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Wolfpack Dispatch
Vol 1, Issue 3

      FOB Salerno, Afghanistan
             Christmas Edition

                             December 2011
Dear Families and Friends of the Wolfpack,
We hope you enjoy the third edition of the Wolfpack Dispatch,
our unit newsletter from Afghanistan. The intent of this publication is to
keep everyone on the home front up to date with the unit activities at FOB
The Wolfpack continues to be exceptionally busy, and December was
another thirty days that flew by. We surely missed our families and friends
on the home front over the holidays, but sincerely appreciated the literally
TONS of stocking stuffers, decorations, cookies and cakes, decorations,
and holiday music and movies. The support of everyone back home has
been absolutely fantastic and is the strongest I have seen for a deployed
unit. We almost became overwhelmed by the number and size of boxes
and holiday wishes from home. Thank you FRG and friends of the
The weather here is still pretty nice. It is cold in the late evening and early
morning and pleasant during the day. The relatively clear skies have kept
us flying 24 hours a day without respite. We are not complaining - this is
what we all deployed to Afghanistan to accomplish. Task Force Wolfpack,
along with the entire 82nd Combat Aviation Brigade team, continue on a
record setting pace of flight hours and support to ground forces. We are all
proud to be part of such a remarkable unit.
All the Way, Airborne!
LTC John M. Cyrulik
Commander, Task Force Wolfpack
Wolf 6
Happy Birthday
             CSM Inniss
          From the TF WOLFPACK Family

Task Force Wolfpack surprised CSM Inniss with a birthday

cake presented by SGT Evans.
Dear Wolfpack Families,

         December has been a busy and interesting month. First of all, we would like to send
out a special thank you to the Wolfpack FRG. Your hard work and dedication produced a
homemade stocking filled with goodies for every Soldier in the Task Force. For that, we are
truly thankful.

         Dec. 10, we had the pleasure of witnessing a total lunar eclipse. The rare event
began at 6:16pm and grabbed the attention of all that exited their doors that evening. The weather was great for viewing
the celestial event as the skies were clear and air was cool. The moon appeared to be close enough to reach out and grab as
it neared its peak of totality at 07:36pm with several Soldiers viewing it from the rooftops. A little over two hours after its
peak, the eclipse came to an end at 09:48pm.

        The December Soldier of the Month and NCO of the Month Board proved to be a challenge for several of our
Wolfpack Soldiers. Our winners, SSG Paul Austin and SPC Crystal Brown, were chosen to compete at the Brigade
Trooper/NCO of the Quarter Competition at Bagram Airfield. SPC Brown fared well, but didn’t come out on top. SSG
Austin didn’t return from his well deserved R&R in time to compete, but we are confident that he will make another
appearance in the future. Kudos goes out to these two Soldiers from Delta Company.

        Brigadier General Volesky visited FOB Salerno to present the Combat Action Badge to two deserving aviators as
well as CJTF-1 coins to three dedicated maintainers. 1LT Curtis Dotson and CW2 Erik Schuster received CAB’s. Their
actions above the battlefield saved the lives of several Soldiers and was instrumental in the mission success of the ground
force commander. The recipients of the CJTF-1 coins were SGT T.J. Madden, SPC Michael Carter and SPC Ricardo
Gonzalez. Their daily maintenance expertise keep our aircraft flying and the Soldiers on the ground safe.

        Our own CSM Kirk Inniss celebrated his birthday in a surprising fashion. After the conclusion of a farewell dinner
for Cowboy Dustoff, a birthday cake by LTC Cyrulik and MAJ McQuown was presented to CSM Inniss. CSM Inniss
humbly spoke about getting older and challenged all of the Soldiers half of his age to excel physically and be model

        We would like to send our farewell wishes to Cowboy Dustoff (MEDEVAC Company) as well as TF Duke. All of
your hard work and dedication to the mission has not gone unnoticed. Dustoff has been the saving grace for countless
Soldiers and has performed their mission in the most austere conditions. Thank you for never leaving a fallen comrade. TF
Duke has been the guiding force behind operations in our part of RC-East and has conducted hundreds of ground
operations. They have made Eastern Afghanistan a safer place and will be missed.

        Last, during this month in 1962, 1st Battalion 82nd Aviation was activated at Fort Bragg, North Carolina as
Company A, 82nd Aviation Battalion, an element of the 82nd Airborne Division. A Co assets significantly increased the
Division's mission capabilities and provided a highly mobile and responsive source of combat power to the Division
Commander. The unit first saw combat in the Republic of Vietnam and A Co became known as the "Wolfpack" adopting
the name as its call sign.

        Thank You for your support-you are in our hearts.

        Until next month,

        PFC Erin M. Dierschow, TF Wolfpack PAO

                                                                   Photo taken courtesy of 1LT Dan Liebetreu on 10 Dec. 2011
December Issue
                                                                 Cowboy DustOff
          Great Moments
“I’m going to miss the gym.”                        -On the radio, “Morphine 06, this is Shark 6, I
                                                    need you to come get an ear plug out of my
“I’m going to miss the gravel.”                     ear.” -On 2 separate occasions.
“I’m going to miss the big birds.”

”10 year supply girl scout cookies that we have
not gotten to the bottom of.”

“Nebraska belt buckle.”

“Russ Graham’s 45 packages a day and his
100lb box of Beanie Babies.”

“Listening to Mr. Oelrich run into a gator in the
middle of the night, the sound he made.”

“Practical jokes’, freezing SPC Buettner’s I.D.
card in cherry-flavored Jell-O.”
“Losing a sked on an urgent medevac mission
(no ones life was compromised due to the loss
of the sked, there was a back up).”
“pilots saying things they do not know the          -On the radio “Shark 6, what are his vitals?”
meaning of, for ex: LZ is cherry”                   “Pilot flying around with a pretty female CPT
“Accidentally taking a shower in the female         3km from Wilderness gets a chip light and sets
shower upon arrival (no one was violated            it down in the Wadi.”
during the accidental incident and there are
now coded locks on every shower and latrine
on the installation).”

“There is no dancing on the FOB, ‘HEY

-On the radio, “Anyone that calls themselves a
Cowboy, this is Tigershark 6.” In response,
“I’m a cowboy”.

“SFC Kowlok’s face while eating a piece of
crystallized ginger.”

“Watching another soldier eat 2 tubs of frosting
over $20.00,”                                    “Cowboy butts drive me nuts”

Farewell From Cowboy Dustoff

From Cowboy Dustoff...

  Cowboy Dustoff's time on deployment is getting short. We welcomed our
replacements, F/5-159th Devil Ray Dustoff (Army Reserve from Clearwater, Florida)
about a week ago. We were so happy to see them, we had a cheering section by our
command post as the Devil Ray's main body arrived. We have been training them up on the MEDEVAC mission
here at Salerno, and the Devil Rays are doing well and learning quickly. You will be hearing from their
commander, CPT Daneault, in the next Wolfpack newsletter.

Here's a recap of the accomplishments of Cowboy Dustoff over the last 10 months on Active Duty:

  January, 2011, Cowboy Dustoff is mobilized in Cheyenne, WY. We moved to Ft Hood, Texas, on 13 January for
post-mobilization training, and started moving to Afghanistan around the second week of March. On 23 March
2011, Cowboy Dustoff assumed the MEDEVAC mission from Witchdoctor Dustoff of the West Virginia Army
National Guard. Since then, we have flow over 1000 hours on three UH-60 aircraft performing the combat
MEDEVAC mission in Eastern Afghanistan. The Cowboys have transported about 650 patients, with half of those
patients critically wounded that would had not have survived without rapid transport to the medical treatment
facility, while our flight medics performed lifesaving medical care en route. We will be done with our mission
around the first part of January, and will be headed back to Ft Hood, Texas, to de-mobilize. We will be at Ft Hood
about a week, then will be going on terminal leave and will return back to our homes. The Cowboys are spread
out, and have homes in Wyoming, Colorado, Nebraska, and Kansas. Our team will be conducting monthly
weekend drills for a stabilization period of 90 days. After the stabilization time, some of the Cowboys will be
moving on to different assignments within the State and National Guard Bureau, and some of the Cowboys will be
going back into Charlie Company to continue their MEDEVAC career.

  Cowboy Dustoff is privileged to have the opportunity to work as a part of the Wolfpack team. TF Wolfpack has
provided excellent support to the Cowboys over the past three months. Thanks to TF Wolfpack for all they have
done over the past three months! Thanks to the Devil Rays for relieving us and taking on the extremely important
MEDEVAC mission here at Salerno. Good flying and best of luck to TF Wolfpack and their new Devil Ray
Dustoff MEDEVAC team!

