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Promoting and Creating a
K-12 Career Development
  Culture in Schools &

 Power Point compiled by Dr Peter Carey
How Do We ‘Create’ the
               WA Guidelines for Career Development
              Services and Transition Support Services
         Career development in schools needs to:
          be a “K-12 whole school approach”. It is the responsibility of all
           teachers for all students not just the Career Development Practitioner if
           it is to be sustainable. Parents must be engaged and involved.
          have the support of the school’s Leadership Team
          be part of the school’s ongoing strategic planning and evaluation-
           seen as an important education goal of the school.
          have adequate resources allocated to provide essential services and
           information products

The Australian Blueprint for Career Development (ABCD) is a significant tool for
implementing a career development culture in the school setting.

Fundamental to creating a career development culture in schools is transition
planning. Transition planning has three main elements:

• Individual Pathway Plans (Career Plans)– a Transition Portfolio – an Exit Plan
WA Guidelines for Career Development
Services and Transition Support Services
Eleven (11) Essential Career Development Services and programs
   in schools must include :

 Transition Support: Individual Pathway Plans (IPPs), a Transition
  Portfolio and a Exit Plan
 Follow-up Support
 Career Development Support
 Career Education
 Enterprise Education
 VET in Schools (VETiS), Workplace learning and Vocational
 Career Information, Guidance and Counselling
 Placement or Referral
 Access and Equity- Individual Support Approaches
 Monitoring and Tracking
 Mentoring
5 Key Areas in the Implementation of the WA Guidelines
                      1. Whole School Planning, Support & Coordination
  • School & Community Support: Acceptance of the Leadership Team - all teachers – for all students
    - parents involved
  • Career Development Coordination of program delivery and their evaluation by someone?
  • Staff Professional Development
  • Sustainability
                         2. Embedding Career Competencies (ABCD)
  We need to:
  • Conduct a needs assessment: staff needs for delivery … are the students needs met?
  • Conduct an audit: are all the competencies of the ABCD being met? In what learning areas?
  • Identify connection with other programs – Integrated curriculum
                              3. Program Development / Redesign
  • Program Delivery: e.g. IPPs, Career Education, Transition Portfolio, exit plan
  • Service Provision: e.g. Career Information, guidance & counselling, transition support, monitoring
    and tracking
                                    4. Effective Implementation
  • Follow through on decisions made
  • Monitor, review & evaluate
                                      5. Continual Promotion
  • Promote the career development culture through staff, parent evenings etc.

Incorporating the ABCD and the WA Guidelines for Career Development
                   and Transition Support Services
Operational Manual
      The Operational Manual was developed to
      assist school implement the five (5) key
      areas of the WA Guidelines and determine
      ‘where a school is at’ in relation to:

     Whole School Planning, Support & Coordination
     Embedding Career Competencies (ABCD)
     Program Development / Redesign
     Effective Implementation of strategies
     Continual Promotion

Using the Audit & Planning Tool: Where is your school at?
What the Operational Manual
   Individual planning tools and templates for each of the 5
    key areas and its elements

   Flowchart of recommended activities

   Survey tools: needs assessment – conduct and audit

   ABCD Performance indicators documented

   Overarching Planning Tool: Rubric

Support Booklet
A self assessment tool with possible types of evidence
What is Career
      Career Development is the “process of
      managing life, learning and work over the
      lifespan” (Wolf & Kolb, cited in McMahon, Patton &
      Tatham, 2003, p. 4).

      It’s not just about “job searching, job
      matching or sending students out on
      work experience” … it’s about people taking
      responsibility for ones own life, learning and
      work and assisting them develop career
      managements skills essential for living in a
      rapidly changing and unpredictable world.

