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The Evolution Of Humans And Humans
Humans have existed on Earth for approximately 3.4 million years. The oldest known human
ancestor is "Lucy," an Australopithecus. Over this extensive period of time, humans have evolved
significantly. Homo Sapiens have grown from 3 to almost 6 feet (average), lost most of the body
hair, became leaner and adapted to walking. Humans have come a long way, from Australopithecus
to Homo sapiens, from living in trees to living in cities. Slowly, through hundreds of thousands of
years, we mutated over and over again, natural selection ensuring that no destructive mutations
continue. From the slow evolution, four distinctive species emerged and died out, each giving way
to its ' descendant: Homo Habilis, Homo Erectus, Homo Sapiens Neanderthalesis, and Homo
sapiens Sapiens.
The Australopithecines were the first to walk upright, or became bipedal, although rather clumsily.
Their walk was unsteady, judging by their bone structure (Figure 1.), and they most likely were
quadrupedal the majority of the time. The Australopithecines had a brain about the size of an orange,
high up cheekbones, and big molars. They were about three feet tall, and had small thumbs.
Australopithecines, while definitely possessing some human characteristics, humans are still much
closer to the chimps. Australopithecines were vegetarians; even if they knew that animals were
edible, they still had no reliable means of killing animals for food. About 2 million years ago, highly
evolved Australopithecines made the
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Homo Floresiensis Evolution
Homo Floresiensis, also known as "hobbit" were discovered by scientist in Eastern Indonesia on the
island Flores, which is also what they were named after. In total twelve indigenous human remains
were found. To date, there are not a large range of fossils that have been found and there appears to
be ongoing studies to uncover more information concerning this species. Therefore, this paper will
explore the geographical location, age, anatomy, and the origin of these fossils, in an attempt to
conclude if in fact the H. Floresiensis were an isolated population and if they are of a human or non
–human descent.
The geographic location of Homo Floresiensis ("Flores Man"; also known as the "hobbit") was
discovered in Indonesia on the small island ... Show more content on ...
There are several sources, such as handmade tools to hunt, cook, and start fires that have been
found, proving that they were self–sufficient and functioning. Therefore, this highlights that being
geographically isolated does not make them a "species". Considering that the Bible does not use the
term "species" to describe God's creations, creationist dee, it ridiculous and confusing for people to
continue defining H. Floresiensis as such. Which have lead creationists to conclude that God created
all of mankind, and although "Hobbits" have distinct differences in their features and location, it
does not make them any less descendants of mankind. Research suggest, that creationist authors
have a general agreement on the placement of the H. Floresiensis. Their general consensus is that
these fossils should not be placed in a separate category from Homo Sapiens, because all evidence
points to indication of humanity. Additionally, creation authors collectively conclude that yes, they
can agree with scientist that H. Floresiensis are descendants of Homo erectus, as they view Homo
erectus descendants of homo sapiens as well. Making "Hobbits" just another variety of humankind
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A Paper On The Genus Hominins Essay
This is going to be a paper on the genus Hominins. Hominins are early human ancestors the first
being Sahelanthropus Tchadensis and ends with Homo Sapiens. A specie is a group of similar
animals, or plants and in our case homo, paranthropus and australopithecus that can interbreed
between each other and have a direct connection in lineage.A genus is a grouping of alike and
related species that all share in many traits. It is an overview of species that are different enough to
be put in one group but similar to be put under an umbrella term. In this paper it will take about the
later half of the hominin genus, from Homo rudolfensis to Homo sapiens. We will be taking a look
into how they are connected if they are, why I did not connect others and the culture behind it all.
Homo rudolfensis was found in 1986 by V.P. Alexeev . 2.4–1.8 Million years ago. Rudolfensis
maybe one of the first Homo Species and can maybe be traced back to kenyanthropus platyops.
Many believed at first glance Homo erectus was close to Homo habilis because they shared many of
the same features, were found near each other and dated to around the same time to 2.4 to 1.8
million years ago for habilis 2.3 to 1.5 million years ago for rudolfensis. Both are put under scrutiny
because many believe that due to the case of them having longer faces and bigger molars that they
are from Australopithecus and should be placed with them.Making them an australopithecus would
mean that it had the largest brain
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The Anatomy Of The Anthropology Department That I Found
My name is Sean Keefe and I am an intern for the recently deceased Harvey Manfrenjensenjen.
While sorting through samples I came across 6 hominin skulls that lack analysis. In this project, I
am going to explain and talk about the six skulls in the Anthropology Department that I found. To do
this, I will use what I have learned in lecture, as well as numerous outside sources to describe three
defining characteristics for each skull. Additionally, I will provide necessary information about each
skull if needed. After that, I will put the fossil samples in evolutionary order form the oldest to the
youngest. Lastly, I will include a family tree that shows age comparison and ancestral relationships
between the homonids. The first skull that I observed in the Anthropology Department belongs to
Australopithecus robustus. Australopithecus robustus was first named by the eminent Dr. Robert
Broom. The A. robustus leftovers generally come from three different sites: Swartkrans (largest),
Dreimulen, and Kromdraai. One of the major problems with these South African sites is dating, but
generally, robustus remains can be safely placed from 2.0–1.0 myr, and possibly even earlier.
Australopithecus robustus has many features that are specifically distinct to A. robustus. This skull
has very thick jaws; small incisors, canines, large, molar–like premolars and very large molars. The
height of Australopithecus robustus is between 1.1–1.3 meters, and the weight is between 40–80 Kg.
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Evolutionary Relatives, The Apes, By Jared Diamond
To begin, Diamond talks about our evolutionary relatives, the apes. The history of humanity began
in Africa about seven million years ago, when the African apes evolved into three categories. They
evolved into gorillas, chimps, and humans. The earliest species of humans, Homo Habilis and Homo
Erectus, became closer to modern humans in physical traits about 2.5 million years ago. One million
years ago, Homo Erectus began to migrate out of Africa to Europe, Australia, Asia, etc. Homo
sapiens first appeared around half a million years ago, having evolved from Homo Erectus. There is
no perfect definition of Homo sapiens and therefore no exact date for when they first appeared. Still,
scientists and anthropologists usually agree that Homo
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Homo Habilis Essay
Homo Habilis
Hominids with a brain absolutely and relatively larger than that of the australopithecines appeared
about 2.3 million years ago. These hominids are classified in our own genus: Homo. The earliest
species to appear was the Homo Habilis. It was the first of our ancestors to show a significant
increase in brain size and also the first to be found associated with stone tools. These characteristics
resulted in this species' placement into the human genus, Homo.
The first fossil was found in 1960 when a team led by scientists Louis and Mary Leakey uncovered
the fossilized remains of a unique early human at Olduvai Gorge in Tanzania.
Because this early human had a combination of features different from those seen in ... Show more
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Dental microwear studies suggest that the diet of H. habilis was flexible and versatile and that they
were capable of eating a broad range of foods, including some tougher foods like leaves, woody
plants, roots, berries and some animal tissues (birds and insects), but that they did not routinely
consume or specialize in eating hard foods like brittle nuts or seeds, dried meat, or very hard tubers.
They also were scroungers who even ate dead animals that they found left by other larger predators.
Surviving and Toolmaking
Homo is a Latin word meaning 'human' or 'man'. The word habilis is based on a Latin word meaning
'handy' or 'skilful'. This species is known as 'handy man' because stone tools were found near its
fossil remains and it is assumed this species had developed the ability to modify stone into tools.
Homo habilis is thought to have mastered the Lower Paleolithic Olduwan tool set which used stone
flakes. These stone flakes were more advanced than any tools previously used, and gave H. habilis
the edge it needed to prosper in hostile environments previously too formidable for primates.
By a method called direct percussion, a core stone called a biface was hit with a hammer stone to
produce flakes. The biface was made into choppers called the Oldawan pebble
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The Developement of Civilization Essay
The Developement of Civilization
According to Webster's Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary, civilization is "a relatively high level of
cultural and technological development, specifically the stage of cultural development at which
writing and the keeping of written records is attained". Other sources trace the meaning of
civilization to political, economic, military and social structures as well as the heightened
intellectual and artistic aspects of life (Spielvogel,xxxi). Civilization developed as the crises of
everyday life necessitated change. As history progresses, we study our past in search of guidance
and other crucial information to help us along the way. The study of civilization also plays as an
agent to defer us from ... Show more content on ...
It is taken from the fossils of these people that language may well have began in this form of human
(Lerner,8). They had enlarged cavities in the front of the neck. Soon different dialects would run
rampant. These people, the Neanderthals, were also nomadic. They followed the herds along their
migratory patterns and gathered other sustenance consisting mostly of plants and their roots along
the way. It is believed that approximately 400,000 years ago, Homo erectus learned to use fire
(Lerner,9). They also began to travel farther distances, for the earliest evidence of the wheel used in
travel was found to be in 35,000 BCE (Calder,54). There is conflicting information as to when the
Homo erectus began evolving into the Homo sapien. Some say it was in 28,000 BCE (Lerner,9),
others say it was between 18,000 and 13,000 BCE (Spielvogel,3). Facts would point to the earlier
years, where the Sumerian city–states, Egyptian Civilization (especially the Old Kingdom), and
cuneiform began to emerge. "Groups of people advanced beyond their old hunting grounds at a rate
of only two or three miles per generation (Spielvogel,3)." They began making waterproof shelters of
their own. With this new advance in addition to the discovery and use of fire, man was able to move
to climates other than the reasonably comfortable settlements of
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Evolution : The Ancestor Of Humans
Evolution is the change of an organism, over time the organism have change to be more adapted to
the environment that they are surrounded in order to live. By evolve that mean that their structure
will change, for an example, their skeleton structure however the ancestor skeleton structure are
some what similar to the more recent organisms. For instant, fossil is a great example for evolution,
fossil is the remains of organisms that use to be alive, when scientist examine the fossil they found
that there are similarities between related living organism. There are other evidence for evolution
which are homologous structures, analogous structures, and vestigial structures. Homologous is
when it have a similar structure but different ... Show more content on ...
Then multiply the height, width, and length by .5236 to get the cranial capacity.
Repeat the process for the rest of the skull.
Data table and calculation:
Opisthocranion–opisthion distance (cm) (A)
Opisthocranion–orale distance (cm) (B)
Opisthion index (A/B)x100
Maxillary angle
Height (H)
Width (W)
Length (L)
CC (LxWxH)*.5236
Ardipithecus ramidus
Australopithecus aethiopicus
Australopithecus afarensis
Australopithecus africanus
Australopithecus boisei
Homo erectus
Homo habilis
Homo heidelbergensis
Homo neanderthalensis
Homo sapiens
Sahelanthropus tchadensis
Observation: In the Homos groups the similarity oare the eyes and the nose, over time the nose hole
is getting bigger and the eyebrows are getting more flat then the ancestors. Also the cheekbones
were getting more into the skull over time. In the Australopithecus groups their face were flat
compared to the homos face and the eyebrows were going out of the skull compared to the homos.
Also the cheekbones were more wider over time. The Sahelanthropus were different to the homos
and to
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Darwin's On The Origin Of Species: The Theory Of Evolution
As humans evolve, they will change. Through the years, humans will both change mentally and
physically. Through research and reasoning, people can only predict what might be the next human
evolution. Much of what is predicted is based on the world that humans live in today. Some day,
humans might be even be able to change their own genetics as science and technology advances.
Ideas of Evolution– Evolution represents the biological timeline between all living things around the
world. This idea or theory of evolution is called Darwinism. The idea of evolution was first
published in a book called On the Origin of Species by Charles Darwin. The theory of evolution
greatly contradicts the idea of creationism in religion that all living ... Show more content on ...
With the help of technology, humans are easily able to defend themselves from animals they see,
while around one million years ago, many humans died easily to the abundant predators ruling the
world. Today, humans also have less ways to die. Back then, people could die easily from being
starved, being mauled by animals, and being killed by other human tribes. Today, with law
enforcement and abundance in supplies these ways to die are very rare. On million years ago,
hunter–gatherers died at an average age of thirty–years–old, but today, humans mostly died at age
seventy–two. Because technology is expected to advance, so will life expectancy. In just one
hundred and fifty years, human's average height increased by at least 10 cm or around 4 inches. One
of the main reasons why humans are growing taller is because of the abundant food supplies and
nutrition. With more nutrition, humans' body are able to store that nutrition and transform it into
energy that is necessary for humans to grow. In the future, with more stress on eating nutritious food
and eating less junk food, humans are expected to grow
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Evolution Of The Modern Day Human Essay
The modern day human has not existed for very long, in fact its one of the recent species to populate
the Earth. Before modern day humans or Homo sapiens sapiens as we are scientifically known as,
existed a similar yet less developed Homo genus named Homo erectus/ Homo ergaster. Evidence of
these species dates back to over 1.9 million years ago and up to as recently as 70,000 years ago in
which the evidence can be found in Africa, Europe and Asia. In this essay I will firstly provide a
general timeline, providing key dates and phases of evolution. I will then discuss my findings from
the research I have collected as well as information provided by expert insights and discoveries. I
will explain the cause for the expansion from Africa to Europe and Asia and lastly I will elaborate
on the established branches of Homo erectus and how the different Homo genus came to exist.
The Homo genus dates back almost three million years. The Homo habilis species was the first in
the Homo genus and is believed to have initially developed 2.8 mya (million years ago) in East
Africa before becoming extinct 1.5 mya. This occurred during the Lower Paleolithic period (2.7 mya
– 200 kya) in which the very first stone tools were created and mastered named the Oldowan stone
industry. H. habilis were the first fully bipedial species which allowed them to travel further than
their quadrupedial ancestors. Having covered most of Africa, the H. habilis was then able to
manufacture stone tool
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S. Tchadensis Essay
One of the earliest ancestors of homo sapiens that are known of is the tchadensis which is a member
of the genus Sahelanthropus. The S. tchadensis is a primitive human that lived about 7 million to 6
million years ago, it is believed that they lived in areas that would require walking on two feet such
as grasslands, as a result the S. tchadensis had the ability to partially walk on two feet. As time went
by the S. tchadensis evolved into the tugenensis, which is a member of the genus Orrorin. The main
difference between the S. tchadensis and the O. tugenensis is that the O. tugenensis developed two
femur bones which are used for walking on two feet, the O. tugenensis was around from about 6 to
5.8 million years ago. The third genus in human evolution came into existence about 5.8 million
years ago and was named Ardipithecus, this genus has two known members kadabba and ramidus. ...
