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The following are notes for assignment 3 instead of making a
video so it’s important that you read this entire message and
note the instructions I give below regarding this week’s written
assignment. Do not complete the assignment without reading my
instructions below. There will be no second chances with the
assignment if I grade you down for not following my
instructions below with this major assignment worth 260 points
(pay close attention to all the highlighted areas below).
This final project must be between 15 -20 pages and will
include all the following: If any of the items I listed below are
missing from your paper the grade will suffer and there will be
no retries for this assignment.
Compile the previous assignments and:
1. Create a quarter-page (1/4) informative abstract for your final
2. Revise your “Project Analysis and Instructional Objectives”
Assignment, incorporating any feedback that you received.
3. Revise your “Design Processes and Delivery Strategies”
Assignment, incorporating any feedback that you
received. (This means the feedback you received from the
professor and your peers.)
Then you will write six – eight NEW pages in which you:
(Everyone knows what NEW means)
1. Create an evaluation plan that clearly correlates to the three
(3) instructional objectives you developed in Assignment 1.
Specify the measures that best fit each objective.
2. Prepare a five- (5-) question test that correlates with the
learning objectives from Assignment 1. Design the test so that it
reflects multiple levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy.
3. Determine the type of evaluation approach that is most
appropriate for your project. Provide a rationale for your
4. Select a learning theory that applies to the instructional
design of the project. Provide a rationale for your selection.
5. Determine three (3) learning theory principles and specify
how they apply to your project.
6. Examine the information gaps that still exist within the
project. Determine the information that would be necessary in
order to complete the project more effectively. Provide a
rationale for your response.
7. Specify the next steps to complete the delivery of the
instruction. Identify final preparations needed such as the
location, resources, equipment, transportation, and food
Note: In this assignment, I expect to see all the level one
headers from assignment one and two then the new level one
header’s for assignment four to correspond for the assignment
topic's instructions.
Maritza Leon
Leonardo Trobajo ARNP- BC
This is also known as blood in the urine.
The blood in the urine comes from the kidneys.
They can also come from the following parts:
Symptoms of Hematuria
Pink, tea-colored or red urine
The urine might have visible blood (Bazari, 2014).
Pain when urinating
Belly pain
causes and risk factors
Kidney stones
Kidney inflammation
Kidney or bladder cancer (Resnick, 2018).
Prostate cancer
Vigorous exercise
Mr. Kim is a 75-year-old male who has been admitted in the
hospital for evaluating of blood in the urine and pain when
Mr. Kim comes to the hospital today.
He has blood in the urine.
He denies weight loss.
He accepts that he experiences 3 level pain (on a scale of 0-10).
He has noticed swollen nodes in the groin.
He has been having these signs for three weeks.
Other signs are negative.
Mr. Kim is healthy appearing.
His eyes are clear.
Neck has good range of motion without lymphadenopathy.
The oropharyngeal membranes are pink in color and are also
The heart has a regular rate as well as rhythm.
The lungs are clear to auscultation.
The abdomen is soft as well as tender
He is alert and oriented X3.
Has no skin discoloration.
The patient has no family history of hematuria.
None of the family member has ever had the same condition.
Possible differential diagnosis of hematuria
BPH: The patient has painful and frequent urination. Blood in
Nephrolithiasis: Blood in urine or frequent urination cause by
kidney stone( hard deposit of minerals and acid salts that stick
together in concentrated urine)
Cystitis: A bladder infection may cause pelvic pain, increased
urge to urinate, pain with urination and blood in the urine.
Lab test for hematuria
CBC with Diff ,Urinalysis, Urine Culture,
CT scan which can identify the stones or tumors in the ureters,
bladder or kidneys. The presence of tumor in the kidney shows
Kidney ultrasound that can create an image in the kidney to
identify any abnormality. Swollen or bleeding kidneys shows
kidney infections.