It’s the acceptance of the notion of life long learning
In managing ones life students need:
•   to be literate and numerate
•   to feel good about oneself
•   to be a good corporate citizens
•   to be an active participant in the community
•   to be a lifelong learner having an opportunity for psychological success
•   to be resilient

Manage Learning
•   to develop learning to learn skills, metacognitive skills …
•   to develop critical thinking skills
•   to develop social and personal skills
•   to navigate the curriculum to achieve WACE- make lifelong career choices
•   to take responsibility for ones learning and career management

Managing Work
•   to plan, explore and make decisions about life, learning and work assisted through the
    participation in IPPs, transition planning and exit plans
•   to develop career management skills

               Are these not the responsibility of ALL teachers?
Implementing Career

The Australian Blueprint for Career Development
(ABCD) is a significant tool for implementing a Career
Development culture in the school setting from K to 12.
COMPETENCIES                      PHASE I                               PHASE II                              PHASE III                            PHASE IV

                                                               AREA A: PERSONAL MANAGEMENT

1 BUILD AND MAINTAIN A    1.1 Build a positive self concept      1.2 Build a positive self concept     1.3 Develop abilities to maintain     1.4 Improve abilities to maintain
POSITIVE SELF CONCEPT     while discovering its influence on     and understand its influence on       a positive self concept               a positive self concept
                          yourself and others                    life and work

2 INTERACT POSITIVELY     2.1 Develop abilities for building     2.2 Develop additional abilities      2.3 Develop abilities for building    2.4 Improve abilities for building
AND EFFECTIVELY WITH      positive relationships in life         for building positive relationships   positive relationships in life and    positive relationships in life and
OTHERS                                                           in life                               work                                  work

3 CHANGE AND GROW         3.1 Discover that change and           3.2 Learn to respond to change        3.3 Learn to respond to change        3.4 Develop strategies for
THROUGHOUT LIFE           growth are part of life                and growth                            that affects your well-being          responding positively to life and
                                                                                                                                             work changes

                                                       AREA B: LEARNING AND WORK EXPLORATION

4 PARTICIPATE IN          4.1 Discover lifelong learning         4.2 Link life-long learning to        4.3 Link lifelong learning to the     4.4 Participate in continuous
LIFELONG LEARNING         and its contribution to life and       personal career aspirations           career building process               learning supportive of career
SUPPORTIVE OF CAREER      work                                                                                                               goals

5 LOCATE AND              5.1 Understand the nature of           5.2 Locate and use career             5.3 Locate and evaluate a range       5.4 Use career information
EFFECTIVELY USE CAREER    career information                     information                           of career information sources         effectively in the management of
INFORMATION                                                                                                                                  your career

6 UNDERSTAND THE          6.1 Discover how work                  6.2 Understand how work               6.3 Understand how societal           6.4 Incorporate your
RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN      contributes to individuals' lives      contributes to the community          needs and economic conditions         understanding of changing
WORK, SOCIETY AND THE                                                                                  influence the nature and structure    economic, social and employment
ECONOMY                                                                                                of work                               conditions into your career

                                                                 AREA C: CAREER BUILDING

7 SECURE / CREATE AND     7.1 Explore effective ways of          7.2 Develop qualities to seek and     7.3 Develop abilities to seek,        7.4 Improve on abilities to seek,
MAINTAIN WORK             working                                obtain/create work                    obtain/create and maintain work       obtain/create and maintain work

8 MAKE CAREER             8.1 Explore and improve                8.2 Link decision-making to           8.3 Engage in career decision-        8.4 Incorporate realism into your
ENHANCING DECISIONS       decision-making                        career building                             making                          career decision-making

9 MAINTAIN BALANCED       9.1 Explore and understand the         9.2 Explore and understand the        9.3 Link lifestyles and life stages   9.4 Incorporate life/work balance
LIFE AND WORK ROLES       interrelationship of life roles        interrelationship between life and    to career building                    into the career building process
                                                                 work roles

10 UNDERSTAND THE         10.1 Discover the nature of            10.2 Explore non-traditional life     10.3 Understand and learn to          10.4 Seek to eliminate gender
CHANGING NATURE OF LIFE   gendered life and work roles           and work options                      overcome stereotypes in your          bias and stereotypes in your
AND WORK ROLES                                                                                         career building                       career building

11 UNDERSTAND, ENGAGE     11.1 Explore the underlying            11.2 Understand and experience        11.3 Take charge of your career       11.4 Manage your career
IN AND MANAGE THE         concepts of the career building        the career building process           building process                      building process
Phase I - Competency 2.1
The Australian Blueprint for
    Career Development
Three Areas:
A: Personal Management

