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The Didache
Today, Christians around the globe try to figure out how they can become good, obedient Christians.
Some look to the Ten Commandments received at the top of Mount Sinai. Others, try to model their
lives around the teachings and parables Jesus spoke to his followers. Yet few Christians, realize that
the Didache, also known as the Teaching of the Twelve Disciples, gives the reader an idea on how to
be a good person just like the Ten Commandments and Jesus. The Two Ways of the Didache advise
people on how to live their lives to become better Christians. The Didache is a sixteen chapter book,
separated into four separate parts. The book covers a range of topics from how to be an ethical
Christian to basic rituals conducted within the Church. ... Show more content on ...
The next line states that we should love God who created us in his likeness and image. (Cruttwell)
After referring to what is known as the Shema, the author advises the reader to love their neighbor
like you love yourself (Cruttwell). Known as the Great Commandment, variations can be found in
both the Old and New Testaments of the Bible. All of the gospels, excluding John, give a general
idea of the commandment through the words of Jesus. In the gospel of Matthew, Jesus speaks this
great commandment to a lawyer, saying, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and
with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is
like it, you shall love your neighbor as yourself."(Matthew) In the Gospel of Luke, Jesus has a
similar answer saying, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul,
and with all your strength, and with all your mind; and your neighbor as yourself."(Luke) In the Old
Testament, Leviticus and Deuteronomy of the Pentateuch give a part of this Great Commandment.
Leviticus talks of loving and reasoning with one's neighbor, but does not mention God. (Leviticus)
Deuteronomy, however, talks about loving God with all your heart, but avoids loving thy neighbor.
(Deuteronomy). With the Didache acting as a book of guidance, it is understandable to see a form of
the Great Commandment as an important rule to live by. The inclusion of the commandment in all
these forms of writing shows just how valuable it was to the Apostles at the time, and gives us an
idea as to why it is included in the Two Ways of the Didache. After the Shema and the Great
Commandment, the Didache informs the reader that all things whatsoever you do not wish to be
done to you, those do not you to another. (Cruttwell) This axiom is known as the
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Byzantine Empire's Influence On Christianity
The main characters of the Byzantine Empire were Diocletian, Constantine, Jerome, Ambrose,
Gregory, Augustine and Justinian. It achieved influence on the whole world through the Christian
faith and collections of laws that are used and believed in even to this day. Moreover I do not think
it impacted the Christian world, it literally made it. Iconography influenced Christians and later
other groups as well, including secret societies. The major start of the Byzantine Empires influence
on solidifying Christianity begins with Diocletian. "Diocletian divided the Empire into western and
eastern halves and appointed a co–emperor to share the burden of administration and defense."
(Fiero, Gloria). Shortly after this Rome's greatness fell ... Show more content on ...
Early Christians in the Roman Empire had symbols that other Christians could identify. This later
led to more symbolic than literal at face value meanings. I would say that Secret Societies that exist
today built from traditions of Templars took much of this Iconography and added their own
meanings to them. Masons built many of the Cathedrals of Europe and Templars joined the Masons
once the Catholic Church denounced them. Sir Francis Bacon learning of America through tales of
Templars is said to have wrote many of the degrees of Freemasonry which were built upon Christian
morality. Furthermore Sir Francis Bacon wrote a book called the New Atlantis in which America is
to be the New Atlantis. This is what Thomas Jefferson had to say about Sir Francis Bacon. "Thomas
Jefferson identified Francis Bacon, John Locke, and Isaac Newton as 'the three greatest men that
have ever lived, without any exception,' in this 1789 letter ordering portraits of them from the
American painter, John Trumbull." (Jefferson, Thomas). So not only did Christian Iconography give
birth to the NSO New Spiritual Order it also fostered the birth of the NWO. The Hagia Sophia is
probably one of the most breathtaking buildings I have ever seen from its interior. It puts one at awe
just from the pictures and is a testament to how these beliefs influenced architecture. I have said in
my earlier papers that this
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Origins Of The Eucharist With A Focus On The New Testament...
This essay discusses the origins of the Eucharist with a focus on the New Testament and the Jewish
background, it briefly summaries Bradshaw's critic of Dom Gregory Dix's theory of early
Eucharistic practices. It then examines Dom Gregory Dix's theory of the fourfold shape of the
Eucharist. It uses Justin Martyr's writings to provide evidence to support Dom Gregory Dix's
fourfold shape, and finally, it examines Dom Gregory Dix's fourfold shape theory using Bradshaw's
contribution to the field.
Origins of the Eucharist
All the four canonical gospels account that Jesus and his disciples had an evening meal before Jesus'
death. This meal has been called the Last Supper. The synoptic gospel narratives refer to this Last
Supper ... Show more content on ...
"Thanksgiving" (in Greek, "εὐχαριστία") is generally regarded as the Greek equivalent of berakah
that is, the Jewish "blessing" addressed to God at meals over the food and drink. It is in this sense
that the term was originally used in connection with the common meal of the early Christian
community, at which the "blessing" or "thanksgiving" had special reference to Jesus Christ .
Some of the Eucharistic celebrations of the early Christians included a meal called an agape feast,
but it is necessary to note that this practice as well as the terminology might have been different in
communities . The origin of the Eucharist might also be found from the Todah which is a
thanksgiving that is done in gratitude for a favour received from God, it includes a thanksgiving and
a petition. This pattern is was relevant for future Eucharistic prayers .
A very important source of information for the origin of the Eucharist is the Didache, this document
contains moral instructions and directions for the pattern of the Eucharist amongst other things.
Bradshaw and Dix point out that the prayers in the Didache (Chapters 9 and 10) have been
recognised to have some Jewish appearance and are thought to resemble the forms of Jewish table
prayers and Jewish berakah in the
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The Didache Research Paper
According to the Didache, the liturgy of communion as such: during the meal, Eucharistic prayers
are arranged after the pattern of the Jewish Sabbath meal. Before the meal, thanksgiving prayers are
said over an initial cup of wine and the broken bread. After the meal, the three–fold thanksgiving
prayer is said over a final cup of water mixed with wine. By the end of the fourth century, the brief
prayers of the Didache were expanded into several pages and were included into the Syrian
Apostolic Constitutions. The Didache specifically states, "No one is to eat or drink of your Eucharist
but those who have been baptized in the name of the Lord." Notice how the word "Eucharist" was
used so early in history, showing that the word was not originally patented to connote the
sacramental traditions of Catholicism. Quite the contrary, the original Greek translation of the word,
eucharisteo, simply means, "give thanks." ... Show more content on ...
150. "Then they celebrated the Eucharist, or Lord's Supper...the people brought bread and a cup of
wine mixed with water to the presider. The presider took the gifts and offered prayer...After the
people had assented with an "Amen," the deacons distributed the gifts." Although during his time
there was little division between clergy and laity, making the liturgy belong to the people, Justin's
account leans towards the concepts of transubstantiation as states, "through the word of prayer that
comes from him, the food over which the eucharist has been spoken becomes the flesh and blood of
the incarnate
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Reflection Of The Holy Spirit
Holy Spirit:
Hermas described that the Holy Spirit is the divine principle in the incarnate Christ. The holy pre–
existent spirit which created the whole creation God made to dwell in flesh that he desired. This
flesh in which the Holy Spirit dwelt was subject to the Spirit. As Hermas pointed out that the Holy
Spirit considered as the divine incarnate Christ in this time.
The Didache describes prophets in the church of that day who spoke "in the Spirit." It is evident
that, just as in the Book of Acts, people were receiving the Holy Spirit and exercising various
spiritual gifts.
The apostolic fathers' repeatedly talk about that salvation was through the blood of Christ. Clement
stated that;
"Let us fix our eyes on the blood of Christ and ... Show more content on ...
They were dependent on the writings of Clement and Plato. Clement described Fatherhood with
creativity. Plato insisted that God is the Maker and Father of the universe. He is Father inasmuch as
he is Creator.
Philo of Alexandria proclaimed that God is one but also to speak of the Logos as God's intermediary
in creating the world.
The doctrine of the Logos in John 1, in the beginning God existed alone. At the same time, His plan,
His thought, His mind, His reason, His expression was with Him and was Him from eternity past. In
the fullness of time God manifested himself in flesh. His plan, reason, and thought was expressed or
uttered. God revealed Himself. John thereby identified Jesus as the one true God of eternity past. He
was not an afterthought, but the eternally foreordained revelation of God Himself.
The Apologists enlightened that Jesus Christ is not the supreme God, not the Father, but a second
person, the Logos. The Apologists' doctrine of the Logos was a departure from the monotheism of
the Bible and of the earlier Post–Apostolic Age. It marks the beginning of a personal differentiation
in the Godhead among Christian
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General Church Research Paper
The general church is the branch of government in the Church of the Nazarene that effectively and
efficiently connects the members and resources of our denomination to preserve our core values and
beliefs and advance our mission to preach holiness, make Christ–like disciples in all the nations, and
bring relief to the needy. Recognizing the strength and equality of all partners, the general church
combines and apportions time and resources for global mobilization. Simply stated, we can
accomplish more united as a global denomination than we ever could at the local church or district
level. As a "worldwide fellowship of believers in which there exists full acceptance within their
cultural contexts,"1 the general church unites regions around the world to form an international
partnership in common commitment to advance our mission and provide equal representation to ...
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The historic practice of providing institutions for higher education or ministerial preparation are
maintained at the general church level.3 Nazarene colleges, universities and seminaries, under the
direction and oversight of the general church are resolute in equipping and shaping Christlike
disciples and servant–leaders for lifelong service and global impact.4 Links to digital resources are
available and easily accessible for clergy and laity on our denomination's website.5 These resources
include the Wesleyan Holiness Digital Library, Didache, Preacher's Magazine, Media Library,
Document Library, the Church of the Nazarene Manual and more. Nazarene Publishing House
(becoming The Foundry Publishing in February 2018) has published denominational printed
resources for more than a century in order to share Wesleyan–Holiness resources of theology of
hope and love that transforms
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The Pilgrimage Of Religion
The pilgrimage of faith and a communion with God cannot be taught it must be lived. There are no
short cut, no quick way to accomplish this. It is something we must have experienced and continue
to experience. To accomplish this we must leave the negative attribute of like fighting and arguing
behind. Harris purposed a frame work for formation base on the life of the community of faith of,
"prayer (leitourgia), teaching (didache), proclamation(kerygma) and serving (diakonia)." (Page 65,
Matthaei) The past approach to Christian faith formation was called "Socialization" or
"enculturation". That means learning to live the way from other people who were living the right
way. The pilgrimage of faith and making disciples must be intentional,
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Legalization Of Abortion In The United States
Abortion is defined as the termination of a pregnancy by the removal or expulsion from the uterus of
a fetus or embryo, resulting in its death. About 42 million abortions are performed worldwide each
year, and an astounding 20 million of them occurring unsafely. These unsafe abortions result in
70,000 deaths and 5 million disabilities a year. Most abortions are performed in the first twelve
weeks using the 'vacuum' method. The majority of women that choose abortion do so because they
are not ready for motherhood, are concerned with their careers or education, or have an issue with
maintaining financial or relationship stability. Abortion is legal in the United States and most of
Europe. Yet in most African and South American countries, it ... Show more content on ...
One might encourage adoption for the frightened and unsure mother, to avoid abortion and the
taking of an innocent life and the giving of the beautiful gift of life to a deserving family. While
some women are not ready to be mothers, many are and cannot bear children. Options like adoption
provide an opportunity to give up your baby to someone who will treat them with the proper love
and care the baby deserves. The "culture of death" philosophy deals with the issue of having rather
than needing. Many young women choose abortion because they see it as 'the easy way out'. After
not taking precaution in their actions, they do not face the consequences and put their own life
before their unborn child's. According to statistics, a large percentage of women seek abortion
because they are unwilling to sacrifice their careers, education, financial status or relationship to
care for a child and simply do not feel they are ready to do so. The Catholic Church believes that
human life is be sacred and for someone to take a creation of God and essentially destroy it is selfish
and wrong. It emphasizes its duty to 'defend the right to life of persons from conception to natural
death', and abortion directly contradicts that prospect. A culture of death perspective would view
abortion as 'having' to terminate a pregnancy because women are not ready to be
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Yr 11 Gospels
Caitlin Plummer Yr 11 Gospels Assessment AS90816
The Gospels are stories of Jesus' life and teachings, told by Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, in the
first four books of the New Testament. There is little difference between the first three, they tell the
same stories of jesus but with slight differences. But the gospel of John, the gospel that traditionally
appears fourth in the new testament, has many differences to the gospels of Matthew, Mark, and
Luke. They are used to spread the teachings of jesus, and give us guidance in our lives. 'Gospel' is
derived from the old english, 'god–spel', ('god'–'good', 'spel'– 'news'). The gospel literally translates
to 'good news'.
There are three stages of the gospel. Stage one was Jesus' life. Jesus ... Show more content on ...
All of these were important to the spread of Christianity (and, in turn, Catholicism) because the
apostles needed to cater for those with all stages of understanding of the parables. Kerygma was
important because the stories needed to be told still for those who had not yet heard them. This was
crucial for the enlargement of christianity because, how can you believe if you haven't any
knowledge of it? News in Jesus' time had no way of spreading nearly half as quickly as news in the
twenty–first century does. They had not the technology we do, and it's important to remember that
many people in that time were illiterate, and could not write of jesus to send to family and friends in
other cities. Stage three begins when people start to write down the teachings and miracles that jesus
performed. Stage three was the actual writing and collection of the gospels. The evangelists wrote
down the parables and teachings jesus told in stage one, and those were collected and passed around,
so that awareness of Christianity could be increased (and also hopefully the amount of followers).
