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15 “Therefore	when	you	see	the	‘abomination	
of	desolation,’	spoken	of	by	Daniel	the	
prophet,	standing	in	the	holy	place”	
(whoever	reads,	let	him	understand),	16
“then	let	those	who	are	in	Judea	flee	to	the	
mountains.	17 Let	him	who	is	on	the	
housetop	not	go	down	to	take	anything	out	
of	his	house.	18 And	let	him	who	is	in	the	field	
not	go	back	to	get	his	clothes.	
Matthew	24:15-22
19 But	woe	to	those	who	are	pregnant	and	to	
those	who	are	nursing	babies	in	those	days!	
20 And	pray	that	your	flight	may	not	be	in	
winter	or	on	the	Sabbath.	21 For	then	there	
will	be	great	tribulation,	such	as	has	not	
been	since	the	beginning	of	the	world	until	
this	time,	no,	nor	ever	shall	be.	22 And	unless	
those	days	were	shortened,	no	flesh	would	
be	saved;	but	for	the	elect’s	sake	those	days	
will	be	shortened.	
Matthew	24:15-22
Names	for	“Tribulation”	in	the	Bible		
Isaiah	2:12	 For	the	day	of	the	LORD of	
hosts	shall	come upon	everything	
proud	and	lofty,	upon	everything	lifted	
up— and	it	shall	be	brought	low—
Names	for	“Tribulation”	in	the	Bible		
Isaiah	34:8		For	it	is the	day	of	the	LORD’s	
vengeance,	the	year	of	recompense	for	
the	cause	of	Zion.
Names	for	“Tribulation”	in	the	Bible		
Jeremiah	30:7		 Alas!	 For	that	day	is	
great,	so	that	none	is	like	it;	and	it	is	the	
time	of	Jacob’s	trouble,	but	he	shall	be	
saved	out	of	it.
Names	for	“Tribulation”	in	the	Bible
Names	for	“Tribulation”	in	the	Bible		
Matthew	13:40–42,	49		Therefore	as	the	
tares	are	gathered	and	burned	in	the	fire,	so	
it	will	be	at	the	end	of	this	age.	41 The	Son	of	
Man	will	send	out	His	angels,	and	they	will	
gather	out	of	His	kingdom	all	things	that	
offend,	and	those	who	practice	lawlessness,	
42 and	will	cast	them	into	the	furnace	of	fire.	
There	will	be	wailing	and	gnashing	of	teeth.	
49 So	it	will	be	at	the	end	of	the	age.	The	
angels	will	come	forth,	separate	the	wicked	
from	among	the	just,
Meaning	of	“Tribulation”
• bāḥan = trial (metaphor from metal refining)
• nasah = to test or prove
• peirazō = tests with a beneficial purpose;
Meaning	of	“Tribulation”
• tsar =		staid,	narrow,	pent	up,	closely	pressed	
or	pressured	(as	of	seals	or	streams)
• thlipsis = to press, squash (as grapes),
oppression, affliction
Use	of	“Tribulation”	in	the	Bible		
1. Those 'hard pressed' by war
Matthew	24:6,	21 And	you	will	hear	of	wars	and	rumors	
of	wars…but	the	end	is	not	yet.	 For	then	there	will	be	
great	tribulation,	such	as	has	not	been	since	the	beginning	
of	the	world	until	this	time,	no,	nor	ever	shall	be.	
The War in
The New Yorker
J.	Robert	
Use	of	“Tribulation”	in	the	Bible		
John	16:21		A	woman,	when	she	is	in	labor,	has	sorrow	
because	her	hour	has	come;	but	as	soon	as	she	has	given	
birth	to	the	child,	she	no	longer	remembers	the	anguish,	
for	joy	that	a	human	being	has	been	born	into	the	world.	
2. A woman giving birth to a child
Use	of	“Tribulation”	in	the	Bible		
Philippians	4:14		Nevertheless	you	have	done	well	
that	you	shared	in	my	distress.	
3. Those 'pressed' by poverty and lack
Use	of	“Tribulation”	in	the	Bible		
2	Corinthians	2:4		For	out	of	much	affliction and	
anguish	of	heart	I	wrote	to	you,	with	many	tears,	not	
that	you	should	be	grieved,	but	that	you	might	know	
the	love	which	I	have	so	abundantly	for	you.	
4. Great anxiety and burden of heart
Use	of	“Tribulation”	in	the	Bible		
Colossians	1:24		I	now	rejoice	in	my	sufferings	for	
you,	and	fill	up	in	my	flesh	what	is	lacking	in	the	
afflictions of	Christ,	for	the	sake	of	His	body,	which	is	
the	church,	
5. The afflictions of Christ
Use	of	“Tribulation”	in	the	Bible		
Revelation	7:14		 And	I	said	to	him,	“Sir,	you	know.”	
