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The Definition Of Effective Leadership
Definition of effective leadership
Most historians rank George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Jefferson, and Theodore
Roosevelt as America's finest leaders. Agreement on their quality is so strong, in fact, that in the
1920s, their likenesses were immortalized on Mount Rushmore, which has since become an iconic
symbol of great leadership.
On the other end of the spectrum, Warren G. Harding, Pierce, James Buchanan, and George W. Bush
are ranked as among our worst leaders. Herbert Hoover, John Tyler, and Millard Fillmore sank to the
bottom as well.
The unanimity among these rankings suggests that the qualities that make an effective leader do not
change with place and time, with the governed body or with the situation. America's sixth president,
John Quincy Adams, defined leadership this way: "If your actions inspire others to dream more,
learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader." I agree that effective leadership is
distinguished by four critical qualities: passion, vision, emotional intelligence, and confidence.
Leaders who possess these qualities are able to make a positive impact on their institution–as Adams
did, improving American life through his strong hand on the wheel of the ship.
Without a leader's clear vision and guidance, a business is like a ship drifting aimlessly. The leader's
vision provides the map, establishing a path that leads to the desired destination. Effective leaders
create clear, concise visions that identify the key actions
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The Key Of Effective Leadership
The Key to Effective Leadership Insights Gained I have ascertained that utilizing mental models, I
can understand why and how different people on the same team process similar occurrences in a
different manner. A mental model is "a set of ideas and assumptions that you carry in your head"
(Bolman, & Deal, 2013, p. 10). These mental models that we rely on as an interpretation, influence
our understanding of world and organizational events, because they reflect our current mind–sets.
For example, a mental model that is prevalent in the army, is that your appearance reflects your
potential. This may cause others to judge soldiers initially, by their appearance. If they are
overweight, or their appearance looks disheveled, they are often initially seen as being
undisciplined. Changing our mental models can directly change our understanding of events,
because we can perceive things differently, and also then identify other root causes, or resolutions.
In my example, if one realizes that a newly assigned soldier may not be completely situated in a
home and community as yet, that perhaps they do not have access to the resources that they may
need, to present the best appearance, such as a good barber. A leader could recognize this as a need
to provide more community familiarization, or access to resources. By exploring mental, models
Senge (2006) recognizes that one can create a reflection in the work environment and, by doing so,
encourage a more open discussion, and expose the
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Leadership Style And Effective Leadership Styles
Group leadership refers to the processes of leading, influencing and motivating members of a group
to become highly competent in achieving the goals or objectives of the group (Aritz and Robyn 73).
Though the adoption and implementation of a relevant and effective leadership style, group leaders
become effective in driving change through work groups and facilitating the achievement of
organizational goals. Leaders play a wide range of roles in leading groups, such as motivating
members, coordinating group activities, influencing positive behaviors among members and
motivating productivity and innovation (Tabernero et al. 1393). The following sections presents a
detailed analysis and discussion of the role of leadership style in group work and the most important
leadership roles in work groups. The paper uses evidence to support the argument that group leaders
must adopt effective leadership styles so that they can be successful in facilitating group activities
and ensuring that members of the group actively contribute towards the achievement of shared goals
(Thompson 23).
Leadership style refers to the specific behavior or characteristics that a leader exhibits in managing,
guiding, directing and motivating a group of people within an organization (Kark and Dina 504).
The leadership style that leader adopt and use to play their roles within a work group define their
ability to inspire change of work behavior among group members. This means that an effective
leadership style
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Effective Leadership : An Effective Leader
Personal Development Plan
Abdulkarim Alshammari
Samantha Corcoran March
Effective Leadership
An effective leader makes change happen. They have the ability to influence their followers and
accomplish the objectives of a group. According to chemers (2007). Leadership roles dwell on the
ability of an individual to lead others, and for this reason, a leader must adopt effective
characteristics to ensure that his or her style of leadership is effective. Different leaders carry out
different leadership functions based on their effectively. This ensures that a group can attain their
goals under the said leadership. Stephan Covey, the author of a well–known book that talks about
the Habits of Effective People, said that leadership begins with a desire to attain a certain goal then
commitment in the sad desire. Leadership includes various attitudes, values and mindsets which can
expedite commitment and transformation (Vugt & Ahuja 2011). Effective leadership start by
creating a vision and goals for his group. A leader is then capable of making this vision or goal come
true. On the same note, chin (2015) stated that an Effective leader is able to link to mission and
values. They believe in themselves. By believing in themselves, then their followers can also believe
and have confidence in them. The effective leader portrays maturity, professionalism, expertise and
conviction. All this facts translate to a purpose and direction. Through
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The Importance Of Effective Leadership
Leadership Effective Tools and Qualities To be an effective leader, means to impact and organized
group with their activities of goal setting and reaching success or by giving influence in a situation
to accomplish a single goal or multiple goals. To be able visualize the bigger picture and being able
to produce a plan of action and reach a goal, is the visionary mission (Liu, 2010). A key component
to being effective as a leader is to can make decisive decision making skills Liu, 2010). A way to
build relationships or enhance them is to give mutual rewards (Liu, 2010). Effective communication
whether that be verbal, non–verbal, or even writing is a quality that makes a better leader (Liu,
2010). The ability to be able to convince people to do what you want is to have the power of
influence (Liu, 2010). There are values that makes a person who they are, just as there are qualities
that makes an effective leader such as, visionary mission, decisive decision making, mutual rewards,
effective communication, and power of influence. Visionary Mission To become visionary with the
mission as a leader, is a way leaders can bring new plans or ideas that inspire various types of new
solutions (Liu, 2010). It is imperative that leaders can communicate the mission so that subordinates
understand its significance (Duckworth, 2015). Leaders must understand the intent of the mission
and all it entails such as, objectives, strategies, goals and timelines (Duckworth, 2015). Workers
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Effective Leadership
There are multiple leadership styles and approaches to being an exceptional leader. Leadership has
several functions, but honest behavior versus dishonest behavior has its rewards and consequences.
A leader needs to possess the integrity to be effective for the long term in the corporate atmosphere.
The market conditions create ethical difficulties and create hurdles for leaders throughout decision
making. In the given synopsis, the AIG Company had guaranteed to pay bonuses to executives. But
the financial circumstances had negatively affected the business. Therefore, it would be
impracticable to give bonuses due to the economic crisis in the firm. Despite leaders arguing that
bonuses should be paid based on the commitment established by the ... Show more content on ...
Michael Dell had found the cause of the issues in the company rather than blaming the CEO,
directors, and other top level executives. Personal experience I have worked as a part–time
executive in a retail store. According to our organization policy if an employee takes leave for more
than two days without prior intimation then the employee is terminated. Once I could not go to the
job due to some personal issues without a suggestion for four days. I thought I was fired, but Stores
Manager had called me personally to his chamber and counseled. I still remember that he is an
ethical leader even now. After getting counseled, I have changed my attitude and became a real
person and never taken leave without prior intimation. Counseling The counseling for unethical
leaders is a tough job, but their behavior can be changed in the long term. The dishonest leaders
should be advised subjectively, and a lot of explanation should be given to them about the outcomes
of a particular situation. They must be taught about the importance of organizational goals, personal
ethics, and business ethics. It is also better to send them to ethical training programs so that they can
become moral leaders and benefit the organization in the long
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Effective Approaches in Leadership
Margaret Russell
November 28, 2012
Grand Canyon University
Nursing Leadership and Management
An increase in patient acuities, readmissions, and requirement for patient satisfaction among other
issues has created a greater need for more registered nurses in the hospital setting. Quality and safe
patient care is a direct correlation to the number of staff. With the demand of nurses on the rise,
some health care institutions have not readjusted the nurse–patient ratios and the result is decreased
patient satisfaction, increased mortality/morbidity in patients, more health care associated infection,
and decreased employee satisfaction; leading to burnout and decreased staff ... Show more content
on ...
A leadership approach to staffing issues may focus on how the current staff can work together to
provide quality care that is necessary for patient satisfaction, without experiencing burnout. While a
leader should keep budget and costs in mind, their focus should be using the available resources and
staff to attain the same goal as management. A leadership approach would be "optimizing nursing
intensity based on actual patient needs to address the perceived nursing shortage by creating a better
fit between patient demands and the available nursing resources used in the clinical setting."
(Welton, 2007).
The approach that fits the author's personal and professional philosophy of nursing would be that of
leadership. Patient satisfaction has a direct correlation with employee satisfaction. While there is an
issue of lack of staffing related to current hospital census and patient's increased needs, the best
solution that is available to all facilities is creating a positive environment in which the available
staff is motivated to provide the best possible care to all patients. Hiring a team that is willing to
work together in a busy, hectic setting is the key to providing quality care. Leaders are able to
motivate staff, enhance interpersonal relationships between staff and management, offer incentives
for hard work, and provide positive feedback. Staff members who feel appreciated on a regular basis
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Effective Leadership Principals
It is important to enlist teachers as potential leaders to support ongoing improvement of teacher
performance and student learning outcomes. The demands placed on principals today would be
almost impossible to meet if it was kept as an autonomous, top–down, non–collaborative position.
Principals, now more than ever, are expected to be visionaries, resource directors, instructional
leaders, and building managers (Danielson, 2007). In every building, there are teachers whose vision
and expertise drives them to seek opportunities for leadership, coaching, curriculum development,
and school improvement outside the classroom. When we deny them the opportunity to expand their
horizons, we build apathy, cynicism and an air of complacency. Teaching ... Show more content on ...
This process needs to begin with the creation of a reenvisioned teaching schedule (Bambrick–
Santoyo, 2012). In this case it will be most cost effective at PRA to increase the expectations of the
middle school reading specialist to allow for some flexibility for the elementary reading specialist to
reenvision her role at our school. We have a lower caseload at the middle school level this year, so
this solves to possible dilemmas. The third grade position will also be possible this year because the
teacher has a student teacher who is ready to accept some solo teaching under the guidance of the
classroom teacher. This extra time needs to be documented on the calendar and used to meet the
specific purposes of the additional leadership expectations. The time will be spent addressing the
action items listed
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The Role of Effective Leadership
Leadership cannot be conducted alone needs partnering, and partnering is one of the important key
point for leaders and followers to transcend interests and facilitate the public good. Leadership is
about principles and principles form a foundation that people anchor themselves with passion to
initiate action and driven an effort or organization toward a common vision. Leaders should consider
a wide range of policy goals; they also should consider a wide range of options to achieve the goals.
When making decisions a leader quickly learns that one size does not fit all. Rules are leaders tools
and they can be excellent tools for achieving a variety of important goals.
Leadership in teacher education and the university in general has been observed in recent years.
Universities and their component schools are not always saw it as a common good for a couple of
reasons. Leadership is one necessary ingredient to reconcile these issues. Leadership is
fundamentally necessary for the teacher education and university to gain the confidence of the
community they serve, by actively working toward a shared vision aimed at the common good. This
work requires leaders who are willing and able to engage societal issues in the context of the overall
mission of the school and the university. Additionally, this work requires that the university
understand both community needs and the capacity of the community to help address its own needs
with the assistance of the university, its schools,
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Effective Leadership
Leaders in the workplace play a unique and vital role in the success or failure of a business. Their
responsibilities are great in number and are continuously evolving to meet the growing needs of the
employees and the communities they serve. In order to be effective, leaders must constantly strive to
create a work environment conducive for team unity and collaboration (Llopis, 2012). Good leaders
pride themselves on being visionaries with the ability to lead by example. They have a charismatic
gift to inspire and encourage others to work together to meet a common goal (Bateman and Snell,
2009). Contrary to what some believe, leadership is a shared vision. It involves accepting feedback
from all involved and the competence to put ... Show more content on ...
Knowing the essentials of how and when to communicate is of utmost importance. Leaders must
acknowledge that communication is a two–way conversation – there is sender and a receiver and all
parties involved are playing the roles of both the sender and receiver (Bateman and Snell 2009).
Being a great communicator builds trust among employees. Great leaders strive to master the art of
being a sender and receiver and must be willing to give the same respect he would like to receive.
