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HOPPER Ohana News
                                      Amazing Grace
                                                                         “Dare and Do”
                                                                                                       November 2011

                                                                                         Commanding Officer:
                                                                                           CDR Kevin Melody
                                                                                               CDR Al Lopez
                                                                                           Executive Officer:
                                                                                               CDR Dave Snee
                                                                                        Command Master Chief:
                                                                                       CMDCM(SW) Rob Cuddeback
                                                                                                Kristin White

                                          Ombudsman newsletter

       CO’s CORNER
 Aloha HOPPER Ohana,                                            White, who volunteers her time to be a connection
  Welcome to the last deployment issue of the                   between the ship and our family and friends; you have
 Ombudsman Newsletter. In less than two weeks your              done a terrific job.
 Sailors will return home and just like me, I am sure            Finally I need to thank my wife, Mandy, and my 2
 they are eager to see their family and friends. If you         sons, Nathan and Michael. Without your support this
 plan on meeting the ship on the pier when it arrives,          would not have been possible. I am eager to spend
 please stay in touch with the Ombudsman as she will            more time with all three of you. I love you very much.
 be the central point of contact for official information       Mahalo to everyone,
 regarding exactly where and when the ship will arrive.         CDR Kevin Melody
  This is also my last note as CO. The ship will be             Commanding Officer
 conducting a Change of Command ceremony while we
 are in Guam and the former XO, CDR Lopez, will
 assume duties as the Commanding Officer. It has been
 an honor to serve as HOPPER’s ninth CO for the last
 20 months. This is a fantastic ship which is due
 entirely to the dedication and sacrifice of the Sailors
 who take her to sea. I would like to say thank you to
 them for all that they have done to make this the best
 ship on the waterfront. I would also like to say thank
 you to all of their supporters, family and friends,
 because without your support we could not do the job
 that we do. Thank you also to our Ombudsman Mrs.

Ombudsman Newsletter November 2011
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     Command Support Team Corner

     Thank you to all of the wonderful family members of the Hopper both here on the island and on
     the mainland. You have helped make this an incredible experience for both myself and my
     family. Thank you for your patience with me (and my crazy kids) and thank you for all of your
     support for the best ship in Pearl Harbor! I have had the pleasure of meeting and working with
     some really fantastic people and this is an experience that I will not soon forget.

     Two very special thank yous: to our dedicated and hard-working FRG President, Sarah McClain
     and the rest of the FRG board members and to our stellar Ombudsman, Kristin White. All of
     these ladies are volunteers and it means so much to me and to the families that they so
     freely gave of themselves to ensure that the Hopper families were taken care of and that
     Homecoming will be a success.

     Best of luck to you all.

     Thank you for letting me be a part of your time on the Hopper.


     Mandy Melody

     XO’s Corner
     Aloha HOPPER Ohana!                                               forward to continuing HOPPER’s superb performance
                                                                       and furthering its outstanding reputation under CDR
     My name is CDR Dave Snee and I am the new                         Lopez’s leadership.
     Executive Officer (XO) aboard USS HOPPER. I
     reported to the ship on October 17th while HOPPER                 CDR Melody expertly commanded HOPPER for 20
     was in Singapore. My wife, Stacey, and I are excited to           months including two deployments, a three-month
     return to Hawaii and even more thrilled that we’ve                yard availability, the Rim of the Pacific Exercise 2010,
     been assigned to such an outstanding ship. We come                and a compressed training cycle. The Melody family
     to Hawaii from the Washington, DC area where I                    will be heading to Dahlgren, Virginia where CDR
     served at The Pentagon on the Joint Staff and Stacey              Melody will work at the Missile Defense Agency. The
     worked as a Registered Dietitian. We have two kids; a             crew will certainly miss CDR Melody’s vast maritime
     girl and a boy, that already love Hawaii with its warm            knowledge, high exacting standards, great sense of
     weather and rich culture.                                         humor, and compassion for his shipmates.

