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The “Great Reset” and a “Foxy Futurist” view of the future of the Building Industry. Dr. Llewellyn B. Lewis November 2010   ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],THE STRATEGIC FORUM
“ Management and leadership are two different things, he says, and too many business people do not realise this.  Management is the nitty-gritty, the day-to-day planning; leadership is inspiration and motivation:  "They are two entirely different things and too many people try to mix them up. "      THE STRATEGIC FORUM   PHENOMENON:  Business coach Brad Sugars's ActionCOACH franchise has been rated as the top business- coaching franchise in the world, as well as one of the top 100 franchises overall.
Available on THE GREAT RESET   about Richard Florida author and thought-leader Richard Florida is author of the global best-seller The Rise of the Creative Class and Who's Your City? a national and international best seller and book of the month.  His new book, The Great Reset explains how new ways of living and working will drive post-crash prosperity. researcher Florida is Director of the Martin Prosperity Institute and Professor of Business and Creativity at the Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto.  Previously, Florida has held professorships at George Mason University and Carnegie Mellon University and taught as a visiting professor at Harvard and MIT.  Florida earned his Bachelor’s degree from Rutgers University and his Ph.D. from Columbia University. His research provides unique, data-driven insight into the social, economic and demographic factors that drive the 21st century world economy.
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],THE GREAT RESET
The real point of looking backward is to learn from the future and we have much to learn from the crises and recoveries of the past. THE GREAT RESET
Economic development expert Richard Florida, examines these previous  ECONOMIC EPOCHS, OR RESETS.   He distills the  DEEP FORCES  that have altered physical and social landscapes and eventually reshaped economies and societies.  LOOKING TOWARD THE FUTURE,  he identifies the patterns that will drive the next Great Reset and  TRANSFORM  virtually every aspect of our lives – from  how and where we live, to how we work, to how we invest in individuals and infrastructure, to how we shape our cities and regions.   These forces, when combined, will spur a fresh era of growth and prosperity, define a new geography of progress and create surprising opportunities for all. THE GREAT RESET
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],THE GREAT RESET
LESSON FROM THE FUTURE Standing in 2010 We see Michelangelo Towers completed and the Gautrain operational. 15 minutes from Sandton to the concourse at Jan Smuts Airport. TRENDS IN THE RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY MARKET (SF MAY 2003) THE GREAT RESET
THE GREAT RESET   We have weathered tough times before. They are a necessary part of economic cycles, giving us a chance to clearly see what is working and what’s not.  Societies can be reborn in such crises, emerging fresh, strong, and refocused.  Now is our opportunity to anticipate what that brighter future will look like and to take the steps that will get us there faster.
THE GREAT RESET   “ This economic crisis doesn’t represent the cycle, it represents a reset. It’s an emotional, raw, social, economic reset.” (General Electric CEO Jeffrey Immelt) “People who understand that, will prosper; those who don’t will be left behind.”
“ You can have the world's best product and if you have no sales and marketing strategy, it's nothing”           "I'm proud of growing myself into a good citizen of the world but, business-wise, in 2007 I was named among the top 50 entrepreneurs in the US. "That's a pretty darn nice achievement for an Aussie kid." (Business Day, 22 November 2010) THE GREAT RESET
THE GREAT RESET   ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
THE GREAT RESET   ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
STRATEGIC DRIFT AND REINVENTION   Every American President including George Bush promoted Home Ownership Housing was a major source of national wealth for decades, and home equity, however sadly diminished, is still the biggest single piece of wealth many Americans Have. (Fortune, 15 November 2010)
THE GREAT RESET   ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
THE CRISIS MOST LIKE OUR OWN   ,[object Object],[object Object]
THE MOST TECHNOLOGICALLY PROGRESSIVE DECADE   ,[object Object],[object Object],The biggest single source of wealth for many people – their home equity – has fallen almost 50% from its peak in 2006 . . .  Loss $6,5 Trillion US Stocks are still down 25% from their peak in 2007, their 75% gain in the past 19 months notwithstanding. Cost: $4,8 Trillion Then there are the 7,7 million lost jobs with their associated lost income, lost wealth, and lost consumer spending. Cost: Untold Trillions
SUBURBAN SOLUTION   ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
THE FIX IS IN   ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
FIRE STARTER   ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
THE RESET ECONOMY   ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
THE RESET ECONOMY   ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
THE RESET ECONOMY   ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
THE NEW NORMAL   ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
BIG FAST AND GREEN   ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
THE VELOCITY OF YOU   ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Mark Zucherberg, 26,  founder and CEO of Facebook, 500 million users, $25 Billion valuation
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RESETTING POINT   ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],The “rule of thumb” is seven years down and seven years up. Apply that rule to the national market, where the bubble popped in 2006, and we’re talking about a sustained recovery starting in 2013, and taking until 2020. That’s pretty grim, but probably realistic. (Fortune, November 15, 2010)
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FOXY FUTURISTS  Clem Sunter was born in Suffolk, England on 8th August 1944 and was educated at Winchester College. He went to Oxford where he read Politics, Philosophy and Economics before joining Charter Consolidated as a management trainee in 1966.  Since 1987, he has authored 14 books some of which have been bestsellers. His other main interest is seeking to mobilise the private sector in the war against HIV/AIDS.  He was recently awarded an Honourary Doctorate by the University of Cape Town for his work in the field of scenario planning. He was also voted by leading South African CEOs as the speaker who has made the most significant contribution to, and impact on, best practice and business in South Africa. In 2006, he was invited to give a scenario presentation at the Central Party School in Beijing - a rare privilege for a foreigner. He also facilitated sessions on global warming in New Delhi and London.
