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Colonel Michael Pappal, com-
mander, 1st Heavy Brigade Combat
Team, 1st Infantry Division, and Lt.
Col. Anthony New, commander, 2nd
Battalion, 34th Combined Arms Bat-
talion, 1st HBCT, salute the National
colors and the battalion’s colors
during a pass and review at a change
of command ceremony at the Cav-
alry Parade Field, May 4, 2012. Lt.
Col. New took over command of the
battalion from Lt. Col. Christopher
P13 / 72nd MAC Launches
in Prep of NTC
72nd Mobility Augmentation
Company, 1st Eng. Bn., conduct
Mine Clearing Line Charge
(MICLIC) training.
P16 / Dining In
Senior leaders of the Devil
Brigade conduct a dining in
to foster unit cohesion and
reinforce esprit de corps.
Thanking the troops is harder to do... I consider myself lucky to
have walked, driven, fought and air assaulted with them these
past two years.
- Lt. Col. Chris Kidd
Balancing New
Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nexerc
tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl
ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequatduis
autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in
vulputate velit esse molestie consequat.
IS005 May 2012 EDITION
Kidd, who recently led the battalion
during its deployment to Afghanistan
in support of Operation Enduring
Freedom. “In my humble opinion,
Dreadnaughts, it is each of you that
honor us, the people on this side of
the parade field, with you presence,
your service, and the sacrifices that
you and your Families make every
day in defense of freedom around the
world,” said Lt. Col. New.
P10 / Taking a Fighting
Chaos Soldiers qualify on the
newest Bradley fighting vehicles,
the M2A2 ODS-E, Bradleys
with improvements for engineers
P9 / Spot on
Dreadnaught Soldiers of
HHC 2/34 CAB familiarize
themselves with their M110
Semi-Automatic Sniper System
Public Affairs Officer	 					 Public Affairs NCOIC
1st Lt. Michael Hogans	 					 Staff Sgt. Donald Martin
Public Affairs Journalist Public Affairs Journalist/Editor
Sgt. Kerry Lawson Sgt. Kandi Huggins
Noel Waterman
The ‘Devil’ Brigade
‘Devil’ PAO
Read the Post paper online!
1st Infantry Division and Fort Riley:
Click on Units, 1ID Brigades, 1HBCT or just click on this link:
vFRG website: Family Members and Approved Personal can also go onto the vFRG and log into
their Soldier’s BN’s vFRG site, where more information can be found.
1/1 HBCT Commander
Col. Michael Pappal
1/1 HBCT Command Sergeant Major
CSM Thomas Kenny
I just got done watching the
Devil’s Stakes APFT Competi-
tion and there were some amaz-
ing Soldiers representing their
units in good spirits and morale;
I look forward to seeing some
impressive scores later today.
Later this month, we will award
a streamer for each event’s first
place winner to be attached to
their company’s guidon and a
streamer for the company that
took first place overall. As time
progresses, Devil Soldiers will
have the opportunity to compete
in more Devil’s Stakes events
to obtain a streamer as bragging
rights of their training, tenac-
ity and pride in themselves and
their units.
Seeing everyone competing
to their fullest exemplifies the
training I have seen in each and
every unit over the past month.
Everyone is doing an exception-
al job in being proficient in their
basic Soldier skills whether it is
on the range with a rifle, a pis-
tol, a machine gun, or a grenade
launcher; in the NBC chamber;
in the shoot house; keeping
physically fit at PT; turning
wrenches; or all the myriad of
other training and things you do
for the Brigade to run on a daily
basis and be prepared to move
out and conduct the missions we
will be assigned. Charlie BSTB
finished an awesome two weeks
on the MPRC qualifying their
17 crews on the Bradley, kick-
ing off our first large scale crew
gunnery and setting the standard
for the rest of the Devil crews to
beat. Next week I encourage you
all to harness all of the collective
energy that is flowing throughout
the brigade to win the Victory
Cup during Victory week. There
is no doubt in my mind that our
battalions can all finish in the top
six places.
The weather is nicer now
which brings a plethora of the
summer activities for everyone
to enjoy and relax in when we
are not on duty. The decisions
you make off duty are a direct
reflection of your judgment
and reliability as a leader when
on duty. Be responsible. Don’t
drink alcohol while partaking in
water sports. Don’t try to swim
beyond your ability. Use life
jackets when boating or doing
other activities on the water.
Wear your seatbelt and make sure
everybody in your vehicle wears
theirs. Wear sunscreen and drink
water when outside for extended
periods. The list goes on but in
short, be smart, stay safe, and
have fun.
I am proud of what each of
the battalions are accomplish-
ing. You all are doing great
and getting better. If you need
something or something is
not working for you, tell your
leader. If they cannot help you
then go to the next level up in
the chain of command. My door
is always open if you cannot
get an answer elsewhere. If
you need help, go get it. If you
see someone in need, then get
them to help. Every Devil is a
valuable member of the team
and cannot be allowed to slip
through the cracks. Take care
of your Soldiers, take care of
your equipment, and train hard
to high standards as we continue
to build the Army’s premier
Armored Brigade.
No Mission Too Difficult,
No Sacrifice Too Great, Duty
While summer is a time for fun, it
is also a time of increased danger
for Soldiers and Family members...
Devils, it’s official: summer-
time is upon us. As we enter
the season of sunny weather,
vacations, barbecues and water
sports, the 101 Days of Summer
Safety Campaign is to remind
all Soldiers, Family members,
civilians and the entire Army
community to think summer
safety through the Labor Day
weekend. What pains me is
-- not everybody who reads this
will make it safely through the
While summer is a time for
fun, it is also a time of increased
danger for Soldiers and Family
members with notable increases
in off-duty accidental fatalities,
especially in automobile acci-
dents. The three leading causes
of accidental deaths involving
automobiles in the Army are
speeding, driving unbuckled and
driving drunk. ‘Seat belts aren’t
cool,’ ‘These cars/motorcycles
were meant to be driven fast,’
and ‘I’m young, and I’m going
to live my life while I can.’ --
I’ve heard all this before and ul-
timately these words can come
back to haunt you. There are
101 days of summer, so slow
down and enjoy them all.
Increased alcohol use
throughout the summer, and
particularly around major holi-
day weekends makes the sum-
mer season a very grim time for
local law enforcement, emer-
gency medical staff, highway
safety officials and the friends
and Families of those involved
in alcohol related incidents. The
101 Days of Summer Campaign
encourages everyone to use com-
mon sense, be decisive and not
let friends drink and drive. If
you have been drinking, use a
designated driver or call a taxi.
Impaired driving is one of the
most often committed crimes.
According to the National Coun-
cil on Alcoholism and Drug
Dependence, about three in every
10 Americans will be involved in
an alcohol-related crash at some
time in their lives. The reality is,
the roads are dangerous, and as
soon as you have your first drink,
you have no business being on
the road.
Not wearing a seat belt is
also a big factor in automobile
fatalities. Seat belts are the most
effective traffic safety device
for preventing death and injury,
according to National Highway
Traffic Safety Administration
reports. Wearing a seat belt can
reduce the risk of crash inju-
ries by 50 percent, and 75,000
people involved in vehicle ac-
cidents between 2004-2008 are
alive today because they were
buckled up, the organization
As you go about the sum-
mer’s activities, remember to
slow down, buckle up, take fre-
quent breaks on long trips and
do not text or drink and drive. I
want everyone to look back this
Labor Day weekend 2012 and
reflect on a great and safe 101
days of summer.
No mission too difficult. No
sacrifice too great. Duty First.