Cystoscopy where a camera is taken through bladder through
the urethra and take some tissue samples and check for
cancerous cells. Presence of cancerous cells shows that the
patient has cancer of bladder.
Medications and Treatments
Macrobid 100 mg 1 Tab PO BID X 7 days
Pyridium 200 mg 1 tab PO TID for 2 days
Tylenol 650 mg 1 tab PO q8hrs as needed for pain
Increase oral fluid intake
Expected outcomes
The patient is expected to produce urine free of urine which
proofs that the bleeding parts has healed.
The pain in the abdomen and in the urethra is expected to come
to an end and this shows that the infections have healed.
A continuous production of urine with blood will trigger a
Patient’s teaching materials
Will provide education to patient and caregiver about Disease,
signs and symptoms and treatment through;
Posters or charts
Journals and books
Bazari, H. (2014). Hematuria and Proteinuria. The Brigham
Intensive Review of Internal Medicine, 615-
Benson, G. S. (2018). Hematuria: Algorithms for
diagnosis. JAMA, 246(9),
Brewczyńska, A. (2016). Cardiac causes of
Resnick, M. J. (2018). Re: Association between use of
Antithrombotic medication and hematuria-related
complications. Journal of Urology, 199(5), 1103-
Running head: Delivery strategies
Delivery strategies
Student’s Name:
Tanisha Hannah
Institutional affiliation:
Strayer University
Professor Name:
Dr. Manuel Johnican
May 17, 2020
Sequencing is the organizing of events together in an orderly
manner to help a learner understand their course and even in
solving their problems (Turner, 2016). Sequences that are
involved in teaching mainly focus on teaching the skill,
expansion of knowledge and understanding and giving learners
the confidence of creating their own goals. It mainly shows the
specific role of learning and not necessarily the role or function
of the person who delivers the learning. In learner-related
sequencing, the cues of each and every learner are read. It will
be of great importance in preparing and planning for a
conducive environment and a friendly atmosphere and also offer
suggestions on how the learning environment could be improved
to meet the learners need to his or her satisfaction. Proper
sequencing would also be of importance to the professor as it
ensures that they have adequate preparation on how they will
teach and deliver the information and how they will
communicate to those adults who are connected to the learners
life directly (Callahan, 2016). Through this also, every learner
is prepared and taught on how they would maximize on the
opportunities that may arise in their natural education
environment and how they would properly utilize them to their
benefit .lastly, it’s an important condition that every curriculum
must have in developing interest as well as support any form of
Instructional strategies are mainly aimed at the methods or
techniques that a teacher chooses to use so that the specific
learning objectives can be achieved (Bieniek and Barger, 2018).
These strategies create the desire in learners to learn and work
in assisting the teachers makes learning be enjoyable. One of
the important strategies is having a limited time for literature.
Most of the learners concentration span varies between fifteen
to twenty minutes, therefore the lecturer should consider
pausing after about fifteen minutes. For instance, the teacher
could ask the students to stand up and stretch themselves, have
a talk with their friends or allow them join to group discussions.
This is an effective way that would ensure the learners get all
that is being taught. Secondly, the teacher should ensure that
the vocabulary they use during their lesson is relevant and
within the capability of the learner to comprehend. The
vocabulary should also be within the text being delivered. A
teacher for example, can choose to teach vocabulary through a
graphic organizer or even use his experience to assist the
student understand what they are delivering. Finally, the teacher
should ensure that his entire lesson is learner-centered. This
would mainly be achieved when a teacher allows the learners
educate themselves rather than him having to deliver the content
to them. This way better understanding would be enhanced
among students.