FOXY FUTURISTS  20% 30% 10% 40%
FOXY FUTURISTS   (Globalization/Low Economic Growth) This is a scenario of  conventional global recession,  probably initiated by a US economic downturn and the  knock-on effect  it has on the other economies.  India and China  are not spared as the interdependencies created by globalization and international trade turn against them.  Asset prices (property and equities),  the improvement of which has over recent years allowed consumers to borrow more to spend, suddenly reverse. The downward spiral is reinforced when  commodity prices  plummet except for gold, which does well in light of the uncertainties around paper currencies and paper assets. Eventually the bloodletting ends, green shoots start springing up in the burnt landscape and a recovery gets underway, which returns the world to the top right-hand quadrant.  The length of the recession is relatively short, i.e. it is more like a 'V' than a 'U', but the depth of the 'V' is unknown.  The crucial difference between  Hard Times and Perfect Storm  is that globalization remains intact in the former scenario, while it is seriously compromised by political and military events in the latter one. The rebound in the second case therefore takes much longer.  Hard Times
FOXY FUTURISTS   Going clockwise from top left, we start with  "Hard Times"  continuing for the world economy for another  three to five years . It's a  "U" scenario  across the globe. The reason this scenario has credibility is that the problem which created the "Hard Times" in the first place - the  magnitude of debt  owed by governments, businesses and consumers - has not gone away. All it has done is  change in nature  from a  private sector problem  concerning the solvency of the banks to a  public sector problem  concerning governments which are running up large budget deficits, and racking up an unacceptably high level of  national debt.  The latter problem is more difficult to solve. Whereas governments could justify  bailing out the banks  because taxpayers might lose their bank deposits, it is a much harder case to argue when  governments start bailing each other out.  Moreover, while a  superfund  may solve the liquidity problem of financially strapped governments in the short term, it does nothing to resolve the competitiveness of those nations in the long term. Indeed, it can even undermine any industrial renaissance by allowing the recipient nation to defer tough decisions. All in all  this scenario presumes the mess takes a long time to clean up.
FOXY FUTURISTS   Sunter and Illbury attach a  30% probability to "Hard Times" and 40% to "Ultraviolet",  the flag differentiating the two being the near-term performance of the Chinese economy.  If China has a wobble  because of labour problems or the property bubble bursting there (as it did in Japan in 1990), it's  "Hard Times"  or double-dip for all.  Otherwise it's a  "UV" world;  and, with the Chinese authorities having the confidence to allow a limited float for the Yuan, this is looking increasingly likely.
FOXY FUTURISTS   ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Long Boom/New Balls Please
FOXY FUTURISTS   ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],New Balls Please  ( named after Wimbledon where a new game requires new balls)
FOXY FUTURISTS   ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],New Balls Please
FOXY FUTURISTS   ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Divided World
FOXY FUTURISTS   ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Divided World/Ultra Violet
FOXY FUTURISTS   ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Perfect Storm
FOXY FUTURISTS   (Fragmentation/Low Economic Growth) "Perfect Storm", is a  seriously deep "U"  triggered by a combination of political and economic events, including another major war, nuclear terrorism, widespread national defaults or an upsurge in protectionism. It portrays an  unstable, hostile world  where recession is replaced by depression.  Perfect Storm
FOXY FUTURISTS   (Fragmentation/Low Economic Growth) Sunter and Illbury treat  "Perfect Storm"  as a  wild-card  scenario, giving it odds of 10%.  The rising tension between  North and South Korea,  the standoff between  the West and Iran  over its nuclear programme and the continuing war in  Afghanistan  are all potential flags.  Nevertheless, as they say to clients, please disagree with the flags and probabilities if you feel they are wrong.  It is more sensible to have a structured debate around scenarios, flags and probabilities than to bet the whole shop on a single projection, however expertly it is crafted.  Perfect Storm
FOXY FUTURISTS   ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Premier League
FOXY FUTURISTS   Let's apply this process to the possibilities for South Africa in light of the country's 2009 General Election (and against the backdrop of the global economy in recession).  We have been in the  'Premier League'  scenario since 1994 - the year of our first truly democratic election.  For most of the time since then, we have resided in the middle of the league, which is where we should be. We are not a Manchester United (about to beat America, Japan, Germany and China). We are more like a West Ham or Manchester City. Nevertheless, according to some global surveys, we have lost considerable ground in the rankings, which puts us perilously close to the  'Relegation Zone'.  Reasons given are that  violent crime  is driving talent out of the country;  HIV/AIDS  is shortening the lifespan of the average South African; our  infrastructure  is showing signs of disrepair; and some of our industries (such as our textile industry) are looking distinctly  uncompetitive  compared to Eastern players.  Premier League
