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The Importance Of Language In English Language
I am interested in the overarching influence of language in human culture. My Individually
Designed Major in linguistics reflects this interest and prepares me for the application of linguistics
in the field.
Linguistics is the scientific study of human language. According to the Linguistics Society of
America, such a study includes the structure of languages and the variance in language systems
among other topics (Macaulay and Syrett). My core courses emphasize the history of language, its
development, its perception, and my skills in foreign languages.
For example, by studying the history and development of a certain language in The English
Language (ENGL 346), the course prepares me for discussion and investigation of my first
language. Since English is such a popular second language, a thorough understanding of my first
language is essential to success in linguistics and in my future career path. The development of
language is the classroom was a common topic in Bilingual Education (EDUC 345), and the course
discussed the application of linguistic theories in the field of education.
For the development of my foreign language skills, I focus on two languages during my years at
Denison, so I have a diverse but comprehensive knowledge of language. German and Arabic are the
primary choices for my in–depth study of language, and these two languages incorporate a
knowledge of distinct language families, i.e. Germanic and Seminitic. To support my knowledge in
at least one of
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Phonetics: Language, A Language As A Universal Language
Language is the system of communication used by people worldwide. It's a human faculty that
distinguishes human beings from animals. English is considered a universal language that many
countries use as a native language like Britain and Australia or as a second language like India.
Wherever English is available, it offers a better communication between citizens of a country and
travelers. Like all languages, English has variations in its pronunciation and accents. Sometimes
misspelling of words leads to misunderstandings between people. Therefore, everyone should study
phonetics which is the study of sounds made by the human voice in speech. Phonetics can be
divided into : sounds, letters, consonants, and vowels. First, learners ... Show more content on ...
Rhythm is a regular pattern of stress beats represented in a tempo–like fashion. It's achieved through
the patterning of stressed and unstressed syllables through roughly equal patterns of time as in
poetry. Therefore, it is considered as an effective factor in making English a stress–timed language.
Additionally, intonation is the melody of speech and the pitch of voice that rises and falls. As
intonation is connected to pitch, it changes when the vocal cords change the frequency of the
vibration. Thus, the melody gets higher when the vibration is fast and gets lower when the vibration
slows down. Intonation includes changes that signify meaning, emotion, and attitudes of people. A
rising intonation can express a questioning or disbelieving attitude while a falling intonation can
declare a statement, satisfaction, or appreciation. Intonation has a unit which is the tone unit. Each
tone unit is equal to a unit of information which is marked by a pause or a change in tone. What is
more, intonation groups to listeners are the same as sentences to readers. Intonation groups
correspond to clauses produced in one breath. Each group is marked by the bar marker | before and
after the clause. The main pitch movement of the clause is carried by the last stressed syllable in the
intonation group which is called the nuclear
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Communication, Language, And Language
Throughout the many years' humans have been on earth we have always been studying other
animals, and the way they communicate, and through the many discoveries we have found many
animals that have shown incredibly communication abilities, like dolphins who are able to
communicate with a complex language and Titi monkeys who talk with sentence structure.
Before we can talk about the ways dolphins and titi monkeys communicate I think we should
discuss a little about communication and language. What is communication and Language?
Communication could be defined as passing and receiving information(Koshal). This could be in
many forms Talking face to face, reading each other body language or simple by touch is a way to
communicate with someone. Language is about the words whether there being spoken, written or by
hand(Koshal). And language could be considered as a form of communication(Koshal). But the
absolute main difference would be that language focuses on the words and communication focuses
mainly on the message being spoken(Koshal).
Out of all the animals on this planet I believe that human beings treat dolphins with more respect
and admiration than any other animal on this planet. Why this is I don't know, it could be because of
their language and we feel closer with them when around them. Or it could be instinctual because
since the early times, humans and dolphins have always had this special connection. No one
understands why but I do know that dolphins are incredibly
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The Language Of A Programing Language
A Programing language is a formal language that is designed to communicate information to
machine. By using programing languages we will write code to control the machine and for the
computation. The programing languages are preceded by the invention of computer. The first
computer programing language was written in 1950's. The first high level programing language
"Short Code" was proposed by John Mauchly's in 1949 for an electronic computer. Generally the
artificial language can been split into syntax (form) and semantics (meaning). During that period the
computer hardware was very cheap and advanced which requires a good programing tool to develop
a computer application software for the system. C was developed by Dennis Ritchie in 1972. C was
the most popular programming languages at that period. As time goes on programmers found that it
was difficult with structure syntax and they developed a new philosophy language called as OOP.
The main concept in OOP was reuse of code. By including all the features and fundamentals of
OOP, the new programing language was named as C++ which was developed by Bjarne Stroustrup
in 1979. In OOP, problem is made into small units known as objects. Class is the basic unit of code
which helps in creating the run time objects. OOP uses bottom up approach. The design of OOP is
the chain of responsibility i.e the pattern consists of a source command objects and a series of
processing objects. The basic features of OOP are 1. Object. 2. Class. 3.
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Language And Literacy
Prior to this unit of Language and Literacy, my understanding of the term language was limited. I
have gained insight that language and communication not only can be spoken but also can be
physical. When the topic of language was studied further, I was introduced to new concepts and
meanings of language. Particularly, body language where humans communicate first with their body
and decide by the physical signals presented on whether they are a friend or enemy, for instance in
the video presented it was specified that upon meeting one another we see their suitability or if they
are 'like us'. Furthermore, the assessing of body language links back to the evolutionary progression
of our psychology, one which still influences our daily interactions
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A Global Language English Language
In the article (A Global Language English Language Essay) the author explained what a global
language, and what makes a certain language to be a global language. The author believes that
English is a global language. There are many factors that coincide with the author's opinion. The
author had a lot of points that proved that English truly is a global language. The author
demonstrated his facts with a cohesive argument, using logos and ethos, however due to this being a
more research–based article, there is little to no pathos. In the following paragraphs I will analyze
the article and show what kind of rhetorical appeals the author used to further prove his argument.
A global language is a language that is spoken universally throughout many countries. A language is
considered to be a global language when it is learned by a plethora of people. The most popular one
being English. A wide range of English vocabulary was taken from other European countries.
Famous linguist David Crystal argues that languages have a strong relation between dominance and
cultural power. The main reason that the languages exist is because of a strong power–base, political
and military or economic. (A Global Language, 2016). The author uses logos to persuade the reader
through historical facts and by quoting famous linguists. He is explaining that the reason for the
English language being so prominent throughout the world is due its dominance worldwide, this will
be explained in greater detail in
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Assignment 2: Figurative Language versus Literal Language
The lack of exposure to non literal forms of language makes it difficult to engage in productive
thinking. Having the capacity to understand figurative language increases our ability to
communicate with each other. By increasing our word bank we expand our knowledge base and
increase our thinking capacity. Below are a list of ten words with their meaning, definitions,
examples and appropriate circumstances in which to use them.
1. Describe the meaning and function of each term.
1. Idiom is a language, dialect or speaking style peculiar to a people.
2. Analogy is a similarity between two like subjects on which a comparison can be based.
3. Metaphor is a figure of speech in ... Show more content on ...
A good example is from Wordsworth's "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud":
A host of golden daffodils; Beside the lake, beneath the trees, Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.
He doesn't say "many" or "a lot of" daffodils, he uses the word "host." That means a huge number of
daffodils. Later, he personifies the daffodils, and personification will be covered later on.
Another example is from "The Eagle" by Tennyson,
"He clasps the crag with crooked hands."
The hard consonant sounds add even more to the imagery here.
A simile compares two things using the words "like" and "as." Examples include: * busy as a bee *
clean as a whistle * brave as a lion * stand out like a sore thumb * as easy as shooting fish in a barrel
* as dry as a bone * as funny as a barrel of monkeys * they fought like cats and dogs * like watching
grass grow
When you use a metaphor, you make a statement that doesn't make sense literally, like "time is a
thief." It only makes sense when the similarities between the two things become apparent or
someone understands the connection.
Examples include: * the world is my oyster * you are a couch potato * time is money * he has a
heart of stone * America is a melting pot * you are my sunshine
Alliteration is the easiest of the examples of figurative language to spot. It is a repetition of the first
consonant sounds in several words. Some good examples
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Language Is A Sexist Language
Language is a method of communication, which can be either written, spoken or in a form of a sign
language. Language is used in various ways, such as to express internalized thoughts and emotions,
to learn to communicate with others and as well as to establish and maintain cultures. Currently, the
world of the 21st century is an Anglophone world, meaning that it is an English–speaking world.
English is the third largest language by number of native speakers, after Chinese and Spanish. When
combining native and the non–native speakers, English is the most widely spoken language
worldwide. For more of a numerical data, according to the "Statista," there are about 375 million
native English speakers and about 1.5 billion English speakers around the ... Show more content on ...
Why is English considered as a sexist language? There are various reasons why English is still
considered as a sexist language. One of the major reasons is because of the connotation. The word
"engineer" can be applied to both sexes, male and female. However, people habitually apply the
word "engineer" only with male because of its connotation. Consequently, when referring to a
woman, you have to add the word "female" before "engineer." Also in the English language, there
are many words that are evidently male–oriented such as, "congressman" and "mailman." Moreover,
some nouns of feminine gender can only be obtained by adding a suffix to masculine gendered
nouns such as, "prince and princess" and "steward and stewardess." Not only because of sexism in
words, but sexism in proverbs also suggest English as a patriarchal language. The proverb, "a
woman is like a lemon; you squeeze her and throw her away," certainly shows disrespectfulness and
discriminates women in a very insulting manner. Males and females make different choices with
regard to their college
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The Language Of English As A Language
English as a language has been designated as having a global ranking (Crystal 1997), (Northrup
2013), (Mckenzie 2010). A language that is deemed as having a global status is clarified by Crystal
(2003, p.3) as 'one that achieves a genuinely global status when it develops a special role that is
recognised in every country'. Due to this prestigious standing that English has attained, it is
unsurprising that many are keen to acquire it across the world. This is also supported by Wyse,
Andrews and Hoffman (2010, P.398) who state 'English is much more favoured over the other
official languages as a second language'. As many learners are acquiring English in the context of a
second or foreign language, the discussion over utilising the learner's first language in the process
remains a contentious subject (Brown, 2000). This assignment will provide an overview of
perceptions from differing approaches in regards to the use of the L1 in language education, along
with arguments in support and against the same.
Background of L1 in language teaching.
The precise role that can be played by the learner's first language (L1) in the process of acquiring a
second language has not been explicitly agreed upon. However, the issue of whether to utilise the L1
in the classroom has remained at the forefront in the English language teaching arena. Mattioli
(2004, P.21) highlights that 'most teachers tend to have opinions about native language use, this can
depend largely on their training and in
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Language And Bias In Language
Language and Bias In New York City, hundreds of languages have been spoken everyday on the
street as a grand representation that we live in a multilingual society. However, within the
multilingual society minority language is often deemed as not useful due to the cultural, social and
economical advantages that dominant language is able to bring along with it. This explains that why
some of second generation immigrants are unable to speak in their heritage language, because they
or their parents hold this belief. Also, this kind of attitude can be even found in the classroom.
According to Mallinson, Professor of Language, Literacy, and Culture, from University of Maryland
and Hudley, Associate Professor of Education, English, and Linguistics from College of William &
Mary, study suggests that teachers might subconsciously or consciously favor students who talk like
them and judge negatively toward students who doesn't. This would discourage that students from
different language background to speak, crate "linguistic insecurity" and ultimately affect their
academic performance (2017). Additionally, Minority languages could face challenges related to
governmental power. During the Francisco Franco era, the dictator banned the Catalan language
from speaking in public. Because the dictator wanted to create a Spanish centralized nation.
Prominent Catalan figures were prosecuted; Catalan language in the public education system was
suppressed. As a result,
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Language As A Bilingual Language
I have always been intrigued by the concept of language; whether it be from how languages
originated, how people learn them, or how the language creates words different from the pre–
existing languages, I draw an interest to all of it. I specifically remember when I was younger, trying
to create a new language of my own. In today's world, there are more than 2,000 languages spoken
around the world. Some of those languages are only spoken by a single village while others are
spoken by billions of people. Those who speak the less popular languages are most likely fluent in
another major one. English is one of those major languages, although it is not the most spoken
language in the world, it is a competitor; however, it is many people's choice of a second language,
and spoken regularly in many foreign countries. Many schools throughout the world make it a
requirement for their students to practice another language while enrolled. Unfortunately, after
graduation, students never retain the language, it was simply stored in their short–term memory.