Devil 7
Contact Info:
CH Peter Dissmore
Office: 7232 Normandy Drive
24/7 Line: 785-239-HELP (4357)
The Killer Lieutenant (1969-1970)
He had defied the statistics that measured a second lieutenant’s life expectancy in minutes, not hours. He had
entered Vietnam from the farm in Wisconsin and immediately began learning from his old sergeant. He was
told if you want to survive this war you have to teach your men not to fear but to take the offensive in battle.
He had learned well and became a very successful platoon leader. They had gone on many search and de-
stroy missions and the number of enemy they could count as casualties were in the triple digits. Intel said the
enemy had nicknamed him the “Killer Lieutenant”.
The difference between right and wrong was not always clear. During one inspection, instead of praise, the
lieutenant received a chewing. He was very upset. He was tempted to lash out in anger. Then he remembered
the little country church back home. He remembered his God, no matter how distant God seemed now. He held
his peace, and did the right thing. He was glad he had a moral base to fall back on to help him make the right
The young lieutenant left Vietnam and moved back home to the Wisconsin farm. He was a couple of years
older than when he joined but he had aged a couple of decades. Mama didn’t seem to understand him any lon-
ger. He couldn’t talk with her about his experiences in the jungles of Vietnam. His older brothers understood
a little since they had been in the military themselves. Yet this war was different. There were things they could
never understand.
He drifted through life bound by the things that tore him apart inside. He held it all in, talking very little
about it. It drove him to substance abuse. One day he decided to move from the familiar terrain of Wisconsin.
He loaded his belongings into his VW bug and headed for New York City.
He still kept everything inside of him. He was too proud to admit he needed help as he remained bound by
the substances that destroyed him. Tormenting thoughts captured his mind. If only someone with insight could
have drawn these thoughts out of him. If only he had been
willing to seek the help that he needed. If others would at least
learn from his mistakes and talk to somebody - a friend, a
chaplain, a leader, a mental health professional. Talking on a
regular basis to others who care can help bring healing to the
thoughts in our mind. Talk with your buddies and bring resto-
ration to your soul.
Proverbs 20:5 says: A person’s thoughts are like water in a
deep well, but someone with insight can draw them out.
LTG Harold G. Moore and Joseph Galloway state in We Were
Soldiers Once…And Young,
“Those who were, miraculously, unscratched, were by no
means untouched. Not one of us left Vietnam the same young
man he was when he arrived.”
“Those who do not do battle for their country do not know with what
ease they accept their citizenship in America.” – Dean Brelis
Unit Chaplains Contact Information
BDE CH(MAJ) Dissmore
BSB CH(CPT) Adriatico
1-16 CH(CPT) Ball
2-34 CH (CPT) Isfan
1-5 CH (CPT) Jung - no number
4-4 CH (CPT) Lesh - no number
1 EN CH (1LT) Sanders
Build resiliency by attending a Strong Bonds event.
Here is a tentative schedule of events:
1-5		 1-3 JUN		 COUPLES
1-16		 8-10 JUN		 COUPLES
Need to contact your
Family Readiness Support Assistant? (FRSA)
1-5 FA
1-1 BSTB and HHC, 1HBCT
1-1st ENG
4-4 CAV
101st BSB
1-16 IN
2-34 AR
May 2012 page 7
Spc.Robert Spencer
Combat Engineer,C Co,1/1 BSTB
My wife and two sons make me
strong.They’be been my support
since I joined Aug.2008.
Spc.Brandon Copenhaver
RadioTransmitter,B Co,1/1 BSTB
My wife and how she supports me.
She understand that there is a job
and it needs to get done. She’s been
my help to get through hard times.
Spc.Nathan Hooks
Cannon Crew Member,A Btry,1/5 FA
I joined the Army because of a proud
family tradition and I am proud to
uphold that tradition...that makes
me strong.
Pvt.Derek Lett
Scout,CTrp,4/4 CAV
The support and encouragement
from my family and friends.
Medic squad leader,HHT 4/4 CAV
My family and my Soldiers.My
family because of their love and
commitment to me and my job;and
my Soldiers because of their loyalty
and dedication to the mission.
May 2012 page 8
Chaos Top 5 Bradley Crews
Bumper # C13
Vehicle Cmdr: Sgt Holdern
Gunner: Spc Davis
Driver: Spc Spencer
Bumper # C413
Vehicle Cmdr: Sgt Stephens
Gunner: Spc Trybus
Driver: Spc Radford
Bumper # C12
Vehicle Cmdr: Sgt Holdern
Gunner: Spc Brown
Driver: Pv2 Miao
Bumper # C26
Vehicle Cmdr: 2nd Lt Foster
Gunner: Spc Andari
Driver: Pvt Morris
Bumper # C23
Vehicle Cmdr: Sgt Alverez
Gunner: Spc Roth
Driver:Pv2 Samuel
>>>See full story on page 10
5 mile run
APFT Competition
1st SGT Parks, E Co, 101st BSB			 388
2nd SPC Flores, HHB, 1/5 FA			 380
3rd SSG Bridges,A Btry, 1/5 FA			 361
4th SPCAguilarmoran C Co, 101st BSB		 345
5th SGT Lira, F Co, 2/34 CAB/ 101st BSB	 341
6th (T) SPC Matias, HHT, 4/4 CAV & SPCYaure, G Co, 1/5FA/ 101st BSB 340
8th SGT Brown B Co, 1/16 IN	 330
9th PFC Noha, C Co, 101st BSB	 326
10th Pv2 Sampson, HHC, 101st BSB 325
Obstacle Course
1st LTC Crombie & MAJ Kiser, HHC, 1/16 IN		 11:09
2nd CPTWerner & SGT Farr, C Co, 1/16IN		 11:35
3rd 1LT Bell & 1LT Bellet, B Co, 1/16IN			 11:38
4th SPC Barmun & SPC Matias, HHT 4/4 CAV 		 13:08
5th SPC Pointer & SPC Redden,A Co 1/16IN		 13:10
6th PFC Cerrate & SGT Moore, D Co, 1/16IN		 13:58
7th PFC Rich & SGT Postelethweit, BTRP, 4/4 CAV	 14:17
8th Pv2 Dowie & SSG Niebels, HHC, 101st BSB		 14:38
9th SPC Miner & SPC Peace, B Co, 2/34CAB		 14:40
10th PFC Colmery & PFC Davis, C Co, 2/34CAB	 14:51
Devil’s Stakes
Top 3 Males				Top 3 Females
Merced, RAFAEL			 Jeter, KENYA
31:45:00				38:46:00
FCO 2-34				ACO 101
Taylor, WESLEY			Oudman
32:32:00				42:17:00
ACO 101				HHC BDE
Sampson				Herbert, MONICA
33:34:00				42:26:00
HHC 101				CCO 101
May 2012 page 9
Spot On
Sgt. Donald Martin, 1st HBCT
Spc. Alex Herron, team leader, Headquarters and Headquarters Company,
2nd Battalion, 34th Combined Arms Battalion, 1st Heavy Brigade Combat
Team, 1st Infantry Division, engages one of 10 targets to qualify on the
M110 Semi-Automatic Sniper System Rifles on May 23 at Fort Riley’s Range
Six. Soldiers had to hit eight out of 10 targets.“You have to know what
you’re doing because working on the fly doesn’t work out here,”Herron
By Sgt. Kandi Huggins
Soldiers from Headquarters and
Headquarters Company, 2nd Battal-
ion, 34th CombinedArms Battalion,
1st Heavy Brigade Combat Team,
1st Infantry Division, familiarized
themselves with their M110 Semi-
Automatic Sniper System Rifles on
May 22 at Fort Riley’s Range Six.
The Soldiers grouped and zeroed
their rifles by shooting at blocks on
a paper target 100 meters away and
conducted spotter drills to reestab-
lish their knowledge of the weapon
system in preparation for their qual-
ifications on May 23.