FOXY FUTURISTS   Given our current predicament, there are  three alternative scenarios.  The first one is that we get  relegated to the 'Second Division',  where the bulk of the Third World resides -  poor but peaceful.   Companies will still make money (as they do in plenty of Third World countries); and they will always have the option of extending their geographical footprint into other African countries, or even overseas.  By contrast, for the Government the scenario is an unmitigated disaster because they can't change clubs! Certainly their tax revenue will be a whole lot less than they received when they were in charge of a Premier League nation; and they won't have the same access to international capital.  Altogether it makes the perfectly honourable maxim of  'a better life for all'  seriously harder to achieve.  The flag for this scenario is that we  disappear from the 'A' list  according to an increasing number of internationally accredited surveys.  Premier League
FOXY FUTURISTS   This scenario is for countries that are  poor but peaceful.  They remain 2 nd  Division players either because they have no ambition to move up to the Premier League or they are quite bereft of mineral resources or Nature is harsh in terms of climate or soil.  But they get by and, human spirit being what it is, people lead relatively contented lives.  The 2 nd  Division also contains ex-Premier-League nations that once were rich but whose income per head has declined for any number of reasons including bad leadership.  They don't wield much influence in global affairs and seldom obtain anything prestigious like a seat on the UN Security Council. They may even possess some of the attributes of a 'winning nation' but somehow they simply cannot get their entire act together. 2 nd  Division
FOXY FUTURISTS   The odds at the moment are  70% to a U-Turn in the 'Premier League'  and  30% to being relegated to the 'Second Division'.   This may sound optimistic to some; but we're  probably out of the 'Relegation Zone' already,  not because we've gone up but because the rest of the world has gone down.  A  positive flag  is that in the  2009 World Competitiveness Yearbook,  produced by the International Institute for Management Development, South Africa has risen to  48th out of 57 countries,  compared to 53rd out of 55 last year.  Reasons given include our  resilience to the global financial crisis  and our  recovery from the rolling electricity blackouts  experienced  at the beginning of 2008.  Indeed, our  financial and insurance sectors  have almost escaped the whole toxic debt tsunami unscathed; and we are relatively  unencumbered by debt  as a nation.  Premier League or Second Division
FOXY FUTURISTS   In addition, despite the dramatic decline in our GDP, we shall probably experience a  shallower 'V' than Europe and the US.   All these  sporting events  on our calendar act as an excellent gap-filler. On top of that, Zimbabwe has every chance of resurrecting its economy in the near future, for which we will act as a gateway.  On the other hand, we have to make tangible progress in the areas where we rank lowest in the 'Premier League' -  unemployment, brain drain, available skills, life expectancy/health problems, pupil-teacher ratios in secondary schools and organised crime!   In conclusion, we feel that  South Africa is not a bad place  to see out the global economic 'Hard Times', or even the 'Perfect Storm' if it looks like engulfing the world.  Obviously quite a few young South Africans living overseas agree with us. They are returning home.  Premier League or Second Division
FOXY FUTURISTS   This scenario is characterised by high levels of  unemployment,  gross inequality of income and appalling  human rights abuse  including routine torture.  'Government' is either a  malevolent dictator  living in a palace among the ruins of the country around him, where conflict is kept in check through intimidation; or it is a  shifting alliance of warlords,  each with a private army or militia.  Here, conflict can range from a  low-intensity to high intensity civil war  depending on whether the informal coalitions are holding together or falling apart.  Those with the means and skills in a Failed State are the first to emigrate, taking their capital with them.  Thereafter, ordinary citizens become refugees, fleeing for their lives when the situation becomes really desperate. Failed State
