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The Great Schism, also Known as the East-West Division
People separate and then reunited; people quarrel and then reconciled. Similarly, Christianity also has separation reunion, argument and reconciliation.
Christianity was started as one body, and then multiple factors gradually contributed to the split of the Eastern Orthodox Church and the Roman
Catholic Church. Some of these factors are such as the different understanding of Christianity, the different point of views toward the authority of the
Pope and the different ideas of governing the Church. All the different thoughts created the disagreement between the two branches of Church. In other
words, the conflict came up, and eventually led to the Great Schism. The differences between these two branches of church were significant because ...
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Moreover, The differences between the government and doctrine of these two churches were also an important cause of the split. According to the
Eastern Orthodox, the Pope has the "authority is thus no greater or lesser than any of his fellow Bishops in the Church."(Hallam 11). The main idea
of this is that the Pope and Bishops have an equal authority. Oppositely, the Roman Catholic agreed," The Pope is the 'Vicar of Christ'."(Hallam 11).
In other words, the Pope is head of the Church and he holds supreme authority in Christendom. This makes it obvious that the two churches disagree
with each other on the way of governing the Church. "Rome preferred an almost Віbusiness–likeВґ terseness; Constantinople delighted inВіdiffuse
poetical rhapsodies interspersed with prayer." (Moreover, "Roman Catholicism teaches that human reason can prove that God is; and, even infer that He
is eternal, infinite, good, bodiless, almighty, all–knowing, etc." (Azkoul), the Roman Catholic governed the Church with more logic than the Eastern
Orthodox. In other words, the Roman Catholic Church tried to examine every question, and wanted to give every question a logical answer. For
example, "At the same time, the Latins interpret the Sacraments in a legal and philosophical way"(Azkoul). In addition, the Roman Catholic Church
restricted the follower to live and act in a particular way in order to show the idea of "catholic" which means universal.
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Impact Of Religion On The Byzantine And The Caliphates
How Religion Impacted the Byzantine Empire and the Islamic Caliphates Religions heavily influenced the Byzantine Empire and the Islamic
Caliphates in both similar and different ways. Education, internal division, and architecture changed when the realms became theocracies. Both highly
valued education, until religious practices took precedence over higher learning, they built chapels and mosques with astounding architecture, and they
suffered a religious split, neither of which ever healed. The Byzantine was influenced by Greco–Rome much more than the Islamic empires, in both
education and in architecture. However, the Islamic Caliphates spread their knowledge and architecture more widely and much quicker than the
The majority of the Byzantine Empire's population followed the religion of Christianity. Whereas the Islamic Caliphates population was almost entirely
Muslim. Both empires placed high value on education, and started teaching children at a very young age. In the Byzantine, children ages six through
ten attended primary school, where they learned the basic skills of reading and writing, often using excerpts from the Bible. In the Caliphates, children
of the same age learned elementary Islam subjects along with reading and writing in Maktabs. Both civilizations had multiple levels of education which
were based on age. However, the Islamic Caliphates split the knowledge they taught into three categories: First: the Islamic sciences,
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What Is East-West Schism?
Schism of 1054, also called East–West Schism, event that precipitated the final separation between the Eastern Christian churches (led by the patriarch
of Constantinople, Michael Cerularius) and the Western Church (led by Pope Leo IX). The mutual excommunications by the Pope and the Patriarch
that year became a watershed in church history. The excommunications were not lifted until 1965, whenPope Paul VI and Patriarch Athenagoras,
following their historic meeting in Jerusalem in 1964, presided over simultaneous ceremonies that revoked the excommunication decrees.
The relation of the Byzantine Church to the Roman may be described as one of growing estrangement from the 5th to the 11th century. In the early
church three bishops stood forth prominently,
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The Differences Of The Eastern Orthodox And Roman Church
The Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic, are two variations of the same religion, that due to some disagreements over certain ideas and religious
teachings leads to the great Schism in 1054 AD. The great schism of 1054 refers to the final separation of the Eastern Orthodox church, led by the
patriarch in Constantinople and the western church, led by Pope Leo IX. The estrangement between the Orthodox and Roman church, happened
gradually over the course of the 5th and much of the 11th century. The reasons of the Schism are attributed to several differences between the two
churches. The religious and doctrinal studies of the East, had roots in Greek philosophy, while the Western studies closely followed Roman law.
Misunderstandings between the two churches then led to two separate ways of defining one doctrine, which would initiate the split. The doctrine in
question, procession of the Holy Spirit, where without consulting the East the Roman churches added "and from the Son" to the Nicene Creed. This
was not the only thing the two churches clashed on. The eastern church resented the forced clerical celibacy, political jealousies and interests only
intensified the disputes. There had been schisms before but not ones that were permanent. While there may have been hopes for a reconciliation, the
eastern Greeks were infuriated by the Latin capture of Constantinople in 1204 A.D. After this, any pleas from the west concerning reunion were
rejected. ("Schism of 1054") The Roman
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Western And Byzantine Church Similarities
The bold movement of Christianity and the slow fall of the Roman Empire constituted a new phase in Rome and the birth of the Eastern and Western
Churches that left a profound place in Western history. The relationship of the Byzantine Church to the Romans was one that was growing indifferent
during the 5th thru 11th century of the Middle Ages. During this time three bishops stood forth from the political with great superiority among the
cities in which they ruled. The transfer of the seat of empire from Rome to Constantinople and the later eclipse of Alexandria and Antioch as
battlegrounds of Islam and Christianity promoted the importance of Constantinople. The similarities of the East and the West were many but the
differences weighed ... Show more content on ...
The Eastern Orthodox Church believed this spurned the tradition that taught that God the Father is the source of the Son and the Holy
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The Great Monotheistic Religions: The Prince Of Peace
Religion, causing conflict
Many worshippers in the great monotheistic religions associate their faiths with peace. Christ, himself, is sometimes called "The Prince of Peace."
The Pope, leader of the Catholic Church, often prays for world peace and encourages all sides in bloody conflicts to lay down their arms. It is not just
Christianity that is associated with peace; Muhammad hoped Islam would bring peace to the clans of the Arabian Peninsula, and the traditional way to
refer to Muhammad among Muslims is, "The Prophet, peace be upon him." It is, therefore, ironic that these monotheistic religions, in the period
between 1300 BC and 1452 AD, created far more conflict and disharmony than they did peace. Internal and external conflicts created ... Show more
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As mentioned before, the Israelites took over Canaan and Solomon built the great temple in Jerusalem. After this time period, the Jews had their
temple destroyed; in 586 BC Judah was conquered by the Babylonians who destroyed the temple, but in 300 BC the Jews built another temple in
place of the destroyed temple. The destruction of this temple was a major external conflict because the temple was built to unify the Hebrews. This
affected them the most because destroying the temple symbolized destroying the Jewish religion. Another external conflict in the Jewish faith would
be the Babylonian exile and the Jewish Diaspora. After Judah was conquered, the Babylonians moved most of the Jewish religions to Babylon; the
Babylon Exile. The movement of Jews from their homeland is the Jewish Diaspora; beginning with the Babylonian exile and the destruction of
Solomon's temple. The Jews losing their homeland was important because it forced the Jews to develop their culture and faith outside of their
homeland. The Babylon Exile and the Jewish Diaspora are external conflicts in the Jewish monotheistic religion because it showed the physical
effects of religion; the symbolic temple being destroyed and rebuilt. The last external conflict would be in the Islamic religion. Muhammad, the leader
of the Islamic faith, lived in Mecca with his uncle for several years after his parents passing, but when his uncle died he lost all his
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The Schisms Of The Catholic Church
The schisms of the Catholic Church is instrumental in creating a platform that sparks the Reformation and eventually establishes the Protestant Church.
Because of the stronghold Christianity has and its ability to permeate within the confines of the Roman Empire, leaders decide to befriend Christians
and seek their support. With this in mind, believers are tolerated and eventually, Theodosius I makeChristianity the state religion of the Empire and
forbids the worship of pagan gods. After Theodosius' rule the Empire split, but the church maintains its relevance in both the West and the East (Chase,
Jacob, Jacob, & Von Laue, 2013, p. 172).
Even though the Roman Empire in the West is captured by Germanic tribes, the East flourishes. Byzantine
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The Great Schism of 1054 that occurred in the Catholic...
The Great Schism of 1054 that occurred in the Catholic Church has left a once united people separated because of conflict. These issues that tore them
apart are still true today and the relations between Catholics and Orthodox Christians has yet to be repaired.
The Eastern Schism was a result of many problems but it was largely a struggle between two main churches; the Western Church located in Rome, and
the Eastern Church that was centered in Constantinople. Barbarian invaders, who were on a mission to recapture their lands, were a main influence on
the separation of the Roman Empire of the time. When Diocletian named two Capitals to his empire, Rome and Constantinople, it made
communication very difficult and inadvertently led to a ... Show more content on ...
The Pope supported Ignatius over Photius and because of this he became outraged with the Latin Church. He condemned Western theology and
practice. His biggest issue was the Western Church's addition of the phrase "and from the Son" (filioque) to the Nicene Creed (Pennock 113). The
Eastern Church was completely against this phrase and object that the Holy Spirit came through the Son, not from the Son. A conclusive split occurred
when in the 11th century when Popes began to assert their authority over the whole Church under German emperors. This gave rise to a figure by the
name of Michael Cerularius who preached a strong and violent anti–Latin attitude. He like others before him were angered by the filoque (and from the
Son) clause that was added to the Nicene Creed. Additionally, he was extremely opposed to the Western tradition of clerical celibacy (priest allowed to
be married after ordination) and the unleavened bread used for Eucharist. He took it to the extent of closing all Latin Churches in Constantinople and
excommunicating any priest that gave mass in Latin. This was the final straw in the rift between the East and the West (Latin vs. Greek). This
effectively marks the split between the two sides.
A positive relationship between the two Christian groups has not been restored though there have been efforts to do so. IN the years shortly after the
schism, there were attempts to restore a connection through councils such as the Second Council of Lyons
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Causes Of The Great Schism
Was the Great Schism a good thing?
The Greek and Roman empires were two different and unique places to live. Even though they had many differences, they also had many similarities
with one another. One of the biggest similarities between these two great empires was they both practiced the religion of Christianity. People may not
know but they practiced different types of Christianity in these two empires. The Romans would practice in Catholic churches while the Greeks would
practice in the Orthodox church. The reason for these two churches to split up was because of an event called the Great Schism which caused
Christianity to split into these two churches. Many people at the time might say that this was a good thing, others might say it's a bad thing. The
schism caused many different event to occur. According to the documents, assumption of power and rivalry over land was the causes of the schism,
churches blaming each other and ill treatment were its effects. One of the events that lead to the schism was that one church had more power that the
other. As it states in Document 1, "If he wishes to judge us and even rule us and our church, not by taking council with us but his own arbitrary"
(Document 1). This quote is said by an Orthodox Archbishop named Nicomedia. In other words, Nicomedia s trying to say that the RomanCatholic
church things it has more power than the Greek Orthodox church. Nicomedia complains that the Catholic church is trying to take over the Orthodox
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How Did Christianity Change Over Time
Throughout time, Christianity has changed constantly. In order to survive, Christianity has had to evolve and split. It has split into many
denominations, some of which have become extinct over the centuries. The religion has changed and divided due to influential people and events in
For example, the Great Schism is the first major division within Christianity. The Great Schism, otherwise known as the East–West Schism, is when the
early Christian Church split into the Western RomanCatholic Church (led by Pope Leo IX) and Eastern Orthodox Church (led by the patriarch of
Constantinople, Michael Cerularius). This occurred in 1054 but previously there had been a lot of tension between the two sides. The Great Schism
occurred because of
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Great Schism Dbq
In 1054, the Great Schism occurred between the Roman Catholics and the Orthodox Christians, when the Pope first excommunicated the Patriarch of
Constantinople. Not long after that, the Patriarch excommunicated the Pope, causing the split. There were many issues prior that created the Great
Schism between the east and west both before and after 1054. It would appear from the documentation that the east had more issues with how the west
conducted the church. The issues that caused the Schism between the two churches happened prior to 1054, but more issues occurred after the split.
Before the split occurred, there were multiple differences that the Latin Catholics and the Eastern Orthodox, which could be possible reasons for the
schism. The catholics... Show more content on ...
