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The Film V For Vendetta And The Song Get Up Stand Up By...
SAE Institute Oxford
SAE 502: Critical Analysis Essay
The Comparative analyses of the film V for Vendetta and the song Get Up Stand Up by Bob Marley and how they relate to the social context of
James Cunningham
Assignment Code
Word Count:
Module Leader/Lecturer: Ben Hall
Table of Contents
Title Page
Table of Contents
Introduction (word count)
Main Body (word Count)
Conclusion (word Count)
Reference List
One of the themes that influenced many artists in the past is standing up for your rights. 'V for Vendetta' (2005) and 'Bob Marley's Get Up, Stand Up'
(1973) has been chosen because the author supports these works fit into the social context of Marxism.
This essay traverses through Karl Marx's history and his pioneering works on Marxism. Marxism is then related to the film V for Vendetta and Bob
Marley's track 'Get Up, Stand Up', and how both of them are Marxist approaches to inculcate in the society.
From the outset, Marxism will be examined in terms of the historical aspect and materialistic ideology. Moreover, the study will look at how these
elements were manipulated by the powers that be. There follows a short synopsis of the film 'V for Vendetta' and an analysis of specific scenes that
relate to the Marxist theory. Subsequently, the discussion will focus on Marley's influence on Jamaican politics and consequently an analysis on how
Marley's Get Up Stand Up (1973)
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Creative Writing: Get Up For School
Nayesha get up for school you are gonna be late!, i'm getting up mother...Ugh i really hate Mondays. *Ring Ring* Hey Ceil?. Are you almost ready
for school we got to get going since you gotta pick me up today said Ceil Hurry girl she said again . I'm on my way Ceil Don't worry we won't be
late.(Nayesha get into her car) Beep beep beep beep Hey Ceil i'm pulling up right now come outside ,girl you better be actually outside Ceil said.
Nayesha you won't believe who called me last night talking about i'm gonna be in town tomorrow we should hangout! Please tell me it wasn't Chris
said Nayesha . It was him but what should i do since we had that falling out 3 months ago, Well Ceil i don't know but i mean i wouldn't take it further
than friends
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Bob Marley's Get Up, Stand Up
I woke to the sun in my eyes. It wasn't until I stretched and my brain began to work that I suddenly froze. Being a random Tuesday in April, why
was the sun waking me instead of the Bob Marley's "Get Up, Stand Up" blaring from my phone at an ungodly hour? I was late; very, very late.
Flying out of my bed like a horse out of the gates, I yelled out a few profanities while pulling on the first items of clothing that happened to be lying
around and whipping my head around to figure out my bearings. Time didn't seem to exist in my room; there was no way to tell. My phone, my clock,
my laptop, everything was gone. Somebody was having some fun with me, and I was about to find out who.
That's when I heard the sound. The sound of uncontrollable laughter. ... Show more content on ...
I'm going to be so late for school." With a hop, a skip, and a jump he made his way down the stairs; careful not to trip or scuff his new Jordan's. "How
would you know what time it is? Don't you need this?". He tossed me my watch, and I caught it hurriedly, suddenly very aware of the nakedness of
my wrist. A quick glance at the clock face revealed that it was already 11:45; if I hurried I would barely make the second half of 5th period. "What is
the matter with you? Why aren't we at school? Mom is going to kill us!" I hissed at him through clenched teeth. "School? Oh yeah, it's canceled today –
something about a water main break on Cornell. Mom's at work, so she doesn't know a thing," he sneered as he breezed past me out the door. "I'm
going to meet Ben down at the club, thanks for being such easy prey!", he called back when he saw my annoyed expression. As I watched the little
brat run off into the sun, I could swear you could see horns and just the wisp of an arrowhead tail coming out the back. "That's it," I said to myself,
"This means
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Lazy is the American Essay
Lazy is the American
Today's American society consists of many technological achievements. The cars we drive, the classes we take, and even the things we do in our
spare time has changed due to the increasing amount of technology that is available to us. Technology is a wonderful thing to behold, but then we can
look at the one thing technology has done to humans and especially Americans. Technology has created a society of many lazy people. In order to
support my argument, I believe that it is imperative to answer one question in great detail. How has technology made us lazy?
Laziness has gradually increased in the past ten years. Kids no longer want to play outside. "It's too hot?" or "Let me finish this game!" are just ... Show
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That's why there was school and then baseball–– not because everyone else did it but because it was fun and it was something to do. I didn't play
outside because I couldn't play my game, but instead I enjoyed being outside. I enjoy playing video games, don't get me wrong, but when asked to
play baseball or to umpire a game, I am one of the first ones to accept the offer. It was a part of my childhood unlike many kids today. Now the kids
are asking each other when they are going to be on MSN or AOL. Are they to lazy to talk to each other while enjoying the outdoors? They might as
well enjoy it now because in 50 years breathing might be difficult and playing or even walking around outside might be a struggle.
Enough child bashing, adults are living life on the lazy side as well. First, look what computer have done and are continuing to do today. Computers
are developing so quickly that when you buy one it's nearly out–dated by the time you get it up and running. Computer are being manufactured so
quickly that it is nearly impossible to say you're a computer is new. People seem like they would not be able to survive without computers. I remember
washing the dishes by hand as a chore. The kids don't do that any more and neither do the parents. All it takes is 5 minutes to throw the dishes into the
dishwasher, press the button, use 6 times the water to wash them this way instead of by hand, and then they are clean. Thank you computerized
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The Pros And Cons Of A Narcissist
Hey YouTube hey subscribers thanks for tuning in
Quest came in to make a video about how to rid a narcissist from your life this is another one of those videos and I'm surprised they haven't done yet
there's so much embedded into the contact that I often forget to isolate certain topic. Anyway what isolated and we'll talk about it today. The
narcissist is not the easiest thing in the world to do mainly because they are leaving is their decision. A narcissist decides when here she is through
with you not the other way around. So they've I didn't find something in were about you that they feed from and what organism do you know of that
balance he really rid itself of its food source. Aunt Minnie in there may not be any actually so the best thing ... Show more content on ...
In a few times where I get loot in an hour's lighting it it didn't work that I would call those with 3 out of the 10th but 7 times out of 10 I promise
you the request as magically disappears I don't know what it is but it works so try that. Text thing you can do to get rid of a narcissist is similar to
the first and that's initiating you'll be the first to come up with ideas suggestions playdate outings activities you plan it first. Now Traders I could
Simply Be a trip to the movies it's the fact that it's your idea you're the one leading the relationship you not allowed to be the leader today are you
making these suggestions like this it makes me feel like a child. Adult and balance relationship meaning both people make suggestions and contribute to
the relationship narcissist don't like feeling laid in any way they are the line leader in will be damned if anyone tries to take that spot from them but the
funniest thing about them though is that they want none of the responsibility that comes with being the leader. But that's a whole nother video so yes
initiate initiate often it will be such a turn on to
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Difference Between Pilaxar And Pixar
Graphics Group, part of the Lucasfilm computer division in 1979, is original name of Pixar. Since Apple Inc. co–founder Steve Jobs bought it at 10
million dollars and named Pixar Painting studios in 1986, Pixar becomes a real corporation. In the same year, as its first computer–animated short film,
luxo Jr. , which is also the source of its mascot, is nominated for Academy Awardfor Animated Short Film. Moreover, almost every film it creates
wins satisfying awards in the following years. The year of 1991 is the start point of cooperating with Walt Disney. Until 2006, the relationship between
Pixar and Walt Disney has changed from cooperation to merger.(Wikipedia)
The name comes from "pixel" and "art", which presents their belief about successful films should be both good at technology and content. In fact, the
achievement they get explains that they are on the way to achieve that goal. "The studio has earned sixteen Academy Awards, seven Golden Globe
Awards, and eleven Grammy Awards. Besides, many studio's films have been nominated for Academy Awards for Best Animated feature. On
September 6th, 2009, five Pixar executives ,including Pete Docter, won the Golden Lion Award for Lifetime Achievement at the 66th... Show more
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Nowadays, the aggravating trend of aging population brings so many problems. The spirit world is in need of more attentions than the material world.
This feature film shows that an old man's attitude towards life is altered from exclusive into openness, which reflect the theme of spirit of adventure
and growth. Based on all the analysis of the symbol of setting, typical items and three main characters, the author points out four profound connotations,
including the conflict between human beings and nature, the conflict between pursuing fame and moral code, the elder' spiritual situation and the
phenomenon of children lacking accompany. The author hopes the public can pay more attentions on these
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How High School Gets Brought Up?
What do people normally think of when high school gets brought up? Maybe that it is boring, a waste of time, that a person doesn 't really learn
much even though there is countless hours invested. When it is time to graduate and head off to college one should feel somewhat comfortable and
mostly prepared for college, the assignments are turned in at the needed time and normally not late, very well rounded in all aspects of school
education.. Graduating from Northeast Range, that feeling really isn't there. If it were trade school, yeah, no big deal, but going for an actual degree
with all these different classes will be very challenging. There are quite a few students that are, for the most part, prepared, but those are the ones that...
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Is all of this because of the No child will be left behind Act President George W. Bush passed in 2001? One statement that speaks toward this paper
from the NCLB Act would be, that the expectation that struggling students learn alongside their peers. Some say that NCLB focused too much on
standardized testing. Some schools end up "teaching to the test"–focusing only on what students were tested on. This left little time for anything else
the kids may have needed or wanted to learn. Some things that NCLB requires like, highly qualified teachers as well as research–based instruction and
basic reporting on school results most people supported. What if it is because of the Every student succeeds Act passed by President Obama on
December 10, 2015? When ESSA got passed, they kept some things from the NCLB, but added onto it. The only law that stayed the same would be
"States are responsible for holding schools accountable for student achievement." The law provides a framework but it is a flexible framework.
Whereas in the NCLB didn't have much of a flexible framework for each state to set their own state standards (The Understood team, 2016). Students
generally speaking aren't very worried on how well they do their work. Many are just focused on getting it turned in regardless to how well it has been
done. Select students would think that way, but after the
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Descriptive Narrative Descriptive Essay
Sunday November 12, 2073 we just woke up it seems like we landed outside of a huge building complex. The others and i do not know what is going
on i am not ready for this we all have heard about the others and how ships would just take them how can i say it, they was just gone we have never
seen this before it was just never seen again. I am strapped onto my seat across from me is a young girl with a high black long ponytail and seems to
be wearing a black mask only revealing her eyes, nose, and mouth. The girl across from me is also strapped onto her seat her body is leaning forward
and her head is tilted down. Her black long sleeve jacket is dripping in water and her left thigh has a big scar going across it just above her knee her...
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This sword looks like it could have only been made by time itself. Above him is a gray plaque that reads "Delgado." "Do i have something on my face
kid ?" said Delgado. Not knowing it before i could respond i felt my head shaking left to right my eyes so wide felt like they were about to pop off i
quickly turned my head away and hoped he would go back to staring at the girl in front of me.The plaque above her seat read "Lucy."
*loud cough*A loud cough came from a behind us as i turned around the straps came off me and i was free to get off my seat so were Lucy and
Delgado. When i turned around i saw a familiar face. "Johnny?" I shouted. "Zells ? What are you doing here ?" he asked. " I do not know i just
woke up." I replied. "Same here i was back there for a while and then figured out a way to get out using my panasonics." johnny said. Panasonics is
what he called his new invention they were a pair of shades with a built in computer that could do some crazy shit, they came with a pair of
wireless headphones that communicated with his shades. "What happened to you?" I asked. "You look like you just climbed out of dumpster!" I
said. He had on a ripped pair of pants. His hair was messy and his shoes were tore up. He was not like the usual Johnny that likes to look sharp. He had
on his new designed black sweater that was able withstand any type of bullet or object that would
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Fall Seven Times Get Up 8 Summary
Fall Seven Times, Get up Eight is a short documentary on Japanese women who married American men after World War II and moved back to The
United States to start their lives. After the bombing in Japan roads and streets were not even identifiable much less easy to navigate. About 10,000
Japanese women married GI's that were stationed in Japan. The women first started talking to the men through a newspaper ad that advertised teaching
Gi's Japanese in exchange for English conversations. The GI's were told to stay away from these women which was impossible for them. As
relationships formed these Japanese traveled back to the United States to start new lives and families. However, the Japanese idea of The United States
was completely transformed as soon as they saw what their lives were about to be like. One woman in the film stated "Everyone has a beautiful home
and beautiful dressed", which was not the case when she arrived. The woman was to live on a farm with a very small house. As soon as the ... Show
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In class, we learned that assimilation meant the belief that immigrants or other members of a minority cultural communities ought to adopt the culture
of the major population. This was clearly demonstrated when the women first got to the United States the American women were teaching them the
customs. They tried to teach the women not to bow to greet other people because this was not what they did in The United States. As well as when
one of the women first arrived in The United States, she wanted to wear a piece of clothing that closely resembled Japan but her husband insisted she
changed because this was not something she should wear here. These women were expected to assimilate into American society and act like an
American would. That included not speaking or teaching their children Japanese. Some adults even scolded their children if they tried to talk about the
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Analysis Of The Film ' Ratatouille '
Another part of the film that is also very Disney and very Pixar is the visual feast that the eyes enjoy while watching. Robertson says, "Pixar has
created something unique. The light. The colors. The textures. Ratatouille is not a film with brightly colored toys, fish, bugs, or cars", which would
allow it to perhaps be the most Disney of the films on which Disney and Pixar have created together (Robertson, 20). Yet, even without those
interesting aspects, Ratatouille is very visually appealing, like a dish one eats first with one's eyes. Robertson quotes Michael Fong the supervising
technical director at Pixar who says, "We tried to make this film look different...One of the big things was to break away from what standard CG
[computer graphics] looks like. We got rid of straight lines and did a lot of hand tweaking. We wanted it to feel handmade. The other part is lighting
and shading" (Robertson, 21). From that special attention, like a chef gives his signature dish, the team that collaborated to make Ratatouille created a
delicious result. The parallelism between the making of the film and the making of a wonderful dish is not all the elements that make Ratatouille such
a brilliant film. The fact that it was inspired by the food craze that was very big around 2007 when the film was made, did not hurt. One could not turn
on the television without seeing some chef creating something wonderful and in doing so, showing viewers that they could cook too. The interest that
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What Is The Moral Of The Movie Up
UP is an American made film, directed by Pete Docter and Bob Peterson. The writers accountable for this outstanding adventure–filled movie are Pete
Docter, Bob Peterson, and Tom McCarthy. Walt Disney Pictures and Pixar Animation Studios are responsible for producing this animated family
comedy often perceived as a children's movie. UP was first released in the United States May 29, 2009 with a run time of one hour and thirty–six
minutes. UP is recognized as a family movie for people of all ages ("UP (2009)", 2009).
