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The History Of Social Media
The History of Social Media
Social media is the form of electronic communication through which users create online communities to share information, ideas, personal messages,
and other content. When and how this fascinating world of social media was created? Its seems like a new trend, sites like Facebook are the natural
outcome of many centuries of social media development. The earliest method of communicating across great distances used written correspondence
delivered by hand one person to another. The earliest form of postal services dates back to 550 B.C. In 1972, the telegraph was invented allowing
messages to be delivered over a long distance. Although telegraph messages were short, they were a revolutionary way to convey news and
information. Two important discoveries happened in the last decades of the 1800s: the telephone in 1890 and the radio in 1981.
After the invention of blogging, social media began to explode in popularity. Sites like MySpace and LinkedIn gained prominence in the early 2000s.
YouTube came out in 2005, creating an entirely new way for people to communicate and share with others. By 2004, Facebook and Twitter both
became available to users throughout the world.
Today, there is a huge variety of social networking sites, and many of them can be linked to allow crossing–posting. We can only speculate about what
the future of social media may look in the next decade.
The Advantages and Disadvantages of Social Media
The way technology is
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The History Of The Internet
The history of the Internet starts with the making of electronic computers in the 1950's. After a bunch of rabble The first concepts of the Internet were
invented in the 1960's who saw much use in allowing computers to share information. It was mainly used for scientific and military purposes,
research, development, and sorts. J.C.R. Licklider of MIT first suggested the idea of a global network of computers in 1962. He moved to the Defense
Advanced Research Projects Agency to develop the Internet. A while later, the Internet was brought online in 1969, but was previously known as
ARPANET. It was done under contract with the renamed Advanced Research Projects Agency. At first, It connected four major computers, which
were located in different universities. The mystical Internet was designed to provide a communications network that would still function even if
some dominant sites were down. The early Internet was used by computer experts, engineers, scientists, and librarians. There were no personal
computers back in the day, and everyone who used it had to learn an extremely complex system. Two scores and three years ago, (1972) Email was
adapted by Ray Tomlinson. He selected the @ symbol from the available symbols on his teletype to link a username and address. Some time later in
the 70's, the Internet developed further, thanks to TCP/IP architecture initially proposed by Bob Kahn. In 1986 the National Science Foundation funded
NSFNet as a cross country 56 Kbps fortitude for
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People's lives are affected by many types of technology. However, the greatest effect on people undoubtedly is internet. Especially, in today's world,
internet has definitely become indispensable part of people's life. In fact, life without internet is as unendurable as life without sun. Unless the internet
existed, people would feel empty. Thus, internet has easily taken a significant place in humans' social life in just about 20 years. At home, at office, at
school, even while people are walking on the street, internet is always in their lives. Since the advent of the internet, it has made life better. Almost
everyone in the world use the internet thanks to several advantages that it offers to people.
One of the more content...
The third advantage that internet offers to people is important opportunities for the educational life. First, internet is an extensive source for students in
terms of having knowledge. Thus, students can easefully find various study materials for their homework or exams by using the internet. Secondly,
online tutorials provided by the internet are important easy for the educational life. Students can usually take courses in any subject whenever they
want to do during the day or week through the online tutorials. Due to this flexibility, students can arrange themselves, according to their work
The final advantage of internet is that it has a significant role for the business life. Firstly, people can network with other businesspeople or
organizations via internet. Therefore, they can talk about their companies' situations such as challenges, changes and they can exchange information
with each other quickly. Secondly, internet advertising enabled by internet is important for business life. The internet advertising makes possible for
companies to introduce themselves, to inform buyers of their products, to reach more consumers, even to find employees being appropriate for their
companies. For these reasons, internet advertising is very beneficial service provided by internet for the business life.
All in all, it is not so hard to realize that life has become easier than ever with the advent of the internet. Both by
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History Of The Internet Essay
History of the Internet
Works Cited
Buick, Joanna and Jevtic, Zoran. Introducing Cyberspace. New York, NY: Totem
Books, 1995.
Crick, Prof. Rex E. E–Mail History. [Online] Available, December 20, 1999.
Hafner, Katie and Lyon,Mathew. Where Wizards Stay up Late. New York, NY:
Simon & Schuster Inc., 1996.
"Internet." Encyclopedia Britannica, 1999 ed.
Kristula, Dave. The History of the Internet. [Online] Available–history.html, November 19, 1999.
Network Solutions, Inc. What is the History of the Internet. [Online] more content...
The data is then sent back through the system to the original user. The information that is on the data coming back could have came from a wide array
of sources such as books, financial markets, embedded chips or even made up by someone trying to fool the user. The History? The Internet is first
Johnson 2
conceived in the early '60s. "Under the leadership of the Department of Defense's Advanced Research Project Agency, it grows from a paper
architecture into a small network (ARPANET) meant to promote the sharing of super–computers amongst researchers in the United States." (Kristula,
pg 68). Through the next couple years there were talks of about how this network could come into the cooperate world. In 1969 researchers at four US
campuses created the first hosts of the ARPANET. They connected the Stanford Research Institute, UCLA, UC Santa Barbara, and the University of
Utah. The ARPANET was a success from the very beginning. Although originally designed to allow scientists to share data and access remote
computers, email quickly became the most popular application. The ARPANET became a high–speed digital post office as people use it to collaborate
on research projects and discuss topics of various interests. In 1971 the ARPANET grows to 23 hosts connecting universities and government research
centers around the country. In 1972, the Inter–Networking Working Group becomes
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History of Internet Essay examples
Without a doubt, the Internet is undergoing a major transition as it experiences a tremendous influx of new users. Due to the anarchic, distributed
nature of the net, we cannot even begin to enumerate the population of the Internet or its growth. As more of the world's population moves on–line,
new concerns will arise which did not confront the earlier generations. The new culture will demand different resources, services and technology than
the old generations expected and used. Already we can witness a clash between the emergent culture and the entrenched culture. The largest conflicts
occurring now are about sharing resources, the impending commercialization of the net, and the growing problem of computer crime.
The Internet was more content...
It is only in the past year or two that we have begun to see the explosion of the new generation on the Internet. Businesses have begun connecting
themselves to the net, especially with the prospect of the NSFNET backbone changing hands to permit commercial traffic. Public access nets run by
communities or businesses are springing up in cities all over the world, bringing in users who know little about computers and are more interested in the
entertainment and information they can glean from the net.