In 1136, a man named Nicetas stated that "The Roman Church separated herself by her pretensions. She became a monarchy." (Document 2) The
document goes further and explains that the Roman Pope has become more of a supreme ruler, hurls orders at the people and even judges them. That
is not the way to rule the church, but to let the supreme God rule instead of man. Later, in 1205, Greek citizens wrote when the church was ruled by a
Latin Emperor, "Since then, small is the gap between Latins (Catholics) and Greeks which loosen the unity of the one church," (Document 6) The
citizens wish for the union of the two churches, but it remains in denial, and talks about how the two separate churches are leading to the division of
the one church. In 1274, a Byzantine diplomat who agreed to the reunion of the churches, named Metochites, said "Should we who are prounionists
simply because we favor union with Rome be subjected to being called supporters of a foreign nation and not Byzantine patriots?" (Document 7) This
man is in favor of the reunion with Rome, but pushes the fact that by being in favor, that they no longer want their own religion and are considered a
Westerner. He simply wishes for reunion with the Catholics. Finally, in 1349, the Serbian Law Code states in article 6 that "any Christians who have
turned to unleavened bread, let them return
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Christianity In The Middle East
Imagine being unable to pray or attend church without the risk of being murdered. Living in constant fear that your whole way of life will be swept
right from under you. Would you be willing to risk your life for your religion? Middle Eastern Christians are not persecuted because they are criminals,
but because of what they believe. They simply want the freedom of faith and religion that Americans experience every day. Each day, Christians in the
Middle East are slaughtered, tortured, raped, kidnapped, beheaded, and forced to flee the birthplace of Christianity. If these indignities continue,
Christianity in the Middle East could disappear. The persecution of Christians in the Middle East is not new. In fact, it traces back to the Roman Empire
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By the sixth century, Western churches were using Latin compared to Greek in Eastern Churches. In addition to the language differences, they were
also a number of religious practices that separated. For example, leavened or raised bread was used for Eucharist in the East, but not in the West. The
West required celibacy while the East allowed some marriages for clergy. Theologically, the two groups fought over a clause inserted into the Nicene
Creed in 589 by a Western ecumenical council in Toledo. The clause was known as the filioque. "It indicated that Holy Spirit proceeded from the Father
and the Son; the Eastern Churches rejected the addition of and the Son" (Bailey 52). When the Patriarch of Constantinople and the Roman papal legate
excommunicated each other in 1054, it only furthered the growing schism between Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic churches. A few years after
the major schism, the Crusades began and completely tore apart the relationship. Catholic crusaders killed Orthodox Christians along with Muslims. All
hope of reconciliation was ended when the soldiers of the Fourth Crusade raided the Church of the Holy Wisdom in Constantinople in 1204. Not only
have Christians had trouble with other Christians, but also conflicts with groups of other
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Schism Of 1054 Dbq
Although it is widely accepted that the Schism of 1054 was caused by religious differences in the Eastern Orthodox Church and the Roman Catholic
Church, or Latin Christian, cultural differences and political tensions played an equally important role is the separation of the Christian Church in
The centers of the Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic Churches were surrounded by very different influences, causing substantial differences in
culture, which bred and built up conflict when the two empires interacted. The surrounding cultures of each empire were crucial in the shaping of
culture. For instance, in the Eastern Orthodox Empire, had a base for their culture formed by a mixture of Greek, Western Asian, and Egyptian
qualities, but ... Show more content on ...
Most notably, the difference in leadership sparked a lack of unity between the East and West. The West divided secular and ecclesiastical issues into
two roles: the emperor and the Pope. This separation of responsibility allowed each head to focus a great amount of energy into the protection of the
Church and state. In particular, the elimination of heretics in the West was a source of pride for the RomanCatholic Church and is mentioned in multiple
primary sources, such as Document #63 in The Human Record and "Anna Comnena on the Suppression of Bogomil Heretics." Unfortunately, the
separate leadership positions produced an internal tension while both the Pope and emperor were aiming to be accepted as the more powerful
leader. A prime example of this competition would be between Pope Leo III and King Charles when, before King Charles could declare himself
emperor of all of the West, Pope Leo III invited him to Rome, where mosaics depicting shared power between the Pope and emperor had been
placed, and crowned him emperor, which reinforced the idea that the religious leader held power over the secular leader. In contrast, the East's
leader was both the secular and religious leader, as shown in the Ravenna mosaics of Justinian and Theodora (Document #61, The Human Record).
The couple were depicted with symbols of both legal and religious authority including purple robes, for royalty, religious, military, and domestic
figures, ornate crowns, and the bread and wine for mass. The choice to keep one person as both secular and religious leader caused a lack of tension
between the two aspects, but also caused less changes to be made, such as banning heretics, which the West found appalling. In Document #63 of The
Human Record it reads, "all heresies have emanated from [the East] and have flourished among [the East]; among us, that is Westerners, they
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What Is The East-West Schism
One of the assigned readings that struck me was "The Great Schism". It describes how and why Christianity split into Eastern Orthodoxy and Western
Roman Catholicism branches. The main reasons that the East–West schism occurred were cultural, political and geographical. It corrected my
misunderstanding concerning the situations that led to the split between the Eastern and Western Christendom. I was surprised to learn about some
reasons that could play such a big role in diving the two branches. Before learning about it in class, I had the misconception that the Catholic Church
was the only Christian church when the Reformation took place. Also, I came across few articles that mark 1054 as the official year of the East–West
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Roman Catholic Church vs Eastern Orthodox Church Essay
Before the split of 1054, the Roman Catholic Church or Western church and the Eastern Orthodox Church or Byzantine church were almost one with
each other. The two churches held the same ideals and got along with one another the majority of the time. They had previous splits in the past but they
were never a permanent situation because they usually found a solution to their issues and differences. The split between the Eastern Orthodox Church
and the Roman Catholic Church in 1054 seemed to have no resolution when their theological, political, and cultural differences became too much for
them to harmonize upon. Although the Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church ultimately had more differences which ended up
causing their ... Show more content on ...
The theological differences were some of the biggest reason why the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox churches split. The Eastern churches had
theological roots in Greek philosophy and the Western churches had theologies that constructed on their Roman law ("Schism of 1054", 2014, para. 3).
A strong issue that the two churches had was the theological proposition of the placement and addition of "the Son" to the Roman creed. The Roman
churches included the "Father and the Son" in the Nicene creed without consulting the Eastern church while the Eastern church only used the Father.
The Orthodox Church believe it should have been written with "the Father" proceeded by the Holy Spirit. Besides theological differences between the
two churches there were also political and cultural controversies. Before the split the Western church had begun to push for the solidification of papal
authority. The push for papal authority would cause the churches to become more autocratic and centralized (Dennis, The East–West Schism, para. 10).
This push had taken a damper on the entire church and the hostility began to grow. "Problems arose in Southern Italy (then under Byzantine rule) in the
1040s, when Norman warriors conquered the region and replaced Greek [Eastern] bishops with Latin [Western] ones" (Dennis, para. 5). After
Cerularius was informed that the Normans were forbidding Greek customs in southern
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East-West Schism Vs. Eastern Orthodox Christianity
For the first one thousand years of their existence, these churches were the same institution. The split between the Western and Eastern Christian
churches into the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox churches is referred to as the Great Schism or, more definitively, the "East–West Schism",
which occurred in 1054. This occurred due to long–running cultural and theological differences, power struggles, and lack of communication.
Prominently they argued over what type bread (leavened vs. unleavened) to use to represent the body of Christ in the Eucharist. Each side had
developed different traditions. But how different are they really? They have so much in common, what exactly do they believe that made them diverge?
Both the Roman Catholics and the Orthodox Christians agree on which scriptures are the recognized gospels, on the same seven sacraments/mysteries.
They share similar beliefs of who Mary was and see her as their greatest saint.
Despite the fact that both are branches of Christianity as a whole, Eastern Orthodox Christianity and Roman Catholicism seem to have poor opinions of
each other. They share many core beliefs regarding Jesus ... Show more content on ...
As far as confessing sins, the Orthodox are similar in the regard they confess their sins in intercession with the clergy and they will be absolved of
them. The Eastern Orthodox believes that the Virgin Mary was capable of sin, but resisted it her whole life. For if she was created without sin, then
this would mean she wasn't human. They don't accept she was born with sin, because they don't believe in original sin, as previously stated. The
Catholic Church believes she was conceived and born without it. They reject the idea of the Immaculate Conception as well, while the Catholic Church
declared it as a dogma (principles laid down as incontrovertible
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Essay On Christianity In The Byzantine Empire
Christianity has changed a lot during the Byzantine empire. In 312 emperor Constantine was interested with the religion and started practicing it.
Constantine was the first emperor to introduce Christianity, though it wasn't until emperor Theodosius made Christianity the official religion in 391
that it really became popular. When Christianity became the official religion, the government also adopted it, meaning that many laws were based off
of the faith. The first major change in the religion from when it was first adopted was when the west and the east debated which person was the
supreme leader. In the west, they believed the supreme leader was the pope, the pope was a patriarch of Rome. Instead, the east believed that the
patriarch of ... Show more content on ...
Icons were religious artifacts of Jesus, Virgin Mary, or the saints. These artifacts were kept in churches and homes. For a while, no one could
decide wether artifacts should be banned or not. Pope Gregory believed that icons were good things. During this time frame many could not read.
This made it hard for Christian followers to connect with their religion. They were not able to read the bible, so the only way to make a
connection was through pictures and sculptures of their holy people. Additionally, stricter Christians were against the idea of icons because they
felt that worshipping the icons was like worshipping an idol, or false god. These people who didn't agree with icons were called iconoclasts. These
disagreements led to an iconoclastic controversy in 726. Leo III called for all icons in the empire to be destroyed. They smashed paintings and
sculptures, no matter how important it was to you. Considerably later, the pope called for all the bishops to meet with him to talk about how he felt
that icons were good. They then changed the law due to the fact that not allowing to honor icons was a heresy, an opinion that goes against official
church beliefs. They re–wrote the laws specifying that if anyone is to destroy icons again, they will be excommunicated (a free ticket to H E double
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Historical And Theological Issues Surrounding The Catholic...
There was many historical and theological issues surrounding the split between the Catholic and the Orthodox church. There were cultural factors that
impacted how the religion was practiced. There was political factors, as per usual politics ruin everything. Aside from all the socio–political reasons the
main reason there was a schism was because the east and west disagreed on aspects of religion.
The Great Schism, was the event that divided Christianity into Western (Roman) Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy. All though it is normally dated to
1054, when Pope Leo IX and Patriarch Michael I excommunicated each other, the East–West Schism was actually the result of an extended period of
estrangement between the two bodies of churches. The primary causes of the Schism were disputes over papal authority. According toRome the Pope
held authority over the four Eastern patriarchs, while the four eastern patriarchs claimed that the primacy of the Patriarch of Rome was only honorary
and thus he had authority only over Western Christians,
Cultural differences that separated ancient Greece from ancient Rome still held true for the early Christian church. Language was an important factor
in the schism, the entire early Christian world was split almost precisely along the Greek–Latin language boundary. Words, and ideas could not be
precisely translated, and words often had multiple meanings in one language views them in another. The language problem was also symbolic of the
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The Great Schism Of 1054 Chapter Summary
The Great Schism of 1054 The Great Schism of 1054 was the separation of what is now the Eastern Orthodox Churches and the Western Roman
Catholic Churches. In the book, The Orthodox Church, Timothy Ware explains several reasons that influence the separation of these two churches.
Ware explains how the Great Schism happened gradually over time, where Catholicism would slowly branch away from the Eastern Side. He
specifically pointed out that starting in 1009, the new Pope's on the western part of Europe were not included in the Constantinopolitan Patriarch list of
all the great Patriarchs, or the Diptychs. Since all of this started in 1009, Ware believes that this is the "real" date of the Great Schism. The Diptychs
are "a visible sign of unity
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Roman Catholic Church Part 2 Summary
Part 2:
The two big splits in 1054, resulted in the Roman catholic church breaking into separate branches. One being the Eastern Orthodox Catholics, and the
other being the Roman Catholics who belong in the West. The separation had been influenced by Germanic tribes invading across Europe and the
effect plunged the whole of Europe in the "Dark Ages". A mixture of many political, social, cultural, economic, theological, linguistic differences caused
a split in the Roman church.
Within the whole church, there were only five patriarchs. They were spread out mainly in the east (Antioch, Alexandria, Jerusalem and Byzantium)
which all spoke Greek and were also located in the west of Rome, with their principal language Latin. Both of these two sides could not read nor have
any access to the writings of the theologians on the opposite side as the western theology was supported by a small number of Latin theologians,
whereas the east focused on Greek theology.
