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The Imperial Gardens By Victor Hugo
The Old Summer Palace, known in Chinese as Yuanming Yuan. Emperor Kangxi named the garden as "Old Summer Palace". The first "yuan"
means round, which hints the hoping to be a perfect person that like a round, without a gap. "Ming" imply the wish that to govern the dynasty and
politic bright and clear. It was originally called the Imperial Gardens and located in western suburbs of Beijing China. I will introduce this famous
Chinese great art because it described by Victor Hugo as "dazzling cavern of human fantasy with the face of a temple and palace" (Jenkins, 2016)
Throwback to the Qing Dynasty, during summer, emperor Qing moved to here to avoid the heat. This is the reason that emperor Qing named it
"Summer Palace". The old Summer Palace ... Show more content on ...
During the period of emperor Jiaqing ascended the throne, the Old Summer Palace was repaired and upgraded. During the period that Daoguang
emperor wielded power, the dynasty was declining, and the national treasury was not enough. However, the emperor still put money into building the
Old Summer Palace.
Unfortunately, the catastrophe came. In 1856, with the support by the Tsarist Russia and the United States, British and French jointly launched the
second opium war. On October 6, 1860, troops broke into the Old Summer Palace and looted valuable relics inside. The ransacking continues till the
second day. The world was sad about the destroy, as Victor Hugo wrote," Two robbers breaking into a museum, devastating, looting and burning, leaving
laughing hand–in–hand with their bags full of treasures; one of the robbers is called France and the other Britain." (pg184, Ming, 2012) The troops
robbed frantically and vandalized the Old Summer Palace because they wanted the Qing government sign files to accept the terms and conditions that
unfair to Qing government.
The beautiful great garden was devastated after the two–days loot. Three days later, on October 11, 1860, the British ransacked the Old Summer Palace
again. The most sorrowful thing is British lieutenant, Mitchell led 3,500 cavalries into the Old Summer Palace, set the Old Summer Palace on fire on
October 18, 1860. After the 3–days fire, the world–beater garden masterpiece
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Characteristics Of A Successful Time Period During Late...
The traits that define a successful time period in late Imperial China are necessary expansion, unifying the people, and the construction of an effective
and incorrupt political structure. The effects of meeting these criteria is sustained influence in following Chinese time periods both short term and long
term, as other rulers will benefit from what their predecessors have accomplished, or try to imitate successful policies. As a team, the Kangxi emperor
and his successor, the Yongzheng emperor, were able to achieve all of the goals for a prosperous period in Chinese history. Although it was a relatively
short period, the Kangxi and Yongzheng emperor's times on the Qing throne were extremely complementary, and ultimately came together to form the
most successful time period in late Imperial China.
The Kangxi emperor's greatest contributions to the Qing Dynasty were his impressive military forces used to expand his lands and keep peace within
them, and his ability to establish a foundation for order in those lands. The Kangxi emperor was on the throne for sixty–one years, and brought
expansion and a stable government to the Manchu Qing dynasty by integrating Manchu and Chinese interests and making traditional Chinese
institutions function again. "The Kangxi emperor's long the crucial period during which Manchu rule took form...With vigor and insight he
faced the fundamental difficulty of making alien rule acceptable to the Chinese elite of learning and social
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Similarities Between Catherine The Great And Napoleon...
Rulers; What makes a successful one? Some could argue the accumulation of land and wealth are the defining factors. Others would assert that
population size and control over it maketh a great ruler. All these factors are quite obviously good indicators of an empire on the rise, but not
necessarily indicators of good ruling. It appears to me that great rulers build their empire like a sports franchise builds their team; around a centralized
figure. The centralized figure in regards to empire is the ruler of said empire. They demand the respect and loyalty of their constituents, and any
resistance to such demands is met with the harshest of reprimands. Successful rulers make themselves a mandatory fixture into the society they have
built. We... Show more content on ...
Napoleon actions in power appear to completely contradict his supposed beliefs during the French Revolution, as he reverted back to former times in
regards to his power, his administration, and even his self appointed title of emperor. One could suggest that Napoleon utilized the ideals of the
revolution to put himself into power with no actual regard for the beliefs of the people who placed him there. With that said, his prominence as a
ruler can be explained through his military might, oppressive and unequal policies amongst his constituents, and his successful method of delegating
authority over territories to his family and other loyal subjects. Catherine the Great, in a similar fashion to Napoleon, used her power to deny or limit
the rights and knowledge of her subjects, as she did when attempting to keep the dialogue of the French Revolution out of her empire. Her
consolidation of the social classes served to keep people in their place while simultaneously giving her more structure and stability over her empire.
These rulers showcase a style of rule that is oppressive, unequal, and yet wildly
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The And Qing Dynasties : The Era Of Tolerance And The...
During the Ming and Qing Dynasties, where masculine beauty and feminine beauty were often interchangeable, where reference to "the passion of the
cut sleeve" or "the shared peach" were commonly understood colloquialisms for homosexual relationships, and where same–sex prostitution was
preferred or at the very least considered analogous to other–sex relationships. One would not expect by the end of such an age that the Chinese legal
code would prohibit consensual same–sex relationships and have such relationships punishable at a higher level than illicit other–sex relationships,
there by redefining same–sex sexuality as inherently criminal and defining the roles in that relationship to law. Due to the growth societal conservatism,
the... Show more content on ...
This would primarily be discussed using legal codes, fictions, and published works of the time as guides, though relevant criticism and flaws found in
these documents will be mentioned. This will be primarily derived from Bret Hinsch's theory of a singular Chinese tradition of male same–sex
relationships and practices as described in his Passions of the Cut Sleeve. For female same–sex relationships, due to the rarity of source materials and
data, the stipulation of requiring different discussions for different sources is required. Thus female same–sex relationship roles and structure will be
discussed primarily through the era's tanci prose, Wenjia Liu and H. Laura Wu's examinations providing the female and male writer's perspective
respectively. The next part would be providing evidence to how those institutions and ideas functioned, or indeed failed to function, in practical life.
Primarily this will be discussed using documents of legal proceedings, personal accounts, and historic documents purported to be describing actual
events; though, like with the theoretical sources, relevant shortcomings will be made note of and explored. The legal definition of roles and their
ramifications will be primarily explored through Matthew H. Sommer's investigation and assessment in his novel Sex, Law, and Society in Late
Imperial China, though Hinsch's examination of the subject will be made reference to as well. Prior to the
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The Role Of Yongzheng In Manchu And China
Emperor Kangxi died in 1722, leaving Yongzheng to become the fourth emperor of the Manchu Qing Dynasty. The Kangxi emperor had fourteen sons
and it was Yongzheng who ascended to the throne, some accused Yongzheng of using nefarious tactics to achieve his position. "Yongzheng's language
abilities in Manchu and Chinese as well as his cultivation in traditional classics and poetry all met with his father's approval, but it was his sincerity in
performing filial piety that especially won Kangxi's praise." Being chosen as Emperor caused his brothers great unhappiness, because of their jealousy
much of Yongzheng's early years on the throne were spent defending his rule through political maneuvering and consolidating his power of his Empire.
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The Blazing World as Feminist Manifesto Essay
Margaret Cavendish truly had faith in the female spirit, and she felt that women were never given the credit they deserved. Cavendish wholeheartedly
believed that women could comprehend philosophy and politics as well as men, and that they should be allowed to study these subjects freely. In
addition, she called for the independence of women from masculine restrictions. Because of this, feminism abounded in her thoughts and works. In The
Blazing World, Margaret Cavendish shows that women are capable of ruling a world effectively when power is given to them. She also shows that
women are capable of excelling in a created world within their minds, free of limitations set by men.
To better understand Margaret Cavendish's ... Show more content on ...
In spite of it all, Cavendish published her thoughts. She even used that "eccentricity" to her advantage by transforming it into a "virtue;" by doing so
she carved out her own "niche" (Hutton 220). She allowed others to know that she was unusual in order to gain positive attention.
Cavendish was very verbal about the limited opportunities for women as well as the "negative attitudes" women faced when they set out to broaden
their horizons (Hutton 222). She most likely faced these things herself when she set out as a female philosopher. She was disgusted with the fact that
schools of higher learning were for men only, and she blamed this for keeping her gender down. It was
the reason all women are fools; for women breeding up women, one fool breeding up another, and as long as that custom lasts there is no hopes of
amendment, and ancient customs being a second nature, makes folly hereditary in that Sex, by reason their education is effeminate, and their times
spent in pins, points and laces, their study only in vain fashions, which breeds prodigality, pride and envie (qtd. in Iliffe and Willmoth).
Cavendish clearly saw the lack of educational opportunities as a hereditary disease that sickened her gender and hindered its progress. She recognized
the training that young girls went through and later passed on to their daughters, and lamented over the time wasted in things that did not advance the
mind or instill proper virtues. Such
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Kangxi vs. Louis Xiv- Absolutism Essay examples
Kangxi vs. Louis XIV– Absolutism Absolute monarchy or absolutism means that the sovereign power or ultimate authority in the state rested in the
hands of a king who claimed to rule by divine right. Kangxi and Louis XIV were both shining examples for absolutist rule. Age of Absolutism was
between 1610 and 1789. Absolutism is a term used to depict a type of monarchical power that was not at all restrained by institutions, for example,
legislatures, social elites, or churches. Both Kangxi and Louis X1V were absolute monarchs associated with the coming to power of professional
bureaucracies, professional standing armies, and the coding of state laws. They possessed ideologies that justify the absolutist monarchy. As absolute...
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As he reached age 8 years old on February 17, 1661, Kangxi succeeded imperial throne; twelve days after his father's death. His rule consisted of at
least 61 years from 1661 to 1722, making him the longest reigning emperor in Chinese history. When Kangxi was eight, he ascended the throne. As
a child, Kangxi was very talented in literature and he worked diligently. Since he was too young, his father hired four ministers to assist him with
the administration of the country. Ao Bai was the name of one of them who furtively assigned his own henchmen to oppose the young emperor.
As Kangxi became of age to rule the nation, he ingeniously voided Ao Bai's plot. In 1643 Louis XIV became king at age four upon the loss of his
father Louis XIII. Louis XIV, also recognized as the "Sun King", was among the greatest of significant monarchs in history. He reigned for 72
years, from 1643 until his death in 1715. This made his time as King the longest known reign of any European monarch. He is responsible for
taking France from savage medieval to one of the most appealing cultures in the world. He claimed total control of the French Government for 54
years out of the 72 years that he reigned for. The 17th century was labeled as the age of Louis XIV, due to his supreme reign of absolutism in
government. Louis began independently governing France as of 1661 after his prime
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Daniele VarГЁ: The Last Empress
The Last Empress by Daniele VarГЁ
The Empress Dowager Tzi–his (1835–1908) was a unique ruler unlike any other China had ever seen. She is considered to be one of the most
influential people in Chinese history, a rarity in the male dominated Chinese world. The empress dowager exerted great power over the Chinese empire
and influenced the political structure in ways it had never been influenced before, making many great reforms that she believed would help the Chinese
Born on November 29th, 1835, Tzi–hsi was named Yehonala after her tribe. Her father, Huei–cheng died when she was a child and her family took care
of her until she was sent to Emperor Hsien–Feng's court as a concubine. Although Hsien–Feng had many wives and ... Show more content on ...
The Last Empress by Daniele VarГЁ does an excellent job of portraying these events in detail as well as providing cultural background in which to
better understand the events and the circumstances of her life. The vivid depiction of the Empress Dowager gives intimate details of Tzi–his's life, her
personality and the motivations that drove her to propose the reforms and ideas that she did. It provides an in depth look into her life through social
and political spheres in which she existed. The King's College History Department in its review said:
VarГЁ is successful in writing this primarily because she does not attempt to judge wherther the actions of the empress were good or bad. The strict
reporting of the facts with very little speculation makes this book extremely useful...Her point of view is that even if she did do many things that were
negative along with some that were positive this only goes to show she is human. (1)
VarГЁ does do an excellent job of portraying the life of the Empress in an objective manner. So often it is easy to judge historical figures by their
actions, but what is important to remember is that they were only doing what they knew, and what they thought was best for the country. The Empress
Dowager was doing what she thought was best, and although her decisions did not necessarily result in the best of circumstances for China, she was a
very influential figure regardless.
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Chinese Jesuit Collaborations Before 1755
Chinese–Jesuit collaborations before 1755
The collaboration of the Chinese and the Jesuits can be found in art since the Kangxi period (康熙帝, r.1654–1722) in Qing China, and continued
throughout the Yongzheng period (й›ЌжЈеёќ, r.1722 – 1735) as well. Although the purpose of the missionaries was the spread their religion in China,
the Kangxi emperor was quick to realise that some of them were good artists. He being a progressive thinker, thought it would be a good way to
introduce his court artists, the Han Chinese court painters (artisans), to new styles and techniques of painting from the west. This might have been his
way of glorifying his rule, and at the same time, embellish the palace with new forms of art. The Jesuits had perfect knowledge of various techniques
previously unknown to the Chinese artists; the depiction of light and shade to suggest volume, theories of colour, the anatomy of the human body, and
a scientific perspective of the art of drawing and painting.
However, this interaction was not a one–way street, the Jesuits learnt as much as they taught, from the Chinese artists. The Chinese were not very
forthcoming while adopting various techniques from the foreigners, like that of 'chiaroscuro'. The Chinese artist aimed at depicting the natural colour
of the object in ordinary daylight; on the other hand, the European artists depicted the colour of an object according to the amount of light shining on
different parts of it. To overcome this, the Jesuits devised
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Kangxi's Valedictory Edict
Emperor Kangxi: Valedictory Edict Emperor Kangxi was considered and still is thought of as one of the greatest emperors in Chinese history. Kangxi's
reign was longer than that of any other ruler in Chinese history. One of his most notable achievements was uniting China after the turmoil upon the
collapse of the Ming. A main reason for the Chinese granting him the mandate of heaven or granted the right to ruleChina from permission of the
heavens was his knowledge and respect for Chinese heritage and culture. Emperor Kangxi recorded a Valedictory Edict in December twenty third,
1717 as an attempt to display sincere thoughts of what he believed it takes to be a virtuous ruler. Kangxi wrote the Edict to reveal his deepest ... Show
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In the Valedictory Edict Kangxi views death positively and as a relief from the everyday grind of virtuously ruling an empire. One of his most
virtuous traits is he does not fear death and is comforted by the idea of relief from the responsibility of his reign through death once his
sovereignty as a virtuous ruler is completed. One of Kangxi's great tasks left to be finished is who is to succeed him. He views this as a great
issue, and as a good emperor cannot neglect it. Kangxi understands the weight of his decision and I believe he truly wants what is best for China.