     I relieved the former XO, CDR Al Lopez, who will                  The crew is exceedingly excited to get back home to
     assume command of USS HOPPER from CDR Kevin                       our families and friends. We’ll see you on the pier!
     Melody on November 4th in a ceremony on board
     while pier side in Guam. CDR Lopez was the XO on                  Malaho!
     HOPPER for 22 months and is already a welcomed                    CDR Dave Snee
     fixture in the HOPPER Ohana. The crew looks                       Executive Officer

                                                                                                Ombudsman Newsletter November 2011
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                                                  CMC’s CORNER
 Aloha!                                                               Surface Group Middle Pacific. Congratulations
                                                                      again to DCFN(SW) Schmick!!!
 CMC Rob Cuddeback here. October was
 another busy month for us, but one thing remains                     Several Sailors received their ESWS Pin in
 unswerving- our Sailors continue to excel in all                     October:
 aspects of mission accomplishment! I have a                          FC3(SW) Ashton, HM2(SW) Cunningham, DC3
 whole list of Super Star Sailors to talk about, but                  (SW) Nelson, HT3(SW) Fleming, GMSN(SW)
 before I get started, I have a couple more things                    Chang, GSEFN(SW) RuizDiaz, STG3(SW)
 to talk about. I would like to welcome aboard our                    Jackman, HM1(SW) Wyche, GSMFN(SW)
 new XO, CDR Dave Snee! By the time this                              Campbell, OSSN(SW) Hernandez, FC2(SW)
 newsletter hits the press, our former XO CDR Al                      Lane, FC3(SW) Foster, ET3(SW) Stephens,
 Lopez will have become our new Commanding                            ENFR(SW) Harmon, EMFN(SW) Yu Chong,
 Officer. Change of Command will take place 4                          EN3(SW) Escutia, FC3(SW) Thompson, DCFN
 November and it would be appropriate for me to                       (SW) Toquero, STG3(SW) Pullen, GM3(SW)
 take this time to say goodbye to CDR Kevin                           Connell, CTT2(SW) DeJesus, and EN3(SW)
 Melody and wish him and his family good luck at                      Dennis.
 their next duty station!
                                                                      I would like to thank the First Class Petty Officer
 OK, here we go. On October 7th, Hopper                               Association (FCPOA) for putting on a superb
 received a surprise visit from the Master Chief                      Halloween party for the crew. We even had a
 Petty Officer of the Navy (MCPON) Rick West!                          costume contest!
 For those who may not know, the MCPON is the
 highest ranking senior enlisted leader in the Navy.                  In closing, I would like to add that homecoming
 Our Sailors of the Quarter and Year (DCFN(SW)                        preparations are well underway! Our Sailors are
 Schmick, DC3(SW) Olaya, STG2(SW) Miles, and                          more than pumped up about our return! The
 FC1(SW) De la paz) all received the coveted                          Family Readiness Group (FRG) along with our
 MCPON coin for their stellar performance! The                        Ombudsman and Sister Ship USS Lake Erie
 MCPON also came into the Chiefs Mess to talk to                      (CG-70) are in the process of making this a
 the Chiefs. Many pictures were snapped, and it                       memorable event. On behalf of the crew, I would
 was quite an honor to meet him!                                      like to thank the FRG for the Shoe Boxes! The
                                                                      auction was fun, and we raised money for a very
 We received awesome news from DESRON 31.                             good cause. We look forward to seeing everyone
 DCFN(SW) Schmick was named DESRON 31                                 on the pier very soon! You can be proud of what
 Blue Jacket of the Quarter (BJOQ) for FY2011 4th                     your Sailors did during the last seven months! 5th
 Quarter! What does this mean? It means she                           Fleet Deployments are not easy for the Sailor or
 beat out the best of the best from 7 other ships to                  the home-front team…which is you, so plan on
 earn this prestigious title!! As you know from one                   making some serious noise on the pier when you
 of my previous newsletters, she was named                            see us headed your way!! I want everyone on the
 Hopperʼs BJOQ for Fourth Quarter FY2011.                             waterfront to know that the Hopper is back in
 UPDATE! Just as I was sending my “CMC                                town!
 Corner” input for this newsletter to the
 Ombudsman, Hopper received a very important
 message. DCFN(SW) Schmick has just been                              CMDCM (SW) Rob Cuddeback
 announced as the MIDPAC Blue Jacket of the                           Command Master Chief
 Quarter, 4th Quarter FY-11. We just received the
 message from RDML Smith, Commander, Naval

