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The Latvian Economy
Monthly newsletter from Swedbank’s Economic Research Department
by Dainis Stikuts and Lija Strašuna                                                                              No. 3 • 29 April 2011

Fiscal policy – still room for improvement
       •    Despite tax increases, the ratio of tax revenues to GDP has decreased in the last two
            years. The ability to tax the economy and the effectiveness of tax collection have
            diminished, implying that further consolidation measures should be based on well-
            thought-through expenditure cuts and rebalancing tax burden.
       •    Although the government budget deficit last year was below the cap set by the
            agreement with the IMF/EC, with more precise planning and stricter fiscal discipline
            the outcome might have been better. The fiscal discipline law that defines
            countercyclical budget rules is now in the parliament, but its approval is pending.
       •    The effectiveness of the public sector depends on the politicians’ will to initiate
            reforms, as well as civil servants’ ability to provide them with qualitative proposals
            and implement these proposals. A performance-based remuneration system in the
            public sector linked to private sector wage developments would help to improve the
            qualification and motivation of public sector employees.

The government budget situation is improving faster                    temporary measures (e.g., reducing payments to
than expected. The general government budget                           the second pension pillar, forcing dividend payouts
deficit for 2010 was 7.6% of GDP 1 (which is below                     from state-owned companies) and it has increased
the 8.5% cap set in agreements with the IMF/EC).                       taxes (including those on labour income).
In 2011, the government intends to reduce the
budget deficit faster than initially planned. In April,                Tax revenues
the parliament passed a supplementary budget,
and the central government budget deficit has been                            Av erage    Jan.2010: RE ↑                      Jan.2011:
                                                                             2004-2006                                         Excise ↑
reduced to 4.2% from 5.4% of GDP (cash-flow                                                Excise↑ PIT ↑          Jul.2010:
                                                                                                                              RE ↑ VAT ↑
basis). During 2009-2011, the government has                            35                  Transport ↑           Excise ↑
                                                                                                                              PIT↓ Soc ↑
done much hard work to consolidate the budget by                                                                              Transport ↑
about LVL 2 billion, or 15% of GDP. The target is to                    30
put the economy and the budget on a sustainable
path, to fulfil the Maastricht criteria and introduce                   25
the euro in 2014.                                                                                      Jan.2009: PIT ↓
                                                                                                       Excise ↑ VAT ↑         Jul.2011:
The progress achieved so far has been reflected in                                                     RE ↑ Transport ↑         VAT↑
higher Latvian sovereign credit ratings. It provides                                                                           Excise↑

the opportunity for the Latvian government to start                     15
issuing bonds in international financial markets for a                              1Q07    1Q08       1Q09     1Q10
more acceptable price and gradually to begin                                       % of GDP               % of domestic demand
                                                                                                   Sources: CSBL, State Rev enue Serv ice
refinancing external debt. However, this does not
mean that public finances already stand on solid
grounds.                                                               In each subsequent budgeting round, fiscal
                                                                       consolidation increasingly moved towards tax
Further increase in tax burden is not                                  increases rather than expenditure cuts. While in
effective                                                              2009 about. 70% of the consolidation measures
                                                                       were on the expenditure side, in 2010 this share
So far, the government has undertaken the easiest,                     decreased to 42% and in 2011 it will fall to 31%.
least painful approach, i.e., instead of well-thought-                 This is in contrast with pre-election promises and
through structural reforms it has employed several                     empirical    evidence,    which     suggests   that
                                                                       consolidation done through expenditure cuts has a
    Accrual basis, i.e. according to Maastricht criterion.

                      Economic Research Department. Swedbank AB. SE-105 34 Stockholm. Phone +46 8 5859 1000.
                                 Legally responsible publisher: Cecilia Hermansson, +46 8 5859 7720.
                      Mārtiņš Kazāks, +371 6744 5859. Lija Strašuna, +371 6744 5875. Dainis Stikuts, +371 6744 5844.
The Latvian Economy
                          Monthly newsletter from Swedbank’s Economic Research Department, continued

                                                       No. 3 • 29 April 2011

less negative impact on GDP and employment than                           Tax share in total tax revenues in 2010
tax-based adjustments. 2

