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About	Me
• Technical	Leader	and	Agile	Coach
• Front-end	Developer	(test	first!)
• Mobile	Developer	(Hybrid	with	Cordova,	iOS,	Android)
• Technology	Enthusiast
• Mentor	@
• GSD	guy
McGraw	Hill
is	Hiring
What's	Next?
Scotch	Streaming
and	Scaling
11	Feb	2015
• Using	ECMA	6	today
• ECMA	6	modules
• Variables	scoping	with	ECMA	6
• ECMA	6	new	core	features	(Array,	String,	Numbers,	etc.)
• Handling	data	with	Maps	and	Sets
• Destructuring	Arrays	and	Objects
• Handlign	external	data	using	Promises	and	Deferred
I	speak	Ecma	Script!
Sharpen	the
Where	is	JavaScript?
Modular	JavaScript
• Self	contained	
• Avoid	global	scope	pollution	(global	scope	is	not	evil!)
• Keep	the	project	organized
• Improve	code	reusability
• Highly	testable	and	well	defined	API
Which	Options?
AMD	Module	(1/3)
Simple	return	object	as	a	collection	of	name/value	pairs
				color:	"black",
				size:	"unisize"
AMD	(2/3)
Return	object	with	"privacy"	implementation
define(function	()	{
				//	Do	setup	work	here
				return	{
								color:	"black",
								size:	"unisize"
AMD	(3/3)
Return	object	with	"privacy"	implementation	and	dependencies
define(["./inventory",	"./currencies"],	function(inventory,	currencies)	{
				var	code	=	"ye76hg";
				var	getPrice	=	function(){
						return	currencies.getPrice(code);		
CommonJS	Module
Simple	plain	file	that	"exports"	features	using	the	"module"	variable
var	rest,	mime,	client;
rest	=	require('rest');
mime	=	require('rest/interceptor/mime');
CommonJS	Module
Simple	plain	file	that	"imports"	features
import	client	from	collections;
Who	wins?
idgaf	animated	GIF
AMD	to	CommonJS
define(function(require,	exports,	module)	{				
				//	Put	traditional	CommonJS	module	content	here
				exports.randomize	=	function(	input	){
								return	shuffler.shuffle(input);
CommonJS	to	AMD
Convert	the	commonJS	format	to	a	browser	compatible	one	using
$	npm	install	-g	browserify
$	browserify	main.js	-o	bundle.js
ECMA6	Modules
• export,	functions	and	variables
export	function	area(radius)	{
		return	Math.PI	*	radius	*	radius;
export	PI	=	Math.PI;
• import,	modules
• Compact,	synchronous	syntax
• Asynchronous	loading
• Conditional	module	inclusion
• Promote	code	modularization	
• API	style	development
Can	I	use	them
Kinda	of...
wow	animated	GIF
Local	Environment
• Install	NodeJS	using	brew
$	ruby	-e	"$(curl	-fsSL"
$	brew	install	node
• Verify	that	npm	in	installed
$	npm
Environment	(opt	1)
• Install	yeoman	globally
$	npm	install	yo	-g
• Install	the	es6next	yeoman	generator
Dev	Environment
(opt	2)	
• Install	6to5	a	transpiler	able	to	produce	readable	ECMA5	code
$	npm	install	-g	6to5
Dev	Environment
(opt	3)
• Clone	a	boilerplate
$	git	clone
• Install	the	dependencies	
$	npm	install
Run	Your	First
excited	animated	GIF
Browsers	Support
Guess	IE?
internet	animated	GIF
New	Core	Features
The	Future	of
fight	animated	GIF
Copy	the	behavior	of	an	object	to	another	object	without	using
classes	or	prototypes	inheritance.	
var	worker	=	{};
var	canEat	=	{
		food:	'nothing',
		eat:	function()	{
				console.log(`eats	$`);	//	template	string	(part	of	ES6)
Object	method	to	determine	whether	two	values	are	the	same	value
like	the	strict	equality	operator."foo",	"foo");					//	true,	window);			//	true"foo",	"bar");					//	false[],	[]);											//	false
var	test	=	{a:	1};,	test);							//	true
__proto__	in	object
Change	the	prototype	of	an	object	literal	
var	obj	=	{
				__proto__:	Array.prototype
Search	for	a	string	contained	in	a	string	from	a	specific	position
var	str	=	"To	be	in	Boston	with	the	snow	is	cool.";
console.log(str.contains("To	be"));							//	true
console.log(str.contains("question"));				//	false
console.log(str.contains("Chicago"));					//	false
console.log(str.contains("To	be",	1));				//	false
Check	from	a	specific	index	(optional)	if	a	string	starts	with	a	specific
var	str	=	"To	be	in	Miami	when	there	is	the	snow	in	Boston	is	better.";
console.log(str.startsWith("To	be"));					//	true
console.log(str.startsWith("To	be",	2));		//	false
Repeat	and	concatenate	a	string	a	specific	amount	of	times.	
var	str	=	"ECMA	6	is	pretty	cool.";
//	ECMA	6	is	pretty	cool.ECMA	6	is	pretty	cool.
Create	an	Array	from	an	array-like	object	or	an	iterable	object.		
var	test	=	(function	()	{
				var	args	=	Array.from(arguments);
				return	args;
}(1,	2,	3));																													
console.log(test);												//	[1,	2,	3]
Return	the	first	occurrence	in	an	Array	that	satisfies	the	conditions
described	by	the	callback	argument.		
function	isPrime(element,	index,	array)	{
				var	start	=	2;
				while	(start	<=	Math.sqrt(element))	{
								if	(element	%	start++	<	1)	return	false;
				return	(element	>	1);
An	iterator	has	a	method	called	next,	this	method	returns	an	object
with	two	properties:	value	and	done.
var	it	=	['yo',	'ya',	'yes',	'now',	'then'].keys();
console.log(,;	//	???