To spread even more awareness, people begun translating them to other languages, so that more and
more people could read or hear them. The gospels originated purely as stories jesus told, and
became a part of the bible some time after they were written down in order to disseminate them. The
parables would have shocked most of the original audience because the things jesus was saying
were so unusual, and the fact that they seem right and natural to people today proves that they did
their job. The stories were told to help us become better human beings and teach god's word, and
they have. When we think about what a good person is today, and how we are as people, doing the
things jesus told us to do doesn't seem that difficult. It seems like human nature to be kind to
everybody, even those
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Issues with Eminent Domain in the Holy See Essay
A. Eminent Domain is defined as "the power to take private property for public use by a state,
municipality, or private person or corporation authorized to exercise functions of public character,
following the payment of just compensation to the owner of that property" (Farlex, par. 1). Eminent
domain has a long and distinguished legal history, dating back to the Magna Carta. The term
"eminent domain" was coined by Hugo Grotius (1583–1645), a Dutch jurist and philosophe, to
describe the power of the state over natural property (Dalton, par. 3). This legal process has been
used in many nations ostensibly for the "greater good." Recently, Russia has come onto the world
stage as abusing the power of eminent domain in preparation for the 2014 ... Show more content on ...
C. The Holy See recognizes the responsibility placed on governments to protect their citizens and
provide for the general welfare. However, the Holy See also recognizes that governments have been
known to abuse this power in the past. To help curb this issue, the Holy See recommends that a
council be formed for the sole purpose of hearing eminent domain abuse questions and working
with governments to resolve such cases. This provides a forum for the public to approach an
unbiased group to ask for help, and allows the government to settle land disputes without worrying
about the possibility of civil unrest, as seen in recent cases. This group would be made up of any and
all nations that wish to partake, with all nations being equal in voting rights. The meetings would be
chaired by an elected representative serving a three year term. This committee would give non–
binding recommendations to the governments of the nations in an effort to settle issues quickly and
equitably. The Holy See also recommends the creation of a set of guidelines, coupled with an
education campaign, for nations to follow in cases where eminent domain is to be exercised. These
guidelines shall cover: Compensation, to help define what is appropriate for the affected region;
Guidelines for actions expected of a state to provide for the overall welfare of
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The Teaching of Saint Gregory Essay
A. "The Teaching of Saint Gregory" contains many theologically concepts as God and Creation,
Christology, human Sin and salvation, eschatology and resurrection. Owing to the limited space, I
will only explore some key elements which I think are worthy to be discussed.
First, Gregory depicts the God's attributes – it begins with the faith of Trinity– God created the
world and humankind, the Son saved humankind and the Spirit sustained the world (259, 263, 362).
There is no one before God and there is no creator (259). God is incomprehensible and almighty
(259, 366). God created two kinds of creatures: visible (the creatures in the world) and invisible
(angels, include the evil "Follower behind") (262, 278).
Second, man was created in ... Show more content on ...
(671–679) Gregory claims that through the power of the Spirit, the Apostles regenerate the world by
baptism (680), bring forth the world afresh by water and the Spirit (681). Gregory also emphasizes
the attribute of the Holy Spirit as Fire (638, 676); that the Apostles seasoned everyone by fire (Mk
9:49) (681).
B. To make critics on this book, the best criteria I would adopt is love. It is not only a virtue but in
fact it is the commandment that Jesus has given us to obey (Jn 13:34). As Augustine emphasized in
the teaching of catechism, "Love is the End", is the utmost important element to teach in the
Firstly, Gregory had made good elaboration of God's attributes and the unity of Trinity. Not like the
modalism, He does not say the Father is the only worker in Creation. By quoting "Let us make"
(Gen 1:27), Gregory claims the Son and the Spirit are the co–workers in the creation. However, he
has not elaborated the loving relation in Trinity. The Gospels tells numerously Jesus loves the
heavenly Father and the Father loves him (Jn 15:9). The most explicit example is shown in Jesus'
baptism – The Father says this is my son, my beloved... (Mt 4:17). In the depiction of the Spirit, the
fire character is vividly demonstrated; but Gregory missed the gentleness, kindness and loving
character of the Spirit (Jn 14:16; Rom 8:26).
Secondly, the
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Abortion Essay
The Church Until Recently Was Pro–Choice
From a sermon delivered on February 15, 1998 at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Urbana–
Champaign, Illinois, by the Rev. Elaine Gallagher Gehrmann:
Most of us know that the Roman Catholic church teaches that life begins at conception, and yet most
of us don't know that this is a relatively recent change. It wasn't until 1869 that Pope Pius IX
decreed that "ensoulment" takes place at conception. Up until then, the Catholic church had taught
that "life" begins at 40 days gestation for a male and 80 days for a female, and therefore abortions
before those 40 or 80 day periods were not viewed as murder. (Gehrmann)
The above claim that before 1869 the Catholic Church did ... Show more content on
Where there are medicines of sterility? Where there is murder before birth? You do not even let a
harlot remain only a harlot, but you make her a murderess as well. Do you see from drunkenness
comes fornication, from fornication adultery, from adultery murder? ... Do you make the anteroom
of birth, the anteroom of slaughter? Do you teach the woman who is given to you for the procreation
of offspring to perpetuate killing?" (Homily 24 on the Epistle to the Romans) (Jurgens)
The 1909 edition of the Catholic Encyclopedia notes:
The early Christians are the first on record as having pronounced abortion to be the murder of
human beings; for their public apologists, Athenagoras, Tertullian, and Minutius (Eschbach, 'Disp.
Phys.' Disp. iii) to refute the slander that a child was slain, and its flesh eaten, by the guests at the
Agape, appealed to their laws as forbidding all manner of murder, even that of children in the
womb. The Fathers of the Church unanimously maintained the same doctrine. In the fourth century
the Council of Eliberis decreed Holy Communion should be refused all the rest of her life, even on
her deathbed, to an adulteress who procured the abortion of her child. The Sixth Ecumenical Council
determined for the whole Church, that anyone who procured abortion should bear all the
punishments inflicted on murderers. In all these
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Essay about Church Views on Abortion
Church Views on Abortion
Roman Catholics believe abortion is always wrong as it goes against the natural process of
childbirth (and therefore against the will of God).
The strongest biblical evidence used against abortion is the prohibition to commit murder (Exodus
20:13) and the teaching that it is God alone who should be the giver and taker of life ('... because he
himself gives all [people] life and breath and everything else' (Acts 17:25 NIV)).
Christians who are against abortion believe human life is sacred. For these people the embryo/foetus
is human (or a potential human), and should be give full human rights.
'You shall not kill by abortion the fruit of the womb and you ... Show more content on ...
The use of abortion for a Roman Catholic woman is non–negotiable, it is never right, even in
circumstances such as rape. However if the mother is in any physical or mental danger because of
the pregnancy, then abortion is considered as acceptable, largely because of the conflict of the
sanctity of the mother's life against that of an unborn foetus.
Church of England
The Church of England encourages people to think through the issue of abortion very carefully and
recognises that each individual will have differing views on the subject.
The established protestant church is reluctant to take such a hard view as Roman Catholics in the
abortion debate. The church recognizes that there may be certain situations when abortion may seem
more appropriate than carrying on with the pregnancy. For example if a woman was raped, it may be
felt to be right to terminate the pregnancy.
"The church believes that the demand for abortions is unacceptably high. It stresses that abortion
should happen as early in the pregnancy as possible and only after serious moral reflection. It's view
on late abortions (after 24 weeks) of handicapped foetuses is that they should only be given if the
baby is likely to die from its deformities soon after birth." (The Church of England)
Like the Catholic Church, protestant churches accept abortion when the life of the mother is at risk
as a result of
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Counselor's Manual: The Evolution Of Christian Counseling
Briefly, state the answers to questions in thesis
The key classes were the original language, biblical exegesis, and the other classes. The preaching
practicum is the accumulation of knowledge received from the other classes. It helps me to identify
false teachers and their doctrines. In my pastoral ministry, I hope to open a church. I would then
begin to speak against the false teachers in the church. All courses lead to preaching a sermon.
Theses courses in the seminary have developed the ability to preach expository sermons according
to the Holy Bible.
Identification of plans for implementation of conclusions
I want to plant a church in the neighborhood. It will assist with putting my education into practice in
pastoral ... Show more content on ...
The Christian Counselor's Manual: The Practice of Nouthetic
Counseling. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1973.
Aland, Kurt. A History of Christianity, vol. 2. Trans. James Schaaf.
Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1986.
Beeke, Joel R. Living for God's Glory: An Introduction to Calvinism. Lake
Mary, Florida: Reformation Trust, 2008.
Burkill, T.A. The Evolution of Christian Thought. 2nd ed. London: Cornell
University Press, 1978.
Clowney, Edmund P. The Church: Contours of Christian Theology
Downers Grove, Illinois: Intervarsity Press, 1995.
Davidson, Ivor. The Monarch History of the Church. Edited by Tim Dowley.
Vol. 2 of A Public Faith: From Constantine to the Medieval World Ad
312–600. Grand Rapids, MI: Monarch Books, 2005.
Hill, Jonathan. Handbook of the History of Christianity. Grand Rapids,
Michigan: Lion Publishing, 2006.
Kennedy, Kevin. "Making Man the Measure of God: Arius and the Jehovah's
Witnesses." Southwestern Journal of Theology 46, no. 2 (Spring
2004): 17–29. ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials. (Accessed
May 4, 2016).
Lloyd–Jones, Martyn D. Preaching & Preachers, 40th Anniversary Edition.
Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2011.
MacArthur, John. Counseling: How to Counsel Biblically. Nashville:
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Early Church Fathers Research Paper
"Brothers, what shall we do?" Acts 2 relates the story of the first time the message of the gospel is
given. The people are convicted and desire to respond. Peter answers by telling them they must
repent and be baptized. Christian initiation into the church began with these two simple commands.
However, during first three centuries of the early church, an increasingly complex system of
initiation of new believers began to be defined by the early church fathers. The need for a more
formalized structure of church practices arose as the Christian church and its message were
presented with heresies, persecution, and an ever–increasing population. It is the intention of this
paper to present evidence of the initiation process for new ... Show more content on
He wrote to specifically address errors that had crept into the church. Sharply disagreed with another
bishop, declared himself part of the true church of Rome. Eventually martyred during the reign
Maximinus, Of greatest interest to this research is his work titled Apostolic Tradition in which he
describes some specific details for the catechumen (candidate for baptism). This is evidence that the
church was now regularly practicing more systematic initiation into the
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How Are The Gospels Reliable
Topic: Reliability of the Gospels Since we know that God does exist, it would make sense for Him
to create something to teach us His ways. There are multiple religions that claim Divine Revelation
and have a human founder. Only one of them says that their founder is divine and human. We know
that God established that religion if what the gospels say is true. The founder of that religion is Jesus
Christ. People learn many things about Him from the New Testament and more specifically, the
Gospels. Many people ask and question whether the Gospels are reliable. They are reliable and there
is a lot of evidence to back them up. In order for any historical document to be proven reliable and
real there are three tests. The three tests which it has ... Show more content on ...
Ephram. (Laux p. 63) All of those go together and agree with the early fathers of the Church and the
oldest translations of the Gospels. The Gospels are incredibly truthful. The authors knew everything
they were writing about. Matthew and John were friends of Jesus and wrote the truth about what he
did. Mark and Luke were disciples of the apostles and were with them a lot. Everything they wrote
about was something that had happened recently and was extraordinary. Jesus did everything openly
and even did His miracles in the middle of the day. Even people who did not like Him never denied
His works. The authors of the Gospels wrote all the facts honestly. They were all good men and also
God–fearing. Many times they would condemn liars and hypocrites so if they were lying when they
wrote, then they would be just as bad or worse as the people they condemned. The authors of the
Gospels had to tell the truth. They wrote when Jesus was still alive and many people knew the good
things that He had done, so if they had lied they would have been in trouble. If they lied, they had
nothing to gain from it. They would not be rich or
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The Between God And The Trinity
Trinity is the term used to explain the existence of the three natures of God in form of one. They
include God the head, Jesus the begotten son and Spirit of God. The belief gets different responses
from various doctrines and faiths. The term explains how the three exist in different ways but under
the same personality. To most Christians the trinity is a mystery as they try to figure out the nature
of three Gods in one. Jesus when he was on this earth emphasized on the trinity "out to the whole
world and make people my followers, baptizing them in the name of the God the Father and of Jesus
and of Spirit of God."Mathew.28.29. The Catholic Church as a doctrine in particular also has its
stand in this mystery. The church in relation to the term trinity believes that there is unity in the
three Gods but they exist distinctly from each other. This means there are no three Gods but on God
in different forms. The term begotten is used to describe God the son that is Jesus the term means
like producing an offspring or making another breed of the original. Thus Jesus adopts the office by
being begotten by the God the father. Spirit of God is the third nature of God in the trinity. He
precedes the trinity by a way of spirit rather than generation
There is always a misconception from most people about the trinity and they perceive it differently.
They have misinterpreted the trinity to consist of three gods. This would display Christianity as
polytheism the belief in many gods.
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Catholic Views On Abortion
Catholic Church views on Abortion
Ethical is relating to moral principles or the branch of knowledge dealing with these. The actual
word 'ethics' is from the Greek ethos, a concept that encompasses. 'Habit', 'custom' 'character' so has
a sense of 'a way of doing something', namely coming to a decision. Simply put, ethics is the way
humans relate.
Ethics has been defined as the following:
It is rational reflection on and about human behaviour.
It is the study concerned with what people ought to do – their right and wrong conduct.
It concerns peoples duty; that is, the rules or standards, behaviour and attitudes that social custom,
law or religious demands.
It is also the study of moral choices in general as well as in specific cases ... Show more content on ...
The Catholic Church opposes all forms of abortion procedures whose direct purpose is to destroy an
embryo, blastocyst, zygote or foetus, since it holds that "human life must be respected and protected
absolutely from the moment of conception. From the first moment of his existence, a human being
must be recognized as having the rights of a person – among which is inviolable right of every
innocent being to life." The Catholic Church has always condemned abortion as a grave evil. There
are phrases from the Catholic bible that make Catholics believe that abortion is wrong. In one of the
phrases David tells us "Surely I was sinful at birth, sinful from the time my mother conceived me"
Since sinfulness is a spiritual rather than a physical condition, David must have had a spiritual
nature from the time of contraception. Another phrase that is shown in James 2:26, and this tells us
that "the body without the spirit is dead." The soul is the life – principle of the human body. Since
from the time of conception the child's body is alive, the child's body must already have its spirit.
