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Pros and Cons of the Internet Essay
The Internet is more popular today than it was years ago. As technology advances, the use of the
Internet grows yonder and is an amazing addition in our lives. The Internet has been perhaps the
most outstanding innovation in the field of communication in the history of humanity. It is a global
meeting place where people from all parts of the world can collaborate. Additionally, it is a service
available on the computer, through which anyone who has access to the Internet can receive. The
Internet is for a business owner, an employee, and a student.
Although the Internet is widely used in the homes, the Internet has its own advantages and
disadvantages. Many have fears that the Internet poses too many harmful effects, therefore,
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During one's spare time, one may decide either to play an online game or to join a chat room. The
objective person may say that browsing the Internet and performing that kind of activity
encourages laziness but I beg to differ. The virtual world can actually be constructive. It
stimulates the mind to try a wide range of games right in arms length. You will be able to choose
which game satisfies your desire. In addition, chat rooms allow you to meet new people and learn
about different cultures by interaction and helps in your conversation skills. Since the person is not
visual, there is no need to fear having a conversation because the confidence level should grow
behind the scenes. A chat room is a way to learn, talk and socialize (Crystal).
Meanwhile, business is another addition to what the Internet has to offer. Businessmen and women
both utilize the Internet for so many reasons. It comes in handy for advertising purposes, which
brings forth the term E–commerce. Ecommerce is the concept used for any type of commercial
maneuvering, or business deals that involves the transfer of information across the globe via Internet
(Pakhare). This will target a wider network of potential customers rather than seclude it to one area.
Can this be harmful? It is more of an asset to the businessperson. Likewise, the average person
performs business online too. They flock towards online banking services, which is more convenient
to conduct transactions and view
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Dangers of the Internet Essay
Dangers of the Internet
There are many pitfalls and perils on the Internet. Some of them are easy to avoid while other are
not so obvious. Some of the Pitfalls and perils are annoying, while others are deadly to your
computer. Still others are humorous and entertaining. There are many dangers on the Internet. This
paper will try to cover some of them.
The biggest dangers of the Internet are virus. Viruses are small programs that "infect" computers.
Most viruses are made to "steal" and or "destroy" data stored on the infected computer. Viruses, that
destroy data, write their code into a file and when that file is accessed it rewrites itself in to more files
until the virus corrupters or "infects" a file that the computer needs to more content...
E–mailed Viruses are harder to avoid. Opening an attached file can trigger them or by touching the
message that contains the attached file and then the file menu bar of the E–mail program. (Email
Hole Exposes Computers) The seconded way to start a virus is because of a hole in Netscape's mail
program and also MS's Outlook. A new way for Viruses to be spread by E
–mail is to put the whole
code for the virus in the subject line that way when the computer read the subject line it
unwittingly activated the virus. The newest way for people to get viruses is through the web
pages. This is done by putting the virus code into a script on the web page, now when the page is
accessed the viruses executes the viruses code. (Virus Thrives on HTML) This can make a virus
very prolific if a lot of people visit the web page.
Crackers use viruses for their destructive ways. Crackers are people who go out of their way to
cause damage to other peoples systems through the use of viruses and direct hacking. Crackers
are not hackers. Calling a Cracker a hacker is like comparing a red delicious apple to a golden
delicious apple. Hackers are computer enthuses that hack, break in to, systems in order to learn
about the system. Hackers as a rule do not do any damage to the system. Crackers are the ones to
give hackers bad repartitions. Crackers use virus
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The History Of The Internet Essay
The internet has come a very long way in the past 50 years. New inovations such as integrated
software and hardware has changed the way that poeple view and obtain information today. The
internet is a global computer network connecting millions and millions of users throughout the
world. "It is a network connecting many computer networks and is based on a common
addressing system and communications protocol."It has become one of the fastest growing
forms of communication today(Encyclodpedia Britannica 1999).
The Internet got started by the Defense Department as a Cold War experiment in the 1950's. The
government needed a way to relay information between tanks more content...
When it first started ARPAnet was limited mainly to military business by the ARPA but soon
scientists began to use it to work on research through e–mail. Not long after the first mailing list
appeared called SF–LOVERS. The ARPA repeatedly shut the growing number of mailing lists down
but gave up after a while calling it a way to "test the networks mail capacity." The
ARPAnet as it was now called began to grow and by the '80's it began to link to other college and
government networks. "NSFnet (national science foundation network) and the newly founded
usenet were among the first to be connected. These links began the "ARPAinternet" later
called just the internet." The internet grew rapidly over time and began to ease out of
government ownership and into privately owned routes. In 1990 ARPAnet was shut down but by this
time the internet had become completely public and no longer relied on the original ARPAnet. It
however still used the TCP/IP technology developed by Cerf(Buick, Joanna and Jevtic, Zoran).
"Usenet was a network similar to ARPAnet created by graduate students and faculty
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History Of The Internet Essay
History of the Internet
Works Cited
Buick, Joanna and Jevtic, Zoran. Introducing Cyberspace. New York, NY: Totem
Books, 1995.
Crick, Prof. Rex E. E–Mail History. [Online] Available
/mailhist.html, December 20, 1999.
Hafner, Katie and Lyon,Mathew. Where Wizards Stay up Late. New York, NY:
Simon & Schuster Inc., 1996.
"Internet." Encyclopedia Britannica, 1999 ed.
Kristula, Dave. The History of the Internet. [Online] Available–history.html, November 19, 1999.
Network Solutions, Inc. What is the History of the Internet. [Online] more content...
The data is then sent back through the system to the original user. The information that is on the data
coming back could have came from a wide array of sources such as books, financial markets,
embedded chips or even made up by someone trying to fool the user. The History? The Internet is
Johnson 2
conceived in the early '60s. "Under the leadership of the Department of Defense's Advanced
Research Project Agency, it grows from a paper architecture into a small network (ARPANET) meant
to promote the sharing of super–computers amongst researchers in the United States." (Kristula, pg
68). Through the next couple years there were talks of about how this network could come into the
cooperate world. In 1969 researchers at four US campuses created the first hosts of the ARPANET.
They connected the Stanford Research Institute, UCLA, UC Santa Barbara, and the University of
Utah. The ARPANET was a success from the very beginning. Although originally designed to allow
scientists to share data and access remote computers, email quickly became the most popular
application. The ARPANET became a high–speed digital post office as people use it to collaborate
on research projects and discuss topics of various interests. In 1971 the ARPANET grows to 23 hosts
connecting universities and government research centers around the country. In 1972, the
Inter–Networking Working Group becomes
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The Birth Of The Internet
The birth of the internet created a revolution on technology, and social media in the world. It created
a vast amount of change, and has put humans onto a path that they thought they could not walk on. It
has shifted modern culture and helped shape it into a unique one where the internet seems to run the
world. One big part of internet culture is the platform Web 2.0. It has helped shape many
applications and has had an impact on creation, and content presented in the web to viewers. Web
2.0 can be shown in the popular app Twitter, and it shows how the site has evolved, what concepts
are involved in it, and the future of Twitter and Web 2.0.
Early Twitter was a great example for demonstrating the concept of Web 2.0, and it involved the
use of the 5 C's to help advance its application to what it is now today. Early Twitter demonstrated
two distinct traits of Web 2.0 in it's site. The first example is; that Twitter was initially a
broadcasting service that was oriented towards what the users wanted from it. It evolved the
Hashtag, and the @ symbol use through this and emergent behavior where the people made these
without guidance (Pavilik, McIntosh). Another example of its relations to Web 2.0 was the fact that
it was constantly evolving and changing its content to what the users wanted from the application
(O'Reilly). It also exhibited two distinct features of the 5 C's. Twitter has conversation entwined with
its site, as it was a means of communication for people. It also
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The Internet and Technology Essay
The Internet and Technology
Technology today has made an impact in our everyday lives. Technology offers many advances in
the world. One of the areas of impact is in the field of education. An important technological
advance has been movies and videos. Some would say these have become vital teaching tools.
