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OCT - DEC 2011	

             5 5 T H    B R I G AD E   N E W S L E T T E R          	

               Vol 1 Edition 1

      ST RI K E NE W S
  The Office of the Secretary of
  Defense has announced that the
  Pennsylvania National Guard’s 55th                     JAN
  Heavy Brigade Combat Team                              FEB
  (HBCT), headquartered in Scranton,                     MAR
  will mobilize nearly nine months
  after their originally planned date.                   APR
   The 55th HBCT was scheduled to                        MAY
  deploy to Kuwait in early 2012 and                     JUN
  has spent the past year planning and                    JUL
  training for this mission. The
  mission for which the 55th HBCT                        AUG
  has been preparing for has not                          SEP
  changed, only the dates.                               OCT
   The shift in dates is a result of the                 NOV
  Department of Defense actions to
  realign forces in the Central
  Command theater.                       “The BCT’s leaders are starting an   Since 9/11, Soldiers and units from
                                         assessment of the impact of the      the brigade have deployed to Central
  “While the change is abrupt and
                                         change and developing plans for      Europe, Bosnia, Iraq, Kuwait, the
  certainly has a major impact on
                                         maintaining the unit’s readiness     Sinai, and Afghanistan. More
  every Guardsman’s personal and
                                         until the new mobilization date.”    recently, over 1,300 Guardsmen
  professional life, additional time to
                                                                              from the 55th HBCT also assisted
  prepare for the mission is always Over 3,500 Guardsmen serve in the
                                                                              civil authorities in Northeastern
  beneficial,” said Col. George 55th HBCT in 23 communities
                                                                              Pennsylvania during flooding
  Schwartz, 55th Brigade Commander. throughout eastern Pennsylvania.
                                                                              caused by Hurricanes Irene and Lee.

Sgt. Brian Truesdale                     warrior tasks and four battle drills
                                         required in theater. “We have designed
    Too much training is like too much
money, there is no such thing. That is   a flowing event so that Soldiers aren’t     ARM Y WA RR I O R
good news as the 55th Heavy Brigade      standing at a table talking about hand           TA S K S
                                         and arm signals,” said Boccardi.
Combat Team has not been short on
training throughout the past year.           Instead, Soldiers use their
                                         knowledge of multiple tasks at once in
    The change of the brigade’s
                                         a series of simulation lanes. A given
mobilization date will now require
                                         lane evaluates a Soldier in several tasks
some training to be repeated due to the
                                         and sub-tasks. Every Soldier is tracked
window of time it must be completed
                                         to validate that they can successfully
in before mobilization. However, the
                                         perform every task in every lane.
benefits are not lost since the Army
                                                                                          C OMB ATIVES
Warrior Tasks (AWT) training is             As the brigade resets their
largely based upon our Mission schedule to meet the new mobilization
Essential Task List and should be dates, the brigade commander wants
conducted every year anyway.            to ensure soldiers keep their skills

    The AWT training is organized to sharp while not over-extending their
evaluate the soldiers’ individual tasks training obligations.
in a group environment, according to            “Our soldiers have worked hard
Sgt. Maj. Raymond Boccardi, non-           over the past year and accomplished a
commissioned officer in charge of the      lot. Although we need to stay focused
Pre-Mobilization Training Assistance       on deployment, we need to ensure they       ROLL OVER TRAINER
Element, or PTAE.                          have adequate time for their families

    He went on to explain that the and civilian employers,” Col. George
focus of the training is on an individual Schwartz, commander, 55th HBCT.
Soldier’s ability to perform all of the 15


                                                                                       S QUAD MOVEMENT

         Soldiers in A co. and B co. 1-109th Combined Arms
         Battalion conduct squad battle drills during their
         October Annual Training at Fort Pickett Va.

         Small unit dominance and close combat supremacy is
         a result of proficient Soldiers and leaders and close.

Individual weapons qualifications was also
conducted during the October annual training

TOP: Pvt Slowikowski, a soldier with HHC 1-109th
Combined Arms Battalion, confirms the accuracy of
his M4 rifle prior to he's weapon qualification.