Ombudsman Newsletter November 2011
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                                     Ombudsman’s Corner
 Happy November to you all!                                                          leaders, their family and friends
                                             I have enjoyed meeting so               and 2,000 journalists.”
 I would like to begin by bidding            many of you and talking to
 ALOHA to CDR Melody and his                 many others via email and               A helpful website is:
 wife Mandy. I wish your family              phone. On the pier I hope to  
 all the best. Thank you for all             meet those of you who I                 apec-2011-hawaii-survival-
 of the support you both                     havenʼt met personally, yet.            guide/
 provided to me throughout this
 deployment.                                 The FRG and I will send out the         If you are staying in Waikiki,
                                             information regarding                   your stay may be affected by
 I know that we are all super                Homecoming pier and time as             this event, mainly via road
 excited for Homecoming! I                   soon as that information                closures or increased traffic or
 hope that all of your plans are             becomes available. Thank you            security. Your best bet is to call
 coming together, as time is                 to our FRG and all the                  your hotel to check on any
 getting short!                              volunteers for working tirelessly       issues this may present for
                                             to make Homecoming a                    your stay.
 As our excitement continues to              success for all of our Sailors.
 build in the coming days,                                                           Enjoy your HOMECOMING!
 please keep in mind that it is              Finally, I would like to mention        As the Ombudsman, I am a
 inevitable that things have                 the Asia Pacific Economic                volunteer appointed by the
 changed since your Sailor has               Cooperation (or APEC). This             Command to serve as a liaison
 been gone. Children have                    major event will be taking place        between the families and the
 gotten older, and we have all               in Honolulu November 8-13.              command. I work as an
 grown in one way or another.                So, although it should end prior        advocate for the families and I
 These changes must be                       to our Homecoming, I wanted             can provide you with many
 accommodated, but they allow                to mention it for those family          resources to address most
 us a unique opportunity to                  members who may be coming               problems. I am always
 determine which direction weʼd              to visit from the mainland. The         available for you, so please feel
 like that growth to take,                   event involves:                         free to contact me at any time,
 inevitably leaving us with a                                                        for any concern. I can be
 renewed relationship. Children              “Delegates from 21 countries            reached by email at
 will also need time to re-                  — including U.S. President     or by
 establish their relationship with           Barack Obama — will descend             phone at 808.864.3199.
 the parent who is returning.                upon Waikiki and Ko Olina for
 But, a new routine will soon                meetings. In all, the summit            Take Care,
 emerge, and families will feel              could draw some 20,000                  Kristin White
 “whole” with time.                          government and business

                                                                                         Ombudsman Newsletter November 2011
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                         FRG Corner
 Hello everyone,

    I hope you all are getting as antsy as me for the return of
 our sailors. The time is flying by and all the homecoming
 preparations are in full swing.
     First I would like to say congratulations to our first kiss                                FRG Board
 winner Tracie Scrivano.
    I am going to be turning our guest list into the gate
 guards in the next couple days so if you have not put your                        President: Sarah McClain
 name on the ships guest list or my list please do so ASAP.
 The only reason you would need to be put on the list is if                   Vice President: Amy Norman
 you do not have a Military ID. If you are going to be driving
 a rental car please have your rental agreement and proof of                         Treasurer: Sara White
 insurance in the car or they will not let you through and you
 will have to park off base and walk all the way to the pier.                 Secretary: Sandy Thompson
    If anyone needs handicapped parking for the day of
 homecoming let me know and we will make sure there is a
 spot for you.
    I have also been working on the new daddy list. If you
 have had a baby while your sailor has been gone please let
 us know so your sailor will be let off the ship first to meet
 the new baby. Your sailor has to have NOT seen the baby
                                                                              If you would like to be added to the
    For those of you attending Homecoming please follow
 the rules of the pier. Stay behind the ropes for your safety                      FRG Email list in addition to the
 and the others around. We don't put them there to be mean
                                                                              Ombudsman Email list, please email
 but they use lots of machines to secure the ship and we
 don't want anything bad to happen to anyone.                                        frghopper
    We will be putting up our big welcome home fence sign
 on November 13th at 9:00 a.m. right across from the
 Makalapa gate. Come out and help this is always a fun
 event for the families. If you are from out of town and would
 like to participate in this we would love to have you just
 email me and I will give you directions to the location.
    If you have any questions please feel free to contact me
    I hope to see some familiar faces and bunches of new
 faces on the pier. Have a great week. See ya soon.