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kadabba came lasted from about 5.8 to 5.2 million years ago and the A. ramidus lasted from about
5.2 million years ago to about 4.2 million years ago. The A. ramidus possessed a pelvis and limbs
that were slightly less ape like, the possession of these things showed that apes were coming close to
being fully bipedal. The fourth genus in human evolution was named Australopithecus, this genus
marked a key point in human evolution and has five members that that are known of but only three
that are ancestors of humans and they include the anamensis, the afarensis, and the africanus. The A.
anamensis existed from around 4.2 to 3.9 million years ago and possessed and expanded tibia which
shows that they were fully bipedal. With the A. afarensis came smaller canine teeth and a body that
was fully adapted for walking on two feet for long periods of time, it lasted from about 3.9 to 2.95
million years
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Genus Homo Origin
The origin of the genus Homo is widely debated, with several candidate ancestors being proposed in
the genus Australopithecu. I believe that Au. garhi gave rise to the genus homo. I believe this to be
true because even though it is believed that the Au. afarensis was most likely ancestor of the genus
homo, the ancesteral–descendent linkage between the two taxa was difficult to identify, owing the
virtual lack of a hominid fossil record in the East African dating to 3–2 mya, the timing during
which earliest Homo likely evolved. The Au. garhi was found in Bouri, in Ethiopia's Middle Awash
region, and it is dated to about 2.5 mya. The Au. garhi is represented by bones, teeth, a partial
skeleton, and a skull. For the first time in hominin evolution,
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Homo Erectus Essay
Homo Erectus has been argued to be the first hominid to successfully migrate out of Africa, Home
Erectus had a brain size approaching that of modern humans, averaging just under 100 cubic
centimeters, his brain actually reached the lower limit of modern human brain size, Erectus was also
the first human species to have a wide, fleshy nose, his face was flat and his skull had prominent
ridges over the brow. his shorter arms were a departure from Homo habilis and Australopithecus,
indicating that tree–climbing ability had finally been lost, His longer legs were better suited to
running and walking long distances– a trait that doubtless helped him migrate into Asia, ranging
from 4 foot 9 to 6 foot 1 are from 88 to 150 pounds, Homo Erectus was the first ancestor to
approximate modern humans in size, in fact, except for the brow ridges and smaller brain. homo
erectus was perhaps the fisrt species that we might consider to be essentially human. ... Show more
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erectus' immediate ancestor seems to have been either A. africanus or a species very much like it.
Africanus gave rise to Genus Homo; most likely Homo habilis. Habilis is an early Homo species
who was named for being a tool maker, or handyman. Habilis then gave rise to erectus. From there,
H. erectus migrated across Africa and then into Asia, going as far as China and even Indonesia.H.
erectus continued to thrive in several populations until at about 143,000 years ago, at least one
erectus population continued to evolve. That population gave rise to Homo heidelbergensis, which
then gave rise to Homo sapiens and Homo neanderthalensis
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Evolution And Its Main Contributing Species
Introduction This paper will explore the theory of evolution and its main contributing species. The
Australopithecus is the most primitive common ancestor between humans and apes. Though its
contributions to evolution were few, it was still a vital part in evolution being the first ape–like
creatures to be known as related to modern humans. Homo sapiens are the first species that share a
genus with modern humans. They are slightly more advanced than Australopithecines. Homo
erectus are one of the better known of the genus Homo. Finally, Homo neanderthalensis, our closest
relatives. The fossils found, the structure and the disappearance of these species will be discussed in
further detail throughout this paper.
Australopithecus ... Show more content on ...
(Johanson & Edey, 1981) The next fossil of an Australopithecus was found by Robert Broom. Being
larger and more bulky he decided to call it, Paranthropus (towards man) robustus. (Johanson &
Edey, 1981) This name would later be changed to Australopithecus robustus because in the 1950s all
African ape–men were to be known as Australopithecines. They were divided into two categories, a
burlier more primitive type (Australopithecus robustus) and a slender more delicate type
(Australopithecus africanus). (Figure 1) (Johanson & Edey, 1981) The most complete fossil of an
Australopithecus was found by Donald Johanson in 1974 at Hadar, Ethiopia. (Figure 2)
(Smithsonian Museum, 2016) Johanson and Timothy White named this new species of
Australopithecus in 1978, Australopithecus afarensis. (Johnson & Bjelland, 2011) This nearly half
complete skeleton is known as Lucy. (Johanson & Edey, 1981) She was about three and a half feet
tall, she had a V–shaped jaw and had a tiny brain. (Johanson & Edey, 1981) Lucy's species was
more ape–like and primitive than that of the fossils found by Dart or Broom. (Johanson & Edey,
1981) Lucy provided a certainty about bipedalism (the ability to walk upright) that before had only
been mere guesses. (Johanson & Edey, 1981) Bipedalism was shown by studying the structure of the
fossils found. First noticed by Dart was that the foramen magnum (the holes where the spinal
column nerves connected to the brain) was at the bottom
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The Rising Star Cave Essay
The Rising Star cave was pointed out to scientists by a group of spelunkers who squeezed through
the narrow opening and saw the multitude of bones around the underground chamber. The opening
was so narrow that few scientists could enter. Because of this, the cave was excavated by a team of
six women called the "underground astronauts". They uncovered more than 1,500 fossils belonging
to the same species (Wilford 2015). The bones were distributed across nearly the entire chamber,
including side passages (Dirks et. al. 2015: 14). The remains make up at least 15 individuals of a
wide span of ages; almost every bone is represented more than once in the find. This allows
researchers to study a full population instead of studying individuals (Kepp 2015). Many of the
hands, feet, wrists, and ankles are nearly complete, though many of the longer bones are fragmented
(Dirks et. al. 2015: 21). It is the largest find of fossils in Africa to date. These fossils have been
classified as part of a new species of hominin, called Homo naledi because "naledi" means "star" in
the Sotho language of the region (Gibbons 2015). It also refers to the Dinaledi Chamber within the
Rising Star cave (Berger et. al. 2015: 3). This makes Homo naledi the best known fossil species in
the human genus (Bower 2016).
Homo naledi was originally believed to have evolved near the root of the Homo lineage, about 2.5
to 2.8 billion years ago. More recently, a group of scientists has estimated the date of the cave
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Australopithecus Afarensis, and Australopithecus Africanus...
The phylogeny started off with Proconsul heseloni as the common ancestor to Sivapithecus indicus,
Australopithecus afarensis, and Australopithecus Africanus. The reasoning for this was from the
approximated age of Proconsul heseloni of 23 million years ago. This places Sivapithecus indicus
roughly 15 million years after, suggesting that Sivapithecus indicus directly evolved from Proconsul
From Proconsul heseloni, it was decided that three species evolved from it. These species included
A. A. afarensis, A. africanus and Sivapithecus indicus. Sivapithecus indicus was branched off the
early human evolutionary line as the characteristics from the dentation and skull characteristics
differed from that of A. afarensis and A. africanus ... Show more content on ...
This difference can be used to infer that they lived in different areas of the world as it can be
assumed that the diets of the two were unalike, explaining the dissimilarity of the canine size. As it
is inferred that the two species lived in different regions of the world, it can be assumed that they
co–existed at the same time period.
Homo habilis followed A. africanus indicating that A. africanus was a direct ancestor of H. habilis.
The reasoning for this included the brain weight and body weight of the H. habilis slightly increased
from that of A. africanus. As there was a general increase the overall brain to body weight ratio,
indicating that there was an increase in the overall body weight of the two.
Homo erectus was branched off after H. habilis as the justification for this was from the muzzle
angles of the different species. As H. erectus had a muzzle angle of 107° it was decided that it was
reasonable to assume that H. erectus evolved from H. habilis. However, in the overall positioning of
the phylogeny, it was placed on a side branch off H. habilis. This reasoning for this was that if H.
erectus was placed on the main evolutionary line to evolve from H. ergaster, the muzzle angles from
H. ergaster, H. erectus, and Homo neaderthalensis would increase then decrease. It would not be
logical to place H. erectus on the main evolutionary line. Further justification that H. erectus was not
a direct ancestor
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Early African Societies Essay
The beginning of time has always played a major role in history. The beginning of time explains the
reasons for each and every creature, plant, and unexplainable phenomena that have occurred on this
earth. Chapter one of World History: A Topical Approach primarily explains to the reader the
different arguments that people believe are true. There are many claims that scientist have found to
be very true, but then there are others who believe in a phenomenon quite different. Some scientists
date the beginning of existence as far as twenty billion years ago, but there are others who believe
that the world is really not that old. Human existence has taken its toll upon many great researchers
who have searched to understand human ancestry. It ... Show more content on ...
Even the book itself states that prior to Homo erectus, all hominids were found in Africa, the cradle
of human evolution. Darwin even targeted Africa as the birthplace of human existence. In terms of
the missing link, the first set of finds came from England, whose nearest non–human relatives were
from Africa. So everything that deals with the human existence relates back to Africa. This series of
studies makes you stop and think. Maybe our race was here first, and as time went on different
shades of colors were introduced. The many different shades of color moved to different regions of
the world to start their own culture and develop a civilization.
There are many different aspects of taking the development of the human existence. Some people
believe it originated in Europe and others believe something different. Who is to say who is right
and wrong? No one can judge just by the scientific facts that are presented within this text. The
search for this knowledge of human existence is only so close. People might even have to look to a
higher source for this means of knowledge. In other words, the only being that would know the
answer to all the questions is God. But until then, we must lean on the shoulders of our own people
to seek the knowledge for which we are looking.
The earliest civilizations have taught philosophers about many cultures. As people began to settle
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Homo Habilis Influence On Ancient Civilization
When we think about history, we often think of what we have come to know as history: the ancient
civilization of Greece and Egypt, the wars of kings and popes, and the discoveries that changed the
world. However, what about before all that? What about before the first permanent agriculture
developed? What about before society? What about before anyone was there to record what was
happening? Physical Anthropology answers those questions, as it relies on hard, calculable evidence
in the forms of DNA, morphology, and a whole slew of other hard facts. To understand prehistory,
we first must understand the ones who came before us. But who are we? Homo sapiens yes, but who
are our ancestors? While we are a descendant of many, one ancestor of ours is ... Show more content
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Their height averaged from 3 feet 4 inches, to 4 feet 5 inches, based on the fossils that we have
found. Through this, we can see that Homo habilis was not nearly as similar to us as perhaps Homo
erectus, but was on the track to greater stature. Habilis also had the long arms needed for living in
arboreal environments, although they themselves did not live in forests, but retained the
evolutionary tools to do so. In that way, habilis resembled a more primate like being (Dorey.) It also
had slightly curved in fingers, indicative of "knuckle dragging," or quadrupedalism. That being said,
habilis had a less prognathic face, meaning that its lower face was less protruding than its ape
cousins though it still stuck out slightly (smithsonian.) Aspects of habilis' skeletal structure confirm
that it walked on two legs, including the fact that its hips are slightly turned in and its back is far less
curved than its predecessors. Additionally, its legs were relatively short to what we today consider as
being normal, perhaps another sign of their fairly recent transition from quadrupedals to
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Homo Naledi : An Ancestral Investigation Of The Human Species
Homo naledi: An Ancestral Investigation of the Human Species There is no denying the fact that
fossil records show an excellent representation of species of the past. Details of human evolution
can also be identified and new discoveries are being found. Homo naledi is the most recent
discovery within the Homo genus. This new discovery could potentially be a very important key in
studying the evolution of the human species. H. naledi was first discovered in 2013 in South Africa.
Rick Hunter and Steven Tucker, two cavers, were exploring the Dinaledi Chamber of the Rising Star
cave in Gauteng when the fossils were discovered (Berger 4). The entrance to the cave is rather
narrow. This proposes many questions for scientists as to what this species was, what it did, and how
the members of this species found their way into this cave. The remains contained both skeletal and
dental fragments. Archeologists were able to identify over fifteen hundred bones from
approximately fifteen different members of this new species (Berger 4). Since the entrance of the
cave was so narrow, retrieving the fossils took cooperation, precision, and technology. Two
"underground astronauts" were lowered into the cave on a cable. They had cameras, which projected
an image onto a television screen for the other scientists on the project could be "in the cave" with
them. This technology made it possible for scientists all over the world to follow along with the
expedition. 3–D models of the fossils
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Similarities Between Homo Habilis, Homo Rudolfensis, And...
For a long time, it had been assumed that evolution happened in a systematic manner and that no
two or more species of human ancestors existed at the same time. Because of such an assumption, it
has become very hard to determine the exact ancestors when two populations dated to the same
geographical location and time. In this essay, I will discuss the difference between the Homo
Habilis, Homo Rudolfensis, and the Paranthropus Boisei in order to show why I believe the Homo
habilis is our direct ancestor despite the three populations having existed within the same region and
time span.
The fossils of Home habilis species were discovered by Dr Louis Leakey in Tanzania. Among the
distinguishing characteristics include the increased cranial size as compared to its ancestor, the
africanus. The fossil also indicated an increased grip hand size due to size and type of hand bones.
The other feature is that the fossil indicated a reduced size of the teeth. The evidence showed that
the ancestor had molars longer instead of wider. As a result of the increased grip, it was concluded
that this human ancestor used tools for survival. Homo habilis means the handy man because the
scientists thought the species to be the first to make tools (Denis, 2008).