Technology as a whole has made way for several new conventions, some good, and some bad. While
there are several advantages to using technology to enhance education, there are also several
disadvantages. Technology as it is used today can improve the knowledge a student attains. However,
the disadvantages outweigh the advantages. As Christians we need to be aware of the many things
that technology has to offer us so that more content...
Many different students learn in many different ways. For example some are visual learners, others
are oral learners and still, others are the kind of students who must take notes several times before
they fully understand a concept. Technology gives students an interesting way to learn, it helps those
students that are visual learners, rather than verbal learners. It helps students become individual
learners, offering a plethora of websites for students to look up and learn from on their own.
On the other hand, technology can be a detriment to students. First of all, teachers put too much
emphasis on the appearance of assignments, such as the pictures and the font type and the format,
rather than paying attention to the actual quality of the assignment. Students spend more time on
finding pictures, typing up their work in special fonts, and focusing on the looks of their papers,
rather than focusing on the important things, such as the thesis statements, organization and details
the paper contains. "Students spend too much time creating high–tech presentations that don't offer
significant improvements over traditional slide shows, oral presentations, index cards and all"
(Bassett 75). This isn't teaching the student anything except that looks are more important than
content. Is that what we want to teach the next generation of students? "Teachers should not allow
the glitter and power of high technology to distract them from focusing their
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The Internet as a Learning Tool Essay example
The Internet as a Learning Tool
The Internet has a universal appeal for most people. We (in the United States) have become
dependant on it for our daily routines. We shop, send mail, read the news, look up movie reviews,
etc., using the Internet. We depend on this service, because we have told ourselves that "It" has
made our lives easier. We advocate the use of similar technologies within the classroom, because we
are convinced that the use of computers and having access to the Internet is the best way to educate
our children so they can have an equal chance to reach their potential and accomplish their goals.
It is true that the Internet is a great source of information. Its value as a resource is immeasurable.
Unfortunately, more content...
The Internet is a great research tool. I think that all students at the university level should be
proficient at using it. I also know that these skills are better learned when taught from a young
age; therefore, the sooner we teach students to use the internet (as a serious resource) the faster the
students will pick it up and be able to learn to reap its benefits. The Internet is a public forum and as
such, it is accessible to all kinds of people.
Teaching students to be critical of what they research on the net can help them to be more critical
overall. I think that a way of teaching critical evaluation of sites is by having the students access or
build their own (class) web–site. To implement this at the elementary, middle school and high school
level might not be easy. Most schools are hooked up to the Internet for research but availability of
servers is short or non–existent. Servers are required for setting up a class or student's web–site. The
possibility is interesting and worth exploring. A student or a whole class would benefit from the
experience and knowledge that would be gained by their exposure with this endeavor.
I know that the Internet is a great research and information tool. I assume that it can be utilized for
educational purposes beginning in elementary school. I imagine that the implementation of equal
access and curricular use of
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History of the Internet Essay examples
A very common question that often arises is 'When was the Internet developed or invented?" That is
a good question, one that is hard to define as it has many multiple answers.
The Internet, including the World Wide Web (WWW), is perhaps one of the greatest inventions of
our time. Without a doubt, it has had a profound effect on almost every aspect of our lives. The
formation and implementation of the Internet has changed the way we do business, communicate,
entertain, retrieve information, and even educate ourselves. Nevertheless, the Internet might have
never materialized if it had not been for some innovated thinkers from the Advanced Research Project
Agency, who created "ARPAnet."
The Internet began as a proposed plan more content...
This development continued at a fast pace until an English computer scientist, Timothy Berners–Lee,
for the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) developed the protocols for the World
Wide Web in 1989.
The Internet refers to the global information system that is logically linked together by a globally
unique address space based on the Internet Protocol (IP); is able to support communications using
the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) suite; provides, uses, or makes
accessible, either publicly or privately, high level services layered on the communications and related
Computers on the Internet may use one or all of the following Internet services:
В· Electronic mail (e–mail). Permits you to send and receive mail. Provides access to discussion
В· Telnet or remote login. Permits your computer to log onto another computer and use it as if you
were there.
В· FTP or File Transfer Protocol. Allows your computer to rapidly retrieve complex files intact from
a remote computer and view or save them on your computer.
В· Gopher. An early, text–only method for accessing Internet documents. Gopher has been almost
entirely subsumed in the World Wide Web, but
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The Invention of the Internet Essay
The Invention of the Internet
Perhaps one of the greatest inventions of out time is the Internet. Without a doubt, the net has had a
profound effect on almost every aspect of our lives. The formation of the Internet has changed the
way we do business, communicate, entertain, retrieve information, and even educate ourselves.
Nevertheless, the Internet might have never materialized if it had not been for some innovated
thinkers from the Advanced Research Project Agency, who created "ARPANET." In collaboration
with several educational and research institutions, the agency created the packet–switching
technologies that form the basis of the Internet today.
"The Internet refers to the global information system that is more content...
The internet matured in the 1970's as a result of the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
(TCP/IP), which is sill used today. It was adopted by the U.S. Department of Defense in 1980, and
universally adopted in 1983. The usage of TCP/IP is what unites all elements of the net. Both
public domain and commercial implementations of the roughly one hundred protocols of the TCP
/IP protocol suite became available in the 1980's. During the early 1990's, Open Systems
Interconnection (OSI) protocol implementations also became available by the end of 1991, the
Internet has grown to include some 5,000 networks in over three dozen countries, serving over
700,000 host computers used be over 4,000,000 people. By December 1996, about 627,000 Internet
domain names had been registered and now there are more than 30 million registered.
The conceptual foundation for the creation of the Internet was significantly developed by three
individuals and a research conference, each of which changed the way we thought about technology
by accurately predicting its future: Vannevar Bush wrote the first visionary description of the
potential uses for information technology with his description of the "memex" automated library
system. Norbet Wiener invented the field of Cybernetics, inspiring future researchers to focus on the
use of technology to expand human compatibilities. The 1956 Dartmouth Artificial Intelligence
Conference crystallized the concept that
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Internet Essay
The Internet links people together via computer terminals and telephone lines
(and in some cases wireless radio connections) in a web of networks and shared software. This
allows users to communicate with one another wherever they are in the "net." This Internet
link began as the United States military project Agency Network Advanced Research (ARPANET)
during the Vietnam War in 1969. It was developed by the United States
Department of Defense's (DOD) research people in conjunction with various contractors and
universities to investigate the probability of a communication network that could survive a nuclear
attack. For the first decade that the
Internet was in existence, it was primarily used to facilitate electronic mail, support more
Although in some cases it may be earlier and in some later, the typical age at which a child begins
to learn computer skills are kindergarten age, or age five. For example at the
Children Television Work Shop website, a young child can click on a query and in a few days an
E–mail arrives. For the purpose of this analysis, the broad word "children" will be condensed to
contain two age groups –– elementary level, ages' 5–12, and secondary level, ages' 13–18. At either
level, the World Wide Web poses clear dangers to children. These children grow up enlightened
with technology, which they take for granted and know exactly how to use it. Most parents are not
conscious of what lies behind that innocuous screen. If you give one's child carte blanche use of a
computer attached to a modem, it is as serious as handing a ten–year–old the car keys and telling
them to have a good time. These "cyberchildren" are vulnerable to potential dangers as a result of
Internet use. These perils include contact with dangerous individuals, exposure to sexually
suggestive materials, exposure to explicit conversations and obscenity in chat rooms, and access to
violent interactive games. One very dangerous downside to Internet communication is its potential
for the telling of untruths. One can never be certain at any given time to whom one is talking or if
the conversation is sincere and truthful.