There are those instructional strategies that are crucial in
planning to analyze a learner. Proper and continued
observational checkouts are vital in planning the best learning
strategies for early childhood. Graphic organizer is very
important at an early age as it gives room for the children to
visually organize new information and relate it to old
information (Callahan,2016). For example, children can have
colorful charts that are drawn and pined on their wall. This
would work as a reminder for the children as the charts would
be attractive to them and at the same time they will be able to
relate them with things in their surroundings. Also imitation of
data is very important for this group. Imitation will give the
children a room to play and also make them have an influence
on the objects surrounding them. In addition, this would also be
important in enhancing the kids sensory organs such as the
visual and tactile senses. The other very vital instructional
strategy is an activating plan. This calls for the student to recall
any information that was given to them. This helps learners to
easily learn any fact that is given to them. For example a kid
can watch their favorite programs or cartoons and would be
required to recall facts or narrate what they watched.
Any instructional message majorly would entail important
learning features of learners that include the learning styles of
the learner, the age of the learner, what kind of relation exists
between the learner and the teacher and how does the student
relate with the surrounding in which they are taught in
(Turner,2016). The most crucial feature however, is the style
which the student uses to understand the information being
delivered to them. For instance, there are those students who
understand the information being given to them by just listening
to the teacher, others best acquire the knowledge through visual
while there is another group that would need to combine all
these senses in order to understand a concept. It is therefore
very important for a teacher to have this knowledge so as to
develop the right approach on how they would deliver the
information. Another feature that is essential is the is the use of
multiple bits to enhance understanding. These bits include the
use of tonal variation, body posture or even the visual. It is
important if the teacher uses the all these bits correctly so that
students will understand better. The age of the learner is also of
paramount importance in creating the appropriate content to be
delivered to the learner.
Instructional objectives are aimed at viewing and analyzing the
cognitive, the behavioral and the affective aspects of the
learner. The most important way to ensure that this is achieved
is by having evaluation criteria that would test the
understanding of the learners. This will make most of the
students focus on the activities that will give them good results
during their examination. This will put the students in a
position where they would be able to recall the facts or concept
that they had been taught. Their understanding and retention of
the new material or information taught would be enhanced. It
will also help the student incorporate and comprehend easily the
content to be delivered. Aside from that, another important way
of ensuring that these objectives are achieved is by the teacher
giving out notices that enable the students easily recognize their
structure. Once the student has understood their purpose, they
will show a high level in understanding of a concept and it
would be easy for them to follow and obey any guidelines or
instructions that are given to them. With this, delivery will be
boosted as the student’s capability to comprehend and
understand information or even utilize the experiences and ideas
would be enhanced. Therefore, for this to be successful there
should be a plan for book acquaintance to the learners. This will
improve the learners reading and writing ability. Timely writing
would also be an important delivery approach as the writing
skills of the learner would be improved and thus communication
between people enhanced.
Instructional context is all the external dynamics that surround
a learner which shows the importance of the messages to be
acquired (Callahan, 2016). It mainly focuses on where the
content is originating from, how it would be delivered and
through who would the content come from so that it can be
passed on to learners. One of the delivery strategies is the use
of technologies to deliver the content for example using of
computers. Computers in a classroom set up would work in
adding up to information that was delivered by the instructor.
They provide a support to what had been taught in the
classroom away from the teacher. For instance, a demonstration
that is carried out via a computer video will enhance better
understanding and memory from the learner and they will have a
deeper understanding of the content. It will also enable the
learners pass the information they acquired much easily to their
peers. Another delivery plan is though the virtual learning
network. This is vital as learners will more understanding based
on learning objectives. With the use of this technology the
student would be able to learn and make sense of their studying
Instructional strategies are very important and they are majorly
developed so that they can cater for all the needs of the students
including those learners with disabilities who experience a
challenge in creating, learning or even remembering the
information that they have been taught. This strategy uses the
knowledge acquired previously by the learners and their
experiences to create new information. Instructional approaches
are the delivery styles that are used by a teacher to access
whether the students acquired the right knowledge. This
delivery strategy focuses mainly on the learner’s style to
acquire information. This method aims at giving learners
freedom and a free will to participate in the learning process.