Due to the features of their teeth type, these species are thought to have been consumers of softer
food and than their ancestors. According to the gathered evidence, scientists have been able to link
the evidence to the consumption of meat
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Homo Erectus Essay
Homo Erectus
In the quest to explain human origins it is necessary to find a species that bridges modern man
(Homo sapiens) with the apes. To fill this gap evolutionists have set forth Homo erectus, who lived
approximately 400,000 to 1.6 million years ago (Johanson and Shreeve1989). Although the
distinctions are somewhat vague, below the neck, Homo sapiens and Homo erectus are practically
Identical and Homo erectus was responsible for pioneering the use of standard tools (such as the
hand axe), big–game hunting, and the use of fire (Johanson and Shreeve1989).
You may know Homo erectus as "Java man" or "Peking man"( Johanson and Shreeve 1989). Erectus
was low of brow, thick of bone, endowed with a brain larger than that of its ... Show more content
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Other than this remarkable jump, the physical features stayed relatively constant over those 1.4
million years(Washburn, McCown 1972). Some anthropologists say that their supra–orbital ridges
were slightly more pronounced than previously, cranial bones were heavier and there was still no
protruding chin but their molars had decreased in size (Washburn, McCown 1972).
Foreheads began to develop in the later members of the species, most likely as a result of an
expanding frontal lobe (that part of the brain that we believe controls many of our higher functions
such as reasoning, foresight and concentration) (Johanson and Shreeve 1989). Homo erectus had a
lighter jaw than did Homo Habilis (Johanson and Shreeve 1989).
The following characteristics are generally accepted:
Skull low, broad and elongated Cranial capacity 750–1250 cc Median sagittal ridge Supraorbital
ridge Postorbital constriction Receding frontal contour Occipital bun or torus Nuchal area extended
for muscle attachment Cranial wall unusually thick Brain case narrower than zygomatic arch Heavy
facial architecture Large jaw, wide ramus No chin (mentum) Teeth generally large Post–cranial
bones heavy and thick Alveolar (maxilla) prognathism (Johanson and Shreeve 1992, 82 –83)
At least 222 fossils of Homo erectus have been found to date throughout Africa, Asia, Australia and
Europe that support these statistics
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Homo Habilis Lab Report
We measured the skulls of Homo erectus, Australopithecus, Homo habilis, and Neanderthals species
by measuring the widths, heights, and length of their craniums and the diameter of the eye socket
(orbit height). We used measuring tape and calipers to measure these skulls by adjusting the calipers
to a fast, for taking a precise measurement of the skull's width, height, and length. We did not
include the fins of some of these skulls when measuring the width; because these will make the
measurements and the Encephalization Quotient (EQ) inaccurate. After we had got the precise
measurement of each one of them at a time, we used a tape measure to gauge the distance between
the ends of the caliper and recorded all the measurements on the data sheet ... Show more content on ...
The cranium measurements of the Homo habilis specimen (1370) were 88 mm in height, 130 mm in
length, 84 mm in width and the orbit height is 30.5 mm. And the cranium measurements for
specimen (1470) were 94 mm in height, 157 mm in length, 112 mm in width and the orbit height is
32.5 mm. For Australopithecus Africans, its skull was the second smallest, and it is not much bigger
than that of Homo habilis. It has three specimens: the cranium measurements for the specimen
(STS5) were 99 mm in height, 134 mm in length and 99 mm in width and the orbit height is 26 mm.
The cranium measurements for specimen (AL280) were 96 mm in height, 124 mm in length and 132
mm in width and the orbit height is 30 mm. The cranium measurements for specimen (AL288) were
107 mm in height, 131 mm in length and 122 mm in width and the orbit height is 32 mm. Homo
erectus was the second largest based on its measurements. The cranium measurements for specimen
(KNMER 730) were 110 mm in height, 170 mm in length and 123 mm in width and the orbit height
is 31 mm. The cranium measurements for specimen (KNMWT 1500) were 122 mm in height, 142
mm in length and 125 mm in width and the orbit height is 38 mm. The cranium measurements for
specimen ( Asian) were 102 mm in height, 200 mm in length and 134 mm in width and the orbit
height is 36 mm. The skull of Neanderthals was the largest. The cranium measurements for
specimen (811/807) as 117 mm in height, 198 mm in length, 153 mm in width and orbit height of
43mm. The cranium measurements for specimen (LF) were 113 mm in height, 195 mm in length,
150 mm in width and orbit height of
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What Makes The Most Sense You Me?
Introduction Every person that you know today relates back to common ancestors. I am going to be
writing about 5 of them but there is a ginormous complicated tree of every ancestor of modern day
humans. Not everything is known and there are many opinions on what, where, and how things
happened so I will write about what theory makes the most sense to me. Also, this is all according to
the theory of evolution, and I am not saying that it is right, but it it what I am writing about.
Homo Habilis The Homo habilis dates back to between 2.1 and 1.5 million years ago and is one of
the earliest species in the genus Homo. The species name comes from the latin word habilis meaning
handy, skillful, and able. Homo Habilis had a larger brain than its ancestors and is thought of as the
first species in our timeline to use primitive tools. The tools, named Oldowan tools, are very simple
and didn 't have much variety. They looked like the head of a spear except the base of it is larger, so
there is something to hold onto; they were usually made of some kind of rock.
Homo Erectus The Homo erectus dates back to between 1.8 million years ago and 300 thousand
years ago. It is very important to the study of human evolution because it was the first species in the
homo genus to be found outside Africa. Many of the features that distinguish the Homo sapien from
its future and past relatives are seen in the skull. Its brain is larger than the Homo habilis but smaller
than all other future
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History And Evolution Of Africa
Africa played a pivotal role in human evolution. It's the site of the beginning of human evolution, as
they slowly evolved from their primitive ancestors and continued to evolve for millions of years. A
majority of the fossils, some dating back almost 7 million years, are found in Africa. As ancient
humans migrated out of Africa they stayed close to the coast. Scientists have been able to trace their
migration to areas around the Indian Ocean, South Asia, and even as far down as Australia, also
referred to as Out of Africa Theory (OOA) by many scientists.
By examining these fossils scientist have discovered a plethora of early human and pre–human
species. In central Chad fossils of Sahelanthropus tchadensis have been discovered, dating between
6 and 7 million years. Some researchers believe that Sahelanthropus tchadensis is the common
ancestors that links humans and chimpanzees. In Ethiopia Ardipithecus ramidus fossils, the earliest
known biped, have been found dating back 4.5 million years ago. Bipedalism was a major shift in
early evolution that many scientist attribute to climate and diet change. It arose around 4.2 – 3.5
million years ago when hominids began moving away from areas that had dense trees and foliage to
savanna areas. Savanna habitats are primarily made up of tall grasses, giving bipeds an advantage;
allowing them to have a new elevated eye position and reduced their exposure to solar energy. Not
only did it allow hominids to be able to see over the tall
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Olduvai Gorge: Impact Of The Excavation Site
Olduvai Gorge In this paper I will be discussing the impact of the excavation site Olduvai Gorge had
on the world as it holds the most important key to understanding human history. Over the course of
six pages I will be investigating the geological importance of site, the people behind the dig, the
significance of the find, and life of our ancestors millions of years ago. The purpose of this essay is
to dig deeper into Olduvai Gorge as it plays a major role in history and anthropology. To truly
understand why Olduvai Gorge became the most important location in the world to hold ancient
artifacts is the geology. Olduvai Gorge is a ravine in the East Africa's Great Rift Valley that is
located on the outskirts of Tanzania. Millions of years ... Show more content on ...
Both Leakey's were anthropologist who were motivated to live through harsh climate of Tanzania,
paid very little, and lost a lot of respect from the anthropology community to explore Africa to find
the earliest known human. At the time no one would've expected the earliest known human to be
there as most anthropologists believed human were not from Africa. The team arrived in the early
1930's at Olduvai Gorge trying to find at least one fossil to prove their theory. For decades they
found many ancient of mammal fossils, stone tools, and evidence that intelligent life once lived in
the surrounding area but, not one hominid fossil. The search was starting to become very hopeless
and tiresome but, on July 17th, 1959 Mary Leakey saw a bone sticking out of the ground and with a
little bit of investigation she realized it looked very similar to hominid teeth. She called he husband
to gather the excavation team to the site to start digging to see what else they could uncover. They
found hundreds of skull fragments which when they reconstructed it proved the existence of early
hominids in East Africa. This discovery would rock the anthropology community as hard evidence
proved Mary and Louis Leakey right about their theory. The skull was classified as Australopithecus
Boisei and held a nickname with the Leakey's as "Dear Boy." After this groundbreaking discovery
nearly two years later Louis's son Jonathan found a second type of hominid known as Homo Habilis
in the same dig site. Both of these fossils would not be the last major discoveries as their finds
brought paleoanthropological and anthropologist from all over the world to East Africa where tons
of more skeletal bones were found. The Leake's stayed in Africa for another six decades searching
for more answer about our
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Human Origins : The Cusp Of Evolution Essay
Summer Musser
Human Origins F15
The Cusp of Evolution
The past works in mysterious way allowing small pieces to leak through to the surface that will one
day reveal the answers to the most prominent questions. Ian Tattersall made the claim that in 2012
"...there is nothing in the fossil record that we can regard as a convincing intermediate between any
australopith or "early Homo" and the Turkana Boy (Tattersall, 2012, p.94)." In his argument it was
difficult to find the missing link that pulled the last species in the Australopith genus, A. Sediba, and
the first Homo Species, H. Habilis. The gap was too much of a gray area to even make a definitive
speculation according to the fossil records where there is nothing. When Homo Habilis was
discover, there were very few specimens to analyze and produce a conclusion is this was the cusp of
evolution that many scientists were pondering. They were still searching for more, and this search
brought them to the Cradle of Humanity where many specimens have been found along with what is
perceived as the last Australopithecus, A. Sediba. This species was found by Lee Burger in the
eroded cave system known as Malapa. The features of Sediba were still pretty primitive with having
a small brain, longer limbs, and a slightly protruding face. Once they started to die off or some
scientist believe began to interbred, came the Early Homo. Homo Habilis and Homo Erectus (H.
Ergaster) were the evolutionary species that graced the plains of Africa
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Homo Erectus Research Paper
Homo erectus was considered close to Homo sapiens or the modern man because of their body
anatomy that allowed them to stand and walk upright (Castro). Another notable characteristic was
the appearance of long legs and arms in the proportion to the torso that resembled the features of the
modern man. According to scientists, these features mean that they had lost their ability to climb
trees and were living on the ground, unlike their predecessors (Gauthier).
The teeth of Homo erectus showed evidence of formation similar to that of ancient apes ("Homo
Erectus"). Its other superior nature is believed to be its ability to use stone tools such as hand axes.
There is also evidence of showing concern for their old ones and ensuring their well–being
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The Evolution Of The Homo
Our homo ancestors date back to about 2.5 million years ago. Classification of the genus Homo into
species and subspecies remains poorly defined and subject to incomplete information, leading to
difficulties in binomial naming, and the use of common names, such as "Neanderthal" and
"Denisovan". With that being said, many people get a misunderstanding when discussing our homo
ancestors. The biggest issue is knowing what a species are actually apart of the genus homo and who
isn't. Several species, including Australopithecus garhi, Australopithecus sediba, Australopithecus
africanus, and Australopithecus afarensis, have been proposed as the direct ancestor of the Homo
lineage. These species have morphological features that align them with ... Show more content on ...
Homo habilis had smaller molars and larger brains than the australopithecines, and made tools from
stone and perhaps animal bones. One of the first known hominids, it was nicknamed 'handy man ' by
discoverer Louis Leakey due to its association with stone tools. Some scientists have proposed
moving this species out of Homo and into Australopithecus due to the morphology of its skeleton
being more adapted to living on trees rather than to moving on two legs like Homo sapiens. Homo
rudolfensis findings in Kenya have been suggested to be Homo habilis, but scientists are unsure.
The fossils found from these two species are said to be from about 1.8 million years ago.
Homo georgicus, named after the country Georgia, is said to possibly be an intermediate form
between Homo erectus and Homo habilis or a sub species of Homo erectus.
Homo erectus lived from about 1.8 million to about 70,000 years ago. Many scientist believe that
the early stages of erectus, about 1.8 to 1.2 million years ago, is a separate species called Homo
ergaster, seen as a sub species of erectus. In the early Pleistocene, 1.5–1 Ma, in Africa some
populations of Homo habilis are thought to have evolved more complex brains and made more
elaborate stone tools; these differences and others are sufficient for anthropologists to classify them
as a new species, Homo erectus.
The next two species are said to be a mix between Homo
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Homo Erectus Culture
The biology and culture of the Homo erectus that led to its success relative to earlier hominids is
that it had a body shape similar to the Turkana boy who was bipedal and had a closely related body
to humans. The erectus body proportion was long and linear–adapted to tropical conditions as well.
Their skull was longer than it was wide, angular from the side, a sagittal keel, bar–like supraorbital
torus, occipital torus, and greatest breadth is low. The body plan of a H.erectus is very much more
like that of a living human having a ratio of arm length to leg length. With this change in the body
structure it showed that there is a pattern of bipedal locomotion. It soon became completely
committed to terrestrial life by adopting a fully modern
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Life And Discoveries Of Louis Leakey
The Life and Discoveries of Louis Leakey
Me: Hi and welcome to this is your life. Tonight's guest is the one and only Louis Leakey. (Throws
arms in the air in excitement then adjusts glasses).
Louis: Um ... Hi
Me: (Laughs awkwardly) Anyway... Louis along with his wife Mary were both very passionate
about their research into evolution and proving Darwin's Out of Africa theory.
Louis: Oh yes, yes together we created many research questions we wished to investigate. Some of
these questions were how do the remains of animals and or tools excavated in Africa inform and
contribute to theory of evolution? In what ways do the tools found near Kikuyu corroborate with
previous discovers to initiate the fundamental ideas of the out of Africa ... Show more content on ...
In 1922 he started studies at Cambridge, he then left to help manage a paleontological expedition to
Africa. He returned in 1925 to resume his studies, and graduated with a degree in anthropology and
archaeology in 1926 (A Century of the Leakey Family in East Africa, n.d.).