 Sarah McClain

      ~Our spouses serve as we serve, every bit as much. They do not bear the arms, but their open arms provide
   strength and comfort. They do not set the ship's course, but their internal compass keeps the family ready and on
   track. They do not ford the stream or build the bridge, but the bridge they provide back to the home sustains and
                                 improves the morale and performance of entire units.~

Ombudsman Newsletter November 2011
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            Celebrations & Congratulations!
 ✴ET2 Lopes~ Happy 3rd Birthday to our youngest daughter Skylee! Daddy coming home is the
 best present ever! xoxoxo
 ✴EM1 Christopher Williams (November 22) Babe, Happy 11th yr anniversary! Thank you so much
 for being there for me through thick and thin. You are my rock, my bestfriend, and I couldn't
 ask for anything more. You have proven that you are willing to do anything for me and that is
 so unselfish of you. I love you so much!
 ✴Happy Birthday (November 25th) to Erin Hughes! (submitted by GM2 Putman)
 ✴OS1 Greene Happy Anniversary!!! 11/17 love, the HU BAYBAY
 ✴Congratulations ICFN Kraemer for being selected as an Exceptional Sailor and getting the
 opportunity to experience Singapore overnight!  Looking forward to hearing all about the
 wonderful places you were on deployment and spending another family Christmas together! 
 Congratulations on surviving your first deployment!  Love you!  ~  Mom

     Mauris egestas lacus sit ame
 ✴The family of ICFN Kraemer would like to take this opportunity to congratulate the entire Hopper
 Family on a successful deployment and thank each and every one of you for who you are and all you
 do.  It has been quite an experience for our family to have gone through this, our first deployment, and
 found so muchpulvinar, purus ultricies ultrices ullamcorper,seas were quiteeuismod at
    Vivamus support and comfort.  The ups and downs of the rolling dolor diam an obstacle
 times, but we are stronger and closer as a family and grateful for the opportunity to be a part of it
    nisl, vel consectetuer eros mi sit amet lorem.
 all.  Sadly, we cannot afford to travel for our son’s first homecoming, but we wish all the families and
 sailors a wonderful and rejoicing day and huge hugs to OUR sailor!  We are so proud! I want to
    — Quisque Massa
 personally thank Ombudsman Kristin White for all she does.  Without her and these amazing
 newsletters, this deployment would have been a huge stress on our family.  We look forward to the
 publication monthly, as it helps us “be there” with our son.  You are an amazing woman and we look
 forward to the years ahead!  ~The family of ICFN Kraemer
 ✴Congrats CMDCM Rob Cuddeback on your first command as CMDCM & Great Job & We're
 Proud of your hardwork & Dedicating service. We Love & Miss you. Love Wifey Denise & Kids
 Danielle & Robert
 ✴FC3 Foster -- Congratulations on achieving the Enlisted Surface Warfare Specialist (ESWS)
 qualification!  We're proud of you!    Love, Mom and Dad
 ✴Happy 3rd birthday BooBoo(Mackenzie)!! Our beautiful babygirl is growing up! Love Mama
 (Erin)&Daddy(LtJG Tyler Kelley)
 ✴LtJG Kelley, we just wanted to say; it's November! We made it! See u soon!! Love Erin &
 ✴FCC (SW) Coots Happy Birthday, baby baby!!  I love you so much and thank God everyday
 that you are a part of my life.  May this next year be the best yet!!  Lemvetage, Tess
 ✴STG3 Westphal--Happy 27th Birthday Nov. 16!  Love, Mom & Dad

                                                                              Ombudsman Newsletter November 2011
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  ✴CONGRATULATIONS HM1 Wyche, HM2 Cunningham, GSEFN Rudi, and everyone else who
  just had their boards and earned their ESWS pin!!! Also, Happy Birthday IT1 Fiorello!
  (submitted by HM3 Truong)
  ✴Happy 6th Birthday to my beautiful daughter Kaia…have fun and I will see you soon!! 
  Love, Daddy (submitted by: FCCS Kevin White)
  ✴FCC Stewart, Happy Anniversary Honey, I Love You.
  ✴Congrats to DC3 Nelson on achieving your ESWS pin. We never doubted you would. We are
  so very proud of you. Love, your entire family back home.
  ✴Congratulations to ENFN(SW) Harmon for your new accomplishment. Your journey abroad is
  almost over and coming home is closer by the day. We all miss you and wish you well.        
  Love  Mom, Mandel, Mawmaw Smith, Timothy, Zhane, Brylie, Amber, Josh,Vanessa  