Abortion just means that it is killing a baby with a soul and spirit. Another view that the Catholic
Church have is that an abortion, is in fact, a sin. The Catholic Church has always condemned
abortion as a grave evil. They believe that an abortion is committing murder. Christian writers from
the first – century author of the Didache to Pope John Paul II in his encyclical Evangelium Vitae
("The Gospel of Life") have maintained that the Bible forbids abortion, just as it forbids murder.
From the beginning the Catholic Church has always spoken out against abortion: a teaching which,
according to the Catechism of the Catholic Church 2271, "has not changed and remains
unchangeable." Pope Francis (Jorge Mario Bergoglio) is the 266th and current Pope of the Catholic
Church, a title he holds ex
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Passover Lord's Supper
Biblical and historical testimony confirm the day on which the disciples met to participate in the
Lord's supper, but the evidence weighed does not speak to frequency. It is commonplace in
Christian–oriented circles to observe the supper monthly, quarterly, or annually (Miller, Sunday and
the Lord's Supper). In support of these frequencies, one could argue that since Passover was a yearly
observance, the Lord's supper should be also (Ex. 12:14; Deut. 16:1). He may also argue that
frequent participation in the supper cheapens the occasion. Do either of these claims satisfy the
question of frequency? Several Scriptural inferences, and some direct statements, indicate otherwise.
History also lends assistance on this point. First, the Scriptures directly speak to a weekly assembly
on Sunday (1 Cor. 16:1–2). The Greek preposition translated "on" has the force of "every"
(Thiselton 1321). Thus, the Christians in Corinth assembled together every Sunday in one place to
participate in the Lord's supper and lay aside funds for the needy saints in Jerusalem (1 Cor. 11:20).
Paul also implies frequent ... Show more content on ...
The Sabbath has not become Sunday contrary to the claims of many Christian–oriented people
(Carson 133–34, 136). However, many of the principles from the Sabbath do apply to Sunday. In
God's command to observe the Sabbath, He did not mention that it had to be kept every week (Ex.
20:8–11). Yet, a man gathering sticks on the Sabbath was seized and stoned by God's command
(Num. 15:32–36). This seems like a harsh penalty for picking up sticks, but it was just because the
man violated God's command to do no work on the Sabbath day. The man may have been able to
argue that he kept the previous Sabbath and intended to keep the next, but God clearly wanted it
observed every week, not just when people fancied it. Likewise, Sunday assemblies are intended to
participate in the Lord's supper weekly (Miller, Sunday and the Lord's
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The Importance Of The Separation Of Church And State
In 1791, ten amendments were made to the U.S. constitution: The Bill of Rights. The first of these
rights given to the citizens of America is the right to freedom of religion and freedom of the press.
Countless court cases have brought the issue of the separation of church and state to light. Legal
battles and administrative actions in the government have led to conversations about how much
religion should be involved in schools and what power the state has over religion.
The phrase, "separation of church and state" is not found in the U.S. Constitution. On January 1,
1802, Thomas Jefferson wrote a letter titled "Jefferson's Letter to the Danbury Baptists." This letter
was written in response to a letter sent by the Danbury Baptists nearly three months before. The
Danbury Baptist expressed their sentiments at Jefferson's election and their concerns about the
relationship between religion and the state. In the correspondence, Jefferson discussed the
importance of the state being unable to control the religion of the people: "I contemplate with
sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature
should "make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise
thereof," thus building a wall of separation between Church & State" (Jefferson). "A wall of
separation between Church and State" led to the now widely used phrase, "separation of church and
state." The wording of this phrase and the wording in
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Early Christian Traditions
The history of the New Testament canon is even more colorful. During the first few hundred years
of the early Christian era, there was no official canon that the entire Christian world recognized. The
Eastern and Western church traditions each used a differing list of books as scripture. Before 200
a.d., the Church fathers did not even mention Philemon, 2 Peter, 2 and 3 John, and Jude. The status
of these books was murky at best until after 400 a.d..
On the other hand, the Epistle of Barnabas, the Apocalypse of Peter, the Shepherd of Hermas, the
Didache, the Acts of Paul and the First Letter of Clement were considered by many Church fathers
to be part of the early Christian scriptures.
Early Christian Works Sometimes Considered Canonical ... Show more content on
Irenaeus, reacting to Marcion, tried to establish his own canon. Since there were a number of
gospels at that time, he decided that there should only be four "because there are only four winds
and four corners of the earth." Other Church fathers who followed Irenaeus accepted his decision.
Eusebius of Caesarea (260–339 a.d.) listed four categories of books.
1. The recognized books (the four gospels, Acts, fourteen letters of Paul, 1 Peter, 1 John, Revelation
2. The disputed books (James, 2 Peter, 2, 3 John, and Jude). Paul's authorship of Hebrews is
questioned by many modern Biblical scholars, in spite the fact that Clement of Rome (quoted by
Eusebius) said that "the epistle to the Hebrews is Paul's." Hebrews is theologically and conceptually
connected with Paul while the same time, the grammar and vocabulary are quite different from
Paul's other books.
3. The spurious books (Acts of Paul, Shepherd of Hermas, Apocalypse of Peter, Epistle of Barnabas,
Didache, Gospel of Hebrews, Revelation [?]).
4. The heretical forgeries.
Eusebius accepted 1 and 2 Timothy, Titus, and the letter to Hebrews. In fact, he was the first to
declare Hebrews legitimate. There are two possible options that explain this historic
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Abortion Ethical Issues Essay
RE An ethical issue is defined as "an issue relating to moral principles or the branch of knowledge
of dealing with these." The ethical issue I have chosen is the issue of abortion; an abortion is "the
deliberate termination of a human pregnancy, most often performed during the first 28 weeks." In
New Zealand, the legal law for an abortion is up to 14 weeks. Abortion is an ethical issue in the
Catholic religion as they teach that human life is created and begins at the moment of conception,
they believe it is a sin and immoral. There is a debate over this being an ethical issue as the two
opposing viewpoints 'pro–choice' and 'pro–life' both have completely different stances on abortion.
Abortion is considered to be an ethical issue due ... Show more content on ...
The Catholic Church holds the view that irreparable harm is inflicted on the child, the parents and
society as a whole when abortion is in question. This viewpoint has continually remained the same
despite variation of this belief within the Catholic religion. "Donum vitae 5" states "Human life is
sacred because from its beginning it involves the creative action of God and it remains forever in a
special relationship with the Creator, who is its sole end. God alone is the Lord of life from its
beginning until its end: no one can, in any circumstance, claim for himself the right to destroy
directly an innocent human being." If an abortion takes place then this is then broken. Catholic
Christians believe that all life is sacred from the beginning until natural death and, taking a human
life whether it be born or in the womb is morally wrong. This relates to the fairness or justice
approach in the way that everyone whether it be a human on earth or a foetus be treated equally and
that all have the same rights to life as one another even if they have no say. Catholic's have
responded to the ethical issue of abortion in many ways which include protesting, health work and
in the past excommunication of women from the church who have had an abortion. Pope Francis has
stated that abortion is a "crime" and "absolute evil" that can't be justified
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Matthew 5-7 Vs Didache
I found that the language difficult and distracting from the actual content but nonetheless I found
many similarities between the reading from Matthew 5–7 and the Didache perhaps this is because
the author of Matthew was also one of the 12 disciples present at the teaching. The 10
Commandments also were snuck into the teaching to create a massive list of rules. Is that the right
word for them rules? Or laws? I also felt like the Didache made Christianity sound more like a
religion than a walk with Christ. Following what the Didache said alone doesn't make one a
Christian it doesn't save the Gentiles. Simply following the rules and doing good on the outside
doesn't automatically save your heart on the inside. Your heart has to be in it you need
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Artificial Insemination Vs Abortion Research Paper
Only God Should Create or Destroy Life All that surrounds us was created by God. According to the
Modern Catholic Dictionary, creation is the shaping of formless matter and giving it life and activity.
Life is defined as something only God can give and take. Through artificial insemination, women
can be impregnated in an unnatural way. Abortion terminates the life of an unborn child. That is
something only God should do. However, through the artificial insemination and abortion
procedures, people are able to create and destroy life. Artificial insemination and abortion are
unnatural and inhumane processes and should be completely outlawed in the United States.
Artificial insemination and abortion are processes that are being used throughout the United States.
In the United States, about 12% of women ages 15–44 have difficulty getting pregnant or carrying a
pregnancy to term (CDC). With so many women being affected by infertility, couples consider using
other forms of fertility such as, artificial insemination. Artificial insemination is a procedure in
which sperm is inserted into the woman's uterus. This process in completely unnatural. Abortion is a
very common process. In the United States, 3 out of 10 ... Show more content on ...
According to the Modern Catholic Dictionary, "Artificial Insemination violates the dignity of the
person and the sanctity of marriage." Also, Pope Pius XII condemned artificial insemination. He
condemned the procedure because it allows a third person to become involved in the marriage.
Therefore, it is considered adultery. Only God could create human life. Also, abortion is the
destruction of human life. According to the Didache, "... thou shalt not kill a child by abortion"
(2.2). Through an abortion, the life of an innocent child is ended. Therefore, the crime of murder is
committed. God is the only one who has the right to allow human life to be created or
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Factors Influencing The Collaboration Of The New Testament
TESTAMENT By Daniel Surmi CHHI 520 05 October, 2014 INTRODUCTION This paper will
examine the internal and external factors which spurred and led to the well–known theologian
Athanasius proposing the now existing New Testament books of the Holy Scriptures. The internal
factors that will be examined in this paper include: Docetism, Judaism, Gnosticism, Marcionism,
Montanism, and Apollinarianism. Secondly this paper will view how the false prophets influenced
not only the doctrine of Christ but sought to take advantage of the Church's generous heart for
personal profit and gain. The external factors this paper will evaluate are: the persecution of the
church and the influence of pagan cultures surrounding the Christian Gentiles. The events and topics
covered will be from the 1st to 3rd century AD. Lastly this paper will look at the churches response
to these factors as they will create an authoritative list of writings in which Christians can rest on
and use as a foundation for their belief in Christ. All information and data in this paper is gathered
from peer reviewed, published journals and vetted educational websites. TABLE OF CONTENTS
INTERNAL FACTORS..................................................................................................................4
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What Is Christian Doctrine?
What is Christian doctrine? Christian doctrine tells us the truth about God, ourselves, and our world.
Doctrine means teaching or instruction. A Church historian once defined Christian doctrine in this
way: "Christian doctrine is what the church believes and teaches." A doctrine is what the whole
Bible teaches us about a particular topic. Christian doctrine may be defined as the fundamental
truths of the Bible arranged in systematic form. The Assemblies of God has 16 fundamentals of truth
or doctrines. These are non–negotiable tenets of faith that all Assemblies of God churches adhere to.
The word doctrine comes from the Greek word didache meaning "teaching." It is a belief or system
of beliefs. Key doctrines form the primary basis of the belief system. Examples of Christian doctrine
include the Trinity, Virgin birth and the deity of Christ. Someone who denies one or more central
doctrines would therefore not be accepted as a genuine follower of that faith, for example, denying
the deity of Christ (Jehovah Witnesses). Individuals who – while claiming to be Christians – reject
one of more central doctrines of the Christian faith are considered heretics. A heresy is false
teaching that Christians must divide themselves from all who teach it. Examples of heresy include
circumcision required for Salvation Acts 15:1: "But some men came down from Judea and were
teaching the brethren, 'Unless you are circumcised according to the custom of Moses, you cannot be
saved.'" Other
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The Didache Source Analysis
The Didache source begins with thanking those who pertain to the cup. We thank the Father, David
(who is shown through Jesus Christ) to be the glory. For the bread, we thank our Father, once again,
and the knowledge brought to us by Jesus. Just as the bread was once broken on the mountains to
bring the apostles together, the Church is gathered as one from the ends of the earth. This source
believes you should not take the Eucharist if you are quarreling, or impure. You must reconcile with
the Lord and then receive the Eucharist. St. Justin the Martyr believes that no one can take the
Eucharist unless they believe in the faith 100%, and who have been baptized. Those taking the
Eucharist must live like Christ would live. The food (Eucharist) ... Show more content on ...
Augustine has a lot to say about the Body and Blood of Jesus. He thinks that the Eucharist is directly
related to the forgiveness of sins. When we participate in drinking from the chalice, or when we
decide to eat the body of Christ, we are eating and drinking what "he poured for us unto the
forgiveness of sins." (Sermons 227) He believes that Jesus wanted those who could not see him,
whether they had little faith or were blind, to recognize him just as much as those who had a lot of
faith and were physically able to. He says that those who contain a lot of faith, can know Christ is
with them and they receive the blessing of Christ. He says that when we see the body and blood of
Christ, we just think of what our own eyes see: the bread and the wine. But, our faith allows us to
see that it really is the Body and Blood of our Lord. St. Augustine also thinks that Christ is the
victim, as well as the offering. The daily sacrifice of the Church can be related to the sacramental
sign. The Church offers herself through Jesus because the Church is considered to be his
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The Issue Of Abortion On The United States Essay
The topic I have selected to write about in this research paper is the issue of Abortion, My thesis in
this paper is to analyze the history of abortion in the United States prior to the Roe vs. Wade
decision and afterwards, and to demonstrate the ways in which our two major political parties' views
on this issue have shifted over time along with the public's view on the issue. Abortion has been
practiced for most of human history. The ancient Greeks and Romans practiced it, although not all
ancient thinkers had the same views on abortion. Ancient Greek "father of medicine" (Britannica)
Hippocrates was against the procedure; in the Hippocratic Oath doctors had to swear, "To not give a
woman an abortive remedy."(University of Virginia) Ancient Greek thinker Aristotle believed that
fetuses gained a soul 40 days after conception for male fetuses, and 90 days after conception for
female fetuses, a process of which he termed "ensoulment"(BBC) "The Bible" is inexplicably quiet
on the issue.(BBC) Jesus said nothing about the practice of abortion neither did the apostles; It is
through early Christian writings such as "The Didache" (Ante–Nicene Fathers, Vol. 7.) that abortion
was inexplicably condemned by the fledgling Christian Church and in turn all of Christendom.