Becoming fluent in another language is not only alluring, but it is very beneficial to one's self, and
the global community. Being bilingual is proven to give a leg up to people in the business world,
improve one's mental health in many ways, and additionally advance other aspects in one's life not
ordinarily associated with the learning of a new language. Why is it beneficial for native English
speakers to learn another language?
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Language As A Natural Language
In our society today, language plays a diverse role in human potential and captures individual unique
human characteristics of expression. Likewise, if a universal language was adopted, these distinctive
perspectives will be lost. In correlation, linguistic and phonological skills were created when people
used language as a natural communication system. Consequently, one's daily life is impacted by
language through unique ways we can communicate to manifest problem–solving and cognitive
skills. Above all, language plays a huge role in cooperation and sharing of ideas throughout the
world. Undeniably, English is considered the dominant language spoken today. However, as time
passed, cultural identities became corrupted and other native ... Show more content on ...
Evidently, the base and growth of human intelligence is within the framework of language. In this
case, language unfolds the social formation which portrays the exchange of ideas, views, emotions,
and value. As a result, complex grammatical skills are formulated to grasp greater communication
structure. In other words, the loss of linguistic diversity would be detrimental because every
language has its own uniqueness that adds to our scientific understanding of grammar and social
skills. According to Grenoble, "If English were the only language on the face of the earth, we could
not know literally hundreds of things which are permitted, even predicted, by universal grammar
and accidentally missing in English, or any other single language." Clearly, there are many words
and phrases that cannot be translated from one language to another. For that reason, the grammatical
principles of multilingualism have critical impact on how we interpret the need to form social
groups and use diagnostic set of problem–solving skills to identify how communication can be
formed. To expand on that, "[g]rammar did not come from a set of rules that are somehow hard–
wired into the brain. It is more likely that humans needed to solve the social problem of ensuring
that everyone understood each other" (Ceriani). In other words, language can be learned
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Language In English Language
Although human beings can learn a lot about language from reading books and studying
grammatical conventions, purely analysing or studying a language as an object will not allow a
person to submerge themselves in the true social process and complexity of the language. Grudgeon
and Gardner (2000) use the analogy of language as a fish; the fish, itself is an organism to be
studied, but its true marvel becomes apparent when it swims. The fish represents the written,
structured conventional form of language, whereas human beings add another element as they shape
and morph language to suit their social environment, representing the fish in motion. A person
learning English as a second language may excel in a structured classroom environment, only to find
themselves confused in a real–world environment when fluent English speakers converse
dynamically using slang, sarcasm, jokes and inferred meanings. Children predominantly learn to
speak from social imitation and interaction (Gee & Hayes, 2011). Inferred meanings or social
semiotics are learnt through exposure and interaction, similar to learning the different meanings of
the traffic lights from repeated experience, until it becomes instinctive to stop at a red light.
Eventually, people react to the use of language subconsciously as opposed to literally interpreting
what the speaker is saying. Different dialects and formalities also add complexity to understanding
the use of language. A dialect is a variation of a language used
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Language and Literacy
EDKL102– Assessment Task 1
Essay– What is Language? What is Literacy? How are they different?
Teachers must have a sound knowledge and appreciation for language and literacy to be able to
make the two concepts a valuable part of a student's curriculum.
This essay will explore the importance of language and literature in a students learning and how
they assist in enhancing their development. Most importantly the similarities and differences will be
distinguished so that the relationship between the two can be understood. Defining both language
and literacy as different entities, but also closely linked concepts, allows readers to bridge together
their affiliation when taught to children in a classroom environment. We can see literacy ... Show
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Vygotsky believed that by the time a child enters school, they use language not only for
communicative purposes, but also for thinking and planning (Daniels at el, 2007 pg.138).
Literacy is control of secondary use of language. It can be seen as being able to apply language to
"use", "function" and "control". We all use language everyday; however literacy is the act of
applying our knowledge of language. We use language to produce a range of modes for different
purposes and audiences. Literacy is used to develop language and use it, for practical and purposeful
situations and work. There is little use for possessing the knowledge of language if we cannot use
and apply it in our everyday lives to gain knowledge and understanding (Kervin 2010).
As educators, we must be aware that our knowledge of literacy and how we convey it to our
children is an essential and ongoing process that is constantly adapting. The importance of applying
the student's knowledge of language to literacy is crucial as it plays a crucial part in a child's
education, development and life skills. If a child cannot apply their language skills to literacy they
will find it
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Language Discrimination In Language
Language Discrimination Language discrimination is treating an individual unfairly due to the
features of their speech for instance, accent, vocabulary size and syntax. The growing Latino
population has been a cause or rising concern among most of the white Americans. This rapid
growth is viewed by the whites as a potential cause of the extinction of English and the way of life
in America. As a result, the whites have strived to discourage the use of Latinos' heritage language
which has been discriminative (Barret 180). Despite the fact that language discrimination is being
fought against, it still exists in America. The linguistic profiling is as dangerous as racial profiling
since it denies one the opportunity to have equal chances of getting a degree, employment, a place
of residence and even healthcare because people use false general assumptions concerning a
language in order to justify the judgements concerning race, origin, religion, ethnicity and regional
affiliation than with communication and language. The two leading English dialects in Latino
America that is, Puerto Rican and Chicano English are viewed as substandard. Besides, they
assumed to have been highly influenced by African American English. This paper aims to discuss
language discrimination with emphasis on the Latino community, and how it affects the members of
the Latino community both in workplaces and institutions. In the USA, strong bonds exist which
tend to connect language and racism (Barret
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Language Differences Between Language And Language
While language deficiency makes some significant points that only specific codes are used by
different economical groups, language difference theory raises the point of language variation and
the problem is with the way that schools are interacting and valuing the differences among students.
It must be noted language difference focus on the difference in a set of language skills held by
students of different cultural backgrounds, not a deficient set of language skills as Bernstein had
described. Labov () describes one language as not more acceptable or superior than the other, but
both language variations appropriate and acceptable within their own contexts (Emmit p.61 2010). It
has been found in STUDY that teacher themselves have an ... Show more content on ...
For example, English as a language has been developed and adapted into what David Crystal
(2013), describes as Englishes, meaning that there are different variations of the English language to
accommodate a variety of English speaking people. Crystal (2013), explains that language variation
occurs when a group of people adjust and adapt their language and form a new variation to express
or communicate certain ideas, values and beliefs based on their personal experiences, geographical
location, and or to communicate with another foreign language. Language variations can occur due
to several reasons such as gender, culture, and race, and that as individuals our language is
influenced due to what is around us (Emmitt, 2010 p.54). It is constantly changing and adapting to
its users, insisting that there is no correct or incorrect way of speaking English, just variations which
are all equal in value. Language dialects occur relatively quickly and without too much thought, as
people use language to communicate and by adapting their existing language to what suits them at
the time (Crystal,2013 ).
Teacher play a significate role in the path that their students take within their schooling years as
much as when they finish school. It is important to remember that those early experiences with
language and literacy in the classroom will build the foundation and confidence the students will
require further in life (Cremin p. 2012). Learning
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The English Language
The English Language
Everyone has a different interpretation of the word, "invention". However the word is simply
defined as; a new device, method of process developed from study and experimentation. An
invention is just a mental fabrication; it's a falsehood ( 2013).1 Although in the
essays, "Why I write" by Joan Didion, "Life in a new Language" by Eva Hoffman, and "Basmati
Rice: An Essay about Words" by Audrey Thomas, each author has their own view on the English
language, how they each began inventing their own writing styles, and also their reasons for why
they chose to become writers. These are the three things that make their definitions of invention very
particular and their own. In today's society, there ... Show more content on ...
Didion also mentions that she comes up with her characters by analyzing a group of people in a
specific place. For example, when she comes up with Charlotte from the appearance of a random
girl she saw for a second one morning at an airport and from Charlotte she came up with Victor.
Charlotte and Victor become an invention of her imagination. Not only did she use other peoples
appearance to give her inspiration of a new character she also put herself in the characters shoes and
ask herself questions as if she was really the character in the story. Thomas did something similar,
although she didn't invent characters; she invented objects that she had observed. Unlike Didion and
Thomas, Hoffman was unable to observe her writings, she couldn't put herself in someone else's
shoes and she couldn't use the word, "I" in her writings. She would rather write about a character
that she knows, rather than becoming that character like Didion does.
Writing is not just a way of inventing new characters; it's a way of exploring yourself and finding
new ways of thinking. Didion enjoys writing about the people who she invents and then putting her
self in their shoes, when she does this she is discovering new feelings and characteristics about
herself. Hoffman's also does something similar; she creates a self – image of herself by writing her
diary. By doing so she's not
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English, Language, And Language
To be fluent in any language, one must be literate. The definition of "literate" in this case refers to
the ability to read, write, and speak and language without the aid of a secondary source in a
respectable, normalized way. This is easily said but difficult to do in certain cases. English is known
for its many rules, and infamously known for the exclusions to all of the rules. As a result, I have
had my fair share of mispronouncing words because they were exclusions to a rule. On the other
hand, it took me less time to develop a sense of literacy in Spanish, as it is pretty structured
grammatically and is phonetic for the most part. Every sound is accounted for and there aren't as
many exclusions or exceptions to get hung up on. Even ... Show more content on ...
This can be very confusing as the majority of the sentence are just random words drawn together
that won't make sense until it is looked over a few times. As someone who was burned and raised in
America the great, this sentence should have not taken more than one attempt to read. It did. I first
found it online, in individual parts: ("Through, tough and thorough thought, one may understand the
English Language", "Can someone explain why 'pony' and 'bologna' rhyme ?!!1!" and "Lead and
read rhyme and so do lead and read but lead and read do not rhyme" were each their own individual
idea posted by three different people). After I read each sentence like three times, and understood
what each one was saying, I married these sentences together and wrote the long sentence above in
my 9th grade "Writer 's notebook". This notebook housed everything high–school freshman Nick
thought was related to English; I drafted all of my assignments, copied down grammar rules, and
defined parts of speech in this book. In fact, I believe the notebook itself shows personal growth in
my English literacy as it shows the gradual growth as a writer and the development of my writing.
At the beginning of the semester, we were asked to write a composition, which would be graded by
the teacher. This assignment is on the first two pages of the notebook– written in ink with all of the
scratch out words. On this
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Culture : Language And Language
I. Introduction
Language is the main means in which we are able to express our needs, thoughts, feelings, beliefs
and desires through words, gestures, and symbols; it allows us to communicate, connect and create
relationships with others. It is also a vehicle for asserting our culture. Culture is made up of the
characteristics of particular groups of people and can be expressed through religion, social habits,
food, arts, and language. Our cultural heritage influences all aspects of our lives and shapes how we
use language to interact with and interpret the world around us. It is through this critical lens that the
interdependence of culture and language becomes clear: culture is expressed through language and
language is influenced by culture. Taking this knowledge into account, it is obvious that the
successful learning a new language must include a growing familiarity with its culture to provide a
holistic and valuable understanding. Although it is not necessary to comprehend a culture to employ
the mechanics of a language and speak it, meaningful communication in the language is limited in
many ways by cultural knowledge and understanding.
II. What I Want to Find Out
Because I strongly believe in the interdependence of culture and language, I want to explore the
focus on culture in current ESL classrooms and how that impacts the success of students. I also want
to investigate the correlation between cultural understanding and linguistic language acquisition.
Since I
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Bantu Languages And The Languages
Bantu The word 'Bantu" which means people in many Bantu languages, refers to a group of about
five hundred African languages and to their speakers, today numbering ninety million. The Bantu
people of Sub–Saharan Africa, lived about one thousand CE. They shifted from hunting and
gathering to settle agriculture about four thousand years ago. The Bantu people traveled in to West
Africa and Southward into the present day Congo. As the Bantu people migrated evidence shows
that they absorbed most of the hunting and gathering population that originally inhabited the areas
they migrated to. The farming techniques used by the Bantu required them to move every few years.