Spotter drills consist of a Soldier
shooting at a block, then shooting at
another based on the corrections of
the spotter sitting next to them. The
shooter adjusts his windage and el-
evation on the system to get his
round where it needs to be.
Sgt. Wade Hitchcock, sniper
section leader, said it was important
for the Soldiers to shoot as often as
they could to maintain their funda-
mentals of firing the system.
“Unlike shooting on a M4 or
M16, if the Soldiers don’t use the
skills they’ve learned as snipers,
those skills will perish,” Hitchcock
said. “The basic fundamentals every
Soldier learned in basic rifle marks-
manship are even more important
As snipers, the Soldiers have
two jobs: collect data and report
what they observe happening on the
battlefield and provide long-range
discriminatory fire as a method of
providing a better solution to a situ-
Snipers train in various combat
weather and situations to learn how
to quickly adapt to any situation,
Hitchcock said.
With their jobs and a mission’s
success depending on that quick-
ness and adaptability, he said it was
important for snipers to be consis-
tent in everything they did because
doing one thing different could af-
fect their shooting. Any change in
the way they breathe while shoot-
ing could adjust the elevation level
between two shots and the sniper’s
target may change.
“You have to know what you’re
doing because working on the fly
doesn’t work out here,” Spc. Alex
Herron, team leader, said. “That’s
where having a spotter and our data
books become essential.”
During his recent deployment to
Afghanistan, Herron had to rely on
his training and those essential fun-
damentals to disrupt enemy attacks
while his spotter was evacuated af-
ter getting shot.
“Spotters make it easier for the
shooters to know what they are do-
ing,” Herron said. “While we’re in
the moment of shooting, they quick-
ly provide corrections, watch where
we’re shooting as well as watch
other targets.”
Now that they are back home,
Herron said he enjoyed going to the
range and shooting with his fellow
snipers again.
“It helps us continue to build
more cohesion, with us working
with the same guys over and over
again,” Herron said. “Here, and in
combat, they help us gather more
accurate data in order to observe, re-
port and if necessary, neutralize the
enemy. With them with us, it is like
having two guns at one time.”
Sgt. Donald Martin, 1st HBCT
Sgt. Wade Hitchcock, sniper section
leader, Headquarters and Headquar-
ters Company, 2nd Battalion, 34th
Combined Arms Battalion, 1st Heavy
Brigade Combat Team, 1st Infantry
Division, prepares to fire his M110
Semi-Automatic Sniper System Rifles
on May 23 at Fort Riley’s Range Six.
Issue Title / May 2012 page 10
Infant Massage Instruction; 6/5/12
10:00am - noon
Designed to guide parents on hwo to mas-
sage their own babies (birth to 6 months
only please).
Emerging Skills in Early Readers; 6/12/12
A parent is the child’s first and most
important teacher. Come learn how to
encourage your child to develop reading
skills and what normal development looks
like in early literacy.
Staying Connected during Deployment;
6/26/12 6:30-8:30
Come learn some simple ideas to help you
and your family stay connected during
24/7 Dad Workship; 8/6 - 8/7/12 9:30am-
Location: Bldg 7264/ACS
This unique, innovative, and comprehen-
sive course is designed to engage fathers
and encourage them to become more
involved with thier children and families
Sgt. Kandi Huggins
“Target IDed.”
“Driver up.”
The tower radios were busy
while “Chaos” Soldiers qualified on
the newest Bradley fighting vehi-
cles May 16 at Fort Riley’s Digital
Multi-Purpose Range Complex.
Company C, Special Troops
Battalion, 1st Heavy Brigade Com-
bat Team, 1st Infantry Division used
the M2A2 ODS-E, a Bradley with
improvements for engineers during
the training exercise.
“Engineers have a very versa-
tile job,” said 1st Sgt. Harold Cole,
senior noncommissioned officer,
Co. C, STB, 1st HBCT. “Our job
is focused on three areas – mobil-
ity, counter mobility and survivabil-
ity, but with the Soldiers becoming
qualified on the Bradleys as engi-
neers, they now have the capability
Taking a Fighting Stance Parent Enrichment
Chaos Soldiers expand expertise during Bradley gunnery
All classes will be held in Bldg 6620
Normandy Drive, unless otherwise
*Free childcare with pre-registration
at least one week in advance. Current
registration wiht CYSS required!
Please call 239-9885 or 239-9435 or
email to
pre-register or for more information.
Sgt. Kandi Huggins | 1st HBCT
“Chaos”Soldiers with Co. C, STB, 1st HBCT shoot at a pop-up target as part of their qualification on
the M2A2 ODS-E, a Bradley fighting vehicle with Operation Desert Storm-engineer improvements,
May 16 at Fort Riley’s Digital Multipurpose Range Complex. The night-fire portion required three-
man crews to engage and destroy their targets using thermal optical devices and night sights.
to fight in combat.”
With the Bradley-engineered ve-
hicles, Cole said his company will
be able to clear minefields faster, in-
crease maneuverability and give the
battalion and brigade more assets
and options on the battlefield.
The end task of the qualification
was to have 17 qualified Bradley
crews for the “Devil” Brigade to
utilize in future deployments and
The Soldiers qualified based on
the Table Six qualification chart,
which consisted of six daytime en-
gagements and four nighttime en-
gagements. They are all designed to
train a Bradley crew to engage sta-
tionary and moving targets.
“Conducting night fire as part of
the qualification allows each crew to
use all the capabilities of the Brad-
leys,” said Staff Sgt. Harold Butler,
vehicle crew evaluator, Co. C, STB,
>> cont. page 15
May 2012 page 11
Punishers Wreak
Sgt. Kerry Lawson
Soldiers of the military po-
lice platoon for Headquarters
and Headquarters Company,
1st Brigade Special Troops
Battalion, 1st Heavy Brigade
Combat Team, 1st Infantry Di-
vision, conduct rigorous train-
ing at Urban Cluster Range 1
at Fort Riley May 3, 2012.
Soldiers of the ‘Punishers’
platoon conducted battalion
warrior tasks and drills during
Operation Robocop in prepa-
ration for the Warrior Skills
competition May 28, 2012
through June 8, 2012.
Gonzalez said in prepara-
tion for this competition these
Soldiers are being trained sev-
eral areas. Some of the ex-
ercises are: land navigation,
requesting medical evacua-
tion, reacting to contact, and
searching an individual.
“We are responsible for
conducting training to the full-
est spectrum of our mission
essential task list,” said 1st Lt.
Yarick Gonzalez, military po-
lice platoon leader for HHC,
1st BSTB. “The military po-
lice not only half to support
combat operations but law and
order operations as well.
“Mostly we are training for
things we need to know and ac-
complish within the METL,”
said Staff Sgt. Jonathon Ben-
nett, third squad leader for the
“These exercises are de-
signed to show them how to
react to these situations wheth-
er it’s on or off a military in-
stallation,” Bennett said. “This
is important for the Soldiers to
know and understand during
both peacetime settings and
combat operations.”
Bennett said the training for
the competition allows them
to learn from any mistakes,
so that when the competition
comes there should be little to
no mistakes made.
“The competition is roughly
14 days long and the Soldiers
will stay out in the field the
whole time will be held here
on Fort Riley,” Gonzalez said.
Gonzalez said this will pit
the various military occupa-
tional specialty squad teams in
these tasks and drills.
Gonzalez said this competi-
tion is an in-house competition
within the battalion in which
roughly 40 squads will com-
pete having 8-12 Soldiers per
squad. The competition will
also allow us to see how profi-
cient these Soldiers are in their
tasks and drills.
“Each Soldier will be given
a piece of paper which will
tell them their starting point,”
Gonzalez said. “The catch is
after you complete one station
your next one may be on the
opposite end of the maneuver-
ing area.”