With all the lack of agreement and contrast, it had been the substructure for the Great Schism.
Part 3:
Traveling 500 years forward ... Show more content on ...
Even though Luther's questions were quite humble rather than accusing, the Pope found Luther's writings to be opposing in the teachings that the
church dispenses. They gave him a recant and Martin refused and from this, the Pope excommunicated Luther from the catholic church. In 1521, Luther
was in sight before the diet of worms in Germany and from refusing again to the recant, he finished his evidence in a statement saying "Here I stand.
God help me. I can do no other"1. Later his writings were burned, but he didn't stop. Hiding in Eisenach, he began on a major life project. this was to
translate the new testament into German. This life project took him ten
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The Schism Between The East And West
In 1054, the Great Schism occurred between the Roman Catholics and the Orthodox Christians, when the Pope first excommunicated the Patriarch of
Constantinople. Not long after that, the Patriarch excommunicated the Pope, causing the split. There were many issues prior that created the Great
Schism between the east and west both before and after 1054. It would appear from the documentation that the east had more issues with how the west
conducted the church. The issues that caused the Schism between the two churches happened prior to 1054, but more issues occurred after the split.
Before the split occurred, there were multiple differences that the Latin Catholics and the Eastern Orthodox, which could be possible reasons for the
schism. The Catholics had different authorities, government systems and rules which they followed daily. For starters, theCatholic Church was
separated from political authority, the Pope ruled the church and everything was directed as a monarchy. The Eastern Orthodox had the Byzantine
Emperor as the political head of the church, a council of bishops was the supreme religious authority and was ruled as an oligarchy (Doc 4). Their
differences would eventually lead to arguments between them, and cause the split. Before that, a man named Pope John VIII sent a letter to the Greek
Patriarch Photius, stating that "It is our will that our Bulgarian diocese, which converted to Christianity through the efforts of my predecessor, Pope
Nicholas, and which was
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The Schism Between The East And The West
The Great Schism There were many issues that created the Great Schism between the East and the West, both before 1054 CE and after. However it
would appear from the documentation that the East had more issues with how the West conducted religion and ran their church. The issues that
occurred with how the West conducted religion and ran their church happened prior to 1054 CE. Furthermore the ambassadors from thePope
excommunicated the Patriarch of Constantinople around 1054 CE. The following day, the Patriarch excommunicated the Pope. Then the official
Schism between the Latin Roman Catholic church and the Orthodox Catholic church began. 1054 CE is considered the official date of the start of
the schism, but there were tensions before that date. The schism still lasts until this day. Issues that the Roman Catholics had prior to 1054 CE
were well written by Pope John VIII in the letter to the Greek Patriarch Photius in 861 CE, and also the Traditions of the Latin Catholics and
Eastern Orthodox around 1000 C.E. Pope John VIII wrote his letter to Photius saying that he wished for his Bulgarian diocese be restored by them
as soon as possible and they forbid any ordinations to be performed by the heads the church in Constantinople. In addition He states "It is our will that
our Bulgarian diocese, which converted to Christianity through the efforts of my predecessor, Pope Nicholas, and which was assigned to the
jurisdiction of Rome by Pope Hadrian, be restored as soon as
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Comparison Of East-West Schism And The Byzantine Empire
The Schism of 1054 (also known as the Great Schism, the East–West Schism and the 1000 Year Schism) was a defining moment in Christianity's two
thousand year history, dividing "Chalcedonian" Christianity into two separate Church bodies of which would become Western (Roman) Catholicism
and Eastern Orthodoxy.
Though there is a broad historical, theological and religious consensus that the official break of communion is dated to the year 1054 C.E., when Pope
Leo IX and Patriarch Michael I excommunicated each other, this was not the sole cause of the schism that would divide these denominations for some
two centuries, but rather, to use the clichГ©, the 'straw that broke the camel's back'.
Since the foundation of Christendom, the Church ... Show more content on ...
The Great Schism split the previously united Christian Faith along doctrinal, theological, linguistic, political, and geographic lines, each claiming to be
"the One Holy Catholic (universal) and Apostolic Church."
One of the main contributing factors to the division has its roots in the non–canonical insertion of the filioque clause into the Nicene Creed by the
Roman Church. The inclusion of the Filioque (Latin for "and [from] the Son") was, and still is not accepted by the Eastern Churches, due to its
consideration as a direct violation of the Council of Ephesus.
Other disputes included:
в‡Ёthe jurisdiction of the Western or Eastern Church in the Balkan States.
в‡ЁDisputes in regards to Papal Authority, primarily over the four remaining patriarchs and the extent of his authority.
в‡ЁDiffering liturgical practices, which were condemned by the opposing Churches, such as the use of unleavened bread for the Eucharist in the West
and the Eastern practice of intinction (dipping) of the bread in the wine for Communion.
в‡ЁDiffering views over date on which Easter should be celebrated in the
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East-West Schism Essay
The East–West Schism is a split that shows how some groups never get along, even in the Church. The Eastern Christian Church and the Western
Church had many issues that led up to the schism. The east side, also known as the Byzantine Empire, followed Greek philosophy, whereas the west
side followed Roman law. Those are very different, so the sides did not practiceChristianity exactly the same. Furthermore, the East spoke Greek, but
the West spoke Latin. This was an obvious language barrier and caused some difficulties in communicating, which must have added to the already
troublesome dissimilarities between the two sides. The actual schism took place when the leaders of the eastern and western sides of the Church
excommunicated each other.
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The Great Schism Of 1054: Western Catholic Church And...
Schism of 1054
The Great Schism occurred in 1054 when the Western Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church split, slicing the religion in two. The conflict
materialized for many reasons, but mainly the disagreements of the power of the Pope and the language difference of the West and East. The East
believed in an ecumenical patriarch heavily disputing the power of the Pope. The West thought the Pope deserved full power, hence the name Power of
the Pope. Moreover, while trying to argue about the power of the Pope, they couldn't understand each other, posing another dilemma.
In the East, Greek was used in the Church, whereas Latin was used in the West. This obviously created misunderstandings, and eventually disputes,
between the two.
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Constantine as a Christian Hero Essay
Constantine as a Christian Hero
Christianity's history is filled with division, controversy, and conflict. One of the most important people who contributed to the lasting success of this
diverse religion was Constantine. While legalizing Christianity in Roman society, he founded the capital of the eastern Roman Empire, Constantinople.
Because of this and other great accomplishments, Constantine appropriately earned the name Constantine the Great. After his father's death in 306, the
Gaul army hailed Constantine as their ruler. After five years as the emperor of Gaul, Constantine invaded Italy. After defeating the Roman army,
Constantine entered Rome as the ruler of the western half of the empire. In 313, Constantine issued ... Show more content on ...
On the other hand, Athanasius, the leader of the bishops in the west, claimed that the Father and Son were equal and of the same substance. In 325, as a
mediator, Constantine called together a council of bishops at Nicaea in Asia Minor. While condemning Arius and his teachings, the council declared the
complete equality of God the Father and the Son. The teaching that Father and Son were made up "of one substance" became part of the Nicene Creed,
the statement that helped to unite Christianity. The council addressed other issues as well, including the method for consecrating bishops. Next,
Constantine moved the capital from Rome to the east. He chose the Greek city of Byzantium. In 330, after expanding and enriching the city, it was
dedicated as New Rome, but it was called Constantinople, meaning "the city of Constantine." Constantinople became the capital of Christianity in the
east, while Rome dominated the religion in the west. Constantine's continuous support for Christianity is one of the reasons that it is still a major
religion today. I believe that Constantine was a great ruler because of his dedication to the unity of Christianity. Regardless of the different schisms in
the religion, Constantine was determined to make Christianity unified. The Edict of Milan shows that Constantine had respect for other religions and
allowed them, but preferred Christianity. It also shows that, even
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Issues Before And After 1054 Dbq Essay
Many issues that created the Great Schism between the East and West, both before 1054 and after 1054. It would appear from the documents that the
Eastern Orthodox has more issues with how the West was conducting religion. Some documents would tell us that the Catholic had issues before and
after 1054 C.E. Also the Eastern Orthodox had issues before and after 1054. Both religions had issues before and after the time of 1054 C.E., but the
Eastern Orthodox had more issues. It would appear to us by the documents that the Catholic had issues before 1054 C.E. In 86 C.E we learned that the
Pope had an problem because the jurisdiction of Rome should be restored as possible. We learn that the jurisdiction of Rome was necessary because it
helped them ... Show more content on ...
These were the issues that we learned that we're going on before 1054 in the Catholic faith. We learn by the documents that the Catholic religion had
many issues after 1054 C.E. We learn from a French knight in 1204 that they believed that everyone should see the sermon on Sunday morning. When
the sermon happened there were many different commands that the people were told do (Document 1), so I think that the sermon was important for
the customs of the Catholic religion. We learn from a king how he has taken over some land and how he received the land from the Pope and through
the power of the God (Document 9). He thought that the God would be able to protect him from things in life. I believe that when someone thinks that
they will receive protection from God than they are not as nervous about the things that they do. These are some of the issues that we learn that the
Catholic had after 1054 C.E in their religion. There were some documents that we were given that tell us some of the Eastern Orthodox issues before
1054 C.E. We learn how that the Bishops that are in the council are supreme leaders can cause many problems (Document
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Early Church Fathers Attitudes Toward Women Essay
Chapter 6 Early Church Fathers' Attitudes Toward Women "Then, as the church became fused with the secular, misogynistic society of Rome, Christ's
attitude toward women and the doctrine of equality were purposely forgotten," 21, 34 Following are only a few of the mean–spirited quotes made by
the early church so–called fathers and from modern preachers. This researcher believes this kind of leadership has instigated erroneous beliefs about
women and their place in the Christian church. Furthermore, it has promoted discrimination against women in general and female clergy in particular.
Quotes are courtesy of John Wijngaards34 (2015) and Valerie Tarico35 (2013). The feminist agenda is not about equal rights for women. It is about a
socialist, anti–family political movement that encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and
become lesbians.". Pat Robertson, Southern Baptist leader (1930–), In Huffington Post (2014). "Most of these feminists are radical, frustrated lesbians,
many of them, and man–haters, and failures in their relationships with men, and who have declared war on the male gender. The Biblical condemnation
of feminism has to do with its radical philosophy and goals. That 's the bottom line."–Jerry Falwell. In Religious Tolerance (2016). "Wife: Be content to
be insignificant. What loss would it be to God or man had you never been born." ––– John Wesley (1703–91). "The word and works of God
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Peter And The Council Of Nicaea Essay
Explain the Significance of Peter, Paul, Constantine and the Council of Nicaea, and the Schism of 1054
Peter: Initially Peter was known as Saul. He was the first disciple of Jesus who lived as a fisherman on the Sea of Galilee until he was called, along
with his brother Andrew, by Jesus. The important even of being called byJesus is recorded in early Matthew, "And Jesus, walking by the sea of
Galilee, saw two brethren, Simon called Peter, and Andrew his brother, casting a net into the sea: for they were fishers.And he saith unto them, Follow
me, and I will make you fishers of men. And they straightway left their nets, and followed him." (Matthew 4:18–20 KJV) While he is credited for
writing only two books found in the new testament, and being an attendee of the Last Supper, he still fulfilled the augury found in Matthew, "Jesus
said unto him, Verily I say unto thee, That this night, before the cock crow, thou shalt deny me thrice." (Matthew 26:34) After Peter did this, he proved
Jesus to be correct. When Peter did this he verified Jesus's insight and is another example of the truth of the Bible. ... Show more content on ...
His full time occupation was to find and persecute Christians. In the new testament book of Acts says, "As for Saul, he made havoc of the church,
entering into every house, and haling men and women committed them to prison." (Acts 8:3 KJV) He was later miraculously converted to Christianity
deeper into the book of Acts, "Then Saul, filled with the Holy Ghost set eyes on him." (Acts 13:9 KJV) After converting he became a leading
missionary of early Christianity. He wrote thirteen books of what is now known as the new testament. Many churches in Asia and Greece were founded
by Paul, he even kept correspondence with them throughout his life. In conclusion, Paul was exceptionally influential on helping build
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The Schism Between The East And The West
The Great Schism There were many issues that created the Great Schism between the East and the West, both before 1054 CE and after. However, it
would appear from the documentation that the East had more issues with how the West conducted religion and ran their church. The issues that
occurred with how the West conducted religion and ran their church happened prior to 1054 CE. Furthermore, the ambassadors from thePope
excommunicated the Patriarch of Constantinople around 1054 CE. The following day, the Patriarch excommunicated the Pope. Then the official
Schism between the Latin Roman Catholic church and the Orthodox Catholic church began. 1054 CE is considered the official date of the start of the
schism, but there were tensions before ... Show more content on ...
