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HOPPER Ohana News
                                       Amazing Grace
                                                                     “Dare and Do”
                                                                                               September 2011

                                                                                       Commanding Officer:
                                                                                          CDR Kevin Melody
                                                                                          Executive Officer:
                                                                                            CDR Al Lopez
                                                                                      Command Master Chief:
                                                                                           Rob Cuddeback
                                                                                             Kristin White

                                           Ombudsman newsletter

       CO’s CORNER
 Aloha HOPPER Ohana,                                         she is doing. Kristin, thanks very much for all that
                                                             you do for our families and loved ones back home
     The arrival of September means Labor Day                as well as all the Sailors here on HOPPER. You
 weekend and the end of summer are just around               are a fantastic Ombudsman.
 the corner. Fortunately for our Ohana who live in               A short welcome is in order here as well.
 Hawaii, Labor Day is just another reason to go to           Welcome to our new CMC, CMDCM(SW)
 the beach or grill out for dinner while you still get       Cuddeback. He has been the CMC for about 3
 to enjoy warm sunny weather for the rest of the             weeks now and is doing a fantastic job. Welcome
 year.                                                       aboard Shipmate!
    September also means Ombudsman                              Thanks to everyone back home for the cards,
 Appreciation month. Our Ombudsman, Kristin                  letters, and care packages you send. Everyone
 White, volunteers her time to be a connection               eagerly awaits the word “mail call” over the
 between the ship and the families back home.                announcing system after the arrival of a helicopter
 Her official responsibilities include being the point       or replenishment ship. Please enjoy the Labor
 of contact for family members, communicating                Day weekend and know we are thinking of you
 information between families and the command,               back home.
 identifying resources to help family members, and
 advocating for command families within the                  CDR Kevin Melody
 military support system. Kristin excels in this             Commanding Officer
 capacity and we are fortunate to have someone
 like her who always has a smile on her face no
 matter how complicated the task might be. If any
 of you back in Hawaii see her while you are out
 and about, please let her know what a great job

Ombudsman Newsletter September 2011
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                                       CMC’s CORNER

     Aloha!                                                Military       Outstanding    Volunteer        Service
     CMDCM Rob Cuddeback here! I relieved
     CMDCM Jay Stuckey 11 August. I am proud               EM2 Labutong was selected as the MIDPAC
     to be your new CMC and I am super                     Junior Sailor of the Quarter. He competed
     impressed with the hard working Sailors               against several other Sailors on the
     onboard this ship.                                    waterfront and won!! It is very hard to win
                                                           the Junior Sailor of the Quarter competition
     Your Sailors are doing great things out here.         onboard any ship, but when you compete
     The following Sailors earned their Enlisted           against the best of the best from other
     Surface     Warfare     Specialist    (ESWS)          ships and win……WOW!!!
                                                           We also frocked STGSN Martin to Third
        OS3 Byun, CS3 Norman, CS3 Panado,                  Class Petty Officer! He is now STG3!
         OS3 Raschka, OS3 Gundayao and
          FC3 Irwin, BM2 Boyd, SH3 Lear,                   The reason our Sailors are performing so
         GSEFN Hansen and OSSN Burge.                      well can only be attributed to the support
                                                           that they are receiving on the home-front
     The ESWS pin is one of the most difficult             from all of you! Family, friends, the FRG,
     qualifications to obtain and a major                   and Ombudsman play critical roles in the
     milestone in a Sailors career.    It takes            mission readiness of this ship, and you all
     hundreds of hours of preparation and                  have delivered! Thanks!!! We are looking
     studying to pass a rigid and challenging              forward to our homecoming!
     ESWS board that is held in the confines of
     the CPO Mess by our technical experts.                CMDCM (SW) Rob Cuddeback
     They were pinned 18 August.                           Command Master Chief

     Several Sailors received awards in the
     month of August. The Navy Commendation
     Medal was awarded to CMDCM Stuckey
     and LT O'Donnell. The Navy Achievement
     Medal was awarded to LTJG Hawthorne,
     LTJG Martell, LTJG Tran, SH1 Figueroa,
     SH2 Alcova, DC2 Avery, IC2 Milton, LS2
     NgaNga, GSM3 Halili, SH3 Lear, and GSM3
     Noel.   LTJG Roberts was awarded the

