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@giorgionatili #mobiletea 1
The Little Shop of
TDD Horrors
a story from Giorgio Natili
(the mobile & tdd dude)
@giorgionatili #mobiletea 2
Italian Accent Crash Course
@giorgionatili #mobiletea 3
A few words about me…
@giorgionatili #mobiletea 4
Lead Mobile Engineer 

(McGraw Hill Education)
@giorgionatili #mobiletea 5
Mobile Tea
@giorgionatili #mobiletea 6
@giorgionatili #mobiletea 7
Setup and Teardown
Tests clarity and readability
Mocking data
Contract tests
Behaviors driven development
End to end testing
The goals of testing
What we’ll talk about
“We are going to cycle in good and bad practices
highlighting potential solutions…”
How we’ll talk about this
@giorgionatili #mobiletea 9
Everything Started with a Red Sign…
@giorgionatili #mobiletea 10
And from a bunch of notes
@giorgionatili #mobiletea 11
What’s TDD
@giorgionatili #mobiletea 12
Test Driven Development
@giorgionatili #mobiletea 13
Development life cycle
It’s all about writing enough code to
satisfy specific conditions and a
continuous refactoring
@giorgionatili #mobiletea 14
Analysis tool
Decouple requirements in independent,
negotiable, valuable, estimable, small
testable pieces of code
@giorgionatili #mobiletea 15
With TDD you are not lost anymore!
@giorgionatili #mobiletea 16
Set up and tear down
@giorgionatili #mobiletea 17
Easy setup and teardown
Understandable setups keep the test
clean and easily comprehensible for
@giorgionatili #mobiletea 18
beforeEach(function() {
provider.init(["course:read:*", "group:read:*", "settings:read:*", "settings:update:*", "activity:read:*",
"log:*:*", "node:create:*", "settings:create:*", "system:update:*",
"system:read:*", "system:delete:*", "system:create:*", "unit:create:*", "unit:read:*", "node:update:*",
"node:read:*", "node:delete:*", "splash:read:*", "path:read:*",
"master:update:*", "snapshot:read:*", "lti:grade:*", "master:read:*", "snapshot:update:*",
"history:read:*", "lti:appLaunch:*", "lti:contentItemReturn:*",
"appAction:annotationBundle.js:*", "appAction:apps:*", "appAction:annotation.js:*", "openId:read:*",
"app:read:*", "activityOutcome:activitySubmission:*",
"search:read:*", "userOrgProfile:read:*", "lti:contentItemSelectionReturn:*", "history:create:*",
"eula:read:*", "lti:editActivity:*", "userAppCategoryPref:update:*",
"platformArtifacts:read:*", "userAppCategoryPref:read:*", "userAppCategoryPref:delete:*",
"userAppCategoryPref:create:*", "appCategory:read:*",
"appActivity:update:3,4,16,48,49", "appActivity:findAddible:16,48,49", "nextbook:read:*",
"appActivity:read:*", "lti:addActivity:*",
"activityOutcome:create:*", "activityOutcome:read:*", "activityOutcome:update:*"
Overcomplicated setup is a symptom of poor
test(s) organization!
@giorgionatili #mobiletea 19
Eventually decouple setups
Just in case you really need
complicated setups decouple them from
tests and include them in the setup…
@giorgionatili #mobiletea 20
Essentials Tests
@giorgionatili #mobiletea 21
Test the fundamentals
If you are not 100% test covered you
are not a bad person!
@giorgionatili #mobiletea 22
describe( 'AppCtrl', function() {
describe( 'isCurrentUrl', function() {
var AppCtrl, $location, $scope;
beforeEach( module( 'ngBoilerplate' ) );
beforeEach( inject( function( $controller, _$location_, $rootScope ) {
$location = _$location_;
$scope = $rootScope.$new();
AppCtrl = $controller( 'AppCtrl', { $location: $location, $scope: $scope });
it( 'should pass a dummy test', inject( function() {
expect( AppCtrl ).toBeTruthy();
Don’t take advantage from this!
@giorgionatili #mobiletea 23
Test, design and code quality
@giorgionatili #mobiletea 24
Big up front design is not TDD
It’s not based on cycles and it’s not
how you would design a component…
@giorgionatili #mobiletea 25
Big projects should still follow best practices…
@giorgionatili #mobiletea 26
Tests are code, treat them well
Write small, readable and decoupled
tests. Tests are part of your code base,
don’t write garbage code!
@giorgionatili #mobiletea 27
Treat your tests as a welcome guests
@giorgionatili #mobiletea 28
Refactor on green
Don’t refactor code or tests until the
tests are not green…
@giorgionatili #mobiletea 29
@giorgionatili #mobiletea 30
Never write tests that nobody wants or
is able to read, you’ll stop to read them
@giorgionatili #mobiletea 31
@implementation CardTests
- (void)testFlag {
[self login];
NSManagedObjectContext *context = [CoreDataManager sharedManager].operationContext;
Section *testSection = [Section sectionForUpsertWithSectionId:@(1) forUserId:self.testUserId