In the Traditions of the Latin Catholics and Eastern Orthodox, the Latin (Roman) Catholics and Eastern Orthodox are compared by geographic
areas, secular authority, chief religious authority, role of the general church council, typical style of government, married priests, and divorce. Latin
Catholics were located in Western and Northern Europe, parts of Central also Southern Europe and the secular authority is that the church is
separate from the secular political authority. The chief religious authority is the Pope as head of the church, and the general church council was ran
as a Council to advise the popes. The typical style of government was a "Monarchy", and priests were not allowed to marry. Divorce was forbidden
and never considered. (Document 4). However, the issues the Roman Catholics had after 1054 CE were well written by Robert de Clari, a French
knight who participated in the attack on Constantinople, in his own chronicles recounting the Crusade in 1204 CE. (Document 1) In addition, there is
the letter to Henry, who was a German Holy Roman Emporer from Robert Guiscard the King of Sicily in 1076 CE (Document 9). Robert de Clari
stated that "all the Crusaders and Venetians should go and hear the Sermon on Sunday morning." The bishops preached to them about how the Greeks
were bad and the war was righteous and the Bishops said that they would forgive them. The Bishops then made the Pilgrims confess their sins and
receive communion.
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Eastern Orthodoxy
Eastern Orthodox Church is known as Orthodox Catholic Church; it is one of three major doctrinal and jurisdictional sects of Christianity
(Meyendorff). Today, 225 million people follow Orthodox Catholic Christians they live mainly in the Balkans, the Middle East, some are America, and
Russia. "Eastern Orthodoxy is the large body of Christians who follow the faith and practices that were defined by the first seven ecumenical councils"
(Meyendorff). The word orthodox means right believing, they also follows the tradition and the doctrine with a strict interpretation. The word Orthodox
(rightly believing) was first used by the Greek–speaking Christian who labeled the communities or individuals who conserve the true faith, as defined
by those councils,
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The Change in Christian Doctrine and Practices During the...
Christianity experienced notable change during the Byzantine Era as a result of the fact that new ideas were introduced into the religion and because
more and more cultural values from across the world started to pervade it. The religion was very different in Byzantium from how it was in the West
principally because a series of Eastern ideas were adopted by Christian leaders. Christianity experienced a different development in the East when
compared to the evolution that it experienced in the West. In the centuries lasting between the beginning of the Eastern half of theRoman Empire and
the end of a small medieval state Christianity has practically been bombarded with Eastern ideas and with ideas that generally differed from the ones
promoted in the West, eventually making it possible for "a distinct system of religious practice and devotion" (Krueger, 1) to emerge.
It only seemed natural for the Orthodox East and the Catholic West to have a series of elements differentiating them from each–other. However, it is
actually surprising that most of these differences emerged as a result of cultural practices influencing each branch of Christianity. Individuals in the
East developed innovative methods of putting across Christian thinking and managed to create a cult that largely differed from the one in the West. In
spite of the fact that the Byzantine Empire shrank across time, it managed to induce intense feelings in communities neighboring it. Some of these
influences can be
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Compare And Contrast The Spread Of Licinius Under The...
Constantine defeated the Eastern Emperor Licinius in the civil war of 324. Since this point, he reigned over the whole united Roman Empire. One of
Constantinople's actions as Emperor was to move the capital of Rome from the city of Rome to Byzantium, which he renamed Constantinople. Rome,
as the original capital, still retained much of its power. The two cities served as capitals of the Eastern and Western halves of the Empire. Having
contracted a serious illness, Constantine was officially baptised into Christianity on his deathbed. The next great change for Christianity came under the
rule of Emperor Theodosius in 379 AD. Although theRoman Empire had been predominately Christian for some time, Theodosius took the final step in
making Christianity
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Byzantine Empire: The Great Schism Of 1054
Before the era of the Byzantine Empire, the Roman Empire had disagreements about their faith and religion. They encountered differences that
eventually caused them to split in two. The Byzantine Empire was successful in discovering the Orthodox Christian religion and building a new empire
that preserved Roman laws. Without the great schism, Roman laws would've been forgotten and there would not have been the exploration of a new
The Great Schism of 1054 was when the Roman Empire split into halves, to the Roman Empire (which was Catholic) to the west, and the Byzantine
Empire (which was Orthodox) to the east. This schism was caused by quarrels about their religion. They believed in different things when it came to
who was "in charge" ... Show more content on ...
Constantine was the first emperor to tolerate Christianity. As time went on and the empire became under the rule of Justinian, one of the most
beautiful architectures in Europe, the Hagia Sophia, was built. As more adjustments were being made to the empire, one of the biggest changes was
expansion. The Byzantine Empire started to conquer more of the land to the west and had started expanding the empire to the point where it
included Italy, Sicily, North Africa, southern Spain, Syria, Greece, Italy, Egypt, and North Africa. The location of the capital, Constantinople,
eventually made it become extremely successful and wealthy. This was because the empire brought together Europe and Asia, and Constantinople
started to play an important role in the spice trade routes. Through the trade routes, they were able to exchange silk, cloth, gold, fish, caviar, leather,
spices, stones, and etc. from all over the Asia. The empire's growth lead to the spread of Christianity. Unfortunately, due to the empire's expansion
and how large it was, the Byzantine Empire encountered many difficulties. There was much more land for the military to guard, especially after
Justinian had built the twelve mile border of walls and because so many people were trying to overthrow the empire in greed. An example would be
the Barbarian people, who wanted to take over the Byzantine Empire and its capital for the land, power, and wealth. Even though the Byzantine
Empire gained access to more resources, the resources were used up due to how many people were a part of the empire. In 532–537, while under the
rule of Justinian, one of the most beautiful architectures in Europe was built. This architecture was known by the name the Hagia Sophia, which meant
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East-West Schism Research Paper
The Great Schism of 1054, also called the East–West Schism, divided the church into the Eastern Orthodox Church and the Roman Catholic Church.
The split did not just occur randomly; it was a series of long tensions that had been brewing for years. When the tensions reached the climax in 1054,
Pope Leo IX sent delegates to the ecumenical patriarch, Michael Cerulias, and excommunicated him and his associates. In return, Michael
excommunicated the Pope and his delegates too. The split was done and there would be no coming back. The Schism of 1054 resulted from an
amalgam of issues and conflicts between the Catholic and East Orthodox Church for six centuries; the result was a wide split between the two churches.
Two preliminary schisms set the ... Show more content on ...
These causes in a general scope included political debates, theological arguments, social problems, and economic issues. The first cause was political. It
occurred when the Muslims began invading the Mediterranean world. Many people began to convert to the Islamic religion. This scared the Catholics
and the Eastern Orthodox churches. Thus, began a fight, between the two, to gain as many followers as possible to enlarge their following. This caused
great conflict between the members of both churches. Each church gained their own spheres of influence. Catholicism taking up much of Western
Europe and the western and northern areas of the Mediterranean. The Eastern Church took up Asia Minor, the Middle East, and Northern Africa. This
caused a further divide and made the people completely split apart into almost two huge countries. In 800, The Catholic Church crowned Charlemagne
as king of the "Holy Roman Empire". This split the country into the West, which constituted of the Catholic Church and its followers, and the East,
which constituted of the Eastern Orthodox Church and its members. The Eastern Church refused this title and challenged saying the Catholic Church
saying that they could not take a vast area of land and suddenly name it an empire. The Catholics refused to change their position and this infuriated the
Eastern Orthodox Church and caused the relations between the two to
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What Is Evil In Dante's Inferno
In the Inferno, Canto XXVII, Dante comes across the Sowers of Scandal and Schism while on his journey through hell. Dante, the poet, reveals that
schism and scandal cause division within family and community. The sinners must walk in an endless cycle of punishment. Their bodies are cut up by
the sword of a devil, only to heal and come back to be sliced again. These sinners are aware of certain things going on in the world, but they can only
contact the living through Dante the pilgrim. There idea of helping the living reveals their inability to recognize their sins and why they are in hell.
Through poetic imagery and narration, Dante uses a comparison to the battle of Puglia, the mutilation of the bodies, and the encounter with... Show
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Bertran de Born's head has been severed from his body, and walks around holding his head by the hair, swinging it just like a lantern. By advising a
son to rebel against his father, he caused an unethical divide within family and political leaders. The head, the father, is now separate from the body,
the son. Now Bertran must suffer the pains of division he has caused. Dante says "of his own self he made himself a light and they were two in one,
and one in two." The contrapasso is so clear, that Bertran himself is his own light, realizing his own sin. He is aware that he has made himself into his
own example. He even states, "In me you see the perfect contrapasso!" The 'two in one and one in two' represents the whole being split by the schism
into parts. Together the parts are still Bertran, just as Henry III is family to Henry II in the same nation, but they are at the same time two separate parts
because they have turned against one another. The sight of Bertran's severed head is unnatural, just as a son turning against his own father is an
abomination against family. The suffering of Bertran reflects the division he caused within family, revealing the heinous and sinful nature of
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Religion Vs Byzantineism
Geography: The West encompassed Western Europe and the northern and western areas of the Mediterranean and the East took up Asia Minor, the
Middle East, and Northern Africa. Ignorance: The Byzantine Church knew less and less Latin and even less Latin tradition, and vice versa. So most
patriarchs in Constantinople couldn't read any Latin, and most popes in Rome couldn't read any Greek. Byzantines in the East used leavened bread in
their Divine Liturgy to symbolize the Risen Christ, and Latins in the West used unleavened bread as was used by Jesus at the Last Supper. Different
theologies: Both were valid, but each had its own perspective. The West (Latin) was more practical and, although fully believing in the divinity of
Christ, put emphasis
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What Caused The Great Schism Of 1054
To understand what caused The Great Schism of 1054, it is important to first have a background knowledge of who was involved. The divide occurred
among the land, with a west side and an east side. The western side was inhabited by Romans and spanned from current Portugal over to Hungary, also
including the more northern countries from Ireland to Sweden. These borders were frequently changed throughout history, although their principal area
was always that of the German states. This area was referred to as the Holy Roman Empire. The Eastern area, on the other hand, were inhabited by
Greeks and the area was often referred to as the Byzantium Empire. The empire included current Russia and Bulgaria. These countries together formed
the Eastern Slavic Principalities, with their capital based out of Constantinople. Apart from the geological differences, there were also political and
lingual differences between the East and West. Communication was difficult between the Greek–speaking East and the Latin–speaking West, as the
church and other leaders no longer read, let alone spoke the language of the other half of the Christian world. The language barrier separated the
civilizations greatly. Apart from lingual differences, there were also political differences within both the church and the empires. Both sides had
differing views on who should hold power in the church. On the eastern side, the Byzantine emperor was also the leader in the church. His name was
Michael Cerularius,
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Compare And Contrast Byzantine Empire And Western Europe
Due to the collapse of the Roman Empire, it split into two separate regions: the Byzantine Empire and Western Europe. Both empires followed different
paths of development. For example, Western Europe was isolated from the rest of the world due to Europe's geography, but due to suitable farming
conditions, they had the ability to farm, which in turn supported a growing population. Meanwhile, the Byzantine Empire is much more prosperous
than its western counterpart due to the efforts of Justinian, whose goal was to bring back the lifestyle of Ancient Rome. There are many similarities
and differences between the political and religious institutions of medieval Western Europe and the Byzantine Empire. A schism formed between the
East and the West due to power struggles between thepope and the patriarchs. Christianity was divided into the Roman Catholic church for the west and
the Eastern Orthodox church for the east. There are key differences between the two churches. First, the Byzantines outlawed the use of icons, while
icons are permitted in the west. In addition, Greek was the main language for the Byzantines, while Latin was the main language for the west. Lastly,
the pope controlled all church affairs in the west while the Byzantine emperor controlled the church affairs for the east. In addition, the Byzantine
Empire ... Show more content on ...