Commercial providers like America Online and Compuserve are beginning to open gateways from their exclusive services to the open Internet,
specifically allowing their users to access email, netnews and soon ftp and telnet services. The explosion of BBSs and the shared Fidonet software has
brought many users who were previously unable to get an account through a university to the world of email and netnews. At this point, anyone with a
computer and a modem can access these most basic services. Several state s, such as Maryland, have begun efforts to connect all their residents to the
net, often through their library system. The city of Cambridge,
MA now offers access to the world wide web for short segments of time in its public libraries, and even several progressive coffeehouses in the San
Francisco Bay area and soon in the Boston area are offering public net access.
In the last 20 years, the net has developed slowly, adapting comfortably as its
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Internet Report
The History of the Internet and the WWW
1. The History of the World Wide Web
The internet started out as an information resource for the government so that they could talk to each other. They called it "The Industrucable
Network" because it was so many computers linked to gether that if one server went down, no–one would know. This report will mainly focus on
the history of the World Wide Web(WWW) because it is the fastest growing resource on the internet. The internet consists of diferent protocals such
as WWW, Gopher (Like the WWW but text based), FTP (File Transfer Protocal), and Telnet (Allows you to connect to different BBS's). There are
many more smaller one's but they are inumerable. more content...
From 1981 until 1984, Tim was a founding Director of Image Computer
Systems Ltd, with technical design responsibility. In 1984, he took up a fellowship at CERN, to work on distributed real–time systems for scientific
data acquisition and system control.
In 1989, he proposed a global hypertext project, to be known as the
World Wide Web. Based on the earlier "Enquire" work, it was designed to allow people to work together by combining their knowledge
in a web of hypertext documents. He wrote the first World Wide Web server and the first client, a wysiwyg hypertext browser/editor which ran in the
NeXTStep environment. This work was started in October 1990, and the program "WorldWideWeb" first made available within CERN in
December, and on the Internet at large in the summer of
Through 1991 and 1993, Tim continued working on the design of the Web, coordinating feedback from users across the Internet. His initial
specifications of URIs, HTTP and HTML were refined and discussed in larger circles as the Web technology spread.
In 1994, Tim joined the Laboratory for Computer Science (LCS)at the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). as Director of the W3 Consortium which coordinates W3 development worldwide, with teams at MIT
and at INRIA in
France. The consortium takes as it goal to
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The Birth Of The Internet
The birth of the internet created a revolution on technology, and social media in the world. It created a vast amount of change, and has put humans
onto a path that they thought they could not walk on. It has shifted modern culture and helped shape it into a unique one where the internet seems to
run the world. One big part of internet culture is the platform Web 2.0. It has helped shape many applications and has had an impact on creation, and
content presented in the web to viewers. Web 2.0 can be shown in the popular app Twitter, and it shows how the site has evolved, what concepts are
involved in it, and the future of Twitter and Web 2.0.
Early Twitter was a great example for demonstrating the concept of Web 2.0, and it involved the use of the 5 C's to help advance its application to
what it is now today. Early Twitter demonstrated two distinct traits of Web 2.0 in it's site. The first example is; that Twitter was initially a broadcasting
service that was oriented towards what the users wanted from it. It evolved the Hashtag, and the @ symbol use through this and emergent behavior
where the people made these without guidance (Pavilik, McIntosh). Another example of its relations to Web 2.0 was the fact that it was constantly
evolving and changing its content to what the users wanted from the application (O'Reilly). It also exhibited two distinct features of the 5 C's. Twitter
has conversation entwined with its site, as it was a means of communication for people. It also
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The Birth Of The Internet
The birth of the internet has really made our life so much easier. You can practically learn about anything with just a few clicks on your mouse. You
don 't even have to spend money to make preparations like making a hotel reservation, booking a flight or joining tours. You can do everything online
including researching on the places you wish to visit. With this easy access to information there 's no reason to be ill–prepared for traveling.What
pertinent information will help make the trip a success? Let 's look at be all the information you can gather for the travel itself and for your stay in
the place. You can save up on your airfare by looking out for low cost seats that somebody might have reserved but did not pay for. The best time to
search online is after midnight, as this is the time that airlines reload their computer. Watch out for international flights that courier between major
cities. Airfares are discounted by as much as 50% with an occasional free seat to boot. If an airline announces a sale, some others are sure to follow,
so again be on the lookout. Bargain weekend fares are also available. Airlines also offer special prizes for senior citizens as well as students so
make use of it if you or any of your companions fall under this category. If you 're flying within the country, some of the least expensive flights are
available on the smaller airlines, patronize these instead. If you 're planning on driving don 't get caught flat footed. Know the local road
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The History and Development of the Internet
To start with, we have to discuss the historical backdrop of the Internet and its development. The Internet developed out of improvements in bundle
exchanging and circulated machine systems intended to be secure in time of war. Throughout the last few decades, the Internet has had monstrous
developing. Several years back, numerous individuals completed not have machine information and were not mindful of how to utilize it. Today, the
Internet is utilized regularly for just about every errand. A huge number of Americans have a workstation at home and the vast majority of these
managers have admittance to the Net. It has gotten to be so easy to take a seat at a machine and only click starting with one page then onto the next
for quite some time. This has made it a pastime to simply surf the Internet for quite some time. It is entertaining to any distinctive paying little mind to
age. There are numerous kids that have admittance to a machine either at home or in their schools and they know how to utilize it to surf the net.
School learners have more presentation than most age assemblies for a few reasons. This is on account of most colleges issue an email location to
each understudy that is enlisted for classes. Various colleges incorporate the expense for the Internet benefit inside their educational cost rates, so full
time people have ensured access. Numerous teachers urge scholars to utilize the Net to keep learners redesigned with the innovation that is accessible
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The History Of The Internet Essay
The internet has come a very long way in the past 50 years. New inovations such as integrated software and hardware has changed the way that poeple
view and obtain information today. The internet is a global computer network connecting millions and millions of users throughout the world. "It
is a network connecting many computer networks and is based on a common addressing system and communications protocol."It has become one
of the fastest growing forms of communication today(Encyclodpedia Britannica 1999).
The Internet got started by the Defense Department as a Cold War experiment in the 1950's. The government needed a way to relay information
between tanks more content...