FOXY FUTURISTS   The second scenario is 'Failed State' into which the  principal flag  for entry is widespread  political or criminal violence.  Examples of countries either in or on the border of 'Failed State' are  Somalia, Pakistan and Iraq.  Nothing trashes a national brand like violence. The world turns its back on you.  The peaceful nature of the 2009 elections in South Africa means that  the current odds on this scenario are negligible.  It is more like a cautionary tale. This leaves the third scenario that South Africa returns to the middle of the  Premier League - comfortably outside the 'Relegation Zone'.   There are  three flags  associated with this scenario. The first one is  inclusive leadership.  The last thing that South Africa ought to be in the global 'Hard Times' scenario is a divided team.  Inclusivity means on the one hand  keeping the rich minority  - who have the capital and a fair measure of skills -  on side ; but also creating the  opportunities for the marginalised poor  to become part of the mainstream economy. In other words, it's a delicate balancing act, and it's reassuring that Jacob Zuma has made inclusivity central to his initial presidential theme.  Failed State
FOXY FUTURISTS   The  second flag  is to show tangible results in rectifying the problems that have caused South Africa's recent slide in the Premier League.  This has nothing to do with ideology on the Left or the Right, and everything to do with  back-to-basics management.  The best way for South Africa to raise this second flag is for all of us to recognise the  pockets of excellence  that exist in our midst and then  benchmark  other similar organisations against those pockets of excellence.  For example, while there are many complaints against service delivery in the public sector, there is  one world-class Government department - the South African Revenue Service.  It is as good as any revenue collection service in the world. All other departments should be benchmarked against the excellence of delivery of SARS.  In the health sector, a pocket of excellence is the  Red Cross Children's Hospital  in Cape Town. It shows that a properly managed state hospital can combine state-of-the-art equipment with medical care for children only obtainable at the  best hospitals in Western capital cities.  Failed State
FOXY FUTURISTS   The  third flag  is about the evolution of a  dual-logic economy  consisting of an outward-looking economy that earns enough foreign exchange to cover the country's export bill (which is real issue since the current account deficit is around 7% of GDP); and an inward-looking economy that creates enough new jobs to make a dent on our appalling unemployment rate of 23,5%.  The success of the outward-looking economy revolves around choosing one's spaces carefully in light of how competitive the global economic game is.  South Africa has three spaces where it can dominate:  mineral and agricultural resources,  but we need to add more value here before we export them (a pocket of excellence being our wine industry);  tourism , which can benefit from our ability to host major sporting events; and playing the  gateway role  into a continent that is opening up for business.  South Africa is the  'America' of Africa  in that it produces 30% of the continent's GDP with a little less than 5% of the continent's population. Such a position confers huge competitive advantage in this particular trading space.  Failed State
FOXY FUTURISTS   The success and inclusivity of the inward-looking economy will very much depend on the growth of small business in South Africa and overcoming the problem of a 'two worlds' economy.  We have a  First World formal sector  and a  Third World informal sector  with virtually no linkage between the two. Yet a glance at the 'Premier League' reveals that the three countries that made it to the top fastest all began their ascent with an entrepreneurial burst of energy -  Japan and Germany  after the Second World War and  China  after 1978. They are now respectively the 2nd, 4th and 3rd largest economies in the world.  Family-owned businesses  were a critical element in the lift-off. Consequently a flag that will demonstrate progress in this area will be  the transformation of the micro-lending industry.  Why not invite Nobel Laureate Dr Muhammad Yunus, who founded the Grameen Bank in Bangladesh, to be a consultant on what we should do here? A second flag comprises more generous  tax incentives  to compensate for the risk of starting a small business, e.g. offering a complete tax holiday on profit up to a cumulative total of R1 million and exemption from capital gains tax for investors in businesses below a certain size.  Failed State
DECLINE Credit and Capital markets CLOSED GROWTH Credit and Capital markets OPEN FOXY FUTURISTS   High Road Low Road Lower Middle Road Upper Middle  Road 10% 40% 30% 20%
Decline   ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Credit and Capital markets open Growth   (Source: The three Keys to success in uncertain times: Business Flexibility, Awarenes and Resilience: )   Credit and Capital markets closed MAKING SENSE OF THE FUTURE: FLAGS
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],THE ART OF QUANTUM PLANNING
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],THE ART OF QUANTUM PLANNING
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],THE ART OF QUANTUM PLANNING
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],THE ART OF QUANTUM PLANNING