The issue of an heir seems to be on the forefront of his mind and this dilemma weighs heavily on his conscience. Kangxi states he wrote a letter
indicating his intention for an heir, but does not go into detail in his Valedictory Edict. There is a record that Kangxi's son Yinreng was disinherited in
1708. There are stories that emperor Kangxi heard from his officials, that when touring the country, Yinreng would recruit young men and women as
personal sex slaves as part of a major molestation scandal. This deeply saddened Kangxi and, while on his death bed, reportedly appointed Yinzhen;
Emperor Kangxi's fourth son. Yinzhen's claim to the throne was highly controversial and heavily disputed because Yinzhen and his followers were
only ones present at the time of
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Comparing Kangxi Vs. Qianlong
Kangxi vs. Qianlong
Kangxi and Qianlong were two of the most outstanding emperors of the Qing Dynasty. During years from Kangxi to Qianlong, land was expanded,
economic was developed rapidly, and society was stable. Kangxi and Qianlong brought booming and golden age of Qing dynasty along with
Yongzheng. Although Kangxi and Qianlong both ruled theQing Dynasty for more than sixty years and had similar governance methods of the empire,
Kangxi led the Qing Empire to its peak because of his diligent during his entire lifetime, Qianlong led the empire to slowly decay due to his losing
power in his late years.
Both Kangxi and Qianlong ruled Qing Empire for more than sixty years. Kangxi reigned the longest time in Chinese history. He ascended the throne
when he was eight years old, and reigned sixty–one years. Qianlong reigned sixty years, but actually ruled the empire sixty–three years. He ascended
the throne when he was twenty–five years old. In order to show respect to his grandfather, Qianlong passed the throne to his son at the sixtieth year of
Qianlong year and continuing ruled the empire for three more years as an Overlord .
Borders of Qing Empire were expanded under Kangxi's rule. Kangxi captured Taiwan from the Zheng family. Zheng Chenggong, a loyal supporter of
the Ming, retreated to Taiwan and captured the Dutch fortress of Zeelandia in 1662. Taiwan became the last base of the Ming to fight against Qing.
After Zheng Chenggong's death in 1662, Zheng Chenggong's son Zheng
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Maria Monologue
Well, Prince, so Genoa and Lucca are now just family estates of the Buonapartes. But I warn you, if you don't tell me that this means war, if you still
try to defend the infamies and horrors perpetrated by that Antichrist– I really believe he is Antichrist– I will have nothing more to do with you and you
are no longer my friend, no longer my 'faithful slave,' as you call yourself! But how do you do? I see I have frightened you– sit down and tell me all
the news." It was in July, 1805, and the speaker was the well–known Anna Pavlovna Scherer, maid of honor and favorite of the Empress Marya
Fedorovna. With these words she greeted Prince Vasili Kuragin, a man of high rank and importance, who was the first to arrive at her reception. Anna
Pavlovna... Show more content on ...
If you were not a father there would be nothing I could reproach you with," said Anna Pavlovna, looking up pensively. "I am your faithful slave and
to you alone I can confess that my children are the bane of my life. It is the cross I have to bear. That is how I explain it to myself. It can't be
helped!" He said no more, but expressed his resignation to cruel fate by a gesture. Anna Pavlovna meditated. "Have you never thought of marrying
your prodigal son Anatole?" she asked. "They say old maids have a mania for matchmaking, and though I don't feel that weakness in myself as yet,I
know a little person who is very unhappy with her father. She is a relation of yours, Princess Mary Bolkonskaya." Prince Vasili did not reply,
though, with the quickness of memory and perception befitting a man of the world, he indicated by a movement of the head that he was considering
this information. "Do you know," he said at last, evidently unable to check the sad current of his thoughts, "that Anatole is costing me forty thousand
rubles a year? And," he went on after a pause, "what will it be in five years, if he goes on like this?" Presently he added: "That's what we fathers have
to put up with.... Is this princess of yours
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Napoleon 's Letters From An Italian Nobleman 's Family
Acquiring insight into the personalities and feelings of any historical figure is a tricky thing. Often we are left with secondary, and sometimes very
biased, accounts of how individuals conducted themselves in various situations in their lives. But luckily, we are sometimes left with vivid sources
penned by figures themselves, and that is what we have with Napoleon 's letters. Through them we can hope to gain a better and more well–rounded
look into the life one of the most loved, and reviled, men in recent history.
To begin, let us take a look at Napoleon's letters to his immediate family. Letter 71 is addressed to his sister Pauline, who in 1803 had married into an
Italian nobleman's family. In this letter, Napoleon expresses his love for his sister, and wishes her nothing but happiness, showing a tender and
brotherly side not often associated with the conquering emperor. But this letter is also no simple social call, but a request that his sister make herself
known and appreciated as a socialite in the city of Rome, seat of the Papal States. This is a shrewd and clever move on his part, displaying an
understanding of the delicacies of statesmanship and foreign opinion.
In letter 109, a brief note penned in 1806 to his sister Elisa, Napoleon urges her to only allow dresses of silk and batiste to be worn at the court of her
husband in Italy. He insists that "preference may be given to the products of French industry", and is fully confident that such fashion will become
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Principal Difference Between Apollonius And Jesus
Ehrman 's first argument delves into the history of so–called 'divine beings ', particularly in ancient Greece and Rome, to help his argument, as he
claims that Jesus was not the first, and certainly not the only, divine being in history, saying that "We should not think of Jesus as 'unique ', if by that
term we mean that he was the only one 'like that '–that is.....a man who was also in some sense divine" (Ehrman 17). Ehrman 's first example is
Apollonius, a man whose story is very similar to Jesus. According to Ehrman, the birth of Apollonius came with divine signs from the heavens, and
as an adult, he left home, traveling and preaching, collecting followers and performing miracles, and leading his followers to believe that he was
the Son of God. Later, like Jesus, he too angered the Roman authorities and was put to death, though he allegedly ascended to heaven afterwards.
However, the principal difference between Apollonius and Jesus was that Apollonius was a pagan, a worshiper of multiple Roman gods, who was
seen by some as a competitor of Jesus, though historically, Jesus and his followers rose victorious, due to the spread of Christianity, and Apollonius
remains all but forgotten to today 's society. However, it wasn 't just holy men who could come to be revered as divine, according to Ehrman, as he
moves on to talk about how Roman emperors were often revered as gods. For instance, Julius Caesar declared that he had a divine heritage, "In a
funeral oration
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Power And Authority In Tang Dynasty
The definition of power is the ability to direct or influence the behavior of others. Literature is one of the major mediums used to influence a person.
One common medium that determines if the writing has power to influence the behaviors of others is the literary skill of the author. During the Tang
Dynasty in China, there were many imperial pieces on politics matter that had power and authority to influence people. Writers such as Ban Zhao and
Han Yu BaiJuyi successfully wrote many pieces that had much influence and impact over their intended audience. Literary skill contributes to the
writer's power and authority due to their ability to evoke an emotional response from their chosen audience or to influence their response.
A writer's literary ... Show more content on ...
In many of Han Yu BaiJuyi's poems during theTang dynasty, his use of contrast highlights the constant theme of the suffering of the common people at
the hands of the wealthier tier. He is well–educated in this issue due to the fact that he was the son of a minor official, but the family was poor. He
uses the poem format, which was mainly an aristocratic medium of art and knowledge, to address how poor the common people are. Han Yu BaiJuyi
writes about the class differences during the Tang dynasty and addresses the common and wealthy lifestyles. In his poem 'Light and Sleek', he writes "
After sweet Tung–t'ing Lake oranges and mince–fish from a lake of heaven, they've eaten to their hearts' content, and happily drunk, their spirits swell.
There's drought south of the Yangtze: in Ch'ii–chou, people are eating people" (Hinton, 273). In this poem, Han Yu BaiJuyi begins the story with rich
and vivid imagery by using words such as "sweet" and "lake of heaven". He, then, ends with this stark contrast to the rich comforting vibe by not
using vivid adjectives and just stating that the people were just eating each other due of the lack of food. This depicts that he is aware of the lifestyle
differences and that there is an issue with the wealthy having an abundance of materials while the poor do not have enough necessities to
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Kangxi And Peter The Great Similarities
Comparing and Contrasting Two Monarchs
In the late 17th century to the early 18th century, two powerful monarchs who ruled over their own magnificent empires. These monarchs were Peter
the Great, the tsar of Russia, and the emperor of China, Kangxi. At the time of their rules, an economic system called mercantilism formed. This
system allowed societies to benefit off of influx of goods from merchants trading. Using this system, in China, the Canton system was formed to open
up ports to western societies. Even though, both Kangxi and Peter the Great shared similarities in the way they ruled, they had a variety of differences,
which were caused by their background and their country's interests. On the other hand, the diverse backgrounds and experiences of the empires
caused them to also have differences in their ways of ruling. These differences could be categorized into two overarching topics, economy and education
. Their economies had varied taxation systems and were structured differently. As far as education, the rulers differed in the ways they spread
knowledge and the type of knowledge they taught. Comparing these two rulers can produce some similarities shown in the economic systems backed
by the time period in which they ruled. For instance, in Russia, Peter the Great relied on the economic system of mercantilism to spur economic growth
within his empire. He achieved this by increasing exports like silk. (Massie, 938) Similarly, Kangxi created the Canton system which
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The Secret History Was Written By Procopius, And Emperor...
Theodora was the Empress of the Byzantine Empire from 527, when she was crowned, until her death in 548. Procopius was the appointed historian to
record what was happening in the Empire, but mostly to focus on Theodora and Justinian. The Secret History was written by Procopius, but not
published in the West until about a millennium after it was written. As it was 'a venomous pamphlet of dubious merit', The Secret History is hardly a
reliable historical source. It criticises Justinian and Theodora for all of their actions as Emperor and Empress, as well as create a story, possibly based
on nothing, about the origins of Theodora. While Procopius is considered a significant historian for the sixth century, it is notable that his treatment of
Theodora is biased in an unfavourable way. Procopius adopts a perceptibly hostile attitude toward Theodora. Much of this bias against Theodora can
be explained by Procopius' view of women in power and gender roles.
As a woman in Roman society, Theodora would have been married and her life controlled by her husband. As a woman in the imperial court,
Theodora's power and influence over the general public would have been restricted. Even with the limited public influence, there were ways for women
to demonstrate authority. One of the most common and traditional ways that women demonstrated power in the sixth century was imperial patronage.
Imperial patronage could include 'building a home for the poor or a lavish church, having a cross
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Anna Anderson Case Summary
Was the stranger on the bridge An escapee worker in a Polish Factory or could she possibly have been from royalty in Russia's most powerful
family no one knew for sure except her. although I believe that Anna Anderson was not Anastasia because many of her relatives and friends didn't
believe it was her, she never talked about her experience of being held captive by the Bolsheviks, also When they took this to court she did not win
because the judge claimed that she did not have enough evidence to be Anastasia. First Anna Anderson was not Anastasia because close relatives
and friends didn't believe it was her, She hardly ever answered questions people ask her about her family being killed and held captive,And lost her
case in court. evidence for relatives but didn't believe her is her daughter when she was younger claimed but she looks nothing like Anastasia or acted
like her. Also her uncle and 12 other relatives didn't believe that she was Anastasia. second many people ask Anna Anderson questions about her life
and being held captive with her family by the Bolsheviks but every time she would not answer any questions or talk about it meaning that she Possibly
didn't know any of the answers. third when she was put to trial deciding whether she was Anastasia the quarter ended up reeling Diana Anderson and
not Anastasia saying that you did not have... Show more content on ...
Anna Anderson and scars on her body that significantly matched scars that were on Anastasia's body . One of her female cousins strongly believed that
Anna Anderson in fact was Anastasia. and finally Anna Anderson had copied Anastasia's handwriting very similarly I'm with almost the exact same as
past letters that Anastasia had written. Therefore some people are led to believe that Anna Anderson was
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Alternate Ending To A Hero's Journey Chapter 1
"Countess, there's someone to see you in the throne room."
Countess Dracora of Monarch's Glenn did not feel like doing anything, least of all meeting someone this early in the morning.
"Can it wait, Trenor?" The Countess moaned, wrapping her blankets over her head, wishing for that five more minutes of rest.
Trenor opened her bedroom door and shook his head. "Afraid not."
She uncovered, sitting up and rubbing her eyes, letting out a loud roar as she yawned. "Who is it, then?" She asked. "Why is it so important to wake
me so early?"
Trenor laughed, "It's two in the afternoon, Countess."
She watched as he opened her wardrobe and picked out a dress–pant outfit that would show her as the monarch of Monarch's Glenn. "Ah, here we go.
A rich pine ... Show more content on ...
Once taking her position on her throne, and Trenor took his position on her right did she notice a man ahead of her.
He had flowing silver hair the light played with to show a prism of color. His dark eyes were troubled, saddened with a deep grey and he was biting his
lower lip.
"Lord Guardian O'Dell of the Mystic Realms." Dracora spoke, and O'Dell finally looked up at her. "What do we owe the pleasure of your company?"
"I only wish it were pleasure." Lord Guardian O'Dell's voice wavered. "My brother is at it again."
"Which one?"
"Orthos." O'Dell forced, afraid of what that name may entail. "I have seen it."
"Control your ravings, O'Dell." Countess Dracora commanded. "Approach and explain."
O'Dell walked slowly up to her before bowing. "Orthos will destroy me in his next war." He explained. "Hundreds of Companions will perish at his
"Why come to me?" Dracora asked. "I have nothing to do with your realm, Lord Guardian. I only see to my own people."
"That is why I came, Dracora." O'Dell rose and faced her. She could see his eyes changing from grey to white, the color of a Mystic's when in a
prophetic trance. "Orthos will destroy your people,
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Russi A Great And Catherine The Great
Russia has seen its fair share of autocratic monarchs as well, such as Peter the Great and Catherine the Great. Peter first ascended the throne as co–czar
with his half–brother Ivan V in the death of their brother Feodore. Their elder sister, Sophia, was the most capable to take the throne. But being a
girl, she was unable to do so and could only rule as regent for the two princes turned czars. While Sophia ruled, Peter spent his days building forts on
the banks of a river outside of Moscow. He played war games using them, recruiting in boys and arming them with real guns. The games were
dangerous; 24 boys were once killed in a single game. But the games eventually paid off, and Peter had himself two self–trained armies that he used to
overthrow Sophia and rule the throne himself. The regent was forced into an enclosed convent, living as a nun for the rest of her days (Russia, Land of
Tsars: Time of Troubles).