2!                                                                                  Ombudsman Newsletter September 2011
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    Nulla vitae elit at neque laoreet
    Vivamus dapibus, risus ac congue auctor, ligula purus placerat lectus, sit amet
    pretium magna wisi sit amet est. Suspendisse imperdiet nulla

                                           Ombudsman’s Corner
 Aloha HOPPER Friends and                          grasp the concept of time. This is a
 Families!                                         fun way to get the kids involved and         Happy Counting Down!
                                                   help them to visualize when their
 I trust that everyone is happy to be              Sailor is coming home! A couple of           As the Ombudsman, I am a volunteer
 turning another page on their                     ideas are:                                   appointed by the Command to serve
 calendar, bringing us that much                   •Make a paper “chain” with one link          as a liaison between the families and
 closer to the the day we are all                  for each day remaining...take one link       the command. I work as an advocate
 counting down to! Although we still               off each day and watch the chain get          for the families and I can provide you
 have a couple of months to get to that            shorter.                                     with many resources to address most
 point, the excitement is beginning to             •Count the number of days left and           problems. I am always available for
 build, as the end of deployment seems             then count out that many pieces of a         you, so please feel free to contact me
 within our reach!                                 favorite candy (M&M’s, jelly beans,          at any time, for any concern. I can be
                                                   etc) and fill a small glass bowl or jar       reached          by     email       at
 Our Sailors continue to work hard                 with them. Let your child eat one   or by phone
 while they are away, which means                  each day, knowing that as the candy          at 808.864.3199.
 those of us here at home are working              “disappears”, their Sailor is getting
 hard also. Please remember to take                that much closer to being home (you          Take Care,
 some time for yourself, if at all                 can also use marbles or pennies in           Kristin White
 possible, especially those of you                 place of candy.)
 taking care of our HOPPER kids.                   •Give your child a calendar (or print
 Just a few hours, or a day to yourself            out monthly calendar pages from the
 can sometimes give you a fresh                    Internet). Circle the day their parent
 beginning and make a world of                     is coming home. Get some stickers
 difference.                                        and let them place a sticker on each
                                                   day that passes at the end of the day.
 Have you started a countdown yet? It              They will be able to watch as the
 is difficult for younger children to                “circle” day gets closer and closer.

                             Confidentiality & Reportables
                                                                                                           Helpful Websites:

Ombudsman Newsletter September 2011
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                                                                                              FRG Board

                          FRG Corner                                             President: Sarah McClain

       Hello Hopper Families,                                               Vice President: Amy Norman

           I hope you all are doing great and getting excited                      Treasurer: Sara White
       about the homecoming. The planning for this great
       event is going smoothly. I just want to say thank you to             Secretary: Sandy Thompson
       everyone who participated in our Scentsy fundraiser. It
       went really well.
            Coming up in September we will be having our
       monthly meeting on September 6th at 6:30pm at the
       Catlin Park Community Center. Hope to see you all
       there. We will be starting our first kiss ticket sale. Each
       ticket is $1.00 and a week before the homecoming we
       will be doing a blind raffle and one lucky person will get
       the chance to have their Sailor come off the ship first              If you would like to be added to the
       and receive the first kiss. I will also be starting to put                FRG Email list in addition to the
       together the guest list for homecoming, so if you do not
       have a military ID and need to get on base, I will need              Ombudsman Email list, please email
       all the names of the people attending so I can put their                    frghopper
       name on my list. Also this meeting the shoeboxes for
       the shoebox fundraiser are due. We will be wrapping
       them and sending them out on the 12th. Also the
       squares for the sign are due on the 6th so please don't
       forget to bring those so we can get the sign put together
       and sent out. Thank you all for your participation and for
                                                                                        Upcoming Events:
       supporting your Sailor. Have a great September. If you
       have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me                          September 6, 2011~
                                                                                          FRG Meeting
       Sarah McClain
                                                                            6:30pm Catlin Park Community
       FRG President                                                                           Center