[object Object],Investment Climate BOUYANT GROWTH > 5 % PA GDFI > 25 %  OF GDP SUBSIDIES 3 - 5 % OF BUDGET AVERAGE GROWTH  2 - 5 % PA GDFI 20 - 25 % OF GDP SUBSIDIES 2 - 3 % OF BUDGET LOW  GROWTH 0 -  2 % PA GDFI 15 - 20 % OF GDP SUBSIDIES 1 - 2 % OF BUDGET NEGATIVE GROWTH < 0 % PA GDFI < 15 % OF GDP SUBSIDIES < 1 % OF BUDGET NO CONFIDENCE  LOW  AVERAGE  HIGH  CONFIDENCE Risk Avoidance  Risk Aversion  Risk Tolerance  Risk Taking PROPERTY A POOR INVESTMENT  /  AVERAGE /  GOOD /  A PREFERRED INVESTMENT Paradigm Regression  Paradigm Paralysis  Paradigm Shift  Paradigm Reinvention HIGH ROAD  COLUMBUS SCENARIO Property a PREFERRED Investment Home Ownership PREFERRED BUOYANT GROWTH Backlogs eliminated by 2020 UPPER MIDDLE ROAD  APOLLO SCENARIO Property a GOOD Investment Home Ownership DESIRED AVERAGE GROWTH Erosion of Backlogs LOWER MIDDLE ROAD SOYUZ SCENARIO Property an AVERAGE Investment Home Ownership QUESTIONED LOW GROWTH Keeping pace with Population LOW ROAD  CHALLENGER SCENARIO Property a POOR Investment Home Ownership AVOIDED NEGATIVE GROWTH Increasing BACKLOGS Investor Confidence Trends in the Building Industry are inextricably  responsive to, and influenced by  INVESTMENT CLIMATE, INVESTOR CONFIDENCE  and  PROPERTY DELIVERY. Property delivery THE STRATEGIC FORUM SCENARIOS
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],THE ART OF QUANTUM PLANNING
The High Road Scenario will not require a major miracle to be realised. But . . . Political will and Leadership is essential. THE ART OF QUANTUM PLANNING
Stage 1 Hubris born Of success Stage 2 Undisciplined Pursuit of More Stage 3 Denial of Risk and Peril Stage 4 Grasping for Salvation Stage 5 Recovery and Renewal WELL FOUNDED HOPE STRATEGIC DRIFT AND REINVENTION   ? What will it take? (Source: Based on Collins: How the Mighty Fall: 2009)
STRATEGIC DRIFT AND REINVENTION   Can the Building Industry  TRANSFORM  and  REINVENT  itself – can it recover?

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The great reset and a foxy futurist view of the future

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  • 3. “ Management and leadership are two different things, he says, and too many business people do not realise this. Management is the nitty-gritty, the day-to-day planning; leadership is inspiration and motivation: &quot;They are two entirely different things and too many people try to mix them up. &quot;      THE STRATEGIC FORUM PHENOMENON: Business coach Brad Sugars's ActionCOACH franchise has been rated as the top business- coaching franchise in the world, as well as one of the top 100 franchises overall.
  • 4. Available on THE GREAT RESET about Richard Florida author and thought-leader Richard Florida is author of the global best-seller The Rise of the Creative Class and Who's Your City? a national and international best seller and book of the month. His new book, The Great Reset explains how new ways of living and working will drive post-crash prosperity. researcher Florida is Director of the Martin Prosperity Institute and Professor of Business and Creativity at the Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto. Previously, Florida has held professorships at George Mason University and Carnegie Mellon University and taught as a visiting professor at Harvard and MIT. Florida earned his Bachelor’s degree from Rutgers University and his Ph.D. from Columbia University. His research provides unique, data-driven insight into the social, economic and demographic factors that drive the 21st century world economy.
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  • 6. The real point of looking backward is to learn from the future and we have much to learn from the crises and recoveries of the past. THE GREAT RESET
  • 7. Economic development expert Richard Florida, examines these previous ECONOMIC EPOCHS, OR RESETS. He distills the DEEP FORCES that have altered physical and social landscapes and eventually reshaped economies and societies. LOOKING TOWARD THE FUTURE, he identifies the patterns that will drive the next Great Reset and TRANSFORM virtually every aspect of our lives – from how and where we live, to how we work, to how we invest in individuals and infrastructure, to how we shape our cities and regions. These forces, when combined, will spur a fresh era of growth and prosperity, define a new geography of progress and create surprising opportunities for all. THE GREAT RESET
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  • 9. LESSON FROM THE FUTURE Standing in 2010 We see Michelangelo Towers completed and the Gautrain operational. 15 minutes from Sandton to the concourse at Jan Smuts Airport. TRENDS IN THE RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY MARKET (SF MAY 2003) THE GREAT RESET
  • 11. THE GREAT RESET We have weathered tough times before. They are a necessary part of economic cycles, giving us a chance to clearly see what is working and what’s not. Societies can be reborn in such crises, emerging fresh, strong, and refocused. Now is our opportunity to anticipate what that brighter future will look like and to take the steps that will get us there faster.
  • 12. THE GREAT RESET “ This economic crisis doesn’t represent the cycle, it represents a reset. It’s an emotional, raw, social, economic reset.” (General Electric CEO Jeffrey Immelt) “People who understand that, will prosper; those who don’t will be left behind.”