When it first started ARPAnet was limited mainly to military business by the ARPA but soon scientists began to use it to work on research through
e–mail. Not long after the first mailing list appeared called SF–LOVERS. The ARPA repeatedly shut the growing number of mailing lists down but
gave up after a while calling it a way to "test the networks mail capacity." The ARPAnet as it was now called began to grow and by the '80's
it began to link to other college and government networks. "NSFnet (national science foundation network) and the newly founded usenet were
among the first to be connected. These links began the "ARPAinternet" later called just the internet." The internet grew rapidly over
time and began to ease out of government ownership and into privately owned routes. In 1990 ARPAnet was shut down but by this time the internet
had become completely public and no longer relied on the original ARPAnet. It however still used the TCP/IP technology developed by Cerf(Buick,
Joanna and Jevtic, Zoran).
"Usenet was a network similar to ARPAnet created by graduate students and faculty
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History of the Internet
The most significant invention of humanity.
What is the greatest invention in humanity? There are many things people think of like computers, cars, electricity etc.... However, there is one
invention that many people use every day from watching a movie, sending or checking emails and looking up complex or simple questions etc.
without this piece of technology the world would be in a different place. This piece of technology is called the internet. The internet is one of the most
important inventions in modern day history and has the ability to enable people to communicate and transfer information across the world and is able
to give us countless amounts of information and data.
The evolution of the more content...
In 1991 a computer programmer named Tim Berber lee invented the World–Wide–Web, this was one of the most important inventions in the evolution
of the internet because this wasn't just a data sharing space for scientist but this invention built an entire network of information sharing that enabled
anyone with an internet connection to get information and in 1992 the first internet browser to have interface was introduced. In 1993 Mosaic
invented a browser which changed the world and popularize the way people surfed the web, Mosaic also influenced many other browsers. In 1994
Amazon created internet shopping which has now become the most popular website for online shopping. In 1994 Netscape Navigator would become
the most popular web browser in the world which accounted for 90 percent of the usage of the web in 1995. In the early 90s companies like AOL and
Compuserve were starting to provide affordable consumer dial–up internet access. Dial up is a method where connecting to the internet was done via
telephone. In September 4, 1998, something special was coming and it was called Google, a search engine found by Larry Page and Sergey Brin
which would change the way we look up information and the way we think of the world wide web. Google still continues today as the most popular
search engine on the web. According to CNN in
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History Of The Internet Essay example
The year is 1957 and the USSR has just launched the first artificial earth satellite. In response America launches the Advanced Research Projects
Agency (ARPA) within the Department of Defense (DOD) to create America's lead in science and technology. The Internet had its humble beginnings
here, within ARPA's many projects.
The Internet has become one of the key symbols of today's pop culture: everything has a "dot com" address; people do not say "call me," but instead its
"I'll E–mail you;" and the new word on the stock market is "E–business." The
Internet has not always been such a key figure in American life; in fact it was mostly unheard of until recently.
The theory more content...
The final problem that ARPAnet came across was the fact that most computers did not run exactly the same hardware or software as another. Their
solution to this was to build smaller computers (called Interface Message
Processors or IMPs) that were in direct contact with the main computer and also in connection with the other IMPs on the network. All of the IMPs
were built to the same specifications so that one could easily communicate with the other5.
In 1968 all three of these developments were put into action when ARPA sent out proposals and requests for contractors. Bolt, Beranek, and Newman,
Inc. (BBN) were awarded the contract to build the IMPs, University of California,
Los Angeles (UCLA) was awarded the Network Measurement Center contract, and the Network Working Group (NWG) was formed to develop host
protocols for the soon to be developed ARPAnet. Nodes are set up as soon as BBN builds the IMP for that location. The first node was at UCLA and
installed on
August 30, 1969. It was the Network Measurement center and ran on the SDS
SIGMA7 operating system. The second node was setup on October 1, 1969, at
Stanford Research Institute. It was the Network Information Center (NIC) and ran on the SDS940/Genie operating system. Node three was installed
November 1, 1969, at University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB). It served as the mathematical
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The Internet : The Origin Of The Internet
The arrival of the internet initiated a new age in which people had the ability to create their own community. The universality of it allowed people
from all across the globe to easily interact with each other which meant it was no longer necessary to live in proximity with one another in order to
maintain contact and make friends. One of the applications that emerged as a result of the internet age was YouTube. YouTube allowed people to be
able to view and hear others without having to be in vicinity of them. It quickly became a linking force between people and allowed them to expand
beyond their social bubble which provided opportunities for them to have contact with people who live far away. The years following its launch have
only strengthened its position as a source of connection between people as it is increasingly used as a platform to share one's life.
YouTube allows those with obscure interests to have a community that he or she is able to be a part of. Feelings of isolation are inevitable when only
one person within a social bubble is interested in something. For teenagers, these feelings of loneliness are intensified since it is an age in which they
are figuring out who they are. A nonexistent support system during this time can cause significant damage to self–esteem and self–acceptance because
the teen feels as if they are strange for their interests. However, with YouTube, everyone has the ability to find people who have similar interests since
YouTube is
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The Discovery Of The Internet
We humans discover enormous astonishing things, and established powerful tools that will change our live forever. One of the biggest accomplishment
was the discovery of technology. The history of technology is the history of invention of tools and techniques that generated since the hunting and
gathering period. During that period, all humans made different stone tools for hunting wild animals for their survival. As the years went by, humans
were lived in civilized society that emerged their advancement of technology rapidly, especially in the past two centuries that made everyone's way of
living easier. For instance, invention of transportation that we can travel different place by airplane, railroad, ships and of course automobiles. Also,
discovery of telephone gave us the ability to communicate each other even its miles apart. Ultimately the biggest innovation is the discovery of the
internet. In 21st century, the power of internet contributes to the humanity that makes the world more interconnected as well as influences us daily
bases that changes the way of living in most convenience. The latest trending big thing in our society is the online shopping, which is the most easy
way to buy stuff without physically go to store to purchase. This magical advancement help us to buy products that we want within short amount of
time as well as enable to access to thousands of stores. In the proper business term, this form of business called e–commerce. Today, there are
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History of the Internet Essay examples
A very common question that often arises is 'When was the Internet developed or invented?" That is a good question, one that is hard to define as it has
many multiple answers.