The tax burden has increased in 2009-2011 – the                                                   Social
government has raised tax rates and widened the                                                  contrib.
tax base; e.g., it has started to tax residential real                                            34%
estate and capital income. Despite tax increases,
the ratio of tax revenues to GDP has declined. This
                                                                                   income tax                Excise
can partly be explained by the expansion of
                                                                                       23%                    14%
exporting sectors, which are less tax intensive;
however, tax revenues as a percent of domestic
demand have diminished as well. This thus
indicates problems with tax evasion, implying that a                                            VAT 24%
further tax increase is not efficient (not least,                                                                     other 5%
because trust in government policy and the
incentive to pay taxes are falling).                                                                         Source: State Treasury

Reducing the shadow economy does remain one of
the government’s key areas of focus. However, the                         Now, there is less room for manoeuvre due to the
raising of taxes has in fact done the opposite, while                     planned euro introduction in 2014 to balance a
appropriate actions to improve tax administration                         trade-off between curbing inflation and reducing the
and collection so far have been weak and slow in                          budget deficit. The option of decreasing the tax
coming. Government credibility – and thus                                 burden on wages (possibly compensating for this
motivation to pay taxes – has been undermined by                          with higher property taxes and abolishment of the
frequent and unpredictable tax changes, which in                          reduced value-added tax, along with an effective
many cases have been in contrast to long-term                             compensation mechanism for the less well off)
policy documents, e.g., “The Framework for Tax                            should be considered in the nearest future.
and Duty System for 2011-2015.”
                                                                          Fiscal discipline and budget planning need
Despite an increase in consumption and property                           to be improved
taxes, Latvia’s current tax system is still not well
balanced – the motivation to pay taxes and the                            The recent recession shed light on a couple of
economic structure remain distorted. 4 There is a                         issues of fiscal discipline and budget planning that
heavy tax burden on wage income (personal                                 prevented the actual budget deficit outcome from
income tax 25% and employer and employee social                           being better.
contributions 35.09%), which is subject to larger tax
evasion than property or consumption taxes;                               First, the deficit in the last couple of months of the
together with the large labour tax wedge, this                            year usually increases by 2-3 percentage points of
                                                                          GDP due to the seasonal pattern of expenditures.
burden discourages job creation. 5 Unfortunately,
                                                                          The question is whether this is a reflection of
the opportunity to pursue reforms – perhaps painful
                                                                          specific payment terms for public orders made
in the short term, but promoting medium-term
                                                                          during the current year or public institutions’
growth – during the post-election period in late 2010
                                                                          wanting by all means to spend the whole funding
and early 2011 was by and large wasted.
                                                                          planned for the year, thereby proving the validity of
                                                                          their budgets and avoiding possible financing cuts
                                                                          next year. Budget expenditures at the end of the
                                                                          year regularly erode the improvement in the budget
  See, e.g., IMF (2010), “Will it hurt? Macroeconomic effects             balance achieved during the year (e.g., due to
of fiscal consolidation”, World Economic Outlook, October                 larger-than-expected revenues) and raise the issue
2010, Chapter 3.
                                                                          of fiscal discipline.
eta_planosana (in Latvian)
  For more details, see Swedbank Analysis (2009), “The fiscal
stance in Latvia – how to return to a sustainable path?”,
October 30, 2009.
  Although tax revenues from labour income as a percent of
GDP in Latvia are lower than in the EU27 on average (14.5%
vs. 19.7% in 2008, possibly due to tax evasion), the labour tax
wedge is larger than in the EU27 on average (40% vs. 37%;
Eurostat data).

                                                                  2 (4)
The Latvian Economy
                              Monthly newsletter from Swedbank’s Economic Research Department, continued