The other delivery strategy is the encouraging of peer to peer
tutoring. This method will target all the learners with their
different abilities. Its very vital when the teacher is introducing
a new concept to the learners. There are several activities that
are carried out during the peer to peer tutor is error correcting
and awarding of points to students as they ask random questions
among themselves. This is very important as all learners are
given an opportunity to participate in the learning process freely
and in a manner that is enjoyable to them. Lastly, it leads to
learners having a positive interaction among them.
Callahan, J. (2016). Encouraging retention of new teachers
through mentoring strategies. Delta Kappa Gamma
Bulletin, 83(1), 6.
Bieniek, E. J., Monfore, M., Erickson, M., Rineer-Hershey, A.,
& Barger-Anderson, R. (2018). A review of survey data
collected on the use of Applied Behavior Analytic (ABA) based
instructional strategies by educators in Pennsylvania schools.
Turner, C. (2016). What Matters Most: Using High-Traction
Instructional Strategies to Increase Student Success. NADE
Digest, 9(1), 44-48.
Author’s name:
Tanisha Hannah
Institutional affiliation:
Strayer University
Name of instructor:
Manuel Johnican
May 3rd, 2020
There are several learning activities that take place in a school
environment and all these are aimed at improving and enhancing
the learners understanding. However, in any learning
environment there are challenges that arise and these challenges
in most cases hinders schools from achieving their goal. The
challenges affect different people in a school institution; there
could be those that affect the learners or the teachers or
sometimes even both. It is important however, that these needs
be addressed for any school goal to be achieved.
A need analysis for curriculum expansion
· Pointing out the need
There are several factors that are leading to the need of
expansion of the curriculum. Of these, the most important is
overpopulation which is experienced by several countries
(Rodder,2018). It tends to slow down any economic
development of a country. Aside that, the agricultural sector
experience some straining as they try to attend to the
overpopulation, in turn there is food shortage experienced and
unemployment cases also tend to rise. For this therefore, there
is a need for population education whose main aim would be to
lower the large sized families. It’s possible that the
overpopulation was bought by the lack of knowledge on ways of
controlling birth rate, population education not being available
in remote areas for youth who stopped schooling and also the
disadvantages of having a very large family.
· Population education analysis
Although population education has been added in secondary
curriculum, the youths living in rural areas are unable to access
the information as only a small percentage are able to attend
classroom lessons (Weng,2019). Population education need
would therefore be necessary to help rural youths point out the
dangers of having a large family and how they can prevent
having those large families.
Characteristics of the learner for a need of curriculum
There are several characteristics that are associated with
curriculum expansion. They include:the marital status of the
youth, their means of income, the number of children they
desire to have, their age, their lifestyle and the number of
siblings the youth has.
Instructional objectives
By the end of the talk the youth will be able to identify and
distinguish between the advantages and disadvantages of having
a large family over a small family in such an environment.
By the end of the session the youth will be able to apply and use
the right birth control methods within the first three months.
Affective domains:
By the end of the population education at the rural areas the
youths of that specific area should be able to explain and follow
the right procedures for them to avoid unplanned pregnancies
and together with their spouses identify the right family
planning method for them to use.
Procedural analysis flow chart for the project.
Rodder, S. G., Kindratt, T. B., Xiao, C., Orcutt, V., Koch, C.,
Mcilvaine, K., & Neville, M. A. (2018). Teaching and
evaluating smartphone applications: the effectiveness of a
curriculum expansion. Education for Health, 31(2), 95.
Weng, C., & Yang, H. (2019, July). Application and Expansion
of Rationalism in Industrial Design Curriculum Teaching.
In IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and
Engineering (Vol. 573, No. 1, p. 012041). IOP Publishing.
HAN, D., BAO, L., ZHU, L., & XIA, B. (2017). Interaction,
Integration, and Expansion: A" Learning Centered" Mechanism
of Curriculum Construction of Architecture. New Architecture,
(3), 9.