The technique is called slash and burn. A patch of the forest is cut down and burned. They cut down
the vegetation using their machetes and billhooks, then the ashes are mixed into the soil creating a
fertile garden area. However, this process caused the land to lose its fertility quickly and is
abandoned for another plot in a new location. When they moved, the Bantu speakers shared their
skills with the people they met, adapted their methods to suit each new environment, and learned
new customs. They followed the Congo River through the rain forests. There they farmed the
riverbanks, the only place that received enough sunlight to support agriculture. As they moved
eastward into the savannas, they adapted their techniques for herding goats and sheep to raising
cattle. Passing through what is now Kenya and
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The Language Of Language Teaching
Historically, both teachers and researchers have not been interested in pronunciation, as they have
usually focused their effort on grammar and vocabulary. Only at the end of nineteenth century, with
the Reform Movement in language teaching, pronunciation received systematic attention (Celce–
Murcia et al. 2010; Terrell 2012). Thenceforth, research on L2 phonological instruction has grown,
and, with the advent of the Communicative Approach, questions on the matter shifted from "Is it
necessary to teach it?" to "What are the best ways to teach it?" With the focus on communication,
this approach raised the need to teach both segmental and suprasegmental aspects of the target
language in the classroom in order to increase intelligibility and communicability, because,
regardless students' command of the second language grammar, they may still face communication
problems if they fall under a threshold level of nonnative pronunciation (Hinofotis and Bailey,
Despite possible, it is rare for L2 speakers to achieve native–like pronunciation (Bongaerts et al.
1997). Therefore, "a more modest and realistic goal is to enable learners to surpass the threshold
level so that their pronunciation will not detract from their ability to communicate" (Celce–Murcia
et al. 2010). There is empirical evidence that learning context play a fundamental role on achieving
high–level phonological proficiency. Bongaerts et al. (1997) demonstrated that their high–proficient
subjects were motivated
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The Language Of The English Language
The language we speak defines our true identity and who we are. Living in a country where the
main language is English, the Spanish I grew up speaking seem to be conquered by the English
language. Many of us who are bilingual come from a place in where English is not our main and
faced many obstacles to learning the language, but it seems that when we learn the language we tend
to speak English more than our native tongue. Authors like Gloria Anzaldua and Amy Tan had
connected to us the readers in such personal ways where we start to see connections. Gloria
Anzaldua explains in her essay "How to Tame a Wild Tongue", how her tongue was not free until
she was able to switch from Spanish to English whenever she wanted to speak with someone or
write in both languages. Additionally, she explores the meaning of Anglicism in her piece which its
significant to me because I come from a background where most, if not all of my family and friends
who grew up in the Dominican Republic and the United States tend to use these words. Amy Tan's
essay "Mother Tongue", connects to many of us whose English is their second language, especially
if one's coming from a different country than the USA. As well as to how we need to be there to
assist our parents whenever they need our help with the English language. These authors show us
how the language we speak some way or another defines our true identity and who we are.
Growing up in a place where I did not know the language was very difficult
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Native Language And Indigenous Language
Language is one of many components that identify a group of people to their culture. Unfortunately,
there are quite a few obstacles that challenge indigenous people learning their native language. The
loss of a language distances groups farther from their native roots, which is exactly opposite of the
efforts being made in Canada. Learning and practicing an indigenous language fulfills one's role as
an engaged citizen and allows for engagement within a culture. The McGill Tribune published Jenny
Shen's article discussing these common issues regarding revitalizing indigenous languages in
Canada. Shen interviews Chelsea Vowel, a woman of Métis descent, who has committed herself to
indigenous language education. Vowel states, "The language is what holds our culture together like
glue. There is no separation in my mind." She also points out that it has become harder for people of
indigenous descent to learn their language for a number of reasons. Problems that arise consist of
not being completely engaged in the native language, deciphering between dialects, and funding
issues. The loss of indigenous languages in Canada is a contemporary issue of great concern because
many indigenous and nonindigenous people realize the extent of culture loss once a language has
dissipated. Shen also gathered information from Anna Daigneult, the Latin America project
coordinator and development officer at Living Tongues Institute for Endangered Languages. This
institute is an organization
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Inhibit Language
Charles Lightfoot
COGS 110
Reading Questions 11/14
Akhtar & Menjivar
1. Executive functioning would be improved due to the possible increased inhibition ability of dual–
linguists. Theory of mind would also be improved due to this inhibition, and through the increased
understanding of error. 2. The ability to inhibit thoughts has effect on EF (executive functioning),
and thus inhibit ability is increased in two–language children. It requires halting the thought process
of one specific language. Through this, two–language children also seem to have an increased
ability in focusing their attention, which could be due to the ability to inhibit outside, intrusive
influence (such as their other language shining through their speech). They also can pick and choose
one correct solution in a conflicting situation, again because of this inhibition practice. It is
unknown what level of bilingualism is ... Show more content on ...
Two–language children can inhibit their actions and thoughts due to practice of doing this through
the learning of two languages. They will often have to switch dialects if they are learning multiple
languages, and when they do, they must inhibit speech (or possibly thought) from the other language
they're learning so it doesn't leak over into their current conversational dialect. Through repeated
practice of this they gain skill in inhibition that surpasses that of one–language children. 4. TOM
stands for 'theory of mind'. Two–language infant's better ability to inhibit action shines here as well.
In a task where they would have to inhibit their announcement of the correct answer (in regard to the
location of a piece of chocolate), they can successfully do so, thus attributing the location of the
chocolate to someone else's previous exposure, not the infant's current exposure. The infants show
more understanding of different possible options of a person/situation, which could be instilled from
mistakes and learning routines from multiple language
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Language In The Korean Language
The Korean language contains unique characteristics that differentiate it from thousands of other
languages. While writing and speaking in languages are typically synonymous with each other, the
two structures themselves differently in the Korean language. Without the knowledge of the
difference between writing and speaking in Korean, becoming fluent in the language can prove to be
a difficulty (P. S. Hsiang, pg. 1). The intimidating and strenuous format of the language creates an
easier understanding, despite its paradoxical appearance. However, the function of the format makes
conversing and expressing oneself much quicker and easier; toddlers between the ages of two and
three retain the ability to state their thoughts and feelings, while most Americans who are taught
English can only speak following a two–word format that only consists of nouns and possible
prepositions. Koreans who are taught Hangul can link these two ideas together, and develop quickly
enough later in life to master the language by age 4 (Korean Overseas Information Service, pg. 1).
These quick milestone achievements that Koreans experience when learning Hangul owes itself to
its structure; their alphabet splits itself into consonants and vowels, each section only having around
10–14 letters. The combination of the two divisions creates a quicker understanding when kids
differentiate between what letters to use in a word, as opposed to English's homogenous 26 letters
we must choose from. The history and cleverness behind the creation of Hangul find itself at the
beginning of rich Korean history, with their 14th–century king, Sejong the Great, also
complemented with their language variation, and honorifics. The beginning of the Korean language
starts off with the creation of the Korean alphabet. During the 14th century, around 1440 of the Yi
Dynasty, King Sejong composed of their writing system, which had about 28 symbols. Before
Hangul was produced, the writing system that represented Korea during the period were Chinese
characters. Although the Koreans didn't speak actual Chinese, they borrowed their characters to
embody the verbalization of a native Korean. Despite the Chinese characters being the language for
Koreans, only the most
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Language : The Power Of Language
The Power Of Language What is the meaning of language? How big the role of language in your
life? Have you ever realize the impact of language in your life? In my opinion, language is not as
simple as people seen in general. Usually the way people see language just as a tool for
communicating with others. For me, behind the general usage of language, it also has a big role in
our life because a language has the power to stand and show each person's identity. Inside the Gloria
Anzaldua's essay "How To Tame A Wild Tongue" and Amy Tan's essay "Mother Tongue" claim that
language is an identity. Because they show that language which they commonly use to communicate
since the day they were born, showing who are they really are. Language as identity is very arguing
phrases, it can be approach from a different perspective. This thing is exactly what are both of these
essays are trying to do by approaching differently and using a different tone. Their life and
experience give an impact to the way they interpret that language is an identity, and it also seen in
each of their essays. In her essay's, "How To Tame A Wild Tounge", Gloria Anzaldua discusses her
experience in finding her identity as a Hispanic. At the beginning of her essay's she open it with her
unpleasant experience with a dentist that almost lost his temper, it is because Anzaldua obstinate.
So, aggressive and attacking tone seen on her essay. Besides that, she tells us that "she is being
pressured and oppressed by the
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Architecture: Understanding The Language Of Architecture...
Architecture and language
Architecture and language it's a term that can describe the culture of its own people, and speaks to
the world with the small details in each side of it. Cultural signs and symbols derived from customs
and traditions, cultural and environmental impacts inherited, and which still continues in the
development of signs and symbols of a new coherent in the current cultural and technological
development. Understand the language of architecture, we must consider it as a living interacts with
us and evolve according to our needs. The language of architecture should lead us to understand the
elements and configurations, and understand the structure and personality, to give us the ability to be
assigned to a particular country, ... Show more content on ...
One of the most reflecting examples is New Qurna for Hassan Fathy the work began on the
establishment of the village in the mid–forties of the last century, has been designed New Qurna on
the maps proposed and implemented later Egyptian architect Hassan Fathy, located in an area on the
shores of the Nile west of the city of Luxor in the agricultural land to encourage the villagers to
move to it, it has been designed new Qurna to suit all economic, social and aesthetic standards of the
Egyptian countryside. The beginning has been to take into consideration all climatic and natural
conditions in the design of new Qurna, which is mainly built of mudbrick and mud, in that area there
is a small train station, and here began the design of new Qurna, where it was then determine the
market place, because the villagers will want to bring and to send their goods by train, and was
regarded as the market is the main entrance
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Language Strengths
Bart van Driel
Theory of Knowledge
Topic 2: the strengths and weaknesses of using language as a basis for knowledge using at least 2
ways of knowing?
Language has many weaknesses and strengths. Language has more limitations than strengths.
Strength of language is that it gives meaning to things. Another strength is how it can be mixed and
used to express emotions. These limitations are modern texting, the amount of different language
and how the meaning of things can get lost in translation. Another limitation of language is our
perspective of language.
Language gives meaning to things when you describe it. Language allows someone who is blind for
example to imagine what the colour red looks like. With language you can give a blind person a
perspective of what the colour red is going to look like when he sees. It can be described with
things, like blood but he wont understand that. However language also allows to bind an emotion
with the colour. with the colour dark red you could say you are angry and light red means you are in
an ... Show more content on ...
Language can be used to express anything. Emotion is one of the most important things that can be
expressed by the use of language. There are numerous emotions, of which some cannot be expressed
with the just the body language. "A warm smile is the universal language of kindness." William
Arthur Ward. William says that body language can be used for showing emotions and that body
language cannot get lost in translation because everyone learns the same body language. For
example it is difficult to show that you are powerless by just using body using body language.
Another person would just think you are tired when you feel and you think look powerless. Using
language will make it clear to the other person that you are powerless. This allows the other person
to cheer you up because they know what the problem is. However language can also be a barrier for
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Student Expression And Language And Body Language
Student Expression Often times, students cannot recognize the line between free speech and hateful
speaking because it is blurred for them. They have long been taught that free speech is our born
right, tride and true. However, some students take it too far with their words. When this is brought
up, many students bring it up as their opinion, or use the free speech card. Many people are worried
that students will lose their right to free speech if their expression is restricted. However, to make
schools a better environment things need to change. Student expression should be restricted in
language and body language, in clothing, and on the internet.
Students are unique in every shape and form. However, there are many ways that students can
express themselves in both language and body language. Students today come up with many new
words for different uses, and that varies almost every few months. These words however may not
always be politically correct around others. If a student is caught using a word that disrespects or
offends another student or an adult, the offending student should be penalized for this. If the student
is allowed to continue saying those offensive words they will begin to think that it is alright to say
them. Hate will become engrained in their minds and they will pass this on to others. Students often
think it is funny to make racist remarks in passing in the halls, or during classes when teachers do
not hear. Students who do this should most
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Language And The English Language
"Is Language powerful?" It certainly is, but is it powerful to an extent that effaces any possibility of
controlling it? The answer to this question varies from perspective to perspective, but in order to
give a more solid response to this question, we have to acknowledge that the importance of
comprehending the influence of language is critical because it is one of the most essential things in
humans' lives, which automatically makes it a topic of major relevance. This paper will be focused
on the perception of language within the texts How to tame a wild tongue by Gloria Anzaldua, and
Politics and the English language by George Orwell. These texts present divergent points of view in
regards to the power of language. Anzaldua supports the idea that language has a lot of power over
humans, while George Orwell believes that humans have power over language; however, both
authors use their texts to support that idea that humans should defend their language.