The Internet, including the World Wide Web (WWW), is perhaps one of the greatest inventions of our time. Without a doubt, it has had a profound
effect on almost every aspect of our lives. The formation and implementation of the Internet has changed the way we do business, communicate,
entertain, retrieve information, and even educate ourselves. Nevertheless, the Internet might have never materialized if it had not been for some
innovated thinkers from the Advanced Research Project Agency, who created "ARPAnet."
The Internet began as a proposed plan more content...
This development continued at a fast pace until an English computer scientist, Timothy Berners–Lee, for the European Organization for Nuclear
Research (CERN) developed the protocols for the World Wide Web in 1989.
The Internet refers to the global information system that is logically linked together by a globally unique address space based on the Internet Protocol
(IP); is able to support communications using the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) suite; provides, uses, or makes accessible,
either publicly or privately, high level services layered on the communications and related infrastructure.
Computers on the Internet may use one or all of the following Internet services:
В· Electronic mail (e–mail). Permits you to send and receive mail. Provides access to discussion groups.
В· Telnet or remote login. Permits your computer to log onto another computer and use it as if you were there.
В· FTP or File Transfer Protocol. Allows your computer to rapidly retrieve complex files intact from a remote computer and view or save them on your
В· Gopher. An early, text–only method for accessing Internet documents. Gopher has been almost entirely subsumed in the World Wide Web, but
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The Internet and Technology Essay
The Internet and Technology
Technology today has made an impact in our everyday lives. Technology offers many advances in the world. One of the areas of impact is in the field
of education. An important technological advance has been movies and videos. Some would say these have become vital teaching tools. Technology as
a whole has made way for several new conventions, some good, and some bad. While there are several advantages to using technology to enhance
education, there are also several disadvantages. Technology as it is used today can improve the knowledge a student attains. However, the disadvantages
outweigh the advantages. As Christians we need to be aware of the many things that technology has to offer us so that more content...
Many different students learn in many different ways. For example some are visual learners, others are oral learners and still, others are the kind of
students who must take notes several times before they fully understand a concept. Technology gives students an interesting way to learn, it helps those
students that are visual learners, rather than verbal learners. It helps students become individual learners, offering a plethora of websites for students to
look up and learn from on their own.
On the other hand, technology can be a detriment to students. First of all, teachers put too much emphasis on the appearance of assignments, such as
the pictures and the font type and the format, rather than paying attention to the actual quality of the assignment. Students spend more time on finding
pictures, typing up their work in special fonts, and focusing on the looks of their papers, rather than focusing on the important things, such as the thesis
statements, organization and details the paper contains. "Students spend too much time creating high–tech presentations that don't offer significant
improvements over traditional slide shows, oral presentations, index cards and all" (Bassett 75). This isn't teaching the student anything except that
looks are more important than content. Is that what we want to teach the next generation of students? "Teachers should not allow the glitter and power
of high technology to distract them from focusing their
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The Internet : The History Of The Internet
History of the Internet Chances are you know someone right now that was alive before the internet was even in the works. In just thirty four years the
internet has advanced further than anyone ever expected it to. The internet is everywhere and being in things such as computers, phones, tablets,
televisions and many other pieces of technology, it has an endless amount of uses. Before the internet, news would not travel as fast and less things
were known about the world and the people in it. During the early age of the computer, computers were expensive to produce and operate, and were
separated by distance and purpose, forcing a single person who wanted to access multiple functions and information to physically travel to a site where
multiple computers were located. The internet which in its early stage was known as ARPANETwas created by the US Department of Defenses
Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA). The concept of ARPANET was first thought of in 1962 when a man by the name of J.C.R.
Licklider who attended MIT wrote a series of memos in August 1962 discussing his "Galactic Network" concept. He imagined a world wide
system, all of which was connected by computers where everyone could quickly access data and programs from any site at any time. His idea very
was much like the Internet of the world we live in now. Licklider was the first head of the computer research program at ARPA, starting in October
1962. While at ARPA he convinced his successors, Bob Taylor,
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History Of Internet On The World
Josh Margolis
November 2, 2015
History of Internet
Before the the Internet was created, linking the world, human beings were already thinking with a connected mind. While messages obviously
were unable to be transferred electronically, humans invented different ways to trade information and news with other people. Firstly was the post.
In order to send a friend a message, a letter would have had to been written and mailed. Mailing messages was a long process, often taking days to
get one message to another person. This method (still used today) was not the most convenient because there is no urgency or speed in mailing a
letter. Luckily in the mid 1800's the telegraph was invented. Sent for the first time in 1838, the telegraph was the first instance of sending a message
(4). A telegraph is defined "as the transmission of textual or symbolic messages without the physical exchange of an object. This is the first instance of
a message being sent in a "virtual" sense (2). While messages could be delivered through the mail within a matter of days, a telegraph could be
transmitted live. At the time this was quite a feat. When studying the creation of the internet, it is important to remember that not one single man
directly created the web that we know today. Rather, many brilliant minds, over time, added and refined the experience for the greater good.
Originally, the earliest version of the internet was constructed as a tool for US warfare. The United States
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History and Development of the Internet
The internet is a global computer network connecting millions and millions of users throughout the world. (Leiner, 2). It has become one of the fastest
growing forms of communication today. (Marshall, 1).
The Internet started as a Defense Department Cold War experiment in the 1950’s. (Academic American, 225). The government needed a
way to relay information between tanks and headquarters so the APRA (Advanced Research Projects Agency) sought a way to let signals from the
battlefield reach a headquarters computer using satellites and radio signals. At the same time the command posts of the nation were located deep
underground more content...