Life in Russia had changed very little since the Middle Ages. Russia had not experienced a Renaissance and was quite 'backwards' in terms of
lifestyle compared to Western Europe. Peter wanted to change all that. He viewed the church as an impediment to progress in Russia, wanting to
break their restraining bonds of complex customs and modernize Russia (Russia, Land of Tsars: Time of Troubles). "It's time to constrain the authority
not proper to the old man [i.e., the patriarch]; God willing, it is for me to reform the laity and the clergy, for them I am both master and
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Imperial System Of Han China During The Yongzheng Period...
Autocracy in Qing China During The Yongzheng Period In Jonathan D. Spence's book, Treason By The Book, we are introduced to Qing China
during the rule of the Yongzheng Emperor who, during his reign, must investigate a scandal involving dissident, rogue scholars who threaten the
Chinese imperial system. The imperial system revolves entirely around the emperor who must rule benevolently, and as an autocrat. As is typical of
an autocrat, the Emperor rules by divine right, and as a result has no checks on his power by law or citizenry, contains some elements of arbitrariness
such as cronyism, nepotism and overruling officials based on what comes down to emotion, and has a vast bureaucracy capable of tracking down and
interrogating anyone accused of being a dissident, including other officials. Therefore, despite Emperor Yongzheng's noble attitudes and ideas,
evidence within Treason By The Book shows that Yongzheng is unequivocally an autocrat, because he fits all the previously listed criteria. When
looking at what made Emperor Yongzheng an autocrat, it 's important to look at the tactics implemented by the emperor to ensure cooperation and to
crack down on any resistance or potential plots against him. During the first few pages of Treason By The Book, we are introduced to first instance of
the very efficient and meticulous world of bureaucratic spy campaigns and information gathering authorities when the Emperor sends an official from
the Ministry of Punishments to gather
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Analysis Of Julius 's ' The King Of The Night '
As Julius led the two tigers out of the arena and released them, the adrenaline still pumping .through his veins, an impulsive thought developed in his
head. Yes, it would be dangerous, but he guessed that if he found himself back in the Colosseum, the crowd would once again persuade Caesar to let
him live. But he still had a part of his mind doubting his survival. But oh, how he longed to get one last glimpse of his love, but she was the Emperor 's
daughter, and he was low class. There was even only a slight chance that the princess 's cousin, who was a very high class, would be able to marry her.
He needed to stop for a breath. Brute looked back at him and saw the two–leg pant heavily. He signaled for his brother to stop. ... Show more content on ...
"You are a disgrace..." Caesar told Aurelia and pulled her from her seat. The whole colosseum was holding their breath. "We 're leaving now." He
said harshly. " Everyone needs to go home!" The guards started to evacuate the Romans. With one last look at a frightened Marcus, Aurelia rubbed her
cheek when her father looked away, and strode after her father out the colosseum door. The hum of the crowd rose slightly at the harsh actions of
Caesar. They didn 't speak against their Emperor, but instead the troublingthought of his daughter and the tiger keeper. The next day, Marcus came to
visit. But he found something even more strange than the scene that has happened at the colosseum, he found a boy around Aurelia 's age with a
joking attitude, cracking jokes trying to comfort Aurelia. Marcus didn 't know how to feel about this boy. He seemed nice enough, but comforting
Aurelia was his job. He cautiously rushed to her side, shot a curious glance at the boy, and pulled Aurelia into an embrace. "Um.... Who are you?"
Questioned the unknown boy with the brown hair. He was staring at Marcus with the eyes of a confused puppy, and Marcus stared back."I don 't mean
to be rude, but seriously... Who are you?" Aurelia sensed the slight tension in the air, and
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Native Architects And Architectures Introduced
As a Chinese immigrant who lived in the USA for four years, I have been amazed by the western architects and architectures introduced in lectures and
textbook. Buildings like Sagrada Familia, Guggenheim Museum, Burj Al Arab, and even the White House have attracted my interested toward
architecture by bringing me endless awes and wonders. Out of so many famous and recognizable architects who designed marvelous buildings, this
special Chinese family attracts extra attention. Maybe a highly skilled architect is honorable, but a loyal architect family who devoted their generations
to architecture deserves the respect from all architects. In the following paragraphs, I will describe this family and their work, as well as their
importance and contribution to the history of architecture.
"Yang Shi Lei", meaning "the Lei style", was a name for Lei family who worked as royal architects over 200 years ofQing dynasty. In the end of 17th
century, like many artisans, Fada Lei came to Beijing and started working to build the palaces for Qing dynasty. Due to his outstanding building skills
and different architectural style, he was prided to be the designer of many royal buildings. He had total of seven generals at the end the Qing dynasty,
and they were all responsible for designing and building the royal buildings such as the main palaces, imperial tomb, the old Summer Palace, the
Summer Palace and so on. To commemorate Lei's family's contribution to the Chinese architectural history,
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Art Analysis : Victory Stele Of Naram-Sin
Victory Stele of Naram–Sin is a relief sculpture and was created in 2,200 B.C.E it is 6 feet high, so it is huge. The subject only includes men, and
they are dressed for battle. This particular artwork was an illustration of Naram–Sin with his army and how his "enemies [would] fall, flee, die, or beg
for mercy" (Kleiner 41). Naram–Sin is the largest figure, about twice the size of the other figures. In addition, he has a helmet with horns and weapons.
There is a background in this relief, and it includes a mountain with a tree and there are two stars.
Each artist was influenced by the culture and location in which they created the artwork. For example, Nefertiti was the queen of Egypt with Akhenaton
her husband. The style of this sculpture is Egyptian because of its location. Because Neffertiti was queen, the culture changed how the artist portrayed
her. In fact, Fred Kleiner a well–known author of multiple art history articles and books says that "The sculptor seems to have adjusted the likeness
of his subject to meet the era's standard of spiritual beauty" (76). She likely would have taken offence if the artist did not change her appearance
biased on the cultures ideal. This artwork was commissioned, which also played a role in the influence of this piece. Not to mention that the king
commissioned this piece, and obviously no one wants to get on his bad side.
Another example of how culture influenced the artwork is with the Empress Theodora. Their culture was Byzantine,
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Politics And Art Has Been An Important Tool For The...
Politics and art have always gone hand in hand in China. Be it the terracotta army of the first emperor of China (late 3rd BCE) or the propaganda
posters during the Cultural Revolution (1966–1976), art has been an important tool for the Chinese rulers to pursue their political agendas to reach the
common man.
The interaction between art and politics was perhaps at its peak during the Qing period (1644–1911). The Qianlong emperor (д№ѕйљ†, r. 1735 – 1799)
is considered to be the forerunner of the project of "militarization of culture" in China , making relentless efforts to establish a harmonious rule over
various parts of China. The expansionist policies of Qianlong are well–known and he is said to have brought under his control not just the ... Show more
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Qianlong 's focus on the combination of wen (ж–‡) and wu (ж¦) in his reign could be compared to that of Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty
(626–649), a perfect embodiment of civil and martial values himself. The influence of the Tang and Han dynasties on the Qing Empire can be seen in
the renewal of military rituals and values from that time.
Another reason for the persistent emphasizing of the importance of martial power during the Qing can also be attributed to the origins of the Qing
rulers. They were of Manchu origin, belonging to the 'Aisin Gioro' clan , and perhaps in order to uphold their inner Asian roots, favoured military
power (wu) over culture (wen), unlike preceding dynasties, which preferred wen over wu. This acknowledgment of the status of martial tenet is very
noteworthy as it is clearly in contrast to the elite astuteness of the Chinese ruler, who traditionally portrayed the Chinese state as non–military, despite
the actual state of affairs.
This ideology was not very prevalent in Chinese visual culture before Qianlong, which was an elite institution involving scholarly pursuits of art. Even
if hunting scenes were common during the Ming (1368–1644), they do not explicitly describe the emperor as an expansionist or do not
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Irony In Tamburlaine
The foolish king becomes a subject for laughter for his ironical thundering speech. The same irony can be noticed in Cosroe's alliance with
Tamburlaine. After they have defeated Mycetes, Tamburlaine challenges Cosroe. The newly crowned king of Persia responds:
"What means this devilish shepherd to aspire
With such a giantly presumption,
To cast up hills against the face of heaven,
And dare the force of angry Jupiter?
But as he thrust them underneath the hills,
And pressed out fire from their burning jaws,
So will I send this monstrous slave to hell,
Where flames shall ever feed upon his soul." (p.24)
However, Cosroe is defeated by Tamburlaine, just like Mycetes. Ironically, one of the reasons why Cosroe has wanted to dethrone his brother is... Show
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And such are objects fit for Tamburlaine,
Wherein, as in a mirror, may be seen
His honor, that consists in shedding blood
When men presume to manage arms with him." (p.28)
Tamburlaine says that the deaths of Zabina and Bajazeth are mirrors that reflect his honour, much to his please. Their deaths reflect more honour on
themselves than on Tamburlaine. Earlier in Act V, Tamburlaine, when attacking a city, has ordered the deaths of four virgins sent to him to plead for
Damascus. This is his habit to give a city that he attacks two days to decide to surrender. On the third day, if no surrender is coming, he destroys the
city. On the third day of the siege of Damascus, the four virgins are sent out in hopes that their innocence can persuade Tamburlaine to spare the city.
He asks them what they see on the point of his sword and, when they answer that they see fear and steel, Tamburlaine says,
"Your fearful minds are thick and misty then,
For there sit Death; there sits imperious Death,
Keeping his circuit by the slicing edge.
But I am pleased you shall not see him
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Emperor K'ang-hsi Essay
Meijun Cai
Cultural History 300
Professor Frangos
The emperor, Kang–xi, is considered by many the greatest of the Manchu emperors and in some ways an example of Plato's Philosopher King.
Discuss the truth of this statement (you may also disagree). Be sure to refer to the reading by Kang–xi in your answer.
Emperor Kangxi (1654–1722) became the second ruler of the Manchu Qing Dynasty. He ascended the thrown after his father, who was the first
emperor of the dynasty died. He became the ruler at age eight in 1661, and reigned for 61 years, becoming one of the longest reigning emperors in
dynastic history.
He overcame the nobility preventing internal conflict within China (one of the main reasons for the stagnation of the Ming ... Show more content on ...
Moreover, the idea of Plato's Philosophy King is further shown in Emperor Kangxi's way of thinking and decision making, stating, "In the hunt one
can kill all the animals caught inside the circle, but one can't always bear to shoot them as they stand there, trapped and exhausted." This emphasizes
the type of leader he was and how much heart he had when it comes down to dealing with his own people.
Plato's Philosophy King describes every aspect of Emperor Kangxi, a leader who consistently ruled under the "Mandate of Heaven". He believed
that good government depended on letting the people live at rest and that stirring up trouble is no different from preventing trouble from occurring.
Because of his intelligence, reverence to Confucianism and rational way of thinking, he was able to reign as Emperor of a stabilized and prosperous
Manchu Dynasty for 61 years. Emperor Kangxi quotes, "The Tao [Dao] of being an official lies in nothing else than this: Be sincere in your heart, and
sincere in your administration, don't stir up too much trouble, and have officials arid
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Analysis Of 'Emperor Qianlong : Son Of Heaven, Man Of The...
Elliott is a notable researcher of Qing 1644–1911 China who has some expertise in the historical backdrop of its Manchu originators, In Emperor
Qianlong: Son of Heaven, Man of the World, Elliott has turned his extensive semantic and chronicled abilities to a life story of the enduring Hongli
1711–1799, who from 1735 until the point when 1795 ruled as Emperor Qianlong, managing a time of amazingly quick social, scholarly, statistic
what's more, natural change, Qianlong's mind boggling identity and rule are analyzed once again in Elliott's investigation. There are numerous cases
of this with tests of these sonnets by Qianlong himself all through the book and pictures of himself, generally in a purposeful publicity style however.
The book gives an awesome short clarification of how Qianlong ruled the country and how he lived in his home life. It points of interest his spouses
and the amount he loved them and what he did with them on their many voyages together over the Chinese farmland. It really expounds the amount
Qianlong was influenced by the passing of his first spouse and how it may have had an effect on how he led from subsequently. Elliott gives an
exuberant furthermore, captivating story that touches upon various parts of the Qianlong rule. The initial three sections take after a generally ordered
approach, itemizing thusly Qianlong's early life, his first years in control, and familial obligations and their effect on his run the show. As Elliott notes,
`A distraction
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Qianlong Book Review Essay
Michael Nico Emperor Qianlong, Son of Heaven, Man of the world What the book covers Mark C Elliott's book Emperor Qianlong Son of
Heaven, Man of the World is a short biography about Hongli. Hongli was the fourth son of the Yongzheng Emperor and the favorite of his father
and grandfather and was born in 1711. In the beginning it describes how he rose up in rank as a son through his father who introduced him to the
current emperor Kangxi, his grandfather. The first chapter gives us the story of what Hongli was like as a child and how he won the favor of the
Emperor. The book follows Hongli all the time from his birth from a low ranking palace consort right up to the end of his life even after he technically
gave up his title as... Show more content on ...
There are many examples of this with samples of these poems by Qianlong himself throughout the book and pictures of himself, mostly in a
propaganda style though. The book gives a great short explanation of how Qianlong ruled the nation and how he lived in his home life. It details
his wives and how much he liked them and what he did with them on their many travels together across the Chinese countryside. It goes into detail
how much Qianlong was affected by the death of his first wife and how it might have had an affect on how he ruled from thereon. It shows that he
was a loving person to his family and he treated his parents with as much respect and care for as he could give. There are descriptions of how
Qianlong would go about his daily schedule and how hard it was to be in his position. It stresses how tough this job would be considering the events
going on inside the nation and foreign threats. It covers his military campaigning and how he saw himself as a great warlord and giving himself the
title "old man of ten perfect victories". Elliott doesn't go into extreme detail of each battle or conflict but it does mention all the major ones, especially
the ones that Qianlong was most proud of. His international scene is covered very well. It describes how he went about his interactions with all the
people that bordered china and those that came from afar. There are descriptions of how he interacted with the many religions of his nation being
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Catherine The Great : The Failure Of Catherine The Great
Catherine the Manipulator Known as one of the greatest rulers in history, Catherine the Great was a complex, dignified, and, most importantly,
calculatingly intelligent woman. Despite the negative connotations that come with a word like "calculating," in Catherine's case it was an important
trait to have; it was the close scrutiny and pressure imposed upon her as a royal female figure that forced Catherine to constantly have the upper
hand and look out for herself no matter the cost or the method. Thus it is imperative to remember that the manipulative aspect of Catherine's
personality, which includes the manipulation of her public image, was a necessary component in her survival and ascent to power in a society
where all odds were against her. First and foremost, the mere act of writing this memoir can be seen as a form of manipulation via Catherine's part.