  • 13. “ You can have the world's best product and if you have no sales and marketing strategy, it's nothing”          &quot;I'm proud of growing myself into a good citizen of the world but, business-wise, in 2007 I was named among the top 50 entrepreneurs in the US. &quot;That's a pretty darn nice achievement for an Aussie kid.&quot; (Business Day, 22 November 2010) THE GREAT RESET
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  • 16. STRATEGIC DRIFT AND REINVENTION Every American President including George Bush promoted Home Ownership Housing was a major source of national wealth for decades, and home equity, however sadly diminished, is still the biggest single piece of wealth many Americans Have. (Fortune, 15 November 2010)
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  • 39. FOXY FUTURISTS Clem Sunter was born in Suffolk, England on 8th August 1944 and was educated at Winchester College. He went to Oxford where he read Politics, Philosophy and Economics before joining Charter Consolidated as a management trainee in 1966. Since 1987, he has authored 14 books some of which have been bestsellers. His other main interest is seeking to mobilise the private sector in the war against HIV/AIDS. He was recently awarded an Honourary Doctorate by the University of Cape Town for his work in the field of scenario planning. He was also voted by leading South African CEOs as the speaker who has made the most significant contribution to, and impact on, best practice and business in South Africa. In 2006, he was invited to give a scenario presentation at the Central Party School in Beijing - a rare privilege for a foreigner. He also facilitated sessions on global warming in New Delhi and London.
  • 41. FOXY FUTURISTS (Globalization/Low Economic Growth) This is a scenario of conventional global recession, probably initiated by a US economic downturn and the knock-on effect it has on the other economies. India and China are not spared as the interdependencies created by globalization and international trade turn against them. Asset prices (property and equities), the improvement of which has over recent years allowed consumers to borrow more to spend, suddenly reverse. The downward spiral is reinforced when commodity prices plummet except for gold, which does well in light of the uncertainties around paper currencies and paper assets. Eventually the bloodletting ends, green shoots start springing up in the burnt landscape and a recovery gets underway, which returns the world to the top right-hand quadrant. The length of the recession is relatively short, i.e. it is more like a 'V' than a 'U', but the depth of the 'V' is unknown. The crucial difference between Hard Times and Perfect Storm is that globalization remains intact in the former scenario, while it is seriously compromised by political and military events in the latter one. The rebound in the second case therefore takes much longer. Hard Times
  • 42. FOXY FUTURISTS Going clockwise from top left, we start with &quot;Hard Times&quot; continuing for the world economy for another three to five years . It's a &quot;U&quot; scenario across the globe. The reason this scenario has credibility is that the problem which created the &quot;Hard Times&quot; in the first place - the magnitude of debt owed by governments, businesses and consumers - has not gone away. All it has done is change in nature from a private sector problem concerning the solvency of the banks to a public sector problem concerning governments which are running up large budget deficits, and racking up an unacceptably high level of national debt. The latter problem is more difficult to solve. Whereas governments could justify bailing out the banks because taxpayers might lose their bank deposits, it is a much harder case to argue when governments start bailing each other out. Moreover, while a superfund may solve the liquidity problem of financially strapped governments in the short term, it does nothing to resolve the competitiveness of those nations in the long term. Indeed, it can even undermine any industrial renaissance by allowing the recipient nation to defer tough decisions. All in all this scenario presumes the mess takes a long time to clean up.
  • 43. FOXY FUTURISTS Sunter and Illbury attach a 30% probability to &quot;Hard Times&quot; and 40% to &quot;Ultraviolet&quot;, the flag differentiating the two being the near-term performance of the Chinese economy. If China has a wobble because of labour problems or the property bubble bursting there (as it did in Japan in 1990), it's &quot;Hard Times&quot; or double-dip for all. Otherwise it's a &quot;UV&quot; world; and, with the Chinese authorities having the confidence to allow a limited float for the Yuan, this is looking increasingly likely.
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  • 50. FOXY FUTURISTS (Fragmentation/Low Economic Growth) &quot;Perfect Storm&quot;, is a seriously deep &quot;U&quot; triggered by a combination of political and economic events, including another major war, nuclear terrorism, widespread national defaults or an upsurge in protectionism. It portrays an unstable, hostile world where recession is replaced by depression. Perfect Storm
  • 51. FOXY FUTURISTS (Fragmentation/Low Economic Growth) Sunter and Illbury treat &quot;Perfect Storm&quot; as a wild-card scenario, giving it odds of 10%. The rising tension between North and South Korea, the standoff between the West and Iran over its nuclear programme and the continuing war in Afghanistan are all potential flags. Nevertheless, as they say to clients, please disagree with the flags and probabilities if you feel they are wrong. It is more sensible to have a structured debate around scenarios, flags and probabilities than to bet the whole shop on a single projection, however expertly it is crafted. Perfect Storm
  • 53.