This was the point when the military really began to take interest in the project. (Diamond, 5)
When it first started APRAnet was limited mainly to military business by the APRA but soon scientists began to use it to collaborate on research
through e–mail. Not long after the first mailing list appeared called SF–LOVERS. The APRA repeatedly shut the growing number of mailing lists
down but gave up after a while calling it a way to "test the networks mail capacity." The APRAnet as it was now called began to grow and
by the ‘80’s it began to link to other college and government networks. NSFnet (national science foundation network) and the
newly founded usenet were among the first to be connected. These links began the "APRAinternet" later called just the internet. The internet
grew rapidly over time and began to ease out of government ownership and into privately owned routes. In 1990 APRAnet was shut down but by this
time the internet had become completely public and no longer relied on the original APRAnet. (Diamond, 6). It however still used the TCP/IP
technology developed by Cerf. (Academic American, 225)
Usenet was a network similar to APRAnet created
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The History Of Social Media

  • 1. The History Of Social Media The History of Social Media Social media is the form of electronic communication through which users create online communities to share information, ideas, personal messages, and other content. When and how this fascinating world of social media was created? Its seems like a new trend, sites like Facebook are the natural outcome of many centuries of social media development. The earliest method of communicating across great distances used written correspondence delivered by hand one person to another. The earliest form of postal services dates back to 550 B.C. In 1972, the telegraph was invented allowing messages to be delivered over a long distance. Although telegraph messages were short, they were a revolutionary way to convey news and information. Two important discoveries happened in the last decades of the 1800s: the telephone in 1890 and the radio in 1981. After the invention of blogging, social media began to explode in popularity. Sites like MySpace and LinkedIn gained prominence in the early 2000s. YouTube came out in 2005, creating an entirely new way for people to communicate and share with others. By 2004, Facebook and Twitter both became available to users throughout the world. Today, there is a huge variety of social networking sites, and many of them can be linked to allow crossing–posting. We can only speculate about what the future of social media may look in the next decade. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Social Media The way technology is Get more content on
  • 2. The History Of The Internet The history of the Internet starts with the making of electronic computers in the 1950's. After a bunch of rabble The first concepts of the Internet were invented in the 1960's who saw much use in allowing computers to share information. It was mainly used for scientific and military purposes, research, development, and sorts. J.C.R. Licklider of MIT first suggested the idea of a global network of computers in 1962. He moved to the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency to develop the Internet. A while later, the Internet was brought online in 1969, but was previously known as ARPANET. It was done under contract with the renamed Advanced Research Projects Agency. At first, It connected four major computers, which were located in different universities. The mystical Internet was designed to provide a communications network that would still function even if some dominant sites were down. The early Internet was used by computer experts, engineers, scientists, and librarians. There were no personal computers back in the day, and everyone who used it had to learn an extremely complex system. Two scores and three years ago, (1972) Email was adapted by Ray Tomlinson. He selected the @ symbol from the available symbols on his teletype to link a username and address. Some time later in the 70's, the Internet developed further, thanks to TCP/IP architecture initially proposed by Bob Kahn. In 1986 the National Science Foundation funded NSFNet as a cross country 56 Kbps fortitude for Get more content on
  • 3. People's lives are affected by many types of technology. However, the greatest effect on people undoubtedly is internet. Especially, in today's world, internet has definitely become indispensable part of people's life. In fact, life without internet is as unendurable as life without sun. Unless the internet existed, people would feel empty. Thus, internet has easily taken a significant place in humans' social life in just about 20 years. At home, at office, at school, even while people are walking on the street, internet is always in their lives. Since the advent of the internet, it has made life better. Almost everyone in the world use the internet thanks to several advantages that it offers to people. One of the more content... The third advantage that internet offers to people is important opportunities for the educational life. First, internet is an extensive source for students in terms of having knowledge. Thus, students can easefully find various study materials for their homework or exams by using the internet. Secondly, online tutorials provided by the internet are important easy for the educational life. Students can usually take courses in any subject whenever they want to do during the day or week through the online tutorials. Due to this flexibility, students can arrange themselves, according to their work schedules. The final advantage of internet is that it has a significant role for the business life. Firstly, people can network with other businesspeople or organizations via internet. Therefore, they can talk about their companies' situations such as challenges, changes and they can exchange information with each other quickly. Secondly, internet advertising enabled by internet is important for business life. The internet advertising makes possible for companies to introduce themselves, to inform buyers of their products, to reach more consumers, even to find employees being appropriate for their companies. For these reasons, internet advertising is very beneficial service provided by internet for the business life. All in all, it is not so hard to realize that life has become easier than ever with the advent of the internet. Both by Get more content on
  • 4. History Of The Internet Essay History of the Internet Works Cited Buick, Joanna and Jevtic, Zoran. Introducing Cyberspace. New York, NY: Totem Books, 1995. Crick, Prof. Rex E. E–Mail History. [Online] Available, December 20, 1999. Hafner, Katie and Lyon,Mathew. Where Wizards Stay up Late. New York, NY: Simon & Schuster Inc., 1996. "Internet." Encyclopedia Britannica, 1999 ed. Kristula, Dave. The History of the Internet. [Online] Available–history.html, November 19, 1999. Network Solutions, Inc. What is the History of the Internet. [Online] more content... The data is then sent back through the system to the original user. The information that is on the data coming back could have came from a wide array of sources such as books, financial markets, embedded chips or even made up by someone trying to fool the user. The History? The Internet is first Johnson 2 conceived in the early '60s. "Under the leadership of the Department of Defense's Advanced Research Project Agency, it grows from a paper architecture into a small network (ARPANET) meant to promote the sharing of super–computers amongst researchers in the United States." (Kristula, pg 68). Through the next couple years there were talks of about how this network could come into the cooperate world. In 1969 researchers at four US
  • 5. campuses created the first hosts of the ARPANET. They connected the Stanford Research Institute, UCLA, UC Santa Barbara, and the University of Utah. The ARPANET was a success from the very beginning. Although originally designed to allow scientists to share data and access remote computers, email quickly became the most popular application. The ARPANET became a high–speed digital post office as people use it to collaborate on research projects and discuss topics of various interests. In 1971 the ARPANET grows to 23 hosts connecting universities and government research centers around the country. In 1972, the Inter–Networking Working Group becomes Get more content on