Seeing as this was the not the first version and that each was written differently and heavily edited, it's safe to say Catherine wanted it to eventually
be read and/or published. This is how she wanted the rest of the world to see her. By writing her life story, she had complete control over how she and
the people she wrote about – her mother, her spouse, Empress Elizabeth, and the rest of the court – were depicted; it is clear in her language that she
was biased and tended to make certain people look bad while she made herself look good – a little too polished and composed, even. Not to say she
was not a genuine person
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Sei ShЕЌnagon: A Court Gentlewoman?
Nancy Rathburn stated it perfectly when she wrote, "A strong woman understands that the gifts such as logic, decisiveness, and strength are just as
feminine as intuition and emotional connection. She values and uses all of her gifts." Sei ShЕЌnagon was the perfect example of a Court gentlewoman
in ancient Japan. She was standardly pleasing to the eye, profusely knowledgeable in poetry, and always did the right thing when it came to the Emperor
and Empress. ShЕЌnagon was also snotty and particularly arrogant because of her status as a Court gentlewoman. Her chin rose above the farmers on
trips to the country. Her face sneered looking at the robes of the poorer folk. Her head turned when a lesser man tried to woo her. ShЕЌnagon knew
she was entitled, and knew she was worth more than most in Heian.
However, underneath her stuck up exterior, there were parts of her the defied her image as a Court gentlewoman. On the inside, ShЕЌnagon was
fearless in her opinions and decisions and determined ... Show more content on ...
When, sadly, the Empress and her Court gentlewomen had to leave her snow mountain, ShЕЌnagon had a plan to make sure her prediction would in
fact come true (ShЕЌnagon, 82). Her plan started with a gardner. ShЕЌnagon told the gardener, "You must take great care of this snow mountain, and
make sure no children climb on it and destroy it. Keep a firm watch on it til the fifteenth. If it lasts till then, Her Majesty intends to reward you with a
special gift, and you'll get high praise from me personally as well" (ShЕЌnagon, 82). Some would say this was foolish to do, but ShЕЌnagon knew that
in order to keep her status, her irrational prediction would either have to completely come true or at least close to true. By going to the absolute
extreme measures to make sure her status is kept, ShЕЌnagon shows not only her strong side, but her determined and and hard–working
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Emperor Of China Self Portrait Of Kanghsi
The Emperor of China: Self–Portrait of Kanghsi is a collection of the personal memoirs and writings of the Qing Emperor Kangxi who ruled and
expanded China during the late 17th century. Translated into English by Jonathan D. Spence, Emperor of China provides a glimpse into the life of
China's longest reigning emperor during the beginning China's last ruling dynasty. Kangxi records his thoughts to provide guidance to future
generations of Qing emperors. The Emperor's writings served as evidence of his life acting in accordance with both Chinese principles and Manchu
principles. Emperor of China displays Emperor Kangxi's philosophies on ruling through humility and the struggles of duality he faced in maintaining
the military tradition of his Manchu ancestors while at the same time conforming to the Confucian principles of his Chinese court. Emperor Kangxi
was born in 1654 and began his reign over the world's largest and oldest empire only 7 years later. ... Show more content on ...
Olaudah Equiano admitted in his book that vanity is an unavoidable evil in writing personal memoirs, but it is safe to assume that Kangxi attempts
to avoids, at least to a noticeable extent, letting pride cloud the recollection of his life. For example, Kangxi takes responsibility for the rebellion
and admits his failure for not listening to the counsel of his court. Kangxi knows future generations will not be helped by reading only of
successes. They must also learn from his mistakes. The Qing emperor also seems to hold historical accuracy on a high pedestal writing, "History
may be written by officials but it is the emperor in whose reign the history is written who is finally responsible. . . most histories can some material
that cannot be believed ." If Kangxi does not wish for his historians to record his reign incorrectly then it is safe to assume he does not do so in his own
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The Plague in a Small Nation: A Short Story
"When you are near, my heart is at peace, but I need to send you because I can trust you the most... Hurry back and bring good news, so we may end
the plague ravaging the city."
The hopeful words of the Empress run through my head again. My eyes slowly opened and adjusted to the dazzling bright light coming in from the
open circular window. I was aboard the SS Mary, an extravagant white ship heading to Rycon. It had an intimidating presence that took one's breath
away. I stood up while wary of the swaying ship and stretched out my aching muscles. My attire was wrinkled and discolored, but I didn't mind. I
grabbed the royal bodyguard overcoat that was on a tiny rickety chair. The coat was elegantly laden with medals and had a bright velvet–like red color
just like my dyed hair. I was currently on a voyage to foreign nations in order to ask if they could endow Euteria with the means to bring the plague to
an end. The Empire had cracks because of recent issues, such as the rat plague, undermining unity across the land. I believed the Empress could unite
the land just as soon as the plague was dealt with. I heard commotion coming from the deck, so I stepped out of my comfy little room and went up to
survey the scene. After six days of enduring gruesome storms and narrow pathways through jagged cliffs, we were finally within the shoreline of
Rycon. The men on the boat were both dazed and groggy from the harsh travel conditions, but seeing the shoreline renewed their strength. The
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Kangxi: The Great Emperor Of China
Kangxi also gave the Jesuits a piece of land upon which to construct a great church. The construction completed five years later, and the emperor made
a handwritten inscription placed over the door. Consequently, this showed the ability of the emperor to accommodate certain aspects of the Western
life. Therefore, based on such understanding and even though some Westerns considered Chinese as backward and heathen, this case proved contrary
to such claims. He also showed that Chinese could bow to Western superiority and their religion. Besides, he embraced new knowledge. He mastered
the principles of geometry and sought to understand the mysteries of astrology, which enabled him to gain experience in leading the Chinese people.
Further, in the late eighteenth century,China embraced Western knowledge and technical skills. This move helped refute earlier claim by Western
nations that China was unreceptive towards change from external forces. Further, this reinforced Western assumptions of superiority.
Owing to what transpired ... Show more content on ...
"Edict on Trade with Great Britain."
Lim, Israel CS. "Kangxi: Great Emperor & True Believer of Christ". July 2002.–patriarchy/kangxi.htm.
MartГnez–Robles, David. "The Western Representation of Modern China: Orientalism, Culturalism and Historiographical Criticism". In: Carles
PRADO–FONTS (coord.), "Orientalism" [online dossier], Digithum. No. 10. UOC, (2008).
Spence, Jonathan D. Emperor of China: Self–Portrait of K'ang–His. (Vintage; Reissue edition, October 22, 1988).
Waley–Cohen, Joanna. "China and Western Technology in the Late Eighteenth Century." American Historical Review, 98 (Dec. 1993): 1525
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Honore De Balzac And The Napoleonic Period
An unsure Pope Pius VII, not wanting to place a crown on the head of the soon to be Emperor of France in the extravagant Notre Dame Cathedral
of Paris, who then takes matters into his own hand and places the crown on his own head (Selin Par. 1, 2, 13). This is the situation of Napoleon
Bonaparte. After overthrowing the Directory in 1799, Napoleon worked to satisfy the needs of the people and recreate and better the French empire
by ratifying reforms, such as the Napoleonic Code (Ligard Par. 2). This reform, and other aspects of French culture, helped shape the work of the
renowned French novelist, Honore de Balzac. Therefore, France's culture during the years 1800 to 1814 were shaped by its monarchy while the
literature of Honore de Balzac evinces its cultural connection.
From the years 1804 to 1814, also referred to as the Napoleonic Age, France became an empire, ruled by its first emperor, Napoleon Bonaparte. When
Bonaparte became emperor in 1804, it was because "the Senate – who had all been chosen by Napoleon – passed a law making him Emperor of the
French" (Wilde Par. 6). If it were not for the people he put in Senate, Napoleon would not have become emperor because citizens were already
beginning to disapprove the changes he was making to their government. Since he is able to chose men who will support him and follow his
commands in Senate, it reveals how much power Bonaparte really holds in his empire. Bonaparte surrounded himself by "his tribe of paltry, rapacious
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The Era Of The Safavid Empire Under The Rule Of Shah Ismail
As a political tactic, rulers often portray themselves in a certain way in order to stabilize their reign and rule more effectively. Some take the
approach of uniqueness by setting themselves apart from their subject population while others take the approach of sameness by emphasizing the
similarities in which they share with the people. Not exclusively limited to apartness or sameness, some rulers have shown to employ a mix of
both ruling styles. It is these versatile rulers who have experienced more successes in their reign because they are not compelled to only one ruling
style, allowing them to better adapt to the needs of their ruling population. The apartness ruling style is best seen in the Safavid Empire under the
rule of Shah Ismail. Shah Ismail uses religion as a political tool to control his state and does so by declaring Shi'ism, a smaller branch of Islam, as
the state religion (#). After separating himself & his people from those who are not willing to abide to his ideologies, Shah Ismail can now demand the
absolute loyalties from his subjects and persecute those who are deviant. This radical act further creates a deep chasm between Shi'ite Muslims and
nearby Sunni Muslims neighbors. As a result, cultural flow and the exchange of beliefs between Sunni & Shi'ite states are essentially hindered. Ismail's
apartness ruling approach is taken to the extreme with social, religious, and legal systems being strictly confined to Shi'ite doctrines (@). It is noted that
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The Use and Misuse of Power in Ancient Times
Humankind has come a long way from the nomadic hunter–gatherer who drew in caves. In time society's formed, As society's flourished so did religion
and power. A great way to understand an ancient society is from the ruins of structures and the art left behind. The Palace Complex of Sargon ll, the
Giza Funerary Complex and the Palace at Knossos are all great examples of society's that are run through religion and power. Delving into the relics
that were left behind give a look into each society and how it worked. The Palace Complex of Sargon ll was a wonderful example of the concept of
absolute power. From the huge gated entrance to the citadel, to the throne room with " a carefully controlled program of architectural and
sculptural propaganda designed to intimidate visitors" (Schneider Adams pg. 70) power and promotion of the King is the only focus. A society led
by fear. I would be remiss if I did not mention the more than intimidating Lamassu waiting to pounce. The Palace is designed to say, this is a
powerful king, as powerful if not more powerful than the gods. The religious ziggurat at this time is an accessory to the powerful Palace. Religion
decisions are made by the king. The Giza Funerary Complex is much more religious than power based. The main function is several Pharaohs burial
tombs. The religious procedure to put a King to rest very precise and detailed manor. The complex had Temples and Chapels which helped with
offerings and ceremonial events. A
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Mapping the Man behind the Qing–period Garden The symposium, "Artful Retreat: Garden Culture of the Qing Dynasty", jointly organized by the
Peabody Essex Museum and Harvard University and held on 12–13 November 2010, reveals Qianlong's emotional relationships to the Qing gardens.
Gathering scholars from Australia, China, Europe, and the United States, it provides an exceptional opportunity for ten scholars, such as Hui Zou
(Professor of Architecture at the University of Florida) and Mark Elliott (Professor of Chinese and Inner Asian History in the Department of East Asian
Languages and Civilizations at Harvard University), to share their perspectives on the artistic, political, historical, and economic aspects of the
Qing–period garden culture.... Show more content on ...
Berliner's article, however, is less compelling than these. In order to explain the blend of the artifact and the natural settings in the Liubei Ting
(жµЃжќЇдє), she gives an example of a Qianlong–period vase with different designs and glazes, asserting that Qianlong liked contrast and preferred to
amalgamate different design elements together. The evidence, yet, is not solid enough to support this argument. First, the lecturer does not show her
evidence objectively, because she only talks about the feature of a specific vase, rather than a general type. The type of vase that shows sharp contrast
between glaze colors is the wucai (дє”еЅ©) ware, developing from the sancai (дё‰еЅ©) technique in the Tang dynasty. Apart from the mixed
vases, there were a lot of other categories of vases in the Qianlong period. One dominant type is the blue and white ware. Porcelains with famille rose
overglaze enamel decoration were also popular. This kind has the harmonious combination of colors of green, yellow, black, and rose with blurry edges
between colors. Also, these types of porcelain often have auspicious themes. For instance, the Blue and White Vase of Soft–Paste Porcelain with a Lion
and an Eagle (Fig. 2) depicts a theme of longevity and happiness. Presenting unity in both the subject matters and the glaze colors, these vases do not
suggest contrast. Instead of rushing into the conclusion that most Qianlong–period vases show contrasts in design, the speaker should have taken other
types of vases into account. Therefore, it cannot persuasively support the argument against the emperor's propensity for implementing different
elements in design. Neither could it justify Qianlong's conscious choice of integrating the abstract manmade water channel into the realistic natural
... Get more on ...
East Asian Reaction to European Presence Essay
In the fifteenth century, Europeans started to seek "treasures" in Asia. Their goals were to search resources and markets and spread Christianity. They
found spice and sugar in South Asia. At that time, South Asian countries were not strong enough to restrict European's activities on their own land.
However, when Europeans tried to enter East Asian, the East Asian countries such asChina and Japan set strict rules to prevent their countries from
European powers. Chinese emperors strictly limited European merchants' activities in China and did not want to corporate with them. In the
seventeenth century, China was dominated by the Qing dynasty. Emperors of Qing dynasty closed all ports that previous dynasties opened except
Macau and ... Show more content on ...
The document Closed Country Edict of 1635 strictly forbade ships to go to and come back from foreign countries. It also stated "if any Japanese
returns from overseas after residing there, he must be put to death." Japanese Shogun was afraid that those Japanese returned from overseas might be
spies of Europeans to help emperors. Because Europeans threatened military leaders' powers, Shogun strictly forbade any relations with Europeans.
Another goal of Europeans was spreading Christianity. Nevertheless this mission was even harder than trading with Japan and China. People from both
countries were unwilling to accept Christianity. The major beliefs in China were Buddhism, Daoism, and Confucianism. Japanese mainly believed in
Shintoism, Buddhism, or Confucianism. However, the doctrine of Christianity declared that there was only one God in the world which was their
Lord. Chinese and Japanese were not able to accept this religion. In addition, the Closed Country Edict of 1635 stated "if there is any place where the
teaching of padres is practiced, the two of you must order a thorough investigation. Any information revealing the whereabouts of the followers of
padres must be rewarded accordingly." Shogun of Japan strictly prohibited any practice of Christianity. East Asian countries restricted Europeans on
their territories. They were afraid that Europeans might disturb the peaceful environment inside their
... Get more on ...

