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The Costs of Fracking
      The Price Tag of Dirty Drilling’s
              Environmental Damage
The Costs of Fracking
    The Price Tag of Dirty Drilling’s
           Environmental Damage

              Environment Maryland
            Research & Policy Center
           Tony Dutzik and Elizabeth Ridlington,
                                 Frontier Group

                                 John Rumpler,
                          Environment America
                       Research & Policy Center

                                    Fall 2012

Environment Maryland Research & Policy Center sincerely thanks Emily Wurth of Food
and Water Watch, Martin Levin of Stern Shapiro Weissberg & Garin, and Jonathan
Shefftz of JShefftz Consulting for their review of drafts of this document, as well as their
insights and suggestions. Thanks also to Erika Staaf of PennEnvironment Research &
Policy Center and Luke Metzger of Environment Texas Research & Policy Center for
their perspectives and contributions.

Environment Maryland Research & Policy Center thanks the Colcom Foundation for
making this report possible.

The authors bear responsibility for any factual errors. The recommendations are those
of Environment Maryland Research & Policy Center. The views expressed in this report
are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of our funders or those
who provided review.

© 2012 Environment Maryland Research & Policy Center

Environment Maryland Research & Policy Center is a 501(c)(3) organization. We are
dedicated to protecting our air, water and open spaces. We investigate problems, craft
solutions, educate the public and decision-makers, and help the public make their voices
heard in local, state and national debates over the quality of our environment and our lives.
For more information about Environment Maryland Research & Policy Center or for ad-
ditional copies of this report, please visit

Frontier Group conducts independent research and policy analysis to support a cleaner,
healthier and more democratic society. Our mission is to inject accurate information and
compelling ideas into public policy debates at the local, state and federal levels. For more
information about Frontier Group, please visit

Layout: Harriet Eckstein Design
Photo Credits: Main cover photo: Robert Donnan; Photos used on inset of cover, as icons and in infographics: Boy
drinking water, Ken Bosma, flickr, Creative Commons; Construction Roadwork, Doug Tone, flickr, Creative Com-
mons; Doctor and Patient, AntoAB, cc, flickr, Creative Commons; House for Sale, David Smith, flickr, Creative
Commons; Fracking from Above, Allegheny Defense Project. Note that these photos are intended to illustrate the
relevant concepts, not to provide editorial content or to represent any specific activity described in the report.
Table of Contents

Executive Summary	                                  1
Introduction	                                       5
Fracking: The Process and its Impacts	              7
Defining “Fracking”	                                7
The Fracking Process	                               8
Fracking and the New Gas/Oil Rush	                 10

The Costs of Fracking	                             12
Drinking Water Contamination	                      12
Health Problems	                                   15
Damage to Natural Resources	                       19
Impacts on Public Infrastructure and Services	     24
Broader Economic Impacts	                          29

Who Pays the Costs of Fracking?	                   32
Accounting for the True Costs of Fracking:
Conclusion and Recommendations	                    35
Notes 	                                            37
The Price Tag of Dirty Drilling’s
Environmental Damage

                                                                                   DAMAGE TO NATURAL RESOURCES
                                                                                    $$ Threats to rivers and streams
                                                                                    $$ Habitat loss and fragmentation
                                                                                    $$ Contribution to global warming

              $$ Groundwater cleanup
              $$ Water replacement
              $$ Water treatment costs                                              BROADER ECONOMIC IMPACTS
                                                                                     $$ Value of residents’ homes at risk
                                                                                     $$ Farms in jeopardy

                            HEALTH PROBLEMS
                             $$ Nearby residents getting sick
                             $$ Worker injury, illness and death
                             $$ Air pollution far from the wellhead

                                 PUBLIC INFRASTRUCTURE AND SERVICES
                                  $$ Road damage
                                  $$ Increased demand for water
                                  $$ Cleanup of orphaned wells
                                  $$ Emergency response needs
                                  $$ Social dislocation and social service costs
                                  $$ Earthquakes from wastewater injection

                                                                                         Infographic design: Jenna Leschuk
Executive Summary

       ver the past decade, the oil and gas      can expect is for the oil and gas industry
       industry has fused two technolo-          to be held accountable for the damage it
       gies—hydraulic fracturing and hori-       causes. Such accountability must include
zontal drilling—to unlock new supplies           up-front financial assurances sufficient to
of fossil fuels in underground rock forma-       ensure that the harms caused by fracking
tions across the United States. “Fracking”       are fully redressed.
has spread rapidly, leaving a trail of con-
taminated water, polluted air, and marred          Fracking damages the environment,
landscapes in its wake. In fact, a growing       threatens public health, and affects
body of data indicates that fracking is an       communities in ways that can impose
environmental and public health disaster         a multitude of costs:
in the making.
   However, the true toll of fracking does          Drinking water contamination –
not end there. Fracking’s negative impacts       Fracking brings with it the potential for
on our environment and health come with          spills, blowouts and well failures that con-
heavy “dollars and cents” costs as well. In      taminate groundwater supplies.
this report, we document those costs—rang-
ing from cleaning up contaminated water to       •	 Cleanup of drinking water contami-
repairing ruined roads and beyond. Many             nation is so expensive that it is rarely
of these costs are likely to be borne by the        even attempted. In Dimock, Penn-
public, rather than the oil and gas industry.       sylvania, Cabot Oil & Gas reported
As with the damage done by previous ex-             having spent $109,000 on systems to
tractive booms, the public may experience           remove methane from well water for
these costs for decades to come.                    14 local households, while in Colo-
   The case against fracking is compelling          rado, cleanup of an underground gas
based on its damage to the environment              seep has been ongoing for eight years
and our health alone. To the extent that            at a likely cost of hundreds of thou-
fracking does take place, the least the public      sands of dollars, if not more.

                                                                                                Executive Summary 
•	 The provision of temporary replace-             Natural resources impacts – Fracking
                              ment water supplies is also expensive.       converts rural and natural areas into indus-
                              Cabot Oil  Gas reported having              trial zones, replacing forest and farm land
                              spent at least $193,000 on replacement       with well pads, roads, pipelines and other
                              water for homes with contaminated            infrastructure, and damaging precious
                              water in Dimock, Pennsylvania.               natural resources.

                           •	 Fracking can also pollute drinking           •	 The clearance of forest land in Penn-
                              water sources for major municipal               sylvania for fracking could lead to in-
                              systems, increasing water treatment             creased delivery of nutrient pollution
                              costs. If fracking were to degrade the          to the Chesapeake Bay, which already
                              New York City watershed with sedi-              suffers from a vast nutrient-generated
                              ment or other pollution, construction           dead zone. The cost of reducing the
                              of a filtration plant would cost                same amount of pollution as could be
                              approximately $6 billion.                       generated by fracking would be ap-
                                                                              proximately $1.5 million to $4 million
                              Health problems – Toxic substances in           per year.
                           fracking fluid and wastewater—as well as
                           air pollution from trucks, equipment and        •	 Gas operations in Wyoming have
                           the wells themselves—have been linked to           fragmented key habitat for mule deer
                           a variety of negative health effects.              and pronghorn, which are important
                                                                              draws for the state’s $340 million
                           •	 The National Institute of Occupation-           hunting and wildlife watching indus-
                              al Safety and Health recently warned            tries. The mule deer population in one
                              that workers may be at elevated risk of         area undergoing extensive gas extrac-
                              contracting the lung disease silicosis          tion dropped by 56 percent between
                              from inhalation of silica dust at frack-        2001 and 2010.
                              ing sites. Silicosis is one of a family of
                              dust-induced occupational ailments           •	 Fracking also produces methane
                              that imposed $50 million medical care           pollution that contributes to global
                              costs in the United States in 2007.             warming. Emissions of methane
                                                                              during well completion from each
                           •	 Residents living near fracking sites            uncontrolled fracking well impose
                              have long suffered from a range of              approximately $130,000 in social costs
                              health problems, including headaches,           related to global warming.
                              eye irritation, respiratory problems
                              and nausea—potentially imposing                Impacts on public infrastructure and
                              economic costs ranging from health           services – Fracking strains infrastructure
                              care costs to workplace absenteeism          and public services and imposes cleanup
                              and reduced productivity.                    costs that can fall on taxpayers.

                           •	 Fracking and associated activities also      •	 The truck traffic needed to deliver
                              produce pollution that contributes              water to a single fracking well causes
                              to the formation of ozone smog and              as much damage to local roads as
                              particulate soot. Air pollution from gas        nearly 3.5 million car trips. The
                              drilling in Arkansas’ Fayetteville Shale        state of Texas has approved $40
                              region imposed estimated public health          million in funding for road repairs
                              costs of more than $10 million in 2008.         in the Barnett Shale region, while

  The Costs of Fracking
Pennsylvania estimated in 2010                   Broader economic impacts – Frack-
  that $265 million would be needed             ing can undercut the long-term economic
  to repair damaged roads in the                prospects of areas where it takes place. A
  Marcellus Shale region.                       2008 study found that Western counties
                                                that have relied on fossil fuel extraction
•	 The need for vast amounts of water           are doing worse economically compared
   for fracking is helping to drive             with peer communities and are less well-
   demand for new water infrastructure          prepared for growth in the future.
   in arid regions of the country. Texas’
   official State Water Plan calls for          •	 Fracking can affect the value of
   the expenditure of $400 million on              nearby homes. A 2010 study in Texas
   projects to support the mining sector           concluded that houses valued at more
   over the next 50 years, with fracking           than $250,000 and within 1,000 feet
   projected to account for 42 percent of          of a well site saw their values decrease
   mining water use by 2020.                       by 3 to 14 percent.

•	 The oil and gas industry has left            •	 Fracking has several negative im-
   thousands of orphaned wells from                pacts on farms, including the loss of
   previous fossil fuel booms. Taxpayers           livestock due to exposure to spills of
   may wind up on the hook for the                 fracking wastewater, increased dif-
   considerable expense of plugging and            ficulty in obtaining water supplies for
   reclaiming orphaned wells—Cabot                 farming, and potential conflicts with
   Oil  Gas claims to have spent                  organic agriculture. In Pennsylvania,
   $730,000 per well to cap three shale            the five counties with the heaviest
   gas wells in Pennsylvania.                      Marcellus Shale drilling activity saw
                                                   an 18.5 percent reduction in milk
•	 Fracking brings with it increased               production between 2007 and 2010.
   demands for public services. A 2011
   survey of eight Pennsylvania counties           As with previous fossil fuel booms
   found that 911 calls had increased in        that left long-term impacts on the envi-
   seven of them, with the number of            ronment, there is every reason to believe
   calls increasing in one county by 49         that the public will be stuck with the bill
   percent over three years.                    for many of the impacts of fracking.

    Defining “Fracking”

    I n this report, when we refer to the impacts of “fracking,” we include impacts
      resulting from all of the activities needed to bring a well into production using
    hydraulic fracturing, to operate that well, and to deliver the gas or oil produced
    from that well to market. The oil and gas industry often uses a more restrictive
    definition of “fracking” that includes only the actual moment in the extraction
    process when rock is fractured—a definition that obscures the broad changes to
    environmental, health and community conditions that result from the use of frack-
    ing in oil and gas extraction.

                                                                                              Executive Summary 
•	 Existing legal rules are inadequate          of certainty required in legal
                              to protect the public from the costs         proceedings.
                              imposed by fracking. Current bonding
                              requirements fail to assure that            The environmental, health and com-
                              sufficient funds will be available for    munity impacts of fracking are severe
                              the proper closure and reclamation        and unacceptable. Yet the dirty drilling
                              of well sites, and do nothing at all      practice continues at thousands of sites
                              to ensure that money is available to      across the nation. Wherever fracking
                              fix other environmental problems or       does occur, local, state and federal govern-
                              compensate victims. Further, weak         ments should at least:
                              bonding requirements fail to provide
                              an adequate incentive for drillers to     •	 Comprehensively restrict and
                              take steps to prevent pollution before       regulate fracking to reduce its
                              it occurs.                                   environmental, health and community
                                                                           impacts as much as possible.
                           •	 Current law also does little to protect
                              against impacts that emerge over          •	 Ensure up-front financial
                              a long period of time, have diffuse          accountability by requiring oil and
                              impacts over a wide area, or affect          gas companies to post dramatically
                              health in ways that are difficult            higher bonds that reflect the true costs
                              to prove with the high standard              of fracking.

  The Costs of Fracking

   n Appalachia, more than 7,500 miles         those who profited from the boom have
   of streams are polluted with acid mine      left the scene.
   drainage—the legacy of coal mining.            Today, America is in the midst of a new
Many of those streams still run orange-        resource extraction boom, one driven by a
colored and lifeless decades after mining      process colloquially known as “fracking.”
ended. The ultimate cost of cleaning up        In just over a decade, fracking has spread
acid mine drainage in Pennsylvania alone       across the country, unlocking vast supplies
has been estimated at $5 billion.1             of previously inaccessible oil and gas from
   Texas has more than 7,800 orphaned          underground rock formations.
oil and gas wells—wells that were never           The costs of fracking—in environmen-
properly closed and whose owners, in many      tal degradation, in illness, and in impacts
cases, no longer exist as functioning busi-    on infrastructure and communities—are
ness entities.2 These wells pose a continual   only just now beginning to be understood
threat of groundwater pollution and have       and tallied. It is also now becoming clear
cost the state of Texas more than $247         that the nation’s current system of safe-
million to plug.3                              guards is incapable of protecting the public
   In the western United States, uranium       from having to shoulder those sizable costs
mining and milling have contaminated           in the years and decades to come.
both water and land. The cost to taxpayers        The burdens imposed by fracking are
of cleaning up the uranium mills has been      significant, and the dangers posed to the
estimated at $2.3 billion, while the cost      environment and public health are great.
of cleaning up abandoned mines has been        If fracking is to continue, the least the
estimated at $14 million per mine.4            American people should expect is for our
   Over and over again, throughout Ameri-      laws to ensure that those who reap the
can history, short-term resource extraction    benefits also bear its full costs.
booms have left a dirty long-term legacy,         The landscapes of Appalachia, Texas and
imposing continuing costs on people and        the American West are living testaments
the environment years or decades after         to the need to hold industries accountable

for cleaning up the damage they cause. As   this history does not repeat itself in the
                           fracking unleashes yet another extractive   21st century.
                           boom, the time has come to ensure that

