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The Roadrunner
Bimonthly Publication of the Kern-Kaweah Chapter of the Sierra Club — March/April 2006

             SATURDAY, APRIL 1ST
                                      Norris Road Veterans Hall
                                   at 400 Norris Road, Oildale
                          DAVID CROW, SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY
   The Kern-Kaweah Chapter’s annual banquet will be on Saturday, April 1, at the Norris Road
Veterans Hall at 400 Norris Road, near Chester Ave, in Oildale. It is a time to become acquainted with
other chapter members and our friends in the community. Socializing will be encouraged! Exhibits from
local environmental groups will be on display. The highlight of the evening will be the recognition of
the conservation work of members.
   This year’s special presenter will be David Crow, recently retired executive director of the San Joa-
quin Valley Air Pollution Control District. He will be talking about recent innovative decisions by the
District to clean up the air and will comment on the hurdles needed to be overcome to deal with our
Valley’s air quality problems. Questions and answers will follow.
   Besides having a great opportunity to meet new members, to renew old friendships, and to get re-
vitalized in the community, you will be offered a tasty meal. The menu will consist of either chicken
marsala or spinach lasagna as the entree, along with vegetables, potatoes, salad, roll, and dessert. The
social hour, with wine/beverages/appetizers, will begin at 5:30 PM with dinner being served at 6:30 PM.
Price: $16.00 per person.
   Please complete the coupon below and mail to: Harry Love, 13500 Powder River Ave., Bakersfield,
CA 93314. Enclose a check for the total amount. Make check payable to Kern-Kaweah Chapter/Sierra
Club. RSVP by March 24.
Yes, I wish to attend the 2006 Annual Banquet of the Kern-Kaweah Chapter of the Sierra Club on April
1. With each person @ $16.00, I have included a check for the total.
   Number attending: ____ (@ $16.00)
   Total amount: $___________
                           Desired entrée: put number requested for each item:
                                  Chicken Marsala              Spinach Lasagna

YOUR NAME____________________________
PHONE NUMBER________________________
                             Please mail to: Harry Love,
                   13500 Powder River Ave., Bakersfield, CA 93314.
2                                                                                 THE ROADRUNNER

                                    FIRST IN THE NATION!
                                         Indirect Source Rule
                                     recognizes that air pollutants
                                   created by housing developments
                                     need mitigation by extra fees.
                                 Thanks, Gordon Nipp and Harry Love,
                                      for all your effective efforts!
                                          (read details on p. 2 )
                                       The most common way
                                    people give up their power
                                is by thinking they don’t have any.
                                                                                          Alice Walker.

                           THE INDIRECT SOURCE RULE—
    Chapter activists, Nipp and Love, attendees at public meeting, played a major role
                             in making this happen. Read on!
   In a historic 10–0 vote, the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District Governing Board voted
unanimously on December 15, 2005, in favor of the Indirect Source Rule (ISR). Recognizing that
indirect sources represent some of the largest pieces of the air pollution pie, the Board agreed that
housing projects in the phases of construction and occupation are as much a source of air pollution as
autos and factory emissions. The lack of a clear policy on growth has threatened the Valley’s air
quality and economic prosperity. The Indirect Source Rule (ISR), by limiting the indirect emissions
from new developments, is a major step in putting the Valley on a healthier and more prosperous path.
   California’s San Joaquin Valley has become the first place in the nation to charge developers of
projects a fee which will be used to help mitigate air pollution problems. As of March 1, the rule will
apply to developments in the Valley larger than 50 houses, with fees beginning at about $1200 per
house. The efforts of Gordon Nipp and Harry Love, Kern Kaweah Chapter members, to make devel-
opers pay their “fair share” by threatening suits played a major role in bringing to public attention the
need for passing this rule. The ISR proposal was supported by the environmental and public health
communities and strongly opposed by the Building Industry Association.
   Passionate speakers at the public hearing supporting this bill helped to turn the tide to get the
IRS rule passed. Arthur Unger recorded the following persons as being present at the meeting, many of
them going to the microphone to further emphasize facts and express positive support for this rule: Eva
& Gordon Nipp, Harry Love, Art Unger, Lucy Clark, Ann Williams, Margie Bell, Ches Arthur,
Ann Gallon, Ken Ryan, Kevin Hall, and 20 others from elsewhere. At least one speaker drove over
100 miles to exercise his right to express his opinion. Barbara Patrick, County Board of Supervisor, was
quoted in the Calfornian as coming to the meeting with doubts about the rule but after listening to the
public, she “feels more resolute than ever.”                                Harry Love
THE ROADRUNNER                                                                                                   3

                              Board Of Supervisors Accepts Application
                                For Huge Housing Project In Foothills
    J.G. Boswell Co. has proposed a planned community on its 36,000-acre Yokohl Ranch property in the
Sierra foothills east of Exeter between Three Rivers and Springville. This would be a master-planned
development including shopping centers, golf courses, schools, and more. Specific details of the project
have not been released, but it has been reported that the development envisions a population of some
20,000 to 30,000 people. This would make it the fourth largest city in Tulare County, with ten times
the population of Three Rivers.
    Until now the land has been used for grazing. It is pristine and very special to the people of Tulare
County. Lots of hills and oaks. These lands are very likely home to a large variety of animal and plant
life. This proposed community is to draw on surface water for its needs.
    Tulare County is two years into a three-year update of its 40-year-old general plan. Boswell requested
that the Board of Supervisors allow it to file an application for a general plan amendment to begin the
development process now.
    The Mineral King Group submitted a letter to the Board of Supervisors and spoke at the public
hearing this week urging the Board not to accept the application for a general plan amendment until
completion of the general plan update, presently projected to be toward the end of 2006.
    Unfortunately, the Board of Supervisors voted unanimously to accept Boswell’s application at this
time. The Mineral King Group is very concerned that this negates the policy of focusing growth in
existing urban areas as envisioned in the general plan update process. The Mineral King Group will
stay actively involved.                                                  Kim Loeb
To the readers of the Roadrunner the parallels to Tejon Ranch's Centennial Project of 23,000 homes is obvious.

