from the local vicinity of the highly magnetized bar, the newly magnetized one would not lose its polarity but would exhibit that which the physicists call residual magnetism. This formative process we are describing, you will note, is presented as a synthesis of smaller fields into larger field syntheses. It is not to be supposed, however, that those fields synthesized lose their identity on their own level through
  • 33. this eventuation. Though, as was mentioned earlier, the whole is greater than the sum of its parts, and this, through the arrangement and functional relationships of those parts, each part in and of itself is representative of an aspect or state of Self- awareness. How many of these parts are there as pertains to one given ‘human’ configuration? Billions upon billions upon billions! Herein lies a delineation of the phrase, “those lesser lives which compose the “elemental self.” + ^ - On the next page will be found the Main Chart as used in our School of the Natural Order. It was thought advisable that this chart be included in the present course of lessons as a valuable reference for clarification and correlation of phases and points discussed, as well as terminology used. It is full well realized that many of the phases of process shown on this chart are not taken up in the present brief sketch. However, the field-process concepts described are applicable, in general, to all phases of process portrayed.
  • 34.
  • 35. LESSON SEVEN PSYCHIC FUNCTIONING AND FIELD INTERACTION In the depicting of the ‘life’/‘death’ cycle in the last lesson there was no mention made anent the psychic phase of process. This phase is one which concerns most of us through the immediacy of our functioning. According to Vitvan, psychic-functioning takes place in the molecular phase of field-process. It is the organizing, complexifying, arranging and re-arranging, of molecular field chains, as well as the lesser field structures composing them, that we in our School designate as psychic functioning, growth, and sequential development. The pattern of organization for the structuring of the psychic field resides in the arrangement of the configurating field which we term Autonomous or Individualizing. This psychic field pattern is therefore representative of the degree of organization on the Mind-level relative to the completed Septenary Synthesis, and exhibits those developed qualities and faculties acquired or built into the Individualizing Field. Quality or guna described structurally, equates with particular or specific synthetic field arrangements, sometimes including a reversal of polarity in the arrangement. In a way of speaking, the development of the various aspects of the psychic phase of process parallels and characterizes the organizing of structure on the Mind- level. When the psychic ordering process has been completed to a degree, a transitional stage occurs wherein consciousness begins to transfer identity from the psyche (personality, in sense-of-separateness) to the Autonomous Field phase of process (the first degree of Oneness). The completed transition we label the Second Crossing. Let us now turn to a description, in terms of field process, of psychic nature functioning through frequency registry as pertains to the sense modalities. In our opinion sense functioning occurs in the psychic-field. This point has been delineated by Vitvan in our literature to the extent that we do not deem it necessary to re- substantiate this here. In depicting this phase of psychic nature functioning, we will use the diagram labeled “Quantum Field Interactions in Sense Functions” below. It will be advantageous, before launching into our subject, to describe the term wave-frequency in some detail. The photon, or unit structure of that which we call light may be described as a “bundled field”; the “bundle” composed of quantum structural fields synthesized and in process of periodic re-arrangement. The classic description of this cyclic change would take on the characteristics of a sine wave: . However, in terms of modern physics, we have seen that there is a variance in measurable radiation from zero up to an intensity which is readily detectable. This measurement actually represents a change in arrangement of field pattern rather than being a description of the relative motion of some ‘particle’ whose movement is described as a ‘wave.’ Pictorially, we could display the characteristic cyclic field alterations thus:
  • 36. The gap between the figures shows a discontinuity of radiation. This gap also portrays a period when no radiation is given off; i.e., there is ‘nothing’ there. The thickest part of the figures describes intense radiation, while the tapering ends portray an increasing or a lessening of emanation. It should be clearly understood that the figures only depict degrees of the radiation of ‘something’ and are not representative of shape or pathway of motion as concerns a photon field. We could also use the above delineation in discussing the cyclic palingenetic rhythm. In this way, the nodes of the above diagram would portray cyclic organizing periods labeled incarnations; while the gaps would characterize intervals between organizational cycles. The word wave then is described as representing an alteration in field pattern. The word frequency denotes the number of these field alterations relative to some standard of measurement of field change or some sub-division of this standard. The standard generally used today, planetarily speaking, is the cyclic spiraling pathway of the Earth and is labeled the year. At some fixed velocity, such as that of light, 182,280 miles per second, an increase in frequency brings about a smaller time lapse or distance between #1, #2 and #3 in our diagram on the above page. We could say that the higher the frequency of field alterations, the shorter the wave length. But, keeping in mind that the word wave as