  The Costs of Fracking
Fracking: The Process and its Impacts

        ver the past decade, the oil and gas    process with fewer impacts than the tech-
        industry has married two technolo-      nology being used in oil and gas fields
        gies—horizontal drilling and hy-        today—to create a false narrative about the
draulic fracturing—to create a potent new       safety of fracking. It is only according to
combination that is being used to tap fossil    this carefully constructed definition that
fuels locked in previously difficult-to-reach   ExxonMobil CEO Rex Tillerson could
rock formations across the United States.       say, as he did in a Congressional hearing in
This technology, known as high-volume           2011, that “[t]here have been over a million
horizontal hydraulic fracturing—or, collo-      wells hydraulically fractured in the history
quially, “fracking”—has broad implications      of the industry, and there is not one, not
for the environment and public health.          one, reported case of a freshwater aquifer
                                                having ever been contaminated from hy-
                                                draulic fracturing.”5
                                                   Just as only a small portion of an ice-
                                                berg is visible above the water, only a
Defining “Fracking”                             small portion of the impacts of fracking
                                                are the direct result of fracturing rock.
Public debates about fracking often de-         Each step in the process of extracting oil
scend into confusion and contradiction due      or gas from a fracked well has impacts on
to a lack of clarity about terms. To the oil    the environment, public health and com-
and gas industry, which seeks to minimize       munities. Thus, any reasonable assessment
the perceived impacts, “fracking” refers        of fracking must include the full cycle of
only to the actual moment in the extraction     extraction operations before and after the
process where rock is fractured by pumping      moment where rock is cracked open with
fluid at high pressure down the well bore.      fluid under high pressure.
Limiting the definition of fracking in this        In this report, when we refer to the
way also allows the oil and gas industry to     impacts of “fracking,” we include impacts
include its long history of using hydraulic     resulting from all of the activities needed
fracturing in traditional, vertical wells—a     to bring a well into production using hy-

                                                                              Fracking: The Process and its Impacts 
Fracking imposes a range of environmental, health and community impacts. Above, a fracking well
                           site is built in a forested area of Wetzel County, W.Va. Credit: Robert Donnan

                           draulic fracturing, to operate that well, and     volume hydraulic fracturing used tens of
                           to deliver the gas or oil extracted from that     thousands of gallons of water per well,
                           well to market.                                   today’s high-volume hydraulic fractur-
                                                                             ing operations use millions of gallons of
                                                                             water, along with a different combination
                                                                             of sand and chemical additives, to extract
                                                                             gas or oil.
                           The Fracking Process                                 A vast amount of activity—much of it
                           Fracking is used to unlock gas or oil             with impacts on the environment and near-
                           trapped in underground rock formations,           by communities—is necessary to bring a
                           allowing it to flow to the surface, where it      fracking well into production and to deliver
                           can be captured and delivered to market.          the gas extracted from that well to market.
                           Fracking combines hydraulic fracturing,           Among those steps are the following:
                           which uses a high-pressure mixture of wa-
                           ter, sand and chemicals to break up under-        Well Site Preparation and Road
                           ground rock formations, with horizontal           Construction
                           drilling, which enables drillers to fracture      Before drilling can begin, several acres of
                           large amounts of rock from a single well.         land must be cleared of vegetation and lev-
                              The combination of hydraulic fractur-          eled to accommodate drilling equipment,
                           ing with horizontal drilling has magnified        gas collection and processing equipment,
                           the environmental impacts of oil and gas          and vehicles. Additional land must be
                           extraction. Whereas traditional, low-             cleared for roads to the well site, as well

  The Costs of Fracking
as for any pipelines needed to deliver gas        Drilling and Hydraulic Fracturing
to market.                                        Once the necessary machinery and ma-
                                                  terials are assembled at the drilling site,
Materials Assembly                                drilling can begin. The well is drilled to
Hydraulic fracturing requires massive             the depth of the formation that is being
amounts of water, sand and chemicals—all          targeted. In horizontally drilled wells, the
of which must be obtained and delivered           well bore is turned roughly 90 degrees
to the well site. Water for fracking comes        to extend along the length of the forma-
either from surface waterways, groundwa-          tion. Steel “casing” pipes are inserted to
ter or recycled wastewater from previous          stabilize and contain the well, and the
fracking activities, with millions of gal-        casing is cemented into place. A mix of
lons of water required for each well. The         water, sand and chemicals is then injected
special grade of sand used in fracking must       at high pressure—the pressure causes the
be extracted from the ground—often from           rock formation to crack, with the sand
silica mines in the upper Midwest—and             propping open the gaps in the rock. Some
transported to the well site. Water, sand         of the injected water then flows back out
and other materials must be carried to            of the well when the pressure is released
well sites in trucks, tearing up local roads,     (“flowback” water), followed by gas and
creating congestion, and producing local          water from the formation (“produced
level air pollution.                              water”).

Equipment is put in place in preparation for hydraulic fracturing at a well site in Troy, Pa. In
hydraulic fracturing, a combination of water, sand and chemicals is injected at high pressure to
fracture oil or gas-bearing rock formations deep underground. Credit: New York Department
of Environmental Conservation

                                                                                  Fracking: The Process and its Impacts 
Figure 1. Shale Gas and Oil Plays6

                        Gas Processing and Delivery                   wells must be properly plugged and the
                        As natural gas flows from the fracked         land around them restored to something
                        well, it must be collected, purified and      approaching its original vegetated condi-
                        compressed for injection into pipelines and   tion. This involves plugging the well with
                        delivery to market.                           cement, removing all unnecessary struc-
                                                                      tures from the well pad, and replanting
                        Wastewater Management and                     the area.
                        Flowback and produced water must be
                        collected and disposed of safely. Waste-
                        water from fracking wells is often stored
                        onsite temporarily in retention ponds
                        or tanks. From there, the fluid may be
                                                                      Fracking and the New
                        disposed of in an underground injection       Gas/Oil Rush
                        well or an industrial wastewater treatment    From its beginnings in the Barnett Shale
                        plant, or it may be treated and re-used in    region of Texas at the turn of the 21st centu-
                        another fracking job.                         ry, the use of fracking has spread across the
                                                                      United States with breathtaking speed. A
                        Plugging and Reclamation                      decade later, the combination of high-vol-
                        To prevent future damage to the envi-         ume hydraulic fracturing with horizontal
                        ronment and drinking water supplies,          drilling has been used in thousands of oil

10  The Costs of Fracking
and gas wells across the country—despite         Center found that 104 day care centers
persistent questions about the impact of         and 14 schools in Pennsylvania were
the technology and supporting activities         located within a mile of a shale gas
on the environment, public health and            well; that figure is certainly higher
communities.                                     today.9
   Roughy half of U.S. states, stretching
from New York to California, sit atop shale   •	 In Colorado, fracking has taken off
or other rock formations with the potential      in the oil-producing Niobrara Shale
to produce oil or gas using fracking. As         formation. Weld County, Colorado,
fracking has made oil and gas extraction         located just north of Denver and just
viable in more of these formations, it is        east of Fort Collins, has seen the per-
bringing drilling closer to greater num-         mitting of more than 1,300 horizontal
bers of people as well as precious natural       wells since the beginning of 2010.10
                                                 Oil and gas companies are aggressively
•	 Between 2003 and 2010, more than           seeking to expand fracking to places where
   11,000 wells were drilled in the Fort      more people live (including the city of
   Worth basin of Texas’ Barnett Shale        Dallas) and to treasured natural areas (in-
   formation.7 The Barnett Shale under-       cluding the Delaware River Basin, which
   lies one of the most populous regions      provides drinking water for 15 million
   of the state—the Dallas-Fort Worth         people). Wherever this new gas rush is
   Metroplex—and drilling has taken           allowed, it will impose significant impacts
   place in urban and suburban neigh-         on the environment, public health and
   borhoods of the region.                    communities. To add insult to injury, these
                                              impacts also come with heavy price tags
•	 In Pennsylvania’s Marcellus Shale,         that will all too often be borne by individ-
   more than 6,300 shale gas wells have       ual residents and their communities. The
   been drilled since 2000; permits           following section of this report provides a
   have been issued that would allow          breakdown of fracking impacts along with
   for more than 2,400 additional wells       examples of the real-life costs already being
   to be drilled.8 A 2011 analysis by         imposed on America’s environment and
   PennEnvironment Research  Policy          our communities.

                                                                            Fracking: The Process and its Impacts  11
The Costs of Fracking

                              great deal of public attention has                 Less dramatic, but just as important,
                              been focused on the immediate                   are the long-term implications of frack-
                              impacts of fracking on the environ-             ing—including the economic burdens
                        ment, public health and communities.                  imposed on individuals and communities.
                        Images of flaming water from faucets,                 In this paper, we outline the many eco-
                        stories of sickened families, and incidents           nomic costs imposed by fracking and show
                        of blowouts, spills and other mishaps have            that, absent greatly enhanced mechanisms
                        dramatically illustrated the threats posed            of financial assurance, individuals, commu-
                        by fracking.                                          nities and states will be left to bear many
                                                                              of those costs.

                                                                              Drinking Water
                                                                              Fracking can pollute both
                                                                              groundwater and surface
                                                                              waterways such as rivers,
                                                                              lakes and streams. In rural areas, where
                                                                              the bulk of fracking takes place, residents
                                                                              may rely on groundwater for household
                        Residents of Dimock, Pennsylvania, are among          and agricultural use. Alternative sources
                        those who have reported drinking water contami-       of water—such as municipal water sup-
                        nation in the wake of nearby fracking activity.       plies—may be unavailable or prohibitively
                        Here, discolored water from local wells illustrates   expensive.
                        the change in water quality following fracking.          Fracking has polluted drinking water
                        Photo: Hudson Riverkeeper                             sources in a variety of ways.

12  The Costs of Fracking
it can take years, decades or even centuries
•	 Spills and well blowouts have released        for groundwater sources to clean them-
   fracking chemicals and flowback or            selves naturally.16 As a result, the oil and
   produced water to groundwater and             gas industry must be held responsible for
   surface water. In Colorado and New            restoring groundwater supplies to their
   Mexico, an estimated 1.2 to 1.8 per-          natural condition.
   cent of all gas drilling projects result          Methane contamination of well water
   in groundwater contamination.11               poses a risk of explosion and is often ad-
                                                 dressed by removing it from water at the
•	 Waste pits containing flowback and            point of use. In Dimock, Pennsylvania,
   produced water have frequently failed.        Cabot Oil  Gas reported having spent
   In New Mexico, substances from                $109,000 on meth-
   oil and gas pits have contaminated            ane removal sys-          “In Dimock,
   groundwater at least 421 times.12             tems for 14 local        Pennsylvania,
                                                 households in the       Cabot Oil  Gas
•	 Faulty well construction has caused           wake of drilling-
                                                                         reported having
   methane and other substances to find          related methane
                                                                        spent $109,000 on
   their way into groundwater.13                 contamination of
                                                                        methane removal
                                                 local groundwater
   Recent studies have suggested that            supplies. In addi-        systems for
fracking may also pose a longer-term threat      tion, the company       14 households.”
of groundwater contamination. One study          spent $10,000 on
used computer modeling to conclude that          new or extended vent stacks to prevent
natural faults and fractures in the Mar-         the build-up of methane gas in residents’
cellus Shale region could accelerate the         homes.17 Such measures do not remove
movement of fracking chemicals—possibly          methane from groundwater supplies, but
bringing these contaminants into contact         merely eliminate the immediate threat to
with groundwater in a matter of years.14 In      residents’ homes.
addition, a recent study by researchers at          Removing other toxic contaminants
Duke University found evidence for the ex-       from groundwater is so costly that it it
istence of underground pathways between          rarely attempted, with costs of hundreds
the deep underground formations tapped           of thousands of dollars or more.
by Marcellus Shale fracking and ground-             In 2004, improper cementing of a frack-
water supplies closer to the surface.15 The      ing well in Garfield County, Colorado,
potential for longer-term groundwater            caused natural gas to vent for 55 days into
contamination from fracking is particu-          a fault terminating in a surface waterway,
larly concerning, as it raises the possibility   West Divide Creek.18 In response to the
that contamination will become apparent          leak, the company responsible for drill-
only long after the drillers responsible have    ing the well, Encana, engaged in regular
left the scene.                                  testing of nearby wells and installed equip-
   A mong the costs that result from             ment that injects air into the groundwater,
drinking water contamination are the fol-        enabling chemical contaminants in the
lowing:                                          water to become volatile and be removed
                                                 from the water, using a process known as
                                                 air sparging. These activities began in 2004
Groundwater Cleanup                              and were still ongoing as of mid-2012.19
Groundwater is a precious and often lim-            The cost of groundwater remediation
ited natural resource. Once contaminated,        in the Garfield County case is unknown,

                                                                                            The Costs of Fracking  13
but likely runs into the hundreds of           delivery” to homes within a two-mile area
                        thousands of dollars, if not more. A 2004      of the West Divide Creek gas seep, at an
                        Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)          estimated cost of $350,000.24 These deliv-
                        document, referring to the work of a fed-      eries continued into 2006. In Pennsylvania,
                        eral roundtable on environmental cleanup       Cabot Oil  Gas provided at least $193,000
                        technologies, estimated the cost of air        worth of water to homes affected by con-
                        sparging at $150,000 to $350,000 per acre.20   tamination there.25 A permanent solution
                        Adjusting for inflation, and assuming that     to water issues in Dimock—the extension
                        the extent of the seep was correctly esti-     of municipal water to the neighborhood—
                        mated by Encana at 1.3 acres, one could        was estimated to cost $11.8 million.26
                        estimate the cost of the sparging operation
                        in 2012 dollars at $248,000 to $579,000.21
                        In addition, as of May 2012, Encana and        Water Treatment Costs Due to
                        its contractors had collected more than        Surface Water Contamination
                        1,300 water samples since the seep began.22    Fracking and related activities may reduce
                        Again, the cost of this sampling and testing   the quality of rivers and streams to the point
                        is unknown, but could be conservatively        where municipali-
                        estimated to be in the tens of thousands of    ties must invest in          “Should gas
                        dollars. Cabot Oil  Gas, for example, in-     additional water           drilling require
                        curred $700,000 in water testing expenses      treatment in or-          drinking water to
                        in the wake of concerns about groundwater      der to make water
                                                                                               undergo additional
                        contamination from a fracking well in Di-      safe to drink.
                                                                                              treatment, New York
                        mock, Pennsylvania.23                             The most sig-
                           The Colorado example shows that                                      would be required
                                                                       nificant impacts
                        the process of cleaning up contaminated        of fracking on riv- to build one of the
                        groundwater can take years to complete,        ers and streams             world’s largest
                        underscoring the need for protections          used for drinking        filtration plants at
                        to ensure that drillers have the financial     water come not         an estimated cost of
                        wherewithal to fulfill their obligations to    from individual               $6 billion.”
                        clean up pollution.                            spills, blowouts or
                                                                       other accidents, but rather from the effects
                                                                       of fracking many wells in a given area at the
                        Water Replacement                              same time. Widespread fracking can dam-
                        As noted above, the process of cleaning up     age waterways through water withdrawals
                        contaminated groundwater can take years.       from river basins, the dumping of fracking
                                              In the meantime,         wastewater into rivers, or increased sedi-
                            “Cabot Oil       residents must be        mentation resulting from land clearance
                          Gas provided at     provided with clean,     for well pads, pipelines and other natural
                           least $193,000     temporary sources        gas infrastructure.
                         worth of water to    of drinking water.          Damage from widespread fracking may
                         homes affected by       T he C olor ado       require water utilities to invest in expensive
                          contamination.”     and Pennsylvania         additional treatment. New York City’s wa-
                                              exa mples above          ter supply, for example, comes from upstate
                                               demonst rate t he       New York watersheds that are sufficiently
                        high cost of supplying replacement water       pristine that water filtration is not required.
                        to households dependent on contami-            Should gas drilling—or any other pollut-
                        nated wells. In Colorado, Encana offered       ing activity—require additional treatment,
                        “complete water systems and potable water      New York would be required to build one