        ~Our spouses serve as we serve, every bit as much. They do not bear the arms, but their open arms provide
     strength and comfort. They do not set the ship's course, but their internal compass keeps the family ready and on
     track. They do not ford the stream or build the bridge, but the bridge they provide back to the home sustains and
                                   improves the morale and performance of entire units.~

4!                                                                                              Ombudsman Newsletter September 2011
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                Celebrations & Congratulations!
 ✴GM2 Henson, Coty - Happy Anniversary! Love you.... - Britt
 ✴IT2 Thompson We met in the 6th grade then we started dating after High school, and now
 we are celebrating our 1st anniversary as husband & Wife; Happy 1st year sweat heart I can't
 wait to spend the many more years to come! I love you forever & always! Sandy Thompson
 ✴ FCCS White~ Happy 10th Anniversary (September 2nd) to the man of my dreams!                 I love
 you more with each passing day... xoxo Love always, Kristin
 ✴FCCS White~ Happy 35th Birthday on September 13th OLD MAN! We love you to pieces!!
 Love, Kristin, Kaia and Layla.
 ✴ENS Hammon Happy Birthday (September 24th) Felicia, we love you and can't wait for you to
 be back at home again. Have a wonderful birthday. Love, Mom and all the family
 ✴CWO2 Young and his family will celebrate their half way point on August 31st!
 ✴CWO2 Young..congrats to Brendan for surviving the Sports Endurance class.. way to go
    Mauris egestas lacus sit ame
 ✴I would like to wish my wife Dolly a happy 15 anniversary on September 7th.  I love you.
 (submitted by: CWO2 Joe Young)
   Vivamus pulvinar, purus ultricies   ultrices ullamcorper, dolor diam euismod
  nisl, vel consectetuer eros mi sit amet lorem.
 ✴CWO2 Young.. happy 15th wedding anniversary on Sept 7th and 14th!!!  Love you!
 ✴We honor the memory of Mrs. Lavonne Baker, grandmother to FC2 Baker. Her passing is a
   — Quisque Massa
 tremendous loss for her family and community.
 ✴Happy 30th Birthday to my wifey Paulette Prince.  Looks like you’re moving on up in the
 World!  Anyways, I wish I could be there babe.  I Love You! (submitted by: ITC Clarence
 ✴Happy Two year Anniversary Britt it has been a great two years I love you and I miss you.
 (submitted by: GM2 Coty Henson)
 ✴HAPPY 5th Birthday Mr. Maddox Cooper!!  I can't wait to give you BIG hugs and Kisses!  
 Love you ALL the way to the moon and back! (submitted by: YN1 Jennifer Archuleta)
 ✴September 23- Happy Birthday to my amazing husband- FC1 Gabriel De La Paz. I love you
 and miss you and can't wait to celebrate your birthday when you return.  Gemma sends you
 baby cuddles and she can not wait to meet her daddy, she says HAPPY BIRTHDAY DADDY! We
 are eagerly counting down until our family is complete again. Enjoy YOUR day and know that
 your family sends all of their love and support. Besos y abrazos - Your wife, Jessica and Baby
 girl Gemma
 ✴DCFN Toquero, Steven Happy Birthday Hunny!!! May all your wishes come true.Wish I could
 be with you on this special day. I can't wait to see you soon ;)...I love you hunny!!!Muah