Me: After his then infamous scandal and Cambridge University turning their back on him Louis
Leakey began his own expeditions (Encyclopedia Britannica, 2013), in Tanzania where he explored
the fossil rich strata of Olduvai Gorge (Figure 4). In 1937 he once gain returned to his home and
instigated an ethnological study into the Kikuyu. By 1945, with funds running out and wife Mary
along with two young sons to support, Leakey took the position of curator at the Kenya National
Museum (Bowman–Kruhm, M.2005).
Louis: Don't forget that as well as working as a curator I worked for the British government, in the
late 30's to early 50's to help stop the spread of anti–British propaganda (Encyclopedia Britannica,
Me: Okay.... (Rolls eyes) Of more significance to his career, in 1947, Leakey put forth, the first Pan–
African Congress of Prehistory. Luckily for him this venture helped improve his incredibly damaged
reputation due to its remarkable success (Bowman–Kruhm, M. 2005).
Louis: Yes, that moment was the real turning point of my career. In 1948 my wife and I made an
encouraging discovery. We were lucky enough to discover the fossilized teeth, jaws and half skull of
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The Evolution of Modern Humans
While time travel still remains elusive to us, scientists have been able to discover things about our
past as a species that were practically inconceivable over 150 years ago when Charles Darwin
released his book entitled The Origin of Species. They have especially uncovered many pieces to
our still incomplete puzzle over the past 20 years so that we now have a nearly complete idea of
how our species Homo sapiens came to be. This story of our history includes dozens of species' and
hundreds of fossils and bones, yet fairly few complete or even partial skeletons. Hominids have
gone through many changes to get from one of our earliest species' Ardipithecus ramidus to Homo
sapiens which scientists have been able to discover ... Show more content on ...
The lower part, where it meets the ankle, is fairly wide and thick so it acted as a "shock absorber"
whilst walking. Members of the Australopithecus anamensis species also had long forearms and
wrist bone features which suggest tree climbing. They were thickly–built with long narrow jaws.
Their side rows of teeth were in parallel lines and were heavily enameled which entails that they ate
hard, abrasive foods such as nuts, but researchers also believe that they also ate fruits. These
hominids were possibly the size of modern female chimpanzees and there is evidence of sexual
dimorphism. (Leakey et al, 1995; White et al, 2006) Discovered in 1974, Australopithecus afarensis
is one of the most famous early hominids and they are the direct descendants of Australopithecus
anamensis. Australopithecus afarensis as a species was not named until 1978, after many fossil
discoveries of the same type were found at sites in Hadar, Ethiopia and Laetoli, Tanzania. Some of
the fossils categorized as a part of this species were found as early as in the 1930's. They were
around for more than 900,000 years which makes them the longest lived species and there are over
300 sets of remains of Australopithecus afarensis. One of the most famous hominid skeletons is 3.2
million year old "Lucy" (AL 288–1), discovered by Donald Johanson and Maurice Taieb in Hadar,
Ethiopia in 1974. She was nicknamed the night she was discovered
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The Theory Of Natural Selection
A theory discovered by Charles Darwin, and released to the public in 1859, answered many
questions for scientists who weren't able to figure it out. Using the Theory of Natural Selection, he
came up with the Theory of Evolution. In the Evolution theory, it states the genes that allow a
species to thrive are passed down from parent to offspring and it also provides us with an insight of
the changes an organism goes through over time, in which it relies on Natural Selection to do so.
Despite doubters and opposers, there has been lots of evidence to prove it such as Biogeography,
Biochemistry, relative dating, embryology, and homology. Biogeography refers to the distribution of
plants and animals, while biochemistry refers to DNA similarity ... Show more content on ...
In order to do so, I had to find the opisthocranion–opisthion distance and the opisthocranion–orale
distance for the bipedalism, the maxillary angle for prognathism, and the height, length, and width
of the skull to find the cranial capacity. The ardipithecus ramidus has an opisthion index of 32, the
australopithecus aethiopicus is 27.3 cm, the australopithecus afarensis is 22.2222 cm, the
australopithecus africanus is 27.58 cm, the australopithecus boisei is 28.12 cm, the homo erectus is
34.5 cm, the homo habilis is 30.8 cm, the homo heidelbergensis is 26.7 cm, the homo
neanderthalensis is 43.75 cm, the homo sapiens are 72.72727272 cm, and the sahelanthropus
tchadensis is 23.333 cm. Based on MY data, all of the tested skulls were bipedal organisms who
could walk on two legs. Using the same order as a while ago, the maxillary angle were 27, 39, 85,
102, 47, 56, 90, 59, 75, 42, and 70 degrees. So out of the fourteen skulls, about 6 of them were
prognathic, meaning they have the lower jaw sticking out. Using the same order as a while ago, the
cranial capacity of the skulls were about 622.04, 1,431.13, 850.85, 975.46, 1,884.96, 1,744.64,
964.86, 1,446.45, 1,979.21, 2,243.102, and 942.48cm^3. The skull with the biggest capacity are the
homo sapiens, while the ardipithecus ramidus had the smallest. My data shows how the current
human skull has evolved a lot from our ancestors in many ways. Based off my data and information,
I predict that the climate and
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The Oldowan And The Acheulean
There are manifold stone tool industries, however there are two especially prevalent
technocomplexes; the Oldowan and the Acheulean. Although perhaps not the most intricate
instances of implement development, they are the oldest and describe their creators' lifestyles;
information that would otherwise be all but lost. The gradual evolution of these tools over millions
of years portray a clear change in the users acclimatisation to new and varied environments, as well
as their cultural adaptations. This essay will aim to analyse, through comparison, the varying
behavioural adaptations of early Homonins, taking into account the factors of diet, ranging patterns,
and the development of social behaviour.
Oldowan technology was first discovered at the Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania, site in the 1930s by Lewis
and Mary Leakey. It has been dated to approximately 2.5 to 1.5 million years ago during the late
Pliocene and early Pleistocene (Potts 1981:153), predating any other form of currently known lithic
industries. Acheulean technology is more recent, dated to between 1.7 to 1.5 million years ago using
radiometric dating from volcanic ash (White 1998:15). It was named after Saint–Acheule, Somme,
France, where Jacques Boucher de Crèvecœur de Perthes discovered the site in 1859, although John
Frere has been credited to its 1797 discovery. In terms of appearance, Oldowan tools can essentially
be seen as "pebbles" altered to become sharp through the procedure of "relatively simple
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Hominins Sapienn Ancestor
Homo Sapiens sapienn Ancestor In tracing the direct ancestors of Homo sapiens sapiens, the five
consequent Hominins I would include in the timeline of human evolutions: Australopithecus
afarensis and africanus, Homo habilis, Homo erectus, Archaic Homo sapiens, and Homo
Neanderthal. In 3.6 million years ago, Australopithecus afarensis is considered the earliest hominins
that are close relative to Homo. Afarensis had slender body built, but relatively larger than modern
humans, but with smaller brains, and a prognathic face. In 1975, the discovery of Lucy commonly
referred as "first family", reveals evidence of bipedalism. In 3.3 million years ago, Australopithecus
africanus is considered extinct classified species as hominin. Africanus remain
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The Analysis Of The Foot Bones Of Homo Nadedi
The news is about the analysis of the foot bones of Homo nadedi, whose remains were discovered
within the Dinaledi Chamber of the Rising Star cave system in South Africa. It was introduced to the
public recently and assigned to the genus Homo provisionally. Study indicates that H. naledi was
well adapted for standing and walking on two feet, but was also possibly comfortable climbing
trees, which was described as a "messiness" of bipedal walking in the title. This news item is based
The Foot of Homo Naledi in Nature Communications, which indicates that H. naledi foot is
predominantly human–like in morphology and inferred function.
From my perspective, the news item and the original article are overall both scientific, persuasive
and precisely reasoned.
First, the results of study are derived from plenty of samples. The news item points out that modern
human (Homo sapien) and Homo naledi both are part of the Homo genus. The Homo genus and the
Australopithecus genus are referred to as hominins. In the original article, researchers not only
compare foot of H. naledi with that of H. sapiens, but also gather samples (e.g. G. gorilla, Pan
troglodytes, Au. Africanus, Au. Sediba, Au. Afarensis, Au ramidus, H. floresiensis, Neanderthal etc.)
from several different museums. The abundant samples enable researchers to come up with rational
conclusion through plenty of comparison. The news item mentions that Homo genus also includes
Homo erectus and Homo
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Essay On Australopithecus Sediba
With all of the knowledge that has been obtained since the beginning of the exploration into
Anthropology there is still many things we do not know. In fact the very order in which our
evolutionary cycle is arranged is still under debate to this day. However, through reading the book,
watching the videos, and through my own knowledge I believe that there is roughly 7 subspecies of
ancestors in which fall between the time of Australopithecus sediba and Homo erectus.
Starting with Australopithecus sediba which was found by the young boy in the first video was dated
back roughly 1.8 million years ago. The reason the Australopithecus sediba was said to be the bridge
between Homo and Australopithecus because is resigned more closely to that of Homo erectus. A.
sediba was a ... Show more content on ...
This species was dated from 2.4 to 1.5 million years ago (Human Evolution). As you can see many
of the species overlap one another and that is why our cycle is so differentiating. The Homo habilis
was one of the fist species to make and use primitive stone tools to hunt (Human Evolution). It was
around 5 foot tall and had a brain much bigger that Australopithecus but still smaller than that of
Homo erectus. He walk on two feet and resembled man much more that primate. It also had a very
large area in the brain that supports language which also promotes a potential for culture (Human
Lastly, we come to Homo erectus which date back from 1.8 million years to about 200,000 years
ago. Homo erectus has been found in Africa and Asia which makes it the first wide ranging species
of its kind (Human Evolution). Despite the look of Homo erectus's skull it was very similar body
structure to that of a humans. Homo erectus is also thought to be the first hominid to use fire and
have a true sence of culture (Human Evolution). Though it was probably dramatically different than
what we see
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Psy 201 Week 1 Evolution Research Paper
According to Ms. Witsaman, evolution is not the theory of how life began, which is a common
misconception nowadays, but the theory of how life has changed over time. Theories are predictions
which are backed up by several evidences and supported by scientists. The evidences that scientists
use now to prove include fossils, homologous structures, analogous structures, vestigial structures,
embryology, biogeography, and biochemicals. Fossils are the remains of living things that once
roamed the Earth. Homologous structure are structures shared by different organisms that have
similar structure but different functions. Analogous structures are the opposite, they have similar
functions but completely different structure.Vestigial structures are ... Show more content on ...
I have to assume that the skulls that were closest to walking on four legs lived in environments with
a lot of trees and high grounds. That being said, now I have to assume that our ancestors eventually
found it easier to live in long plains and migrated which made them lose the need to be efficient on
all fours, thus leading to bipedalism.
My hypothesis is was not supported since there was not a single organism that walked on four legs
according to my data. I realized that just the general shape and condition of the skull didn't correlate
with how old it was, but the cranial capacity was the major determining factor. Every time humans
evolved the need for their mental capacity increased and that's evident in the skulls: the oldest
having the smallest cranial capacity, the most recent having the largest cranial capacity. I also want
to say that according to my data, our ancestors didn't all just start walking on two legs one day, but
the need to walk on two legs wasn't there for a couple of our ancestors which is why some are so
close to not being able to walk on two legs at all. That leads me to say that bipedalism was not
dependant on when an organism was alive but where an organism was alive. As for prognathism, I
also believe that
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Compare And Contrast: The Biology Of The Homo Erectus
Culturally, the Homo erectus was very successful compared to the other hominids because they had
strong families. They multiplied and produced strong offspring as well. Aside from strong famlies,
the Homo Erectus' utilized fire which made them sucessful as well. They used fire to stay warm, to
cook their meats and other foods, and it was a tool to protect them against predators as well. The
biology of Homo Erectus consists of a reduced size in the face, which includes their jaws and teeth.
They also have a much bigger body and brain than Homo Habilis'. The Homo Erectus have pretty
short arms and fairly long legs. The Homo Erectus had great access to animal food sources and had
the ability to hunt, therefore they had sufficient protein in their
... Get more on ...
Human Evolution: Homo Habilis And Neanderthals
Human Evolution Process
The evolutionary of human living has taken place over millions of years of geological time. It has
evolved millions of generations, and billions of individuals. The human evolution is not
understandable completely yet. Evolutionary change within a population can take place at different
time and different rates, which yield different consequences. This process still taking place in the
natural selection and human evolution. One species may be merged to the new species or developed
to the next stage of the same species. Homo Habilis, Homo Erectus, Homo Heidelbergensis, and
Neanderthals were the close ancestors of modern human, which developed from Australopithecus
First, Homo Habilis was considered as the earliest ... Show more content on ...
They were found in Africa 600–200kya, Asia 200–130kya, and European 800–200kya. They had big
cranial capacity. They were using Acheulean tools. They led to the development of Neanderthal, the
closed ancestor of modern human. They occupied the continents from 130–30kya. There fossils
were excavated in Neander Valley, Germany in 1856 by C. Fuhlrott. Their cranial and postcranial
features were close to the modern human. They had thin cranial bone, which the capacity was about
1500cc; barrel–chested; and short distal limb segment. Neanderthal climate had changed
significantly to cold weather. According to Bergmann's and Allen's rule, populations living in cold
climates tend to have larger body (trunk) sizes and shorter extremities than those living in warm
regions ("Human Biological Adaptability: Adapting to Climate Extremes"). Neanderthals developed
Mousterian Tool Industry with greater variety of more standardized tool type. The high quality raw
material was occasionally used. They used tools for cutting plant material, meat, scraping hides, and
sharping tools. Sometimes, shaped bone was used as raw material. Those tools were stable over time
and space. There are some new evidences that the Neanderthal had showed the artistic expression.
At more than 39,000 years old, the etchings rival in age the oldest cave art in Europe – and they are
the first to be unquestionably done by a Neanderthal (Rodríguez–Vidal, J. et
... Get more on ...