14  The Costs of Fracking
The disposal of fracking wastewater in open pits contributes to air pollution, while leakage from improperly
lined pits has contaminated groundwater and surface water. Chemicals present in fracking wastewater
have been linked to serious health problems, including cancer. Credit: Mark Schmerling

of the world’s largest water filtration plants.          have been linked to a variety of negative
New York has already had to take this step               health effects. Chemical components of
for one major source of drinking water,                  fracking fluids, for example, have been
spending $3 billion to build a filtration                linked to cancer, endocrine disruption,
plant for the part of the watershed east of              and neurological and immune system
the Hudson River.27 The cost of doing the                problems.29
same for areas west of the Hudson, which                    The legal system often offers little re-
sit atop the Marcellus Shale formation,                  lief for those whose health is impacted by
was estimated in 2000 to be as much as                   chemically tainted air or water. In order
$6 billion.28                                            to prevail in court, an individual affected
                                                         by exposure to toxic chemicals must prove
                                                         that he or she has been exposed to a spe-
                                                         cific toxic chemical linked to the health
                                                         effects that they are experiencing and that
Health Problems                                          the exposure was caused by the defendant
Fracking produces pollu-                                 (as opposed to the many other sources
tion that affects the health                             of possible exposure to toxic chemicals
of workers, nearby residents                             that most people experience every day).30
and even people living far                               Meeting that high legal standard of proof is
away. Toxic substances in fracking chemi-                costly—usually requiring extensive medi-
cals and produced water, as well as pollu-               cal and environmental testing and expert
tion from trucks and compressor stations,                testimony—and difficult, given corporate

                                                                                                          The Costs of Fracking  15
attorneys’ track record of exploiting gaps           Residents living near fracking sites
                        in scientific knowledge to cast doubt on          have long suffered from a range of health
                        claims of harm from toxic chemical ex-            problems, including headaches, eye irrita-
                        posures. As a result, many citizens whose         tion, respiratory problems and nausea.34
                        health has been affected by fracking may be       In western Pennsylvania, for example,
                        discouraged from taking their complaints          residents living near one fracking well site
                        to court.                                         have complained of rashes, blisters and
                           Individuals and taxpayers, therefore—          other health effects that they attribute to a
                        rather than polluters—may bear much of            wastewater impoundment.35 An investiga-
                        the financial burden for health costs result-     tion by the investigative journalism website
                        ing from fracking.                                ProPublica uncovered numerous similar
                                                                          reports of illness in western states.36
                                                                             A recent study by researchers at the
                        Nearby Residents Getting Sick                     Colorado School of Public Health found
                        Emissions from fracking wellsites contain         that residents living within a half-mile of
                        numerous substances that make people              natural gas wells in one area of Colorado
                        sick.                                             were exposed to air pollutants that in-
                            In Texas, monitoring by the Texas             creased their risk of illness.37 The report
                        Department of Environmental Quality de-           noted that “health effects, such as head-
                        tected levels of benzene—a known cancer-          aches and throat and eye irritation re-
                        causing chemical—in the air that were high        ported by residents during well completion
                        enough to cause immediate human health            activities occurring in Garfield County,
                        concern at two sites in the Barnett Shale         are consistent with known health effects
                        region, and at levels that pose long-term         of many of the hydrocarbons evaluated in
                        health concern at an additional 19 sites.         this analysis.”38
                                                     Several chem-           These health impacts are unacceptable
                            “Residents living near   icals were also      regardless of the economic cost. But they
                           fracking sites have long found at levels       also have significant economic impacts,
                            suffered from a range    that can cause       including:
                              of health problems,    foul odors. 31
                             including headaches,    Less ex ten-         •	 Health care costs, including inpatient,
                                                     sive test i ng          outpatient and prescription drug costs;
                                 eye irritation,
                             respiratory problems
                                                     by the Penn-         •	 Workplace absenteeism;
                           and nausea—imposing
                                                     sylvania De-
                           economic costs ranging partment of             •	 “Presenteeism,” or reduced productiv-
                               from health care      Environmen-             ity at work.39
                              costs to workplace     t a l P r ot e c -
                               absenteeism and       tion detected           Major health problems such as cancer
                            reduced productivity.”   components           are obviously costly. The average case of
                                                     of natural gas,      cancer in the United States in 2003 im-
                        particularly methane, in the air near             posed costs in treatment and lost produc-
                        Marcellus Shale drilling operations.32 Air        tivity of approximately $30,000.40
                        monitoring in Arkansas has also found                The economic impacts of less severe
                        elevated levels of volatile organic com-          problems such as headaches and respiratory
                        pounds (VOCs)—some of which are also              symptoms can also add up quickly. Each
                        hazardous air pollutants—at the perimeter         day of reduced activity costs the economy
                        of hydraulic fracturing sites.33                  roughly $50 while a missed day of work

16  The Costs of Fracking
costs approximately $105.41 The economic               is specific to fracking: inhalation of silica
value to individuals of avoiding one ex-               sand.
posure to hydrocarbon odors per week is                   Silica sand is used to prop open the
approximately $26 to $36 per household.42              cracks formed in underground rock forma-
As fracking continues to spread, particu-
larly in areas close to population centers,              “The National Institute of Occupational
the number of residents affected by these                Safety and Health recently warned that
health problems—already substantial—is                  workers at fracking sites may be at risk of
likely to increase.                                     contracting the lung disease silicosis from
                                                         inhalation of silica dust. Silicosis is one
                                                         of a family of dust-induced occupational
Worker Injury, Illness, and Death
                                                           ailments that imposed $50 million in
Fracking is dangerous business for workers.
                                                                medical care costs in 2007.”
Nationally, oil and gas workers are seven
times more likely to die on the job than
other workers, with traffic accidents, death           tions during fracking. As silica is moved
from falling objects, and explosions the               from trucks to the well site, silica dust can
leading causes of death. Between 2003 and              become airborne. Without adequate pro-
2008, 648 oil and gas workers nationwide               tection, workers who breathe in silica dust
died from on-the-job injuries.43 Workers at            can develop an elevated risk of contracting
fracking well sites are vulnerable to many             silicosis, which causes swelling in the lungs,
of these same dangers, as well as one that             leading to the development of chronic

Fracking can be a dangerous business for workers. The National Institute for Occupational Safety
and Health recently found dangerous levels of airborne silica at fracking sites in several states, while
workers also risk injury from traffic accidents, falling objects, explosions and other hazards. Workers,
their families and the public often bear much of the costs of workplace illness and injury. Credit: Mark

                                                                                                       The Costs of Fracking  17
cough and breathing difficulty.44 Silica        and those with respiratory disease.
                        exposure can also cause lung cancer.45             Fracking produces a variety of pol-
                            A recent investigation by the National      lutants that contribute to regional air
                        Institute for Occupational Safety and           pollution problems. VOCs in natural gas
                        Health (NIOSH) found that workers at            formations contribute to the formation
                        some fracking sites may be at risk of lung      of ozone “smog,” which reduces lung
                        disease as a result of inhaling silica dust.    function among healthy people, trig-
                        The NIOSH investigation reviewed 116            gers asthma attacks, and has been linked
                        air samples at 11 fracking sites in Arkansas,   to increases in
                        Colorado, North Dakota, Pennsylvania            school absences,      “Air pollution from
                        and Texas. Nearly half (47 percent) of the      hospit a l v isit s drilling in Arkansas’
                        samples had levels of silica that exceeded      and premature Fayetteville Shale in
                        the Occupational Safet y and Health             deat h. 4 9 S ome 2008 likely imposed
                        Administration’s (OSHA) legal limit for         VOCs are also
                                                                                              public health costs
                        workplace exposure, while 78 percent            considered “haz-
                                                                                                 greater than
                        exceeded OSHA’s recommended limits.             ardous air pol-
                                                                                             $10 million in 2008.”
                        Nearly one out of 10 (9%) of the samples        lutants,” which
                        exceeded the legal limit for silica by a fac-   have been linked
                        tor of 10, exceeding the threshold at which     to cancer and other serious health effects.
                        half-face respirators can effectively protect   Emissions from trucks carrying water
                        workers.46                                      and materials to well sites, as well as from
                           Silicosis is one of a family of dust-in-     compressor stations and other fossil fuel-
                        duced occupational ailments (including          fired machinery, also contribute to the
                        asbestosis and black lung disease) that have    formation of smog and soot that threatens
                        long threatened the health of industrial        public health.
                        workers. A recent study estimated that this        Fracking is a significant source of
                        category of occupational disease imposed        air pollution in areas experiencing large
                        costs in medical care alone of $50 million      amounts of drilling. A 2009 study in five
                        in 2007.47                                      Dallas-Fort Worth-area counties experi-
                           Workers, their families and taxpayers        encing heavy Barnett Shale drilling activity
                        are often forced to pick up much of the cost    found that oil and gas production was a
                        of workplace illnesses and injuries. A 2012     larger source of smog-forming emissions
                        study by researchers at the University of       than cars and trucks.50 Completion of a sin-
                        California, Davis, estimated that workers       gle uncontrolled natural gas well produces
                        compensation insurance covers only about        approximately 22.7 tons of volatile organic
                        20 percent of the total costs of workplace      compounds (VOC) per well—equivalent to
                        illness and injury, with government pro-        the annual VOC emissions of about 7,000
                        grams such as Medicaid and Medicare, as         cars—as well as 1.7 tons of hazardous air
                        well as workers and their families, bearing     pollutants and approximately 156 tons
                        much of the burden in health care costs and     of methane, which contributes to global
                        lost productivity.48                            warming.51
                                                                           Well operations, storage of natural
                                                                        gas liquids, and other activities related to
                        Air Pollution Far from the                      fracking add to the pollution toll, playing
                        Wellhead                                        a significant part in regional air pollution
                        Air pollution from fracking also threatens      problems. In Arkansas, for example, gas
                        the health of people living far from the        production in the Fayetteville Shale re-
                        wellhead—especially children, the elderly       gion was estimated to be responsible for

18  The Costs of Fracking
2.6 percent of the state’s total emissions
of nitrogen oxides (NOx).52 An analysis
                                              Damage to
conducted for New York State’s revised        Natural Resources
draft environmental impact statement          Fracking threatens valu-
on Marcellus Shale drilling posited that,     able natural resources all
in a worst case scenario of widespread        across the country. Fracking converts rural
drilling and lax emission controls, shale     and natural areas into industrialized zones,
gas production could add 3.7 percent to       with forests and agricultural land replaced
state NOx emissions and 1.3 percent to        by well pads, roads, pipelines and natural
statewide VOC emissions compared with         gas infrastructure. The effects of this
2002 emissions levels.53                      development are more than just aesthetic,
   The public health costs of pollution       as economists have increasingly come to
from fracking are significant. The fi-        recognize the value of the services that
nancial impact of ozone smog on public        natural systems provide to people and the
health has been estimated at $1,648 per       economy.
ton of NOx and VOCs.54 Applying those
costs to emissions in five counties of the
Dallas-Fort Worth region with signifi-        Threats to Our Rivers
cant Barnett Shale drilling, the average      and Streams
public health cost of those emissions         Damage to aquatic ecosystems has a direct,
would be more than $270,000 per day           negative impact on the economy. The loss
during the summer ozone season.55 In          of a recreational or commercial fishery
Arkansas, the nearly 6,000 tons of NOx        due to spills, excessive withdrawals of
and VOCs emitted in 2008 would impose         water, or changes in water quality caused
an annual public health cost of roughly       by the cumulative effects of fracking in an
$9.8 million.56                               area can have devastating impacts on local
   Various aspects of fracking also create    businesses.
particulate—or soot—pollution. A 2004
EPA regulatory impact analysis for new
standards for stationary internal combus-           “The clearance of forest land in
tion engines often used on natural gas           Pennsylvania for fracking could lead
pipelines and in oil and gas production,           to increased delivery of nutrient
for example, estimated the benefit of              pollution to the Chesapeake Bay,
reducing one ton of particulates under               which suffers from a nutrient-
10 microns in diameter (PM10) at $8,028            generated dead zone. The cost of
per ton.57 Using this figure, the economic         reducing an amount of pollution
benefit of eliminating PM10 emissions               equivalent to that produced by
from Arkansas’ Fayetteville Shale would         fracking would be approximately $1.5
be roughly $5.4 million per year.                   million to $4 million per year.”
   Air pollution from drilling in Arkan-
sas’ Fayetteville Shale in 2008, therefore,
likely imposed public health costs greater       In Pennsylvania, for example, fishing
than $10 million in 2008, with additional,    had an estimated economic impact of $1.6
unquantified costs imposed in the form        billion in 2001.58 Allocating that impact to
of lost agricultural production and lower     the roughly 13.4 million fishing trips taken
visibility.                                   in Pennsylvania each year (as of the late
                                              1990s) would result in an estimated impact
                                              of $119 per trip.59

                                                                                         The Costs of Fracking  19
The Monongahela River, shown here at Rices Landing, Pa., has been affected by discharges of fracking
                        wastewater and by water withdrawals for fracking. A 2011 Army Corps of Engineers report concluded that
                        “the quantity of water withdrawn from streams [in the Monongahela watershed] is largely unregulated
                        and is beginning to show negative consequences.” Credit: Jonathan Dawson

                           Spills, blowouts and other accidents                  Excessive water withdrawals also play
                        related to fracking have caused numer-               havoc with the ecology of rivers and
                        ous fish kills in Pennsylvania. In 2009, a           streams. In Pennsylvania, water has been
                        pipe containing freshwater and flowback              illegally withdrawn for fracking numer-
                        water ruptured in Washington County,                 ous times, to the extent of streams being
                        Pennsylvania, triggering a fish kill in a            sucked dry. Two streams in southwestern
                        tributary of Brush Run, which is part of a           Pennsylvania—Sugarcamp Run and Cross
                        high-quality watershed.60 That same year,            Creek—were reportedly drained for water
                        in the same county, another pipe rupture             withdrawals, triggering fish kills.63
                        at a well drilled in a public park killed fish           Water withdrawals also concentrate
                        and other aquatic life along a three-quar-           pollutants, reducing water quality. A 2011
                        ter-mile length of a local stream.61                 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers study of the
                           The clearing of land for well pads, roads         Monongahela River basin of Pennsylvania
                        and pipelines can increase sedimentation of          and West Virginia concluded that, “The
                        nearby waterways and degrade the ability             quantity of water withdrawn from streams
                        of natural landscapes to retain nutrients. A         is largely unregulated and is beginning to
                        recent preliminary study by the Academy              show negative consequences.”64 The Corps
                        of Natural Sciences of Drexel University             report noted that water is increasingly
                        found an association between increased               being diverted from the relatively clean
                        density of natural gas drilling activity             streams that flow into Corps-maintained
                        and degradation of ecologically important            reservoirs, limiting the ability of the Corps
                        headwaters streams.62                                to release clean water to help dilute pollu-