Gonzalez said that the Sol-
diers will ruck to each station
which roughly about two miles
apart. Some stations will have
battle drill lanes between that
station and the next.
Each team will have 36
hours for them to be evaluated
in finishing all 10 stations.
“Yes we would like to win
the competition, but overall
we want to see our Soldiers
run battle drills with minimal
problems occurring,” Gonza-
lez said.
May 2012 page 12
Guardians with students from
Sheridan Elementary School
May 2012 page 13
“Soldiers of 72nd MAC launch into
preparation for NTC”
Sgt. Kery Lawson
Soldiers of the 72nd Mobility
Augmentation Company, 1st En-
gineer Battalion, 1st Heavy Bri-
gade Combat Team, 1st Infantry
Division, conducted Mine Clearing
Line Charge (MICLIC) training at
mortar firing point 14, Fort Riley
on May 2, 2012.
The MICLIC is a rocket-
launched string of C4 explosives
used to clear minefields often en-
countered during combat opera-
“This training will get our ju-
nior service members some hands
on training and experience han-
dling this piece of equipment,” 1st
Lt. Tim Watts, 2nd Platoon Leader,
72nd MAC.
During the training, the compa-
ny’s MICLIC carriers moved to a
position designated by the maneu-
ver commander and the rocket was
prepared for firing by a designated
Engineer squad.
Watts said the training will
also let the battalion commander
know how each company is com-
ing along with their respective
training. The commander ensured
that the unit conducted their proper
preventive maintenance checks and
services on the trailer, the electron-
ics, and the rocket during this train-
ing event.
This type of hands-on experi-
ence is very rare for Soldiers be-
cause the MICLIC is a costly sys-
tem to fire. It has been more than a
year since 1st Engineer conducted
the training.
However, Pvt. Rico Ross, a
combat engineer with 2nd platoon,
said his training experience was a
good one.
Ross, who has only been with
the unit for a month and a half since
graduating AIT, said he feels the
junior service members are learn-
ing a lot.
“This is my first time having
hands-on training with this particu-
lar equipment,” said Ross. “I never
worked with the MICLIC when
I was in AIT and I welcomed this
new experience and training.”
Although junior Soldiers such
as Ross received a rare opportunity
to train with the MICLIC, Watts
said the experience also helps the
senior leaders remain knowledge-
able and competent in their area of
“This training was for our ju-
nior Soldiers who I feel will get
a lot out of this training, but also
working with this particular equip-
ment will reiterate the training
these team and squad leaders have
undergone throughout their ca-
reer,” said Watts. “It gives them the
opportunity to demonstrate their
knowledge and experience on the
equipment to their Soldiers.”
Sgt. Kerry Lawson l 1st HBCT
Soldiers of Charlie Company, 72nd Mobility Augmentation Company, 1st Engineer Battalion, 1st
Heavy Brigade Combat Team, 1st Infantry Division, launch the MK22 Mod. 4 rocket off the M58
Mine Clearing Line Charge launching arm during MICLIC training at mortar firing point 14 Fort
Riley on May 2, 2012. The training is in preparation for the unit’s rotation to the National Train-
ing Center next month.
May 2012 page 14
Are you financially set to leave the Army?
Sign up today for the Financial Management seminar
to assist with planning for your future. Listen to CSM
(Ret) Romans as he provides tips and information on
how you should prepare to financially transition from
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May 2012 page 15
1st HBCT. “For night fire, the tar-
gets are at different distances and
different in nature than those from
the daytime iteration, so they have
to learn how to engage the targets
differently than how they did in the
By using thermal optical devices
and night sights to help them see,
the crews maneuvered, engaged and
conducted operations to neutralize
targets during a time when they had
low visibility.
Each three-man Bradley crew
used either a Bushmaster 25mm
Automatic Gun, which is the Brad-
ley’s main gun with armor-piercing
and high-explosive capabilities, or
a 240C coaxial machine gun to hit
its targets. To achieve qualification,
each crew had to pass a minimum
of seven out of the 10 engagements,
with at least 700 out of 1,000 over-
all points.
“Becoming a qualified Bradley
crew is normally a six-month pro-
cess, but we started our training and
preparation two months ago, and
this is the culminating point of that
training,” Butler said.
The Soldiers completed fire-
trainer Bradley simulators, class-
room training and Bradley gunnery
skills training, where they learned
about the vehicle and the weaponry
they would operate.
>> cont. from page 10
May 2012 page 16
By Sgt. Kerry Lawson
Senior leaders of the 1st Heavy
Brigade Combat Team, 1st Infan-
try Division, conducted a dining in
May 23 at the Courtyard Junction
City hotel to foster unit cohesion
and reinforce esprit de corps in a
friendly and relaxing atmosphere.
It also gave the newest “Devils”
the opportunity to learn a little of
the history, traditions, and impor-
tance of the dining in.
The dining in, a tradition adopt-
ed from the British military, began
during the 18th century. It was de-
signed to provide the servicemem-
bers an opportunity to honor and
celebrate the battles the unit had
fought in.
The tradition of the dining in
is recognized as an ideal forum to
strengthen and perpetuate the spirit,
professionalism and the soul of the
The tradition has grown and
morphed, Capt. Jerome Petersen,
the brigade’s information opera-
tions officer, said, as a way to bring
together the Army leaders of today.
“With all the changes we’ve had
in leadership, from company level
and up, this dining in is significant
because it allows the old and new-
est members of the brigade to come
together and establish a type of fel-
lowship,” Petersen said. “The bri-
gade as been spread out for a year
and a half (with split deployments
to Iraq and Afghanistan) and I think
this is a good way to celebrate the
brigade’s reestablishment at Fort
While the dining in’s atmo-
sphere was relaxed, there was still
a special set of rules to which the
attendees must adhere. If a group of
officers didn’t wear the correct col-
or of socks, they were required to
dance to “I’m a Little Teapot.” Oth-
er officers, such as Capt. Priscella
Nohle, commander of Company A,
1st Brigade Special Troops Battal-
ion, had to pay for the penalties of
others by donning a Wolverine Hal-
loween mask as she stood guard by
a door.
“Tonight was a great time to
build a good rapport with your fel-
low leaders,” 1st Lt. Johnny Yates,
an intelligence officer with 4th
Squadron, 4th Cavalry Regiment,
said. “This is my first one and I’m
pretty excited to be a part of this.
I’m expecting an upbeat and
wonderful experience from to-
Because of the operational tem-
po, Petersen said the brigade has
gotten away from doing dining ins
and giving its leaders a chance to
socialize and relax.
“This is a window to every-
body’s individuality,” Petersen said.
“It’s nice to sometimes bring the
focus back to the individual and
people we work with everyday in-
stead of being outwardly focused
on our Families, subordinates, job
… This is the time we simply focus
on building and strengthening our
Army Family.”
‘Devil’ Brigade Leaders Conduct Formal Powwow
Sgt. Kerry Lawson| 1st HBCT
Sgt. Kerry Lawson| 1st HBCT
May 2012 page 17
Devils’ Crimes & Punishments
For the month of May:
A Co 1-1 BSTB
Offense: Private absent
himself from his unit and
remained absent in desertion
until apprehended.