Ephesians 6:5–10 gives an account on how different entities should treat each other regardless of
their roles. Christian bosses, company presidents, managers, crew chiefs, government officials and
supervisors are to have the same attitude. The secular work of a supervisor, just like the work of his
or her employee, is to be accomplished from a completely different perspective than the world
understands. Matthew 7:12 sums up what daily life should consist of and that is "do for others what
you would like them to do for you" (NIV). A good leader lives by this passage and consistently
promotes success and sustainability. Leadership success begins and ends with vision and is heavily
dependent on the leader's ability to effectively motivate.
Bateman, T.S., & Senll, S.A. (2009). (pp. 461, 470, 508, 564) Management: Learning and
Collaborating in the
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Leadership And Leadership : Effective Leadership
This chapter teaches us knowledge of how effective leadership can provide positive ways to
influence others in order to accomplish goals. Managers could use trait leadership perspectives to
become better leaders. As a leader, motivating your employees is key to an organizational structure.
Leadership is a process which commences by following. Skill set born with or learned. As a
follower one can learn and improve in their performance to be an effective leader. According to the
text, leadership influence can be located in one person or be distributed throughout the group (pg.
Formal v. Informal Leadership
The difference between them both, to my understanding is, is simply that one is related to a position
held by and individual (i.e., professors, ministers, politicians). Informal is a leader not needing to be
in a titled or authoritative position. They just have set skills to be effective leaders and influential on
Leadership as Social Construction
Leadership role constructed in a social setting. Depending on the interaction in a social setting
needing a leadership role.
Leadership as Identity Construction
The leadership identity construction involves the following process:
Claiming refers.
These traits help to identify between leaders and followers. A model designed by DeRue and
In this part founded interesting how there is such an infatuation with the studies of leadership and
not on followers. Especially,
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Effective Leadership : The Effective Leader
I find the statement "The effective leader today must be a director and motivator, implementer and
innovator, mentor and team builder, expert and moral force, organizer and developer of people"
(2015, p.61), to be both accurate and realistic. One reason I believe this to be the case is because of
the number of individuals who have been able to facilitate these roles on their way to being
considered successful leaders. One example being Vince Lambardi. While the story told of him in
textbooks by Willie Davis primarily spoke of his motivating skills, he is a renowned leader (2015,
I feel a leader can become all of the items listed above by combining and applying the ten principles
of leadership (2015, p.32), and the six principles of trust for effective leadership (2015, p.40). When
a leader expresses a vision or "a strong sense of purpose" (2015, p. 32) they should then find a way
to implement a plan and direct their team to achieve the goal. This may take some innovative
measures. For a leader to show they are an expert and should be followed, they must show their
ability with a task. By doing so, their actions emphasize they a have knowledge in the area they are
leading, "It helps if the leader has done the job before and done it well" (2015, p.32). To become an
organizer and developer of people, a leader should display their concern for others, and their
stability or "understand her or his own world and how it relates to others" (2015, p.33). For a leader
to be a
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Effective Leadership Essay
1 INTRODUCTION What should aspirant leaders do to become more effective? Numerous articles
and books have been written discussing and defining the role of a leader and what one should do in
order to become an effective leader. Each author, leader or researcher will have a different
perspective on which qualities should be embedded in a leader in order to make them stand out from
the rest and be an asset to their organisation. The synopsis to follow reflects on different leadership
styles, tasks and personal traits of great leaders. The aspirant leader should read this review with an
open mind considering what elements they already possess and which should be extend, with an end
goal to realise and master their own unique method of ... Show more content on ...
The hallmark trademarks of the authoritative leader are: vibrancy enthusiasm, clear vision,
motivation, maximises commitment to the organisation, defines standards that revolve around the
vision, Goleman (2000). The cause and effect of this style is that it empowers staff and managers to
think outside the box and use their own initiative to further the success of the organisation. The
affiliative style according to Goleman (2000) "proponents value individuals and their emotions more
than tasks and goals". This style results in loyalty due to strong bonds, communication, sharing of
ideas, it is more flexibility than the authoritative style and overflows with positive feedback (reward
and recognition) Goleman (2000). This style should be used in conjunction with the authoritative
leadership style, on its own essential feedback relating to poor performance and negativity goes
unnoticed. The democratic style focuses on spending time getting people's ideas and buy–in, a
leader builds trust, respect, and commitment. By letting workers themselves have a say in decisions
that affect their goals and how they do their work, the democratic leader drives up flexibility and
responsibility as well as keeping morale high through listening skills Goleman (2000). It does have
it drawbacks in that if not used correctly results in procrastination through never ending meetings.
The pacesetting style has more drawbacks than benefits, in that it runs parallel with the
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Effective Leadership : A Effective Leader
Leadership is a process of continuous learning and increasing leadership effectiveness requires
understanding, reflection, and the application to the appropriate subject matter. To become an
effective leader, one should strive to enhance their skills and abilities associated with applying new
data, information, and ideas objectively and subjectively. Even though everyone in the world has in
their possession some sort of leadership characteristics and attributes, not everybody is set out to
make the necessary sacrifices it takes to become a truly effective leader. Utilizing authentic
leadership practices entails learning how to be true to yourself and others. An essential element
facilitating meaningful leadership is trust. Influential risks, changes, and challenges will inevitably
occur throughout the various stages of life. According to Erik Erikson, human life stages comprise
of infancy, early childhood, play age, school age, adolescence, young adulthood, adulthood, and old
age (Armstrong, 2012). This paper's objectives include revealing several moments in life where
challenges to leadership occurred, predominantly focused on the adolescence, young adulthood, and
adult stages in life. The paper highlights specific instances in life where leadership challenges
became noticeably obvious, influencing various personal and professional motivational elements.
Life is full of challenges, highlighting previously endured leadership examples helps to recognize
and learn
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Effective Leadership Management
Leadership Effectiveness
What is leadership? A leader is one who influences others to attain goals. The greater the number of
followers correlates to the greater the influence. Additionally, the more successful the attainment of
worthy goals, the more evident is the leadership. However, one must explore beyond this bare
definition to capture the excitement and intrigue that devoted followers and students of leadership
feel when they see a great leader in action. Therefore, employees should seek to understand what
organizational leaders really do and to learn what it really takes to become a truly outstanding
Theories & Models
Outstanding leaders combine good strategic substance and effective interpersonal processes to
formulate and implement strategies that produce results and sustainable competitive advantage.
Hence, it is a little overwhelming, especially when inundated with numerous theories about
leadership such as, X & Y theory, path–goal theory, charismatic, traits theory, Vroom model, and
contingency theory, etc... Additionally, numerous leadership styles exist in which a manager can
employ, such as laissez faire, transformational, employee–centered, tasks–centered, close
supervision, participative, democratic, or autocratic (Elliott 2011).
Transactional Leadership
The transactional leadership theory is one, which is most widespread and commonly used in most
organizations (e.g. military). It is based on transactions or deals made between an employee and an
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Effective Leadership
Effective Leaders
Leadership is the process of using power and influence to navigate followers to achieve a specific
goal. The purpose of this paper is to explain that effective leaders must hone specific traits that are
indispensable for managing organizations successfully. This paper explores the techniques,
approaches, and practices that make leaders powerful, influential and efficient. Additionally, to help
define effective leadership, a case study is analyzed based on personal experience of cooperating
with a district supervisor who employs effective leadership strategies. While analyzing the leader's
behavioral patterns and implemented strategies, it ... Show more content on ...
Power is used to influence its' followers reach optimal job performance and increase productivity
(Colquitt, Lepine & Wesson 2013). According to Malos, supervisors must understand how use the
influence of power to wield the direction of employees to meet the goals of the company (Malos
Moreover, an executive's decisions should be clear and organized when utilizing their authority. It
allows employees to perform their jobs better because the directives are clear. Woiceshyn explains, a
study called Neuro–Cognitive that discusses the relationship between the "conscious, reasoning
mind of the manager, and (subconscious) intuition of a subordinate" (Woiceshyn, 2011, p. 315). The
manager is the example of the conscious mind, which is in charge of acquiring knowledge and
therefore stores and retrieves information. They then delegate it to subordinates, which are the
(subconscious–mind) intuition. If, the manager is unorganized and fails to give proper instructions,
it will make the decision– making difficult. However, on the other hand, if the supervisor is logically
organized, the subordinates will collect and retrieve knowledge more effectively. How effectively a
manger delegates his/her decisions, will ultimately affect employee's job performances; thus
leadership should be clear and organized. (Woiceshyn 2011).
Moreover, in dynamic environments, leaders should be unwavering in the midst of a crisis. If an
administrator does not have the emotional
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Effective Leadership Essay
In today's competitive world, leadership skills are crucial for both personal and professional
development. Leadership is an important function of management which helps an individual or a
business to maximize efficiency and to achieve goals. Leadership has different meanings to various
authors.Most commonly, leadership is defined as influence, that is, the art of influencing people so
that they will strive willingly and enthusiastically toward the achievement of group goals. (Koontz).
Leadership is the process of influencing the activities of either formal or informal group in the task
of goal setting and goal achievement. A leader is one whose magnetic personality innervates people
for some cause. Not by words, but by their actions is ... Show more content on ...
People requires good leadership skills at personal, professional and social level. Personal leadership
helps us to determine our desires, strengths and abilities. It means Knowing what we want out of
life; knowing what success is for us; what are our goals and how to achieve those goals regardless of
what other people think, say, or do. Personal leadership helps us to make our present better and
shape a good future. Good leadership is also important to run a business. Usually, in companies,
management stresses more on decision– making skills. They believe a timely and smart decision
will help their company to succeed. They forget that implementation of those decisions are as
important as making those decision. Without a proper implementation , there will be no results. Like
there is a saying that, it's easier to said than done. Similarly, making a decision will change nothing,
its how to get things done in a timely and an effective way will help an organization to accomplish
their goals. Leadership is crucial in implementing decisions correctly and successfully. Each of us
understand importance of leadership when it comes to our country. We all try to vote for the best
person in elections because it matters who is in office. President make decisions concerning our
lives, country, and the world. As a nation, we place no greater responsibility on any one individual
than we do on the president. Therefore, leadership
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Effective Leadership And The Leadership Essay
This report will investigate on the effective leadership and the need for the leaders to lead from
behind and put others in front in the occurrence of nice things and to take the front line when there is
a danger. The quote means that leadership should be a collective activity where the leader
understands all his followers and includes all of them in his leadership activity. Leadership is
defined as a process whereby an individual influences a group of individuals to achieve a common
goal. (Northhouse, 2010, p. 3). This article will enlighten essential leadership qualities Mandela
held, and which aided him to triumph what many other leaders have never accomplished. After his
release, he champions for better leadership that unites all the people irrespective of race, status, or
place of origin. Meanwhile, the country hosts Rugby World Cup sport, which the veteran leader
becomes keenly interested in how his team could win. On top of this, the sport is used as a basis to
reflect on the determination that must be upheld by a team before it can defeat opponents. On the
same note, the quote reveals the leadership qualities of the president. Thereby, the report will also
analyze the leadership theories and demonstrate different styles of leadership Nelson Mandela
implemented in the movie "Invictus".
2.0 Analysis: –
2.1. Scene 1: – Mandela Invites Pienaar: –
Mandel invites Francois Pienaar, a white Afrikaner and South African (Springbok) Rugby team
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Effective Leadership Approaches
Effective Approaches in Leadership and Management Throughout this paper, this author will
provide insight to the Magnet designation, comparing leadership and management skills, styles, and
theories on this subject. The author will address to the reader her own professional and personal
philosophical approaches to leadership in the Magnet journey.
Magnet Recognition The Magnet Recognition Program, developed by the American Nurses
Credentialing Center (ANCC), recognizes hospitals for nursing excellence, quality patient care, and
nursing innovations. Magnet is the source for successful nursing practice and strategies throughout
the world. The public uses Magnet designation to recognize high quality nursing care. Magnet
designation ... Show more content on ...
This type of environment is achieved by a strong strategic plan, promoting certification, encourage
staff to pursue higher education, evidence based procedures and policies, community involvement,
and acknowledge their staff for their expertise. When staff is praised they feel important, therefore
they become part of team that collaborates with the leader to achieve the facility's vision and
mission in the Magnet journey. The Magnet process includes leaders that promote accountability
and a "just culture" (AORN, 2012) on their unit in order to improve patient outcomes and safety.