Ombudsman Newsletter September 2011!                                                                    5
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     ✴Happy 9th birthday to my son, Grant! (AUG 25) Mommy loves you and misses you a lot! I
     will see you soon.....Love, MOMMY (submitted by: SH2 MEDINA)
     ✴FCCS Kevin White Birthday: September 13. Happy 35th Birthday Son. Guess you were
     always meant to be a Sailor!!! Love you, Mom and Dad
     ✴Happy 10th anniversary to my wonderful wife Kristin, you are the love of my life.  I look
     forward to many more years together! (submitted by: FCCS White)
     ✴Happy 6th Anniversary baby; miss you ‘n Mack so much!!  Be home soon!!  (submitted by:
     ENS Tyler Kelley)
     ✴Happy 1st Birthday, Easton! Daddy is so proud of the big boy you've become. I hope that
     you have a great first birthday and that Mommy and Dayton take extra-good care of you.
     Don't forget to share your cake with everyone else. I love you buddy. - Daddy (submitted
     by: LT Brandon Booher)
     ✴Happy Birthday (September 28) SR Janice Taylor- 21 yrs you have come a long way! We
     love you! Mom, Dad, Mel and Leah.
     ✴IT1 McClain September 14th Happy Birthday Bobby we love you and miss you bunches!
     ✴IT1 McClain  My son's September Birthday will be spent on a ship far away. We send to
     him happy wishes as he sails away with all the fishes. Love mom
     ✴IT1 McClain Happy Birthday Big Bro.... from your lil sis!

                                                                              Ombudsman Newsletter September 2011
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               Helpful Courses Offered for our Navy Families:

               SEPT 2011

               Your Military and Family Support Center, offers a variety of classes to help meet the unique demands of the military lifestyle.
               Classes are held at our convenient MFSC locations, 4827 Bougainville Drive, Moanalua Navy Services Center, or 655
               Vickers Avenue, JBPHH (Hickam). For more information contact the MFSC-Pearl Harbor at 474-1999 or MFSC-Hickam at

                                           6 SEPT 1100-1230: MANAGING MONEY AND CREDIT (MFSC PEARL HARBOR)

               Learn the basic skills and techniques for managing your money and budgeting; gain awareness of credit cards and loans;
               and learn how to plan savings goals.

                                                8 SEPT 1700-2000: TILL DEBT DO US PART (MFSC-PEARL HARBOR)

               Financial class for couples. Class discussions include the differences in thinking about money situations and exercises for
               couples to see if they really know their spouse’s spending habits. Attendees will work with their spouses to come up with
               short and long term goals, planning out a budget together, and deciding on savings and investment goals. REGISTRATION
               IS REQUIRED.

                          12-13, 14-15, and 21-22 SEPT 0730-1530: MILLION DOLLAR SAILOR / AIRMAN (MFSC PEARL HARBOR /
                                                        WAHIAWA / HICKAM AFB / KBAY)

               This two-day class covers everything that one will need to know to be financially informed. Topics include; Pay and
               Allowances, how to read the LES, the importance of knowing they are responsible for that information being correct,
               Savings and Investments, Thrift Savings Plan, Insurance (all types, car, home, renters, umbrella, etc), 2 Hours of Car
               Buying strategies, consumer information to include pay day loans, spending plan (budget), how that effects a security
               clearance, establishing credit, maintaining credit, credit reports, and credit scores. We also offer a great program that
               includes a budget as well as how to get debts paid off quickly. For most people it's a real eye-opener. Attendees are allowed
               to wear civilian clothes to this class.

                                                    21 SEPT 0900-1300: JEMS JOB FAIR (PEARL HARBOR)

               Come network at Club Pearl with more than 100 companies. Open to members of the military community with base access.
               For more information visit (No children or strollers admitted)

                                            General Military Training (GMT) and RETURN AND REUNION (R&R)

               Our experienced staff will also go to your Command or Family Readiness Group meeting and present a General Military
               Training (GMT) or conduct an R&R for any command within two months of returning from deployment at a time and place
               convenient for your crew on a variety of topics.

Ombudsman Newsletter September 2011
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                     Don't discuss future destinations or ports of call!
                       Don't discuss future operations or missions!
     Don't discuss dates and times of when we will be in port or conducting exercises!
                       Don't discuss readiness issues and numbers!
                        Don't discuss specific training equipment!
         Don't discuss people's names and billets in conjunction with operations!
                         Don't speculate about future operations!
                          Don't spread rumors about operations!
     Don't assume the enemy is not trying to collect information on you so he can kill
                                        you, he is!
      Be smart, use your head, and always think OPSEC when using email or phone!