                          The Carrizo Plain appears to be in trouble.
                 Will it get the attention that its monument status requires?
Carrizo! Have you ever been there? Tucked away between Hwy 58 and 166, between I-5 and the Coast,
it is one of the most beautiful spots in California, an unbelievable remnant of Old California. It includes
large grassland areas that burst into fabulous bloom in springtime. An exceptional number of
endangered and threatened species is found in this relatively small acreage. It is a place where many
locals as well as visitors from all over the state and country go to view the sandhill cranes as well as
hope for a sighting of condors. And then must be added the fact that you can almost count on seeing
various raptors of all sizes on the fence posts as you drive in, as well as antelope and tule elk. There is
no doubt that you will have exceptional view of the San Andreas Fault where you can really see the
effects of the movements of the North American and Pacific tectonic plates in relatonship to each other.
All these qualities were recognized when the area was given monument status in the Clinton era. But
now there is great concern.
    A resource management plan for the Monument had been developed that would have changed the
grazing leases from 6 years to annual renewal. It was withdrawn because of directions from the top, the
Dept. of Interior. A proposed substitute plan now has been presented that would allow the BLM
management plan to be formulated using data from 96/97, avoiding a full Environmental Impact
Statement, and would favor business interests rather than protection. In addition, there is an application
made for oil drilling in this area, another added insult. All of this makes a mockery of the prescriptions
that were laid down for Monuments.
    The Sierra Club has joined with The Wilderness Society, Los Padres Forest Watch, and Western
Watersheds Project to publicize BLM’s failure to follow the law while preparing a Resource
Management Plan. Hopefully this pressure will return the BLM to the first presented plan. Updates will
come in future Roadrunners.
4                                                                                                  THE ROADRUNNER

                   Want to see the Carrizo first hand? Join this work party.
             Sat., Sun., Apr. 1–2, Antelope Protection Carcamp (Nature Study/Work Party)
   With little rainfall and few water sources, the species that live here are both hardy and endangered.
Particularly beautiful are the pronghorn antelope which evolved in these wild, open spaces. Then cattle
ranching left a legacy of endless fences—which are deadly to the pronghorn. Join us for a weekend in
this remote area removing fencing for their benefit. Camp at KCL campground, bring food, water, heavy
leather work gloves, and camping gear for the weekend. Potluck Sat night. Rain cancels. Resource
specialist: Alice Koch. For more information, contact Leaders: Cal and Letty French, 14140 Chimney
Rock Road, Paso Robles, CA 93446, 805.239.7338. Prefer e-mail <>. Santa
LuciaChap/CNRCC Desert Comm.

        Chair: Lorraine Unger (Bksf), 661.323.5569; Vice-chair: Georgette Theotig (Tehachapi);
Secretary: Harry Love (Bksf); Treasurer: Janet Wood (Min King); Treasurer liaison: Richard Garcia
(Min King); Ches Arthur (PMC). Beverly Garcia (Min King), Steven Montgomery (Bksf), Gordon Nipp
(Bksf), Arthur Unger (Bksf).
                 Meetings: Sun, March 5, 11:30 AM Unger’s home, brown bag lunch.
                         Sat, April 1 prior to Banquet. Place to be announced.
         All Sierra Club members welcome to attend. Call Chair to verify meeting times, places.

                                   Special Notice: Sierra Club Elections
                            Ballots will be arriving soon! Please take time to vote!
                       Questions? Feel free to consult with any of the Ex-Com members!

                 KERN KAWEAH CHAPTER
                      GROUP NEWS
    California Nevada Regional Conservation Committtee meeting, San Luis Obispo, Sat–
    Sun Mar 18–19. Conservationists from two states meet to discuss and take action on environ-
    mental concerns. Great opportunity to meet fellow activists. Worth every minute of your time.
    Contact Lori Ives at for further information.
REQUIRED READING: Everyone is welcome, Sierra Club members and non-members, to join in any of the outdoor
activities. Requirements: You must be in condition for type of hike, equipped appropriately for the activity, and prepared to
sign a Sierra Club release from liability. You must be willing to follow leader’s directions. Let the leader know ahead of time
that you are intending to participate. Customary appropriate equipment includes good hiking shoes, plenty of water, snack,
sunglasses, suntan lotion, layered clothing. Long pants recommended. Be sure to bring all that is required for your personal
health needs. Unprepared for the prospective hike? It will be a no-go for you. All events are subject to change.
Tuesday Conditioning Hikes. 7 PM, 4–5 miles. Corners of Highways 178 & 184. Gordon 661.
872.2432 or Larry 661.873.8107 (KK Chapter)

Buena Vista Group More info? call Donnel Lester, 661.831.6784
THE ROADRUNNER                                                                                              5
                          Congratulations to the 2006 officers of the Buena Vista Group
                            Group Chair: Donnel Lester; Group Vice-Chair: Isabel Stierl;
                 Treasurer: Keith Dilday; Membership Chair: Ann Gallon; Secretary: Jennifer Randel
Mar 4 (Sat) 8:30 !". Brian Cypher will give a presentation titled “Kit Foxes in the City:
Opportunities for Conservation” at our monthly breakfast gathering at the Jungle Café (700 Truxtun
Ave, across the street from the Beale Library). The presentation is free; the cost of breakfast is about $7.
For more information, contact Donnel at 661.831.6784 or Isabel at 661.246.6195.
Mar 22 (Wed) 7:00 PM. Buena Vista Group Conservation Committee Meeting. Help us decide the
Sierra Club’s positions on Bakersfield-area issues such as sprawl, air pollution, farmland loss, endan-
gered species, etc. The location for this meeting has not yet been determined; please call Art Unger at
661.323.5569 or Gordon Nipp at 661.872.2432 for information.
April 8 (Sat) 3:30 PM. Buena Vista Group Social and Potluck at the home of Eva and Gordon Nipp.
Come at 3:30 to see the spring flowers and visit. Eat at 5:00. Bring a dish that you are proud of to share
with your fellow clubbers. Call Eva or Gordon at 661.872.2432 for directions and information. All
Chapter members and interested folk are welcome.
Third Saturdays Adopt-A-Highway. Buena Vista Group members and friends are invited to join us for
the "Adopt-A-Highway" cleanup the third Saturday of each month, at 9 AM. We will meet at the Monte
Carlo Club parking lot at the intersection of Hwy 119 and Old River Road. Bring water, gloves, and a
hat. We will work for about an hour and a half. For information, phone Donnel at 661.831.6784.
First aid. We need BVG members with current first-aid certificates! If you have a first-aid certificate
and are interested in committing to participation in the monthly Adopt-A-Highway cleanup, please
contact Donnel at 661.831.6784 or Isabel at 661.246.6195.
Leader training—How about you? Interested in becoming an outings leader for the Buena Vista
Group? If so, the BVG invites you to consider completing “Basic Outings Leader Training” (web-based
training through the National Organization). To find out more, contact Donnel at 661.831.6784 or Isabel
at 661.246.6195 as soon as possible. (This is in addition to obtaining a first-aid certificate!) This training
will really help you as a leader!