Leaders in a Magnet hospital leaders encourage community involvement and education. The
characteristics or traits of a leaders are a guiding vision, passion, integrity (including self–
knowledge, candor, and maturity), trust, curiosity, and daring per Bennis, 1994. "Trust is the
emotional glue that binds leaders and employees together and is a measure of the legitimacy of
leadership" states Malloch (as cited in Huber, 2014 pg.
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Qualities of Effective Leadership
Being a great leader no matter what you may think does not just happen overnight. Leadership is
learned and earned. To be an effective leader you need to know how to find that fine line between
leadership and followership and be able to take the right initiative and precautions to advancing to
the leadership role. As a leader you develop the ability to set yourself aside from the rest of the
world in a way without your followers being left out as Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803 – 1882) said,
"Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail." Living
with integrity, leading by example, building a great management team and inspiring employees or
soldiers to greatness are some of the key points in being an effective leader. Most great leaders are
passionate about what they do; they have the ability to communicate to diverse audiences. Leaders
should focus on the people, inspire trust, and have their eyes set on the horizon. Many people
confuse management and leadership. Peter F. Drucker said, "Management is doing things right;
leadership is doing the right things." Being able to see the difference between being a manager and a
leader is also a good leadership trait.
Is vision a good trait for an effective leader to obtain? The answer is yes. Vision not in the sense of
someone's eyesight but in the sense of how they view things is very important when it comes to the
effectiveness of a good leader. Vision in the mental aspect helps the
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Leadership Is An Effective Leader
Leadership is about we and us, not about I and me. Moreover, it is important to remember that for a
leader to achieve success, it takes a group effort to make it happen. Furthermore, to be an effective
leader, we must learn to trust, enable, let go and create an atmosphere of accountability. How can we
do this? First, we look at ourselves, find our values, strengths, beliefs, and learn to deeply activity
listen to those around us. Finally, leadership is not something you are born with, it is something we
learn, nurture, and practice. In doing this, we can become positive role models, improve working
conditions and create future leaders. In reviewing all I have learned, I have realized that the hardest
thing for me to do is to trust and let go. More so, I knew that for myself to become the leader I knew
I could be, I would need to change, grow, and keep learning new skills. Leadership is not without its
bumps and roadblocks, all things are possible if you stay focused, continually learn, and reflect on
past leadership experiences. Additionally, this could applied to both my personal life and
professional life. Every chapter in the book The Leadership Challenge, has brought out something
that speaks to me and I get a ah ha moment. The past weeks have been no different; I realized that I
have not been very trusting or listening to those around me. In chapter 8, a particular sentence really
stood out and I realized I needed to change my attitude
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Definition Of Effective Leadership And Leadership
Scripture has much to say in regards to leadership and those in positions of leadership. The Bible
tells us that leaders are to lead with integrity and values that govern the heart. "So he shepherded
them according to the integrity of his heart, and guided them with skillful hands." (Psalm 78:72
NKJV) Unfortunately, that is not the practice of many in leadership, often leaders operate with a
public set of values that differs from that of their private life. The definition of effective leadership
has changed from character driven leadership to results oriented leadership and is now determined
by the results a leader produces, as long as the leader is producing good results, the private life of a
leader has no bearing on the situation. (Rima, 2000) While it is true, that leaders can, for a time,
engage in a quality practice of leadership that differs from their personal life and produce positive
results, eventually, the destructive behaviors of their personal life will affect and influence their
public life and may result in failure and scandal.
The dangers of this dichotomy are leaders that are emotionally or psychologically unhealthy and the
end result is leaders that lack integrity and depth of character. The consequence of this philosophy is
failed businesses and churches, ineffective governments, broken marriages and families. This
disconnect between the public and private life has led to a major distrust and wariness of public
leaders. Rima believes that the root cause
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Leadership And Effective Communication
Effective communication is a critical skills that leader must possess in order to manage a project or
programme successfully. The main focus of this text is to discuss why effective communication
plays an important role for leadership and how leadership share its similarities and differences in
project and programme team. Some examples will be given from the exercise to support the idea of
how effective communication and good leadership can impact the work progress. Following there
will be some recommendations of how the programme review meeting can be improved.
1.1 Reason for project/progrmme communication
Communication is important because project management involves 70% to 80% communication and
its value increases at programme level since there is often an increase in stakeholders, complexity,
and delegation (Levin, 2012). This substantial amount of communication time would suggest that
the importance of effective communication is needed in order to achieve objectives. Inefficient
communication could result in time/cost overrun since information is not disseminate to the right
person quickly or correctly and therefore is likely to create a knock on effect on time and cost.
Effective communication can be also seen as a solution for some issues during management. Some
typical issues would be lacking the understanding and awareness of other project's problems and
targets during a programme, and team members in a programme are fighting for same space and
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Effective Leadership Essay
Effective Leadership in the Workplace First name Last name My University Effective Leadership in
the Workplace What is leadership? Leadership or being a leader can be described in many different
ways, but overall it means having to capacity to lead. In every business or organization they become
effective and remain effective because of their leaders and their ability to inspire and lead.
"Leadership has nothing to do with seniority or one's position in the hierarchy of a company. Too
many talk about a company's leadership referring to the senior most executives in the organization.
They are just that, senior executives. Leadership doesn't automatically happen when you reach a
certain pay grade. Hopefully you find it there, but there ... Show more content on ...
He stated, "to this day I still have not had a boss take interest in my work not to mention actually
getting in the trench and getting his hands dirty. It was motivating and where I gained a new level of
respect for you." Demonstrating commitment of this level will not only earn you the respect of you
employees, but it will also instill the importance of hard work amongst your staff. Another aspect of
commitment is keeping your word and not only establishing yourself as a hard worker but as a fair
leader. If you tell everyone that they can work a half day on Friday then hold true to your word. In
the end your commitment will produce high quality work from your employees. Being committed to
the job also includes honesty. This where in the workplace you utilize your values and ethics to how
you get the job done and how you hold yourself in the day to day. Look back at our first President,
George Washington, and his infamous cherry tree story. His quote of "I cannot tell a lie...", has set a
tone and is still used as an example of ethics and integrity. Demonstrating your commitment to the
job on a daily basis involves many things and hopefully we were all raised to put in an honest days
work. "Knowing what you want accomplished may seem clear in your head, but if you try to explain
it to someone else
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Leadership : Effective And Effective Leadership
Followership Effective followership is an essential component of effective leadership in that,
without good followers, the leader's work is difficult and cumbersome. The role of the follower is
many times understated. As illustrated by Kelley (1998), "effective followers are thinkers; energetic
and assertive, self–starters, independent problem solvers, and carry out their tasks with these
characteristics (p. 143). Effective followers also are characterized by their ability to perform tasks
with little supervision, their intelligence, and ability to think for themselves. We are all followers,
even those who consider themselves leaders; so to encourage this effectiveness in others; we must
be role models for those under us, so that they may also be effective at following. Chaleff (2009)
observed that "all important social accomplishments require complex group effort and, therefore,
leadership and followership" (p. 13). We must know how to follow before we can be effective
leaders. Reflective Analysis Leadership lesson 1 One of the biggest lessons learned from this course
is that to be an effective leader, you must have a diverse skillset. I'm not sure if there is any one
magical component or characteristic in being a great leader. One influence during my review of the
literature was that; although easier for some, I see leadership as something we must continually
improve upon. This is in contrast to my belief during my first day of class, when I thought leaders
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Effective Leadership : An Effective Leader
Effective leadership is not something you come across very often. Leadership can be defined as 'the
ability to inspire confidence and support among the people who are needed to achieve organizational
goals' (Dubrin, 2010, p. 2–3). Finding someone who fits the idea of being an effective leader can
difficult. In fact, Myatt (2013) argues that many leaders in our world think they are leaders,
however, he states that 'not everyone can or should become a leader' (para. 1).
In a group of three, we had a discussion about who we could interview for this assignment. We came
to a quick agreement once one of my peers said she knew someone named E. Bandy who was a
leader at a Ballarat kindergarten and who is also a part of the Eureka Community Kindergarten
Association (ECKA). Bandy seemed to fit the criteria as having a professional leadership position in
a centre and is governed by the National Quality Framework.
Bandy decided to pursue her career in early childhood education at a young age. She mentioned that
she has 'always wanted to' (be in the early childhood education industry) and her dad did not like the
idea of her being a primary school teacher. She has now been in the industry for 31 years (since
1984) and has been at I.R. kindergarten for about 11 or 12 years (E. Bandy, personal
communication, August 13, 2015). Bandy first came to I.R. to fill the position of a director which is
a highly responsible leadership role which she has worked towards during her years prior to
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Effective Leadership Analysis
Having effective leadership helps to establish a clear direction for the organization. Communicating
by conveying a compelling vision in writing, speaking, and presenting helps to keep everything
organized (Duggan 2015). These leaders help to motivate and inspire their subordinates to take
action for different, while enabling transitions and transformations. There are a couple of aspects
that could be compared and contrasted between leaders and managers. These aspects are vision and
change. Effective leaders are able to define what their vision is and know exactly how to motivate
their subordinates. This can take place during meetings or even through newsletters. These type of
people are able to show a means of empathy, integrity, assertiveness, ... Show more content on ...
It very superficial to only focus on the requirements that are needed for the company. I would learn
about why that person in interested and if there is any connection with their past. I would even try to
tie everything in with their personality because that can help enhance the company. Everyone is
different and we should treat every potential applicant as
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The Quest For Effective Leadership
In the quest for effective leadership; having a shared vision and practicing strong communication
skills among staff, administrators and faculty are critical components to a successful organization.
Effective leadership begins with a vision, action and "buy–in" from all levels of the college. Leaders
have struggled with what their vision of success is and can be for all involved. A convincing vision
has the power to inspire, clarify and focus on the work of an entire organization. Often in a rush to
get things done, we expect our colleagues to support our efforts without giving them a good reason
why. Effective leadership also means communicating regularly and being a good listener who shares
information with their organization and encourages open dialogue. (Use a citation here)
Context and culture
The culture in an organization depends greatly on how successful a leader is capable of becoming an
active person who sees the future in others. Leadership skills should match the values of the culture
which in return should drive the initiatives of the college. For employees to function and succeed, it
is essential they understand and believe in the culture. (Use a citation here) Leaders need to create a
culture that is beneficial to an organization, by hiring potential employees that have the desired
attitudes, behaviors, ethics and shared values of the institution. This process begins at the top of the
organization. Leader/institutional values
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Effective Leadership Essays
Effective Leadership: The Highs and Lows of Superior Authority University of Maryland University
College AMBA 620 May 24, 2012 Professor Mary Hrutka Abstract In the following paper, the
leadership style of one individual is critically examined and analyzed. Leader X has a delegative
leadership style that places a majority of the decision making on the subordinates within the office.
She has influenced me to alter my leadership style and address some fallacies I have with my
behavior in a leadership capacity. Leader X welcomes suggestions from the staff, changes to the
office and promotes employee feedback regarding work assignments. The delegative leadership
style creates a comfortable and inviting work environment, ... Show more content on ...
This is the area in which my leadership skills are put to the test. At any given moment, I could be
given three to four tasks that are all important and must be completed in a small amount of time.
Prioritizing these tasks can be fairly difficult but I am trusted with this responsibility. Leader X has a
strong influence on me and how I wish to conduct myself in a position of leadership. Leader X
oversees twenty attorneys and four legal support staff. She has a warm and inviting personality. She
is punctual and educated in law and litigation. She encourages her staff to have a lot of input into the
day to day decisions made within the office. In the text, Colquitt (2011) defines leadership as the use
of power and influence to direct the actions of followers. In order for one to effectively lead, they
must possess influence over others. Leader X has been employed within the legal field for more than
twenty five years. Her knowledge and experience is what qualifies her as a Senior Counsel within
her agency. She possesses all the characteristics of my definition of an effective leader. She has a
delagative leadership style which slightly damages her ability to make decisions. Organizational
Behavior Another aspect of leadership is the employment of power. Power is the ability to influence
the actions and behaviors of others. Colquitt (2011) states an effective form of influence is
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Effective Leadership Papers
1. Throughout my career, I have been fortunate to have been influenced by some amazing people.
When I think about the ones that have had the lasting impacts of my view of effective leadership,
they all have one characteristic in common, humility. I believe to be an effective leader you should
understand that you will not always be right and you will not always have all the answers. My
definition of leadership is simple; I believe that one's ability to influence others is the most accurate
test of their capacity to lead. Although there varying characteristics of effective leaders such as
courage, loyalty, intelligence, or humility etc. It's how that leader utilizes those characteristics to
identify and capitalize on others strengths. I believe ... Show more content on ...