  • 6. History of Internet Essay examples Without a doubt, the Internet is undergoing a major transition as it experiences a tremendous influx of new users. Due to the anarchic, distributed nature of the net, we cannot even begin to enumerate the population of the Internet or its growth. As more of the world's population moves on–line, new concerns will arise which did not confront the earlier generations. The new culture will demand different resources, services and technology than the old generations expected and used. Already we can witness a clash between the emergent culture and the entrenched culture. The largest conflicts occurring now are about sharing resources, the impending commercialization of the net, and the growing problem of computer crime. The Internet was more content... It is only in the past year or two that we have begun to see the explosion of the new generation on the Internet. Businesses have begun connecting themselves to the net, especially with the prospect of the NSFNET backbone changing hands to permit commercial traffic. Public access nets run by communities or businesses are springing up in cities all over the world, bringing in users who know little about computers and are more interested in the entertainment and information they can glean from the net. Commercial providers like America Online and Compuserve are beginning to open gateways from their exclusive services to the open Internet, specifically allowing their users to access email, netnews and soon ftp and telnet services. The explosion of BBSs and the shared Fidonet software has brought many users who were previously unable to get an account through a university to the world of email and netnews. At this point, anyone with a computer and a modem can access these most basic services. Several state s, such as Maryland, have begun efforts to connect all their residents to the net, often through their library system. The city of Cambridge, MA now offers access to the world wide web for short segments of time in its public libraries, and even several progressive coffeehouses in the San Francisco Bay area and soon in the Boston area are offering public net access. In the last 20 years, the net has developed slowly, adapting comfortably as its Get more content on
  • 7. Internet Report The History of the Internet and the WWW 1. The History of the World Wide Web – The internet started out as an information resource for the government so that they could talk to each other. They called it "The Industrucable Network" because it was so many computers linked to gether that if one server went down, no–one would know. This report will mainly focus on the history of the World Wide Web(WWW) because it is the fastest growing resource on the internet. The internet consists of diferent protocals such as WWW, Gopher (Like the WWW but text based), FTP (File Transfer Protocal), and Telnet (Allows you to connect to different BBS's). There are many more smaller one's but they are inumerable. more content... From 1981 until 1984, Tim was a founding Director of Image Computer Systems Ltd, with technical design responsibility. In 1984, he took up a fellowship at CERN, to work on distributed real–time systems for scientific data acquisition and system control. In 1989, he proposed a global hypertext project, to be known as the World Wide Web. Based on the earlier "Enquire" work, it was designed to allow people to work together by combining their knowledge in a web of hypertext documents. He wrote the first World Wide Web server and the first client, a wysiwyg hypertext browser/editor which ran in the NeXTStep environment. This work was started in October 1990, and the program "WorldWideWeb" first made available within CERN in December, and on the Internet at large in the summer of 1991. Through 1991 and 1993, Tim continued working on the design of the Web, coordinating feedback from users across the Internet. His initial specifications of URIs, HTTP and HTML were refined and discussed in larger circles as the Web technology spread. In 1994, Tim joined the Laboratory for Computer Science (LCS)at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). as Director of the W3 Consortium which coordinates W3 development worldwide, with teams at MIT and at INRIA in
  • 8. France. The consortium takes as it goal to Get more content on
  • 9. The Birth Of The Internet The birth of the internet created a revolution on technology, and social media in the world. It created a vast amount of change, and has put humans onto a path that they thought they could not walk on. It has shifted modern culture and helped shape it into a unique one where the internet seems to run the world. One big part of internet culture is the platform Web 2.0. It has helped shape many applications and has had an impact on creation, and content presented in the web to viewers. Web 2.0 can be shown in the popular app Twitter, and it shows how the site has evolved, what concepts are involved in it, and the future of Twitter and Web 2.0. Early Twitter was a great example for demonstrating the concept of Web 2.0, and it involved the use of the 5 C's to help advance its application to what it is now today. Early Twitter demonstrated two distinct traits of Web 2.0 in it's site. The first example is; that Twitter was initially a broadcasting service that was oriented towards what the users wanted from it. It evolved the Hashtag, and the @ symbol use through this and emergent behavior where the people made these without guidance (Pavilik, McIntosh). Another example of its relations to Web 2.0 was the fact that it was constantly evolving and changing its content to what the users wanted from the application (O'Reilly). It also exhibited two distinct features of the 5 C's. Twitter has conversation entwined with its site, as it was a means of communication for people. It also Get more content on
  • 10. The Birth Of The Internet The birth of the internet has really made our life so much easier. You can practically learn about anything with just a few clicks on your mouse. You don 't even have to spend money to make preparations like making a hotel reservation, booking a flight or joining tours. You can do everything online including researching on the places you wish to visit. With this easy access to information there 's no reason to be ill–prepared for traveling.What pertinent information will help make the trip a success? Let 's look at be all the information you can gather for the travel itself and for your stay in the place. You can save up on your airfare by looking out for low cost seats that somebody might have reserved but did not pay for. The best time to search online is after midnight, as this is the time that airlines reload their computer. Watch out for international flights that courier between major cities. Airfares are discounted by as much as 50% with an occasional free seat to boot. If an airline announces a sale, some others are sure to follow, so again be on the lookout. Bargain weekend fares are also available. Airlines also offer special prizes for senior citizens as well as students so make use of it if you or any of your companions fall under this category. If you 're flying within the country, some of the least expensive flights are available on the smaller airlines, patronize these instead. If you 're planning on driving don 't get caught flat footed. Know the local road Get more content on
  • 11. The History and Development of the Internet To start with, we have to discuss the historical backdrop of the Internet and its development. The Internet developed out of improvements in bundle exchanging and circulated machine systems intended to be secure in time of war. Throughout the last few decades, the Internet has had monstrous developing. Several years back, numerous individuals completed not have machine information and were not mindful of how to utilize it. Today, the Internet is utilized regularly for just about every errand. A huge number of Americans have a workstation at home and the vast majority of these managers have admittance to the Net. It has gotten to be so easy to take a seat at a machine and only click starting with one page then onto the next for quite some time. This has made it a pastime to simply surf the Internet for quite some time. It is entertaining to any distinctive paying little mind to age. There are numerous kids that have admittance to a machine either at home or in their schools and they know how to utilize it to surf the net. School learners have more presentation than most age assemblies for a few reasons. This is on account of most colleges issue an email location to each understudy that is enlisted for classes. Various colleges incorporate the expense for the Internet benefit inside their educational cost rates, so full time people have ensured access. Numerous teachers urge scholars to utilize the Net to keep learners redesigned with the innovation that is accessible Get more content on