Anzaldua argues that our language determines who we are or the individual we want to become. The
following portion of the text appears after Anzaldua talked about how Spanish will no longer be the
mother tongue of most Chicanos and Latinos and it supports the idea previously mentioned about
identities: "So, if you want to hurt me, talk badly about my language. Ethnic identity is twin skin to
linguistic identity – I am my language.". These words by Anzaldua illustrate the thought that
language shapes our identity and how we
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Language : Language And Language
Language in society is constantly being spoken in several different ways–whether that consists of
speaking in different languages, or communicating differently when speaking and writing.
Furthermore, language is often described as words used to communicate amongst others around you.
As you become older, you quickly realize that language comes with much more than words. Many
languages; if not all, have several different dialects–some to the point where the words can't be
recognized whatsoever. Consequently, it's not only important to recognize the innumerable different
forms of language varieties, but to understand what language varieties you command in different
daily situations.
Foundation of My Language
Language and language identity has played significant role in my life. Growing up, I have gone
through countless different experiences of how language identity has influenced me regarding my
form of communication. My parents were both born in the United States of America– both growing
up in Tacoma, Washington. Within the mist of growing older, I would replicate how my parents
would speak and pronounce words. This ultimately became my foundation for learning how to
communicate with others–better yet, my guide to learning how to speak English. Though there is a
plethora of different native languages individuals can identify themselves with, English has been a
very difficult conundrum to solve throughout my life. Many people around the world can identify a
native tongue to
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Language And Sexism In Language
Language plays an important role in society. In large extent it is a mirror of it while at the same time
it functions as means of constructing and maintaining that society. As a phenomenon of society,
language reflects all the perspectives of human society. Sexism in language has been a controversial
topic in sociolinguists since its inception. In this chapter, a historical overview will be made and a
definition of sexist language will be provided.
Sexism in language exists when language devalues members of a certain gender. Sexist language
has many definitions but for the sake of this essay the following definition will be used: '[a
statement] is sexist if its use constitutes, promotes or exploits an unfair or irrelevant or impertinent
distinction between the sexes' (Vetterling–Braggin 1981:3).
Over the years there have been many concerns about gender and language which can be traced to
linguistics and to feminist theory. As a research field it developed side by side with the second wave
of feminism during the 1960s and 1970s, despite the fact that gender and language have been a
debatable issue for a long time. Around that time many articles and books were written which
addressed two questions; the essence and importance of gender bias in language and of gender
differences in language use. As Lakoff ... Show more content on ...
Women's secondary social status being reflected in language was strongly endorsed by Lakoff
(1973, 1975). According to this mirror model, positive words like strong, intelligent, sexually active,
independent and negative one just reflected negative attitudes towards women in society (Stanley,
1977). The issue was whether language just reflected men's power or whether it also feeds into it.
According to many feminists, language establishes and nourishes negative beliefs towards women
and their secondary social status besides the fact that it also reflects men's
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The language
What is language?
As North Americans living in the early 21st century, we have been educated about language from
the time we entered school. But much of what we learn about language in schools belongs more to a
folk model than to an analytic model of language. Here are several pervasive aspects of our folk
model of language.
Language is a communication system. It is true that we use language to communicate with others.
However, language is much more than a communication system. The most recent thinking about the
nature of language suggests that language is first and foremost a representational system; a system
which provides us with the symbols we need to model for ourselves, to ourselves, inside our heads,
the universe around us. This ... Show more content on ...
not be there not–any beer brewed among Estonians 'There is no beer brewed among the Estonians. '
Furthermore, in some languages, like Spanish and Russian, so–called "double negatives" are the
rule, rather than the exception. Note the Spanish and Russian expressions for I don 't see anything.
Spanish: Yo no veo nada. I no see nothing
Russian: Ya ne vizhu nichevo.
These are the normal, indeed the only, way of expressing this in Spanish and Russian. If language
worked like formal logic, Spanish and Russian speakers would be suffering from a permament case
of illogic. Since speakers of Spanish and Russian appear to be normal human beings, we have to
conclude that language does not obey the rules of formal logic.
Thus, the rule against double negatives formulated by Bishop Lowth is not a grammar rule, but
rather a social rule having to do with what he considered to be the acceptable use of English.
Language is pure and unchanging. As a conservative society heavily focused on written, rather than
oral, forms of language, we tend to think that change, in language as in many other things, is bad. A
whole industry of language "experts" such as Edwin Newman and William Safire regularly rant
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Language : Language And Language
Language Oh Language
"The history of HCE has inspiring accounts of resourcefulness, intellect, and competence that both
reflect and sustain local Hawaii culture." (Kanae, np)
There is no other place in this world like Hawaii. There is a mixture of nationalities and languages
that have made our islands the unique and special place it is. One of the most important components
a culture is language. Language is used to communicate daily among multiple ethnic groups. In
Hawaii, many members of these ethnic groups have created their own "broken English" that closely
resembles Pidgin to communicate in their daily lives at work, in business, and within their own
units. A place and time can dictate the kind of language that is spoken by an individual or group of
people, and place and time can also influence the development of a language in attempting to adapt
within a new community.
Papa Shen, my father in law, has faced and continues to face some challenges with language since
leaving his native country to make Hawaii his new home. Papa Shen was born in Taipei, Taiwan. He
came over to American Samoa on a Taiwanese fishing boat. It was not in his plans to stay, but he
He lived in American Samoa for about 8 years before deciding that he and my husband would move
Hawaii. While in American Samoa, he learned some of the Samoan language and some English
through his relationships with his Samoan friends.
Papa Shen
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English Language As A Language
English has taken over the course of huge advancement that is the reason why it has been preferred
over any particular linguistics and for the same reason it has been taught and studied all around the
world. These prospects led to the formation of English language as a lingua franca, whether it's
United Kingdom, United States or Canada people have devised their own extents for speaking the
English(Wen, 2012). Not only in the European countries but also in all over South Asia, English has
been utilised as the lingua franca as the English language has been definitively utilised without
being necessarily the language of identification. English language has been utilised for the aspects
of communication because it determined the stylistic features of an enhanced community. Therefore
people all around the world started to learn English to modernise their linguistics and to be
diversified because in most of the countries all around the world only English language has
advocated its impression to lessen the communication barriers(Mufwene, 2012). In this particular
essay it would be realised that how English has transformed to become the lingua franca of the
business world and what could be the reasons, suggestions for business and for native and non–
native speakers of English.
Critical discussion
The presence of a worldwide lingua franca gives a favourable position to numerous individuals. This
incorporates both Anglophones and non–Anglophones. People around the world
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Language Attrition : Language And Language
According to Kees and Bot (1995), language attrition in the other words is loss of language skills.
There are both bad and good news from the research. For the bad news, it basically tells us that
everyone is a loser because everyone is going to lose the language. And this language loss can be
divided into group and individual level. Group means that a group of people started to shift from
speaking an original language to another new language, and the next generation started to stop using
the old language. Because of that, the old language is died and get loss. Another loss is the
individual loss. It means that individual has loss the language when it is in need. Beside the bad
news, the search also shows us some good news about language attrition. The first news is that the
language that people loss is actually still somewhere in their brains, the language is not truly loss. It
might take time for one to find the language back, it can be a few minutes or a few days or weeks.
Another good news is that old stuff is easier to reactivate. Compare to the new stuff that just learned,
old stuff has been learned at least once. Language that is reactive the second or third time is going
into the deeper memory. Also, when a person uses the right cues, trigger or materials, it will bring
back the knowledge. And in the Regression Hypothesis, the latest thing you learn, the first thing that
you lost. As a teacher, if we know understand these concepts, we know how to help students find
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Language Between Language And Language
Language arose out of a need to communicate ideas and commands. Initially it was very basic, but
in its current form language is very complex. It a adapted to the changing need of speakers. In this
sense, language is a living entity which evolves in response to the changing cultural context in
which it exists. Because language evolves in response to culture, the full quality of its meaning is
derived from understanding the context in which it takes place. Educators must be aware of the
sociocultural nature of language, understanding that language cannot be viewed as stagnant or
removed from its context. This has implications for the ways that educators think about, understand
and teach language, so that students have an appreciation for ... Show more content on ...
Although language today can be seen as far more complex than in the past, due to the growing
number of cultural factors influencing it, language has been a social and cultural phenomenon since
its inception.
The development of language overtime illustrates the relationship between language and culture. To
have a holistic appreciation for language and meaning, this relationship must be understood. It is
likely that all human languages developed from one single language (Gee & Hayes, 2011). As
human moved, language developed in relation to the different cultures as they inherited and this led
to the creation of the 6,500 languages that exist today, which does not include those which no longer
exist (Gee & Hayes, 2011). Cultural influence has not only been responsible for the creation of
different languages, but has also created differences among the same language within different
places. English for example exits in many different forms around the world. The variances in
Englishes began to emerge as a result of colonisation. The colonization of America for example, led
to the creation of American English, a transformation which took only weeks, as American settlers
had to evolve the language to adapt to their new experiences, which British English could not
accommodate as the culture in England did not include these American specific experiences and
ideas (Crystal, 2013). Variations in language are specific to certain contexts. Understanding
language requires
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The Effects Of Language On Language Influences
One of the greatest influential pieces of research within this area of cognitive psychology originates
from Whorf (1956), whom proposed that language influences or determines the way in which an
individual thinks (Whorfian Hypothesis). Subsequently, Miller and McNeil (1969) distinguished
three versions of this hypothesis, simply ladled "strong", "weak" and "very weak". The "strong"
hypothesis emphasizes the role of language when creating cognition, essentially language
determines thought. The "weak" states that language influences memory perception. Finally, the
"very weak" hypothesis states that language influences memory.
Languages differences between languages
Within this field of research it is important to look examine the ... Show more content on ...
One argument, for example, is to investigate how and individuals thinks about time and space, from
this it is suggest that the syntax and morphology of a language can affect how a speaker thinks about
time and space. For example, Whorf suggested that Hopi speakers, think about time and space in a
very different way than English speakers, who have a very linear Newtonian perspective on the
topic; very unlike the Hopi speakers who have a very natural physicist relativistic perspective. The
research here, brings forward the idea that the language we speak does have an influence on the way
in which we think, especially in more abstract topics as time and space Slobin, D. I. (1996).
On the other hand, some psychologist argue that Whorf's study suffers from methodological
problems, which could have an effect on the reliability and validity of the results. Malotki (1983)
stated that when the Hopi speakers' talk about time, it may not be as different from the English
speakers as Whorf made it to appear. If there are no actual differences between the languages, then
there should be no intention to posit differences in the thoughts of their speakers, such as Whorf did
with the Hopi people. Pinker (1992) also argued that particular behavioural differences between
language groups have turned out to be artefacts of clumsy translation. Therefore, this piece of
research is important in this field of
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Language And Language: The Issue Of Languages And Dialects
Aeraki Eleni
Ms. Topintzi Nina
5 Nov. 2014
The Issue of Languages and Dialects
One of the most important elements all cultures possess is the language which represents each one .
Language is of vital importance to people's lives, since it is a way of communicating with others.
Language also offers people the ability to create and maintain relationships with others. Each
language includes numerous varieties, named dialects. Languages and dialects have some main
differences and the distinction of their boundaries is considered to be a difficult issue.
First of all, we should illustrate what exactly is meant by the terms 'language' and 'dialect'. The term
language is used to describe a system of communication, which people use to exchange ... Show
more content on ...