          Congrats to all of our
           HOPPER Sailors and
          Families and Friends
          for making it through
            another (or first)

Ombudsman Newsletter November 2011
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                     Don't discuss future destinations or ports of call!
                       Don't discuss future operations or missions!
     Don't discuss dates and times of when we will be in port or conducting exercises!
                       Don't discuss readiness issues and numbers!
                        Don't discuss specific training equipment!
         Don't discuss people's names and billets in conjunction with operations!
                         Don't speculate about future operations!
                          Don't spread rumors about operations!
     Don't assume the enemy is not trying to collect information on you so he can kill
                                        you, he is!
      Be smart, use your head, and always think OPSEC when using email or phone!

                                                                      Ombudsman Newsletter November 2011

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Hopper newsletter november2011

  • 1. U S S H O P P E R HOPPER Ohana News Amazing Grace “Dare and Do” November 2011 Commanding Officer: CDR Kevin Melody CDR Al Lopez Executive Officer: CDR Dave Snee Command Master Chief: CMDCM(SW) Rob Cuddeback Ombudsman: Kristin White Ombudsman newsletter CO’s CORNER Aloha HOPPER Ohana, White, who volunteers her time to be a connection Welcome to the last deployment issue of the between the ship and our family and friends; you have Ombudsman Newsletter. In less than two weeks your done a terrific job. Sailors will return home and just like me, I am sure Finally I need to thank my wife, Mandy, and my 2 they are eager to see their family and friends. If you sons, Nathan and Michael. Without your support this plan on meeting the ship on the pier when it arrives, would not have been possible. I am eager to spend please stay in touch with the Ombudsman as she will more time with all three of you. I love you very much. be the central point of contact for official information Mahalo to everyone, regarding exactly where and when the ship will arrive. CDR Kevin Melody This is also my last note as CO. The ship will be Commanding Officer conducting a Change of Command ceremony while we are in Guam and the former XO, CDR Lopez, will assume duties as the Commanding Officer. It has been an honor to serve as HOPPER’s ninth CO for the last 20 months. This is a fantastic ship which is due entirely to the dedication and sacrifice of the Sailors who take her to sea. I would like to say thank you to them for all that they have done to make this the best ship on the waterfront. I would also like to say thank you to all of their supporters, family and friends, because without your support we could not do the job that we do. Thank you also to our Ombudsman Mrs. Ombudsman Newsletter November 2011 1
  • 2. U S S H O P P E R D D G 7 0 Command Support Team Corner Aloha, Thank you to all of the wonderful family members of the Hopper both here on the island and on the mainland. You have helped make this an incredible experience for both myself and my family. Thank you for your patience with me (and my crazy kids) and thank you for all of your support for the best ship in Pearl Harbor! I have had the pleasure of meeting and working with some really fantastic people and this is an experience that I will not soon forget. Two very special thank yous: to our dedicated and hard-working FRG President, Sarah McClain and the rest of the FRG board members and to our stellar Ombudsman, Kristin White. All of these ladies are volunteers and it means so much to me and to the families that they so freely gave of themselves to ensure that the Hopper families were taken care of and that Homecoming will be a success. Best of luck to you all. Thank you for letting me be a part of your time on the Hopper. Sincerely, Mandy Melody XO’s Corner Aloha HOPPER Ohana! forward to continuing HOPPER’s superb performance and furthering its outstanding reputation under CDR My name is CDR Dave Snee and I am the new Lopez’s leadership. Executive Officer (XO) aboard USS HOPPER. I reported to the ship on October 17th while HOPPER CDR Melody expertly commanded HOPPER for 20 was in Singapore. My wife, Stacey, and I are excited to months including two deployments, a three-month return to Hawaii and even more thrilled that we’ve yard availability, the Rim of the Pacific Exercise 2010, been assigned to such an outstanding ship. We come and a compressed training cycle. The Melody family to Hawaii from the Washington, DC area where I will be heading to