20  The Costs of Fracking
tion during low-flow periods.65 It described         intensive Marcellus Shale fracking activity,
the water supply in the Monongahela basin            creating the potential for additional pol-
as “fully tapped.”66                                 lution that will make the bay’s pollution
   On a broader scale, the clearance of              reduction goals more difficult to meet.
forested land for well pads, roads and                  A rapid expansion of shale gas drilling
pipelines reduces the ability of the land to         could contribute an additional 30,000
prevent pollution from running off into              to 80,000 pounds per year of nitrogen
rivers and streams. Among the waterways              and 15,000 to 40,000 pounds per year of
most affected by runoff pollution is the             phosphorus to the bay, depending on the
Chesapeake Bay, where excessive runoff               amount of forest lost.68 While this addi-
of nutrients such as nitrogen and phospho-           tional pollution represents a small fraction
rus causes the formation of a “dead zone”            of the total pollution currently reaching
that spans as much as a third of the bay in          the bay, it is pollution that would need to be
the summertime.67 The Chesapeake Bay                 offset by reductions elsewhere in order to
watershed overlaps with some of the most             ensure that the Chesapeake Bay meets pol-

Many waterways in the Marcellus Shale region drain into the Chesapeake Bay. The loss of forests to
natural gas development could add to pollution levels in the bay, threatening the success of state and
federal efforts to prevent the “dead zone” that affects the bay each summer. Sources: Skytruth, U.S.
Energy Information Administration, Chesapeake Bay Program

                                                                                                    The Costs of Fracking  21
of well pads drove away female mule deer
                                                                             in the Pinedale Mesa area of Wyoming,
                                                                             which was opened to fracking in 2000, and
                                                                             that the deer stayed away from areas near
                                                                             well pads over time. The study suggested
                                                                             that natural gas development in the area
                                                                             was shifting mule deer from higher quality
                                                                             to lower quality habitat.75 The mule deer
                                                                             population in the area dropped by 56 per-
                                                                             cent between 2001 and 2010 as fracking in
                                                                             the area continued and accelerated.76
                                                                                Concerns have also been raised about
                                                                             the impact of natural gas development on
                                                                             pronghorn antelope. A study by the Wild-
                        Pronghorn antelope are among the species that        life Conservation Society documented
                        have been affected by intense natural gas develop-   an 82 percent reduction in high-quality
                        ment in Wyoming. Credit: Christian Dionne            pronghorn habitat in Wyoming’s natural
                                                                             gas fields, which have historically been key
                        lution reduction targets designed to restore         wintering grounds.77
                        the bay to health. 69 Based on an estimate of           The Wyoming Game  Fish Depart-
                        the cost per pound of nitrogen reductions            ment assigns “restitution values” for
                        from a recent analysis of potential nutrient         animals illegally killed in the state, with
                        trading options in the Chesapeake Bay                pronghorn val-
                        watershed,70 the cost of reducing nitrogen           ued at $3,000 per       “The decline of
                        pollution elsewhere to compensate for the            animal and mule         approximately
                        increase from natural gas development                deer at $4,000 per     2,910 mule deer
                        would run to approximately $1.5 million              animal.78 The de-       in the Pinedale
                        to $4 million per year.                              cline of approxi-      Mesa, using this
                                                                             mately 2,910 mule
                                                                                                    valuation, would
                                                                             deer estimated to
                                                                                                      represent lost
                        Habitat Loss and Fragmentation                       have occurred in
                                                                                                   value of more than
                        Extensive natural gas development requires           the Pinedale Mesa
                        the construction of a vast infrastructure            between 2001 and        $11.6 million.”
                        of roads, well pads and pipelines, often             2010, using this
                        through remote and previously undis-                 valuation, would represent lost value of
                        turbed wild lands. The disruption and                more than $11.6 million, although there
                        fragmentation of natural habitat can put             is no way to determine the share of the
                        species at risk.                                     decline attributable to natural gas develop-
                           Hunting and other forms of outdoor                ment alone.79
                        recreation are economic mainstays in sev-               The impact of fracking on wildlife-
                        eral states in which fracking is taking place.       based recreation is, of course, only one
                        In Wyoming, for example, non-resident                of many ways in which harm to species
                        hunters and wildlife watchers pumped $340            translates into lasting economic dam-
                        million into the state’s economy in 2006.73          age. Wildlife provides many important
                        Fracking, however, is degrading the habitat          ecosystem goods and services. (See next
                        of several species that are important attrac-        page.) Birds, for example, may keep insect
                        tions for hunters and wildlife viewers.74            and rodent populations in check, help to
                           A 2006 study found that the construction          distribute seeds, and play other roles in

22  The Costs of Fracking
Loss of Ecosystem Services

   F  orests and other natural areas provide important services—they clean our air,
      purify our water, provide homes to wildlife, and supply scenic beauty and rec-
   reational opportunities. Many of these services would be costly to replicate—for
   example, as noted on page 14, the natural filtration provided by the forests of upstate
   New York has thus far enabled New York City to avoid the $6 billion expense of
   building a water filtration plant to purify the city’s drinking water.
      In recent years, economists have worked to quantify the value of the ecosystem
   services provided by various types of natural land. The annual value of ecosystem
   services provided by deciduous and evergreen forests, for example, has been esti-
   mated at $300 per acre per year.71 Researchers with The Nature Conservancy and
   various Pennsylvania conservation groups have projected that 38,000 to 90,000 acres
   of Pennsylvania forest could be cleared for Marcellus shale development by 2030.
   The value of the ecosystem services provided by this area of forest, therefore, ranges
   from $11.4 million to $27 million per year.72 Widespread land clearance for fracking
   jeopardizes the ability of the forest to continue to provide these valuable services.
      Other natural features affected by fracking—including groundwater, rivers and
   streams, and agricultural land—provide similar natural services. The value of all
   of those services—and the risk that an ecosystem’s ability to deliver them will be
   lost—must be considered when tallying the cost of fracking.

Oil and gas development fragments valuable natural habitat. Above, the Jonah gas field in Wyoming.
Credit: Bruce Gordon

                                                                                                 The Costs of Fracking  23
the maintenance of healthy ecosystems.             greater than, and perhaps double, leakage
                        Adding these impacts to the impacts on             from conventional natural gas wells.82
                        hunters, anglers and wildlife-watchers                Global warming threatens costly dis-
                        magnifies the potential long-term costs of         ruption to the environment, health and
                        fracking from ecosystem damage.                    infrastructure. Economists have invested
                                                                           significant energy into attempting to quan-
                                                                           tify the “social cost” of emissions of global
                        Contribution to Global Warming                     warming pollutants—that is, the negative
                        Global warming is the most profound chal-          impact on society per ton of emissions. A
                        lenge of our time, threatening the survival        2011 EPA study estimated the social cost of
                        of key species, the health and welfare of          methane as lying within a range of $370 to
                        human populations, and the quality of our          $2,000 per ton. Each uncontrolled fracking
                        air and water. Fracking produces pollution         well produces approximately 156 tons of
                                                   that contributes        methane emissions.83 At a modest discount
                                “Emissions of      to the warming          rate (3 percent) the social cost was $895 per
                           methane during well of the planet in            ton in 2010.84 Emissions of methane during
                              completion from      greater quanti-         well completion from a single uncontrolled
                                                   ties than conven-       fracking well, therefore, would impose
                             each uncontrolled
                                                   tional natural gas      $139,620 in social costs related to global
                           fracking well impose
                                                   extraction.             warming.85 This figure does not include
                                                       Fr a c k i n g ’s   emissions from other aspects of natural gas
                             $139,000 in social                            extraction, transmission and distribution,
                                                   primary impact
                               costs related to    on the climate is       such as pipeline and compressor station
                             global warming.”      through the re-         leaks. Leakage from those sources further
                                                   lease of methane,       increases the impact of fracking on the cli-
                        which is a far more potent contributor to          mate—imposing impacts that may not be
                        global warming than carbon dioxide. Over           fully realized for decades or generations.
                        a 100-year timeframe, a pound of methane
                        has 21 times the heat-trapping effect of a
                        pound of carbon dioxide.80 Methane is even
                        more potent relative to carbon dioxide at
                        shorter timescales.
                           Leaks during the extraction, transmis-          Impacts on Public
                        sion and distribution of natural gas release
                        substantial amounts of methane to the
                        atmosphere. Recent air monitoring near a           and Services
                        natural gas field in Colorado led researchers      Fracking imposes both
                        at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric            immediate and long-term burdens on
                        Administration and the University of               taxpayers through its heavy use of public
                        Colorado, Boulder, to conclude that about          infrastructure and heavy demand for public
                        4 percent of the extracted gas was lost to         services.
                        the atmosphere, not counting the further
                        losses that occur in transportation.81
                           Research by experts at Cornell Univer-          Road Damage
                        sity suggests that fracking is even worse for      Fracking requires the transportation of
                        the climate than conventional gas produc-          massive amounts of water, sand and fracking
                        tion. Their study finds that methane leak-         chemicals to and from well sites, damaging
                        age from fracking wells is at least 30 percent     roads. In the northern tier of Pennsylvania,

24  The Costs of Fracking
Fracking requires millions of gallons of water and large quantities of sand and chemicals, all of which
must be transported to well sites, inflicting damage on local roads. Above, a well site in Washington
County, Pa. Credit: Robert Donnan

each fracking well requires approximately             a regional transportation study. The study
400 truck trips for the transport of water            concluded that state and local governments
and up to 25 rail cars’ worth of sand.86 The          will have to repave many roads every 7 to 8
process of delivering water to a single frack-        years instead of every 15 years.88
                            ing well causes              The state of Texas has convened a task
    “The state of Texas     as much damage            force to review the impact of drilling ac-
   has convened a task      to local roads as         tivity on local roads and has approved $40
    force to review the     nearly 3.5 mil-           million in funding for road repairs in the
      impact of drilling    lion car trips.87         Barnett Shale region.89 A 2010 Pennsylva-
  activity on local roads       Added up              nia Department of Transportation docu-
     and has approved       across dozens             ment estimated that $265 million would
  $40 million in funding of well sites in             be required for repair of roads affected by
                            a g iven area,            Marcellus Shale drilling.90 Pennsylvania
     for road repairs in
                            these transpor-           has negotiated bonding requirements with
     the Barnett Shale
                            tation demands            natural gas companies to cover the cost of
                            are enough to             repairs to local roads and some other states
                             lead to a notice-        have done the same, but these requirements
able increase in traffic—as well as strains           may not cover the full impact of frack-
on local roads. Between 2007 and 2010,                ing on roads, including impacts on major
for example, the amount of truck traffic on           highways and the costs of traffic delays
three major northern Pennsylvania high-               and vehicle repairs caused by congested or
ways increased by 125 percent, according to           temporarily degraded roads.

                                                                                                      The Costs of Fracking  25
Increased Demand for Water                       Earthquakes
                        The millions of gallons of water required        Fracking also has the potential to affect
                        for hydraulic fracturing come from aqui-         public infrastructure through induced
                        fers, surface waterways, or water “recycled”     earthquakes resulting from underground
                        from previous frack jobs.                        disposal of fracking wastewater. A recent
                            In some areas, fracking makes up a           repor t by t he
                        significant share of overall water demand.       Nat ion a l Re -      “The earthquakes
                        In 2010, for example, fracking in the Bar-       search Council raise concerns about
                        nett Shale region consumed an amount of          identified eight       the potential for
                        water equivalent to 9 percent of the city of     cases in which        damage to public
                        Dallas’ annual water use.91 An official at       seismic events
                                                                                             infrastructure as well
                        the Texas Water Development Board es-            were linked to
                                                                                             as private property.”
                        timated that one county in the Eagle Ford        wastewater dis-
                                                    Sh a le reg ion      posal wells (not
                               “Texas adopted a     w il l see t he      necessarily all for fracking wastes) in
                               State Water Plan     share of water       Ohio, Arkansas and Colorado.95 In Ohio,
                               in 2012 that calls   consu mpt ion        which has become a popular location for
                                for $53 billion in  devoted to           the disposal of wastewater from Marcel-
                                                    f rack i ng a nd     lus shale drilling, more than 500 million
                              investments in the
                                                    similar activi-      gallons of fracking wastewater were dis-
                             state water system,
                                                    t ie s i nc rea se   posed of in underground wells in 2011.96
                           including $400 million
                                                    f rom zero a         That same year, the Youngstown, Ohio,
                               to address unmet                          area experienced a series of earthquakes,
                                                    few years ago
                             needs in the mining    to 40 percent        prompting Ohio officials to investigate
                           sector (which includes by 2020.92 Un-         potential links between the earthquakes
                           hydraulic fracturing).” like other uses,      and a nearby injection well. While the
                                                    water used in        study did not determine a conclusive
                        fracking is lost to the water cycle for-         link between the injection well and the
                        ever, as it either remains in the well, is       earthquakes, it did find that “[a] number
                        “recycled” (used in the fracking of new          of coincidental circumstances appear
                        wells), or is disposed of in deep injection      to make a compelling argument for the
                        wells, where it is unavailable to recharge       recent Youngstown-area seismic events
                        aquifers.                                        to have been induced (by the injection
                            Water withdrawals for fracking can           well).” 97
                        harm local waterways (see page 20) and              The earthquakes that have occurred
                        increase costs for agricultural and mu-          thus far have not caused significant dam-
                        nicipal water consumers (see page 31).           age, but they raise concerns about the po-
                        They may also lead to calls for increased        tential for damage to public infrastructure
                        public investment in water infrastructure.       (such as water and sewer lines) as well as
                        Texas, for example, adopted a State Water        private property.
                        Plan in 2012 that calls for $53 billion in
                        investments in the state water system,
                        including $400 million to address unmet          Cleanup of Orphaned Wells
                        needs in the mining sector (which includes       Gas and oil companies face a legal respon-
                        hydraulic fracturing) by 2060.93 Fracking        sibility to plug wells properly when they
                        is projected to account for 42 percent of        cease to be productive and to “reclaim”
                        water use in the Texas mining sector by          well sites by restoring them to something
                        2020.94                                          approaching their original vegetated