Placing an emphasis on describing a compelling of what the future of the Coast Guard could be like
is definitely an area I could improve on. Often times I get caught up in the now and rarely take time
to forecast what's to come. In order to effectively communicate a compelling image of the future, I
must first understand what that image should look like and then take the time project that image in a
positive manner to my subordinates.
4. Challenging people to try out new and innovative ways to their work is another concept that I
should embrace more often. I usually live by the ideas that if it's not broke don't fix it. However, I
realize that I might be inhibiting member's potential by not encouraging them to seek more creative
and efficient to accomplish a task. I will place more emphasis on allowing junior members to
present new ideas and challenge them to improve on current processes.
5. The LPI Feedback Report also identified that I should pay more attention to how my actions
affect other people's performance. Without knowing if my actions are positively or negatively
affecting member's performance I can't identify areas I need to improve on or recognize the thing
that I'm getting right. In the future, I will solicit feedback for junior members and use that
information to alter my leadership
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Effective Workplace Leadership
TOPIC 1: (Effective Workplace Leadership)
Literature Review STUDY SUMMARIES
Author/title Purpose Description of Theoretical or Conceptual Framework Sample/
Participants (if applicable) Research Design/Method Variables & Measurements Results &
Conclusions Controversies, disagreements with other authors Limitations Implications for practice,
research, theory
Kathleen Brady, CPC /Leadership in Today's Workplace Addresses more than a title to have
followers by his/her ability to influence people within the organization or team. Effective leaders
have a strong sense of self; they understand the qualities that make other people want to follow
them. Management and followers None None To delegate effectively, always operate under the
principal that you can never be too clear. Take the time to explain the goals and objectives. None
None None
Jacqueline Jones/ Effective Leadership in the 21st Century Addresses the importance and ensure
leaders understand the skills and abilities needed to ... Show more content on ...
L. (2015). Approaches to culture and diversity: A critical synthesis of occupational therapy
literature. The Canadian Journal of
Occupational Therapy, 82(5), 272–282.
Brady, K. (2014) LEADERSHIP IN TODAY'S WORKPLACE. Retrieved January 23, 2017
König, C. (2015). HR Technologies for the Multi–Generational Workforce. Workforce Solutions
Review, 6(3), 20–23.
Jones, J. (2015). Effective Leadership in the 21st Century. Radiology Management, 37(6), 16–19.
CAPACITY FRAMEWORK. Journal Of Organizational Culture, Communications & Conflict,
20(1), 68–77.
Sarwar, C. (2013). Future of Ethically Effective Leadership. Journal Of Business Ethics, 113(1),
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Leadership Styles : Effective Leadership
This short paper examines effective leadership. Effective leadership may be outlined in many ways.
Although exposed to several different leadership styles, I find that I respond best to a leader who
believes in the works and theories of Confucius. According to McMahon, the Confucian leadership
system believes that leadership is an emergent quality of the character that radiates and makes others
want to follow, based on the respect and trust the leader generates (McMahon, 2010). I believe the
new president at the law school in which I am employed, exemplifies and leads the institution under
these same philosophies. Conscientiously or not, the new president works and follows the Confucian
path of leadership.
Recently, a new president was appointed at my place of employment. As a direct report to the
president, I am charged with the responsibility of the overall enrollment in the institution.
Nationally, law school applications have hit an all–time low (Kitroeff, 2014). However, my new
supervisor chooses to lean on her expert team rather than step out on unknown territory. She
recognized the school was in a state of displacement and turmoil, and felt it was her duty to
transform an institution she believes in. Unlike her predecessors, she led with a positive attitude and
presumed good intent from her staff and administration. Specifically, she began her tenure by
honestly analyzing her strengths, and carefully surveying the institution and her employees; she
wanted to
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Leadership Is An Effective Leader
"Leadership deals with relationships – people working with each other toward a common objective.
The word process means that leadership is not so much what is achieved, but how things are
achieved" (Nelson, 2002, p. 24). "The alternative to bad leadership must not become no leadership;
it should rather be good leadership" (Wallis, 2008, p. 275).
"Leadership is about making others better as a result of your presence and making sure that impact
lasts in your absence" (Sandberg & Scovell, 2013, p. 157). An effective leader must "focus on
engaging the heads and hearts of employees, which helps them harness the energy it creates to
achieve sustainable business results" (Love & Cugnon, 2009, p. 206).
But is takes a special type of leader – a captain – to create not just loose affiliation of individuals but
a true team that's centered around shared values and focused on a common goal. Captains are quick
to recognize the key capabilities of their team members, including strengths and weaknesses, and to
build the plan around those capabilities. (Piasecki, 2013, p. 14)
Education – continuing education, continually honing and expanding the mind – is vital mental
renewal. Sometimes that involves the external discipline of the classroom or systemized study
programs; more often it does not. Proactive people can figure out many, many ways to educate
themselves. (Covey, 1989, p. 295)
"If you have the right people, they will be self–motivated. They key is to not de–motivate
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Leadership Is Effective And Ineffective
Explain what leadership is, when leaders are effective and ineffective, and the sources of power that
enable managers to be effective leaders
Leadership is effective positive influence by inspiring, motivating and directing other effectively. To
achieve the goals of the organization and their personal goal. Effective leadership is the process by
which leaders increase the organizations ability to eliminate barriers and enhance engagements.
According to our text, Leaders are influential by use of Power. The academic term for power is
getting others to accomplish a goal individually or in a group. In theory, Leaders are effective by the
way they affect others. Legitimate, Reward, Coercive, Expert and Referent power are all textbook
terms to explain how leaders engage others to meet organizational goals. Whether, hiring or firing,
bonuses, reprimand, technical expertise and character or respect of the leader.
In my opinion, Exact Networking replaces power in the post modern era. Which includes a high
level of empowerment. Shareholders and stakeholders whom have greater knowledge, training and
decisive decision making ability are able to perform without very little leadership. Engagements are
based on engagements to the organization, which is determined by leadership strategies.
At Audocs, we Enable Effective leadership and Empower users or clients. Implementing leadership
Strategies that are based on a Consistent automated workflow and platform, Audocs and its
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Leadership : An Effective Leader
An effective leader is one who is followed by others in the business works. Leaders have the be
knowledgeable about the human nature, plus guide employees by reducing the doubts of the ranked
employee success. Some people believe that leaders can be born. Others believe they can be created.
A leader is one, who utilizes their capabilities of influencing and inspiring people to commit towards
accomplishing an attainable goal. True leadership can be exemplified in the rank of employees.
Leadership is something that a person can be innately born with or a gained skill through
experiences, such as speaking in front of people at a meeting, the organization of an event, or as a
role model in the household.
If leaders are born, then what is the point of leadership development? The answer can create a vast
variety of controversy because the answer can be both. People that have certain traits allow them to
step into a leadership role easier while others have to work to develop the necessary skills to fulfill
that role. As an employee, we all have unique skills and abilities that set us apart from other
employees, therefore one maybe empathetic while another is charismatic that allow us the
opportunity to lead a team in an organization. "Genetic endowment may merely influence the rate at
which domain–specific expertise is required without imposing any upper or lower bounds on
attainment" (Simonton 83). Some leaders definitely have a genetic advantage on
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Leadership And Effective Leadership For Learning
Schools must meet the challenges of a changing educational climate and effective leadership is
crucial in helping to guide the whole school community through the potentially treacherous waters
of change. This assignment will delve into the complexity of leadership and will emphasize that
whilst leaders can attempt to create conditions to help schools improve, they are not solely
responsible for the outcome of the education process. Fullan (2001) posits that effective school
leadership has the ability to manage educational change by building strong relationships and
establishing a moral purpose. Therefore, the school leader has the orchestral role of subtly creating
the conditions necessary for pupils and staff to thrive. This assignment will focus primarily on three
of the preconditions for effective Leadership for Learning, mentioned with the assignment title: the
role of shared leadership, explicit conversations and the creation of settings, mindsets, and strategies
conducive to learning. The writer feels, that effective leaders can transform the idea of mutual
accountability into 'moral accountability '. Therefore this section can be interwoven within each of
these three strands of Leadership for Learning mentioned; in a sense mutual or moral accountability
could be interpreted as a by–product of effective leadership.
Shared leadership.
Build structures and cultures that invite and sustain participation in leadership, encourages all
members of the school community to
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Essay on Effective Leadership
Effective Leadership A successful leader is most importantly a mentor. This person grooms his or
her staff to take his or her place, by teaching, inspiring and helping one to reach personal goals as
well as the goals of the organization. Sam Adams, one of the leaders of the Boston Tea Party, was
quoted as saying: "Outstanding leaders go out of the way to boost the self–esteem of their personnel.
If people believe in themselves, it's amazing what they can accomplish (Government Leaders,
Someone with a Successful Leadership Style I had the privilege of working with a successful leader
who embodied the belief of Sam Adams. Her name was Lucy Parkin and I worked with her early in
my career. This working relationship has had a ... Show more content on ...
She not only believed in her staff, but in the company we worked for. It has been close to 20 years
since I worked with Lucy, but I still remember her leadership style and it has had lasting effects on
the way I lead. Communication skills are extremely important in an effective leader. A strong leader
is able listen to her staff and communicates where they need to go to meet the goals of the
organization. This requires listening but also speaking in a way that can be easily understood, so that
everyone on the team knows what the goals are and how to meet them. She took the time to know us
as individuals and took an interest in our personal lives. People want to know that they matter and
that they have an opportunity to express that value in their work and actions (Porter–O'Grady &
Malloch, 2007). We knew that she cared and it motivated us to do our best. Morale was very high in
her department because of these attributes.
Comparing My Leadership Style I have had the opportunity to lead and use these traits of a
successful leader. The opportunities have been both in paid positions and also in volunteer work.
When my mentor and leader, Lucy Parkin, left the organization, I was chosen to lead the
department. I followed in her footsteps and used many of the examples that she had given me. I
believed in my team and knew their strengths and their weaknesses. I developed strong
communications skills that allowed me to listen to my team and know their
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Leadership As An Effective Leader
The world of healthcare, its delivery and services are forever evolving; and in the interim so is its
infrastructure and workforce capacity (Klienman, 2003). Healthcare executives must be equipped
with the proper skills in order to be effective leaders in the field. Dye and Garman (2006) highlight
various critical competencies all healthcare executives should harness in order to be influential
leaders in their present or future leadership role. Some competences may come natural to
individuals, while others have to be developed and strengthened over time. Leaders are faced with
challenges such as ethical dilemmas, budgetary cuts and organizational restructuring. Furthermore
they are also responsible for sustaining employee morale, being a visionary and a role model within
their respective agencies. However, the key to their success in being an effective leader is based
upon a foundation of the ability to influence and an understanding of their ethical approach to
decision–making (Grenny, Patterson, Maxfield, McMillan & Switzler, 2013).
Based upon what I have learned throughout the course, I define influential leadership as an
individuals' ability to affect their team positively through motivation and inspiration to achieve
organizational outcomes. Leaders should not use their authority in an abusive manner through
negative influence; in turn it should be used to empower their employees and to make them feel
appreciated for their work. Influence is a vital asset when it
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Leadership Is An Effective Leader
Leadership is the ability to influence a group toward the achievement of a vision or set of goals.
There are many different types of leadership, all with their own appropriate time and place for use.
An effective leader can be successful in all settings; it is important to develop a well–rounded skill
set to combat different leadership roadblocks. When one thinks of a leader in a business
organization, most likely they are thinking of formal leader. Sometimes this type of leader is referred
to as a manager. It is important to note that just because an organization provides its manager with
certain formal rights, there is no assurance they will lead effectively. On the other hand, non–
sanctioned leadership is the ability to influence others outside the formal structure of the
organization. People do not realize the importance of a leader with this capability, it is often
overlooked. The fact of the matter is that this type of leader can be just as important or more
important than the formal influence from a manager. Just as there are different types of leadership,
there are different theories about the concept of leadership. Among these theories are Trait theories,
behavioral theories, and contingent theories. Among the three different types of leadership theories
are the Trait Theories. Trait theories of leadership identify the specific personality traits that
distinguish leaders from non–leaders. These theories are based on the premise that leaders are born,
not made.