Condor Group More info? call Ches Arthur, 661.242.0423. Pine Mountain Club.
DATES AND TIMES FOR ALL HIKES: Fourth Saturday of each month, 8 AM. Persons planning to
hike with us need to call to indicate they are coming. Meeting place is the parking lot of Pine Mountain
Club’s clubhouse. Call Dale, 661.242.1076, or Ches, 661.242.2423
Mar 25 (Sat) Our initial hike for the year will be the first part of the Piedras Blancas National
Recreational Trail. Begins at the far west end of Lockwood Valley Road. The trail starts near the Lower
Reyes campground and continues along a creekbed with, hopefully, running streams and wildflowers.
Our destination is the Upper Reyes campground, located in a beautiful cedar grove. The hike is quite
short, only six miles long, and quite easy with approximately 900 feet elevation gain. Afterward we can
have burgers and beer at the rustic Camp Sheideck. Ask about meeting arrangement possibilities at
Lockwood Valley Road and Frazier Mtn Road.
April 8 (Sat) Hungry Valley State Park. Lots more than OHV Kim Matthews, resource ecologist,
will tell us all about it! You will be amazed what goes on there! Potluck, 6 PM. Program, 7 PM. Pool
Pavillion Room, Pine Mountain Clubhouse. Please bring you own silverware and a dish to share. Bring
items for raffle and you will get a free raffle ticket!!
April 22 (Sat) Antimony Mountain, a new destination for our area hikers. First we will drive a couple
of miles beyond the Pleito campground on a forest service road. Then we will be hiking to the site of the
old antimony mine near Antimony Peak. This is a rather arduous hike with three fairly steep climbs,
each with elevation gains of 600 to 1000 feet. The hike will be approximately 8 miles long. There are
lots of interesting vistas plus the chance to explore the site of the old antimony mine. Antimony from
this site was hauled downhill to the smelter that many of us have explored on the San Emigdio Creek
6                                                                                 THE ROADRUNNER

May 27 (Sat) Mt. Pinos to the Boy Scout Camp Road. A long hike, begins at Chula Vista parking lot,
leads down to Lockwood Valley Road. Imperative that you sign up for this hike at least three days prior
to the hike.

Kaweah Group More info? call Pam, 559.784.4643 or Diane, 559.781.8897.
Mar 16 (Thur) 7PM Springtime Planning Meeting. Kaweah Ex-com will meet at the home of Pam
Clark. Bring your good ideas and happy spirits to get us off to lots of good times for the coming months.

Mineral King Group                 Visalia. More info? call Kim Loeb, 559.798.1764 Please visit for more info on our events and activities
March 8 (Wed) 6 PM – Dinner Social at Applebee’s on 3400 S. Mooney Blvd. at Caldwell, Visalia. To
RSVP, contact Bev at 559.732.3785 or
March 19 (Sun) 9 AM – Outing – Lady Bug Trail. Join us on a moderate 6 mile round trip hike in
Sequoia National Park. Bring water and a lunch and wear hiking boots. Meet at 9 AM in the parking lot
by Taco Bell at Mary’s Vineyard Shopping Center at the corner of Noble and Ben Maddox in Visalia.
Rain cancels. Call Joanne at 559.733.2078 if interested
March 24 (Fri) 7 PM – Film Kilowatt Ours. This film offers practical ways we can reduce our energy
use to decrease our dependence on fossil fuels and lower our energy bills. At Art Works, 120 West 6th
Street, Hanford. For more info, contact Cynthia at 559.635.2526.
March 27 (Mon) 5:30 PM – Executive Committee Meeting at Baker’s Square Restaurant, 3301 S.
Mooney Blvd., Visalia. All members welcome. To RSVP, contact Bev at 559.732.3785 or gmachne
om.April 9 (Sun) 9 AM – Outing – Wild flower hike. This is a moderate 5 mile round trip hike in
Three Rivers. We should see lots of beautiful wildflowers. Bring water, lunch and hiking boots. Meet at
9 AM in the parking lot by Taco Bell at Mary's Vineyard Shopping Center at the corner of Noble and
Ben Maddox in Visalia. Rain cancels. Call Joanne at 559.733.2078 if interested.
April 12 (Wed) 6 PM – Dinner Social at Chili’s, 4015 S. Mooney Blvd., Visalia. To RSVP, contact
Bev at 559.732.3785 or
April 24 (Mon) 5:30 PM – Executive Committee Meeting at Baker’s Square Restaurant, 3301 S.
Mooney Blvd., Visalia. All members welcome. To RSVP, contact Bev at 559.732.3785 or gmachine
May 6 (Sun) 9 AM – Outing – Redwood Canyon hike in Kings Canyon National Park. We chose May
because the dogwood trees should be blooming beautifully next to the redwoods. Bring water, lunch and
hiking boots. Meet at 9 AM in the parking lot by Taco Bell at Mary's Vineyard Shopping Center at the
corner of Noble and Ben Maddox in Visalia. Rain cancels. Call Joanne at 559.733.2078 if interested.

Owens Peak Group More info? call Dennis Burge, 760.375.7967, Jim Nichols,
Hikes 760.375.8161. email: Meets in Ridgecrest, Maturango Museum
Mar 25 (Sat) Flower Hike (Best flower site we can find; details to be announced, max elev. 4000–5000
ft, 1500–2000 ft elev. gain, 4–8 mi RT) We will find a good flower display and hike that, and maybe bag
a peak in the process. We want to see how the patterns develop before picking the exact location. The
hike will be announced a week before via email or you can call the numbers below. This will be an easy
to moderate hike and a great photo opportunity. Meet at 7:30 AM at the Ridgecrest Cinema parking lot.
For more information, call Dennis Burge at 760.375.7967 or Jim Nichols at 760.375.8161.
Mar 27 (Mon) 7:30 PM. Stan Haye will present a new DVD about Death Valley. Maturango Museum.
Apr 22 (Sat) Bear Peak Via the Pacific Crest Trail (PCT). (Kern Plateau peak W of the PCT, N of
Chimney Meadows Campground, 8228 ft, 2500 ft gain, 7 mi RT) We will explore the PCT N from
Chimney Meadows Campground around to the E side of Bear Pk, and thence to the summit. Bear Pk is
THE ROADRUNNER                                                                                             7

the location of a California Dept of Water Resources remote weather station, as well as a seismic station.
On the PCT, we pass a large millsite and a nice spring. We will use a car shuttle to exit on a Tulare Co
Road. Moderate due to distance and altitude gain. Meet 7:30 AM at the Ridgecrest Cinema parking lot.
For more information, call Dennis Burge at 760.375.7967 or Jim Nichols at 760.375.8161.
Apr. 24 (Mon) 7:30 PM. Steve Smith will tell us about one of his recent trips, hopefully New Zealand
and Australia. Maturango Museum.