// Completed activities should not show a due soon indicator even when due soon.
Activity *activityNotStarted = [Activity activityForUpsertWithActivityId:@(2)
forSection:testSection inContext:context];
activityNotStarted.progressStatus = ActivityProgressStatusNotYetStarted;
activityNotStarted.due = [NSDate distantFuture];
Card *cardForActivityNotStarted = [Card cardForUpsertWithActivityDue:activityNotStarted];

// Repeated for 6 different scenarios…

Boring and not useful
@giorgionatili #mobiletea 32
Do you like to read like this?
@giorgionatili #mobiletea 33
Time box writing tests
You should be driven away from
writing long tests and large amounts of
code to satisfy them
@giorgionatili #mobiletea 34
@giorgionatili #mobiletea 35
Respect the privacy
Don’t expose methods just because you
have to test it: Well-designed public
methods should use them in such a way
they don’t need be directly tested
@giorgionatili #mobiletea 36
Reflection + methods swizzling
Don’t expose private methods -even
temporarily - you are terrorizing your
own design
@giorgionatili #mobiletea 37
Repetitive Cases
@giorgionatili #mobiletea 38
Automate repetitive cases
Use generative tests framework to
mock repetitive cases in your tests
@giorgionatili #mobiletea 39
describe('pow', function() {
it('works for simple cases', function() {
assert.equal(pow(2, 1), 2);
assert.equal(pow(2, 2), 4);
assert.equal(pow(2, 5), 32);
assert.equal(pow(2, 8), 256);
assert.equal(pow(3, 2), 9);
assert.equal(pow(10, 4), 10000);
assert.equal(pow(1, 99), 1);
From this mess…
@giorgionatili #mobiletea 40
'pow works like builtin',
function(base, exponent) {
var builtinPow = Math.pow(base, exponent);
var ourPow = pow(base, exponent);
return (builtinPow === ourPow ||
relativeErrorWithin(0.000000001, builtinPow, ourPow));
To a better code!
@giorgionatili #mobiletea 41
You feel better!
@giorgionatili #mobiletea 42
@giorgionatili #mobiletea 43
The clarity of expectations and
assertions is the key for effective TDD
@giorgionatili #mobiletea 44
Don’t be worried about the length of the
names, a right name is the key to be
understood by the others
@giorgionatili #mobiletea 45
Poor descriptions
Tests descriptions are one of the best
sources of documentation, never ignore
the importance of providing a good
@giorgionatili #mobiletea 46
Respect laziness
Never force a stakeholder to read the
code contained in a test to understand
its purpose
@giorgionatili #mobiletea 47
Arrange, Act, Assert (AAA)
Separate what is going to be tested
from the setups and keep the
verification steps clearly identified
@giorgionatili #mobiletea 48
Conditional Behaviors
@giorgionatili #mobiletea 49
Avoid conditional behaviors
If you start to add conditionals to
determine if your code is executed by
the tests suites, it means that you are in
@giorgionatili #mobiletea 50
Ambiguous behaviors are dangerous!
@giorgionatili #mobiletea 51
“TDD is not about
preventing bugs, it’s
about proving the
exactness of
@giorgionatili #mobiletea 52
There are unpredictable conditions!
@giorgionatili #mobiletea 53
but you can still mitigate them…
@giorgionatili #mobiletea 54
Network Responses and API
@giorgionatili #mobiletea 55
Network Responses
Applications rely on external data
sources, it’s important to have clear
expectations about external APIs
@giorgionatili #mobiletea 56
Tests are code: Never ignore
performance issues and bottlenecks