                                                          No. 3 • 29 April 2011

Accumulated general budget deficit, % of GDP                                 of public finances; this proved to be quite efficient. 6
                                                                             The framework includes central government
                                                                             expenditure ceilings for the next three years, a
                                                                             balanced      budget      requirement     for     local
                                                                             governments, and a budget surplus target over the
 0                                                                           business cycle for the general government. It
                                                                             should be emphasized that such a medium-term
 -2                                                                          framework has to be integrated into all aspects of
                                                                             the budget process in order to be effective
 -4                                                                          (including forecasting capacity).
 -6                                                                          The Latvian government has taken the first steps in
                                                                             this direction. The Ministry of Finance has prepared
                                                                             a fiscal discipline draft law that requires the
      Jan        Mar       May       Jul       Sep      Nov
                                                                             government to make mid-term budget planning and
          2007         2008        2009        2010        2011
                                                                             defines countercyclical budget rules, starting in
 * cash-f low basis                         Source: State Treasury           2012. This draft law has been approved by the
                                                                             Cabinet of Ministers and is now pending in the
Second, during the last two years, an increase in                            parliament. It includes expenditure ceilings, requires
planned expenditures in the second half of the year                          the budget to be in surplus when the economy is
has become quite regular, for instance, the                                  growing faster than 2%, and allows a budget deficit,
announcement of funding shortages and requests                               not to exceed 3% of GDP when the economy is
for additional financing in the health care sector in                        growing slower or decreasing. However, to make
autumn. Even taking into account the fact that not                           this law effective it is also crucial to enhance the
all expenditures can be forecasted at the beginning                          capacity to make realistic and reliable forecasts for
of the year, such regularity points to problems in                           macroeconomic parameters and revenue and
budget planning. Otherwise, it is hard to explain the                        expenditure development.
difference between the initial budget plan approved
at the beginning of the year and the revised plan in                         Still room for improvement in public sector
December. For instance, the planned budget deficit                           effectiveness
nearly doubled in 2010 from LVL 524 million in
January to almost LVL 1000 million in December.                              Taking into account the fact that further tax hikes
                                                                             are not reasonable and consolidation should be
Central government budget balance planning, million                          achieved through expenditure cuts and a
LVL                                                                          rebalancing of the tax burden, the issue of
                                                                             effectiveness of the public sector takes centre
                                                                             The effectiveness of the public sector depends on
                                                                             the politicians’ will to initiate reforms, as well as civil
  -400                                                                       servants’ ability to provide them with, and to
                                                                             implement, qualitative proposals. To ensure quality
                                                                             decision making, the question of remuneration is
  -800                                                                       crucial – in many cases, civil servants in key
 -1000                  Budget                                               positions are grossly underpaid compared with
                      amendments                                             positions with similar responsibilities in the private
 -1200                                                                       sector. Gross real wages in public administration
     Jan.08             Jan.09        Jan.10          Jan.11                 have decreased by about 30% from the peak in the
                  Budget plan        Outcome                                 first half of 2008. This diminishes the motivation of
 * cash-f low basis
                                                                             civil servants and increases the risk of poor policy
                                            Source: State Treasury

These problems are not new, and Latvia can learn
how to deal with them from other countries’
experience. For instance, Sweden developed a                                 6
                                                                               Ljungman, G. (2007) „The Medium-term Fiscal Framework
medium-term fiscal policy framework in the mid-                              in Sweden”, OECD Journal on Budgeting No. 3 (6)
1990s to ensure the transparency and sustainability                          7
                                                                               This law would also be in line with the EC directive on
                                                                             requirements for budgetary frameworks of the Member States,
                                                                             planned to be in force in 2014.

                                                                     3 (4)
The Latvian Economy
                             Monthly newsletter from Swedbank’s Economic Research Department, continued

                                                         No. 3 • 29 April 2011

With this recommendation, we do not encourage                               If the public sector (including not only public
across-the-board linear wage increases in the                               administration, but also education, health care, and
public sector, especially taking into account further                       defence) is made more effective and productive,
fiscal consolidation – a possible solution is the                           thereby reducing expenditures, there is an
introduction of a performance-based remuneration                            opportunity to increase wages for qualified people
system in the public sector, which should be linked                         working there. There has been an optimisation in
to private sector wage developments.                                        the work of the public sector; e.g., the share of
                                                                            employment in public administration decreased
Employment in public administration in 2010, % of                           from 7.3% of total in 2009 to 6.6% in 2010.
total employment                                                            However, there is still room to improve cost-
         Finland                                                            efficiency. 8 By delaying reforms that improve the
        Romania                                                             remuneration system and effectiveness in the public
          Ireland                                                           sector, there is a risk of losing qualified employees,
        Sw eden                                                             which, in turn, would endanger quality policy
       Lithuania                                                            decisions and their implementation.
        Slovenia                              EU
        Portugal                              average
 United Kingdom
       Latvia '10                                                                                                           Dainis Stikuts
         Austria                                                                                                            Lija Strašuna
       Latvia '09

                     0         3          6        9          12
                                                 Source: Eurostat

                                                                              Research by, e.g., the Bank of Latvia shows that cost
                                                                            efficiency in Latvian education, health care, and social security
                                                                            sectors is still way below the EU average; for more details, see
                                                                            efektivitate/6107 (in Latvian)

