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The collaboration between school
teachers and occupational therapists
for students in South Korea
Ji, Seokyeon

Sensory Integration towards Social and Occupational being
Workshop of 1st International / 5th Japanese Congress of Clinical Occupational Therapy
- Advanced Occupation based practice -
Fukuoka 2018
지석연 Seokyeon Ji
Few senior OT mentor/practitioner in Korea
KAOT, 2017
지석연 Seokyeon Ji
Etc. ; Caregiver, OT students
OT Study Population of JKSOT
KAOT, 2016
지석연 Seokyeon Ji
Legislation for children in School (ROK)
• Public Health Care Act
o Article 2
• Disability Service Act
o Article 58
▪ Connecting welfare community center
▪ Connecting medical service
• Special Education Act/Law (2007)
o Article 24
▪ Therapeutic Support Center
▪ Therapy Room
▪ Therapist who is qualified/licensed by the law
지석연 Seokyeon Ji
OT-Children Individual - Group
Development by
School Social group
Stop - Start Company Organization System
Collaboration 2.0
My Story - Personal —> Practical —> Political
1-2 years 3-4 years 5-7 years 8-9 years 10 years 15 years 18 years ~
Wandering to
start as an OT
Starting with
few knowledge
Conflict and
Expanding view
Challenge and
Sustaining and
Sense of Calling
지석연 Seokyeon Ji
Working for Children
● Child

● Family

● Health professions

● Educators

● School

● Community

지석연 Seokyeon Ji
Team Approach
● Disciplinary

● Multi-Disciplinary

● Inter-Disciplinary

● Trans-Disciplinary
Klein, JT (1990), Choi BC & Pak AW (2006)
draws on knowledge from different
disciplines but stays within their boundaries.
analyzes, synthesizes and harmonizes links
between disciplines into a coordinated and
coherent whole
integrates the natural, social and health
sciences in a humanities context, and
transcends their traditional boundaries. 
지석연 Seokyeon Ji
Re-cited from
Team Approach
지석연 Seokyeon Ji
지석연 Seokyeon Ji
Educational Collaboration
지석연 Seokyeon Ji
Personal Trial
with Special Education teacher

• Preparing & Supporting School life

• Visiting School
지석연 Seokyeon Ji
(Ji, et al. 2013)
지석연 Seokyeon Ji
Teacher Occupational Theralist
Mother of child with difficulties Working for individual children with difficulties
Teacher of typical students Responding teacher’s questions
Aware necessity to get help to
understand diverse students
Aware Teachers need help to
teach diverse students
Asking OT to visit her class to get
help as her students
Visiting class : Aware OTs need to learn
children’s life in school
Organizing teacher’s education
program by OT
Through educating teacher :
Teachers are SMART!
Organizing teacher’s study
Organizing OT study group
after OTIPM course
지석연 Seokyeon Ji
Personal Trial
with General Education teacher

• Visiting School

• Education for enhancing awareness
of the disability
지석연 Seokyeon Ji
Teacher Occupational Theralist
2 times per month
‣ Book study
‣ Sharing experience
‣ Having OT’s education
‣ Teachers bacame to have
better understand to diverse
students and disabilities
‣ Sharing success experiences
were quite dominated by
experienced teachers, and
novice teachers felt the gap.
1 time per month
• 1st year: 1 OTIPM Case report
for 1 year by peer mentoring
• 2nd year: Repeating 2nd
OTIPM case and comparing 1st
case for reflection.
‣ OTs was aware their change
through repeating OTIPM case
‣ Limitation: Predominate tasks
are reported through case
studies such as ADL, Play in OT
rooms. Rare case studies for
children’s school life. OT stays in
OT room only!
지석연 Seokyeon Ji
Requesting from teacher group to OT

• Understanding children’s behaviors
Moving in/outside
지석연 Seokyeon Ji
Requesting from teacher group