26  The Costs of Fracking
condition. The oil and gas industry, how-             not rebound or if the companies cannot
ever, has a long track record of failing to           sell off some assets to raise capital to com-
clean up the messes it has made—leaving               ply with state
the public to pick up the tab.                        environmental          “A 2011 study of a
    Pennsylvania alone has more than                  protections. If Marcellus Shale well by
8,000 orphaned wells drilled over the last            t hat were to         researchers with the
century and a half, and the Pennsylvania              happen , t he University of Pittsburgh
Department of Environmental Protection                state could be         estimated the cost
is unaware of the location or status of an            forced to plug
                                                                             of site reclamation
additional 184,000 wells.98                           a nd remedi-
                                                                          (including reclamation
    Orphaned wells are not a problem of the           ate the idled
                                                                             of retention ponds
past; newer wells can be orphaned by their            wells.
operators, too, and left to taxpayers to clean           A nother           and repairs to public
up. Nearly 12,000 coal-bed methane wells              way in which         roads) at $500,000 to
in Wyoming were idle as of 2011, neither              the public may     $800,000 per well site.”
producing nor plugged.99 Wyoming offi-                face exposure
cials are concerned that several companies            to costs is when a well plug fails, requiring
that operate coal-bed methane wells may               attention years later. Chemical, mechanical
file for bankruptcy if natural gas prices do          or thermal stress can cause the cement to

Volunteer firefighters respond to a fire in a wastewater pit at an Atlas Energy Resources well site in
Washington County, Pa., in March 2010. Fracking places increased demands on emergency responders,
creating new dangers that require additional training, and increasing demands for response to traffic
accidents involving heavy trucks. Credit: Robert Donnan

                                                                                                     The Costs of Fracking  27
crack or loosen and allow contamination                 and repairs to public roads) at $500,000 to
                        from saline aquifers or gas-bearing layers              $800,000 per well site.104
                        to reach freshwater aquifers. The risk of                  While estimates of the costs of plug-
                        plug failure increases over time.100 In some            ging and remediation of fracked wells vary,
                        states, such as Pennsylvania, plugging and              those costs almost always exceed a state’s
                        reclamation bonds are released one year af-             bonding requirements. Pennsylvania’s re-
                        ter a well is plugged, leaving the state with           cently revised bonding requirements, for
                        no way to hold drillers accountable for the             example, require drillers to post maximum
                        cost of plugging wells that fail later.                 bonds of only $4,000 per well for wells
                           The Pennsylvania Department of Envi-                 less than 6,000 feet in depth and $10,000
                        ronmental Protection estimates that plug-               per well for wells deeper than 6,000 feet,
                        ging a 3,000 foot-deep oil or gas well and              creating the potential for the public to be
                        reclaiming the drill site costs an average              saddled with tens or hundreds of thousands
                        of $60,000.101 However, some well recla-                of dollars in liability for plugging and rec-
                        mation costs have exceeded $100,000.102                 lamation of abandoned wells whose owners
                        And Cabot Oil  Gas Corporation claims                  have gone bankrupt or walked away from
                        to have spent $730,000 per well to cap                  their responsibilities.105 The experience of
                        three shale gas wells in Pennsylvania.103               previous resource extraction booms and
                        A 2011 study of a Marcellus Shale well by               busts suggests that the full bill for clean-
                        researchers with the University of Pitts-               ing up orphaned wells may not come due
                        burgh estimated the cost of site reclamation            for decades.
                        (including reclamation of retention ponds

                        In parts of the country, fracking takes place in close proximity to homes, schools and hospitals, creating
                        the potential for conflict. A Texas study has found that some homes near fracking well sites have lost
                        value. Above, a natural gas flare near homes in Hickory, Pa. Credit: Robert Donnan

28  The Costs of Fracking
The Cost of Fracking: Environment Maryland Documents the Dollars Drained by Dirty Drilling
The Cost of Fracking: Environment Maryland Documents the Dollars Drained by Dirty Drilling
The Cost of Fracking: Environment Maryland Documents the Dollars Drained by Dirty Drilling
The Cost of Fracking: Environment Maryland Documents the Dollars Drained by Dirty Drilling
The Cost of Fracking: Environment Maryland Documents the Dollars Drained by Dirty Drilling
The Cost of Fracking: Environment Maryland Documents the Dollars Drained by Dirty Drilling
The Cost of Fracking: Environment Maryland Documents the Dollars Drained by Dirty Drilling
The Cost of Fracking: Environment Maryland Documents the Dollars Drained by Dirty Drilling
The Cost of Fracking: Environment Maryland Documents the Dollars Drained by Dirty Drilling
The Cost of Fracking: Environment Maryland Documents the Dollars Drained by Dirty Drilling
The Cost of Fracking: Environment Maryland Documents the Dollars Drained by Dirty Drilling
The Cost of Fracking: Environment Maryland Documents the Dollars Drained by Dirty Drilling
The Cost of Fracking: Environment Maryland Documents the Dollars Drained by Dirty Drilling
The Cost of Fracking: Environment Maryland Documents the Dollars Drained by Dirty Drilling
The Cost of Fracking: Environment Maryland Documents the Dollars Drained by Dirty Drilling
The Cost of Fracking: Environment Maryland Documents the Dollars Drained by Dirty Drilling

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The Cost of Fracking: Environment Maryland Documents the Dollars Drained by Dirty Drilling