  • 54. FOXY FUTURISTS Let's apply this process to the possibilities for South Africa in light of the country's 2009 General Election (and against the backdrop of the global economy in recession). We have been in the 'Premier League' scenario since 1994 - the year of our first truly democratic election. For most of the time since then, we have resided in the middle of the league, which is where we should be. We are not a Manchester United (about to beat America, Japan, Germany and China). We are more like a West Ham or Manchester City. Nevertheless, according to some global surveys, we have lost considerable ground in the rankings, which puts us perilously close to the 'Relegation Zone'. Reasons given are that violent crime is driving talent out of the country; HIV/AIDS is shortening the lifespan of the average South African; our infrastructure is showing signs of disrepair; and some of our industries (such as our textile industry) are looking distinctly uncompetitive compared to Eastern players. Premier League
  • 55. FOXY FUTURISTS Given our current predicament, there are three alternative scenarios. The first one is that we get relegated to the 'Second Division', where the bulk of the Third World resides - poor but peaceful. Companies will still make money (as they do in plenty of Third World countries); and they will always have the option of extending their geographical footprint into other African countries, or even overseas. By contrast, for the Government the scenario is an unmitigated disaster because they can't change clubs! Certainly their tax revenue will be a whole lot less than they received when they were in charge of a Premier League nation; and they won't have the same access to international capital. Altogether it makes the perfectly honourable maxim of 'a better life for all' seriously harder to achieve. The flag for this scenario is that we disappear from the 'A' list according to an increasing number of internationally accredited surveys. Premier League
  • 56. FOXY FUTURISTS This scenario is for countries that are poor but peaceful. They remain 2 nd Division players either because they have no ambition to move up to the Premier League or they are quite bereft of mineral resources or Nature is harsh in terms of climate or soil. But they get by and, human spirit being what it is, people lead relatively contented lives. The 2 nd Division also contains ex-Premier-League nations that once were rich but whose income per head has declined for any number of reasons including bad leadership. They don't wield much influence in global affairs and seldom obtain anything prestigious like a seat on the UN Security Council. They may even possess some of the attributes of a 'winning nation' but somehow they simply cannot get their entire act together. 2 nd Division
  • 57. FOXY FUTURISTS The odds at the moment are 70% to a U-Turn in the 'Premier League' and 30% to being relegated to the 'Second Division'. This may sound optimistic to some; but we're probably out of the 'Relegation Zone' already, not because we've gone up but because the rest of the world has gone down. A positive flag is that in the 2009 World Competitiveness Yearbook, produced by the International Institute for Management Development, South Africa has risen to 48th out of 57 countries, compared to 53rd out of 55 last year. Reasons given include our resilience to the global financial crisis and our recovery from the rolling electricity blackouts experienced at the beginning of 2008. Indeed, our financial and insurance sectors have almost escaped the whole toxic debt tsunami unscathed; and we are relatively unencumbered by debt as a nation. Premier League or Second Division
  • 58. FOXY FUTURISTS In addition, despite the dramatic decline in our GDP, we shall probably experience a shallower 'V' than Europe and the US. All these sporting events on our calendar act as an excellent gap-filler. On top of that, Zimbabwe has every chance of resurrecting its economy in the near future, for which we will act as a gateway. On the other hand, we have to make tangible progress in the areas where we rank lowest in the 'Premier League' - unemployment, brain drain, available skills, life expectancy/health problems, pupil-teacher ratios in secondary schools and organised crime! In conclusion, we feel that South Africa is not a bad place to see out the global economic 'Hard Times', or even the 'Perfect Storm' if it looks like engulfing the world. Obviously quite a few young South Africans living overseas agree with us. They are returning home. Premier League or Second Division
  • 59. FOXY FUTURISTS This scenario is characterised by high levels of unemployment, gross inequality of income and appalling human rights abuse including routine torture. 'Government' is either a malevolent dictator living in a palace among the ruins of the country around him, where conflict is kept in check through intimidation; or it is a shifting alliance of warlords, each with a private army or militia. Here, conflict can range from a low-intensity to high intensity civil war depending on whether the informal coalitions are holding together or falling apart. Those with the means and skills in a Failed State are the first to emigrate, taking their capital with them. Thereafter, ordinary citizens become refugees, fleeing for their lives when the situation becomes really desperate. Failed State
  • 60. FOXY FUTURISTS The second scenario is 'Failed State' into which the principal flag for entry is widespread political or criminal violence. Examples of countries either in or on the border of 'Failed State' are Somalia, Pakistan and Iraq. Nothing trashes a national brand like violence. The world turns its back on you. The peaceful nature of the 2009 elections in South Africa means that the current odds on this scenario are negligible. It is more like a cautionary tale. This leaves the third scenario that South Africa returns to the middle of the Premier League - comfortably outside the 'Relegation Zone'. There are three flags associated with this scenario. The first one is inclusive leadership. The last thing that South Africa ought to be in the global 'Hard Times' scenario is a divided team. Inclusivity means on the one hand keeping the rich minority - who have the capital and a fair measure of skills - on side ; but also creating the opportunities for the marginalised poor to become part of the mainstream economy. In other words, it's a delicate balancing act, and it's reassuring that Jacob Zuma has made inclusivity central to his initial presidential theme. Failed State