MIDDLE: Staff Sgt. Rossetti, a squad leader with C
Co 1-109th Combined Arms Battalion, engages a blue
target on the rifle qualification range at Fort Pickett,

BOTTOM: After scoring an expert qualification on
the rifle range, Sgt. 1st Class Lee, a platoon sergeant
with C Co 1-109th Combined Arms Battalion, tests
his advanced marksmanship skills by engaging
targets while wearing a protective mask.
PV2 Ashley E. Heckard                     oversight to ensure training and                 “I realized there are a group of
  “To provide accessible,                 monetary dispersement as needs are            military spouses that have gone
compassionate mentoring for our           identified.                                   through multiple deployments and
families through educational outreach.”     The ‘Advisory Committee’ is six             would be good leaders for the family
That is the mission statement for the     designated battalion representatives          readiness groups, providing great
newly formed “MentorNet”, a military      who identify the needs and justification      guidance”, said Ranaudo.
community where spouses and family        to the ‘Executive Committee’.                 “(MentorNet) also allows the mentors
members can receive support from a          The last committee is designed to           to have a support group as well.”
brigade-wide network of strong,           manage funds that help support the               Most soldiers and their families have
experienced mentors.                      brigade's Family Readiness Groups.            a difficult job adjusting to the
  “The planning group is made up of         “The advisory (Senior Mentors) to           deployment atmosphere.
about a dozen volunteers, and spouses     the Family Readiness Groups are                  “I have been deployed before and I
of senior officers and NCO’s”, said Lt.   experienced and have been around the          know the stress that comes along with
Col. Marty Kane, the Rear Detachment      military lifestyle for quite a while”, said   it”, said COL Schwartz. “This is to help
Commander of the 55th Brigade.            Gayla L. Debonise, a senior mentor            overcome that challenge of separation.”
“Membership will be expanded to all of    with MentorNet, “I like to sometimes             The MentorNet group is still in its
the HBCT’s battalions in the near         call us the ‘oldie moldies’ of the            beginning phase, but all who are
future.”                                  organization.”                                involved look at the group as a
  The organizational structure of the       The MentorNet organization has              beneficial and resourceful project.
group is comprised of four separate       meetings every other week at the                 “Our ultimate goal is to improve
committee’s. The ‘Senior Mentors’, who    armory in Scranton, PA. Along with            resiliency and work through adverse
are the spouses of senior officers and    advising Family Readiness Groups, the         situations to become stronger than
non-commissioned officers. Their          MentorNet plans to organize big events        before”, said Schwartz. “Everything we
purpose is to provide life experiences    for military families. An ‘Essential Life     do is for the Family Readiness Groups,
and stability to junior family members.   Skills Workshop’ will be held March 3,        to improve activities, to have a positive
  The ‘Executive Committee’ is made       2012 in Scranton, June 9 in                   impact on the families of Soldiers. And
up of the 55th Brigade’s Commander        Philadelphia and August 25 in                 we will ultimately fulfill that goal.”
Col. George M. Schwartz, the Executive    Kingston instructed by Kami A.
Officer Lt. Col. Judah M. Whitney, Lt.    Merrifield, Ph. D, an assistant professor       If you would like to know more
Col. Marty Kane, Command Sgt. Maj.        for Human Development and Family              information about the Essential Life
Wade E. Heilman and Sherry Ranaudo,       Studies at Penn State University and          Skills Workshop you can view that and
a Family Readiness Support Assistant.     Staff Sgt. Eric J. Darling, the Master        more on
Their purpose is to provide command       Resiliency Trainer for the brigade. 
                                               ASK A JOE
                                         What do you expect to experience when you
                                                 (eventually) reach Kuwait?
                                                             Pvt. Derek Dur phy
    Sgt. Robert Farley and Sgt.
                                                                   A Co 1-110 Inf. Battalion
Charles Snyder, snipers with HHC
                                                                Attached To HHC 55th HBCT
1-109th Combined Arms Battalion,
attended the National Guard
Sniper Championship held at Camp                             “Based on what I’ve seen so far, I
Robinson Arkansas from 13-20                                 see my chain of command being
November 2011, where they took
                                                              well organized and getting me
sixth place out of thirteen sniper
                                                              the information I need. Oh....
teams. They competed against
National Guard, active Army, Air                              and its going to be very hot.”
Force and Special Forces snipers in
17 events.
    “This is an outstanding
accomplishment for part time                                        Pfc . Jacob
National Guard Soldiers who do                                     S h o e m a ke r
not get much trigger time
                                                                    HHC 210 MP Battalion
throughout the year,” said Lt. Col.
Alan Ornoski, commander or
1-109th CAB. “These two                                       “I think higher security will be
outstanding NCO's trained very                                needed in Kuwait with the Iraq
hard focusing on their physical                              pullout happening. So we need to
fitness. They shot extremely well                                  treat this as any other
and were consistently in 3rd or 4th
                                                                 deployment, like Iraq or
place the entire competition.”
    The team lost 100 points on the
last event. The object of the last
event was to evaluate a target and
decide not to take the shot. Both                                  Pvt. L in dse y
snipers debated but agreed that it                                   Romano
was a sniper compaction and they
                                                                       A Co 55th BSTB
should take the shot. Eleven other
teams made the same mistake.
                                                               “I think there will be a lot of
    “I am confident of their abilities
and with this competition under                                   excitement and anxiety,
their belt, they will place much                              especially for those of us who
higher in future events,” said                                have not deployed or been to
Ornoski.                                                      that part of the world before.”
Capt Keith Hickox                       mean something to the Soldier, you
                                                                                                 FRG CAN PROVIDE