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The Imperial Gardens By Victor Hugo

  • 1. The Imperial Gardens By Victor Hugo The Old Summer Palace, known in Chinese as Yuanming Yuan. Emperor Kangxi named the garden as "Old Summer Palace". The first "yuan" means round, which hints the hoping to be a perfect person that like a round, without a gap. "Ming" imply the wish that to govern the dynasty and politic bright and clear. It was originally called the Imperial Gardens and located in western suburbs of Beijing China. I will introduce this famous Chinese great art because it described by Victor Hugo as "dazzling cavern of human fantasy with the face of a temple and palace" (Jenkins, 2016) Throwback to the Qing Dynasty, during summer, emperor Qing moved to here to avoid the heat. This is the reason that emperor Qing named it "Summer Palace". The old Summer Palace ... Show more content on ... During the period of emperor Jiaqing ascended the throne, the Old Summer Palace was repaired and upgraded. During the period that Daoguang emperor wielded power, the dynasty was declining, and the national treasury was not enough. However, the emperor still put money into building the Old Summer Palace. Unfortunately, the catastrophe came. In 1856, with the support by the Tsarist Russia and the United States, British and French jointly launched the second opium war. On October 6, 1860, troops broke into the Old Summer Palace and looted valuable relics inside. The ransacking continues till the second day. The world was sad about the destroy, as Victor Hugo wrote," Two robbers breaking into a museum, devastating, looting and burning, leaving laughing hand–in–hand with their bags full of treasures; one of the robbers is called France and the other Britain." (pg184, Ming, 2012) The troops robbed frantically and vandalized the Old Summer Palace because they wanted the Qing government sign files to accept the terms and conditions that unfair to Qing government. The beautiful great garden was devastated after the two–days loot. Three days later, on October 11, 1860, the British ransacked the Old Summer Palace again. The most sorrowful thing is British lieutenant, Mitchell led 3,500 cavalries into the Old Summer Palace, set the Old Summer Palace on fire on October 18, 1860. After the 3–days fire, the world–beater garden masterpiece ... Get more on ...
  • 2. Characteristics Of A Successful Time Period During Late... The traits that define a successful time period in late Imperial China are necessary expansion, unifying the people, and the construction of an effective and incorrupt political structure. The effects of meeting these criteria is sustained influence in following Chinese time periods both short term and long term, as other rulers will benefit from what their predecessors have accomplished, or try to imitate successful policies. As a team, the Kangxi emperor and his successor, the Yongzheng emperor, were able to achieve all of the goals for a prosperous period in Chinese history. Although it was a relatively short period, the Kangxi and Yongzheng emperor's times on the Qing throne were extremely complementary, and ultimately came together to form the most successful time period in late Imperial China. The Kangxi emperor's greatest contributions to the Qing Dynasty were his impressive military forces used to expand his lands and keep peace within them, and his ability to establish a foundation for order in those lands. The Kangxi emperor was on the throne for sixty–one years, and brought expansion and a stable government to the Manchu Qing dynasty by integrating Manchu and Chinese interests and making traditional Chinese institutions function again. "The Kangxi emperor's long the crucial period during which Manchu rule took form...With vigor and insight he faced the fundamental difficulty of making alien rule acceptable to the Chinese elite of learning and social ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Similarities Between Catherine The Great And Napoleon... Rulers; What makes a successful one? Some could argue the accumulation of land and wealth are the defining factors. Others would assert that population size and control over it maketh a great ruler. All these factors are quite obviously good indicators of an empire on the rise, but not necessarily indicators of good ruling. It appears to me that great rulers build their empire like a sports franchise builds their team; around a centralized figure. The centralized figure in regards to empire is the ruler of said empire. They demand the respect and loyalty of their constituents, and any resistance to such demands is met with the harshest of reprimands. Successful rulers make themselves a mandatory fixture into the society they have built. We... Show more content on ... Napoleon actions in power appear to completely contradict his supposed beliefs during the French Revolution, as he reverted back to former times in regards to his power, his administration, and even his self appointed title of emperor. One could suggest that Napoleon utilized the ideals of the revolution to put himself into power with no actual regard for the beliefs of the people who placed him there. With that said, his prominence as a ruler can be explained through his military might, oppressive and unequal policies amongst his constituents, and his successful method of delegating authority over territories to his family and other loyal subjects. Catherine the Great, in a similar fashion to Napoleon, used her power to deny or limit the rights and knowledge of her subjects, as she did when attempting to keep the dialogue of the French Revolution out of her empire. Her consolidation of the social classes served to keep people in their place while simultaneously giving her more structure and stability over her empire. These rulers showcase a style of rule that is oppressive, unequal, and yet wildly ... Get more on ...
  • 4. The And Qing Dynasties : The Era Of Tolerance And The... During the Ming and Qing Dynasties, where masculine beauty and feminine beauty were often interchangeable, where reference to "the passion of the cut sleeve" or "the shared peach" were commonly understood colloquialisms for homosexual relationships, and where same–sex prostitution was preferred or at the very least considered analogous to other–sex relationships. One would not expect by the end of such an age that the Chinese legal code would prohibit consensual same–sex relationships and have such relationships punishable at a higher level than illicit other–sex relationships, there by redefining same–sex sexuality as inherently criminal and defining the roles in that relationship to law. Due to the growth societal conservatism, the... Show more content on ... This would primarily be discussed using legal codes, fictions, and published works of the time as guides, though relevant criticism and flaws found in these documents will be mentioned. This will be primarily derived from Bret Hinsch's theory of a singular Chinese tradition of male same–sex relationships and practices as described in his Passions of the Cut Sleeve. For female same–sex relationships, due to the rarity of source materials and data, the stipulation of requiring different discussions for different sources is required. Thus female same–sex relationship roles and structure will be discussed primarily through the era's tanci prose, Wenjia Liu and H. Laura Wu's examinations providing the female and male writer's perspective respectively. The next part would be providing evidence to how those institutions and ideas functioned, or indeed failed to function, in practical life. Primarily this will be discussed using documents of legal proceedings, personal accounts, and historic documents purported to be describing actual events; though, like with the theoretical sources, relevant shortcomings will be made note of and explored. The legal definition of roles and their ramifications will be primarily explored through Matthew H. Sommer's investigation and assessment in his novel Sex, Law, and Society in Late Imperial China, though Hinsch's examination of the subject will be made reference to as well. Prior to the ... Get more on ...
  • 5. The Role Of Yongzheng In Manchu And China Emperor Kangxi died in 1722, leaving Yongzheng to become the fourth emperor of the Manchu Qing Dynasty. The Kangxi emperor had fourteen sons and it was Yongzheng who ascended to the throne, some accused Yongzheng of using nefarious tactics to achieve his position. "Yongzheng's language abilities in Manchu and Chinese as well as his cultivation in traditional classics and poetry all met with his father's approval, but it was his sincerity in performing filial piety that especially won Kangxi's praise." Being chosen as Emperor caused his brothers great unhappiness, because of their jealousy much of Yongzheng's early years on the throne were spent defending his rule through political maneuvering and consolidating his power of his Empire. Emperor ... Get more on ...
  • 6. The Blazing World as Feminist Manifesto Essay Margaret Cavendish truly had faith in the female spirit, and she felt that women were never given the credit they deserved. Cavendish wholeheartedly believed that women could comprehend philosophy and politics as well as men, and that they should be allowed to study these subjects freely. In addition, she called for the independence of women from masculine restrictions. Because of this, feminism abounded in her thoughts and works. In The Blazing World, Margaret Cavendish shows that women are capable of ruling a world effectively when power is given to them. She also shows that women are capable of excelling in a created world within their minds, free of limitations set by men. To better understand Margaret Cavendish's ... Show more content on ... In spite of it all, Cavendish published her thoughts. She even used that "eccentricity" to her advantage by transforming it into a "virtue;" by doing so she carved out her own "niche" (Hutton 220). She allowed others to know that she was unusual in order to gain positive attention. Cavendish was very verbal about the limited opportunities for women as well as the "negative attitudes" women faced when they set out to broaden their horizons (Hutton 222). She most likely faced these things herself when she set out as a female philosopher. She was disgusted with the fact that schools of higher learning were for men only, and she blamed this for keeping her gender down. It was the reason all women are fools; for women breeding up women, one fool breeding up another, and as long as that custom lasts there is no hopes of amendment, and ancient customs being a second nature, makes folly hereditary in that Sex, by reason their education is effeminate, and their times spent in pins, points and laces, their study only in vain fashions, which breeds prodigality, pride and envie (qtd. in Iliffe and Willmoth). Cavendish clearly saw the lack of educational opportunities as a hereditary disease that sickened her gender and hindered its progress. She recognized the training that young girls went through and later passed on to their daughters, and lamented over the time wasted in things that did not advance the mind or instill proper virtues. Such ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Kangxi vs. Louis Xiv- Absolutism Essay examples Kangxi vs. Louis XIV– Absolutism Absolute monarchy or absolutism means that the sovereign power or ultimate authority in the state rested in the hands of a king who claimed to rule by divine right. Kangxi and Louis XIV were both shining examples for absolutist rule. Age of Absolutism was between 1610 and 1789. Absolutism is a term used to depict a type of monarchical power that was not at all restrained by institutions, for example, legislatures, social elites, or churches. Both Kangxi and Louis X1V were absolute monarchs associated with the coming to power of professional bureaucracies, professional standing armies, and the coding of state laws. They possessed ideologies that justify the absolutist monarchy. As absolute... Show more content on ... As he reached age 8 years old on February 17, 1661, Kangxi succeeded imperial throne; twelve days after his father's death. His rule consisted of at least 61 years from 1661 to 1722, making him the longest reigning emperor in Chinese history. When Kangxi was eight, he ascended the throne. As a child, Kangxi was very talented in literature and he worked diligently. Since he was too young, his father hired four ministers to assist him with the administration of the country. Ao Bai was the name of one of them who furtively assigned his own henchmen to oppose the young emperor. As Kangxi became of age to rule the nation, he ingeniously voided Ao Bai's plot. In 1643 Louis XIV became king at age four upon the loss of his father Louis XIII. Louis XIV, also recognized as the "Sun King", was among the greatest of significant monarchs in history. He reigned for 72 years, from 1643 until his death in 1715. This made his time as King the longest known reign of any European monarch. He is responsible for taking France from savage medieval to one of the most appealing cultures in the world. He claimed total control of the French Government for 54 years out of the 72 years that he reigned for. The 17th century was labeled as the age of Louis XIV, due to his supreme reign of absolutism in government. Louis began independently governing France as of 1661 after his prime ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Daniele VarГЁ: The Last Empress The Last Empress by Daniele VarГЁ The Empress Dowager Tzi–his (1835–1908) was a unique ruler unlike any other China had ever seen. She is considered to be one of the most influential people in Chinese history, a rarity in the male dominated Chinese world. The empress dowager exerted great power over the Chinese empire and influenced the political structure in ways it had never been influenced before, making many great reforms that she believed would help the Chinese people. Born on November 29th, 1835, Tzi–hsi was named Yehonala after her tribe. Her father, Huei–cheng died when she was a child and her family took care of her until she was sent to Emperor Hsien–Feng's court as a concubine. Although Hsien–Feng had many wives and ... Show more content on ... The Last Empress by Daniele VarГЁ does an excellent job of portraying these events in detail as well as providing cultural background in which to better understand the events and the circumstances of her life. The vivid depiction of the Empress Dowager gives intimate details of Tzi–his's life, her personality and the motivations that drove her to propose the reforms and ideas that she did. It provides an in depth look into her life through social and political spheres in which she existed. The King's College History Department in its review said: VarГЁ is successful in writing this primarily because she does not attempt to judge wherther the actions of the empress were good or bad. The strict reporting of the facts with very little speculation makes this book extremely useful...Her point of view is that even if she did do many things that were negative along with some that were positive this only goes to show she is human. (1) VarГЁ does do an excellent job of portraying the life of the Empress in an objective manner. So often it is easy to judge historical figures by their actions, but what is important to remember is that they were only doing what they knew, and what they thought was best for the country. The Empress Dowager was doing what she thought was best, and although her decisions did not necessarily result in the best of circumstances for China, she was a very influential figure regardless. The
  • 9. ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Chinese Jesuit Collaborations Before 1755 Chinese–Jesuit collaborations before 1755 The collaboration of the Chinese and the Jesuits can be found in art since the Kangxi period (康熙帝, r.1654–1722) in Qing China, and continued throughout the Yongzheng period (й›ЌжЈеёќ, r.1722 – 1735) as well. Although the purpose of the missionaries was the spread their religion in China, the Kangxi emperor was quick to realise that some of them were good artists. He being a progressive thinker, thought it would be a good way to introduce his court artists, the Han Chinese court painters (artisans), to new styles and techniques of painting from the west. This might have been his way of glorifying his rule, and at the same time, embellish the palace with new forms of art. The Jesuits had perfect knowledge of various techniques previously unknown to the Chinese artists; the depiction of light and shade to suggest volume, theories of colour, the anatomy of the human body, and a scientific perspective of the art of drawing and painting. However, this interaction was not a one–way street, the Jesuits learnt as much as they taught, from the Chinese artists. The Chinese were not very forthcoming while adopting various techniques from the foreigners, like that of 'chiaroscuro'. The Chinese artist aimed at depicting the natural colour of the object in ordinary daylight; on the other hand, the European artists depicted the colour of an object according to the amount of light shining on different parts of it. To overcome this, the Jesuits devised ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Kangxi's Valedictory Edict Emperor Kangxi: Valedictory Edict Emperor Kangxi was considered and still is thought of as one of the greatest emperors in Chinese history. Kangxi's reign was longer than that of any other ruler in Chinese history. One of his most notable achievements was uniting China after the turmoil upon the collapse of the Ming. A main reason for the Chinese granting him the mandate of heaven or granted the right to ruleChina from permission of the heavens was his knowledge and respect for Chinese heritage and culture. Emperor Kangxi recorded a Valedictory Edict in December twenty third, 1717 as an attempt to display sincere thoughts of what he believed it takes to be a virtuous ruler. Kangxi wrote the Edict to reveal his deepest ... Show more content on ... In the Valedictory Edict Kangxi views death positively and as a relief from the everyday grind of virtuously ruling an empire. One of his most virtuous traits is he does not fear death and is comforted by the idea of relief from the responsibility of his reign through death once his sovereignty as a virtuous ruler is completed. One of Kangxi's great tasks left to be finished is who is to succeed him. He views this as a great issue, and as a good emperor cannot neglect it. Kangxi understands the weight of his decision and I believe he truly wants what is best for China. The issue of an heir seems to be on the forefront of his mind and this dilemma weighs heavily on his conscience. Kangxi states he wrote a letter indicating his intention for an heir, but does not go into detail in his Valedictory Edict. There is a record that Kangxi's son Yinreng was disinherited in 1708. There are stories that emperor Kangxi heard from his officials, that when touring the country, Yinreng would recruit young men and women as personal sex slaves as part of a major molestation scandal. This deeply saddened Kangxi and, while on his death bed, reportedly appointed Yinzhen; Emperor Kangxi's fourth son. Yinzhen's claim to the throne was highly controversial and heavily disputed because Yinzhen and his followers were only ones present at the time of ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Comparing Kangxi Vs. Qianlong Kangxi vs. Qianlong Kangxi and Qianlong were two of the most outstanding emperors of the Qing Dynasty. During years from Kangxi to Qianlong, land was expanded, economic was developed rapidly, and society was stable. Kangxi and Qianlong