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The Definition Of Effective Leadership

  • 1. The Definition Of Effective Leadership Definition of effective leadership Most historians rank George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Jefferson, and Theodore Roosevelt as America's finest leaders. Agreement on their quality is so strong, in fact, that in the 1920s, their likenesses were immortalized on Mount Rushmore, which has since become an iconic symbol of great leadership. On the other end of the spectrum, Warren G. Harding, Pierce, James Buchanan, and George W. Bush are ranked as among our worst leaders. Herbert Hoover, John Tyler, and Millard Fillmore sank to the bottom as well. The unanimity among these rankings suggests that the qualities that make an effective leader do not change with place and time, with the governed body or with the situation. America's sixth president, John Quincy Adams, defined leadership this way: "If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader." I agree that effective leadership is distinguished by four critical qualities: passion, vision, emotional intelligence, and confidence. Leaders who possess these qualities are able to make a positive impact on their institution–as Adams did, improving American life through his strong hand on the wheel of the ship. Without a leader's clear vision and guidance, a business is like a ship drifting aimlessly. The leader's vision provides the map, establishing a path that leads to the desired destination. Effective leaders create clear, concise visions that identify the key actions ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. The Key Of Effective Leadership The Key to Effective Leadership Insights Gained I have ascertained that utilizing mental models, I can understand why and how different people on the same team process similar occurrences in a different manner. A mental model is "a set of ideas and assumptions that you carry in your head" (Bolman, & Deal, 2013, p. 10). These mental models that we rely on as an interpretation, influence our understanding of world and organizational events, because they reflect our current mind–sets. For example, a mental model that is prevalent in the army, is that your appearance reflects your potential. This may cause others to judge soldiers initially, by their appearance. If they are overweight, or their appearance looks disheveled, they are often initially seen as being undisciplined. Changing our mental models can directly change our understanding of events, because we can perceive things differently, and also then identify other root causes, or resolutions. In my example, if one realizes that a newly assigned soldier may not be completely situated in a home and community as yet, that perhaps they do not have access to the resources that they may need, to present the best appearance, such as a good barber. A leader could recognize this as a need to provide more community familiarization, or access to resources. By exploring mental, models Senge (2006) recognizes that one can create a reflection in the work environment and, by doing so, encourage a more open discussion, and expose the ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Leadership Style And Effective Leadership Styles Group leadership refers to the processes of leading, influencing and motivating members of a group to become highly competent in achieving the goals or objectives of the group (Aritz and Robyn 73). Though the adoption and implementation of a relevant and effective leadership style, group leaders become effective in driving change through work groups and facilitating the achievement of organizational goals. Leaders play a wide range of roles in leading groups, such as motivating members, coordinating group activities, influencing positive behaviors among members and motivating productivity and innovation (Tabernero et al. 1393). The following sections presents a detailed analysis and discussion of the role of leadership style in group work and the most important leadership roles in work groups. The paper uses evidence to support the argument that group leaders must adopt effective leadership styles so that they can be successful in facilitating group activities and ensuring that members of the group actively contribute towards the achievement of shared goals (Thompson 23). Leadership style refers to the specific behavior or characteristics that a leader exhibits in managing, guiding, directing and motivating a group of people within an organization (Kark and Dina 504). The leadership style that leader adopt and use to play their roles within a work group define their ability to inspire change of work behavior among group members. This means that an effective leadership style ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. Effective Leadership : An Effective Leader Personal Development Plan Abdulkarim Alshammari F293s894 Samantha Corcoran March May,10,201 Effective Leadership An effective leader makes change happen. They have the ability to influence their followers and accomplish the objectives of a group. According to chemers (2007). Leadership roles dwell on the ability of an individual to lead others, and for this reason, a leader must adopt effective characteristics to ensure that his or her style of leadership is effective. Different leaders carry out different leadership functions based on their effectively. This ensures that a group can attain their goals under the said leadership. Stephan Covey, the author of a well–known book that talks about the Habits of Effective People, said that leadership begins with a desire to attain a certain goal then commitment in the sad desire. Leadership includes various attitudes, values and mindsets which can expedite commitment and transformation (Vugt & Ahuja 2011). Effective leadership start by creating a vision and goals for his group. A leader is then capable of making this vision or goal come true. On the same note, chin (2015) stated that an Effective leader is able to link to mission and values. They believe in themselves. By believing in themselves, then their followers can also believe and have confidence in them. The effective leader portrays maturity, professionalism, expertise and conviction. All this facts translate to a purpose and direction. Through ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. The Importance Of Effective Leadership Leadership Effective Tools and Qualities To be an effective leader, means to impact and organized group with their activities of goal setting and reaching success or by giving influence in a situation to accomplish a single goal or multiple goals. To be able visualize the bigger picture and being able to produce a plan of action and reach a goal, is the visionary mission (Liu, 2010). A key component to being effective as a leader is to can make decisive decision making skills Liu, 2010). A way to build relationships or enhance them is to give mutual rewards (Liu, 2010). Effective communication whether that be verbal, non–verbal, or even writing is a quality that makes a better leader (Liu, 2010). The ability to be able to convince people to do what you want is to have the power of influence (Liu, 2010). There are values that makes a person who they are, just as there are qualities that makes an effective leader such as, visionary mission, decisive decision making, mutual rewards, effective communication, and power of influence. Visionary Mission To become visionary with the mission as a leader, is a way leaders can bring new plans or ideas that inspire various types of new solutions (Liu, 2010). It is imperative that leaders can communicate the mission so that subordinates understand its significance (Duckworth, 2015). Leaders must understand the intent of the mission and all it entails such as, objectives, strategies, goals and timelines (Duckworth, 2015). Workers must ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. Effective Leadership There are multiple leadership styles and approaches to being an exceptional leader. Leadership has several functions, but honest behavior versus dishonest behavior has its rewards and consequences. A leader needs to possess the integrity to be effective for the long term in the corporate atmosphere. The market conditions create ethical difficulties and create hurdles for leaders throughout decision making. In the given synopsis, the AIG Company had guaranteed to pay bonuses to executives. But the financial circumstances had negatively affected the business. Therefore, it would be impracticable to give bonuses due to the economic crisis in the firm. Despite leaders arguing that bonuses should be paid based on the commitment established by the ... Show more content on ... Michael Dell had found the cause of the issues in the company rather than blaming the CEO, directors, and other top level executives. Personal experience I have worked as a part–time executive in a retail store. According to our organization policy if an employee takes leave for more than two days without prior intimation then the employee is terminated. Once I could not go to the job due to some personal issues without a suggestion for four days. I thought I was fired, but Stores Manager had called me personally to his chamber and counseled. I still remember that he is an ethical leader even now. After getting counseled, I have changed my attitude and became a real person and never taken leave without prior intimation. Counseling The counseling for unethical leaders is a tough job, but their behavior can be changed in the long term. The dishonest leaders should be advised subjectively, and a lot of explanation should be given to them about the outcomes of a particular situation. They must be taught about the importance of organizational goals, personal ethics, and business ethics. It is also better to send them to ethical training programs so that they can become moral leaders and benefit the organization in the long ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Effective Approaches in Leadership Running Head: EFFECTIVE APPROACHES Margaret Russell November 28, 2012 Grand Canyon University NRS–451V–O103 Nursing Leadership and Management An increase in patient acuities, readmissions, and requirement for patient satisfaction among other issues has created a greater need for more registered nurses in the hospital setting. Quality and safe patient care is a direct correlation to the number of staff. With the demand of nurses on the rise, some health care institutions have not readjusted the nurse–patient ratios and the result is decreased patient satisfaction, increased mortality/morbidity in patients, more health care associated infection, and decreased employee satisfaction; leading to burnout and decreased staff ... Show more content on ... A leadership approach to staffing issues may focus on how the current staff can work together to provide quality care that is necessary for patient satisfaction, without experiencing burnout. While a leader should keep budget and costs in mind, their focus should be using the available resources and staff to attain the same goal as management. A leadership approach would be "optimizing nursing intensity based on actual patient needs to address the perceived nursing shortage by creating a better fit between patient demands and the available nursing resources used in the clinical setting." (Welton, 2007). The approach that fits the author's personal and professional philosophy of nursing would be that of leadership. Patient satisfaction has a direct correlation with employee satisfaction. While there is an issue of lack of staffing related to current hospital census and patient's increased needs, the best solution that is available to all facilities is creating a positive environment in which the available staff is motivated to provide the best possible care to all patients. Hiring a team that is willing to work together in a busy, hectic setting is the key to providing quality care. Leaders are able to motivate staff, enhance interpersonal relationships between staff and management, offer incentives for hard work, and provide positive feedback. Staff members who feel appreciated on a regular basis for ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. Effective Leadership Principals It is important to enlist teachers as potential leaders to support ongoing improvement of teacher performance and student learning outcomes. The demands placed on principals today would be almost impossible to meet if it was kept as an autonomous, top–down, non–collaborative position. Principals, now more than ever, are expected to be visionaries, resource directors, instructional leaders, and building managers (Danielson, 2007). In every building, there are teachers whose vision and expertise drives them to seek opportunities for leadership, coaching, curriculum development, and school improvement outside the classroom. When we deny them the opportunity to expand their horizons, we build apathy, cynicism and an air of complacency. Teaching ... Show more content on ... This process needs to begin with the creation of a reenvisioned teaching schedule (Bambrick– Santoyo, 2012). In this case it will be most cost effective at PRA to increase the expectations of the middle school reading specialist to allow for some flexibility for the elementary reading specialist to reenvision her role at our school. We have a lower caseload at the middle school level this year, so this solves to possible dilemmas. The third grade position will also be possible this year because the teacher has a student teacher who is ready to accept some solo teaching under the guidance of the classroom teacher. This extra time needs to be documented on the calendar and used to meet the specific purposes of the additional leadership expectations. The time will be spent addressing the action items listed ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. The Role of Effective Leadership Leadership cannot be conducted alone needs partnering, and partnering is one of the important key point for leaders and followers to transcend interests and facilitate the public good. Leadership is about principles and principles form a foundation that people anchor themselves with passion to initiate action and driven an effort or organization toward a common vision. Leaders should consider a wide range of policy goals; they also should consider a wide range of options to achieve the goals. When making decisions a leader quickly learns that one size does not fit all. Rules are leaders tools and they can be excellent tools for achieving a variety of important goals. Leadership in teacher education and the university in general has been observed in recent years. Universities and their component schools are not always saw it as a common good for a couple of reasons. Leadership is one necessary ingredient to reconcile these issues. Leadership is fundamentally necessary for the teacher education and university to gain the confidence of the community they serve, by actively working toward a shared vision aimed at the common good. This work requires leaders who are willing and able to engage societal issues in the context of the overall mission of the school and the university. Additionally, this work requires that the university understand both community needs and the capacity of the community to help address its own needs with the assistance of the university, its schools, ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. Effective Leadership Leaders in the workplace play a unique and vital role in the success or failure of a business. Their responsibilities are great in number and are continuously evolving to meet the growing needs of the employees and the communities they serve. In order to be effective, leaders must constantly strive to create a work environment conducive for team unity and collaboration (Llopis, 2012). Good leaders pride themselves on being visionaries with the ability to lead by example. They have a charismatic gift to inspire and encourage others to work together to meet a common goal (Bateman and Snell, 2009). Contrary to what some believe, leadership is a shared vision. It involves accepting feedback from all involved and the competence to put ... Show more content on ... Knowing the essentials of how and when to communicate is of utmost importance. Leaders must acknowledge that communication is a two–way conversation – there is sender and a receiver and all parties involved are playing the roles of both the sender and receiver (Bateman and Snell 2009). Being a great communicator builds trust among employees. Great leaders strive to master the art of being a sender and receiver and must be willing to give the same respect he would like to receive. Ephesians 6:5–10 gives an account on how different entities should treat each other regardless of their roles. Christian bosses, company presidents, managers, crew chiefs, government officials and supervisors are to have the same attitude. The secular work of a supervisor, just like the work of his or her employee, is to be accomplished from a completely different perspective than the world understands. Matthew 7:12 sums up what daily life should consist of and that is "do for others what you would like them to do for you" (NIV). A good leader lives by this passage and consistently promotes success and sustainability. Leadership success begins and ends with vision and is heavily dependent on the leader's ability to effectively motivate. References Bateman, T.S., & Senll, S.A. (2009). (pp. 461, 470, 508, 564) Management: Learning and Collaborating in the ... Get more on ...