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The Evolution Of Humans And Humans

  • 1. The Evolution Of Humans And Humans Humans have existed on Earth for approximately 3.4 million years. The oldest known human ancestor is "Lucy," an Australopithecus. Over this extensive period of time, humans have evolved significantly. Homo Sapiens have grown from 3 to almost 6 feet (average), lost most of the body hair, became leaner and adapted to walking. Humans have come a long way, from Australopithecus to Homo sapiens, from living in trees to living in cities. Slowly, through hundreds of thousands of years, we mutated over and over again, natural selection ensuring that no destructive mutations continue. From the slow evolution, four distinctive species emerged and died out, each giving way to its ' descendant: Homo Habilis, Homo Erectus, Homo Sapiens Neanderthalesis, and Homo sapiens Sapiens. The Australopithecines were the first to walk upright, or became bipedal, although rather clumsily. Their walk was unsteady, judging by their bone structure (Figure 1.), and they most likely were quadrupedal the majority of the time. The Australopithecines had a brain about the size of an orange, high up cheekbones, and big molars. They were about three feet tall, and had small thumbs. Australopithecines, while definitely possessing some human characteristics, humans are still much closer to the chimps. Australopithecines were vegetarians; even if they knew that animals were edible, they still had no reliable means of killing animals for food. About 2 million years ago, highly evolved Australopithecines made the ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Homo Floresiensis Evolution Homo Floresiensis, also known as "hobbit" were discovered by scientist in Eastern Indonesia on the island Flores, which is also what they were named after. In total twelve indigenous human remains were found. To date, there are not a large range of fossils that have been found and there appears to be ongoing studies to uncover more information concerning this species. Therefore, this paper will explore the geographical location, age, anatomy, and the origin of these fossils, in an attempt to conclude if in fact the H. Floresiensis were an isolated population and if they are of a human or non –human descent. The geographic location of Homo Floresiensis ("Flores Man"; also known as the "hobbit") was discovered in Indonesia on the small island ... Show more content on ... There are several sources, such as handmade tools to hunt, cook, and start fires that have been found, proving that they were self–sufficient and functioning. Therefore, this highlights that being geographically isolated does not make them a "species". Considering that the Bible does not use the term "species" to describe God's creations, creationist dee, it ridiculous and confusing for people to continue defining H. Floresiensis as such. Which have lead creationists to conclude that God created all of mankind, and although "Hobbits" have distinct differences in their features and location, it does not make them any less descendants of mankind. Research suggest, that creationist authors have a general agreement on the placement of the H. Floresiensis. Their general consensus is that these fossils should not be placed in a separate category from Homo Sapiens, because all evidence points to indication of humanity. Additionally, creation authors collectively conclude that yes, they can agree with scientist that H. Floresiensis are descendants of Homo erectus, as they view Homo erectus descendants of homo sapiens as well. Making "Hobbits" just another variety of humankind ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. A Paper On The Genus Hominins Essay This is going to be a paper on the genus Hominins. Hominins are early human ancestors the first being Sahelanthropus Tchadensis and ends with Homo Sapiens. A specie is a group of similar animals, or plants and in our case homo, paranthropus and australopithecus that can interbreed between each other and have a direct connection in lineage.A genus is a grouping of alike and related species that all share in many traits. It is an overview of species that are different enough to be put in one group but similar to be put under an umbrella term. In this paper it will take about the later half of the hominin genus, from Homo rudolfensis to Homo sapiens. We will be taking a look into how they are connected if they are, why I did not connect others and the culture behind it all. Homo rudolfensis was found in 1986 by V.P. Alexeev . 2.4–1.8 Million years ago. Rudolfensis maybe one of the first Homo Species and can maybe be traced back to kenyanthropus platyops. Many believed at first glance Homo erectus was close to Homo habilis because they shared many of the same features, were found near each other and dated to around the same time to 2.4 to 1.8 million years ago for habilis 2.3 to 1.5 million years ago for rudolfensis. Both are put under scrutiny because many believe that due to the case of them having longer faces and bigger molars that they are from Australopithecus and should be placed with them.Making them an australopithecus would mean that it had the largest brain ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. The Anatomy Of The Anthropology Department That I Found My name is Sean Keefe and I am an intern for the recently deceased Harvey Manfrenjensenjen. While sorting through samples I came across 6 hominin skulls that lack analysis. In this project, I am going to explain and talk about the six skulls in the Anthropology Department that I found. To do this, I will use what I have learned in lecture, as well as numerous outside sources to describe three defining characteristics for each skull. Additionally, I will provide necessary information about each skull if needed. After that, I will put the fossil samples in evolutionary order form the oldest to the youngest. Lastly, I will include a family tree that shows age comparison and ancestral relationships between the homonids. The first skull that I observed in the Anthropology Department belongs to Australopithecus robustus. Australopithecus robustus was first named by the eminent Dr. Robert Broom. The A. robustus leftovers generally come from three different sites: Swartkrans (largest), Dreimulen, and Kromdraai. One of the major problems with these South African sites is dating, but generally, robustus remains can be safely placed from 2.0–1.0 myr, and possibly even earlier. Australopithecus robustus has many features that are specifically distinct to A. robustus. This skull has very thick jaws; small incisors, canines, large, molar–like premolars and very large molars. The height of Australopithecus robustus is between 1.1–1.3 meters, and the weight is between 40–80 Kg. The ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Evolutionary Relatives, The Apes, By Jared Diamond To begin, Diamond talks about our evolutionary relatives, the apes. The history of humanity began in Africa about seven million years ago, when the African apes evolved into three categories. They evolved into gorillas, chimps, and humans. The earliest species of humans, Homo Habilis and Homo Erectus, became closer to modern humans in physical traits about 2.5 million years ago. One million years ago, Homo Erectus began to migrate out of Africa to Europe, Australia, Asia, etc. Homo sapiens first appeared around half a million years ago, having evolved from Homo Erectus. There is no perfect definition of Homo sapiens and therefore no exact date for when they first appeared. Still, scientists and anthropologists usually agree that Homo ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. Homo Habilis Essay Homo Habilis Hominids with a brain absolutely and relatively larger than that of the australopithecines appeared about 2.3 million years ago. These hominids are classified in our own genus: Homo. The earliest species to appear was the Homo Habilis. It was the first of our ancestors to show a significant increase in brain size and also the first to be found associated with stone tools. These characteristics resulted in this species' placement into the human genus, Homo. Discovery The first fossil was found in 1960 when a team led by scientists Louis and Mary Leakey uncovered the fossilized remains of a unique early human at Olduvai Gorge in Tanzania. Because this early human had a combination of features different from those seen in ... Show more content on ... Dental microwear studies suggest that the diet of H. habilis was flexible and versatile and that they were capable of eating a broad range of foods, including some tougher foods like leaves, woody plants, roots, berries and some animal tissues (birds and insects), but that they did not routinely consume or specialize in eating hard foods like brittle nuts or seeds, dried meat, or very hard tubers. They also were scroungers who even ate dead animals that they found left by other larger predators. Surviving and Toolmaking Homo is a Latin word meaning 'human' or 'man'. The word habilis is based on a Latin word meaning 'handy' or 'skilful'. This species is known as 'handy man' because stone tools were found near its fossil remains and it is assumed this species had developed the ability to modify stone into tools. Homo habilis is thought to have mastered the Lower Paleolithic Olduwan tool set which used stone flakes. These stone flakes were more advanced than any tools previously used, and gave H. habilis the edge it needed to prosper in hostile environments previously too formidable for primates. By a method called direct percussion, a core stone called a biface was hit with a hammer stone to produce flakes. The biface was made into choppers called the Oldawan pebble ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. The Developement of Civilization Essay The Developement of Civilization According to Webster's Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary, civilization is "a relatively high level of cultural and technological development, specifically the stage of cultural development at which writing and the keeping of written records is attained". Other sources trace the meaning of civilization to political, economic, military and social structures as well as the heightened intellectual and artistic aspects of life (Spielvogel,xxxi). Civilization developed as the crises of everyday life necessitated change. As history progresses, we study our past in search of guidance and other crucial information to help us along the way. The study of civilization also plays as an agent to defer us from ... Show more content on ... It is taken from the fossils of these people that language may well have began in this form of human (Lerner,8). They had enlarged cavities in the front of the neck. Soon different dialects would run rampant. These people, the Neanderthals, were also nomadic. They followed the herds along their migratory patterns and gathered other sustenance consisting mostly of plants and their roots along the way. It is believed that approximately 400,000 years ago, Homo erectus learned to use fire (Lerner,9). They also began to travel farther distances, for the earliest evidence of the wheel used in travel was found to be in 35,000 BCE (Calder,54). There is conflicting information as to when the Homo erectus began evolving into the Homo sapien. Some say it was in 28,000 BCE (Lerner,9), others say it was between 18,000 and 13,000 BCE (Spielvogel,3). Facts would point to the earlier years, where the Sumerian city–states, Egyptian Civilization (especially the Old Kingdom), and cuneiform began to emerge. "Groups of people advanced beyond their old hunting grounds at a rate of only two or three miles per generation (Spielvogel,3)." They began making waterproof shelters of their own. With this new advance in addition to the discovery and use of fire, man was able to move to climates other than the reasonably comfortable settlements of ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. Evolution : The Ancestor Of Humans Evolution is the change of an organism, over time the organism have change to be more adapted to the environment that they are surrounded in order to live. By evolve that mean that their structure will change, for an example, their skeleton structure however the ancestor skeleton structure are some what similar to the more recent organisms. For instant, fossil is a great example for evolution, fossil is the remains of organisms that use to be alive, when scientist examine the fossil they found that there are similarities between related living organism. There are other evidence for evolution which are homologous structures, analogous structures, and vestigial structures. Homologous is when it have a similar structure but different ... Show more content on ... Then multiply the height, width, and length by .5236 to get the cranial capacity. Repeat the process for the rest of the skull. Data table and calculation: Name Opisthocranion–opisthion distance (cm) (A) Opisthocranion–orale distance (cm) (B) Opisthion index (A/B)x100 Maxillary angle Height (H) Width (W) Length (L) CC (LxWxH)*.5236 Ardipithecus ramidus 5 14 35.71 80 8.5 10 11 489.57 Australopithecus aethiopicus 4.5 21 21.43
  • 16. 40 10 12 14 879.65 Australopithecus afarensis 3 14.5 20.69 50 10.5 10.5 13 750.45 Australopithecus africanus 6 18 33.33 95 11 9 12.5 647.96 Australopithecus boisei 8 20 40 90 21 15.5 14.5 2471.26 Homo erectus 6.5 19 34.21 95 12.5 12.5 16.5 1349.9 Homo habilis 4 15 26.67 45
  • 17. 10.5 10 13.5 742.2 Homo heidelbergensis 5 17.5 28.57 50 12 12.5 15.5 1217.37 Homo neanderthalensis 7 20.5 34.15 60 14 15 18 141.37 Homo sapiens 8 11 12.7 100 16 14 17 3808 Sahelanthropus tchadensis 4 16.5 24.24 90 9 9.5 15.5 693.9 Observation: In the Homos groups the similarity oare the eyes and the nose, over time the nose hole is getting bigger and the eyebrows are getting more flat then the ancestors. Also the cheekbones were getting more into the skull over time. In the Australopithecus groups their face were flat compared to the homos face and the eyebrows were going out of the skull compared to the homos.
  • 18. Also the cheekbones were more wider over time. The Sahelanthropus were different to the homos and to ... Get more on ...
  • 19.
  • 20. Darwin's On The Origin Of Species: The Theory Of Evolution As humans evolve, they will change. Through the years, humans will both change mentally and physically. Through research and reasoning, people can only predict what might be the next human evolution. Much of what is predicted is based on the world that humans live in today. Some day, humans might be even be able to change their own genetics as science and technology advances. Ideas of Evolution– Evolution represents the biological timeline between all living things around the world. This idea or theory of evolution is called Darwinism. The idea of evolution was first published in a book called On the Origin of Species by Charles Darwin. The theory of evolution greatly contradicts the idea of creationism in religion that all living ... Show more content on ... With the help of technology, humans are easily able to defend themselves from animals they see, while around one million years ago, many humans died easily to the abundant predators ruling the world. Today, humans also have less ways to die. Back then, people could die easily from being starved, being mauled by animals, and being killed by other human tribes. Today, with law enforcement and abundance in supplies these ways to die are very rare. On million years ago, hunter–gatherers died at an average age of thirty–years–old, but today, humans mostly died at age seventy–two. Because technology is expected to advance, so will life expectancy. In just one hundred and fifty years, human's average height increased by at least 10 cm or around 4 inches. One of the main reasons why humans are growing taller is because of the abundant food supplies and nutrition. With more nutrition, humans' body are able to store that nutrition and transform it into energy that is necessary for humans to grow. In the future, with more stress on eating nutritious food and eating less junk food, humans are expected to grow ... Get more on ...
  • 21.
  • 22. Evolution Of The Modern Day Human Essay The modern day human has not existed for very long, in fact its one of the recent species to populate the Earth. Before modern day humans or Homo sapiens sapiens as we are scientifically known as, existed a similar yet less developed Homo genus named Homo erectus/ Homo ergaster. Evidence of these species dates back to over 1.9 million years ago and up to as recently as 70,000 years ago in which the evidence can be found in Africa, Europe and Asia. In this essay I will firstly provide a general timeline, providing key dates and phases of evolution. I will then discuss my findings from the research I have collected as well as information provided by expert insights and discoveries. I will explain the cause for the expansion from Africa to Europe and Asia and lastly I will elaborate on the established branches of Homo erectus and how the different Homo genus came to exist. Timeline The Homo genus dates back almost three million years. The Homo habilis species was the first in the Homo genus and is believed to have initially developed 2.8 mya (million years ago) in East Africa before becoming extinct 1.5 mya. This occurred during the Lower Paleolithic period (2.7 mya – 200 kya) in which the very first stone tools were created and mastered named the Oldowan stone industry. H. habilis were the first fully bipedial species which allowed them to travel further than their quadrupedial ancestors. Having covered most of Africa, the H. habilis was then able to manufacture stone tool ... Get more on ...
  • 23.