Between the 5th and 16 century views on abortion changed as abortion came to gradually become
acceptable as long as it was performed before "The Quickening" which was a term for when the
mother first felt the child
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Humility In The Early Christian Community
One major issue that the early Christian community is the idea of humility. They had a major
problem with just putting trust in the Lord and listening what the Bible says. "My brothers, do let us
have a little humility; let us forget our self assertion and braggadocio and stupid quarreling, and do
what he Bible tells us instead." (p 28). This passage from The First Epistle of Clement to the
Corinthians, shows that it is extremely important to just listen to the Bible and stop trying to figure
out and do everything ourselves. This is impossible and I believe that is what Clement was trying to
tell the Corinthians. Another issue that the early Christian community had was straying from the
"Church Manual" that was talked about in The Didache.
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Comparing Didache's 'Teaching Of The Lord To The Gentiles'
Due to these texts the choice between these two roads becomes a matter of following God and is
emphasized in the preaching towards the Gentiles who were to be won over and converted into the
Church. This idea further corresponds to the second heading that directly refers to the original book
of Didache, contains the words "Teaching of the Lord to the Gentiles" (Διδαχὴ Κυρίου τοῖς Εθνεσιν)
which are fundamentally Jewish in origin. However there are many scholars who see the Didache as
more than only an edit of Jewish ideals into Christian ones for Gentile use but rather a book "that
reveals more about how Jewish–Christians saw themselves and how they adapted their Judaism for
gentiles than any other book in the Christian Scriptures." (Milavec, Faith P.vii) Despite these slightly
different views there is a strong ... Show more content on ...
Following the first chapter on the two ways, the Didache's second chapter is titled "The second
Commandment" which does not deal with the second of the Ten Commandments as seen in
Deuteronomy 5:6–21 and in Exodus 20:2–17, which deals with not worshipping idols, but rather
with the 6th–10th commandments. "You shall not murder." "You shall not commit adultery.", "You
shall not steal.", "You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. You shall not covet your
neighbor's wife; and you shall not desire your neighbor's house, his field, his male servant, his
female servant, his ox, his donkey, or anything that is your neighbor's." (Deuteronomy 5:13–21).
This section of the Didache addresses the morals a Christian should have, do not murder, don't
covet, and so on which can mostly be rooted in the Ten Commandments. Yet
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The Book Of Revelation
Esther Park
REL 371
Week 6 – The Book of Revelation The book of Hebrews was written by a Christian scholar and not
by one of the Gospels. I knew that many authors made up the New Testament but I did not know
scholars wrote some books a well. Hebrews writer was someone who linked the Hebrew Bible along
with Greek philosophy. The writer never identifies himself but his views on the end times were very
strong. He assumes that there is an existence of two parallel worlds: the eternal and the perfect realm
of spirits. This is something that I have never heard before. This writer is the only person to speak of
Jesus as the mediator between God and humanity. He has so much insight on what was happening or
what was to happen but we do not know who this person was. Hebrew is written very differently and
some of the ... Show more content on ...
John wrote the book of Revelation and he was not a synoptic gospel. The fact that John was chosen
to be the author of this book speak volumes of what God wanted for him. The book of Revelation is
hope but not many people can see that through the doom and gloom that it screams at you. It seems
as though it will be a scary time when the end comes but it shouldn't be for the believers. We
constantly deal with what we do not know and we want to make to know what is going to actually
happen. I always wonder who the anti–Christ is going to be and I think every year I guess someone
new. It's a scary thought but the end result of the Revelation will be us in heaven with our Father.
We will go through the hard times to get to the end which is our hope for the future. The Charles
Manson documentary was scary too as I was just watching him think he was doing everything right.
He justified what he was doing by the readings from the Bible. Many can interpret this book wrong
and Charles Manson was one of many that took the book completely out of
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Eucharist And Christianity
Catholics and Orthodox Christians believe that through transubstantiation the Eucharist is changed
into the literal body and blood of Christ. Calvin did not believe that a literal change occurred, rather,
the body and blood were received by participating in symbolic communion through the power of the
Holy Spirit.
Both Catholics and Orthodox Christians justify their belief by referencing verses from first
Corinthians "The cup of blessing which we bless, is it not a participation in the blood of Christ? The
bread which we break, is it not a participation in the body of Christ? Because there is one bread, we
who are many are one body, for we all partake of the one bread"(pg.330), along with readings from
the Didache. From purely empirical observation,
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Religious Beliefs And Practices Of The Church At The Time
Believed to have originated in Syria or Palestine c.100–150, the Didaché is one of the earliest
Christian writings outlining the beliefs and practices of the Church at the time. Although there are a
number of different areas discussed by the author(s), there are four main subtopics that are focussed
on. These are: the practice of baptism, the need for fasting, the observation of the Eucharist, and the
importance of strong leadership in the church. The relevance of the Didaché in today's church is
often a topic of debate, with some seeing it as outdated, while others still see it as significant.
Before looking at the contents of any writing, it is important to look at the purpose with which the
author(s) wrote. Aaron Milavec (2004, p.42) states that "The Didaché does not have a topic
paragraph serving to specify its overall purpose and name the progression of topics to be treated."
However, I believe that if you look at the meaning of the word Didaché, you get a fair indication of
what exactly the author(s) set out to do when writing the book. In its original Greek, the word
Didaché "means "teaching," "instruction" as a fact," according to Kittel (1985, p.166). It is therefore
likely that the author(s) was writing to instruct others on the practices of the Early Church and the
way of faith.
The Didaché begins with a 6–chapter summary of 'The Way of Life' and 'The Way of Death'.
Holmes (2007, p.335) writes that:
The Two Ways material appears to have been intended, in
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The Jewish Roots of Christian Liturgy
I Introduction First Christian communities appeared in Jewish Palestine and Diaspora after the death
of Jesus of Nazareth, called the Christ, around 30 CE. Not only Jesus himself was a Jew, but also his
followers and very first members of the new growing community were mainly Jews. They all shared
the Jewish belief, the Sacred Scripture that Christians later started to call the Old Testament (OT),
and were not aware of founding a new religion. A closer examination of Jewish worship will let us
understand how it influenced the new Christian worship. We will have a closer look at places of
worship, liturgical sources and customs which were common at that time. A last task will be to ask
whether there are any significant Jewish elements ... Show more content on ...
There are some references to this pattern in the gospels (e.g. Lk 2,38; Mt 11,25–30; Jn 11,41–42).
Further we will see how some of these prayers in connection with the domestic Jewish worship were
essential for the Christian liturgy of the Eucharist.
D. The third main place of Jewish worship was home, especially during the time of meal. In the OT
the communion of meal and feast was understood as a sign of covenant (eg. Gen 26,30). The
Sabbath as a day was a special sign of covenant with God (Ex 31, 13–15) and so was the meal. The
main meal of the year was the Passover meal, as a memorial day for the Lord's passover in Egypt
and deliverance from slavery (Ex 12). The weekly Sabbath meal on Friday evenings and the yearly
Passover meal thus became quite elaborate. Bradshaw reminds that there is unfortunately no detailed
evidence about meal–prayers in the first century, but according to the later evidence many assume
that every meal started with berakot (plural of berakah) and ended with them. The opening berakot
were pronounced over wine and bread, while the berakot at the end of the meal, called Birkat ha–
mazon, consisted of a berakah for food, a hodayah for revelation and a tefillah for redemption
(Bradshaw: 44f; Kavanagh: 621). For Christians the Last Supper with Jesus, which was a Passover
meal, assumed a new meaning (Eucharist) – as a thanksgiving and
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Physician Assisted Suicide Argumentative Essay
For the most part, everybody throughout the world views life as sacred. In America, we see this in
our laws which serve justice to those that have killed, and in our constitution alongside liberty and
the pursuit of happiness as an inalienable right. It is generally agreed upon that most everybody
would rather not die, and for that matter, would rather not see other people die as well. In short,
barring serial killers and psychopaths, almost everybody supports life. However, when discussing
the death and life of certain people, such as terminally ill patients and those sentenced to die by the
court (capital punishment), a fair deal of disagreement arises. Within the politically fueled
discussions that seem to dominate today's discourse, we ... Show more content on ...
Again, in the words of Girsh; "It should be as much of a crime to make someone live who with
justification does not wish to continue as it is to take life without consent" (Girsh). In response to
this argument, and perhaps the best reason for Catholics to support the church, is the fact that
physician assisted suicide is a slippery slope to legalized murder – that the intent to kill is of utmost
importance in the matter, and the moral repercussions of killing someone are irreversible (Harriss).
In other words, physician assisted suicide inevitably leads to a culture of death. This claim is
supported by the current state of healthcare in the Netherlands, where "Studies show that hospice–
style palliative care 'is virtually unknown'" (Smith). Additionally, as a final note, it may be important
to note that one of the problem with physician assisted suicide for Catholics is one of control; people
want to end their own lives to be in control, but in reality, that control is supposed to be left to
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Against Abortion Persuasive Essay
All around the world, babies are being born every several minutes, yet numerous people are also
becoming homeless every several minutes, occasionally it is the newborn babies. Lately, various
amounts of children have had their own children too, as a result of it not being illegal to have a child
until you're 18 or older. Thus, they've been needing extra homes or orphanages for the people who
can't provide for those kids. This is due to people saying it's their own fault they're pregnant, and
that they need to either keep the child or hand it over to adoption. Although people dislike abortion
as a result of people saying they would be ending a life... these people clearly haven't researched
enough on how deranged a child in an orphanage can become. ... Show more content on ...
To put it simply, generally no one is going to say yes, I wish I had been aborted, but a woman who is
too young to carry for her child or is not prepared for pregnancy and responsibilities such as having
a child should be able to have an abortion. Another opinion that's thrown around is that it's the
woman's body, therefore it's the woman's choice what she wants to do with the baby. Science states
that,"...abortions are performed within the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. During this time there is no
scientific doubt that the developing fetus is incapable of any form of conscious awareness. The fetal
brain does not begin to develop until 3–4 weeks into the pregnancy... Between weeks 4 and 8 this
neural tissue grows, forming the major divisions of the adult brain... By the end of the first trimester
(12 weeks) nerve cells are beginning to form rudimentary connections between different areas of the
brain. However, these connections are sparse and incapable of performing the same functions as an
adult brain...although the fetus is certainly starting to look like a little human, the neural circuits
responsible for conscious awareness are yet to develop." This shows that yes, although it may be a
life, it cannot feel anything yet, therefore it wouldn't feel pain during an
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The Doctrine Of The Lord 's Supper
AND CHURCH BY MO HICKMAN APRIL 7TH, 201 Introduction The Doctrine of the Lord's
Supper is a central part of church life and ecclesiology. During the Lord's Supper, the Church shares
in the bread and the cup in remembrance of Christ and "proclaim[s] the Lord's death until He
comes." Theologians have disagreed on what happens to the bread and wine and the role of the
Supper. In this paper, I will outline the basis of the Doctrine of the Lord's Supper and briefly
describe its biblical context. I will then explain how the doctrine was developed during the first
centuries and the reformation. I will conclude by briefly describing the different views held by the
Catholic, Reformed, and Protestant traditions. Outline of the Doctrine The Lord's Supper was
ordained by Christ at the Last Supper. Stott writes that, 'whenever we share in the Lord's Supper, his
sacrifice on the cross is remembered, partaken of, proclaimed, acknowledged as the ground of our
unity, and responded to in grateful worship." The Lord's Supper is about the cross and remembering
Christ's sacrifice through which salvation is made available. The Lord's Supper is considered the
second act of commitment to Christ's body the Church, after baptism. The Lord's Supper repeatedly
acknowledges that one has been saved through their faith in Christ and that they are a member of
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Early Church Mind Map
There are four parts in my mind map and every part represents different mark of the early Church
which I want the reader comes away with. In other words, my mind map focus on the illustrations of
early Church's four marks. Early Church has four marks: One, Holy, Catholic and apostolic. Those
marks indicated four major distinctive marks or distinguishing characteristics of the Christian
Church. For example, although people built thousands of churches around the world, there is still
only "one" Church for the Christian religion. As the description of "Body of Christ" in the model of
Church, Church is basically the union of Jesus' followers and believers, though many, still one
organism with Jesus Christ. And the mark "One" leads to the essential ... Show more content on ...
For the contagion of this superstition has spread not only to the cities but also to the villages and
farms"(Letters between Trajan and Pliny the Younger). Jesus told His apostles to go throughout the
world and make disciples of "all nations" (Matthew 28:19~20) as the gift from Jesus which could
provide people a way to purify their soul and save them from the sins. As a result, various people are
making the connection with the Church for their religion beliefs and appreciation to Jesus. And the
Church is still processing missionaries to "make disciples of all nations" (Matthew 28:19). In
addition, it would be very hard for the Church to accomplish the universal without the essential
mark "Apostolic". After Jesus established the Church, He appointed His Apostles who succeed
Jesus' thought as the leader of the Church. They communicated with disciples around the world for
Jesus, and help them to connect the Holy Church. The Didache is a perfect fact to express that idea.
It includes the tutor of Christian traditions from Jesus convey by His
... Get more on ...
Christians' Beliefs About Their Responsibility for Those...
Christians' Beliefs About Their Responsibility for Those at the Beginning and End of Their Lives
This essay will clarify the attitudes that Christians hold about their responsibility for those at the
beginning and end of their lives. I will do this by looking at the different responsibilities that
Christians hold with regard to abortion and euthanasia and show the different Christian views.
Abortion is the premature expulsion of the foetus from the womb. Christians have different views on
this issue. The Roman Catholic Church teaches that deliberate procured abortion is a serious sin in
all circumstances. They believe that they have a responsibility, a moral obligation to protect the
foetus. In ... Show more content on ...
The Didache says 'You shall not kill by abortion the fruit of the womb and you shall not murder the
infant already born.' This explains that it is a Christian's responsibility not to harm the foetus that is
a human being.
The view of the Protestant churches is that abortion is generally undesirable, but that it may be
tolerable in some situations. It isn't clear what the circumstances might be and perhaps for this
reason a minority group 'Christians for Free Choice' campaigns for greater emphasis on what they
see as a woman's right to have an abortion. Although an abortion is still morally wrong as all human
beings are created in the image and likeness of God. In Psalms 139:13, it says 'You created every
part of me; you put me together in my mothers' womb.' This suggests that human life is sacred and
Christians are responsible for the life of a new born.