Dahlgren, Virginia where CDR served at The Pentagon on the Joint Staff and Stacey Melody will work at the Missile Defense Agency. The worked as a Registered Dietitian. We have two kids; a crew will certainly miss CDR Melody’s vast maritime girl and a boy, that already love Hawaii with its warm knowledge, high exacting standards, great sense of weather and rich culture. humor, and compassion for his shipmates. I relieved the former XO, CDR Al Lopez, who will The crew is exceedingly excited to get back home to assume command of USS HOPPER from CDR Kevin our families and friends. We’ll see you on the pier! Melody on November 4th in a ceremony on board while pier side in Guam. CDR Lopez was the XO on Malaho! HOPPER for 22 months and is already a welcomed CDR Dave Snee fixture in the HOPPER Ohana. The crew looks Executive Officer 2 Ombudsman Newsletter November 2011
  • 3. U S S H O P P E R D D G 7 0 CMC’s CORNER Aloha! Surface Group Middle Pacific. Congratulations again to DCFN(SW) Schmick!!! CMC Rob Cuddeback here. October was another busy month for us, but one thing remains Several Sailors received their ESWS Pin in unswerving- our Sailors continue to excel in all October: aspects of mission accomplishment! I have a FC3(SW) Ashton, HM2(SW) Cunningham, DC3 whole list of Super Star Sailors to talk about, but (SW) Nelson, HT3(SW) Fleming, GMSN(SW) before I get started, I have a couple more things Chang, GSEFN(SW) RuizDiaz, STG3(SW) to talk about. I would like to welcome aboard our Jackman, HM1(SW) Wyche, GSMFN(SW) new XO, CDR Dave Snee! By the time this Campbell, OSSN(SW) Hernandez, FC2(SW) newsletter hits the press, our former XO CDR Al Lane, FC3(SW) Foster, ET3(SW) Stephens, Lopez will have become our new Commanding ENFR(SW) Harmon, EMFN(SW) Yu Chong, Officer. Change of Command will take place 4 EN3(SW) Escutia, FC3(SW) Thompson, DCFN November and it would be appropriate for me to (SW) Toquero, STG3(SW) Pullen, GM3(SW) take this time to say goodbye to CDR Kevin Connell, CTT2(SW) DeJesus, and EN3(SW) Melody and wish him and his family good luck at Dennis. their next duty station! I would like to thank the First Class Petty Officer OK, here we go. On October 7th, Hopper Association (FCPOA) for putting on a superb received a surprise visit from the Master Chief Halloween party for the crew. We even had a Petty Officer of the Navy (MCPON) Rick West! costume contest! For those who may not know, the MCPON is the highest ranking senior enlisted leader in the Navy. In closing, I would like to add that homecoming Our Sailors of the Quarter and Year (DCFN(SW) preparations are well underway! Our Sailors are Schmick, DC3(SW) Olaya, STG2(SW) Miles, and more than pumped up about our return! The FC1(SW) De la paz) all received the coveted Family Readiness Group (FRG) along with our MCPON coin for their stellar performance! The Ombudsman and Sister Ship USS Lake Erie MCPON also came into the Chiefs Mess to talk to (CG-70) are in the process of making this a the Chiefs. Many pictures were snapped, and it memorable event. On behalf of the crew, I would was quite an honor to meet him! like to thank the FRG for the Shoe Boxes! The auction was fun, and we raised money for a very We received awesome news from DESRON 31. good cause. We look forward to seeing everyone DCFN(SW) Schmick was named DESRON 31 on the pier very soon! You can be proud of what Blue Jacket of the Quarter (BJOQ) for FY2011 4th your Sailors did during the last seven months! 5th Quarter! What does this mean? It means she Fleet Deployments are not easy for the Sailor or beat out the best of the best from 7 other ships to the home-front team…which is you, so plan on earn this prestigious title!! As you know from one making some serious noise on the pier when you of my previous newsletters, she was named see us headed your way!! I want everyone on the Hopperʼs BJOQ for Fourth Quarter FY2011. waterfront to know that the Hopper is back in UPDATE! Just as I was sending my “CMC town! Corner” input for this newsletter to the Ombudsman, Hopper received a very important message. DCFN(SW) Schmick has just been CMDCM (SW) Rob Cuddeback announced as the MIDPAC Blue Jacket of the Command Master Chief Quarter, 4th Quarter FY-11. We just received the message from RDML Smith, Commander, Naval Ombudsman Newsletter November 2011 3
