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                                     The Revolver
                                     V O L U M E     2 ,   I S S U E   4                                   O C T O B E R     2 0 1 2

          Pictures from

                                 From the Command Team
           FRG & Sol-

          Letters from
           the Troop/          Families and Friends of TF Six Shooters,
           Company                      I’d like to start be saying just how proud I am of everyone in this
                               Squadron. We have been one busy unit lately and it continues to impress
          FRG Leader          me just how professional our Soldiers are in everything they do. You are all
           Information         amazing and it’s fun to be a part of it.                                                      Stetsons
                                        It’s been a little while since our last installment, so let me bring
                               everyone up to speed. In July and August, we served as the centerpiece for
INSIDE THIS                    Mountain Peak, a Division level training event here on Fort Drum and as
ISSUE:                         expected, the Sixshooter Squadron performed amazingly well. Shortly
                               thereafter we deployed to NTC at Fort Irwin, CA and conducted our most                      Assassins
A Troop/6-6               2    involved training prior to the deployment in support of 1 st Brigade. Again
                               the Squadron did an amazing job. After both events, several generals and
A Co. / 2-10              3
                               Brigade Commanders complimented me on how great our pilots, NCOs and
B Co. / 1-10              4
                               Soldiers performed. Immediately after NTC, we had about half of the
                               Squadron’s pilots deploy to Fort Carson, CO for high altitude training.                       Voodoo
C Troop/6-6               5             In October, we held our Spouse and Kids Spur Rides where so
                               many of you were able to come out and spend a day in the life of your Sol-
D Troop/6-6               6    dier and earn your spurs; our oldest cavalry tradition. We also held our
                               Squadron Family Gunnery day where you got to see our aircrews shoot ae-                     Killer Spades
E Troop/6-6               7    rial gunnery, and I think all would agree it was pretty awesome! Also in
                               October was the Soldier Spur Ride and as the Face Book pictures showed,
HHT / 6-6                 8    everyone definitely earned their spurs! Well done everyone!
                                        This brings us to November during which some of our aircrews
Chaplains Corner          9                                                                                                  Outcasts
                               from A Company, Voodoos, and Re-Fuelers from E Troop Mustangs de-
                               ployed to Fort Dix, NJ to help out with Hurricane Sandy relief. Our guys did
                               a super job helping the people so affected by that disaster and I could not
FRG Advisor               12   be more proud. There is no nobler mission that being able to help our fel-
                               low countrymen. Additionally we held our annual Red and White football
FRG Corner                     Org Day last week and the NCO teams were victorious in both games (Junior                    Desperados
                               Enlisted vs. Junior NCOs and Senior NCOs vs. Officers). Well fought and well
                               played across the board and hopefully our Soldiers and Families had a great
                               time. The Officers will exact revenge next time!
                                        In short, for the past 4 months I think the best word to describe
                               our Squadron is BUSY! So for the first time in a long time we have been
                               able to take a little bit of a break with three long weekends in a row to in-
                               clude Thanksgiving. Coupled with the 3 week long Winter Block Leave from
                               15 DEC – 8 JAN (3 full weeks!) this is the best break we could hope for dur-
                               ing a busy prep period for deployment. It’s not lost on me how busy we all
                               are, and I am proud of how resilient our Soldiers and Families are in this
                               hectic time. There is no doubt that our pace will quicken again after the
                               holidays as we prepare for our deployment in late April and early May, so I
                               would encourage our Soldiers to take this time to enjoy time with Family
PAGE   2

                From the Commander Contd.
                and friends.
                          I’d also like to congratulate CPT Ben March, D Troop Commander, and CW3
                Keenan Bachmeyer (Task Force Phoenix, 3-10 AVN), who were presented the French Cross
                for Valor at the French Ambassador’s residence in Washington DC a few weeks ago for
                heroic actions while injured in Afghanistan in support of French Special Forces during the
                last deployment. This award is on par with either the Congressional Medal of Honor or
                Distinguished Service Cross and is a huge honor. Ben is likely mortified I am highlighting
                his achievement so publically, but real heroes are always humble, and Ben is no exception.
                Great job by both these fine officers! Who knew we had a French War Hero in our ranks?
                          There are a few events coming up I’d like to highlight. On 28 NOV at 6pm and on
                29 NOV at 10am at the post theater, we are having a Squadron Town Hall Meeting. If you
                want to know what the deployment timeline is shaping up to be, have any issues or con-
                cerns, or just want a chance to hear from me as the Commander on what the Squadron is
                up to, this is a great opportunity. Also, on 25 JAN at the Commons is our CAV Winter Ball.
                Buy your dresses now ladies, and for our female Soldiers, dresses authorized for you too.
                Planning is well under way and we can expect a great classy event!
                          I want to give a special shout out to our newborn CAV Babies (of which there
                have been many!) and I’m excited that we have been able to give each of them their “If
                You Ain‘t CAV, You Ain’t Spit” bibs and baby orders. I am also excited about our Yellow
                Garter program for spouses. If you have not received yours, please contact your Troop or
                Company Commander and we will fix that immediately. Wear them to any unit event so
                everyone knows you are CAV. I’d also like to thank everyone for their interest in the “TF
                Shooter” Facebook page. 6-6 CAV was the first Battalion size FB page to achieve 1000
                likes and we are still growing! Pass the word and follow all the great stuff going on in our
                Squadron Task Force.
                          I’d also like to welcome CSM Sean Ward to our team. He arrived just prior to NTC
                and joined us there. He has been an amazing addition, and his wise counsel has been a
                huge influence on our Squadron already. If you have met CSM Ward, you already know
                that he is a great NCO, super positive leader, and great champion for our enlisted Soldiers
                and NCOs. Glad to have him on board.
                          Lastly, Lisa and I would like to wish each of you a very happy holiday season and
                hope that you are able to do something fun over our winter block leave period. I’ll say
                again that I am so very proud of all our Troopers. It’s a pleasure and an honor to work
                with such amazing Soldiers and Families every day. A heartfelt Thank You for what you all
                do every day.

                AIR CAV!

                LTC Erick “Zeke” Sweet
                6-6 CAV & Task Force Sixshooters Commander

A Troop/ 6-6
       PAGE        3

                        Hello Assassin Families,
soldiers pulled         First I would like to say hi to everyone. My name is CPT Joshua
                        Lazzarini I have taken over as the Troop commander from CPT Tom
      off daily         Jones. I would like to Thank CPT Jones for handing over such a
                        fine troop. I’m very excited about this opportunity and look
 miracles with          forward to continuing to get to know everyone and your fami-
our aircraft we
                        I would like to also recognize our outgoing FRG leader
 couldn’t have          Amanda Murphy. Thank you so much Amanda for everything
                        you have given to our troop. It is so nice to know this Troops
done it without         families have had such a wonderful FRG leader. My wife
         them”          M’Lyn Lazzarini and the First Sergeants wife Kim Toler will be
                        co leading our FRG in Amanda’s place. I would like to thank all
                        of the Assassin volunteers for everything they have given to
    -CPT Joshua
                        our Troop. Our Soldiers and family members are what make
       Lazzarini        our organization so great. I look forward to seeing you all at our next family function.