UP an Overview
As a child, Carl Fredrickson had one role model, Charles Muntz, which Carl strived to be like in every aspect. Carl even named his balloon after
Muntz's blimp. Carl Fredrickson was heading home with his balloon when he heard someone say, "Adventure is out there" ~Ellie. The voice came out
of an old abandoned house, which just appeared as another ... Show more content on ...
The plot of UP was well thought out, and every hiccup in the storyline had a purpose deeper than what was visible to the eye. Every character in UP
had distinguishable characteristics that played a huge role in the outcome of the film. The framework of UP was built by the writers' word choice,
imagery, and symbols used. Word choice helped create the imagery found in UP. Word choice was a huge part in how the audience perceived
characters and was able to build an image of who the characters are and the storyline. A vast majority of UP was symbols. Symbols created the
storyline, without these symbols and symbolic meanings behind them UP would have been just another meaningless children's movie. The symbols
used throughout the movie influence and shape the characters and the relationships between them. Not only do children enjoy the fun, colorful movie,
but the writers also incorporated many symbols throughout the whole movie for the adult audience to catch and enjoy the deeper
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In The Current World It Is Easy To Get Caught Up With Our
In the current world it is easy to get caught up with our own lives rather than participating in the community that surrounds us. With the internet and
social media, it is usually normal for people to just stay indoors and in their rooms, not caring for what goes on down the street or at the local barber.
To achieve the highest quality of life one must care and be supportive of their community, and theirfamily. In his paper, Scott argues that Americans
should become less individualistic and instead become more concerned with the wellbeing of their community. "The Common Life of Scott Russel
sanders" is an excellent example of how participating with family and community can not only increase the aspect of the community as a whole, but ...
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This anecdote helps show the excellence and quality of having close family ties and strengthens his argument that community is important. To
establish this idea and to state the importance of having good interpersonal relationships, from family relationships to common relationships, Sanders
draws on examples of clubs and organizations, such as the boys and girls clubs, in order to integrate the idea of the common life or community.
Saunders believes that the cost of the American obsession comes from the belief that we shall "cultivate the self" rather than the community, and that
we should look to the individual as a source of "hope and the center of value." This is an extremely American beliefs because our government,
economy, religion and present century all encourage this idea, as stated by Sanders when he states: "we have the bill of rights, which protects each of
us each of us from the bullying society, but not build responsibilities which will obligate us to answer the needs of others".
Sanders of course believes that all of these are good things that build and strengthen our nation as a whole. It is clear that Sanders thinks that America
has gone a little too far in the direction of individualism. Saunders believes that as good things can from community and if weren't American weren't to
be so individualistic we would have a better and more structured environment revolving us . To show this, Sanders uses an
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Bob Marley Get USand Up Analysis
Standing up for what you think is right and just, against several people who don't think the same is usually nerve–wracking and not as easy as one
might think; yet in Bob Marley's song Get Up Stand Up, he makes you feel like anyone can do it just simple as that. Get Up Stand Up immediately
beams that sense of fighting empowerment and doing what is right. Much of Marley's inspiration for the song stems from his Jamaican childhood and
growing up in a place filled with oppression and very little rights for their religion, which he expresses that he doesn't want anyone else to go through.
Through this song, Marley gives those who feel they don't have a voice, strong and influential inner empowerment in hopes that they find their voice
and use it... Show more content on ...
Marley seems to feel that in Christianity, there is an overwhelming sense of the people following a certain preacher/priest and much of the religion has
just been forced upon them through these figures– "preacher man, don't tell me". This is also shown through the verse, "Most people think, Great God
will come from the skies", because we are told that God is in the sky and in heaven then that is what we believe and will follow for the rest of our
lives and Marley does not hold that to be true. He is in clear opposition with the fact that Christians believe in a heaven and a hell ––"don't tell me
heaven is under the earth"–– his use of 'don't' delivers a very argumentative tone and sense that Marley has his own views and won't fall to these.
There is an incorporation of his own views in Rastafarianism of who God is in his eyes, "we all know when we understand / almighty God is a living
man", completely contradicting the Christianity beliefs– that God has passed an is in the sky waiting for us when we pass. Peter Tosh ––who wrote the
song along with Marley–– had a contrasting view on the religious aspect. Peter believes that his God is a living man and not someone that is up in the
sky, it's evident in the lyrics– "almighty God is a living man" and that his grand idea of heaven does not involve angels or the sky with bright clouds and
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Git Up Get Out Tupac Analysis
The inspiration to spark a change in the African American communities has been an ongoing issue from generation to generation in the United State.
People of color have tried to inspire others within their own communities with several different forms of art. The African American people born in the
last couple of generations has used hip hop music to relay a message to their communities. Whether the message is either good, bad, or indifferent.
Many of these hip–hop artists use various rhetorical techniques and devices in their lyrics to persuade their audiences. Rhetoric is defined as the
effective use of words to persuade or influence an audience. In this case the audience is the African America communities throughout the United States.
Tupac's song "Changes" and Outkast's song "Git Up, Get Out" employs three rhetorical devices logos, pathos, and ethos to persuade the African
American communities throughout the United States to identify their struggles and perpetuate change in their communities. Tupac uses the rhetorical
device of logos to display the reasons why African Americans must recognize their struggles and submit to radical change in their communities. In
verse one, line twelve of his song "Changes" Tupac says, "Two shots in the dark, now Huey's dead" (Changes, 12). This quote is referring to the
death of the Black Panther Party leader Heuy P. Newton. Newton was killed at the hand of gun violence by a peer in the black community. This crime
can be labeled
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Comparing The Film V For Vendetta And The Song Get Up...
Comparative analyses exploring the film V for Vendetta and the song Get Up Stand Up by Bob Marley and how they relate to the social context of
One of the themes that influenced many artists in the past is standing up for your rights. 'V for Vendetta' (2005) and 'Bob Marley's Get Up, Stand Up'
(1973) has been chosen because the author supports these works fit into the social context of Marxism.
From the outset, Marxism will be examined in terms of the historical aspect and materialistic ideology. Moreover, the study will look at how these
elements were manipulated by the powers that be. There follows a short synopsis of the film 'V for Vendetta' and an analysis of specific scenes that
relate to the Marxist theory. Subsequently, the discussion will focus on Marley's influence on Jamaican politics and consequently an analysis on how
Marley's Get Up Stand Up (1973) lyrics relate to Marxism. Lastly, by implementing appropriate approaches there will be a critical comparison on how
these works relate to Marxism (explanation).
History of Karl Marx
Karl Heinrich Marx was born in Trier, Germany in 1818 (, 2015). Marx joined the University of Bonn in 1835 (doube check, duel stuff) to
study in the Faculty of Law (Kreis, 2000). In 1836 (find out what happened), Marx moved to Berlin to enrol at Berlin University as a law student and
soon after he became a member of the Young Hegelians (Engels, 2015). Which was/is an idealist movement (find out what it was) in
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Summary: Get Gussied Up
The organization I picked for the communication portfolio is a boutique named Get Gussied Up. The boutique is a small western themed store that
sells women's clothes and accessories. It is located in the South Plains Mall, and has recently been struggling with sales. The monthly profits are
substantially less than the previous years. I have worked at this boutique for a year so I have formed great relationships with my boss, and
co–workers. Since I have good relationships with my co–workers, it would also make me happy if I was able to improve sales and help out the
boutique. Get Gussied Up would be the perfect small business to choose for this assignment, because I could easily get in touch with the owner
/manager, and know a lot about this
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Kayla and Serenity
Two best friends, named Kayla and Serenity lived in Austin Texas. They've been best friends since Kindergarten, and did everything together from
shopping to doing homework. They lived right next door to each other, and even shared the same birthday. The two were inseparable! They
thought they would be best friends until they both got boyfriends. Things would soon change for their friendship. One hot, sunny, summer day in
Texas Kayla and Serenity decided to go to the beach. "I'm so glad summer is here! I'm badly in need of a tan." Said Kayla. "Me too! Beach?" asked
Serenity. "You bet!" replied Kayla. They packed up their beach items and headed to West Valley beach, outside of the city. When they got there they
searched until they found the perfect spot to set up their stuff and begin tanning. Kayla immediately plugged her headphones in and put her
sunglasses on; she began to relax while lying under the warm summer sunshine. Serenity on the other hand, she put on some sunscreen, put her
sunglasses on and got up to walk around and look cute. On her little walk she spotted a cute boy standing at the concession stand, so she walked his
direction and because she was trying so hard to get noticed she didn't notice the stick she was about to trip over. She went tumbling down right in
front of the cute boy! She felt so embarrassed, until he came running to her side to help her up. She thanked him, as he wipes the sand off of her arms
and hands. They exchanged names, and
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Analysis Of The Book ' 1984 ' By George Orwell
George Orwell's novel 1984 written nearly seventy years ago tells the tale of Winston Smith through a dystopian culture controlled by a government
that is always watching. The novel was meant to deter people away from rising totalitarian societies at the time like Germany and the Soviet Union.
Winston's first diary entry depicts the events of his seemingly normal day. He begins with, "Last night to the flicks. All war films. One very good one
of a ship full of refugees being bombed somewhere in the Mediterranean." He goes on to write about an overweight refugee in the film attempting to
swim away, only to be shot multiple times by the gunmen. As the man went underwater, Winston says theaudience "shout[ed] with laughter when he
sank." Orwell continues to write this gruesome entry, making the audiences so unbelievably horrifying with their continuous laughter at suffering.
This conglomeration of heartless people would only be found in a book, right? Orwell wrote this for people suffering in countries with political
dominance. The citizens gave in to what the government put in front of them, and in that molded their value system to make even the "wonderful shot
of a child 's arm going up up up right up into the air" cause the audience to jump for joy. Orwell's entire novel is terrifying to say in the least, but what
bothers me the most about the mentioned diary entry is realizing that this is not far off from where we are as a society watching movies.
The incorporation of
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The Sex Of Men Get Up !
"Then today, we 're gonna teach you about great American sex. Get up!" said ________. I stood up in the same painful position as I had every day
for about 70 days. I would rather follow the orders and reduce the pain that would be caused when the guards come to play; the guards used every
contact opportunity to beat the hell out of the detainee. As soon as I stood up, the two _______ took off their blouses, and started to talk all kind of
dirty stuff you can imagine, which I minded less. What hurt me most was them forcing me to take part in a sexual threesome in the most degrading
manner. What many _______ don 't realize is that men get hurt the same as women if they 're forced to have sex, maybe more due to the traditional
position of the... Show more content on ...
Here in America, everywhere actually,terrorism is taken extremely seriously.
America has dealt with many situations the wrong way, for example, the encounter with the Native Americans. What has America done wrong in
regards to terrorism and terror suspects, and how can we as a country change it for the better and still be aggressive in keeping terror out of our
country? The Geneva Convention rules were put into place to protect prisoners of war, soldiers, and civilians. It describes in full detail how these
people should be treated and how our country should deal with civilians, soldiers, and prisoners of war in all different aspects. But, months after the
tragic event of September 11, 2001, the president, George Bush declared that members of the al–Qaeda and others were not entitled to the formal
protections of the Geneva Convention (Washington Post). Who protects the detainees from inhumane treatment, abuse, and other vicious and cruel
treatment? America in its entirety should accept accountability for the repetitive acts of inhumane cruelty and torture towards the detainees. They need
to redirect that aggression and focus it towards finding effective non–life threating ways to protect. The punishment should ultimately fit the crime as
long as the punished is the actual threat to our nation.
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How Did Rosa Parks Get Fed Up?
