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     China’s Digital
     Generations 2.0
Digital Media and Commerce Go Mainstream
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China’s Digital
     Generations 2.0
Digital Media and Commerce Go Mainstream

             David C. Michael
               Yvonne Zhou

                 May 2010

© The Boston Consulting Group, Inc. 2010. All rights reserved.

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         The Boston Consulting Group, Inc.
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Executive Summary                                              4

China’s Digital Landscape                                      7
Rural Markets: The Next Wave of Growth                         7
Entertainment and Communication                               9
Factors That Shape Today’s Digital Reality                    10

China’s Digital Generations: From Teenagers to Middle-Agers   12

The Rise of the Digital Giants                                17
Tencent’s QQ                                                  17
What Tencent’s Empire Says About User Stickiness              17
Riding the Digital Wave: Sina                                 19

The E-Commerce Revolution                                     20
Online Consumer Behavior                                      20
Case Study: Taobao                                            20
Informing Consumer Choice—Both Online and Off                 21
Chinese E-Commerce’s Business-to-Consumer Push: Ctrip         23

The Consumer Connection                                       25
Incorporate Consumer Behavior into Your Business Model        25
Integrate the Internet into Your Go-to-Market Strategy        25
Leverage the Collective Power of the Digital Network          26
Use the Internet to Advertise Your Brand and Build Trust      27
Mobile Internet: The 3G Opportunity                           28

Appendix: Researching China’s Digital Generations             29

For Further Reading                                           30

Note to the Reader                                            31

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Executive Summary

                igital technology has fundamentally changed       mobile phone to send instant messages to friends online, and
                the way Chinese people live—how they read         heads to the local Internet café in his spare time. He spends
                news, shop, travel, play games, watch movies,     half of his $40 monthly allowance on digital communication
                express themselves, and relate to others. As      and entertainment.
                this trend gains momentum, understanding
the online impulses of these digital consumers has become a       By and large, the same companies meet both Feng’s and
crucial—and increasingly urgent—prerequisite for engaging         Chao’s online needs. The last three years have seen leaders in
them. A comparison of Chinese Internet consumption to that        digital-services sectors emerge—and dominate. Chinese com-
in other economies, notably Brazil, Russia, India, and Indone-    panies like Tencent and have pulled away from
sia but also the United States and Japan, reveals that Chinese    the pack, transforming themselves from microcaps to billion-
people use the Internet for entertainment and communication       dollar companies in the process. The success stories of China’s
to a much greater degree. They are also shiing a large share     digital giants add a crucial dimension to the key trends in
of their commercial activity online, including shopping, prod-    online consumer behavior, including the rise of e-commerce,
uct research, ad viewing, and the purchase of value-added ser-    social-networking sites, online advertising, and mobile-Inter-
vices such as customizing a personal blog.                        net use.

But China’s Internet growth story is increasingly a tale of two   Companies that aim to engage Chinese consumers will need
markets. For example, Feng, 26, lives in Beijing and is typical   to understand Feng and Chao—and everyone in between. By
of the generation of young professionals populating China’s       delving into the digital lives of a sample of Chinese consum-
urban centers. He earns about $9,000 annually, enough to          ers, we hope to allow their personalities, habits, needs, and
rent his own apartment, and has an impressive digital inven-      aspirations tell the story of this dynamic and complex mar-
tory: a Western-brand laptop PC, a digital camera, a mobile       ket—and encourage companies to serve it.
phone, and an MP3 player. Along with his PC at work, these
devices keep Feng online for nearly every minute of his day.      In the last three years, China’s digital generations
There are already tens of millions of people like Feng in Chi-    have undergone a dramatic transformation, with rap-
na, and we can expect there to be hundreds of millions more       id adoption of digital devices and the Internet across
in the coming years.                                              different city tiers and in rural areas. Yet there is still
                                                                  significant room for growth as the Internet pene-
Still, the next wave of Internet users will come from China’s     trates further into China’s less-developed regions.
hundreds of millions of rural residents. We are already seeing
sophisticated Internet habits from younger rural users—like       ◊ China’s Internet user base reached 384 million in 2009,
Chao, an 18-year-old only child in his last year of high school     more than in the U.S. and Japan combined. That num-
in the province that borders Siberia, whose family has an an-       ber is expected to be more than 650 million by 2015.
nual household income of just $4,000. Chao finds ways to stay
connected, even though his parents are too poor to buy a PC       ◊ Internet penetration is forecast to increase from its
and his mobile phone is hardly top-of-the-line. Chao uses his       current 29 percent to nearly 50 percent by 2015—and

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to reach almost 40 percent of China’s vast rural popu-     cent of China’s total online population and account
  lation.                                                    for more than 80 percent of China’s online hours. Dif-
                                                             ferent user segments demonstrate different online
◊ The market in China for online content and aggrega-        behaviors and needs.
  tion will grow from $14 billion in 2008 to $40 billion
  in 2012, at which point it will represent 20 percent of    ◊ Young professionals, who represent 6 percent of all
  China’s $200 billion digital market overall (which in-       Internet users, have a remarkable 99 percent penetra-
  cludes online content and aggregation, Internet distri-      tion. They also have the heaviest Internet use, averag-
  bution, and devices).                                        ing 4.0 hours a day online.

Not only are more Chinese people using the Internet          ◊ Young gamers, who make up 21 percent of all Internet
but they also use the Internet more than do consum-            users, average 3.2 hours a day online, mainly on IM
ers in the major emerging markets of Brazil, Russia,           and playing online games.
India, and Indonesia—which, together with China,
form what we call the BRICI countries. A forthcoming         One of the most significant changes in online behav-
BCG report will explore Internet trends across all of        ior in China since 2007 is the embrace of e-commerce,
the BRICI markets.                                           best exemplified by the growth of Taobao, a consum-
                                                             er-to-consumer site owned by Alibaba Group.
◊ Digital devices and the Internet are moving to center
  stage in the lives of China’s digital consumers, with      ◊ Some 8 percent of the Chinese population shopped
  total time spent online averaging 2.7 hours a day            online in 2009, compared with just 3 percent in 2006.
  in 2009.                                                     E-commerce adoption is estimated to jump to 19 per-
                                                               cent of the Chinese population by 2012.
◊ This usage rate is the highest among all the BRICI
  countries and averages 0.4 hours a day more than the       ◊ An additional 8 percent of Chinese Internet users
  average rate in the United States.                           conduct product research on e-commerce sites,
                                                               even though they are still unwilling to actually pur-
◊ As a country, China spent more than 1 billion hours          chase online—suggesting that besides hosting trans-
  online per day in 2009—double the daily total in the         actions, e-commerce platforms have emerged as im-
  United States. This number will grow to well over 2 bil-     portant clearinghouses for product information and
  lion hours per day by 2015.                                  prices.

Social, historical, and economic factors have shaped         ◊ In the past, concerns about a lack of both buyer-seller
a unique set of needs and behaviors among Chinese              trust and reliable payment mechanisms generated
digital consumers compared with the other BRICI                skepticism about China’s e-commerce potential. The
economies.                                                     current pace of growth shows how outdated these no-
                                                               tions are becoming.
◊ The most prominent themes are that far more Chinese
  people use the Internet to communicate and seek en-        ◊ The value of business-to-consumer and consumer-to-
  tertainment than in the other BRICI markets.                 consumer online transactions was $37 billion in 2009
                                                               and is projected to surpass $100 billion in 2012.
◊ For instance, more than 80 percent of Chinese digital
  consumers use instant messaging (IM), read news on-        In 2008, social-networking sites boomed in China
  line, and stream or download music via the Internet.       among university students and young professionals,
  Three-quarters stream video content, and more than         and by 2009 Chinese Internet users of all backgrounds
  50 percent use search engines and play games online.       and age groups were active in their use.

The majority of China’s digital consumption comes            ◊ The total number of Chinese users of social-network-
from those aged 35 and under, who make up 73 per-              ing sites reached 130 million in 2009.

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◊ In 2009, “Happy Farm” platforms caused a nationwide         Any company committed to engaging Chinese con-
  sensation, introducing social-networking sites to digital   sumers will need to grasp the trends and implications
  consumers outside of the young professional and uni-        of the country’s Internet-usage patterns.
  versity student populations, which had been the pre-
  dominant users in the past.                                 ◊ Understanding the underlying needs and tastes of the
                                                                different segments of Chinese digital consumers is vi-
As consumption of online news and other portal-                 tal to craing an effective approach to communicating
based information continues to climb, so too has                with them.
the growth potential of China’s online advertising
market.                                                       ◊ However well established they may currently be, con-
                                                                sumption trends such as e-commerce, online advertis-
◊ Online advertising is taking share from magazines,            ing, and social-networking sites are far from realizing
  newspapers, and TV, and will hit a projected 20 per-          their potential.
  cent of total advertising in 2012, up from 8 percent
  in 2008.                                                    ◊ Many consumer-oriented multinationals in China are
                                                                operating under outdated assumptions regarding Chi-
◊ The online ad market in China is expected to reach            nese consumers’ media and shopping behaviors. These
  $8.6 billion in 2012.                                         companies are at grave risk of losing touch with one of
                                                                the world’s most important growth markets.
The rise of the digital giants—which have trans-
formed themselves from startups to multibillion-              ◊ It is imperative to act fast, because the shi toward
dollar companies—helps explain how monetizing                   digital media and commerce has already become
Chinese consumer behavior can work.                             mainstream—and is gaining momentum at a tremen-
                                                                dous rate.
◊ The most successful local companies outperformed
  multinationals in every category of the Internet indus-     About the Authors
  try in China, driven by a deep understanding of Chi-        David C. Michael is a senior partner and managing
  nese consumers and by innovative approaches to              director in the Beijing office of The Boston Consulting
  meeting their needs.                                        Group and leads the Global Advantage practice;
                                                              he can be reached by e-mail at
◊ Important examples are Tencent (with a market
  capitalization of $38 billion), Baidu ($24 billion),        Yvonne Zhou is a principal in the firm’s Beijing office; ($10 billion), International          she can be reached by e-mail at
  ($5 billion), and Sina ($2 billion), among others.

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China’s Digital Landscape

              hina currently has 384 million Internet        most-active digital users of what we call the BRICI coun-
              users—more than the United States and          tries (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and Indonesia). As a
              Japan combined. This number, however,          country, China spent more than 1 billion hours online per
              represents only 29 percent of the popula-      day in 2009—double the amount in the United States.
              tion, indicating how much room there is for    This number will grow to well over 2 billion by 2015.
growth. The main pathway to the Internet at present is
through PC connections—and although only an estimat-
ed 20 percent of the population own PCs, many tens of        Rural Markets: The Next Wave of Growth
millions more are able to access the Internet at Internet
cafés, in workplaces, or through PCs that are shared by a    Internet penetration in China is expected to nearly dou-
household. Meanwhile, 769 million people, or 57 percent      ble by 2015 to more than 650 million users—but this will
of the population, own mobile phones, although mobile-       still be less than 50 percent of the total population. Much
broadband Internet use is only now beginning to see          of the remaining growth will come from rural China. The
large-scale adoption.                                        government has been stepping up its efforts to connect
                                                             rural areas as a means of stimulating consumption and
A look at the activities of China’s many types of digital    promoting economic development. Network coverage is
consumers shows the range of conveniences introduced         remarkably widespread, although rural broadband pen-
by PC ownership and an Internet connection. Shopping         etration remains low.
for the best bargain, streaming NBA games at any hour,
downloading a newly released movie, checking home-           Yet despite the uneven reach of broadband in rural China,
work with friends—all of these activities have become        most of the country’s new Internet users come from rural
mainstream online behaviors as China’s PC-based Inter-       areas—many of them young people visiting Internet ca-
net platforms and technology have developed. But the         fés for the first time. In addition, young Internet users in
implications extend beyond PC ownership alone—digital        rural areas are already the most active online segment in
consumers who rely on Internet cafés for a connection        those regions. The under-30 population makes up 77 per-
also use the platforms made popular by the more casu-        cent of rural Internet users, and nearly half of rural Inter-
ally active PC owners. And as mobile-broadband Internet      net users are under 20 years old. (See Exhibit 2.)
develops, early adopters will transfer PC-based Internet-
usage habits to their mobile devices.                        Aside from the Chinese government’s interest in broad-
                                                             band infrastructure, another major driver of rural Internet
For many Chinese digital consumers, then, Internet use is    penetration will be the rise in disposable income. Annual
now a fixture in their daily lives. Chinese Internet users,   income in rural areas increased from $407 per capita in
defined as those who go online at least once a month,         2005 to $758 in 2009, a 17 percent compound annual
spend an average of 2.7 hours a day online, up from 2.4      growth rate (CAGR). And while only 34 percent of the rural
hours a day in 2006—and 0.4 hours a day more than            population had disposable income of more than $882 a
U.S. users. (See Exhibit 1.) This means that China has the   year in 2009, that proportion will be 54 percent by 2015.

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Exhibit 1. Chinese Internet Users Spend 2.7 Hours a Day Online

                                                       Hours per day spent online per Internet user


                                    3            2.7                                                                                                       2.9
                                          2.4                                                                2.4
                                                                                           2.1                                             2.3
                                    2                                                                  1.7
                                    1                                    0.7   0.6                                   0.7 0.9
                                                                 0.4 0.5

                                              China                 India        Brazil            Russia             Indonesia       United States       Japan

      Total hours spent a day
      online in 2009 (millions)                 1,025                42              63                75                 27               507             268

      Total hours spent a day
      online in 2015 (millions)                 2,348               168              329               180                103

           2006           2009           2015E

    Sources: China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC); The Nielsen Company; International Telecommunication Union (ITU); comScore, Inc.;
    BCG analysis.