                         Our Troop has been very busy over the last few months. We completed Mountain
                         Peak our Division level exercise where our aircrews and maintainers worked night
                         and day to provide much needed air support for our ground brothers. It was a diffi-
                         cult two weeks but we never dropped a mission. About two weeks after Mountain
                         Peak our boys were off to the National Training Center in Fort Irwin California.
                         While we were there our Troopers provided world class air support and mainte-
                         nance. This was my first opportunity to really see the troop in action, I’m very im-
                         pressed. Our maintenance soldiers pulled off daily miracles with our aircraft we
                         couldn’t have done it without them. The sand and sun took its toll on all of us but we
                         made it home safe.

                         After getting back for the National Training Center we started sending our pilots to
                         HAMETs where we learn how to fly in the mountains of Colorado to prepare for our
                         upcoming deployment. For those pilots that have already gone we had the opportu-
                         nity to fly over some incredible country. Some even had the opportunity to see the
                         famous Rocky Mountain Elk.

                         We just completed our TF Six Shooter Spouse and Soldiers silver spur rides. I hope
                         the spouses who were able to attend had fun and learned a little . Our trooper had
                         the opportunity to earn their silver spurs a week later through a gauntlet of different
                         challenges over a 29 hour period. Lots of Ruck marching and opportunities to in-
                        crease our Soldiering skills made it a unique challenge. For those in the troop that
                        had already earned their Silver spurs had the fun time of putting our spur candidates
                        through their paces.

                        After these last few months I think I can speak for everyone when I say we are looking
                        forward to Thanksgiving and Christmas breaks. I hope everyone is as proud of what
                        they have accomplished as I am. Our Troop and their families continue to impress me
                        with their ability to overcome the challenges thrown their way.

                        Thanks families for your support its what keeps us going.

                                                                        CPT Joshua Lazzarini

           THE         REVOLVER
VOLUME     2,   ISSUE   4                                                   PAGE   4

A Company/2-10
As the weather starts to look         careers.
“Frightful” the Soldiers of Alpha
Company continue to do what       Things around Alpha Company have
they do best, FLY! There has      been really busy lately but I can tell
been a heck of a lot of training  you that a long overdue break is very
taking place within the Squad-    close. The company will be battening
ron and the Company over the      down the hatches for the Winter
last few months, and I can tell   Block Leave period from 15 December
you without a shadow of a doubt   to 6 January. This will be opportunity
this unit has only continued to   leave that all Soldiers can partake in.
hone their skills individually as Your continued support to the Sol-
well as collectively because of it.
                                  diers and families within this unit
                                  does not go unnoticed or without ap-
We would like to extend a warm preciation. The last few months have
welcome to the newest members been chalked full of training events
of the Voodoo Family. CPL Mills for all of our Soldiers everything from
and his wife Denise just wel-     NTC, to Fort Bliss Aircraft movement,
comed Hannah Grace Mills to       to HAMET training in Colorado, to
their family on 6 November        SPUR Rides within the Squadron.
2012. CW2 Carvalho and his wife Without your continued support and
Karen just welcomed their son     assistance we would not be able to
Nathan Carvalho to their family continue to accomplish these mis-
on 14 October 2012. I would like sions.
to pass on our warm wishes to
both of these families, we could- On a personal note I would like to say
n’t be happier for you both.      thank you to everyone for their sup-
                                  port over the past 18 months of my
On 1 November 2012 Alpha Com- Command. Next week I will change
pany was fortunate to be as-      command with CPT Mark Axtell who
signed two more 15T               is coming to Alpha Company from the
(crewchief), PFC Ramos and PFC 2-10 S3 Shop. The memories that I
Magana. They both are coming      have made here with the families of
to use from our Delta Troop       Alpha Company will last a lifetime.
(maintenance company) and are
welcomed members to the team.
We look forward to showing
them the ropes and teaching                       CPT Erin Braswell
them the fundamentals that they                          “Voodoo 6”
will need to continue to be suc-
cessful throughout their Army
B Company/1-10
           PAGE          5

                                  Killer Spade Family and Friends,               bers of the family
                                                                                 this month. CW3
                                  We all want to congratulate the Killer         Matt Rood has
                                  Spades for the outstanding achievement,        been a Mainte-
                                  hard work and sacrifice in the past few        nance Test Pilots
                                  months. It has been a long, arduous quar-      in Bravo Company for over three years and
                                  ter. We all, soldiers and families together    has been our sole MTP for almost the last
                                  endured a month of long training at the        year. He is going to take is vast knowledge
                                  National Training Center. I want to espe-      down to Fort Eustis now to train our next gen-
                                  cially thank the families during that train-   eration of Crew Chiefs and enjoy a little well
                                  ing. It was hard to be unable to call home     deserved down time with his wife Becky and
                                  during the training period but we were all     two young sons. 1LT Steve Giattino, Platoon
                                  better able to do our jobs because of the      Leader in the Killer Spades, will be moving to
                                  support that you gave us.                      Delta Troop as a Maintenance Platoon Leader
                                                                                 now that he has recently graduated from the
                                  PV2 Travis Bridges joined us from Delta        Pathfinder course.
                                  Troop this week and we’re glad to have
                                  him in a line Company. We also welcomed        As always, I continue to appreciate the effort
 It has been a sincere                                                           and participation of our FRG. We had a great
                                  three new officers to the family last
   privilege for me to            month. CPT Brian Alexander is one of our       turn out for our October Chili Cook Off and
                                  new platoon leaders. He is a branch trans-     Halloween party. CW2 Rocky Jensen, SPC
     command Bravo                                                               James Cowart and CW2 Eric Bridge made
                                  fer from the Engineers. Brian is joined by
Company and perhaps               his girlfriend Kasey and daughter Lydia.       amazing chili but the late entry chili made by
                                  We have a new Instructor Pilot joining us      Colleen Wright won the ribbon. The Pumpkin
         the greatest             from Korea, CW2 Mike Symmes and his            Carving was also fantastic, with some out-
                                  wife Kristen. He has a four year old son,      standing talent displayed by all of the partici-
experience of my life-
                                  Kevin and a three year old daughter,           pants. SPC Bret Morgan and his wife Sarah
 CPT Brett Monette                Brianne. Lastly, we have a new Mainte-         won the prize for best carving overall.
                                  nance Test Pilot, CW3 Mike Mauro, a leg-       Finally, this will be my last letter to the Re-
                                  acy Killer Spade from Fort Stewart, GA.        volver as the Commander of the Killer Spades.
                                  We had the pleasure of promoting               I will be chaining Command with CPT Chase
                                  Amanda Combs to Chief Warrant Officer          Roe at the end of the month. It has been a
                                  Two last month and Joseph McCarthy to          sincere privilege for me to command Bravo
                                  Specialist. SGT Carlos San Nicolas, SPC        Company and perhaps the greatest experi-
                                  Alyssa Draper and SPC James Cowart all         ence of my life.
                                  earned their promotable status at their                                 -CPT Brett Monette
                                  promotion boards.                                                         “Killer Spade 06”

                                  We were extremely fortunate in the past
                                  few months. We had three new baby boys
                                  brought into our family. SGT Eric Smith has
                                  a new son, Logan. CW3 Matt Rood has a
                                  new son, Jackson and CW2 James Donato
                                  has a new son, Julian.