                        WORKING TO SAVE SEQUOIAS
                                    Update from the Task Force
       The Sierra Club's legal department has been busy filing papers in our ongoing battle to protect the
Giant Sequoia National Monument. When President Clinton created the Monument in 2000, his Procla-
mation dictated that logging would cease and that over 300,000 acres would be managed for protection
of a myriad of species and objects including giant sequoias. Over a year ago, the Sierra Club filed a
lawsuit against the Forest Service’s Monument Plan because it called for even more logging than had the
Monument never been created. That lawsuit is slowly winding its way through the Federal court system.
Just a few weeks ago our attorneys filed more briefs in support of a Summary Judgement.
       We amended our Monument lawsuit last summer when we learned that four timber sales were
being logged that would seriously jeopardize the Pacific fisher. These timber sales had been
“grandfathered” and allowed to go forward when the Monument was created, but the timber industry
had delayed cutting the trees until 2005, well after the original contracts had expired. The Forest Service
had granted extensions on the original contracts but had not reviewed new scientific information about
the fisher, a member of the weasel family that depends on unlogged old-growth forest. This species is on
the brink of extinction because of overlogging. The Forest Service has the responsibility for stopping
any project if new information indicates it could significantly impact a species or other resource. These
projects could have affected 23 of the estimated 50 female fisher surviving in this area. Initially we filed
to stop the Saddle Timber Sale because it was the one first being logged. Soon we also filed to stop the
White and the Ice Sales. The judge granted us Preliminary Injunctions on all these sales, immediately
stopping them until he can hear the full evidence and make a final ruling.
   These preliminary injunctions are tiered to our Monument lawsuit. We anticipate a hearing on our
Monument lawsuit perhaps in April and we are hoping for a decision by midsummer. The judge has
many options. While we can hope for a fast decision that will send the Monument Plan back to the
drawing boards and permanently stop the logging of big trees in these challenged timber sales, in reality
this legal battle could be just beginning.
Carla Cloer

   Many members of the Kern-Kaweah Chapter will remember Anne Norman, our friend from England
who came to Bakersfield with her husband, Bill, to live for several years near a son and his family. This
lively lady, who is close to eighty, but only in years, has been living since Bill’s death on her family’s
small farm in Washington State where she maintains an independent dwelling, and she keeps us
informed of her activities. With her permission, I’m devoting this month’s article to her.
   Those of us who grieve over the decline of the natural world and the state of humanity are deeply
worried about the future. Pollyanna seems to be losing her audience as its members drift into the camps
of Cassandra and Nostradamus.
   How refreshing it has been, then, to receive Anne’s letters, all written in tiny, precise print on unlined
paper with a ball-point pen. She is keenly aware of current environmental horrors, in her area and
elsewhere, and outraged by them. But at the same time she has the quickest eye for beauty I have ever
8                                                                                  THE ROADRUNNER

known. In one of her letters she mentions, as a metaphor for the drought-damaged condition of flora in
her neighborhood, what a friend says about her own weed- infested garden: “Why look at the weeds?
Look at the flowers. My bluebells have never been better.” The following is one paragraph from an early
letter which, though it touches on sadness, overflows, nevertheless, with sheer delight in observation:
   “The buttercups and daisies are out in the fields, lilies and lupine will be in the hedgerows soon.
Goldfinches, siskins, and grosbeaks are back and busy stuffing sunflower seeds. My lovely swallows
are back in their box. We had the usual dissension with a brassy English sparrow, but one day I was
lucky enough to see five swallows dive-bombing him, and he has decided to back off and find a nest
elsewhere. Sparrows in England are in serious decline. No one knows why. Pesticides, probably. I wish I
could send some of ours back home.”
   This year Anne’s Christmas letter emphasized beauty over dismay. “Farm and garden keep us busy, a
big hay crop, not such good fruit. A warm April started growth too soon. Cold May upset the blossoms
and the bees. There are four young cattle. The two old ponies enjoy peaceful lives. Otis, the pig, is still
in charge of the barn with Mr. Ginger Tom, the barn cat. Things get exciting when the cows get out or
the tractor gets stuck or we have a thorny day pulling blackberries.”
   After a pleasant litany of visits from friends and family, there are further observations of nature. “A
family friend from New England is a super birder. We had an excellent day at a local reserve, very
educational for me, and some new birds for us both.”
   “The unusual weather brought a remarkable flowering on the Mt. Rainier slopes and meadows. With
local friends and visitors I had five beautiful excursions up both sides of the mountain, gorgeous views,
birds and butterflies.”
   Anne Norman‘s point of view is a gift. She reminds me of my favorite line in English literature. It is
from Christopher Fry’s play, The Lady’s Not for Burning. On a spring day when the characters are
discussing the possible immediacy of the end of the world, one of them, a giddy woman very unlike
Anne in most respects, declares that such a thing could never happen in the spring. With sublime
confidence she assures her friends that “God would not so disappoint the bulbs.”
     Ann Williams

                                    MORE SPRING EVENTS
Fri–Sat, March 31–April 1, “John Muir in Global Perspective.” Conference at the University of
Pacific, Stockton; email Harold Wood for further information at
Sat–Sun, April 29-30, 12th Annual Kern Valley Bioregions Festival, Kern River Preserve.
Sat, May 27. SPRING FLING at Pine Mountain Club. Memorial Day Weekend. Mark the
date! On this date the Condor Group of the Sierra Club will be preparing and manning a
display of local wildflowers found in the area. A wildflower walk at 2 PM will be
included. This will be in conjunction with the Spring Fling, a fund-raising effort related
to more fire protection equipment. Place: Camp Condor, west of Pine Mountain Club.
Time: 1 to 8 PM. Barbecue, kraut dogs and more to be served. Fishing derby, live
entertainment. Donation $25 for adults, $10 for kids. A wonderful time of the year to visit
the mountains.
THE ROADRUNNER                                                                                                                   9

                                           SPECIAL THANKS

                             A LETTER WE WOULD LIKE YOU TO OPEN!
   You will be receiving a request for a donation to the Kern-Kaweah Chapter in order to support legal
actions that the Chapter has found necessary to participate in. No donation is too small. Club activists
will be most grateful for all support.

REMEMBER: Take all this hazardous waste to hazard disposal centers. It is now against the law to put the following in
general trash collections: Computers, cell phones, all household batteries, fluorescent lamps, mercury thermostats, printers, VCRs,
telephones, answering machines, radios, and microwaves.
Califonia leadership in establishing environmental laws!

                      DON'T JUST STAY HOME AND GRUMBLE!
        Power concedes nothing without a demand; it never has and it never will. - Frederick Douglass

                                        Useful Information Action Directory
                                       (Thanks to Lori Ives, Angeles Chapter)
Sierra Club Numbers
Sierra Club Legislative Hotline: 202.675.2394
Sierra Club National: 415.977.5500
Sierra Club Sacramento Legislative Office:
916.557.1100; fax 916.557.9669

Federal Numbers White House Comment Line: 202.456.1111
White House Fax Line: 202.456.2461 US Capitol Switchboard: 202.224.3121
California Capitol Switchboard: for legislators: 916.322.9900 Schwarzenegger: 916.445.2841;
Sign up for Sierra Club California list serve: <>
Call Art Unger to receive alerts on local issues: 661.323.5569.