Luckett, K., & Shay, S. (2020). Reframing the curriculum: a
transformative approach. Critical Studies in Education, 61(1),
identify the group
locate the area
identify resource need
decision steps
conduct youth summit
peer-to-peer talk
cost analysis
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The following are notes for assignment 3 instead of making a video.docx

  • 1. The following are notes for assignment 3 instead of making a video so it’s important that you read this entire message and note the instructions I give below regarding this week’s written assignment. Do not complete the assignment without reading my instructions below. There will be no second chances with the assignment if I grade you down for not following my instructions below with this major assignment worth 260 points (pay close attention to all the highlighted areas below). This final project must be between 15 -20 pages and will include all the following: If any of the items I listed below are missing from your paper the grade will suffer and there will be no retries for this assignment. Compile the previous assignments and: 1. Create a quarter-page (1/4) informative abstract for your final project. 2. Revise your “Project Analysis and Instructional Objectives” Assignment, incorporating any feedback that you received. 3. Revise your “Design Processes and Delivery Strategies” Assignment, incorporating any feedback that you received. (This means the feedback you received from the professor and your peers.) Then you will write six – eight NEW pages in which you: (Everyone knows what NEW means) 1. Create an evaluation plan that clearly correlates to the three (3) instructional objectives you developed in Assignment 1. Specify the measures that best fit each objective. 2. Prepare a five- (5-) question test that correlates with the learning objectives from Assignment 1. Design the test so that it reflects multiple levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy. 3. Determine the type of evaluation approach that is most appropriate for your project. Provide a rationale for your selection. 4. Select a learning theory that applies to the instructional
  • 2. design of the project. Provide a rationale for your selection. 5. Determine three (3) learning theory principles and specify how they apply to your project. 6. Examine the information gaps that still exist within the project. Determine the information that would be necessary in order to complete the project more effectively. Provide a rationale for your response. 7. Specify the next steps to complete the delivery of the instruction. Identify final preparations needed such as the location, resources, equipment, transportation, and food Note: In this assignment, I expect to see all the level one headers from assignment one and two then the new level one header’s for assignment four to correspond for the assignment topic's instructions. Hematuria Maritza Leon Leonardo Trobajo ARNP- BC Hematuria This is also known as blood in the urine. The blood in the urine comes from the kidneys. They can also come from the following parts: Ureters Bladder Urethra Symptoms of Hematuria
  • 3. Pink, tea-colored or red urine The urine might have visible blood (Bazari, 2014). Pain when urinating Belly pain causes and risk factors Kidney stones Kidney inflammation Kidney or bladder cancer (Resnick, 2018). Prostate cancer Vigorous exercise CC Mr. Kim is a 75-year-old male who has been admitted in the hospital for evaluating of blood in the urine and pain when urinating. HPI Mr. Kim comes to the hospital today. He has blood in the urine. He denies weight loss. ROS He accepts that he experiences 3 level pain (on a scale of 0-10). He has noticed swollen nodes in the groin. He has been having these signs for three weeks. Other signs are negative.
  • 4. PE Mr. Kim is healthy appearing. His eyes are clear. Neck has good range of motion without lymphadenopathy. The oropharyngeal membranes are pink in color and are also moist. The heart has a regular rate as well as rhythm. The lungs are clear to auscultation. The abdomen is soft as well as tender He is alert and oriented X3. Has no skin discoloration. Hx The patient has no family history of hematuria. None of the family member has ever had the same condition. Possible differential diagnosis of hematuria BPH: The patient has painful and frequent urination. Blood in urine Nephrolithiasis: Blood in urine or frequent urination cause by kidney stone( hard deposit of minerals and acid salts that stick together in concentrated urine) Cystitis: A bladder infection may cause pelvic pain, increased urge to urinate, pain with urination and blood in the urine. Lab test for hematuria
  • 5. CBC with Diff ,Urinalysis, Urine Culture, CT scan which can identify the stones or tumors in the ureters, bladder or kidneys. The presence of tumor in the kidney shows infections. Kidney ultrasound that can create an image in the kidney to identify any abnormality. Swollen or bleeding kidneys shows kidney infections. Cystoscopy where a camera is taken through bladder through the urethra and take some tissue samples and check for cancerous cells. Presence of cancerous cells shows that the patient has cancer of bladder. Medications and Treatments Macrobid 100 mg 1 Tab PO BID X 7 days Pyridium 200 mg 1 tab PO TID for 2 days Tylenol 650 mg 1 tab PO q8hrs as needed for pain Increase oral fluid intake Expected outcomes The patient is expected to produce urine free of urine which proofs that the bleeding parts has healed. The pain in the abdomen and in the urethra is expected to come to an end and this shows that the infections have healed. A continuous production of urine with blood will trigger a referral.