                                  The Killer Spades are, sadly, losing mem-

                THE          REVOLVER
PAGE   6
VOLUME     2,   ISSUE   4

                             C Troop/6-6
Outcast Families,                        been an integral part of the Outcast team
                                         for over five years and will definitely be
Summer has come and gone as we           missed. CW3 Justin Braswell will also be
head into November and the winter        leaving the Troop in mid-November for
season. The entire Troop did an          Fort Rucker.
outstanding job during training at
the National Training Center in Sep-     The Halloween Bowling Party was a great
tember and now we look forward to        success. It was fun to see all of the kids
some well deserved time off. Con-        come dressed in costume and enjoy a
gratulations to the many spouses         night of pizza and bowling. The Red and
and kids that earned their spurs dur-    White Bowl is coming up and will be a
ing the CAV family weekend. The          great opportunity for the Troop to do
Squadron Family Gunnery Day was          some fundraising. The Annual Troop
a great opportunity for families to      Holiday Party is also fast approaching so
see what the soldiers do daily and       save the date for Thursday, November
while deployed. The Troop has seen       29th. Come enjoy time with friends while
many changes over the past few           getting into the holiday spirit.
                                         Upcoming FRG and Squadron events:
We have had many new additions to        November 15- Red and White Bowl
the Troop. CW3 Ryan Ervin and his        November 29- Troop Holiday Party at
wife Mariah join us from Alaska          Hillside Lodge
where he will serve as a Troop in-       December 15- January 6th- Winter
structor pilot. CW2 Brandi Wyatt         Block Leave
comes to us from Fort Bragg while
CW2 Chris Gayne and WO1 Jackson          Again, thank you for your continued
Thatcher join us right out of flight     support! Please feel free to contact Erin
school. SPC Douglas Potter has           or myself at any time.
come to the Troop from Delta and
will be a great addition as a crew                     CPT Paul Milas
chief. The Troop has also welcomed                     “Outcast 6”
four little Outcasts over the past few
months to include Jacob Mikkel-
borg, Alanna Vance, Molly Dube,
and Orion Norwich.

The Troop has seen a few long term
Outcasts depart. CW3 Brad Vance
has moved, but just down the hall to
Alpha Troop. Sherry and Brad have
PAGE     7

      The consistent
    and outstanding
                             D Troop/6-6
maintenance support          Desperado Friends & Families,
     provided by the
 Desperados directly
  contributed to the
                             The Holidays are almost upon us and all the Des-
  Squadron's success         perados are looking forward to some
    across the board.        welcomed time off after several months of hard,
     -CPT Benjamin           tireless work. Over the past several months the
                             Squadron has executed several significant training
                             events to include Mountain Peak and a deployment
                             to the National
                             Training Center in Fort Irwin, CA. The consistent
                             and outstanding maintenance support provided by
                             the Desperados directly contributed
                             to the Squadron's success across the board. While at
                             NTC the Desperados expertly manned two FARPs
                             and executed 24 hour operations. Further, many
                             Desperados Spouses, Children and Troopers were
                             able to earn their Spurs in the recent Spur Ride held
                             in October. The Squadron Family Gunnery day was
                             also a success for the Desperados. Over the next
                             months the Desperados will continue to excel in
                             their mission execution, but the main focus will be
                             for us to enjoy the holidays with family and friends!

                                      CPT Benjamin March
                             DESPERADO 06

              THE       REVOLVER
VOLUME     2,   ISSUE       4                                                                       PAGE   8

                                 E Troop/6-6
Mustang Family & Friends-

We have come through a whirlwind couple of months, and have a busy holiday Season
ahead of us, I hope you are paying attention to the long weekends and leave opportunities
we have coming up (Veteran’s Day, Thanksgiving Week, Christmas Block Leave…). I ap-
preciate everything that our Soldiers have accomplished over the last couple of months,
between Operation Mountain Peak and our rotation to the National Training Center, Spur
Rides, Family Gunnery Day, and EVERYTHING in between. I know that for every training
event and mission that we have, there are family, friends, and loved ones that are support-
ing that Soldier and sharing in the work and sacrifice that Soldier is doing. I do not take that
for granted and I greatly appreciate the strength that all of those supporters provide to this
unit and our Army as a whole. We have continued to squeeze in FRG events here and
there where we can find the time, and we appreciate the support that Emily and I have re-
ceived. There are plenty of activities and outings to take advantage of at Fort Drum, I encourage
you to look at the various products with info on upcoming events. Emily and I are originally from
Minnesota and have dealt with plenty of winter weather, and I want to pass on to any newcom-
ers is the importance of checking the fluids and serviceability of your car, including tires
and battery since the winter temperatures will make a sick car break. Also, take driving on
roads after snow or during snow very seriously and care carefully. You will be VERY sur-
prised at how easily a 2000 pound object can be suddenly out of control and heading in the
wrong direction. Staying warm and maintaining your house is important, but vehicles are
what hurt people in the winter.

If you are looking for more information or have questions about anything is going on,
please don’t hesitate to contact myself, or my wife Emily.
CPT Neal Sivula: 315-774-1049 (Office)
Emily Sivula: 315-681-4877 (Home)

Echo Troop’s success depends on our constant development, and the below individuals have
distinguished themselves as prepared to take on more responsibility and do more good
for the unit. Congratulations and thanks to the following Soldiers who earned a promo-
tion, award, or reenlisted during May and June:

Promotions:                        Reenlistments:
Marshall Durbin PFC->SPC           SGT Reginald Crawford
Juan Franco PV2->PFC               SGT Daniel May
Concepcion Gomez PFC->SPC          SGT Christopher Kellum
Corron Phillips PFC->SPC           SPC Justin Sherman
Ian Thompson PFC->SPC              SPC Jose Ramos
                                   SPC Ian Thompson
                                   SPC Diego Calderon
                                   SPC Donyna Alston
                                   SPC Christian Batista
                                   SPC Armando Martinez
                                   SPC Kenneth Williams
                                   SPC Bernard Chan
PAGE         9

The Troop was able                                 HHT/ 6-6
to bring home some
    valuable lessons

learned and training         I hope this finds all of you well as we are
                             entering the Holiday Season. HHT has
 objectives in order         had a busy Quarter with a trip to Califor-
   to prepare us for         nia to the National Training Center (NTC)     from his leave. As you can see, it was a busy
                             for rotation 12-10. The Troop was able        Quarter but as we approach the Holiday Sea-
  deployment. -1LT                                                         son, we will have well deserved time to
                             to bring home some valuable lessons
  Christopher Mays           learned and training objectives in order      spend with our Families.
                             to prepare us for deployment. After
                             NTC, the Squadron held the Spouse's                           1LT Christopher Mays
                             Spur Ride, Kid's Spur Ride, and a Family                      Shooter 2
                             Gunner. The Squadron also just com-
                             pleted a Silver Spur Ride, in which TF Six
                             Shooter Soldiers completed twenty-four
                             straight hours of events leading up to a
                             Spur Dinner. Many HHT Soldiers were
                             able to complete this event and earn
                             their Silver Spurs and I would like to
                             congratulate each and every one of
                             them. HHT Troopers would like to wel-
                             come the newcomers to the Troop, in-
                             cluding PV1 Patrick, PFC Snyder, SFC
                             Ned, and SFC Cerna. The stork visited
                             the HHT family several times as well and
                             we would like to welcome the new Baby
                             Troopers from the Hughes, Tritapoe,
                             Christian, Clark, Eason, Srnec, and Mays
                             Families. Several additional Troopers
                             were promoted and I would like to con-
                             gratulate PFC Anderson, Shannon, SPC
                             Burns, SGT Tritapoe, and SSG Simmons. I
                             would like to also take the time to wel-
                             come back 1SG Lee, who has returned