  • 20.
  • 21. Leadership And Leadership : Effective Leadership This chapter teaches us knowledge of how effective leadership can provide positive ways to influence others in order to accomplish goals. Managers could use trait leadership perspectives to become better leaders. As a leader, motivating your employees is key to an organizational structure. Leadership is a process which commences by following. Skill set born with or learned. As a follower one can learn and improve in their performance to be an effective leader. According to the text, leadership influence can be located in one person or be distributed throughout the group (pg. 282). Formal v. Informal Leadership The difference between them both, to my understanding is, is simply that one is related to a position held by and individual (i.e., professors, ministers, politicians). Informal is a leader not needing to be in a titled or authoritative position. They just have set skills to be effective leaders and influential on others. Leadership as Social Construction Leadership role constructed in a social setting. Depending on the interaction in a social setting needing a leadership role. Leadership as Identity Construction The leadership identity construction involves the following process: Claiming refers. Granting. These traits help to identify between leaders and followers. A model designed by DeRue and Ashford's. FOLLOWERSHIP In this part founded interesting how there is such an infatuation with the studies of leadership and not on followers. Especially, ... Get more on ...
  • 22.
  • 23. Effective Leadership : The Effective Leader I find the statement "The effective leader today must be a director and motivator, implementer and innovator, mentor and team builder, expert and moral force, organizer and developer of people" (2015, p.61), to be both accurate and realistic. One reason I believe this to be the case is because of the number of individuals who have been able to facilitate these roles on their way to being considered successful leaders. One example being Vince Lambardi. While the story told of him in textbooks by Willie Davis primarily spoke of his motivating skills, he is a renowned leader (2015, p.30). I feel a leader can become all of the items listed above by combining and applying the ten principles of leadership (2015, p.32), and the six principles of trust for effective leadership (2015, p.40). When a leader expresses a vision or "a strong sense of purpose" (2015, p. 32) they should then find a way to implement a plan and direct their team to achieve the goal. This may take some innovative measures. For a leader to show they are an expert and should be followed, they must show their ability with a task. By doing so, their actions emphasize they a have knowledge in the area they are leading, "It helps if the leader has done the job before and done it well" (2015, p.32). To become an organizer and developer of people, a leader should display their concern for others, and their stability or "understand her or his own world and how it relates to others" (2015, p.33). For a leader to be a ... Get more on ...
  • 24.
  • 25. Effective Leadership Essay 1 INTRODUCTION What should aspirant leaders do to become more effective? Numerous articles and books have been written discussing and defining the role of a leader and what one should do in order to become an effective leader. Each author, leader or researcher will have a different perspective on which qualities should be embedded in a leader in order to make them stand out from the rest and be an asset to their organisation. The synopsis to follow reflects on different leadership styles, tasks and personal traits of great leaders. The aspirant leader should read this review with an open mind considering what elements they already possess and which should be extend, with an end goal to realise and master their own unique method of ... Show more content on ... The hallmark trademarks of the authoritative leader are: vibrancy enthusiasm, clear vision, motivation, maximises commitment to the organisation, defines standards that revolve around the vision, Goleman (2000). The cause and effect of this style is that it empowers staff and managers to think outside the box and use their own initiative to further the success of the organisation. The affiliative style according to Goleman (2000) "proponents value individuals and their emotions more than tasks and goals". This style results in loyalty due to strong bonds, communication, sharing of ideas, it is more flexibility than the authoritative style and overflows with positive feedback (reward and recognition) Goleman (2000). This style should be used in conjunction with the authoritative leadership style, on its own essential feedback relating to poor performance and negativity goes unnoticed. The democratic style focuses on spending time getting people's ideas and buy–in, a leader builds trust, respect, and commitment. By letting workers themselves have a say in decisions that affect their goals and how they do their work, the democratic leader drives up flexibility and responsibility as well as keeping morale high through listening skills Goleman (2000). It does have it drawbacks in that if not used correctly results in procrastination through never ending meetings. The pacesetting style has more drawbacks than benefits, in that it runs parallel with the ... Get more on ...
  • 26.
  • 27. Effective Leadership : A Effective Leader Leadership is a process of continuous learning and increasing leadership effectiveness requires understanding, reflection, and the application to the appropriate subject matter. To become an effective leader, one should strive to enhance their skills and abilities associated with applying new data, information, and ideas objectively and subjectively. Even though everyone in the world has in their possession some sort of leadership characteristics and attributes, not everybody is set out to make the necessary sacrifices it takes to become a truly effective leader. Utilizing authentic leadership practices entails learning how to be true to yourself and others. An essential element facilitating meaningful leadership is trust. Influential risks, changes, and challenges will inevitably occur throughout the various stages of life. According to Erik Erikson, human life stages comprise of infancy, early childhood, play age, school age, adolescence, young adulthood, adulthood, and old age (Armstrong, 2012). This paper's objectives include revealing several moments in life where challenges to leadership occurred, predominantly focused on the adolescence, young adulthood, and adult stages in life. The paper highlights specific instances in life where leadership challenges became noticeably obvious, influencing various personal and professional motivational elements. Life is full of challenges, highlighting previously endured leadership examples helps to recognize and learn ... Get more on ...
  • 28.
  • 29. Effective Leadership Management Leadership Effectiveness What is leadership? A leader is one who influences others to attain goals. The greater the number of followers correlates to the greater the influence. Additionally, the more successful the attainment of worthy goals, the more evident is the leadership. However, one must explore beyond this bare definition to capture the excitement and intrigue that devoted followers and students of leadership feel when they see a great leader in action. Therefore, employees should seek to understand what organizational leaders really do and to learn what it really takes to become a truly outstanding leader. Theories & Models Outstanding leaders combine good strategic substance and effective interpersonal processes to formulate and implement strategies that produce results and sustainable competitive advantage. Hence, it is a little overwhelming, especially when inundated with numerous theories about leadership such as, X & Y theory, path–goal theory, charismatic, traits theory, Vroom model, and contingency theory, etc... Additionally, numerous leadership styles exist in which a manager can employ, such as laissez faire, transformational, employee–centered, tasks–centered, close supervision, participative, democratic, or autocratic (Elliott 2011). Transactional Leadership The transactional leadership theory is one, which is most widespread and commonly used in most organizations (e.g. military). It is based on transactions or deals made between an employee and an ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. Effective Leadership Effective Leaders Abstract Leadership is the process of using power and influence to navigate followers to achieve a specific goal. The purpose of this paper is to explain that effective leaders must hone specific traits that are indispensable for managing organizations successfully. This paper explores the techniques, approaches, and practices that make leaders powerful, influential and efficient. Additionally, to help define effective leadership, a case study is analyzed based on personal experience of cooperating with a district supervisor who employs effective leadership strategies. While analyzing the leader's behavioral patterns and implemented strategies, it ... Show more content on ... Power is used to influence its' followers reach optimal job performance and increase productivity (Colquitt, Lepine & Wesson 2013). According to Malos, supervisors must understand how use the influence of power to wield the direction of employees to meet the goals of the company (Malos 2011). Moreover, an executive's decisions should be clear and organized when utilizing their authority. It allows employees to perform their jobs better because the directives are clear. Woiceshyn explains, a study called Neuro–Cognitive that discusses the relationship between the "conscious, reasoning mind of the manager, and (subconscious) intuition of a subordinate" (Woiceshyn, 2011, p. 315). The manager is the example of the conscious mind, which is in charge of acquiring knowledge and therefore stores and retrieves information. They then delegate it to subordinates, which are the (subconscious–mind) intuition. If, the manager is unorganized and fails to give proper instructions, it will make the decision– making difficult. However, on the other hand, if the supervisor is logically organized, the subordinates will collect and retrieve knowledge more effectively. How effectively a manger delegates his/her decisions, will ultimately affect employee's job performances; thus leadership should be clear and organized. (Woiceshyn 2011). Moreover, in dynamic environments, leaders should be unwavering in the midst of a crisis. If an administrator does not have the emotional ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Effective Leadership Essay In today's competitive world, leadership skills are crucial for both personal and professional development. Leadership is an important function of management which helps an individual or a business to maximize efficiency and to achieve goals. Leadership has different meanings to various authors.Most commonly, leadership is defined as influence, that is, the art of influencing people so that they will strive willingly and enthusiastically toward the achievement of group goals. (Koontz). Leadership is the process of influencing the activities of either formal or informal group in the task of goal setting and goal achievement. A leader is one whose magnetic personality innervates people for some cause. Not by words, but by their actions is ... Show more content on ... People requires good leadership skills at personal, professional and social level. Personal leadership helps us to determine our desires, strengths and abilities. It means Knowing what we want out of life; knowing what success is for us; what are our goals and how to achieve those goals regardless of what other people think, say, or do. Personal leadership helps us to make our present better and shape a good future. Good leadership is also important to run a business. Usually, in companies, management stresses more on decision– making skills. They believe a timely and smart decision will help their company to succeed. They forget that implementation of those decisions are as important as making those decision. Without a proper implementation , there will be no results. Like there is a saying that, it's easier to said than done. Similarly, making a decision will change nothing, its how to get things done in a timely and an effective way will help an organization to accomplish their goals. Leadership is crucial in implementing decisions correctly and successfully. Each of us understand importance of leadership when it comes to our country. We all try to vote for the best person in elections because it matters who is in office. President make decisions concerning our lives, country, and the world. As a nation, we place no greater responsibility on any one individual than we do on the president. Therefore, leadership ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. Effective Leadership And The Leadership Essay INTRODUCTION: – This report will investigate on the effective leadership and the need for the leaders to lead from behind and put others in front in the occurrence of nice things and to take the front line when there is a danger. The quote means that leadership should be a collective activity where the leader understands all his followers and includes all of them in his leadership activity. Leadership is defined as a process whereby an individual influences a group of individuals to achieve a common goal. (Northhouse, 2010, p. 3). This article will enlighten essential leadership qualities Mandela held, and which aided him to triumph what many other leaders have never accomplished. After his release, he champions for better leadership that unites all the people irrespective of race, status, or place of origin. Meanwhile, the country hosts Rugby World Cup sport, which the veteran leader becomes keenly interested in how his team could win. On top of this, the sport is used as a basis to reflect on the determination that must be upheld by a team before it can defeat opponents. On the same note, the quote reveals the leadership qualities of the president. Thereby, the report will also analyze the leadership theories and demonstrate different styles of leadership Nelson Mandela implemented in the movie "Invictus". 2.0 Analysis: – 2.1. Scene 1: – Mandela Invites Pienaar: – Mandel invites Francois Pienaar, a white Afrikaner and South African (Springbok) Rugby team captain, ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Effective Leadership Approaches Effective Approaches in Leadership and Management Throughout this paper, this author will provide insight to the Magnet designation, comparing leadership and management skills, styles, and theories on this subject. The author will address to the reader her own professional and personal philosophical approaches to leadership in the Magnet journey. Magnet Recognition The Magnet Recognition Program, developed by the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC), recognizes hospitals for nursing excellence, quality patient care, and nursing innovations. Magnet is the source for successful nursing practice and strategies throughout the world. The public uses Magnet designation to recognize high quality nursing care. Magnet designation ... Show more content on ... This type of environment is achieved by a strong strategic plan, promoting certification, encourage staff to pursue higher education, evidence based procedures and policies, community involvement, and acknowledge their staff for their expertise. When staff is praised they feel important, therefore they become part of team that collaborates with the leader to achieve the facility's vision and mission in the Magnet journey. The Magnet process includes leaders that promote accountability and a "just culture" (AORN, 2012) on their unit in order to improve patient outcomes and safety. Leaders in a Magnet hospital leaders encourage community involvement and education. The characteristics or traits of a leaders are a guiding vision, passion, integrity (including self– knowledge, candor, and maturity), trust, curiosity, and daring per Bennis, 1994. "Trust is the emotional glue that binds leaders and employees together and is a measure of the legitimacy of leadership" states Malloch (as cited in Huber, 2014 pg. ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. Qualities of Effective Leadership Being a great leader no matter what you may think does not just happen overnight. Leadership is learned and earned. To be an effective leader you need to know how to find that fine line between leadership and followership and be able to take the right initiative and precautions to advancing to the leadership role. As a leader you develop the ability to set yourself aside from the rest of the world in a way without your followers being left out as Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803 – 1882) said, "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail." Living with integrity, leading by example, building a great management team and inspiring employees or soldiers to greatness are some of the key points in being an effective leader. Most great leaders are passionate about what they do; they have the ability to communicate to diverse audiences. Leaders should focus on the people, inspire trust, and have their eyes set on the horizon. Many people confuse management and leadership. Peter F. Drucker said, "Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things." Being able to see the difference between being a manager and a leader is also a good leadership trait. Is vision a good trait for an effective leader to obtain? The answer is yes. Vision not in the sense of someone's eyesight but in the sense of how they view things is very important when it comes to the effectiveness of a good leader. Vision in the mental aspect helps the ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Leadership Is An Effective Leader Leadership is about we and us, not about I and me. Moreover, it is important to remember that for a leader to achieve success, it takes a group effort to make it happen. Furthermore, to be an effective leader, we must learn to trust, enable, let go and create an atmosphere of accountability. How can we do this? First, we look at ourselves, find our values, strengths, beliefs, and learn to deeply activity listen to those around us. Finally, leadership is not something you are born with, it is something we learn, nurture, and practice. In doing this, we can become positive role models, improve working conditions and create future leaders. In reviewing all I have learned, I have realized that the hardest thing for me to do is to trust and let go. More so, I knew that for myself to become the leader I knew I could be, I would need to change, grow, and keep learning new skills. Leadership is not without its bumps and roadblocks, all things are possible if you stay focused, continually learn, and reflect on past leadership experiences. Additionally, this could applied to both my personal life and professional life. Every chapter in the book The Leadership Challenge, has brought out something that speaks to me and I get a ah ha moment. The past weeks have been no different; I realized that I have not been very trusting or listening to those around me. In chapter 8, a particular sentence really stood out and I realized I needed to change my attitude ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. Definition Of Effective Leadership And Leadership Scripture has much to say in regards to leadership and those in positions of leadership. The Bible tells us that leaders are to lead with integrity and values that govern the heart. "So he shepherded them according to the integrity of his heart, and guided them with skillful hands." (Psalm 78:72 NKJV) Unfortunately, that is not the practice of many in leadership, often leaders operate with a public set of values that differs from that of their private life. The definition of effective leadership has changed from character driven leadership to results oriented leadership and is now determined by the results a leader produces, as long as the leader is producing good results, the private life of a leader has no bearing on the situation. (Rima, 2000) While it is true, that leaders can, for a time, engage in a quality practice of leadership that differs from their personal life and produce positive results, eventually, the destructive behaviors of their personal life will affect and influence their public life and may result in failure and scandal. The dangers of this dichotomy are leaders that are emotionally or psychologically unhealthy and the end result is leaders that lack integrity and depth of character. The consequence of this philosophy is failed businesses and churches, ineffective governments, broken marriages and families. This disconnect between the public and private life has led to a major distrust and wariness of public leaders. Rima believes that the root cause ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Leadership And Effective Communication Effective communication is a critical skills that leader must possess in order to manage a project or programme successfully. The main focus of this text is to discuss why effective communication plays an important role for leadership and how leadership share its similarities and differences in project and programme team. Some examples will be given from the exercise to support the idea of how effective communication and good leadership can impact the work progress. Following there will be some recommendations of how the programme review meeting can be improved. 1.1 Reason for project/progrmme communication Communication is important because project management involves 70% to 80% communication and its value increases at programme level since there is often an increase in stakeholders, complexity, and delegation (Levin, 2012). This substantial amount of communication time would suggest that the importance of effective communication is needed in order to achieve objectives. Inefficient communication could result in time/cost overrun since information is not disseminate to the right person quickly or correctly and therefore is likely to create a knock on effect on time and cost. Effective communication can be also seen as a solution for some issues during management. Some typical issues would be lacking the understanding and awareness of other project's problems and targets during a programme, and team members in a programme are fighting for same space and resources ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. Effective Leadership Essay Effective Leadership in the Workplace First name Last name My University Effective Leadership in the Workplace What is leadership? Leadership or being a leader can be described in many different ways, but overall it means having to capacity to lead. In every business or organization they become effective and remain effective because of their leaders and their ability to inspire and lead. "Leadership has nothing to do with seniority or one's position in the hierarchy of a company. Too many talk about a company's leadership referring to the senior most executives in the organization. They are just that, senior executives. Leadership doesn't automatically happen when you reach a certain pay grade. Hopefully you find it there, but there ... Show more content on ... He stated, "to this day I still have not had a boss take interest in my work not to mention actually getting in the trench and getting his hands dirty. It was motivating and where I gained a new level of respect for you." Demonstrating commitment of this level will not only earn you the respect of you employees, but it will also instill the importance of hard work amongst your staff. Another aspect of commitment is keeping your word and not only establishing yourself as a hard worker but as a fair leader. If you tell everyone that they can work a half day on Friday then hold true to your word. In the end your commitment will produce high quality work from your employees. Being committed to the job also includes honesty. This where in the workplace you utilize your values and ethics to how you get the job done and how you hold yourself in the day to day. Look back at our first President, George Washington, and his infamous cherry tree story. His quote of "I cannot tell a lie...", has set a tone and is still used as an example of ethics and integrity. Demonstrating your commitment to the job on a daily basis involves many things and hopefully we were all raised to put in an honest days work. "Knowing what you want accomplished may seem clear in your head, but if you try to explain it to someone else ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Leadership : Effective And Effective Leadership Followership Effective followership is an essential component of effective leadership in that, without good followers, the leader's work is difficult and cumbersome. The role of the follower is many times understated. As illustrated by Kelley (1998), "effective followers are thinkers; energetic and assertive, self–starters, independent problem solvers, and carry out their tasks with these characteristics (p. 143). Effective followers also are characterized by their ability to perform tasks with little supervision, their intelligence, and ability to think for themselves. We are all followers, even those who consider themselves leaders; so to encourage this effectiveness in others; we must be role models for those under us, so that they may also be effective at following. Chaleff (2009) observed that "all important social accomplishments require complex group effort and, therefore, leadership and followership" (p. 13). We must know how to follow before we can be effective leaders. Reflective Analysis Leadership lesson 1 One of the biggest lessons learned from this course is that to be an effective leader, you must have a diverse skillset. I'm not sure if there is any one magical component or characteristic in being a great leader. One influence during my review of the literature was that; although easier for some, I see leadership as something we must continually improve upon. This is in contrast to my belief during my first day of class, when I thought leaders just ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. Effective Leadership : An Effective Leader Effective leadership is not something you come across very often. Leadership can be defined as 'the ability to inspire confidence and support among the people who are needed to achieve organizational goals' (Dubrin, 2010, p. 2–3). Finding someone who fits the idea of being an effective leader can difficult. In fact, Myatt (2013) argues that many leaders in our world think they are leaders, however, he states that 'not everyone can or should become a leader' (para. 1). In a group of three, we had a discussion about who we could interview for this assignment. We came to a quick agreement once one of my peers said she knew someone named E. Bandy who was a leader at a Ballarat kindergarten and who is also a part of the Eureka Community Kindergarten Association (ECKA). Bandy seemed to fit the criteria as having a professional leadership position in a centre and is governed by the National Quality Framework. Bandy decided to pursue her career in early childhood education at a young age. She mentioned that she has 'always wanted to' (be in the early childhood education industry) and her dad did not like the idea of her being a primary school teacher. She has now been in the industry for 31 years (since 1984) and has been at I.R. kindergarten for about 11 or 12 years (E. Bandy, personal communication, August 13, 2015). Bandy first came to I.R. to fill the position of a director which is a highly responsible leadership role which she has worked towards during her years prior to ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Effective Leadership Analysis Having effective leadership helps to establish a clear direction for the organization. Communicating by conveying a compelling vision in writing, speaking, and presenting helps to keep everything organized (Duggan 2015). These leaders help to motivate and inspire their subordinates to take action for different, while enabling transitions and transformations. There are a couple of aspects that could be compared and contrasted between leaders and managers. These aspects are vision and change. Effective leaders are able to define what their vision is and know exactly how to motivate their subordinates. This can take place during meetings or even through newsletters. These type of people are able to show a means of empathy, integrity, assertiveness, ... Show more content on ... It very superficial to only focus on the requirements that are needed for the company. I would learn about why that person in interested and if there is any connection with their past. I would even try to tie everything in with their personality because that can help enhance the company. Everyone is different and we should treat every potential applicant as ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. The Quest For Effective Leadership Introduction In the quest for effective leadership; having a shared vision and practicing strong communication skills among staff, administrators and faculty are critical components to a successful organization. Effective leadership begins with a vision, action and "buy–in" from all levels of the college. Leaders have struggled with what their vision of success is and can be for all involved. A convincing vision has the power to inspire, clarify and focus on the work of an entire organization. Often in a rush to get things done, we expect our colleagues to support our efforts without giving them a good reason why. Effective leadership also means communicating regularly and being a good listener who shares information with their organization and encourages open dialogue. (Use a citation here) Context and culture The culture in an organization depends greatly on how successful a leader is capable of becoming an active person who sees the future in others. Leadership skills should match the values of the culture which in return should drive the initiatives of the college. For employees to function and succeed, it is essential they understand and believe in the culture. (Use a citation here) Leaders need to create a culture that is beneficial to an organization, by hiring potential employees that have the desired attitudes, behaviors, ethics and shared values of the institution. This process begins at the top of the organization. Leader/institutional values Values ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Effective Leadership Essays Effective Leadership: The Highs and Lows of Superior Authority University of Maryland University College AMBA 620 May 24, 2012 Professor Mary Hrutka Abstract In the following paper, the leadership style of one individual is critically examined and analyzed. Leader X has a delegative leadership style that places a majority of the decision making on the subordinates within the office. She has influenced me to alter my leadership style and address some fallacies I have with my behavior in a leadership capacity. Leader X welcomes suggestions from the staff, changes to the office and promotes employee feedback regarding work assignments. The delegative leadership style creates a comfortable and inviting work environment, ... Show more content on ... This is the area in which my leadership skills are put to the test. At any given moment, I could be given three to four tasks that are all important and must be completed in a small amount of time. Prioritizing these tasks can be fairly difficult but I am trusted with this responsibility. Leader X has a strong influence on me and how I wish to conduct myself in a position of leadership. Leader X oversees twenty attorneys and four legal support staff. She has a warm and inviting personality. She is punctual and educated in law and litigation. She encourages her staff to have a lot of input into the day to day decisions made within the office. In the text, Colquitt (2011) defines leadership as the use of power and influence to direct the actions of followers. In order for one to effectively lead, they must possess influence over others. Leader X has been employed within the legal field for more than twenty five years. Her knowledge and experience is what qualifies her as a Senior Counsel within her agency. She possesses all the characteristics of my definition of an effective leader. She has a delagative leadership style which slightly damages her ability to make decisions. Organizational Behavior Another aspect of leadership is the employment of power. Power is the ability to influence the actions and behaviors of others. Colquitt (2011) states an effective form of influence is ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. Effective Leadership Papers 1. Throughout my career, I have been fortunate to have been influenced by some amazing people. When I think about the ones that have had the lasting impacts of my view of effective leadership, they all have one characteristic in common, humility. I believe to be an effective leader you should understand that you will not always be right and you will not always have all the answers. My definition of leadership is simple; I believe that one's ability to influence others is the most accurate test of their capacity to lead. Although there varying characteristics of effective leaders such as courage, loyalty, intelligence, or humility etc. It's how that leader utilizes those characteristics to identify and capitalize on others strengths. I believe ... Show more content on ... Placing an emphasis on describing a compelling of what the future of the Coast Guard could be like is definitely an area I could improve on. Often times I get caught up in the now and rarely take time to forecast what's to come. In order to effectively communicate a compelling image of the future, I must first understand what that image should look like and then take the time project that image in a positive manner to my subordinates. 4. Challenging people to try out new and innovative ways to their work is another concept that I should embrace more often. I usually live by the ideas that if it's not broke don't fix it. However, I realize that I might be inhibiting member's potential by not encouraging them to seek more creative and efficient to accomplish a task. I will place more emphasis on allowing junior members to present new ideas and challenge them to improve on current processes. 5. The LPI Feedback Report also identified that I should pay more attention to how my actions affect other people's performance. Without knowing if my actions are positively or negatively affecting member's performance I can't identify areas I need to improve on or recognize the thing that I'm getting right. In the future, I will solicit feedback for junior members and use that information to alter my leadership ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Effective Workplace Leadership TOPIC 1: (Effective Workplace Leadership) Literature Review STUDY SUMMARIES Author/title Purpose Description of Theoretical or Conceptual Framework Sample/ Participants (if applicable) Research Design/Method Variables & Measurements Results & Conclusions Controversies, disagreements with other authors Limitations Implications for practice, research, theory Kathleen Brady, CPC /Leadership in Today's Workplace Addresses more than a title to have followers by his/her ability to influence people within the organization or team. Effective leaders have a strong sense of self; they understand the qualities that make other people want to follow them. Management and followers None None To delegate effectively, always operate under the principal that you can never be too clear. Take the time to explain the goals and objectives. None None None Jacqueline Jones/ Effective Leadership in the 21st Century Addresses the importance and ensure leaders understand the skills and abilities needed to ... Show more content on ... L. (2015). Approaches to culture and diversity: A critical synthesis of occupational therapy literature. The Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 82(5), 272–282. doi: Brady, K. (2014) LEADERSHIP IN TODAY'S WORKPLACE. Retrieved January 23, 2017 from–today%E2%80%99s–workplace König, C. (2015). HR Technologies for the Multi–Generational Workforce. Workforce Solutions Review, 6(3), 20–23. Jones, J. (2015). Effective Leadership in the 21st Century. Radiology Management, 37(6), 16–19. Lambert, J. (2016). CULTURAL DIVERSITY AS A MECHANISM FOR INNOVATION: WORKPLACE DIVERSITY AND THE ABSORPTIVE CAPACITY FRAMEWORK. Journal Of Organizational Culture, Communications & Conflict, 20(1), 68–77.