B: Learning and Work Exploration

C: Career Building
Eleven Competencies
(A) Personal Management:                                   The  11 Car s
 1: Build and maintain a positive self-image              Co mpete
                                                           are  broad
 2: Interact positively and effectively with others                  eer
                                                               for car
 3: Change and grow throughout life
                                                             de  velopm

(B) Learning and Work Exploration:
 4: Participate in lifelong learning supportive of career goals
 5: Locate and effectively use career information
 6: Understand the relationship between work, society and the economy

(C) Career Building:
 7: Secure/create and maintain work
 8: Make career enhancing decisions
 9: Maintain balanced life and work roles
 10: Understanding the changing nature of life and work roles
 11: Understand, engage in and manage the career building process
Split Into Four Development
          Across The Lifespan

   Phase I –students in K- Primary years

   Phase II –students middle years (Years 8-10)

   Phase III –students in senior years (Years 11-12)

   Phase IV –adults
Performance Indicators
The competency at each phase has
performance indicators which progress
through a four stage learning taxonomy

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COMPETENCIES                      PHASE I                               PHASE II                              PHASE III                            PHASE IV

                                                               AREA A: PERSONAL MANAGEMENT

1 BUILD AND MAINTAIN A    1.1 Build a positive self concept      1.2 Build a positive self concept     1.3 Develop abilities to maintain     1.4 Improve abilities to maintain
POSITIVE SELF CONCEPT     while discovering its influence on     and understand its influence on       a positive self concept               a positive self concept
                          yourself and others                    life and work

2 INTERACT POSITIVELY     2.1 Develop abilities for building     2.2 Develop additional abilities      2.3 Develop abilities for building    2.4 Improve abilities for building
AND EFFECTIVELY WITH      positive relationships in life         for building positive relationships   positive relationships in life and    positive relationships in life and
OTHERS                                                           in life                               work                                  work

3 CHANGE AND GROW         3.1 Discover that change and           3.2 Learn to respond to change        3.3 Learn to respond to change        3.4 Develop strategies for
THROUGHOUT LIFE           growth are part of life                and growth                            that affects your well-being          responding positively to life and
                                                                                                                                             work changes

                                                       AREA B: LEARNING AND WORK EXPLORATION

4 PARTICIPATE IN          4.1 Discover lifelong learning         4.2 Link life-long learning to        4.3 Link lifelong learning to the     4.4 Participate in continuous
LIFELONG LEARNING         and its contribution to life and       personal career aspirations           career building process               learning supportive of career
SUPPORTIVE OF CAREER      work                                                                                                               goals

5 LOCATE AND              5.1 Understand the nature of           5.2 Locate and use career             5.3 Locate and evaluate a range       5.4 Use career information
EFFECTIVELY USE CAREER    career information                     information                           of career information sources         effectively in the management of
INFORMATION                                                                                                                                  your career

6 UNDERSTAND THE          6.1 Discover how work                  6.2 Understand how work               6.3 Understand how societal           6.4 Incorporate your
RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN      contributes to individuals' lives      contributes to the community          needs and economic conditions         understanding of changing
WORK, SOCIETY AND THE                                                                                  influence the nature and structure    economic, social and employment
ECONOMY                                                                                                of work                               conditions into your career

                                                                 AREA C: CAREER BUILDING

7 SECURE / CREATE AND     7.1 Explore effective ways of          7.2 Develop qualities to seek and     7.3 Develop abilities to seek,        7.4 Improve on abilities to seek,
MAINTAIN WORK             working                                obtain/create work                    obtain/create and maintain work       obtain/create and maintain work

8 MAKE CAREER             8.1 Explore and improve                8.2 Link decision-making to           8.3 Engage in career decision-        8.4 Incorporate realism into your
ENHANCING DECISIONS       decision-making                        career building                             making                          career decision-making

9 MAINTAIN BALANCED       9.1 Explore and understand the         9.2 Explore and understand the        9.3 Link lifestyles and life stages   9.4 Incorporate life/work balance
LIFE AND WORK ROLES       interrelationship of life roles        interrelationship between life and    to career building                    into the career building process
                                                                 work roles

10 UNDERSTAND THE         10.1 Discover the nature of            10.2 Explore non-traditional life     10.3 Understand and learn to          10.4 Seek to eliminate gender
CHANGING NATURE OF LIFE   gendered life and work roles           and work options                      overcome stereotypes in your          bias and stereotypes in your
AND WORK ROLES                                                                                         career building                       career building