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The Growth Of The Internet Essay
As countries around the world are modernizing, technologies are developing, the computers are
being easier to be accessed by users and the utilization of smartphones is increasing, people around
the world has been given the opportunities to use the Internet more frequently and more
conveniently. According to Internet Live Stats, around forty percent of the world population are
Internet users. In other words, about 3.5 billion individuals, more than double the population of the
world's most populous country China, can get access to the Internet at home by any devices with
varied types and connections. There are many reasons leading to the rapid growth of the Internet, but
one of the biggest reasons is the foundation and speedy development of Web 2.0, the World Wide
Web websites that emphasize user–created content, ease of use, and well–communication with other
systems and devices for their users, such as Twitter, Instagram, Wikipedia, and the fastest growing
social network, Facebook. As Web 2.0 in general and particularly Facebook growing, it marks a
fundamental change in how people use the Internet, and interacts with others.
The World Wide Web is an information space where documents and other web resources are
identified by URLs (Uniform Resource Locators), can be interlinked with each other by hypertext
links, and be accessed through the Internet. Being invented in 1989 by English scientist Tim
Bernes–Lee, the World Wide Web quickly becomes the primary tool that billions
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Essay about The Internet
The Internet – The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
The internet is a computer based global information system. It is composed of many interconnected
computer networks. Each network may link thousands of computers enabling them to share
information. The internet has brought a transformation in many aspects of life. It is one of the biggest
contributors in making the world into a global village. Use of internet has grown tremendously since
it was introduced. It is mostly because of its flexibility. Nowadays one can access the internet easily.
Most people have computers in their homes but even the ones who don't they can always go to
cyber cafes where this service is provided. The internet developed from software called the
ARPANET which more content...
They also use it to access complex databases.
Educational institutions provide online courses. This has proven to be very helpful for those
people who have jobs or can't go for further education. Housewives can do courses by applying
from their homes and at the same time look after their kids. It also provides an opportunity to those
students who do not have many facilities in their country or cannot afford to go abroad and study.
LSE (London School of
Economics) is one such institution which has an external program and one can do while at home.
Students can carry out online conversations with professors and other fellow students abroad.
Online lectures also take place through video conferences and one can see ones professors too,
making a sort of online classroom.
Media and entertainment companies use the internet for online news and weather services and to
broadcast audio and video, including live radio and television programs.
Although there are many benefits of the internet, it has also been abused in its usage. The major
part is pornographic material being easily available on the internet. It is readily available to anyone
who has access to the internet. Programs have been formed to stop or infiltrate the information that
one is receiving but still there is no way all sites can be blocked because the World Wide Webis a
'huge world'. This sort of material has a real bad effect on the minds of people no matter what the
age. Governments
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Essay on Internet
How to use Internet as a management resource?
Internet is a global network, connecting thousands of host servers worldwide. The United States
Department of Defense established it in the beginning of the 1960ВЎВЇs. Today, there are now 10 to
20 million people using an Internet comprised of more than 30,000 networks spread out over 78
nations all over the world.
Now the Internet has become a great electronic gateway that provides instant access to global news
and information. The databases, documents, files, and programs that are ВЎВ°sittingВЎВ± on
Internet computers contain a tremendous amount of information. You can search for and find
up–to–the–minute stock market activity, weather reports, music, recipe; you can more
At last, we will briefly discuss some risks for using Internet.
Implementing Internet as a management resources:
Search external information to compete in the business world
Approach specific knowledge and experts to increase management skill
Use internet as a tool to improve management performance
The very fundamental purpose of Internet is to provide an open information framework with few
access barriers to information. There are several potential risks associated with the implementation
of Internet in the organization. So managers should pay attention to it and avoid it.
Internet is a completely open system. Any user is able to access any information
interconnected via the information superhighway.
Computer "Viruses" and "Worms".
Computer Viruses and Worms are known for causing harm to computer systems.
Information Overload and Redundancies.
How to successful use Internet as a management resource are more than a management buzzword
and a textbook definition. It is a new way of managing organizations towards a more complex and
competitive future. Furthermore, more and more managers have realized that Internet is not only a
communication tools and information resource. In fact, managers have promoted how to use
Internet to their strategy plan. Internet has proven very successful in providing information and
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History and Development of the Internet
The internet is a global computer network connecting millions and millions of users throughout the
world. (Leiner, 2). It has become one of the fastest growing forms of communication today.
(Marshall, 1).
The Internet started as a Defense Department Cold War experiment in the 1950’s.
(Academic American, 225). The government needed a way to relay information between tanks and
headquarters so the APRA (Advanced Research Projects Agency) sought a way to let signals from
the battlefield reach a headquarters computer using satellites and radio signals. At the same time the
command posts of the nation were located deep underground more content...
This was the point when the military really began to take interest in the project. (Diamond, 5)
When it first started APRAnet was limited mainly to military business by the APRA but soon
scientists began to use it to collaborate on research through e–mail. Not long after the first mailing
list appeared called SF–LOVERS. The APRA repeatedly shut the growing number of mailing lists
down but gave up after a while calling it a way to "test the networks mail capacity." The
APRAnet as it was now called began to grow and by the ‘80’s it began to
link to other college and government networks. NSFnet (national science foundation network) and
the newly founded usenet were among the first to be connected. These links began the
"APRAinternet" later called just the internet. The internet grew rapidly over time and
began to ease out of government ownership and into privately owned routes. In 1990 APRAnet was
shut down but by this time the internet had become completely public and no longer relied on the
original APRAnet. (Diamond, 6). It however still used the TCP/IP technology developed by Cerf.
(Academic American, 225)
Usenet was a network similar to APRAnet created
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The Impact of the Internet on Society
The internet has influenced, and is still influencing the way society communicates in many different
ways. The rise of the internet has caused people to communicate differently in areas never dreamed
of before the internet came into existence. Education has been revolutionized through the world of
the "Information Super Highway". Medicine has also seen reform as the internet improves research
and communication. Individuals are starting businesses from scratch, while others are selling
household items for extra cash. This internet "typhoon" sweeping the globe has become a way of
life for many individuals all across the globe.
Education has seen a recent revolution in the way it operates. more content...
The ease of use of the internet allowed for the young students to locate the information with ease.
The addition of images and animations also enticed the students and made it an enjoyable
experience. Through the internet, a topic that would be otherwise dull and boring to young students
became an exciting adventure. The internet can make learning so much more exciting, interesting,
engaging, and alive. The internet offers a vast amount of opportunity for schools. More and more we
can see the revolution of education happening.
Also, the internet has changed the way students can learn. In recent years, education has jumped
from the classroom into online forums and chat rooms. New systems, called Virtual Schools allows
students who are unable to attend class in person, or aren't offered the program in their area to take
accredited courses online. Instead of a teacher lecturing, teachers make use of bulletin systems,
called forums, to communicate with their students. Students are given assignments, quizzes, and
tests online.