  • 62. Sarwar, C. (2013). Future of Ethically Effective Leadership. Journal Of Business Ethics, 113(1), 81–89. ... Get more on ...
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  • 64. Leadership Styles : Effective Leadership This short paper examines effective leadership. Effective leadership may be outlined in many ways. Although exposed to several different leadership styles, I find that I respond best to a leader who believes in the works and theories of Confucius. According to McMahon, the Confucian leadership system believes that leadership is an emergent quality of the character that radiates and makes others want to follow, based on the respect and trust the leader generates (McMahon, 2010). I believe the new president at the law school in which I am employed, exemplifies and leads the institution under these same philosophies. Conscientiously or not, the new president works and follows the Confucian path of leadership. Recently, a new president was appointed at my place of employment. As a direct report to the president, I am charged with the responsibility of the overall enrollment in the institution. Nationally, law school applications have hit an all–time low (Kitroeff, 2014). However, my new supervisor chooses to lean on her expert team rather than step out on unknown territory. She recognized the school was in a state of displacement and turmoil, and felt it was her duty to transform an institution she believes in. Unlike her predecessors, she led with a positive attitude and presumed good intent from her staff and administration. Specifically, she began her tenure by honestly analyzing her strengths, and carefully surveying the institution and her employees; she wanted to ... Get more on ...
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  • 66. Leadership Is An Effective Leader "Leadership deals with relationships – people working with each other toward a common objective. The word process means that leadership is not so much what is achieved, but how things are achieved" (Nelson, 2002, p. 24). "The alternative to bad leadership must not become no leadership; it should rather be good leadership" (Wallis, 2008, p. 275). "Leadership is about making others better as a result of your presence and making sure that impact lasts in your absence" (Sandberg & Scovell, 2013, p. 157). An effective leader must "focus on engaging the heads and hearts of employees, which helps them harness the energy it creates to achieve sustainable business results" (Love & Cugnon, 2009, p. 206). But is takes a special type of leader – a captain – to create not just loose affiliation of individuals but a true team that's centered around shared values and focused on a common goal. Captains are quick to recognize the key capabilities of their team members, including strengths and weaknesses, and to build the plan around those capabilities. (Piasecki, 2013, p. 14) Education – continuing education, continually honing and expanding the mind – is vital mental renewal. Sometimes that involves the external discipline of the classroom or systemized study programs; more often it does not. Proactive people can figure out many, many ways to educate themselves. (Covey, 1989, p. 295) "If you have the right people, they will be self–motivated. They key is to not de–motivate ... Get more on ...
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  • 68. Leadership Is Effective And Ineffective Notes: Explain what leadership is, when leaders are effective and ineffective, and the sources of power that enable managers to be effective leaders Leadership is effective positive influence by inspiring, motivating and directing other effectively. To achieve the goals of the organization and their personal goal. Effective leadership is the process by which leaders increase the organizations ability to eliminate barriers and enhance engagements. According to our text, Leaders are influential by use of Power. The academic term for power is getting others to accomplish a goal individually or in a group. In theory, Leaders are effective by the way they affect others. Legitimate, Reward, Coercive, Expert and Referent power are all textbook terms to explain how leaders engage others to meet organizational goals. Whether, hiring or firing, bonuses, reprimand, technical expertise and character or respect of the leader. In my opinion, Exact Networking replaces power in the post modern era. Which includes a high level of empowerment. Shareholders and stakeholders whom have greater knowledge, training and decisive decision making ability are able to perform without very little leadership. Engagements are based on engagements to the organization, which is determined by leadership strategies. At Audocs, we Enable Effective leadership and Empower users or clients. Implementing leadership Strategies that are based on a Consistent automated workflow and platform, Audocs and its ... Get more on ...
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  • 70. Leadership : An Effective Leader Leadership An effective leader is one who is followed by others in the business works. Leaders have the be knowledgeable about the human nature, plus guide employees by reducing the doubts of the ranked employee success. Some people believe that leaders can be born. Others believe they can be created. A leader is one, who utilizes their capabilities of influencing and inspiring people to commit towards accomplishing an attainable goal. True leadership can be exemplified in the rank of employees. Leadership is something that a person can be innately born with or a gained skill through experiences, such as speaking in front of people at a meeting, the organization of an event, or as a role model in the household. If leaders are born, then what is the point of leadership development? The answer can create a vast variety of controversy because the answer can be both. People that have certain traits allow them to step into a leadership role easier while others have to work to develop the necessary skills to fulfill that role. As an employee, we all have unique skills and abilities that set us apart from other employees, therefore one maybe empathetic while another is charismatic that allow us the opportunity to lead a team in an organization. "Genetic endowment may merely influence the rate at which domain–specific expertise is required without imposing any upper or lower bounds on attainment" (Simonton 83). Some leaders definitely have a genetic advantage on ... Get more on ...
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  • 72. Leadership And Effective Leadership For Learning Schools must meet the challenges of a changing educational climate and effective leadership is crucial in helping to guide the whole school community through the potentially treacherous waters of change. This assignment will delve into the complexity of leadership and will emphasize that whilst leaders can attempt to create conditions to help schools improve, they are not solely responsible for the outcome of the education process. Fullan (2001) posits that effective school leadership has the ability to manage educational change by building strong relationships and establishing a moral purpose. Therefore, the school leader has the orchestral role of subtly creating the conditions necessary for pupils and staff to thrive. This assignment will focus primarily on three of the preconditions for effective Leadership for Learning, mentioned with the assignment title: the role of shared leadership, explicit conversations and the creation of settings, mindsets, and strategies conducive to learning. The writer feels, that effective leaders can transform the idea of mutual accountability into 'moral accountability '. Therefore this section can be interwoven within each of these three strands of Leadership for Learning mentioned; in a sense mutual or moral accountability could be interpreted as a by–product of effective leadership. Shared leadership. Build structures and cultures that invite and sustain participation in leadership, encourages all members of the school community to ... Get more on ...
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  • 74. Essay on Effective Leadership Effective Leadership A successful leader is most importantly a mentor. This person grooms his or her staff to take his or her place, by teaching, inspiring and helping one to reach personal goals as well as the goals of the organization. Sam Adams, one of the leaders of the Boston Tea Party, was quoted as saying: "Outstanding leaders go out of the way to boost the self–esteem of their personnel. If people believe in themselves, it's amazing what they can accomplish (Government Leaders, 2011)." Someone with a Successful Leadership Style I had the privilege of working with a successful leader who embodied the belief of Sam Adams. Her name was Lucy Parkin and I worked with her early in my career. This working relationship has had a ... Show more content on ... She not only believed in her staff, but in the company we worked for. It has been close to 20 years since I worked with Lucy, but I still remember her leadership style and it has had lasting effects on the way I lead. Communication skills are extremely important in an effective leader. A strong leader is able listen to her staff and communicates where they need to go to meet the goals of the organization. This requires listening but also speaking in a way that can be easily understood, so that everyone on the team knows what the goals are and how to meet them. She took the time to know us as individuals and took an interest in our personal lives. People want to know that they matter and that they have an opportunity to express that value in their work and actions (Porter–O'Grady & Malloch, 2007). We knew that she cared and it motivated us to do our best. Morale was very high in her department because of these attributes. Comparing My Leadership Style I have had the opportunity to lead and use these traits of a successful leader. The opportunities have been both in paid positions and also in volunteer work. When my mentor and leader, Lucy Parkin, left the organization, I was chosen to lead the department. I followed in her footsteps and used many of the examples that she had given me. I believed in my team and knew their strengths and their weaknesses. I developed strong communications skills that allowed me to listen to my team and know their ... Get more on ...
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  • 76. Leadership As An Effective Leader The world of healthcare, its delivery and services are forever evolving; and in the interim so is its infrastructure and workforce capacity (Klienman, 2003). Healthcare executives must be equipped with the proper skills in order to be effective leaders in the field. Dye and Garman (2006) highlight various critical competencies all healthcare executives should harness in order to be influential leaders in their present or future leadership role. Some competences may come natural to individuals, while others have to be developed and strengthened over time. Leaders are faced with challenges such as ethical dilemmas, budgetary cuts and organizational restructuring. Furthermore they are also responsible for sustaining employee morale, being a visionary and a role model within their respective agencies. However, the key to their success in being an effective leader is based upon a foundation of the ability to influence and an understanding of their ethical approach to decision–making (Grenny, Patterson, Maxfield, McMillan & Switzler, 2013). Based upon what I have learned throughout the course, I define influential leadership as an individuals' ability to affect their team positively through motivation and inspiration to achieve organizational outcomes. Leaders should not use their authority in an abusive manner through negative influence; in turn it should be used to empower their employees and to make them feel appreciated for their work. Influence is a vital asset when it ... Get more on ...
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  • 78. Leadership Is An Effective Leader Leadership is the ability to influence a group toward the achievement of a vision or set of goals. There are many different types of leadership, all with their own appropriate time and place for use. An effective leader can be successful in all settings; it is important to develop a well–rounded skill set to combat different leadership roadblocks. When one thinks of a leader in a business organization, most likely they are thinking of formal leader. Sometimes this type of leader is referred to as a manager. It is important to note that just because an organization provides its manager with certain formal rights, there is no assurance they will lead effectively. On the other hand, non– sanctioned leadership is the ability to influence others outside the formal structure of the organization. People do not realize the importance of a leader with this capability, it is often overlooked. The fact of the matter is that this type of leader can be just as important or more important than the formal influence from a manager. Just as there are different types of leadership, there are different theories about the concept of leadership. Among these theories are Trait theories, behavioral theories, and contingent theories. Among the three different types of leadership theories are the Trait Theories. Trait theories of leadership identify the specific personality traits that distinguish leaders from non–leaders. These theories are based on the premise that leaders are born, not made. ... Get more on ...