  • 4. U S S H O P P E R D D G 7 0 Ombudsman’s Corner Happy November to you all! leaders, their family and friends I have enjoyed meeting so and 2,000 journalists.” I would like to begin by bidding many of you and talking to ALOHA to CDR Melody and his many others via email and A helpful website is: wife Mandy. I wish your family phone. On the pier I hope to all the best. Thank you for all meet those of you who I apec-2011-hawaii-survival- of the support you both havenʼt met personally, yet. guide/ provided to me throughout this deployment. The FRG and I will send out the If you are staying in Waikiki, information regarding your stay may be affected by I know that we are all super Homecoming pier and time as this event, mainly via road excited for Homecoming! I soon as that information closures or increased traffic or hope that all of your plans are becomes available. Thank you security. Your best bet is to call coming together, as time is to our FRG and all the your hotel to check on any getting short! volunteers for working tirelessly issues this may present for to make Homecoming a your stay. As our excitement continues to success for all of our Sailors. build in the coming days, Enjoy your HOMECOMING! please keep in mind that it is Finally, I would like to mention As the Ombudsman, I am a inevitable that things have the Asia Pacific Economic volunteer appointed by the changed since your Sailor has Cooperation (or APEC). This Command to serve as a liaison been gone. Children have major event will be taking place between the families and the gotten older, and we have all in Honolulu November 8-13. command. I work as an grown in one way or another. So, although it should end prior advocate for the families and I These changes must be to our Homecoming, I wanted can provide you with many accommodated, but they allow to mention it for those family resources to address most us a unique opportunity to members who may be coming problems. I am always determine which direction weʼd to visit from the mainland. The available for you, so please feel like that growth to take, event involves: free to contact me at any time, inevitably leaving us with a for any concern. I can be renewed relationship. Children “Delegates from 21 countries reached by email at will also need time to re- — including U.S. President or by establish their relationship with Barack Obama — will descend phone at 808.864.3199. the parent who is returning. upon Waikiki and Ko Olina for But, a new routine will soon meetings. In all, the summit Take Care, emerge, and families will feel could draw some 20,000 Kristin White “whole” with time. government and business 4 Ombudsman Newsletter November 2011
  • 5. U S S H O P P E R D D G 7 0 FRG Corner Hello everyone, I hope you all are getting as antsy as me for the return of our sailors. The time is flying by and all the homecoming preparations are in full swing. First I would like to say congratulations to our first kiss FRG Board winner Tracie Scrivano. I am going to be turning our guest list into the gate guards in the next couple days so if you have not put your President: Sarah McClain name on the ships guest list or my list please do so ASAP. The only reason you would need to be put on the list is if Vice President: Amy Norman you do not have a Military ID. If you are going to be driving a rental car please have your rental agreement and proof of Treasurer: Sara White insurance in the car or they will not let you through and you will have to park off base and walk all the way to the pier. Secretary: Sandy Thompson If anyone needs handicapped parking for the day of homecoming let me know and we will make sure there is a spot for you. I have also been working on the new daddy list. If you have had a baby while your sailor has been gone please let us know so your sailor will be let off the ship first to meet the new baby. Your sailor has to have NOT seen the baby yet. If you would like to be added to the For those of you attending Homecoming please follow the rules of the pier. Stay behind the ropes for your safety FRG Email list in addition to the and the others around. We don't put them there to be mean Ombudsman Email list, please email but they use lots of machines to secure the ship and we don't want anything bad to happen to anyone. frghopper! We will be putting up our big welcome home fence sign on November 13th at 9:00 a.m. right across from the Makalapa gate. Come out and help this is always a fun event for the families. If you are from out of town and would like to participate in this we would love to have you just email me and I will give you directions to the location. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me anytime. I hope to see some familiar faces and bunches of new faces on the pier. Have a great week. See ya soon. Sarah McClain USS HOPPER ~Our spouses serve as we serve, every bit as much. They do not bear the arms, but their open arms provide strength and comfort. They do not set the ship's course, but their internal compass keeps the family ready and on track. They do not ford the stream or build the bridge, but the bridge they provide back to the home sustains and improves the morale and performance of entire units.~ Ombudsman Newsletter November 2011 5