A language may be the official language of various countries; for instance, English is the official
language of the United Kingdom, of Ireland and of Australia, which are colonies of the England. So,
languages are not strictly limited to a specific area. Dialects are unique in the sense that each
language includes dialects that have their own characteristics and ways of speaking that are totally
different from other dialects existing in the same country. Each dialect is constructed and developed
based on the history and the culture of each region. One more difference of the terms is the number
of people who use a language and those who speak a dialect. If we examine the Greek language,
there are approximately twelve million native speakers of the language, compared to the Cretan
dialect where its speakers should be around six thousands (the population of the island). Another
difference worth mentioning is the fact that dialects are more established, whereas languages can
evolve and become simpler for their speakers. There are various words that have changed in
different languages in order to provide their speakers a simpler alternative. For instance, the Greek
word train has changed from the old form 'τραίνο' to the new one 'τρένο'. This change was very
beneficial for Greek citizens and especially young children because the vowel 'ε' is more easily used
than the vowel 'αι'. Last but not least, the way that dialects and languages are taught is considerably
different. The standard language of each country is taught in schools and through the educational
system in general, whereas dialects are mostly passed orally from one generation to the next;
teachers do not teach their students their languages based on the principles of their
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The Importance Of Language In English Language

  • 1. The Importance Of Language In English Language I am interested in the overarching influence of language in human culture. My Individually Designed Major in linguistics reflects this interest and prepares me for the application of linguistics in the field. Linguistics is the scientific study of human language. According to the Linguistics Society of America, such a study includes the structure of languages and the variance in language systems among other topics (Macaulay and Syrett). My core courses emphasize the history of language, its development, its perception, and my skills in foreign languages. For example, by studying the history and development of a certain language in The English Language (ENGL 346), the course prepares me for discussion and investigation of my first language. Since English is such a popular second language, a thorough understanding of my first language is essential to success in linguistics and in my future career path. The development of language is the classroom was a common topic in Bilingual Education (EDUC 345), and the course discussed the application of linguistic theories in the field of education. For the development of my foreign language skills, I focus on two languages during my years at Denison, so I have a diverse but comprehensive knowledge of language. German and Arabic are the primary choices for my in–depth study of language, and these two languages incorporate a knowledge of distinct language families, i.e. Germanic and Seminitic. To support my knowledge in at least one of ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Phonetics: Language, A Language As A Universal Language Phonetics Language is the system of communication used by people worldwide. It's a human faculty that distinguishes human beings from animals. English is considered a universal language that many countries use as a native language like Britain and Australia or as a second language like India. Wherever English is available, it offers a better communication between citizens of a country and travelers. Like all languages, English has variations in its pronunciation and accents. Sometimes misspelling of words leads to misunderstandings between people. Therefore, everyone should study phonetics which is the study of sounds made by the human voice in speech. Phonetics can be divided into : sounds, letters, consonants, and vowels. First, learners ... Show more content on ... Rhythm is a regular pattern of stress beats represented in a tempo–like fashion. It's achieved through the patterning of stressed and unstressed syllables through roughly equal patterns of time as in poetry. Therefore, it is considered as an effective factor in making English a stress–timed language. Additionally, intonation is the melody of speech and the pitch of voice that rises and falls. As intonation is connected to pitch, it changes when the vocal cords change the frequency of the vibration. Thus, the melody gets higher when the vibration is fast and gets lower when the vibration slows down. Intonation includes changes that signify meaning, emotion, and attitudes of people. A rising intonation can express a questioning or disbelieving attitude while a falling intonation can declare a statement, satisfaction, or appreciation. Intonation has a unit which is the tone unit. Each tone unit is equal to a unit of information which is marked by a pause or a change in tone. What is more, intonation groups to listeners are the same as sentences to readers. Intonation groups correspond to clauses produced in one breath. Each group is marked by the bar marker | before and after the clause. The main pitch movement of the clause is carried by the last stressed syllable in the intonation group which is called the nuclear ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Communication, Language, And Language Throughout the many years' humans have been on earth we have always been studying other animals, and the way they communicate, and through the many discoveries we have found many animals that have shown incredibly communication abilities, like dolphins who are able to communicate with a complex language and Titi monkeys who talk with sentence structure. Before we can talk about the ways dolphins and titi monkeys communicate I think we should discuss a little about communication and language. What is communication and Language? Communication could be defined as passing and receiving information(Koshal). This could be in many forms Talking face to face, reading each other body language or simple by touch is a way to communicate with someone. Language is about the words whether there being spoken, written or by hand(Koshal). And language could be considered as a form of communication(Koshal). But the absolute main difference would be that language focuses on the words and communication focuses mainly on the message being spoken(Koshal). Out of all the animals on this planet I believe that human beings treat dolphins with more respect and admiration than any other animal on this planet. Why this is I don't know, it could be because of their language and we feel closer with them when around them. Or it could be instinctual because since the early times, humans and dolphins have always had this special connection. No one understands why but I do know that dolphins are incredibly ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. The Language Of A Programing Language A Programing language is a formal language that is designed to communicate information to machine. By using programing languages we will write code to control the machine and for the computation. The programing languages are preceded by the invention of computer. The first computer programing language was written in 1950's. The first high level programing language "Short Code" was proposed by John Mauchly's in 1949 for an electronic computer. Generally the artificial language can been split into syntax (form) and semantics (meaning). During that period the computer hardware was very cheap and advanced which requires a good programing tool to develop a computer application software for the system. C was developed by Dennis Ritchie in 1972. C was the most popular programming languages at that period. As time goes on programmers found that it was difficult with structure syntax and they developed a new philosophy language called as OOP. The main concept in OOP was reuse of code. By including all the features and fundamentals of OOP, the new programing language was named as C++ which was developed by Bjarne Stroustrup in 1979. In OOP, problem is made into small units known as objects. Class is the basic unit of code which helps in creating the run time objects. OOP uses bottom up approach. The design of OOP is the chain of responsibility i.e the pattern consists of a source command objects and a series of processing objects. The basic features of OOP are 1. Object. 2. Class. 3. ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Language And Literacy Prior to this unit of Language and Literacy, my understanding of the term language was limited. I have gained insight that language and communication not only can be spoken but also can be physical. When the topic of language was studied further, I was introduced to new concepts and meanings of language. Particularly, body language where humans communicate first with their body and decide by the physical signals presented on whether they are a friend or enemy, for instance in the video presented it was specified that upon meeting one another we see their suitability or if they are 'like us'. Furthermore, the assessing of body language links back to the evolutionary progression of our psychology, one which still influences our daily interactions ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. A Global Language English Language In the article (A Global Language English Language Essay) the author explained what a global language, and what makes a certain language to be a global language. The author believes that English is a global language. There are many factors that coincide with the author's opinion. The author had a lot of points that proved that English truly is a global language. The author demonstrated his facts with a cohesive argument, using logos and ethos, however due to this being a more research–based article, there is little to no pathos. In the following paragraphs I will analyze the article and show what kind of rhetorical appeals the author used to further prove his argument. A global language is a language that is spoken universally throughout many countries. A language is considered to be a global language when it is learned by a plethora of people. The most popular one being English. A wide range of English vocabulary was taken from other European countries. Famous linguist David Crystal argues that languages have a strong relation between dominance and cultural power. The main reason that the languages exist is because of a strong power–base, political and military or economic. (A Global Language, 2016). The author uses logos to persuade the reader through historical facts and by quoting famous linguists. He is explaining that the reason for the English language being so prominent throughout the world is due its dominance worldwide, this will be explained in greater detail in ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Language Assignment 2: Figurative Language versus Literal Language The lack of exposure to non literal forms of language makes it difficult to engage in productive thinking. Having the capacity to understand figurative language increases our ability to communicate with each other. By increasing our word bank we expand our knowledge base and increase our thinking capacity. Below are a list of ten words with their meaning, definitions, examples and appropriate circumstances in which to use them. 1. Describe the meaning and function of each term. 1. Idiom is a language, dialect or speaking style peculiar to a people. 2. Analogy is a similarity between two like subjects on which a comparison can be based. 3. Metaphor is a figure of speech in ... Show more content on ... A good example is from Wordsworth's "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud": A host of golden daffodils; Beside the lake, beneath the trees, Fluttering and dancing in the breeze. He doesn't say "many" or "a lot of" daffodils, he uses the word "host." That means a huge number of daffodils. Later, he personifies the daffodils, and personification will be covered later on. Another example is from "The Eagle" by Tennyson, "He clasps the crag with crooked hands." The hard consonant sounds add even more to the imagery here. Simile A simile compares two things using the words "like" and "as." Examples include: * busy as a bee * clean as a whistle * brave as a lion * stand out like a sore thumb * as easy as shooting fish in a barrel * as dry as a bone * as funny as a barrel of monkeys * they fought like cats and dogs * like watching grass grow Metaphor When you use a metaphor, you make a statement that doesn't make sense literally, like "time is a thief." It only makes sense when the similarities between the two things become apparent or someone understands the connection. Examples include: * the world is my oyster * you are a couch potato * time is money * he has a heart of stone * America is a melting pot * you are my sunshine Alliteration Alliteration is the easiest of the examples of figurative language to spot. It is a repetition of the first consonant sounds in several words. Some good examples ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. Language Is A Sexist Language Language is a method of communication, which can be either written, spoken or in a form of a sign language. Language is used in various ways, such as to express internalized thoughts and emotions, to learn to communicate with others and as well as to establish and maintain cultures. Currently, the world of the 21st century is an Anglophone world, meaning that it is an English–speaking world. English is the third largest language by number of native speakers, after Chinese and Spanish. When combining native and the non–native speakers, English is the most widely spoken language worldwide. For more of a numerical data, according to the "Statista," there are about 375 million native English speakers and about 1.5 billion English speakers around the ... Show more content on ... Why is English considered as a sexist language? There are various reasons why English is still considered as a sexist language. One of the major reasons is because of the connotation. The word "engineer" can be applied to both sexes, male and female. However, people habitually apply the word "engineer" only with male because of its connotation. Consequently, when referring to a woman, you have to add the word "female" before "engineer." Also in the English language, there are many words that are evidently male–oriented such as, "congressman" and "mailman." Moreover, some nouns of feminine gender can only be obtained by adding a suffix to masculine gendered nouns such as, "prince and princess" and "steward and stewardess." Not only because of sexism in words, but sexism in proverbs also suggest English as a patriarchal language. The proverb, "a woman is like a lemon; you squeeze her and throw her away," certainly shows disrespectfulness and discriminates women in a very insulting manner. Males and females make different choices with regard to their college ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. The Language Of English As A Language English as a language has been designated as having a global ranking (Crystal 1997), (Northrup 2013), (Mckenzie 2010). A language that is deemed as having a global status is clarified by Crystal (2003, p.3) as 'one that achieves a genuinely global status when it develops a special role that is recognised in every country'. Due to this prestigious standing that English has attained, it is unsurprising that many are keen to acquire it across the world. This is also supported by Wyse, Andrews and Hoffman (2010, P.398) who state 'English is much more favoured over the other official languages as a second language'. As many learners are acquiring English in the context of a second or foreign language, the discussion over utilising the learner's first language in the process remains a contentious subject (Brown, 2000). This assignment will provide an overview of perceptions from differing approaches in regards to the use of the L1 in language education, along with arguments in support and against the same. Background of L1 in language teaching. The precise role that can be played by the learner's first language (L1) in the process of acquiring a second language has not been explicitly agreed upon. However, the issue of whether to utilise the L1 in the classroom has remained at the forefront in the English language teaching arena. Mattioli (2004, P.21) highlights that 'most teachers tend to have opinions about native language use, this can depend largely on their training and in ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. Language And Bias In Language Language and Bias In New York City, hundreds of languages have been spoken everyday on the street as a grand representation that we live in a multilingual society. However, within the multilingual society minority language is often deemed as not useful due to the cultural, social and economical advantages that dominant language is able to bring along with it. This explains that why some of second generation immigrants are unable to speak in their heritage language, because they or their parents hold this belief. Also, this kind of attitude can be even found in the classroom. According to Mallinson, Professor of Language, Literacy, and Culture, from University of Maryland and Hudley, Associate Professor of Education, English, and Linguistics from College of William & Mary, study suggests that teachers might subconsciously or consciously favor students who talk like them and judge negatively toward students who doesn't. This would discourage that students from different language background to speak, crate "linguistic insecurity" and ultimately affect their academic performance (2017). Additionally, Minority languages could face challenges related to governmental power. During the Francisco Franco era, the dictator banned the Catalan language from speaking in public. Because the dictator wanted to create a Spanish centralized nation. Prominent Catalan figures were prosecuted; Catalan language in the public education system was suppressed. As a result, ... Get more on ...
  • 20.