Sentence: Reduction to
grade of E1; forfeiture of
$994.00 per month for one
month; confinement for 27
HHC, 2-34 AR
Offense: Wrongful use of
to grade E1; forfeiture of
2/3 pay per month for one
month; confinement for 30
HHT, 4-4 CAV
Offense: Unlawful break-
ing and entering a house
with intent to commit mur-
der; holding a minor against their will; steal-
ing pills ofTylox
Sentence: Reduced to E1; confined for 2
years with credit of 253 days; discharged
with a Bad Conduct Discharge

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December 2012 1ID Fort Riley Monthly News Update
December 2012 1ID Fort Riley Monthly News UpdateDecember 2012 1ID Fort Riley Monthly News Update
December 2012 1ID Fort Riley Monthly News Update

May 2014 Devil's Corner 1HBCT Newsletter

  • 1. Colonel Michael Pappal, com- mander, 1st Heavy Brigade Combat Team, 1st Infantry Division, and Lt. Col. Anthony New, commander, 2nd Battalion, 34th Combined Arms Bat- talion, 1st HBCT, salute the National colors and the battalion’s colors during a pass and review at a change of command ceremony at the Cav- alry Parade Field, May 4, 2012. Lt. Col. New took over command of the battalion from Lt. Col. Christopher P13 / 72nd MAC Launches in Prep of NTC 72nd Mobility Augmentation Company, 1st Eng. Bn., conduct Mine Clearing Line Charge (MICLIC) training. P16 / Dining In Senior leaders of the Devil Brigade conduct a dining in to foster unit cohesion and reinforce esprit de corps. Thanking the troops is harder to do... I consider myself lucky to have walked, driven, fought and air assaulted with them these past two years. - Lt. Col. Chris Kidd “ ” Balancing New Technology Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nexerc tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequatduis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat. IS005 May 2012 EDITION Kidd, who recently led the battalion during its deployment to Afghanistan in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. “In my humble opinion, Dreadnaughts, it is each of you that honor us, the people on this side of the parade field, with you presence, your service, and the sacrifices that you and your Families make every day in defense of freedom around the world,” said Lt. Col. New. P10 / Taking a Fighting Stance Chaos Soldiers qualify on the newest Bradley fighting vehicles, the M2A2 ODS-E, Bradleys with improvements for engineers P9 / Spot on Dreadnaught Soldiers of HHC 2/34 CAB familiarize themselves with their M110 Semi-Automatic Sniper System Rifles.
  • 2. Public Affairs Officer Public Affairs NCOIC 1st Lt. Michael Hogans Staff Sgt. Donald Martin Public Affairs Journalist Public Affairs Journalist/Editor Sgt. Kerry Lawson Sgt. Kandi Huggins 1/1 HBCT FRSA Noel Waterman The ‘Devil’ Brigade 7232 NORMANDY DRIVE FORT RILEY KS 66441 ‘Devil’ PAO Email: Read the Post paper online! KEEP INFORMED AND UPDATED WITH 1ST BRIGADE BY FOLLOWING US ON THESE WEBSITES: 1st Infantry Division and Fort Riley: Click on Units, 1ID Brigades, 1HBCT or just click on this link: Page.aspx?unit=1bct Facebook: vFRG website: Family Members and Approved Personal can also go onto the vFRG and log into their Soldier’s BN’s vFRG site, where more information can be found. 1/1 HBCT Commander Col. Michael Pappal 1/1 HBCT Command Sergeant Major CSM Thomas Kenny
  • 3. 6 DEVIL Devils, I just got done watching the Devil’s Stakes APFT Competi- tion and there were some amaz- ing Soldiers representing their units in good spirits and morale; I look forward to seeing some impressive scores later today. Later this month, we will award a streamer for each event’s first place winner to be attached to their company’s guidon and a streamer for the company that took first place overall. As time progresses, Devil Soldiers will have the opportunity to compete in more Devil’s Stakes events to obtain a streamer as bragging rights of their training, tenac- ity and pride in themselves and their units. Seeing everyone competing to their fullest exemplifies the training I have seen in each and every unit over the past month. Everyone is doing an exception- al job in being proficient in their basic Soldier skills whether it is on the range with a rifle, a pis- tol, a machine gun, or a grenade launcher; in the NBC chamber; in the shoot house; keeping physically fit at PT; turning wrenches; or all the myriad of other training and things you do for the Brigade to run on a daily basis and be prepared to move out and conduct the missions we will be assigned. Charlie BSTB finished an awesome two weeks on the MPRC qualifying their 17 crews on the Bradley, kick- ing off our first large scale crew gunnery and setting the standard for the rest of the Devil crews to beat. Next week I encourage you all to harness all of the collective energy that is flowing throughout the brigade to win the Victory Cup during Victory week. There is no doubt in my mind that our battalions can all finish in the top six places. The weather is nicer now which brings a plethora of the summer activities for everyone to enjoy and relax in when we are not on duty. The decisions you make off duty are a direct reflection of your judgment and reliability as a leader when on duty. Be responsible. Don’t drink alcohol while partaking in water sports. Don’t try to swim beyond your ability. Use life jackets when boating or doing other activities on the water. Wear your seatbelt and make sure everybody in your vehicle wears theirs. Wear sunscreen and drink water when outside for extended periods. The list goes on but in short, be smart, stay safe, and have fun. I am proud of what each of the battalions are accomplish- ing. You all are doing great and getting better. If you need something or something is not working for you, tell your leader. If they cannot help you then go to the next level up in the chain of command. My door is always open if you cannot get an answer elsewhere. If you need help, go get it. If you see someone in need, then get them to help. Every Devil is a valuable member of the team and cannot be allowed to slip through the cracks. Take care of your Soldiers, take care of your equipment, and train hard to high standards as we continue to build the Army’s premier Armored Brigade. No Mission Too Difficult, No Sacrifice Too Great, Duty First!! Devil6
  • 4. DEVIL While summer is a time for fun, it is also a time of increased danger for Soldiers and Family members... “ ” 7 Devils, it’s official: summer- time is upon us. As we enter the season of sunny weather, vacations, barbecues and water sports, the 101 Days of Summer Safety Campaign is to remind all Soldiers, Family members, civilians and the entire Army community to think summer safety through the Labor Day weekend. What pains me is -- not everybody who reads this will make it safely through the summer. While summer is a time for fun, it is also a time of increased danger for Soldiers and Family members with notable increases in off-duty accidental fatalities, especially in automobile acci- dents. The three leading causes of accidental deaths involving automobiles in the Army are speeding, driving unbuckled and driving drunk. ‘Seat belts aren’t cool,’ ‘These cars/motorcycles were meant to be driven fast,’ and ‘I’m young, and I’m going to live my life while I can.’ -- I’ve heard all this before and ul- timately these words can come back to haunt you. There are 101 days of summer, so slow down and enjoy them all. Increased alcohol use throughout the summer, and particularly around major holi- day weekends makes the sum- mer season a very grim time for local law enforcement, emer- gency medical staff, highway safety officials and the friends and Families of those involved in alcohol related incidents. The 101 Days of Summer Campaign encourages everyone to use com- mon sense, be decisive and not let friends drink and drive. If you have been drinking, use a designated driver or call a taxi. Impaired driving is one of the most often committed crimes. According to the National Coun- cil on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, about three in every 10 Americans will be involved in an alcohol-related crash at some time in their lives. The reality is, the roads are dangerous, and as soon as you have your first drink, you have no business being on the road. Not wearing a seat belt is also a big factor in automobile fatalities. Seat belts are the most effective traffic safety device for preventing death and injury, according to National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reports. Wearing a seat belt can reduce the risk of crash inju- ries by 50 percent, and 75,000 people involved in vehicle ac- cidents between 2004-2008 are alive today because they were buckled up, the organization says. As you go about the sum- mer’s activities, remember to slow down, buckle up, take fre- quent breaks on long trips and do not text or drink and drive. I want everyone to look back this Labor Day weekend 2012 and reflect on a great and safe 101 days of summer. No mission too difficult. No sacrifice too great. Duty First. Devil 7