  • 12. The History Of The Internet Essay The internet has come a very long way in the past 50 years. New inovations such as integrated software and hardware has changed the way that poeple view and obtain information today. The internet is a global computer network connecting millions and millions of users throughout the world. "It is a network connecting many computer networks and is based on a common addressing system and communications protocol."It has become one of the fastest growing forms of communication today(Encyclodpedia Britannica 1999). The Internet got started by the Defense Department as a Cold War experiment in the 1950's. The government needed a way to relay information between tanks more content... When it first started ARPAnet was limited mainly to military business by the ARPA but soon scientists began to use it to work on research through e–mail. Not long after the first mailing list appeared called SF–LOVERS. The ARPA repeatedly shut the growing number of mailing lists down but gave up after a while calling it a way to "test the networks mail capacity." The ARPAnet as it was now called began to grow and by the '80's it began to link to other college and government networks. "NSFnet (national science foundation network) and the newly founded usenet were among the first to be connected. These links began the "ARPAinternet" later called just the internet." The internet grew rapidly over time and began to ease out of government ownership and into privately owned routes. In 1990 ARPAnet was shut down but by this time the internet had become completely public and no longer relied on the original ARPAnet. It however still used the TCP/IP technology developed by Cerf(Buick, Joanna and Jevtic, Zoran). "Usenet was a network similar to ARPAnet created by graduate students and faculty Get more content on
  • 13. History of the Internet The most significant invention of humanity. What is the greatest invention in humanity? There are many things people think of like computers, cars, electricity etc.... However, there is one invention that many people use every day from watching a movie, sending or checking emails and looking up complex or simple questions etc. without this piece of technology the world would be in a different place. This piece of technology is called the internet. The internet is one of the most important inventions in modern day history and has the ability to enable people to communicate and transfer information across the world and is able to give us countless amounts of information and data. The evolution of the more content... In 1991 a computer programmer named Tim Berber lee invented the World–Wide–Web, this was one of the most important inventions in the evolution of the internet because this wasn't just a data sharing space for scientist but this invention built an entire network of information sharing that enabled anyone with an internet connection to get information and in 1992 the first internet browser to have interface was introduced. In 1993 Mosaic invented a browser which changed the world and popularize the way people surfed the web, Mosaic also influenced many other browsers. In 1994 Amazon created internet shopping which has now become the most popular website for online shopping. In 1994 Netscape Navigator would become the most popular web browser in the world which accounted for 90 percent of the usage of the web in 1995. In the early 90s companies like AOL and Compuserve were starting to provide affordable consumer dial–up internet access. Dial up is a method where connecting to the internet was done via telephone. In September 4, 1998, something special was coming and it was called Google, a search engine found by Larry Page and Sergey Brin which would change the way we look up information and the way we think of the world wide web. Google still continues today as the most popular search engine on the web. According to CNN in Get more content on
  • 14. History Of The Internet Essay example The year is 1957 and the USSR has just launched the first artificial earth satellite. In response America launches the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) within the Department of Defense (DOD) to create America's lead in science and technology. The Internet had its humble beginnings here, within ARPA's many projects. The Internet has become one of the key symbols of today's pop culture: everything has a "dot com" address; people do not say "call me," but instead its "I'll E–mail you;" and the new word on the stock market is "E–business." The Internet has not always been such a key figure in American life; in fact it was mostly unheard of until recently. The theory more content... The final problem that ARPAnet came across was the fact that most computers did not run exactly the same hardware or software as another. Their solution to this was to build smaller computers (called Interface Message Processors or IMPs) that were in direct contact with the main computer and also in connection with the other IMPs on the network. All of the IMPs were built to the same specifications so that one could easily communicate with the other5. In 1968 all three of these developments were put into action when ARPA sent out proposals and requests for contractors. Bolt, Beranek, and Newman, Inc. (BBN) were awarded the contract to build the IMPs, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) was awarded the Network Measurement Center contract, and the Network Working Group (NWG) was formed to develop host protocols for the soon to be developed ARPAnet. Nodes are set up as soon as BBN builds the IMP for that location. The first node was at UCLA and installed on August 30, 1969. It was the Network Measurement center and ran on the SDS SIGMA7 operating system. The second node was setup on October 1, 1969, at Stanford Research Institute. It was the Network Information Center (NIC) and ran on the SDS940/Genie operating system. Node three was installed November 1, 1969, at University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB). It served as the mathematical Get more content on
  • 15. The Internet : The Origin Of The Internet The arrival of the internet initiated a new age in which people had the ability to create their own community. The universality of it allowed people from all across the globe to easily interact with each other which meant it was no longer necessary to live in proximity with one another in order to maintain contact and make friends. One of the applications that emerged as a result of the internet age was YouTube. YouTube allowed people to be able to view and hear others without having to be in vicinity of them. It quickly became a linking force between people and allowed them to expand beyond their social bubble which provided opportunities for them to have contact with people who live far away. The years following its launch have only strengthened its position as a source of connection between people as it is increasingly used as a platform to share one's life. YouTube allows those with obscure interests to have a community that he or she is able to be a part of. Feelings of isolation are inevitable when only one person within a social bubble is interested in something. For teenagers, these feelings of loneliness are intensified since it is an age in which they are figuring out who they are. A nonexistent support system during this time can cause significant damage to self–esteem and self–acceptance because the teen feels as if they are strange for their interests. However, with YouTube, everyone has the ability to find people who have similar interests since YouTube is Get more content on
  • 16. The Discovery Of The Internet We humans discover enormous astonishing things, and established powerful tools that will change our live forever. One of the biggest accomplishment was the discovery of technology. The history of technology is the history of invention of tools and techniques that generated since the hunting and gathering period. During that period, all humans made different stone tools for hunting wild animals for their survival. As the years went by, humans were lived in civilized society that emerged their advancement of technology rapidly, especially in the past two centuries that made everyone's way of living easier. For instance, invention of transportation that we can travel different place by airplane, railroad, ships and of course automobiles. Also, discovery of telephone gave us the ability to communicate each other even its miles apart. Ultimately the biggest innovation is the discovery of the internet. In 21st century, the power of internet contributes to the humanity that makes the world more interconnected as well as influences us daily bases that changes the way of living in most convenience. The latest trending big thing in our society is the online shopping, which is the most easy way to buy stuff without physically go to store to purchase. This magical advancement help us to buy products that we want within short amount of time as well as enable to access to thousands of stores. In the proper business term, this form of business called e–commerce. Today, there are Get more content on