LTC Dane Rodgers
December Issue                                  RedHawks

Happy Holidays from FOB Salerno. Despite our expectations, December
has been a great month for flying over the beautiful scenery of North
Eastern Afghanistan. We are taking advantage while we can and
conducting training flights along with our daily missions. We continue to
fly more hours per airframe than any other OEF predecessor.

SPC Kurt Jamrus’ hard work got him recognized by LTC Cyrulik as being
the “Maintainer of the Week.” SPC Kurt Jamrus received an Army
Achievement Medal for his mission dedication and work ethic.

We said farewell to two outstanding officers. CPT Kiel Towns and CPT
Joel Duque-Estrada both left the Redhawks in order to fill positions as Staff

We also welcomed 1LT Benjamin Winner and the incoming Commander,
CPT Christopher Rossi.

Seeing as this will be the last newsletter that I write as Redhawk 6, I would
like to thank all of you for your support during my command. It has been
an honor to lead your troopers in combat.

All The Way,

CPT Jesse Hill

Redhawk 6

December Issue
     This is the time every year, where families get together and celebrate the
various winter holidays. Since we can’t be with our families this year, we look to
our brothers and sisters in arms for support during this time when we want to be
at home with our families.
     I guess you can say that our stockings are hanging with care as we received
a very generous gift of individually named stockings for each of us from the
generous folks at Stockings for Soldiers–Delaware, and of course our very own
FRG. These wonderful people prepared more than 85 stockings for the Soldiers
of HHC to help them with a little holiday spirit in Afghanistan.
         For Christmas, our very own Chaplain Shenton gave a Christmas Day
service as well as a joint Christmas Eve Service that many waited with
anticipation to attend.
     Congratulations are in order as SPC Andrea Clausell was inducted into the
NCO Corps. Her hard work and dedication paid off, and we look forward to
seeing her grow as a leader.
     I would like to take a moment to highlight the efforts of a whole lot of sweat
and hard work from the Soldiers of HHC. Many of us have been getting and
keeping ourselves physically fit, despite our busy schedules and crazy hours. All
of this hard work has paid off, and it is with pride that I announce that we have
raised our Company’s PT score average by 50 points and have dropped a total of
70 inches and approximately 350 lbs! A few of our Soldiers have already made
it back from R&R and it seems that the average time it is taking for Soldiers to
get home is 5 days.
         A big THANK YOU goes out to our wonderful FRG for our beautiful
Christmas tree and decorations!! It definitely helped to make it seem more like
the holidays.

Until next time….take care of each other,
CPT Alicia Stahlberg– GW06
1SG Nathan Mahaney– GW07

“You cannot dream yourself into a character; you must hammer and forge
yourself one.”-Henry David Thoreau
“Without sweat and toil no work is made perfect.”-Latin proverb

December Issue
Roughneck Friends and Family,                     We are grateful to the people who have
     The Holiday season came to Alpha Troop gone out of their ways to make our daily lives
faster than any of us expected, bringing with and the Christmas season special with
it the arrival of some new pilots from Fort   bountiful amounts of care packages. We all
Bragg, 1LT Mike Phillips and CW2 Adam         appreciate the gifts and treats from all the
Epley. Mike hails from the Merchant Marine families and friends of our Troopers that
Academy, and is obviously confused about      bring us a little bit of home. We’d especially
how he ended up here; while Adam is a         like to thank the Nail and Wetzel families, the
former Air Defense Artilleryman looking to    Martins, Pfirrmans, Kawoczkas, Kruegers,
finally do “real” army work. While we         Henrys, Clarks, DeMiccos, Imhoffs,
greeted them, we also welcomed back SPC             Callaghans, Bill Nelson and our friends at
Delwin Cosmo Samuelson, who hit the                 HBO, the American Foreign Legion, the
ground running and jumped right into our fast       Veterans of Foreign Wars, the Knights of
paced twenty-four hour maintenance. They            Columbus, and the Rockingham Wesleyan
arrived just in time to catch the beginning of      Church, NC. Also, special props to Lacey
the incentive flight program, which lets our        Ash and her entire office for the awesome
crew chiefs and other non-aviators participate      banana bread. Thanks to you all, the troop has
in flights with pilots near the airfield, getting   been able to decorate the office, stuff
a feel for the aircraft, a new                      stockings, and drive ourselves crazy
perspective on Salerno, and an understanding        wondering what’s in the mystery boxes
of what driving a convertible with the top          (“What’s in the BOX?!”).
down in Alaska must feel like.                         We appreciate the outstanding support
    This month we had a Non-Commissioned            and continued encouragement that you
Officer induction ceremony and celebrated           provide, and we thrive on knowing that you
the promotion of SGT Zachary Zochol and             are behind us and give us our drive and
SGT Venkata Satram to E-5. These guys have          purpose. ROUGHNECK Troop succeeds
done a phenomenal job leading and motivat-          because of the families and the great soldiers
ing the troop and we’re happy to recognize          who comprise it, and I am daily humbled and
their achievements. We look forward to more         honored to serve with them.
great work from them. We would also like to
congratulate SFC Robbin Kadish on his               David Krueger
selection for promotion to Master Sergeant.         Roughneck 26
     We’re excited to continue sending some
of our boys on leave, letting them recharge
and spend time with family in the States.
From those of us who are taking our leave a
bit later, we wish you all a Merry Christmas
and know that you’re in our daily thoughts.
We wish our friends and families the best as
we all enjoy the Holidays.

December Issue
          Alpha Company REDWOLVES                             When asked, how do you feel about
would like to say thank you to all of the           the Iraq war being over, a REDWOLF pilot
families, friends and supporters for the Thanks-    responded “I feel what I did there made a
giving Day treats and decorations. With all your    difference in that country.”
support, the REDWOLVES had a great
Thanksgiving holiday. It is always nice to be              With Christmas almost upon us, the
served turkey dinner by the Task Force          REDWOLVES would like to thank our
Commander and Sergeant Major.                   families, friends, FRG, and all of the supporters
                                                for the Christmas treats and decorations. Thanks
          Even with holiday season upon us, the to all of you, we have a nicely decorated tree
operational tempo has not slowed down one bit. with delicious cookies underneath it. The
The pilots and crew chiefs are working around REDWOLVES motivation is at an all time high
the clock to keep Apaches in the air to support due to the number of care packages we have
the ground forces.                              received. A special thanks to Mrs. Sickler for all
                                                the delicious salsa. The REDWOLVES would
          The month of December brought us a like to wish everyone back at home a very
new ground unit to FOB Salerno. We will be      Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
saying goodbye to TF Duke and welcoming
Task Force Spartan. This will give the RED-     CPT Robert Sickler
WOLVES another opportunity to show another
unit that we are the best Apache Company in     REDWOLF 06
the Army.

          One soldier in particular is showing
just how tough and motivated the RED-
WOLVES are. SSG William Rivard, 1st
Platoon Sergeant, suffered a broken arm this
month, but continues to work at a pace that
would be tough with two arms. This just goes to
show how mentally and physically tough the
REDWOLVES are. We would like to con-
gratulate SPC Franklin Perry for receiving
                                                             Miranda Isabelle Morales
Maintainer of the week for the first week of
December. The REDWOLVES would like to
announce our newest Pilot in Command,
Captain Kyle Tomasino. We would also like to
welcome a new edition to the REDWOLF
family, SPC Morales was blessed last month
with a new baby girl, Miranda Isabelle Morales.

          With most of the REDWOLF aviators
being on their first deployment as pilot, they
continue to show their skill and maturity in
dealing with the difficult flying conditions that
Afghanistan has to offer. Due to excellent
maintenance and accident free flying, the
REDWOLVES have completed every mission
asked of them.

          Speaking about completing missions,
December brings the official end to the war in
Iraq. With many REDWOLVES also seeing
deployments to Iraq, this month brings a
moment to reflect on accomplishments
REDWOLVES have made in Iraq.

December Issue
  Happy Holidays from the Members of           It is certainly an exciting time for B
B Co 7-158th Aviation Regiment.              Co 7-158th. We continue to work hard
While it is not comparable to being          through the holiday season with the
home with our loved ones, we find            thoughts and prayers for our loved ones
solace amongst our fellow Soldiers           back home. We look forward to coming
during the Holidays. Many of us are          home soon and seeing the smiling faces
marking the Holiday season as a last         that we know so well.
major time hurdle before coming home
which in of itself, makes the holidays a
very joyful event. To add to the             CPT Christopher M. Ruff
pleasant atmosphere, leadership is be-
ginning to plan the demobilization proc-     ZEPPELIN 06
ess. The light at the end of the tunnel is
definitely coming into view and we
look forward to being back with you
every day.