• Understanding children
Connecting with OT group
• Understanding activities (occupation)
OT also need to learn occupation in real life
지석연 Seokyeon Ji
Collaborating OTs & Teachers
Suggesting Collaborating
- Challenge to teachers : opening the class
- Challenge to occupational therapists : managing time
Teacher has
desire to get
help from
3 OTs
Same Age
Group :
want to
know how
n will goes.
3 OTs
Teacher and
OT just
wanted to
their own
2 OTs
Teacher and
OT just
wanted to
their own
2 OTs
Teacher has
desire to get
help from
OT .
3 OTs
and skillful
2 OTs
2015 ~ 2016
지석연 Seokyeon Ji
Some proceeding

Encouraging Skillful Teacher by Occupational Therapists:
Through Occupational Therapists and the Teacher's Collaborative Works
Aeri YU, SISO(Sensory Integration toward Social & Occupational Being),Republic of Korea
Hanna PAENG, CCDS(Children’s center for developmental support) in EWHA Womans University, Republic of Korea
Seokyeon JI, SISO(Sensory Integration toward Social & Occupational Being), Republic of Korea
• 2 OT had observed performance of 1st grade students’ class for 2014 March to December.
• 22 times observations and 4 times discussion
‘s Instructions or Helping Behavior
Observation of the A’s
Learning the
: Drawing and
➢T told which objects are needed in the
activity and then S(students) gathered
the objects at their desk.
➢T told how to organize the objects at
their desk.(a crayon the left side and a
paper the right side of the desk)
➢T told S put another hand on the paper
to handle while coloring
➢T helped S individually to be aligned
their body and positioned behind the
➢T gave a cue to S for keeping the paces
during performance.
T’s instruction,
Individual physical or
verbal helping
Environment setting
Most students did
those performance
skills independently.
Intended purpose of social
Less challenging
0.21 Acquiring goods and
0.03 Gathering information
-0.02 Sharing information
-0.04 Conversing socially/
Small talk
-0.08 Problem solving/Decision
-0.10 Collaborating/Producing
More challenging
a Form of Play at Recess
a Form of Lesson‘s Class
We understand that not only OT’s role is observing and analyzing students performance, but also finding teacher’s
strength and encouraging it as a resource of students’ occupation-based performance. Encouraging students’ school
participation through teacher’s adequate guide would be helped by OT’s direct observation in public school.
I don’t know what the OT’s role in
public school.
I’m afraid OT just focus on the problem
in my class.
What do I do collaborative works with
a teacher in public school?
Do I find students who have difficult in
school performance?
We understood real range of normal development
by observing 1st grade students’ performance! I realized my own strengths! Collaborating with OT
was useful!!
We knew the hierarchy of the first year students' perfo-rmance
skills. T's particular instructions or help behavior was
facilitated students' performance.
Various aspects of
real occupational
Extended Parten’s Social Play hierarchy
Let’s find the teacher’s strength.
Let’s organize the frame of class management.
Parallel play Cooperative play Cooperative playAssociative play
Collaborating Problem solving
Gathering/Sharing information
with a partner
Gathering information to
a teacher
Some proceeding