                                                                      Ombudsman Newsletter September 2011
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                        ON ISLAND FAMILY FUN

                         MWR's annual DAY FOR KIDS Saturday, Sept. 17 3-6 p.m. Ward Field FREE
                                           This year's theme is FLASHBACK TO THE '80S.
                                                   • Bounce houses, crafts and games
                                                             • Entertainment
                                                    • Sponsor tents sharing goodies
                               • Have your photo taken in ’80s-style with retro costumes provided
                                           “Build-Your-Own” Snackbar Station Experience

                                                                                       Fall Camp will be held on
                                                                                             October 3-7.

                                                                                   See for
                                                                                           more details.

                                                                                           Joint Employment
                                                                                           Management Service

                                                                                            Annual JOB FAIR

                                                                                           Wednesday, Sept. 21

                                                                                             9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

                                                                                                  Club Pearl


Ombudsman Newsletter September 2011

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Hopper newsletter september2011

  • 1. U S S H O P P E R HOPPER Ohana News Amazing Grace “Dare and Do” September 2011 Commanding Officer: CDR Kevin Melody Executive Officer: CDR Al Lopez Command Master Chief: CMDCM(SW) Rob Cuddeback Ombudsman: Kristin White Ombudsman newsletter CO’s CORNER Aloha HOPPER Ohana, she is doing. Kristin, thanks very much for all that you do for our families and loved ones back home The arrival of September means Labor Day as well as all the Sailors here on HOPPER. You weekend and the end of summer are just around are a fantastic Ombudsman. the corner. Fortunately for our Ohana who live in A short welcome is in order here as well. Hawaii, Labor Day is just another reason to go to Welcome to our new CMC, CMDCM(SW) the beach or grill out for dinner while you still get Cuddeback. He has been the CMC for about 3 to enjoy warm sunny weather for the rest of the weeks now and is doing a fantastic job. Welcome year. aboard Shipmate! September also means Ombudsman Thanks to everyone back home for the cards, Appreciation month. Our Ombudsman, Kristin letters, and care packages you send. Everyone White, volunteers her time to be a connection eagerly awaits the word “mail call” over the between the ship and the families back home. announcing system after the arrival of a helicopter Her official responsibilities include being the point or replenishment ship. Please enjoy the Labor of contact for family members, communicating Day weekend and know we are thinking of you information between families and the command, back home. identifying resources to help family members, and advocating for command families within the CDR Kevin Melody military support system. Kristin excels in this Commanding Officer capacity and we are fortunate to have someone like her who always has a smile on her face no matter how complicated the task might be. If any of you back in Hawaii see her while you are out and about, please let her know what a great job Ombudsman Newsletter September 2011 1