  • 24. S. Tchadensis Essay One of the earliest ancestors of homo sapiens that are known of is the tchadensis which is a member of the genus Sahelanthropus. The S. tchadensis is a primitive human that lived about 7 million to 6 million years ago, it is believed that they lived in areas that would require walking on two feet such as grasslands, as a result the S. tchadensis had the ability to partially walk on two feet. As time went by the S. tchadensis evolved into the tugenensis, which is a member of the genus Orrorin. The main difference between the S. tchadensis and the O. tugenensis is that the O. tugenensis developed two femur bones which are used for walking on two feet, the O. tugenensis was around from about 6 to 5.8 million years ago. The third genus in human evolution came into existence about 5.8 million years ago and was named Ardipithecus, this genus has two known members kadabba and ramidus. ... Show more content on ... kadabba came lasted from about 5.8 to 5.2 million years ago and the A. ramidus lasted from about 5.2 million years ago to about 4.2 million years ago. The A. ramidus possessed a pelvis and limbs that were slightly less ape like, the possession of these things showed that apes were coming close to being fully bipedal. The fourth genus in human evolution was named Australopithecus, this genus marked a key point in human evolution and has five members that that are known of but only three that are ancestors of humans and they include the anamensis, the afarensis, and the africanus. The A. anamensis existed from around 4.2 to 3.9 million years ago and possessed and expanded tibia which shows that they were fully bipedal. With the A. afarensis came smaller canine teeth and a body that was fully adapted for walking on two feet for long periods of time, it lasted from about 3.9 to 2.95 million years ... Get more on ...
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  • 26. Genus Homo Origin The origin of the genus Homo is widely debated, with several candidate ancestors being proposed in the genus Australopithecu. I believe that Au. garhi gave rise to the genus homo. I believe this to be true because even though it is believed that the Au. afarensis was most likely ancestor of the genus homo, the ancesteral–descendent linkage between the two taxa was difficult to identify, owing the virtual lack of a hominid fossil record in the East African dating to 3–2 mya, the timing during which earliest Homo likely evolved. The Au. garhi was found in Bouri, in Ethiopia's Middle Awash region, and it is dated to about 2.5 mya. The Au. garhi is represented by bones, teeth, a partial skeleton, and a skull. For the first time in hominin evolution, ... Get more on ...
  • 27.
  • 28. Homo Erectus Essay Homo Erectus has been argued to be the first hominid to successfully migrate out of Africa, Home Erectus had a brain size approaching that of modern humans, averaging just under 100 cubic centimeters, his brain actually reached the lower limit of modern human brain size, Erectus was also the first human species to have a wide, fleshy nose, his face was flat and his skull had prominent ridges over the brow. his shorter arms were a departure from Homo habilis and Australopithecus, indicating that tree–climbing ability had finally been lost, His longer legs were better suited to running and walking long distances– a trait that doubtless helped him migrate into Asia, ranging from 4 foot 9 to 6 foot 1 are from 88 to 150 pounds, Homo Erectus was the first ancestor to approximate modern humans in size, in fact, except for the brow ridges and smaller brain. homo erectus was perhaps the fisrt species that we might consider to be essentially human. ... Show more content on ... erectus' immediate ancestor seems to have been either A. africanus or a species very much like it. Africanus gave rise to Genus Homo; most likely Homo habilis. Habilis is an early Homo species who was named for being a tool maker, or handyman. Habilis then gave rise to erectus. From there, H. erectus migrated across Africa and then into Asia, going as far as China and even Indonesia.H. erectus continued to thrive in several populations until at about 143,000 years ago, at least one erectus population continued to evolve. That population gave rise to Homo heidelbergensis, which then gave rise to Homo sapiens and Homo neanderthalensis ... Get more on ...
  • 29.
  • 30. Evolution And Its Main Contributing Species Introduction This paper will explore the theory of evolution and its main contributing species. The Australopithecus is the most primitive common ancestor between humans and apes. Though its contributions to evolution were few, it was still a vital part in evolution being the first ape–like creatures to be known as related to modern humans. Homo sapiens are the first species that share a genus with modern humans. They are slightly more advanced than Australopithecines. Homo erectus are one of the better known of the genus Homo. Finally, Homo neanderthalensis, our closest relatives. The fossils found, the structure and the disappearance of these species will be discussed in further detail throughout this paper. Australopithecus ... Show more content on ... (Johanson & Edey, 1981) The next fossil of an Australopithecus was found by Robert Broom. Being larger and more bulky he decided to call it, Paranthropus (towards man) robustus. (Johanson & Edey, 1981) This name would later be changed to Australopithecus robustus because in the 1950s all African ape–men were to be known as Australopithecines. They were divided into two categories, a burlier more primitive type (Australopithecus robustus) and a slender more delicate type (Australopithecus africanus). (Figure 1) (Johanson & Edey, 1981) The most complete fossil of an Australopithecus was found by Donald Johanson in 1974 at Hadar, Ethiopia. (Figure 2) (Smithsonian Museum, 2016) Johanson and Timothy White named this new species of Australopithecus in 1978, Australopithecus afarensis. (Johnson & Bjelland, 2011) This nearly half complete skeleton is known as Lucy. (Johanson & Edey, 1981) She was about three and a half feet tall, she had a V–shaped jaw and had a tiny brain. (Johanson & Edey, 1981) Lucy's species was more ape–like and primitive than that of the fossils found by Dart or Broom. (Johanson & Edey, 1981) Lucy provided a certainty about bipedalism (the ability to walk upright) that before had only been mere guesses. (Johanson & Edey, 1981) Bipedalism was shown by studying the structure of the fossils found. First noticed by Dart was that the foramen magnum (the holes where the spinal column nerves connected to the brain) was at the bottom ... Get more on ...
  • 31.
  • 32. The Rising Star Cave Essay The Rising Star cave was pointed out to scientists by a group of spelunkers who squeezed through the narrow opening and saw the multitude of bones around the underground chamber. The opening was so narrow that few scientists could enter. Because of this, the cave was excavated by a team of six women called the "underground astronauts". They uncovered more than 1,500 fossils belonging to the same species (Wilford 2015). The bones were distributed across nearly the entire chamber, including side passages (Dirks et. al. 2015: 14). The remains make up at least 15 individuals of a wide span of ages; almost every bone is represented more than once in the find. This allows researchers to study a full population instead of studying individuals (Kepp 2015). Many of the hands, feet, wrists, and ankles are nearly complete, though many of the longer bones are fragmented (Dirks et. al. 2015: 21). It is the largest find of fossils in Africa to date. These fossils have been classified as part of a new species of hominin, called Homo naledi because "naledi" means "star" in the Sotho language of the region (Gibbons 2015). It also refers to the Dinaledi Chamber within the Rising Star cave (Berger et. al. 2015: 3). This makes Homo naledi the best known fossil species in the human genus (Bower 2016). Homo naledi was originally believed to have evolved near the root of the Homo lineage, about 2.5 to 2.8 billion years ago. More recently, a group of scientists has estimated the date of the cave ... Get more on ...
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  • 34. Australopithecus Afarensis, and Australopithecus Africanus... The phylogeny started off with Proconsul heseloni as the common ancestor to Sivapithecus indicus, Australopithecus afarensis, and Australopithecus Africanus. The reasoning for this was from the approximated age of Proconsul heseloni of 23 million years ago. This places Sivapithecus indicus roughly 15 million years after, suggesting that Sivapithecus indicus directly evolved from Proconsul heseloni. From Proconsul heseloni, it was decided that three species evolved from it. These species included A. A. afarensis, A. africanus and Sivapithecus indicus. Sivapithecus indicus was branched off the early human evolutionary line as the characteristics from the dentation and skull characteristics differed from that of A. afarensis and A. africanus ... Show more content on ... This difference can be used to infer that they lived in different areas of the world as it can be assumed that the diets of the two were unalike, explaining the dissimilarity of the canine size. As it is inferred that the two species lived in different regions of the world, it can be assumed that they co–existed at the same time period. Homo habilis followed A. africanus indicating that A. africanus was a direct ancestor of H. habilis. The reasoning for this included the brain weight and body weight of the H. habilis slightly increased from that of A. africanus. As there was a general increase the overall brain to body weight ratio, indicating that there was an increase in the overall body weight of the two. Homo erectus was branched off after H. habilis as the justification for this was from the muzzle angles of the different species. As H. erectus had a muzzle angle of 107° it was decided that it was reasonable to assume that H. erectus evolved from H. habilis. However, in the overall positioning of the phylogeny, it was placed on a side branch off H. habilis. This reasoning for this was that if H. erectus was placed on the main evolutionary line to evolve from H. ergaster, the muzzle angles from H. ergaster, H. erectus, and Homo neaderthalensis would increase then decrease. It would not be logical to place H. erectus on the main evolutionary line. Further justification that H. erectus was not a direct ancestor ... Get more on ...
  • 35.
  • 36. Early African Societies Essay The beginning of time has always played a major role in history. The beginning of time explains the reasons for each and every creature, plant, and unexplainable phenomena that have occurred on this earth. Chapter one of World History: A Topical Approach primarily explains to the reader the different arguments that people believe are true. There are many claims that scientist have found to be very true, but then there are others who believe in a phenomenon quite different. Some scientists date the beginning of existence as far as twenty billion years ago, but there are others who believe that the world is really not that old. Human existence has taken its toll upon many great researchers who have searched to understand human ancestry. It ... Show more content on ... Even the book itself states that prior to Homo erectus, all hominids were found in Africa, the cradle of human evolution. Darwin even targeted Africa as the birthplace of human existence. In terms of the missing link, the first set of finds came from England, whose nearest non–human relatives were from Africa. So everything that deals with the human existence relates back to Africa. This series of studies makes you stop and think. Maybe our race was here first, and as time went on different shades of colors were introduced. The many different shades of color moved to different regions of the world to start their own culture and develop a civilization. There are many different aspects of taking the development of the human existence. Some people believe it originated in Europe and others believe something different. Who is to say who is right and wrong? No one can judge just by the scientific facts that are presented within this text. The search for this knowledge of human existence is only so close. People might even have to look to a higher source for this means of knowledge. In other words, the only being that would know the answer to all the questions is God. But until then, we must lean on the shoulders of our own people to seek the knowledge for which we are looking. The earliest civilizations have taught philosophers about many cultures. As people began to settle ... Get more on ...
  • 37.
  • 38. Homo Habilis Influence On Ancient Civilization When we think about history, we often think of what we have come to know as history: the ancient civilization of Greece and Egypt, the wars of kings and popes, and the discoveries that changed the world. However, what about before all that? What about before the first permanent agriculture developed? What about before society? What about before anyone was there to record what was happening? Physical Anthropology answers those questions, as it relies on hard, calculable evidence in the forms of DNA, morphology, and a whole slew of other hard facts. To understand prehistory, we first must understand the ones who came before us. But who are we? Homo sapiens yes, but who are our ancestors? While we are a descendant of many, one ancestor of ours is ... Show more content on ... Their height averaged from 3 feet 4 inches, to 4 feet 5 inches, based on the fossils that we have found. Through this, we can see that Homo habilis was not nearly as similar to us as perhaps Homo erectus, but was on the track to greater stature. Habilis also had the long arms needed for living in arboreal environments, although they themselves did not live in forests, but retained the evolutionary tools to do so. In that way, habilis resembled a more primate like being (Dorey.) It also had slightly curved in fingers, indicative of "knuckle dragging," or quadrupedalism. That being said, habilis had a less prognathic face, meaning that its lower face was less protruding than its ape cousins though it still stuck out slightly (smithsonian.) Aspects of habilis' skeletal structure confirm that it walked on two legs, including the fact that its hips are slightly turned in and its back is far less curved than its predecessors. Additionally, its legs were relatively short to what we today consider as being normal, perhaps another sign of their fairly recent transition from quadrupedals to ... Get more on ...
  • 39.
  • 40. Homo Naledi : An Ancestral Investigation Of The Human Species Homo naledi: An Ancestral Investigation of the Human Species There is no denying the fact that fossil records show an excellent representation of species of the past. Details of human evolution can also be identified and new discoveries are being found. Homo naledi is the most recent discovery within the Homo genus. This new discovery could potentially be a very important key in studying the evolution of the human species. H. naledi was first discovered in 2013 in South Africa. Rick Hunter and Steven Tucker, two cavers, were exploring the Dinaledi Chamber of the Rising Star cave in Gauteng when the fossils were discovered (Berger 4). The entrance to the cave is rather narrow. This proposes many questions for scientists as to what this species was, what it did, and how the members of this species found their way into this cave. The remains contained both skeletal and dental fragments. Archeologists were able to identify over fifteen hundred bones from approximately fifteen different members of this new species (Berger 4). Since the entrance of the cave was so narrow, retrieving the fossils took cooperation, precision, and technology. Two "underground astronauts" were lowered into the cave on a cable. They had cameras, which projected an image onto a television screen for the other scientists on the project could be "in the cave" with them. This technology made it possible for scientists all over the world to follow along with the expedition. 3–D models of the fossils ... Get more on ...
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  • 42. Similarities Between Homo Habilis, Homo Rudolfensis, And... For a long time, it had been assumed that evolution happened in a systematic manner and that no two or more species of human ancestors existed at the same time. Because of such an assumption, it has become very hard to determine the exact ancestors when two populations dated to the same geographical location and time. In this essay, I will discuss the difference between the Homo Habilis, Homo Rudolfensis, and the Paranthropus Boisei in order to show why I believe the Homo habilis is our direct ancestor despite the three populations having existed within the same region and time span. The fossils of Home habilis species were discovered by Dr Louis Leakey in Tanzania. Among the distinguishing characteristics include the increased cranial size as compared to its ancestor, the africanus. The fossil also indicated an increased grip hand size due to size and type of hand bones. The other feature is that the fossil indicated a reduced size of the teeth. The evidence showed that the ancestor had molars longer instead of wider. As a result of the increased grip, it was concluded that this human ancestor used tools for survival. Homo habilis means the handy man because the scientists thought the species to be the first to make tools (Denis, 2008). Due to the features of their teeth type, these species are thought to have been consumers of softer food and than their ancestors. According to the gathered evidence, scientists have been able to link the evidence to the consumption of meat ... Get more on ...