Collaborative Process of Occupational Therapist and Teacher
: Learning thorough Trial and Error
*HAM Chorom,KOT **WANG Bohyun,KOT ***HONG Eunho,KOT *JI Seokyeon,KOT
*SISO, **Wonkwang Child Development Institute, ***Seoul Southern Community Rehabilitation Center
The purpose of this report is to investigate what we have learned thorough trial and error from collaboration of occupational therapists(OT) and elementary school teacher.
Occupational therapists implemented to observe referred children in the elementary school class and to clarify the reason and to apply interventions based on occupational
therapy intervention process model(OTIPM).
1. Considering that because having discussion and
exchanging opinions together for 3 OTs took quite long time
so that offering feedback was delayed. One-to-one
feedback between OT and teacher can be more effective
for fast feedback offering.
2. Teacher need to understand clearly about OT's role in
school for more smooth and effective teacher-OT
coorperation that OTs observe and make advices focused
on child's task performance, not teacher's teaching method.
3. Teacher need to realize that for increasing child's
performance in class, teacher need to understand child's
overall context related performance, his/her strength and
weakness and to adjust degree of difficulty.
1. The difficulties were not concrete and specific that the teacher says the
children show during the class.
2. The numbers of children to observe at once were too many to observe their
task performance exactly.
3. OT couldn't have enough discussion about the reason of children's difficulty,
so the suggestions for teacher was not clear.
4. School visiting schedule and feedback offering was irregular.
1. Need to interview specifically including children's context related to
their difficulties.
2. Need to reduce children number to observe at once and observe their
task performance in detail.
3. Need to have time to discussion for OTs for clarifying reason and
4. Need to offer regular and efficient feedback.
- How children who we meet in OT setting would do in actual school environment?
- What kind of role of OT could take in school which is children's main occupational environment?
- How could OT cooperate with school teacher?
There are some children who feel difficulty in class. Are
they possibly related to sensory integration problem?
We will check them with simple motor
assessment in school.
1. OT's school visit twice, teacher's OT setting visit once.
2. Assess whole class children with BOT-2 & Assess 3 children
especially teacher worried with ESI
3. The teacher visited OT setting and observed treatment.
4. OT provided a SI related book for teacher to understand children
who have problem with sensory integration.
1. The goal was not concrete and children's
context was ignored.
2. Indefinite assessment focused on
performance factor.
3. OT could not provide feedback rapidly.
1. Need to definitize again what the teacher want
from OT.
2. Need to discuss about difficulties focused on
occupational performance in school.
3. Need to search ways to provide fast feedback.
Which part do you need some help from OT?
I want to know what I can do for 5 children who feel
difficulties in class.
We will observe your class first and give you some
advices (as OT)
1. Three OTs visited school 4 times irregularly and observed 5-6
children at a day.
2. After observing school life(class attitude, play, peer relation etc.),
OT prepared documents.
3. OT made suggestions about environmental modification, helpful
activities for the children.
Suggestion 1. For a child put her thumb in her mouth often → Having her eat
or chew textured food like nuts.
Suggestion 2. For a child who is late to follow class because too many stuffs
on her desk make her workspace small → Coaching how to organize her space
using basket or bag.
Suggestion 3. Always opened door disturbed organizing children after start the
class → Closing door when the start bell ring and make noisy child to close
Trial Ⅰ. Second semester of 2013
Suggestion 1. OT judged that environmental factors that she couldn't have enough play experiences and
enough care of family in her early years effected her performance. → OT suggested after school class and
parents education.
Suggestion 2. OT gave an interview to the child's mother because she was suspected sensory integration
problem → OT explained and suggested sensory integration therapy to her mother.
Suggestion 3. OT suggested some tips for physical education class such as adjusting grade of difficulty,
enough warming up activity before tough activity, calming down activity as finish like stretching, deep
Trial Ⅱ. First semester of 2014
Trial Ⅲ. Second semester of 2014
We three OTs are going to visit one a month each
and observe one child a month. And then we will
give you feedback after our discussion.
I have a child who has difficulty to participate in
class, so I want to help him/her. But I don't know
how to help
Which part does the child feel difficulty? Is there any
other problem in the child's ordinary time except
class? How does her/his parents understand about
the child?
1. Three OTs observed one child who teacher requested.
2. OT discussed about the child's difficult and made a document of
clarified reason and intervention methods, then provided it teacher
3. After teacher applied the methods, she shared changed pard of
child and requested extra needed part.
Some proceeding

지석연 Seokyeon Ji
Transformation from the Encounter between
Occupational Therapists and Teachers to Collaboration
Yunkyeong Choi *, Heejin Jung**, Seokyen Ji*

** Oh Eun Young Academy
This study sought to organize the contents of the analysis administered on the change in the students’ task performance using top-down approach via Occupational Therapy
Intervention Process Model(OTIPM) as the occupational therapists and teachers collaboration by occupational therapists’ visiting to natural school environment. Moreover,
difference in the occupational therapists and teachers’ perception of students is discussed, and reason for the need for collaboration through improvement of perception is
▪ Participation Period : 2014. 03 – 2015. 02 (first/second semesters)
▪ Participation Subjects : 24 members in the Class 3 of the OO Elementary School’s first grade in Guri, Gyeonggido, teacher, two occupational therapists
▪ Collaboration Process :
Teachers and occupational therapists’ collaboration served as an opportunity for sharing and understanding each other’s perspective, and they felt the need for collaboration to
ensure students’ happy and active participation in school life. For further study , it is needed to persist case studies and research in regular and natural school environment with
occupational therapists and teachers’ collaborative relationship.
Teacher OTs
Some proceeding