  • 1. The Costs of Fracking The Price Tag of Dirty Drilling’s Environmental Damage
  • 2. The Costs of Fracking The Price Tag of Dirty Drilling’s Environmental Damage Environment Maryland Research & Policy Center Tony Dutzik and Elizabeth Ridlington, Frontier Group John Rumpler, Environment America Research & Policy Center Fall 2012
  • 3. Acknowledgments Environment Maryland Research & Policy Center sincerely thanks Emily Wurth of Food and Water Watch, Martin Levin of Stern Shapiro Weissberg & Garin, and Jonathan Shefftz of JShefftz Consulting for their review of drafts of this document, as well as their insights and suggestions. Thanks also to Erika Staaf of PennEnvironment Research & Policy Center and Luke Metzger of Environment Texas Research & Policy Center for their perspectives and contributions. Environment Maryland Research & Policy Center thanks the Colcom Foundation for making this report possible. The authors bear responsibility for any factual errors. The recommendations are those of Environment Maryland Research & Policy Center. The views expressed in this report are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of our funders or those who provided review. © 2012 Environment Maryland Research & Policy Center Environment Maryland Research & Policy Center is a 501(c)(3) organization. We are dedicated to protecting our air, water and open spaces. We investigate problems, craft solutions, educate the public and decision-makers, and help the public make their voices heard in local, state and national debates over the quality of our environment and our lives. For more information about Environment Maryland Research & Policy Center or for ad- ditional copies of this report, please visit Frontier Group conducts independent research and policy analysis to support a cleaner, healthier and more democratic society. Our mission is to inject accurate information and compelling ideas into public policy debates at the local, state and federal levels. For more information about Frontier Group, please visit Layout: Harriet Eckstein Design Photo Credits: Main cover photo: Robert Donnan; Photos used on inset of cover, as icons and in infographics: Boy drinking water, Ken Bosma, flickr, Creative Commons; Construction Roadwork, Doug Tone, flickr, Creative Com- mons; Doctor and Patient, AntoAB, cc, flickr, Creative Commons; House for Sale, David Smith, flickr, Creative Commons; Fracking from Above, Allegheny Defense Project. Note that these photos are intended to illustrate the relevant concepts, not to provide editorial content or to represent any specific activity described in the report.
  • 4. Table of Contents Executive Summary 1 Introduction 5 Fracking: The Process and its Impacts 7 Defining “Fracking” 7 The Fracking Process 8 Fracking and the New Gas/Oil Rush 10 The Costs of Fracking 12 Drinking Water Contamination 12 Health Problems 15 Damage to Natural Resources 19 Impacts on Public Infrastructure and Services 24 Broader Economic Impacts 29 Who Pays the Costs of Fracking? 32 Accounting for the True Costs of Fracking: Conclusion and Recommendations 35 Notes 37
  • 5. THE COSTS OF FRACKING The Price Tag of Dirty Drilling’s Environmental Damage DAMAGE TO NATURAL RESOURCES $$ Threats to rivers and streams $$ Habitat loss and fragmentation $$ Contribution to global warming DRINKING WATER CONTAMINATION $$ Groundwater cleanup $$ Water replacement $$ Water treatment costs BROADER ECONOMIC IMPACTS $$ Value of residents’ homes at risk $$ Farms in jeopardy HEALTH PROBLEMS $$ Nearby residents getting sick $$ Worker injury, illness and death $$ Air pollution far from the wellhead PUBLIC INFRASTRUCTURE AND SERVICES $$ Road damage $$ Increased demand for water $$ Cleanup of orphaned wells $$ Emergency response needs $$ Social dislocation and social service costs $$ Earthquakes from wastewater injection Infographic design: Jenna Leschuk
  • 6. Executive Summary O ver the past decade, the oil and gas can expect is for the oil and gas industry industry has fused two technolo- to be held accountable for the damage it gies—hydraulic fracturing and hori- causes. Such accountability must include zontal drilling—to unlock new supplies up-front financial assurances sufficient to of fossil fuels in underground rock forma- ensure that the harms caused by fracking tions across the United States. “Fracking” are fully redressed. has spread rapidly, leaving a trail of con- taminated water, polluted air, and marred Fracking damages the environment, landscapes in its wake. In fact, a growing threatens public health, and affects body of data indicates that fracking is an communities in ways that can impose environmental and public health disaster a multitude of costs: in the making. However, the true toll of fracking does Drinking water contamination – not end there. Fracking’s negative impacts Fracking brings with it the potential for on our environment and health come with spills, blowouts and well failures that con- heavy “dollars and cents” costs as well. In taminate groundwater supplies. this report, we document those costs—rang- ing from cleaning up contaminated water to • Cleanup of drinking water contami- repairing ruined roads and beyond. Many nation is so expensive that it is rarely of these costs are likely to be borne by the even attempted. In Dimock, Penn- public, rather than the oil and gas industry. sylvania, Cabot Oil & Gas reported As with the damage done by previous ex- having spent $109,000 on systems to tractive booms, the public may experience remove methane from well water for these costs for decades to come. 14 local households, while in Colo- The case against fracking is compelling rado, cleanup of an underground gas based on its damage to the environment seep has been ongoing for eight years and our health alone. To the extent that at a likely cost of hundreds of thou- fracking does take place, the least the public sands of dollars, if not more. Executive Summary 
  • 7. • The provision of temporary replace- Natural resources impacts – Fracking ment water supplies is also expensive. converts rural and natural areas into indus- Cabot Oil Gas reported having trial zones, replacing forest and farm land spent at least $193,000 on replacement with well pads, roads, pipelines and other water for homes with contaminated infrastructure, and damaging precious water in Dimock, Pennsylvania. natural resources. • Fracking can also pollute drinking • The clearance of forest land in Penn- water sources for major municipal sylvania for fracking could lead to in- systems, increasing water treatment creased delivery of nutrient pollution costs. If fracking were to degrade the to the Chesapeake Bay, which already New York City watershed with sedi- suffers from a vast nutrient-generated ment or other pollution, construction dead zone. The cost of reducing the of a filtration plant would cost same amount of pollution as could be approximately $6 billion. generated by fracking would be ap- proximately $1.5 million to $4 million Health problems – Toxic substances in per year. fracking fluid and wastewater—as well as air pollution from trucks, equipment and • Gas operations in Wyoming have the wells themselves—have been linked to fragmented key habitat for mule deer a variety of negative health effects. and pronghorn, which are important draws for the state’s $340 million • The National Institute of Occupation- hunting and wildlife watching indus- al Safety and Health recently warned tries. The mule deer population in one that workers may be at elevated risk of area undergoing extensive gas extrac- contracting the lung disease silicosis tion dropped by 56 percent between from inhalation of silica dust at frack- 2001 and 2010. ing sites. Silicosis is one of a family of dust-induced occupational ailments • Fracking also produces methane that imposed $50 million medical care pollution that contributes to global costs in the United States in 2007. warming. Emissions of methane during well completion from each • Residents living near fracking sites uncontrolled fracking well impose have long suffered from a range of approximately $130,000 in social costs health problems, including headaches, related to global warming. eye irritation, respiratory problems and nausea—potentially imposing Impacts on public infrastructure and economic costs ranging from health services – Fracking strains infrastructure care costs to workplace absenteeism and public services and imposes cleanup and reduced productivity. costs that can fall on taxpayers. • Fracking and associated activities also • The truck traffic needed to deliver produce pollution that contributes water to a single fracking well causes to the formation of ozone smog and as much damage to local roads as particulate soot. Air pollution from gas nearly 3.5 million car trips. The drilling in Arkansas’ Fayetteville Shale state of Texas has approved $40 region imposed estimated public health million in funding for road repairs costs of more than $10 million in 2008. in the Barnett Shale region, while   The Costs of Fracking
  • 8. Pennsylvania estimated in 2010 Broader economic impacts – Frack- that $265 million would be needed ing can undercut the long-term economic to repair damaged roads in the prospects of areas where it takes place. A Marcellus Shale region. 2008 study found that Western counties that have relied on fossil fuel extraction • The need for vast amounts of water are doing worse economically compared for fracking is helping to drive with peer communities and are less well- demand for new water infrastructure prepared for growth in the future. in arid regions of the country. Texas’ official State Water Plan calls for • Fracking can affect the value of the expenditure of $400 million on nearby homes. A 2010 study in Texas projects to support the mining sector concluded that houses valued at more over the next 50 years, with fracking than $250,000 and within 1,000 feet projected to account for 42 percent of of a well site saw their values decrease mining water use by 2020. by 3 to 14 percent. • The oil and gas industry has left • Fracking has several negative im- thousands of orphaned wells from pacts on farms, including the loss of previous fossil fuel booms. Taxpayers livestock due to exposure to spills of may wind up on the hook for the fracking wastewater, increased dif- considerable expense of plugging and ficulty in obtaining water supplies for reclaiming orphaned wells—Cabot farming, and potential conflicts with Oil Gas claims to have spent organic agriculture. In Pennsylvania, $730,000 per well to cap three shale the five counties with the heaviest gas wells in Pennsylvania. Marcellus Shale drilling activity saw an 18.5 percent reduction in milk • Fracking brings with it increased production between 2007 and 2010. demands for public services. A 2011 survey of eight Pennsylvania counties As with previous fossil fuel booms found that 911 calls had increased in that left long-term impacts on the envi- seven of them, with the number of ronment, there is every reason to believe calls increasing in one county by 49 that the public will be stuck with the bill percent over three years. for many of the impacts of fracking. Defining “Fracking” I n this report, when we refer to the impacts of “fracking,” we include impacts resulting from all of the activities needed to bring a well into production using hydraulic fracturing, to operate that well, and to deliver the gas or oil produced from that well to market. The oil and gas industry often uses a more restrictive definition of “fracking” that includes only the actual moment in the extraction process when rock is fractured—a definition that obscures the broad changes to environmental, health and community conditions that result from the use of frack- ing in oil and gas extraction. Executive Summary 
  • 9. • Existing legal rules are inadequate of certainty required in legal to protect the public from the costs proceedings. imposed by fracking. Current bonding requirements fail to assure that The environmental, health and com- sufficient funds will be available for munity impacts of fracking are severe the proper closure and reclamation and unacceptable. Yet the dirty drilling of well sites, and do nothing at all practice continues at thousands of sites to ensure that money is available to across the nation. Wherever fracking fix other environmental problems or does occur, local, state and federal govern- compensate victims. Further, weak ments should at least: bonding requirements fail to provide an adequate incentive for drillers to • Comprehensively restrict and take steps to prevent pollution before regulate fracking to reduce its it occurs. environmental, health and community impacts as much as possible. • Current law also does little to protect against impacts that emerge over • Ensure up-front financial a long period of time, have diffuse accountability by requiring oil and impacts over a wide area, or affect gas companies to post dramatically health in ways that are difficult higher bonds that reflect the true costs to prove with the high standard of fracking.   The Costs of Fracking
  • 10. Introduction I n Appalachia, more than 7,500 miles those who profited from the boom have of streams are polluted with acid mine left the scene. drainage—the legacy of coal mining. Today, America is in the midst of a new Many of those streams still run orange- resource extraction boom, one driven by a colored and lifeless decades after mining process colloquially known as “fracking.” ended. The ultimate cost of cleaning up In just over a decade, fracking has spread acid mine drainage in Pennsylvania alone across the country, unlocking vast supplies has been estimated at $5 billion.1 of previously inaccessible oil and gas from Texas has more than 7,800 orphaned underground rock formations. oil and gas wells—wells that were never The costs of fracking—in environmen- properly closed and whose owners, in many tal degradation, in illness, and in impacts cases, no longer exist as functioning busi- on infrastructure and communities—are ness entities.2 These wells pose a continual only just now beginning to be understood threat of groundwater pollution and have and tallied. It is also now becoming clear cost the state of Texas more than $247 that the nation’s current system of safe- million to plug.3 guards is incapable of protecting the public In the western United States, uranium from having to shoulder those sizable costs mining and milling have contaminated in the years and decades to come. both water and land. The cost to taxpayers The burdens imposed by fracking are of cleaning up the uranium mills has been significant, and the dangers posed to the estimated at $2.3 billion, while the cost environment and public health are great. of cleaning up abandoned mines has been If fracking is to continue, the least the estimated at $14 million per mine.4 American people should expect is for our Over and over again, throughout Ameri- laws to ensure that those who reap the can history, short-term resource extraction benefits also bear its full costs. booms have left a dirty long-term legacy, The landscapes of Appalachia, Texas and imposing continuing costs on people and the American West are living testaments the environment years or decades after to the need to hold industries accountable Introduction 
  • 11. for cleaning up the damage they cause. As this history does not repeat itself in the fracking unleashes yet another extractive 21st century. boom, the time has come to ensure that   The Costs of Fracking
  • 12. Fracking: The Process and its Impacts O ver the past decade, the oil and gas process with fewer impacts than the tech- industry has married two technolo- nology being used in oil and gas fields gies—horizontal drilling and hy- today—to create a false narrative about the draulic fracturing—to create a potent new safety of fracking. It is only according to combination that is being used to tap fossil this carefully constructed definition that fuels locked in previously difficult-to-reach ExxonMobil CEO Rex Tillerson could rock formations across the United States. say, as he did in a Congressional hearing in This technology, known as high-volume 2011, that “[t]here have been over a million horizontal hydraulic fracturing—or, collo- wells hydraulically fractured in the history quially, “fracking”—has broad implications of the industry, and there is not one, not for the environment and public health. one, reported case of a freshwater aquifer having ever been contaminated from hy- draulic fracturing.”5 Just as only a small portion of an ice- berg is visible above the water, only a Defining “Fracking” small portion of the impacts of fracking are the direct result of fracturing rock. Public debates about fracking often de- Each step in the process of extracting oil scend into confusion and contradiction due or gas from a fracked well has impacts on to a lack of clarity about terms. To the oil the environment, public health and com- and gas industry, which seeks to minimize munities. Thus, any reasonable assessment the perceived impacts, “fracking” refers of fracking must include the full cycle of only to the actual moment in the extraction extraction operations before and after the process where rock is fractured by pumping moment where rock is cracked open with fluid at high pressure down the well bore. fluid under high pressure. Limiting the definition of fracking in this In this report, when we refer to the way also allows the oil and gas industry to impacts of “fracking,” we include impacts include its long history of using hydraulic resulting from all of the activities needed fracturing in traditional, vertical wells—a to bring a well into production using hy- Fracking: The Process and its Impacts 
  • 13. Fracking imposes a range of environmental, health and community impacts. Above, a fracking well site is built in a forested area of Wetzel County, W.Va. Credit: Robert Donnan draulic fracturing, to operate that well, and volume hydraulic fracturing used tens of to deliver the gas or oil extracted from that thousands of gallons of water per well, well to market. today’s high-volume hydraulic fractur- ing operations use millions of gallons of water, along with a different combination of sand and chemical additives, to extract gas or oil. The Fracking Process A vast amount of activity—much of it Fracking is used to unlock gas or oil with impacts on the environment and near- trapped in underground rock formations, by communities—is necessary to bring a allowing it to flow to the surface, where it fracking well into production and to deliver can be captured and delivered to market. the gas extracted from that well to market. Fracking combines hydraulic fracturing, Among those steps are the following: which uses a high-pressure mixture of wa- ter, sand and chemicals to break up under- Well Site Preparation and Road ground rock formations, with horizontal Construction drilling, which enables drillers to fracture Before drilling can begin, several acres of large amounts of rock from a single well. land must be cleared of vegetation and lev- The combination of hydraulic fractur- eled to accommodate drilling equipment, ing with horizontal drilling has magnified gas collection and processing equipment, the environmental impacts of oil and gas and vehicles. Additional land must be extraction. Whereas traditional, low- cleared for roads to the well site, as well   The Costs of Fracking
  • 14. as for any pipelines needed to deliver gas Drilling and Hydraulic Fracturing to market. Once the necessary machinery and ma- terials are assembled at the drilling site, Materials Assembly drilling can begin. The well is drilled to Hydraulic fracturing requires massive the depth of the formation that is being amounts of water, sand and chemicals—all targeted. In horizontally drilled wells, the of which must be obtained and delivered well bore is turned roughly 90 degrees to the well site. Water for fracking comes to extend along the length of the forma- either from surface waterways, groundwa- tion. Steel “casing” pipes are inserted to ter or recycled wastewater from previous stabilize and contain the well, and the fracking activities, with millions of gal- casing is cemented into place. A mix of lons of water required for each well. The water, sand and chemicals is then injected special grade of sand used in fracking must at high pressure—the pressure causes the be extracted from the ground—often from rock formation to crack, with the sand silica mines in the upper Midwest—and propping open the gaps in the rock. Some transported to the well site. Water, sand of the injected water then flows back out and other materials must be carried to of the well when the pressure is released well sites in trucks, tearing up local roads, (“flowback” water), followed by gas and creating congestion, and producing local water from the formation (“produced level air pollution. water”). Equipment is put in place in preparation for hydraulic fracturing at a well site in Troy, Pa. In hydraulic fracturing, a combination of water, sand and chemicals is injected at high pressure to fracture oil or gas-bearing rock formations deep underground. Credit: New York Department of Environmental Conservation Fracking: The Process and its Impacts 
  • 15. Figure 1. Shale Gas and Oil Plays6 Gas Processing and Delivery wells must be properly plugged and the As natural gas flows from the fracked land around them restored to something well, it must be collected, purified and approaching its original vegetated condi- compressed for injection into pipelines and tion. This involves plugging the well with delivery to market. cement, removing all unnecessary struc- tures from the well pad, and replanting Wastewater Management and the area. Disposal Flowback and produced water must be collected and disposed of safely. Waste- water from fracking wells is often stored onsite temporarily in retention ponds or tanks. From there, the fluid may be Fracking and the New disposed of in an underground injection Gas/Oil Rush well or an industrial wastewater treatment From its beginnings in the Barnett Shale plant, or it may be treated and re-used in region of Texas at the turn of the 21st centu- another fracking job. ry, the use of fracking has spread across the United States with breathtaking speed. A Plugging and Reclamation decade later, the combination of high-vol- To prevent future damage to the envi- ume hydraulic fracturing with horizontal ronment and drinking water supplies, drilling has been used in thousands of oil 10  The Costs of Fracking