  • 43.
  • 44. Homo Erectus Essay Homo Erectus In the quest to explain human origins it is necessary to find a species that bridges modern man (Homo sapiens) with the apes. To fill this gap evolutionists have set forth Homo erectus, who lived approximately 400,000 to 1.6 million years ago (Johanson and Shreeve1989). Although the distinctions are somewhat vague, below the neck, Homo sapiens and Homo erectus are practically Identical and Homo erectus was responsible for pioneering the use of standard tools (such as the hand axe), big–game hunting, and the use of fire (Johanson and Shreeve1989). You may know Homo erectus as "Java man" or "Peking man"( Johanson and Shreeve 1989). Erectus was low of brow, thick of bone, endowed with a brain larger than that of its ... Show more content on ... Other than this remarkable jump, the physical features stayed relatively constant over those 1.4 million years(Washburn, McCown 1972). Some anthropologists say that their supra–orbital ridges were slightly more pronounced than previously, cranial bones were heavier and there was still no protruding chin but their molars had decreased in size (Washburn, McCown 1972). Foreheads began to develop in the later members of the species, most likely as a result of an expanding frontal lobe (that part of the brain that we believe controls many of our higher functions such as reasoning, foresight and concentration) (Johanson and Shreeve 1989). Homo erectus had a lighter jaw than did Homo Habilis (Johanson and Shreeve 1989). The following characteristics are generally accepted: Skull low, broad and elongated Cranial capacity 750–1250 cc Median sagittal ridge Supraorbital ridge Postorbital constriction Receding frontal contour Occipital bun or torus Nuchal area extended for muscle attachment Cranial wall unusually thick Brain case narrower than zygomatic arch Heavy facial architecture Large jaw, wide ramus No chin (mentum) Teeth generally large Post–cranial bones heavy and thick Alveolar (maxilla) prognathism (Johanson and Shreeve 1992, 82 –83) At least 222 fossils of Homo erectus have been found to date throughout Africa, Asia, Australia and Europe that support these statistics ... Get more on ...
  • 45.
  • 46. Homo Habilis Lab Report We measured the skulls of Homo erectus, Australopithecus, Homo habilis, and Neanderthals species by measuring the widths, heights, and length of their craniums and the diameter of the eye socket (orbit height). We used measuring tape and calipers to measure these skulls by adjusting the calipers to a fast, for taking a precise measurement of the skull's width, height, and length. We did not include the fins of some of these skulls when measuring the width; because these will make the measurements and the Encephalization Quotient (EQ) inaccurate. After we had got the precise measurement of each one of them at a time, we used a tape measure to gauge the distance between the ends of the caliper and recorded all the measurements on the data sheet ... Show more content on ... The cranium measurements of the Homo habilis specimen (1370) were 88 mm in height, 130 mm in length, 84 mm in width and the orbit height is 30.5 mm. And the cranium measurements for specimen (1470) were 94 mm in height, 157 mm in length, 112 mm in width and the orbit height is 32.5 mm. For Australopithecus Africans, its skull was the second smallest, and it is not much bigger than that of Homo habilis. It has three specimens: the cranium measurements for the specimen (STS5) were 99 mm in height, 134 mm in length and 99 mm in width and the orbit height is 26 mm. The cranium measurements for specimen (AL280) were 96 mm in height, 124 mm in length and 132 mm in width and the orbit height is 30 mm. The cranium measurements for specimen (AL288) were 107 mm in height, 131 mm in length and 122 mm in width and the orbit height is 32 mm. Homo erectus was the second largest based on its measurements. The cranium measurements for specimen (KNMER 730) were 110 mm in height, 170 mm in length and 123 mm in width and the orbit height is 31 mm. The cranium measurements for specimen (KNMWT 1500) were 122 mm in height, 142 mm in length and 125 mm in width and the orbit height is 38 mm. The cranium measurements for specimen ( Asian) were 102 mm in height, 200 mm in length and 134 mm in width and the orbit height is 36 mm. The skull of Neanderthals was the largest. The cranium measurements for specimen (811/807) as 117 mm in height, 198 mm in length, 153 mm in width and orbit height of 43mm. The cranium measurements for specimen (LF) were 113 mm in height, 195 mm in length, 150 mm in width and orbit height of ... Get more on ...
  • 47.
  • 48. What Makes The Most Sense You Me? Introduction Every person that you know today relates back to common ancestors. I am going to be writing about 5 of them but there is a ginormous complicated tree of every ancestor of modern day humans. Not everything is known and there are many opinions on what, where, and how things happened so I will write about what theory makes the most sense to me. Also, this is all according to the theory of evolution, and I am not saying that it is right, but it it what I am writing about. Homo Habilis The Homo habilis dates back to between 2.1 and 1.5 million years ago and is one of the earliest species in the genus Homo. The species name comes from the latin word habilis meaning handy, skillful, and able. Homo Habilis had a larger brain than its ancestors and is thought of as the first species in our timeline to use primitive tools. The tools, named Oldowan tools, are very simple and didn 't have much variety. They looked like the head of a spear except the base of it is larger, so there is something to hold onto; they were usually made of some kind of rock. Homo Erectus The Homo erectus dates back to between 1.8 million years ago and 300 thousand years ago. It is very important to the study of human evolution because it was the first species in the homo genus to be found outside Africa. Many of the features that distinguish the Homo sapien from its future and past relatives are seen in the skull. Its brain is larger than the Homo habilis but smaller than all other future ... Get more on ...
  • 49.
  • 50. History And Evolution Of Africa Africa played a pivotal role in human evolution. It's the site of the beginning of human evolution, as they slowly evolved from their primitive ancestors and continued to evolve for millions of years. A majority of the fossils, some dating back almost 7 million years, are found in Africa. As ancient humans migrated out of Africa they stayed close to the coast. Scientists have been able to trace their migration to areas around the Indian Ocean, South Asia, and even as far down as Australia, also referred to as Out of Africa Theory (OOA) by many scientists. By examining these fossils scientist have discovered a plethora of early human and pre–human species. In central Chad fossils of Sahelanthropus tchadensis have been discovered, dating between 6 and 7 million years. Some researchers believe that Sahelanthropus tchadensis is the common ancestors that links humans and chimpanzees. In Ethiopia Ardipithecus ramidus fossils, the earliest known biped, have been found dating back 4.5 million years ago. Bipedalism was a major shift in early evolution that many scientist attribute to climate and diet change. It arose around 4.2 – 3.5 million years ago when hominids began moving away from areas that had dense trees and foliage to savanna areas. Savanna habitats are primarily made up of tall grasses, giving bipeds an advantage; allowing them to have a new elevated eye position and reduced their exposure to solar energy. Not only did it allow hominids to be able to see over the tall ... Get more on ...
  • 51.
  • 52. Olduvai Gorge: Impact Of The Excavation Site Olduvai Gorge In this paper I will be discussing the impact of the excavation site Olduvai Gorge had on the world as it holds the most important key to understanding human history. Over the course of six pages I will be investigating the geological importance of site, the people behind the dig, the significance of the find, and life of our ancestors millions of years ago. The purpose of this essay is to dig deeper into Olduvai Gorge as it plays a major role in history and anthropology. To truly understand why Olduvai Gorge became the most important location in the world to hold ancient artifacts is the geology. Olduvai Gorge is a ravine in the East Africa's Great Rift Valley that is located on the outskirts of Tanzania. Millions of years ... Show more content on ... Both Leakey's were anthropologist who were motivated to live through harsh climate of Tanzania, paid very little, and lost a lot of respect from the anthropology community to explore Africa to find the earliest known human. At the time no one would've expected the earliest known human to be there as most anthropologists believed human were not from Africa. The team arrived in the early 1930's at Olduvai Gorge trying to find at least one fossil to prove their theory. For decades they found many ancient of mammal fossils, stone tools, and evidence that intelligent life once lived in the surrounding area but, not one hominid fossil. The search was starting to become very hopeless and tiresome but, on July 17th, 1959 Mary Leakey saw a bone sticking out of the ground and with a little bit of investigation she realized it looked very similar to hominid teeth. She called he husband to gather the excavation team to the site to start digging to see what else they could uncover. They found hundreds of skull fragments which when they reconstructed it proved the existence of early hominids in East Africa. This discovery would rock the anthropology community as hard evidence proved Mary and Louis Leakey right about their theory. The skull was classified as Australopithecus Boisei and held a nickname with the Leakey's as "Dear Boy." After this groundbreaking discovery nearly two years later Louis's son Jonathan found a second type of hominid known as Homo Habilis in the same dig site. Both of these fossils would not be the last major discoveries as their finds brought paleoanthropological and anthropologist from all over the world to East Africa where tons of more skeletal bones were found. The Leake's stayed in Africa for another six decades searching for more answer about our ... Get more on ...
  • 53.
  • 54. Human Origins : The Cusp Of Evolution Essay Summer Musser Human Origins F15 The Cusp of Evolution The past works in mysterious way allowing small pieces to leak through to the surface that will one day reveal the answers to the most prominent questions. Ian Tattersall made the claim that in 2012 "...there is nothing in the fossil record that we can regard as a convincing intermediate between any australopith or "early Homo" and the Turkana Boy (Tattersall, 2012, p.94)." In his argument it was difficult to find the missing link that pulled the last species in the Australopith genus, A. Sediba, and the first Homo Species, H. Habilis. The gap was too much of a gray area to even make a definitive speculation according to the fossil records where there is nothing. When Homo Habilis was discover, there were very few specimens to analyze and produce a conclusion is this was the cusp of evolution that many scientists were pondering. They were still searching for more, and this search brought them to the Cradle of Humanity where many specimens have been found along with what is perceived as the last Australopithecus, A. Sediba. This species was found by Lee Burger in the eroded cave system known as Malapa. The features of Sediba were still pretty primitive with having a small brain, longer limbs, and a slightly protruding face. Once they started to die off or some scientist believe began to interbred, came the Early Homo. Homo Habilis and Homo Erectus (H. Ergaster) were the evolutionary species that graced the plains of Africa ... Get more on ...
  • 55.
  • 56. Homo Erectus Research Paper Homo erectus was considered close to Homo sapiens or the modern man because of their body anatomy that allowed them to stand and walk upright (Castro). Another notable characteristic was the appearance of long legs and arms in the proportion to the torso that resembled the features of the modern man. According to scientists, these features mean that they had lost their ability to climb trees and were living on the ground, unlike their predecessors (Gauthier). The teeth of Homo erectus showed evidence of formation similar to that of ancient apes ("Homo Erectus"). Its other superior nature is believed to be its ability to use stone tools such as hand axes. There is also evidence of showing concern for their old ones and ensuring their well–being ... Get more on ...
  • 57.
  • 58. The Evolution Of The Homo Our homo ancestors date back to about 2.5 million years ago. Classification of the genus Homo into species and subspecies remains poorly defined and subject to incomplete information, leading to difficulties in binomial naming, and the use of common names, such as "Neanderthal" and "Denisovan". With that being said, many people get a misunderstanding when discussing our homo ancestors. The biggest issue is knowing what a species are actually apart of the genus homo and who isn't. Several species, including Australopithecus garhi, Australopithecus sediba, Australopithecus africanus, and Australopithecus afarensis, have been proposed as the direct ancestor of the Homo lineage. These species have morphological features that align them with ... Show more content on ... Homo habilis had smaller molars and larger brains than the australopithecines, and made tools from stone and perhaps animal bones. One of the first known hominids, it was nicknamed 'handy man ' by discoverer Louis Leakey due to its association with stone tools. Some scientists have proposed moving this species out of Homo and into Australopithecus due to the morphology of its skeleton being more adapted to living on trees rather than to moving on two legs like Homo sapiens. Homo rudolfensis findings in Kenya have been suggested to be Homo habilis, but scientists are unsure. The fossils found from these two species are said to be from about 1.8 million years ago. Homo georgicus, named after the country Georgia, is said to possibly be an intermediate form between Homo erectus and Homo habilis or a sub species of Homo erectus. Homo erectus lived from about 1.8 million to about 70,000 years ago. Many scientist believe that the early stages of erectus, about 1.8 to 1.2 million years ago, is a separate species called Homo ergaster, seen as a sub species of erectus. In the early Pleistocene, 1.5–1 Ma, in Africa some populations of Homo habilis are thought to have evolved more complex brains and made more elaborate stone tools; these differences and others are sufficient for anthropologists to classify them as a new species, Homo erectus. The next two species are said to be a mix between Homo ... Get more on ...
  • 59.
  • 60. Homo Erectus Culture The biology and culture of the Homo erectus that led to its success relative to earlier hominids is that it had a body shape similar to the Turkana boy who was bipedal and had a closely related body to humans. The erectus body proportion was long and linear–adapted to tropical conditions as well. Their skull was longer than it was wide, angular from the side, a sagittal keel, bar–like supraorbital torus, occipital torus, and greatest breadth is low. The body plan of a H.erectus is very much more like that of a living human having a ratio of arm length to leg length. With this change in the body structure it showed that there is a pattern of bipedal locomotion. It soon became completely committed to terrestrial life by adopting a fully modern ... Get more on ...
  • 61.