  • 21. Language As A Bilingual Language I have always been intrigued by the concept of language; whether it be from how languages originated, how people learn them, or how the language creates words different from the pre– existing languages, I draw an interest to all of it. I specifically remember when I was younger, trying to create a new language of my own. In today's world, there are more than 2,000 languages spoken around the world. Some of those languages are only spoken by a single village while others are spoken by billions of people. Those who speak the less popular languages are most likely fluent in another major one. English is one of those major languages, although it is not the most spoken language in the world, it is a competitor; however, it is many people's choice of a second language, and spoken regularly in many foreign countries. Many schools throughout the world make it a requirement for their students to practice another language while enrolled. Unfortunately, after graduation, students never retain the language, it was simply stored in their short–term memory. Becoming fluent in another language is not only alluring, but it is very beneficial to one's self, and the global community. Being bilingual is proven to give a leg up to people in the business world, improve one's mental health in many ways, and additionally advance other aspects in one's life not ordinarily associated with the learning of a new language. Why is it beneficial for native English speakers to learn another language? ... Get more on ...
  • 22.
  • 23. Language As A Natural Language In our society today, language plays a diverse role in human potential and captures individual unique human characteristics of expression. Likewise, if a universal language was adopted, these distinctive perspectives will be lost. In correlation, linguistic and phonological skills were created when people used language as a natural communication system. Consequently, one's daily life is impacted by language through unique ways we can communicate to manifest problem–solving and cognitive skills. Above all, language plays a huge role in cooperation and sharing of ideas throughout the world. Undeniably, English is considered the dominant language spoken today. However, as time passed, cultural identities became corrupted and other native ... Show more content on ... Evidently, the base and growth of human intelligence is within the framework of language. In this case, language unfolds the social formation which portrays the exchange of ideas, views, emotions, and value. As a result, complex grammatical skills are formulated to grasp greater communication structure. In other words, the loss of linguistic diversity would be detrimental because every language has its own uniqueness that adds to our scientific understanding of grammar and social skills. According to Grenoble, "If English were the only language on the face of the earth, we could not know literally hundreds of things which are permitted, even predicted, by universal grammar and accidentally missing in English, or any other single language." Clearly, there are many words and phrases that cannot be translated from one language to another. For that reason, the grammatical principles of multilingualism have critical impact on how we interpret the need to form social groups and use diagnostic set of problem–solving skills to identify how communication can be formed. To expand on that, "[g]rammar did not come from a set of rules that are somehow hard– wired into the brain. It is more likely that humans needed to solve the social problem of ensuring that everyone understood each other" (Ceriani). In other words, language can be learned ... Get more on ...
  • 24.
  • 25. Language In English Language Although human beings can learn a lot about language from reading books and studying grammatical conventions, purely analysing or studying a language as an object will not allow a person to submerge themselves in the true social process and complexity of the language. Grudgeon and Gardner (2000) use the analogy of language as a fish; the fish, itself is an organism to be studied, but its true marvel becomes apparent when it swims. The fish represents the written, structured conventional form of language, whereas human beings add another element as they shape and morph language to suit their social environment, representing the fish in motion. A person learning English as a second language may excel in a structured classroom environment, only to find themselves confused in a real–world environment when fluent English speakers converse dynamically using slang, sarcasm, jokes and inferred meanings. Children predominantly learn to speak from social imitation and interaction (Gee & Hayes, 2011). Inferred meanings or social semiotics are learnt through exposure and interaction, similar to learning the different meanings of the traffic lights from repeated experience, until it becomes instinctive to stop at a red light. Eventually, people react to the use of language subconsciously as opposed to literally interpreting what the speaker is saying. Different dialects and formalities also add complexity to understanding the use of language. A dialect is a variation of a language used ... Get more on ...
  • 26.
  • 27. Language and Literacy EDKL102– Assessment Task 1 Essay– What is Language? What is Literacy? How are they different? Teachers must have a sound knowledge and appreciation for language and literacy to be able to make the two concepts a valuable part of a student's curriculum. This essay will explore the importance of language and literature in a students learning and how they assist in enhancing their development. Most importantly the similarities and differences will be distinguished so that the relationship between the two can be understood. Defining both language and literacy as different entities, but also closely linked concepts, allows readers to bridge together their affiliation when taught to children in a classroom environment. We can see literacy ... Show more content on ... Vygotsky believed that by the time a child enters school, they use language not only for communicative purposes, but also for thinking and planning (Daniels at el, 2007 pg.138). Literacy is control of secondary use of language. It can be seen as being able to apply language to "use", "function" and "control". We all use language everyday; however literacy is the act of applying our knowledge of language. We use language to produce a range of modes for different purposes and audiences. Literacy is used to develop language and use it, for practical and purposeful situations and work. There is little use for possessing the knowledge of language if we cannot use and apply it in our everyday lives to gain knowledge and understanding (Kervin 2010). As educators, we must be aware that our knowledge of literacy and how we convey it to our children is an essential and ongoing process that is constantly adapting. The importance of applying the student's knowledge of language to literacy is crucial as it plays a crucial part in a child's education, development and life skills. If a child cannot apply their language skills to literacy they will find it ... Get more on ...
  • 28.
  • 29. Language Discrimination In Language Language Discrimination Language discrimination is treating an individual unfairly due to the features of their speech for instance, accent, vocabulary size and syntax. The growing Latino population has been a cause or rising concern among most of the white Americans. This rapid growth is viewed by the whites as a potential cause of the extinction of English and the way of life in America. As a result, the whites have strived to discourage the use of Latinos' heritage language which has been discriminative (Barret 180). Despite the fact that language discrimination is being fought against, it still exists in America. The linguistic profiling is as dangerous as racial profiling since it denies one the opportunity to have equal chances of getting a degree, employment, a place of residence and even healthcare because people use false general assumptions concerning a language in order to justify the judgements concerning race, origin, religion, ethnicity and regional affiliation than with communication and language. The two leading English dialects in Latino America that is, Puerto Rican and Chicano English are viewed as substandard. Besides, they assumed to have been highly influenced by African American English. This paper aims to discuss language discrimination with emphasis on the Latino community, and how it affects the members of the Latino community both in workplaces and institutions. In the USA, strong bonds exist which tend to connect language and racism (Barret ... Get more on ...
  • 30.
  • 31. Language Differences Between Language And Language While language deficiency makes some significant points that only specific codes are used by different economical groups, language difference theory raises the point of language variation and the problem is with the way that schools are interacting and valuing the differences among students. It must be noted language difference focus on the difference in a set of language skills held by students of different cultural backgrounds, not a deficient set of language skills as Bernstein had described. Labov () describes one language as not more acceptable or superior than the other, but both language variations appropriate and acceptable within their own contexts (Emmit p.61 2010). It has been found in STUDY that teacher themselves have an ... Show more content on ... For example, English as a language has been developed and adapted into what David Crystal (2013), describes as Englishes, meaning that there are different variations of the English language to accommodate a variety of English speaking people. Crystal (2013), explains that language variation occurs when a group of people adjust and adapt their language and form a new variation to express or communicate certain ideas, values and beliefs based on their personal experiences, geographical location, and or to communicate with another foreign language. Language variations can occur due to several reasons such as gender, culture, and race, and that as individuals our language is influenced due to what is around us (Emmitt, 2010 p.54). It is constantly changing and adapting to its users, insisting that there is no correct or incorrect way of speaking English, just variations which are all equal in value. Language dialects occur relatively quickly and without too much thought, as people use language to communicate and by adapting their existing language to what suits them at the time (Crystal,2013 ). Teacher play a significate role in the path that their students take within their schooling years as much as when they finish school. It is important to remember that those early experiences with language and literacy in the classroom will build the foundation and confidence the students will require further in life (Cremin p. 2012). Learning ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. The English Language The English Language Everyone has a different interpretation of the word, "invention". However the word is simply defined as; a new device, method of process developed from study and experimentation. An invention is just a mental fabrication; it's a falsehood ( 2013).1 Although in the essays, "Why I write" by Joan Didion, "Life in a new Language" by Eva Hoffman, and "Basmati Rice: An Essay about Words" by Audrey Thomas, each author has their own view on the English language, how they each began inventing their own writing styles, and also their reasons for why they chose to become writers. These are the three things that make their definitions of invention very particular and their own. In today's society, there ... Show more content on ... Didion also mentions that she comes up with her characters by analyzing a group of people in a specific place. For example, when she comes up with Charlotte from the appearance of a random girl she saw for a second one morning at an airport and from Charlotte she came up with Victor. Charlotte and Victor become an invention of her imagination. Not only did she use other peoples appearance to give her inspiration of a new character she also put herself in the characters shoes and ask herself questions as if she was really the character in the story. Thomas did something similar, although she didn't invent characters; she invented objects that she had observed. Unlike Didion and Thomas, Hoffman was unable to observe her writings, she couldn't put herself in someone else's shoes and she couldn't use the word, "I" in her writings. She would rather write about a character that she knows, rather than becoming that character like Didion does. Writing is not just a way of inventing new characters; it's a way of exploring yourself and finding new ways of thinking. Didion enjoys writing about the people who she invents and then putting her self in their shoes, when she does this she is discovering new feelings and characteristics about herself. Hoffman's also does something similar; she creates a self – image of herself by writing her diary. By doing so she's not ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. English, Language, And Language To be fluent in any language, one must be literate. The definition of "literate" in this case refers to the ability to read, write, and speak and language without the aid of a secondary source in a respectable, normalized way. This is easily said but difficult to do in certain cases. English is known for its many rules, and infamously known for the exclusions to all of the rules. As a result, I have had my fair share of mispronouncing words because they were exclusions to a rule. On the other hand, it took me less time to develop a sense of literacy in Spanish, as it is pretty structured grammatically and is phonetic for the most part. Every sound is accounted for and there aren't as many exclusions or exceptions to get hung up on. Even ... Show more content on ... This can be very confusing as the majority of the sentence are just random words drawn together that won't make sense until it is looked over a few times. As someone who was burned and raised in America the great, this sentence should have not taken more than one attempt to read. It did. I first found it online, in individual parts: ("Through, tough and thorough thought, one may understand the English Language", "Can someone explain why 'pony' and 'bologna' rhyme ?!!1!" and "Lead and read rhyme and so do lead and read but lead and read do not rhyme" were each their own individual idea posted by three different people). After I read each sentence like three times, and understood what each one was saying, I married these sentences together and wrote the long sentence above in my 9th grade "Writer 's notebook". This notebook housed everything high–school freshman Nick thought was related to English; I drafted all of my assignments, copied down grammar rules, and defined parts of speech in this book. In fact, I believe the notebook itself shows personal growth in my English literacy as it shows the gradual growth as a writer and the development of my writing. At the beginning of the semester, we were asked to write a composition, which would be graded by the teacher. This assignment is on the first two pages of the notebook– written in ink with all of the scratch out words. On this ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Culture : Language And Language I. Introduction Language is the main means in which we are able to express our needs, thoughts, feelings, beliefs and desires through words, gestures, and symbols; it allows us to communicate, connect and create relationships with others. It is also a vehicle for asserting our culture. Culture is made up of the characteristics of particular groups of people and can be expressed through religion, social habits, food, arts, and language. Our cultural heritage influences all aspects of our lives and shapes how we use language to interact with and interpret the world around us. It is through this critical lens that the interdependence of culture and language becomes clear: culture is expressed through language and language is influenced by culture. Taking this knowledge into account, it is obvious that the successful learning a new language must include a growing familiarity with its culture to provide a holistic and valuable understanding. Although it is not necessary to comprehend a culture to employ the mechanics of a language and speak it, meaningful communication in the language is limited in many ways by cultural knowledge and understanding. II. What I Want to Find Out Because I strongly believe in the interdependence of culture and language, I want to explore the focus on culture in current ESL classrooms and how that impacts the success of students. I also want to investigate the correlation between cultural understanding and linguistic language acquisition. Since I ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. Bantu Languages And The Languages Bantu The word 'Bantu" which means people in many Bantu languages, refers to a group of about five hundred African languages and to their speakers, today numbering ninety million. The Bantu people of Sub–Saharan Africa, lived about one thousand CE. They shifted from hunting and gathering to settle agriculture about four thousand years ago. The Bantu people traveled in to West Africa and Southward into the present day Congo. As the Bantu people migrated evidence shows that they absorbed most of the hunting and gathering population that originally inhabited the areas they migrated to. The farming techniques used by the Bantu required them to move every few years. The technique is called slash and burn. A patch of the forest is cut down and burned. They cut down the vegetation using their machetes and billhooks, then