Whether peaceful or negative resistance everyone gets fed up at a point of time, no matter the justifications or the reason. Ms. Rosa Parks as well
as many others did what they believed to be right. In this case I believe Parks held a positive influence on the society. She was simply sitting down
coming from work tired. Like every other human being who possibly could've been tired, just got kicked out there home or any situation of that sort
all possible situations. Except this one was a problem just because a white gentlemen decided to be childish and chose to make the young lady to get
up as if his situation was worse than hers could be. We may never know truly the reason why this man decided to chose Rosa Parks seat however I can
say she was tired. People fail to ... Show more content on ...
He lived from 1925 to 1965 and was involved in one of the most important pushes for equal rights in American history, he too was fed up. Martin
Luther King Jr advocated for African–Americans, women including marches, sit–ins, public speeches and boycotts. We have the Black Panther Party,
the NAACP and many other groups of individuals fed up . All of these individuals have made several impacts on society. Rosa Parks is known as the
mother of the civil rights movement because she stood her ground. Malcolm X impacted the people with showing African Americans the power we
held in our hands. Martin Luther King impacted the people showing them that through peace and love that even being fed up that by the grace of God
that our people would no longer be oppressed but set free with one another help. The Black Panther Party stood tall for their people as well starting
multiple businesses helping the less fortunate among the streets. The NAACP have played a very important part in the civil rights movement. The
initials stand for the National Association for the Advancement of Colored
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What Gets You Up In The Morning By Sally Helgeen
The article, "What Gets You Up in the Morning", by Sally Helgesen, advises, evaluates, and shows that business leader who is more optimistic, tend to
more success in their productivity, success, and environment with employees. Moreover, if owners of companies wake up ready to tackle opportunity
for advancement, they become more productive. As a matter of fact, business owners would also be more excited to change the status quo for the better
of their company. Not only will the business owner be more productive, but business can acquire better employees. Beverly Kaye, an expert in
employee engagement in companies conducted research on unsatisfied employees. She found that most employees wanted to feel valued, or put their
skill sets in their
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Analysis Of Bob Marley Get USand Up
Bantou–Bruce E Cadet
Ms. Maria Hofman
09 July 2015
BOB MARLEY'S MUSIC INSPIRE PEOPLE Music usually reflects a countries environment and time of its creation. For centuries, it has been used to
send messages throughout the world, and it creates emotions,and feelings regarding the people that listen to it .Bob Marley's song "Get up Stand up "
shows that music can be used as a powerful form of protest.This track can inspire a nation and her people. Marley decided to present his protest against
the political system ,racism,and social inequality through his music and modified the conventional ideas of reggae style and the religious movement
know as Rastafari.
One of the world most well known protest artist is Robert Nesta ... Show more content on ...
Rather than seeing the individual as helpless in the face of societal and environmental pressures, Christian sociologists view the person as more
important than the social institution. C.S. Lewis explains that while atheists may think that "nations, classes, civilizations must be more important
than individuals," because "individuals live only seventy odd years each and the group may last for centuries. But to the Christian, individuals are
more important, for they live eternally; and races, civilizations and the like are in comparison the creatures of a day.The majority of Christians
believe in some kind of heaven, in which the deceased enjoy the presence of God and loved ones for eternity. Views differ as to what is required to
get to heaven, and conceptions of heaven differ as well. Christian sociology does not have a pessimistic view of society even though it seems as if
we always make wrong decisions and bad choices. On the contrary, Christian sociology has an optimistic view because it accepts the fact that God
grants grace to us in spite of our failures and errors. Our freedom and responsibility before
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Time To Get-Up In School
Do you think schools should have a later start? Well I don't because of the reasons below. I believe that schools should keep their start time
because when they get older, they are going to have to get up early and go to work so, they need to get used to getting up at like 6:00 every
morning. When you get older and have a job and you have to be there at like 7:00 in the morning, you are going to have trouble getting up in the
morning because you have gotten so used to waking up like an hour later. And if you're late to work so many times, you could be fired. Another reason
is to have your kids go to bed earlier. Kids say up till like 1:00 in the morning and have to get up at like 6:00 and that is why they fall asleep during
first period or
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What is †Emo’ Music?
"Just because I wear black and keep a private journal, that doesn't mean I'm going to blow up the school. Or terrorize mindless cheerleaders, for that
matter." (Kelly Creagh, Nevermore)
What is 'emo' music? What does 'emo' even mean? It's a word that some people hear quite often, but it seems that no two people define the word the
same way. So what does it mean when a person calls someone else 'emo'? What does it mean when someone is said to listen to 'emo' music? How can
one dress 'emo'? Or act 'emo'?
The word 'emo' can have multiple definitions. One answer is that the word 'emo' is short for 'emotional'. Another usage of the word could refer to
rock music that resembles punk, but has more emotional lyrics and complex arrangements. 'Emo' can also describe a (usually teenaged) social type,
however, there are no clearly set parameters as to what makes a person 'emo'.
Various people trace the beginning of 'emo' music to Rites of Spring, a post–hardcore band from Washington D.C. Though the band only lasted for two
years – 1984–1986 – they are often referred to as the founders of emo. Formed in March 1984, Rites of Spring was "an emotionally charged brand of
hardcore punk marked by introspective, personal lyrics and intense catharsis (Huey)." The lyrics were "by turns nostalgic, heartbroken, confused, and
desperately searching, expanding hardcore's range of subject matter into territory rarely covered (Huey)."
Continuing the trend of short–lived 80's post–hardcore bands from
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Bob Marley Get USand Up Analysis
Get up Stand up was written in 1973 and was written by Bob Marley and Peter Tosh in the group : The Wailers, published in the album : Legend, by
Chrysalis One Music (Metrolyrics, n.d). Furthermore, their source of inspiration was mainly influenced by their Jamaican upbringing. In essence, the
song is about the fight for acceptance of their Rastafarian religion and the need to take action to avoid oppression.
The meaning behind the lyrics can be interpreted as both religious and anti–religious. On the other hand, the line, `Get up, stand up: stand up for your
rights,' can be seen as a rallying call for the people to stand up and demand respect for the Rastafarian religion. Firstly, the fundamental message that
he brings across is that religion is something personal, it is fine to have certain religious beliefs, but it is not acceptable when you ram it in someone
else's throat. He elaborates on the need for mutual respect for others beliefs. In addition, the lines, "Preacher man don't tell me, heaven is under the
earth, I know you don't know, what life is really worth," (Metrolyrics, n.d) suggests hanging to the thought of freedom rather ... Show more content on ...
In many societies around the globe music, including rock and rap, has been increasingly used as a vehicle for social and political comment as we see
in everyday life. Furthermore, Get Up Stand Up was produced the era Bob Marley and Peter Tosh were surrounded by a lack of human rights, personal
freedom, that were smudged in poverty and corruption. Marley had also been influenced by political issues that were present in Jamaica, where western
political, economic domination and cultural imperialism had moved towards the heart of Jamaica. Thus, it was to Marley's concern that the people are
to stand up for themselves, forming "one of the most powerful cultural forces among youths in Jamaica" (Nathaniel Samuel Murrell,
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Giacchino Themes
"Anyone can cook", is the motivation and drive for Remy, the main character in Pixar's Ratatouille (2007). While the sentiment is true, anyone can
cook, not everyone can write music. The score for the film was written by none other than Michael Giacchino. Giacchino, having previously worked
with director Brad Bird on the film The Incredibles (2004) had already established a dynamic with the director in terms of interpreting his wants and
needs for the score. The score itself, garnered lots of attention after its Oscar–nomination for Best Original Score and continues to serve as one of the
most notable films, and scores in Giacchino's repertoire.
What makes this score unique to other Pixar films and other Giacchino works is its loyalty to the ... Show more content on ...
It is the first song on the soundtrack and appropriately sets the mood of the entirety of the film. "Le Festin", the only vocal piece on the
soundtrack, sung in French by the singer Camille, is a turning point in the film. In the narrative, it is the defining moment in which Remy decides
to follow his dream and devotes himself to being a chef, with much success. Musically, however, it is symbolic of reaching the height of success.
The vocals are slow and melodic, creating the ambiance in which the story takes place. The lyrics, translated from French to English, tell the story
tells the story of the plight of a dreamer, the ups and downs and ultimately the emotional response and joy from achieving those dreams. The hidden
beauty of "Le Festin" is that as the first song on the soundtrack, the lyrics tell the full story of Ratatouille, they tell Remy's story. The significance of
being sung in the native language of the setting is that despite, Giacchino creating a sound to depict characters, in Paris, cooking Parisian food, he
recognized the importance that the setting serves and pays homage to the setting as a character as well as a background. The song, "Le Festin" is
sung in French in every variation of the film. This small act of preserving the language not only keeps the narrative the same, it also creates a universal
experience of the
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College Admissions Essay: Always Get Up
"Always get up" is something I say to motivate me in tough times. "Beep, Beep, Beep"! In the morning, my alarm goes off, I look at my clock, and
it reads 5:00am. I think to myself, "why not sleep in like everyone else". Then I remind myself to get up and that it will be worth it in the long run.
So, I moan out bed and stumble into the bathroom. I run the hot water and splash it onto my face and I think about how I can get better today. I
brush my teeth then I stumble back to my room and change into my workout clothes. I go downstairs, pour myself a cup of black coffee, eat a
banana, and get in the car. I get into I get to the gym at 5:30am, and I have to remind myself that different is good, and that it isn't a bad thing to be
different.... Show more content on ...
I do homework till 11:00 or 12:00, then I wake up at 5:00am. It is tough to function fully with 5 or 6 hours of sleep a night. Kids say they want to
workout with me in the morning and after they do it once, they never do it again because they realize how hard it is to fully function throughout a
school day with that little sleep. I force myself to do this, though I would rather sleep in, I remind myself that I must always wake up and get after
it. My goal is to play college basketball at a high level. This doesn't happen frequently from the area we live in. People rarely make it in sports in
Southern Maine, and I work every day so I could be one of those kids that does make it, and does reach their goal. Throughout my life people have
told me that I will not be able to play division 1 basketball. They say people don't make it from this area, and they tell me that I am too slow or can't
jump high enough. I wake up in the morning so I can prove them wrong. The sense of accomplishment that I achieve, far outweighs those few hours
of sleep that I miss out on. I want to prove them wrong, and even after I fail at a task I remember to always get up and keep moving
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The Gift Of The Magi Analysis
"True love is about sacrifice for the sake of the ones you love. " In The Gift Of The Magi by William Sydney Porter, also known as O.Henry, the
couple, Della and Jim James Dillingham Young, each had their own special trait or article of theirs that they prized more than anything else. Della
prized her beautiful long brown hair, that had been grown just past her knees. Jim prized his gold watch that had been his grandfather's, then his
father's and now his. They find it upon themselves to buy a valuable gift for each other for Christmas, and with only $1.87, Della sells her hair to buy
a platinum chain for Jim's watch. That would have worked out well if Jim hadn't sold his watch to buy tortoise shell combs for Della's hair, which she
sold. They both liked each other's gift and the thought that was put into it, and although their gifts may not be able to be used at that time, they still
shared their love. The theme of the story is, love means sacrifice. When Della had the idea to sell her hair for money to buy Jim's chain, she didn't
know that he would sell his watch to buy combs for her hair. She took it upon herself to buy him a valuable gift to show Jim her love for him, and
how much she cared for him, enough to sell her most prized possession. In the story Della states," Be good to me, because I sold it for you. Maybe
the hairs of my head could be counted," she said, "but no one could ever count my love for you."This quote proves how although she sacrificed her hair,
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Get Charged Up Essay
Get Charged Up Lab Report
Get Charged Up
Magnesium ribbon was reacted with Hydrochloric acid in three different experiments to determine the charge on a metal ion. After running multiple
tests in the three different procedures, the Crystallization method proved to be the best method for determining the charge of the metal ion by using
mole to mole ratio.
The objective of the Get Charged Up lab was to determine the charge on a metal ion reacting with HCl by determine the mole ratio in a reaction by
determining the amount of excess reactant, amount of product, and amount of hydrogen gas produced as well as finding the best research method to
determine the charge.
To accomplish this, three different methods... Show more content on ...
About 80 mL of HCl was obtained and mixed with phenolphthalein. Using a LabQuest unit and Gas Pressure Sensor kit, the HCl mixture was added
to the flask with the magnesium ribbon and allowed to react. When reaction was complete, the change of temperature and gas was recorded. This
procedure was repeated for different masses of magnesium ribbon (masses found on page 89 of the lab manual). After the completed procedure,
moles of Hв‚‚ produced in each trial were calculated. (The actual procedure can be found on pages 87–89 of the lab manual)
After each procedure, a graph was created for each set of data to compare and contrast results.
It should be noted that not all supplies are listed here as exactly what is needed to perform each method but a complete list can be found in the lab
manual preceding each experiment.