Returns	an	iterable	object	from	an	Array.		
var	sequence	=	[1,	4,	5,	8,	2,	6];
console.log(sequence.keys());					//	Iterator	{		}
An	iterable	object	has	a	next()	method	that	return	an	object	with	the
the	value	and	done	properties.
Returns	a	new	Array	Iterator	object	that	contains	the	key/value	pairs
for	each	index	in	the	array		
var	arr	=	['a',	'b',	'c'];
var	eArr	=	arr.entries();
var	obj	=;
		obj	=;
Number	Constants
Useful	constants	to	determine	the	smallest	interval	between	two
numbers	and	the	minimum	and	maximum	safe	integers.
Number	(static)
Check	if	a	number	is	NaN,	infinite,	integer,	etc.		
var	num	=	456;
console.log(Number.isFinite(num));					//	true
console.log(Number.isInteger(num));				//	true
console.log(Number.isNaN(num));								//	false
Iterates	over	iterable	objects	(including	Array,	Map,	Set,	arguments
object	and	so	on)	ignoring	instance	and	prototype	properties
let	arr	=	[	3,	5,	7	];	=	"hello";
for	(var	i	in	arr)	{
			//	"0",	"1",	"2",	"foo"
for	(var	i	of	arr)	{
Set	+	Map
A	Set	is	a	set	of	arbitrary	values,	a	Map	is	a	key/value	pairs	based
object;	a	Set	doesn’t	allow	duplicates		
//	Sets
var	s	=	new	Set();
console.log(s.size);													//	2
console.log(s.has("hello"));					//	true
console.dir(s);	//	add(),	clear(),	delete(),	entries(),	values(),	forEach(),	etc.
//	Maps
Proxies	enable	creation	of	objects	with	the	full	range	of	behaviors
available	to	host	objects	
var	target	=	{age:	1};
var	handler	=	{
		get:	function	(receiver,	name)	{
				return	`Hello,	${name}!`;
var	p	=	new	Proxy(target,	handler);
Template	Strings
Template	strings	are	defined	using	backticks	`,	inside,	you	can	use	a
dollar	sign	with	brackets	to	insert	executable	code	or	variables.
var	name	=	'Giorgio',	surname	=	'Natili';
var	template	=	`Hello!	My	name	is	${name}	${surname}!`;
//	Hello!	My	name	is	Giorgio	Natili!
Generators	are	functions	that	can	be	exited	and	then	re-entered,
each	call	to	the	next()	method	will	run	the	body	of	the	function.		
function*	idGenerator(){
				var	index	=	0,
								val	=	'';
									yield	val	=	'UID'	+	index;
Variables	Scoping
Finally	the	let	keyword	allow	us	to	create	scopes	variable.
for(let	i	=	0;	i	<	10;	i++){
console.log(i);					//	i	is	not	defined
				var	scoped	=	'test';
		console.log(scoped);				//	scoped	is	not	defined
It	refers	to	a	kind	of	assignment	that	allows	you	to	assign	the
properties	of	an	array	or	object	to	variables		to	effectively
match	values	to	variables	or	properties.
var	[x,	y,	z]	=	[1,	2,	3];
//	is	equivalent	to...
var	x	=	1,	y	=	2,	z	=	3;
let	[x,	y]	=	[1,	2];
console.log(x,	y);	//	1,	2
[x,	y]	=	[y,	x];	//	Swap	the	values	of	x	and	y
Spreads	Operators
Rest	parameters	allow	to	clearly	define	functions	that	accept	a
variable	number	of	arguments,	the	...	constructor	is	used	to	provide
spreads	to	arrays.
function	logEach(...things)	{
				things.forEach(function	(thing)	{
								console.log(thing);	//	"a"	"b"	"c"
logEach("a",	"b",	"c");
function	example(a,	b,	c)	{
Loading	External
the	simpsons	animated	GIF
What	is	a	Promise
• I	want	you	to	burn	this	phrase	in	your	mind:	A	promise	is	an
asynchronous	value
• The	Promise	object	is	used	for	deferred	and	asynchronous
• A	Promise	is	a	placeholder	for	a	future	possible	value
Promises	in	Action
At	their	most	basic,	promises	are	a	bit	like	event	listeners	except:
var	promise	=	new	Promise(function(resolve,	reject)	{
		//	do	a	thing,	possibly	async,	then…
		if	(/*	everything	turned	out	fine	*/)	{
• A	promise	can	only	succeed	or	fail	once
• If	a	promise	has	succeeded	or	failed	and	you	later	add	a
success/failure	callback,	the	correct	callback	will	be	called,	even
though	the	event	took	place	earlier
Using	a	Promise
A	promise	can	be	used	by	invoking	the	then()	method,	it	accepts	a
success	and	a	failure	handler	as	arguments.
var	promise	=	Promise.resolve($.ajax('/whatever.json'));
promise.then(function(result)	{
		console.log(result);	//	"Stuff	worked!"
},	function(err)	{
		console.log(err);	//	Error:	"It	broke"
• Q
• es6-promise
• JQuery
• Angular$q
• RSVP	(ember)
#mobiletea	#javascript	#swift	#wearable	#agile	#android	#tdd
Grazie!	Graçias!	Danke!	Merci!	 !	
sky	animated	GIF

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