'Euthanasia' means an easy death. It is 'ending a person's life painlessly, as an act of kindness,
especially in a case of incurable and painful illness.' There are two types of Euthanasia; they are
'passive' and 'active'. Passive euthanasia happens when a person is too ill to make their wishes
known. Examples of this would be: giving drugs over a long period of time which control pain but
eventually accumulate and kill the patient. Active euthanasia is at the request of the patient who asks
to be helped to die, e.g. by
... Get more on ...

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The Didache

  • 1. The Didache Today, Christians around the globe try to figure out how they can become good, obedient Christians. Some look to the Ten Commandments received at the top of Mount Sinai. Others, try to model their lives around the teachings and parables Jesus spoke to his followers. Yet few Christians, realize that the Didache, also known as the Teaching of the Twelve Disciples, gives the reader an idea on how to be a good person just like the Ten Commandments and Jesus. The Two Ways of the Didache advise people on how to live their lives to become better Christians. The Didache is a sixteen chapter book, separated into four separate parts. The book covers a range of topics from how to be an ethical Christian to basic rituals conducted within the Church. ... Show more content on ... The next line states that we should love God who created us in his likeness and image. (Cruttwell) After referring to what is known as the Shema, the author advises the reader to love their neighbor like you love yourself (Cruttwell). Known as the Great Commandment, variations can be found in both the Old and New Testaments of the Bible. All of the gospels, excluding John, give a general idea of the commandment through the words of Jesus. In the gospel of Matthew, Jesus speaks this great commandment to a lawyer, saying, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it, you shall love your neighbor as yourself."(Matthew) In the Gospel of Luke, Jesus has a similar answer saying, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind; and your neighbor as yourself."(Luke) In the Old Testament, Leviticus and Deuteronomy of the Pentateuch give a part of this Great Commandment. Leviticus talks of loving and reasoning with one's neighbor, but does not mention God. (Leviticus) Deuteronomy, however, talks about loving God with all your heart, but avoids loving thy neighbor. (Deuteronomy). With the Didache acting as a book of guidance, it is understandable to see a form of the Great Commandment as an important rule to live by. The inclusion of the commandment in all these forms of writing shows just how valuable it was to the Apostles at the time, and gives us an idea as to why it is included in the Two Ways of the Didache. After the Shema and the Great Commandment, the Didache informs the reader that all things whatsoever you do not wish to be done to you, those do not you to another. (Cruttwell) This axiom is known as the ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Byzantine Empire's Influence On Christianity The main characters of the Byzantine Empire were Diocletian, Constantine, Jerome, Ambrose, Gregory, Augustine and Justinian. It achieved influence on the whole world through the Christian faith and collections of laws that are used and believed in even to this day. Moreover I do not think it impacted the Christian world, it literally made it. Iconography influenced Christians and later other groups as well, including secret societies. The major start of the Byzantine Empires influence on solidifying Christianity begins with Diocletian. "Diocletian divided the Empire into western and eastern halves and appointed a co–emperor to share the burden of administration and defense." (Fiero, Gloria). Shortly after this Rome's greatness fell ... Show more content on ... Early Christians in the Roman Empire had symbols that other Christians could identify. This later led to more symbolic than literal at face value meanings. I would say that Secret Societies that exist today built from traditions of Templars took much of this Iconography and added their own meanings to them. Masons built many of the Cathedrals of Europe and Templars joined the Masons once the Catholic Church denounced them. Sir Francis Bacon learning of America through tales of Templars is said to have wrote many of the degrees of Freemasonry which were built upon Christian morality. Furthermore Sir Francis Bacon wrote a book called the New Atlantis in which America is to be the New Atlantis. This is what Thomas Jefferson had to say about Sir Francis Bacon. "Thomas Jefferson identified Francis Bacon, John Locke, and Isaac Newton as 'the three greatest men that have ever lived, without any exception,' in this 1789 letter ordering portraits of them from the American painter, John Trumbull." (Jefferson, Thomas). So not only did Christian Iconography give birth to the NSO New Spiritual Order it also fostered the birth of the NWO. The Hagia Sophia is probably one of the most breathtaking buildings I have ever seen from its interior. It puts one at awe just from the pictures and is a testament to how these beliefs influenced architecture. I have said in my earlier papers that this ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Origins Of The Eucharist With A Focus On The New Testament... Introduction This essay discusses the origins of the Eucharist with a focus on the New Testament and the Jewish background, it briefly summaries Bradshaw's critic of Dom Gregory Dix's theory of early Eucharistic practices. It then examines Dom Gregory Dix's theory of the fourfold shape of the Eucharist. It uses Justin Martyr's writings to provide evidence to support Dom Gregory Dix's fourfold shape, and finally, it examines Dom Gregory Dix's fourfold shape theory using Bradshaw's contribution to the field. Origins of the Eucharist All the four canonical gospels account that Jesus and his disciples had an evening meal before Jesus' death. This meal has been called the Last Supper. The synoptic gospel narratives refer to this Last Supper ... Show more content on ... "Thanksgiving" (in Greek, "εὐχαριστία") is generally regarded as the Greek equivalent of berakah that is, the Jewish "blessing" addressed to God at meals over the food and drink. It is in this sense that the term was originally used in connection with the common meal of the early Christian community, at which the "blessing" or "thanksgiving" had special reference to Jesus Christ . Some of the Eucharistic celebrations of the early Christians included a meal called an agape feast, but it is necessary to note that this practice as well as the terminology might have been different in communities . The origin of the Eucharist might also be found from the Todah which is a thanksgiving that is done in gratitude for a favour received from God, it includes a thanksgiving and a petition. This pattern is was relevant for future Eucharistic prayers . A very important source of information for the origin of the Eucharist is the Didache, this document contains moral instructions and directions for the pattern of the Eucharist amongst other things. Bradshaw and Dix point out that the prayers in the Didache (Chapters 9 and 10) have been recognised to have some Jewish appearance and are thought to resemble the forms of Jewish table prayers and Jewish berakah in the ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. The Didache Research Paper According to the Didache, the liturgy of communion as such: during the meal, Eucharistic prayers are arranged after the pattern of the Jewish Sabbath meal. Before the meal, thanksgiving prayers are said over an initial cup of wine and the broken bread. After the meal, the three–fold thanksgiving prayer is said over a final cup of water mixed with wine. By the end of the fourth century, the brief prayers of the Didache were expanded into several pages and were included into the Syrian Apostolic Constitutions. The Didache specifically states, "No one is to eat or drink of your Eucharist but those who have been baptized in the name of the Lord." Notice how the word "Eucharist" was used so early in history, showing that the word was not originally patented to connote the sacramental traditions of Catholicism. Quite the contrary, the original Greek translation of the word, eucharisteo, simply means, "give thanks." ... Show more content on ... 150. "Then they celebrated the Eucharist, or Lord's Supper...the people brought bread and a cup of wine mixed with water to the presider. The presider took the gifts and offered prayer...After the people had assented with an "Amen," the deacons distributed the gifts." Although during his time there was little division between clergy and laity, making the liturgy belong to the people, Justin's account leans towards the concepts of transubstantiation as states, "through the word of prayer that comes from him, the food over which the eucharist has been spoken becomes the flesh and blood of the incarnate ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Reflection Of The Holy Spirit Holy Spirit: Hermas described that the Holy Spirit is the divine principle in the incarnate Christ. The holy pre– existent spirit which created the whole creation God made to dwell in flesh that he desired. This flesh in which the Holy Spirit dwelt was subject to the Spirit. As Hermas pointed out that the Holy Spirit considered as the divine incarnate Christ in this time. The Didache describes prophets in the church of that day who spoke "in the Spirit." It is evident that, just as in the Book of Acts, people were receiving the Holy Spirit and exercising various spiritual gifts. Soteriology: The apostolic fathers' repeatedly talk about that salvation was through the blood of Christ. Clement stated that; "Let us fix our eyes on the blood of Christ and ... Show more content on ... They were dependent on the writings of Clement and Plato. Clement described Fatherhood with creativity. Plato insisted that God is the Maker and Father of the universe. He is Father inasmuch as he is Creator. Philo of Alexandria proclaimed that God is one but also to speak of the Logos as God's intermediary in creating the world. The doctrine of the Logos in John 1, in the beginning God existed alone. At the same time, His plan, His thought, His mind, His reason, His expression was with Him and was Him from eternity past. In the fullness of time God manifested himself in flesh. His plan, reason, and thought was expressed or uttered. God revealed Himself. John thereby identified Jesus as the one true God of eternity past. He was not an afterthought, but the eternally foreordained revelation of God Himself. The Apologists enlightened that Jesus Christ is not the supreme God, not the Father, but a second person, the Logos. The Apologists' doctrine of the Logos was a departure from the monotheism of the Bible and of the earlier Post–Apostolic Age. It marks the beginning of a personal differentiation in the Godhead among Christian ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. General Church Research Paper The general church is the branch of government in the Church of the Nazarene that effectively and efficiently connects the members and resources of our denomination to preserve our core values and beliefs and advance our mission to preach holiness, make Christ–like disciples in all the nations, and bring relief to the needy. Recognizing the strength and equality of all partners, the general church combines and apportions time and resources for global mobilization. Simply stated, we can accomplish more united as a global denomination than we ever could at the local church or district level. As a "worldwide fellowship of believers in which there exists full acceptance within their cultural contexts,"1 the general church unites regions around the world to form an international partnership in common commitment to advance our mission and provide equal representation to ... Show more content on ... The historic practice of providing institutions for higher education or ministerial preparation are maintained at the general church level.3 Nazarene colleges, universities and seminaries, under the direction and oversight of the general church are resolute in equipping and shaping Christlike disciples and servant–leaders for lifelong service and global impact.4 Links to digital resources are available and easily accessible for clergy and laity on our denomination's website.5 These resources include the Wesleyan Holiness Digital Library, Didache, Preacher's Magazine, Media Library, Document Library, the Church of the Nazarene Manual and more. Nazarene Publishing House (becoming The Foundry Publishing in February 2018) has published denominational printed resources for more than a century in order to share Wesleyan–Holiness resources of theology of hope and love that transforms ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. The Pilgrimage Of Religion The pilgrimage of faith and a communion with God cannot be taught it must be lived. There are no short cut, no quick way to accomplish this. It is something we must have experienced and continue to experience. To accomplish this we must leave the negative attribute of like fighting and arguing behind. Harris purposed a frame work for formation base on the life of the community of faith of, "prayer (leitourgia), teaching (didache), proclamation(kerygma) and serving (diakonia)." (Page 65, Matthaei) The past approach to Christian faith formation was called "Socialization" or "enculturation". That means learning to live the way from other people who were living the right way. The pilgrimage of faith and making disciples must be intentional, ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. Legalization Of Abortion In The United States Abortion is defined as the termination of a pregnancy by the removal or expulsion from the uterus of a fetus or embryo, resulting in its death. About 42 million abortions are performed worldwide each year, and an astounding 20 million of them occurring unsafely. These unsafe abortions result in 70,000 deaths and 5 million disabilities a year. Most abortions are performed in the first twelve weeks using the 'vacuum' method. The majority of women that choose abortion do so because they are not ready for motherhood, are concerned with their careers or education, or have an issue with maintaining financial or relationship stability. Abortion is legal in the United States and most of Europe. Yet in most African and South American countries, it ... Show more content on ... One might encourage adoption for the frightened and unsure mother, to avoid abortion and the taking of an innocent life and the giving of the beautiful gift of life to a deserving family. While some women are not ready to be mothers, many are and cannot bear children. Options like adoption provide an opportunity to give up your baby to someone who will treat them with the proper love and care the baby deserves. The "culture of death" philosophy deals with the issue of having rather than needing. Many young women choose abortion because they see it as 'the easy way out'. After not taking precaution in their actions, they do not face the consequences and put their own life before their unborn child's. According to statistics, a large percentage of women seek abortion because they are unwilling to sacrifice their careers, education, financial status or relationship to care for a child and simply do not feel they are ready to do so. The Catholic Church believes that human life is be sacred and for someone to take a creation of God and essentially destroy it is selfish and wrong. It emphasizes its duty to 'defend the right to life of persons from conception to natural death', and abortion directly contradicts that prospect. A culture of death perspective would view abortion as 'having' to terminate a pregnancy because women are not ready to be ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Yr 11 Gospels Caitlin Plummer Yr 11 Gospels Assessment AS90816 The Gospels are stories of Jesus' life and teachings, told by Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, in the first four books of the New Testament. There is little difference between the first three, they tell the same stories of jesus but with slight differences. But the gospel of John, the gospel that traditionally appears fourth in the new testament, has many differences to the gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke. They are used to spread the teachings of jesus, and give us guidance in our lives. 'Gospel' is derived from the old english, 'god–spel', ('god'–'good', 'spel'– 'news'). The gospel literally translates to 'good news'. There are three stages of the gospel. Stage one was Jesus' life. Jesus ... Show more content on ... All of these were important to the spread of Christianity (and, in turn, Catholicism) because the apostles needed to cater for those with all stages of understanding of the parables. Kerygma was important because the stories needed to be told still for those who had not yet heard them. This was crucial for the enlargement of christianity because, how can you believe if you haven't any knowledge of it? News in Jesus' time had no way of spreading nearly half as quickly as news in the twenty–first century does. They had not the technology we do, and it's important to remember that many people in that time were illiterate, and could not write of jesus to send to family and friends in other cities. Stage three begins when people start to write down the teachings and miracles that jesus performed. Stage three was the actual writing and collection of the gospels. The evangelists wrote down the parables and teachings jesus told in stage one, and those were collected and passed around, so that awareness of Christianity could be increased (and also hopefully the amount of followers). To spread even more awareness, people begun translating them to other languages, so that more and more people could read or hear them. The gospels originated purely as stories jesus told, and became a part of the bible some time after they were written down in order to disseminate them. The parables would have shocked most of the original audience because the things jesus was saying were so unusual, and the fact that they seem right and natural to people today proves that they did their job. The stories were told to help us become better human beings and teach god's word, and they have. When we think about what a good person is today, and how we are as people, doing the things jesus told us to do doesn't seem that difficult. It seems like human nature to be kind to everybody, even those ... Get more on ...