the ashes are mixed into the soil creating a fertile garden area. However, this process caused the land to lose its fertility quickly and is abandoned for another plot in a new location. When they moved, the Bantu speakers shared their skills with the people they met, adapted their methods to suit each new environment, and learned new customs. They followed the Congo River through the rain forests. There they farmed the riverbanks, the only place that received enough sunlight to support agriculture. As they moved eastward into the savannas, they adapted their techniques for herding goats and sheep to raising cattle. Passing through what is now Kenya and ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. The Language Of Language Teaching Historically, both teachers and researchers have not been interested in pronunciation, as they have usually focused their effort on grammar and vocabulary. Only at the end of nineteenth century, with the Reform Movement in language teaching, pronunciation received systematic attention (Celce– Murcia et al. 2010; Terrell 2012). Thenceforth, research on L2 phonological instruction has grown, and, with the advent of the Communicative Approach, questions on the matter shifted from "Is it necessary to teach it?" to "What are the best ways to teach it?" With the focus on communication, this approach raised the need to teach both segmental and suprasegmental aspects of the target language in the classroom in order to increase intelligibility and communicability, because, regardless students' command of the second language grammar, they may still face communication problems if they fall under a threshold level of nonnative pronunciation (Hinofotis and Bailey, 1980). Despite possible, it is rare for L2 speakers to achieve native–like pronunciation (Bongaerts et al. 1997). Therefore, "a more modest and realistic goal is to enable learners to surpass the threshold level so that their pronunciation will not detract from their ability to communicate" (Celce–Murcia et al. 2010). There is empirical evidence that learning context play a fundamental role on achieving high–level phonological proficiency. Bongaerts et al. (1997) demonstrated that their high–proficient subjects were motivated ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. The Language Of The English Language The language we speak defines our true identity and who we are. Living in a country where the main language is English, the Spanish I grew up speaking seem to be conquered by the English language. Many of us who are bilingual come from a place in where English is not our main and faced many obstacles to learning the language, but it seems that when we learn the language we tend to speak English more than our native tongue. Authors like Gloria Anzaldua and Amy Tan had connected to us the readers in such personal ways where we start to see connections. Gloria Anzaldua explains in her essay "How to Tame a Wild Tongue", how her tongue was not free until she was able to switch from Spanish to English whenever she wanted to speak with someone or write in both languages. Additionally, she explores the meaning of Anglicism in her piece which its significant to me because I come from a background where most, if not all of my family and friends who grew up in the Dominican Republic and the United States tend to use these words. Amy Tan's essay "Mother Tongue", connects to many of us whose English is their second language, especially if one's coming from a different country than the USA. As well as to how we need to be there to assist our parents whenever they need our help with the English language. These authors show us how the language we speak some way or another defines our true identity and who we are. Growing up in a place where I did not know the language was very difficult ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Native Language And Indigenous Language Language is one of many components that identify a group of people to their culture. Unfortunately, there are quite a few obstacles that challenge indigenous people learning their native language. The loss of a language distances groups farther from their native roots, which is exactly opposite of the efforts being made in Canada. Learning and practicing an indigenous language fulfills one's role as an engaged citizen and allows for engagement within a culture. The McGill Tribune published Jenny Shen's article discussing these common issues regarding revitalizing indigenous languages in Canada. Shen interviews Chelsea Vowel, a woman of Métis descent, who has committed herself to indigenous language education. Vowel states, "The language is what holds our culture together like glue. There is no separation in my mind." She also points out that it has become harder for people of indigenous descent to learn their language for a number of reasons. Problems that arise consist of not being completely engaged in the native language, deciphering between dialects, and funding issues. The loss of indigenous languages in Canada is a contemporary issue of great concern because many indigenous and nonindigenous people realize the extent of culture loss once a language has dissipated. Shen also gathered information from Anna Daigneult, the Latin America project coordinator and development officer at Living Tongues Institute for Endangered Languages. This institute is an organization ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. Inhibit Language Charles Lightfoot COGS 110 11/14/17 Reading Questions 11/14 Akhtar & Menjivar 1. Executive functioning would be improved due to the possible increased inhibition ability of dual– linguists. Theory of mind would also be improved due to this inhibition, and through the increased understanding of error. 2. The ability to inhibit thoughts has effect on EF (executive functioning), and thus inhibit ability is increased in two–language children. It requires halting the thought process of one specific language. Through this, two–language children also seem to have an increased ability in focusing their attention, which could be due to the ability to inhibit outside, intrusive influence (such as their other language shining through their speech). They also can pick and choose one correct solution in a conflicting situation, again because of this inhibition practice. It is unknown what level of bilingualism is ... Show more content on ... Two–language children can inhibit their actions and thoughts due to practice of doing this through the learning of two languages. They will often have to switch dialects if they are learning multiple languages, and when they do, they must inhibit speech (or possibly thought) from the other language they're learning so it doesn't leak over into their current conversational dialect. Through repeated practice of this they gain skill in inhibition that surpasses that of one–language children. 4. TOM stands for 'theory of mind'. Two–language infant's better ability to inhibit action shines here as well. In a task where they would have to inhibit their announcement of the correct answer (in regard to the location of a piece of chocolate), they can successfully do so, thus attributing the location of the chocolate to someone else's previous exposure, not the infant's current exposure. The infants show more understanding of different possible options of a person/situation, which could be instilled from mistakes and learning routines from multiple language ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Language In The Korean Language The Korean language contains unique characteristics that differentiate it from thousands of other languages. While writing and speaking in languages are typically synonymous with each other, the two structures themselves differently in the Korean language. Without the knowledge of the difference between writing and speaking in Korean, becoming fluent in the language can prove to be a difficulty (P. S. Hsiang, pg. 1). The intimidating and strenuous format of the language creates an easier understanding, despite its paradoxical appearance. However, the function of the format makes conversing and expressing oneself much quicker and easier; toddlers between the ages of two and three retain the ability to state their thoughts and feelings, while most Americans who are taught English can only speak following a two–word format that only consists of nouns and possible prepositions. Koreans who are taught Hangul can link these two ideas together, and develop quickly enough later in life to master the language by age 4 (Korean Overseas Information Service, pg. 1). These quick milestone achievements that Koreans experience when learning Hangul owes itself to its structure; their alphabet splits itself into consonants and vowels, each section only having around 10–14 letters. The combination of the two divisions creates a quicker understanding when kids differentiate between what letters to use in a word, as opposed to English's homogenous 26 letters we must choose from. The history and cleverness behind the creation of Hangul find itself at the beginning of rich Korean history, with their 14th–century king, Sejong the Great, also complemented with their language variation, and honorifics. The beginning of the Korean language starts off with the creation of the Korean alphabet. During the 14th century, around 1440 of the Yi Dynasty, King Sejong composed of their writing system, which had about 28 symbols. Before Hangul was produced, the writing system that represented Korea during the period were Chinese characters. Although the Koreans didn't speak actual Chinese, they borrowed their characters to embody the verbalization of a native Korean. Despite the Chinese characters being the language for Koreans, only the most ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. Language : The Power Of Language The Power Of Language What is the meaning of language? How big the role of language in your life? Have you ever realize the impact of language in your life? In my opinion, language is not as simple as people seen in general. Usually the way people see language just as a tool for communicating with others. For me, behind the general usage of language, it also has a big role in our life because a language has the power to stand and show each person's identity. Inside the Gloria Anzaldua's essay "How To Tame A Wild Tongue" and Amy Tan's essay "Mother Tongue" claim that language is an identity. Because they show that language which they commonly use to communicate since the day they were born, showing who are they really are. Language as identity is very arguing phrases, it can be approach from a different perspective. This thing is exactly what are both of these essays are trying to do by approaching differently and using a different tone. Their life and experience give an impact to the way they interpret that language is an identity, and it also seen in each of their essays. In her essay's, "How To Tame A Wild Tounge", Gloria Anzaldua discusses her experience in finding her identity as a Hispanic. At the beginning of her essay's she open it with her unpleasant experience with a dentist that almost lost his temper, it is because Anzaldua obstinate. So, aggressive and attacking tone seen on her essay. Besides that, she tells us that "she is being pressured and oppressed by the ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Architecture: Understanding The Language Of Architecture... Architecture and language Architecture and language it's a term that can describe the culture of its own people, and speaks to the world with the small details in each side of it. Cultural signs and symbols derived from customs and traditions, cultural and environmental impacts inherited, and which still continues in the development of signs and symbols of a new coherent in the current cultural and technological development. Understand the language of architecture, we must consider it as a living interacts with us and evolve according to our needs. The language of architecture should lead us to understand the elements and configurations, and understand the structure and personality, to give us the ability to be assigned to a particular country, ... Show more content on ... One of the most reflecting examples is New Qurna for Hassan Fathy the work began on the establishment of the village in the mid–forties of the last century, has been designed New Qurna on the maps proposed and implemented later Egyptian architect Hassan Fathy, located in an area on the shores of the Nile west of the city of Luxor in the agricultural land to encourage the villagers to move to it, it has been designed new Qurna to suit all economic, social and aesthetic standards of the Egyptian countryside. The beginning has been to take into consideration all climatic and natural conditions in the design of new Qurna, which is mainly built of mudbrick and mud, in that area there is a small train station, and here began the design of new Qurna, where it was then determine the market place, because the villagers will want to bring and to send their goods by train, and was regarded as the market is the main entrance ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. Language Strengths Bart van Driel Theory of Knowledge Topic 2: the strengths and weaknesses of using language as a basis for knowledge using at least 2 ways of knowing? Language has many weaknesses and strengths. Language has more limitations than strengths. Strength of language is that it gives meaning to things. Another strength is how it can be mixed and used to express emotions. These limitations are modern texting, the amount of different language and how the meaning of things can get lost in translation. Another limitation of language is our perspective of language. Language gives meaning to things when you describe it. Language allows someone who is blind for example to imagine what the colour red looks like. With language you can give a blind person a perspective of what the colour red is going to look like when he sees. It can be described with things, like blood but he wont understand that. However language also allows to bind an emotion with the colour. with the colour dark red you could say you are angry and light red means you are in an ... Show more content on ... Language can be used to express anything. Emotion is one of the most important things that can be expressed by the use of language. There are numerous emotions, of which some cannot be expressed with the just the body language. "A warm smile is the universal language of kindness." William Arthur Ward. William says that body language can be used for showing emotions and that body language cannot get lost in translation because everyone learns the same body language. For example it is difficult to show that you are powerless by just using body using body language. Another person would just think you are tired when you feel and you think look powerless. Using language will make it clear to the other person that you are powerless. This allows the other person to cheer you up because they know what the problem is. However language can also be a barrier for ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Student Expression And Language And Body Language Student Expression Often times, students cannot recognize the line between free speech and hateful speaking because it is blurred for them. They have long been taught that free speech is our born right, tride and true. However, some students take it too far with their words. When this is brought up, many students bring it up as their opinion, or use the free speech card. Many people are worried that students will lose their right to free speech if their expression is restricted. However, to make schools a better environment things need to change. Student expression should be restricted in language and body language, in clothing, and on the internet. Students are unique in every shape and form. However, there are many ways that students can express themselves in both language and body language. Students today come up with many new words for different uses, and that varies almost every few months. These words however may not always be politically correct around others. If a student is caught using a word that disrespects or offends another student or an adult, the offending student should be penalized for this. If the student is allowed to continue saying those offensive words they will begin to think that it is alright to say them. Hate will become engrained in their minds and they will pass this on to others. Students often think it is funny to make racist remarks in passing in the halls, or during classes when teachers do not hear. Students who do this should most ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. Language And The English Language "Is Language powerful?" It certainly is, but is it powerful to an extent that effaces any possibility of controlling it? The answer to this question varies from perspective to perspective, but in order to give a more solid response to this question, we have to acknowledge that the importance of comprehending the influence of language is critical because it is one of the most essential things in humans' lives, which automatically makes it a topic of major relevance. This paper will be focused on the perception of language within the texts How to tame a wild tongue by Gloria Anzaldua, and Politics and the English language by George Orwell. These texts present divergent points of view in regards to the power of language. Anzaldua supports the idea that language has a lot of power over humans, while George Orwell believes that humans have power over language; however, both authors use their texts to support that idea that humans should defend their language. Anzaldua argues that our language determines who we are or the individual we want to become. The following portion of the text appears after Anzaldua talked about how Spanish will no longer be the mother