  • 2. U S S H O P P E R D D G 7 0 CMC’s CORNER Aloha! Military Outstanding Volunteer Service Medal. CMDCM Rob Cuddeback here! I relieved CMDCM Jay Stuckey 11 August. I am proud EM2 Labutong was selected as the MIDPAC to be your new CMC and I am super Junior Sailor of the Quarter. He competed impressed with the hard working Sailors against several other Sailors on the onboard this ship. waterfront and won!! It is very hard to win the Junior Sailor of the Quarter competition Your Sailors are doing great things out here. onboard any ship, but when you compete The following Sailors earned their Enlisted against the best of the best from other Surface Warfare Specialist (ESWS) ships and win……WOW!!! qualification: We also frocked STGSN Martin to Third OS3 Byun, CS3 Norman, CS3 Panado, Class Petty Officer! He is now STG3! OS3 Raschka, OS3 Gundayao and FC3 Irwin, BM2 Boyd, SH3 Lear, The reason our Sailors are performing so GSEFN Hansen and OSSN Burge. well can only be attributed to the support that they are receiving on the home-front The ESWS pin is one of the most difficult from all of you! Family, friends, the FRG, qualifications to obtain and a major and Ombudsman play critical roles in the milestone in a Sailors career. It takes mission readiness of this ship, and you all hundreds of hours of preparation and have delivered! Thanks!!! We are looking studying to pass a rigid and challenging forward to our homecoming! ESWS board that is held in the confines of the CPO Mess by our technical experts. CMDCM (SW) Rob Cuddeback They were pinned 18 August. Command Master Chief Several Sailors received awards in the month of August. The Navy Commendation Medal was awarded to CMDCM Stuckey and LT O'Donnell. The Navy Achievement Medal was awarded to LTJG Hawthorne, LTJG Martell, LTJG Tran, SH1 Figueroa, SH2 Alcova, DC2 Avery, IC2 Milton, LS2 NgaNga, GSM3 Halili, SH3 Lear, and GSM3 Noel. LTJG Roberts was awarded the 2! Ombudsman Newsletter September 2011
  • 3. U S S H O P P E R D D G 7 0 Nulla vitae elit at neque laoreet Vivamus dapibus, risus ac congue auctor, ligula purus placerat lectus, sit amet pretium magna wisi sit amet est. Suspendisse imperdiet nulla Ombudsman’s Corner Aloha HOPPER Friends and grasp the concept of time. This is a Families! fun way to get the kids involved and Happy Counting Down! help them to visualize when their I trust that everyone is happy to be Sailor is coming home! A couple of As the Ombudsman, I am a volunteer turning another page on their ideas are: appointed by the Command to serve calendar, bringing us that much •Make a paper “chain” with one link as a liaison between the families and closer to the the day we are all for each day remaining...take one link the command. I work as an advocate counting down to! Although we still off each day and watch the chain get for the families and I can provide you have a couple of months to get to that shorter. with many resources to address most point, the excitement is beginning to •Count the number of days left and problems. I am always available for build, as the end of deployment seems then count out that many pieces of a you, so please feel free to contact me within our reach! favorite candy (M&M’s, jelly beans, at any time, for any concern. I can be etc) and fill a small glass bowl or jar reached by email at Our Sailors continue to work hard with them. Let your child eat one or by phone while they are away, which means each day, knowing that as the candy at 808.864.3199. those of us here at home are working “disappears”, their Sailor is getting hard also. Please remember to take that much closer to being home (you Take Care, some time for yourself, if at all can also use marbles or pennies in Kristin White possible, especially those of you place of candy.) taking care of our HOPPER kids. •Give your child a calendar (or print Just a few hours, or a day to yourself out monthly calendar pages from the can sometimes give you a fresh Internet). Circle the day their parent beginning and make a world of is coming home. Get some stickers difference. and let them place a sticker on each day that passes at the end of the day. Have you started a countdown yet? It They will be able to watch as the is difficult for younger children to “circle” day gets closer and closer. Confidentiality & Reportables Helpful Websites: Ombudsman Newsletter September 2011 3
  • 4. U S S H O P P E R D D G 7 0 FRG Board FRG Corner President: Sarah McClain Hello Hopper Families, Vice President: Amy Norman I hope you all are doing great and getting excited Treasurer: Sara White about the homecoming. The planning for this great event is going smoothly. I just want to say thank you to Secretary: Sandy Thompson everyone who participated in our Scentsy fundraiser. It went really well. Coming up in September we will be having our monthly meeting on September 6th at 6:30pm at the Catlin Park Community Center. Hope to see you all there. We will be starting our first kiss ticket sale. Each ticket is $1.00 and a week before the homecoming we will be doing a blind raffle and one lucky person will get the chance to have their Sailor come off the ship