                                   and now respond to the requests for action.
                             All of this is great exercise for the mind and body, and
                      you can rightfully say you have done your bit as a responsible citizen.

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March-April 2009 Roadrunner Newsletter, Kern-Kaweah Sierrra Club

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March-April 2006 Roadrunner Newsletter, Kern-Kaweah Sierrra Club

  • 1. The Roadrunner Bimonthly Publication of the Kern-Kaweah Chapter of the Sierra Club — March/April 2006 KERN KAWEAH CHAPTER’S ANNUAL SPRING BANQUET, SATURDAY, APRIL 1ST Norris Road Veterans Hall at 400 Norris Road, Oildale DAVID CROW, SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY AIR MAN, TO SPEAK, ANNUAL CUP WINNER TO BE ANNOUNCED. CHAPTER’S CONSERVATION EFFORTS HIGHLIGHTED The Kern-Kaweah Chapter’s annual banquet will be on Saturday, April 1, at the Norris Road Veterans Hall at 400 Norris Road, near Chester Ave, in Oildale. It is a time to become acquainted with other chapter members and our friends in the community. Socializing will be encouraged! Exhibits from local environmental groups will be on display. The highlight of the evening will be the recognition of the conservation work of members. This year’s special presenter will be David Crow, recently retired executive director of the San Joa- quin Valley Air Pollution Control District. He will be talking about recent innovative decisions by the District to clean up the air and will comment on the hurdles needed to be overcome to deal with our Valley’s air quality problems. Questions and answers will follow. Besides having a great opportunity to meet new members, to renew old friendships, and to get re- vitalized in the community, you will be offered a tasty meal. The menu will consist of either chicken marsala or spinach lasagna as the entree, along with vegetables, potatoes, salad, roll, and dessert. The social hour, with wine/beverages/appetizers, will begin at 5:30 PM with dinner being served at 6:30 PM. Price: $16.00 per person. Please complete the coupon below and mail to: Harry Love, 13500 Powder River Ave., Bakersfield, CA 93314. Enclose a check for the total amount. Make check payable to Kern-Kaweah Chapter/Sierra Club. RSVP by March 24. !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yes, I wish to attend the 2006 Annual Banquet of the Kern-Kaweah Chapter of the Sierra Club on April 1. With each person @ $16.00, I have included a check for the total. Number attending: ____ (@ $16.00) Total amount: $___________ Desired entrée: put number requested for each item: Chicken Marsala Spinach Lasagna YOUR NAME____________________________ ADDRESS_______________________________ PHONE NUMBER________________________ Please mail to: Harry Love, 13500 Powder River Ave., Bakersfield, CA 93314.
  • 2. 2 THE ROADRUNNER FIRST IN THE NATION! Indirect Source Rule recognizes that air pollutants created by housing developments need mitigation by extra fees. Thanks, Gordon Nipp and Harry Love, for all your effective efforts! (read details on p. 2 ) The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any. Alice Walker. THE INDIRECT SOURCE RULE— SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY MAKES HISTORY. Chapter activists, Nipp and Love, attendees at public meeting, played a major role in making this happen. Read on! In a historic 10–0 vote, the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District Governing Board voted unanimously on December 15, 2005, in favor of the Indirect Source Rule (ISR). Recognizing that indirect sources represent some of the largest pieces of the air pollution pie, the Board agreed that housing projects in the phases of construction and occupation are as much a source of air pollution as autos and factory emissions. The lack of a clear policy on growth has threatened the Valley’s air quality and economic prosperity. The Indirect Source Rule (ISR), by limiting the indirect emissions from new developments, is a major step in putting the Valley on a healthier and more prosperous path. California’s San Joaquin Valley has become the first place in the nation to charge developers of projects a fee which will be used to help mitigate air pollution problems. As of March 1, the rule will apply to developments in the Valley larger than 50 houses, with fees beginning at about $1200 per house. The efforts of Gordon Nipp and Harry Love, Kern Kaweah Chapter members, to make devel- opers pay their “fair share” by threatening suits played a major role in bringing to public attention the need for passing this rule. The ISR proposal was supported by the environmental and public health communities and strongly opposed by the Building Industry Association. Passionate speakers at the public hearing supporting this bill helped to turn the tide to get the IRS rule passed. Arthur Unger recorded the following persons as being present at the meeting, many of them going to the microphone to further emphasize facts and express positive support for this rule: Eva & Gordon Nipp, Harry Love, Art Unger, Lucy Clark, Ann Williams, Margie Bell, Ches Arthur, Ann Gallon, Ken Ryan, Kevin Hall, and 20 others from elsewhere. At least one speaker drove over 100 miles to exercise his right to express his opinion. Barbara Patrick, County Board of Supervisor, was quoted in the Calfornian as coming to the meeting with doubts about the rule but after listening to the public, she “feels more resolute than ever.” Harry Love
  • 3. THE ROADRUNNER 3 MINERAL KING GROUP FACES LAND CHALLENGES Board Of Supervisors Accepts Application For Huge Housing Project In Foothills J.G. Boswell Co. has proposed a planned community on its 36,000-acre Yokohl Ranch property in the Sierra foothills east of Exeter between Three Rivers and Springville. This would be a master-planned development including shopping centers, golf courses, schools, and more. Specific details of the project have not been released, but it has been reported that the development envisions a population of some 20,000 to 30,000 people. This would make it the fourth largest city in Tulare County, with ten times the population of Three Rivers. Until now the land has been used for grazing. It is pristine and very special to the people of Tulare County. Lots of hills and oaks. These lands are very likely home to a large variety of animal and plant life. This proposed community is to draw on surface water for its needs. Tulare County is two years into a three-year update of its 40-year-old general plan. Boswell requested that the Board of Supervisors allow it to file an application for a general plan amendment to begin the development process now. The Mineral King Group submitted a letter to the Board of Supervisors and spoke at the public hearing this week urging the Board not to accept the application for a general plan amendment until completion of the general plan update, presently projected to be toward the end of 2006. Unfortunately, the Board of Supervisors voted unanimously to accept Boswell’s application at this time. The Mineral King Group is very concerned that this negates the policy of focusing growth in existing urban areas as envisioned in the general plan update process. The Mineral King Group will stay actively involved. Kim Loeb To the readers of the Roadrunner the parallels to Tejon