  We continue to remain very busy
carrying out the missions we are
assigned. Presently, 1st Infantry Divi-
sion, Duke Brigade is moving out of our
Area of Operation and is being replaced
by 25th ID Spartan Brigade. We are
responsible for moving the troops in
and out of the outer lying Forward
Operations Bases (FOBs) back to
Salerno for their preparation to go
home. Staying busy is the trick to
making time go by faster, so we
embrace the challenge whole heartedly.
We continue to effectively support the
Special Operation missions as well. We
know that the 82nd Aviation Brigade
Command appreciates our enthusiasm
for the missions they assign to us.

  One of the greatest morale enhancers
in Army Aviation is awarding unit and
individual medals. Our leadership team
is currently creating and submitting
paperwork for a Unit award that every
Soldier will be able to honorably wear.
The majority of Soldiers that deployed
will receive individual awards for the
hard work and sacrifices they made.

December Issue
  Delta Company would like to start this    Soldiers to the rank of Sergeant. SPC
month’s news letter by wishing all of       Covarrubias, and SPC Ghimire joined
our family and friends back in the states   the ranks of the NCO Corps. For their
a Merry Christmas and a Happy New           outstanding maintenance support and
Year. The Timberwolves continue to          technical expertise, SPC Hogan
provide outstanding maintenance             received the Army Achievement Medal.
support to the Task Force. The Timber-      SPC Brown won the Battalion Soldier
wolves have had a productive month          of the Month Board, and will represent
with our Soldiers receiving awards,         the Task Force at the 82nd CAB Soldier
getting promoted, and winning boards.       of the Quarter Board.

  We would like to thank all of the           Joining the Timberwolves family are
families and friends for the support that   SGT Bloodworth from Fort Hood, TX
they have been giving to their deployed     and SPC Howard from Fort Stewart,
troopers. Thank you to Janet Cox,           GA. Both soldiers are currently
Bobbie Kiser, and Valerie Chisnell for      working in the Tech Supply section.
the handmade blankets that they sent        We would like to say good bye to SGT
out to some of our Soldiers. Thank you      Rubothin and SPC Brough, both
to Alison White for her continued work      troopers have redeployed back to the
as the D Company FRG Leader. To all         states to start their clearing process to
of our family members who continue to       get out of the Army.
send care packages we thank you so
much, and please continue to support        CPT Kirk K. Shands
your Soldiers.
                                            TimberWolf 06

  Congratulations go out this month to
several of the Timberwolves.
Congratulations are in order to SFC
Stewart and SFC Lendeborg for making
the list to Master Sergeant. Stewart and
Lendeborg are both outstanding NCOs,
and the promotions are well deserved.
Additionally, SGT Austin and SGT
Thow were promoted to the rank of
Staff Sergeant. We also promoted two

December Issue
LONEWOLF FAMILY AND FRIENDS Assistance Force in supporting the
                                             Government of the Islamic Republic of
Greetings and salutations from the           Afghanistan.
Lonewolves! Upon the completion of a
third of the deployment, we along with the I would like to hail PV2 Jeremy Phynon
rest of Task Force Wolfpack are doing well. (92L Petroleum Laboratory Specialist),
The company’s overall morale remains high SGT Heather Gibson, SSG Eric Decker,
as we spend a majority of our “off time”     PV2 Andrace Jones (89B Ammunition
watching movies, working out, taking         Specialist), and the incoming company
college courses to further our educations,   commander, CPT Michael Simmons and all
and sharing stories with one another; build- of their families to the Lonewolves.
ing the esprit-de-corps within the company. Additionally, I would like to welcome the
                                             newest Lonewolf babies: Kolsyn
The winter is officially here. We are        Almendariz, the son of Kellie and SPC
starting to see the temperature plummet in Gahman, and Destiny Marie Knox, the
the first days of December. The highs are    daughter of Christiane and SGT Knox.
around 72 degrees and the low is a wintry    Welcome to the world!
33 degrees Fahrenheit. The snow has
begun to pileup on the mountain peaks and As I relinquish command after 18 months, I
the frost is coming out of the Soldiers’     would like to thank all of the Lonewolves
mouths.                                      and their families for their steadfast loyalty
                                             and dedication. The successes we have been
The Troopers are continuously staying        fortunate to experience are a direct result of
busy. Headquarters Platoon has been          the extraordinary effects of our outstanding
completing administrative actions and        Troopers and leaders. To my FRG team,
receiving/distributing the wealth of mail    you truly understand that the strength of the
during the holiday season. From the start,   Nation is our Army; the strength of our
our Distribution Platoon has been setting    Army is our Soldiers; the strength of our
records by refueling 3,000 aircraft, issuing Soldiers is our Families. I salute you all and
more than 700,000 gallons of fuel, and       wish you the best as you continue on with
issuing thousands of tons of ammunition.     your rendezvous with destiny.
The Maintenance Platoon has been
conducting scheduled and un-scheduled        Airborne, All the Way!
maintenance on over 65 vehicles and
providing FOB security, ensuring a safe and CPT Scovell
secure work environment.                     Lonewolf 06
As a team we have
unrelentingly stayed focus on
the mission in support of full
spectrum aviation operations
in order to expand stability
and security, neutralize
insurgent forces, and assist
International Security

        Listed below are the Troopers who were promoted, received an award,
        or reenlisted. Below those are our Troopers with recent Birthdays!

         Promoted                                           Awarded
  SSG Austin, Paul                    Army Achievement Medal          Task Force Wolfpack
                                                                      NCO of the Month
  SSG Thow, Pia                       CPT Duque Estrada, Paul
  SGT Adzoble, Koku                                                   SGT Austin, Paul
                                      CPT Towns, Kiel
  SGT Clausell, Andrea
  SGT Covarrubias, John               CPT Derda, Lukaz
  SGT Ghimire, Arun                                                   Task Force Wolfpack
                                      1LT Roberts, Brett              Soldier of the Month
  SGT Satram, Venkata
  SGT Zochol, Zachary                 SGT Way, Patrick                SPC Brown, Crystal
  SPC Allen, Paris                    SPC Adams, David
  SPC Brown, Raymond
                                      SPC Hogan, Jessica              Commanding General Coin
  SPC Burt, Ryan
  SPC Taber, Daniel                   SPC Holder, Robert              SGT Madden, TJ
  PFC Acosta, Elysse
                                      SPC Forgotch, Kelly             SPC Carter, Michael
  PFC Guttierez, Jose
  PFC Khounborinh, Justin             SPC Franklin, Perry             SPC Gonzalez, Ricardo
  PFC Olson, Brandon                  SPC Jamrus, Kurt
  PFC Stewart, Delano
                                      SPC Mann, Brandon               Combat Action Badge
  PFC Watkins, Ronald
                                      SPC Murdock, Lucas              1LT Dotson, Curtis
                                      SPC Pabo, Lanupakai             CW2 Schuster, Erik
                                      PFC Watkins, Ronald

                                   Happy Birthday!!
PFC Broome, Earnest           SPC Sanders, Damian               SSG Pirlot, Daniel
PFC Brown, Raymond            SGT Brandenburg, Ricky            SSG Tann, Victoria
PFC Patrick, Donald           SGT Burke, Stephen                SSG Tune, John
PFC Paynter, Austin           SGT Busanet, Monica               SSG Whight, Benjamin
SPC Atencio, Thomas           SGT Gamble, Terrance              SFC Khoonsrivong, Alex
SPC Buwalda, John             SGT Jackson, Seandale             1SG Edwards, Kelvin
SPC Chan, Jonathan            SGT Joseph, Syria                 CSM Inniss, Kirk
SPC Durham, Michael           SGT McCaskill, Chad               CW2 Hoover, Griffin
SPC Efurd, Jesse              SGT Roberts, Lakisha              CW2 Hunt, Jon
SPC Gomez, Bridgett           SGT Sullivan, Adam                CW2 Lambert, Edward
SPC Hardy, Kevin              SGT Thow, Pia                     CW2 Saylor, Barrye
SPC Leffler, Gregory          SGT Zabala, Ismael                CW2 Uber, Jacob
SPC McDonald, Eric            SSG Frederick, Rasheek            CW3 Meads, Byron
SPC Ochs, Daniel              SSG Gille, Brian                  CW4 Erdmann, Brandon
SPC Pentycoffe, Aubrey        SSG Kowlok, John                  1LT Liebetreu, Daniel
SPC Rogers, Nathan            SSG Maldonado, Jose               CPT Vance, Jeffrey
35F Intelligence Analyst
Reenlisted for 4 years