    Exhibit 2. Nearly 80 Percent of China’s Rural Internet Users Are Under 30 Years Old

                   Percentage of rural Internet                                                                   Percentage of Internet users
                          users by age                                                                                 by point of access

            100     47                                                                                 82

                                 Nearly half of rural
                                 Internet users are                                                          68                 A higher proportion
                                 under 20 years old                                                                               of rural Internet
                                                                                                                                  users go online
                                                                                                                         54      in Internet cafés


                                                                                                                                      12   11 12
                                                             2        1                                                                               3    3

           Total    <20     20–29 30–39 40–49 50–59                  60+                               Home         Internet     Work      School     Public
                                                                                                                      café                            areas

              Urban              Rural
    Sources: China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC); BCG analysis.

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Not surprisingly, PC ownership is much rarer in rural                               (IM) over e-mail. For instance, 87 percent of Chinese dig-
areas, as well—only 16 percent of rural residents have                              ital consumers use the Internet for IM, compared with
access to household PCs, compared with 70 percent of                                only 53 percent for e-mail. (See Exhibit 3.) By compari-
residents in tier 1 cities such as Beijing and Shanghai.                            son, e-mail usage rates in India, Brazil, Russia, the United
More than half of rural Internet users head to Internet                             States, and Japan all range between 77 percent and 95
cafés to go online, compared with 38 percent of urban                               percent. Aer China, India has the next-highest rate of IM
users. (For example, see the vignette “Rural Teenager:                              activity at only 62 percent.
Chao Connects with Friends via Internet Cafés and His
Mobile Phone” on page 16.) However, PC prices are fall-                             China also has the highest usage rates for online music,
ing steadily, and PC firms are increasingly looking to the                           video, and gaming, and the second-highest rate for news
evolving habits of the rural consumer as a source of                                reading (aer Japan). Availability is a major factor in on-
growth.                                                                             line entertainment activity—the wealth of media avail-
                                                                                    able online, due in large part to China’s loosely enforced
                                                                                    intellectual-property laws, has made video-streaming and
Entertainment and Communication                                                     music sites key entertainment destinations, although
                                                                                    many of these platforms now license content as well.
Chinese Internet users exhibit distinctive online-behavior
patterns compared with digital consumers in other BRICI                             A major reason that digital consumers prefer viewing
markets. Specifically, they use their Internet connections                           content online is that they can do so at their convenience.
to entertain themselves and communicate with others to                              For instance, even though the TV drama Wo Ju ran on
a much greater extent and in many more ways.                                        Chinese network television, two of the women we inter-
                                                                                    viewed opted to stream the series during their free mo-
One of the most distinctive online habits among Chinese                             ments, watching it on the online video site,
consumers is the tendency to prefer instant messaging                               which licensed the program. Yet online platforms also al-

  Exhibit 3. China’s Digital Consumers Favor Instant Messaging over E-Mail

                                                 Online activities by percentage of users, 2009
                                       China              India           Brazil        Russia       Indonesia        States            Japan
             Instant messaging              87          62                61               56            58          38               23
                   Online music             83          60             49               47              34           34               25
                  Reading news            80            61             47                   65           47            70                 90
                   Online video           76           53              49              41                 16           68              49
                  Search engine         69             50                   83               81          56               89             92
                 Online gaming         55              54              44              31               35           35                 16
                          E-mail       53                   95              77               78          59                91               88
                        Blogging     38               NA             17               33                33            11              32
              Social networking      33              23                    69        15                     58       35               32
                   E-commerce1       28              17              17               21                5               71             46
                Online banking  26                    NA             NA                11               5              55             NA
          Bulletin board/forum 21                     NA             18               NA                33          22                 13
                    Job hunting 19                        73         NA               NA               20            51                8
                          Others NA                     57           NA                     67         NA            NA               NA

              Above average2
  Sources: BCG Digital Generations consumer research, 2009; Business Insider; BCG analysis.
   E-commerce includes online travel booking, e-payments, and e-shopping.
   Above-average categories have usage rates that are at least 10 percent higher than the average of the BRICI countries, the United States, and Japan.

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low digital consumers to catch important events in real          Free Content. In China, an Internet connection grants
time. For instance, Chinese NBA fans oen prefer to              users access to limitless quantities of free content. One of
watch games live at work online rather than catching             our interview subjects—Feng, a 26-year-old professional
them on CCTV that evening. Quick access is another               who lives in Beijing—summed it up best: “I would never
plus—Chinese Internet users upload new content to file-           pay for music and videos because we have so many free
sharing sites much more quickly than traditional media           choices currently.”
channels can disseminate it. And access to the content is
free of charge, as well.                                                        The Emphasis on Education. China’s
                                                                                strong historical and cultural emphasis on
Online gaming in China is another in-             Chinese parents view          education means that parents oen see
creasingly prevalent form of entertain-             PCs as important            their child’s learning opportunities as
ment. Games like Tencent’s Dungeon &                                            something akin to a basic material need.
                                                  educational tools, not
Fighter and NetEase’s World of Warcra                                          “My daughter’s education is so critical to
are exceedingly popular in our surveys,                as luxuries.             her future,” explained Xiao Peng, a 38-year-
and nearly all the male respondents in                                          old parent from Henan. “I am always will-
the vignettes on pages 14 through 16 play                                       ing to spend on anything worthwhile to
online games at some point during their day. “I love            give her better positioning in the future.”
to play online games, especially World of Warcra ,”
explains Chaojun, a 29-year-old worker in Guilin who—           Chinese parents view PCs as important educational tools,
not atypically for a young single person—lives with his         not as luxuries. This sense of priority is one of the drivers
parents. For Chaojun and many others, online gaming             of the estimated 40 million PCs sold in China in 2008.
can also be a form of community building. “It makes my          Even poor families are able to obtain PCs, because scores
life aer work more colorful. It’s really a very good           of small businesses sell moderately priced white-box PCs
experience playing with your friends together online,”          made from new and recycled parts.
he said.
                                                                As students head to college, they take these tools with
                                                                them, using their laptop PCs for classroom tasks and so-
Factors That Shape Today’s Digital                              cial needs. “I use my computer to take notes in class. I use
Reality                                                         search engines to search for papers and learning materi-
                                                                als,” said Gao Lu, a 21-year-old from Beijing, who also
What accounts for some of the distinctive ways in which         uses IM and e-mail to communicate with friends, and
Chinese people use the Internet? Understanding the his-         who plays online games on his computer.
torical, economic, and cultural factors at play in Chinese
society today helps explain some of these trends.               Yet even young professionals who might not have owned
                                                                a computer in their student days find PC ownership in-
Cheap Connectivity. Government efforts to modernize              creasingly vital to self-improvement. “If the materials are
telecommunications infrastructure across the country            necessary and hard to get [offline], I would pay for them
have helped make broadband Internet both affordable              as e-learning, since it could save a lot of time,” explained
and accessible. In fact, broadband is even less expensive       Shao Linfei, a 32-year-old from Beijing. In addition, Chi-
than dial-up.                                                   na’s high levels of literacy—more than 93 percent, accord-
                                                                ing to the United Nations Development Programme—
The Move to Digital. Although many Westerners have              mean that not only many children but also most adults
owned, or still own, CD players, VCR machines, modems,          (both male and female) can read online content.
and fixed-line phones, China’s pace of economic develop-
ment means that consumers have bypassed those tech-             Lonely Only Children. One reason for the relative pop-
nologies, jumping straight into the world of MP3 and            ularity of entertainment and communication via the
DVD players and mobile phones. Internet users in China          Internet is China’s one-child policy. Implemented in 1979
are therefore quite familiar with online media platforms        to curb population growth, the policy has resulted in a
and file-sharing technology.                                     young Internet population that is made up overwhelm-

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ingly of only children. Again, due to the cultural empha-       means that Chinese Internet users find opportunities to
sis on education, students are oen expected to study           express their individuality through their online activities.
when they are at home. Their PCs give them a chance             This might mean participating in online communities
to discuss homework with classmates but also to                 and blogging, discussing news on a bulletin board system
keep themselves socially engaged and entertained by             (BBS), or adorning avatars with unique clothing and
chatting, updating pages on their social-networking sites,      sprucing up a personalized page on a social-networking
playing online games, and downloading different media            site. Despite the government’s rigorous censorship and
offerings.                                                                       monitoring of Web sites, the Chinese In-
                                                                                ternet offers diverse and immediate ways
China’s Online Workplaces. As China’s                As China’s digital         to express oneself, whether as an exercise
digital generations grow up, they take their       generations grow up,         in individual style or out of a desire to air
online networks and habits with them—                                           opinions anonymously.
                                                     they take their online
oen to their workplaces. As important as
having an at-home broadband connection                 habits with them.           Online Communities. As we discussed
may be, a great number of China’s online                                           earlier, China’s young people are oen
cultural phenomena take shape during                                               cooped up aer school and expected to
working hours. A modernizing, competitive, and globally            study—many of them on PCs that provide inviting online
oriented economy has filled urban office spaces with                  alternatives to their coursework. It’s hardly surprising
well-educated workers who use PCs and the Internet not             that adolescents use social-networking sites or online
just for their daily tasks but also for socializing and enter-     games to connect with their schoolmate communities.
tainment purposes. For instance, QQ, the IM platform of-           University students also look to form communities on the
fered by Tencent (China’s largest Internet-service portal),        Internet. And as rural users increasingly find their way
allows workers to chat with friends while at work—out-             online, the Internet offers opportunities to interact with
side their corporate e-mail boxes.                                 friends in other villages, as one of the rural middle-school-
                                                                   ers we spoke to does. Of course, Chinese users also form
The State-Run Media Void. Despite the more than 50                 online communities—such as online-gaming guilds—
cable-TV channels available in China, state control of the         around shared interests.
media has slowed the development of diverse and engag-
ing television content. Print media outlets, which are also        A Common Tongue. Finally, the Internet has had a sub-
state run, are also relatively underdeveloped in terms of          tle unifying effect on China. The diversity of Chinese dia-
content. Cinema tickets are expensive and the selection            lects such as Mandarin, Cantonese, and many others—
is extremely limited.                                              often an obstacle to comprehension of the spoken
                                                                   word—does not limit written comprehension because all
The sometimes barren offerings of the Chinese media                 the languages rely on the same characters. As a text-
have helped to make the Internet a mainstream destina-             based medium, the Internet brings together people who
tion for entertainment and information. This has, in turn,         would otherwise be unlikely—and unable—to communi-
created a massive content base and has altered viewing             cate with each other.
habits to such an extent that many now prefer the con-
venience of the customized online experience. “I rarely
buy newspapers now that I can get comprehensive infor-
mation from mobile newspapers, mobile Internet, and
some information portals,” said Dai Peng, a white-collar
worker in Beijing. “I spend much less time watching TV
than before, because most TV content you can easily find
online, and you can watch whichever part you want, with-
out limitation.”

The Expression of Individuality. The relative uniformi-
ty of perspective on TV and in the print media also

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China’s Digital Generations
                              From Teenagers to Middle-Agers

                ur research focused on a broad group of          focus of their activities is on entertainment and the
                Chinese people aged 14 to 55. (See the           interactions within their communities.
                Appendix.) Within this group, we identi-
                fied three different generations, each         Although these three age groupings provide a rough cut
                exhibiting very different adoption and         of the market in China, they do not capture the nuances
satisfaction levels with regard to the digital experience.     within—and sometimes across—generations, which
                                                               oen differ by educational background and income level.
◊ One group is the older generation, aged 36 to 55. Al-        In order to refine online behavioral traits within these
  though they grew up before the economic boom in a            age groups, we have created six consumer categories. (See
  frugal environment that offered little in the way of en-      Exhibit 4.) These six categories are illustrated in the
  tertainment or choice, they still exhibit moderate lev-      vignettes on pages 14 through 16.
  els of Internet adoption. Many in this age group look
  to the Internet to provide practical solutions to their      ◊ Teenagers. Nearly nine out of ten teenagers use the
  everyday lives, such as easy access to news. This seg-         Internet at least once a month (an Internet penetra-
  ment is also becoming increasingly comfortable with            tion rate of 85 percent), and they spend an average of
  more recreational Internet use, such as social-network-        2.7 hours a day online. They usually focus on commu-
  ing sites, as well as with e-commerce. In general, this is     nication and entertainment, such as chatting, watching
  a diverse group—and educational background, income             movies, gaming, and listening to music. (See the
  levels, and PC availability have a strong influence on          vignette “Jianhong’s Teen Experience Focuses on Fun,
  the online habits of this group’s constituent subsets.         Friends, and Studies.”)