11 UNDERSTAND, ENGAGE     11.1 Explore the underlying            11.2 Understand and experience        11.3 Take charge of your career       11.4 Manage your career
IN AND MANAGE THE         concepts of the career building        the career building process           building process                      building process
Phase I - Competency 2.1
Local standards can than be developed from each
performance indicator to suit local needs

              Local Standards

Local standards are activities that describe
what individuals will do to achieve a specific
performance indicator, how well they need to
do it, and the conditions under which they
will perform the task
Example of Local Standard:
Local standard for performance indicator 2.1.3 for year 3 students
                                                                    P erforman
                                                                              s for
CAREER MANAGEMENT COMPETENCY 2.1:                                    Indicator y 2 at
Develop abilities for building positive relationships in life.        Compete imary
                                                                              : Pr
                                                                      Phase 1
Identify positive social skills, such as empathy, cooperation, a willingness to
help and show respect for others.

Year 3 students are presented with four school-based scenarios, two showing
positive social skills, two showing poor social skills. Students are asked to
identify which scenarios demonstrate positive social skills, and to name them.
In the scenarios that illustrate poor social skills, students are asked to suggest
positive behaviours that could have been used

Example of Local Standard:
Participate in lifelong learning supportive of career goals
At PHASE I OF DEVELOPMENT (4.1) this reads as:                       Performan
                                                                              s for
                                                                     Indicator y 4 at
‘Discover lifelong learning and its contributions to life and work’.           nc
                                                                      Compete imary
                                                                              : Pr
Drill down to target PERFORMANCE INDICATOR: 4.1.7 to:                 Phase 1
‘Evaluate your learning habits and study skills and identify those that help you
best to learn.
Create a LOCAL STANDARD for your school population-
Given a celebrity of their choice (e.g., football player, pop star), Year 3 students
will develop and deliver a brief verbal report explaining what might happen if the
celebrity stopped putting effort into his or her work. The report must include
references to at least two achievements that would be lost, and two abilities that
might sustain the celebrity in his or her work.
Example of Local Standard:

Understand the relationship between work, society and the economyrformance
                                                                        s for
                                                               Indicator y 6 at
At PHASE II OF DEVELOPMENT (6.2) this reads as:                 Compete wer
                                                                        : Lo
                                                                Phase 2       ear 9
‘Understand how work contributes to the community’
                                                                sec ondary Y

Drill down to target PERFORMANCE INDICATOR 6.2.6:
‘Explore the impact of work on social, economic problems in the community’

Create a LOCAL STANDARD for your school population-
Following presentations from 7 local community service options, students will enrol in 1
option for 8 afternoons over one term. At the conclusion of the service learning project,
students will write a detailed thank you letter to the organisation and an exposition for
their portfolio detailing a) the role and impact of the work of that service organisation in
their community and b) their personal experience of community service.
Familiarising yourself with the
   Phase IV Competency Statements for

      • Where are you personally?

      • Which competencies have you mastered
        so far in the management of your own
        career path?
The Eleven Phase 4 Competency
                                       PHASE IV
 1.4 Improve abilities to maintain a positive self concept
 2.4 Improve abilities for building positive relationships in life and work
 3.4 Develop strategies for responding positively to life and work changes
 4.4 Participate in continuous learning supportive of career goals
 5.4 Use career information effectively in the management of your career
 6.4 Incorporate your understanding of changing economic, social and employment
 conditions into your career planning
 7.4 Improve on abilities to seek, obtain/create and maintain work
 8.4 Incorporate realism into your career decision-making
 9.4 Incorporate life/work balance into the career building process
 10.4 Seek to eliminate gender bias and stereotypes in your career building
 11.4 Manage your career building process
Familiarising yourself with the ABCD

 Consider Phase I; II; or III Competency

      What existing student activities from your
       school demonstrates a competency? … at
       what Phase?

      What new activities can you think of?
Why is Career Development Important?


1. Read through each statement for Phase 4
   (next slide) and choose one that you are
   really glad you have.

2. Take a few minutes to explain to someone
   next to you the ways in which that
   competency has been important to you in
   your life.
What To Take Away?