         Grace and peace from the Wolfpack                         God So Loved the World
Religious Support Team. Praise God for his continued
blessing and protection on us each and every day.           Our Father up in heaven, long, long years ago,
          Some ministry highlights since our last                  Looked down in His great mercy
correspondence include a spirit-filled Thanksgiving
                                                                         upon the earth below
Day service which included tremendous worship
through song, prayer, testimony and thanksgiving.                   And saw the folks were lonely
Pastor Ferguson, of the Gospel service, brought us an                   and lost in deep dispair,
inspiring message. Furthermore, we continue our way
reading through the Bible at the E100 Bible study on              And so He said, “I’ll send My Son
Monday and Thursday nights. We are just about                          to walk among them there
through the Book of Exodus. We have also shown two
                                                                    So they can hear him speaking
of Lee Strobel’s movies, “The Case for Faith” and “The
Case for the Creator.” Wednesdays during lunch we                     and feel His nearness, too,
gather for our midweek prayer meeting and fellowship.      And see the many miricles that faith alone can do.
We continually offer prayers for all you back home.
                                                                     For I know it will be easier to
          As week look forward to Christmas, we have a
full complement of services to accommodate all faith                    believe and understand
traditions. Although I will greatly miss worshiping with            If man can see and talk to Him
my family and friends back at Ft. Bragg, I am excited
                                                                      and touch his healing hand.”
about leading our collective Christmas Eve and Chapel
Next Christmas Day services here. I am expecting                    So whenever we have troubles
nothing less than a mighty work of God across our                   and we’re overcome with cares,
                                                                  We can take it all to Jesus, for He
                                                                      Understands our prayers.
                                                                           ~Helen Steiner Rice

                                                                              Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year!
                                                                                        Chaplain Shenton

        Every month each 1SG picks an outstanding Trooper to represent
        his Company/Troop.
C/5-159, SPC Wendt, Jesse
MOS: 15N – Avionics Mechanic
Hometown: Minneapolis, MN
SPC Wendt has a daughter
Q. What recreational activities do you participate in here on
FOB Salerno
A. Lift weights and Skype with my fiancé and other family rela-
Q. What do you like most about this deployment?
A. The fact that I get to do my Army job everyday and not just
drill weekends.
Q. What is your opinion of FOB Salerno?
A. It is a great FOB for a first time deplorer.
Q. How does your MOS impact this deployment?
A. I help maintain aircraft for the MEDEVAC missions.

3 Goals for Deployment
Educational – “Become a better poker player”
Professional – “Have a better understanding of my MOS”
Personal – “Go home in one piece”

                                                           HHC/1-82, Tiffany Rupp
                                                           MOS: 92Y – Supply Specialist
                                                           Hometown: South Bend, IN
                                                           SPC Rupp has a husband and two sons
                                                           Q. What recreational activities do you participate in here on FOB Salerno
                                                           A. I focus on my education and Skype with my family.
                                                           Q. What do you like most about this deployment?
                                                           A. The experience and the extra pay.
                                                           Q. What is your opinion of FOB Salerno?
                                                           A. From what I’ve seen and heard, Salerno is the resort of Afghanistan. I can’t complain.
                                                           Q. How does your MOS impact this deployment?
                                                           A. 92Ys ensure that needed equipment and supplies are on hand and available.
                                                           This not only contributes to success in completing missions, but also boosts mo-

                                                           3 Goals for Deployment
                                                           Educational – “Complete my bachelor’s degree in Psychology”
                                                           Professional – “Earn my promotion to SGT and work on my OCS packet”
                                                           Personal – “Communicate as much as possible with my family, especially my boys.
                                                           Improve physical fitness.”

A/1-17, SGT Sutton, Brandon “Pug”
MOS: 15S - Crewchief
Hometown: Dallas, TX
SGT Sutton is married with no kids.
Q. What recreational activities do you participate in here on FOB Salerno
A. Go to church (everyone is invited), go to the gym, play basketball, and hang out
with other Soldiers in the Troop.
Q. What do you like most about this deployment?
A. Hanging out with the guys.
Q. What is your opinion of FOB Salerno?
A. Not bad. It has a nice gym and the chow is pretty good.
Q. How does your MOS impact this deployment?
A. 2 Scoops.

3 Goals for Deployment
Educational – “Study for A & P”
Professional – “Advance in career by getting a promotion”
Personal – “Have a Christ like influence on my guys (Troopers), 2 Scoops”

                                                                     A/1-82, Perry Franklin
                                                                     MOS: 15R – Attack Helicopter Repairer (Crew chief)
                                                                     Hometown: Lexington, NC
                                                                     SPC Franklin is married and has a son due in March.
                                                                     Q. What recreational activities do you participate in here on FOB
                                                                     A. Go to the gym.
                                                                     Q. What do you like most about this deployment?
                                                                     A. That I am deployed with people I enjoy being around.
                                                                     Q. What is your opinion of FOB Salerno?
                                                                     A. It’s my second time here and I would rather be here than any other
                                                                     Q. How does your MOS impact this deployment?
                                                                     A. It has one of the biggest impacts for AH-64’s by helping to
                                                                     provide protection for the ground guys and locating IED

                                                                     3 Goals for Deployment
                                                                     Educational – “Take online courses and get ASE certified”
                                                                     Professional – “Develop as a leader and earn the respect and
                                                                      confidence of others”
                                                                     Personal – “Get Swole”

A/2-82, CPT Hill, Jesse
                                                    MOS: 15B - UH-60M Pilot
                                                    Hometown: Centerville, TN
                                                    CPT Hill is single
                                                    Q. Awards you have received?
                                                    A. Bronze Star, Air Medal, Arcom, AAM, CAB, AV Badge, Parachuters
                                                    Q. What recreational activities do you participate in here on FOB
                                                    A. Working out, Flying.
                                                    Q. What do you like most about this deployment?
                                                    A. That I am in Command
                                                    Q. What do you like least about this deployment?
                                                    A. That beside the fact we are an assault company we are conducting
                                                    V.I.P. missions.
                                                    Q. What is your opinion of FOB Salerno?
                                                    A. Is not Bagram and the facilities are more operable.
                                                    Q. How does your MOS impact this deployment?
                                                    A. As a Black Hawk Company Commander we enable COL Toner to
                                                    conduct Battle Field Circulation on a daily basis enabling him to engage
                                                    his leaders.

                                                    3 Goals for Deployment
                                                    Educational – “Apply to Embry Riddle in Arizona next fall and get a
                                                    Masters in Aeronautical Safety”.
                                                    Professional – “Lead Company from the front and set the example for
                                                    my Soldiers physically and professionally”.
                                                    Personal – “Do more muscle ups than CW3 Lindgren”.

B/7-158, SPC Clark, Arthur
MOS:19D – Calvary Scout
Hometown: Omaha, NE
SPC Clark is single
Q. What recreational activities do you participate in here on FOB
A. Fantasy Football and Killing Zombies.
Q. What do you like most about this deployment?
A. The camaraderie with my fellow Soldiers and the beautiful Afghanistan
Q. What is your opinion of FOB Salerno?
A. Best FOB in Afghanistan.
Q. How does your MOS impact this deployment?
A. Knowledge of weapons on the aircraft.

3 Goals for Deployment
Educational – “Learn as much as I can about the aircraft”
Professional – “Exceed at everything the Army tells me to do”
Personal – “Get a 300 on my PT test”

D/1-82, SPC Cantu, Abraham
MOS: 15R – Apache Mechanic
Hometown: McAllen, Texas
SPC Cantu is married with no kids
Q. What recreational activities do you participate in here on FOB
A. Attend College trying to get Bachelor’s in Business before I leave
here. I go to the gym a lot and I do p90x.
Q. What do you like most about this deployment?
A. I work with the most professional cut throat Soldiers I know.
Q. What is your opinion of FOB Salerno?
A. It’s a great little FOB.
Q. How does your MOS impact this deployment?
A. (We) get aircraft ready to fly to protect the ground Troops.

3 Goals for Deployment
Educational – “Obtain Bachelor’s in Business before I leave”
Professional – “Obtain SGT before Feb and get a 300 on the PT Test”
Personal – “Learn Greek and German”

                                                                   E/1-82, SPC Adams, David
                                                                   MOS: 92F – Petroleum Supply Specialist
                                                                   Hometown: Orlando, FL
                                                                   SPC Adams is married with 3 children
                                                                   Q. What recreational activities do you participate in here on
                                                                   FOB Salerno
                                                                   A. Ping pong, Chess, Shooting Pool, and Dominoes
                                                                   Q. What do you like most about this deployment?
                                                                   A. The teamwork and camaraderie between Soldiers to accom-
                                                                   plish our mission here.
                                                                   Q. What is your opinion of FOB Salerno?
                                                                   A. It is small compared to other FOBs, but the weather has been
                                                                   nice lately, and living quarters are great.
                                                                   Q. How does your MOS impact this deployment?
                                                                   A. Without fuelers the helicopter teams would not be able to
                                                                   protect and defend us, or accomplish their missions.