The split of Christianity into Roman Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy and the fact that Byzantium was linked to the wider world while Western
Europe was isolated from the world are some of those differences between the two empires. The Crusades and preservation of previous ideas and
works of previous civilizations by both empires are some of the similarities between them. Also, as a result of the Crusades, Muslim and Greek
scholarship enters Europe and also the contact with the Islamic world stimulated a demand for Asian
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The Great Schism, Also Known As The East-West Division

  • 1. The Great Schism, also Known as the East-West Division People separate and then reunited; people quarrel and then reconciled. Similarly, Christianity also has separation reunion, argument and reconciliation. Christianity was started as one body, and then multiple factors gradually contributed to the split of the Eastern Orthodox Church and the Roman Catholic Church. Some of these factors are such as the different understanding of Christianity, the different point of views toward the authority of the Pope and the different ideas of governing the Church. All the different thoughts created the disagreement between the two branches of Church. In other words, the conflict came up, and eventually led to the Great Schism. The differences between these two branches of church were significant because ... Show more content on ... Moreover, The differences between the government and doctrine of these two churches were also an important cause of the split. According to the Eastern Orthodox, the Pope has the "authority is thus no greater or lesser than any of his fellow Bishops in the Church."(Hallam 11). The main idea of this is that the Pope and Bishops have an equal authority. Oppositely, the Roman Catholic agreed," The Pope is the 'Vicar of Christ'."(Hallam 11). In other words, the Pope is head of the Church and he holds supreme authority in Christendom. This makes it obvious that the two churches disagree with each other on the way of governing the Church. "Rome preferred an almost Віbusiness–likeВґ terseness; Constantinople delighted inВіdiffuse poetical rhapsodies interspersed with prayer." (Moreover, "Roman Catholicism teaches that human reason can prove that God is; and, even infer that He is eternal, infinite, good, bodiless, almighty, all–knowing, etc." (Azkoul), the Roman Catholic governed the Church with more logic than the Eastern Orthodox. In other words, the Roman Catholic Church tried to examine every question, and wanted to give every question a logical answer. For example, "At the same time, the Latins interpret the Sacraments in a legal and philosophical way"(Azkoul). In addition, the Roman Catholic Church restricted the follower to live and act in a particular way in order to show the idea of "catholic" which means universal. ... Get more on ...
  • 2. Impact Of Religion On The Byzantine And The Caliphates How Religion Impacted the Byzantine Empire and the Islamic Caliphates Religions heavily influenced the Byzantine Empire and the Islamic Caliphates in both similar and different ways. Education, internal division, and architecture changed when the realms became theocracies. Both highly valued education, until religious practices took precedence over higher learning, they built chapels and mosques with astounding architecture, and they suffered a religious split, neither of which ever healed. The Byzantine was influenced by Greco–Rome much more than the Islamic empires, in both education and in architecture. However, the Islamic Caliphates spread their knowledge and architecture more widely and much quicker than the Byzantine. The majority of the Byzantine Empire's population followed the religion of Christianity. Whereas the Islamic Caliphates population was almost entirely Muslim. Both empires placed high value on education, and started teaching children at a very young age. In the Byzantine, children ages six through ten attended primary school, where they learned the basic skills of reading and writing, often using excerpts from the Bible. In the Caliphates, children of the same age learned elementary Islam subjects along with reading and writing in Maktabs. Both civilizations had multiple levels of education which were based on age. However, the Islamic Caliphates split the knowledge they taught into three categories: First: the Islamic sciences, ... Get more on ...
  • 3. What Is East-West Schism? Schism of 1054, also called East–West Schism, event that precipitated the final separation between the Eastern Christian churches (led by the patriarch of Constantinople, Michael Cerularius) and the Western Church (led by Pope Leo IX). The mutual excommunications by the Pope and the Patriarch that year became a watershed in church history. The excommunications were not lifted until 1965, whenPope Paul VI and Patriarch Athenagoras, following their historic meeting in Jerusalem in 1964, presided over simultaneous ceremonies that revoked the excommunication decrees. The relation of the Byzantine Church to the Roman may be described as one of growing estrangement from the 5th to the 11th century. In the early church three bishops stood forth prominently, ... Get more on ...
  • 4. The Differences Of The Eastern Orthodox And Roman Church The Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic, are two variations of the same religion, that due to some disagreements over certain ideas and religious teachings leads to the great Schism in 1054 AD. The great schism of 1054 refers to the final separation of the Eastern Orthodox church, led by the patriarch in Constantinople and the western church, led by Pope Leo IX. The estrangement between the Orthodox and Roman church, happened gradually over the course of the 5th and much of the 11th century. The reasons of the Schism are attributed to several differences between the two churches. The religious and doctrinal studies of the East, had roots in Greek philosophy, while the Western studies closely followed Roman law. Misunderstandings between the two churches then led to two separate ways of defining one doctrine, which would initiate the split. The doctrine in question, procession of the Holy Spirit, where without consulting the East the Roman churches added "and from the Son" to the Nicene Creed. This was not the only thing the two churches clashed on. The eastern church resented the forced clerical celibacy, political jealousies and interests only intensified the disputes. There had been schisms before but not ones that were permanent. While there may have been hopes for a reconciliation, the eastern Greeks were infuriated by the Latin capture of Constantinople in 1204 A.D. After this, any pleas from the west concerning reunion were rejected. ("Schism of 1054") The Roman ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Western And Byzantine Church Similarities The bold movement of Christianity and the slow fall of the Roman Empire constituted a new phase in Rome and the birth of the Eastern and Western Churches that left a profound place in Western history. The relationship of the Byzantine Church to the Romans was one that was growing indifferent during the 5th thru 11th century of the Middle Ages. During this time three bishops stood forth from the political with great superiority among the cities in which they ruled. The transfer of the seat of empire from Rome to Constantinople and the later eclipse of Alexandria and Antioch as battlegrounds of Islam and Christianity promoted the importance of Constantinople. The similarities of the East and the West were many but the differences weighed ... Show more content on ... The Eastern Orthodox Church believed this spurned the tradition that taught that God the Father is the source of the Son and the Holy ... Get more on ...
  • 6. The Great Monotheistic Religions: The Prince Of Peace Religion, causing conflict Many worshippers in the great monotheistic religions associate their faiths with peace. Christ, himself, is sometimes called "The Prince of Peace." The Pope, leader of the Catholic Church, often prays for world peace and encourages all sides in bloody conflicts to lay down their arms. It is not just Christianity that is associated with peace; Muhammad hoped Islam would bring peace to the clans of the Arabian Peninsula, and the traditional way to refer to Muhammad among Muslims is, "The Prophet, peace be upon him." It is, therefore, ironic that these monotheistic religions, in the period between 1300 BC and 1452 AD, created far more conflict and disharmony than they did peace. Internal and external conflicts created ... Show more content on ... As mentioned before, the Israelites took over Canaan and Solomon built the great temple in Jerusalem. After this time period, the Jews had their temple destroyed; in 586 BC Judah was conquered by the Babylonians who destroyed the temple, but in 300 BC the Jews built another temple in place of the destroyed temple. The destruction of this temple was a major external conflict because the temple was built to unify the Hebrews. This affected them the most because destroying the temple symbolized destroying the Jewish religion. Another external conflict in the Jewish faith would be the Babylonian exile and the Jewish Diaspora. After Judah was conquered, the Babylonians moved most of the Jewish religions to Babylon; the Babylon Exile. The movement of Jews from their homeland is the Jewish Diaspora; beginning with the Babylonian exile and the destruction of Solomon's temple. The Jews losing their homeland was important because it forced the Jews to develop their culture and faith outside of their homeland. The Babylon Exile and the Jewish Diaspora are external conflicts in the Jewish monotheistic religion because it showed the physical effects of religion; the symbolic temple being destroyed and rebuilt. The last external conflict would be in the Islamic religion. Muhammad, the leader of the Islamic faith, lived in Mecca with his uncle for several years after his parents passing, but when his uncle died he lost all his ... Get more on ...
  • 7. The Schisms Of The Catholic Church The schisms of the Catholic Church is instrumental in creating a platform that sparks the Reformation and eventually establishes the Protestant Church. Because of the stronghold Christianity has and its ability to permeate within the confines of the Roman Empire, leaders decide to befriend Christians and seek their support. With this in mind, believers are tolerated and eventually, Theodosius I makeChristianity the state religion of the Empire and forbids the worship of pagan gods. After Theodosius' rule the Empire split, but the church maintains its relevance in both the West and the East (Chase, Jacob, Jacob, & Von Laue, 2013, p. 172). Even though the Roman Empire in the West is captured by Germanic tribes, the East flourishes. Byzantine ... Get more on ...
  • 8. The Great Schism of 1054 that occurred in the Catholic... The Great Schism of 1054 that occurred in the Catholic Church has left a once united people separated because of conflict. These issues that tore them apart are still true today and the relations between Catholics and Orthodox Christians has yet to be repaired. The Eastern Schism was a result of many problems but it was largely a struggle between two main churches; the Western Church located in Rome, and the Eastern Church that was centered in Constantinople. Barbarian invaders, who were on a mission to recapture their lands, were a main influence on the separation of the Roman Empire of the time. When Diocletian named two Capitals to his empire, Rome and Constantinople, it made communication very difficult and inadvertently led to a ... Show more content on ... The Pope supported Ignatius over Photius and because of this he became outraged with the Latin Church. He condemned Western theology and practice. His biggest issue was the Western Church's addition of the phrase "and from the Son" (filioque) to the Nicene Creed (Pennock 113). The Eastern Church was completely against this phrase and object that the Holy Spirit came through the Son, not from the Son. A conclusive split occurred when in the 11th century when Popes began to assert their authority over the whole Church under German emperors. This gave rise to a figure by the name of Michael Cerularius who preached a strong and violent anti–Latin attitude. He like others before him were angered by the filoque (and from the Son) clause that was added to the Nicene Creed. Additionally, he was extremely opposed to the Western tradition of clerical celibacy (priest allowed to be married after ordination) and the unleavened bread used for Eucharist. He took it to the extent of closing all Latin Churches in Constantinople and excommunicating any priest that gave mass in Latin. This was the final straw in the rift between the East and the West (Latin vs. Greek). This effectively marks the split between the two sides. A positive relationship between the two Christian groups has not been restored though there have been efforts to do so. IN the years shortly after the schism, there were attempts to restore a connection through councils such as the Second Council of Lyons ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Causes Of The Great Schism Was the Great Schism a good thing? The Greek and Roman empires were two different and unique places to live. Even though they had many differences, they also had many similarities with one another. One of the biggest similarities between these two great empires was they both practiced the religion of Christianity. People may not know but they practiced different types of Christianity in these two empires. The Romans would practice in Catholic churches while the Greeks would practice in the Orthodox church. The reason for these two churches to split up was because of an event called the Great Schism which caused Christianity to split into these two churches. Many people at the time might say that this was a good thing, others might say it's a bad thing. The schism caused many different event to occur. According to the documents, assumption of power and rivalry over land was the causes of the schism, churches blaming each other and ill treatment were its effects. One of the events that lead to the schism was that one church had more power that the other. As it states in Document 1, "If he wishes to judge us and even rule us and our church, not by taking council with us but his own arbitrary" (Document 1). This quote is said by an Orthodox Archbishop named Nicomedia. In other words, Nicomedia s trying to say that the RomanCatholic church things it has more power than the Greek Orthodox church. Nicomedia complains that the Catholic church is trying to take over the Orthodox ... Get more on ...