applied to certain phases of field-process, used in the way we ordinarily do in our School, represents a discontinuity of field radiation. In the world of extended objects, the world of the senses, we do observe continuous waves such as ocean waves, but in our study of the psyche it is the discontinuous wave-field that concerns us. Referring to the diagram on the next page, it will be noted that all five sense modalities are portrayed, but it will serve our purpose to discuss primarily the visual modality while the others will be touched upon but briefly. This discussion, as concerns cortical functioning, will be in terms of the formation of quantum chains in reticular space (field), as it is the quantum phase of organization which is the empirically established field level through which the thought processes occur. That which is to follow will not only supply a more highly veridical basis for the description of sense and cortical functioning, but will also yield a structural foundation from which to view the abstracting process and the others thereof. The outmoded, outdated doctrine of nerve impulse, nerve cell as applies to the operation of the human nervous system has been replaced by the field-in-process mode of approach which was quite recently and experientially determined. The ten billion or so nerve cells in the cortex are but the merest fraction of the number of structures required for the multiplicity of combinations necessary for the thought processes of the average individual. Let us now take up the visual modality in terms of field-process interactions. First we must have a source of wave-fields to which the visual modality will respond. We have labeled the emanation from this source “photon wave-fields”. The synthetic field arrangement here is such that the sensation of transparency or clearness is perceived. This synthesis may be changed in arrangement through interaction with a prismatic field (glass prism), the change resulting in what is called visible spectrum. One should note the use of the word “visible” as denoting only a very small portion of a vast and continuous range of frequencies in the electromagnetic spectrum.
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  • 38. Let us suppose that the photon wave-fields from our light source impinge on a synthetic field-process, the form of which we have conveniently chosen and labeled “APPLE”. Upon the intersection of these synthetic fields a great number of interactions eventuate. We will only concern ourselves here with those occurrences having to do with vision. The field interaction between the synthetic field-process labeled “APPLE” and the photon synthetic wave-field, a quantic aggregate, results in the reflection of an altered wave-field pattern of the particular wave or frequency that we label red. “Altered” here refers to a change in the periodic interval of the cyclic photon field. This periodicity is characterized by how frequently the quantum fields composing the photon field are rearranged. A change in the rapidity of cyclic quantum field rearrangements would be determinative respecting the color viewed. A description of that which the word “arrangement” represents would be the spatial orientation of the composing fields singly, in groups, in sub-groups, with respect to each other, etc., in an ordering process. A part of the altered photon ‘stream’ passes through the lens of the eye and is slightly changed again. When the ‘stream’ reaches the retinal field, still another interaction occurs. Keep in mind that all of these changes in field arrangement are taking place on the quantum level. As the result of this last interchange, a sequential building-up of quantum chains is begun in the optic nerve, which is directional and toward the cortex. Upon arrival at that structuring center called the cortex—the reticular field—a quantum chain is built up on a molecular field. The pattern of this quantum chain is representative of that field from which the reflection came. Also there is a similarity in structural pattern between that which we call the configuration and the quantum field aggregate formulated in the brain. This quantum chain represents that which we call a first order abstraction. Atmospheric wave patterns (sounds) within a certain range of frequency act as auditory stimuli to set up quantum chains similarly to the way this was described above. When and if we originate one of these particular wave patterns (the sound of the word “APPLE” for instance) and then link up or couple the formulated chains from both the sound and from the visual modality and do this in a certain manner, we have then identified two dissimilar and spatially separated field structures with each other. It is usually the case that this identity is not differentiated from that synthetic field from which the photons were reflected. We in this School call this state of affairs objective identity or identity of sense faculty registry with configurational Reality. Earlier in this series the term “cognitive invariant of the human” was applied to the above. Primitive man had to place greater value on this “invariant” for purposes of survival. At present however, the hanging on to this old value system, or not seeing it for what it represents, characterizes non-cooperation with the Natural Order Process and a leaning too far toward the symmetrizing tendency resulting in the canalization and/or crystallization of the psyche. Now, a word about words, both spoken and written. Spoken language developed long before a written language evolved. If you will note on our chart above, the word “APPLE,” this symbol, namely the arrangement of the ink pattern on the paper, the interaction with the photon wave-field has the effect of forming a quantum chain in the visual area of the brain. A spoken word has the same resultant effect, but the quantum chain, representative of that auditory stimulus, is spatially