 Career development is now part of school
  K-12 strategic planning in WA
 Activities from all learning areas can be
  mapped against Blueprint competencies
 Career development for students becomes
  a whole school approach – all teachers, all
  students, all year levels.
Questions/ Comments

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The Australian Blueprint for Career Development

  • 1. Promoting and Creating a K-12 Career Development Culture in Schools & Colleges Power Point compiled by Dr Peter Carey
  • 2. How Do We ‘Create’ the Culture? WA Guidelines for Career Development Services and Transition Support Services KEY PRINCIPLES Career development in schools needs to:  be a “K-12 whole school approach”. It is the responsibility of all teachers for all students not just the Career Development Practitioner if it is to be sustainable. Parents must be engaged and involved.  have the support of the school’s Leadership Team  be part of the school’s ongoing strategic planning and evaluation- seen as an important education goal of the school.  have adequate resources allocated to provide essential services and information products The Australian Blueprint for Career Development (ABCD) is a significant tool for implementing a career development culture in the school setting. Fundamental to creating a career development culture in schools is transition planning. Transition planning has three main elements: • Individual Pathway Plans (Career Plans)– a Transition Portfolio – an Exit Plan
  • 3. WA Guidelines for Career Development Services and Transition Support Services Eleven (11) Essential Career Development Services and programs in schools must include :  Transition Support: Individual Pathway Plans (IPPs), a Transition Portfolio and a Exit Plan  Follow-up Support  Career Development Support  Career Education  Enterprise Education  VET in Schools (VETiS), Workplace learning and Vocational Education  Career Information, Guidance and Counselling  Placement or Referral  Access and Equity- Individual Support Approaches  Monitoring and Tracking  Mentoring
  • 4. 5 Key Areas in the Implementation of the WA Guidelines 1. Whole School Planning, Support & Coordination • School & Community Support: Acceptance of the Leadership Team - all teachers – for all students - parents involved • Career Development Coordination of program delivery and their evaluation by someone? • Staff Professional Development • Sustainability 2. Embedding Career Competencies (ABCD) We need to: • Conduct a needs assessment: staff needs for delivery … are the students needs met? • Conduct an audit: are all the competencies of the ABCD being met? In what learning areas? • Identify connection with other programs – Integrated curriculum 3. Program Development / Redesign • Program Delivery: e.g. IPPs, Career Education, Transition Portfolio, exit plan • Service Provision: e.g. Career Information, guidance & counselling, transition support, monitoring and tracking 4. Effective Implementation • Follow through on decisions made • Monitor, review & evaluate 5. Continual Promotion • Promote the career development culture through staff, parent evenings etc. Incorporating the ABCD and the WA Guidelines for Career Development and Transition Support Services
  • 5. Operational Manual The Operational Manual was developed to assist school implement the five (5) key areas of the WA Guidelines and determine ‘where a school is at’ in relation to:  Whole School Planning, Support & Coordination  Embedding Career Competencies (ABCD)  Program Development / Redesign  Effective Implementation of strategies  Continual Promotion Using the Audit & Planning Tool: Where is your school at?
  • 6. What the Operational Manual contains  Individual planning tools and templates for each of the 5 key areas and its elements  Flowchart of recommended activities  Survey tools: needs assessment – conduct and audit  ABCD Performance indicators documented  Overarching Planning Tool: Rubric Support Booklet A self assessment tool with possible types of evidence
  • 7. What is Career Development? Career Development is the “process of managing life, learning and work over the lifespan” (Wolf & Kolb, cited in McMahon, Patton & Tatham, 2003, p. 4). It’s not just about “job searching, job “ matching or sending students out on work experience” … it’s about people taking responsibility for ones own life, learning and work and assisting them develop career managements skills essential for living in a rapidly changing and unpredictable world. It’s the acceptance of the notion of life long learning