                                                 3 Goals for Deployment
                                                 Educational – “Working towards an AA degree in business and management”
                                                 Professional – “Attain the rank of SGT”
                                                 Personal – “Bench press 315 lbs and pay off my debts”

 Christmas Stocking for Wolfpackers





Below are the addresses for
                                     each of the Companies/Troop.
                                     Feel free to send letters and
                                     boxes to your Trooper.

  Last Name, First         Last Name, First
HHC/1-82 , TF Wolfpack   C/1-158, TF Wolfpack
   APO, AE 09314            APO, AE 09314

   Last Name, First          Rank, Name
 A/1-17 , TF Wolfpack    A/1-82 , TF Wolfpack
   APO, AE 09314           APO, AE 09314

     Rank, Name               Rank, Name
 A/2-82 , TF Wolfpack    B/7-158 , TF Wolfpack
   APO, AE 09314            APO, AE 09314

     Rank, Name              Rank, Name
 D/1-82 , TF Wolfpack    E/1-82 , TF Wolfpack
   APO, AE 09314           APO, AE 09314


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Dec. 2011 Wolfpack newsletter

  • 1. Wolfpack Dispatch Vol 1, Issue 3 FOB Salerno, Afghanistan Christmas Edition December 2011
  • 2. Dear Families and Friends of the Wolfpack, We hope you enjoy the third edition of the Wolfpack Dispatch, our unit newsletter from Afghanistan. The intent of this publication is to keep everyone on the home front up to date with the unit activities at FOB Salerno. The Wolfpack continues to be exceptionally busy, and December was another thirty days that flew by. We surely missed our families and friends on the home front over the holidays, but sincerely appreciated the literally TONS of stocking stuffers, decorations, cookies and cakes, decorations, and holiday music and movies. The support of everyone back home has been absolutely fantastic and is the strongest I have seen for a deployed unit. We almost became overwhelmed by the number and size of boxes and holiday wishes from home. Thank you FRG and friends of the Wolfpack! The weather here is still pretty nice. It is cold in the late evening and early morning and pleasant during the day. The relatively clear skies have kept us flying 24 hours a day without respite. We are not complaining - this is what we all deployed to Afghanistan to accomplish. Task Force Wolfpack, along with the entire 82nd Combat Aviation Brigade team, continue on a record setting pace of flight hours and support to ground forces. We are all proud to be part of such a remarkable unit. All the Way, Airborne! V/r LTC John M. Cyrulik Commander, Task Force Wolfpack Wolf 6
  • 3. Happy Birthday CSM Inniss From the TF WOLFPACK Family Task Force Wolfpack surprised CSM Inniss with a birthday cake presented by SGT Evans.
  • 4. Dear Wolfpack Families, December has been a busy and interesting month. First of all, we would like to send out a special thank you to the Wolfpack FRG. Your hard work and dedication produced a homemade stocking filled with goodies for every Soldier in the Task Force. For that, we are truly thankful. Dec. 10, we had the pleasure of witnessing a total lunar eclipse. The rare event began at 6:16pm and grabbed the attention of all that exited their doors that evening. The weather was great for viewing the celestial event as the skies were clear and air was cool. The moon appeared to be close enough to reach out and grab as it neared its peak of totality at 07:36pm with several Soldiers viewing it from the rooftops. A little over two hours after its peak, the eclipse came to an end at 09:48pm. The December Soldier of the Month and NCO of the Month Board proved to be a challenge for several of our Wolfpack Soldiers. Our winners, SSG Paul Austin and SPC Crystal Brown, were chosen to compete at the Brigade Trooper/NCO of the Quarter Competition at Bagram Airfield. SPC Brown fared well, but didn’t come out on top. SSG Austin didn’t return from his well deserved R&R in time to compete, but we are confident that he will make another appearance in the future. Kudos goes out to these two Soldiers from Delta Company. Brigadier General Volesky visited FOB Salerno to present the Combat Action Badge to two deserving aviators as well as CJTF-1 coins to three dedicated maintainers. 1LT Curtis Dotson and CW2 Erik Schuster received CAB’s. Their actions above the battlefield saved the lives of several Soldiers and was instrumental in the mission success of the ground force commander. The recipients of the CJTF-1 coins were SGT T.J. Madden, SPC Michael Carter and SPC Ricardo Gonzalez. Their daily maintenance expertise keep our aircraft flying and the Soldiers on the ground safe. Our own CSM Kirk Inniss celebrated his birthday in a surprising fashion. After the conclusion of a farewell dinner for Cowboy Dustoff, a birthday cake by LTC Cyrulik and MAJ McQuown was presented to CSM Inniss. CSM Inniss humbly spoke about getting older and challenged all of the Soldiers half of his age to excel physically and be model Soldiers. We would like to send our farewell wishes to Cowboy Dustoff (MEDEVAC Company) as well as TF Duke. All of your hard work and dedication to the mission has not gone unnoticed. Dustoff has been the saving grace for countless Soldiers and has performed their mission in the most austere conditions. Thank you for never leaving a fallen comrade. TF Duke has been the guiding force behind operations in our part of RC-East and has conducted hundreds of ground operations. They have made Eastern Afghanistan a safer place and will be missed. Last, during this month in 1962, 1st Battalion 82nd Aviation was activated at Fort Bragg, North Carolina as Company A, 82nd Aviation Battalion, an element of the 82nd Airborne Division. A Co assets significantly increased the Division's mission capabilities and provided a highly mobile and responsive source of combat power to the Division Commander. The unit first saw combat in the Republic of Vietnam and A Co became known as the "Wolfpack" adopting the name as its call sign. Thank You for your support-you are in our hearts. Until next month, PFC Erin M. Dierschow, TF Wolfpack PAO Photo taken courtesy of 1LT Dan Liebetreu on 10 Dec. 2011
  • 5. December Issue Cowboy DustOff Great Moments “I’m going to miss the gym.” -On the radio, “Morphine 06, this is Shark 6, I need you to come get an ear plug out of my “I’m going to miss the gravel.” ear.” -On 2 separate occasions. “I’m going to miss the big birds.” ”10 year supply girl scout cookies that we have not gotten to the bottom of.” “Nebraska belt buckle.” “Russ Graham’s 45 packages a day and his 100lb box of Beanie Babies.” “Listening to Mr. Oelrich run into a gator in the middle of the night, the sound he made.” “Practical jokes’, freezing SPC Buettner’s I.D. card in cherry-flavored Jell-O.” “Losing a sked on an urgent medevac mission (no ones life was compromised due to the loss of the sked, there was a back up).” “pilots saying things they do not know the -On the radio “Shark 6, what are his vitals?” meaning of, for ex: LZ is cherry” “Pilot flying around with a pretty female CPT “Accidentally taking a shower in the female 3km from Wilderness gets a chip light and sets shower upon arrival (no one was violated it down in the Wadi.” during the accidental incident and there are now coded locks on every shower and latrine on the installation).” “There is no dancing on the FOB, ‘HEY YOU! GET OFF THAT ROOF!” -On the radio, “Anyone that calls themselves a Cowboy, this is Tigershark 6.” In response, “I’m a cowboy”. “SFC Kowlok’s face while eating a piece of crystallized ginger.” “Watching another soldier eat 2 tubs of frosting over $20.00,” “Cowboy butts drive me nuts” 5
  • 6. Farewell From Cowboy Dustoff From Cowboy Dustoff... Cowboy Dustoff's time on deployment is getting short. We welcomed our replacements, F/5-159th Devil Ray Dustoff (Army Reserve from Clearwater, Florida) about a week ago. We were so happy to see them, we had a cheering section by our command post as the Devil Ray's main body arrived. We have been training them up on the MEDEVAC mission here at Salerno, and the Devil Rays are doing well and learning quickly. You will be hearing from their commander, CPT Daneault, in the next Wolfpack newsletter. Here's a recap of the accomplishments of Cowboy Dustoff over the last 10 months on Active Duty: January, 2011, Cowboy Dustoff is mobilized in Cheyenne, WY. We moved to Ft Hood, Texas, on 13 January for post-mobilization training, and started moving to Afghanistan around the second week of March. On 23 March 2011, Cowboy Dustoff assumed the MEDEVAC mission from Witchdoctor Dustoff of the West Virginia Army National Guard. Since then, we have flow over 1000 hours on three UH-60 aircraft performing the combat MEDEVAC mission in Eastern Afghanistan. The Cowboys have transported about 650 patients, with half of those patients critically wounded that would had not have survived without rapid transport to the medical treatment facility, while our flight medics performed lifesaving medical care en route. We will be done with our mission around the first part of January, and will be headed back to Ft Hood, Texas, to de-mobilize. We will be at Ft Hood about a week, then will be going on terminal leave and will return back to our homes. The Cowboys are spread out, and have homes in Wyoming, Colorado, Nebraska, and Kansas. Our team will be conducting monthly weekend drills for a stabilization period of 90 days. After the stabilization time, some of the Cowboys will be moving on to different assignments within the State and National Guard Bureau, and some of the Cowboys will be going back into Charlie Company to continue their MEDEVAC career. Cowboy Dustoff is privileged to have the opportunity to work as a part of the Wolfpack team. TF Wolfpack has provided excellent support to the Cowboys over the past three months. Thanks to TF Wolfpack for all they have done over the past three months! Thanks to the Devil Rays for relieving us and taking on the extremely important MEDEVAC mission here at Salerno. Good flying and best of luck to TF Wolfpack and their new Devil Ray Dustoff MEDEVAC team! LTC Dane Rodgers