  • 6. U S S H O P P E R D D G 7 0 Celebrations & Congratulations! ✴ET2 Lopes~ Happy 3rd Birthday to our youngest daughter Skylee! Daddy coming home is the best present ever! xoxoxo ✴EM1 Christopher Williams (November 22) Babe, Happy 11th yr anniversary! Thank you so much for being there for me through thick and thin. You are my rock, my bestfriend, and I couldn't ask for anything more. You have proven that you are willing to do anything for me and that is so unselfish of you. I love you so much! ✴Happy Birthday (November 25th) to Erin Hughes! (submitted by GM2 Putman) ✴OS1 Greene Happy Anniversary!!! 11/17 love, the HU BAYBAY ✴Congratulations ICFN Kraemer for being selected as an Exceptional Sailor and getting the opportunity to experience Singapore overnight!  Looking forward to hearing all about the wonderful places you were on deployment and spending another family Christmas together!  Congratulations on surviving your first deployment!  Love you!  ~  Mom Mauris egestas lacus sit ame ✴The family of ICFN Kraemer would like to take this opportunity to congratulate the entire Hopper Family on a successful deployment and thank each and every one of you for who you are and all you do.  It has been quite an experience for our family to have gone through this, our first deployment, and found so muchpulvinar, purus ultricies ultrices ullamcorper,seas were quiteeuismod at Vivamus support and comfort.  The ups and downs of the rolling dolor diam an obstacle times, but we are stronger and closer as a family and grateful for the opportunity to be a part of it nisl, vel consectetuer eros mi sit amet lorem. all.  Sadly, we cannot afford to travel for our son’s first homecoming, but we wish all the families and sailors a wonderful and rejoicing day and huge hugs to OUR sailor!  We are so proud! I want to — Quisque Massa personally thank Ombudsman Kristin White for all she does.  Without her and these amazing newsletters, this deployment would have been a huge stress on our family.  We look forward to the publication monthly, as it helps us “be there” with our son.  You are an amazing woman and we look forward to the years ahead!  ~The family of ICFN Kraemer ✴Congrats CMDCM Rob Cuddeback on your first command as CMDCM & Great Job & We're Proud of your hardwork & Dedicating service. We Love & Miss you. Love Wifey Denise & Kids Danielle & Robert ✴FC3 Foster -- Congratulations on achieving the Enlisted Surface Warfare Specialist (ESWS) qualification!  We're proud of you!    Love, Mom and Dad ✴Happy 3rd birthday BooBoo(Mackenzie)!! Our beautiful babygirl is growing up! Love Mama (Erin)&Daddy(LtJG Tyler Kelley) ✴LtJG Kelley, we just wanted to say; it's November! We made it! See u soon!! Love Erin & Mackie ✴FCC (SW) Coots Happy Birthday, baby baby!!  I love you so much and thank God everyday that you are a part of my life.  May this next year be the best yet!!  Lemvetage, Tess ✴STG3 Westphal--Happy 27th Birthday Nov. 16!  Love, Mom & Dad 6 Ombudsman Newsletter November 2011
  • 7. U S S H O P P E R D D G 7 0 ✴CONGRATULATIONS HM1 Wyche, HM2 Cunningham, GSEFN Rudi, and everyone else who just had their boards and earned their ESWS pin!!! Also, Happy Birthday IT1 Fiorello! (submitted by HM3 Truong) ✴Happy 6th Birthday to my beautiful daughter Kaia…have fun and I will see you soon!!  Love, Daddy (submitted by: FCCS Kevin White) ✴FCC Stewart, Happy Anniversary Honey, I Love You. ✴Congrats to DC3 Nelson on achieving your ESWS pin. We never doubted you would. We are so very proud of you. Love, your entire family back home. ✴Congratulations to ENFN(SW) Harmon for your new accomplishment. Your journey abroad is almost over and coming home is closer by the day. We all miss you and wish you well.           Love  Mom, Mandel, Mawmaw Smith, Timothy, Zhane, Brylie, Amber, Josh,Vanessa                                                                                                Congrats to all of our HOPPER Sailors and Families and Friends for making it through another (or first) deployment! Ombudsman Newsletter November 2011 7
  • 8. U S S H O P P E R D D G 7 0 OPSEC Don't discuss future destinations or ports of call! Don't discuss future operations or missions! Don't discuss dates and times of when we will be in port or conducting exercises! Don't discuss readiness issues and numbers! Don't discuss specific training equipment! Don't discuss people's names and billets in conjunction with operations! Don't speculate about future operations! Don't spread rumors about operations! Don't assume the enemy is not trying to collect information on you so he can kill you, he is! Be smart, use your head, and always think OPSEC when using email or phone! 8 Ombudsman Newsletter November 2011