@giorgionatili #mobiletea 57
Mock Data
Mock only the data you are testing. A
mock should be small and
@giorgionatili #mobiletea 58
Contract Tests
Create tests in a separate environment
that checks the sanity of the external
API you rely on
@giorgionatili #mobiletea 59
'use strict';
var supertest = require('supertest-as-promised');
var request = supertest('');
var assert = require('chai').assert;
describe('Backend API', function() {
it ('should return the list of users', function() {
return request.get('/api/v1/users')
Contract Tests in Practice
@giorgionatili #mobiletea 60
@giorgionatili #mobiletea 61
Focus on testing software behaviors
rather then single units of code
@giorgionatili #mobiletea 62
Organize behaviors
Group tests and behaviors that are tied
to specific, testable functionality of
your software
@giorgionatili #mobiletea 63
Connect behaviors
Create a connection between behaviors
and scenarios with a format like
@giorgionatili #mobiletea 64
Divide tests logically
Never violate the Single Responsibility
Principle neither when writing tests,
keep the ordered and in a good shape
is the key to get the more value from
@giorgionatili #mobiletea 65
Measure complexity
If you are not able to organize your
tests in such a way it means that you
are dealing with confusing (poor!)
@giorgionatili #mobiletea 66
Scenarios -> Use Cases -> Behaviors
This connection is the key to defining
tests that clearly describe a feature and
its acceptance criteria
@giorgionatili #mobiletea 67
End 2 End Testing
@giorgionatili #mobiletea 68
Test for pixels
Don’t use e2e tests for testing layout
implementations, automate (eventually)
screenshots and then examine them
@giorgionatili #mobiletea 69
Counting elements
Don’t use e2e testing to count UI
elements, use them to describe how the
UI *should change* with a specific
@giorgionatili #mobiletea 70
Writing E2E tests
Never wait too much, start to write end
user tests as soon as the requirements
are ready, the lack of automation can
bring to not reliable outputs
@giorgionatili #mobiletea 71
The Goals of Testing
@giorgionatili #mobiletea 72
Do you ever asked to yourself?
@giorgionatili #mobiletea 73
Tests should always support the end
goal of making profit from a software
@giorgionatili #mobiletea 74
Tests are a means to increase
maintainability of a software
@giorgionatili #mobiletea 75
Common understanding
Don’t separate developers and testers!
Keeping them together allows you to
have testers that understand the app
@giorgionatili #mobiletea 76
Having pairing working alternatively on
code and tests is the key to having
different perspectives and to improve
interchangeability in your team
@giorgionatili #mobiletea 77
@giorgionatili #mobiletea 78
If you cannot define preconditions you
cannot write tests of good quality,
potentially there is a big
misunderstanding about requirements
@giorgionatili #mobiletea 79
The quality of a test can be highly
opinionated; let’s find a metric that is
valuable for your organization
@giorgionatili #mobiletea 80
Write tests to validate the
understanding of the behaviors a
software should implement not to
validate the code
@giorgionatili #mobiletea 81
Writing tests take time. Count it in
your estimates but keep always in mind
the time that is then saved during the
maintaining phase
@giorgionatili #mobiletea 82
@giorgionatili #mobiletea 83

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