  • 61. FOXY FUTURISTS The second flag is to show tangible results in rectifying the problems that have caused South Africa's recent slide in the Premier League. This has nothing to do with ideology on the Left or the Right, and everything to do with back-to-basics management. The best way for South Africa to raise this second flag is for all of us to recognise the pockets of excellence that exist in our midst and then benchmark other similar organisations against those pockets of excellence. For example, while there are many complaints against service delivery in the public sector, there is one world-class Government department - the South African Revenue Service. It is as good as any revenue collection service in the world. All other departments should be benchmarked against the excellence of delivery of SARS. In the health sector, a pocket of excellence is the Red Cross Children's Hospital in Cape Town. It shows that a properly managed state hospital can combine state-of-the-art equipment with medical care for children only obtainable at the best hospitals in Western capital cities. Failed State
  • 62. FOXY FUTURISTS The third flag is about the evolution of a dual-logic economy consisting of an outward-looking economy that earns enough foreign exchange to cover the country's export bill (which is real issue since the current account deficit is around 7% of GDP); and an inward-looking economy that creates enough new jobs to make a dent on our appalling unemployment rate of 23,5%. The success of the outward-looking economy revolves around choosing one's spaces carefully in light of how competitive the global economic game is. South Africa has three spaces where it can dominate: mineral and agricultural resources, but we need to add more value here before we export them (a pocket of excellence being our wine industry); tourism , which can benefit from our ability to host major sporting events; and playing the gateway role into a continent that is opening up for business. South Africa is the 'America' of Africa in that it produces 30% of the continent's GDP with a little less than 5% of the continent's population. Such a position confers huge competitive advantage in this particular trading space. Failed State
  • 63. FOXY FUTURISTS The success and inclusivity of the inward-looking economy will very much depend on the growth of small business in South Africa and overcoming the problem of a 'two worlds' economy. We have a First World formal sector and a Third World informal sector with virtually no linkage between the two. Yet a glance at the 'Premier League' reveals that the three countries that made it to the top fastest all began their ascent with an entrepreneurial burst of energy - Japan and Germany after the Second World War and China after 1978. They are now respectively the 2nd, 4th and 3rd largest economies in the world. Family-owned businesses were a critical element in the lift-off. Consequently a flag that will demonstrate progress in this area will be the transformation of the micro-lending industry. Why not invite Nobel Laureate Dr Muhammad Yunus, who founded the Grameen Bank in Bangladesh, to be a consultant on what we should do here? A second flag comprises more generous tax incentives to compensate for the risk of starting a small business, e.g. offering a complete tax holiday on profit up to a cumulative total of R1 million and exemption from capital gains tax for investors in businesses below a certain size. Failed State
  • 64. DECLINE Credit and Capital markets CLOSED GROWTH Credit and Capital markets OPEN FOXY FUTURISTS High Road Low Road Lower Middle Road Upper Middle Road 10% 40% 30% 20%
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  • 72. The High Road Scenario will not require a major miracle to be realised. But . . . Political will and Leadership is essential. THE ART OF QUANTUM PLANNING
  • 73. Stage 1 Hubris born Of success Stage 2 Undisciplined Pursuit of More Stage 3 Denial of Risk and Peril Stage 4 Grasping for Salvation Stage 5 Recovery and Renewal WELL FOUNDED HOPE STRATEGIC DRIFT AND REINVENTION ? What will it take? (Source: Based on Collins: How the Mighty Fall: 2009)
  • 74. STRATEGIC DRIFT AND REINVENTION Can the Building Industry TRANSFORM and REINVENT itself – can it recover?

Editor's Notes

  1. According to bestselling Author Richard Florida (The Great Reset: How new ways of living and working drive post-crash prosperity: 2010) we tend to view prolonged economic downturns, such as the Great Depression of the 1930s and the Long Depression of the late nineteenth century, in terms of the crisis and pain they cause. However, history teaches us that these great crises also represent opportunities to remake our economy and society and to generate whole new eras of economic growth and prosperity. In terms of innovation, invention and energetic risk-taking, these periods of creative destruction have been some of the most fertile in history and the changes they put into motion can set the stage for full-scale recovery.
  2. In The Great Reset, best-selling author and economic development expert Richard Florida, provides an engaging and sweeping examination of these previous economic epochs, or resets. He distills the deep forces that have altered physical and social landscapes and eventually reshaped economies and societies. Looking toward the future, Florida identifies the patterns that will drive the next Great Reset and transform virtually every aspect of our lives – from how and where we live, to how we work, to how we invest in individuals and infrastructure, to how we shape our cities and regions. Florida shows how these forces, when combined, will spur a fresh era of growth and prosperity, define a new geography of progress and create surprising opportunities for all of us.