  • 16. and gas wells across the country—despite Center found that 104 day care centers persistent questions about the impact of and 14 schools in Pennsylvania were the technology and supporting activities located within a mile of a shale gas on the environment, public health and well; that figure is certainly higher communities. today.9 Roughy half of U.S. states, stretching from New York to California, sit atop shale • In Colorado, fracking has taken off or other rock formations with the potential in the oil-producing Niobrara Shale to produce oil or gas using fracking. As formation. Weld County, Colorado, fracking has made oil and gas extraction located just north of Denver and just viable in more of these formations, it is east of Fort Collins, has seen the per- bringing drilling closer to greater num- mitting of more than 1,300 horizontal bers of people as well as precious natural wells since the beginning of 2010.10 resources. Oil and gas companies are aggressively • Between 2003 and 2010, more than seeking to expand fracking to places where 11,000 wells were drilled in the Fort more people live (including the city of Worth basin of Texas’ Barnett Shale Dallas) and to treasured natural areas (in- formation.7 The Barnett Shale under- cluding the Delaware River Basin, which lies one of the most populous regions provides drinking water for 15 million of the state—the Dallas-Fort Worth people). Wherever this new gas rush is Metroplex—and drilling has taken allowed, it will impose significant impacts place in urban and suburban neigh- on the environment, public health and borhoods of the region. communities. To add insult to injury, these impacts also come with heavy price tags • In Pennsylvania’s Marcellus Shale, that will all too often be borne by individ- more than 6,300 shale gas wells have ual residents and their communities. The been drilled since 2000; permits following section of this report provides a have been issued that would allow breakdown of fracking impacts along with for more than 2,400 additional wells examples of the real-life costs already being to be drilled.8 A 2011 analysis by imposed on America’s environment and PennEnvironment Research Policy our communities. Fracking: The Process and its Impacts  11
  • 17. The Costs of Fracking A great deal of public attention has Less dramatic, but just as important, been focused on the immediate are the long-term implications of frack- impacts of fracking on the environ- ing—including the economic burdens ment, public health and communities. imposed on individuals and communities. Images of flaming water from faucets, In this paper, we outline the many eco- stories of sickened families, and incidents nomic costs imposed by fracking and show of blowouts, spills and other mishaps have that, absent greatly enhanced mechanisms dramatically illustrated the threats posed of financial assurance, individuals, commu- by fracking. nities and states will be left to bear many of those costs. Drinking Water Contamination Fracking can pollute both groundwater and surface waterways such as rivers, lakes and streams. In rural areas, where the bulk of fracking takes place, residents may rely on groundwater for household Residents of Dimock, Pennsylvania, are among and agricultural use. Alternative sources those who have reported drinking water contami- of water—such as municipal water sup- nation in the wake of nearby fracking activity. plies—may be unavailable or prohibitively Here, discolored water from local wells illustrates expensive. the change in water quality following fracking. Fracking has polluted drinking water Photo: Hudson Riverkeeper sources in a variety of ways. 12  The Costs of Fracking
  • 18. it can take years, decades or even centuries • Spills and well blowouts have released for groundwater sources to clean them- fracking chemicals and flowback or selves naturally.16 As a result, the oil and produced water to groundwater and gas industry must be held responsible for surface water. In Colorado and New restoring groundwater supplies to their Mexico, an estimated 1.2 to 1.8 per- natural condition. cent of all gas drilling projects result Methane contamination of well water in groundwater contamination.11 poses a risk of explosion and is often ad- dressed by removing it from water at the • Waste pits containing flowback and point of use. In Dimock, Pennsylvania, produced water have frequently failed. Cabot Oil Gas reported having spent In New Mexico, substances from $109,000 on meth- oil and gas pits have contaminated ane removal sys- “In Dimock, groundwater at least 421 times.12 tems for 14 local Pennsylvania, households in the Cabot Oil Gas • Faulty well construction has caused wake of drilling- reported having methane and other substances to find related methane spent $109,000 on their way into groundwater.13 contamination of methane removal local groundwater Recent studies have suggested that supplies. In addi- systems for fracking may also pose a longer-term threat tion, the company 14 households.” of groundwater contamination. One study spent $10,000 on used computer modeling to conclude that new or extended vent stacks to prevent natural faults and fractures in the Mar- the build-up of methane gas in residents’ cellus Shale region could accelerate the homes.17 Such measures do not remove movement of fracking chemicals—possibly methane from groundwater supplies, but bringing these contaminants into contact merely eliminate the immediate threat to with groundwater in a matter of years.14 In residents’ homes. addition, a recent study by researchers at Removing other toxic contaminants Duke University found evidence for the ex- from groundwater is so costly that it it istence of underground pathways between rarely attempted, with costs of hundreds the deep underground formations tapped of thousands of dollars or more. by Marcellus Shale fracking and ground- In 2004, improper cementing of a frack- water supplies closer to the surface.15 The ing well in Garfield County, Colorado, potential for longer-term groundwater caused natural gas to vent for 55 days into contamination from fracking is particu- a fault terminating in a surface waterway, larly concerning, as it raises the possibility West Divide Creek.18 In response to the that contamination will become apparent leak, the company responsible for drill- only long after the drillers responsible have ing the well, Encana, engaged in regular left the scene. testing of nearby wells and installed equip- A mong the costs that result from ment that injects air into the groundwater, drinking water contamination are the fol- enabling chemical contaminants in the lowing: water to become volatile and be removed from the water, using a process known as air sparging. These activities began in 2004 Groundwater Cleanup and were still ongoing as of mid-2012.19 Groundwater is a precious and often lim- The cost of groundwater remediation ited natural resource. Once contaminated, in the Garfield County case is unknown, The Costs of Fracking  13
  • 19. but likely runs into the hundreds of delivery” to homes within a two-mile area thousands of dollars, if not more. A 2004 of the West Divide Creek gas seep, at an Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimated cost of $350,000.24 These deliv- document, referring to the work of a fed- eries continued into 2006. In Pennsylvania, eral roundtable on environmental cleanup Cabot Oil Gas provided at least $193,000 technologies, estimated the cost of air worth of water to homes affected by con- sparging at $150,000 to $350,000 per acre.20 tamination there.25 A permanent solution Adjusting for inflation, and assuming that to water issues in Dimock—the extension the extent of the seep was correctly esti- of municipal water to the neighborhood— mated by Encana at 1.3 acres, one could was estimated to cost $11.8 million.26 estimate the cost of the sparging operation in 2012 dollars at $248,000 to $579,000.21 In addition, as of May 2012, Encana and Water Treatment Costs Due to its contractors had collected more than Surface Water Contamination 1,300 water samples since the seep began.22 Fracking and related activities may reduce Again, the cost of this sampling and testing the quality of rivers and streams to the point is unknown, but could be conservatively where municipali- estimated to be in the tens of thousands of ties must invest in “Should gas dollars. Cabot Oil Gas, for example, in- additional water drilling require curred $700,000 in water testing expenses treatment in or- drinking water to in the wake of concerns about groundwater der to make water undergo additional contamination from a fracking well in Di- safe to drink. treatment, New York mock, Pennsylvania.23 The most sig- The Colorado example shows that would be required nificant impacts the process of cleaning up contaminated of fracking on riv- to build one of the groundwater can take years to complete, ers and streams world’s largest underscoring the need for protections used for drinking filtration plants at to ensure that drillers have the financial water come not an estimated cost of wherewithal to fulfill their obligations to from individual $6 billion.” clean up pollution. spills, blowouts or other accidents, but rather from the effects of fracking many wells in a given area at the Water Replacement same time. Widespread fracking can dam- As noted above, the process of cleaning up age waterways through water withdrawals contaminated groundwater can take years. from river basins, the dumping of fracking In the meantime, wastewater into rivers, or increased sedi- “Cabot Oil residents must be mentation resulting from land clearance Gas provided at provided with clean, for well pads, pipelines and other natural least $193,000 temporary sources gas infrastructure. worth of water to of drinking water. Damage from widespread fracking may homes affected by T he C olor ado require water utilities to invest in expensive contamination.” and Pennsylvania additional treatment. New York City’s wa- exa mples above ter supply, for example, comes from upstate demonst rate t he New York watersheds that are sufficiently high cost of supplying replacement water pristine that water filtration is not required. to households dependent on contami- Should gas drilling—or any other pollut- nated wells. In Colorado, Encana offered ing activity—require additional treatment, “complete water systems and potable water New York would be required to build one 14  The Costs of Fracking
  • 20. The disposal of fracking wastewater in open pits contributes to air pollution, while leakage from improperly lined pits has contaminated groundwater and surface water. Chemicals present in fracking wastewater have been linked to serious health problems, including cancer. Credit: Mark Schmerling of the world’s largest water filtration plants. have been linked to a variety of negative New York has already had to take this step health effects. Chemical components of for one major source of drinking water, fracking fluids, for example, have been spending $3 billion to build a filtration linked to cancer, endocrine disruption, plant for the part of the watershed east of and neurological and immune system the Hudson River.27 The cost of doing the problems.29 same for areas west of the Hudson, which The legal system often offers little re- sit atop the Marcellus Shale formation, lief for those whose health is impacted by was estimated in 2000 to be as much as chemically tainted air or water. In order $6 billion.28 to prevail in court, an individual affected by exposure to toxic chemicals must prove that he or she has been exposed to a spe- cific toxic chemical linked to the health effects that they are experiencing and that Health Problems the exposure was caused by the defendant Fracking produces pollu- (as opposed to the many other sources tion that affects the health of possible exposure to toxic chemicals of workers, nearby residents that most people experience every day).30 and even people living far Meeting that high legal standard of proof is away. Toxic substances in fracking chemi- costly—usually requiring extensive medi- cals and produced water, as well as pollu- cal and environmental testing and expert tion from trucks and compressor stations, testimony—and difficult, given corporate The Costs of Fracking  15
  • 21. attorneys’ track record of exploiting gaps Residents living near fracking sites in scientific knowledge to cast doubt on have long suffered from a range of health claims of harm from toxic chemical ex- problems, including headaches, eye irrita- posures. As a result, many citizens whose tion, respiratory problems and nausea.34 health has been affected by fracking may be In western Pennsylvania, for example, discouraged from taking their complaints residents living near one fracking well site to court. have complained of rashes, blisters and Individuals and taxpayers, therefore— other health effects that they attribute to a rather than polluters—may bear much of wastewater impoundment.35 An investiga- the financial burden for health costs result- tion by the investigative journalism website ing from fracking. ProPublica uncovered numerous similar reports of illness in western states.36 A recent study by researchers at the Nearby Residents Getting Sick Colorado School of Public Health found Emissions from fracking wellsites contain that residents living within a half-mile of numerous substances that make people natural gas wells in one area of Colorado sick. were exposed to air pollutants that in- In Texas, monitoring by the Texas creased their risk of illness.37 The report Department of Environmental Quality de- noted that “health effects, such as head- tected levels of benzene—a known cancer- aches and throat and eye irritation re- causing chemical—in the air that were high ported by residents during well completion enough to cause immediate human health activities occurring in Garfield County, concern at two sites in the Barnett Shale are consistent with known health effects region, and at levels that pose long-term of many of the hydrocarbons evaluated in health concern at an additional 19 sites. this analysis.”38 Several chem- These health impacts are unacceptable “Residents living near icals were also regardless of the economic cost. But they fracking sites have long found at levels also have significant economic impacts, suffered from a range that can cause including: of health problems, foul odors. 31 including headaches, Less ex ten- • Health care costs, including inpatient, sive test i ng outpatient and prescription drug costs; eye irritation, conducted respiratory problems by the Penn- • Workplace absenteeism; and nausea—imposing sylvania De- economic costs ranging partment of • “Presenteeism,” or reduced productiv- from health care Environmen- ity at work.39 costs to workplace t a l P r ot e c - absenteeism and tion detected Major health problems such as cancer reduced productivity.” components are obviously costly. The average case of of natural gas, cancer in the United States in 2003 im- particularly methane, in the air near posed costs in treatment and lost produc- Marcellus Shale drilling operations.32 Air tivity of approximately $30,000.40 monitoring in Arkansas has also found The economic impacts of less severe elevated levels of volatile organic com- problems such as headaches and respiratory pounds (VOCs)—some of which are also symptoms can also add up quickly. Each hazardous air pollutants—at the perimeter day of reduced activity costs the economy of hydraulic fracturing sites.33 roughly $50 while a missed day of work 16  The Costs of Fracking
  • 22. costs approximately $105.41 The economic is specific to fracking: inhalation of silica value to individuals of avoiding one ex- sand. posure to hydrocarbon odors per week is Silica sand is used to prop open the approximately $26 to $36 per household.42 cracks formed in underground rock forma- As fracking continues to spread, particu- larly in areas close to population centers, “The National Institute of Occupational the number of residents affected by these Safety and Health recently warned that health problems—already substantial—is workers at fracking sites may be at risk of likely to increase. contracting the lung disease silicosis from inhalation of silica dust. Silicosis is one of a family of dust-induced occupational Worker Injury, Illness, and Death ailments that imposed $50 million in Fracking is dangerous business for workers. medical care costs in 2007.” Nationally, oil and gas workers are seven times more likely to die on the job than other workers, with traffic accidents, death tions during fracking. As silica is moved from falling objects, and explosions the from trucks to the well site, silica dust can leading causes of death. Between 2003 and become airborne. Without adequate pro- 2008, 648 oil and gas workers nationwide tection, workers who breathe in silica dust died from on-the-job injuries.43 Workers at can develop an elevated risk of contracting fracking well sites are vulnerable to many silicosis, which causes swelling in the lungs, of these same dangers, as well as one that leading to the development of chronic Fracking can be a dangerous business for workers. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health recently found dangerous levels of airborne silica at fracking sites in several states, while workers also risk injury from traffic accidents, falling objects, explosions and other hazards. Workers, their families and the public often bear much of the costs of workplace illness and injury. Credit: Mark Schmerling The Costs of Fracking  17
  • 23. cough and breathing difficulty.44 Silica and those with respiratory disease. exposure can also cause lung cancer.45 Fracking produces a variety of pol- A recent investigation by the National lutants that contribute to regional air Institute for Occupational Safety and pollution problems. VOCs in natural gas Health (NIOSH) found that workers at formations contribute to the formation some fracking sites may be at risk of lung of ozone “smog,” which reduces lung disease as a result of inhaling silica dust. function among healthy people, trig- The NIOSH investigation reviewed 116 gers asthma attacks, and has been linked air samples at 11 fracking sites in Arkansas, to increases in Colorado, North Dakota, Pennsylvania school absences, “Air pollution from and Texas. Nearly half (47 percent) of the hospit a l v isit s drilling in Arkansas’ samples had levels of silica that exceeded and premature Fayetteville Shale in the Occupational Safet y and Health deat h. 4 9 S ome 2008 likely imposed Administration’s (OSHA) legal limit for VOCs are also public health costs workplace exposure, while 78 percent considered “haz- greater than exceeded OSHA’s recommended limits. ardous air pol- $10 million in 2008.” Nearly one out of 10 (9%) of the samples lutants,” which exceeded the legal limit for silica by a fac- have been linked tor of 10, exceeding the threshold at which to cancer and other serious health effects. half-face respirators can effectively protect Emissions from trucks carrying water workers.46 and materials to well sites, as well as from Silicosis is one of a family of dust-in- compressor stations and other fossil fuel- duced occupational ailments (including fired machinery, also contribute to the asbestosis and black lung disease) that have formation of smog and soot that threatens long threatened the health of industrial public health. workers. A recent study estimated that this Fracking is a significant source of category of occupational disease imposed air pollution in areas experiencing large costs in medical care alone of $50 million amounts of drilling. A 2009 study in five in 2007.47 Dallas-Fort Worth-area counties experi- Workers, their families and taxpayers encing heavy Barnett Shale drilling activity are often forced to pick up much of the cost found that oil and gas production was a of workplace illnesses and injuries. A 2012 larger source of smog-forming emissions study by researchers at the University of than cars and trucks.50 Completion of a sin- California, Davis, estimated that workers gle uncontrolled natural gas well produces compensation insurance covers only about approximately 22.7 tons of volatile organic 20 percent of the total costs of workplace compounds (VOC) per well—equivalent to illness and injury, with government pro- the annual VOC emissions of about 7,000 grams such as Medicaid and Medicare, as cars—as well as 1.7 tons of hazardous air well as workers and their families, bearing pollutants and approximately 156 tons much of the burden in health care costs and of methane, which contributes to global lost productivity.48 warming.51 Well operations, storage of natural gas liquids, and other activities related to Air Pollution Far from the fracking add to the pollution toll, playing Wellhead a significant part in regional air pollution Air pollution from fracking also threatens problems. In Arkansas, for example, gas the health of people living far from the production in the Fayetteville Shale re- wellhead—especially children, the elderly gion was estimated to be responsible for 18  The Costs of Fracking