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  • 19. Issues with Eminent Domain in the Holy See Essay A. Eminent Domain is defined as "the power to take private property for public use by a state, municipality, or private person or corporation authorized to exercise functions of public character, following the payment of just compensation to the owner of that property" (Farlex, par. 1). Eminent domain has a long and distinguished legal history, dating back to the Magna Carta. The term "eminent domain" was coined by Hugo Grotius (1583–1645), a Dutch jurist and philosophe, to describe the power of the state over natural property (Dalton, par. 3). This legal process has been used in many nations ostensibly for the "greater good." Recently, Russia has come onto the world stage as abusing the power of eminent domain in preparation for the 2014 ... Show more content on ... C. The Holy See recognizes the responsibility placed on governments to protect their citizens and provide for the general welfare. However, the Holy See also recognizes that governments have been known to abuse this power in the past. To help curb this issue, the Holy See recommends that a council be formed for the sole purpose of hearing eminent domain abuse questions and working with governments to resolve such cases. This provides a forum for the public to approach an unbiased group to ask for help, and allows the government to settle land disputes without worrying about the possibility of civil unrest, as seen in recent cases. This group would be made up of any and all nations that wish to partake, with all nations being equal in voting rights. The meetings would be chaired by an elected representative serving a three year term. This committee would give non– binding recommendations to the governments of the nations in an effort to settle issues quickly and equitably. The Holy See also recommends the creation of a set of guidelines, coupled with an education campaign, for nations to follow in cases where eminent domain is to be exercised. These guidelines shall cover: Compensation, to help define what is appropriate for the affected region; Guidelines for actions expected of a state to provide for the overall welfare of ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. The Teaching of Saint Gregory Essay A. "The Teaching of Saint Gregory" contains many theologically concepts as God and Creation, Christology, human Sin and salvation, eschatology and resurrection. Owing to the limited space, I will only explore some key elements which I think are worthy to be discussed. First, Gregory depicts the God's attributes – it begins with the faith of Trinity– God created the world and humankind, the Son saved humankind and the Spirit sustained the world (259, 263, 362). There is no one before God and there is no creator (259). God is incomprehensible and almighty (259, 366). God created two kinds of creatures: visible (the creatures in the world) and invisible (angels, include the evil "Follower behind") (262, 278). Second, man was created in ... Show more content on ... (671–679) Gregory claims that through the power of the Spirit, the Apostles regenerate the world by baptism (680), bring forth the world afresh by water and the Spirit (681). Gregory also emphasizes the attribute of the Holy Spirit as Fire (638, 676); that the Apostles seasoned everyone by fire (Mk 9:49) (681). B. To make critics on this book, the best criteria I would adopt is love. It is not only a virtue but in fact it is the commandment that Jesus has given us to obey (Jn 13:34). As Augustine emphasized in the teaching of catechism, "Love is the End", is the utmost important element to teach in the catechism. Firstly, Gregory had made good elaboration of God's attributes and the unity of Trinity. Not like the modalism, He does not say the Father is the only worker in Creation. By quoting "Let us make" (Gen 1:27), Gregory claims the Son and the Spirit are the co–workers in the creation. However, he has not elaborated the loving relation in Trinity. The Gospels tells numerously Jesus loves the heavenly Father and the Father loves him (Jn 15:9). The most explicit example is shown in Jesus' baptism – The Father says this is my son, my beloved... (Mt 4:17). In the depiction of the Spirit, the fire character is vividly demonstrated; but Gregory missed the gentleness, kindness and loving character of the Spirit (Jn 14:16; Rom 8:26). Secondly, the ... Get more on ...
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  • 23. Abortion Essay The Church Until Recently Was Pro–Choice From a sermon delivered on February 15, 1998 at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Urbana– Champaign, Illinois, by the Rev. Elaine Gallagher Gehrmann: Most of us know that the Roman Catholic church teaches that life begins at conception, and yet most of us don't know that this is a relatively recent change. It wasn't until 1869 that Pope Pius IX decreed that "ensoulment" takes place at conception. Up until then, the Catholic church had taught that "life" begins at 40 days gestation for a male and 80 days for a female, and therefore abortions before those 40 or 80 day periods were not viewed as murder. (Gehrmann) The above claim that before 1869 the Catholic Church did ... Show more content on ... Where there are medicines of sterility? Where there is murder before birth? You do not even let a harlot remain only a harlot, but you make her a murderess as well. Do you see from drunkenness comes fornication, from fornication adultery, from adultery murder? ... Do you make the anteroom of birth, the anteroom of slaughter? Do you teach the woman who is given to you for the procreation of offspring to perpetuate killing?" (Homily 24 on the Epistle to the Romans) (Jurgens) The 1909 edition of the Catholic Encyclopedia notes: The early Christians are the first on record as having pronounced abortion to be the murder of human beings; for their public apologists, Athenagoras, Tertullian, and Minutius (Eschbach, 'Disp. Phys.' Disp. iii) to refute the slander that a child was slain, and its flesh eaten, by the guests at the Agape, appealed to their laws as forbidding all manner of murder, even that of children in the womb. The Fathers of the Church unanimously maintained the same doctrine. In the fourth century the Council of Eliberis decreed Holy Communion should be refused all the rest of her life, even on her deathbed, to an adulteress who procured the abortion of her child. The Sixth Ecumenical Council determined for the whole Church, that anyone who procured abortion should bear all the punishments inflicted on murderers. In all these ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Essay about Church Views on Abortion Church Views on Abortion Roman Catholics believe abortion is always wrong as it goes against the natural process of childbirth (and therefore against the will of God). The strongest biblical evidence used against abortion is the prohibition to commit murder (Exodus 20:13) and the teaching that it is God alone who should be the giver and taker of life ('... because he himself gives all [people] life and breath and everything else' (Acts 17:25 NIV)). Christians who are against abortion believe human life is sacred. For these people the embryo/foetus is human (or a potential human), and should be give full human rights. 'You shall not kill by abortion the fruit of the womb and you ... Show more content on ... The use of abortion for a Roman Catholic woman is non–negotiable, it is never right, even in circumstances such as rape. However if the mother is in any physical or mental danger because of the pregnancy, then abortion is considered as acceptable, largely because of the conflict of the sanctity of the mother's life against that of an unborn foetus. Church of England The Church of England encourages people to think through the issue of abortion very carefully and recognises that each individual will have differing views on the subject. The established protestant church is reluctant to take such a hard view as Roman Catholics in the abortion debate. The church recognizes that there may be certain situations when abortion may seem more appropriate than carrying on with the pregnancy. For example if a woman was raped, it may be felt to be right to terminate the pregnancy. "The church believes that the demand for abortions is unacceptably high. It stresses that abortion should happen as early in the pregnancy as possible and only after serious moral reflection. It's view on late abortions (after 24 weeks) of handicapped foetuses is that they should only be given if the baby is likely to die from its deformities soon after birth." (The Church of England)
  • 26. Like the Catholic Church, protestant churches accept abortion when the life of the mother is at risk as a result of ... Get more on ...
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  • 28. Counselor's Manual: The Evolution Of Christian Counseling CONCLUSION Briefly, state the answers to questions in thesis The key classes were the original language, biblical exegesis, and the other classes. The preaching practicum is the accumulation of knowledge received from the other classes. It helps me to identify false teachers and their doctrines. In my pastoral ministry, I hope to open a church. I would then begin to speak against the false teachers in the church. All courses lead to preaching a sermon. Theses courses in the seminary have developed the ability to preach expository sermons according to the Holy Bible. Identification of plans for implementation of conclusions I want to plant a church in the neighborhood. It will assist with putting my education into practice in pastoral ... Show more content on ... The Christian Counselor's Manual: The Practice of Nouthetic Counseling. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1973. Aland, Kurt. A History of Christianity, vol. 2. Trans. James Schaaf. Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1986. Beeke, Joel R. Living for God's Glory: An Introduction to Calvinism. Lake Mary, Florida: Reformation Trust, 2008. Burkill, T.A. The Evolution of Christian Thought. 2nd ed. London: Cornell University Press, 1978. Clowney, Edmund P. The Church: Contours of Christian Theology Downers Grove, Illinois: Intervarsity Press, 1995. Davidson, Ivor. The Monarch History of the Church. Edited by Tim Dowley. Vol. 2 of A Public Faith: From Constantine to the Medieval World Ad 312–600. Grand Rapids, MI: Monarch Books, 2005. Hill, Jonathan. Handbook of the History of Christianity. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Lion Publishing, 2006.
  • 29. Kennedy, Kevin. "Making Man the Measure of God: Arius and the Jehovah's Witnesses." Southwestern Journal of Theology 46, no. 2 (Spring 2004): 17–29. ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials. (Accessed May 4, 2016). Lloyd–Jones, Martyn D. Preaching & Preachers, 40th Anniversary Edition. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2011. MacArthur, John. Counseling: How to Counsel Biblically. Nashville: ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. Early Church Fathers Research Paper "Brothers, what shall we do?" Acts 2 relates the story of the first time the message of the gospel is given. The people are convicted and desire to respond. Peter answers by telling them they must repent and be baptized. Christian initiation into the church began with these two simple commands. However, during first three centuries of the early church, an increasingly complex system of initiation of new believers began to be defined by the early church fathers. The need for a more formalized structure of church practices arose as the Christian church and its message were presented with heresies, persecution, and an ever–increasing population. It is the intention of this paper to present evidence of the initiation process for new ... Show more content on ... He wrote to specifically address errors that had crept into the church. Sharply disagreed with another bishop, declared himself part of the true church of Rome. Eventually martyred during the reign Maximinus, Of greatest interest to this research is his work titled Apostolic Tradition in which he describes some specific details for the catechumen (candidate for baptism). This is evidence that the church was now regularly practicing more systematic initiation into the ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. How Are The Gospels Reliable Topic: Reliability of the Gospels Since we know that God does exist, it would make sense for Him to create something to teach us His ways. There are multiple religions that claim Divine Revelation and have a human founder. Only one of them says that their founder is divine and human. We know that God established that religion if what the gospels say is true. The founder of that religion is Jesus Christ. People learn many things about Him from the New Testament and more specifically, the Gospels. Many people ask and question whether the Gospels are reliable. They are reliable and there is a lot of evidence to back them up. In order for any historical document to be proven reliable and real there are three tests. The three tests which it has ... Show more content on ... Ephram. (Laux p. 63) All of those go together and agree with the early fathers of the Church and the oldest translations of the Gospels. The Gospels are incredibly truthful. The authors knew everything they were writing about. Matthew and John were friends of Jesus and wrote the truth about what he did. Mark and Luke were disciples of the apostles and were with them a lot. Everything they wrote about was something that had happened recently and was extraordinary. Jesus did everything openly and even did His miracles in the middle of the day. Even people who did not like Him never denied His works. The authors of the Gospels wrote all the facts honestly. They were all good men and also God–fearing. Many times they would condemn liars and hypocrites so if they were lying when they wrote, then they would be just as bad or worse as the people they condemned. The authors of the Gospels had to tell the truth. They wrote when Jesus was still alive and many people knew the good things that He had done, so if they had lied they would have been in trouble. If they lied, they had nothing to gain from it. They would not be rich or ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. The Between God And The Trinity Trinity is the term used to explain the existence of the three natures of God in form of one. They include God the head, Jesus the begotten son and Spirit of God. The belief gets different responses from various doctrines and faiths. The term explains how the three exist in different ways but under the same personality. To most Christians the trinity is a mystery as they try to figure out the nature of three Gods in one. Jesus when he was on this earth emphasized on the trinity "out to the whole world and make people my followers, baptizing them in the name of the God the Father and of Jesus and of Spirit of God."Mathew.28.29. The Catholic Church as a doctrine in particular also has its stand in this mystery. The church in relation to the term trinity believes that there is unity in the three Gods but they exist distinctly from each other. This means there are no three Gods but on God in different forms. The term begotten is used to describe God the son that is Jesus the term means like producing an offspring or making another breed of the original. Thus Jesus adopts the office by being begotten by the God the father. Spirit of God is the third nature of God in the trinity. He precedes the trinity by a way of spirit rather than generation There is always a misconception from most people about the trinity and they perceive it differently. They have misinterpreted the trinity to consist of three gods. This would display Christianity as polytheism the belief in many gods. ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Catholic Views On Abortion Catholic Church views on Abortion Ethical is relating to moral principles or the branch of knowledge dealing with these. The actual word 'ethics' is from the Greek ethos, a concept that encompasses. 