지석연 Seokyeon Ji
Occupational Therapists
working with teacher in the Classroom 

• Developing own knowledge

• Developing awareness OT’s typical

• Remediation ==> Compensation 

• Individual ==> Organizational
지석연 Seokyeon Ji
Thanks to Teacher - OT’s 

Collaboration Group working 2015-2016 (1.0)
Teachers Occupational Therapists
Choi, Eunjoo

Kim, Hyeyoung

Ryu, Jiin

Cho, Mikyung

Kim, Younghwa

Lee, Hyunjoo

Shim, Eunjoo

Han, Yunseok

Choi, Hunah

Ji, Seokyeon

Kim, Yumi

Kim, Myeongsun

Choi, Kangmi

Yu, Aeri

Paeng, Hanna

Kang, Eunsun

Park, Saerom

Park, Hoil

Hong, Eunho

Wang, Bohyun

Ham, Chorom

Ahn, Hyewon

Son, Seunhyo

Hong, Minkyung

Jung, Heejin

Park, Jihoon
지석연 Seokyeon Ji
Current challenges
●We still need to know other discipline’s
professional role

Teachers tend to consider OT has strength of
emotional control, and strong mind ==> not by
strong emotion, but by considering individual
children’s occupation

OTs tend to consider Teacher has individual
understanding of each students by personal
factors ==> more professional in group/class task
design and manage for learning objectives
지석연 Seokyeon Ji
Continuing Teacher - OT’s Collaboration Group 2.0
Keep Going!
지석연 Seokyeon Ji
Our Next Discussion
Individual / Personal
Organizational / Systemic
Need to

Need to

지석연 Seokyeon Ji
Thank you for your attention

with warm heart!

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The Collaboration Between School Teachers and Occupational Therapists for Students in South Korea