 It has been said many times before should belong to the FRG,” said
that behind every great man is a great Ranaudo.                                                  1. INFORMATION
woman. Often it is turned around to 	

 For many, the ‘family’ aspect refers to
say behind every great woman is a great the ‘Army family’. Christina Salisbury is                2. CAMARADERIE
man. I am going to take it two steps the president of B Company, 55th
                                                                                                 3. EMOTIONAL SUPPORT
further and say, behind every great Brigade Support Battalion’s FRG. It is a
Soldier is a great family — parents, relatively new but thriving FRG within                      4. CONNECTIONS
spouses, kids, the whole nine yards.    our brigade. She said FRG is a very
                                                                                                 5. SOCIAL OUTINGS

 Family Readiness Groups (FRGs) diverse community and everyone brings
have existed for many years in the Army to the table their needs, abilities, talents             6. FINANCIAL SUPPORT
National Guard. By regulation, there and contacts.
                                                                                                 7. EXTENDED FAMILY
should be one for every company. 	

 “If you are immediate family, distant
However, you can always find units with relatives, friends, or neighbors with a                   8. UNIT SUPPORT
FRGs that are barely attended or even Soldier we welcome you to join the
non-existent.                                                                                     9. HOLIDAY PARTIES
                                        FRG,” said Salisbury. “The company

 Why is this? The companies are full         Soldiers are just as vital. They are the          10. PIECE OF MIND
of Soldiers. I’m certain most, if not all, of   ones who encourage their families and
the Soldiers have family members of             friends to join the FRG and become
                                                involved.”                                 interested in. Another reason to be a
some sort. In my opinion, FRGs can get
                                                                                           member is to have input and a voice in
everything they need to help families,          	

 One turn-off for some who have had     what goes on,” said Salisbury. “Our
except families.                                past experience in an FRG are the stiff
                                                                                           plans for the future also include a

 There are several popular theories          regulations that you find in every
                                                                                           formal dinner and events focused on
that may explain why family members             military organization. Is it possible to   the kids. Other ideas, particularly during
don’t participate in their FRG. By far the      complete the mission of the FRG            deployment, are a ‘Pamper Yourself’
greatest misconception is that the FRG          without its volunteers feeling
                                                                                           day, and play-dates at local parks.”
is designed for Soldiers’ spouses and           overwhelmed?

  And what about the volunteer
more specifically wives.                    	

 “Yes, I’m sure the regulations can be       officers that run the FRGs? Historically,

 Kevin George is a Family Readiness challenging at times, and that is why we            they seem to always be the wife of the
Support Assistant (FRSA) who covers h ave F a m i ly R e a d i n e s s S u p p o r t       company commander or one of the
the western part of our brigade area. Assistants assigned to each of the major             other officers or senior non-
He disagrees with this assumption. Not c o m m a n d s a n d j o i n t f o r c e           commissioned officers. Does the high
all Soldiers have a spouse. Soldiers’ headquarters,” said George. “The FRSA                rank of the Soldier really translate into
families stretch far beyond spouses and supports and trains the FRG leadership,            a high FRG position for the spouse?
so should their FRG.                       unit’s commander and the family liaison