  • 8. things! In managing ones life students need: • to be literate and numerate • to feel good about oneself • to be a good corporate citizens • to be an active participant in the community • to be a lifelong learner having an opportunity for psychological success • to be resilient Manage Learning • to develop learning to learn skills, metacognitive skills … • to develop critical thinking skills • to develop social and personal skills • to navigate the curriculum to achieve WACE- make lifelong career choices • to take responsibility for ones learning and career management Managing Work • to plan, explore and make decisions about life, learning and work assisted through the participation in IPPs, transition planning and exit plans • to develop career management skills Are these not the responsibility of ALL teachers?
  • 9. Implementing Career Development The Australian Blueprint for Career Development (ABCD) is a significant tool for implementing a Career Development culture in the school setting from K to 12.
  • 10. COMPETENCIES PHASE I PHASE II PHASE III PHASE IV AREA A: PERSONAL MANAGEMENT 1 BUILD AND MAINTAIN A 1.1 Build a positive self concept 1.2 Build a positive self concept 1.3 Develop abilities to maintain 1.4 Improve abilities to maintain POSITIVE SELF CONCEPT while discovering its influence on and understand its influence on a positive self concept a positive self concept yourself and others life and work 2 INTERACT POSITIVELY 2.1 Develop abilities for building 2.2 Develop additional abilities 2.3 Develop abilities for building 2.4 Improve abilities for building AND EFFECTIVELY WITH positive relationships in life for building positive relationships positive relationships in life and positive relationships in life and OTHERS in life work work 3 CHANGE AND GROW 3.1 Discover that change and 3.2 Learn to respond to change 3.3 Learn to respond to change 3.4 Develop strategies for THROUGHOUT LIFE growth are part of life and growth that affects your well-being responding positively to life and work changes AREA B: LEARNING AND WORK EXPLORATION 4 PARTICIPATE IN 4.1 Discover lifelong learning 4.2 Link life-long learning to 4.3 Link lifelong learning to the 4.4 Participate in continuous LIFELONG LEARNING and its contribution to life and personal career aspirations career building process learning supportive of career SUPPORTIVE OF CAREER work goals GOALS 5 LOCATE AND 5.1 Understand the nature of 5.2 Locate and use career 5.3 Locate and evaluate a range 5.4 Use career information EFFECTIVELY USE CAREER career information information of career information sources effectively in the management of INFORMATION your career 6 UNDERSTAND THE 6.1 Discover how work 6.2 Understand how work 6.3 Understand how societal 6.4 Incorporate your RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN contributes to individuals' lives contributes to the community needs and economic conditions understanding of changing WORK, SOCIETY AND THE influence the nature and structure economic, social and employment ECONOMY of work conditions into your career planning AREA C: CAREER BUILDING 7 SECURE / CREATE AND 7.1 Explore effective ways of 7.2 Develop qualities to seek and 7.3 Develop abilities to seek, 7.4 Improve on abilities to seek, MAINTAIN WORK working obtain/create work obtain/create and maintain work obtain/create and maintain work 8 MAKE CAREER 8.1 Explore and improve 8.2 Link decision-making to 8.3 Engage in career decision- 8.4 Incorporate realism into your ENHANCING DECISIONS decision-making career building making career decision-making 9 MAINTAIN BALANCED 9.1 Explore and understand the 9.2 Explore and understand the 9.3 Link lifestyles and life stages 9.4 Incorporate life/work balance LIFE AND WORK ROLES interrelationship of life roles interrelationship between life and to career building into the career building process work roles 10 UNDERSTAND THE 10.1 Discover the nature of 10.2 Explore non-traditional life 10.3 Understand and learn to 10.4 Seek to eliminate gender CHANGING NATURE OF LIFE gendered life and work roles and work options overcome stereotypes in your bias and stereotypes in your AND WORK ROLES career building career building 11 UNDERSTAND, ENGAGE 11.1 Explore the underlying 11.2 Understand and experience 11.3 Take charge of your career 11.4 Manage your career IN AND MANAGE THE concepts of the career building the career building process building process building process CAREER BUILDING PROCESS process
  • 11. Phase I - Competency 2.1
  • 12. The Australian Blueprint for Career Development Three Areas: A: Personal Management B: Learning and Work Exploration C: Career Building