  • 10. How Did Christianity Change Over Time Throughout time, Christianity has changed constantly. In order to survive, Christianity has had to evolve and split. It has split into many denominations, some of which have become extinct over the centuries. The religion has changed and divided due to influential people and events in time. For example, the Great Schism is the first major division within Christianity. The Great Schism, otherwise known as the East–West Schism, is when the early Christian Church split into the Western RomanCatholic Church (led by Pope Leo IX) and Eastern Orthodox Church (led by the patriarch of Constantinople, Michael Cerularius). This occurred in 1054 but previously there had been a lot of tension between the two sides. The Great Schism occurred because of ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Great Schism Dbq In 1054, the Great Schism occurred between the Roman Catholics and the Orthodox Christians, when the Pope first excommunicated the Patriarch of Constantinople. Not long after that, the Patriarch excommunicated the Pope, causing the split. There were many issues prior that created the Great Schism between the east and west both before and after 1054. It would appear from the documentation that the east had more issues with how the west conducted the church. The issues that caused the Schism between the two churches happened prior to 1054, but more issues occurred after the split. Before the split occurred, there were multiple differences that the Latin Catholics and the Eastern Orthodox, which could be possible reasons for the schism. The catholics... Show more content on ... In 1136, a man named Nicetas stated that "The Roman Church separated herself by her pretensions. She became a monarchy." (Document 2) The document goes further and explains that the Roman Pope has become more of a supreme ruler, hurls orders at the people and even judges them. That is not the way to rule the church, but to let the supreme God rule instead of man. Later, in 1205, Greek citizens wrote when the church was ruled by a Latin Emperor, "Since then, small is the gap between Latins (Catholics) and Greeks which loosen the unity of the one church," (Document 6) The citizens wish for the union of the two churches, but it remains in denial, and talks about how the two separate churches are leading to the division of the one church. In 1274, a Byzantine diplomat who agreed to the reunion of the churches, named Metochites, said "Should we who are prounionists simply because we favor union with Rome be subjected to being called supporters of a foreign nation and not Byzantine patriots?" (Document 7) This man is in favor of the reunion with Rome, but pushes the fact that by being in favor, that they no longer want their own religion and are considered a Westerner. He simply wishes for reunion with the Catholics. Finally, in 1349, the Serbian Law Code states in article 6 that "any Christians who have turned to unleavened bread, let them return ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Christianity In The Middle East Imagine being unable to pray or attend church without the risk of being murdered. Living in constant fear that your whole way of life will be swept right from under you. Would you be willing to risk your life for your religion? Middle Eastern Christians are not persecuted because they are criminals, but because of what they believe. They simply want the freedom of faith and religion that Americans experience every day. Each day, Christians in the Middle East are slaughtered, tortured, raped, kidnapped, beheaded, and forced to flee the birthplace of Christianity. If these indignities continue, Christianity in the Middle East could disappear. The persecution of Christians in the Middle East is not new. In fact, it traces back to the Roman Empire ... Show more content on ... By the sixth century, Western churches were using Latin compared to Greek in Eastern Churches. In addition to the language differences, they were also a number of religious practices that separated. For example, leavened or raised bread was used for Eucharist in the East, but not in the West. The West required celibacy while the East allowed some marriages for clergy. Theologically, the two groups fought over a clause inserted into the Nicene Creed in 589 by a Western ecumenical council in Toledo. The clause was known as the filioque. "It indicated that Holy Spirit proceeded from the Father and the Son; the Eastern Churches rejected the addition of and the Son" (Bailey 52). When the Patriarch of Constantinople and the Roman papal legate excommunicated each other in 1054, it only furthered the growing schism between Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic churches. A few years after the major schism, the Crusades began and completely tore apart the relationship. Catholic crusaders killed Orthodox Christians along with Muslims. All hope of reconciliation was ended when the soldiers of the Fourth Crusade raided the Church of the Holy Wisdom in Constantinople in 1204. Not only have Christians had trouble with other Christians, but also conflicts with groups of other ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Schism Of 1054 Dbq Although it is widely accepted that the Schism of 1054 was caused by religious differences in the Eastern Orthodox Church and the Roman Catholic Church, or Latin Christian, cultural differences and political tensions played an equally important role is the separation of the Christian Church in Europe. The centers of the Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic Churches were surrounded by very different influences, causing substantial differences in culture, which bred and built up conflict when the two empires interacted. The surrounding cultures of each empire were crucial in the shaping of culture. For instance, in the Eastern Orthodox Empire, had a base for their culture formed by a mixture of Greek, Western Asian, and Egyptian qualities, but ... Show more content on ... Most notably, the difference in leadership sparked a lack of unity between the East and West. The West divided secular and ecclesiastical issues into two roles: the emperor and the Pope. This separation of responsibility allowed each head to focus a great amount of energy into the protection of the Church and state. In particular, the elimination of heretics in the West was a source of pride for the RomanCatholic Church and is mentioned in multiple primary sources, such as Document #63 in The Human Record and "Anna Comnena on the Suppression of Bogomil Heretics." Unfortunately, the separate leadership positions produced an internal tension while both the Pope and emperor were aiming to be accepted as the more powerful leader. A prime example of this competition would be between Pope Leo III and King Charles when, before King Charles could declare himself emperor of all of the West, Pope Leo III invited him to Rome, where mosaics depicting shared power between the Pope and emperor had been placed, and crowned him emperor, which reinforced the idea that the religious leader held power over the secular leader. In contrast, the East's leader was both the secular and religious leader, as shown in the Ravenna mosaics of Justinian and Theodora (Document #61, The Human Record). The couple were depicted with symbols of both legal and religious authority including purple robes, for royalty, religious, military, and domestic figures, ornate crowns, and the bread and wine for mass. The choice to keep one person as both secular and religious leader caused a lack of tension between the two aspects, but also caused less changes to be made, such as banning heretics, which the West found appalling. In Document #63 of The Human Record it reads, "all heresies have emanated from [the East] and have flourished among [the East]; among us, that is Westerners, they ... Get more on ...
  • 14. What Is The East-West Schism One of the assigned readings that struck me was "The Great Schism". It describes how and why Christianity split into Eastern Orthodoxy and Western Roman Catholicism branches. The main reasons that the East–West schism occurred were cultural, political and geographical. It corrected my misunderstanding concerning the situations that led to the split between the Eastern and Western Christendom. I was surprised to learn about some reasons that could play such a big role in diving the two branches. Before learning about it in class, I had the misconception that the Catholic Church was the only Christian church when the Reformation took place. Also, I came across few articles that mark 1054 as the official year of the East–West ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Roman Catholic Church vs Eastern Orthodox Church Essay Before the split of 1054, the Roman Catholic Church or Western church and the Eastern Orthodox Church or Byzantine church were almost one with each other. The two churches held the same ideals and got along with one another the majority of the time. They had previous splits in the past but they were never a permanent situation because they usually found a solution to their issues and differences. The split between the Eastern Orthodox Church and the Roman Catholic Church in 1054 seemed to have no resolution when their theological, political, and cultural differences became too much for them to harmonize upon. Although the Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church ultimately had more differences which ended up causing their ... Show more content on ... The theological differences were some of the biggest reason why the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox churches split. The Eastern churches had theological roots in Greek philosophy and the Western churches had theologies that constructed on their Roman law ("Schism of 1054", 2014, para. 3). A strong issue that the two churches had was the theological proposition of the placement and addition of "the Son" to the Roman creed. The Roman churches included the "Father and the Son" in the Nicene creed without consulting the Eastern church while the Eastern church only used the Father. The Orthodox Church believe it should have been written with "the Father" proceeded by the Holy Spirit. Besides theological differences between the two churches there were also political and cultural controversies. Before the split the Western church had begun to push for the solidification of papal authority. The push for papal authority would cause the churches to become more autocratic and centralized (Dennis, The East–West Schism, para. 10). This push had taken a damper on the entire church and the hostility began to grow. "Problems arose in Southern Italy (then under Byzantine rule) in the 1040s, when Norman warriors conquered the region and replaced Greek [Eastern] bishops with Latin [Western] ones" (Dennis, para. 5). After Cerularius was informed that the Normans were forbidding Greek customs in southern ... Get more on ...
  • 16. East-West Schism Vs. Eastern Orthodox Christianity For the first one thousand years of their existence, these churches were the same institution. The split between the Western and Eastern Christian churches into the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox churches is referred to as the Great Schism or, more definitively, the "East–West Schism", which occurred in 1054. This occurred due to long–running cultural and theological differences, power struggles, and lack of communication. Prominently they argued over what type bread (leavened vs. unleavened) to use to represent the body of Christ in the Eucharist. Each side had developed different traditions. But how different are they really? They have so much in common, what exactly do they believe that made them diverge? Both the Roman Catholics and the Orthodox Christians agree on which scriptures are the recognized gospels, on the same seven sacraments/mysteries. They share similar beliefs of who Mary was and see her as their greatest saint. Despite the fact that both are branches of Christianity as a whole, Eastern Orthodox Christianity and Roman Catholicism seem to have poor opinions of each other. They share many core beliefs regarding Jesus ... Show more content on ... As far as confessing sins, the Orthodox are similar in the regard they confess their sins in intercession with the clergy and they will be absolved of them. The Eastern Orthodox believes that the Virgin Mary was capable of sin, but resisted it her whole life. For if she was created without sin, then this would mean she wasn't human. They don't accept she was born with sin, because they don't believe in original sin, as previously stated. The Catholic Church believes she was conceived and born without it. They reject the idea of the Immaculate Conception as well, while the Catholic Church declared it as a dogma (principles laid down as incontrovertible ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Essay On Christianity In The Byzantine Empire Christianity has changed a lot during the Byzantine empire. In 312 emperor Constantine was interested with the religion and started practicing it. Constantine was the first emperor to introduce Christianity, though it wasn't until emperor Theodosius made Christianity the official religion in 391 that it really became popular. When Christianity became the official religion, the government also adopted it, meaning that many laws were based off of the faith. The first major change in the religion from when it was first adopted was when the west and the east debated which person was the supreme leader. In the west, they believed the supreme leader was the pope, the pope was a patriarch of Rome. Instead, the east believed that the patriarch of ... Show more content on ... Icons were religious artifacts of Jesus, Virgin Mary, or the saints. These artifacts were kept in churches and homes. For a while, no one could decide wether artifacts should be banned or not. Pope Gregory believed that icons were good things. During this time frame many could not read. This made it hard for Christian followers to connect with their religion. They were not able to read the bible, so the only way to make a connection was through pictures and sculptures of their holy people. Additionally, stricter Christians were against the idea of icons because they felt that worshipping the icons was like worshipping an idol, or false god. These people who didn't agree with icons were called iconoclasts. These disagreements led to an iconoclastic controversy in 726. Leo III called for all icons in the empire to be destroyed. They smashed paintings and sculptures, no matter how important it was to you. Considerably later, the pope called for all the bishops to meet with him to talk about how he felt that icons were good. They then changed the law due to the fact that not allowing to honor icons was a heresy, an opinion that goes against official church beliefs. They re–wrote the laws specifying that if anyone is to destroy icons again, they will be excommunicated (a free ticket to H E double hockey ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Historical And Theological Issues Surrounding The Catholic... There was many historical and theological issues surrounding the split between the Catholic and the Orthodox church. There were cultural factors that impacted how the religion was practiced. There was political factors, as per usual politics ruin everything. Aside from all the socio–political reasons the main reason there was a schism was because the east and west disagreed on aspects of religion. The Great Schism, was the event that divided Christianity into Western (Roman) Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy. All though it is normally dated to 1054, when Pope Leo IX and Patriarch Michael I excommunicated each other, the East–West Schism was actually the result of an extended period of estrangement between the two bodies of churches. The primary causes of the Schism were disputes over papal authority. According toRome the Pope held authority over the four Eastern patriarchs, while the four eastern patriarchs claimed that the primacy of the Patriarch of Rome was only honorary and thus he had authority only over Western Christians, Cultural differences that separated ancient Greece from ancient Rome still held true for the early Christian church. Language was an important factor in the schism, the entire early Christian world was split almost precisely along the Greek–Latin language boundary. Words, and ideas could not be precisely translated, and words often had multiple meanings in one language views them in another. The language problem was also symbolic of the ... Get more on ...
  • 19. The Great Schism Of 1054 Chapter Summary The Great Schism of 1054 The Great Schism of 1054 was the separation of what is now the Eastern Orthodox Churches and the Western Roman Catholic Churches. In the book, The Orthodox Church, Timothy Ware explains several reasons that influence the separation of these two churches. Ware explains how the Great Schism happened gradually over time, where Catholicism would slowly branch away from the Eastern Side. He specifically pointed out that starting in 1009, the new Pope's on the western part of Europe were not included in the Constantinopolitan Patriarch list of all the great Patriarchs, or the Diptychs. Since all of this started in 1009, Ware believes that this is the "real" date of the Great Schism. The Diptychs are "a visible sign of unity ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Roman Catholic Church Part 2 Summary Part 2: The two big splits in 1054, resulted in the Roman catholic church breaking into separate branches. One being the Eastern Orthodox Catholics, and the other being the Roman Catholics who belong in the West. The separation had been influenced by Germanic tribes invading across Europe and the effect plunged the whole of Europe in the "Dark Ages". A mixture of many political, social, cultural, economic, theological, linguistic differences caused a split in the Roman church. Within the whole church, there were only five patriarchs. They were spread out mainly in the east (Antioch, Alexandria, Jerusalem and Byzantium) which all spoke Greek and were also located in the west of Rome, with their principal language Latin. Both of these two sides could not read nor have any access to the writings of the theologians on the opposite side as the western theology was supported by a small number of Latin theologians, whereas the east focused on Greek theology. With all the lack of agreement and contrast, it had been the substructure for the Great Schism. Part 3: Traveling 500 years forward ... Show more content on ... Even though Luther's questions were quite humble rather than accusing, the Pope found Luther's writings to be opposing in the teachings that the church dispenses. They gave him a recant and Martin refused and from this, the Pope excommunicated Luther from the catholic church. In 1521, Luther was in sight before the diet of worms in Germany and from refusing again to the recant, he finished his evidence in a statement saying "Here I stand. God help me. I can do no other"1. Later his writings were burned, but he didn't stop. Hiding in Eisenach, he began on a major life project. this was to translate the new testament into German. This life project took him ten ... Get more on ...