  • 5. Contact Info: CH Peter Dissmore 785-239-2513 Office: 7232 Normandy Drive 24/7 Line: 785-239-HELP (4357) The Killer Lieutenant (1969-1970) He had defied the statistics that measured a second lieutenant’s life expectancy in minutes, not hours. He had entered Vietnam from the farm in Wisconsin and immediately began learning from his old sergeant. He was told if you want to survive this war you have to teach your men not to fear but to take the offensive in battle. He had learned well and became a very successful platoon leader. They had gone on many search and de- stroy missions and the number of enemy they could count as casualties were in the triple digits. Intel said the enemy had nicknamed him the “Killer Lieutenant”. The difference between right and wrong was not always clear. During one inspection, instead of praise, the lieutenant received a chewing. He was very upset. He was tempted to lash out in anger. Then he remembered the little country church back home. He remembered his God, no matter how distant God seemed now. He held his peace, and did the right thing. He was glad he had a moral base to fall back on to help him make the right choice. The young lieutenant left Vietnam and moved back home to the Wisconsin farm. He was a couple of years older than when he joined but he had aged a couple of decades. Mama didn’t seem to understand him any lon- ger. He couldn’t talk with her about his experiences in the jungles of Vietnam. His older brothers understood a little since they had been in the military themselves. Yet this war was different. There were things they could never understand. He drifted through life bound by the things that tore him apart inside. He held it all in, talking very little about it. It drove him to substance abuse. One day he decided to move from the familiar terrain of Wisconsin. He loaded his belongings into his VW bug and headed for New York City. He still kept everything inside of him. He was too proud to admit he needed help as he remained bound by the substances that destroyed him. Tormenting thoughts captured his mind. If only someone with insight could have drawn these thoughts out of him. If only he had been willing to seek the help that he needed. If others would at least learn from his mistakes and talk to somebody - a friend, a chaplain, a leader, a mental health professional. Talking on a regular basis to others who care can help bring healing to the thoughts in our mind. Talk with your buddies and bring resto- ration to your soul. Proverbs 20:5 says: A person’s thoughts are like water in a deep well, but someone with insight can draw them out. LTG Harold G. Moore and Joseph Galloway state in We Were Soldiers Once…And Young, “Those who were, miraculously, unscratched, were by no means untouched. Not one of us left Vietnam the same young man he was when he arrived.” “Those who do not do battle for their country do not know with what ease they accept their citizenship in America.” – Dean Brelis Unit Chaplains Contact Information BDE CH(MAJ) Dissmore 785-239-2513 BSTB CH (CPT) Ball 785-279-6836 BSB CH(CPT) Adriatico 785-239-9530 1-16 CH(CPT) Ball 785-240-3111 2-34 CH (CPT) Isfan 785-240-2444 1-5 CH (CPT) Jung - no number 4-4 CH (CPT) Lesh - no number 1 EN CH (1LT) Sanders 785-240-5972 Build resiliency by attending a Strong Bonds event. Here is a tentative schedule of events: 1-5 1-3 JUN COUPLES 1-16 8-10 JUN COUPLES BSB 22-24 JUN SINGLES BSTB 29 JUN-1 JUL COUPLES
  • 6. Need to contact your Family Readiness Support Assistant? (FRSA) 1-5 FA BarbStanley 785-239-9288 1HBCT NoelWaterman 785-239-2242 1-1 BSTB and HHC, 1HBCT HelenDay 785-240-4337 1-1st ENG RitaBurnett 785-239-4783 4-4 CAV LarindoTritt 785-240-4644 101st BSB HopeStanley 785-239-1772 1-16 IN LizTripp 785-239-6687 2-34 AR JenniderFarinosi 785-240-6728
  • 7. May 2012 page 7 WHAT MAKESYOU STRONG Spc.Robert Spencer Combat Engineer,C Co,1/1 BSTB My wife and two sons make me strong.They’be been my support since I joined Aug.2008. Spc.Brandon Copenhaver RadioTransmitter,B Co,1/1 BSTB My wife and how she supports me. She understand that there is a job and it needs to get done. She’s been my help to get through hard times. Spc.Nathan Hooks Cannon Crew Member,A Btry,1/5 FA I joined the Army because of a proud family tradition and I am proud to uphold that tradition...that makes me strong. Pvt.Derek Lett Scout,CTrp,4/4 CAV The support and encouragement from my family and friends. Sgt.RichardThompson Medic squad leader,HHT 4/4 CAV My family and my Soldiers.My family because of their love and commitment to me and my job;and my Soldiers because of their loyalty and dedication to the mission.
  • 8. May 2012 page 8 Soldier Highlights Chaos Top 5 Bradley Crews Bumper # C13 Vehicle Cmdr: Sgt Holdern Gunner: Spc Davis Driver: Spc Spencer Bumper # C413 Vehicle Cmdr: Sgt Stephens Gunner: Spc Trybus Driver: Spc Radford Bumper # C12 Vehicle Cmdr: Sgt Holdern Gunner: Spc Brown Driver: Pv2 Miao Bumper # C26 Vehicle Cmdr: 2nd Lt Foster Gunner: Spc Andari Driver: Pvt Morris Bumper # C23 Vehicle Cmdr: Sgt Alverez Gunner: Spc Roth Driver:Pv2 Samuel >>>See full story on page 10 5 mile run APFT Competition 1st SGT Parks, E Co, 101st BSB 388 2nd SPC Flores, HHB, 1/5 FA 380 3rd SSG Bridges,A Btry, 1/5 FA 361 4th SPCAguilarmoran C Co, 101st BSB 345 5th SGT Lira, F Co, 2/34 CAB/ 101st BSB 341 6th (T) SPC Matias, HHT, 4/4 CAV & SPCYaure, G Co, 1/5FA/ 101st BSB 340 8th SGT Brown B Co, 1/16 IN 330 9th PFC Noha, C Co, 101st BSB 326 10th Pv2 Sampson, HHC, 101st BSB 325 Obstacle Course 1st LTC Crombie & MAJ Kiser, HHC, 1/16 IN 11:09 2nd CPTWerner & SGT Farr, C Co, 1/16IN 11:35 3rd 1LT Bell & 1LT Bellet, B Co, 1/16IN 11:38 4th SPC Barmun & SPC Matias, HHT 4/4 CAV 13:08 5th SPC Pointer & SPC Redden,A Co 1/16IN 13:10 6th PFC Cerrate & SGT Moore, D Co, 1/16IN 13:58 7th PFC Rich & SGT Postelethweit, BTRP, 4/4 CAV 14:17 8th Pv2 Dowie & SSG Niebels, HHC, 101st BSB 14:38 9th SPC Miner & SPC Peace, B Co, 2/34CAB 14:40 10th PFC Colmery & PFC Davis, C Co, 2/34CAB 14:51 Devil’s Stakes Top 3 Males Top 3 Females Merced, RAFAEL Jeter, KENYA 31:45:00 38:46:00 FCO 2-34 ACO 101 Taylor, WESLEY Oudman 32:32:00 42:17:00 ACO 101 HHC BDE Sampson Herbert, MONICA 33:34:00 42:26:00 HHC 101 CCO 101
  • 9. May 2012 page 9 Spot On Dreadnaughtsnipersrediscoverimportanceoffundamentals Sgt. Donald Martin, 1st HBCT Spc. Alex Herron, team leader, Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 2nd Battalion, 34th Combined Arms Battalion, 1st Heavy Brigade Combat Team, 1st Infantry Division, engages one of 10 targets to qualify on the M110 Semi-Automatic Sniper System Rifles on May 23 at Fort Riley’s Range Six. Soldiers had to hit eight out of 10 targets.