Ranch's Centennial Project of 23,000 homes is obvious. The Carrizo Plain appears to be in trouble. Will it get the attention that its monument status requires? Carrizo! Have you ever been there? Tucked away between Hwy 58 and 166, between I-5 and the Coast, it is one of the most beautiful spots in California, an unbelievable remnant of Old California. It includes large grassland areas that burst into fabulous bloom in springtime. An exceptional number of endangered and threatened species is found in this relatively small acreage. It is a place where many locals as well as visitors from all over the state and country go to view the sandhill cranes as well as hope for a sighting of condors. And then must be added the fact that you can almost count on seeing various raptors of all sizes on the fence posts as you drive in, as well as antelope and tule elk. There is no doubt that you will have exceptional view of the San Andreas Fault where you can really see the effects of the movements of the North American and Pacific tectonic plates in relatonship to each other. All these qualities were recognized when the area was given monument status in the Clinton era. But now there is great concern. A resource management plan for the Monument had been developed that would have changed the grazing leases from 6 years to annual renewal. It was withdrawn because of directions from the top, the Dept. of Interior. A proposed substitute plan now has been presented that would allow the BLM management plan to be formulated using data from 96/97, avoiding a full Environmental Impact Statement, and would favor business interests rather than protection. In addition, there is an application made for oil drilling in this area, another added insult. All of this makes a mockery of the prescriptions that were laid down for Monuments. The Sierra Club has joined with The Wilderness Society, Los Padres Forest Watch, and Western Watersheds Project to publicize BLM’s failure to follow the law while preparing a Resource Management Plan. Hopefully this pressure will return the BLM to the first presented plan. Updates will come in future Roadrunners.
  • 4. 4 THE ROADRUNNER Want to see the Carrizo first hand? Join this work party. Sat., Sun., Apr. 1–2, Antelope Protection Carcamp (Nature Study/Work Party) With little rainfall and few water sources, the species that live here are both hardy and endangered. Particularly beautiful are the pronghorn antelope which evolved in these wild, open spaces. Then cattle ranching left a legacy of endless fences—which are deadly to the pronghorn. Join us for a weekend in this remote area removing fencing for their benefit. Camp at KCL campground, bring food, water, heavy leather work gloves, and camping gear for the weekend. Potluck Sat night. Rain cancels. Resource specialist: Alice Koch. For more information, contact Leaders: Cal and Letty French, 14140 Chimney Rock Road, Paso Robles, CA 93446, 805.239.7338. Prefer e-mail <>. Santa LuciaChap/CNRCC Desert Comm. KERN KAWEAH CHAPTER OFFICERS AND MEMBERS for 2006: Chair: Lorraine Unger (Bksf), 661.323.5569; Vice-chair: Georgette Theotig (Tehachapi); Secretary: Harry Love (Bksf); Treasurer: Janet Wood (Min King); Treasurer liaison: Richard Garcia (Min King); Ches Arthur (PMC). Beverly Garcia (Min King), Steven Montgomery (Bksf), Gordon Nipp (Bksf), Arthur Unger (Bksf). Meetings: Sun, March 5, 11:30 AM Unger’s home, brown bag lunch. Sat, April 1 prior to Banquet. Place to be announced. All Sierra Club members welcome to attend. Call Chair to verify meeting times, places. Special Notice: Sierra Club Elections Ballots will be arriving soon! Please take time to vote! Questions? Feel free to consult with any of the Ex-Com members! KERN KAWEAH CHAPTER GROUP NEWS California Nevada Regional Conservation Committtee meeting, San Luis Obispo, Sat– Sun Mar 18–19. Conservationists from two states meet to discuss and take action on environ- mental concerns. Great opportunity to meet fellow activists. Worth every minute of your time. Contact Lori Ives at for further information. REQUIRED READING: Everyone is welcome, Sierra Club members and non-members, to join in any of the outdoor activities. Requirements: You must be in condition for type of hike, equipped appropriately for the activity, and prepared to sign a Sierra Club release from liability. You must be willing to follow leader’s directions. Let the leader know ahead of time that you are intending to participate. Customary appropriate equipment includes good hiking shoes, plenty of water, snack, sunglasses, suntan lotion, layered clothing. Long pants recommended. Be sure to bring all that is required for your personal health needs. Unprepared for the prospective hike? It will be a no-go for you. All events are subject to change. Tuesday Conditioning Hikes. 7 PM, 4–5 miles. Corners of Highways 178 & 184. Gordon 661. 872.2432 or Larry 661.873.8107 (KK Chapter) Buena Vista Group More info? call Donnel Lester, 661.831.6784
  • 5. THE ROADRUNNER 5 Congratulations to the 2006 officers of the Buena Vista Group Group Chair: Donnel Lester; Group Vice-Chair: Isabel Stierl; Treasurer: Keith Dilday; Membership Chair: Ann Gallon; Secretary: Jennifer Randel Mar 4 (Sat) 8:30 !". Brian Cypher will give a presentation titled “Kit Foxes in the City: Opportunities for Conservation” at our monthly breakfast gathering at the Jungle Café (700 Truxtun Ave, across the street from the Beale Library). The presentation is free; the cost of breakfast is about $7. For more information, contact Donnel at 661.831.6784 or Isabel at 661.246.6195. Mar 22 (Wed) 7:00 PM. Buena Vista Group Conservation Committee Meeting. Help us decide the Sierra Club’s positions on Bakersfield-area issues such as sprawl, air pollution, farmland loss, endan- gered species, etc. The location for this meeting has not yet been determined; please call Art Unger at 661.323.5569 or Gordon Nipp at 661.872.2432 for information. April 8 (Sat) 3:30 PM. Buena Vista Group Social and Potluck at the home of Eva and Gordon Nipp. Come at 3:30 to see the spring flowers and visit. Eat at 5:00. Bring a dish that you are proud of to share with your fellow clubbers. Call Eva or Gordon at 661.872.2432 for directions and information. All Chapter members and interested folk are welcome. Third Saturdays Adopt-A-Highway. Buena Vista Group members and friends are invited to join us for the "Adopt-A-Highway" cleanup the third Saturday of each month, at 9 AM. We will meet at the Monte Carlo Club parking lot at the intersection of Hwy 119 and Old River Road. Bring water, gloves, and a hat. We will work for about an hour and a half. For information, phone Donnel at 661.831.6784. First aid. We need BVG members with current first-aid certificates! If you have a first-aid certificate and are interested in committing to participation in the monthly Adopt-A-Highway cleanup, please contact Donnel at 661.831.6784 or Isabel at 661.246.6195. Leader training—How about you? Interested in becoming an outings leader for the Buena Vista Group? If so, the BVG invites you to consider completing “Basic Outings Leader Training” (web-based training through the National Organization). To find out more, contact Donnel at 661.831.6784 or Isabel at 661.246.6195 as soon as possible. (This is in addition to obtaining a first-aid certificate!) This training will really help you as a leader! Condor Group More info? call