tongue of most Chicanos and Latinos and it supports the idea previously mentioned about identities: "So, if you want to hurt me, talk badly about my language. Ethnic identity is twin skin to linguistic identity – I am my language.". These words by Anzaldua illustrate the thought that language shapes our identity and how we ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Language : Language And Language Language in society is constantly being spoken in several different ways–whether that consists of speaking in different languages, or communicating differently when speaking and writing. Furthermore, language is often described as words used to communicate amongst others around you. As you become older, you quickly realize that language comes with much more than words. Many languages; if not all, have several different dialects–some to the point where the words can't be recognized whatsoever. Consequently, it's not only important to recognize the innumerable different forms of language varieties, but to understand what language varieties you command in different daily situations. Foundation of My Language Language and language identity has played significant role in my life. Growing up, I have gone through countless different experiences of how language identity has influenced me regarding my form of communication. My parents were both born in the United States of America– both growing up in Tacoma, Washington. Within the mist of growing older, I would replicate how my parents would speak and pronounce words. This ultimately became my foundation for learning how to communicate with others–better yet, my guide to learning how to speak English. Though there is a plethora of different native languages individuals can identify themselves with, English has been a very difficult conundrum to solve throughout my life. Many people around the world can identify a native tongue to ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. Language And Sexism In Language Language plays an important role in society. In large extent it is a mirror of it while at the same time it functions as means of constructing and maintaining that society. As a phenomenon of society, language reflects all the perspectives of human society. Sexism in language has been a controversial topic in sociolinguists since its inception. In this chapter, a historical overview will be made and a definition of sexist language will be provided. Sexism in language exists when language devalues members of a certain gender. Sexist language has many definitions but for the sake of this essay the following definition will be used: '[a statement] is sexist if its use constitutes, promotes or exploits an unfair or irrelevant or impertinent distinction between the sexes' (Vetterling–Braggin 1981:3). Over the years there have been many concerns about gender and language which can be traced to linguistics and to feminist theory. As a research field it developed side by side with the second wave of feminism during the 1960s and 1970s, despite the fact that gender and language have been a debatable issue for a long time. Around that time many articles and books were written which addressed two questions; the essence and importance of gender bias in language and of gender differences in language use. As Lakoff ... Show more content on ... Women's secondary social status being reflected in language was strongly endorsed by Lakoff (1973, 1975). According to this mirror model, positive words like strong, intelligent, sexually active, independent and negative one just reflected negative attitudes towards women in society (Stanley, 1977). The issue was whether language just reflected men's power or whether it also feeds into it. According to many feminists, language establishes and nourishes negative beliefs towards women and their secondary social status besides the fact that it also reflects men's ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. The language What is language? As North Americans living in the early 21st century, we have been educated about language from the time we entered school. But much of what we learn about language in schools belongs more to a folk model than to an analytic model of language. Here are several pervasive aspects of our folk model of language. Language is a communication system. It is true that we use language to communicate with others. However, language is much more than a communication system. The most recent thinking about the nature of language suggests that language is first and foremost a representational system; a system which provides us with the symbols we need to model for ourselves, to ourselves, inside our heads, the universe around us. This ... Show more content on ... not be there not–any beer brewed among Estonians 'There is no beer brewed among the Estonians. ' Furthermore, in some languages, like Spanish and Russian, so–called "double negatives" are the rule, rather than the exception. Note the Spanish and Russian expressions for I don 't see anything. Spanish: Yo no veo nada. I no see nothing Russian: Ya ne vizhu nichevo. These are the normal, indeed the only, way of expressing this in Spanish and Russian. If language worked like formal logic, Spanish and Russian speakers would be suffering from a permament case of illogic. Since speakers of Spanish and Russian appear to be normal human beings, we have to conclude that language does not obey the rules of formal logic. Thus, the rule against double negatives formulated by Bishop Lowth is not a grammar rule, but rather a social rule having to do with what he considered to be the acceptable use of English. Language is pure and unchanging. As a conservative society heavily focused on written, rather than oral, forms of language, we tend to think that change, in language as in many other things, is bad. A whole industry of language "experts" such as Edwin Newman and William Safire regularly rant ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. Language : Language And Language Language Oh Language "The history of HCE has inspiring accounts of resourcefulness, intellect, and competence that both reflect and sustain local Hawaii culture." (Kanae, np) There is no other place in this world like Hawaii. There is a mixture of nationalities and languages that have made our islands the unique and special place it is. One of the most important components in a culture is language. Language is used to communicate daily among multiple ethnic groups. In Hawaii, many members of these ethnic groups have created their own "broken English" that closely resembles Pidgin to communicate in their daily lives at work, in business, and within their own family units. A place and time can dictate the kind of language that is spoken by an individual or group of people, and place and time can also influence the development of a language in attempting to adapt within a new community. Papa Shen, my father in law, has faced and continues to face some challenges with language since leaving his native country to make Hawaii his new home. Papa Shen was born in Taipei, Taiwan. He came over to American Samoa on a Taiwanese fishing boat. It was not in his plans to stay, but he did. He lived in American Samoa for about 8 years before deciding that he and my husband would move to Hawaii. While in American Samoa, he learned some of the Samoan language and some English words
  • 68. through his relationships with his Samoan friends. Papa Shen ... Get more on ...
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  • 70. English Language As A Language Introduction English has taken over the course of huge advancement that is the reason why it has been preferred over any particular linguistics and for the same reason it has been taught and studied all around the world. These prospects led to the formation of English language as a lingua franca, whether it's United Kingdom, United States or Canada people have devised their own extents for speaking the English(Wen, 2012). Not only in the European countries but also in all over South Asia, English has been utilised as the lingua franca as the English language has been definitively utilised without being necessarily the language of identification. English language has been utilised for the aspects of communication because it determined the stylistic features of an enhanced community. Therefore people all around the world started to learn English to modernise their linguistics and to be diversified because in most of the countries all around the world only English language has advocated its impression to lessen the communication barriers(Mufwene, 2012). In this particular essay it would be realised that how English has transformed to become the lingua franca of the business world and what could be the reasons, suggestions for business and for native and non– native speakers of English. Critical discussion The presence of a worldwide lingua franca gives a favourable position to numerous individuals. This incorporates both Anglophones and non–Anglophones. People around the world ... Get more on ...
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  • 72. Language Attrition : Language And Language According to Kees and Bot (1995), language attrition in the other words is loss of language skills. There are both bad and good news from the research. For the bad news, it basically tells us that everyone is a loser because everyone is going to lose the language. And this language loss can be divided into group and individual level. Group means that a group of people started to shift from speaking an original language to another new language, and the next generation started to stop using the old language. Because of that, the old language is died and get loss. Another loss is the individual loss. It means that individual has loss the language when it is in need. Beside the bad news, the search also shows us some good news about language attrition. The first news is that the language that people loss is actually still somewhere in their brains, the language is not truly loss. It might take time for one to find the language back, it can be a few minutes or a few days or weeks. Another good news is that old stuff is easier to reactivate. Compare to the new stuff that just learned, old stuff has been learned at least once. Language that is reactive the second or third time is going into the deeper memory. Also, when a person uses the right cues, trigger or materials, it will bring back the knowledge. And in the Regression Hypothesis, the latest thing you learn, the first thing that you lost. As a teacher, if we know understand these concepts, we know how to help students find ... Get more on ...
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  • 74. Language Between Language And Language Language arose out of a need to communicate ideas and commands. Initially it was very basic, but in its current form language is very complex. It a adapted to the changing need of speakers. In this sense, language is a living entity which evolves in response to the changing cultural context in which it exists. Because language evolves in response to culture, the full quality of its meaning is derived from understanding the context in which it takes place. Educators must be aware of the sociocultural nature of language, understanding that language cannot be viewed as stagnant or removed from its context. This has implications for the ways that educators think about, understand and teach language, so that students have an appreciation for ... Show more content on ... Although language today can be seen as far more complex than in the past, due to the growing number of cultural factors influencing it, language has been a social and cultural phenomenon since its inception. The development of language overtime illustrates the relationship between language and culture. To have a holistic appreciation for language and meaning, this relationship must be understood. It is likely that all human languages developed from one single language (Gee & Hayes, 2011). As human moved, language developed in relation to the different cultures as they inherited and this led to the creation of the 6,500 languages that exist today, which does not include those which no longer exist (Gee & Hayes, 2011). Cultural influence has not only been responsible for the creation of different languages, but has also created differences among the same language within different places. English for example exits in many different forms around the world. The variances in Englishes began to emerge as a result of colonisation. The colonization of America for example, led to the creation of American English, a transformation which took only weeks, as American settlers had to evolve the language to adapt to their new experiences, which British English could not accommodate as the culture in England did not include these American specific experiences and ideas (Crystal, 2013). Variations in language are specific to certain contexts. Understanding language requires ... Get more on ...
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  • 76. The Effects Of Language On Language Influences One of the greatest influential pieces of research within this area of cognitive psychology originates from Whorf (1956), whom proposed that language influences or determines the way in which an individual thinks (Whorfian Hypothesis). Subsequently, Miller and McNeil (1969) distinguished three versions of this hypothesis, simply ladled "strong", "weak" and "very weak". The "strong" hypothesis emphasizes the role of language when creating cognition, essentially language determines thought. The "weak" states that language influences memory perception. Finally, the "very weak" hypothesis states that language influences memory. Languages differences between languages Within this field of research it is important to look examine the ... Show more content on ... One argument, for example, is to investigate how and individuals thinks about time and space, from this it is suggest that the syntax and morphology of a language can affect how a speaker thinks about time and space. For example, Whorf suggested that Hopi speakers, think about time and space in a very different way than English speakers, who have a very linear Newtonian perspective on the topic; very unlike the Hopi speakers who have a very natural physicist relativistic perspective. The research here, brings forward the idea that the language we speak does have an influence on the way in which we think, especially in more abstract topics as time and space Slobin, D. I. (1996). On the other hand, some psychologist argue that Whorf's study suffers from methodological problems, which could have an effect on the reliability and validity of the results. Malotki (1983) stated that when the Hopi speakers' talk about time, it may not be as different from the English speakers as Whorf made it to appear. If there are no actual differences between the languages, then there should be no intention to posit differences in the thoughts of their speakers, such as Whorf did with the Hopi people. Pinker (1992) also argued that particular behavioural differences between language groups have turned out to be artefacts of clumsy translation. Therefore, this piece of research is important in this field of ... Get more on ...
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  • 78. Language And Language: The Issue Of Languages And Dialects Aeraki Eleni Ms. Topintzi Nina Γλ5–300E 5 Nov. 2014 The Issue of Languages and Dialects One of the most important elements all cultures possess is the language which represents each one . Language is of vital importance to people's lives, since it is a way of communicating with others. Language also offers people the ability to create and maintain relationships with others. Each language includes numerous varieties, named dialects. Languages and dialects have some main differences and the distinction of their boundaries is considered to be a difficult issue. First of all, we should illustrate what exactly is meant by the terms 'language' and 'dialect'. The term language is used to describe a system of communication, which people use to exchange ... Show more content on ... A language may be the official language of various countries; for instance, English is the official language of the United Kingdom, of Ireland and of Australia, which are colonies of the England. So, languages are not strictly limited to a specific area. Dialects are unique in the sense that each language includes dialects that have their own characteristics and ways of speaking that are totally different from other dialects existing in the same country. Each dialect is constructed and developed based on the history and the culture of each region. One more difference of the terms is the number of people who use a language and those who speak a dialect. If we examine the Greek language, there are approximately twelve million native speakers of the language, compared to the Cretan dialect where its speakers should be around six thousands (the population of the island). Another difference worth mentioning is the fact that dialects are more established, whereas languages can evolve and become simpler for their speakers. There are various words that have changed in different languages in order to provide their speakers a simpler alternative. For instance, the Greek word train has changed from the old form 'τραίνο' to the new one 'τρένο'. This change was very beneficial for Greek citizens and especially young children because the vowel 'ε' is more easily used than the vowel 'αι'. Last but not least, the way that dialects and languages are taught is considerably different. The standard language of each country is taught in schools and through the educational system in general, whereas dialects are mostly passed orally from one generation to the next; teachers do not teach their students their languages based on the principles of their ... Get more on ...