“You have to know what you’re doing because working on the fly doesn’t work out here,”Herron said. By Sgt. Kandi Huggins Soldiers from Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 2nd Battal- ion, 34th CombinedArms Battalion, 1st Heavy Brigade Combat Team, 1st Infantry Division, familiarized themselves with their M110 Semi- Automatic Sniper System Rifles on May 22 at Fort Riley’s Range Six. The Soldiers grouped and zeroed their rifles by shooting at blocks on a paper target 100 meters away and conducted spotter drills to reestab- lish their knowledge of the weapon system in preparation for their qual- ifications on May 23. Spotter drills consist of a Soldier shooting at a block, then shooting at another based on the corrections of the spotter sitting next to them. The shooter adjusts his windage and el- evation on the system to get his round where it needs to be. Sgt. Wade Hitchcock, sniper section leader, said it was important for the Soldiers to shoot as often as they could to maintain their funda- mentals of firing the system. “Unlike shooting on a M4 or M16, if the Soldiers don’t use the skills they’ve learned as snipers, those skills will perish,” Hitchcock said. “The basic fundamentals every Soldier learned in basic rifle marks- manship are even more important here.” As snipers, the Soldiers have two jobs: collect data and report what they observe happening on the battlefield and provide long-range discriminatory fire as a method of providing a better solution to a situ- ation. Snipers train in various combat weather and situations to learn how to quickly adapt to any situation, Hitchcock said. With their jobs and a mission’s success depending on that quick- ness and adaptability, he said it was important for snipers to be consis- tent in everything they did because doing one thing different could af- fect their shooting. Any change in the way they breathe while shoot- ing could adjust the elevation level between two shots and the sniper’s target may change. “You have to know what you’re doing because working on the fly doesn’t work out here,” Spc. Alex Herron, team leader, said. “That’s where having a spotter and our data books become essential.” During his recent deployment to Afghanistan, Herron had to rely on his training and those essential fun- damentals to disrupt enemy attacks while his spotter was evacuated af- ter getting shot. “Spotters make it easier for the shooters to know what they are do- ing,” Herron said. “While we’re in the moment of shooting, they quick- ly provide corrections, watch where we’re shooting as well as watch other targets.” Now that they are back home, Herron said he enjoyed going to the range and shooting with his fellow snipers again. “It helps us continue to build more cohesion, with us working with the same guys over and over again,” Herron said. “Here, and in combat, they help us gather more accurate data in order to observe, re- port and if necessary, neutralize the enemy. With them with us, it is like having two guns at one time.” Sgt. Donald Martin, 1st HBCT Sgt. Wade Hitchcock, sniper section leader, Headquarters and Headquar- ters Company, 2nd Battalion, 34th Combined Arms Battalion, 1st Heavy Brigade Combat Team, 1st Infantry Division, prepares to fire his M110 Semi-Automatic Sniper System Rifles on May 23 at Fort Riley’s Range Six.
  • 10. Issue Title / May 2012 page 10 Infant Massage Instruction; 6/5/12 10:00am - noon Designed to guide parents on hwo to mas- sage their own babies (birth to 6 months only please). Emerging Skills in Early Readers; 6/12/12 6:30-8:30 A parent is the child’s first and most important teacher. Come learn how to encourage your child to develop reading skills and what normal development looks like in early literacy. Staying Connected during Deployment; 6/26/12 6:30-8:30 Come learn some simple ideas to help you and your family stay connected during deployment. 24/7 Dad Workship; 8/6 - 8/7/12 9:30am- 4:30pm Location: Bldg 7264/ACS This unique, innovative, and comprehen- sive course is designed to engage fathers and encourage them to become more involved with thier children and families Sgt. Kandi Huggins “Target IDed.” “Driver up.” “Fire!” The tower radios were busy while “Chaos” Soldiers qualified on the newest Bradley fighting vehi- cles May 16 at Fort Riley’s Digital Multi-Purpose Range Complex. Company C, Special Troops Battalion, 1st Heavy Brigade Com- bat Team, 1st Infantry Division used the M2A2 ODS-E, a Bradley with improvements for engineers during the training exercise. “Engineers have a very versa- tile job,” said 1st Sgt. Harold Cole, senior noncommissioned officer, Co. C, STB, 1st HBCT. “Our job is focused on three areas – mobil- ity, counter mobility and survivabil- ity, but with the Soldiers becoming qualified on the Bradleys as engi- neers, they now have the capability Taking a Fighting Stance Parent Enrichment Opportunities Chaos Soldiers expand expertise during Bradley gunnery IMPORTANT INFORMAITON: All classes will be held in Bldg 6620 Normandy Drive, unless otherwise specified. *Free childcare with pre-registration at least one week in advance. Current registration wiht CYSS required! Please call 239-9885 or 239-9435 or email to pre-register or for more information. Sgt. Kandi Huggins | 1st HBCT “Chaos”Soldiers with Co. C, STB, 1st HBCT shoot at a pop-up target as part of their qualification on the M2A2 ODS-E, a Bradley fighting vehicle with Operation Desert Storm-engineer improvements, May 16 at Fort Riley’s Digital Multipurpose Range Complex. The night-fire portion required three- man crews to engage and destroy their targets using thermal optical devices and night sights. to fight in combat.” With the Bradley-engineered ve- hicles, Cole said his company will be able to clear minefields faster, in- crease maneuverability and give the battalion and brigade more assets and options on the battlefield. The end task of the qualification was to have 17 qualified Bradley crews for the “Devil” Brigade to utilize in future deployments and operations. The Soldiers qualified based on the Table Six qualification chart, which consisted of six daytime en- gagements and four nighttime en- gagements. They are all designed to train a Bradley crew to engage sta- tionary and moving targets. “Conducting night fire as part of the qualification allows each crew to use all the capabilities of the Brad- leys,” said Staff Sgt. Harold Butler, vehicle crew evaluator, Co. C, STB, >> cont. page 15
  • 11. May 2012 page 11 Punishers Wreak Havoc Sgt. Kerry Lawson Soldiers of the military po- lice platoon for Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 1st Brigade Special Troops Battalion, 1st Heavy Brigade Combat Team, 1st Infantry Di- vision, conduct rigorous train- ing at Urban Cluster Range 1 at Fort Riley May 3, 2012. Soldiers of the ‘Punishers’ platoon conducted battalion warrior tasks and drills during Operation Robocop in prepa- ration for the Warrior Skills competition May 28, 2012 through June 8, 2012. Gonzalez said in prepara- tion for this competition these Soldiers are being trained sev- eral areas. Some of the ex- ercises are: land navigation, requesting medical evacua- tion, reacting to contact, and searching an individual. “We are responsible for conducting training to the full- est spectrum of our mission essential task list,” said 1st Lt. Yarick Gonzalez, military po- lice platoon leader for HHC, 1st BSTB. “The military po- lice not only half to support combat operations but law and order operations as well. “Mostly we are training for things we need to know and ac- complish within the METL,” said Staff Sgt. Jonathon Ben- nett, third squad leader for the platoon. “These exercises are de- signed to show them how to react to these situations wheth- er it’s on or off a military in- stallation,” Bennett said. “This is important for the Soldiers to know and understand during both peacetime settings and combat operations.” Bennett said the training for the competition allows them to learn from any mistakes, so that when the competition comes there should be little to no mistakes made. “The competition is roughly 14 days long and the Soldiers will stay out in the field the whole time will be held here on Fort Riley,” Gonzalez said. Gonzalez said this will pit the various military occupa- tional specialty squad teams in these tasks and drills. Gonzalez said this competi- tion is an in-house competition within the battalion in which roughly 40 squads will com- pete having 8-12 Soldiers per squad. The competition will also allow us to see how profi- cient these Soldiers are in their tasks and drills. “Each Soldier will be given a piece of paper which will tell them their starting point,” Gonzalez said. “The catch is after you complete one station your next one may be on the opposite end of the maneuver- ing area.” Gonzalez said that the Sol- diers will ruck to each station which roughly about two miles apart. Some stations will have battle drill lanes between that station and the next. Each team will have 36 hours for them to be evaluated in finishing all 10 stations. “Yes we would like to win the competition, but overall we want to see our Soldiers run battle drills with minimal problems occurring,” Gonza- lez said.