  • 6. Patient’s teaching materials Will provide education to patient and caregiver about Disease, signs and symptoms and treatment through; Brochures Posters or charts Journals and books References Bazari, H. (2014). Hematuria and Proteinuria. The Brigham Intensive Review of Internal Medicine, 615- 625. Benson, G. S. (2018). Hematuria: Algorithms for diagnosis. JAMA, 246(9), 993. Brewczyńska, A. (2016). Cardiac causes of hematuria. 02923834f2 Resnick, M. J. (2018). Re: Association between use of Antithrombotic medication and hematuria-related complications. Journal of Urology, 199(5), 1103- 1103. Running head: Delivery strategies DELIVERY STRATEGIES
  • 7. Delivery strategies Student’s Name: Tanisha Hannah Institutional affiliation: Strayer University Professor Name: Dr. Manuel Johnican Date: May 17, 2020 Sequencing is the organizing of events together in an orderly manner to help a learner understand their course and even in solving their problems (Turner, 2016). Sequences that are involved in teaching mainly focus on teaching the skill, expansion of knowledge and understanding and giving learners the confidence of creating their own goals. It mainly shows the specific role of learning and not necessarily the role or function of the person who delivers the learning. In learner-related sequencing, the cues of each and every learner are read. It will be of great importance in preparing and planning for a conducive environment and a friendly atmosphere and also offer suggestions on how the learning environment could be improved to meet the learners need to his or her satisfaction. Proper sequencing would also be of importance to the professor as it ensures that they have adequate preparation on how they will teach and deliver the information and how they will communicate to those adults who are connected to the learners life directly (Callahan, 2016). Through this also, every learner is prepared and taught on how they would maximize on the opportunities that may arise in their natural education
  • 8. environment and how they would properly utilize them to their benefit .lastly, it’s an important condition that every curriculum must have in developing interest as well as support any form of exploration. Instructional strategies are mainly aimed at the methods or techniques that a teacher chooses to use so that the specific learning objectives can be achieved (Bieniek and Barger, 2018). These strategies create the desire in learners to learn and work in assisting the teachers makes learning be enjoyable. One of the important strategies is having a limited time for literature. Most of the learners concentration span varies between fifteen to twenty minutes, therefore the lecturer should consider pausing after about fifteen minutes. For instance, the teacher could ask the students to stand up and stretch themselves, have a talk with their friends or allow them join to group discussions. This is an effective way that would ensure the learners get all that is being taught. Secondly, the teacher should ensure that the vocabulary they use during their lesson is relevant and within the capability of the learner to comprehend. The vocabulary should also be within the text being delivered. A teacher for example, can choose to teach vocabulary through a graphic organizer or even use his experience to assist the student understand what they are delivering. Finally, the teacher should ensure that his entire lesson is learner-centered. This would mainly be achieved when a teacher allows the learners educate themselves rather than him having to deliver the content to them. This way better understanding would be enhanced among students. There are those instructional strategies that are crucial in planning to analyze a learner. Proper and continued observational checkouts are vital in planning the best learning strategies for early childhood. Graphic organizer is very important at an early age as it gives room for the children to visually organize new information and relate it to old information (Callahan,2016). For example, children can have colorful charts that are drawn and pined on their wall. This
  • 9. would work as a reminder for the children as the charts would be attractive to them and at the same time they will be able to relate them with things in their surroundings. Also imitation of data is very important for this group. Imitation will give the children a room to play and also make them have an influence on the objects surrounding them. In addition, this would also be important in enhancing the kids sensory organs such as the visual and tactile senses. The other very vital instructional strategy is an activating plan. This calls for the student to recall any information that was given to them. This helps learners to easily learn any fact that is given to them. For example a kid can watch their favorite programs or cartoons and would be required to recall facts or narrate what they