◊ The next group, aged 26 to 35, witnessed tremendous          ◊ University Students. Even more active on the Internet
  change in China during their youth. As beneficiaries of         than teenagers, this group has a 99 percent penetra-
  the country’s reforms, they optimistically look for vari-      tion rate, matching young professionals for the highest
  ety and new opportunities, and they value the ability          share among the six groups. University students grew
  to voice their opinions online. This group tends to have       up with digital services and are now turning to the In-
  a high rate of adoption of digital devices and servic-         ternet to discover a world beyond family and friends,
  es—and appreciates the richness of information acces-          spending an average of 3.6 hours a day online. They
  sible via popular portals.                                     use the Internet for information, entertainment, and
                                                                 communication. (See the vignette “University Student:
◊ The third group is the young generation—the “little            Shane Works, Chats, Shops, and Relaxes Online.”)
  emperors,” aged 14 to 25. They have grown up in an
  openly capitalist environment and have seen rapid            ◊ Young Professionals. Having benefited from the coun-
  modernization. Their life experience has been charac-          try’s reforms, this group has relatively high levels of
  terized by opportunity and choice, and they readily            income and education. They have an Internet-
  embrace mobile-phone use and the Internet. The                 penetration rate of 99 percent and are sophisticated

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Exhibit 4: The Six Chinese Internet User Segments Have Distinct Motivations
  and Behaviors

                                                      Most active                     Most influential

                                          University               Young                                         Active              Passive
                   Teenagers              students              professionals          Young gamers           middle-agers         middle-agers
 Basics        ◊ 14–18 years old       ◊ 19–25 years old      ◊ 26–35 years old       ◊ 19–35 years old     ◊ 36–55 years old     ◊ 36–55 years old
               ◊ Have grown up         ◊ Have grown up        ◊ Educated              ◊ Lower education     ◊ Mostly middle-      ◊ Lower edu-
                 with digital            with digital           middle-class            and income            class                 cation and
                 services                services               and above             ◊ First Internet      ◊ First Internet        income levels
               ◊ 85% penetration       ◊ 99% penetration      ◊ First Internet          experiences           experiences         ◊ Low adoption
                                                                experiences             were in internet      were at work          levels
                                                                were while at           cafés               ◊ 67% penetration     ◊ 38% penetration
                                                                university            ◊ 89% penetration
                                                              ◊ 99% penetration

 Motivations ◊ Looking for fun         ◊ Seeking friends      ◊ Focusing on           ◊ Looking for         ◊ Looking for         ◊ Seeking to relax
               and also support                                 work and career         excitement and        support in daily      and kill time
               in studying                                                              a sense of            activities

 Usage         ◊ Heavy users           ◊ Heavy users          ◊ Heavy users           ◊ Indulge heavily     ◊ Occasional and      ◊ Infrequent users
                 (2.7 hours a day)       with broad             (4.0 hours a day)       in entertainment      pragmatic users       (1.8 hours a day)
               ◊ Focus on                activities           ◊ Focus on                activities            (2.5 hours a day)   ◊ Undertake
                 entertainment           (3.6 hours a day)      communication           (3.2 hours a day) ◊ Focus on                simple, basic
                 and community         ◊ Focus on infor-        and information       ◊ Spend money           information and       Internet activities
               ◊ Willing to try          mation, enter-       ◊ Some                    and long hours        transactions
                 new activities          tainment, and          e-commerce              on these activities
                                         community              and online
  Sources: BCG Digital Generations Consumer Research, 2009; BCG analysis.
  Note: Penetration measures the proportion of a segment accessing the Internet at least once a month.

  users of technology. They also spend the most time                             ◊ Active Middle-Agers. This group, aged 36 to 55, has both
  online, on average, at 4.0 hours a day. They engage in                           high income and advanced education—and an Inter-
  numerous digital pursuits, focusing on communication                             net penetration rate of 67 percent. They use the Inter-
  and information but also using e-commerce. (See the                              net mainly to search for information and news, spend-
  vignette “Young Professionals: Feng Uses the Internet                            ing an average of 2.5 hours a day online. Although
  for Nearly All of His Needs.”)                                                   they are less attached to chatting and entertainment,
                                                                                   they still tend to use these services. (See the vignette
◊ Young Gamers. This group, which bridges the younger                              “Active Middle-Ager: Jun’s Digital Devices Keep Her
  age groups—the little emperors and the reform benefi-                             Connected, Informed, and Amused.”)
  ciaries—consists of people aged 19 to 35 who have not
  attended a university and whose incomes are usually                            ◊ Passive Middle-Agers. Members of this group have lower
  lower than those of college graduates. Nearly 90 per-                            incomes and less education than active middle-agers. At
  cent of them use the Internet at least once a month,                             38 percent, this group’s Internet penetration is the low-
  and they spend an average of 3.2 hours a day online.                             est among the six groups. Passive middle-agers lag be-
  They tend to play games, chat, and seek out other forms                          hind the average in nearly every area, especially chat-
  of entertainment. Even though the Internet penetra-                              ting, listening to music, downloading movies, and
  tion rate of this group is less than that of university stu-                     e-mailing. They have not grown up with the Internet
  dents or young professionals, young gamers make up a                             and, because they lack money and education, it is un-
  much larger swath of the Chinese population in abso-                             derstandable that they use the Internet only selectively,
  lute terms. (See the vignette “Young Gamer: Chaojun                              if at all. Still, they spend an average of 1.8 hours a day
  Plays Games Online—Before, Aer, and During Work.”)                              online, so they should not be overlooked entirely.

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Teenager: Jianhong’s Teen Experience Focuses on Fun, Friends, and Studies

                                                                                    A typical day
                              14 years old
                                                                                    AM          6:30 Jianhong’s mobile-phone alarm rings,
                              Junior high school student in                                          rousing him for the start of a new day
                              Guilin                                                            7:30 Arrives at school and sends his mother
                              Only child; lives with his parents                                     a text message saying that he
                                                                                                     arrived safely
                                                                                         10:00–10:10 Surreptitiously logs on to mobile QQ to
                                 “My parents usually give me $1.50 in                                chat with friends during a boring English
                                 allowance per school day so that I can                              class
                                   buy some snacks and other things.
                                 Instead, I almost always use it to pay             PM    12:30–1:30 Arrives home for his noon lunch break,
                                 for playing Dungeon & Fighter and the                               logging on to QQ to steal friends’ cabbages
                                          QQ membership fee.”                                        in QQ Farm aer finishing lunch
Personal monthly finances                                                                        3:30 Receives a text message from his mother
                                                                                                     during class reminding him to go to his
 Allowance                                  $30                                                      grandmother’s for dinner that evening
 Education                                   $5                                            7:30–8:00 Uses QQ to chat with classmates about
 Food and clothing                           $5        QQ premium services     $3                    that day’s homework assignments
 Communications/entertainment               $10        Online gaming         $3–4         9:00–10:00 Plays the online game Dungeon & Fighter
 Other                                       $5        Mobile phone          $3–4                    aer his homework is done
 Savings                                        $5

Personal digital devices
       ◊ Unbranded assembled desktop computer        ◊ Nokia mobile phone    MP3
       ◊ Shares with parents                         ◊ Price: ~$220
       ◊ Price: ~$550
Internet access: 512kbps ADSL at home

  University Student: Shane Works, Chats, Shops, and Relaxes Online

                                                                                    A typical day
                              23 years old
                                                                                    AM          9:00 Aer waking up, checks e-mails from
                              Fourth-year university student in                                      professors and friends and then scans
                              Beijing                                                                the latest financial news for interesting
                              Lives with classmates in a school
                                                                                          9:30–11:30 Searches online for business data related
                              dormitory                                                              to a task from his part-time job
                              Only child                                            PM    12:30–1:30 Spends his lunch break watching movies
                              Family lives in Hunan province                                         online
                                                                                           1:30–2:00 Logs on to MSN to chat with friends
                                                                                           2:00–3:00 Explores all kinds of online resources, such
                                                                                                     as downloadable HDTV videos, internation-
Personal monthly finances                                                                             al magazines, and the latest online games
 Income                                    $320                                            3:00–5:00 Attends class with his laptop, following
 Education                                 $150                                                      along from a PowerPoint presentation
 Food and clothing                          $80                                                      prepared by his professors
 Communications/entertainment               $50                                            8:00–8:30 Buys some new books on,
 Other                                      $20                                                      then reads jokes online as a way of relaxing
 Savings                                    $20                                           8:30–10:30 Searches online for research sources for a
                                                                                                     paper he is writing for one of his classes
Personal digital devices                                                                 10:30–11:30 Checks in with friends to find out how their
       ◊ Dell laptop         ◊ Samsung mobile phone              Digital     MP3
                                                                                                     days went and to bid them goodnight
       ◊ Price: ~$800        ◊ Price: ~$300                      camera

Internet access: Broadband in dormitory

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Young Professionals: Feng Uses the Internet for Nearly All of His Needs

                                                                                  A typical day
                             26 years old
                                                                                  AM          6:00 Wakes up and immediately checks Sina
                             Unmarried                                                             Sports for the results of the World Cup
                                                                                                   qualifier round played while he was asleep
                             Lives by himself in Beijing
                                                                                         7:30–8:20 On the subway to work, reads mobile news
                                                                                                   and an e-novel on his mobile phone
                               “My mobile phone and the Internet are                          8:30 Arrives at the office and turns on his com-
                              parts of my life. As a subset of my spend-                           puter, which automatically logs on to QQ,
                              ing on these items, I usually spend $30 a                            Fetion, and MSN
                               month shopping online. Because I have
                               extensive knowledge of digital technol-                        8:45 Gets started on the day’s work assignment
                              ogy, friends and relatives often ask me for                          aer receiving an e-mail from his boss
                                advice when they buy digital goods.”
                                                                                       11:30–12:00 Takes a break from work, logging on to
Personal monthly finances                                                                  to play Happy Farm and
                                                                                                   view friends’ shared videos and stories
 Monthly income                           $735
                                                                                  PM     4:30–5:00 Uses PowerPoint to write a report for his
 Education                                 $30         TV                    $5                    boss summarizing the work he’s done for
 Food and clothing                        $150         Broadband            $25                    the day
 Communications/entertainment             $140         Mobile phone         $60
                                                                                         5:00–5:30 Helps colleagues buy discounted prepaid
 Other (including rent)                   $250         Online gaming        $30
                                                                                                   calling cards on Taobao
                                                       Movies/CDs/DVDs      $20
 Savings                                  $165                                           6:00–6:10 Uses Fetion to send short messages to
                                                                                                   friends about where to grab dinner that
Personal digital devices                                                                           evening
       ◊ Gateway laptop         ◊ Nokia mobile phone           Digital      MP3         9:30–10:30 Aer returning home, settles down to play
       ◊ Price: ~$2,000         ◊ Price: ~$300                 camera
                                                                                                   World of Warcra for a while before finally
                                                                                                   heading to bed
Internet access: 2Mbps ADSL at home

  Young Gamer: Chaojun Plays Games Online—Before, After, and During Work

                                                                                  A typical day
                             29 years old
                                                                                  AM     7:00–7:10 Wakes up and logs on to mobile QQ
                             Unmarried worker
                                                                                         7:30–8:00 Uses his mobile phone to steal vegetables
                             Lives with his parents in Guilin                                      from his friends in QQ Farm while he gets
                                                                                                   ready for work
                                                                                         8:00–8:30 Visits the sports page on for NBA
                                “I love to play online games, especially                           news on the way to the factory
                              World of Warcraft. It makes my after-work                10:00–10:30 Uses his mobile phone to listen to some
                              life much richer. I have a really good time                          pop music while taking a break
                               playing with my friends together online.”
                                                                                  PM    12:30–2:00 Back at home on his lunch break, visits
                                                                                                   Tianya to read news and humor pages

Personal monthly finances                                                                 4:00–4:30 Uses his mobile phone to play a few QQ
                                                                                                   casual games, such as Dou Di Zhu
 Income                                   $220
                                                                                         7:30–8:30 Aer dinner, logs on to QQ to chat with
 Education                                  $5                                                     some friends, mainly with the intent of lin-
 Food and clothing                         $45         TV                    $5                    ing up a group session of World of Warcra
                                                       Broadband            $10
 Communications/entertainment              $50         Mobile phone         $15         8:30–10:30 Plays World of Warcra with some friends
 Other                                     $30         Online gaming        $20                    for a while before finally turning in
 Savings                                   $90

Personal digital devices
      ◊ Unbranded assembled desktop computer      ◊ K-Touch mobile phone    MP3
      ◊ Price: ~$650                              ◊ Price: ~$200

Internet access: 1Mbps ADSL at home

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Active Middle-Ager: Jun’s Digital Devices Keep Her Connected, Informed, and Amused

                                                                                          A typical day
                                  41 years old
                                                                                          AM    9:00–10:30 Starts off the workday by using Excel to
                                  Manager at a cartoon company in                                          run some statistics about her company’s
                                  Beijing                                                                  cartoon-production schedule

                                  Lives with her husband and                                   10:30–11:30 Logs on to to play Happy
                                  daughter                                                                 Farm with friends
                                                                                               11:30–12:00 Aer tiring of cabbage the, logs on to QQ
                                                                                                           to chat with friends for a while
                                   “Personally, I only earn $735 per month.
                                     But my husband turns over all of his                 PM          1:00 Receives a call from her boss informing her
                                    income to me, and I usually make the                                   of a meeting at 2 p.m.
                                       decisions about our purchases.”
                                                                                                 1:00–1:10 Uses Fetion to send out a meeting request
                                                                                                           to colleagues via her work computer
Personal monthly finances                                                                                   so that they can read it on their mobile
 Household income                          $1,470
                                                                                                 5:00–6:00 Visits Sina to read the news of the day
 Education                                   $440                                                          before leaving work
 Food and clothing                           $150
                                                            Fixed-line telephone    $50          8:00–9:30 Aer dinner, catches up on the popular TV
 Communications/entertainment                $150           Mobile phone            $45                    show Wo Ju on
 Other                                       $360           Broadband               $30
                                                            Movies/CDs/DVDs         $25
 Savings                                     $370

Personal digital devices
        ◊ Lenovo laptop              ◊ Nokia mobile phone                 Digital
        ◊ Price: ~$900               ◊ Price: ~$440                       camera

Internet access: 1Mbps ADSL at home

     Rural Teenager: Chao Connects with Friends via Internet Cafés and His Mobile Phone

                                                                                          A typical day
                                  18 years old
                                                                                          AM          8:30 Wakes up; realizes that he doesn’t need to
                                  Rural high-school student in                                             head to school because he’s on his winter
                                  Heilongjiang                                                             holiday

                                  Only child; lives with his parents                                 11:00 Nonetheless, sends text messages to class-
                                                                                                           mates to discuss outstanding homework
                               “I don’t have a PC at home but there is an                      11:05–11:20 Aer downing breakfast, heads to the
                                Internet café in my village. I spend about                                 Internet café and logs on to his personal
                                  three hours a day there during winter                                    accounts
                               vacation and pay about $0.20 an hour for
                               Internet access. The Internet makes it easy                     11:20–11:30 Checks Kugou for new music and uses QQ
                              for me to communicate with my friends and                                    to say hello to classmates in other villages
                                               to have fun.”                                   11:30–12:00 Steals vegetables from friends on QQ Farm
Personal monthly finances
                                                                                                           and plays Dou Di Zhu on QQ Game with
 Allowance                                    $40                                                          classmates
 Education                                     $0                                         PM    12:00–2:00 Plays online game Chuanqyi
 Food and clothing                            $10
                                                            Internet café access    $10          9:00–9:30 Ends his day by using mobile QQ to chat
 Communications/entertainment                 $20           Online gaming            $6                    with friends before going to sleep
 Other                                         $5           Mobile phone             $4
 Savings                                        $5