  • 12. May 2012 page 12 Guardians with students from Sheridan Elementary School
  • 13. May 2012 page 13 “Soldiers of 72nd MAC launch into preparation for NTC” Sgt. Kery Lawson Soldiers of the 72nd Mobility Augmentation Company, 1st En- gineer Battalion, 1st Heavy Bri- gade Combat Team, 1st Infantry Division, conducted Mine Clearing Line Charge (MICLIC) training at mortar firing point 14, Fort Riley on May 2, 2012. The MICLIC is a rocket- launched string of C4 explosives used to clear minefields often en- countered during combat opera- tions. “This training will get our ju- nior service members some hands on training and experience han- dling this piece of equipment,” 1st Lt. Tim Watts, 2nd Platoon Leader, 72nd MAC. During the training, the compa- ny’s MICLIC carriers moved to a position designated by the maneu- ver commander and the rocket was prepared for firing by a designated Engineer squad. Watts said the training will also let the battalion commander know how each company is com- ing along with their respective training. The commander ensured that the unit conducted their proper preventive maintenance checks and services on the trailer, the electron- ics, and the rocket during this train- ing event. This type of hands-on experi- ence is very rare for Soldiers be- cause the MICLIC is a costly sys- tem to fire. It has been more than a year since 1st Engineer conducted the training. However, Pvt. Rico Ross, a combat engineer with 2nd platoon, said his training experience was a good one. Ross, who has only been with the unit for a month and a half since graduating AIT, said he feels the junior service members are learn- ing a lot. “This is my first time having hands-on training with this particu- lar equipment,” said Ross. “I never worked with the MICLIC when I was in AIT and I welcomed this new experience and training.” Although junior Soldiers such as Ross received a rare opportunity to train with the MICLIC, Watts said the experience also helps the senior leaders remain knowledge- able and competent in their area of expertise. “This training was for our ju- nior Soldiers who I feel will get a lot out of this training, but also working with this particular equip- ment will reiterate the training these team and squad leaders have undergone throughout their ca- reer,” said Watts. “It gives them the opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge and experience on the equipment to their Soldiers.” Sgt. Kerry Lawson l 1st HBCT Soldiers of Charlie Company, 72nd Mobility Augmentation Company, 1st Engineer Battalion, 1st Heavy Brigade Combat Team, 1st Infantry Division, launch the MK22 Mod. 4 rocket off the M58 Mine Clearing Line Charge launching arm during MICLIC training at mortar firing point 14 Fort Riley on May 2, 2012. The training is in preparation for the unit’s rotation to the National Train- ing Center next month.
  • 14. May 2012 page 14 Are you financially set to leave the Army? Sign up today for the Financial Management seminar to assist with planning for your future. Listen to CSM (Ret) Romans as he provides tips and information on how you should prepare to financially transition from the Army. June 6th 1400-1530 Ft. Riley ACAP Main Center 210 Custer Ave. Room 006 785-239-2278 National and Regional Opportunities: Administrative Management Aviation Medical Customer Service Driving Law Enforcement Engineering Logistical Sales Maintenance Plus much more Need more information? Visit or Call 1-678-819-4153 9-10 a.m. Early Candidate Registration Begins 10 a.m. Exhibit Floor Opens & Candi- date Registration Continues Thursday, June 28, 2012 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM Riley’s Conference Center 446 Seitz Drive Fort Riley, KS 66442-4488 Job Fair Information: (678) 819-4153 All military and prior military* may pre-register online at and be matched with companies based on your career and geographical preferences. CAREER EXPO CIVILIAN Where America’s Military Connects With Civilian Careers
  • 15. May 2012 page 15 1st HBCT. “For night fire, the tar- gets are at different distances and different in nature than those from the daytime iteration, so they have to learn how to engage the targets differently than how they did in the daytime.” By using thermal optical devices and night sights to help them see, the crews maneuvered, engaged and conducted operations to neutralize targets during a time when they had low visibility. Each three-man Bradley crew used either a Bushmaster 25mm Automatic Gun, which is the Brad- ley’s main gun with armor-piercing and high-explosive capabilities, or a 240C coaxial machine gun to hit its targets. To achieve qualification, each crew had to pass a minimum of seven out of the 10 engagements, with at least 700 out of 1,000 over- all points. “Becoming a qualified Bradley crew is normally a six-month pro- cess, but we started our training and preparation two months ago, and this is the culminating point of that training,” Butler said. The Soldiers completed fire- trainer Bradley simulators, class- room training and Bradley gunnery skills training, where they learned about the vehicle and the weaponry they would operate. >> cont. from page 10
  • 16. May 2012 page 16 By Sgt. Kerry Lawson Senior leaders of the 1st Heavy Brigade Combat Team, 1st Infan- try Division, conducted a dining in May 23 at the Courtyard Junction City hotel to foster unit cohesion and reinforce esprit de corps in a friendly and relaxing atmosphere. It also gave the newest “Devils” the opportunity to learn a little of the history, traditions, and impor- tance of the dining in. The dining in, a tradition adopt- ed from the British military, began during the 18th century. It was de- signed to provide the servicemem- bers an opportunity to honor and celebrate the battles the unit had fought in. The tradition of the dining in is recognized as an ideal forum to strengthen and perpetuate the spirit, professionalism and the soul of the Army. The tradition has grown and morphed, Capt. Jerome Petersen, the brigade’s information opera- tions officer, said, as a way to bring together the Army leaders of today. “With all the changes we’ve had in leadership, from company level and up, this dining in is significant because it allows the old and new- est members of the brigade to come together and establish a type of fel- lowship,” Petersen said. “The bri- gade as been spread out for a year and a half (with split deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan) and I think this is a good way to celebrate the brigade’s reestablishment at Fort Riley.” While the dining in’s atmo- sphere was relaxed, there was still a special set of rules to which the attendees must adhere. If a group of officers didn’t wear the correct col- or of socks, they were required to dance to “I’m a Little Teapot.” Oth- er officers, such as Capt. Priscella Nohle, commander of Company A, 1st Brigade Special Troops Battal- ion, had to pay for the penalties of others by donning a Wolverine Hal- loween mask as she stood guard by a door. “Tonight was a great time to build a good rapport with your fel- low leaders,” 1st Lt. Johnny Yates, an intelligence officer with 4th Squadron, 4th Cavalry Regiment, said. “This is my first one and I’m pretty excited to be a part of this. I’m expecting an upbeat and wonderful experience from to- night.” Because of the operational tem- po, Petersen said the brigade has gotten away from doing dining ins and giving its leaders a chance to socialize and relax. “This is a window to every- body’s individuality,” Petersen said. “It’s nice to sometimes bring the focus back to the individual and people we work with everyday in- stead of being outwardly focused on our Families, subordinates, job … This is the time we simply focus on building and strengthening our Army Family.” ‘Devil’ Brigade Leaders Conduct Formal Powwow Sgt. Kerry Lawson| 1st HBCT Sgt. Kerry Lawson| 1st HBCT
  • 17. May 2012 page 17 Devils’ Crimes & Punishments For the month of May: A Co 1-1 BSTB Offense: Private absent himself from his unit and remained absent in desertion until apprehended. Sentence: Reduction to grade of E1; forfeiture of $994.00 per month for one month; confinement for 27 days HHC, 2-34 AR Offense: Wrongful use of marijuana Sentence:Reduction to grade E1; forfeiture of 2/3 pay per month for one month; confinement for 30 days HHT, 4-4 CAV Offense: Unlawful break- ing and entering a house with intent to commit mur- der; holding a minor against their will; steal- ing pills ofTylox Sentence: Reduced to E1; confined for 2 years with credit of 253 days; discharged with a Bad Conduct Discharge