  • 1. The collaboration between school teachers and occupational therapists for students in South Korea Ji, Seokyeon Sensory Integration towards Social and Occupational being Workshop of 1st International / 5th Japanese Congress of Clinical Occupational Therapy - Advanced Occupation based practice - Fukuoka 2018
  • 2. 지석연 Seokyeon Ji Few senior OT mentor/practitioner in Korea % Age KAOT, 2017
  • 3. 지석연 Seokyeon Ji 17% 14% 68% Adult Children Etc. ; Caregiver, OT students OT Study Population of JKSOT KAOT, 2016
  • 4. 지석연 Seokyeon Ji Legislation for children in School (ROK) • Public Health Care Act o Article 2 • Disability Service Act o Article 58 ▪ Connecting welfare community center ▪ Connecting medical service • Special Education Act/Law (2007) o Article 24 ▪ Therapeutic Support Center ▪ Therapy Room ▪ Therapist who is qualified/licensed by the law
  • 5. 지석연 Seokyeon Ji TechniqueOT-Personal OT-OT Occupation-based Studying OT-Children Individual - Group OT- Teacher Special Educator School Teacher Development by sharing Collaborating group School Social group Mentoring Stop - Start Company Organization System Professional PARTNER! Collaboration 2.0 My Story - Personal —> Practical —> Political SupportingConnecting Community 1-2 years 3-4 years 5-7 years 8-9 years 10 years 15 years 18 years ~ Wandering to start as an OT Starting with few knowledge Conflict and Development Stoppage & Expanding view Challenge and Try Sustaining and Enlightenment Sense of Calling
  • 6. 지석연 Seokyeon Ji Working for Children ● Child ● Family ● Health professions ● Educators ● School ● Community collaboratively diversely
  • 7. 지석연 Seokyeon Ji Team Approach ● Disciplinary ● Multi-Disciplinary ● Inter-Disciplinary ● Trans-Disciplinary Klein, JT (1990), Choi BC & Pak AW (2006) draws on knowledge from different disciplines but stays within their boundaries. analyzes, synthesizes and harmonizes links between disciplines into a coordinated and coherent whole integrates the natural, social and health sciences in a humanities context, and transcends their traditional boundaries. 
  • 8. 지석연 Seokyeon Ji Re-cited from Team Approach
  • 10. 지석연 Seokyeon Ji Educational Collaboration Teacher
  • 11. 지석연 Seokyeon Ji Personal Trial with Special Education teacher • Preparing & Supporting School life • Visiting School
  • 13. 지석연 Seokyeon Ji Teacher Occupational Theralist Mother of child with difficulties Working for individual children with difficulties Teacher of typical students Responding teacher’s questions Aware necessity to get help to understand diverse students Aware Teachers need help to teach diverse students Asking OT to visit her class to get help as her students Visiting class : Aware OTs need to learn children’s life in school Organizing teacher’s education program by OT Through educating teacher : Teachers are SMART! Organizing teacher’s study group Organizing OT study group after OTIPM course
  • 14. 지석연 Seokyeon Ji Personal Trial with General Education teacher • Visiting School • Education for enhancing awareness of the disability
  • 15. 지석연 Seokyeon Ji Teacher Occupational Theralist STUDY GROUP: 2 times per month ‣ Book study ‣ Sharing experience ‣ Having OT’s education program ‣ Teachers bacame to have better understand to diverse students and disabilities ‣ Sharing success experiences were quite dominated by experienced teachers, and novice teachers felt the gap. STUDY GROUP: 1 time per month • 1st year: 1 OTIPM Case report for 1 year by peer mentoring • 2nd year: Repeating 2nd OTIPM case and comparing 1st case for reflection. ‣ OTs was aware their change through repeating OTIPM case studies ‣ Limitation: Predominate tasks are reported through case studies such as ADL, Play in OT rooms. Rare case studies for children’s school life. OT stays in OT room only!
  • 16. 지석연 Seokyeon Ji Requesting from teacher group to OT for • Understanding children’s behaviors ADHD ? CP Playing Eating Dressing Moving in/outside ASD <
  • 17. 지석연 Seokyeon Ji Requesting from teacher group for • Understanding children Connecting with OT group • Understanding activities (occupation) OT also need to learn occupation in real life
  • 18. 지석연 Seokyeon Ji Collaborating OTs & Teachers Suggesting Collaborating - Challenge to teachers : opening the class - Challenge to occupational therapists : managing time Special School Teacher has strong desire to get help from OT. 3 OTs joined. Same Age Group : want to know how their collaboratio n will goes. 3 OTs joined. Teacher and OT just wanted to their own trial. 2 OTs joined. Teacher and OT just wanted to their own trial. 2 OTs joined. Teacher has strong desire to get help from OT . 3 OTs joined. Experienced and skillful teacher. 2 OTs joined. Leading teacher’s group 2015 ~ 2016
  • 19. 지석연 Seokyeon Ji Some proceeding results