Medicine has also undergone reform. Massive collaborations between researchers working on areas
as diverse as hereditary neurological diseases and the basic biology of microorganisms is all
happening thanks to the Internet. Telemedicine is also allowing medical specialists in Boston to
diagnose and treat patients in California. The internet is also has allowed the general public
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Thesis Statement On Internet Usage
Betty Webb
Lisa Barricks
Eng 101
0ctober 26, 2017
Topic: Internet Usage
Thesis Statement: Internet usage is negatively affecting families, knowledge, and improperly used. It
has changed over the past few years and increasingly being used.
Akinoglu, Orhan. "Internet and internet use: teacher trainees' perspective." Journal of Instructional
Psychology, vol. 36, no. 2, 2009, p. 97+. Academic OneFile,
Accessed 26 Oct 2017.
Internet usages can be helpful and a great asset for teachers and trainee employees. I Is beneficial in
many ways such as time control, easy communication, and able to access any part of the world.
Domine, Vanessa " more content...
"A systematic review of the relationship between internet use, self–harm suicidal behavior in young
people: The good, the bad and the unknown." PLos ONE, vol 12. No. 8. 2017. p. e0181722
Academic OneFile.
P= Apme&
Accessed 26 Oct 2017.
Internet usage can be harmful. Different risk factors included with elevated internet use includes
cyber bullying, suicide on social media, and self–harm. These can play a role on the negative impact
that the internet is having on teenagers and young adults.
Nakayama, Hideeki, et al. "Treatment and risk factors of Internet use disorders." Psychiatry and
Clinical Neurosciences, vol. 71, no. 7, 2017, p. 492+. Academic One File,
Accessed 26 Oct. 2017 Habits are easy to come by. It is time consuming. Internet usage can lead to
IUD "Internet Usage Disorders." Which results in many years of therapy, family therapy, and high
telephone and internet usage bill. Peterson, Scott A, et al. "Internet use and romantic relationships
among college
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Essay on the Internet
Duncan 1
Dimaikys D. Duncan Paolo Javier English 101 May 30, 2013 Does the Internet make us smarter or
dumber? There is a complex debate over the Internet and whether it is making society smarter or
dumber. For that matter the debate focuses on the Internet and the intellectuality of individuals, and
if the Internet hinders or it progresses society as a whole. Other critics argue that the Internet
contributes to the decline of our mental state. On the other hand, others argue that the Internet
promotes and encourages literacy by its ability in providing limitless amount of information at the
stroke of a key. more content...
We become mere signal processing units, quickly shepherding disjointed bits of information into and
then out of short–term memory. Carr illustrates how the Internet is making us more superficial as
thinkers. He also states how the internet is an information rich environment that the net creates for
us and that's why we use it so much, he refers to words, sounds, pictures, texts and what this tends to
do for us is promote a sort of compulsive behavior which we're constantly checking our smartphone,
constantly glancing at our e–mail inbox, and we are living in this perpetual state of distraction and
interruption which is dangerous according to Carr because that mode of thinking, crowds out the
more contemplate and calmer mode of thinking, and that focused calmed thinking is actually how
we learn. That is a process is named memory consolidation. That means that the process of
information from our short term working memory to our long term memory and its through moving
information from your working memory to your long term memory that you create connections
between that information and everything else you know. Carr believes that "attention is the key, and
if we loose control of our attention or are constantly dividing our attention then we don't really enjoy
that consolidation process". I disagree with this quote because I believe that we can also enjoy that
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The Benefits of The Internet
Thinking about the internet reminds me of something that was said in my history class. My
professor was lecturing about the early colonies in America and how the men of that time had to
sail up and down coasts in order to make maps. They had to actually draw these landscapes as
they saw them. This process would sometimes take years to accomplish. I realized that the
technology our ancestors used could today be accomplished in seconds versus years. I have access,
at the touch of a button, to maps from satellites miles above the earth. I can go shopping without
ever moving my legs and communicate with friends and family all over the world, which was once
nearly impossible. What an advantage I have more content...
Roswell is a city that I really have trouble with in this area, every building looks the same and all
the roads sound the same. If it weren't for the directions that I received in I would
have never made it to pick up my prom dress last year. With school and work filling most of my
schedule anything that saves me time is a lifesaver. Therefore I shop on the internet as much as
possible. For instance, when I was in high school, I hated having to drive to a book store to
acquire my summer reading books. I once spent a whole day searching for one book at several
different book stores all over town and the town next to mine; only to find out that almost every
kid in my grade, and at every school in the surrounding counties was buying and looking for the
same books. All of us were buying out and harassing the clerks for theses books at stores such as
Barnes and Nobles, local bookstores such as Jillian's Books, and Walden Books. What a waste of
time! There is so much merchandise , like my books, that can be purchased over the internet. E–Bay
is also a place where everyday people buy and sell personal items and equipment. My brother, Ben,
loves E–Bay because this is where he finds accessories to his 1972 master craft boat which he is
re–building. E–Bay has introduced him to a whole new world of shopping. With out it he would still
be searching for the limited items that he has
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Internet Essay
Internet Speech to Motivate a.Speech title (Tip – Should have a literary quality): " The Lungs of the
Earth" b.Topic (Tip– narrow and adapt to audience, see ch. 5 in text): The Amazon Forest
c.Purpose Statements (See sample W.O.R.M.S. and ch. 5 in text): 1.General Purpose: To persuade
my audience. 2.Specific Purpose: To persuade my audience to do one of these things to help
preserve the Amazon Forest: write a letter, recycling, form and support a organization, or/and give
financial support to preserve the Amazon Forest. 3.Central Idea (thesis): "The Amazon Forest is of
Global Importance" d.Audience Analysis/Adaptations (Tip – see Chapter 4 in text; refer to student
samples, answer all questions more content...
By the end of my speech, my audience will understand the importance of preserving the Amazon
forest and know ways to help preserve the Amazon Forest. 3.In what specific ways do you feel
your audience will benefit from what you are asking them to act on? How will you address that
during the speech? I think that my audience will understand and see that the preservation of the
Amazon Forest is important and benefit to their survival and also to the survival of the entire
world. I will show the importance of the Amazon Forest by describing an amount of terrible
consequences to the world if the Amazon Forest is destroyed. 4.If what you're asking the audience to
do is such a good idea, why aren't they doing as you request already? What are their specific
objections to your plan, and how will you attempt to answer those objections? My audience isn't
doing what I request already because the Amazon Forest is a global matter, therefore they think that
an individual can't make a difference. Also, because they think that the Amazon forest will never be
destroyed and my audience doesn't know about the terrible consequences that the destruction of the
Amazon Forest can bring to this planet. I think that my audience can think that why should they
worry for something that doesn't belong to the US? Therefore, I will show them the global
importance of the Amazon Forest. e.Speech Outline I.Attention Step (Tip
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People are spending too much time online The Internet has dramatically changed our lives over the
past few decades. Through Internet technology innovation and development, the Internet provides a
lot of benefits to people's life; doing business online, shopping online, playing video games and so
on. With social media, people can see what is happening all over the world, searching information,
resources they need, communicating with friends or family oversea. Nowadays, Internet is closely
related to people's daily life; people can barely live without it. However, there are some
disagreement as to whether the overall effect of this technology has been positive or negative. For
instance, with the popularity of video games, lots of teenagers are addicted into the virtual world.