brought booming and golden age of Qing dynasty along with Yongzheng. Although Kangxi and Qianlong both ruled theQing Dynasty for more than sixty years and had similar governance methods of the empire, Kangxi led the Qing Empire to its peak because of his diligent during his entire lifetime, Qianlong led the empire to slowly decay due to his losing power in his late years. Both Kangxi and Qianlong ruled Qing Empire for more than sixty years. Kangxi reigned the longest time in Chinese history. He ascended the throne when he was eight years old, and reigned sixty–one years. Qianlong reigned sixty years, but actually ruled the empire sixty–three years. He ascended the throne when he was twenty–five years old. In order to show respect to his grandfather, Qianlong passed the throne to his son at the sixtieth year of Qianlong year and continuing ruled the empire for three more years as an Overlord . Borders of Qing Empire were expanded under Kangxi's rule. Kangxi captured Taiwan from the Zheng family. Zheng Chenggong, a loyal supporter of the Ming, retreated to Taiwan and captured the Dutch fortress of Zeelandia in 1662. Taiwan became the last base of the Ming to fight against Qing. After Zheng Chenggong's death in 1662, Zheng Chenggong's son Zheng ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Maria Monologue Well, Prince, so Genoa and Lucca are now just family estates of the Buonapartes. But I warn you, if you don't tell me that this means war, if you still try to defend the infamies and horrors perpetrated by that Antichrist– I really believe he is Antichrist– I will have nothing more to do with you and you are no longer my friend, no longer my 'faithful slave,' as you call yourself! But how do you do? I see I have frightened you– sit down and tell me all the news." It was in July, 1805, and the speaker was the well–known Anna Pavlovna Scherer, maid of honor and favorite of the Empress Marya Fedorovna. With these words she greeted Prince Vasili Kuragin, a man of high rank and importance, who was the first to arrive at her reception. Anna Pavlovna... Show more content on ... If you were not a father there would be nothing I could reproach you with," said Anna Pavlovna, looking up pensively. "I am your faithful slave and to you alone I can confess that my children are the bane of my life. It is the cross I have to bear. That is how I explain it to myself. It can't be helped!" He said no more, but expressed his resignation to cruel fate by a gesture. Anna Pavlovna meditated. "Have you never thought of marrying your prodigal son Anatole?" she asked. "They say old maids have a mania for matchmaking, and though I don't feel that weakness in myself as yet,I know a little person who is very unhappy with her father. She is a relation of yours, Princess Mary Bolkonskaya." Prince Vasili did not reply, though, with the quickness of memory and perception befitting a man of the world, he indicated by a movement of the head that he was considering this information. "Do you know," he said at last, evidently unable to check the sad current of his thoughts, "that Anatole is costing me forty thousand rubles a year? And," he went on after a pause, "what will it be in five years, if he goes on like this?" Presently he added: "That's what we fathers have to put up with.... Is this princess of yours ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Napoleon 's Letters From An Italian Nobleman 's Family Acquiring insight into the personalities and feelings of any historical figure is a tricky thing. Often we are left with secondary, and sometimes very biased, accounts of how individuals conducted themselves in various situations in their lives. But luckily, we are sometimes left with vivid sources penned by figures themselves, and that is what we have with Napoleon 's letters. Through them we can hope to gain a better and more well–rounded look into the life one of the most loved, and reviled, men in recent history. To begin, let us take a look at Napoleon's letters to his immediate family. Letter 71 is addressed to his sister Pauline, who in 1803 had married into an Italian nobleman's family. In this letter, Napoleon expresses his love for his sister, and wishes her nothing but happiness, showing a tender and brotherly side not often associated with the conquering emperor. But this letter is also no simple social call, but a request that his sister make herself known and appreciated as a socialite in the city of Rome, seat of the Papal States. This is a shrewd and clever move on his part, displaying an understanding of the delicacies of statesmanship and foreign opinion. In letter 109, a brief note penned in 1806 to his sister Elisa, Napoleon urges her to only allow dresses of silk and batiste to be worn at the court of her husband in Italy. He insists that "preference may be given to the products of French industry", and is fully confident that such fashion will become ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Principal Difference Between Apollonius And Jesus Ehrman 's first argument delves into the history of so–called 'divine beings ', particularly in ancient Greece and Rome, to help his argument, as he claims that Jesus was not the first, and certainly not the only, divine being in history, saying that "We should not think of Jesus as 'unique ', if by that term we mean that he was the only one 'like that '–that is.....a man who was also in some sense divine" (Ehrman 17). Ehrman 's first example is Apollonius, a man whose story is very similar to Jesus. According to Ehrman, the birth of Apollonius came with divine signs from the heavens, and as an adult, he left home, traveling and preaching, collecting followers and performing miracles, and leading his followers to believe that he was the Son of God. Later, like Jesus, he too angered the Roman authorities and was put to death, though he allegedly ascended to heaven afterwards. However, the principal difference between Apollonius and Jesus was that Apollonius was a pagan, a worshiper of multiple Roman gods, who was seen by some as a competitor of Jesus, though historically, Jesus and his followers rose victorious, due to the spread of Christianity, and Apollonius remains all but forgotten to today 's society. However, it wasn 't just holy men who could come to be revered as divine, according to Ehrman, as he moves on to talk about how Roman emperors were often revered as gods. For instance, Julius Caesar declared that he had a divine heritage, "In a funeral oration ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Power And Authority In Tang Dynasty The definition of power is the ability to direct or influence the behavior of others. Literature is one of the major mediums used to influence a person. One common medium that determines if the writing has power to influence the behaviors of others is the literary skill of the author. During the Tang Dynasty in China, there were many imperial pieces on politics matter that had power and authority to influence people. Writers such as Ban Zhao and Han Yu BaiJuyi successfully wrote many pieces that had much influence and impact over their intended audience. Literary skill contributes to the writer's power and authority due to their ability to evoke an emotional response from their chosen audience or to influence their response. A writer's literary ... Show more content on ... In many of Han Yu BaiJuyi's poems during theTang dynasty, his use of contrast highlights the constant theme of the suffering of the common people at the hands of the wealthier tier. He is well–educated in this issue due to the fact that he was the son of a minor official, but the family was poor. He uses the poem format, which was mainly an aristocratic medium of art and knowledge, to address how poor the common people are. Han Yu BaiJuyi writes about the class differences during the Tang dynasty and addresses the common and wealthy lifestyles. In his poem 'Light and Sleek', he writes " After sweet Tung–t'ing Lake oranges and mince–fish from a lake of heaven, they've eaten to their hearts' content, and happily drunk, their spirits swell. There's drought south of the Yangtze: in Ch'ii–chou, people are eating people" (Hinton, 273). In this poem, Han Yu BaiJuyi begins the story with rich and vivid imagery by using words such as "sweet" and "lake of heaven". He, then, ends with this stark contrast to the rich comforting vibe by not using vivid adjectives and just stating that the people were just eating each other due of the lack of food. This depicts that he is aware of the lifestyle differences and that there is an issue with the wealthy having an abundance of materials while the poor do not have enough necessities to ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Kangxi And Peter The Great Similarities Comparing and Contrasting Two Monarchs In the late 17th century to the early 18th century, two powerful monarchs who ruled over their own magnificent empires. These monarchs were Peter the Great, the tsar of Russia, and the emperor of China, Kangxi. At the time of their rules, an economic system called mercantilism formed. This system allowed societies to benefit off of influx of goods from merchants trading. Using this system, in China, the Canton system was formed to open up ports to western societies. Even though, both Kangxi and Peter the Great shared similarities in the way they ruled, they had a variety of differences, which were caused by their background and their country's interests. On the other hand, the diverse backgrounds and experiences of the empires caused them to also have differences in their ways of ruling. These differences could be categorized into two overarching topics, economy and education . Their economies had varied taxation systems and were structured differently. As far as education, the rulers differed in the ways they spread knowledge and the type of knowledge they taught. Comparing these two rulers can produce some similarities shown in the economic systems backed by the time period in which they ruled. For instance, in Russia, Peter the Great relied on the economic system of mercantilism to spur economic growth within his empire. He achieved this by increasing exports like silk. (Massie, 938) Similarly, Kangxi created the Canton system which ... Get more on ...
  • 18. The Secret History Was Written By Procopius, And Emperor... Theodora was the Empress of the Byzantine Empire from 527, when she was crowned, until her death in 548. Procopius was the appointed historian to record what was happening in the Empire, but mostly to focus on Theodora and Justinian. The Secret History was written by Procopius, but not published in the West until about a millennium after it was written. As it was 'a venomous pamphlet of dubious merit', The Secret History is hardly a reliable historical source. It criticises Justinian and Theodora for all of their actions as Emperor and Empress, as well as create a story, possibly based on nothing, about the origins of Theodora. While Procopius is considered a significant historian for the sixth century, it is notable that his treatment of Theodora is biased in an unfavourable way. Procopius adopts a perceptibly hostile attitude toward Theodora. Much of this bias against Theodora can be explained by Procopius' view of women in power and gender roles. As a woman in Roman society, Theodora would have been married and her life controlled by her husband. As a woman in the imperial court, Theodora's power and influence over the general public would have been restricted. Even with the limited public influence, there were ways for women to demonstrate authority. One of the most common and traditional ways that women demonstrated power in the sixth century was imperial patronage. Imperial patronage could include 'building a home for the poor or a lavish church, having a cross ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Anna Anderson Case Summary Was the stranger on the bridge An escapee worker in a Polish Factory or could she possibly have been from royalty in Russia's most powerful family no one knew for sure except her. although I believe that Anna Anderson was not Anastasia because many of her relatives and friends didn't believe it was her, she never talked about her experience of being held captive by the Bolsheviks, also When they took this to court she did not win because the judge claimed that she did not have enough evidence to be Anastasia. First Anna Anderson was not Anastasia because close relatives and friends didn't believe it was her, She hardly ever answered questions people ask her about her family being killed and held captive,And lost her case in court. evidence for relatives but didn't believe her is her daughter when she was younger claimed but she looks nothing like Anastasia or acted like her. Also her uncle and 12 other relatives didn't believe that she was Anastasia. second many people ask Anna Anderson questions about her life and being held captive with her family by the Bolsheviks but every time she would not answer any questions or talk about it meaning that she Possibly didn't know any of the answers. third when she was put to trial deciding whether she was Anastasia the quarter ended up reeling Diana Anderson and not Anastasia saying that you did not have... Show more content on ... Anna Anderson and scars on her body that significantly matched scars that were on Anastasia's body . One of her female cousins strongly believed that Anna Anderson in fact was Anastasia. and finally Anna Anderson had copied Anastasia's handwriting very similarly I'm with almost the exact same as past letters that Anastasia had written. Therefore some people are led to believe that Anna Anderson was ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Alternate Ending To A Hero's Journey Chapter 1 "Countess, there's someone to see you in the throne room." Countess Dracora of Monarch's Glenn did not feel like doing anything, least of all meeting someone this early in the morning. "Can it wait, Trenor?" The Countess moaned, wrapping her blankets over her head, wishing for that five more minutes of rest. Trenor opened her bedroom door and shook his head. "Afraid not." She uncovered, sitting up and rubbing her eyes, letting out a loud roar as she yawned. "Who is it, then?" She asked. "Why is it so important to wake me so early?" Trenor laughed, "It's two in the afternoon, Countess." She watched as he opened her wardrobe and picked out a dress–pant outfit that would show her as the monarch of Monarch's Glenn. "Ah, here we go. A rich pine ... Show more content on ... Once taking her position on her throne, and Trenor took his position on her right did she notice a man ahead of her. He had flowing silver hair the light played with to show a prism of color. His dark eyes were troubled, saddened with a deep grey and he was biting his lower lip. "Lord Guardian O'Dell of the Mystic Realms." Dracora spoke, and O'Dell finally looked up at her. "What do we owe the pleasure of your company?" "I only wish it were pleasure." Lord Guardian O'Dell's voice wavered. "My brother is at it again." "Which one?" "Orthos." O'Dell forced, afraid of what that name may entail. "I have seen it." "Control your ravings, O'Dell." Countess Dracora commanded. "Approach and explain." O'Dell walked slowly up to her before bowing. "Orthos will destroy me in his next war." He explained. "Hundreds of Companions will perish at his hands." "Why come to me?" Dracora asked. "I have nothing to do with your realm, Lord Guardian. I only see to my own people." "That is why I came, Dracora." O'Dell rose and faced her. She could see his eyes changing from grey to white, the color of a Mystic's when in a prophetic trance. "Orthos will destroy your people, ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Russi A Great And Catherine The Great Russia has seen its fair share of autocratic monarchs as well, such as Peter the Great and Catherine the Great. Peter first ascended the throne as co–czar with his half–brother Ivan V in the death of their brother Feodore. Their elder sister, Sophia, was the most capable to take the throne. But being a girl, she was unable to do so and could only rule as regent for the two princes turned czars. While Sophia ruled, Peter spent his days building forts on the banks of a river outside of Moscow. He played war games using them, recruiting in boys and arming them with real guns. The games were dangerous; 24 boys were once killed in a single game. But the games eventually paid off, and Peter had himself two self–trained armies that he used to overthrow Sophia and rule the throne himself. The regent was forced into an enclosed convent, living as a nun for the rest of her days (Russia, Land of Tsars: Time of Troubles). Life in Russia had changed very little since the Middle Ages. Russia had not experienced a Renaissance and was quite 'backwards' in terms of lifestyle compared to Western Europe. Peter wanted to change all that. He viewed the church as an impediment to progress in Russia, wanting to break their restraining bonds of complex customs and modernize Russia (Russia, Land of Tsars: Time of Troubles). "It's time to constrain the authority not proper to the old man [i.e., the patriarch]; God willing, it is for me to reform the laity and the clergy, for them I am both master and ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Imperial System Of Han China During The Yongzheng Period... Autocracy in Qing China During The Yongzheng Period In Jonathan D. Spence's book, Treason By The Book, we are introduced to Qing China during the rule of the Yongzheng Emperor who, during his reign, must investigate a scandal involving dissident, rogue scholars who threaten the Chinese imperial system. The imperial system revolves entirely around the emperor who must rule benevolently, and as an autocrat. As is typical of an autocrat, the Emperor rules by divine right, and as a result has no checks on his power by law or citizenry, contains some elements of arbitrariness such as cronyism, nepotism and overruling officials based on what comes down to emotion, and has a vast bureaucracy capable of tracking down and interrogating anyone accused of being a dissident, including other officials. Therefore, despite Emperor Yongzheng's noble attitudes and ideas, evidence within Treason By The Book shows that Yongzheng is unequivocally an autocrat, because he fits all the previously listed criteria. When looking at what made Emperor Yongzheng an autocrat, it 's important to look at the tactics implemented by the emperor to ensure cooperation and to crack down on any resistance or potential plots against him. During the first few pages of Treason By The Book, we are introduced to first instance of the very efficient and meticulous world of bureaucratic spy campaigns and information gathering authorities when the Emperor sends an official from the Ministry of Punishments to gather ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Analysis Of Julius 's ' The King Of The Night ' As Julius led the two tigers out of the arena and released them, the adrenaline still pumping .through his veins, an impulsive thought developed in his head. Yes, it would be dangerous, but he guessed that if he found himself back in the Colosseum, the crowd would once again persuade Caesar to let him live. But he still had a part of his mind doubting his survival. But oh, how he longed to get one last glimpse of his love, but she was the Emperor 's daughter, and he was low class. There was even only a slight chance that the princess 's cousin, who was a very high class, would be able to marry her. He needed to stop for a breath. Brute looked back at him and saw the two–leg pant heavily. He signaled for his brother to stop. ... Show more content on ... "You are a disgrace..." Caesar told Aurelia and