'Habit', 'custom' 'character' so has a sense of 'a way of doing something', namely coming to a decision. Simply put, ethics is the way humans relate. Ethics has been defined as the following: It is rational reflection on and about human behaviour. It is the study concerned with what people ought to do – their right and wrong conduct. It concerns peoples duty; that is, the rules or standards, behaviour and attitudes that social custom, law or religious demands. It is also the study of moral choices in general as well as in specific cases ... Show more content on ... The Catholic Church opposes all forms of abortion procedures whose direct purpose is to destroy an embryo, blastocyst, zygote or foetus, since it holds that "human life must be respected and protected absolutely from the moment of conception. From the first moment of his existence, a human being must be recognized as having the rights of a person – among which is inviolable right of every innocent being to life." The Catholic Church has always condemned abortion as a grave evil. There are phrases from the Catholic bible that make Catholics believe that abortion is wrong. In one of the phrases David tells us "Surely I was sinful at birth, sinful from the time my mother conceived me" Since sinfulness is a spiritual rather than a physical condition, David must have had a spiritual nature from the time of contraception. Another phrase that is shown in James 2:26, and this tells us that "the body without the spirit is dead." The soul is the life – principle of the human body. Since from the time of conception the child's body is alive, the child's body must already have its spirit. Abortion just means that it is killing a baby with a soul and spirit. Another view that the Catholic Church have is that an abortion, is in fact, a sin. The Catholic Church has always condemned abortion as a grave evil. They believe that an abortion is committing murder. Christian writers from the first – century author of the Didache to Pope John Paul II in his encyclical Evangelium Vitae ("The Gospel of Life") have maintained that the Bible forbids abortion, just as it forbids murder. From the beginning the Catholic Church has always spoken out against abortion: a teaching which, according to the Catechism of the Catholic Church 2271, "has not changed and remains unchangeable." Pope Francis (Jorge Mario Bergoglio) is the 266th and current Pope of the Catholic Church, a title he holds ex ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. Passover Lord's Supper Biblical and historical testimony confirm the day on which the disciples met to participate in the Lord's supper, but the evidence weighed does not speak to frequency. It is commonplace in Christian–oriented circles to observe the supper monthly, quarterly, or annually (Miller, Sunday and the Lord's Supper). In support of these frequencies, one could argue that since Passover was a yearly observance, the Lord's supper should be also (Ex. 12:14; Deut. 16:1). He may also argue that frequent participation in the supper cheapens the occasion. Do either of these claims satisfy the question of frequency? Several Scriptural inferences, and some direct statements, indicate otherwise. History also lends assistance on this point. First, the Scriptures directly speak to a weekly assembly on Sunday (1 Cor. 16:1–2). The Greek preposition translated "on" has the force of "every" (Thiselton 1321). Thus, the Christians in Corinth assembled together every Sunday in one place to participate in the Lord's supper and lay aside funds for the needy saints in Jerusalem (1 Cor. 11:20). Paul also implies frequent ... Show more content on ... The Sabbath has not become Sunday contrary to the claims of many Christian–oriented people (Carson 133–34, 136). However, many of the principles from the Sabbath do apply to Sunday. In God's command to observe the Sabbath, He did not mention that it had to be kept every week (Ex. 20:8–11). Yet, a man gathering sticks on the Sabbath was seized and stoned by God's command (Num. 15:32–36). This seems like a harsh penalty for picking up sticks, but it was just because the man violated God's command to do no work on the Sabbath day. The man may have been able to argue that he kept the previous Sabbath and intended to keep the next, but God clearly wanted it observed every week, not just when people fancied it. Likewise, Sunday assemblies are intended to participate in the Lord's supper weekly (Miller, Sunday and the Lord's ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. The Importance Of The Separation Of Church And State In 1791, ten amendments were made to the U.S. constitution: The Bill of Rights. The first of these rights given to the citizens of America is the right to freedom of religion and freedom of the press. Countless court cases have brought the issue of the separation of church and state to light. Legal battles and administrative actions in the government have led to conversations about how much religion should be involved in schools and what power the state has over religion. The phrase, "separation of church and state" is not found in the U.S. Constitution. On January 1, 1802, Thomas Jefferson wrote a letter titled "Jefferson's Letter to the Danbury Baptists." This letter was written in response to a letter sent by the Danbury Baptists nearly three months before. The Danbury Baptist expressed their sentiments at Jefferson's election and their concerns about the relationship between religion and the state. In the correspondence, Jefferson discussed the importance of the state being unable to control the religion of the people: "I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should "make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof," thus building a wall of separation between Church & State" (Jefferson). "A wall of separation between Church and State" led to the now widely used phrase, "separation of church and state." The wording of this phrase and the wording in ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. Early Christian Traditions The history of the New Testament canon is even more colorful. During the first few hundred years of the early Christian era, there was no official canon that the entire Christian world recognized. The Eastern and Western church traditions each used a differing list of books as scripture. Before 200 a.d., the Church fathers did not even mention Philemon, 2 Peter, 2 and 3 John, and Jude. The status of these books was murky at best until after 400 a.d.. On the other hand, the Epistle of Barnabas, the Apocalypse of Peter, the Shepherd of Hermas, the Didache, the Acts of Paul and the First Letter of Clement were considered by many Church fathers to be part of the early Christian scriptures. Early Christian Works Sometimes Considered Canonical ... Show more content on ... Irenaeus, reacting to Marcion, tried to establish his own canon. Since there were a number of gospels at that time, he decided that there should only be four "because there are only four winds and four corners of the earth." Other Church fathers who followed Irenaeus accepted his decision. Eusebius of Caesarea (260–339 a.d.) listed four categories of books. 1. The recognized books (the four gospels, Acts, fourteen letters of Paul, 1 Peter, 1 John, Revelation [?]). 2. The disputed books (James, 2 Peter, 2, 3 John, and Jude). Paul's authorship of Hebrews is questioned by many modern Biblical scholars, in spite the fact that Clement of Rome (quoted by Eusebius) said that "the epistle to the Hebrews is Paul's." Hebrews is theologically and conceptually connected with Paul while the same time, the grammar and vocabulary are quite different from Paul's other books. 3. The spurious books (Acts of Paul, Shepherd of Hermas, Apocalypse of Peter, Epistle of Barnabas, Didache, Gospel of Hebrews, Revelation [?]). 4. The heretical forgeries. Eusebius accepted 1 and 2 Timothy, Titus, and the letter to Hebrews. In fact, he was the first to declare Hebrews legitimate. There are two possible options that explain this historic ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Abortion Ethical Issues Essay RE An ethical issue is defined as "an issue relating to moral principles or the branch of knowledge of dealing with these." The ethical issue I have chosen is the issue of abortion; an abortion is "the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy, most often performed during the first 28 weeks." In New Zealand, the legal law for an abortion is up to 14 weeks. Abortion is an ethical issue in the Catholic religion as they teach that human life is created and begins at the moment of conception, they believe it is a sin and immoral. There is a debate over this being an ethical issue as the two opposing viewpoints 'pro–choice' and 'pro–life' both have completely different stances on abortion. Abortion is considered to be an ethical issue due ... Show more content on ... The Catholic Church holds the view that irreparable harm is inflicted on the child, the parents and society as a whole when abortion is in question. This viewpoint has continually remained the same despite variation of this belief within the Catholic religion. "Donum vitae 5" states "Human life is sacred because from its beginning it involves the creative action of God and it remains forever in a special relationship with the Creator, who is its sole end. God alone is the Lord of life from its beginning until its end: no one can, in any circumstance, claim for himself the right to destroy directly an innocent human being." If an abortion takes place then this is then broken. Catholic Christians believe that all life is sacred from the beginning until natural death and, taking a human life whether it be born or in the womb is morally wrong. This relates to the fairness or justice approach in the way that everyone whether it be a human on earth or a foetus be treated equally and that all have the same rights to life as one another even if they have no say. Catholic's have responded to the ethical issue of abortion in many ways which include protesting, health work and in the past excommunication of women from the church who have had an abortion. Pope Francis has stated that abortion is a "crime" and "absolute evil" that can't be justified ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. Matthew 5-7 Vs Didache I found that the language difficult and distracting from the actual content but nonetheless I found many similarities between the reading from Matthew 5–7 and the Didache perhaps this is because the author of Matthew was also one of the 12 disciples present at the teaching. The 10 Commandments also were snuck into the teaching to create a massive list of rules. Is that the right word for them rules? Or laws? I also felt like the Didache made Christianity sound more like a religion than a walk with Christ. Following what the Didache said alone doesn't make one a Christian it doesn't save the Gentiles. Simply following the rules and doing good on the outside doesn't automatically save your heart on the inside. Your heart has to be in it you need ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Artificial Insemination Vs Abortion Research Paper Only God Should Create or Destroy Life All that surrounds us was created by God. According to the Modern Catholic Dictionary, creation is the shaping of formless matter and giving it life and activity. Life is defined as something only God can give and take. Through artificial insemination, women can be impregnated in an unnatural way. Abortion terminates the life of an unborn child. That is something only God should do. However, through the artificial insemination and abortion procedures, people are able to create and destroy life. Artificial insemination and abortion are unnatural and inhumane processes and should be completely outlawed in the United States. Artificial insemination and abortion are processes that are being used throughout the United States. In the United States, about 12% of women ages 15–44 have difficulty getting pregnant or carrying a pregnancy to term (CDC). With so many women being affected by infertility, couples consider using other forms of fertility such as, artificial insemination. Artificial insemination is a procedure in which sperm is inserted into the woman's uterus. This process in completely unnatural. Abortion is a very common process. In the United States, 3 out of 10 ... Show more content on ... According to the Modern Catholic Dictionary, "Artificial Insemination violates the dignity of the person and the sanctity of marriage." Also, Pope Pius XII condemned artificial insemination. He condemned the procedure because it allows a third person to become involved in the marriage. Therefore, it is considered adultery. Only God could create human life. Also, abortion is the destruction of human life. According to the Didache, "... thou shalt not kill a child by abortion" (2.2). Through an abortion, the life of an innocent child is ended. Therefore, the crime of murder is committed. God is the only one who has the right to allow human life to be created or ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. Factors Influencing The Collaboration Of The New Testament LIBERTY UNIVERSITY FACTORS INFLUENCING THE COLLABORATION OF THE NEW TESTAMENT By Daniel Surmi CHHI 520 05 October, 2014 INTRODUCTION This paper will examine the internal and external factors which spurred and led to the well–known theologian Athanasius proposing the now existing New Testament books of the Holy Scriptures. The internal factors that will be examined in this paper include: Docetism, Judaism, Gnosticism, Marcionism, Montanism, and Apollinarianism. Secondly this paper will view how the false prophets influenced not only the doctrine of Christ but sought to take advantage of the Church's generous heart for personal profit and gain. The external factors this paper will evaluate are: the persecution of the church and the influence of pagan cultures surrounding the Christian Gentiles. The events and topics covered will be from the 1st to 3rd century AD. Lastly this paper will look at the churches response to these factors as they will create an authoritative list of writings in which Christians can rest on and use as a foundation for their belief in Christ. All information and data in this paper is gathered from peer reviewed, published journals and vetted educational websites. TABLE OF CONTENTS INTERNAL FACTORS..................................................................................................................4 EXTERNAL ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. What Is Christian Doctrine? What is Christian doctrine? Christian doctrine tells us the truth about God, ourselves, and our world. Doctrine means teaching or instruction. A Church historian once defined Christian doctrine in this way: "Christian doctrine is what the church believes and teaches." A doctrine is what the whole Bible teaches us about a particular topic. Christian doctrine may be defined as the fundamental truths of the Bible arranged in systematic form. The Assemblies of God has 16 fundamentals of truth or doctrines. These are non–negotiable tenets of faith that all Assemblies of God churches adhere to. The word doctrine comes from the Greek word didache meaning "teaching." It is a belief or system of beliefs. Key doctrines form the primary basis of the belief system. Examples of Christian doctrine include the Trinity, Virgin birth and the deity of Christ. Someone who denies one or more central doctrines would therefore not be accepted as a genuine follower of that faith, for example, denying the deity of Christ (Jehovah Witnesses). Individuals who – while claiming to be Christians – reject one of more central doctrines of the Christian faith are considered heretics. A heresy is false teaching that Christians must divide themselves from all who teach it. Examples of heresy include circumcision required for Salvation Acts 15:1: "But some men came down from Judea and were teaching the brethren, 'Unless you are circumcised according to the custom of Moses, you cannot be saved.'" Other ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. The Didache Source Analysis The Didache source begins with thanking those who pertain to the cup. We thank the Father, David (who is shown through Jesus Christ) to be the glory. For the bread, we thank our Father, once again, and the knowledge brought to us by Jesus. Just as the bread was once broken on the mountains to bring the apostles together, the Church is gathered as one from the ends of the earth. This source believes you should not take the Eucharist if you are quarreling, or impure. You must reconcile with the Lord and then receive the Eucharist. St. Justin the Martyr believes that no one can take the Eucharist unless they believe in the faith 100%, and who have been baptized. Those taking the Eucharist must live like Christ would live. The food (Eucharist) ... Show more content on ... Augustine has a lot to say about the Body and Blood of Jesus. He thinks that the Eucharist is directly related to the forgiveness of sins. When we participate in drinking from the chalice, or when we decide to eat the body of Christ, we are eating and drinking what "he poured for us unto the forgiveness of sins." (Sermons 227) He believes that Jesus wanted those who could not see him, whether they had little faith or were blind, to recognize him just as much as those who had a lot of faith and were physically able to. He says that those who contain a lot of faith, can know Christ is with them and they receive the blessing of Christ. He says that when we see the body and blood of Christ, we just think of what our own eyes see: the bread and the wine. But, our faith allows us to see that it really is the Body and Blood of our Lord. St. Augustine also thinks that Christ is the victim, as well as the offering. The daily sacrifice of the Church can be related to the sacramental sign. The Church offers herself through Jesus because the Church is considered to be his ... Get more on ...
  • 56.