Personal digital devices
       ◊ Changhong mobile phone            MP3
       ◊ Price: ~$100

Internet access: At Internet café

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The Rise of the
                               Digital Giants

              hina’s diverse cast of Internet users demon-   way of building and maintaining friendship networks
              strates a great variety of online behaviors.   among young people.
              But one thing emerges that almost all Chi-
              nese Internet users share: a QQ address.       How, then, has Tencent become a multibillion-dollar
              Created in the late 1990s by Tencent, and      company? It derives revenue from ad traffic and from
based on the ICQ technology purchased by AOL from            value-added services, including Internet-based ones such
Mirabilis, QQ has evolved into an instant-messaging plat-    as online games and avatar design, as well as from mobile
form that acts as the Internet gateway for almost all new    services, such as fee-based mobile IM and mobile games.
users—and has therefore been the technological basis for     For these services, Tencent has set up a virtual currency
an enduring network of online connections for the major-     known as Q coins that users can purchase outright (or
ity of China’s Internet population.                          earn by using the mobile-phone service) and then spend
                                                             on sprucing up their blog sites or avatars or buying more
                                                             online-gaming time. At the same time, Tencent earns traf-
Tencent’s QQ                                                 fic-based ad revenue from its portal, search, e-commerce,
                                                             and IM sites.
There are 523 million active QQ accounts—a number
bigger than the total population of the European Union—      The development of Tencent’s business model in some
owned by an estimated 280 million users. University stu-     ways mirrors the evolution of Internet user habits. For in-
dents or young professionals oen migrate to other plat-     stance, Shane, a university student, opened his QQ
forms for their IM needs, although many still use and        account nearly ten years ago when he was in junior high
maintain QQ accounts to keep in touch with high-school       school—right aer his parents bought the household’s
friends.                                                     first PC. By 2003 he had begun spending money on “cool
                                                             stuff ” on QQ to compete with his classmates. Around the
Indeed, most Chinese IM users cite the convenience and       same time, he also opened up an e-mail account with
the cost-effectiveness of the medium as the chief reasons     NetEase’s, but he seldom uses it. He recently
for the frequency of their QQ use. “It’s very convenient     signed up for Gmail, but he logs in mainly to check
chatting on QQ,” said Yang Bo, 33, from Beijing. “You just   e-mails from professors and classmates, and not for more
sit back in your chair and type in whatever words you        active social purposes.
want to say. You can even leave messages when your
friends are offline.”
                                                             What Tencent’s Empire Says About
One of the reasons for QQ’s huge user base is that its       User Stickiness
services are free. This means that school-age users
don’t have to ask for money from their parents to            Although Tencent’s portfolio of services includes more
communicate with friends (in contrast with mobile-           than just IM, most of its other services are offshoots of
phone usage, for example)—and as a result, QQ is a key       that platform, as illustrated by the digital day of Jianhong,

C’ D G .                                                                                        
a middle-schooler in the tier 3 city of Guilin. Jianhong tai-       Although Dungeon & Fighter is a shooting game, it also
lors his QQ use to a variety of communication needs                 has an interactive component via the QQ IM platform,
throughout his day. For instance, he uses his QQ mobile             thereby offering yet another dimension of interaction.
account for a surreptitious chat with friends during a              Most of the young men we interviewed for this report
tedious English class, and then later—during his lunch              played Dungeon & Fighter at some point during their day.
hour—to steal cabbages from friends on the QQ social-               But online games in general can be incredibly sticky. Old-
networking platform. (Stealing cabbages is part of a                er respondents have moved on to World of Warcra , for
social-networking game; see the sidebar “China Catches              the most part, and spend more time playing games than
the Social-Networking Bug:’s Happy                    their younger counterparts, suggesting how compelling
Farm.”) Aer dinner, he discusses homework with class-              these games can be. “Online games are electronic drugs
mates on QQ before following the platform to Tencent’s              for me—they can provide me with different experiences
online-gaming module, where he plays Dungeon & Fight-               that you cannot get in the real world,” said Zhou Ziyan, a
er for an hour—he saves his $1.50 in lunch money each               22-year-old who lives in Beijing and who spends $44 a
day to spend on weapons in the game.                                month on online games.

In fact, the success of Tencent’s online-gaming business            Although Tencent’s online games have seen enormous
illustrates the value of the stickiness of its QQ platform.         growth in the last three years, it has other offerings that

     China Catches the Social-Networking Bug:’s Happy Farm

     Social-networking sites boomed in 2008 among university       It’s impossible to say why toucai became the Internet sen-
     students and young professionals and quickly expanded         sation of 2009, when’s parking lot game
     into all segments, with 130 million users by 2009 and a       was just a flash in the pan a year earlier. What is clear is
     CAGR of 108 percent from 2007 to 2009. Much of the 2009       that viral networks are extremely powerful in China.
     growth was driven by the social-networking game Happy         Among IT-related keywords, “toucai” was the most
     Farm, which became an online sensation. The game,             searched-for word in 2009 on And while
     known as toucai (or “stealing cabbages”)—in which friends     most users stole each other’s cabbages merely in the be-
     steal cabbages from each other’s virtual gardens—first         nign spirit of the game, there was also a real—and some-
     became popular on the elite social-networking site Kaix-      times tragic—influence on offline lives. For instance, the Before long, versions of the game had been         Chinese media reported an instance of a baby dying of ne-
     launched by Tencent and other sites, and people from all      glect because the nurse on duty was too busy stealing cab-
     walks of life were plotting cabbage the during their spare   bages, and another case of a wife burning down her house
     moments online.                                               as revenge against her husband’s toucai addiction.’s first move was to focus on a clear target      The toucai phenomenon also exemplifies the trickle-down
     segment: white-collar professionals, who seldom interact-     nature of social networking. A game that had first caught
     ed on other social-networking sites. It designed platforms    on among well-educated young professionals had, within
     that addressed young professionals’ social and entertain-     several months, found its way into the habits of adoles-
     ment needs simultaneously, introducing interactive Web        cents in tier 3 cities via Tencent’s less exclusive social-
     games available on a platform that also allowed for com-      networking platform that links users into its IM system
     munication and social networking. These games started         and its online-games portfolio. In order to anticipate
     with slave trading in 2008, aer which          trends, China’s early adopters will be a crucial segment to
     rolled out a steady stream of simple, interactive games,      watch. And although in the case of toucai it was young pro-
     including a parking lot game, house buying, and, ultimate-    fessionals who were the tastemakers, university students
     ly, its farm and ranch games. Simultaneously, users could     are more active social networkers. At present, 51 percent
     adorn their particular site with pictures and a diary and     of university students in China participate in social-net-
     could give each other gis. “It is a perfect combination of   working sites, compared with 43 percent of young profes-
     entertainment and communication,” explained Lu Yafen,         sionals and 40 percent of young gamers.
     a 37-year-old from Guilin. “Stealing friends’ cabbages is
     another way of saying hello to them.”

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have also become enormously popular. For instance,             China’s media spectrum was on hand. And yet many Chi-
QQshow sells clothes and accessories for users’ QQ ava-        nese people learned about the details of the meetings at
tars, allowing them to spruce up their online personas         Davos not through state television or newspapers but
with everything from new hairstyles to eveningwear.            rather through, the de facto news source for
“I spend $1.50 per month on QQshow. I can purchase             many millions of Chinese people. Sina is the most-
any of the beautiful clothes on the QQshow market              accessed of China’s information portals—and in terms of
for my avatar,” said 17-year-old Li Jing of Guilin. “It’s      total traffic, it falls just behind search engines Baidu and
very cool!”                                                            and Tencent’s IM platform QQ.
                                                                                The portal has the world’s largest digital-
                                                     The popularity of          newspaper readership.
Riding the Digital Wave: Sina                      reading news on the
                                                                                      Sina has already proven the online ad
                                                       Internet is remarkably
Tencent is not the only digital giant to have                                         model to be viable—and yet Chinese read-
built a business empire on a deep under-                    high in China.            ership habits are only beginning the con-
standing of Chinese habits and needs—but                                              tinuous shi toward online media. Fewer
with a market capitalization of $38 billion,                                          and fewer Chinese Internet users find
it is certainly the largest. China’s digital giants also include      their news and general information from TV, newspapers,
Baidu (with $24 billion in market capitalization), Alibaba.           magazines, or books. In 2007, 79 percent of Internet users
com (with $10 billion in market capitalization),            said they read newspapers, compared with only 67 per-
International ($5 billion), and Sina ($2 billion), among              cent in 2009. For magazines, the drop was even more pre-
others. As recently as three years ago, none of these com-            cipitous—only 30 percent of Chinese Internet users
panies was clearly dominant compared with either for-                 sought out news and general information from maga-
eign or local competitors. Since then, a decisive shi has            zines in 2009, compared with 49 percent two years earli-
occurred, and by 2009 the major players were in place.                er. Those using Internet-based sources increased to 80
                                                                      percent in 2009, from 75 percent in 2007. “Sina is a must-
In China’s diverse media marketplace, Sina has risen to               visit Web site every day for me,” said Feng, the Beijing-
the top—thanks to its combination of content generation               based young professional. “I love the news channel, as
and aggregation—to establish a leading presence in the                well as the sports channel.”
portal market. To give a sense of the growth potential, it
is useful to compare China’s market for content genera-               Driven by the ability to tailor Western models to the Chi-
tion and aggregation with that of the United States and               nese user experience, local companies like Tencent and
Japan. In 2008, content generation and aggregation had                Sina outperformed their multinational competitors in
revenues of $14 billion and represented only 10 percent               every Internet industry in China. Yet even more impres-
of China’s overall digital market, compared with $307 bil-            sive than outperforming foreign competitors is the fact
lion in the United States (54 percent of the U.S. online              that the digital giants have outperformed their local
market) and $80 billion in Japan (39 percent).                        rivals, usually under intensely competitive conditions.
                                                                      What China’s digital giants have in common is that they
The popularity of reading news via the Internet is re-                have found effective approaches to marketing, innova-
markably high in China, with 80 percent of the Internet-              tive ways of bringing products or content to users, and
using population seeking information in this way. This                ways to scale rapidly. Once they have established a strong
suggests the enormous potential of online advertising.                core business, they focus on improving customer sticki-
However, the market is still fairly undeveloped. At 4 per-            ness. They are also focusing on the future—we see a
cent of China’s total advertising share in 2006, online               shared emphasis on building their vertical Internet seg-
advertising represented but a small slice, although its               ments, expanding across value chains, and developing
share doubled to 8 percent of the market in 2008 and is               strategies for overseas growth.
estimated to grow to 20 percent by 2012.

At the World Economic Forum in Switzerland in early
2010, a huge delegation of Chinese journalists from across

C’ D G .                                                                                              
The E-Commerce Revolution

                 ne of the biggest trend shis in China is   The purchasing activity of these online shoppers is im-
                 the rise of e-commerce. As recently as      pressive—nearly half of them made at least 11 online
                 2007, many online consumers were wary       purchases in 2008, and 40 percent of them spent more
                 of online purchasing and the apparent       than $294 that year. People are increasingly buying more
                 lack of enforcement or payment mecha-       complex products, with apparel and accessories, books,
nisms. Business-to-business transactions accounted for       cosmetics, and consumer electronics topping the list in
most of China’s e-commerce. But things have changed          2008, compared with books, digital cards, and flowers
significantly. While the business-to-business segment         in 2004.
is still the largest by total transaction value, consumer-
to-consumer and business-to-consumer transactions            Users can pay in a variety of ways, including by cash or
are experiencing the fastest growth: they totaled $37 bil-   debit card upon delivery or, to an increasing extent, by
lion in 2009 and are expected to surpass $100 billion        online payment platforms, although such platforms are
in 2012. We expect business-to-consumer transactions         still in the early stages of development. Some 93 percent
to grow 61 percent annually from 2009 through 2012,          of digital consumers pay in cash, compared with 53 per-
while consumer-to-consumer volume will grow 45 per-          cent via bankcard—and only 20 percent use online pay-
cent annually.                                               ment systems. (See Exhibit 5.) Still, 39 percent of young
                                                             professionals and 30 percent of university students say
                                                             they pay online.
Online Consumer Behavior
                                                             Doubts about quality and trustworthiness continue to be
The brisk growth in disposable incomes that urban Chi-       the biggest obstacles for online shopping, with concerns
nese workers have seen in recent years has put more          about “product quality” and “seller cheating” topping the
money in the hands of already-keen users of e-commerce,      list. Such concerns typically come from older users; young-
which in turn has influenced—and will continue to influ-       er Internet users are little bothered by these concerns.
ence—the habits of millions of other users.

Some 8 percent of the Chinese population now shop            Case Study: Taobao
online, compared with just 3 percent in 2006. E-com-
merce adoption is estimated to jump to 19 percent of the     The growing willingness to trust the quality of online
population by 2012. Young professionals, the group           products is perhaps best illustrated by the growth of
that tends to be the early adopters, are at the vanguard     Taobao, part of Alibaba Group (which also owns the
of this trend, with 49 percent of them shopping online,      popular business-to-business site When
followed by 39 percent of university students. They          Chinese people shop online, they’re generally using Tao-
cite price as their biggest incentive to shop online,        bao, which now dominates the consumer-to-consumer
followed by convenience, efficiency, and product             market with an 85 percent share of total transaction
choice.                                                      value.