               THE         REVOLVER
PAGE      10

                                    Chaplain’s Corner
                                    When you gather with your family this Thanksgiving and Christmas, it is likely that you
                                    will experience the joy and the pain from those who loved you and those who
                                    wounded you and still do, those who hurt you and those who healed you and still do,
                                    those who gave you hope and snuffed out your dreams and still do, those who picked
                                    you up and those who let you down and still do, those who kept promises and those
                                    who broke promises and still do, those who make you laugh and those who make you
                                    cry, those who comfort you and those who disturb you ... when you see those human
                                    faces ... joyous, angry, sad, bitter, broken, happy, hopeful, lost ... the young, the
                                    strong, the old, the weak ... remember that you will be all of these things one day ...
The Holy Alphabet-                  and keeps these words of Mother Theresa in your heart:
A lthough things are not perfect    "There is a terrible hunger for love. We all experience that in our lives - the pain, the
B ecause of trial or pain           loneliness. We must have the courage to recognize it. The poor you may have right in
C ontinue in thanksgiving           your own family. Find them, love them.”
D o not begin to blame              Before you gather with friends and family, remember Mother Teresa's words: "Before
E ven when the times are hard       you speak, it is necessary for you to listen, for God speaks in the silence of the
F ierce winds are bound to blow     heart . . .” and give what you give with your heart.
G od is forever able
H old on to what you know           From Mother Teresa:
I magine life without His love      People are often unreasonable, illogical, and self- centered;
J oy would cease to be              Forgive them anyway.
K eep thanking Him for all the      If you are kind, people may accuse you of having selfish, ulterior motives;
things                              Be kind anyway.
L ove imparts to thee               If you are successful, you will win some false friends and some true enemies;
                                    Succeed anyway.
M ove out of "Camp Com plain-
                                    If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you;
                                    Be honest and frank anyway.
N o weapon that is known            What you spend years building, someone could destroy overnight;
O n earth can yield the power       Build anyway.
P raise can do alone                If you find serenity and happiness, others may be jealous;
Q uit looking at the future         Be happy anyway.
R edeem the time at hand            The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow;
S tart every day with worship       Do it anyway.
T o "thank" is a command            Give the world the best you have, and it may never be enough;
U ntil we see Him coming            Give the world the best you've got anyway.
V ictorious in the sky              You see, in the final analysis, it is between you and God;
W e'll run the race with grati      It never was between you and them . . . anyway.
X alting God most high              To be grateful is to recognize the love of God in everything He has given us--and He
Y es, there'll be good times and    has given us everything. Every breath we draw is a gift of His love, every moment of
yes some will be bad, but...        existence is a grace, for it brings with it immense graces from Him.
Z ion waits in glory.....where
                                    From your chaplain:
none are ever sad!
                                    CH (CPT) David Arthur
"I AM Too blessed to be
stressed!" The shortest dis-tance
between a problem and a solu-
tion is the distance between
your knees and the floor.
The one who kneels to the Lord

                 THE      REVOLVER
PAGE      11

“You can be proud

        to say that

 Soldiers of TF Six

Shooters as well as

   the Families are

  part of a lasting

      legacy in the



 -LTC Erick Sweet

                                 Our Troopers performed tremendously
                                 during Mountain Peak, NTC, HAATS, the
                                 Family Spur Ride, the Family Gunnery,
                                 the Unit Spur Ride and the Red/White
                                 Bowl. They are now ready to enjoy an
                                 awesome, well deserved, Holiday Season
                                 with their Families. The Squadron Com-
                                 mand Team hopes that you all have a
                                 great time. We know that you have
                                 earned it. HOOAH!!!!!

                                 CSM Sean Ward

                                 TF Sixshooters CSM

             THE      REVOLVER
PAGE   12

                         “Your dedication

                       to the Six Shooters

                           team has been

                       without a doubt a


                           contribution in

                              making our

                        transition back to

                          Fort Drum very

                                smooth .”

                        -LTC Erick Sweet

PAGE       13

                                               FRG Advisor
             I hope you enjoyed Fall…because in the blink of an eye, those gorgeous leaves have
fallen and we’re gearing up for SNOW!!! Personally, I can’t wait and I hope that you all get out
and enjoy what the North Country has to offer by snowshoeing, skiing and more!
Our unit has been so busy and since our last newsletter the soldiers have been a part of Moun-
tain Peak, NTC and HAMETS. So it is nice that our soldiers are going to be home for awhile and
we can enjoy each other.
          One of the first things I want to announce is that Wendy Rittichier has agreed to be a co
-advisor with me for the FRG! I am so grateful to her for her help, but more importantly grateful
that she brings her wealth of knowledge and experience to our unit, she is going to be a wonder-
ful help and resource for our 6-6 Families! Thank-you Wendy!
Now I have to be selfish for a moment and let you know, that I have been having a wonderful
time because I get to meet all the babies born in our unit give them our cool, 6-6 Bib (If you ain’t
CAV, you ain’t spit!) What adorable little CAV KIDS we have in our unit!!! Also, I got to meet
some amazing spouses at our Spouse Spur Ride! (extra props to our pregnant spouses who took
part!) What a great time seeing our spouses in their yellow-garters tackle some fun relays, get-
ting their gas masks on in 8 seconds and assembling fire arms! It just proves that the CAV
Spouses really are second to NONE! But before I go on and on about how great the spouses are,
what an amazing Kids’ Spur ride! We had about 100 kids from infant to teen getting a first-hand
look at being a soldier! The smiles on the children’s’ faces were catchy as our CAV KIDS got to
climb into a “live” cockpit of a helicopter, honk the horns on some trucks (ouch, my ears!) and do
an NVG scavenger hunt! To quote numerous kids, IT WAS AWESOME!
And what was really awesome was seeing our pilots put on a gunnery display during Family Gun-
nery day! Thank-you to all the families that came out to eat a delicious BBQ and see a once-in-a-
lifetime event!
          Now if you haven’t had the chance to go to some of these events, don’t worry, there is
plenty more to do! Our first Town Hall in on November 28 (6PM) and November 29th (10AM)
and it is a great opportunity to learn about the upcoming deployment and ask any questions you
may have, I will be at both, so please introduce yourself! We will also be hosting free soldier-
lunches, the first one is on December 11, and on January 25 we will get a chance to dress up for
a romantic and classy evening at our Winter Ball.
          In addition to our unit, there is always fun stuff going on at Fort Drum. Every Tuesday
@ 5PM at the Commons, is Family Night. It is a great thing to do with your children when the
weather gets chilly and it’s also an inexpensive meal! BOSS has monthly movie nights and gam-
ing tournaments and at the USO everyday at 11:00 AM is free snacks for our soldiers, and on
Thursdays, for our families too!
          As the weather gets a little colder (and it has further to go!), it is also time to start think-
ing about being alert on the roads and winter safety. (We will be hosting a Squadron winter-
safety brown-bag lunch in the coming weeks, be on the look-out for a flyer).

Respectfully (and stay warm!), Lisa & Wendy

All the Best Always,
Lisa and Wendy

                   THE      REVOLVER
The “Six Shooters” are equipped with AH-64D
                                                             “Apache” attack helicopters, UH-60L
                                                             “Blackhawk” assault helicopters, OH-58D
                                                             “Kiowa Warrior” armed scout helicopters, and
                                                             UH-60A and L “Blackhawk” helicopters config-
                                                             ured for command and control missions. They
                                                             conduct recon and security missions, perform
                                                             attack operations, air assault and aerial resup-
                                                             ply missions.