Pay extreme caution to the handling of HCl as it can cause acid burns on your skin and remove color from your clothing. Should you get any on you
or your clothes, rinse with soap and water. Also, when using flask with thermocouple, it will be top heavy and can easily topple over and break. A
final precaution, hydrogen gas is being produced during the gas law method and therefore no open flames in the laboratory during that portion of the
The titration method had the best correlation coefficient of the entered data. The crystallization method had the most accurate slope for the
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Kristens Cookie Company
Question 1
Rush order takes the least possible time for preparing the dozen of cookies. The following is a detailed summary of time used to prepare the rush order:
Wash the bowl, add and mix ingredients6 minutes
Dish up the tray (1 dozen)2 minutes
Put the cookies in the oven, start timer1 minute
Bake the cookies9 minutes
Remove the tray from the oven*0 minute
Let the cookies cool5 minutes
Pack the cookies2 minutes
Accept payment1 minute
Total time:26 minutes
*– further the removing step will be ignored because it does not take any additional time
It will take 26 minutes to fill the rush order.
Question 2
Wash the bowl, add and mix ingredients4 hours*60 minutes/6 minutes=40 ... Show more content on ...
As soon as the Baking 1 is finished we have an empty try that can be dished up for the succeeding baking. If we have one extra tray there will be no
use of it.
Question 6 From this chart we can see that if we had an additional oven we could have filled a two dozen order in 28 minutes which is 8 minutes less
than having 1 oven. Valuable time (For two dozens of cookies, 2 ovens)
ActivityKristen per dozenRoommate per dozen
Wash the bowl, add and mix ingredients6 minutesX
Dish up the tray (1 dozen)4 minutesX
Put the cookies in the oven, start timerX2 minute
Bake the cookiesXX
Let the cookies coolXX
Pack the cookiesX4 minutes
Accept paymentX1 minute
Total:10 minutes7 minutes
It will be more profitable to have a second oven because it does not add any working time but decreases the time needed to prepare 2 or more dozens of
cookies. If Kristen and her roommate had second oven they could have doubles number of orders per day. The difference is a cost they are willing to
pay for the rent of second
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Essay on Up And Away
Animation legend Walt Disney once said, "Animation offers a medium of storytelling and visual entertainment which can bring pleasure and
information to people of all ages everywhere in the world." This quote rings especially true with Disney–Pixar's Up. Pete Docter, the director of Up, is
able to use multiple tactics to display human emotions throughout the film including music and silence, lighting and colors, and 3–D filming. The
efficacy of these tactics will be further analyzed to see if their use yields value to the production as a whole. The melodious instrumentals that
accompany Up have the ability to plunge the audience deeper into the fantastic animated environment. The composer of the soundtrack for Up, Michael
Giacchino, ... Show more content on ...
This is perfectly exemplified by the second portion of the films interlude, in which a montage of Carl and Ellie's married life is portrayed,
supplemented by Giacchino's simple waltz. The waltz is originally upbeat and whimsical as scenes of Carl and Ellie's cute married life flash by,
including picnics, homemaking, and clouds that inspire child birth. The tempo then slows and becomes depressing as the couple goes through
the pains of a miscarriage. Carl is able to cheer Ellie up by renewing the prospect of adventure in their lives by bringing up Paradise Falls. The
music once again takes up an optimistic note as the couple saves their change in a glass jar labeled "Paradise Falls". Due to little accidents here
and there the couple never really accumulates much money. After displaying years of precious moments to an upbeat tone, the waltz slows a little,
as Carl realizes age taking its effects on Ellie. Right before Carl is able to take Ellie on the trip they've always dreamed of, she is stricken with
illness and hospitalized. The music becomes tremendously slow and very moving as Ellie dies, leaving Carl a widow. This five minute clip with the
help of music "elicits tears as efficiently as if a cloud of mace had been released into the theater (Stevens). Many top critics feel that this scene rivals
with many other red carpet greats:
The absence of words suggests that Mr. Docter and the co–director Bob Peterson, with whom he wrote the
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Why I Should Not Get Up On Material Possessions
I used to be a person who was hung up on material possessions. I was always wanting more, never satisfied with what I had. Whenever I would go
to the mall, I would want everything that I saw. If I had money I would always spend it. I was constantly buying things that I didn't need, only used
once, or would stay in my closet with the tags on. I felt like I was unfortunate because I didn't have a new outfit every week, and I couldn't get a
new pair of shoes every time I walked out the door, but that all changed the summer going into freshman year. My father suggested, to go on a
border immersion trip to Nuevo Laredo, Mexico. He thought that it would be a good idea to read what it was like to live on the border. But, no
matter how many times we got together or how many books we read, nothing could have prepared me for what I was going to experience while I was
down there.
I left on July 20 on a plane headed for Laredo, Texas. I would be staying at a relative 's near Laredo and then every morning we would cross over the
border into Mexico and go work at a daycare center, Valdes Suarez Maria Irene . Our first day there we didn't go to the daycare center, instead we
met some friends of my father 's friends, Jesus and Irene. They live in Nuevo Laredo, and what they do is help out the people in their community.
They also help people who are coming down from the United States to help out for the first time or people who are coming back from Central or South
America and need a place
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Video Games And The Public Schools
In the modern era, technology has surpassed the public schools in America in importance. For example, in the United States 42% percent of
Americans play video games three or more times a week. Video games have become more popular with the increased buyers of smart phones and
new TV's like the smart TV. Children as young as five or six years old get smart phones, in which theyplay games on at a very young age. Even though
these young kids are getting these devices, 40% percent of students lack basic reading skills, and compared to other countries their academic
performance is dismal. This is due to schools teaching children how to memorize, not to think for themselves." (Gee, 2015, p.566). School teaches kids
to interact with others, study with responsibility, and to work hard for things.
Less Interaction According to many video game addicts, video games teach how become an expert at something." (Gee, 2015, p.566) Becoming an
expert at video games will create less interact with the outside world because most video game addicts sit in their room and play all day by their
selves. Unlike video games, school makes kids interact with other kids. For example, many teachers assign students to group projects and group
assignments which teaches kids to work together. Working in groups in school is vital for young students because when they are older they can work
with others at a job. Also school interaction is helpful over playing video games is because students can
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Analysis Of Get Up Stand Up By Bob Marley
As previously discussed, we will concentrate our findings based on three communication concepts; empathy and empathic communication,
self–disclosure, emotions and social influences of emotion.
The first communication concept relates to empathy and empathic communication, both Bob and Ziggy Marley display this throughout their music.
Empathy defined by Julia T. Wood, "is the ability to feel with another person, to feel what she or he feels in a situation. Our feelings tend to be guided
by our own emotional tendencies and experiences" (78). In the fullest sense, this implies putting yourself into the other person's shoes, to experience
their life, so that you really understand and feel; pain, anger, frustration, joy, spiritual uplift and happiness.Bob Marley is empathetic in nature, he is
"someone who appears to speak for the people. It is his music, his life story, his worldview and the way he carries himself –– he seems like an
extension of the people and their leader. He seems like a sort of Cultural Senator, a man who represents his people" (Toure 2017). Bob Marley
expresses empathy throughout his song "Get Up Stand Up," by giving us examples of what life was like in the 1960's in Jamaica. Paying close
attention to the words and the connotations associated with those words, we can get an idea to what was going on during that era. From the
beginning, reggae was political, as the work of Bob clearly attests. When he chants, "Get up  Stand up  Stand up for your rights!" you can feel how
important this issue is to him. By translating this one lyric, you can imagine the details of his experiences and the emotions associated with them. The
lyrics of this song relates to the struggles and inequality of the society and the harsh realities of a post–independent Jamaica. Nearly the entire song has
a political slant to it in some shape or form. The political unrest which was taking place at the time was extremely intense, this song urged people to
raise and stand up and fight for their rights and to be proactive.
Ziggy Marley sings a different tune, this is due to the era he was brought up in and how he was raised. With his father's royalties, Ziggy had a
different upbringing than Bob did. He didn't grow up
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Creative Writing: Tiara Gets Up In The Home
Tiara gets up in the morning. Her mother complains that her hair looks like she hasn't combed it in a month and asks her why she never irons her
clothes. (Tear off a piece of the heart.) When Tiara get's downstairs for breakfast,"Oh my goodness! you look a hot mess!" her sister yells at her. (Tear a
piece of the heart)
Tiara leaves the house late and is rushing for the bus when she realizes she's forgotten her house keys. If she doesn't have them she's not going to be
able to get in the house when she comes home at the end of the day. She goes back for the keys, but now she's going to be late for her first class.
When she gets to school, her teacher, Mr. Jones says sarcastically, "There are some people in this class who obviously don't
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Personal Narrative Essay: Working After School
In a small town where nothing ever happened, a girl named Macy, spent her days going to school, going to work or hanging out with her friends.
Macy was average height, had shoulder length brown hair and was a good student. Macy's friend, Mary was always trying to set her up with guys
to try to help her get out of her comfort zone and to live a little. She didn't have a car yet so she got rides with Mary, so she could get to work after
school. One day, when Macy needed a ride to work after school, she asked Mary to take her home. Since Mary had to take another girl home as
well, they were in the school's parking lot waiting. "Mary come on, I have to be at work in less than 20 minutes. I don't have time for this," whined
Macy. "Just hold on, she should be here any second now," calmly said Mary. Suddenly a girl appeared, "Sorry I'm late, I had to talk to Mrs. Smith
about the homework I missed last week. Hey I'm Amy." After Macy and Amy had a brief introduction they all got into the car and started driving
through the parking lot when suddenly, Amy screamed, "Hey pull over that's my ride." Startled Mary jerked the wheel and stopped, at that time Amy
was unbuckling her seatbelt and opening... Show more content on ...
Macy was a few minutes late to work but her boss wasn't around so she didn't get in trouble for it. Later when Macy was off work, she was
scrolling through her Facebook timeline when she realized that she was friends with Amy on Facebook but she couldn't find anything about the
boy. A few days later Macy asked Mary about the boy Amy went to when she was supposed to be riding with them. Macy and Mary talked about
what they knew of him and together they found him on facebook and like two teenage girls would do, they stalked his profile. A few hours later,
Macy had to go home, so she grabbed all her stuff and drove home singing to all the pop songs she
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Take A Walk Through A Professional Escort 's Week
Take a Walk through a Professional Escort's Week
Day 1
It seems like the coming week will be busy with out of town visits, everyone. My first client this week asked to meet in a hotel in a neighbouring
town. I've discussed how far I'll go with the kinky stuff with this guy before, so it doesn't seem like we'll have any problems. I've been in the business
long enough not to feel apprehensive about new clients, so thankfully that's not an issue. The client is actually decent looking, and as soon as we reach
the bed, I start giving him a blowjob.
I'm actually not that fond of impersonal calls like this. The mechanical procedures they go through only awaken me to what I do for a living. Usually,
frequently checking the time isn't something I usually do, but this call seems to last forever. I'm a little taken back by how kinky this guy is, and
while I'm quite open to new experiences, I don't really like how this man seems to treat people in general.
He's the one who tells me the hour is over and mentions the price I initially requested for an hour and a half. However, he states that he'll only keep
going if I swallow. I don't do this, so we stopped and simply had a conversation for the remaining time. Through the talk, I actually found that the guy
was quite nice. We finish off the remaining time, clean up, and I leave. After leaving, I make sure to mark down that I would rather not see this client
again in the future. I may be an escort, but I prefer encounters where I'm
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Critical Analysis Of Get Up Stand Up By Bob Marley
Bob Marley was born February 6, 1945 in St Ann Parish, Jamaica. Throughout his early years Marley had lived in some of the poorest and
impoverished areas in Jamaica. Even in poverty Marley found an escape and had a passion for music. In Jamaica Bob Marley was a supporter of the
People's National Party. His major influence on the people was an extreme threat to the power of the PNP's rival parties. December 3, 1976 there
was an assassination attempt on Marley. This assassination attempt allegedly was for political reasons. A few years later Marley was diagnosed with
cancer that had spread and he died in Miami, Florida, on May 11, 1981. The song "Get Up Stand Up" was the last song Bob Marley performed live on
stage. It was performed in September of 1980 less than a year before he died in May of 1981
The song "Get Up Stand Up" was released in 1973.The social context of this period has a major impact on the choice of lyrics in this song. This song
became a huge part of the human rights movement in Jamaica. The lyrics are politically motivated and wanting change. The song talks about the
necessary actions that need to be taken to avoid the current oppression in Jamaica. One of the more important topics of the song was the fight for
everyone to have their unalienable rights and to say that they are not just reserved for the upper class. Another point of view was the song defending
the commonly misunderstood Rastafarian religion. The three people that worked on the song Tosh, Marley, and Wailer were all faithful advocates of the
reggae and Rastafarian movement.
Rastafari is an African religion that is still relatively new. The religion was developed in the 1930s in Jamaica after Haile Selassie was named the
King of Ethiopia. The followers of this religion believe that Selassie is God and that he will return all of the black people displaced from slavery
and colonization to Africa. Bob Marley's music and success helped spread the religion. The Rastafarians believe that black people are the chosen
people of God. Some of the religious practices in the religion include smoking and inhaling marijuana. The purpose of the marijuana is to increase a
person's spiritual state of mind and awareness. Most Rastafarians have long
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Explain Why The Hangman Gets A Close Up
The Hangman gets a Closeup Being a hangman was a fruitless job, living your life just to see death. There was no point to it, the harm was only
coming to the person who hangs people. Hangman's decrease population and cause people to not rest in peace. While the buffoons out there trying to
pull the same old shenanigans, they are getting themselves harmed. Now enough with the people getting hanged, let's give the hangman a closeup. A
hangman hangs wayward people because hanging has no discipline so they have no way of getting out of it. The hangman was hostile towards the
people he hanged otherwise he wouldn't hang them. All a hangman does is basically inflict death for something that may have been a petty crime. This
was a job back in times
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The Film V For Vendetta And The Song Get Up Stand Up By...