  • 13. Eleven Competencies eer (A) Personal Management: The 11 Car s ncie  1: Build and maintain a positive self-image Co mpete goals are broad  2: Interact positively and effectively with others eer for car ent  3: Change and grow throughout life de velopm (B) Learning and Work Exploration:  4: Participate in lifelong learning supportive of career goals  5: Locate and effectively use career information  6: Understand the relationship between work, society and the economy (C) Career Building:  7: Secure/create and maintain work  8: Make career enhancing decisions  9: Maintain balanced life and work roles  10: Understanding the changing nature of life and work roles  11: Understand, engage in and manage the career building process
  • 14. Split Into Four Development Phases Across The Lifespan  Phase I –students in K- Primary years  Phase II –students middle years (Years 8-10)  Phase III –students in senior years (Years 11-12)  Phase IV –adults
  • 15. Performance Indicators The competency at each phase has performance indicators which progress through a four stage learning taxonomy Acquire ind Perfor ic m kno ators ance Apply attit wledg are sp nee ude e e s th , skills cific d to at indiv and ach d id ieve evelop uals Personalise com a car to pete eer ncy Act
  • 16. COMPETENCIES PHASE I PHASE II PHASE III PHASE IV AREA A: PERSONAL MANAGEMENT 1 BUILD AND MAINTAIN A 1.1 Build a positive self concept 1.2 Build a positive self concept 1.3 Develop abilities to maintain 1.4 Improve abilities to maintain POSITIVE SELF CONCEPT while discovering its influence on and understand its influence on a positive self concept a positive self concept yourself and others life and work 2 INTERACT POSITIVELY 2.1 Develop abilities for building 2.2 Develop additional abilities 2.3 Develop abilities for building 2.4 Improve abilities for building AND EFFECTIVELY WITH positive relationships in life for building positive relationships positive relationships in life and positive relationships in life and OTHERS in life work work 3 CHANGE AND GROW 3.1 Discover that change and 3.2 Learn to respond to change 3.3 Learn to respond to change 3.4 Develop strategies for THROUGHOUT LIFE growth are part of life and growth that affects your well-being responding positively to life and work changes AREA B: LEARNING AND WORK EXPLORATION 4 PARTICIPATE IN 4.1 Discover lifelong learning 4.2 Link life-long learning to 4.3 Link lifelong learning to the 4.4 Participate in continuous LIFELONG LEARNING and its contribution to life and personal career aspirations career building process learning supportive of career SUPPORTIVE OF CAREER work goals GOALS 5 LOCATE AND 5.1 Understand the nature of 5.2 Locate and use career 5.3 Locate and evaluate a range 5.4 Use career information EFFECTIVELY USE CAREER career information information of career information sources effectively in the management of INFORMATION your career 6 UNDERSTAND THE 6.1 Discover how work 6.2 Understand how work 6.3 Understand how societal 6.4 Incorporate your RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN contributes to individuals' lives contributes to the community needs and economic conditions understanding of changing WORK, SOCIETY AND THE influence the nature and structure economic, social and employment ECONOMY of work conditions into your career planning AREA C: CAREER BUILDING 7 SECURE / CREATE AND 7.1 Explore effective ways of 7.2 Develop qualities to seek and 7.3 Develop abilities to seek, 7.4 Improve on abilities to seek, MAINTAIN WORK working obtain/create work obtain/create and maintain work obtain/create and maintain work 8 MAKE CAREER 8.1 Explore and improve 8.2 Link decision-making to 8.3 Engage in career decision- 8.4 Incorporate realism into your ENHANCING DECISIONS decision-making career building making career decision-making 9 MAINTAIN BALANCED 9.1 Explore and understand the 9.2 Explore and understand the 9.3 Link lifestyles and life stages 9.4 Incorporate life/work balance LIFE AND WORK ROLES interrelationship of life roles interrelationship between life and to career building into the career building process work roles 10 UNDERSTAND THE 10.1 Discover the nature of 10.2 Explore non-traditional life 10.3 Understand and learn to 10.4 Seek to eliminate gender CHANGING NATURE OF LIFE gendered life and work roles and work options overcome stereotypes in your bias and stereotypes in your AND WORK ROLES career building career building 11 UNDERSTAND, ENGAGE 11.1 Explore the underlying 11.2 Understand and experience 11.3 Take charge of your career 11.4 Manage your career IN AND MANAGE THE concepts of the career building the career building process building process building process CAREER BUILDING PROCESS process
  • 17. Phase I - Competency 2.1