Ches Arthur, 661.242.0423. Pine Mountain Club. DATES AND TIMES FOR ALL HIKES: Fourth Saturday of each month, 8 AM. Persons planning to hike with us need to call to indicate they are coming. Meeting place is the parking lot of Pine Mountain Club’s clubhouse. Call Dale, 661.242.1076, or Ches, 661.242.2423 Mar 25 (Sat) Our initial hike for the year will be the first part of the Piedras Blancas National Recreational Trail. Begins at the far west end of Lockwood Valley Road. The trail starts near the Lower Reyes campground and continues along a creekbed with, hopefully, running streams and wildflowers. Our destination is the Upper Reyes campground, located in a beautiful cedar grove. The hike is quite short, only six miles long, and quite easy with approximately 900 feet elevation gain. Afterward we can have burgers and beer at the rustic Camp Sheideck. Ask about meeting arrangement possibilities at Lockwood Valley Road and Frazier Mtn Road. April 8 (Sat) Hungry Valley State Park. Lots more than OHV Kim Matthews, resource ecologist, will tell us all about it! You will be amazed what goes on there! Potluck, 6 PM. Program, 7 PM. Pool Pavillion Room, Pine Mountain Clubhouse. Please bring you own silverware and a dish to share. Bring items for raffle and you will get a free raffle ticket!! April 22 (Sat) Antimony Mountain, a new destination for our area hikers. First we will drive a couple of miles beyond the Pleito campground on a forest service road. Then we will be hiking to the site of the old antimony mine near Antimony Peak. This is a rather arduous hike with three fairly steep climbs, each with elevation gains of 600 to 1000 feet. The hike will be approximately 8 miles long. There are lots of interesting vistas plus the chance to explore the site of the old antimony mine. Antimony from this site was hauled downhill to the smelter that many of us have explored on the San Emigdio Creek
  • 6. 6 THE ROADRUNNER hikes. May 27 (Sat) Mt. Pinos to the Boy Scout Camp Road. A long hike, begins at Chula Vista parking lot, leads down to Lockwood Valley Road. Imperative that you sign up for this hike at least three days prior to the hike. Kaweah Group More info? call Pam, 559.784.4643 or Diane, 559.781.8897. Mar 16 (Thur) 7PM Springtime Planning Meeting. Kaweah Ex-com will meet at the home of Pam Clark. Bring your good ideas and happy spirits to get us off to lots of good times for the coming months. Mineral King Group Visalia. More info? call Kim Loeb, 559.798.1764 Please visit for more info on our events and activities March 8 (Wed) 6 PM – Dinner Social at Applebee’s on 3400 S. Mooney Blvd. at Caldwell, Visalia. To RSVP, contact Bev at 559.732.3785 or March 19 (Sun) 9 AM – Outing – Lady Bug Trail. Join us on a moderate 6 mile round trip hike in Sequoia National Park. Bring water and a lunch and wear hiking boots. Meet at 9 AM in the parking lot by Taco Bell at Mary’s Vineyard Shopping Center at the corner of Noble and Ben Maddox in Visalia. Rain cancels. Call Joanne at 559.733.2078 if interested March 24 (Fri) 7 PM – Film Kilowatt Ours. This film offers practical ways we can reduce our energy use to decrease our dependence on fossil fuels and lower our energy bills. At Art Works, 120 West 6th Street, Hanford. For more info, contact Cynthia at 559.635.2526. March 27 (Mon) 5:30 PM – Executive Committee Meeting at Baker’s Square Restaurant, 3301 S. Mooney Blvd., Visalia. All members welcome. To RSVP, contact Bev at 559.732.3785 or gmachne om.April 9 (Sun) 9 AM – Outing – Wild flower hike. This is a moderate 5 mile round trip hike in Three Rivers. We should see lots of beautiful wildflowers. Bring water, lunch and hiking boots. Meet at 9 AM in the parking lot by Taco Bell at Mary's Vineyard Shopping Center at the corner of Noble and Ben Maddox in Visalia. Rain cancels. Call Joanne at 559.733.2078 if interested. April 12 (Wed) 6 PM – Dinner Social at Chili’s, 4015 S. Mooney Blvd., Visalia. To RSVP, contact Bev at 559.732.3785 or April 24 (Mon) 5:30 PM – Executive Committee Meeting at Baker’s Square Restaurant, 3301 S. Mooney Blvd., Visalia. All members welcome. To RSVP, contact Bev at 559.732.3785 or gmachine May 6 (Sun) 9 AM – Outing – Redwood Canyon hike in Kings Canyon National Park. We chose May because the dogwood trees should be blooming beautifully next to the redwoods. Bring water, lunch and hiking boots. Meet at 9 AM in the parking lot by Taco Bell at Mary's Vineyard Shopping Center at the corner of Noble and Ben Maddox in Visalia. Rain cancels. Call Joanne at 559.733.2078 if interested. Owens Peak Group More info? call Dennis Burge, 760.375.7967, Jim Nichols, Hikes 760.375.8161. email: Meets in Ridgecrest, Maturango Museum Mar 25 (Sat) Flower Hike (Best flower site we can find; details to be announced, max elev. 4000–5000 ft, 1500–2000 ft elev. gain, 4–8 mi RT) We will find a good flower display and hike that, and maybe bag a peak in the process. We want to see how the patterns develop before picking the exact location. The hike will be announced a week before via email or you can call the numbers below. This will be an easy to moderate hike and a great photo opportunity. Meet at 7:30 AM at the Ridgecrest Cinema parking lot. For more information, call Dennis Burge at 760.375.7967 or Jim Nichols at 760.375.8161. Mar 27 (Mon) 7:30 PM. Stan Haye will present a new DVD about Death Valley. Maturango Museum. Apr 22 (Sat) Bear Peak Via the Pacific Crest Trail (PCT). (Kern Plateau peak W of the PCT, N of Chimney Meadows Campground, 8228 ft, 2500 ft gain, 7 mi RT) We will explore the PCT N from Chimney Meadows Campground around to the E side of Bear Pk, and thence to the summit. Bear Pk is
  • 7. THE ROADRUNNER 7 the location of a California Dept of Water Resources remote weather station, as well as a seismic station. On the PCT, we pass a large millsite and a nice spring. We will use a car shuttle to exit on a Tulare Co Road. Moderate due to distance and altitude gain. Meet 7:30 AM at the Ridgecrest Cinema parking lot. For more information, call Dennis Burge at 760.375.7967 or Jim Nichols at 760.375.8161. Apr. 24 (Mon) 7:30 PM. Steve Smith will tell us about one of his recent trips, hopefully New Zealand and Australia. Maturango Museum. WORKING TO SAVE SEQUOIAS Update from the Task Force The Sierra Club's legal department has been busy filing papers in our ongoing battle to protect the Giant Sequoia National Monument. When President Clinton created the Monument in 2000, his Procla- mation dictated that logging would cease and that over 300,000 acres would be managed for protection of a myriad of species and objects including giant sequoias. Over a year ago, the Sierra Club filed a lawsuit against the Forest Service’s Monument Plan because it called for even more logging than had the Monument never been created. That lawsuit is slowly winding its way through the Federal court system. Just a few weeks ago our attorneys filed more briefs in support of a Summary Judgement. We amended our Monument lawsuit last summer when we learned that four timber sales were being logged that would seriously jeopardize the Pacific fisher. These timber sales had been “grandfathered” and allowed to go forward when the Monument was created, but the timber industry had delayed cutting the trees until 2005, well after the original contracts had expired. The Forest Service had granted extensions on the original contracts but had not