  • 21. The Schism Between The East And West In 1054, the Great Schism occurred between the Roman Catholics and the Orthodox Christians, when the Pope first excommunicated the Patriarch of Constantinople. Not long after that, the Patriarch excommunicated the Pope, causing the split. There were many issues prior that created the Great Schism between the east and west both before and after 1054. It would appear from the documentation that the east had more issues with how the west conducted the church. The issues that caused the Schism between the two churches happened prior to 1054, but more issues occurred after the split. Before the split occurred, there were multiple differences that the Latin Catholics and the Eastern Orthodox, which could be possible reasons for the schism. The Catholics had different authorities, government systems and rules which they followed daily. For starters, theCatholic Church was separated from political authority, the Pope ruled the church and everything was directed as a monarchy. The Eastern Orthodox had the Byzantine Emperor as the political head of the church, a council of bishops was the supreme religious authority and was ruled as an oligarchy (Doc 4). Their differences would eventually lead to arguments between them, and cause the split. Before that, a man named Pope John VIII sent a letter to the Greek Patriarch Photius, stating that "It is our will that our Bulgarian diocese, which converted to Christianity through the efforts of my predecessor, Pope Nicholas, and which was ... Get more on ...
  • 22. The Schism Between The East And The West The Great Schism There were many issues that created the Great Schism between the East and the West, both before 1054 CE and after. However it would appear from the documentation that the East had more issues with how the West conducted religion and ran their church. The issues that occurred with how the West conducted religion and ran their church happened prior to 1054 CE. Furthermore the ambassadors from thePope excommunicated the Patriarch of Constantinople around 1054 CE. The following day, the Patriarch excommunicated the Pope. Then the official Schism between the Latin Roman Catholic church and the Orthodox Catholic church began. 1054 CE is considered the official date of the start of the schism, but there were tensions before that date. The schism still lasts until this day. Issues that the Roman Catholics had prior to 1054 CE were well written by Pope John VIII in the letter to the Greek Patriarch Photius in 861 CE, and also the Traditions of the Latin Catholics and Eastern Orthodox around 1000 C.E. Pope John VIII wrote his letter to Photius saying that he wished for his Bulgarian diocese be restored by them as soon as possible and they forbid any ordinations to be performed by the heads the church in Constantinople. In addition He states "It is our will that our Bulgarian diocese, which converted to Christianity through the efforts of my predecessor, Pope Nicholas, and which was assigned to the jurisdiction of Rome by Pope Hadrian, be restored as soon as ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Comparison Of East-West Schism And The Byzantine Empire The Schism of 1054 (also known as the Great Schism, the East–West Schism and the 1000 Year Schism) was a defining moment in Christianity's two thousand year history, dividing "Chalcedonian" Christianity into two separate Church bodies of which would become Western (Roman) Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy. Though there is a broad historical, theological and religious consensus that the official break of communion is dated to the year 1054 C.E., when Pope Leo IX and Patriarch Michael I excommunicated each other, this was not the sole cause of the schism that would divide these denominations for some two centuries, but rather, to use the clichГ©, the 'straw that broke the camel's back'. ORIGINS Since the foundation of Christendom, the Church ... Show more content on ... THE GREAT SCHISM The Great Schism split the previously united Christian Faith along doctrinal, theological, linguistic, political, and geographic lines, each claiming to be "the One Holy Catholic (universal) and Apostolic Church." One of the main contributing factors to the division has its roots in the non–canonical insertion of the filioque clause into the Nicene Creed by the Roman Church. The inclusion of the Filioque (Latin for "and [from] the Son") was, and still is not accepted by the Eastern Churches, due to its consideration as a direct violation of the Council of Ephesus. Other disputes included: в‡Ёthe jurisdiction of the Western or Eastern Church in the Balkan States. в‡ЁDisputes in regards to Papal Authority, primarily over the four remaining patriarchs and the extent of his authority. в‡ЁDiffering liturgical practices, which were condemned by the opposing Churches, such as the use of unleavened bread for the Eucharist in the West and the Eastern practice of intinction (dipping) of the bread in the wine for Communion. в‡ЁDiffering views over date on which Easter should be celebrated in the ... Get more on ...
  • 24. East-West Schism Essay The East–West Schism is a split that shows how some groups never get along, even in the Church. The Eastern Christian Church and the Western Church had many issues that led up to the schism. The east side, also known as the Byzantine Empire, followed Greek philosophy, whereas the west side followed Roman law. Those are very different, so the sides did not practiceChristianity exactly the same. Furthermore, the East spoke Greek, but the West spoke Latin. This was an obvious language barrier and caused some difficulties in communicating, which must have added to the already troublesome dissimilarities between the two sides. The actual schism took place when the leaders of the eastern and western sides of the Church excommunicated each other. ... Get more on ...
  • 25. The Great Schism Of 1054: Western Catholic Church And... Schism of 1054 The Great Schism occurred in 1054 when the Western Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church split, slicing the religion in two. The conflict materialized for many reasons, but mainly the disagreements of the power of the Pope and the language difference of the West and East. The East believed in an ecumenical patriarch heavily disputing the power of the Pope. The West thought the Pope deserved full power, hence the name Power of the Pope. Moreover, while trying to argue about the power of the Pope, they couldn't understand each other, posing another dilemma. In the East, Greek was used in the Church, whereas Latin was used in the West. This obviously created misunderstandings, and eventually disputes, between the two. ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Constantine as a Christian Hero Essay Constantine as a Christian Hero Christianity's history is filled with division, controversy, and conflict. One of the most important people who contributed to the lasting success of this diverse religion was Constantine. While legalizing Christianity in Roman society, he founded the capital of the eastern Roman Empire, Constantinople. Because of this and other great accomplishments, Constantine appropriately earned the name Constantine the Great. After his father's death in 306, the Gaul army hailed Constantine as their ruler. After five years as the emperor of Gaul, Constantine invaded Italy. After defeating the Roman army, Constantine entered Rome as the ruler of the western half of the empire. In 313, Constantine issued ... Show more content on ... On the other hand, Athanasius, the leader of the bishops in the west, claimed that the Father and Son were equal and of the same substance. In 325, as a mediator, Constantine called together a council of bishops at Nicaea in Asia Minor. While condemning Arius and his teachings, the council declared the complete equality of God the Father and the Son. The teaching that Father and Son were made up "of one substance" became part of the Nicene Creed, the statement that helped to unite Christianity. The council addressed other issues as well, including the method for consecrating bishops. Next, Constantine moved the capital from Rome to the east. He chose the Greek city of Byzantium. In 330, after expanding and enriching the city, it was dedicated as New Rome, but it was called Constantinople, meaning "the city of Constantine." Constantinople became the capital of Christianity in the east, while Rome dominated the religion in the west. Constantine's continuous support for Christianity is one of the reasons that it is still a major religion today. I believe that Constantine was a great ruler because of his dedication to the unity of Christianity. Regardless of the different schisms in the religion, Constantine was determined to make Christianity unified. The Edict of Milan shows that Constantine had respect for other religions and allowed them, but preferred Christianity. It also shows that, even ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Issues Before And After 1054 Dbq Essay Many issues that created the Great Schism between the East and West, both before 1054 and after 1054. It would appear from the documents that the Eastern Orthodox has more issues with how the West was conducting religion. Some documents would tell us that the Catholic had issues before and after 1054 C.E. Also the Eastern Orthodox had issues before and after 1054. Both religions had issues before and after the time of 1054 C.E., but the Eastern Orthodox had more issues. It would appear to us by the documents that the Catholic had issues before 1054 C.E. In 86 C.E we learned that the Pope had an problem because the jurisdiction of Rome should be restored as possible. We learn that the jurisdiction of Rome was necessary because it helped them ... Show more content on ... These were the issues that we learned that we're going on before 1054 in the Catholic faith. We learn by the documents that the Catholic religion had many issues after 1054 C.E. We learn from a French knight in 1204 that they believed that everyone should see the sermon on Sunday morning. When the sermon happened there were many different commands that the people were told do (Document 1), so I think that the sermon was important for the customs of the Catholic religion. We learn from a king how he has taken over some land and how he received the land from the Pope and through the power of the God (Document 9). He thought that the God would be able to protect him from things in life. I believe that when someone thinks that they will receive protection from God than they are not as nervous about the things that they do. These are some of the issues that we learn that the Catholic had after 1054 C.E in their religion. There were some documents that we were given that tell us some of the Eastern Orthodox issues before 1054 C.E. We learn how that the Bishops that are in the council are supreme leaders can cause many problems (Document ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Early Church Fathers Attitudes Toward Women Essay Chapter 6 Early Church Fathers' Attitudes Toward Women "Then, as the church became fused with the secular, misogynistic society of Rome, Christ's attitude toward women and the doctrine of equality were purposely forgotten," 21, 34 Following are only a few of the mean–spirited quotes made by the early church so–called fathers and from modern preachers. This researcher believes this kind of leadership has instigated erroneous beliefs about women and their place in the Christian church. Furthermore, it has promoted discrimination against women in general and female clergy in particular. Quotes are courtesy of John Wijngaards34 (2015) and Valerie Tarico35 (2013). The feminist agenda is not about equal rights for women. It is about a socialist, anti–family political movement that encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians.". Pat Robertson, Southern Baptist leader (1930–), In Huffington Post (2014). "Most of these feminists are radical, frustrated lesbians, many of them, and man–haters, and failures in their relationships with men, and who have declared war on the male gender. The Biblical condemnation of feminism has to do with its radical philosophy and goals. That 's the bottom line."–Jerry Falwell. In Religious Tolerance (2016). "Wife: Be content to be insignificant. What loss would it be to God or man had you never been born." ––– John Wesley (1703–91). "The word and works of God ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Peter And The Council Of Nicaea Essay Explain the Significance of Peter, Paul, Constantine and the Council of Nicaea, and the Schism of 1054 Peter: Initially Peter was known as Saul. He was the first disciple of Jesus who lived as a fisherman on the Sea of Galilee until he was called, along with his brother Andrew, by Jesus. The important even of being called byJesus is recorded in early Matthew, "And Jesus, walking by the sea of Galilee, saw two brethren, Simon called Peter, and Andrew his brother, casting a net into the sea: for they were fishers.And he saith unto them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men. And they straightway left their nets, and followed him." (Matthew 4:18–20 KJV) While he is credited for writing only two books found in the new testament, and being an attendee of the Last Supper, he still fulfilled the augury found in Matthew, "Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee, That this night, before the cock crow, thou shalt deny me thrice." (Matthew 26:34) After Peter did this, he proved Jesus to be correct. When Peter did this he verified Jesus's insight and is another example of the truth of the Bible. ... Show more content on ... His full time occupation was to find and persecute Christians. In the new testament book of Acts says, "As for Saul, he made havoc of the church, entering into every house, and haling men and women committed them to prison." (Acts 8:3 KJV) He was later miraculously converted to Christianity deeper into the book of Acts, "Then Saul, filled with the Holy Ghost set eyes on him." (Acts 13:9 KJV) After converting he became a leading missionary of early Christianity. He wrote thirteen books of what is now known as the new testament. Many churches in Asia and Greece were founded by Paul, he even kept correspondence with them throughout his life. In conclusion, Paul was exceptionally influential on helping build ... Get more on ...