                                                                                       T B C G
Exhibit 5. University Students and Young Professionals Are the Most Active in Both Online
  Research and E-Commerce

                            Learn                                                 Buy                                            Pay

              From which channels do you                      Through which channels do you                    Through which channels do you
            usually obtain product information                   usually make purchases?                          usually make payments?
                    before purchasing?

        Word of mouth                    81                   Physical              100                              Cash              93
                                      77                      channel
   Sales representative
              TV or radio            71                       channel        28                                  Bank card       53

             Print media            54                                                                            Online
                                                          Mail order         26                                 payment 20
                 Internet       36
                                                                                                         Mail or transfer
                    Other       9                               Other 10                                        payment 8
                            0         50      100                        0          50      100                              0         50      100
                                Internet users (%)                            Internet users (%)                                 Internet users (%)

                                     Breakdown by                                        Breakdown by                                      Breakdown by
               57    55                segment (%)                                         segment (%)                                       segment (%)
                                40                              39                                                        39
                                          33                                        34
                                               28                                                                  30
      23                                                21                                  22                                        24
                                                                                                  19                                         17
                                                                                                          12                                       14

    Teen-           Young        Active               Teen-           Young        Active                Teen-           Young        Active
    agers          profes-      middle-               agers          profes-      middle-                agers          profes-      middle-
                    sional        ager                                sional        ager                                 sional        ager
            Univer-        Young       Passive                Univer-        Young       Passive                 Univer-        Young       Passive
              sity         gamer       middle-                  sity         gamer       middle-                   sity         gamer       middle-
            student                     ager                  student                     ager                   student                     ager

  Sources: BCG Digital Generations Consumer Research, 2009; BCG analysis.

Several years ago, Taobao (which means “treasure hunt”)                             sidebar “Christine’s Digital Week: How Does She Shop?”)
was not a significant e-commerce presence. Its first moves                            Christine mainly purchased consumer electronics, includ-
were to allow all sellers to use the site for free and to                           ing a camera, a keyboard, and earphones, although she
launch Alipay, a secure online payment system, in 2003.                             also bought a good deal of makeup, jewelry, and clothes.
It also guaranteed product quality by offering refunds to                            One of the reasons that she turns to Taobao is the range
defrauded buyers and making sure that buyers could                                  of selection: “You can find nearly everything you want on
rate sellers aer having made a purchase, with historical-                          Taobao. Many of those things you can’t find in shops.”
ratings records visible to buyers.                                                  Convenience and price are also factors, though. “It really
                                                                                    saves me a lot of time, and I can shop anytime I want. In
Christine, 26, is a typical Taobao customer, with a serious                         most cases, the prices are cheaper but the quality is still
online shopping habit—and she is a good example of                                  good,” she said.
how Taobao’s popularity has taken hold. This young Bei-
jing professional checks Taobao and online bookstore (acquired by in 2004) each day,                                 Informing Consumer Choice—Both
scouring those sites for deals, promotions, and new prod-                           Online and Off
ucts. In 2009, she spent $905, or 30 percent of her annual
shopping budget, on Taobao, compared with $1,370 off-                                One reason that Chinese consumers have been able to
line and $740 on business-to-consumer sites. (See the                               move past their worries about product quality is the grow-

C’ D G .                                                                                                                            
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The consumer connection