  • 7. December Issue RedHawks Redhawks, Happy Holidays from FOB Salerno. Despite our expectations, December has been a great month for flying over the beautiful scenery of North Eastern Afghanistan. We are taking advantage while we can and conducting training flights along with our daily missions. We continue to fly more hours per airframe than any other OEF predecessor. SPC Kurt Jamrus’ hard work got him recognized by LTC Cyrulik as being the “Maintainer of the Week.” SPC Kurt Jamrus received an Army Achievement Medal for his mission dedication and work ethic. We said farewell to two outstanding officers. CPT Kiel Towns and CPT Joel Duque-Estrada both left the Redhawks in order to fill positions as Staff Officers. We also welcomed 1LT Benjamin Winner and the incoming Commander, CPT Christopher Rossi. Seeing as this will be the last newsletter that I write as Redhawk 6, I would like to thank all of you for your support during my command. It has been an honor to lead your troopers in combat. All The Way, CPT Jesse Hill Redhawk 6 7
  • 8. December Issue Greywolves This is the time every year, where families get together and celebrate the various winter holidays. Since we can’t be with our families this year, we look to our brothers and sisters in arms for support during this time when we want to be at home with our families. I guess you can say that our stockings are hanging with care as we received a very generous gift of individually named stockings for each of us from the generous folks at Stockings for Soldiers–Delaware, and of course our very own FRG. These wonderful people prepared more than 85 stockings for the Soldiers of HHC to help them with a little holiday spirit in Afghanistan. For Christmas, our very own Chaplain Shenton gave a Christmas Day service as well as a joint Christmas Eve Service that many waited with anticipation to attend. Congratulations are in order as SPC Andrea Clausell was inducted into the NCO Corps. Her hard work and dedication paid off, and we look forward to seeing her grow as a leader. I would like to take a moment to highlight the efforts of a whole lot of sweat and hard work from the Soldiers of HHC. Many of us have been getting and keeping ourselves physically fit, despite our busy schedules and crazy hours. All of this hard work has paid off, and it is with pride that I announce that we have raised our Company’s PT score average by 50 points and have dropped a total of 70 inches and approximately 350 lbs! A few of our Soldiers have already made it back from R&R and it seems that the average time it is taking for Soldiers to get home is 5 days. A big THANK YOU goes out to our wonderful FRG for our beautiful Christmas tree and decorations!! It definitely helped to make it seem more like the holidays. Until next time….take care of each other, CPT Alicia Stahlberg– GW06 1SG Nathan Mahaney– GW07 “You cannot dream yourself into a character; you must hammer and forge yourself one.”-Henry David Thoreau “Without sweat and toil no work is made perfect.”-Latin proverb 8
  • 9. December Issue Roughnecks Roughneck Friends and Family, We are grateful to the people who have The Holiday season came to Alpha Troop gone out of their ways to make our daily lives faster than any of us expected, bringing with and the Christmas season special with it the arrival of some new pilots from Fort bountiful amounts of care packages. We all Bragg, 1LT Mike Phillips and CW2 Adam appreciate the gifts and treats from all the Epley. Mike hails from the Merchant Marine families and friends of our Troopers that Academy, and is obviously confused about bring us a little bit of home. We’d especially how he ended up here; while Adam is a like to thank the Nail and Wetzel families, the former Air Defense Artilleryman looking to Martins, Pfirrmans, Kawoczkas, Kruegers, finally do “real” army work. While we Henrys, Clarks, DeMiccos, Imhoffs, greeted them, we also welcomed back SPC Callaghans, Bill Nelson and our friends at Delwin Cosmo Samuelson, who hit the HBO, the American Foreign Legion, the ground running and jumped right into our fast Veterans of Foreign Wars, the Knights of paced twenty-four hour maintenance. They Columbus, and the Rockingham Wesleyan arrived just in time to catch the beginning of Church, NC. Also, special props to Lacey the incentive flight program, which lets our Ash and her entire office for the awesome crew chiefs and other non-aviators participate banana bread. Thanks to you all, the troop has in flights with pilots near the airfield, getting been able to decorate the office, stuff a feel for the aircraft, a new stockings, and drive ourselves crazy perspective on Salerno, and an understanding wondering what’s in the mystery boxes of what driving a convertible with the top (“What’s in the BOX?!”). down in Alaska must feel like. We appreciate the outstanding support This month we had a Non-Commissioned and continued encouragement that you Officer induction ceremony and celebrated provide, and we thrive on knowing that you the promotion of SGT Zachary Zochol and are behind us and give us our drive and SGT Venkata Satram to E-5. These guys have purpose. ROUGHNECK Troop succeeds done a phenomenal job leading and motivat- because of the families and the great soldiers ing the troop and we’re happy to recognize who comprise it, and I am daily humbled and their achievements. We look forward to more honored to serve with them. great work from them. We would also like to congratulate SFC Robbin Kadish on his David Krueger selection for promotion to Master Sergeant. Roughneck 26 We’re excited to continue sending some of our boys on leave, letting them recharge and spend time with family in the States. From those of us who are taking our leave a bit later, we wish you all a Merry Christmas and know that you’re in our daily thoughts. We wish our friends and families the best as we all enjoy the Holidays. 9
  • 10. December Issue RedWolves Alpha Company REDWOLVES When asked, how do you feel about would like to say thank you to all of the the Iraq war being over, a REDWOLF pilot families, friends and supporters for the Thanks- responded “I feel what I did there made a giving Day treats and decorations. With all your difference in that country.” support, the REDWOLVES had a great Thanksgiving holiday. It is always nice to be With Christmas almost upon us, the served turkey dinner by the Task Force REDWOLVES would like to thank our Commander and Sergeant Major. families, friends, FRG, and all of the supporters for the Christmas treats and decorations. Thanks Even with holiday season upon us, the to all of you, we have a nicely decorated tree operational tempo has not slowed down one bit. with delicious cookies underneath it. The The pilots and crew chiefs are working around REDWOLVES motivation is at an all time high the clock to keep Apaches in the air to support due to the number of care packages we have the ground forces. received. A special thanks to Mrs. Sickler for all the delicious salsa. The REDWOLVES would The month of December brought us a like to wish everyone back at home a very new ground unit to FOB Salerno. We will be Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. saying goodbye to TF Duke and welcoming Task Force Spartan. This will give the RED- CPT Robert Sickler WOLVES another opportunity to show another unit that we are the best Apache Company in REDWOLF 06 the Army. One soldier in particular is showing just how tough and motivated the RED- WOLVES are. SSG William Rivard, 1st Platoon Sergeant, suffered a broken arm this month, but continues to work at a pace that would be tough with two arms. This just goes to show how mentally and physically tough the REDWOLVES are. We would like to con- gratulate SPC Franklin Perry for receiving Miranda Isabelle Morales Maintainer of the week for the first week of December. The REDWOLVES would like to announce our newest Pilot in Command, Captain Kyle Tomasino. We would also like to welcome a new edition to the REDWOLF family, SPC Morales was blessed last month with a new baby girl, Miranda Isabelle Morales. With most of the REDWOLF aviators being on their first deployment as pilot, they continue to show their skill and maturity in dealing with the difficult flying conditions that Afghanistan has to offer. Due to excellent maintenance and accident free flying, the REDWOLVES have completed every mission asked of them. Speaking about completing missions, December brings the official end to the war in Iraq. With many REDWOLVES also seeing deployments to Iraq, this month brings a moment to reflect on accomplishments REDWOLVES have made in Iraq. 10