  • 17. History of the Internet Essay examples A very common question that often arises is 'When was the Internet developed or invented?" That is a good question, one that is hard to define as it has many multiple answers. The Internet, including the World Wide Web (WWW), is perhaps one of the greatest inventions of our time. Without a doubt, it has had a profound effect on almost every aspect of our lives. The formation and implementation of the Internet has changed the way we do business, communicate, entertain, retrieve information, and even educate ourselves. Nevertheless, the Internet might have never materialized if it had not been for some innovated thinkers from the Advanced Research Project Agency, who created "ARPAnet." The Internet began as a proposed plan more content... This development continued at a fast pace until an English computer scientist, Timothy Berners–Lee, for the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) developed the protocols for the World Wide Web in 1989. The Internet refers to the global information system that is logically linked together by a globally unique address space based on the Internet Protocol (IP); is able to support communications using the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) suite; provides, uses, or makes accessible, either publicly or privately, high level services layered on the communications and related infrastructure. Computers on the Internet may use one or all of the following Internet services: В· Electronic mail (e–mail). Permits you to send and receive mail. Provides access to discussion groups. В· Telnet or remote login. Permits your computer to log onto another computer and use it as if you were there. В· FTP or File Transfer Protocol. Allows your computer to rapidly retrieve complex files intact from a remote computer and view or save them on your computer. В· Gopher. An early, text–only method for accessing Internet documents. Gopher has been almost entirely subsumed in the World Wide Web, but Get more content on
  • 18. The Internet and Technology Essay The Internet and Technology Technology today has made an impact in our everyday lives. Technology offers many advances in the world. One of the areas of impact is in the field of education. An important technological advance has been movies and videos. Some would say these have become vital teaching tools. Technology as a whole has made way for several new conventions, some good, and some bad. While there are several advantages to using technology to enhance education, there are also several disadvantages. Technology as it is used today can improve the knowledge a student attains. However, the disadvantages outweigh the advantages. As Christians we need to be aware of the many things that technology has to offer us so that more content... Many different students learn in many different ways. For example some are visual learners, others are oral learners and still, others are the kind of students who must take notes several times before they fully understand a concept. Technology gives students an interesting way to learn, it helps those students that are visual learners, rather than verbal learners. It helps students become individual learners, offering a plethora of websites for students to look up and learn from on their own. On the other hand, technology can be a detriment to students. First of all, teachers put too much emphasis on the appearance of assignments, such as the pictures and the font type and the format, rather than paying attention to the actual quality of the assignment. Students spend more time on finding pictures, typing up their work in special fonts, and focusing on the looks of their papers, rather than focusing on the important things, such as the thesis statements, organization and details the paper contains. "Students spend too much time creating high–tech presentations that don't offer significant improvements over traditional slide shows, oral presentations, index cards and all" (Bassett 75). This isn't teaching the student anything except that looks are more important than content. Is that what we want to teach the next generation of students? "Teachers should not allow the glitter and power of high technology to distract them from focusing their Get more content on
  • 19. The Internet : The History Of The Internet History of the Internet Chances are you know someone right now that was alive before the internet was even in the works. In just thirty four years the internet has advanced further than anyone ever expected it to. The internet is everywhere and being in things such as computers, phones, tablets, televisions and many other pieces of technology, it has an endless amount of uses. Before the internet, news would not travel as fast and less things were known about the world and the people in it. During the early age of the computer, computers were expensive to produce and operate, and were separated by distance and purpose, forcing a single person who wanted to access multiple functions and information to physically travel to a site where multiple computers were located. The internet which in its early stage was known as ARPANETwas created by the US Department of Defenses Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA). The concept of ARPANET was first thought of in 1962 when a man by the name of J.C.R. Licklider who attended MIT wrote a series of memos in August 1962 discussing his "Galactic Network" concept. He imagined a world wide system, all of which was connected by computers where everyone could quickly access data and programs from any site at any time. His idea very was much like the Internet of the world we live in now. Licklider was the first head of the computer research program at ARPA, starting in October 1962. While at ARPA he convinced his successors, Bob Taylor, Get more content on
  • 20. History Of Internet On The World Josh Margolis EMF140 November 2, 2015 History of Internet Before the the Internet was created, linking the world, human beings were already thinking with a connected mind. While messages obviously were unable to be transferred electronically, humans invented different ways to trade information and news with other people. Firstly was the post. In order to send a friend a message, a letter would have had to been written and mailed. Mailing messages was a long process, often taking days to get one message to another person. This method (still used today) was not the most convenient because there is no urgency or speed in mailing a letter. Luckily in the mid 1800's the telegraph was invented. Sent for the first time in 1838, the telegraph was the first instance of sending a message (4). A telegraph is defined "as the transmission of textual or symbolic messages without the physical exchange of an object. This is the first instance of a message being sent in a "virtual" sense (2). While messages could be delivered through the mail within a matter of days, a telegraph could be transmitted live. At the time this was quite a feat. When studying the creation of the internet, it is important to remember that not one single man directly created the web that we know today. Rather, many brilliant minds, over time, added and refined the experience for the greater good. Originally, the earliest version of the internet was constructed as a tool for US warfare. The United States Get more content on
  • 21. History and Development of the Internet The internet is a global computer network connecting millions and millions of users throughout the world. (Leiner, 2). It has become one of the fastest growing forms of communication today. (Marshall, 1). The Internet started as a Defense Department Cold War experiment in the 1950’s. (Academic American, 225). The government needed a way to relay information between tanks and headquarters so the APRA (Advanced Research Projects Agency) sought a way to let signals from the battlefield reach a headquarters computer using satellites and radio signals. At the same time the command posts of the nation were located deep underground more content... This was the point when the military really began to take interest in the project. (Diamond, 5) When it first started APRAnet was limited mainly to military business by the APRA but soon scientists began to use it to collaborate on research through e–mail. Not long after the first mailing list appeared called SF–LOVERS. The APRA repeatedly shut the growing number of mailing lists down but gave up after a while calling it a way to "test the networks mail capacity." The APRAnet as it was now called began to grow and by the ‘80’s it began to link to other college and government networks. NSFnet (national science foundation network) and the newly founded usenet were among the first to be connected. These links began the "APRAinternet" later called just the internet. The internet grew rapidly over time and began to ease out of government ownership and into privately owned routes. In 1990 APRAnet was shut down but by this time the internet had become completely public and no longer relied on the original APRAnet. (Diamond, 6). It however still used the TCP/IP technology developed by Cerf. (Academic American, 225) Usenet was a network similar to APRAnet created Get more content on