People spend most of their fragmented time on their phones, computers. People should understand
that spending time on Internet for their daily studying and working are useful and helpful because
of its fast pace and powerful searching engine. Besides that, Internet isn't that important in our daily
life, because online activities cannot replace the real life. People claims that not only more and
more people are using Internet to searching resources and information, but also the Internet provides
a place where people can publish all kinds of information, sharing their thoughts and ideas. Internet
is a place where there is an ocean of knowledge for people to exploitation and this is the biggest
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Internet Essay

  • 1. Pros and Cons of the Internet Essay The Internet is more popular today than it was years ago. As technology advances, the use of the Internet grows yonder and is an amazing addition in our lives. The Internet has been perhaps the most outstanding innovation in the field of communication in the history of humanity. It is a global meeting place where people from all parts of the world can collaborate. Additionally, it is a service available on the computer, through which anyone who has access to the Internet can receive. The Internet is for a business owner, an employee, and a student. Although the Internet is widely used in the homes, the Internet has its own advantages and disadvantages. Many have fears that the Internet poses too many harmful effects, therefore, more content... During one's spare time, one may decide either to play an online game or to join a chat room. The objective person may say that browsing the Internet and performing that kind of activity encourages laziness but I beg to differ. The virtual world can actually be constructive. It stimulates the mind to try a wide range of games right in arms length. You will be able to choose which game satisfies your desire. In addition, chat rooms allow you to meet new people and learn about different cultures by interaction and helps in your conversation skills. Since the person is not visual, there is no need to fear having a conversation because the confidence level should grow behind the scenes. A chat room is a way to learn, talk and socialize (Crystal). Meanwhile, business is another addition to what the Internet has to offer. Businessmen and women both utilize the Internet for so many reasons. It comes in handy for advertising purposes, which brings forth the term E–commerce. Ecommerce is the concept used for any type of commercial maneuvering, or business deals that involves the transfer of information across the globe via Internet (Pakhare). This will target a wider network of potential customers rather than seclude it to one area. Can this be harmful? It is more of an asset to the businessperson. Likewise, the average person performs business online too. They flock towards online banking services, which is more convenient to conduct transactions and view Get more content on
  • 2. Dangers of the Internet Essay Dangers of the Internet There are many pitfalls and perils on the Internet. Some of them are easy to avoid while other are not so obvious. Some of the Pitfalls and perils are annoying, while others are deadly to your computer. Still others are humorous and entertaining. There are many dangers on the Internet. This paper will try to cover some of them. The biggest dangers of the Internet are virus. Viruses are small programs that "infect" computers. Most viruses are made to "steal" and or "destroy" data stored on the infected computer. Viruses, that destroy data, write their code into a file and when that file is accessed it rewrites itself in to more files until the virus corrupters or "infects" a file that the computer needs to more content... E–mailed Viruses are harder to avoid. Opening an attached file can trigger them or by touching the message that contains the attached file and then the file menu bar of the E–mail program. (Email Hole Exposes Computers) The seconded way to start a virus is because of a hole in Netscape's mail program and also MS's Outlook. A new way for Viruses to be spread by E –mail is to put the whole code for the virus in the subject line that way when the computer read the subject line it unwittingly activated the virus. The newest way for people to get viruses is through the web pages. This is done by putting the virus code into a script on the web page, now when the page is accessed the viruses executes the viruses code. (Virus Thrives on HTML) This can make a virus very prolific if a lot of people visit the web page. Crackers use viruses for their destructive ways. Crackers are people who go out of their way to cause damage to other peoples systems through the use of viruses and direct hacking. Crackers are not hackers. Calling a Cracker a hacker is like comparing a red delicious apple to a golden delicious apple. Hackers are computer enthuses that hack, break in to, systems in order to learn about the system. Hackers as a rule do not do any damage to the system. Crackers are the ones to give hackers bad repartitions. Crackers use virus Get more content on
  • 3. The History Of The Internet Essay The internet has come a very long way in the past 50 years. New inovations such as integrated software and hardware has changed the way that poeple view and obtain information today. The internet is a global computer network connecting millions and millions of users throughout the world. "It is a network connecting many computer networks and is based on a common addressing system and communications protocol."It has become one of the fastest growing forms of communication today(Encyclodpedia Britannica 1999). The Internet got started by the Defense Department as a Cold War experiment in the 1950's. The government needed a way to relay information between tanks more content... When it first started ARPAnet was limited mainly to military business by the ARPA but soon scientists began to use it to work on research through e–mail. Not long after the first mailing list appeared called SF–LOVERS. The ARPA repeatedly shut the growing number of mailing lists down but gave up after a while calling it a way to "test the networks mail capacity." The ARPAnet as it was now called began to grow and by the '80's it began to link to other college and government networks. "NSFnet (national science foundation network) and the newly founded usenet were among the first to be connected. These links began the "ARPAinternet" later called just the internet." The internet grew rapidly over time and began to ease out of government ownership and into privately owned routes. In 1990 ARPAnet was shut down but by this time the internet had become completely public and no longer relied on the original ARPAnet. It however still used the TCP/IP technology developed by Cerf(Buick, Joanna and Jevtic, Zoran). "Usenet was a network similar to ARPAnet created by graduate students and faculty Get more content on
  • 4. History Of The Internet Essay History of the Internet Works Cited Buick, Joanna and Jevtic, Zoran. Introducing Cyberspace. New York, NY: Totem Books, 1995. Crick, Prof. Rex E. E–Mail History. [Online] Available /mailhist.html, December 20, 1999. Hafner, Katie and Lyon,Mathew. Where Wizards Stay up Late. New York, NY: Simon & Schuster Inc., 1996. "Internet." Encyclopedia Britannica, 1999 ed. Kristula, Dave. The History of the Internet. [Online] Available–history.html, November 19, 1999. Network Solutions, Inc. What is the History of the Internet. [Online] more content... The data is then sent back through the system to the original user. The information that is on the data coming back could have came from a wide array of sources such as books, financial markets, embedded chips or even made up by someone trying to fool the user. The History? The Internet is first Johnson 2 conceived in the early '60s. "Under the leadership of the Department of Defense's Advanced Research Project Agency, it grows from a paper architecture into a small network (ARPANET) meant to promote the sharing of super–computers amongst researchers in the United States." (Kristula, pg 68). Through the next couple years there were talks of about how this network could come into the cooperate world. In 1969 researchers at four US campuses created the first hosts of the ARPANET. They connected the Stanford Research Institute, UCLA, UC Santa Barbara, and the University of Utah. The ARPANET was a success from the very beginning. Although originally designed to allow scientists to share data and access remote computers, email quickly became the most popular application. The ARPANET became a high–speed digital post office as people use it to collaborate on research projects and discuss topics of various interests. In 1971 the ARPANET grows to 23 hosts connecting universities and government research centers around the country. In 1972, the Inter–Networking Working Group becomes
  • 5. Get more content on
  • 6. The Birth Of The Internet The birth of the internet created a revolution on technology, and social media in the world. It created a vast amount of change, and has put humans onto a path that they thought they could not walk on. It has shifted modern culture and helped shape it into a unique one where the internet seems to run the world. One big part of internet culture is the platform Web 2.0. It has helped shape many applications and has had an impact on creation, and content presented in the web to viewers. Web 2.0 can be shown in the popular app Twitter, and it shows how the site has evolved, what concepts are involved in it, and the future of Twitter and Web 2.0. Early Twitter was a great example for demonstrating the concept of Web 2.0, and it involved the use of the 5 C's to help advance its application to what it is now today. Early Twitter demonstrated two distinct traits of Web 2.0 in it's site. The first example is; that Twitter was initially a broadcasting service that was oriented towards what the users wanted from it. It evolved the Hashtag, and the @ symbol use through this and emergent behavior where the people made these without guidance (Pavilik, McIntosh). Another example of its relations to Web 2.0 was the fact that it was constantly evolving and changing its content to what the users wanted from the application (O'Reilly). It also exhibited two distinct features of the 5 C's. Twitter has conversation entwined with its site, as it was a means of communication for people. It also Get more content on