reviewed new scientific information about the fisher, a member of the weasel family that depends on unlogged old-growth forest. This species is on the brink of extinction because of overlogging. The Forest Service has the responsibility for stopping any project if new information indicates it could significantly impact a species or other resource. These projects could have affected 23 of the estimated 50 female fisher surviving in this area. Initially we filed to stop the Saddle Timber Sale because it was the one first being logged. Soon we also filed to stop the White and the Ice Sales. The judge granted us Preliminary Injunctions on all these sales, immediately stopping them until he can hear the full evidence and make a final ruling. These preliminary injunctions are tiered to our Monument lawsuit. We anticipate a hearing on our Monument lawsuit perhaps in April and we are hoping for a decision by midsummer. The judge has many options. While we can hope for a fast decision that will send the Monument Plan back to the drawing boards and permanently stop the logging of big trees in these challenged timber sales, in reality this legal battle could be just beginning. Carla Cloer MIDGEBUZZINGS Many members of the Kern-Kaweah Chapter will remember Anne Norman, our friend from England who came to Bakersfield with her husband, Bill, to live for several years near a son and his family. This lively lady, who is close to eighty, but only in years, has been living since Bill’s death on her family’s small farm in Washington State where she maintains an independent dwelling, and she keeps us informed of her activities. With her permission, I’m devoting this month’s article to her. Those of us who grieve over the decline of the natural world and the state of humanity are deeply worried about the future. Pollyanna seems to be losing her audience as its members drift into the camps of Cassandra and Nostradamus. How refreshing it has been, then, to receive Anne’s letters, all written in tiny, precise print on unlined paper with a ball-point pen. She is keenly aware of current environmental horrors, in her area and elsewhere, and outraged by them. But at the same time she has the quickest eye for beauty I have ever
  • 8. 8 THE ROADRUNNER known. In one of her letters she mentions, as a metaphor for the drought-damaged condition of flora in her neighborhood, what a friend says about her own weed- infested garden: “Why look at the weeds? Look at the flowers. My bluebells have never been better.” The following is one paragraph from an early letter which, though it touches on sadness, overflows, nevertheless, with sheer delight in observation: “The buttercups and daisies are out in the fields, lilies and lupine will be in the hedgerows soon. Goldfinches, siskins, and grosbeaks are back and busy stuffing sunflower seeds. My lovely swallows are back in their box. We had the usual dissension with a brassy English sparrow, but one day I was lucky enough to see five swallows dive-bombing him, and he has decided to back off and find a nest elsewhere. Sparrows in England are in serious decline. No one knows why. Pesticides, probably. I wish I could send some of ours back home.” This year Anne’s Christmas letter emphasized beauty over dismay. “Farm and garden keep us busy, a big hay crop, not such good fruit. A warm April started growth too soon. Cold May upset the blossoms and the bees. There are four young cattle. The two old ponies enjoy peaceful lives. Otis, the pig, is still in charge of the barn with Mr. Ginger Tom, the barn cat. Things get exciting when the cows get out or the tractor gets stuck or we have a thorny day pulling blackberries.” After a pleasant litany of visits from friends and family, there are further observations of nature. “A family friend from New England is a super birder. We had an excellent day at a local reserve, very educational for me, and some new birds for us both.” “The unusual weather brought a remarkable flowering on the Mt. Rainier slopes and meadows. With local friends and visitors I had five beautiful excursions up both sides of the mountain, gorgeous views, birds and butterflies.” Anne Norman‘s point of view is a gift. She reminds me of my favorite line in English literature. It is from Christopher Fry’s play, The Lady’s Not for Burning. On a spring day when the characters are discussing the possible immediacy of the end of the world, one of them, a giddy woman very unlike Anne in most respects, declares that such a thing could never happen in the spring. With sublime confidence she assures her friends that “God would not so disappoint the bulbs.” Ann Williams MORE SPRING EVENTS Fri–Sat, March 31–April 1, “John Muir in Global Perspective.” Conference at the University of Pacific, Stockton; email Harold Wood for further information at Sat–Sun, April 29-30, 12th Annual Kern Valley Bioregions Festival, Kern River Preserve. Sat, May 27. SPRING FLING at Pine Mountain Club. Memorial Day Weekend. Mark the date! On this date the Condor Group of the Sierra Club will be preparing and manning a display of local wildflowers found in the area. A wildflower walk at 2 PM will be included. This will be in conjunction with the Spring Fling, a fund-raising effort related to more fire protection equipment. Place: Camp Condor, west of Pine Mountain Club. Time: 1 to 8 PM. Barbecue, kraut dogs and more to be served. Fishing derby, live entertainment. Donation $25 for adults, $10 for kids. A wonderful time of the year to visit the mountains.
  • 9. THE ROADRUNNER 9 SPECIAL THANKS TO ALL WHO HAVE CONTRIBUTED TO THE ROADRUNNER’S CONTENT, PAST AND PRESENT: HIKE LEADERS, GROUP LEADERS, SPECIAL ARTICLE AUTHORS, MAILING VOLUNTEERS. THE ROADRUNNER WOULD NEVER SEE THE LIGHT OF DAY WITHOUT ALL THIS GENEROUS HELP! $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ A LETTER WE WOULD LIKE YOU TO OPEN! You will be receiving a request for a donation to the Kern-Kaweah Chapter in order to support legal actions that the Chapter has found necessary to participate in. No donation is too small. Club activists will be most grateful for all support. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ REMEMBER: Take all this hazardous waste to hazard disposal centers. It is now against the law to put the following in general trash collections: Computers, cell phones, all household batteries, fluorescent lamps, mercury thermostats, printers, VCRs, telephones, answering machines, radios, and microwaves. Califonia leadership in establishing environmental laws! DON'T JUST STAY HOME AND GRUMBLE! Power concedes nothing without a demand; it never has and it never will. - Frederick Douglass Useful Information Action Directory (Thanks to Lori Ives, Angeles Chapter) Sierra Club Numbers Sierra Club Legislative Hotline: 202.675.2394 Sierra Club National: 415.977.5500 Sierra Club Sacramento Legislative Office: 916.557.1100; fax 916.557.9669 Federal Numbers White House Comment Line: 202.456.1111 White House Fax Line: 202.456.2461 US Capitol Switchboard: 202.224.3121 California Capitol Switchboard: for legislators: 916.322.9900 Schwarzenegger: 916.445.2841; Sign up for Sierra Club California list serve: <> Call Art Unger to receive alerts on local issues: 661.323.5569. and now respond to the requests for action. All of this is great exercise for the mind and body, and you can rightfully say you have done your bit as a responsible citizen.