watched. Any instructional message majorly would entail important learning features of learners that include the learning styles of the learner, the age of the learner, what kind of relation exists between the learner and the teacher and how does the student relate with the surrounding in which they are taught in (Turner,2016). The most crucial feature however, is the style which the student uses to understand the information being delivered to them. For instance, there are those students who understand the information being given to them by just listening to the teacher, others best acquire the knowledge through visual while there is another group that would need to combine all these senses in order to understand a concept. It is therefore very important for a teacher to have this knowledge so as to develop the right approach on how they would deliver the information. Another feature that is essential is the is the use of multiple bits to enhance understanding. These bits include the use of tonal variation, body posture or even the visual. It is important if the teacher uses the all these bits correctly so that students will understand better. The age of the learner is also of paramount importance in creating the appropriate content to be delivered to the learner. Instructional objectives are aimed at viewing and analyzing the cognitive, the behavioral and the affective aspects of the
  • 10. learner. The most important way to ensure that this is achieved is by having evaluation criteria that would test the understanding of the learners. This will make most of the students focus on the activities that will give them good results during their examination. This will put the students in a position where they would be able to recall the facts or concept that they had been taught. Their understanding and retention of the new material or information taught would be enhanced. It will also help the student incorporate and comprehend easily the content to be delivered. Aside from that, another important way of ensuring that these objectives are achieved is by the teacher giving out notices that enable the students easily recognize their structure. Once the student has understood their purpose, they will show a high level in understanding of a concept and it would be easy for them to follow and obey any guidelines or instructions that are given to them. With this, delivery will be boosted as the student’s capability to comprehend and understand information or even utilize the experiences and ideas would be enhanced. Therefore, for this to be successful there should be a plan for book acquaintance to the learners. This will improve the learners reading and writing ability. Timely writing would also be an important delivery approach as the writing skills of the learner would be improved and thus communication between people enhanced. Instructional context is all the external dynamics that surround a learner which shows the importance of the messages to be acquired (Callahan, 2016). It mainly focuses on where the content is originating from, how it would be delivered and through who would the content come from so that it can be passed on to learners. One of the delivery strategies is the use of technologies to deliver the content for example using of computers. Computers in a classroom set up would work in adding up to information that was delivered by the instructor. They provide a support to what had been taught in the classroom away from the teacher. For instance, a demonstration that is carried out via a computer video will enhance better
  • 11. understanding and memory from the learner and they will have a deeper understanding of the content. It will also enable the learners pass the information they acquired much easily to their peers. Another delivery plan is though the virtual learning network. This is vital as learners will more understanding based on learning objectives. With the use of this technology the student would be able to learn and make sense of their studying environment. Instructional strategies are very important and they are majorly developed so that they can cater for all the needs of the students including those learners with disabilities who experience a challenge in creating, learning or even remembering the information that they have been taught. This strategy uses the knowledge acquired previously by the learners and their experiences to create new information. Instructional approaches are the delivery styles that are used by a teacher to access whether the students acquired the right knowledge. This delivery strategy focuses mainly on the learner’s style to acquire information. This method aims at giving learners freedom and a free will to participate in the learning process. The other delivery strategy is the encouraging of peer to peer tutoring. This method will target all the learners with their different abilities. Its very vital when the teacher is introducing a new concept to the learners. There are several activities that are carried out during the peer to peer tutor is error correcting and awarding of points to students as they ask random questions among themselves. This is very important as all learners are given an opportunity to participate in the learning process freely and in a manner that is enjoyable to them. Lastly, it leads to learners having a positive interaction among them. References Callahan, J. (2016). Encouraging retention of new teachers through mentoring strategies. Delta Kappa Gamma Bulletin, 83(1), 6. Bieniek, E. J., Monfore, M., Erickson, M., Rineer-Hershey, A.,