Task Force Six Shooters
20135 Hangar Access Road
Fort Drum, NY 13602
                                                         Catch us on the web!

FRG Corner
                                               HHT 6-6                                          Important Phone Numbers:
                                                  Cecilia Navarro 630-660-0177               FRG Liason
                                               A Troop 6-6                                       Kam Gerohimos 315-774-1303
                                                  M’Lynn Lazzarini 254-368-9215              Staff Duty
                                               A Company 2-10                                    TF Six Shooters 315-774-1300
Do you know who your
                                                   Janie Diggs 912-980-1319                      Brigade (24hrs) 315-774-1100
FRG Leader is?? Please
                                               B Company 1-10                                Chaplain
check out our list of lead-
                                                  Alisha Monette 423-782-9202                    CPT Arthur 315-774-1306
ers, find yours and contact
                                               C Troop 6-6                                   Red Cross
them today!
                                                  Erin Milas 847-702-2898                        Ashley Branham 315-772-6561
                                               D Troop 6-6                                   MFLC
                                                  Elizabeth Dejesus 912-596-4654                 Janice Shabe 315-405-7449
                                               E Troop 6-6                                   MP Station 315-772-2677
                                                  Emily Sivula 651-353-6926

TF Six Shooters Advisors:
   Lisa Sweet 315-688-2207
   Wendy Rittichier 419-481-1447

                                                                                                     THE      REVOLVER

       This newsletter contains official and unofficial information. The inclusion of some unofficial information in this FRG newsletter has
       not increases the cost to the Government, in accordance with DOD 4525.8-M.”

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TF Six Shooters November 2012 Revolver