Economic Research Department
Swedbank AB. SE-105 34 Stockholm.             Swedbank’s monthly newsletter is published as a service to our customers. We believe that
                                              we have used reliable sources and methods in the preparation of the analyses reported in
Legally responsible publisher                 this publication. However, we cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the report
Cecilia Hermansson, +46 8 5859 7720           and cannot be held responsible for any error or omission in the underlying material or its
                                                                             Research by, e.g., the Bank of Latvia shows that cost
                                              use. Readers are encouraged to base any (investment) decisions on other material as well.
                                              Neither Swedbank nor its employees may be held responsible for and social security
                                                                           efficiency in Latvian education, health care, losses or damages,
Martiņš Kazāks,          +371 6744 5859       direct or indirect, owing to sectors is stillomissions inthe EU average; for more details, see
                                                                           any errors or way below Swedbank’s monthly newsletter.
Dainis Stikuts,          +371 6744 5844                           
Lija Strašuna,           +371 6744 5875                                     efektivitate/6107 (in Latvian)

                                                                    4 (4)

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The Latvian Economy, No 3, 29 April 2011

  • 1. The Latvian Economy Monthly newsletter from Swedbank’s Economic Research Department by Dainis Stikuts and Lija Strašuna No. 3 • 29 April 2011 Fiscal policy – still room for improvement • Despite tax increases, the ratio of tax revenues to GDP has decreased in the last two years. The ability to tax the economy and the effectiveness of tax collection have diminished, implying that further consolidation measures should be based on well- thought-through expenditure cuts and rebalancing tax burden. • Although the government budget deficit last year was below the cap set by the agreement with the IMF/EC, with more precise planning and stricter fiscal discipline the outcome might have been better. The fiscal discipline law that defines countercyclical budget rules is now in the parliament, but its approval is pending. • The effectiveness of the public sector depends on the politicians’ will to initiate reforms, as well as civil servants’ ability to provide them with qualitative proposals and implement these proposals. A performance-based remuneration system in the public sector linked to private sector wage developments would help to improve the qualification and motivation of public sector employees. The government budget situation is improving faster temporary measures (e.g., reducing payments to than expected. The general government budget the second pension pillar, forcing dividend payouts deficit for 2010 was 7.6% of GDP 1 (which is below from state-owned companies) and it has increased the 8.5% cap set in agreements with the IMF/EC). taxes (including those on labour income). In 2011, the government intends to reduce the budget deficit faster than initially planned. In April, Tax revenues the parliament passed a supplementary budget, 40 and the central government budget deficit has been Av erage Jan.2010: RE ↑ Jan.2011: 2004-2006 Excise ↑ reduced to 4.2% from 5.4% of GDP (cash-flow Excise↑ PIT ↑ Jul.2010: RE ↑ VAT ↑ basis). During 2009-2011, the government has 35 Transport ↑ Excise ↑ PIT↓ Soc ↑ done much hard work to consolidate the budget by Transport ↑ about LVL 2 billion, or 15% of GDP. The target is to 30 put the economy and the budget on a sustainable ? path, to fulfil the Maastricht criteria and introduce 25 the euro in 2014. Jan.2009: PIT ↓ Excise ↑ VAT ↑ Jul.2011: 20 The progress achieved so far has been reflected in RE ↑ Transport ↑ VAT↑ higher Latvian sovereign credit ratings. It provides Excise↑ the opportunity for the Latvian government to start 15 issuing bonds in international financial markets for a 1Q07 1Q08 1Q09 1Q10 more acceptable price and gradually to begin % of GDP % of domestic demand Sources: CSBL, State Rev enue Serv ice refinancing external debt. However, this does not mean that public finances already stand on solid grounds. In each subsequent budgeting round, fiscal consolidation increasingly moved towards tax Further increase in tax burden is not increases rather than expenditure cuts. While in effective 2009 about. 70% of the consolidation measures were on the expenditure side, in 2010 this share So far, the government has undertaken the easiest, decreased to 42% and in 2011 it will fall to 31%. least painful approach, i.e., instead of well-thought- This is in contrast with pre-election promises and through structural reforms it has employed several empirical evidence, which suggests that consolidation done through expenditure cuts has a 1 Accrual basis, i.e. according to Maastricht criterion. Economic Research Department. Swedbank AB. SE-105 34 Stockholm. Phone +46 8 5859 1000. E-mail: Legally responsible publisher: Cecilia Hermansson, +46 8 5859 7720. Mārtiņš Kazāks, +371 6744 5859. Lija Strašuna, +371 6744 5875. Dainis Stikuts, +371 6744 5844.