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  • 2. Appendices Reference List Introduction One of the themes that influenced many artists in the past is standing up for your rights. 'V for Vendetta' (2005) and 'Bob Marley's Get Up, Stand Up' (1973) has been chosen because the author supports these works fit into the social context of Marxism. This essay traverses through Karl Marx's history and his pioneering works on Marxism. Marxism is then related to the film V for Vendetta and Bob Marley's track 'Get Up, Stand Up', and how both of them are Marxist approaches to inculcate in the society. From the outset, Marxism will be examined in terms of the historical aspect and materialistic ideology. Moreover, the study will look at how these elements were manipulated by the powers that be. There follows a short synopsis of the film 'V for Vendetta' and an analysis of specific scenes that relate to the Marxist theory. Subsequently, the discussion will focus on Marley's influence on Jamaican politics and consequently an analysis on how Marley's Get Up Stand Up (1973) ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Creative Writing: Get Up For School Nayesha get up for school you are gonna be late!, i'm getting up mother...Ugh i really hate Mondays. *Ring Ring* Hey Ceil?. Are you almost ready for school we got to get going since you gotta pick me up today said Ceil Hurry girl she said again . I'm on my way Ceil Don't worry we won't be late.(Nayesha get into her car) Beep beep beep beep Hey Ceil i'm pulling up right now come outside ,girl you better be actually outside Ceil said. Nayesha you won't believe who called me last night talking about i'm gonna be in town tomorrow we should hangout! Please tell me it wasn't Chris said Nayesha . It was him but what should i do since we had that falling out 3 months ago, Well Ceil i don't know but i mean i wouldn't take it further than friends ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Bob Marley's Get Up, Stand Up I woke to the sun in my eyes. It wasn't until I stretched and my brain began to work that I suddenly froze. Being a random Tuesday in April, why was the sun waking me instead of the Bob Marley's "Get Up, Stand Up" blaring from my phone at an ungodly hour? I was late; very, very late. Flying out of my bed like a horse out of the gates, I yelled out a few profanities while pulling on the first items of clothing that happened to be lying around and whipping my head around to figure out my bearings. Time didn't seem to exist in my room; there was no way to tell. My phone, my clock, my laptop, everything was gone. Somebody was having some fun with me, and I was about to find out who. That's when I heard the sound. The sound of uncontrollable laughter. ... Show more content on ... I'm going to be so late for school." With a hop, a skip, and a jump he made his way down the stairs; careful not to trip or scuff his new Jordan's. "How would you know what time it is? Don't you need this?". He tossed me my watch, and I caught it hurriedly, suddenly very aware of the nakedness of my wrist. A quick glance at the clock face revealed that it was already 11:45; if I hurried I would barely make the second half of 5th period. "What is the matter with you? Why aren't we at school? Mom is going to kill us!" I hissed at him through clenched teeth. "School? Oh yeah, it's canceled today – something about a water main break on Cornell. Mom's at work, so she doesn't know a thing," he sneered as he breezed past me out the door. "I'm going to meet Ben down at the club, thanks for being such easy prey!", he called back when he saw my annoyed expression. As I watched the little brat run off into the sun, I could swear you could see horns and just the wisp of an arrowhead tail coming out the back. "That's it," I said to myself, "This means ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Lazy is the American Essay Lazy is the American Today's American society consists of many technological achievements. The cars we drive, the classes we take, and even the things we do in our spare time has changed due to the increasing amount of technology that is available to us. Technology is a wonderful thing to behold, but then we can look at the one thing technology has done to humans and especially Americans. Technology has created a society of many lazy people. In order to support my argument, I believe that it is imperative to answer one question in great detail. How has technology made us lazy? Laziness has gradually increased in the past ten years. Kids no longer want to play outside. "It's too hot?" or "Let me finish this game!" are just ... Show more content on ... That's why there was school and then baseball–– not because everyone else did it but because it was fun and it was something to do. I didn't play outside because I couldn't play my game, but instead I enjoyed being outside. I enjoy playing video games, don't get me wrong, but when asked to play baseball or to umpire a game, I am one of the first ones to accept the offer. It was a part of my childhood unlike many kids today. Now the kids are asking each other when they are going to be on MSN or AOL. Are they to lazy to talk to each other while enjoying the outdoors? They might as well enjoy it now because in 50 years breathing might be difficult and playing or even walking around outside might be a struggle. Enough child bashing, adults are living life on the lazy side as well. First, look what computer have done and are continuing to do today. Computers are developing so quickly that when you buy one it's nearly out–dated by the time you get it up and running. Computer are being manufactured so quickly that it is nearly impossible to say you're a computer is new. People seem like they would not be able to survive without computers. I remember washing the dishes by hand as a chore. The kids don't do that any more and neither do the parents. All it takes is 5 minutes to throw the dishes into the dishwasher, press the button, use 6 times the water to wash them this way instead of by hand, and then they are clean. Thank you computerized ... Get more on ...
  • 6. The Pros And Cons Of A Narcissist Hey YouTube hey subscribers thanks for tuning in Quest came in to make a video about how to rid a narcissist from your life this is another one of those videos and I'm surprised they haven't done yet there's so much embedded into the contact that I often forget to isolate certain topic. Anyway what isolated and we'll talk about it today. The narcissist is not the easiest thing in the world to do mainly because they are leaving is their decision. A narcissist decides when here she is through with you not the other way around. So they've I didn't find something in were about you that they feed from and what organism do you know of that balance he really rid itself of its food source. Aunt Minnie in there may not be any actually so the best thing ... Show more content on ... In a few times where I get loot in an hour's lighting it it didn't work that I would call those with 3 out of the 10th but 7 times out of 10 I promise you the request as magically disappears I don't know what it is but it works so try that. Text thing you can do to get rid of a narcissist is similar to the first and that's initiating you'll be the first to come up with ideas suggestions playdate outings activities you plan it first. Now Traders I could Simply Be a trip to the movies it's the fact that it's your idea you're the one leading the relationship you not allowed to be the leader today are you making these suggestions like this it makes me feel like a child. Adult and balance relationship meaning both people make suggestions and contribute to the relationship narcissist don't like feeling laid in any way they are the line leader in will be damned if anyone tries to take that spot from them but the funniest thing about them though is that they want none of the responsibility that comes with being the leader. But that's a whole nother video so yes initiate initiate often it will be such a turn on to ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Difference Between Pilaxar And Pixar Graphics Group, part of the Lucasfilm computer division in 1979, is original name of Pixar. Since Apple Inc. co–founder Steve Jobs bought it at 10 million dollars and named Pixar Painting studios in 1986, Pixar becomes a real corporation. In the same year, as its first computer–animated short film, luxo Jr. , which is also the source of its mascot, is nominated for Academy Awardfor Animated Short Film. Moreover, almost every film it creates wins satisfying awards in the following years. The year of 1991 is the start point of cooperating with Walt Disney. Until 2006, the relationship between Pixar and Walt Disney has changed from cooperation to merger.(Wikipedia) The name comes from "pixel" and "art", which presents their belief about successful films should be both good at technology and content. In fact, the achievement they get explains that they are on the way to achieve that goal. "The studio has earned sixteen Academy Awards, seven Golden Globe Awards, and eleven Grammy Awards. Besides, many studio's films have been nominated for Academy Awards for Best Animated feature. On September 6th, 2009, five Pixar executives ,including Pete Docter, won the Golden Lion Award for Lifetime Achievement at the 66th... Show more content on ... Nowadays, the aggravating trend of aging population brings so many problems. The spirit world is in need of more attentions than the material world. This feature film shows that an old man's attitude towards life is altered from exclusive into openness, which reflect the theme of spirit of adventure and growth. Based on all the analysis of the symbol of setting, typical items and three main characters, the author points out four profound connotations, including the conflict between human beings and nature, the conflict between pursuing fame and moral code, the elder' spiritual situation and the phenomenon of children lacking accompany. The author hopes the public can pay more attentions on these ... Get more on ...
  • 8. How High School Gets Brought Up? What do people normally think of when high school gets brought up? Maybe that it is boring, a waste of time, that a person doesn 't really learn much even though there is countless hours invested. When it is time to graduate and head off to college one should feel somewhat comfortable and mostly prepared for college, the assignments are turned in at the needed time and normally not late, very well rounded in all aspects of school education.. Graduating from Northeast Range, that feeling really isn't there. If it were trade school, yeah, no big deal, but going for an actual degree with all these different classes will be very challenging. There are quite a few students that are, for the most part, prepared, but those are the ones that... Show more content on ... Is all of this because of the No child will be left behind Act President George W. Bush passed in 2001? One statement that speaks toward this paper from the NCLB Act would be, that the expectation that struggling students learn alongside their peers. Some say that NCLB focused too much on standardized testing. Some schools end up "teaching to the test"–focusing only on what students were tested on. This left little time for anything else the kids may have needed or wanted to learn. Some things that NCLB requires like, highly qualified teachers as well as research–based instruction and basic reporting on school results most people supported. What if it is because of the Every student succeeds Act passed by President Obama on December 10, 2015? When ESSA got passed, they kept some things from the NCLB, but added onto it. The only law that stayed the same would be "States are responsible for holding schools accountable for student achievement." The law provides a framework but it is a flexible framework. Whereas in the NCLB didn't have much of a flexible framework for each state to set their own state standards (The Understood team, 2016). Students generally speaking aren't very worried on how well they do their work. Many are just focused on getting it turned in regardless to how well it has been done. Select students would think that way, but after the ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Descriptive Narrative Descriptive Essay Sunday November 12, 2073 we just woke up it seems like we landed outside of a huge building complex. The others and i do not know what is going on i am not ready for this we all have heard about the others and how ships would just take them how can i say it, they was just gone we have never seen this before it was just never seen again. I am strapped onto my seat across from me is a young girl with a high black long ponytail and seems to be wearing a black mask only revealing her eyes, nose, and mouth. The girl across from me is also strapped onto her seat her body is leaning forward and her head is tilted down. Her black long sleeve jacket is dripping in water and her left thigh has a big scar going across it just above her knee her... Show more content on ... This sword looks like it could have only been made by time itself. Above him is a gray plaque that reads "Delgado." "Do i have something on my face kid ?" said Delgado. Not knowing it before i could respond i felt my head shaking left to right my eyes so wide felt like they were about to pop off i quickly turned my head away and hoped he would go back to staring at the girl in front of me.The plaque above her seat read "Lucy." *loud cough*A loud cough came from a behind us as i turned around the straps came off me and i was free to get off my seat so were Lucy and Delgado. When i turned around i saw a familiar face. "Johnny?" I shouted. "Zells ? What are you doing here ?" he asked. " I do not know i just woke up." I replied. "Same here i was back there for a while and then figured out a way to get out using my panasonics." johnny said. Panasonics is what he called his new invention they were a pair of shades with a built in computer that could do some crazy shit, they came with a pair of wireless headphones that communicated with his shades. "What happened to you?" I asked. "You look like you just climbed out of dumpster!" I said. He had on a ripped pair of pants. His hair was messy and his shoes were tore up. He was not like the usual Johnny that likes to look sharp. He had on his new designed black sweater that was able withstand any type of bullet or object that would ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Fall Seven Times Get Up 8 Summary Fall Seven Times, Get up Eight is a short documentary on Japanese women who married American men after World War II and moved back to The United States to start their lives. After the bombing in Japan roads and streets were not even identifiable much less easy to navigate. About 10,000 Japanese women married GI's that were stationed in Japan. The women first started talking to the men through a newspaper ad that advertised teaching Gi's Japanese in exchange for English conversations. The GI's were told to stay away from these women which was impossible for them. As relationships formed these Japanese traveled back to the United States to start new lives and families. However, the Japanese idea of The United States was completely transformed as soon as they saw what their lives were about to be like. One woman in the film stated "Everyone has a beautiful home and beautiful dressed", which was not the case when she arrived. The woman was to live on a farm with a very small house. As soon as the ... Show more content on ... In class, we learned that assimilation meant the belief that immigrants or other members of a minority cultural communities ought to adopt the culture of the major population. This was clearly demonstrated when the women first got to the United States the American women were teaching them the customs. They tried to teach the women not to bow to greet other people because this was not what they did in The United States. As well as when one of the women first arrived in The United States, she wanted to wear a piece of clothing that closely resembled Japan but her husband insisted she changed because this was not something she should wear here. These women were expected to assimilate into American society and act like an American would. That included not speaking or teaching their children Japanese. Some adults even scolded their children if they tried to talk about the Japanese ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Analysis Of The Film ' Ratatouille ' Another part of the film that is also very Disney and very Pixar is the visual feast that the eyes enjoy while watching. Robertson says, "Pixar has created something unique. The light. The colors. The textures. Ratatouille is not a film with brightly colored toys, fish, bugs, or cars", which would allow it to perhaps be the most Disney of the films on which Disney and Pixar have created together (Robertson, 20). Yet, even without those interesting aspects, Ratatouille is very visually appealing, like a dish one eats first with one's eyes. Robertson quotes Michael Fong the supervising technical director at Pixar who says, "We tried to make this film look different...One of the big things was to break away from what standard CG [computer graphics] looks like. We got rid of straight lines and did a lot of hand tweaking. We wanted it to feel handmade. The other part is lighting and shading" (Robertson, 21). From that special attention, like a chef gives his signature dish, the team that collaborated to make Ratatouille created a delicious result. The parallelism between the making of the film and the making of a wonderful dish is not all the elements that make Ratatouille such a brilliant film. The fact that it was inspired by the food craze that was very big around 2007 when the film was made, did not hurt. One could not turn on the television without seeing some chef creating something wonderful and in doing so, showing viewers that they could cook too. The interest that the ... Get more on ...