  • 11. December Issue Zeppelin Happy Holidays from the Members of It is certainly an exciting time for B B Co 7-158th Aviation Regiment. Co 7-158th. We continue to work hard While it is not comparable to being through the holiday season with the home with our loved ones, we find thoughts and prayers for our loved ones solace amongst our fellow Soldiers back home. We look forward to coming during the Holidays. Many of us are home soon and seeing the smiling faces marking the Holiday season as a last that we know so well. major time hurdle before coming home which in of itself, makes the holidays a very joyful event. To add to the CPT Christopher M. Ruff pleasant atmosphere, leadership is be- ginning to plan the demobilization proc- ZEPPELIN 06 ess. The light at the end of the tunnel is definitely coming into view and we look forward to being back with you every day. We continue to remain very busy carrying out the missions we are assigned. Presently, 1st Infantry Divi- sion, Duke Brigade is moving out of our Area of Operation and is being replaced by 25th ID Spartan Brigade. We are responsible for moving the troops in and out of the outer lying Forward Operations Bases (FOBs) back to Salerno for their preparation to go home. Staying busy is the trick to making time go by faster, so we embrace the challenge whole heartedly. We continue to effectively support the Special Operation missions as well. We know that the 82nd Aviation Brigade Command appreciates our enthusiasm for the missions they assign to us. One of the greatest morale enhancers in Army Aviation is awarding unit and individual medals. Our leadership team is currently creating and submitting paperwork for a Unit award that every Soldier will be able to honorably wear. The majority of Soldiers that deployed will receive individual awards for the hard work and sacrifices they made. 11
  • 12. December Issue Timberwolves Delta Company would like to start this Soldiers to the rank of Sergeant. SPC month’s news letter by wishing all of Covarrubias, and SPC Ghimire joined our family and friends back in the states the ranks of the NCO Corps. For their a Merry Christmas and a Happy New outstanding maintenance support and Year. The Timberwolves continue to technical expertise, SPC Hogan provide outstanding maintenance received the Army Achievement Medal. support to the Task Force. The Timber- SPC Brown won the Battalion Soldier wolves have had a productive month of the Month Board, and will represent with our Soldiers receiving awards, the Task Force at the 82nd CAB Soldier getting promoted, and winning boards. of the Quarter Board. We would like to thank all of the Joining the Timberwolves family are families and friends for the support that SGT Bloodworth from Fort Hood, TX they have been giving to their deployed and SPC Howard from Fort Stewart, troopers. Thank you to Janet Cox, GA. Both soldiers are currently Bobbie Kiser, and Valerie Chisnell for working in the Tech Supply section. the handmade blankets that they sent We would like to say good bye to SGT out to some of our Soldiers. Thank you Rubothin and SPC Brough, both to Alison White for her continued work troopers have redeployed back to the as the D Company FRG Leader. To all states to start their clearing process to of our family members who continue to get out of the Army. send care packages we thank you so much, and please continue to support CPT Kirk K. Shands your Soldiers. TimberWolf 06 Congratulations go out this month to several of the Timberwolves. Congratulations are in order to SFC Stewart and SFC Lendeborg for making the list to Master Sergeant. Stewart and Lendeborg are both outstanding NCOs, and the promotions are well deserved. Additionally, SGT Austin and SGT Thow were promoted to the rank of Staff Sergeant. We also promoted two 12
  • 13. December Issue Lonewolves LONEWOLF FAMILY AND FRIENDS Assistance Force in supporting the Government of the Islamic Republic of Greetings and salutations from the Afghanistan. Lonewolves! Upon the completion of a third of the deployment, we along with the I would like to hail PV2 Jeremy Phynon rest of Task Force Wolfpack are doing well. (92L Petroleum Laboratory Specialist), The company’s overall morale remains high SGT Heather Gibson, SSG Eric Decker, as we spend a majority of our “off time” PV2 Andrace Jones (89B Ammunition watching movies, working out, taking Specialist), and the incoming company college courses to further our educations, commander, CPT Michael Simmons and all and sharing stories with one another; build- of their families to the Lonewolves. ing the esprit-de-corps within the company. Additionally, I would like to welcome the newest Lonewolf babies: Kolsyn The winter is officially here. We are Almendariz, the son of Kellie and SPC starting to see the temperature plummet in Gahman, and Destiny Marie Knox, the the first days of December. The highs are daughter of Christiane and SGT Knox. around 72 degrees and the low is a wintry Welcome to the world! 33 degrees Fahrenheit. The snow has begun to pileup on the mountain peaks and As I relinquish command after 18 months, I the frost is coming out of the Soldiers’ would like to thank all of the Lonewolves mouths. and their families for their steadfast loyalty and dedication. The successes we have been The Troopers are continuously staying fortunate to experience are a direct result of busy. Headquarters Platoon has been the extraordinary effects of our outstanding completing administrative actions and Troopers and leaders. To my FRG team, receiving/distributing the wealth of mail you truly understand that the strength of the during the holiday season. From the start, Nation is our Army; the strength of our our Distribution Platoon has been setting Army is our Soldiers; the strength of our records by refueling 3,000 aircraft, issuing Soldiers is our Families. I salute you all and more than 700,000 gallons of fuel, and wish you the best as you continue on with issuing thousands of tons of ammunition. your rendezvous with destiny. The Maintenance Platoon has been conducting scheduled and un-scheduled Airborne, All the Way! maintenance on over 65 vehicles and providing FOB security, ensuring a safe and CPT Scovell secure work environment. Lonewolf 06 As a team we have unrelentingly stayed focus on the mission in support of full spectrum aviation operations in order to expand stability and security, neutralize insurgent forces, and assist International Security 13
  • 14. Congratulations!!! Listed below are the Troopers who were promoted, received an award, or reenlisted. Below those are our Troopers with recent Birthdays! Promoted Awarded SSG Austin, Paul Army Achievement Medal Task Force Wolfpack NCO of the Month SSG Thow, Pia CPT Duque Estrada, Paul SGT Adzoble, Koku SGT Austin, Paul CPT Towns, Kiel SGT Clausell, Andrea SGT Covarrubias, John CPT Derda, Lukaz SGT Ghimire, Arun Task Force Wolfpack 1LT Roberts, Brett Soldier of the Month SGT Satram, Venkata SGT Zochol, Zachary SGT Way, Patrick SPC Brown, Crystal SPC Allen, Paris SPC Adams, David SPC Brown, Raymond SPC Hogan, Jessica Commanding General Coin SPC Burt, Ryan SPC Taber, Daniel SPC Holder, Robert SGT Madden, TJ PFC Acosta, Elysse SPC Forgotch, Kelly SPC Carter, Michael PFC Guttierez, Jose PFC Khounborinh, Justin SPC Franklin, Perry SPC Gonzalez, Ricardo PFC Olson, Brandon SPC Jamrus, Kurt PFC Stewart, Delano SPC Mann, Brandon Combat Action Badge PFC Watkins, Ronald SPC Murdock, Lucas 1LT Dotson, Curtis SPC Pabo, Lanupakai CW2 Schuster, Erik PFC Watkins, Ronald Happy Birthday!! PFC Broome, Earnest SPC Sanders, Damian SSG Pirlot, Daniel PFC Brown, Raymond SGT Brandenburg, Ricky SSG Tann, Victoria PFC Patrick, Donald SGT Burke, Stephen SSG Tune, John PFC Paynter, Austin SGT Busanet, Monica SSG Whight, Benjamin SPC Atencio, Thomas SGT Gamble, Terrance SFC Khoonsrivong, Alex SPC Buwalda, John SGT Jackson, Seandale 1SG Edwards, Kelvin SPC Chan, Jonathan SGT Joseph, Syria CSM Inniss, Kirk SPC Durham, Michael SGT McCaskill, Chad CW2 Hoover, Griffin SPC Efurd, Jesse SGT Roberts, Lakisha CW2 Hunt, Jon SPC Gomez, Bridgett SGT Sullivan, Adam CW2 Lambert, Edward SPC Hardy, Kevin SGT Thow, Pia CW2 Saylor, Barrye SPC Leffler, Gregory SGT Zabala, Ismael CW2 Uber, Jacob SPC McDonald, Eric SSG Frederick, Rasheek CW3 Meads, Byron SPC Ochs, Daniel SSG Gille, Brian CW4 Erdmann, Brandon SPC Pentycoffe, Aubrey SSG Kowlok, John 1LT Liebetreu, Daniel SPC Rogers, Nathan SSG Maldonado, Jose CPT Vance, Jeffrey 14
  • 15. RE-ENLISTMENT SPC BLACK 35F Intelligence Analyst Reenlisted for 4 years 15