  • 1. R China’s Digital Generations 2.0 Digital Media and Commerce Go Mainstream
  • 2. The Boston Consulting Group (BCG) is a global manage- ment consulting firm and the world’s leading advisor on business strategy. We partner with clients in all sectors and regions to identify their highest-value opportunities, address their most critical challenges, and transform their businesses. Our customized approach combines deep in- sight into the dynamics of companies and markets with close collaboration at all levels of the client organization. This ensures that our clients achieve sustainable compet- itive advantage, build more capable organizations, and secure lasting results. Founded in 1963, BCG is a private company with 69 offices in 40 countries. For more infor- mation, please visit
  • 3. China’s Digital Generations 2.0 Digital Media and Commerce Go Mainstream David C. Michael Yvonne Zhou May 2010
  • 4. © The Boston Consulting Group, Inc. 2010. All rights reserved. For information or permission to reprint, please contact BCG at: E-mail: Fax: +1 617 850 3901, attention BCG/Permissions Mail: BCG/Permissions The Boston Consulting Group, Inc. One Beacon Street Boston, MA 02108 USA
  • 5. Contents Executive Summary 4 China’s Digital Landscape 7 Rural Markets: The Next Wave of Growth 7 Entertainment and Communication 9 Factors That Shape Today’s Digital Reality 10 China’s Digital Generations: From Teenagers to Middle-Agers 12 The Rise of the Digital Giants 17 Tencent’s QQ 17 What Tencent’s Empire Says About User Stickiness 17 Riding the Digital Wave: Sina 19 The E-Commerce Revolution 20 Online Consumer Behavior 20 Case Study: Taobao 20 Informing Consumer Choice—Both Online and Off 21 Chinese E-Commerce’s Business-to-Consumer Push: Ctrip 23 The Consumer Connection 25 Incorporate Consumer Behavior into Your Business Model 25 Integrate the Internet into Your Go-to-Market Strategy 25 Leverage the Collective Power of the Digital Network 26 Use the Internet to Advertise Your Brand and Build Trust 27 Mobile Internet: The 3G Opportunity 28 Appendix: Researching China’s Digital Generations 29 For Further Reading 30 Note to the Reader 31 C’ D G . 
  • 6. Executive Summary D igital technology has fundamentally changed mobile phone to send instant messages to friends online, and the way Chinese people live—how they read heads to the local Internet café in his spare time. He spends news, shop, travel, play games, watch movies, half of his $40 monthly allowance on digital communication express themselves, and relate to others. As and entertainment. this trend gains momentum, understanding the online impulses of these digital consumers has become a By and large, the same companies meet both Feng’s and crucial—and increasingly urgent—prerequisite for engaging Chao’s online needs. The last three years have seen leaders in them. A comparison of Chinese Internet consumption to that digital-services sectors emerge—and dominate. Chinese com- in other economies, notably Brazil, Russia, India, and Indone- panies like Tencent and have pulled away from sia but also the United States and Japan, reveals that Chinese the pack, transforming themselves from microcaps to billion- people use the Internet for entertainment and communication dollar companies in the process. The success stories of China’s to a much greater degree. They are also shiing a large share digital giants add a crucial dimension to the key trends in of their commercial activity online, including shopping, prod- online consumer behavior, including the rise of e-commerce, uct research, ad viewing, and the purchase of value-added ser- social-networking sites, online advertising, and mobile-Inter- vices such as customizing a personal blog. net use. But China’s Internet growth story is increasingly a tale of two Companies that aim to engage Chinese consumers will need markets. For example, Feng, 26, lives in Beijing and is typical to understand Feng and Chao—and everyone in between. By of the generation of young professionals populating China’s delving into the digital lives of a sample of Chinese consum- urban centers. He earns about $9,000 annually, enough to ers, we hope to allow their personalities, habits, needs, and rent his own apartment, and has an impressive digital inven- aspirations tell the story of this dynamic and complex mar- tory: a Western-brand laptop PC, a digital camera, a mobile ket—and encourage companies to serve it. phone, and an MP3 player. Along with his PC at work, these devices keep Feng online for nearly every minute of his day. In the last three years, China’s digital generations There are already tens of millions of people like Feng in Chi- have undergone a dramatic transformation, with rap- na, and we can expect there to be hundreds of millions more id adoption of digital devices and the Internet across in the coming years. different city tiers and in rural areas. Yet there is still significant room for growth as the Internet pene- Still, the next wave of Internet users will come from China’s trates further into China’s less-developed regions. hundreds of millions of rural residents. We are already seeing sophisticated Internet habits from younger rural users—like ◊ China’s Internet user base reached 384 million in 2009, Chao, an 18-year-old only child in his last year of high school more than in the U.S. and Japan combined. That num- in the province that borders Siberia, whose family has an an- ber is expected to be more than 650 million by 2015. nual household income of just $4,000. Chao finds ways to stay connected, even though his parents are too poor to buy a PC ◊ Internet penetration is forecast to increase from its and his mobile phone is hardly top-of-the-line. Chao uses his current 29 percent to nearly 50 percent by 2015—and  T B C G
  • 7. to reach almost 40 percent of China’s vast rural popu- cent of China’s total online population and account lation. for more than 80 percent of China’s online hours. Dif- ferent user segments demonstrate different online ◊ The market in China for online content and aggrega- behaviors and needs. tion will grow from $14 billion in 2008 to $40 billion in 2012, at which point it will represent 20 percent of ◊ Young professionals, who represent 6 percent of all China’s $200 billion digital market overall (which in- Internet users, have a remarkable 99 percent penetra- cludes online content and aggregation, Internet distri- tion. They also have the heaviest Internet use, averag- bution, and devices). ing 4.0 hours a day online. Not only are more Chinese people using the Internet ◊ Young gamers, who make up 21 percent of all Internet but they also use the Internet more than do consum- users, average 3.2 hours a day online, mainly on IM ers in the major emerging markets of Brazil, Russia, and playing online games. India, and Indonesia—which, together with China, form what we call the BRICI countries. A forthcoming One of the most significant changes in online behav- BCG report will explore Internet trends across all of ior in China since 2007 is the embrace of e-commerce, the BRICI markets. best exemplified by the growth of Taobao, a consum- er-to-consumer site owned by Alibaba Group. ◊ Digital devices and the Internet are moving to center stage in the lives of China’s digital consumers, with ◊ Some 8 percent of the Chinese population shopped total time spent online averaging 2.7 hours a day online in 2009, compared with just 3 percent in 2006. in 2009. E-commerce adoption is estimated to jump to 19 per- cent of the Chinese population by 2012. ◊ This usage rate is the highest among all the BRICI countries and averages 0.4 hours a day more than the ◊ An additional 8 percent of Chinese Internet users average rate in the United States. conduct product research on e-commerce sites, even though they are still unwilling to actually pur- ◊ As a country, China spent more than 1 billion hours chase online—suggesting that besides hosting trans- online per day in 2009—double the daily total in the actions, e-commerce platforms have emerged as im- United States. This number will grow to well over 2 bil- portant clearinghouses for product information and lion hours per day by 2015. prices. Social, historical, and economic factors have shaped ◊ In the past, concerns about a lack of both buyer-seller a unique set of needs and behaviors among Chinese trust and reliable payment mechanisms generated digital consumers compared with the other BRICI skepticism about China’s e-commerce potential. The economies. current pace of growth shows how outdated these no- tions are becoming. ◊ The most prominent themes are that far more Chinese people use the Internet to communicate and seek en- ◊ The value of business-to-consumer and consumer-to- tertainment than in the other BRICI markets. consumer online transactions was $37 billion in 2009 and is projected to surpass $100 billion in 2012. ◊ For instance, more than 80 percent of Chinese digital consumers use instant messaging (IM), read news on- In 2008, social-networking sites boomed in China line, and stream or download music via the Internet. among university students and young professionals, Three-quarters stream video content, and more than and by 2009 Chinese Internet users of all backgrounds 50 percent use search engines and play games online. and age groups were active in their use. The majority of China’s digital consumption comes ◊ The total number of Chinese users of social-network- from those aged 35 and under, who make up 73 per- ing sites reached 130 million in 2009. C’ D G . 
  • 8. ◊ In 2009, “Happy Farm” platforms caused a nationwide Any company committed to engaging Chinese con- sensation, introducing social-networking sites to digital sumers will need to grasp the trends and implications consumers outside of the young professional and uni- of the country’s Internet-usage patterns. versity student populations, which had been the pre- dominant users in the past. ◊ Understanding the underlying needs and tastes of the different segments of Chinese digital consumers is vi- As consumption of online news and other portal- tal to craing an effective approach to communicating based information continues to climb, so too has with them. the growth potential of China’s online advertising market. ◊ However well established they may currently be, con- sumption trends such as e-commerce, online advertis- ◊ Online advertising is taking share from magazines, ing, and social-networking sites are far from realizing newspapers, and TV, and will hit a projected 20 per- their potential. cent of total advertising in 2012, up from 8 percent in 2008. ◊ Many consumer-oriented multinationals in China are operating under outdated assumptions regarding Chi- ◊ The online ad market in China is expected to reach nese consumers’ media and shopping behaviors. These $8.6 billion in 2012. companies are at grave risk of losing touch with one of the world’s most important growth markets. The rise of the digital giants—which have trans- formed themselves from startups to multibillion- ◊ It is imperative to act fast, because the shi toward dollar companies—helps explain how monetizing digital media and commerce has already become Chinese consumer behavior can work. mainstream—and is gaining momentum at a tremen- dous rate. ◊ The most successful local companies outperformed multinationals in every category of the Internet indus- About the Authors try in China, driven by a deep understanding of Chi- David C. Michael is a senior partner and managing nese consumers and by innovative approaches to director in the Beijing office of The Boston Consulting meeting their needs. Group and leads the Global Advantage practice; he can be reached by e-mail at ◊ Important examples are Tencent (with a market capitalization of $38 billion), Baidu ($24 billion), Yvonne Zhou is a principal in the firm’s Beijing office; ($10 billion), International she can be reached by e-mail at ($5 billion), and Sina ($2 billion), among others.  T B C G
  • 9. China’s Digital Landscape C hina currently has 384 million Internet most-active digital users of what we call the BRICI coun- users—more than the United States and tries (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and Indonesia). As a Japan combined. This number, however, country, China spent more than 1 billion hours online per represents only 29 percent of the popula- day in 2009—double the amount in the United States. tion, indicating how much room there is for This number will grow to well over 2 billion by 2015. growth. The main pathway to the Internet at present is through PC connections—and although only an estimat- ed 20 percent of the population own PCs, many tens of Rural Markets: The Next Wave of Growth millions more are able to access the Internet at Internet cafés, in workplaces, or through PCs that are shared by a Internet penetration in China is expected to nearly dou- household. Meanwhile, 769 million people, or 57 percent ble by 2015 to more than 650 million users—but this will of the population, own mobile phones, although mobile- still be less than 50 percent of the total population. Much broadband Internet use is only now beginning to see of the remaining growth will come from rural China. The large-scale adoption. government has been stepping up its efforts to connect rural areas as a means of stimulating consumption and A look at the activities of China’s many types of digital promoting economic development. Network coverage is consumers shows the range of conveniences introduced remarkably widespread, although rural broadband pen- by PC ownership and an Internet connection. Shopping etration remains low. for the best bargain, streaming NBA games at any hour, downloading a newly released movie, checking home- Yet despite the uneven reach of broadband in rural China, work with friends—all of these activities have become most of the country’s new Internet users come from rural mainstream online behaviors as China’s PC-based Inter- areas—many of them young people visiting Internet ca- net platforms and technology have developed. But the fés for the first time. In addition, young Internet users in implications extend beyond PC ownership alone—digital rural areas are already the most active online segment in consumers who rely on Internet cafés for a connection those regions. The under-30 population makes up 77 per- also use the platforms made popular by the more casu- cent of rural Internet users, and nearly half of rural Inter- ally active PC owners. And as mobile-broadband Internet net users are under 20 years old. (See Exhibit 2.) develops, early adopters will transfer PC-based Internet- usage habits to their mobile devices. Aside from the Chinese government’s interest in broad- band infrastructure, another major driver of rural Internet For many Chinese digital consumers, then, Internet use is penetration will be the rise in disposable income. Annual now a fixture in their daily lives. Chinese Internet users, income in rural areas increased from $407 per capita in defined as those who go online at least once a month, 2005 to $758 in 2009, a 17 percent compound annual spend an average of 2.7 hours a day online, up from 2.4 growth rate (CAGR). And while only 34 percent of the rural hours a day in 2006—and 0.4 hours a day more than population had disposable income of more than $882 a U.S. users. (See Exhibit 1.) This means that China has the year in 2009, that proportion will be 54 percent by 2015. C’ D G . 
  • 10. Exhibit 1. Chinese Internet Users Spend 2.7 Hours a Day Online Hours per day spent online per Internet user 4 3.1 3 2.7 2.9 2.4 2.4 2.1 2.3 2 1.7 1.4 1.1 0.9 1 0.7 0.6 0.7 0.9 0.4 0.5 China India Brazil Russia Indonesia United States Japan Total hours spent a day online in 2009 (millions) 1,025 42 63 75 27 507 268 Total hours spent a day online in 2015 (millions) 2,348 168 329 180 103 2006 2009 2015E Sources: China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC); The Nielsen Company; International Telecommunication Union (ITU); comScore, Inc.; BCG analysis. Exhibit 2. Nearly 80 Percent of China’s Rural Internet Users Are Under 30 Years Old Percentage of rural Internet Percentage of Internet users users by age by point of access 100 47 82 Nearly half of rural Internet users are 68 A higher proportion under 20 years old of rural Internet users go online 54 in Internet cafés 30 38 24 13 12 11 12 7 2 1 3 3 Total <20 20–29 30–39 40–49 50–59 60+ Home Internet Work School Public café areas Urban Rural Sources: China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC); BCG analysis.  T B C G
  • 11. Not surprisingly, PC ownership is much rarer in rural (IM) over e-mail. For instance, 87 percent of Chinese dig- areas, as well—only 16 percent of rural residents have ital consumers use the Internet for IM, compared with access to household PCs, compared with 70 percent of only 53 percent for e-mail. (See Exhibit 3.) By compari- residents in tier 1 cities such as Beijing and Shanghai. son, e-mail usage rates in India, Brazil, Russia, the United More than half of rural Internet users head to Internet States, and Japan all range between 77 percent and 95 cafés to go online, compared with 38 percent of urban percent. Aer China, India has the next-highest rate of IM users. (For example, see the vignette “Rural Teenager: activity at only 62 percent. Chao Connects with Friends via Internet Cafés and His Mobile Phone” on page 16.) However, PC prices are fall- China also has the highest usage rates for online music, ing steadily, and PC firms are increasingly looking to the video, and gaming, and the second-highest rate for news evolving habits of the rural consumer as a source of reading (aer Japan). Availability is a major factor in on- growth. line entertainment activity—the wealth of media avail- able online, due in large part to China’s loosely enforced intellectual-property laws, has made video-streaming and Entertainment and Communication music sites key entertainment destinations, although many of these platforms now license content as well. Chinese Internet users exhibit distinctive online-behavior patterns compared with digital consumers in other BRICI A major reason that digital consumers prefer viewing markets. Specifically, they use their Internet connections content online is that they can do so at their convenience. to entertain themselves and communicate with others to For instance, even though the TV drama Wo Ju ran on a much greater extent and in many more ways. Chinese network television, two of the women we inter- viewed opted to stream the series during their free mo- One of the most distinctive online habits among Chinese ments, watching it on the online video site, consumers is the tendency to prefer instant messaging which licensed the program. Yet online platforms also al- Exhibit 3. China’s Digital Consumers Favor Instant Messaging over E-Mail Online activities by percentage of users, 2009 United China India Brazil Russia Indonesia States Japan Instant messaging 87 62 61 56 58 38 23 Online music 83 60 49 47 34 34 25 Reading news 80 61 47 65 47 70 90 Online video 76 53 49 41 16 68 49 Search engine 69 50 83 81 56 89 92 Online gaming 55 54 44 31 35 35 16 E-mail 53 95 77 78 59 91 88 Blogging 38 NA 17 33 33 11 32 Social networking 33 23 69 15 58 35 32 E-commerce1 28 17 17 21 5 71 46 Online banking 26 NA NA 11 5 55 NA Bulletin board/forum 21 NA 18 NA 33 22 13 Job hunting 19 73 NA NA 20 51 8 Others NA 57 NA 67 NA NA NA Above average2 Sources: BCG Digital Generations consumer research, 2009; Business Insider; BCG analysis. 1 E-commerce includes online travel booking, e-payments, and e-shopping. 2 Above-average categories have usage rates that are at least 10 percent higher than the average of the BRICI countries, the United States, and Japan. C’ D G . 