first If you would like to be added to the and receive the first kiss. I will also be starting to put FRG Email list in addition to the together the guest list for homecoming, so if you do not have a military ID and need to get on base, I will need Ombudsman Email list, please email all the names of the people attending so I can put their frghopper! name on my list. Also this meeting the shoeboxes for the shoebox fundraiser are due. We will be wrapping them and sending them out on the 12th. Also the squares for the sign are due on the 6th so please don't forget to bring those so we can get the sign put together and sent out. Thank you all for your participation and for Upcoming Events: supporting your Sailor. Have a great September. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me September 6, 2011~ at FRG Meeting Sarah McClain 6:30pm Catlin Park Community USS HOPPER FRG President Center ~Our spouses serve as we serve, every bit as much. They do not bear the arms, but their open arms provide strength and comfort. They do not set the ship's course, but their internal compass keeps the family ready and on track. They do not ford the stream or build the bridge, but the bridge they provide back to the home sustains and improves the morale and performance of entire units.~ 4! Ombudsman Newsletter September 2011
  • 5. U S S H O P P E R D D G 7 0 Celebrations & Congratulations! ✴GM2 Henson, Coty - Happy Anniversary! Love you.... - Britt ✴IT2 Thompson We met in the 6th grade then we started dating after High school, and now we are celebrating our 1st anniversary as husband & Wife; Happy 1st year sweat heart I can't wait to spend the many more years to come! I love you forever & always! Sandy Thompson ✴ FCCS White~ Happy 10th Anniversary (September 2nd) to the man of my dreams! I love you more with each passing day... xoxo Love always, Kristin ✴FCCS White~ Happy 35th Birthday on September 13th OLD MAN! We love you to pieces!! Love, Kristin, Kaia and Layla. ✴ENS Hammon Happy Birthday (September 24th) Felicia, we love you and can't wait for you to be back at home again. Have a wonderful birthday. Love, Mom and all the family ✴CWO2 Young and his family will celebrate their half way point on August 31st! ✴CWO2 Young..congrats to Brendan for surviving the Sports Endurance class.. way to go Mauris egestas lacus sit ame BUBBA! ✴I would like to wish my wife Dolly a happy 15 anniversary on September 7th.  I love you. (submitted by: CWO2 Joe Young) Vivamus pulvinar, purus ultricies ultrices ullamcorper, dolor diam euismod nisl, vel consectetuer eros mi sit amet lorem. ✴CWO2 Young.. happy 15th wedding anniversary on Sept 7th and 14th!!!  Love you! ✴We honor the memory of Mrs. Lavonne Baker, grandmother to FC2 Baker. Her passing is a — Quisque Massa tremendous loss for her family and community. ✴Happy 30th Birthday to my wifey Paulette Prince.  Looks like you’re moving on up in the World!  Anyways, I wish I could be there babe.  I Love You! (submitted by: ITC Clarence Prince) ✴Happy Two year Anniversary Britt it has been a great two years I love you and I miss you. (submitted by: GM2 Coty Henson) ✴HAPPY 5th Birthday Mr. Maddox Cooper!!  I can't wait to give you BIG hugs and Kisses!   Love you ALL the way to the moon and back! (submitted by: YN1 Jennifer Archuleta) ✴September 23- Happy Birthday to my amazing husband- FC1 Gabriel De La Paz. I love you and miss you and can't wait to celebrate your birthday when you return.  Gemma sends you baby cuddles and she can not wait to meet her daddy, she says HAPPY BIRTHDAY DADDY! We are eagerly counting down until our family is complete again. Enjoy YOUR day and know that your family sends all of their love and support. Besos y abrazos - Your wife, Jessica and Baby girl Gemma ✴DCFN Toquero, Steven Happy Birthday Hunny!!! May all your wishes come true.Wish I could be with you on this special day. I can't wait to see you soon ;)...I love you hunny!!!Muah Ombudsman Newsletter September 2011! 5