pulled her from her seat. The whole colosseum was holding their breath. "We 're leaving now." He said harshly. " Everyone needs to go home!" The guards started to evacuate the Romans. With one last look at a frightened Marcus, Aurelia rubbed her cheek when her father looked away, and strode after her father out the colosseum door. The hum of the crowd rose slightly at the harsh actions of Caesar. They didn 't speak against their Emperor, but instead the troublingthought of his daughter and the tiger keeper. The next day, Marcus came to visit. But he found something even more strange than the scene that has happened at the colosseum, he found a boy around Aurelia 's age with a joking attitude, cracking jokes trying to comfort Aurelia. Marcus didn 't know how to feel about this boy. He seemed nice enough, but comforting Aurelia was his job. He cautiously rushed to her side, shot a curious glance at the boy, and pulled Aurelia into an embrace. "Um.... Who are you?" Questioned the unknown boy with the brown hair. He was staring at Marcus with the eyes of a confused puppy, and Marcus stared back."I don 't mean to be rude, but seriously... Who are you?" Aurelia sensed the slight tension in the air, and ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Native Architects And Architectures Introduced As a Chinese immigrant who lived in the USA for four years, I have been amazed by the western architects and architectures introduced in lectures and textbook. Buildings like Sagrada Familia, Guggenheim Museum, Burj Al Arab, and even the White House have attracted my interested toward architecture by bringing me endless awes and wonders. Out of so many famous and recognizable architects who designed marvelous buildings, this special Chinese family attracts extra attention. Maybe a highly skilled architect is honorable, but a loyal architect family who devoted their generations to architecture deserves the respect from all architects. In the following paragraphs, I will describe this family and their work, as well as their importance and contribution to the history of architecture. "Yang Shi Lei", meaning "the Lei style", was a name for Lei family who worked as royal architects over 200 years ofQing dynasty. In the end of 17th century, like many artisans, Fada Lei came to Beijing and started working to build the palaces for Qing dynasty. Due to his outstanding building skills and different architectural style, he was prided to be the designer of many royal buildings. He had total of seven generals at the end the Qing dynasty, and they were all responsible for designing and building the royal buildings such as the main palaces, imperial tomb, the old Summer Palace, the Summer Palace and so on. To commemorate Lei's family's contribution to the Chinese architectural history, ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Art Analysis : Victory Stele Of Naram-Sin Victory Stele of Naram–Sin is a relief sculpture and was created in 2,200 B.C.E it is 6 feet high, so it is huge. The subject only includes men, and they are dressed for battle. This particular artwork was an illustration of Naram–Sin with his army and how his "enemies [would] fall, flee, die, or beg for mercy" (Kleiner 41). Naram–Sin is the largest figure, about twice the size of the other figures. In addition, he has a helmet with horns and weapons. There is a background in this relief, and it includes a mountain with a tree and there are two stars. Each artist was influenced by the culture and location in which they created the artwork. For example, Nefertiti was the queen of Egypt with Akhenaton her husband. The style of this sculpture is Egyptian because of its location. Because Neffertiti was queen, the culture changed how the artist portrayed her. In fact, Fred Kleiner a well–known author of multiple art history articles and books says that "The sculptor seems to have adjusted the likeness of his subject to meet the era's standard of spiritual beauty" (76). She likely would have taken offence if the artist did not change her appearance biased on the cultures ideal. This artwork was commissioned, which also played a role in the influence of this piece. Not to mention that the king commissioned this piece, and obviously no one wants to get on his bad side. Another example of how culture influenced the artwork is with the Empress Theodora. Their culture was Byzantine, ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Politics And Art Has Been An Important Tool For The... Politics and art have always gone hand in hand in China. Be it the terracotta army of the first emperor of China (late 3rd BCE) or the propaganda posters during the Cultural Revolution (1966–1976), art has been an important tool for the Chinese rulers to pursue their political agendas to reach the common man. The interaction between art and politics was perhaps at its peak during the Qing period (1644–1911). The Qianlong emperor (д№ѕйљ†, r. 1735 – 1799) is considered to be the forerunner of the project of "militarization of culture" in China , making relentless efforts to establish a harmonious rule over various parts of China. The expansionist policies of Qianlong are well–known and he is said to have brought under his control not just the ... Show more content on ... Qianlong 's focus on the combination of wen (ж–‡) and wu (ж¦) in his reign could be compared to that of Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty (626–649), a perfect embodiment of civil and martial values himself. The influence of the Tang and Han dynasties on the Qing Empire can be seen in the renewal of military rituals and values from that time. Another reason for the persistent emphasizing of the importance of martial power during the Qing can also be attributed to the origins of the Qing rulers. They were of Manchu origin, belonging to the 'Aisin Gioro' clan , and perhaps in order to uphold their inner Asian roots, favoured military power (wu) over culture (wen), unlike preceding dynasties, which preferred wen over wu. This acknowledgment of the status of martial tenet is very noteworthy as it is clearly in contrast to the elite astuteness of the Chinese ruler, who traditionally portrayed the Chinese state as non–military, despite the actual state of affairs. This ideology was not very prevalent in Chinese visual culture before Qianlong, which was an elite institution involving scholarly pursuits of art. Even if hunting scenes were common during the Ming (1368–1644), they do not explicitly describe the emperor as an expansionist or do not ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Irony In Tamburlaine The foolish king becomes a subject for laughter for his ironical thundering speech. The same irony can be noticed in Cosroe's alliance with Tamburlaine. After they have defeated Mycetes, Tamburlaine challenges Cosroe. The newly crowned king of Persia responds: "What means this devilish shepherd to aspire With such a giantly presumption, To cast up hills against the face of heaven, And dare the force of angry Jupiter? But as he thrust them underneath the hills, And pressed out fire from their burning jaws, So will I send this monstrous slave to hell, Where flames shall ever feed upon his soul." (p.24) However, Cosroe is defeated by Tamburlaine, just like Mycetes. Ironically, one of the reasons why Cosroe has wanted to dethrone his brother is... Show more content on ... And such are objects fit for Tamburlaine, Wherein, as in a mirror, may be seen His honor, that consists in shedding blood When men presume to manage arms with him." (p.28) Tamburlaine says that the deaths of Zabina and Bajazeth are mirrors that reflect his honour, much to his please. Their deaths reflect more honour on themselves than on Tamburlaine. Earlier in Act V, Tamburlaine, when attacking a city, has ordered the deaths of four virgins sent to him to plead for Damascus. This is his habit to give a city that he attacks two days to decide to surrender. On the third day, if no surrender is coming, he destroys the city. On the third day of the siege of Damascus, the four virgins are sent out in hopes that their innocence can persuade Tamburlaine to spare the city. He asks them what they see on the point of his sword and, when they answer that they see fear and steel, Tamburlaine says, "Your fearful minds are thick and misty then, For there sit Death; there sits imperious Death, Keeping his circuit by the slicing edge. But I am pleased you shall not see him
  • 28. ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Emperor K'ang-hsi Essay Meijun Cai Cultural History 300 Professor Frangos The emperor, Kang–xi, is considered by many the greatest of the Manchu emperors and in some ways an example of Plato's Philosopher King. Discuss the truth of this statement (you may also disagree). Be sure to refer to the reading by Kang–xi in your answer. Emperor Kangxi (1654–1722) became the second ruler of the Manchu Qing Dynasty. He ascended the thrown after his father, who was the first emperor of the dynasty died. He became the ruler at age eight in 1661, and reigned for 61 years, becoming one of the longest reigning emperors in dynastic history. He overcame the nobility preventing internal conflict within China (one of the main reasons for the stagnation of the Ming ... Show more content on ... Moreover, the idea of Plato's Philosophy King is further shown in Emperor Kangxi's way of thinking and decision making, stating, "In the hunt one can kill all the animals caught inside the circle, but one can't always bear to shoot them as they stand there, trapped and exhausted." This emphasizes the type of leader he was and how much heart he had when it comes down to dealing with his own people. Plato's Philosophy King describes every aspect of Emperor Kangxi, a leader who consistently ruled under the "Mandate of Heaven". He believed that good government depended on letting the people live at rest and that stirring up trouble is no different from preventing trouble from occurring. Because of his intelligence, reverence to Confucianism and rational way of thinking, he was able to reign as Emperor of a stabilized and prosperous Manchu Dynasty for 61 years. Emperor Kangxi quotes, "The Tao [Dao] of being an official lies in nothing else than this: Be sincere in your heart, and sincere in your administration, don't stir up too much trouble, and have officials arid ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Analysis Of 'Emperor Qianlong : Son Of Heaven, Man Of The... Elliott is a notable researcher of Qing 1644–1911 China who has some expertise in the historical backdrop of its Manchu originators, In Emperor Qianlong: Son of Heaven, Man of the World, Elliott has turned his extensive semantic and chronicled abilities to a life story of the enduring Hongli 1711–1799, who from 1735 until the point when 1795 ruled as Emperor Qianlong, managing a time of amazingly quick social, scholarly, statistic what's more, natural change, Qianlong's mind boggling identity and rule are analyzed once again in Elliott's investigation. There are numerous cases of this with tests of these sonnets by Qianlong himself all through the book and pictures of himself, generally in a purposeful publicity style however. The book gives an awesome short clarification of how Qianlong ruled the country and how he lived in his home life. It points of interest his spouses and the amount he loved them and what he did with them on their many voyages together over the Chinese farmland. It really expounds the amount Qianlong was influenced by the passing of his first spouse and how it may have had an effect on how he led from subsequently. Elliott gives an exuberant furthermore, captivating story that touches upon various parts of the Qianlong rule. The initial three sections take after a generally ordered approach, itemizing thusly Qianlong's early life, his first years in control, and familial obligations and their effect on his run the show. As Elliott notes, `A distraction ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Qianlong Book Review Essay Michael Nico Emperor Qianlong, Son of Heaven, Man of the world What the book covers Mark C Elliott's book Emperor Qianlong Son of Heaven, Man of the World is a short biography about Hongli. Hongli was the fourth son of the Yongzheng Emperor and the favorite of his father and grandfather and was born in 1711. In the beginning it describes how he rose up in rank as a son through his father who introduced him to the current emperor Kangxi, his grandfather. The first chapter gives us the story of what Hongli was like as a child and how he won the favor of the Emperor. The book follows Hongli all the time from his birth from a low ranking palace consort right up to the end of his life even after he technically gave up his title as... Show more content on ... There are many examples of this with samples of these poems by Qianlong himself throughout the book and pictures of himself, mostly in a propaganda style though. The book gives a great short explanation of how Qianlong ruled the nation and how he lived in his home life. It details his wives and how much he liked them and what he did with them on their many travels together across the Chinese countryside. It goes into detail how much Qianlong was affected by the death of his first wife and how it might have had an affect on how he ruled from thereon. It shows that he was a loving person to his family and he treated his parents with as much respect and care for as he could give. There are descriptions of how Qianlong would go about his daily schedule and how hard it was to be in his position. It stresses how tough this job would be considering the events going on inside the nation and foreign threats. It covers his military campaigning and how he saw himself as a great warlord and giving himself the title "old man of ten perfect victories". Elliott doesn't go into extreme detail of each battle or conflict but it does mention all the major ones, especially the ones that Qianlong was most proud of. His international scene is covered very well. It describes how he went about his interactions with all the people that bordered china and those that came from afar. There are descriptions of how he interacted with the many religions of his nation being ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Catherine The Great : The Failure Of Catherine The Great Catherine the Manipulator Known as one of the greatest rulers in history, Catherine the Great was a complex, dignified, and, most importantly, calculatingly intelligent woman. Despite the negative connotations that come with a word like "calculating," in Catherine's case it was an important trait to have; it was the close scrutiny and pressure imposed upon her as a royal female figure that forced Catherine to constantly have the upper hand and look out for herself no matter the cost or the method. Thus it is imperative to remember that the manipulative aspect of Catherine's personality, which includes the manipulation of her public image, was a necessary component in her survival and ascent to power in a society where all odds were against her. First and foremost, the mere act of writing this memoir can be seen as a form of manipulation via Catherine's part. Seeing as this was the not the first version and that each was written differently and heavily edited, it's safe to say Catherine wanted it to eventually be read and/or published. This is how she wanted the rest of the world to see her. By writing her life story, she had complete control over how she and the people she wrote about – her mother, her spouse, Empress Elizabeth, and the rest of the court – were depicted; it is clear in her language that she was biased and tended to make certain people look bad while she made herself look good – a little too polished and composed, even. Not to say she was not a genuine person ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Sei ShЕЌnagon: A Court Gentlewoman? Nancy Rathburn stated it perfectly when she wrote, "A strong woman understands that the gifts such as logic, decisiveness, and strength are just as feminine as intuition and emotional connection. She values and uses all of her gifts." Sei ShЕЌnagon was the perfect example of a Court gentlewoman in ancient Japan. She was standardly pleasing to the eye, profusely knowledgeable in poetry, and always did the right thing when it came to the Emperor and Empress. ShЕЌnagon was also snotty and particularly arrogant because of her status as a Court gentlewoman. Her chin rose above the farmers on trips to the country. Her face sneered looking at the robes of the poorer folk. Her head turned when a lesser man tried to woo her. ShЕЌnagon knew she was entitled, and knew she was worth more than most in Heian. However, underneath her stuck up exterior, there were parts of her the defied her image as a Court gentlewoman. On the inside, ShЕЌnagon was fearless in her opinions and decisions and determined ... Show more content on ... When, sadly, the Empress and her Court gentlewomen had to leave her snow mountain, ShЕЌnagon had a plan to make sure her prediction would in fact come true (ShЕЌnagon, 82). Her plan started with a gardner. ShЕЌnagon told the gardener, "You must take great care of this snow mountain, and make sure no children climb on it and destroy it. Keep a firm watch on it til the fifteenth. If it lasts till then, Her Majesty intends to reward you with a special gift, and you'll get high praise from me personally as well" (ShЕЌnagon, 82). Some would say this was foolish to do, but ShЕЌnagon knew that in order to keep her status, her irrational prediction would either have to completely come true or at least close to true. By going to the absolute extreme measures to make sure her status is kept, ShЕЌnagon shows not only her strong side, but her determined and and hard–working ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Emperor Of China Self Portrait Of Kanghsi The Emperor of China: Self–Portrait of Kanghsi is a collection of the personal memoirs and writings of the Qing Emperor Kangxi who ruled and expanded China during the late 17th century. Translated into English by Jonathan D. Spence, Emperor of China provides a glimpse into the life of China's longest reigning emperor during the beginning China's last ruling dynasty. Kangxi records his thoughts to provide guidance to future generations of Qing emperors. The Emperor's writings served as evidence of his life acting in accordance with both Chinese principles and Manchu principles. Emperor of China displays Emperor Kangxi's philosophies on ruling through humility and the struggles of duality he faced in maintaining the military tradition of his Manchu ancestors while at the same time conforming to the Confucian principles of his Chinese court. Emperor Kangxi was born in 1654 and began his reign over the world's largest and oldest empire only 7 years later. ... Show more content on ... Olaudah Equiano admitted in his book that vanity is an unavoidable evil in writing personal memoirs, but it is safe to assume that Kangxi attempts to avoids, at least to a noticeable extent, letting pride cloud the recollection of his life. For example, Kangxi takes responsibility for the rebellion and admits his failure for not listening to the counsel of his court. Kangxi knows future generations will not be helped by reading only of successes. They must also learn from his mistakes. The Qing emperor also seems to hold historical accuracy on a high pedestal writing, "History may be written by officials but it is the emperor in whose reign the history is written who is finally responsible. . . most histories can some material that cannot be believed ." If Kangxi does not wish for his historians to record his reign incorrectly then it is safe to assume he does not do so in his own ... Get more on ...