  • 2. The Latvian Economy Monthly newsletter from Swedbank’s Economic Research Department, continued No. 3 • 29 April 2011 less negative impact on GDP and employment than Tax share in total tax revenues in 2010 tax-based adjustments. 2 The tax burden has increased in 2009-2011 – the Social government has raised tax rates and widened the contrib. tax base; e.g., it has started to tax residential real 34% estate and capital income. Despite tax increases, Personal the ratio of tax revenues to GDP has declined. This income tax Excise can partly be explained by the expansion of 23% 14% exporting sectors, which are less tax intensive; however, tax revenues as a percent of domestic demand have diminished as well. This thus indicates problems with tax evasion, implying that a VAT 24% further tax increase is not efficient (not least, other 5% because trust in government policy and the incentive to pay taxes are falling). Source: State Treasury Reducing the shadow economy does remain one of the government’s key areas of focus. However, the Now, there is less room for manoeuvre due to the raising of taxes has in fact done the opposite, while planned euro introduction in 2014 to balance a appropriate actions to improve tax administration trade-off between curbing inflation and reducing the and collection so far have been weak and slow in budget deficit. The option of decreasing the tax coming. Government credibility – and thus burden on wages (possibly compensating for this motivation to pay taxes – has been undermined by with higher property taxes and abolishment of the frequent and unpredictable tax changes, which in reduced value-added tax, along with an effective many cases have been in contrast to long-term compensation mechanism for the less well off) policy documents, e.g., “The Framework for Tax should be considered in the nearest future. 3 and Duty System for 2011-2015.” Fiscal discipline and budget planning need Despite an increase in consumption and property to be improved taxes, Latvia’s current tax system is still not well balanced – the motivation to pay taxes and the The recent recession shed light on a couple of economic structure remain distorted. 4 There is a issues of fiscal discipline and budget planning that heavy tax burden on wage income (personal prevented the actual budget deficit outcome from income tax 25% and employer and employee social being better. contributions 35.09%), which is subject to larger tax evasion than property or consumption taxes; First, the deficit in the last couple of months of the together with the large labour tax wedge, this year usually increases by 2-3 percentage points of GDP due to the seasonal pattern of expenditures. burden discourages job creation. 5 Unfortunately, The question is whether this is a reflection of the opportunity to pursue reforms – perhaps painful specific payment terms for public orders made in the short term, but promoting medium-term during the current year or public institutions’ growth – during the post-election period in late 2010 wanting by all means to spend the whole funding and early 2011 was by and large wasted. planned for the year, thereby proving the validity of their budgets and avoiding possible financing cuts next year. Budget expenditures at the end of the 2 year regularly erode the improvement in the budget See, e.g., IMF (2010), “Will it hurt? Macroeconomic effects balance achieved during the year (e.g., due to of fiscal consolidation”, World Economic Outlook, October larger-than-expected revenues) and raise the issue 2010, Chapter 3. 3 See of fiscal discipline. eta_planosana (in Latvian) 4 For more details, see Swedbank Analysis (2009), “The fiscal stance in Latvia – how to return to a sustainable path?”, October 30, 2009. 5 Although tax revenues from labour income as a percent of GDP in Latvia are lower than in the EU27 on average (14.5% vs. 19.7% in 2008, possibly due to tax evasion), the labour tax wedge is larger than in the EU27 on average (40% vs. 37%; Eurostat data). 2 (4)
  • 3. The Latvian Economy Monthly newsletter from Swedbank’s Economic Research Department, continued No. 3 • 29 April 2011 Accumulated general budget deficit, % of GDP of public finances; this proved to be quite efficient. 6 The framework includes central government 4 expenditure ceilings for the next three years, a 2 balanced budget requirement for local governments, and a budget surplus target over the 0 business cycle for the general government. It should be emphasized that such a medium-term -2 framework has to be integrated into all aspects of the budget process in order to be effective -4 (including forecasting capacity). -6 The Latvian government has taken the first steps in this direction. The Ministry of Finance has prepared -8 a fiscal discipline draft law that requires the Jan Mar May Jul Sep Nov government to make mid-term budget planning and 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 defines countercyclical budget rules, starting in * cash-f low basis Source: State Treasury 2012. This draft law has been approved by the Cabinet of Ministers and is now pending in the Second, during the last two years, an increase in parliament. It includes expenditure ceilings, requires planned expenditures in the second half of the year the budget to be in