  • 30. The Schism Between The East And The West The Great Schism There were many issues that created the Great Schism between the East and the West, both before 1054 CE and after. However, it would appear from the documentation that the East had more issues with how the West conducted religion and ran their church. The issues that occurred with how the West conducted religion and ran their church happened prior to 1054 CE. Furthermore, the ambassadors from thePope excommunicated the Patriarch of Constantinople around 1054 CE. The following day, the Patriarch excommunicated the Pope. Then the official Schism between the Latin Roman Catholic church and the Orthodox Catholic church began. 1054 CE is considered the official date of the start of the schism, but there were tensions before ... Show more content on ... In the Traditions of the Latin Catholics and Eastern Orthodox, the Latin (Roman) Catholics and Eastern Orthodox are compared by geographic areas, secular authority, chief religious authority, role of the general church council, typical style of government, married priests, and divorce. Latin Catholics were located in Western and Northern Europe, parts of Central also Southern Europe and the secular authority is that the church is separate from the secular political authority. The chief religious authority is the Pope as head of the church, and the general church council was ran as a Council to advise the popes. The typical style of government was a "Monarchy", and priests were not allowed to marry. Divorce was forbidden and never considered. (Document 4). However, the issues the Roman Catholics had after 1054 CE were well written by Robert de Clari, a French knight who participated in the attack on Constantinople, in his own chronicles recounting the Crusade in 1204 CE. (Document 1) In addition, there is the letter to Henry, who was a German Holy Roman Emporer from Robert Guiscard the King of Sicily in 1076 CE (Document 9). Robert de Clari stated that "all the Crusaders and Venetians should go and hear the Sermon on Sunday morning." The bishops preached to them about how the Greeks were bad and the war was righteous and the Bishops said that they would forgive them. The Bishops then made the Pilgrims confess their sins and receive communion. ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Eastern Orthodoxy Eastern Orthodox Church is known as Orthodox Catholic Church; it is one of three major doctrinal and jurisdictional sects of Christianity (Meyendorff). Today, 225 million people follow Orthodox Catholic Christians they live mainly in the Balkans, the Middle East, some are America, and Russia. "Eastern Orthodoxy is the large body of Christians who follow the faith and practices that were defined by the first seven ecumenical councils" (Meyendorff). The word orthodox means right believing, they also follows the tradition and the doctrine with a strict interpretation. The word Orthodox (rightly believing) was first used by the Greek–speaking Christian who labeled the communities or individuals who conserve the true faith, as defined by those councils, ... Get more on ...
  • 32. The Change in Christian Doctrine and Practices During the... Christianity experienced notable change during the Byzantine Era as a result of the fact that new ideas were introduced into the religion and because more and more cultural values from across the world started to pervade it. The religion was very different in Byzantium from how it was in the West principally because a series of Eastern ideas were adopted by Christian leaders. Christianity experienced a different development in the East when compared to the evolution that it experienced in the West. In the centuries lasting between the beginning of the Eastern half of theRoman Empire and the end of a small medieval state Christianity has practically been bombarded with Eastern ideas and with ideas that generally differed from the ones promoted in the West, eventually making it possible for "a distinct system of religious practice and devotion" (Krueger, 1) to emerge. It only seemed natural for the Orthodox East and the Catholic West to have a series of elements differentiating them from each–other. However, it is actually surprising that most of these differences emerged as a result of cultural practices influencing each branch of Christianity. Individuals in the East developed innovative methods of putting across Christian thinking and managed to create a cult that largely differed from the one in the West. In spite of the fact that the Byzantine Empire shrank across time, it managed to induce intense feelings in communities neighboring it. Some of these influences can be ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Compare And Contrast The Spread Of Licinius Under The... Constantine defeated the Eastern Emperor Licinius in the civil war of 324. Since this point, he reigned over the whole united Roman Empire. One of Constantinople's actions as Emperor was to move the capital of Rome from the city of Rome to Byzantium, which he renamed Constantinople. Rome, as the original capital, still retained much of its power. The two cities served as capitals of the Eastern and Western halves of the Empire. Having contracted a serious illness, Constantine was officially baptised into Christianity on his deathbed. The next great change for Christianity came under the rule of Emperor Theodosius in 379 AD. Although theRoman Empire had been predominately Christian for some time, Theodosius took the final step in making Christianity ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Byzantine Empire: The Great Schism Of 1054 Before the era of the Byzantine Empire, the Roman Empire had disagreements about their faith and religion. They encountered differences that eventually caused them to split in two. The Byzantine Empire was successful in discovering the Orthodox Christian religion and building a new empire that preserved Roman laws. Without the great schism, Roman laws would've been forgotten and there would not have been the exploration of a new religion. The Great Schism of 1054 was when the Roman Empire split into halves, to the Roman Empire (which was Catholic) to the west, and the Byzantine Empire (which was Orthodox) to the east. This schism was caused by quarrels about their religion. They believed in different things when it came to who was "in charge" ... Show more content on ... Constantine was the first emperor to tolerate Christianity. As time went on and the empire became under the rule of Justinian, one of the most beautiful architectures in Europe, the Hagia Sophia, was built. As more adjustments were being made to the empire, one of the biggest changes was expansion. The Byzantine Empire started to conquer more of the land to the west and had started expanding the empire to the point where it included Italy, Sicily, North Africa, southern Spain, Syria, Greece, Italy, Egypt, and North Africa. The location of the capital, Constantinople, eventually made it become extremely successful and wealthy. This was because the empire brought together Europe and Asia, and Constantinople started to play an important role in the spice trade routes. Through the trade routes, they were able to exchange silk, cloth, gold, fish, caviar, leather, spices, stones, and etc. from all over the Asia. The empire's growth lead to the spread of Christianity. Unfortunately, due to the empire's expansion and how large it was, the Byzantine Empire encountered many difficulties. There was much more land for the military to guard, especially after Justinian had built the twelve mile border of walls and because so many people were trying to overthrow the empire in greed. An example would be the Barbarian people, who wanted to take over the Byzantine Empire and its capital for the land, power, and wealth. Even though the Byzantine Empire gained access to more resources, the resources were used up due to how many people were a part of the empire. In 532–537, while under the rule of Justinian, one of the most beautiful architectures in Europe was built. This architecture was known by the name the Hagia Sophia, which meant "holy ... Get more on ...
  • 35. East-West Schism Research Paper The Great Schism of 1054, also called the East–West Schism, divided the church into the Eastern Orthodox Church and the Roman Catholic Church. The split did not just occur randomly; it was a series of long tensions that had been brewing for years. When the tensions reached the climax in 1054, Pope Leo IX sent delegates to the ecumenical patriarch, Michael Cerulias, and excommunicated him and his associates. In return, Michael excommunicated the Pope and his delegates too. The split was done and there would be no coming back. The Schism of 1054 resulted from an amalgam of issues and conflicts between the Catholic and East Orthodox Church for six centuries; the result was a wide split between the two churches. Two preliminary schisms set the ... Show more content on ... These causes in a general scope included political debates, theological arguments, social problems, and economic issues. The first cause was political. It occurred when the Muslims began invading the Mediterranean world. Many people began to convert to the Islamic religion. This scared the Catholics and the Eastern Orthodox churches. Thus, began a fight, between the two, to gain as many followers as possible to enlarge their following. This caused great conflict between the members of both churches. Each church gained their own spheres of influence. Catholicism taking up much of Western Europe and the western and northern areas of the Mediterranean. The Eastern Church took up Asia Minor, the Middle East, and Northern Africa. This caused a further divide and made the people completely split apart into almost two huge countries. In 800, The Catholic Church crowned Charlemagne as king of the "Holy Roman Empire". This split the country into the West, which constituted of the Catholic Church and its followers, and the East, which constituted of the Eastern Orthodox Church and its members. The Eastern Church refused this title and challenged saying the Catholic Church saying that they could not take a vast area of land and suddenly name it an empire. The Catholics refused to change their position and this infuriated the Eastern Orthodox Church and caused the relations between the two to ... Get more on ...
  • 36. What Is Evil In Dante's Inferno In the Inferno, Canto XXVII, Dante comes across the Sowers of Scandal and Schism while on his journey through hell. Dante, the poet, reveals that schism and scandal cause division within family and community. The sinners must walk in an endless cycle of punishment. Their bodies are cut up by the sword of a devil, only to heal and come back to be sliced again. These sinners are aware of certain things going on in the world, but they can only contact the living through Dante the pilgrim. There idea of helping the living reveals their inability to recognize their sins and why they are in hell. Through poetic imagery and narration, Dante uses a comparison to the battle of Puglia, the mutilation of the bodies, and the encounter with... Show more content on ... Bertran de Born's head has been severed from his body, and walks around holding his head by the hair, swinging it just like a lantern. By advising a son to rebel against his father, he caused an unethical divide within family and political leaders. The head, the father, is now separate from the body, the son. Now Bertran must suffer the pains of division he has caused. Dante says "of his own self he made himself a light and they were two in one, and one in two." The contrapasso is so clear, that Bertran himself is his own light, realizing his own sin. He is aware that he has made himself into his own example. He even states, "In me you see the perfect contrapasso!" The 'two in one and one in two' represents the whole being split by the schism into parts. Together the parts are still Bertran, just as Henry III is family to Henry II in the same nation, but they are at the same time two separate parts because they have turned against one another. The sight of Bertran's severed head is unnatural, just as a son turning against his own father is an abomination against family. The suffering of Bertran reflects the division he caused within family, revealing the heinous and sinful nature of ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Religion Vs Byzantineism Geography: The West encompassed Western Europe and the northern and western areas of the Mediterranean and the East took up Asia Minor, the Middle East, and Northern Africa. Ignorance: The Byzantine Church knew less and less Latin and even less Latin tradition, and vice versa. So most patriarchs in Constantinople couldn't read any Latin, and most popes in Rome couldn't read any Greek. Byzantines in the East used leavened bread in their Divine Liturgy to symbolize the Risen Christ, and Latins in the West used unleavened bread as was used by Jesus at the Last Supper. Different theologies: Both were valid, but each had its own perspective. The West (Latin) was more practical and, although fully believing in the divinity of Christ, put emphasis ... Get more on ...
  • 38. What Caused The Great Schism Of 1054 To understand what caused The Great Schism of 1054, it is important to first have a background knowledge of who was involved. The divide occurred among the land, with a west side and an east side. The western side was inhabited by Romans and spanned from current Portugal over to Hungary, also including the more northern countries from Ireland to Sweden. These borders were frequently changed throughout history, although their principal area was always that of the German states. This area was referred to as the Holy Roman Empire. The Eastern area, on the other hand, were inhabited by Greeks and the area was often referred to as the Byzantium Empire. The empire included current Russia and Bulgaria. These countries together formed the Eastern Slavic Principalities, with their capital based out of Constantinople. Apart from the geological differences, there were also political and lingual differences between the East and West. Communication was difficult between the Greek–speaking East and the Latin–speaking West, as the church and other leaders no longer read, let alone spoke the language of the other half of the Christian world. The language barrier separated the civilizations greatly. Apart from lingual differences, there were also political differences within both the church and the empires. Both sides had differing views on who should hold power in the church. On the eastern side, the Byzantine emperor was also the leader in the church. His name was Michael Cerularius, ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Compare And Contrast Byzantine Empire And Western Europe Due to the collapse of the Roman Empire, it split into two separate regions: the Byzantine Empire and Western Europe. Both empires followed different paths of development. For example, Western Europe was isolated from the rest of the world due to Europe's geography, but due to suitable farming conditions, they had the ability to farm, which in turn supported a growing population. Meanwhile, the Byzantine Empire is much more prosperous than its western counterpart due to the efforts of Justinian, whose goal was to bring back the lifestyle of Ancient Rome. There are many similarities and differences between the political and religious institutions of medieval Western Europe and the Byzantine Empire. A schism formed between the East and the West due to power struggles between thepope and the patriarchs. Christianity was divided into the Roman Catholic church for the west and the Eastern Orthodox church for the east. There are key differences between the two churches. First, the Byzantines outlawed the use of icons, while icons are permitted in the west. In addition, Greek was the main language for the Byzantines, while Latin was the main language for the west. Lastly, the pope controlled all church affairs in the west while the Byzantine emperor controlled the church affairs for the east. In addition, the Byzantine Empire ... Show more content on ... The split of Christianity into Roman Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy and the fact that Byzantium was linked to the wider world while Western Europe was isolated from the world are some of those differences between the two empires. The Crusades and preservation of previous ideas and works of previous civilizations by both empires are some of the similarities between them. Also, as a result of the Crusades, Muslim and Greek scholarship enters Europe and also the contact with the Islamic world stimulated a demand for Asian ... Get more on ...