  • 16. TF WOLFPACK RST Grace and peace from the Wolfpack God So Loved the World Religious Support Team. Praise God for his continued blessing and protection on us each and every day. Our Father up in heaven, long, long years ago, Some ministry highlights since our last Looked down in His great mercy correspondence include a spirit-filled Thanksgiving upon the earth below Day service which included tremendous worship through song, prayer, testimony and thanksgiving. And saw the folks were lonely Pastor Ferguson, of the Gospel service, brought us an and lost in deep dispair, inspiring message. Furthermore, we continue our way reading through the Bible at the E100 Bible study on And so He said, “I’ll send My Son Monday and Thursday nights. We are just about to walk among them there through the Book of Exodus. We have also shown two So they can hear him speaking of Lee Strobel’s movies, “The Case for Faith” and “The Case for the Creator.” Wednesdays during lunch we and feel His nearness, too, gather for our midweek prayer meeting and fellowship. And see the many miricles that faith alone can do. We continually offer prayers for all you back home. For I know it will be easier to As week look forward to Christmas, we have a full complement of services to accommodate all faith believe and understand traditions. Although I will greatly miss worshiping with If man can see and talk to Him my family and friends back at Ft. Bragg, I am excited and touch his healing hand.” about leading our collective Christmas Eve and Chapel Next Christmas Day services here. I am expecting So whenever we have troubles nothing less than a mighty work of God across our and we’re overcome with cares, ranks. We can take it all to Jesus, for He Understands our prayers. ~Helen Steiner Rice Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year! Chaplain Shenton 16
  • 17. SPOTLIGHT ON Troopers Every month each 1SG picks an outstanding Trooper to represent his Company/Troop. C/5-159, SPC Wendt, Jesse MOS: 15N – Avionics Mechanic Hometown: Minneapolis, MN SPC Wendt has a daughter Q. What recreational activities do you participate in here on FOB Salerno A. Lift weights and Skype with my fiancé and other family rela- tives. Q. What do you like most about this deployment? A. The fact that I get to do my Army job everyday and not just drill weekends. Q. What is your opinion of FOB Salerno? A. It is a great FOB for a first time deplorer. Q. How does your MOS impact this deployment? A. I help maintain aircraft for the MEDEVAC missions. 3 Goals for Deployment Educational – “Become a better poker player” Professional – “Have a better understanding of my MOS” Personal – “Go home in one piece” HHC/1-82, Tiffany Rupp MOS: 92Y – Supply Specialist Hometown: South Bend, IN SPC Rupp has a husband and two sons Q. What recreational activities do you participate in here on FOB Salerno A. I focus on my education and Skype with my family. Q. What do you like most about this deployment? A. The experience and the extra pay. Q. What is your opinion of FOB Salerno? A. From what I’ve seen and heard, Salerno is the resort of Afghanistan. I can’t complain. Q. How does your MOS impact this deployment? A. 92Ys ensure that needed equipment and supplies are on hand and available. This not only contributes to success in completing missions, but also boosts mo- rale. 3 Goals for Deployment Educational – “Complete my bachelor’s degree in Psychology” Professional – “Earn my promotion to SGT and work on my OCS packet” Personal – “Communicate as much as possible with my family, especially my boys. Improve physical fitness.” 17
  • 18. A/1-17, SGT Sutton, Brandon “Pug” MOS: 15S - Crewchief Hometown: Dallas, TX SGT Sutton is married with no kids. Q. What recreational activities do you participate in here on FOB Salerno A. Go to church (everyone is invited), go to the gym, play basketball, and hang out with other Soldiers in the Troop. Q. What do you like most about this deployment? A. Hanging out with the guys. Q. What is your opinion of FOB Salerno? A. Not bad. It has a nice gym and the chow is pretty good. Q. How does your MOS impact this deployment? A. 2 Scoops. 3 Goals for Deployment Educational – “Study for A & P” Professional – “Advance in career by getting a promotion” Personal – “Have a Christ like influence on my guys (Troopers), 2 Scoops” A/1-82, Perry Franklin MOS: 15R – Attack Helicopter Repairer (Crew chief) Hometown: Lexington, NC SPC Franklin is married and has a son due in March. Q. What recreational activities do you participate in here on FOB Salerno A. Go to the gym. Q. What do you like most about this deployment? A. That I am deployed with people I enjoy being around. Q. What is your opinion of FOB Salerno? A. It’s my second time here and I would rather be here than any other FOB Q. How does your MOS impact this deployment? A. It has one of the biggest impacts for AH-64’s by helping to provide protection for the ground guys and locating IED emplacers. 3 Goals for Deployment Educational – “Take online courses and get ASE certified” Professional – “Develop as a leader and earn the respect and confidence of others” Personal – “Get Swole” 18
  • 19. A/2-82, CPT Hill, Jesse MOS: 15B - UH-60M Pilot Hometown: Centerville, TN CPT Hill is single Q. Awards you have received? A. Bronze Star, Air Medal, Arcom, AAM, CAB, AV Badge, Parachuters Badge. Q. What recreational activities do you participate in here on FOB Salerno? A. Working out, Flying. Q. What do you like most about this deployment? A. That I am in Command Q. What do you like least about this deployment? A. That beside the fact we are an assault company we are conducting V.I.P. missions. Q. What is your opinion of FOB Salerno? A. Is not Bagram and the facilities are more operable. Q. How does your MOS impact this deployment? A. As a Black Hawk Company Commander we enable COL Toner to conduct Battle Field Circulation on a daily basis enabling him to engage his leaders. 3 Goals for Deployment Educational – “Apply to Embry Riddle in Arizona next fall and get a Masters in Aeronautical Safety”. Professional – “Lead Company from the front and set the example for my Soldiers physically and professionally”. Personal – “Do more muscle ups than CW3 Lindgren”. B/7-158, SPC Clark, Arthur MOS:19D – Calvary Scout Hometown: Omaha, NE SPC Clark is single Q. What recreational activities do you participate in here on FOB Salerno A. Fantasy Football and Killing Zombies. Q. What do you like most about this deployment? A. The camaraderie with my fellow Soldiers and the beautiful Afghanistan scenery. Q. What is your opinion of FOB Salerno? A. Best FOB in Afghanistan. Q. How does your MOS impact this deployment? A. Knowledge of weapons on the aircraft. 3 Goals for Deployment Educational – “Learn as much as I can about the aircraft” Professional – “Exceed at everything the Army tells me to do” Personal – “Get a 300 on my PT test” 19
  • 20. D/1-82, SPC Cantu, Abraham MOS: 15R – Apache Mechanic Hometown: McAllen, Texas SPC Cantu is married with no kids Q. What recreational activities do you participate in here on FOB Salerno A. Attend College trying to get Bachelor’s in Business before I leave here. I go to the gym a lot and I do p90x. Q. What do you like most about this deployment? A. I work with the most professional cut throat Soldiers I know. Q. What is your opinion of FOB Salerno? A. It’s a great little FOB. Q. How does your MOS impact this deployment? A. (We) get aircraft ready to fly to protect the ground Troops. 3 Goals for Deployment Educational – “Obtain Bachelor’s in Business before I leave” Professional – “Obtain SGT before Feb and get a 300 on the PT Test” Personal – “Learn Greek and German” E/1-82, SPC Adams, David MOS: 92F – Petroleum Supply Specialist Hometown: Orlando, FL SPC Adams is married with 3 children Q. What recreational activities do you participate in here on FOB Salerno A. Ping pong, Chess, Shooting Pool, and Dominoes Q. What do you like most about this deployment? A. The teamwork and camaraderie between Soldiers to accom- plish our mission here. Q. What is your opinion of FOB Salerno? A. It is small compared to other FOBs, but the weather has been nice lately, and living quarters are great. Q. How does your MOS impact this deployment? A. Without fuelers the helicopter teams would not be able to protect and defend us, or accomplish their missions. 3 Goals for Deployment Educational – “Working towards an AA degree in business and management” Professional – “Attain the rank of SGT” Personal – “Bench press 315 lbs and pay off my debts” 20
  • 21. FAMILY READINESS GROUP Christmas Stocking for Wolfpackers 21
  • 26. Below are the addresses for each of the Companies/Troop. Feel free to send letters and boxes to your Trooper. Last Name, First Last Name, First HHC/1-82 , TF Wolfpack C/1-158, TF Wolfpack FOB SALERNO FOB SALERNO APO, AE 09314 APO, AE 09314 Last Name, First Rank, Name A/1-17 , TF Wolfpack A/1-82 , TF Wolfpack FOB SALERNO FOB SALERNO APO, AE 09314 APO, AE 09314 Rank, Name Rank, Name A/2-82 , TF Wolfpack B/7-158 , TF Wolfpack FOB SALERNO FOB SALERNO APO, AE 09314 APO, AE 09314 Rank, Name Rank, Name D/1-82 , TF Wolfpack E/1-82 , TF Wolfpack FOB SALERNO FOB SALERNO APO, AE 09314 APO, AE 09314 26