  • 12. What Is The Moral Of The Movie Up UP is an American made film, directed by Pete Docter and Bob Peterson. The writers accountable for this outstanding adventure–filled movie are Pete Docter, Bob Peterson, and Tom McCarthy. Walt Disney Pictures and Pixar Animation Studios are responsible for producing this animated family comedy often perceived as a children's movie. UP was first released in the United States May 29, 2009 with a run time of one hour and thirty–six minutes. UP is recognized as a family movie for people of all ages ("UP (2009)", 2009). UP an Overview As a child, Carl Fredrickson had one role model, Charles Muntz, which Carl strived to be like in every aspect. Carl even named his balloon after Muntz's blimp. Carl Fredrickson was heading home with his balloon when he heard someone say, "Adventure is out there" ~Ellie. The voice came out of an old abandoned house, which just appeared as another ... Show more content on ... The plot of UP was well thought out, and every hiccup in the storyline had a purpose deeper than what was visible to the eye. Every character in UP had distinguishable characteristics that played a huge role in the outcome of the film. The framework of UP was built by the writers' word choice, imagery, and symbols used. Word choice helped create the imagery found in UP. Word choice was a huge part in how the audience perceived characters and was able to build an image of who the characters are and the storyline. A vast majority of UP was symbols. Symbols created the storyline, without these symbols and symbolic meanings behind them UP would have been just another meaningless children's movie. The symbols used throughout the movie influence and shape the characters and the relationships between them. Not only do children enjoy the fun, colorful movie, but the writers also incorporated many symbols throughout the whole movie for the adult audience to catch and enjoy the deeper ... Get more on ...
  • 13. In The Current World It Is Easy To Get Caught Up With Our In the current world it is easy to get caught up with our own lives rather than participating in the community that surrounds us. With the internet and social media, it is usually normal for people to just stay indoors and in their rooms, not caring for what goes on down the street or at the local barber. To achieve the highest quality of life one must care and be supportive of their community, and theirfamily. In his paper, Scott argues that Americans should become less individualistic and instead become more concerned with the wellbeing of their community. "The Common Life of Scott Russel sanders" is an excellent example of how participating with family and community can not only increase the aspect of the community as a whole, but ... Show more content on ... This anecdote helps show the excellence and quality of having close family ties and strengthens his argument that community is important. To establish this idea and to state the importance of having good interpersonal relationships, from family relationships to common relationships, Sanders draws on examples of clubs and organizations, such as the boys and girls clubs, in order to integrate the idea of the common life or community. Saunders believes that the cost of the American obsession comes from the belief that we shall "cultivate the self" rather than the community, and that we should look to the individual as a source of "hope and the center of value." This is an extremely American beliefs because our government, economy, religion and present century all encourage this idea, as stated by Sanders when he states: "we have the bill of rights, which protects each of us each of us from the bullying society, but not build responsibilities which will obligate us to answer the needs of others". Sanders of course believes that all of these are good things that build and strengthen our nation as a whole. It is clear that Sanders thinks that America has gone a little too far in the direction of individualism. Saunders believes that as good things can from community and if weren't American weren't to be so individualistic we would have a better and more structured environment revolving us . To show this, Sanders uses an ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Bob Marley Get USand Up Analysis Standing up for what you think is right and just, against several people who don't think the same is usually nerve–wracking and not as easy as one might think; yet in Bob Marley's song Get Up Stand Up, he makes you feel like anyone can do it just simple as that. Get Up Stand Up immediately beams that sense of fighting empowerment and doing what is right. Much of Marley's inspiration for the song stems from his Jamaican childhood and growing up in a place filled with oppression and very little rights for their religion, which he expresses that he doesn't want anyone else to go through. Through this song, Marley gives those who feel they don't have a voice, strong and influential inner empowerment in hopes that they find their voice and use it... Show more content on ... Marley seems to feel that in Christianity, there is an overwhelming sense of the people following a certain preacher/priest and much of the religion has just been forced upon them through these figures– "preacher man, don't tell me". This is also shown through the verse, "Most people think, Great God will come from the skies", because we are told that God is in the sky and in heaven then that is what we believe and will follow for the rest of our lives and Marley does not hold that to be true. He is in clear opposition with the fact that Christians believe in a heaven and a hell ––"don't tell me heaven is under the earth"–– his use of 'don't' delivers a very argumentative tone and sense that Marley has his own views and won't fall to these. There is an incorporation of his own views in Rastafarianism of who God is in his eyes, "we all know when we understand / almighty God is a living man", completely contradicting the Christianity beliefs– that God has passed an is in the sky waiting for us when we pass. Peter Tosh ––who wrote the song along with Marley–– had a contrasting view on the religious aspect. Peter believes that his God is a living man and not someone that is up in the sky, it's evident in the lyrics– "almighty God is a living man" and that his grand idea of heaven does not involve angels or the sky with bright clouds and ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Git Up Get Out Tupac Analysis The inspiration to spark a change in the African American communities has been an ongoing issue from generation to generation in the United State. People of color have tried to inspire others within their own communities with several different forms of art. The African American people born in the last couple of generations has used hip hop music to relay a message to their communities. Whether the message is either good, bad, or indifferent. Many of these hip–hop artists use various rhetorical techniques and devices in their lyrics to persuade their audiences. Rhetoric is defined as the effective use of words to persuade or influence an audience. In this case the audience is the African America communities throughout the United States. Tupac's song "Changes" and Outkast's song "Git Up, Get Out" employs three rhetorical devices logos, pathos, and ethos to persuade the African American communities throughout the United States to identify their struggles and perpetuate change in their communities. Tupac uses the rhetorical device of logos to display the reasons why African Americans must recognize their struggles and submit to radical change in their communities. In verse one, line twelve of his song "Changes" Tupac says, "Two shots in the dark, now Huey's dead" (Changes, 12). This quote is referring to the death of the Black Panther Party leader Heuy P. Newton. Newton was killed at the hand of gun violence by a peer in the black community. This crime can be labeled ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Comparing The Film V For Vendetta And The Song Get Up... Comparative analyses exploring the film V for Vendetta and the song Get Up Stand Up by Bob Marley and how they relate to the social context of Marxism. One of the themes that influenced many artists in the past is standing up for your rights. 'V for Vendetta' (2005) and 'Bob Marley's Get Up, Stand Up' (1973) has been chosen because the author supports these works fit into the social context of Marxism. From the outset, Marxism will be examined in terms of the historical aspect and materialistic ideology. Moreover, the study will look at how these elements were manipulated by the powers that be. There follows a short synopsis of the film 'V for Vendetta' and an analysis of specific scenes that relate to the Marxist theory. Subsequently, the discussion will focus on Marley's influence on Jamaican politics and consequently an analysis on how Marley's Get Up Stand Up (1973) lyrics relate to Marxism. Lastly, by implementing appropriate approaches there will be a critical comparison on how these works relate to Marxism (explanation). History of Karl Marx Karl Heinrich Marx was born in Trier, Germany in 1818 (, 2015). Marx joined the University of Bonn in 1835 (doube check, duel stuff) to study in the Faculty of Law (Kreis, 2000). In 1836 (find out what happened), Marx moved to Berlin to enrol at Berlin University as a law student and soon after he became a member of the Young Hegelians (Engels, 2015). Which was/is an idealist movement (find out what it was) in ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Summary: Get Gussied Up The organization I picked for the communication portfolio is a boutique named Get Gussied Up. The boutique is a small western themed store that sells women's clothes and accessories. It is located in the South Plains Mall, and has recently been struggling with sales. The monthly profits are substantially less than the previous years. I have worked at this boutique for a year so I have formed great relationships with my boss, and co–workers. Since I have good relationships with my co–workers, it would also make me happy if I was able to improve sales and help out the boutique. Get Gussied Up would be the perfect small business to choose for this assignment, because I could easily get in touch with the owner /manager, and know a lot about this ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Kayla and Serenity Two best friends, named Kayla and Serenity lived in Austin Texas. They've been best friends since Kindergarten, and did everything together from shopping to doing homework. They lived right next door to each other, and even shared the same birthday. The two were inseparable! They thought they would be best friends until they both got boyfriends. Things would soon change for their friendship. One hot, sunny, summer day in Texas Kayla and Serenity decided to go to the beach. "I'm so glad summer is here! I'm badly in need of a tan." Said Kayla. "Me too! Beach?" asked Serenity. "You bet!" replied Kayla. They packed up their beach items and headed to West Valley beach, outside of the city. When they got there they searched until they found the perfect spot to set up their stuff and begin tanning. Kayla immediately plugged her headphones in and put her sunglasses on; she began to relax while lying under the warm summer sunshine. Serenity on the other hand, she put on some sunscreen, put her sunglasses on and got up to walk around and look cute. On her little walk she spotted a cute boy standing at the concession stand, so she walked his direction and because she was trying so hard to get noticed she didn't notice the stick she was about to trip over. She went tumbling down right in front of the cute boy! She felt so embarrassed, until he came running to her side to help her up. She thanked him, as he wipes the sand off of her arms and hands. They exchanged names, and ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Analysis Of The Book ' 1984 ' By George Orwell George Orwell's novel 1984 written nearly seventy years ago tells the tale of Winston Smith through a dystopian culture controlled by a government that is always watching. The novel was meant to deter people away from rising totalitarian societies at the time like Germany and the Soviet Union. Winston's first diary entry depicts the events of his seemingly normal day. He begins with, "Last night to the flicks. All war films. One very good one of a ship full of refugees being bombed somewhere in the Mediterranean." He goes on to write about an overweight refugee in the film attempting to swim away, only to be shot multiple times by the gunmen. As the man went underwater, Winston says theaudience "shout[ed] with laughter when he sank." Orwell continues to write this gruesome entry, making the audiences so unbelievably horrifying with their continuous laughter at suffering. This conglomeration of heartless people would only be found in a book, right? Orwell wrote this for people suffering in countries with political dominance. The citizens gave in to what the government put in front of them, and in that molded their value system to make even the "wonderful shot of a child 's arm going up up up right up into the air" cause the audience to jump for joy. Orwell's entire novel is terrifying to say in the least, but what bothers me the most about the mentioned diary entry is realizing that this is not far off from where we are as a society watching movies. The incorporation of ... Get more on ...
  • 20. The Sex Of Men Get Up ! "Then today, we 're gonna teach you about great American sex. Get up!" said ________. I stood up in the same painful position as I had every day for about 70 days. I would rather follow the orders and reduce the pain that would be caused when the guards come to play; the guards used every contact opportunity to beat the hell out of the detainee. As soon as I stood up, the two _______ took off their blouses, and started to talk all kind of dirty stuff you can imagine, which I minded less. What hurt me most was them forcing me to take part in a sexual threesome in the most degrading manner. What many _______ don 't realize is that men get hurt the same as women if they 're forced to have sex, maybe more due to the traditional position of the... Show more content on ... Here in America, everywhere actually,terrorism is taken extremely seriously. America has dealt with many situations the wrong way, for example, the encounter with the Native Americans. What has America done wrong in regards to terrorism and terror suspects, and how can we as a country change it for the better and still be aggressive in keeping terror out of our country? The Geneva Convention rules were put into place to protect prisoners of war, soldiers, and civilians. It describes in full detail how these people should be treated and how our country should deal with civilians, soldiers, and prisoners of war in all different aspects. But, months after the tragic event of September 11, 2001, the president, George Bush declared that members of the al–Qaeda and others were not entitled to the formal protections of the Geneva Convention (Washington Post). Who protects the detainees from inhumane treatment, abuse, and other vicious and cruel treatment? America in its entirety should accept accountability for the repetitive acts of inhumane cruelty and torture towards the detainees. They need to redirect that aggression and focus it towards finding effective non–life threating ways to protect. The punishment should ultimately fit the crime as long as the punished is the actual threat to our nation. On ... Get more on ...