  • 12. low digital consumers to catch important events in real Free Content. In China, an Internet connection grants time. For instance, Chinese NBA fans oen prefer to users access to limitless quantities of free content. One of watch games live at work online rather than catching our interview subjects—Feng, a 26-year-old professional them on CCTV that evening. Quick access is another who lives in Beijing—summed it up best: “I would never plus—Chinese Internet users upload new content to file- pay for music and videos because we have so many free sharing sites much more quickly than traditional media choices currently.” channels can disseminate it. And access to the content is free of charge, as well. The Emphasis on Education. China’s strong historical and cultural emphasis on Online gaming in China is another in- Chinese parents view education means that parents oen see creasingly prevalent form of entertain- PCs as important their child’s learning opportunities as ment. Games like Tencent’s Dungeon & something akin to a basic material need. educational tools, not Fighter and NetEase’s World of Warcra “My daughter’s education is so critical to are exceedingly popular in our surveys, as luxuries. her future,” explained Xiao Peng, a 38-year- and nearly all the male respondents in old parent from Henan. “I am always will- the vignettes on pages 14 through 16 play ing to spend on anything worthwhile to online games at some point during their day. “I love give her better positioning in the future.” to play online games, especially World of Warcra ,” explains Chaojun, a 29-year-old worker in Guilin who— Chinese parents view PCs as important educational tools, not atypically for a young single person—lives with his not as luxuries. This sense of priority is one of the drivers parents. For Chaojun and many others, online gaming of the estimated 40 million PCs sold in China in 2008. can also be a form of community building. “It makes my Even poor families are able to obtain PCs, because scores life aer work more colorful. It’s really a very good of small businesses sell moderately priced white-box PCs experience playing with your friends together online,” made from new and recycled parts. he said. As students head to college, they take these tools with them, using their laptop PCs for classroom tasks and so- Factors That Shape Today’s Digital cial needs. “I use my computer to take notes in class. I use Reality search engines to search for papers and learning materi- als,” said Gao Lu, a 21-year-old from Beijing, who also What accounts for some of the distinctive ways in which uses IM and e-mail to communicate with friends, and Chinese people use the Internet? Understanding the his- who plays online games on his computer. torical, economic, and cultural factors at play in Chinese society today helps explain some of these trends. Yet even young professionals who might not have owned a computer in their student days find PC ownership in- Cheap Connectivity. Government efforts to modernize creasingly vital to self-improvement. “If the materials are telecommunications infrastructure across the country necessary and hard to get [offline], I would pay for them have helped make broadband Internet both affordable as e-learning, since it could save a lot of time,” explained and accessible. In fact, broadband is even less expensive Shao Linfei, a 32-year-old from Beijing. In addition, Chi- than dial-up. na’s high levels of literacy—more than 93 percent, accord- ing to the United Nations Development Programme— The Move to Digital. Although many Westerners have mean that not only many children but also most adults owned, or still own, CD players, VCR machines, modems, (both male and female) can read online content. and fixed-line phones, China’s pace of economic develop- ment means that consumers have bypassed those tech- Lonely Only Children. One reason for the relative pop- nologies, jumping straight into the world of MP3 and ularity of entertainment and communication via the DVD players and mobile phones. Internet users in China Internet is China’s one-child policy. Implemented in 1979 are therefore quite familiar with online media platforms to curb population growth, the policy has resulted in a and file-sharing technology. young Internet population that is made up overwhelm-  T B C G
  • 13. ingly of only children. Again, due to the cultural empha- means that Chinese Internet users find opportunities to sis on education, students are oen expected to study express their individuality through their online activities. when they are at home. Their PCs give them a chance This might mean participating in online communities to discuss homework with classmates but also to and blogging, discussing news on a bulletin board system keep themselves socially engaged and entertained by (BBS), or adorning avatars with unique clothing and chatting, updating pages on their social-networking sites, sprucing up a personalized page on a social-networking playing online games, and downloading different media site. Despite the government’s rigorous censorship and offerings. monitoring of Web sites, the Chinese In- ternet offers diverse and immediate ways China’s Online Workplaces. As China’s As China’s digital to express oneself, whether as an exercise digital generations grow up, they take their generations grow up, in individual style or out of a desire to air online networks and habits with them— opinions anonymously. they take their online oen to their workplaces. As important as having an at-home broadband connection habits with them. Online Communities. As we discussed may be, a great number of China’s online earlier, China’s young people are oen cultural phenomena take shape during cooped up aer school and expected to working hours. A modernizing, competitive, and globally study—many of them on PCs that provide inviting online oriented economy has filled urban office spaces with alternatives to their coursework. It’s hardly surprising well-educated workers who use PCs and the Internet not that adolescents use social-networking sites or online just for their daily tasks but also for socializing and enter- games to connect with their schoolmate communities. tainment purposes. For instance, QQ, the IM platform of- University students also look to form communities on the fered by Tencent (China’s largest Internet-service portal), Internet. And as rural users increasingly find their way allows workers to chat with friends while at work—out- online, the Internet offers opportunities to interact with side their corporate e-mail boxes. friends in other villages, as one of the rural middle-school- ers we spoke to does. Of course, Chinese users also form The State-Run Media Void. Despite the more than 50 online communities—such as online-gaming guilds— cable-TV channels available in China, state control of the around shared interests. media has slowed the development of diverse and engag- ing television content. Print media outlets, which are also A Common Tongue. Finally, the Internet has had a sub- state run, are also relatively underdeveloped in terms of tle unifying effect on China. The diversity of Chinese dia- content. Cinema tickets are expensive and the selection lects such as Mandarin, Cantonese, and many others— is extremely limited. often an obstacle to comprehension of the spoken word—does not limit written comprehension because all The sometimes barren offerings of the Chinese media the languages rely on the same characters. As a text- have helped to make the Internet a mainstream destina- based medium, the Internet brings together people who tion for entertainment and information. This has, in turn, would otherwise be unlikely—and unable—to communi- created a massive content base and has altered viewing cate with each other. habits to such an extent that many now prefer the con- venience of the customized online experience. “I rarely buy newspapers now that I can get comprehensive infor- mation from mobile newspapers, mobile Internet, and some information portals,” said Dai Peng, a white-collar worker in Beijing. “I spend much less time watching TV than before, because most TV content you can easily find online, and you can watch whichever part you want, with- out limitation.” The Expression of Individuality. The relative uniformi- ty of perspective on TV and in the print media also C’ D G . 
  • 14. China’s Digital Generations From Teenagers to Middle-Agers O ur research focused on a broad group of focus of their activities is on entertainment and the Chinese people aged 14 to 55. (See the interactions within their communities. Appendix.) Within this group, we identi- fied three different generations, each Although these three age groupings provide a rough cut exhibiting very different adoption and of the market in China, they do not capture the nuances satisfaction levels with regard to the digital experience. within—and sometimes across—generations, which oen differ by educational background and income level. ◊ One group is the older generation, aged 36 to 55. Al- In order to refine online behavioral traits within these though they grew up before the economic boom in a age groups, we have created six consumer categories. (See frugal environment that offered little in the way of en- Exhibit 4.) These six categories are illustrated in the tertainment or choice, they still exhibit moderate lev- vignettes on pages 14 through 16. els of Internet adoption. Many in this age group look to the Internet to provide practical solutions to their ◊ Teenagers. Nearly nine out of ten teenagers use the everyday lives, such as easy access to news. This seg- Internet at least once a month (an Internet penetra- ment is also becoming increasingly comfortable with tion rate of 85 percent), and they spend an average of more recreational Internet use, such as social-network- 2.7 hours a day online. They usually focus on commu- ing sites, as well as with e-commerce. In general, this is nication and entertainment, such as chatting, watching a diverse group—and educational background, income movies, gaming, and listening to music. (See the levels, and PC availability have a strong influence on vignette “Jianhong’s Teen Experience Focuses on Fun, the online habits of this group’s constituent subsets. Friends, and Studies.”) ◊ The next group, aged 26 to 35, witnessed tremendous ◊ University Students. Even more active on the Internet change in China during their youth. As beneficiaries of than teenagers, this group has a 99 percent penetra- the country’s reforms, they optimistically look for vari- tion rate, matching young professionals for the highest ety and new opportunities, and they value the ability share among the six groups. University students grew to voice their opinions online. This group tends to have up with digital services and are now turning to the In- a high rate of adoption of digital devices and servic- ternet to discover a world beyond family and friends, es—and appreciates the richness of information acces- spending an average of 3.6 hours a day online. They sible via popular portals. use the Internet for information, entertainment, and communication. (See the vignette “University Student: ◊ The third group is the young generation—the “little Shane Works, Chats, Shops, and Relaxes Online.”) emperors,” aged 14 to 25. They have grown up in an openly capitalist environment and have seen rapid ◊ Young Professionals. Having benefited from the coun- modernization. Their life experience has been charac- try’s reforms, this group has relatively high levels of terized by opportunity and choice, and they readily income and education. They have an Internet- embrace mobile-phone use and the Internet. The penetration rate of 99 percent and are sophisticated  T B C G
  • 15. Exhibit 4: The Six Chinese Internet User Segments Have Distinct Motivations and Behaviors Most active Most influential University Young Active Passive Teenagers students professionals Young gamers middle-agers middle-agers Basics ◊ 14–18 years old ◊ 19–25 years old ◊ 26–35 years old ◊ 19–35 years old ◊ 36–55 years old ◊ 36–55 years old ◊ Have grown up ◊ Have grown up ◊ Educated ◊ Lower education ◊ Mostly middle- ◊ Lower edu- with digital with digital middle-class and income class cation and services services and above ◊ First Internet ◊ First Internet income levels ◊ 85% penetration ◊ 99% penetration ◊ First Internet experiences experiences ◊ Low adoption experiences were in internet were at work levels were while at cafés ◊ 67% penetration ◊ 38% penetration university ◊ 89% penetration ◊ 99% penetration Motivations ◊ Looking for fun ◊ Seeking friends ◊ Focusing on ◊ Looking for ◊ Looking for ◊ Seeking to relax and also support work and career excitement and support in daily and kill time in studying a sense of activities achievement Usage ◊ Heavy users ◊ Heavy users ◊ Heavy users ◊ Indulge heavily ◊ Occasional and ◊ Infrequent users (2.7 hours a day) with broad (4.0 hours a day) in entertainment pragmatic users (1.8 hours a day) ◊ Focus on activities ◊ Focus on activities (2.5 hours a day) ◊ Undertake entertainment (3.6 hours a day) communication (3.2 hours a day) ◊ Focus on simple, basic and community ◊ Focus on infor- and information ◊ Spend money information and Internet activities ◊ Willing to try mation, enter- ◊ Some and long hours transactions new activities tainment, and e-commerce on these activities community and online transactions Sources: BCG Digital Generations Consumer Research, 2009; BCG analysis. Note: Penetration measures the proportion of a segment accessing the Internet at least once a month. users of technology. They also spend the most time ◊ Active Middle-Agers. This group, aged 36 to 55, has both online, on average, at 4.0 hours a day. They engage in high income and advanced education—and an Inter- numerous digital pursuits, focusing on communication net penetration rate of 67 percent. They use the Inter- and information but also using e-commerce. (See the net mainly to search for information and news, spend- vignette “Young Professionals: Feng Uses the Internet ing an average of 2.5 hours a day online. Although for Nearly All of His Needs.”) they are less attached to chatting and entertainment, they still tend to use these services. (See the vignette ◊ Young Gamers. This group, which bridges the younger “Active Middle-Ager: Jun’s Digital Devices Keep Her age groups—the little emperors and the reform benefi- Connected, Informed, and Amused.”) ciaries—consists of people aged 19 to 35 who have not attended a university and whose incomes are usually ◊ Passive Middle-Agers. Members of this group have lower lower than those of college graduates. Nearly 90 per- incomes and less education than active middle-agers. At cent of them use the Internet at least once a month, 38 percent, this group’s Internet penetration is the low- and they spend an average of 3.2 hours a day online. est among the six groups. Passive middle-agers lag be- They tend to play games, chat, and seek out other forms hind the average in nearly every area, especially chat- of entertainment. Even though the Internet penetra- ting, listening to music, downloading movies, and tion rate of this group is less than that of university stu- e-mailing. They have not grown up with the Internet dents or young professionals, young gamers make up a and, because they lack money and education, it is un- much larger swath of the Chinese population in abso- derstandable that they use the Internet only selectively, lute terms. (See the vignette “Young Gamer: Chaojun if at all. Still, they spend an average of 1.8 hours a day Plays Games Online—Before, Aer, and During Work.”) online, so they should not be overlooked entirely. C’ D G . 
  • 16. Teenager: Jianhong’s Teen Experience Focuses on Fun, Friends, and Studies A typical day 14 years old AM 6:30 Jianhong’s mobile-phone alarm rings, Junior high school student in rousing him for the start of a new day Guilin 7:30 Arrives at school and sends his mother Only child; lives with his parents a text message saying that he arrived safely 10:00–10:10 Surreptitiously logs on to mobile QQ to “My parents usually give me $1.50 in chat with friends during a boring English allowance per school day so that I can class buy some snacks and other things. Instead, I almost always use it to pay PM 12:30–1:30 Arrives home for his noon lunch break, for playing Dungeon & Fighter and the logging on to QQ to steal friends’ cabbages QQ membership fee.” in QQ Farm aer finishing lunch Personal monthly finances 3:30 Receives a text message from his mother during class reminding him to go to his Allowance $30 grandmother’s for dinner that evening Education $5 7:30–8:00 Uses QQ to chat with classmates about Food and clothing $5 QQ premium services $3 that day’s homework assignments Communications/entertainment $10 Online gaming $3–4 9:00–10:00 Plays the online game Dungeon & Fighter Other $5 Mobile phone $3–4 aer his homework is done Savings $5 Personal digital devices ◊ Unbranded assembled desktop computer ◊ Nokia mobile phone MP3 ◊ Shares with parents ◊ Price: ~$220 ◊ Price: ~$550 Internet access: 512kbps ADSL at home University Student: Shane Works, Chats, Shops, and Relaxes Online A typical day 23 years old AM 9:00 Aer waking up, checks e-mails from Fourth-year university student in professors and friends and then scans Beijing the latest financial news for interesting headlines Lives with classmates in a school 9:30–11:30 Searches online for business data related dormitory to a task from his part-time job Only child PM 12:30–1:30 Spends his lunch break watching movies Family lives in Hunan province online 1:30–2:00 Logs on to MSN to chat with friends 2:00–3:00 Explores all kinds of online resources, such as downloadable HDTV videos, internation- Personal monthly finances al magazines, and the latest online games Income $320 3:00–5:00 Attends class with his laptop, following Education $150 along from a PowerPoint presentation Food and clothing $80 prepared by his professors Communications/entertainment $50 8:00–8:30 Buys some new books on, Other $20 then reads jokes online as a way of relaxing Savings $20 8:30–10:30 Searches online for research sources for a paper he is writing for one of his classes Personal digital devices 10:30–11:30 Checks in with friends to find out how their ◊ Dell laptop ◊ Samsung mobile phone Digital MP3 days went and to bid them goodnight ◊ Price: ~$800 ◊ Price: ~$300 camera Internet access: Broadband in dormitory  T B C G
  • 17. Young Professionals: Feng Uses the Internet for Nearly All of His Needs A typical day 26 years old AM 6:00 Wakes up and immediately checks Sina Unmarried Sports for the results of the World Cup qualifier round played while he was asleep Lives by himself in Beijing 7:30–8:20 On the subway to work, reads mobile news and an e-novel on his mobile phone “My mobile phone and the Internet are 8:30 Arrives at the office and turns on his com- parts of my life. As a subset of my spend- puter, which automatically logs on to QQ, ing on these items, I usually spend $30 a Fetion, and MSN month shopping online. Because I have extensive knowledge of digital technol- 8:45 Gets started on the day’s work assignment ogy, friends and relatives often ask me for aer receiving an e-mail from his boss advice when they buy digital goods.” 11:30–12:00 Takes a break from work, logging on to Personal monthly finances to play Happy Farm and view friends’ shared videos and stories Monthly income $735 PM 4:30–5:00 Uses PowerPoint to write a report for his Education $30 TV $5 boss summarizing the work he’s done for Food and clothing $150 Broadband $25 the day Communications/entertainment $140 Mobile phone $60 5:00–5:30 Helps colleagues buy discounted prepaid Other (including rent) $250 Online gaming $30 calling cards on Taobao Movies/CDs/DVDs $20 Savings $165 6:00–6:10 Uses Fetion to send short messages to friends about where to grab dinner that Personal digital devices evening ◊ Gateway laptop ◊ Nokia mobile phone Digital MP3 9:30–10:30 Aer returning home, settles down to play ◊ Price: ~$2,000 ◊ Price: ~$300 camera World of Warcra for a while before finally heading to bed Internet access: 2Mbps ADSL at home Young Gamer: Chaojun Plays Games Online—Before, After, and During Work A typical day 29 years old AM 7:00–7:10 Wakes up and logs on to mobile QQ Unmarried worker 7:30–8:00 Uses his mobile phone to steal vegetables Lives with his parents in Guilin from his friends in QQ Farm while he gets ready for work 8:00–8:30 Visits the sports page on for NBA “I love to play online games, especially news on the way to the factory World of Warcraft. It makes my after-work 10:00–10:30 Uses his mobile phone to listen to some life much richer. I have a really good time pop music while taking a break playing with my friends together online.” PM 12:30–2:00 Back at home on his lunch break, visits Tianya to read news and humor pages Personal monthly finances 4:00–4:30 Uses his mobile phone to play a few QQ casual games, such as Dou Di Zhu Income $220 7:30–8:30 Aer dinner, logs on to QQ to chat with Education $5 some friends, mainly with the intent of lin- Food and clothing $45 TV $5 ing up a group session of World of Warcra Broadband $10 Communications/entertainment $50 Mobile phone $15 8:30–10:30 Plays World of Warcra with some friends Other $30 Online gaming $20 for a while before finally turning in Savings $90 Personal digital devices ◊ Unbranded assembled desktop computer ◊ K-Touch mobile phone MP3 ◊ Price: ~$650 ◊ Price: ~$200 Internet access: 1Mbps ADSL at home C’ D G . 