  • 62. Life And Discoveries Of Louis Leakey The Life and Discoveries of Louis Leakey Me: Hi and welcome to this is your life. Tonight's guest is the one and only Louis Leakey. (Throws arms in the air in excitement then adjusts glasses). Louis: Um ... Hi Me: (Laughs awkwardly) Anyway... Louis along with his wife Mary were both very passionate about their research into evolution and proving Darwin's Out of Africa theory. Louis: Oh yes, yes together we created many research questions we wished to investigate. Some of these questions were how do the remains of animals and or tools excavated in Africa inform and contribute to theory of evolution? In what ways do the tools found near Kikuyu corroborate with previous discovers to initiate the fundamental ideas of the out of Africa ... Show more content on ... In 1922 he started studies at Cambridge, he then left to help manage a paleontological expedition to Africa. He returned in 1925 to resume his studies, and graduated with a degree in anthropology and archaeology in 1926 (A Century of the Leakey Family in East Africa, n.d.). Me: After his then infamous scandal and Cambridge University turning their back on him Louis Leakey began his own expeditions (Encyclopedia Britannica, 2013), in Tanzania where he explored the fossil rich strata of Olduvai Gorge (Figure 4). In 1937 he once gain returned to his home and instigated an ethnological study into the Kikuyu. By 1945, with funds running out and wife Mary along with two young sons to support, Leakey took the position of curator at the Kenya National Museum (Bowman–Kruhm, M.2005). Louis: Don't forget that as well as working as a curator I worked for the British government, in the late 30's to early 50's to help stop the spread of anti–British propaganda (Encyclopedia Britannica, 2013). Me: Okay.... (Rolls eyes) Of more significance to his career, in 1947, Leakey put forth, the first Pan– African Congress of Prehistory. Luckily for him this venture helped improve his incredibly damaged reputation due to its remarkable success (Bowman–Kruhm, M. 2005). Louis: Yes, that moment was the real turning point of my career. In 1948 my wife and I made an encouraging discovery. We were lucky enough to discover the fossilized teeth, jaws and half skull of an ... Get more on ...
  • 63.
  • 64. The Evolution of Modern Humans While time travel still remains elusive to us, scientists have been able to discover things about our past as a species that were practically inconceivable over 150 years ago when Charles Darwin released his book entitled The Origin of Species. They have especially uncovered many pieces to our still incomplete puzzle over the past 20 years so that we now have a nearly complete idea of how our species Homo sapiens came to be. This story of our history includes dozens of species' and hundreds of fossils and bones, yet fairly few complete or even partial skeletons. Hominids have gone through many changes to get from one of our earliest species' Ardipithecus ramidus to Homo sapiens which scientists have been able to discover ... Show more content on ... The lower part, where it meets the ankle, is fairly wide and thick so it acted as a "shock absorber" whilst walking. Members of the Australopithecus anamensis species also had long forearms and wrist bone features which suggest tree climbing. They were thickly–built with long narrow jaws. Their side rows of teeth were in parallel lines and were heavily enameled which entails that they ate hard, abrasive foods such as nuts, but researchers also believe that they also ate fruits. These hominids were possibly the size of modern female chimpanzees and there is evidence of sexual dimorphism. (Leakey et al, 1995; White et al, 2006) Discovered in 1974, Australopithecus afarensis is one of the most famous early hominids and they are the direct descendants of Australopithecus anamensis. Australopithecus afarensis as a species was not named until 1978, after many fossil discoveries of the same type were found at sites in Hadar, Ethiopia and Laetoli, Tanzania. Some of the fossils categorized as a part of this species were found as early as in the 1930's. They were around for more than 900,000 years which makes them the longest lived species and there are over 300 sets of remains of Australopithecus afarensis. One of the most famous hominid skeletons is 3.2 million year old "Lucy" (AL 288–1), discovered by Donald Johanson and Maurice Taieb in Hadar, Ethiopia in 1974. She was nicknamed the night she was discovered ... Get more on ...
  • 65.
  • 66. The Theory Of Natural Selection A theory discovered by Charles Darwin, and released to the public in 1859, answered many questions for scientists who weren't able to figure it out. Using the Theory of Natural Selection, he came up with the Theory of Evolution. In the Evolution theory, it states the genes that allow a species to thrive are passed down from parent to offspring and it also provides us with an insight of the changes an organism goes through over time, in which it relies on Natural Selection to do so. Despite doubters and opposers, there has been lots of evidence to prove it such as Biogeography, Biochemistry, relative dating, embryology, and homology. Biogeography refers to the distribution of plants and animals, while biochemistry refers to DNA similarity ... Show more content on ... In order to do so, I had to find the opisthocranion–opisthion distance and the opisthocranion–orale distance for the bipedalism, the maxillary angle for prognathism, and the height, length, and width of the skull to find the cranial capacity. The ardipithecus ramidus has an opisthion index of 32, the australopithecus aethiopicus is 27.3 cm, the australopithecus afarensis is 22.2222 cm, the australopithecus africanus is 27.58 cm, the australopithecus boisei is 28.12 cm, the homo erectus is 34.5 cm, the homo habilis is 30.8 cm, the homo heidelbergensis is 26.7 cm, the homo neanderthalensis is 43.75 cm, the homo sapiens are 72.72727272 cm, and the sahelanthropus tchadensis is 23.333 cm. Based on MY data, all of the tested skulls were bipedal organisms who could walk on two legs. Using the same order as a while ago, the maxillary angle were 27, 39, 85, 102, 47, 56, 90, 59, 75, 42, and 70 degrees. So out of the fourteen skulls, about 6 of them were prognathic, meaning they have the lower jaw sticking out. Using the same order as a while ago, the cranial capacity of the skulls were about 622.04, 1,431.13, 850.85, 975.46, 1,884.96, 1,744.64, 964.86, 1,446.45, 1,979.21, 2,243.102, and 942.48cm^3. The skull with the biggest capacity are the homo sapiens, while the ardipithecus ramidus had the smallest. My data shows how the current human skull has evolved a lot from our ancestors in many ways. Based off my data and information, I predict that the climate and ... Get more on ...
  • 67.
  • 68. The Oldowan And The Acheulean There are manifold stone tool industries, however there are two especially prevalent technocomplexes; the Oldowan and the Acheulean. Although perhaps not the most intricate instances of implement development, they are the oldest and describe their creators' lifestyles; information that would otherwise be all but lost. The gradual evolution of these tools over millions of years portray a clear change in the users acclimatisation to new and varied environments, as well as their cultural adaptations. This essay will aim to analyse, through comparison, the varying behavioural adaptations of early Homonins, taking into account the factors of diet, ranging patterns, and the development of social behaviour. Oldowan technology was first discovered at the Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania, site in the 1930s by Lewis and Mary Leakey. It has been dated to approximately 2.5 to 1.5 million years ago during the late Pliocene and early Pleistocene (Potts 1981:153), predating any other form of currently known lithic industries. Acheulean technology is more recent, dated to between 1.7 to 1.5 million years ago using radiometric dating from volcanic ash (White 1998:15). It was named after Saint–Acheule, Somme, France, where Jacques Boucher de Crèvecœur de Perthes discovered the site in 1859, although John Frere has been credited to its 1797 discovery. In terms of appearance, Oldowan tools can essentially be seen as "pebbles" altered to become sharp through the procedure of "relatively simple ... Get more on ...
  • 69.
  • 70. Hominins Sapienn Ancestor Homo Sapiens sapienn Ancestor In tracing the direct ancestors of Homo sapiens sapiens, the five consequent Hominins I would include in the timeline of human evolutions: Australopithecus afarensis and africanus, Homo habilis, Homo erectus, Archaic Homo sapiens, and Homo Neanderthal. In 3.6 million years ago, Australopithecus afarensis is considered the earliest hominins that are close relative to Homo. Afarensis had slender body built, but relatively larger than modern humans, but with smaller brains, and a prognathic face. In 1975, the discovery of Lucy commonly referred as "first family", reveals evidence of bipedalism. In 3.3 million years ago, Australopithecus africanus is considered extinct classified species as hominin. Africanus remain ... Get more on ...
  • 71.
  • 72. The Analysis Of The Foot Bones Of Homo Nadedi The news is about the analysis of the foot bones of Homo nadedi, whose remains were discovered within the Dinaledi Chamber of the Rising Star cave system in South Africa. It was introduced to the public recently and assigned to the genus Homo provisionally. Study indicates that H. naledi was well adapted for standing and walking on two feet, but was also possibly comfortable climbing trees, which was described as a "messiness" of bipedal walking in the title. This news item is based The Foot of Homo Naledi in Nature Communications, which indicates that H. naledi foot is predominantly human–like in morphology and inferred function. From my perspective, the news item and the original article are overall both scientific, persuasive and precisely reasoned. First, the results of study are derived from plenty of samples. The news item points out that modern human (Homo sapien) and Homo naledi both are part of the Homo genus. The Homo genus and the Australopithecus genus are referred to as hominins. In the original article, researchers not only compare foot of H. naledi with that of H. sapiens, but also gather samples (e.g. G. gorilla, Pan troglodytes, Au. Africanus, Au. Sediba, Au. Afarensis, Au ramidus, H. floresiensis, Neanderthal etc.) from several different museums. The abundant samples enable researchers to come up with rational conclusion through plenty of comparison. The news item mentions that Homo genus also includes Homo erectus and Homo ... Get more on ...
  • 73.
  • 74. Essay On Australopithecus Sediba With all of the knowledge that has been obtained since the beginning of the exploration into Anthropology there is still many things we do not know. In fact the very order in which our evolutionary cycle is arranged is still under debate to this day. However, through reading the book, watching the videos, and through my own knowledge I believe that there is roughly 7 subspecies of ancestors in which fall between the time of Australopithecus sediba and Homo erectus. Starting with Australopithecus sediba which was found by the young boy in the first video was dated back roughly 1.8 million years ago. The reason the Australopithecus sediba was said to be the bridge between Homo and Australopithecus because is resigned more closely to that of Homo erectus. A. sediba was a ... Show more content on ... This species was dated from 2.4 to 1.5 million years ago (Human Evolution). As you can see many of the species overlap one another and that is why our cycle is so differentiating. The Homo habilis was one of the fist species to make and use primitive stone tools to hunt (Human Evolution). It was around 5 foot tall and had a brain much bigger that Australopithecus but still smaller than that of Homo erectus. He walk on two feet and resembled man much more that primate. It also had a very large area in the brain that supports language which also promotes a potential for culture (Human Evolution). Lastly, we come to Homo erectus which date back from 1.8 million years to about 200,000 years ago. Homo erectus has been found in Africa and Asia which makes it the first wide ranging species of its kind (Human Evolution). Despite the look of Homo erectus's skull it was very similar body structure to that of a humans. Homo erectus is also thought to be the first hominid to use fire and have a true sence of culture (Human Evolution). Though it was probably dramatically different than what we see ... Get more on ...
  • 75.
  • 76. Psy 201 Week 1 Evolution Research Paper According to Ms. Witsaman, evolution is not the theory of how life began, which is a common misconception nowadays, but the theory of how life has changed over time. Theories are predictions which are backed up by several evidences and supported by scientists. The evidences that scientists use now to prove include fossils, homologous structures, analogous structures, vestigial structures, embryology, biogeography, and biochemicals. Fossils are the remains of living things that once roamed the Earth. Homologous structure are structures shared by different organisms that have similar structure but different functions. Analogous structures are the opposite, they have similar functions but completely different structure.Vestigial structures are ... Show more content on ... I have to assume that the skulls that were closest to walking on four legs lived in environments with a lot of trees and high grounds. That being said, now I have to assume that our ancestors eventually found it easier to live in long plains and migrated which made them lose the need to be efficient on all fours, thus leading to bipedalism. Conclusion: My hypothesis is was not supported since there was not a single organism that walked on four legs according to my data. I realized that just the general shape and condition of the skull didn't correlate with how old it was, but the cranial capacity was the major determining factor. Every time humans evolved the need for their mental capacity increased and that's evident in the skulls: the oldest having the smallest cranial capacity, the most recent having the largest cranial capacity. I also want to say that according to my data, our ancestors didn't all just start walking on two legs one day, but the need to walk on two legs wasn't there for a couple of our ancestors which is why some are so close to not being able to walk on two legs at all. That leads me to say that bipedalism was not dependant on when an organism was alive but where an organism was alive. As for prognathism, I also believe that ... Get more on ...
  • 77.
  • 78. Compare And Contrast: The Biology Of The Homo Erectus Culturally, the Homo erectus was very successful compared to the other hominids because they had strong families. They multiplied and produced strong offspring as well. Aside from strong famlies, the Homo Erectus' utilized fire which made them sucessful as well. They used fire to stay warm, to cook their meats and other foods, and it was a tool to protect them against predators as well. The biology of Homo Erectus consists of a reduced size in the face, which includes their jaws and teeth. They also have a much bigger body and brain than Homo Habilis'. The Homo Erectus have pretty short arms and fairly long legs. The Homo Erectus had great access to animal food sources and had the ability to hunt, therefore they had sufficient protein in their ... Get more on ...
  • 79.
  • 80. Human Evolution: Homo Habilis And Neanderthals Human Evolution Process The evolutionary of human living has taken place over millions of years of geological time. It has evolved millions of generations, and billions of individuals. The human evolution is not understandable completely yet. Evolutionary change within a population can take place at different time and different rates, which yield different consequences. This process still taking place in the natural selection and human evolution. One species may be merged to the new species or developed to the next stage of the same species. Homo Habilis, Homo Erectus, Homo Heidelbergensis, and Neanderthals were the close ancestors of modern human, which developed from Australopithecus afarensis. First, Homo Habilis was considered as the earliest ... Show more content on ... They were found in Africa 600–200kya, Asia 200–130kya, and European 800–200kya. They had big cranial capacity. They were using Acheulean tools. They led to the development of Neanderthal, the closed ancestor of modern human. They occupied the continents from 130–30kya. There fossils were excavated in Neander Valley, Germany in 1856 by C. Fuhlrott. Their cranial and postcranial features were close to the modern human. They had thin cranial bone, which the capacity was about 1500cc; barrel–chested; and short distal limb segment. Neanderthal climate had changed significantly to cold weather. According to Bergmann's and Allen's rule, populations living in cold climates tend to have larger body (trunk) sizes and shorter extremities than those living in warm regions ("Human Biological Adaptability: Adapting to Climate Extremes"). Neanderthals developed Mousterian Tool Industry with greater variety of more standardized tool type. The high quality raw material was occasionally used. They used tools for cutting plant material, meat, scraping hides, and sharping tools. Sometimes, shaped bone was used as raw material. Those tools were stable over time and space. There are some new evidences that the Neanderthal had showed the artistic expression. At more than 39,000 years old, the etchings rival in age the oldest cave art in Europe – and they are the first to be unquestionably done by a Neanderthal (Rodríguez–Vidal, J. et ... Get more on ...