  • 20. Encouraging Skillful Teacher by Occupational Therapists: Through Occupational Therapists and the Teacher's Collaborative Works Aeri YU, SISO(Sensory Integration toward Social & Occupational Being),Republic of Korea Hanna PAENG, CCDS(Children’s center for developmental support) in EWHA Womans University, Republic of Korea Seokyeon JI, SISO(Sensory Integration toward Social & Occupational Being), Republic of Korea • 2 OT had observed performance of 1st grade students’ class for 2014 March to December. • 22 times observations and 4 times discussion ? Result ! Conclusion ‘s Instructions or Helping Behavior Lesson Observation of the A’s Performance Learning the Korean “ㄱㄴㄷㄹ” : Drawing and Coloring ➢T told which objects are needed in the activity and then S(students) gathered the objects at their desk. ➢T told how to organize the objects at their desk.(a crayon the left side and a paper the right side of the desk) ➢T told S put another hand on the paper to handle while coloring ➢T helped S individually to be aligned their body and positioned behind the desk. ➢T gave a cue to S for keeping the paces during performance. Performance Analysis T’s instruction, Individual physical or verbal helping behavior, Environment setting Most students did those performance skills independently. Intended purpose of social interaction Less challenging 0.21 Acquiring goods and services 0.03 Gathering information -0.02 Sharing information -0.04 Conversing socially/ Small talk -0.08 Problem solving/Decision making -0.10 Collaborating/Producing More challenging a Form of Play at Recess ? Extended!! a Form of Lesson‘s Class Management We understand that not only OT’s role is observing and analyzing students performance, but also finding teacher’s strength and encouraging it as a resource of students’ occupation-based performance. Encouraging students’ school participation through teacher’s adequate guide would be helped by OT’s direct observation in public school. Teacher I don’t know what the OT’s role in public school. I’m afraid OT just focus on the problem in my class. OT What do I do collaborative works with a teacher in public school? Do I find students who have difficult in school performance? We understood real range of normal development by observing 1st grade students’ performance! I realized my own strengths! Collaborating with OT was useful!! We knew the hierarchy of the first year students' perfo-rmance skills. T's particular instructions or help behavior was facilitated students' performance. Various aspects of real occupational performance Extended Parten’s Social Play hierarchy Let’s find the teacher’s strength. Let’s organize the frame of class management. Parallel play Cooperative play Cooperative playAssociative play Collaborating Problem solving Gathering/Sharing information with a partner Gathering information to a teacher Method Some proceeding results
  • 21. Collaborative Process of Occupational Therapist and Teacher : Learning thorough Trial and Error *HAM Chorom,KOT **WANG Bohyun,KOT ***HONG Eunho,KOT *JI Seokyeon,KOT *SISO, **Wonkwang Child Development Institute, ***Seoul Southern Community Rehabilitation Center Introduction The purpose of this report is to investigate what we have learned thorough trial and error from collaboration of occupational therapists(OT) and elementary school teacher. Occupational therapists implemented to observe referred children in the elementary school class and to clarify the reason and to apply interventions based on occupational therapy intervention process model(OTIPM). Conclusion 1. Considering that because having discussion and exchanging opinions together for 3 OTs took quite long time so that offering feedback was delayed. One-to-one feedback between OT and teacher can be more effective for fast feedback offering. 2. Teacher need to understand clearly about OT's role in school for more smooth and effective teacher-OT coorperation that OTs observe and make advices focused on child's task performance, not teacher's teaching method. 3. Teacher need to realize that for increasing child's performance in class, teacher need to understand child's overall context related performance, his/her strength and weakness and to adjust degree of difficulty. Start <Error> 1. The difficulties were not concrete and specific that the teacher says the children show during the class. 2. The numbers of children to observe at once were too many to observe their task performance exactly. 3. OT couldn't have enough discussion about the reason of children's difficulty, so the suggestions for teacher was not clear. 4. School visiting schedule and feedback offering was irregular. <Learning> 1. Need to interview specifically including children's context related to their difficulties. 2. Need to reduce children number to observe at once and observe their task performance in detail. 3. Need to have time to discussion for OTs for clarifying reason and intervention. 4. Need to offer regular and efficient feedback. Next Step T T OT - How children who we meet in OT setting would do in actual school environment? - What kind of role of OT could take in school which is children's main occupational environment? - How could OT cooperate with school teacher? There are some children who feel difficulty in class. Are they possibly related to sensory integration problem? We will check them with simple motor assessment in school. 1. OT's school visit twice, teacher's OT setting visit once. 2. Assess whole class children with BOT-2 & Assess 3 children especially teacher worried with ESI 3. The teacher visited OT setting and observed treatment. 4. OT provided a SI related book for teacher to understand children who have problem with sensory integration. <Error> 1. The goal was not concrete and children's context was ignored. 2. Indefinite assessment focused on performance factor. 3. OT could not provide feedback rapidly. <Learning> 1. Need to definitize again what the teacher want from OT. 2. Need to discuss about difficulties focused on occupational performance in school. 