So	he	said	to	me,	“These	are	the	ones	who	come	out	
of	the	great	tribulation,	and	washed	their	robes	and	
made	them	white	in	the	blood	of	the	Lamb.	
6. A period of time known as
“the Great Tribulation”
Deuteronomy	4:27–30		And	the	LORD will	scatter	you	
among	the	peoples,	and	you	will	be	left	few	in	
number	among	the	nations	where	the	LORD will	drive	
you.	28 And	there	you	will	serve	gods,	the	work	of	
men’s	hands,	wood	and	stone,	which	neither	see	nor	
hear	nor	eat	nor	smell.	29 But	from	there	you	will	
seek	the	LORD your	God,	and	you	will	find	Him if	you	
seek	Him	with	all	your	heart	and	with	all	your	soul.	30
When	you	are	in	distress,	and	all	these	things	come	
upon	you	in	the	latter	days,	when	you	turn	to	the	
LORD your	God	and	obey	His	voice.
First	Mention	in	the	Bible	of	the
“Great	Tribulation”
1. A Specific Period of Time
Tribulation	&	“Great	Tribulation”
Fall of Man
4000 BC
2350 BC
Call of
2000 BC
Law of
1500 BC
Jesus Christ
29 AD
1000 yr.
Return of
Great White
Throne Jdgmt.
7	years
Dan.	9:24,	27
Matthew	24:21 For	then	there	will	be	great	
tribulation,	such	as	has	not	been	since	the	
beginning	of	the	world	until	this	time,	no,	nor	
ever	shall	be.	
2. More severe than in any previous
period of history
Tribulation	&	“Great	Tribulation”
Matthew	24:22		And	unless	those	days	were	
shortened,	no	flesh	would	be	saved;	but	for	
the	elect’s	sake	those	days	will	be	shortened.	
3. Shortened for the elect's sake
Tribulation	&	“Great	Tribulation”
Daniel	9:27		Then	he	shall	confirm	a	covenant	
with	many	for	one	week;	but	in	the	middle	of	
the	week	He	shall	bring	an	end	to	sacrifice	
and	offering.	 And	on	the	wing	of	
abominations	shall	be	one	who	makes	
desolate,	even	until	the	consummation,	which	
is	determined,	is	poured	out	on	the	desolate.	
4. Seven years in length
Tribulation	&	“Great	Tribulation”
Jeremiah	30:7	 Alas!	For	that	day	is great,	so	that	
none	is like	it;	and	it	is the	time	of	Jacob’s	trouble,	
but	he	shall	be	saved	out	of	it.	
5. Called the time of “Jacob's trouble”
Daniel	12:1–4 “At	that	time	Michael	shall	stand	up,	
the	great	prince	who	stands	watch	over	the	sons	of	
your	people;	and	there	shall	be	a	time	of	trouble,	
such	as	never	was	since	there	was	a	nation,	even	to	
that	time.	And	at	that	time	your	people	shall	be	
Tribulation	&	“Great	Tribulation”
Tribulation	&	“Great	Tribulation”
Isaiah	26:21		For	behold,	the	LORD comes	out	of	
His	place	to	punish	the	inhabitants	of	the	earth	
for	their	iniquity;	the	earth	will	also	disclose	her	
blood,	and	will	no	more	cover	her	slain.	
6. Nations will be judged for their sin and
rejection of Christ
Tribulation	&	“Great	Tribulation”
Revelation	6:15–17		And	the	kings	of	the	earth,	the	
great	men,	the	rich	men,	the	commanders,	the	
mighty	men,	every	slave	and	every	free	man,	hid	
themselves	in	the	caves	and	in	the	rocks	of	the	
mountains,	16 and	said	to	the	mountains	and	rocks,	
“Fall	on	us	and	hide	us	from	the	face	of	Him	who	sits	
on	the	throne	and	from	the	wrath	of	the	Lamb!	17 For	
the	great	day	of	His	wrath	has	come,	and	who	is	able	
to	stand?”	
7. Nations will be judged for their sin and
rejection of Christ
Characteristics	of	the	“Great	
Zephaniah	1:15-18			Neither	their	silver	nor	their	gold	
shall	be	able	to	deliver	them	in	the	day	of	the	LORD’s	
wrath;	but	the	whole	land	shall	be	devoured	by	the	
fire	of	His	jealousy,	for	He	will	make	speedy	riddance	
of	all	those	who	dwell	in	the	land.	