 An FRG leader should want the

 “The FRG and leadership positions                                                      position and must be elected into the
are available to all associated with the 	

 Some FRGs, like in B Company 55th             position, not just be put in the position. 
Soldier and their unit. FRG leaders can Brigade Special Troops Battalion, are              “The best person for any job is the one
be spouses, parents, siblings, and newly established and are still trying to               who really wants it,” said Ranaudo.
grandparents of the Soldier, and also develop more fun events along with

  “Any individual that is positive,
retirees of the PA Guard,” said George. their support activities.
                                                                                           outgoing, has leadership skills and loves

 Sherry Ranaudo is another FRSA              	

 “We have annual picnics and
                                                                                           their Soldier, Guard and country makes
covering the eastern part of our brigade        Christmas parties. We also have
                                                                                           a fine FRG president,” said George.
area, and feels that FRGs are for anyone        meetings with professional consultants
                                                discussing topics members are              	

        see FAMILY page 5...
in the circle of the Soldier’s life.  “If you
                                            ALCOHOL, A POOR DECISION MULTIPLIER
                                                   Beware of the Slippery Slope
                                            Command Sgt. Maj. Wade Heilman
                                                 Sharing a few drinks can be a       driving, they also decided not to
    ON FACEBOOK                             great social activity. However, each     obey the speed limit. The driver lost
                                            drink can make you more                  control of the car and rolled it. Two
                                            vulnerable to making poor                occupants ended up in the hospital                   decisions.                               and the other two ended up in jail.
                                                  One bad decision could cost           Too many times I have heard an
                                            someone their career or even their       excuse that sounded like, “Its not
                                            life. Often, poor decisions don’t        my fault, I was drunk.” I don’t
FAMILY... cont, page 4                      stop with one, but continue              know about you, but I would not

 “If you live in Pennsylvania and your   spiraling downward to a very             accept that excuse from my spouse,
Soldier's unit is in Arizona, find a local   sobering and sometimes tragic            a friend or a coworker. I would also
                                            thud at the bottom.                      never use that as an excuse for my
FRG to join for support and
                                                                                     own actions.
information,” said Salisbury.                   While a brigade unit was

 Still, there are some who believe the   conducting annual training an                It is really this simple: before
reason why people don’t join their FRG      unfortunate example of this point        you drink, make a plan. Decide
                                            was made.                                what you are doing to do and what
is much simpler. “Probably the number
one reason why people do not                                                         you are not going to do. Don’t let
                                                 While the battalion granted
volunteer or participate in the FRG is                                               friends pull you away from the plan
                                            Soldiers permission to drink, they
                                                                                     that you know it right. Lastly,
that they are too busy with the             restricted the Soldiers’ activities to
demands of job and family. Also, it could                                            police your buddies. If you see
                                            post.    Four Soldiers, who were
be the perception that the FRG is just a                                             someone who may be sliding down
                                            drinking heavily, decided to not
                                                                                     that bad slope, stop them before
ladies club for fund raising, or maybe —    only violate one policy but two.
                                                                                     something worse does.
commanders, pay attention — no one               They drove off post while all
asked them to join or become a leader,”     four were intoxicated. While
said George.


 The biggest advantage to having a       Where will it lead you?
strong FRG is keeping families ready at
all times throughout the deployment
cycle.     A family that is ready and
supported allows their Soldier to focus     Excessive drinking
on the mission at hand, thereby making
their unit’s overall mission a success.     !        Violating policy

 Support, education, understanding and   !        !       Driving drunk
strength.  Your FRG is out there with a     !        !       !        Excessive Speed
great purpose and a great support staff.
                                            !        !       !        !        Serious Injury

 As many of our Soldiers are preparing
                                            !        !       !              ! !       Incarceration
to deploy to Kuwait, I call for all
Soldiers and those who hold them dear       !        !       !        !        !      !        Reduction
to reach out and participate in your        !        !       !        !        !      !        !       Discharge

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55th Brigade Newsletter Dec 2011