  • 1. NEC SPECIAL The Revolver POINTS OF INTEREST: V O L U M E 2 , I S S U E 4 O C T O B E R 2 0 1 2  Pictures from From the Command Team FRG & Sol- diers  Letters from the Troop/ Families and Friends of TF Six Shooters, Company I’d like to start be saying just how proud I am of everyone in this Commanders Squadron. We have been one busy unit lately and it continues to impress  FRG Leader me just how professional our Soldiers are in everything they do. You are all Information amazing and it’s fun to be a part of it. Stetsons It’s been a little while since our last installment, so let me bring everyone up to speed. In July and August, we served as the centerpiece for INSIDE THIS Mountain Peak, a Division level training event here on Fort Drum and as ISSUE: expected, the Sixshooter Squadron performed amazingly well. Shortly thereafter we deployed to NTC at Fort Irwin, CA and conducted our most Assassins A Troop/6-6 2 involved training prior to the deployment in support of 1 st Brigade. Again the Squadron did an amazing job. After both events, several generals and A Co. / 2-10 3 Brigade Commanders complimented me on how great our pilots, NCOs and B Co. / 1-10 4 Soldiers performed. Immediately after NTC, we had about half of the Squadron’s pilots deploy to Fort Carson, CO for high altitude training. Voodoo C Troop/6-6 5 In October, we held our Spouse and Kids Spur Rides where so many of you were able to come out and spend a day in the life of your Sol- D Troop/6-6 6 dier and earn your spurs; our oldest cavalry tradition. We also held our Squadron Family Gunnery day where you got to see our aircrews shoot ae- Killer Spades E Troop/6-6 7 rial gunnery, and I think all would agree it was pretty awesome! Also in October was the Soldier Spur Ride and as the Face Book pictures showed, HHT / 6-6 8 everyone definitely earned their spurs! Well done everyone! This brings us to November during which some of our aircrews Chaplains Corner 9 Outcasts from A Company, Voodoos, and Re-Fuelers from E Troop Mustangs de- Pictures ployed to Fort Dix, NJ to help out with Hurricane Sandy relief. Our guys did 10 a super job helping the people so affected by that disaster and I could not FRG Advisor 12 be more proud. There is no nobler mission that being able to help our fel- low countrymen. Additionally we held our annual Red and White football FRG Corner Org Day last week and the NCO teams were victorious in both games (Junior Desperados 13 Enlisted vs. Junior NCOs and Senior NCOs vs. Officers). Well fought and well played across the board and hopefully our Soldiers and Families had a great time. The Officers will exact revenge next time! In short, for the past 4 months I think the best word to describe Mustangs our Squadron is BUSY! So for the first time in a long time we have been able to take a little bit of a break with three long weekends in a row to in- clude Thanksgiving. Coupled with the 3 week long Winter Block Leave from 15 DEC – 8 JAN (3 full weeks!) this is the best break we could hope for dur- ing a busy prep period for deployment. It’s not lost on me how busy we all are, and I am proud of how resilient our Soldiers and Families are in this hectic time. There is no doubt that our pace will quicken again after the holidays as we prepare for our deployment in late April and early May, so I would encourage our Soldiers to take this time to enjoy time with Family
  • 2. PAGE 2 From the Commander Contd. and friends. I’d also like to congratulate CPT Ben March, D Troop Commander, and CW3 Keenan Bachmeyer (Task Force Phoenix, 3-10 AVN), who were presented the French Cross for Valor at the French Ambassador’s residence in Washington DC a few weeks ago for heroic actions while injured in Afghanistan in support of French Special Forces during the last deployment. This award is on par with either the Congressional Medal of Honor or Distinguished Service Cross and is a huge honor. Ben is likely mortified I am highlighting his achievement so publically, but real heroes are always humble, and Ben is no exception. Great job by both these fine officers! Who knew we had a French War Hero in our ranks? There are a few events coming up I’d like to highlight. On 28 NOV at 6pm and on 29 NOV at 10am at the post theater, we are having a Squadron Town Hall Meeting. If you want to know what the deployment timeline is shaping up to be, have any issues or con- cerns, or just want a chance to hear from me as the Commander on what the Squadron is up to, this is a great opportunity. Also, on 25 JAN at the Commons is our CAV Winter Ball. Buy your dresses now ladies, and for our female Soldiers, dresses authorized for you too. Planning is well under way and we can expect a great classy event! I want to give a special shout out to our newborn CAV Babies (of which there have been many!) and I’m excited that we have been able to give each of them their “If You Ain‘t CAV, You Ain’t Spit” bibs and baby orders. I am also excited about our Yellow Garter program for spouses. If you have not received yours, please contact your Troop or Company Commander and we will fix that immediately. Wear them to any unit event so everyone knows you are CAV. I’d also like to thank everyone for their interest in the “TF Shooter” Facebook page. 6-6 CAV was the first Battalion size FB page to achieve 1000 likes and we are still growing! Pass the word and follow all the great stuff going on in our Squadron Task Force. I’d also like to welcome CSM Sean Ward to our team. He arrived just prior to NTC and joined us there. He has been an amazing addition, and his wise counsel has been a huge influence on our Squadron already. If you have met CSM Ward, you already know that he is a great NCO, super positive leader, and great champion for our enlisted Soldiers and NCOs. Glad to have him on board. Lastly, Lisa and I would like to wish each of you a very happy holiday season and hope that you are able to do something fun over our winter block leave period. I’ll say again that I am so very proud of all our Troopers. It’s a pleasure and an honor to work with such amazing Soldiers and Families every day. A heartfelt Thank You for what you all do every day. AIR CAV! LTC Erick “Zeke” Sweet 6-6 CAV & Task Force Sixshooters Commander THE REVOLVER
  • 3. A Troop/ 6-6 PAGE 3 “Our Hello Assassin Families, maintenance soldiers pulled First I would like to say hi to everyone. My name is CPT Joshua Lazzarini I have taken over as the Troop commander from CPT Tom off daily Jones. I would like to Thank CPT Jones for handing over such a fine troop. I’m very excited about this opportunity and look miracles with forward to continuing to get to know everyone and your fami- lies. our aircraft we I would like to also recognize our outgoing FRG leader couldn’t have Amanda Murphy. Thank you so much Amanda for everything you have given to our troop. It is so nice to know this Troops done it without families have had such a wonderful FRG leader. My wife them” M’Lyn Lazzarini and the First Sergeants wife Kim Toler will be co leading our FRG in Amanda’s place. I would like to thank all of the Assassin volunteers for everything they have given to -CPT Joshua our Troop. Our Soldiers and family members are what make Lazzarini our organization so great. I look forward to seeing you all at our next family function. Our Troop has been very busy over the last few months. We completed Mountain Peak our Division level exercise where our aircrews and maintainers worked night and day to provide much needed air support for our ground brothers. It was a diffi- cult two weeks but we never dropped a mission. About two weeks after Mountain Peak our boys were off to the National Training Center in Fort Irwin California. While we were there our Troopers provided world class air support and mainte- nance. This was my first opportunity to really see the troop in action, I’m very im- pressed. Our maintenance soldiers pulled off daily miracles with our aircraft we couldn’t have done it without them. The sand and sun took its toll on all of us but we made it home safe. After getting back for the National Training Center we started sending our pilots to HAMETs where we learn how to fly in the mountains of Colorado to prepare for our upcoming deployment. For those pilots that have already gone we had the opportu- nity to fly over some incredible country. Some even had the opportunity to see the famous Rocky Mountain Elk. We just completed our TF Six Shooter Spouse and Soldiers silver spur rides. I hope the spouses who were able to attend had fun and learned a little . Our trooper had the opportunity to earn their silver spurs a week later through a gauntlet of different challenges over a 29 hour period. Lots of Ruck marching and opportunities to in- crease our Soldiering skills made it a unique challenge. For those in the troop that had already earned their Silver spurs had the fun time of putting our spur candidates through their paces. After these last few months I think I can speak for everyone when I say we are looking forward to Thanksgiving and Christmas breaks. I hope everyone is as proud of what they have accomplished as I am. Our Troop and their families continue to impress me with their ability to overcome the challenges thrown their way. Thanks families for your support its what keeps us going. CPT Joshua Lazzarini THE REVOLVER