  • 57. The Issue Of Abortion On The United States Essay The topic I have selected to write about in this research paper is the issue of Abortion, My thesis in this paper is to analyze the history of abortion in the United States prior to the Roe vs. Wade decision and afterwards, and to demonstrate the ways in which our two major political parties' views on this issue have shifted over time along with the public's view on the issue. Abortion has been practiced for most of human history. The ancient Greeks and Romans practiced it, although not all ancient thinkers had the same views on abortion. Ancient Greek "father of medicine" (Britannica) Hippocrates was against the procedure; in the Hippocratic Oath doctors had to swear, "To not give a woman an abortive remedy."(University of Virginia) Ancient Greek thinker Aristotle believed that fetuses gained a soul 40 days after conception for male fetuses, and 90 days after conception for female fetuses, a process of which he termed "ensoulment"(BBC) "The Bible" is inexplicably quiet on the issue.(BBC) Jesus said nothing about the practice of abortion neither did the apostles; It is through early Christian writings such as "The Didache" (Ante–Nicene Fathers, Vol. 7.) that abortion was inexplicably condemned by the fledgling Christian Church and in turn all of Christendom. Between the 5th and 16 century views on abortion changed as abortion came to gradually become acceptable as long as it was performed before "The Quickening" which was a term for when the mother first felt the child ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. Humility In The Early Christian Community One major issue that the early Christian community is the idea of humility. They had a major problem with just putting trust in the Lord and listening what the Bible says. "My brothers, do let us have a little humility; let us forget our self assertion and braggadocio and stupid quarreling, and do what he Bible tells us instead." (p 28). This passage from The First Epistle of Clement to the Corinthians, shows that it is extremely important to just listen to the Bible and stop trying to figure out and do everything ourselves. This is impossible and I believe that is what Clement was trying to tell the Corinthians. Another issue that the early Christian community had was straying from the "Church Manual" that was talked about in The Didache. ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Comparing Didache's 'Teaching Of The Lord To The Gentiles' Due to these texts the choice between these two roads becomes a matter of following God and is emphasized in the preaching towards the Gentiles who were to be won over and converted into the Church. This idea further corresponds to the second heading that directly refers to the original book of Didache, contains the words "Teaching of the Lord to the Gentiles" (Διδαχὴ Κυρίου τοῖς Εθνεσιν) which are fundamentally Jewish in origin. However there are many scholars who see the Didache as more than only an edit of Jewish ideals into Christian ones for Gentile use but rather a book "that reveals more about how Jewish–Christians saw themselves and how they adapted their Judaism for gentiles than any other book in the Christian Scriptures." (Milavec, Faith P.vii) Despite these slightly different views there is a strong ... Show more content on ... Following the first chapter on the two ways, the Didache's second chapter is titled "The second Commandment" which does not deal with the second of the Ten Commandments as seen in Deuteronomy 5:6–21 and in Exodus 20:2–17, which deals with not worshipping idols, but rather with the 6th–10th commandments. "You shall not murder." "You shall not commit adultery.", "You shall not steal.", "You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. You shall not covet your neighbor's wife; and you shall not desire your neighbor's house, his field, his male servant, his female servant, his ox, his donkey, or anything that is your neighbor's." (Deuteronomy 5:13–21). This section of the Didache addresses the morals a Christian should have, do not murder, don't covet, and so on which can mostly be rooted in the Ten Commandments. Yet ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. The Book Of Revelation Esther Park REL 371 Week 6 – The Book of Revelation The book of Hebrews was written by a Christian scholar and not by one of the Gospels. I knew that many authors made up the New Testament but I did not know scholars wrote some books a well. Hebrews writer was someone who linked the Hebrew Bible along with Greek philosophy. The writer never identifies himself but his views on the end times were very strong. He assumes that there is an existence of two parallel worlds: the eternal and the perfect realm of spirits. This is something that I have never heard before. This writer is the only person to speak of Jesus as the mediator between God and humanity. He has so much insight on what was happening or what was to happen but we do not know who this person was. Hebrew is written very differently and some of the ... Show more content on ... John wrote the book of Revelation and he was not a synoptic gospel. The fact that John was chosen to be the author of this book speak volumes of what God wanted for him. The book of Revelation is hope but not many people can see that through the doom and gloom that it screams at you. It seems as though it will be a scary time when the end comes but it shouldn't be for the believers. We constantly deal with what we do not know and we want to make to know what is going to actually happen. I always wonder who the anti–Christ is going to be and I think every year I guess someone new. It's a scary thought but the end result of the Revelation will be us in heaven with our Father. We will go through the hard times to get to the end which is our hope for the future. The Charles Manson documentary was scary too as I was just watching him think he was doing everything right. He justified what he was doing by the readings from the Bible. Many can interpret this book wrong and Charles Manson was one of many that took the book completely out of ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Eucharist And Christianity Catholics and Orthodox Christians believe that through transubstantiation the Eucharist is changed into the literal body and blood of Christ. Calvin did not believe that a literal change occurred, rather, the body and blood were received by participating in symbolic communion through the power of the Holy Spirit. Both Catholics and Orthodox Christians justify their belief by referencing verses from first Corinthians "The cup of blessing which we bless, is it not a participation in the blood of Christ? The bread which we break, is it not a participation in the body of Christ? Because there is one bread, we who are many are one body, for we all partake of the one bread"(pg.330), along with readings from the Didache. From purely empirical observation, ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. Religious Beliefs And Practices Of The Church At The Time Believed to have originated in Syria or Palestine c.100–150, the Didaché is one of the earliest Christian writings outlining the beliefs and practices of the Church at the time. Although there are a number of different areas discussed by the author(s), there are four main subtopics that are focussed on. These are: the practice of baptism, the need for fasting, the observation of the Eucharist, and the importance of strong leadership in the church. The relevance of the Didaché in today's church is often a topic of debate, with some seeing it as outdated, while others still see it as significant. Before looking at the contents of any writing, it is important to look at the purpose with which the author(s) wrote. Aaron Milavec (2004, p.42) states that "The Didaché does not have a topic paragraph serving to specify its overall purpose and name the progression of topics to be treated." However, I believe that if you look at the meaning of the word Didaché, you get a fair indication of what exactly the author(s) set out to do when writing the book. In its original Greek, the word Didaché "means "teaching," "instruction" as a fact," according to Kittel (1985, p.166). It is therefore likely that the author(s) was writing to instruct others on the practices of the Early Church and the way of faith. The Didaché begins with a 6–chapter summary of 'The Way of Life' and 'The Way of Death'. Holmes (2007, p.335) writes that: The Two Ways material appears to have been intended, in ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. The Jewish Roots of Christian Liturgy I Introduction First Christian communities appeared in Jewish Palestine and Diaspora after the death of Jesus of Nazareth, called the Christ, around 30 CE. Not only Jesus himself was a Jew, but also his followers and very first members of the new growing community were mainly Jews. They all shared the Jewish belief, the Sacred Scripture that Christians later started to call the Old Testament (OT), and were not aware of founding a new religion. A closer examination of Jewish worship will let us understand how it influenced the new Christian worship. We will have a closer look at places of worship, liturgical sources and customs which were common at that time. A last task will be to ask whether there are any significant Jewish elements ... Show more content on ... There are some references to this pattern in the gospels (e.g. Lk 2,38; Mt 11,25–30; Jn 11,41–42). Further we will see how some of these prayers in connection with the domestic Jewish worship were essential for the Christian liturgy of the Eucharist. D. The third main place of Jewish worship was home, especially during the time of meal. In the OT the communion of meal and feast was understood as a sign of covenant (eg. Gen 26,30). The Sabbath as a day was a special sign of covenant with God (Ex 31, 13–15) and so was the meal. The main meal of the year was the Passover meal, as a memorial day for the Lord's passover in Egypt and deliverance from slavery (Ex 12). The weekly Sabbath meal on Friday evenings and the yearly Passover meal thus became quite elaborate. Bradshaw reminds that there is unfortunately no detailed evidence about meal–prayers in the first century, but according to the later evidence many assume that every meal started with berakot (plural of berakah) and ended with them. The opening berakot were pronounced over wine and bread, while the berakot at the end of the meal, called Birkat ha– mazon, consisted of a berakah for food, a hodayah for revelation and a tefillah for redemption (Bradshaw: 44f; Kavanagh: 621). For Christians the Last Supper with Jesus, which was a Passover meal, assumed a new meaning (Eucharist) – as a thanksgiving and ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. Physician Assisted Suicide Argumentative Essay For the most part, everybody throughout the world views life as sacred. In America, we see this in our laws which serve justice to those that have killed, and in our constitution alongside liberty and the pursuit of happiness as an inalienable right. It is generally agreed upon that most everybody would rather not die, and for that matter, would rather not see other people die as well. In short, barring serial killers and psychopaths, almost everybody supports life. However, when discussing the death and life of certain people, such as terminally ill patients and those sentenced to die by the court (capital punishment), a fair deal of disagreement arises. Within the politically fueled discussions that seem to dominate today's discourse, we ... Show more content on ... Again, in the words of Girsh; "It should be as much of a crime to make someone live who with justification does not wish to continue as it is to take life without consent" (Girsh). In response to this argument, and perhaps the best reason for Catholics to support the church, is the fact that physician assisted suicide is a slippery slope to legalized murder – that the intent to kill is of utmost importance in the matter, and the moral repercussions of killing someone are irreversible (Harriss). In other words, physician assisted suicide inevitably leads to a culture of death. This claim is supported by the current state of healthcare in the Netherlands, where "Studies show that hospice– style palliative care 'is virtually unknown'" (Smith). Additionally, as a final note, it may be important to note that one of the problem with physician assisted suicide for Catholics is one of control; people want to end their own lives to be in control, but in reality, that control is supposed to be left to ... Get more on ...
  • 72.
  • 73. Against Abortion Persuasive Essay All around the world, babies are being born every several minutes, yet numerous people are also becoming homeless every several minutes, occasionally it is the newborn babies. Lately, various amounts of children have had their own children too, as a result of it not being illegal to have a child until you're 18 or older. Thus, they've been needing extra homes or orphanages for the people who can't provide for those kids. This is due to people saying it's their own fault they're pregnant, and that they need to either keep the child or hand it over to adoption. Although people dislike abortion as a result of people saying they would be ending a life... these people clearly haven't researched enough on how deranged a child in an orphanage can become. ... Show more content on ... To put it simply, generally no one is going to say yes, I wish I had been aborted, but a woman who is too young to carry for her child or is not prepared for pregnancy and responsibilities such as having a child should be able to have an abortion. Another opinion that's thrown around is that it's the woman's body, therefore it's the woman's choice what she wants to do with the baby. Science states that,"...abortions are performed within the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. During this time there is no scientific doubt that the developing fetus is incapable of any form of conscious awareness. The fetal brain does not begin to develop until 3–4 weeks into the pregnancy... Between weeks 4 and 8 this neural tissue grows, forming the major divisions of the adult brain... By the end of the first trimester (12 weeks) nerve cells are beginning to form rudimentary connections between different areas of the brain. However, these connections are sparse and incapable of performing the same functions as an adult brain...although the fetus is certainly starting to look like a little human, the neural circuits responsible for conscious awareness are yet to develop." This shows that yes, although it may be a life, it cannot feel anything yet, therefore it wouldn't feel pain during an ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. The Doctrine Of The Lord 's Supper AMBROSE UNIVERSITY THE DOCTRINE OF THE LORD'S SUPPER SUBMITTED TO BERNIE VAN DE WALLE IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF REL 261 THEOLOGY II: SPIRIT AND CHURCH BY MO HICKMAN APRIL 7TH, 201 Introduction The Doctrine of the Lord's Supper is a central part of church life and ecclesiology. During the Lord's Supper, the Church shares in the bread and the cup in remembrance of Christ and "proclaim[s] the Lord's death until He comes." Theologians have disagreed on what happens to the bread and wine and the role of the Supper. In this paper, I will outline the basis of the Doctrine of the Lord's Supper and briefly describe its biblical context. I will then explain how the doctrine was developed during the first centuries and the reformation. I will conclude by briefly describing the different views held by the Catholic, Reformed, and Protestant traditions. Outline of the Doctrine The Lord's Supper was ordained by Christ at the Last Supper. Stott writes that, 'whenever we share in the Lord's Supper, his sacrifice on the cross is remembered, partaken of, proclaimed, acknowledged as the ground of our unity, and responded to in grateful worship." The Lord's Supper is about the cross and remembering Christ's sacrifice through which salvation is made available. The Lord's Supper is considered the second act of commitment to Christ's body the Church, after baptism. The Lord's Supper repeatedly acknowledges that one has been saved through their faith in Christ and that they are a member of ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Early Church Mind Map There are four parts in my mind map and every part represents different mark of the early Church which I want the reader comes away with. In other words, my mind map focus on the illustrations of early Church's four marks. Early Church has four marks: One, Holy, Catholic and apostolic. Those marks indicated four major distinctive marks or distinguishing characteristics of the Christian Church. For example, although people built thousands of churches around the world, there is still only "one" Church for the Christian religion. As the description of "Body of Christ" in the model of Church, Church is basically the union of Jesus' followers and believers, though many, still one organism with Jesus Christ. And the mark "One" leads to the essential ... Show more content on ... For the contagion of this superstition has spread not only to the cities but also to the villages and farms"(Letters between Trajan and Pliny the Younger). Jesus told His apostles to go throughout the world and make disciples of "all nations" (Matthew 28:19~20) as the gift from Jesus which could provide people a way to purify their soul and save them from the sins. As a result, various people are making the connection with the Church for their religion beliefs and appreciation to Jesus. And the Church is still processing missionaries to "make disciples of all nations" (Matthew 28:19). In addition, it would be very hard for the Church to accomplish the universal without the essential mark "Apostolic". After Jesus established the Church, He appointed His Apostles who succeed Jesus' thought as the leader of the Church. They communicated with disciples around the world for Jesus, and help them to connect the Holy Church. The Didache is a perfect fact to express that idea. It includes the tutor of Christian traditions from Jesus convey by His ... Get more on ...
  • 78.
  • 79. Christians' Beliefs About Their Responsibility for Those... Christians' Beliefs About Their Responsibility for Those at the Beginning and End of Their Lives This essay will clarify the attitudes that Christians hold about their responsibility for those at the beginning and end of their lives. I will do this by looking at the different responsibilities that Christians hold with regard to abortion and euthanasia and show the different Christian views. Abortion is the premature expulsion of the foetus from the womb. Christians have different views on this issue. The Roman Catholic Church teaches that deliberate procured abortion is a serious sin in all circumstances. They believe that they have a responsibility, a moral obligation to protect the foetus. In ... Show more content on ... The Didache says 'You shall not kill by abortion the fruit of the womb and you shall not murder the infant already born.' This explains that it is a Christian's responsibility not to harm the foetus that is a human being. The view of the Protestant churches is that abortion is generally undesirable, but that it may be tolerable in some situations. It isn't clear what the circumstances might be and perhaps for this reason a minority group 'Christians for Free Choice' campaigns for greater emphasis on what they see as a woman's right to have an abortion. Although an abortion is still morally wrong as all human beings are created in the image and likeness of God. In Psalms 139:13, it says 'You created every part of me; you put me together in my mothers' womb.' This suggests that human life is sacred and Christians are responsible for the life of a new born. 'Euthanasia' means an easy death. It is 'ending a person's life painlessly, as an act of kindness, especially in a case of incurable and painful illness.' There are two types of Euthanasia; they are 'passive' and 'active'. Passive euthanasia happens when a person is too ill to make their wishes known. Examples of this would be: giving drugs over a long period of time which control pain but eventually accumulate and kill the patient. Active euthanasia is at the request of the patient who asks to be helped to die, e.g. by ... Get more on ...