  • 21. How Did Rosa Parks Get Fed Up? Whether peaceful or negative resistance everyone gets fed up at a point of time, no matter the justifications or the reason. Ms. Rosa Parks as well as many others did what they believed to be right. In this case I believe Parks held a positive influence on the society. She was simply sitting down coming from work tired. Like every other human being who possibly could've been tired, just got kicked out there home or any situation of that sort all possible situations. Except this one was a problem just because a white gentlemen decided to be childish and chose to make the young lady to get up as if his situation was worse than hers could be. We may never know truly the reason why this man decided to chose Rosa Parks seat however I can say she was tired. People fail to ... Show more content on ... He lived from 1925 to 1965 and was involved in one of the most important pushes for equal rights in American history, he too was fed up. Martin Luther King Jr advocated for African–Americans, women including marches, sit–ins, public speeches and boycotts. We have the Black Panther Party, the NAACP and many other groups of individuals fed up . All of these individuals have made several impacts on society. Rosa Parks is known as the mother of the civil rights movement because she stood her ground. Malcolm X impacted the people with showing African Americans the power we held in our hands. Martin Luther King impacted the people showing them that through peace and love that even being fed up that by the grace of God that our people would no longer be oppressed but set free with one another help. The Black Panther Party stood tall for their people as well starting multiple businesses helping the less fortunate among the streets. The NAACP have played a very important part in the civil rights movement. The initials stand for the National Association for the Advancement of Colored ... Get more on ...
  • 22. What Gets You Up In The Morning By Sally Helgeen The article, "What Gets You Up in the Morning", by Sally Helgesen, advises, evaluates, and shows that business leader who is more optimistic, tend to more success in their productivity, success, and environment with employees. Moreover, if owners of companies wake up ready to tackle opportunity for advancement, they become more productive. As a matter of fact, business owners would also be more excited to change the status quo for the better of their company. Not only will the business owner be more productive, but business can acquire better employees. Beverly Kaye, an expert in employee engagement in companies conducted research on unsatisfied employees. She found that most employees wanted to feel valued, or put their skill sets in their ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Analysis Of Bob Marley Get USand Up Bantou–Bruce E Cadet Ms. Maria Hofman ENC1102 09 July 2015 BOB MARLEY'S MUSIC INSPIRE PEOPLE Music usually reflects a countries environment and time of its creation. For centuries, it has been used to send messages throughout the world, and it creates emotions,and feelings regarding the people that listen to it .Bob Marley's song "Get up Stand up " shows that music can be used as a powerful form of protest.This track can inspire a nation and her people. Marley decided to present his protest against the political system ,racism,and social inequality through his music and modified the conventional ideas of reggae style and the religious movement know as Rastafari. One of the world most well known protest artist is Robert Nesta ... Show more content on ... Rather than seeing the individual as helpless in the face of societal and environmental pressures, Christian sociologists view the person as more important than the social institution. C.S. Lewis explains that while atheists may think that "nations, classes, civilizations must be more important than individuals," because "individuals live only seventy odd years each and the group may last for centuries. But to the Christian, individuals are more important, for they live eternally; and races, civilizations and the like are in comparison the creatures of a day.The majority of Christians believe in some kind of heaven, in which the deceased enjoy the presence of God and loved ones for eternity. Views differ as to what is required to get to heaven, and conceptions of heaven differ as well. Christian sociology does not have a pessimistic view of society even though it seems as if we always make wrong decisions and bad choices. On the contrary, Christian sociology has an optimistic view because it accepts the fact that God grants grace to us in spite of our failures and errors. Our freedom and responsibility before ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Time To Get-Up In School Do you think schools should have a later start? Well I don't because of the reasons below. I believe that schools should keep their start time because when they get older, they are going to have to get up early and go to work so, they need to get used to getting up at like 6:00 every morning. When you get older and have a job and you have to be there at like 7:00 in the morning, you are going to have trouble getting up in the morning because you have gotten so used to waking up like an hour later. And if you're late to work so many times, you could be fired. Another reason is to have your kids go to bed earlier. Kids say up till like 1:00 in the morning and have to get up at like 6:00 and that is why they fall asleep during first period or ... Get more on ...
  • 25. What is †Emo’ Music? "Just because I wear black and keep a private journal, that doesn't mean I'm going to blow up the school. Or terrorize mindless cheerleaders, for that matter." (Kelly Creagh, Nevermore) What is 'emo' music? What does 'emo' even mean? It's a word that some people hear quite often, but it seems that no two people define the word the same way. So what does it mean when a person calls someone else 'emo'? What does it mean when someone is said to listen to 'emo' music? How can one dress 'emo'? Or act 'emo'? The word 'emo' can have multiple definitions. One answer is that the word 'emo' is short for 'emotional'. Another usage of the word could refer to rock music that resembles punk, but has more emotional lyrics and complex arrangements. 'Emo' can also describe a (usually teenaged) social type, however, there are no clearly set parameters as to what makes a person 'emo'. Various people trace the beginning of 'emo' music to Rites of Spring, a post–hardcore band from Washington D.C. Though the band only lasted for two years – 1984–1986 – they are often referred to as the founders of emo. Formed in March 1984, Rites of Spring was "an emotionally charged brand of hardcore punk marked by introspective, personal lyrics and intense catharsis (Huey)." The lyrics were "by turns nostalgic, heartbroken, confused, and desperately searching, expanding hardcore's range of subject matter into territory rarely covered (Huey)." Continuing the trend of short–lived 80's post–hardcore bands from ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Bob Marley Get USand Up Analysis Get up Stand up was written in 1973 and was written by Bob Marley and Peter Tosh in the group : The Wailers, published in the album : Legend, by Chrysalis One Music (Metrolyrics, n.d). Furthermore, their source of inspiration was mainly influenced by their Jamaican upbringing. In essence, the song is about the fight for acceptance of their Rastafarian religion and the need to take action to avoid oppression. The meaning behind the lyrics can be interpreted as both religious and anti–religious. On the other hand, the line, `Get up, stand up: stand up for your rights,' can be seen as a rallying call for the people to stand up and demand respect for the Rastafarian religion. Firstly, the fundamental message that he brings across is that religion is something personal, it is fine to have certain religious beliefs, but it is not acceptable when you ram it in someone else's throat. He elaborates on the need for mutual respect for others beliefs. In addition, the lines, "Preacher man don't tell me, heaven is under the earth, I know you don't know, what life is really worth," (Metrolyrics, n.d) suggests hanging to the thought of freedom rather ... Show more content on ... In many societies around the globe music, including rock and rap, has been increasingly used as a vehicle for social and political comment as we see in everyday life. Furthermore, Get Up Stand Up was produced the era Bob Marley and Peter Tosh were surrounded by a lack of human rights, personal freedom, that were smudged in poverty and corruption. Marley had also been influenced by political issues that were present in Jamaica, where western political, economic domination and cultural imperialism had moved towards the heart of Jamaica. Thus, it was to Marley's concern that the people are to stand up for themselves, forming "one of the most powerful cultural forces among youths in Jamaica" (Nathaniel Samuel Murrell, ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Giacchino Themes "Anyone can cook", is the motivation and drive for Remy, the main character in Pixar's Ratatouille (2007). While the sentiment is true, anyone can cook, not everyone can write music. The score for the film was written by none other than Michael Giacchino. Giacchino, having previously worked with director Brad Bird on the film The Incredibles (2004) had already established a dynamic with the director in terms of interpreting his wants and needs for the score. The score itself, garnered lots of attention after its Oscar–nomination for Best Original Score and continues to serve as one of the most notable films, and scores in Giacchino's repertoire. What makes this score unique to other Pixar films and other Giacchino works is its loyalty to the ... Show more content on ... It is the first song on the soundtrack and appropriately sets the mood of the entirety of the film. "Le Festin", the only vocal piece on the soundtrack, sung in French by the singer Camille, is a turning point in the film. In the narrative, it is the defining moment in which Remy decides to follow his dream and devotes himself to being a chef, with much success. Musically, however, it is symbolic of reaching the height of success. The vocals are slow and melodic, creating the ambiance in which the story takes place. The lyrics, translated from French to English, tell the story tells the story of the plight of a dreamer, the ups and downs and ultimately the emotional response and joy from achieving those dreams. The hidden beauty of "Le Festin" is that as the first song on the soundtrack, the lyrics tell the full story of Ratatouille, they tell Remy's story. The significance of being sung in the native language of the setting is that despite, Giacchino creating a sound to depict characters, in Paris, cooking Parisian food, he recognized the importance that the setting serves and pays homage to the setting as a character as well as a background. The song, "Le Festin" is sung in French in every variation of the film. This small act of preserving the language not only keeps the narrative the same, it also creates a universal experience of the ... Get more on ...
  • 28. College Admissions Essay: Always Get Up "Always get up" is something I say to motivate me in tough times. "Beep, Beep, Beep"! In the morning, my alarm goes off, I look at my clock, and it reads 5:00am. I think to myself, "why not sleep in like everyone else". Then I remind myself to get up and that it will be worth it in the long run. So, I moan out bed and stumble into the bathroom. I run the hot water and splash it onto my face and I think about how I can get better today. I brush my teeth then I stumble back to my room and change into my workout clothes. I go downstairs, pour myself a cup of black coffee, eat a banana, and get in the car. I get into I get to the gym at 5:30am, and I have to remind myself that different is good, and that it isn't a bad thing to be different.... Show more content on ... I do homework till 11:00 or 12:00, then I wake up at 5:00am. It is tough to function fully with 5 or 6 hours of sleep a night. Kids say they want to workout with me in the morning and after they do it once, they never do it again because they realize how hard it is to fully function throughout a school day with that little sleep. I force myself to do this, though I would rather sleep in, I remind myself that I must always wake up and get after it. My goal is to play college basketball at a high level. This doesn't happen frequently from the area we live in. People rarely make it in sports in Southern Maine, and I work every day so I could be one of those kids that does make it, and does reach their goal. Throughout my life people have told me that I will not be able to play division 1 basketball. They say people don't make it from this area, and they tell me that I am too slow or can't jump high enough. I wake up in the morning so I can prove them wrong. The sense of accomplishment that I achieve, far outweighs those few hours of sleep that I miss out on. I want to prove them wrong, and even after I fail at a task I remember to always get up and keep moving ... Get more on ...