  • 4. VOLUME 2, ISSUE 4 PAGE 4 A Company/2-10 As the weather starts to look careers. “Frightful” the Soldiers of Alpha Company continue to do what Things around Alpha Company have they do best, FLY! There has been really busy lately but I can tell been a heck of a lot of training you that a long overdue break is very taking place within the Squad- close. The company will be battening ron and the Company over the down the hatches for the Winter last few months, and I can tell Block Leave period from 15 December you without a shadow of a doubt to 6 January. This will be opportunity this unit has only continued to leave that all Soldiers can partake in. hone their skills individually as Your continued support to the Sol- well as collectively because of it. diers and families within this unit does not go unnoticed or without ap- We would like to extend a warm preciation. The last few months have welcome to the newest members been chalked full of training events of the Voodoo Family. CPL Mills for all of our Soldiers everything from and his wife Denise just wel- NTC, to Fort Bliss Aircraft movement, comed Hannah Grace Mills to to HAMET training in Colorado, to their family on 6 November SPUR Rides within the Squadron. 2012. CW2 Carvalho and his wife Without your continued support and Karen just welcomed their son assistance we would not be able to Nathan Carvalho to their family continue to accomplish these mis- on 14 October 2012. I would like sions. to pass on our warm wishes to both of these families, we could- On a personal note I would like to say n’t be happier for you both. thank you to everyone for their sup- port over the past 18 months of my On 1 November 2012 Alpha Com- Command. Next week I will change pany was fortunate to be as- command with CPT Mark Axtell who signed two more 15T is coming to Alpha Company from the (crewchief), PFC Ramos and PFC 2-10 S3 Shop. The memories that I Magana. They both are coming have made here with the families of to use from our Delta Troop Alpha Company will last a lifetime. (maintenance company) and are welcomed members to the team. We look forward to showing them the ropes and teaching CPT Erin Braswell them the fundamentals that they “Voodoo 6” will need to continue to be suc- cessful throughout their Army
  • 5. B Company/1-10 PAGE 5 Killer Spade Family and Friends, bers of the family this month. CW3 We all want to congratulate the Killer Matt Rood has Spades for the outstanding achievement, been a Mainte- hard work and sacrifice in the past few nance Test Pilots months. It has been a long, arduous quar- in Bravo Company for over three years and ter. We all, soldiers and families together has been our sole MTP for almost the last endured a month of long training at the year. He is going to take is vast knowledge National Training Center. I want to espe- down to Fort Eustis now to train our next gen- cially thank the families during that train- eration of Crew Chiefs and enjoy a little well ing. It was hard to be unable to call home deserved down time with his wife Becky and during the training period but we were all two young sons. 1LT Steve Giattino, Platoon better able to do our jobs because of the Leader in the Killer Spades, will be moving to support that you gave us. Delta Troop as a Maintenance Platoon Leader now that he has recently graduated from the PV2 Travis Bridges joined us from Delta Pathfinder course. Troop this week and we’re glad to have him in a line Company. We also welcomed As always, I continue to appreciate the effort It has been a sincere and participation of our FRG. We had a great three new officers to the family last privilege for me to month. CPT Brian Alexander is one of our turn out for our October Chili Cook Off and new platoon leaders. He is a branch trans- Halloween party. CW2 Rocky Jensen, SPC command Bravo James Cowart and CW2 Eric Bridge made fer from the Engineers. Brian is joined by Company and perhaps his girlfriend Kasey and daughter Lydia. amazing chili but the late entry chili made by We have a new Instructor Pilot joining us Colleen Wright won the ribbon. The Pumpkin the greatest from Korea, CW2 Mike Symmes and his Carving was also fantastic, with some out- wife Kristen. He has a four year old son, standing talent displayed by all of the partici- experience of my life- Kevin and a three year old daughter, pants. SPC Bret Morgan and his wife Sarah CPT Brett Monette Brianne. Lastly, we have a new Mainte- won the prize for best carving overall. nance Test Pilot, CW3 Mike Mauro, a leg- Finally, this will be my last letter to the Re- acy Killer Spade from Fort Stewart, GA. volver as the Commander of the Killer Spades. We had the pleasure of promoting I will be chaining Command with CPT Chase Amanda Combs to Chief Warrant Officer Roe at the end of the month. It has been a Two last month and Joseph McCarthy to sincere privilege for me to command Bravo Specialist. SGT Carlos San Nicolas, SPC Company and perhaps the greatest experi- Alyssa Draper and SPC James Cowart all ence of my life. earned their promotable status at their -CPT Brett Monette promotion boards. “Killer Spade 06” We were extremely fortunate in the past few months. We had three new baby boys brought into our family. SGT Eric Smith has a new son, Logan. CW3 Matt Rood has a new son, Jackson and CW2 James Donato has a new son, Julian. The Killer Spades are, sadly, losing mem- THE REVOLVER
  • 6. PAGE 6 VOLUME 2, ISSUE 4 C Troop/6-6 Outcast Families, been an integral part of the Outcast team for over five years and will definitely be Summer has come and gone as we missed. CW3 Justin Braswell will also be head into November and the winter leaving the Troop in mid-November for season. The entire Troop did an Fort Rucker. outstanding job during training at the National Training Center in Sep- The Halloween Bowling Party was a great tember and now we look forward to success. It was fun to see all of the kids some well deserved time off. Con- come dressed in costume and enjoy a gratulations to the many spouses night of pizza and bowling. The Red and and kids that earned their spurs dur- White Bowl is coming up and will be a ing the CAV family weekend. The great opportunity for the Troop to do Squadron Family Gunnery Day was some fundraising. The Annual Troop a great opportunity for families to Holiday Party is also fast approaching so see what the soldiers do daily and save the date for Thursday, November while deployed. The Troop has seen 29th. Come enjoy time with friends while many changes over the past few getting into the holiday spirit. months. Upcoming FRG and Squadron events: We have had many new additions to November 15- Red and White Bowl the Troop. CW3 Ryan Ervin and his November 29- Troop Holiday Party at wife Mariah join us from Alaska Hillside Lodge where he will serve as a Troop in- December 15- January 6th- Winter structor pilot. CW2 Brandi Wyatt Block Leave comes to us from Fort Bragg while CW2 Chris Gayne and WO1 Jackson Again, thank you for your continued Thatcher join us right out of flight support! Please feel free to contact Erin school. SPC Douglas Potter has or myself at any time. come to the Troop from Delta and will be a great addition as a crew CPT Paul Milas chief. The Troop has also welcomed “Outcast 6” four little Outcasts over the past few months to include Jacob Mikkel- borg, Alanna Vance, Molly Dube, and Orion Norwich. The Troop has seen a few long term Outcasts depart. CW3 Brad Vance has moved, but just down the hall to Alpha Troop. Sherry and Brad have
  • 7. PAGE 7 The consistent and outstanding D Troop/6-6 maintenance support Desperado Friends & Families, provided by the Desperados directly contributed to the The Holidays are almost upon us and all the Des- Squadron's success perados are looking forward to some across the board. welcomed time off after several months of hard, -CPT Benjamin tireless work. Over the past several months the Squadron has executed several significant training March events to include Mountain Peak and a deployment to the National Training Center in Fort Irwin, CA. The consistent and outstanding maintenance support provided by the Desperados directly contributed to the Squadron's success across the board. While at NTC the Desperados expertly manned two FARPs and executed 24 hour operations. Further, many Desperados Spouses, Children and Troopers were able to earn their Spurs in the recent Spur Ride held in October. The Squadron Family Gunnery day was also a success for the Desperados. Over the next few months the Desperados will continue to excel in their mission execution, but the main focus will be for us to enjoy the holidays with family and friends! CPT Benjamin March DESPERADO 06 THE REVOLVER
  • 8. VOLUME 2, ISSUE 4 PAGE 8 E Troop/6-6 Mustang Family & Friends- We have come through a whirlwind couple of months, and have a busy holiday Season ahead of us, I hope you are paying attention to the long weekends and leave opportunities we have coming up (Veteran’s Day, Thanksgiving Week, Christmas Block Leave…). I ap- preciate everything that our Soldiers have accomplished over the last couple of months, between Operation Mountain Peak and our rotation to the National Training Center, Spur Rides, Family Gunnery Day, and EVERYTHING in between. I know that for every training event and mission that we have, there are family, friends, and loved ones that are support- ing that Soldier and sharing in the work and sacrifice that Soldier is doing. I do not take that for granted and I greatly appreciate the strength that all of those supporters provide to this unit and our Army as a whole. We have continued to squeeze in FRG events here and there where we can find the time, and we appreciate the support that Emily and I have re- ceived. There are plenty of activities and outings to take advantage of at Fort Drum, I encourage you to look at the various products with info on upcoming events. Emily and I are originally from Minnesota and have dealt with plenty of winter weather, and I want to pass on to any newcom- ers is the importance of checking the fluids and serviceability of your car, including tires and battery since the winter temperatures will make a sick car break. Also, take driving on roads after snow or during snow very seriously and care carefully. You will be VERY sur- prised at how easily a 2000 pound object can be suddenly out of control and heading in the wrong direction. Staying warm and maintaining your house is important, but vehicles are what hurt people in the winter. If you are looking for more information or have questions about anything is going on, please don’t hesitate to contact myself, or my wife Emily. CPT Neal Sivula: 315-774-1049 (Office) Emily Sivula: 315-681-4877 (Home) Echo Troop’s success depends on our constant development, and the below individuals have distinguished themselves as prepared to take on more responsibility and do more good for the unit. Congratulations and thanks to the following Soldiers who earned a promo- tion, award, or reenlisted during May and June: Promotions: Reenlistments: Marshall Durbin PFC->SPC SGT Reginald Crawford Juan Franco PV2->PFC SGT Daniel May Concepcion Gomez PFC->SPC SGT Christopher Kellum Corron Phillips PFC->SPC SPC Justin Sherman Ian Thompson PFC->SPC SPC Jose Ramos SPC Ian Thompson SPC Diego Calderon SPC Donyna Alston SPC Christian Batista SPC Armando Martinez SPC Kenneth Williams SPC Bernard Chan