1.		Wrath
J.I. Packer: “God’s wrath in the Bible is never the
capricious, self-indulgent, irritable, morally ignoble
thing that human anger so often is. It is, instead, a
right and necessary reaction to objective moral
evil.” Knowing	God,	151
Characteristics	of	the	“Great	
2.		Indignation
Isaiah	26:20–21		Come,	my	people,	enter	your	
chambers,	and	shut	your	doors	behind	you;	
hide	yourself,	as	it	were,	for	a	little	moment,	
until	the	indignation is	past.	21 For	behold,	the	
LORD comes	out	of	His	place	to	punish	the	
inhabitants	of	the	earth	for	their	iniquity;	the	
earth	will	also	disclose	her	blood,	and	will	no	
more	cover	her	slain.
Characteristics	of	the	“Great	
Revelation	3:10	 Because	you	have	kept	My	
command	to	persevere,	I	also	will	keep	you	
from	the	hour	of	trial	which	shall	come	upon	
the	whole	world,	to	test	those	who	dwell	on	
the	earth.	
3.		Testing	&	Trial
Characteristics	of	the	“Great	
Jeremiah	30:7		Alas!	For	that	day	is great,	so	that	
none	is like	it;	and	it	is the	time	of	Jacob’s	
trouble,	but	he	shall	be	saved	out	of	it.	
4.		Trouble
Characteristics	of	the	“Great	
Revelation	14:7		saying	with	a	loud	voice,	
“Fear	God	and	give	glory	to	Him,	for	the	hour	
of	His	judgment	has	come;	and	worship	Him	
who	made	heaven	and	earth,	the	sea	and	
springs	of	water.”	
5.		Judgment
Characteristics	of	the	“Great	
Isaiah	24:20–21	The	earth	shall	reel	to	and	fro	
like	a	drunkard,	and	shall	totter	like	a	hut;	Its	
transgression	shall	be	heavy	upon	it,	and	it	will	
fall,	and	not	rise	again.	21 It	shall	come	to	pass	in	
that	day	that the	LORD will	punish	on	high	the	
host	of	exalted	ones,	and	on	the	earth	the	kings	
of	the	earth.	
6.		Punishment
Characteristics	of	the	“Great	
Joel	1:15		Alas	for	the	day!	For	the	day	of	the	
LORD is at	hand;	It	shall	come	as	destruction	from	
the	Almighty.	
7.		Destruction
Characteristics	of	the	“Great	
8.		Darkness
Amos	5:18		Woe	to	you	who	desire	the	day	
of	the	LORD!		For	what	good	is the	day	of	the	
LORD to	you?	 It	will	be darkness,	and	not	
Scope	of	the	“Great	Tribulation”
Revelation 3:10 ".. . that hour which is about
to come upon the whole world, to test those
who dwell (not 'some') upon the earth"
Isaiah 24:1 "Behold, the Lord lays the earth
waste, devastates it, distorts its surface, and
scatters its inhabitants"
Isaiah 24:17 "Terror and pit and snare confront
you, O inhabitant of the earth."
Source	of	the	“Great	Tribulation”
Zeph.	1:18		 “.	.	.	day	of	the	Lord's	wrath”
Isa.	24:1	 “The	Lord	makes	the	earth	empty.	.	.”		
Isa.	26:21	 “.	.	.	the	Lord	comes	out	of	his	place	
to	punish	the	inhabitants	of	the	
earth	for	their	iniquity”	
Rev.	6:16-17		 “.	.	.	the	wrath	of	the	Lamb”
Purpose	of	the	“Great	Tribulation”
1. To	judge	Gentile	Nations
2.		To	fulfill	God’s	covenant	with	Israel
Purpose	of	the	“Great	Tribulation”
“Ironically, man’s greatest effort to
rid himself of the rule of God will
not produce the freedom that he
desires. Instead it will enslave him
in the most fiendish, oppressive form
of bondage. Rather than moving
toward Utopia, man is hurtling
toward the most horrible time of
tribulation in world history.”
Renald Showers
Our	Response	to
the	“Great	Tribulation”
2	Corinthians	5:11	 Knowing,	therefore,	the	terror	of	
the	Lord,	we	persuade	men…
πείθω (peithō)	=	
persuade,	convince;	
be	persuaded,	
convinced,	believe;	
trust;	obey
φόβος (phobos)	=	
to	cause	fear,	
apprehension,	&	
feelings	of	anxiety
Our	Response	to
the	“Great	Tribulation”
FBC	mission	statement:		“Making	and	maturity	
disciples	of	Jesus	Christ	to	the	glory	of	God”
Revelation	11:1-14

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