  • 7. The Internet and Technology Essay The Internet and Technology Technology today has made an impact in our everyday lives. Technology offers many advances in the world. One of the areas of impact is in the field of education. An important technological advance has been movies and videos. Some would say these have become vital teaching tools. Technology as a whole has made way for several new conventions, some good, and some bad. While there are several advantages to using technology to enhance education, there are also several disadvantages. Technology as it is used today can improve the knowledge a student attains. However, the disadvantages outweigh the advantages. As Christians we need to be aware of the many things that technology has to offer us so that more content... Many different students learn in many different ways. For example some are visual learners, others are oral learners and still, others are the kind of students who must take notes several times before they fully understand a concept. Technology gives students an interesting way to learn, it helps those students that are visual learners, rather than verbal learners. It helps students become individual learners, offering a plethora of websites for students to look up and learn from on their own. On the other hand, technology can be a detriment to students. First of all, teachers put too much emphasis on the appearance of assignments, such as the pictures and the font type and the format, rather than paying attention to the actual quality of the assignment. Students spend more time on finding pictures, typing up their work in special fonts, and focusing on the looks of their papers, rather than focusing on the important things, such as the thesis statements, organization and details the paper contains. "Students spend too much time creating high–tech presentations that don't offer significant improvements over traditional slide shows, oral presentations, index cards and all" (Bassett 75). This isn't teaching the student anything except that looks are more important than content. Is that what we want to teach the next generation of students? "Teachers should not allow the glitter and power of high technology to distract them from focusing their Get more content on
  • 8. The Internet as a Learning Tool Essay example The Internet as a Learning Tool The Internet has a universal appeal for most people. We (in the United States) have become dependant on it for our daily routines. We shop, send mail, read the news, look up movie reviews, etc., using the Internet. We depend on this service, because we have told ourselves that "It" has made our lives easier. We advocate the use of similar technologies within the classroom, because we are convinced that the use of computers and having access to the Internet is the best way to educate our children so they can have an equal chance to reach their potential and accomplish their goals. It is true that the Internet is a great source of information. Its value as a resource is immeasurable. Unfortunately, more content... The Internet is a great research tool. I think that all students at the university level should be proficient at using it. I also know that these skills are better learned when taught from a young age; therefore, the sooner we teach students to use the internet (as a serious resource) the faster the students will pick it up and be able to learn to reap its benefits. The Internet is a public forum and as such, it is accessible to all kinds of people. Teaching students to be critical of what they research on the net can help them to be more critical overall. I think that a way of teaching critical evaluation of sites is by having the students access or build their own (class) web–site. To implement this at the elementary, middle school and high school level might not be easy. Most schools are hooked up to the Internet for research but availability of servers is short or non–existent. Servers are required for setting up a class or student's web–site. The possibility is interesting and worth exploring. A student or a whole class would benefit from the experience and knowledge that would be gained by their exposure with this endeavor. I know that the Internet is a great research and information tool. I assume that it can be utilized for educational purposes beginning in elementary school. I imagine that the implementation of equal access and curricular use of Get more content on
  • 9. History of the Internet Essay examples A very common question that often arises is 'When was the Internet developed or invented?" That is a good question, one that is hard to define as it has many multiple answers. The Internet, including the World Wide Web (WWW), is perhaps one of the greatest inventions of our time. Without a doubt, it has had a profound effect on almost every aspect of our lives. The formation and implementation of the Internet has changed the way we do business, communicate, entertain, retrieve information, and even educate ourselves. Nevertheless, the Internet might have never materialized if it had not been for some innovated thinkers from the Advanced Research Project Agency, who created "ARPAnet." The Internet began as a proposed plan more content... This development continued at a fast pace until an English computer scientist, Timothy Berners–Lee, for the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) developed the protocols for the World Wide Web in 1989. The Internet refers to the global information system that is logically linked together by a globally unique address space based on the Internet Protocol (IP); is able to support communications using the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) suite; provides, uses, or makes accessible, either publicly or privately, high level services layered on the communications and related infrastructure. Computers on the Internet may use one or all of the following Internet services: В· Electronic mail (e–mail). Permits you to send and receive mail. Provides access to discussion groups. В· Telnet or remote login. Permits your computer to log onto another computer and use it as if you were there. В· FTP or File Transfer Protocol. Allows your computer to rapidly retrieve complex files intact from a remote computer and view or save them on your computer. В· Gopher. An early, text–only method for accessing Internet documents. Gopher has been almost entirely subsumed in the World Wide Web, but Get more content on
  • 10. The Invention of the Internet Essay The Invention of the Internet Perhaps one of the greatest inventions of out time is the Internet. Without a doubt, the net has had a profound effect on almost every aspect of our lives. The formation of the Internet has changed the way we do business, communicate, entertain, retrieve information, and even educate ourselves. Nevertheless, the Internet might have never materialized if it had not been for some innovated thinkers from the Advanced Research Project Agency, who created "ARPANET." In collaboration with several educational and research institutions, the agency created the packet–switching technologies that form the basis of the Internet today. "The Internet refers to the global information system that is more content... The internet matured in the 1970's as a result of the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), which is sill used today. It was adopted by the U.S. Department of Defense in 1980, and universally adopted in 1983. The usage of TCP/IP is what unites all elements of the net. Both public domain and commercial implementations of the roughly one hundred protocols of the TCP /IP protocol suite became available in the 1980's. During the early 1990's, Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) protocol implementations also became available by the end of 1991, the Internet has grown to include some 5,000 networks in over three dozen countries, serving over 700,000 host computers used be over 4,000,000 people. By December 1996, about 627,000 Internet domain names had been registered and now there are more than 30 million registered. The conceptual foundation for the creation of the Internet was significantly developed by three individuals and a research conference, each of which changed the way we thought about technology by accurately predicting its future: Vannevar Bush wrote the first visionary description of the potential uses for information technology with his description of the "memex" automated library system. Norbet Wiener invented the field of Cybernetics, inspiring future researchers to focus on the use of technology to expand human compatibilities. The 1956 Dartmouth Artificial Intelligence Conference crystallized the concept that Get more content on
  • 11. Internet Essay The Internet links people together via computer terminals and telephone lines (and in some cases wireless radio connections) in a web of networks and shared software. This allows users to communicate with one another wherever they are in the "net." This Internet link began as the United States military project Agency Network Advanced Research (ARPANET) during the Vietnam War in 1969. It was developed by the United States Department of Defense's (DOD) research people in conjunction with various contractors and universities to investigate the probability of a communication network that could survive a nuclear attack. For the first decade that the Internet was in existence, it was primarily used to facilitate electronic mail, support more content... Although in some cases it may be earlier and in some later, the typical age at which a child begins to learn computer skills are kindergarten age, or age five. For example at the Children Television Work Shop website, a young child can click on a query and in a few days an E–mail arrives. For the purpose of this analysis, the broad word "children" will be condensed to contain two age groups –– elementary level, ages' 5–12, and secondary level, ages' 13–18. At either level, the World Wide Web poses clear dangers to children. These children grow up enlightened with technology, which they take for granted and know exactly how to use it. Most parents are not conscious of what lies behind that innocuous screen. If you give one's child carte blanche use of a computer attached to a modem, it is as serious as handing a ten–year–old the car keys and telling them to have a good time. These "cyberchildren" are vulnerable to potential dangers as a result of Internet use. These perils include contact with dangerous individuals, exposure to sexually suggestive materials, exposure to explicit conversations and obscenity in chat rooms, and access to violent interactive games. One very dangerous downside to Internet communication is its potential for the telling of untruths. One can never be certain at any given time to whom one is talking or if the conversation is sincere and truthful. Get more content on