  • 12. & Barger-Anderson, R. (2018). A review of survey data collected on the use of Applied Behavior Analytic (ABA) based instructional strategies by educators in Pennsylvania schools. Turner, C. (2016). What Matters Most: Using High-Traction Instructional Strategies to Increase Student Success. NADE Digest, 9(1), 44-48. Running head: CURRICULUM EXPANSION Author’s name: Tanisha Hannah Institutional affiliation: Strayer University Name of instructor: Manuel Johnican Date: May 3rd, 2020
  • 13. Introduction There are several learning activities that take place in a school environment and all these are aimed at improving and enhancing the learners understanding. However, in any learning environment there are challenges that arise and these challenges in most cases hinders schools from achieving their goal. The challenges affect different people in a school institution; there could be those that affect the learners or the teachers or sometimes even both. It is important however, that these needs be addressed for any school goal to be achieved. A need analysis for curriculum expansion · Pointing out the need There are several factors that are leading to the need of expansion of the curriculum. Of these, the most important is overpopulation which is experienced by several countries (Rodder,2018). It tends to slow down any economic development of a country. Aside that, the agricultural sector experience some straining as they try to attend to the overpopulation, in turn there is food shortage experienced and unemployment cases also tend to rise. For this therefore, there is a need for population education whose main aim would be to lower the large sized families. It’s possible that the overpopulation was bought by the lack of knowledge on ways of controlling birth rate, population education not being available in remote areas for youth who stopped schooling and also the disadvantages of having a very large family. · Population education analysis Although population education has been added in secondary curriculum, the youths living in rural areas are unable to access the information as only a small percentage are able to attend classroom lessons (Weng,2019). Population education need would therefore be necessary to help rural youths point out the dangers of having a large family and how they can prevent having those large families. Characteristics of the learner for a need of curriculum expansion
  • 14. There are several characteristics that are associated with curriculum expansion. They include:the marital status of the youth, their means of income, the number of children they desire to have, their age, their lifestyle and the number of siblings the youth has. Instructional objectives Cognitive: By the end of the talk the youth will be able to identify and distinguish between the advantages and disadvantages of having a large family over a small family in such an environment. Behavioral: By the end of the session the youth will be able to apply and use the right birth control methods within the first three months. Affective domains: By the end of the population education at the rural areas the youths of that specific area should be able to explain and follow the right procedures for them to avoid unplanned pregnancies and together with their spouses identify the right family planning method for them to use. Procedural analysis flow chart for the project. Rodder, S. G., Kindratt, T. B., Xiao, C., Orcutt, V., Koch, C., Mcilvaine, K., & Neville, M. A. (2018). Teaching and evaluating smartphone applications: the effectiveness of a curriculum expansion. Education for Health, 31(2), 95. Weng, C., & Yang, H. (2019, July). Application and Expansion of Rationalism in Industrial Design Curriculum Teaching. In IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (Vol. 573, No. 1, p. 012041). IOP Publishing.
  • 15. HAN, D., BAO, L., ZHU, L., & XIA, B. (2017). Interaction, Integration, and Expansion: A" Learning Centered" Mechanism of Curriculum Construction of Architecture. New Architecture, (3), 9. Luckett, K., & Shay, S. (2020). Reframing the curriculum: a transformative approach. Critical Studies in Education, 61(1), 50-65. start identify the group locate the area identify resource need decision steps conduct youth summit peer-to-peer talk cost analysis end