  • 1. OCT - DEC 2011 5 5 T H B R I G AD E N E W S L E T T E R Vol 1 Edition 1 ST RI K E NE W S BRIGADE’S MOBILIZATION DELAYED The Office of the Secretary of Defense has announced that the 2012 Pennsylvania National Guard’s 55th JAN Heavy Brigade Combat Team FEB (HBCT), headquartered in Scranton, MAR will mobilize nearly nine months after their originally planned date. APR The 55th HBCT was scheduled to MAY deploy to Kuwait in early 2012 and JUN has spent the past year planning and JUL training for this mission. The mission for which the 55th HBCT AUG has been preparing for has not SEP changed, only the dates. OCT The shift in dates is a result of the NOV Department of Defense actions to realign forces in the Central Command theater. “The BCT’s leaders are starting an Since 9/11, Soldiers and units from assessment of the impact of the the brigade have deployed to Central “While the change is abrupt and change and developing plans for Europe, Bosnia, Iraq, Kuwait, the certainly has a major impact on maintaining the unit’s readiness Sinai, and Afghanistan. More every Guardsman’s personal and until the new mobilization date.” recently, over 1,300 Guardsmen professional life, additional time to from the 55th HBCT also assisted prepare for the mission is always Over 3,500 Guardsmen serve in the civil authorities in Northeastern beneficial,” said Col. George 55th HBCT in 23 communities Pennsylvania during flooding Schwartz, 55th Brigade Commander. throughout eastern Pennsylvania. caused by Hurricanes Irene and Lee. FORT PICKETT, PAGE 3 ARMY WARRIOR TASKS, PAGE 2 FAMILY READINESS, PAGE 5
  • 2. TOO MUCH TRAINING - NO SUCH THING Sgt. Brian Truesdale warrior tasks and four battle drills required in theater. “We have designed Too much training is like too much money, there is no such thing. That is a flowing event so that Soldiers aren’t ARM Y WA RR I O R good news as the 55th Heavy Brigade standing at a table talking about hand TA S K S and arm signals,” said Boccardi. Combat Team has not been short on training throughout the past year. Instead, Soldiers use their knowledge of multiple tasks at once in The change of the brigade’s a series of simulation lanes. A given mobilization date will now require lane evaluates a Soldier in several tasks some training to be repeated due to the and sub-tasks. Every Soldier is tracked window of time it must be completed to validate that they can successfully in before mobilization. However, the perform every task in every lane. benefits are not lost since the Army C OMB ATIVES Warrior Tasks (AWT) training is As the brigade resets their largely based upon our Mission schedule to meet the new mobilization Essential Task List and should be dates, the brigade commander wants conducted every year anyway. to ensure soldiers keep their skills The AWT training is organized to sharp while not over-extending their evaluate the soldiers’ individual tasks training obligations. in a group environment, according to “Our soldiers have worked hard Sgt. Maj. Raymond Boccardi, non- over the past year and accomplished a commissioned officer in charge of the lot. Although we need to stay focused Pre-Mobilization Training Assistance on deployment, we need to ensure they ROLL OVER TRAINER Element, or PTAE. have adequate time for their families He went on to explain that the and civilian employers,” Col. George focus of the training is on an individual Schwartz, commander, 55th HBCT. Soldier’s ability to perform all of the 15 GRENADES S QUAD MOVEMENT
  • 3. A UN IT O F AC T I O N Soldiers in A co. and B co. 1-109th Combined Arms Battalion conduct squad battle drills during their October Annual Training at Fort Pickett Va. Small unit dominance and close combat supremacy is a result of proficient Soldiers and leaders and close.
  • 4. A UN IT O F AC T I O N Individual weapons qualifications was also conducted during the October annual training periods. TOP: Pvt Slowikowski, a soldier with HHC 1-109th Combined Arms Battalion, confirms the accuracy of his M4 rifle prior to he's weapon qualification. MIDDLE: Staff Sgt. Rossetti, a squad leader with C Co 1-109th Combined Arms Battalion, engages a blue target on the rifle qualification range at Fort Pickett, Va. BOTTOM: After scoring an expert qualification on the rifle range, Sgt. 1st Class Lee, a platoon sergeant with C Co 1-109th Combined Arms Battalion, tests his advanced marksmanship skills by engaging targets while wearing a protective mask.