surplus when the economy is has become quite regular, for instance, the growing faster than 2%, and allows a budget deficit, announcement of funding shortages and requests not to exceed 3% of GDP when the economy is 7 for additional financing in the health care sector in growing slower or decreasing. However, to make autumn. Even taking into account the fact that not this law effective it is also crucial to enhance the all expenditures can be forecasted at the beginning capacity to make realistic and reliable forecasts for of the year, such regularity points to problems in macroeconomic parameters and revenue and budget planning. Otherwise, it is hard to explain the expenditure development. difference between the initial budget plan approved at the beginning of the year and the revised plan in Still room for improvement in public sector December. For instance, the planned budget deficit effectiveness nearly doubled in 2010 from LVL 524 million in January to almost LVL 1000 million in December. Taking into account the fact that further tax hikes are not reasonable and consolidation should be Central government budget balance planning, million achieved through expenditure cuts and a LVL rebalancing of the tax burden, the issue of effectiveness of the public sector takes centre 200 stage. 0 The effectiveness of the public sector depends on -200 the politicians’ will to initiate reforms, as well as civil -400 servants’ ability to provide them with, and to implement, qualitative proposals. To ensure quality -600 decision making, the question of remuneration is -800 crucial – in many cases, civil servants in key -1000 Budget positions are grossly underpaid compared with amendments positions with similar responsibilities in the private -1200 sector. Gross real wages in public administration Jan.08 Jan.09 Jan.10 Jan.11 have decreased by about 30% from the peak in the Budget plan Outcome first half of 2008. This diminishes the motivation of * cash-f low basis civil servants and increases the risk of poor policy Source: State Treasury decisions. These problems are not new, and Latvia can learn how to deal with them from other countries’ experience. For instance, Sweden developed a 6 Ljungman, G. (2007) „The Medium-term Fiscal Framework medium-term fiscal policy framework in the mid- in Sweden”, OECD Journal on Budgeting No. 3 (6) 1990s to ensure the transparency and sustainability 7 This law would also be in line with the EC directive on requirements for budgetary frameworks of the Member States, planned to be in force in 2014. 3 (4)
  • 4. The Latvian Economy Monthly newsletter from Swedbank’s Economic Research Department, continued No. 3 • 29 April 2011 With this recommendation, we do not encourage If the public sector (including not only public across-the-board linear wage increases in the administration, but also education, health care, and public sector, especially taking into account further defence) is made more effective and productive, fiscal consolidation – a possible solution is the thereby reducing expenditures, there is an introduction of a performance-based remuneration opportunity to increase wages for qualified people system in the public sector, which should be linked working there. There has been an optimisation in to private sector wage developments. the work of the public sector; e.g., the share of employment in public administration decreased Employment in public administration in 2010, % of from 7.3% of total in 2009 to 6.6% in 2010. total employment However, there is still room to improve cost- Finland efficiency. 8 By delaying reforms that improve the Romania remuneration system and effectiveness in the public Ireland sector, there is a risk of losing qualified employees, Denmark Sw eden which, in turn, would endanger quality policy Lithuania decisions and their implementation. Slovenia EU Italy Portugal average Netherlands United Kingdom Poland Latvia '10 Dainis Stikuts Czech Austria Lija Strašuna Estonia Germany Latvia '09 Bulgaria Cyprus Hungary Slovakia Greece Malta Belgium France Luxembourg 0 3 6 9 12 Source: Eurostat 9 Research by, e.g., the Bank of Latvia shows that cost efficiency in Latvian education, health care, and social security sectors is still way below the EU average; for more details, see efektivitate/6107 (in Latvian) Swedbank Economic Research Department Swedbank AB. SE-105 34 Stockholm. Swedbank’s monthly newsletter is published as a service to our customers. We believe that we have used reliable sources and methods in the preparation of the analyses reported in Legally responsible publisher this publication. However, we cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the report Cecilia Hermansson, +46 8 5859 7720 and cannot be held responsible for any error or omission in the underlying material or its 8 Research by, e.g., the Bank of Latvia shows that cost use. Readers are encouraged to base any (investment) decisions on other material as well. Neither Swedbank nor its employees may be held responsible for and social security efficiency in Latvian education, health care, losses or damages, Martiņš Kazāks, +371 6744 5859 direct or indirect, owing to sectors is stillomissions inthe EU average; for more details, see any errors or way below Swedbank’s monthly newsletter. Dainis Stikuts, +371 6744 5844 Lija Strašuna, +371 6744 5875 efektivitate/6107 (in Latvian) 4 (4)