  • 35. The Plague in a Small Nation: A Short Story "When you are near, my heart is at peace, but I need to send you because I can trust you the most... Hurry back and bring good news, so we may end the plague ravaging the city." The hopeful words of the Empress run through my head again. My eyes slowly opened and adjusted to the dazzling bright light coming in from the open circular window. I was aboard the SS Mary, an extravagant white ship heading to Rycon. It had an intimidating presence that took one's breath away. I stood up while wary of the swaying ship and stretched out my aching muscles. My attire was wrinkled and discolored, but I didn't mind. I grabbed the royal bodyguard overcoat that was on a tiny rickety chair. The coat was elegantly laden with medals and had a bright velvet–like red color just like my dyed hair. I was currently on a voyage to foreign nations in order to ask if they could endow Euteria with the means to bring the plague to an end. The Empire had cracks because of recent issues, such as the rat plague, undermining unity across the land. I believed the Empress could unite the land just as soon as the plague was dealt with. I heard commotion coming from the deck, so I stepped out of my comfy little room and went up to survey the scene. After six days of enduring gruesome storms and narrow pathways through jagged cliffs, we were finally within the shoreline of Rycon. The men on the boat were both dazed and groggy from the harsh travel conditions, but seeing the shoreline renewed their strength. The ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Kangxi: The Great Emperor Of China Kangxi also gave the Jesuits a piece of land upon which to construct a great church. The construction completed five years later, and the emperor made a handwritten inscription placed over the door. Consequently, this showed the ability of the emperor to accommodate certain aspects of the Western life. Therefore, based on such understanding and even though some Westerns considered Chinese as backward and heathen, this case proved contrary to such claims. He also showed that Chinese could bow to Western superiority and their religion. Besides, he embraced new knowledge. He mastered the principles of geometry and sought to understand the mysteries of astrology, which enabled him to gain experience in leading the Chinese people. Further, in the late eighteenth century,China embraced Western knowledge and technical skills. This move helped refute earlier claim by Western nations that China was unreceptive towards change from external forces. Further, this reinforced Western assumptions of superiority. Conclusion Owing to what transpired ... Show more content on ... "Edict on Trade with Great Britain." Lim, Israel CS. "Kangxi: Great Emperor & True Believer of Christ". July 2002.–patriarchy/kangxi.htm. MartГnez–Robles, David. "The Western Representation of Modern China: Orientalism, Culturalism and Historiographical Criticism". In: Carles PRADO–FONTS (coord.), "Orientalism" [online dossier], Digithum. No. 10. UOC, (2008). Spence, Jonathan D. Emperor of China: Self–Portrait of K'ang–His. (Vintage; Reissue edition, October 22, 1988). /Emperor–China–Self–Portrait–Jonathan–Spence/dp/067972074X#reader_067972074X. Waley–Cohen, Joanna. "China and Western Technology in the Late Eighteenth Century." American Historical Review, 98 (Dec. 1993): 1525 –1544. ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Honore De Balzac And The Napoleonic Period An unsure Pope Pius VII, not wanting to place a crown on the head of the soon to be Emperor of France in the extravagant Notre Dame Cathedral of Paris, who then takes matters into his own hand and places the crown on his own head (Selin Par. 1, 2, 13). This is the situation of Napoleon Bonaparte. After overthrowing the Directory in 1799, Napoleon worked to satisfy the needs of the people and recreate and better the French empire by ratifying reforms, such as the Napoleonic Code (Ligard Par. 2). This reform, and other aspects of French culture, helped shape the work of the renowned French novelist, Honore de Balzac. Therefore, France's culture during the years 1800 to 1814 were shaped by its monarchy while the literature of Honore de Balzac evinces its cultural connection. From the years 1804 to 1814, also referred to as the Napoleonic Age, France became an empire, ruled by its first emperor, Napoleon Bonaparte. When Bonaparte became emperor in 1804, it was because "the Senate – who had all been chosen by Napoleon – passed a law making him Emperor of the French" (Wilde Par. 6). If it were not for the people he put in Senate, Napoleon would not have become emperor because citizens were already beginning to disapprove the changes he was making to their government. Since he is able to chose men who will support him and follow his commands in Senate, it reveals how much power Bonaparte really holds in his empire. Bonaparte surrounded himself by "his tribe of paltry, rapacious and ... Get more on ...
  • 38. The Era Of The Safavid Empire Under The Rule Of Shah Ismail As a political tactic, rulers often portray themselves in a certain way in order to stabilize their reign and rule more effectively. Some take the approach of uniqueness by setting themselves apart from their subject population while others take the approach of sameness by emphasizing the similarities in which they share with the people. Not exclusively limited to apartness or sameness, some rulers have shown to employ a mix of both ruling styles. It is these versatile rulers who have experienced more successes in their reign because they are not compelled to only one ruling style, allowing them to better adapt to the needs of their ruling population. The apartness ruling style is best seen in the Safavid Empire under the rule of Shah Ismail. Shah Ismail uses religion as a political tool to control his state and does so by declaring Shi'ism, a smaller branch of Islam, as the state religion (#). After separating himself & his people from those who are not willing to abide to his ideologies, Shah Ismail can now demand the absolute loyalties from his subjects and persecute those who are deviant. This radical act further creates a deep chasm between Shi'ite Muslims and nearby Sunni Muslims neighbors. As a result, cultural flow and the exchange of beliefs between Sunni & Shi'ite states are essentially hindered. Ismail's apartness ruling approach is taken to the extreme with social, religious, and legal systems being strictly confined to Shi'ite doctrines (@). It is noted that ... Get more on ...
  • 39. The Use and Misuse of Power in Ancient Times Humankind has come a long way from the nomadic hunter–gatherer who drew in caves. In time society's formed, As society's flourished so did religion and power. A great way to understand an ancient society is from the ruins of structures and the art left behind. The Palace Complex of Sargon ll, the Giza Funerary Complex and the Palace at Knossos are all great examples of society's that are run through religion and power. Delving into the relics that were left behind give a look into each society and how it worked. The Palace Complex of Sargon ll was a wonderful example of the concept of absolute power. From the huge gated entrance to the citadel, to the throne room with " a carefully controlled program of architectural and sculptural propaganda designed to intimidate visitors" (Schneider Adams pg. 70) power and promotion of the King is the only focus. A society led by fear. I would be remiss if I did not mention the more than intimidating Lamassu waiting to pounce. The Palace is designed to say, this is a powerful king, as powerful if not more powerful than the gods. The religious ziggurat at this time is an accessory to the powerful Palace. Religion decisions are made by the king. The Giza Funerary Complex is much more religious than power based. The main function is several Pharaohs burial tombs. The religious procedure to put a King to rest very precise and detailed manor. The complex had Temples and Chapels which helped with offerings and ceremonial events. A ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Ting Mapping the Man behind the Qing–period Garden The symposium, "Artful Retreat: Garden Culture of the Qing Dynasty", jointly organized by the Peabody Essex Museum and Harvard University and held on 12–13 November 2010, reveals Qianlong's emotional relationships to the Qing gardens. Gathering scholars from Australia, China, Europe, and the United States, it provides an exceptional opportunity for ten scholars, such as Hui Zou (Professor of Architecture at the University of Florida) and Mark Elliott (Professor of Chinese and Inner Asian History in the Department of East Asian Languages and Civilizations at Harvard University), to share their perspectives on the artistic, political, historical, and economic aspects of the Qing–period garden culture.... Show more content on ... Berliner's article, however, is less compelling than these. In order to explain the blend of the artifact and the natural settings in the Liubei Ting (жµЃжќЇдє), she gives an example of a Qianlong–period vase with different designs and glazes, asserting that Qianlong liked contrast and preferred to amalgamate different design elements together. The evidence, yet, is not solid enough to support this argument. First, the lecturer does not show her evidence objectively, because she only talks about the feature of a specific vase, rather than a general type. The type of vase that shows sharp contrast between glaze colors is the wucai (дє”еЅ©) ware, developing from the sancai (дё‰еЅ©) technique in the Tang dynasty. Apart from the mixed –color vases, there were a lot of other categories of vases in the Qianlong period. One dominant type is the blue and white ware. Porcelains with famille rose overglaze enamel decoration were also popular. This kind has the harmonious combination of colors of green, yellow, black, and rose with blurry edges between colors. Also, these types of porcelain often have auspicious themes. For instance, the Blue and White Vase of Soft–Paste Porcelain with a Lion and an Eagle (Fig. 2) depicts a theme of longevity and happiness. Presenting unity in both the subject matters and the glaze colors, these vases do not suggest contrast. Instead of rushing into the conclusion that most Qianlong–period vases show contrasts in design, the speaker should have taken other types of vases into account. Therefore, it cannot persuasively support the argument against the emperor's propensity for implementing different elements in design. Neither could it justify Qianlong's conscious choice of integrating the abstract manmade water channel into the realistic natural landscape ... Get more on ...
  • 41. East Asian Reaction to European Presence Essay In the fifteenth century, Europeans started to seek "treasures" in Asia. Their goals were to search resources and markets and spread Christianity. They found spice and sugar in South Asia. At that time, South Asian countries were not strong enough to restrict European's activities on their own land. However, when Europeans tried to enter East Asian, the East Asian countries such asChina and Japan set strict rules to prevent their countries from European powers. Chinese emperors strictly limited European merchants' activities in China and did not want to corporate with them. In the seventeenth century, China was dominated by the Qing dynasty. Emperors of Qing dynasty closed all ports that previous dynasties opened except Macau and ... Show more content on ... The document Closed Country Edict of 1635 strictly forbade ships to go to and come back from foreign countries. It also stated "if any Japanese returns from overseas after residing there, he must be put to death." Japanese Shogun was afraid that those Japanese returned from overseas might be spies of Europeans to help emperors. Because Europeans threatened military leaders' powers, Shogun strictly forbade any relations with Europeans. Another goal of Europeans was spreading Christianity. Nevertheless this mission was even harder than trading with Japan and China. People from both countries were unwilling to accept Christianity. The major beliefs in China were Buddhism, Daoism, and Confucianism. Japanese mainly believed in Shintoism, Buddhism, or Confucianism. However, the doctrine of Christianity declared that there was only one God in the world which was their Lord. Chinese and Japanese were not able to accept this religion. In addition, the Closed Country Edict of 1635 stated "if there is any place where the teaching of padres is practiced, the two of you must order a thorough investigation. Any information revealing the whereabouts of the followers of padres must be rewarded accordingly." Shogun of Japan strictly prohibited any practice of Christianity. East Asian countries restricted Europeans on their territories. They were afraid that Europeans might disturb the peaceful environment inside their ... Get more on ...