  • 18. LOCAL STANDARDS Local standards can than be developed from each performance indicator to suit local needs Local Standards Local standards are activities that describe what individuals will do to achieve a specific performance indicator, how well they need to do it, and the conditions under which they will perform the task
  • 19. Example of Local Standard: Local standard for performance indicator 2.1.3 for year 3 students ce P erforman s for CAREER MANAGEMENT COMPETENCY 2.1: Indicator y 2 at nc Develop abilities for building positive relationships in life. Compete imary : Pr Phase 1 PERFORMANCE INDICATOR 2.1.3: Identify positive social skills, such as empathy, cooperation, a willingness to help and show respect for others. LOCAL STANDARD: Year 3 students are presented with four school-based scenarios, two showing positive social skills, two showing poor social skills. Students are asked to identify which scenarios demonstrate positive social skills, and to name them. In the scenarios that illustrate poor social skills, students are asked to suggest positive behaviours that could have been used (Acquire)
  • 20. Example of Local Standard: CAREER COMPETENCY 4: Participate in lifelong learning supportive of career goals ce At PHASE I OF DEVELOPMENT (4.1) this reads as: Performan s for Indicator y 4 at ‘Discover lifelong learning and its contributions to life and work’. nc Compete imary : Pr Drill down to target PERFORMANCE INDICATOR: 4.1.7 to: Phase 1 ‘Evaluate your learning habits and study skills and identify those that help you best to learn. Create a LOCAL STANDARD for your school population- Given a celebrity of their choice (e.g., football player, pop star), Year 3 students will develop and deliver a brief verbal report explaining what might happen if the celebrity stopped putting effort into his or her work. The report must include references to at least two achievements that would be lost, and two abilities that might sustain the celebrity in his or her work. (Personalise)
  • 21. Example of Local Standard: CAREER COMPETENCY 6: Understand the relationship between work, society and the economyrformance Pe s for Indicator y 6 at nc At PHASE II OF DEVELOPMENT (6.2) this reads as: Compete wer : Lo Phase 2 ear 9 ‘Understand how work contributes to the community’ sec ondary Y Drill down to target PERFORMANCE INDICATOR 6.2.6: ‘Explore the impact of work on social, economic problems in the community’ Create a LOCAL STANDARD for your school population- Following presentations from 7 local community service options, students will enrol in 1 option for 8 afternoons over one term. At the conclusion of the service learning project, students will write a detailed thank you letter to the organisation and an exposition for their portfolio detailing a) the role and impact of the work of that service organisation in their community and b) their personal experience of community service. (Acquire)
  • 22. Familiarising yourself with the ABCD  Phase IV Competency Statements for adults • Where are you personally? • Which competencies have you mastered so far in the management of your own career path?
  • 23. The Eleven Phase 4 Competency Statements PHASE IV AREA A: PERSONAL MANAGEMENT 1.4 Improve abilities to maintain a positive self concept 2.4 Improve abilities for building positive relationships in life and work 3.4 Develop strategies for responding positively to life and work changes AREA B: LEARNING AND WORK EXPLORATION 4.4 Participate in continuous learning supportive of career goals 5.4 Use career information effectively in the management of your career 6.4 Incorporate your understanding of changing economic, social and employment conditions into your career planning AREA C: CAREER BUILDING 7.4 Improve on abilities to seek, obtain/create and maintain work 8.4 Incorporate realism into your career decision-making 9.4 Incorporate life/work balance into the career building process 10.4 Seek to eliminate gender bias and stereotypes in your career building 11.4 Manage your career building process
  • 24. Familiarising yourself with the ABCD Activity Consider Phase I; II; or III Competency Statements  What existing student activities from your school demonstrates a competency? … at what Phase?  What new activities can you think of?
  • 25. Why is Career Development Important? ACTIVITY 1. Read through each statement for Phase 4 (next slide) and choose one that you are really glad you have. 2. Take a few minutes to explain to someone next to you the ways in which that competency has been important to you in your life.
  • 26. What To Take Away?  Career development is now part of school K-12 strategic planning in WA  Activities from all learning areas can be mapped against Blueprint competencies  Career development for students becomes a whole school approach – all teachers, all students, all year levels.
  • 27.