  • 18. Active Middle-Ager: Jun’s Digital Devices Keep Her Connected, Informed, and Amused A typical day 41 years old AM 9:00–10:30 Starts off the workday by using Excel to Manager at a cartoon company in run some statistics about her company’s Beijing cartoon-production schedule Lives with her husband and 10:30–11:30 Logs on to to play Happy daughter Farm with friends 11:30–12:00 Aer tiring of cabbage the, logs on to QQ to chat with friends for a while “Personally, I only earn $735 per month. But my husband turns over all of his PM 1:00 Receives a call from her boss informing her income to me, and I usually make the of a meeting at 2 p.m. decisions about our purchases.” 1:00–1:10 Uses Fetion to send out a meeting request to colleagues via her work computer Personal monthly finances so that they can read it on their mobile phones Household income $1,470 5:00–6:00 Visits Sina to read the news of the day Education $440 before leaving work Food and clothing $150 Fixed-line telephone $50 8:00–9:30 Aer dinner, catches up on the popular TV Communications/entertainment $150 Mobile phone $45 show Wo Ju on Other $360 Broadband $30 Movies/CDs/DVDs $25 Savings $370 Personal digital devices ◊ Lenovo laptop ◊ Nokia mobile phone Digital ◊ Price: ~$900 ◊ Price: ~$440 camera Internet access: 1Mbps ADSL at home Rural Teenager: Chao Connects with Friends via Internet Cafés and His Mobile Phone A typical day 18 years old AM 8:30 Wakes up; realizes that he doesn’t need to Rural high-school student in head to school because he’s on his winter Heilongjiang holiday Only child; lives with his parents 11:00 Nonetheless, sends text messages to class- mates to discuss outstanding homework assignments “I don’t have a PC at home but there is an 11:05–11:20 Aer downing breakfast, heads to the Internet café in my village. I spend about Internet café and logs on to his personal three hours a day there during winter accounts vacation and pay about $0.20 an hour for Internet access. The Internet makes it easy 11:20–11:30 Checks Kugou for new music and uses QQ for me to communicate with my friends and to say hello to classmates in other villages to have fun.” 11:30–12:00 Steals vegetables from friends on QQ Farm Personal monthly finances and plays Dou Di Zhu on QQ Game with Allowance $40 classmates Education $0 PM 12:00–2:00 Plays online game Chuanqyi Food and clothing $10 Internet café access $10 9:00–9:30 Ends his day by using mobile QQ to chat Communications/entertainment $20 Online gaming $6 with friends before going to sleep Other $5 Mobile phone $4 Savings $5 Personal digital devices ◊ Changhong mobile phone MP3 ◊ Price: ~$100 Internet access: At Internet café  T B C G
  • 19. The Rise of the Digital Giants C hina’s diverse cast of Internet users demon- way of building and maintaining friendship networks strates a great variety of online behaviors. among young people. But one thing emerges that almost all Chi- nese Internet users share: a QQ address. How, then, has Tencent become a multibillion-dollar Created in the late 1990s by Tencent, and company? It derives revenue from ad traffic and from based on the ICQ technology purchased by AOL from value-added services, including Internet-based ones such Mirabilis, QQ has evolved into an instant-messaging plat- as online games and avatar design, as well as from mobile form that acts as the Internet gateway for almost all new services, such as fee-based mobile IM and mobile games. users—and has therefore been the technological basis for For these services, Tencent has set up a virtual currency an enduring network of online connections for the major- known as Q coins that users can purchase outright (or ity of China’s Internet population. earn by using the mobile-phone service) and then spend on sprucing up their blog sites or avatars or buying more online-gaming time. At the same time, Tencent earns traf- Tencent’s QQ fic-based ad revenue from its portal, search, e-commerce, and IM sites. There are 523 million active QQ accounts—a number bigger than the total population of the European Union— The development of Tencent’s business model in some owned by an estimated 280 million users. University stu- ways mirrors the evolution of Internet user habits. For in- dents or young professionals oen migrate to other plat- stance, Shane, a university student, opened his QQ forms for their IM needs, although many still use and account nearly ten years ago when he was in junior high maintain QQ accounts to keep in touch with high-school school—right aer his parents bought the household’s friends. first PC. By 2003 he had begun spending money on “cool stuff ” on QQ to compete with his classmates. Around the Indeed, most Chinese IM users cite the convenience and same time, he also opened up an e-mail account with the cost-effectiveness of the medium as the chief reasons NetEase’s, but he seldom uses it. He recently for the frequency of their QQ use. “It’s very convenient signed up for Gmail, but he logs in mainly to check chatting on QQ,” said Yang Bo, 33, from Beijing. “You just e-mails from professors and classmates, and not for more sit back in your chair and type in whatever words you active social purposes. want to say. You can even leave messages when your friends are offline.” What Tencent’s Empire Says About One of the reasons for QQ’s huge user base is that its User Stickiness services are free. This means that school-age users don’t have to ask for money from their parents to Although Tencent’s portfolio of services includes more communicate with friends (in contrast with mobile- than just IM, most of its other services are offshoots of phone usage, for example)—and as a result, QQ is a key that platform, as illustrated by the digital day of Jianhong, C’ D G . 
  • 20. a middle-schooler in the tier 3 city of Guilin. Jianhong tai- Although Dungeon & Fighter is a shooting game, it also lors his QQ use to a variety of communication needs has an interactive component via the QQ IM platform, throughout his day. For instance, he uses his QQ mobile thereby offering yet another dimension of interaction. account for a surreptitious chat with friends during a Most of the young men we interviewed for this report tedious English class, and then later—during his lunch played Dungeon & Fighter at some point during their day. hour—to steal cabbages from friends on the QQ social- But online games in general can be incredibly sticky. Old- networking platform. (Stealing cabbages is part of a er respondents have moved on to World of Warcra , for social-networking game; see the sidebar “China Catches the most part, and spend more time playing games than the Social-Networking Bug:’s Happy their younger counterparts, suggesting how compelling Farm.”) Aer dinner, he discusses homework with class- these games can be. “Online games are electronic drugs mates on QQ before following the platform to Tencent’s for me—they can provide me with different experiences online-gaming module, where he plays Dungeon & Fight- that you cannot get in the real world,” said Zhou Ziyan, a er for an hour—he saves his $1.50 in lunch money each 22-year-old who lives in Beijing and who spends $44 a day to spend on weapons in the game. month on online games. In fact, the success of Tencent’s online-gaming business Although Tencent’s online games have seen enormous illustrates the value of the stickiness of its QQ platform. growth in the last three years, it has other offerings that China Catches the Social-Networking Bug:’s Happy Farm Social-networking sites boomed in 2008 among university It’s impossible to say why toucai became the Internet sen- students and young professionals and quickly expanded sation of 2009, when’s parking lot game into all segments, with 130 million users by 2009 and a was just a flash in the pan a year earlier. What is clear is CAGR of 108 percent from 2007 to 2009. Much of the 2009 that viral networks are extremely powerful in China. growth was driven by the social-networking game Happy Among IT-related keywords, “toucai” was the most Farm, which became an online sensation. The game, searched-for word in 2009 on And while known as toucai (or “stealing cabbages”)—in which friends most users stole each other’s cabbages merely in the be- steal cabbages from each other’s virtual gardens—first nign spirit of the game, there was also a real—and some- became popular on the elite social-networking site Kaix- times tragic—influence on offline lives. For instance, the Before long, versions of the game had been Chinese media reported an instance of a baby dying of ne- launched by Tencent and other sites, and people from all glect because the nurse on duty was too busy stealing cab- walks of life were plotting cabbage the during their spare bages, and another case of a wife burning down her house moments online. as revenge against her husband’s toucai addiction.’s first move was to focus on a clear target The toucai phenomenon also exemplifies the trickle-down segment: white-collar professionals, who seldom interact- nature of social networking. A game that had first caught ed on other social-networking sites. It designed platforms on among well-educated young professionals had, within that addressed young professionals’ social and entertain- several months, found its way into the habits of adoles- ment needs simultaneously, introducing interactive Web cents in tier 3 cities via Tencent’s less exclusive social- games available on a platform that also allowed for com- networking platform that links users into its IM system munication and social networking. These games started and its online-games portfolio. In order to anticipate with slave trading in 2008, aer which trends, China’s early adopters will be a crucial segment to rolled out a steady stream of simple, interactive games, watch. And although in the case of toucai it was young pro- including a parking lot game, house buying, and, ultimate- fessionals who were the tastemakers, university students ly, its farm and ranch games. Simultaneously, users could are more active social networkers. At present, 51 percent adorn their particular site with pictures and a diary and of university students in China participate in social-net- could give each other gis. “It is a perfect combination of working sites, compared with 43 percent of young profes- entertainment and communication,” explained Lu Yafen, sionals and 40 percent of young gamers. a 37-year-old from Guilin. “Stealing friends’ cabbages is another way of saying hello to them.”  T B C G
  • 21. have also become enormously popular. For instance, China’s media spectrum was on hand. And yet many Chi- QQshow sells clothes and accessories for users’ QQ ava- nese people learned about the details of the meetings at tars, allowing them to spruce up their online personas Davos not through state television or newspapers but with everything from new hairstyles to eveningwear. rather through, the de facto news source for “I spend $1.50 per month on QQshow. I can purchase many millions of Chinese people. Sina is the most- any of the beautiful clothes on the QQshow market accessed of China’s information portals—and in terms of for my avatar,” said 17-year-old Li Jing of Guilin. “It’s total traffic, it falls just behind search engines Baidu and very cool!” and Tencent’s IM platform QQ. The portal has the world’s largest digital- The popularity of newspaper readership. Riding the Digital Wave: Sina reading news on the Sina has already proven the online ad Internet is remarkably Tencent is not the only digital giant to have model to be viable—and yet Chinese read- built a business empire on a deep under- high in China. ership habits are only beginning the con- standing of Chinese habits and needs—but tinuous shi toward online media. Fewer with a market capitalization of $38 billion, and fewer Chinese Internet users find it is certainly the largest. China’s digital giants also include their news and general information from TV, newspapers, Baidu (with $24 billion in market capitalization), Alibaba. magazines, or books. In 2007, 79 percent of Internet users com (with $10 billion in market capitalization), said they read newspapers, compared with only 67 per- International ($5 billion), and Sina ($2 billion), among cent in 2009. For magazines, the drop was even more pre- others. As recently as three years ago, none of these com- cipitous—only 30 percent of Chinese Internet users panies was clearly dominant compared with either for- sought out news and general information from maga- eign or local competitors. Since then, a decisive shi has zines in 2009, compared with 49 percent two years earli- occurred, and by 2009 the major players were in place. er. Those using Internet-based sources increased to 80 percent in 2009, from 75 percent in 2007. “Sina is a must- In China’s diverse media marketplace, Sina has risen to visit Web site every day for me,” said Feng, the Beijing- the top—thanks to its combination of content generation based young professional. “I love the news channel, as and aggregation—to establish a leading presence in the well as the sports channel.” portal market. To give a sense of the growth potential, it is useful to compare China’s market for content genera- Driven by the ability to tailor Western models to the Chi- tion and aggregation with that of the United States and nese user experience, local companies like Tencent and Japan. In 2008, content generation and aggregation had Sina outperformed their multinational competitors in revenues of $14 billion and represented only 10 percent every Internet industry in China. Yet even more impres- of China’s overall digital market, compared with $307 bil- sive than outperforming foreign competitors is the fact lion in the United States (54 percent of the U.S. online that the digital giants have outperformed their local market) and $80 billion in Japan (39 percent). rivals, usually under intensely competitive conditions. What China’s digital giants have in common is that they The popularity of reading news via the Internet is re- have found effective approaches to marketing, innova- markably high in China, with 80 percent of the Internet- tive ways of bringing products or content to users, and using population seeking information in this way. This ways to scale rapidly. Once they have established a strong suggests the enormous potential of online advertising. core business, they focus on improving customer sticki- However, the market is still fairly undeveloped. At 4 per- ness. They are also focusing on the future—we see a cent of China’s total advertising share in 2006, online shared emphasis on building their vertical Internet seg- advertising represented but a small slice, although its ments, expanding across value chains, and developing share doubled to 8 percent of the market in 2008 and is strategies for overseas growth. estimated to grow to 20 percent by 2012. At the World Economic Forum in Switzerland in early 2010, a huge delegation of Chinese journalists from across C’ D G . 
  • 22. The E-Commerce Revolution O ne of the biggest trend shis in China is The purchasing activity of these online shoppers is im- the rise of e-commerce. As recently as pressive—nearly half of them made at least 11 online 2007, many online consumers were wary purchases in 2008, and 40 percent of them spent more of online purchasing and the apparent than $294 that year. People are increasingly buying more lack of enforcement or payment mecha- complex products, with apparel and accessories, books, nisms. Business-to-business transactions accounted for cosmetics, and consumer electronics topping the list in most of China’s e-commerce. But things have changed 2008, compared with books, digital cards, and flowers significantly. While the business-to-business segment in 2004. is still the largest by total transaction value, consumer- to-consumer and business-to-consumer transactions Users can pay in a variety of ways, including by cash or are experiencing the fastest growth: they totaled $37 bil- debit card upon delivery or, to an increasing extent, by lion in 2009 and are expected to surpass $100 billion online payment platforms, although such platforms are in 2012. We expect business-to-consumer transactions still in the early stages of development. Some 93 percent to grow 61 percent annually from 2009 through 2012, of digital consumers pay in cash, compared with 53 per- while consumer-to-consumer volume will grow 45 per- cent via bankcard—and only 20 percent use online pay- cent annually. ment systems. (See Exhibit 5.) Still, 39 percent of young professionals and 30 percent of university students say they pay online. Online Consumer Behavior Doubts about quality and trustworthiness continue to be The brisk growth in disposable incomes that urban Chi- the biggest obstacles for online shopping, with concerns nese workers have seen in recent years has put more about “product quality” and “seller cheating” topping the money in the hands of already-keen users of e-commerce, list. Such concerns typically come from older users; young- which in turn has influenced—and will continue to influ- er Internet users are little bothered by these concerns. ence—the habits of millions of other users. Some 8 percent of the Chinese population now shop Case Study: Taobao online, compared with just 3 percent in 2006. E-com- merce adoption is estimated to jump to 19 percent of the The growing willingness to trust the quality of online population by 2012. Young professionals, the group products is perhaps best illustrated by the growth of that tends to be the early adopters, are at the vanguard Taobao, part of Alibaba Group (which also owns the of this trend, with 49 percent of them shopping online, popular business-to-business site When followed by 39 percent of university students. They Chinese people shop online, they’re generally using Tao- cite price as their biggest incentive to shop online, bao, which now dominates the consumer-to-consumer followed by convenience, efficiency, and product market with an 85 percent share of total transaction choice. value.  T B C G
  • 23. Exhibit 5. University Students and Young Professionals Are the Most Active in Both Online Research and E-Commerce Learn Buy Pay From which channels do you Through which channels do you Through which channels do you usually obtain product information usually make purchases? usually make payments? before purchasing? Word of mouth 81 Physical 100 Cash 93 77 channel Sales representative Online TV or radio 71 channel 28 Bank card 53 Print media 54 Online Mail order 26 payment 20 Internet 36 Mail or transfer Other 9 Other 10 payment 8 0 50 100 0 50 100 0 50 100 Internet users (%) Internet users (%) Internet users (%) Breakdown by Breakdown by Breakdown by 57 55 segment (%) segment (%) segment (%) 49 40 39 39 33 34 28 30 23 21 22 24 19 17 12 14 Teen- Young Active Teen- Young Active Teen- Young Active agers profes- middle- agers profes- middle- agers profes- middle- sional ager sional ager sional ager Univer- Young Passive Univer- Young Passive Univer- Young Passive sity gamer middle- sity gamer middle- sity gamer middle- student ager student ager student ager Sources: BCG Digital Generations Consumer Research, 2009; BCG analysis. Several years ago, Taobao (which means “treasure hunt”) sidebar “Christine’s Digital Week: How Does She Shop?”) was not a significant e-commerce presence. Its first moves Christine mainly purchased consumer electronics, includ- were to allow all sellers to use the site for free and to ing a camera, a keyboard, and earphones, although she launch Alipay, a secure online payment system, in 2003. also bought a good deal of makeup, jewelry, and clothes. It also guaranteed product quality by offering refunds to One of the reasons that she turns to Taobao is the range defrauded buyers and making sure that buyers could of selection: “You can find nearly everything you want on rate sellers aer having made a purchase, with historical- Taobao. Many of those things you can’t find in shops.” ratings records visible to buyers. Convenience and price are also factors, though. “It really saves me a lot of time, and I can shop anytime I want. In Christine, 26, is a typical Taobao customer, with a serious most cases, the prices are cheaper but the quality is still online shopping habit—and she is a good example of good,” she said. how Taobao’s popularity has taken hold. This young Bei- jing professional checks Taobao and online bookstore (acquired by in 2004) each day, Informing Consumer Choice—Both scouring those sites for deals, promotions, and new prod- Online and Off ucts. In 2009, she spent $905, or 30 percent of her annual shopping budget, on Taobao, compared with $1,370 off- One reason that Chinese consumers have been able to line and $740 on business-to-consumer sites. (See the move past their worries about product quality is the grow- C’ D G . 