  • 12. The Growth Of The Internet Essay As countries around the world are modernizing, technologies are developing, the computers are being easier to be accessed by users and the utilization of smartphones is increasing, people around the world has been given the opportunities to use the Internet more frequently and more conveniently. According to Internet Live Stats, around forty percent of the world population are Internet users. In other words, about 3.5 billion individuals, more than double the population of the world's most populous country China, can get access to the Internet at home by any devices with varied types and connections. There are many reasons leading to the rapid growth of the Internet, but one of the biggest reasons is the foundation and speedy development of Web 2.0, the World Wide Web websites that emphasize user–created content, ease of use, and well–communication with other systems and devices for their users, such as Twitter, Instagram, Wikipedia, and the fastest growing social network, Facebook. As Web 2.0 in general and particularly Facebook growing, it marks a fundamental change in how people use the Internet, and interacts with others. The World Wide Web is an information space where documents and other web resources are identified by URLs (Uniform Resource Locators), can be interlinked with each other by hypertext links, and be accessed through the Internet. Being invented in 1989 by English scientist Tim Bernes–Lee, the World Wide Web quickly becomes the primary tool that billions Get more content on
  • 13. Essay about The Internet The Internet – The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly The internet is a computer based global information system. It is composed of many interconnected computer networks. Each network may link thousands of computers enabling them to share information. The internet has brought a transformation in many aspects of life. It is one of the biggest contributors in making the world into a global village. Use of internet has grown tremendously since it was introduced. It is mostly because of its flexibility. Nowadays one can access the internet easily. Most people have computers in their homes but even the ones who don't they can always go to cyber cafes where this service is provided. The internet developed from software called the ARPANET which more content... They also use it to access complex databases. Educational institutions provide online courses. This has proven to be very helpful for those people who have jobs or can't go for further education. Housewives can do courses by applying from their homes and at the same time look after their kids. It also provides an opportunity to those students who do not have many facilities in their country or cannot afford to go abroad and study. LSE (London School of Economics) is one such institution which has an external program and one can do while at home. Students can carry out online conversations with professors and other fellow students abroad. Online lectures also take place through video conferences and one can see ones professors too, making a sort of online classroom. Media and entertainment companies use the internet for online news and weather services and to broadcast audio and video, including live radio and television programs. Although there are many benefits of the internet, it has also been abused in its usage. The major part is pornographic material being easily available on the internet. It is readily available to anyone who has access to the internet. Programs have been formed to stop or infiltrate the information that one is receiving but still there is no way all sites can be blocked because the World Wide Webis a 'huge world'. This sort of material has a real bad effect on the minds of people no matter what the age. Governments Get more content on
  • 14. Essay on Internet How to use Internet as a management resource? Introduction: Internet is a global network, connecting thousands of host servers worldwide. The United States Department of Defense established it in the beginning of the 1960ВЎВЇs. Today, there are now 10 to 20 million people using an Internet comprised of more than 30,000 networks spread out over 78 nations all over the world. Now the Internet has become a great electronic gateway that provides instant access to global news and information. The databases, documents, files, and programs that are ВЎВ°sittingВЎВ± on Internet computers contain a tremendous amount of information. You can search for and find up–to–the–minute stock market activity, weather reports, music, recipe; you can more content... At last, we will briefly discuss some risks for using Internet. Implementing Internet as a management resources: Search external information to compete in the business world Approach specific knowledge and experts to increase management skill Use internet as a tool to improve management performance Risks: The very fundamental purpose of Internet is to provide an open information framework with few access barriers to information. There are several potential risks associated with the implementation of Internet in the organization. So managers should pay attention to it and avoid it. Security Internet is a completely open system. Any user is able to access any information interconnected via the information superhighway. Computer "Viruses" and "Worms". Computer Viruses and Worms are known for causing harm to computer systems.
  • 15. Information Overload and Redundancies. Conclusion: How to successful use Internet as a management resource are more than a management buzzword and a textbook definition. It is a new way of managing organizations towards a more complex and competitive future. Furthermore, more and more managers have realized that Internet is not only a communication tools and information resource. In fact, managers have promoted how to use Internet to their strategy plan. Internet has proven very successful in providing information and Get more content on
  • 16. History and Development of the Internet The internet is a global computer network connecting millions and millions of users throughout the world. (Leiner, 2). It has become one of the fastest growing forms of communication today. (Marshall, 1). The Internet started as a Defense Department Cold War experiment in the 1950’s. (Academic American, 225). The government needed a way to relay information between tanks and headquarters so the APRA (Advanced Research Projects Agency) sought a way to let signals from the battlefield reach a headquarters computer using satellites and radio signals. At the same time the command posts of the nation were located deep underground more content... This was the point when the military really began to take interest in the project. (Diamond, 5) When it first started APRAnet was limited mainly to military business by the APRA but soon scientists began to use it to collaborate on research through e–mail. Not long after the first mailing list appeared called SF–LOVERS. The APRA repeatedly shut the growing number of mailing lists down but gave up after a while calling it a way to "test the networks mail capacity." The APRAnet as it was now called began to grow and by the ‘80’s it began to link to other college and government networks. NSFnet (national science foundation network) and the newly founded usenet were among the first to be connected. These links began the "APRAinternet" later called just the internet. The internet grew rapidly over time and began to ease out of government ownership and into privately owned routes. In 1990 APRAnet was shut down but by this time the internet had become completely public and no longer relied on the original APRAnet. (Diamond, 6). It however still used the TCP/IP technology developed by Cerf. (Academic American, 225) Usenet was a network similar to APRAnet created Get more content on
  • 17. The Impact of the Internet on Society The internet has influenced, and is still influencing the way society communicates in many different ways. The rise of the internet has caused people to communicate differently in areas never dreamed of before the internet came into existence. Education has been revolutionized through the world of the "Information Super Highway". Medicine has also seen reform as the internet improves research and communication. Individuals are starting businesses from scratch, while others are selling household items for extra cash. This internet "typhoon" sweeping the globe has become a way of life for many individuals all across the globe. Education has seen a recent revolution in the way it operates. more content... The ease of use of the internet allowed for the young students to locate the information with ease. The addition of images and animations also enticed the students and made it an enjoyable experience. Through the internet, a topic that would be otherwise dull and boring to young students became an exciting adventure. The internet can make learning so much more exciting, interesting, engaging, and alive. The internet offers a vast amount of opportunity for schools. More and more we can see the revolution of education happening. Also, the internet has changed the way students can learn. In recent years, education has jumped from the classroom into online forums and chat rooms. New systems, called Virtual Schools allows students who are unable to attend class in person, or aren't offered the program in their area to take accredited courses online. Instead of a teacher lecturing, teachers make use of bulletin systems, called forums, to communicate with their students. Students are given assignments, quizzes, and tests online. Medicine has also undergone reform. Massive collaborations between researchers working on areas as diverse as hereditary neurological diseases and the basic biology of microorganisms is all happening thanks to the Internet. Telemedicine is also allowing medical specialists in Boston to diagnose and treat patients in California. The internet is also has allowed the general public Get more content on