  • 6. U S S H O P P E R D D G 7 0 ✴Happy 9th birthday to my son, Grant! (AUG 25) Mommy loves you and misses you a lot! I will see you soon.....Love, MOMMY (submitted by: SH2 MEDINA) ✴FCCS Kevin White Birthday: September 13. Happy 35th Birthday Son. Guess you were always meant to be a Sailor!!! Love you, Mom and Dad ✴Happy 10th anniversary to my wonderful wife Kristin, you are the love of my life.  I look forward to many more years together! (submitted by: FCCS White) ✴Happy 6th Anniversary baby; miss you ‘n Mack so much!!  Be home soon!!  (submitted by: ENS Tyler Kelley) ✴Happy 1st Birthday, Easton! Daddy is so proud of the big boy you've become. I hope that you have a great first birthday and that Mommy and Dayton take extra-good care of you. Don't forget to share your cake with everyone else. I love you buddy. - Daddy (submitted by: LT Brandon Booher) ✴Happy Birthday (September 28) SR Janice Taylor- 21 yrs you have come a long way! We love you! Mom, Dad, Mel and Leah. ✴IT1 McClain September 14th Happy Birthday Bobby we love you and miss you bunches! ✴IT1 McClain  My son's September Birthday will be spent on a ship far away. We send to him happy wishes as he sails away with all the fishes. Love mom ✴IT1 McClain Happy Birthday Big Bro.... from your lil sis! 6 Ombudsman Newsletter September 2011
  • 7. U S S H O P P E R D D G 7 0 Helpful Courses Offered for our Navy Families: SEPT 2011 Your Military and Family Support Center, offers a variety of classes to help meet the unique demands of the military lifestyle. Classes are held at our convenient MFSC locations, 4827 Bougainville Drive, Moanalua Navy Services Center, or 655 Vickers Avenue, JBPHH (Hickam). For more information contact the MFSC-Pearl Harbor at 474-1999 or MFSC-Hickam at 449-0300. 6 SEPT 1100-1230: MANAGING MONEY AND CREDIT (MFSC PEARL HARBOR) Learn the basic skills and techniques for managing your money and budgeting; gain awareness of credit cards and loans; and learn how to plan savings goals. 8 SEPT 1700-2000: TILL DEBT DO US PART (MFSC-PEARL HARBOR) Financial class for couples. Class discussions include the differences in thinking about money situations and exercises for couples to see if they really know their spouse’s spending habits. Attendees will work with their spouses to come up with short and long term goals, planning out a budget together, and deciding on savings and investment goals. REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED. 12-13, 14-15, and 21-22 SEPT 0730-1530: MILLION DOLLAR SAILOR / AIRMAN (MFSC PEARL HARBOR / WAHIAWA / HICKAM AFB / KBAY) This two-day class covers everything that one will need to know to be financially informed. Topics include; Pay and Allowances, how to read the LES, the importance of knowing they are responsible for that information being correct, Savings and Investments, Thrift Savings Plan, Insurance (all types, car, home, renters, umbrella, etc), 2 Hours of Car Buying strategies, consumer information to include pay day loans, spending plan (budget), how that effects a security clearance, establishing credit, maintaining credit, credit reports, and credit scores. We also offer a great program that includes a budget as well as how to get debts paid off quickly. For most people it's a real eye-opener. Attendees are allowed to wear civilian clothes to this class. 21 SEPT 0900-1300: JEMS JOB FAIR (PEARL HARBOR) Come network at Club Pearl with more than 100 companies. Open to members of the military community with base access. For more information visit (No children or strollers admitted) General Military Training (GMT) and RETURN AND REUNION (R&R) Our experienced staff will also go to your Command or Family Readiness Group meeting and present a General Military Training (GMT) or conduct an R&R for any command within two months of returning from deployment at a time and place convenient for your crew on a variety of topics. Ombudsman Newsletter September 2011 7
  • 8. U S S H O P P E R D D G 7 0 OPSEC Don't discuss future destinations or ports of call! Don't discuss future operations or missions! Don't discuss dates and times of when we will be in port or conducting exercises! Don't discuss readiness issues and numbers! Don't discuss specific training equipment! Don't discuss people's names and billets in conjunction with operations! Don't speculate about future operations! Don't spread rumors about operations! Don't assume the enemy is not trying to collect information on you so he can kill you, he is! Be smart, use your head, and always think OPSEC when using email or phone! 8 Ombudsman Newsletter September 2011
  • 9. U S S H O P P E R D D G 7 0 ON ISLAND FAMILY FUN MWR's annual DAY FOR KIDS Saturday, Sept. 17 3-6 p.m. Ward Field FREE This year's theme is FLASHBACK TO THE '80S. • Bounce houses, crafts and games • Entertainment • Sponsor tents sharing goodies • Have your photo taken in ’80s-style with retro costumes provided “Build-Your-Own” Snackbar Station Experience Fall Camp will be held on October 3-7. See for more details. Joint Employment Management Service Annual JOB FAIR Wednesday, Sept. 21 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Club Pearl FREE Ombudsman Newsletter September 2011 9