3. Need to search ways to provide fast feedback. Which part do you need some help from OT? I want to know what I can do for 5 children who feel difficulties in class. We will observe your class first and give you some advices (as OT) 1. Three OTs visited school 4 times irregularly and observed 5-6 children at a day. 2. After observing school life(class attitude, play, peer relation etc.), OT prepared documents. 3. OT made suggestions about environmental modification, helpful activities for the children. Suggestion 1. For a child put her thumb in her mouth often → Having her eat or chew textured food like nuts. Suggestion 2. For a child who is late to follow class because too many stuffs on her desk make her workspace small → Coaching how to organize her space using basket or bag. Suggestion 3. Always opened door disturbed organizing children after start the class → Closing door when the start bell ring and make noisy child to close door. Trial Ⅰ. Second semester of 2013 OT OT T OT OT Suggestion 1. OT judged that environmental factors that she couldn't have enough play experiences and enough care of family in her early years effected her performance. → OT suggested after school class and parents education. Suggestion 2. OT gave an interview to the child's mother because she was suspected sensory integration problem → OT explained and suggested sensory integration therapy to her mother. Suggestion 3. OT suggested some tips for physical education class such as adjusting grade of difficulty, enough warming up activity before tough activity, calming down activity as finish like stretching, deep breathing. Trial Ⅱ. First semester of 2014 Trial Ⅲ. Second semester of 2014 We three OTs are going to visit one a month each and observe one child a month. And then we will give you feedback after our discussion. I have a child who has difficulty to participate in class, so I want to help him/her. But I don't know how to help Which part does the child feel difficulty? Is there any other problem in the child's ordinary time except class? How does her/his parents understand about the child? 1. Three OTs observed one child who teacher requested. 2. OT discussed about the child's difficult and made a document of clarified reason and intervention methods, then provided it teacher 3. After teacher applied the methods, she shared changed pard of child and requested extra needed part. Some proceeding results
  • 22. 지석연 Seokyeon Ji Transformation from the Encounter between Occupational Therapists and Teachers to Collaboration Yunkyeong Choi *, Heejin Jung**, Seokyen Ji*
 * SISO ** Oh Eun Young Academy Introduction This study sought to organize the contents of the analysis administered on the change in the students’ task performance using top-down approach via Occupational Therapy Intervention Process Model(OTIPM) as the occupational therapists and teachers collaboration by occupational therapists’ visiting to natural school environment. Moreover, difference in the occupational therapists and teachers’ perception of students is discussed, and reason for the need for collaboration through improvement of perception is identified. Method ▪ Participation Period : 2014. 03 – 2015. 02 (first/second semesters) ▪ Participation Subjects : 24 members in the Class 3 of the OO Elementary School’s first grade in Guri, Gyeonggido, teacher, two occupational therapists ▪ Collaboration Process : Conclusion Teachers and occupational therapists’ collaboration served as an opportunity for sharing and understanding each other’s perspective, and they felt the need for collaboration to ensure students’ happy and active participation in school life. For further study , it is needed to persist case studies and research in regular and natural school environment with occupational therapists and teachers’ collaborative relationship. Group Individual student Teacher OTs Result Some proceeding results
  • 23. 지석연 Seokyeon Ji Occupational Therapists working with teacher in the Classroom • Developing own knowledge • Developing awareness OT’s typical role • Remediation ==> Compensation • Individual ==> Organizational
  • 24. 지석연 Seokyeon Ji Thanks to Teacher - OT’s Collaboration Group working 2015-2016 (1.0) Teachers Occupational Therapists Choi, Eunjoo Kim, Hyeyoung Ryu, Jiin Cho, Mikyung Kim, Younghwa Lee, Hyunjoo Shim, Eunjoo Han, Yunseok Choi, Hunah Ji, Seokyeon Kim, Yumi Kim, Myeongsun Choi, Kangmi Yu, Aeri Paeng, Hanna Kang, Eunsun Park, Saerom Park, Hoil Hong, Eunho Wang, Bohyun Ham, Chorom Ahn, Hyewon Son, Seunhyo Hong, Minkyung Jung, Heejin Park, Jihoon
  • 25. 지석연 Seokyeon Ji Current challenges ●We still need to know other discipline’s professional role Teachers tend to consider OT has strength of emotional control, and strong mind ==> not by strong emotion, but by considering individual children’s occupation OTs tend to consider Teacher has individual understanding of each students by personal factors ==> more professional in group/class task design and manage for learning objectives
  • 26. 지석연 Seokyeon Ji Continuing Teacher - OT’s Collaboration Group 2.0 Keep Going!
  • 27. 지석연 Seokyeon Ji Our Next Discussion Individual / Personal Organizational / Systemic Need to Rearrange Need to Act
  • 28. 지석연 Seokyeon Ji Thank you for your attention with warm heart!