  • 24. 2.6 percent of the state’s total emissions of nitrogen oxides (NOx).52 An analysis Damage to conducted for New York State’s revised Natural Resources draft environmental impact statement Fracking threatens valu- on Marcellus Shale drilling posited that, able natural resources all in a worst case scenario of widespread across the country. Fracking converts rural drilling and lax emission controls, shale and natural areas into industrialized zones, gas production could add 3.7 percent to with forests and agricultural land replaced state NOx emissions and 1.3 percent to by well pads, roads, pipelines and natural statewide VOC emissions compared with gas infrastructure. The effects of this 2002 emissions levels.53 development are more than just aesthetic, The public health costs of pollution as economists have increasingly come to from fracking are significant. The fi- recognize the value of the services that nancial impact of ozone smog on public natural systems provide to people and the health has been estimated at $1,648 per economy. ton of NOx and VOCs.54 Applying those costs to emissions in five counties of the Dallas-Fort Worth region with signifi- Threats to Our Rivers cant Barnett Shale drilling, the average and Streams public health cost of those emissions Damage to aquatic ecosystems has a direct, would be more than $270,000 per day negative impact on the economy. The loss during the summer ozone season.55 In of a recreational or commercial fishery Arkansas, the nearly 6,000 tons of NOx due to spills, excessive withdrawals of and VOCs emitted in 2008 would impose water, or changes in water quality caused an annual public health cost of roughly by the cumulative effects of fracking in an $9.8 million.56 area can have devastating impacts on local Various aspects of fracking also create businesses. particulate—or soot—pollution. A 2004 EPA regulatory impact analysis for new standards for stationary internal combus- “The clearance of forest land in tion engines often used on natural gas Pennsylvania for fracking could lead pipelines and in oil and gas production, to increased delivery of nutrient for example, estimated the benefit of pollution to the Chesapeake Bay, reducing one ton of particulates under which suffers from a nutrient- 10 microns in diameter (PM10) at $8,028 generated dead zone. The cost of per ton.57 Using this figure, the economic reducing an amount of pollution benefit of eliminating PM10 emissions equivalent to that produced by from Arkansas’ Fayetteville Shale would fracking would be approximately $1.5 be roughly $5.4 million per year. million to $4 million per year.” Air pollution from drilling in Arkan- sas’ Fayetteville Shale in 2008, therefore, likely imposed public health costs greater In Pennsylvania, for example, fishing than $10 million in 2008, with additional, had an estimated economic impact of $1.6 unquantified costs imposed in the form billion in 2001.58 Allocating that impact to of lost agricultural production and lower the roughly 13.4 million fishing trips taken visibility. in Pennsylvania each year (as of the late 1990s) would result in an estimated impact of $119 per trip.59 The Costs of Fracking  19
  • 25. The Monongahela River, shown here at Rices Landing, Pa., has been affected by discharges of fracking wastewater and by water withdrawals for fracking. A 2011 Army Corps of Engineers report concluded that “the quantity of water withdrawn from streams [in the Monongahela watershed] is largely unregulated and is beginning to show negative consequences.” Credit: Jonathan Dawson Spills, blowouts and other accidents Excessive water withdrawals also play related to fracking have caused numer- havoc with the ecology of rivers and ous fish kills in Pennsylvania. In 2009, a streams. In Pennsylvania, water has been pipe containing freshwater and flowback illegally withdrawn for fracking numer- water ruptured in Washington County, ous times, to the extent of streams being Pennsylvania, triggering a fish kill in a sucked dry. Two streams in southwestern tributary of Brush Run, which is part of a Pennsylvania—Sugarcamp Run and Cross high-quality watershed.60 That same year, Creek—were reportedly drained for water in the same county, another pipe rupture withdrawals, triggering fish kills.63 at a well drilled in a public park killed fish Water withdrawals also concentrate and other aquatic life along a three-quar- pollutants, reducing water quality. A 2011 ter-mile length of a local stream.61 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers study of the The clearing of land for well pads, roads Monongahela River basin of Pennsylvania and pipelines can increase sedimentation of and West Virginia concluded that, “The nearby waterways and degrade the ability quantity of water withdrawn from streams of natural landscapes to retain nutrients. A is largely unregulated and is beginning to recent preliminary study by the Academy show negative consequences.”64 The Corps of Natural Sciences of Drexel University report noted that water is increasingly found an association between increased being diverted from the relatively clean density of natural gas drilling activity streams that flow into Corps-maintained and degradation of ecologically important reservoirs, limiting the ability of the Corps headwaters streams.62 to release clean water to help dilute pollu- 20  The Costs of Fracking
  • 26. tion during low-flow periods.65 It described intensive Marcellus Shale fracking activity, the water supply in the Monongahela basin creating the potential for additional pol- as “fully tapped.”66 lution that will make the bay’s pollution On a broader scale, the clearance of reduction goals more difficult to meet. forested land for well pads, roads and A rapid expansion of shale gas drilling pipelines reduces the ability of the land to could contribute an additional 30,000 prevent pollution from running off into to 80,000 pounds per year of nitrogen rivers and streams. Among the waterways and 15,000 to 40,000 pounds per year of most affected by runoff pollution is the phosphorus to the bay, depending on the Chesapeake Bay, where excessive runoff amount of forest lost.68 While this addi- of nutrients such as nitrogen and phospho- tional pollution represents a small fraction rus causes the formation of a “dead zone” of the total pollution currently reaching that spans as much as a third of the bay in the bay, it is pollution that would need to be the summertime.67 The Chesapeake Bay offset by reductions elsewhere in order to watershed overlaps with some of the most ensure that the Chesapeake Bay meets pol- Many waterways in the Marcellus Shale region drain into the Chesapeake Bay. The loss of forests to natural gas development could add to pollution levels in the bay, threatening the success of state and federal efforts to prevent the “dead zone” that affects the bay each summer. Sources: Skytruth, U.S. Energy Information Administration, Chesapeake Bay Program The Costs of Fracking  21
  • 27. of well pads drove away female mule deer in the Pinedale Mesa area of Wyoming, which was opened to fracking in 2000, and that the deer stayed away from areas near well pads over time. The study suggested that natural gas development in the area was shifting mule deer from higher quality to lower quality habitat.75 The mule deer population in the area dropped by 56 per- cent between 2001 and 2010 as fracking in the area continued and accelerated.76 Concerns have also been raised about the impact of natural gas development on pronghorn antelope. A study by the Wild- Pronghorn antelope are among the species that life Conservation Society documented have been affected by intense natural gas develop- an 82 percent reduction in high-quality ment in Wyoming. Credit: Christian Dionne pronghorn habitat in Wyoming’s natural gas fields, which have historically been key lution reduction targets designed to restore wintering grounds.77 the bay to health. 69 Based on an estimate of The Wyoming Game Fish Depart- the cost per pound of nitrogen reductions ment assigns “restitution values” for from a recent analysis of potential nutrient animals illegally killed in the state, with trading options in the Chesapeake Bay pronghorn val- watershed,70 the cost of reducing nitrogen ued at $3,000 per “The decline of pollution elsewhere to compensate for the animal and mule approximately increase from natural gas development deer at $4,000 per 2,910 mule deer would run to approximately $1.5 million animal.78 The de- in the Pinedale to $4 million per year. cline of approxi- Mesa, using this mately 2,910 mule valuation, would deer estimated to represent lost Habitat Loss and Fragmentation have occurred in value of more than Extensive natural gas development requires the Pinedale Mesa the construction of a vast infrastructure between 2001 and $11.6 million.” of roads, well pads and pipelines, often 2010, using this through remote and previously undis- valuation, would represent lost value of turbed wild lands. The disruption and more than $11.6 million, although there fragmentation of natural habitat can put is no way to determine the share of the species at risk. decline attributable to natural gas develop- Hunting and other forms of outdoor ment alone.79 recreation are economic mainstays in sev- The impact of fracking on wildlife- eral states in which fracking is taking place. based recreation is, of course, only one In Wyoming, for example, non-resident of many ways in which harm to species hunters and wildlife watchers pumped $340 translates into lasting economic dam- million into the state’s economy in 2006.73 age. Wildlife provides many important Fracking, however, is degrading the habitat ecosystem goods and services. (See next of several species that are important attrac- page.) Birds, for example, may keep insect tions for hunters and wildlife viewers.74 and rodent populations in check, help to A 2006 study found that the construction distribute seeds, and play other roles in 22  The Costs of Fracking
  • 28. Loss of Ecosystem Services F orests and other natural areas provide important services—they clean our air, purify our water, provide homes to wildlife, and supply scenic beauty and rec- reational opportunities. Many of these services would be costly to replicate—for example, as noted on page 14, the natural filtration provided by the forests of upstate New York has thus far enabled New York City to avoid the $6 billion expense of building a water filtration plant to purify the city’s drinking water. In recent years, economists have worked to quantify the value of the ecosystem services provided by various types of natural land. The annual value of ecosystem services provided by deciduous and evergreen forests, for example, has been esti- mated at $300 per acre per year.71 Researchers with The Nature Conservancy and various Pennsylvania conservation groups have projected that 38,000 to 90,000 acres of Pennsylvania forest could be cleared for Marcellus shale development by 2030. The value of the ecosystem services provided by this area of forest, therefore, ranges from $11.4 million to $27 million per year.72 Widespread land clearance for fracking jeopardizes the ability of the forest to continue to provide these valuable services. Other natural features affected by fracking—including groundwater, rivers and streams, and agricultural land—provide similar natural services. The value of all of those services—and the risk that an ecosystem’s ability to deliver them will be lost—must be considered when tallying the cost of fracking. Oil and gas development fragments valuable natural habitat. Above, the Jonah gas field in Wyoming. Credit: Bruce Gordon The Costs of Fracking  23
  • 29. the maintenance of healthy ecosystems. greater than, and perhaps double, leakage Adding these impacts to the impacts on from conventional natural gas wells.82 hunters, anglers and wildlife-watchers Global warming threatens costly dis- magnifies the potential long-term costs of ruption to the environment, health and fracking from ecosystem damage. infrastructure. Economists have invested significant energy into attempting to quan- tify the “social cost” of emissions of global Contribution to Global Warming warming pollutants—that is, the negative Global warming is the most profound chal- impact on society per ton of emissions. A lenge of our time, threatening the survival 2011 EPA study estimated the social cost of of key species, the health and welfare of methane as lying within a range of $370 to human populations, and the quality of our $2,000 per ton. Each uncontrolled fracking air and water. Fracking produces pollution well produces approximately 156 tons of that contributes methane emissions.83 At a modest discount “Emissions of to the warming rate (3 percent) the social cost was $895 per methane during well of the planet in ton in 2010.84 Emissions of methane during completion from greater quanti- well completion from a single uncontrolled ties than conven- fracking well, therefore, would impose each uncontrolled tional natural gas $139,620 in social costs related to global fracking well impose extraction. warming.85 This figure does not include approximately Fr a c k i n g ’s emissions from other aspects of natural gas $139,000 in social extraction, transmission and distribution, primary impact costs related to on the climate is such as pipeline and compressor station global warming.” through the re- leaks. Leakage from those sources further lease of methane, increases the impact of fracking on the cli- which is a far more potent contributor to mate—imposing impacts that may not be global warming than carbon dioxide. Over fully realized for decades or generations. a 100-year timeframe, a pound of methane has 21 times the heat-trapping effect of a pound of carbon dioxide.80 Methane is even more potent relative to carbon dioxide at shorter timescales. Leaks during the extraction, transmis- Impacts on Public sion and distribution of natural gas release substantial amounts of methane to the Infrastructure atmosphere. Recent air monitoring near a and Services natural gas field in Colorado led researchers Fracking imposes both at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric immediate and long-term burdens on Administration and the University of taxpayers through its heavy use of public Colorado, Boulder, to conclude that about infrastructure and heavy demand for public 4 percent of the extracted gas was lost to services. the atmosphere, not counting the further losses that occur in transportation.81 Research by experts at Cornell Univer- Road Damage sity suggests that fracking is even worse for Fracking requires the transportation of the climate than conventional gas produc- massive amounts of water, sand and fracking tion. Their study finds that methane leak- chemicals to and from well sites, damaging age from fracking wells is at least 30 percent roads. In the northern tier of Pennsylvania, 24  The Costs of Fracking
  • 30. Fracking requires millions of gallons of water and large quantities of sand and chemicals, all of which must be transported to well sites, inflicting damage on local roads. Above, a well site in Washington County, Pa. Credit: Robert Donnan each fracking well requires approximately a regional transportation study. The study 400 truck trips for the transport of water concluded that state and local governments and up to 25 rail cars’ worth of sand.86 The will have to repave many roads every 7 to 8 process of delivering water to a single frack- years instead of every 15 years.88 ing well causes The state of Texas has convened a task “The state of Texas as much damage force to review the impact of drilling ac- has convened a task to local roads as tivity on local roads and has approved $40 force to review the nearly 3.5 mil- million in funding for road repairs in the impact of drilling lion car trips.87 Barnett Shale region.89 A 2010 Pennsylva- activity on local roads Added up nia Department of Transportation docu- and has approved across dozens ment estimated that $265 million would $40 million in funding of well sites in be required for repair of roads affected by a g iven area, Marcellus Shale drilling.90 Pennsylvania for road repairs in these transpor- has negotiated bonding requirements with the Barnett Shale tation demands natural gas companies to cover the cost of region.” are enough to repairs to local roads and some other states lead to a notice- have done the same, but these requirements able increase in traffic—as well as strains may not cover the full impact of frack- on local roads. Between 2007 and 2010, ing on roads, including impacts on major for example, the amount of truck traffic on highways and the costs of traffic delays three major northern Pennsylvania high- and vehicle repairs caused by congested or ways increased by 125 percent, according to temporarily degraded roads. The Costs of Fracking  25
  • 31. Increased Demand for Water Earthquakes The millions of gallons of water required Fracking also has the potential to affect for hydraulic fracturing come from aqui- public infrastructure through induced fers, surface waterways, or water “recycled” earthquakes resulting from underground from previous frack jobs. disposal of fracking wastewater. A recent In some areas, fracking makes up a repor t by t he significant share of overall water demand. Nat ion a l Re - “The earthquakes In 2010, for example, fracking in the Bar- search Council raise concerns about nett Shale region consumed an amount of identified eight the potential for water equivalent to 9 percent of the city of cases in which damage to public Dallas’ annual water use.91 An official at seismic events infrastructure as well the Texas Water Development Board es- were linked to as private property.” timated that one county in the Eagle Ford wastewater dis- Sh a le reg ion posal wells (not “Texas adopted a w il l see t he necessarily all for fracking wastes) in State Water Plan share of water Ohio, Arkansas and Colorado.95 In Ohio, in 2012 that calls consu mpt ion which has become a popular location for for $53 billion in devoted to the disposal of wastewater from Marcel- f rack i ng a nd lus shale drilling, more than 500 million investments in the similar activi- gallons of fracking wastewater were dis- state water system, t ie s i nc rea se posed of in underground wells in 2011.96 including $400 million f rom zero a That same year, the Youngstown, Ohio, to address unmet area experienced a series of earthquakes, few years ago needs in the mining to 40 percent prompting Ohio officials to investigate sector (which includes by 2020.92 Un- potential links between the earthquakes hydraulic fracturing).” like other uses, and a nearby injection well. While the water used in study did not determine a conclusive fracking is lost to the water cycle for- link between the injection well and the ever, as it either remains in the well, is earthquakes, it did find that “[a] number “recycled” (used in the fracking of new of coincidental circumstances appear wells), or is disposed of in deep injection to make a compelling argument for the wells, where it is unavailable to recharge recent Youngstown-area seismic events aquifers. to have been induced (by the injection Water withdrawals for fracking can well).” 97 harm local waterways (see page 20) and The earthquakes that have occurred increase costs for agricultural and mu- thus far have not caused significant dam- nicipal water consumers (see page 31). age, but they raise concerns about the po- They may also lead to calls for increased tential for damage to public infrastructure public investment in water infrastructure. (such as water and sewer lines) as well as Texas, for example, adopted a State Water private property. Plan in 2012 that calls for $53 billion in investments in the state water system, including $400 million to address unmet Cleanup of Orphaned Wells needs in the mining sector (which includes Gas and oil companies face a legal respon- hydraulic fracturing) by 2060.93 Fracking sibility to plug wells properly when they is projected to account for 42 percent of cease to be productive and to “reclaim” water use in the Texas mining sector by well sites by restoring them to something 2020.94 approaching their original vegetated 26  The Costs of Fracking
  • 32. condition. The oil and gas industry, how- not rebound or if the companies cannot ever, has a long track record of failing to sell off some assets to raise capital to com- clean up the messes it has made—leaving ply with state the public to pick up the tab. environmental “A 2011 study of a Pennsylvania alone has more than protections. If Marcellus Shale well by 8,000 orphaned wells drilled over the last t hat were to researchers with the century and a half, and the Pennsylvania happen , t he University of Pittsburgh Department of Environmental Protection state could be estimated the cost is unaware of the location or status of an forced to plug of site reclamation additional 184,000 wells.98 a nd remedi- (including reclamation Orphaned wells are not a problem of the ate the idled of retention ponds past; newer wells can be orphaned by their wells. operators, too, and left to taxpayers to clean A nother and repairs to public up. Nearly 12,000 coal-bed methane wells way in which roads) at $500,000 to in Wyoming were idle as of 2011, neither the public may $800,000 per well site.” producing nor plugged.99 Wyoming offi- face exposure cials are concerned that several companies to costs is when a well plug fails, requiring that operate coal-bed methane wells may attention years later. Chemical, mechanical file for bankruptcy if natural gas prices do or thermal stress can cause the cement to Volunteer firefighters respond to a fire in a wastewater pit at an Atlas Energy Resources well site in Washington County, Pa., in March 2010. Fracking places increased demands on emergency responders, creating new dangers that require additional training, and increasing demands for response to traffic accidents involving heavy trucks. Credit: Robert Donnan The Costs of Fracking  27
  • 33. crack or loosen and allow contamination and repairs to public roads) at $500,000 to from saline aquifers or gas-bearing layers $800,000 per well site.104 to reach freshwater aquifers. The risk of While estimates of the costs of plug- plug failure increases over time.100 In some ging and remediation of fracked wells vary, states, such as Pennsylvania, plugging and those costs almost always exceed a state’s reclamation bonds are released one year af- bonding requirements. Pennsylvania’s re- ter a well is plugged, leaving the state with cently revised bonding requirements, for no way to hold drillers accountable for the example, require drillers to post maximum cost of plugging wells that fail later. bonds of only $4,000 per well for wells The Pennsylvania Department of Envi- less than 6,000 feet in depth and $10,000 ronmental Protection estimates that plug- per well for wells deeper than 6,000 feet, ging a 3,000 foot-deep oil or gas well and creating the potential for the public to be reclaiming the drill site costs an average saddled with tens or hundreds of thousands of $60,000.101 However, some well recla- of dollars in liability for plugging and rec- mation costs have exceeded $100,000.102 lamation of abandoned wells whose owners And Cabot Oil Gas Corporation claims have gone bankrupt or walked away from to have spent $730,000 per well to cap their responsibilities.105 The experience of three shale gas wells in Pennsylvania.103 previous resource extraction booms and A 2011 study of a Marcellus Shale well by busts suggests that the full bill for clean- researchers with the University of Pitts- ing up orphaned wells may not come due burgh estimated the cost of site reclamation for decades. (including reclamation of retention ponds In parts of the country, fracking takes place in close proximity to homes, schools and hospitals, creating the potential for conflict. A Texas study has found that some homes near fracking well sites have lost value. Above, a natural gas flare near homes in Hickory, Pa. Credit: Robert Donnan 28  The Costs of Fracking