  • 29. The Gift Of The Magi Analysis "True love is about sacrifice for the sake of the ones you love. " In The Gift Of The Magi by William Sydney Porter, also known as O.Henry, the couple, Della and Jim James Dillingham Young, each had their own special trait or article of theirs that they prized more than anything else. Della prized her beautiful long brown hair, that had been grown just past her knees. Jim prized his gold watch that had been his grandfather's, then his father's and now his. They find it upon themselves to buy a valuable gift for each other for Christmas, and with only $1.87, Della sells her hair to buy a platinum chain for Jim's watch. That would have worked out well if Jim hadn't sold his watch to buy tortoise shell combs for Della's hair, which she sold. They both liked each other's gift and the thought that was put into it, and although their gifts may not be able to be used at that time, they still shared their love. The theme of the story is, love means sacrifice. When Della had the idea to sell her hair for money to buy Jim's chain, she didn't know that he would sell his watch to buy combs for her hair. She took it upon herself to buy him a valuable gift to show Jim her love for him, and how much she cared for him, enough to sell her most prized possession. In the story Della states," Be good to me, because I sold it for you. Maybe the hairs of my head could be counted," she said, "but no one could ever count my love for you."This quote proves how although she sacrificed her hair, ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Get Charged Up Essay Get Charged Up Lab Report Abstract Get Charged Up Magnesium ribbon was reacted with Hydrochloric acid in three different experiments to determine the charge on a metal ion. After running multiple tests in the three different procedures, the Crystallization method proved to be the best method for determining the charge of the metal ion by using mole to mole ratio. Introduction The objective of the Get Charged Up lab was to determine the charge on a metal ion reacting with HCl by determine the mole ratio in a reaction by determining the amount of excess reactant, amount of product, and amount of hydrogen gas produced as well as finding the best research method to determine the charge. To accomplish this, three different methods... Show more content on ... About 80 mL of HCl was obtained and mixed with phenolphthalein. Using a LabQuest unit and Gas Pressure Sensor kit, the HCl mixture was added to the flask with the magnesium ribbon and allowed to react. When reaction was complete, the change of temperature and gas was recorded. This procedure was repeated for different masses of magnesium ribbon (masses found on page 89 of the lab manual). After the completed procedure, moles of Hв‚‚ produced in each trial were calculated. (The actual procedure can be found on pages 87–89 of the lab manual) After each procedure, a graph was created for each set of data to compare and contrast results. It should be noted that not all supplies are listed here as exactly what is needed to perform each method but a complete list can be found in the lab manual preceding each experiment. Pay extreme caution to the handling of HCl as it can cause acid burns on your skin and remove color from your clothing. Should you get any on you or your clothes, rinse with soap and water. Also, when using flask with thermocouple, it will be top heavy and can easily topple over and break. A final precaution, hydrogen gas is being produced during the gas law method and therefore no open flames in the laboratory during that portion of the experiment. Results The titration method had the best correlation coefficient of the entered data. The crystallization method had the most accurate slope for the
  • 31. ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Kristens Cookie Company Question 1 Rush order takes the least possible time for preparing the dozen of cookies. The following is a detailed summary of time used to prepare the rush order: ActivityTime Wash the bowl, add and mix ingredients6 minutes Dish up the tray (1 dozen)2 minutes Put the cookies in the oven, start timer1 minute Bake the cookies9 minutes Remove the tray from the oven*0 minute Let the cookies cool5 minutes Pack the cookies2 minutes Accept payment1 minute Total time:26 minutes *– further the removing step will be ignored because it does not take any additional time It will take 26 minutes to fill the rush order. Question 2 ActivityOutput Wash the bowl, add and mix ingredients4 hours*60 minutes/6 minutes=40 ... Show more content on ... As soon as the Baking 1 is finished we have an empty try that can be dished up for the succeeding baking. If we have one extra tray there will be no use of it. Question 6 From this chart we can see that if we had an additional oven we could have filled a two dozen order in 28 minutes which is 8 minutes less than having 1 oven. Valuable time (For two dozens of cookies, 2 ovens) ActivityKristen per dozenRoommate per dozen Wash the bowl, add and mix ingredients6 minutesX
  • 33. Dish up the tray (1 dozen)4 minutesX Put the cookies in the oven, start timerX2 minute Bake the cookiesXX Let the cookies coolXX Pack the cookiesX4 minutes Accept paymentX1 minute Total:10 minutes7 minutes It will be more profitable to have a second oven because it does not add any working time but decreases the time needed to prepare 2 or more dozens of cookies. If Kristen and her roommate had second oven they could have doubles number of orders per day. The difference is a cost they are willing to pay for the rent of second ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Essay on Up And Away Animation legend Walt Disney once said, "Animation offers a medium of storytelling and visual entertainment which can bring pleasure and information to people of all ages everywhere in the world." This quote rings especially true with Disney–Pixar's Up. Pete Docter, the director of Up, is able to use multiple tactics to display human emotions throughout the film including music and silence, lighting and colors, and 3–D filming. The efficacy of these tactics will be further analyzed to see if their use yields value to the production as a whole. The melodious instrumentals that accompany Up have the ability to plunge the audience deeper into the fantastic animated environment. The composer of the soundtrack for Up, Michael Giacchino, ... Show more content on ... This is perfectly exemplified by the second portion of the films interlude, in which a montage of Carl and Ellie's married life is portrayed, supplemented by Giacchino's simple waltz. The waltz is originally upbeat and whimsical as scenes of Carl and Ellie's cute married life flash by, including picnics, homemaking, and clouds that inspire child birth. The tempo then slows and becomes depressing as the couple goes through the pains of a miscarriage. Carl is able to cheer Ellie up by renewing the prospect of adventure in their lives by bringing up Paradise Falls. The music once again takes up an optimistic note as the couple saves their change in a glass jar labeled "Paradise Falls". Due to little accidents here and there the couple never really accumulates much money. After displaying years of precious moments to an upbeat tone, the waltz slows a little, as Carl realizes age taking its effects on Ellie. Right before Carl is able to take Ellie on the trip they've always dreamed of, she is stricken with illness and hospitalized. The music becomes tremendously slow and very moving as Ellie dies, leaving Carl a widow. This five minute clip with the help of music "elicits tears as efficiently as if a cloud of mace had been released into the theater (Stevens). Many top critics feel that this scene rivals with many other red carpet greats: The absence of words suggests that Mr. Docter and the co–director Bob Peterson, with whom he wrote the ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Why I Should Not Get Up On Material Possessions I used to be a person who was hung up on material possessions. I was always wanting more, never satisfied with what I had. Whenever I would go to the mall, I would want everything that I saw. If I had money I would always spend it. I was constantly buying things that I didn't need, only used once, or would stay in my closet with the tags on. I felt like I was unfortunate because I didn't have a new outfit every week, and I couldn't get a new pair of shoes every time I walked out the door, but that all changed the summer going into freshman year. My father suggested, to go on a border immersion trip to Nuevo Laredo, Mexico. He thought that it would be a good idea to read what it was like to live on the border. But, no matter how many times we got together or how many books we read, nothing could have prepared me for what I was going to experience while I was down there. I left on July 20 on a plane headed for Laredo, Texas. I would be staying at a relative 's near Laredo and then every morning we would cross over the border into Mexico and go work at a daycare center, Valdes Suarez Maria Irene . Our first day there we didn't go to the daycare center, instead we met some friends of my father 's friends, Jesus and Irene. They live in Nuevo Laredo, and what they do is help out the people in their community. They also help people who are coming down from the United States to help out for the first time or people who are coming back from Central or South America and need a place ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Video Games And The Public Schools Introduction In the modern era, technology has surpassed the public schools in America in importance. For example, in the United States 42% percent of Americans play video games three or more times a week. Video games have become more popular with the increased buyers of smart phones and new TV's like the smart TV. Children as young as five or six years old get smart phones, in which theyplay games on at a very young age. Even though these young kids are getting these devices, 40% percent of students lack basic reading skills, and compared to other countries their academic performance is dismal. This is due to schools teaching children how to memorize, not to think for themselves." (Gee, 2015, p.566). School teaches kids to interact with others, study with responsibility, and to work hard for things. Less Interaction According to many video game addicts, video games teach how become an expert at something." (Gee, 2015, p.566) Becoming an expert at video games will create less interact with the outside world because most video game addicts sit in their room and play all day by their selves. Unlike video games, school makes kids interact with other kids. For example, many teachers assign students to group projects and group assignments which teaches kids to work together. Working in groups in school is vital for young students because when they are older they can work with others at a job. Also school interaction is helpful over playing video games is because students can ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Analysis Of Get Up Stand Up By Bob Marley As previously discussed, we will concentrate our findings based on three communication concepts; empathy and empathic communication, self–disclosure, emotions and social influences of emotion. The first communication concept relates to empathy and empathic communication, both Bob and Ziggy Marley display this throughout their music. Empathy defined by Julia T. Wood, "is the ability to feel with another person, to feel what she or he feels in a situation. Our feelings tend to be guided by our own emotional tendencies and experiences" (78). In the fullest sense, this implies putting yourself into the other person's shoes, to experience their life, so that you really understand and feel; pain, anger, frustration, joy, spiritual uplift and happiness.Bob Marley is empathetic in nature, he is "someone who appears to speak for the people. It is his music, his life story, his worldview and the way he carries himself –– he seems like an extension of the people and their leader. He seems like a sort of Cultural Senator, a man who represents his people" (Toure 2017). Bob Marley expresses empathy throughout his song "Get Up Stand Up," by giving us examples of what life was like in the 1960's in Jamaica. Paying close attention to the words and the connotations associated with those words, we can get an idea to what was going on during that era. From the beginning, reggae was political, as the work of Bob clearly attests. When he chants, "Get up Stand up Stand up for your rights!" you can feel how important this issue is to him. By translating this one lyric, you can imagine the details of his experiences and the emotions associated with them. The lyrics of this song relates to the struggles and inequality of the society and the harsh realities of a post–independent Jamaica. Nearly the entire song has a political slant to it in some shape or form. The political unrest which was taking place at the time was extremely intense, this song urged people to raise and stand up and fight for their rights and to be proactive. Ziggy Marley sings a different tune, this is due to the era he was brought up in and how he was raised. With his father's royalties, Ziggy had a different upbringing than Bob did. He didn't grow up ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Creative Writing: Tiara Gets Up In The Home Tiara gets up in the morning. Her mother complains that her hair looks like she hasn't combed it in a month and asks her why she never irons her clothes. (Tear off a piece of the heart.) When Tiara get's downstairs for breakfast,"Oh my goodness! you look a hot mess!" her sister yells at her. (Tear a piece of the heart) Tiara leaves the house late and is rushing for the bus when she realizes she's forgotten her house keys. If she doesn't have them she's not going to be able to get in the house when she comes home at the end of the day. She goes back for the keys, but now she's going to be late for her first class. When she gets to school, her teacher, Mr. Jones says sarcastically, "There are some people in this class who obviously don't ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Personal Narrative Essay: Working After School In a small town where nothing ever happened, a girl named Macy, spent her days going to school, going to work or hanging out with her friends. Macy was average height, had shoulder length brown hair and was a good student. Macy's friend, Mary was always trying to set her up with guys to try to help her get out of her comfort zone and to live a little. She didn't have a car yet so she got rides with Mary, so she could get to work after school. One day, when Macy needed a ride to work after school, she asked Mary to take her home. Since Mary had to take another girl home as well, they were in the school's parking lot waiting. "Mary come on, I have to be at work in less than 20 minutes. I don't have time for this," whined Macy. "Just hold on, she should be here any second now," calmly said Mary. Suddenly a girl appeared, "Sorry I'm late, I had to talk to Mrs. Smith about the homework I missed last week. Hey I'm Amy." After Macy and Amy had a brief introduction they all got into the car and started driving through the parking lot when suddenly, Amy screamed, "Hey pull over that's my ride." Startled Mary jerked the wheel and stopped, at that time Amy was unbuckling her seatbelt and opening... Show more content on ... Macy was a few minutes late to work but her boss wasn't around so she didn't get in trouble for it. Later when Macy was off work, she was scrolling through her Facebook timeline when she realized that she was friends with Amy on Facebook but she couldn't find anything about the boy. A few days later Macy asked Mary about the boy Amy went to when she was supposed to be riding with them. Macy and Mary talked about what they knew of him and together they found him on facebook and like two teenage girls would do, they stalked his profile. A few hours later, Macy had to go home, so she grabbed all her stuff and drove home singing to all the pop songs she ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Take A Walk Through A Professional Escort 's Week Take a Walk through a Professional Escort's Week Day 1 It seems like the coming week will be busy with out of town visits, everyone. My first client this week asked to meet in a hotel in a neighbouring town. I've discussed how far I'll go with the kinky stuff with this guy before, so it doesn't seem like we'll have any problems. I've been in the business long enough not to feel apprehensive about new clients, so thankfully that's not an issue. The client is actually decent looking, and as soon as we reach the bed, I start giving him a blowjob. I'm actually not that fond of impersonal calls like this. The mechanical procedures they go through only awaken me to what I do for a living. Usually, frequently checking the time isn't something I usually do, but this call seems to last forever. I'm a little taken back by how kinky this guy is, and while I'm quite open to new experiences, I don't really like how this man seems to treat people in general. He's the one who tells me the hour is over and mentions the price I initially requested for an hour and a half. However, he states that he'll only keep going if I swallow. I don't do this, so we stopped and simply had a conversation for the remaining time. Through the talk, I actually found that the guy was quite nice. We finish off the remaining time, clean up, and I leave. After leaving, I make sure to mark down that I would rather not see this client again in the future. I may be an escort, but I prefer encounters where I'm ... Get more on ...
  • 41. Critical Analysis Of Get Up Stand Up By Bob Marley Bob Marley was born February 6, 1945 in St Ann Parish, Jamaica. Throughout his early years Marley had lived in some of the poorest and impoverished areas in Jamaica. Even in poverty Marley found an escape and had a passion for music. In Jamaica Bob Marley was a supporter of the People's National Party. His major influence on the people was an extreme threat to the power of the PNP's rival parties. December 3, 1976 there was an assassination attempt on Marley. This assassination attempt allegedly was for political reasons. A few years later Marley was diagnosed with cancer that had spread and he died in Miami, Florida, on May 11, 1981. The song "Get Up Stand Up" was the last song Bob Marley performed live on stage. It was performed in September of 1980 less than a year before he died in May of 1981 The song "Get Up Stand Up" was released in 1973.The social context of this period has a major impact on the choice of lyrics in this song. This song became a huge part of the human rights movement in Jamaica. The lyrics are politically motivated and wanting change. The song talks about the necessary actions that need to be taken to avoid the current oppression in Jamaica. One of the more important topics of the song was the fight for everyone to have their unalienable rights and to say that they are not just reserved for the upper class. Another point of view was the song defending the commonly misunderstood Rastafarian religion. The three people that worked on the song Tosh, Marley, and Wailer were all faithful advocates of the reggae and Rastafarian movement. Rastafari is an African religion that is still relatively new. The religion was developed in the 1930s in Jamaica after Haile Selassie was named the King of Ethiopia. The followers of this religion believe that Selassie is God and that he will return all of the black people displaced from slavery and colonization to Africa. Bob Marley's music and success helped spread the religion. The Rastafarians believe that black people are the chosen people of God. Some of the religious practices in the religion include smoking and inhaling marijuana. The purpose of the marijuana is to increase a person's spiritual state of mind and awareness. Most Rastafarians have long ... Get more on ...
  • 42. Explain Why The Hangman Gets A Close Up The Hangman gets a Closeup Being a hangman was a fruitless job, living your life just to see death. There was no point to it, the harm was only coming to the person who hangs people. Hangman's decrease population and cause people to not rest in peace. While the buffoons out there trying to pull the same old shenanigans, they are getting themselves harmed. Now enough with the people getting hanged, let's give the hangman a closeup. A hangman hangs wayward people because hanging has no discipline so they have no way of getting out of it. The hangman was hostile towards the people he hanged otherwise he wouldn't hang them. All a hangman does is basically inflict death for something that may have been a petty crime. This was a job back in times ... Get more on ...