  • 9. PAGE 9 The Troop was able HHT/ 6-6 to bring home some Stetsons, valuable lessons learned and training I hope this finds all of you well as we are entering the Holiday Season. HHT has objectives in order had a busy Quarter with a trip to Califor- to prepare us for nia to the National Training Center (NTC) from his leave. As you can see, it was a busy for rotation 12-10. The Troop was able Quarter but as we approach the Holiday Sea- deployment. -1LT son, we will have well deserved time to to bring home some valuable lessons Christopher Mays learned and training objectives in order spend with our Families. to prepare us for deployment. After NTC, the Squadron held the Spouse's 1LT Christopher Mays Spur Ride, Kid's Spur Ride, and a Family Shooter 2 Gunner. The Squadron also just com- pleted a Silver Spur Ride, in which TF Six Shooter Soldiers completed twenty-four straight hours of events leading up to a Spur Dinner. Many HHT Soldiers were able to complete this event and earn their Silver Spurs and I would like to congratulate each and every one of them. HHT Troopers would like to wel- come the newcomers to the Troop, in- cluding PV1 Patrick, PFC Snyder, SFC Ned, and SFC Cerna. The stork visited the HHT family several times as well and we would like to welcome the new Baby Troopers from the Hughes, Tritapoe, Christian, Clark, Eason, Srnec, and Mays Families. Several additional Troopers were promoted and I would like to con- gratulate PFC Anderson, Shannon, SPC Burns, SGT Tritapoe, and SSG Simmons. I would like to also take the time to wel- come back 1SG Lee, who has returned THE REVOLVER
  • 10. PAGE 10 Chaplain’s Corner When you gather with your family this Thanksgiving and Christmas, it is likely that you will experience the joy and the pain from those who loved you and those who wounded you and still do, those who hurt you and those who healed you and still do, those who gave you hope and snuffed out your dreams and still do, those who picked you up and those who let you down and still do, those who kept promises and those who broke promises and still do, those who make you laugh and those who make you cry, those who comfort you and those who disturb you ... when you see those human faces ... joyous, angry, sad, bitter, broken, happy, hopeful, lost ... the young, the strong, the old, the weak ... remember that you will be all of these things one day ... The Holy Alphabet- and keeps these words of Mother Theresa in your heart: A lthough things are not perfect "There is a terrible hunger for love. We all experience that in our lives - the pain, the B ecause of trial or pain loneliness. We must have the courage to recognize it. The poor you may have right in C ontinue in thanksgiving your own family. Find them, love them.” D o not begin to blame Before you gather with friends and family, remember Mother Teresa's words: "Before E ven when the times are hard you speak, it is necessary for you to listen, for God speaks in the silence of the F ierce winds are bound to blow heart . . .” and give what you give with your heart. G od is forever able H old on to what you know From Mother Teresa: I magine life without His love People are often unreasonable, illogical, and self- centered; J oy would cease to be Forgive them anyway. K eep thanking Him for all the If you are kind, people may accuse you of having selfish, ulterior motives; things Be kind anyway. L ove imparts to thee If you are successful, you will win some false friends and some true enemies; Succeed anyway. M ove out of "Camp Com plain- If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you; ing" Be honest and frank anyway. N o weapon that is known What you spend years building, someone could destroy overnight; O n earth can yield the power Build anyway. P raise can do alone If you find serenity and happiness, others may be jealous; Q uit looking at the future Be happy anyway. R edeem the time at hand The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow; S tart every day with worship Do it anyway. T o "thank" is a command Give the world the best you have, and it may never be enough; U ntil we see Him coming Give the world the best you've got anyway. V ictorious in the sky You see, in the final analysis, it is between you and God; W e'll run the race with grati It never was between you and them . . . anyway. tude X alting God most high To be grateful is to recognize the love of God in everything He has given us--and He Y es, there'll be good times and has given us everything. Every breath we draw is a gift of His love, every moment of yes some will be bad, but... existence is a grace, for it brings with it immense graces from Him. Z ion waits in glory.....where From your chaplain: none are ever sad! CH (CPT) David Arthur "I AM Too blessed to be stressed!" The shortest dis-tance between a problem and a solu- tion is the distance between your knees and the floor. The one who kneels to the Lord THE REVOLVER
  • 11. PAGE 11 “You can be proud to say that Soldiers of TF Six Shooters as well as the Families are part of a lasting legacy in the aviation community.” -LTC Erick Sweet Our Troopers performed tremendously during Mountain Peak, NTC, HAATS, the Family Spur Ride, the Family Gunnery, the Unit Spur Ride and the Red/White Bowl. They are now ready to enjoy an awesome, well deserved, Holiday Season with their Families. The Squadron Com- mand Team hopes that you all have a great time. We know that you have earned it. HOOAH!!!!! CSM Sean Ward TF Sixshooters CSM THE REVOLVER
  • 12. PAGE 12 “Your dedication to the Six Shooters team has been without a doubt a significant contribution in making our transition back to Fort Drum very smooth .” -LTC Erick Sweet THE REVOLVER
  • 13. PAGE 13 FRG Advisor I hope you enjoyed Fall…because in the blink of an eye, those gorgeous leaves have fallen and we’re gearing up for SNOW!!! Personally, I can’t wait and I hope that you all get out and enjoy what the North Country has to offer by snowshoeing, skiing and more! Our unit has been so busy and since our last newsletter the soldiers have been a part of Moun- tain Peak, NTC and HAMETS. So it is nice that our soldiers are going to be home for awhile and we can enjoy each other. One of the first things I want to announce is that Wendy Rittichier has agreed to be a co -advisor with me for the FRG! I am so grateful to her for her help, but more importantly grateful that she brings her wealth of knowledge and experience to our unit, she is going to be a wonder- ful help and resource for our 6-6 Families! Thank-you Wendy! Now I have to be selfish for a moment and let you know, that I have been having a wonderful time because I get to meet all the babies born in our unit give them our cool, 6-6 Bib (If you ain’t CAV, you ain’t spit!) What adorable little CAV KIDS we have in our unit!!! Also, I got to meet some amazing spouses at our Spouse Spur Ride! (extra props to our pregnant spouses who took part!) What a great time seeing our spouses in their yellow-garters tackle some fun relays, get- ting their gas masks on in 8 seconds and assembling fire arms! It just proves that the CAV Spouses really are second to NONE! But before I go on and on about how great the spouses are, what an amazing Kids’ Spur ride! We had about 100 kids from infant to teen getting a first-hand look at being a soldier! The smiles on the children’s’ faces were catchy as our CAV KIDS got to climb into a “live” cockpit of a helicopter, honk the horns on some trucks (ouch, my ears!) and do an NVG scavenger hunt! To quote numerous kids, IT WAS AWESOME! And what was really awesome was seeing our pilots put on a gunnery display during Family Gun- nery day! Thank-you to all the families that came out to eat a delicious BBQ and see a once-in-a- lifetime event! Now if you haven’t had the chance to go to some of these events, don’t worry, there is plenty more to do! Our first Town Hall in on November 28 (6PM) and November 29th (10AM) and it is a great opportunity to learn about the upcoming deployment and ask any questions you may have, I will be at both, so please introduce yourself! We will also be hosting free soldier- lunches, the first one is on December 11, and on January 25 we will get a chance to dress up for a romantic and classy evening at our Winter Ball. In addition to our unit, there is always fun stuff going on at Fort Drum. Every Tuesday @ 5PM at the Commons, is Family Night. It is a great thing to do with your children when the weather gets chilly and it’s also an inexpensive meal! BOSS has monthly movie nights and gam- ing tournaments and at the USO everyday at 11:00 AM is free snacks for our soldiers, and on Thursdays, for our families too! As the weather gets a little colder (and it has further to go!), it is also time to start think- ing about being alert on the roads and winter safety. (We will be hosting a Squadron winter- safety brown-bag lunch in the coming weeks, be on the look-out for a flyer). Respectfully (and stay warm!), Lisa & Wendy All the Best Always, Lisa and Wendy THE REVOLVER
  • 14. The “Six Shooters” are equipped with AH-64D “Apache” attack helicopters, UH-60L “Blackhawk” assault helicopters, OH-58D “Kiowa Warrior” armed scout helicopters, and UH-60A and L “Blackhawk” helicopters config- ured for command and control missions. They conduct recon and security missions, perform attack operations, air assault and aerial resup- ply missions. NEC Task Force Six Shooters 20135 Hangar Access Road Fort Drum, NY 13602 Catch us on the web! FRG Corner HHT 6-6 Important Phone Numbers: Cecilia Navarro 630-660-0177 FRG Liason A Troop 6-6 Kam Gerohimos 315-774-1303 M’Lynn Lazzarini 254-368-9215 Staff Duty A Company 2-10 TF Six Shooters 315-774-1300 Do you know who your Janie Diggs 912-980-1319 Brigade (24hrs) 315-774-1100 FRG Leader is?? Please B Company 1-10 Chaplain check out our list of lead- Alisha Monette 423-782-9202 CPT Arthur 315-774-1306 ers, find yours and contact C Troop 6-6 Red Cross them today! Erin Milas 847-702-2898 Ashley Branham 315-772-6561 D Troop 6-6 MFLC Elizabeth Dejesus 912-596-4654 Janice Shabe 315-405-7449 E Troop 6-6 MP Station 315-772-2677 Emily Sivula 651-353-6926 TF Six Shooters Advisors: Lisa Sweet 315-688-2207 Wendy Rittichier 419-481-1447 THE REVOLVER This newsletter contains official and unofficial information. The inclusion of some unofficial information in this FRG newsletter has not increases the cost to the Government, in accordance with DOD 4525.8-M.”