  • 18. Thesis Statement On Internet Usage Betty Webb Lisa Barricks Eng 101 0ctober 26, 2017 Topic: Internet Usage Thesis Statement: Internet usage is negatively affecting families, knowledge, and improperly used. It has changed over the past few years and increasingly being used. Akinoglu, Orhan. "Internet and internet use: teacher trainees' perspective." Journal of Instructional Psychology, vol. 36, no. 2, 2009, p. 97+. Academic OneFile, p=AONE&sw=w&u=kctc1&id=GALE%7CA204682048&it=r&asidc380915510cbdefe6d874d2697e. Accessed 26 Oct 2017. Internet usages can be helpful and a great asset for teachers and trainee employees. I Is beneficial in many ways such as time control, easy communication, and able to access any part of the world. Domine, Vanessa " more content... "A systematic review of the relationship between internet use, self–harm suicidal behavior in young people: The good, the bad and the unknown." PLos ONE, vol 12. No. 8. 2017. p. e0181722 Academic OneFile. P= Apme& sw=w&u=kctcsswcc&v=2.1&id=GALE%7CA500760822&it=r%asid=dad63b3a4ddda219164a2a0a282ba395. Accessed 26 Oct 2017. Internet usage can be harmful. Different risk factors included with elevated internet use includes cyber bullying, suicide on social media, and self–harm. These can play a role on the negative impact that the internet is having on teenagers and young adults. Nakayama, Hideeki, et al. "Treatment and risk factors of Internet use disorders." Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, vol. 71, no. 7, 2017, p. 492+. Academic One File, / ONE&sw=w&u=kctcsswcc&v2.1&id=GALE%7CA497598376&it=r&asid=24880caef477d49b8ed7d46f3c498 Accessed 26 Oct. 2017 Habits are easy to come by. It is time consuming. Internet usage can lead to IUD "Internet Usage Disorders." Which results in many years of therapy, family therapy, and high telephone and internet usage bill. Peterson, Scott A, et al. "Internet use and romantic relationships among college Get more content on
  • 19. Essay on the Internet Duncan 1 Dimaikys D. Duncan Paolo Javier English 101 May 30, 2013 Does the Internet make us smarter or dumber? There is a complex debate over the Internet and whether it is making society smarter or dumber. For that matter the debate focuses on the Internet and the intellectuality of individuals, and if the Internet hinders or it progresses society as a whole. Other critics argue that the Internet contributes to the decline of our mental state. On the other hand, others argue that the Internet promotes and encourages literacy by its ability in providing limitless amount of information at the stroke of a key. more content... We become mere signal processing units, quickly shepherding disjointed bits of information into and then out of short–term memory. Carr illustrates how the Internet is making us more superficial as thinkers. He also states how the internet is an information rich environment that the net creates for us and that's why we use it so much, he refers to words, sounds, pictures, texts and what this tends to do for us is promote a sort of compulsive behavior which we're constantly checking our smartphone, constantly glancing at our e–mail inbox, and we are living in this perpetual state of distraction and interruption which is dangerous according to Carr because that mode of thinking, crowds out the more contemplate and calmer mode of thinking, and that focused calmed thinking is actually how we learn. That is a process is named memory consolidation. That means that the process of information from our short term working memory to our long term memory and its through moving information from your working memory to your long term memory that you create connections between that information and everything else you know. Carr believes that "attention is the key, and if we loose control of our attention or are constantly dividing our attention then we don't really enjoy that consolidation process". I disagree with this quote because I believe that we can also enjoy that Get more content on
  • 20. The Benefits of The Internet Thinking about the internet reminds me of something that was said in my history class. My professor was lecturing about the early colonies in America and how the men of that time had to sail up and down coasts in order to make maps. They had to actually draw these landscapes as they saw them. This process would sometimes take years to accomplish. I realized that the technology our ancestors used could today be accomplished in seconds versus years. I have access, at the touch of a button, to maps from satellites miles above the earth. I can go shopping without ever moving my legs and communicate with friends and family all over the world, which was once nearly impossible. What an advantage I have more content... Roswell is a city that I really have trouble with in this area, every building looks the same and all the roads sound the same. If it weren't for the directions that I received in I would have never made it to pick up my prom dress last year. With school and work filling most of my schedule anything that saves me time is a lifesaver. Therefore I shop on the internet as much as possible. For instance, when I was in high school, I hated having to drive to a book store to acquire my summer reading books. I once spent a whole day searching for one book at several different book stores all over town and the town next to mine; only to find out that almost every kid in my grade, and at every school in the surrounding counties was buying and looking for the same books. All of us were buying out and harassing the clerks for theses books at stores such as Barnes and Nobles, local bookstores such as Jillian's Books, and Walden Books. What a waste of time! There is so much merchandise , like my books, that can be purchased over the internet. E–Bay is also a place where everyday people buy and sell personal items and equipment. My brother, Ben, loves E–Bay because this is where he finds accessories to his 1972 master craft boat which he is re–building. E–Bay has introduced him to a whole new world of shopping. With out it he would still be searching for the limited items that he has Get more content on
  • 21. Internet Essay Internet Speech to Motivate a.Speech title (Tip – Should have a literary quality): " The Lungs of the Earth" b.Topic (Tip– narrow and adapt to audience, see ch. 5 in text): The Amazon Forest c.Purpose Statements (See sample W.O.R.M.S. and ch. 5 in text): 1.General Purpose: To persuade my audience. 2.Specific Purpose: To persuade my audience to do one of these things to help preserve the Amazon Forest: write a letter, recycling, form and support a organization, or/and give financial support to preserve the Amazon Forest. 3.Central Idea (thesis): "The Amazon Forest is of Global Importance" d.Audience Analysis/Adaptations (Tip – see Chapter 4 in text; refer to student samples, answer all questions more content... By the end of my speech, my audience will understand the importance of preserving the Amazon forest and know ways to help preserve the Amazon Forest. 3.In what specific ways do you feel your audience will benefit from what you are asking them to act on? How will you address that during the speech? I think that my audience will understand and see that the preservation of the Amazon Forest is important and benefit to their survival and also to the survival of the entire world. I will show the importance of the Amazon Forest by describing an amount of terrible consequences to the world if the Amazon Forest is destroyed. 4.If what you're asking the audience to do is such a good idea, why aren't they doing as you request already? What are their specific objections to your plan, and how will you attempt to answer those objections? My audience isn't doing what I request already because the Amazon Forest is a global matter, therefore they think that an individual can't make a difference. Also, because they think that the Amazon forest will never be destroyed and my audience doesn't know about the terrible consequences that the destruction of the Amazon Forest can bring to this planet. I think that my audience can think that why should they worry for something that doesn't belong to the US? Therefore, I will show them the global importance of the Amazon Forest. e.Speech Outline I.Attention Step (Tip Get more content on
  • 22. People are spending too much time online The Internet has dramatically changed our lives over the past few decades. Through Internet technology innovation and development, the Internet provides a lot of benefits to people's life; doing business online, shopping online, playing video games and so on. With social media, people can see what is happening all over the world, searching information, resources they need, communicating with friends or family oversea. Nowadays, Internet is closely related to people's daily life; people can barely live without it. However, there are some disagreement as to whether the overall effect of this technology has been positive or negative. For instance, with the popularity of video games, lots of teenagers are addicted into the virtual world. People spend most of their fragmented time on their phones, computers. People should understand that spending time on Internet for their daily studying and working are useful and helpful because of its fast pace and powerful searching engine. Besides that, Internet isn't that important in our daily life, because online activities cannot replace the real life. People claims that not only more and more people are using Internet to searching resources and information, but also the Internet provides a place where people can publish all kinds of information, sharing their thoughts and ideas. Internet is a place where there is an ocean of knowledge for people to exploitation and this is the biggest Get more content on