  • 5. MENTORNET, A BRIGADE WIDE FAMILY NETWORK PV2 Ashley E. Heckard oversight to ensure training and “I realized there are a group of “To provide accessible, monetary dispersement as needs are military spouses that have gone compassionate mentoring for our identified. through multiple deployments and families through educational outreach.” The ‘Advisory Committee’ is six would be good leaders for the family That is the mission statement for the designated battalion representatives readiness groups, providing great newly formed “MentorNet”, a military who identify the needs and justification guidance”, said Ranaudo. community where spouses and family to the ‘Executive Committee’. “(MentorNet) also allows the mentors members can receive support from a The last committee is designed to to have a support group as well.” brigade-wide network of strong, manage funds that help support the Most soldiers and their families have experienced mentors. brigade's Family Readiness Groups. a difficult job adjusting to the “The planning group is made up of “The advisory (Senior Mentors) to deployment atmosphere. about a dozen volunteers, and spouses the Family Readiness Groups are “I have been deployed before and I of senior officers and NCO’s”, said Lt. experienced and have been around the know the stress that comes along with Col. Marty Kane, the Rear Detachment military lifestyle for quite a while”, said it”, said COL Schwartz. “This is to help Commander of the 55th Brigade. Gayla L. Debonise, a senior mentor overcome that challenge of separation.” “Membership will be expanded to all of with MentorNet, “I like to sometimes The MentorNet group is still in its the HBCT’s battalions in the near call us the ‘oldie moldies’ of the beginning phase, but all who are future.” organization.” involved look at the group as a The organizational structure of the The MentorNet organization has beneficial and resourceful project. group is comprised of four separate meetings every other week at the “Our ultimate goal is to improve committee’s. The ‘Senior Mentors’, who armory in Scranton, PA. Along with resiliency and work through adverse are the spouses of senior officers and advising Family Readiness Groups, the situations to become stronger than non-commissioned officers. Their MentorNet plans to organize big events before”, said Schwartz. “Everything we purpose is to provide life experiences for military families. An ‘Essential Life do is for the Family Readiness Groups, and stability to junior family members. Skills Workshop’ will be held March 3, to improve activities, to have a positive The ‘Executive Committee’ is made 2012 in Scranton, June 9 in impact on the families of Soldiers. And up of the 55th Brigade’s Commander Philadelphia and August 25 in we will ultimately fulfill that goal.” Col. George M. Schwartz, the Executive Kingston instructed by Kami A. Officer Lt. Col. Judah M. Whitney, Lt. Merrifield, Ph. D, an assistant professor If you would like to know more Col. Marty Kane, Command Sgt. Maj. for Human Development and Family information about the Essential Life Wade E. Heilman and Sherry Ranaudo, Studies at Penn State University and Skills Workshop you can view that and a Family Readiness Support Assistant. Staff Sgt. Eric J. Darling, the Master more on Their purpose is to provide command Resiliency Trainer for the brigade.
  • 6. BRIGADE SNIPERS STALK UP ON ASK A JOE What do you expect to experience when you (eventually) reach Kuwait? NATIONAL COMPETITION Pvt. Derek Dur phy Sgt. Robert Farley and Sgt. A Co 1-110 Inf. Battalion Charles Snyder, snipers with HHC Attached To HHC 55th HBCT 1-109th Combined Arms Battalion, attended the National Guard Sniper Championship held at Camp “Based on what I’ve seen so far, I Robinson Arkansas from 13-20 see my chain of command being November 2011, where they took well organized and getting me sixth place out of thirteen sniper the information I need. Oh.... teams. They competed against National Guard, active Army, Air and its going to be very hot.” Force and Special Forces snipers in 17 events. “This is an outstanding accomplishment for part time Pfc . Jacob National Guard Soldiers who do S h o e m a ke r not get much trigger time HHC 210 MP Battalion throughout the year,” said Lt. Col. Alan Ornoski, commander or 1-109th CAB. “These two “I think higher security will be outstanding NCO's trained very needed in Kuwait with the Iraq hard focusing on their physical pullout happening. So we need to fitness. They shot extremely well treat this as any other and were consistently in 3rd or 4th deployment, like Iraq or place the entire competition.” Afghanistan.” The team lost 100 points on the last event. The object of the last event was to evaluate a target and decide not to take the shot. Both Pvt. L in dse y snipers debated but agreed that it Romano was a sniper compaction and they A Co 55th BSTB should take the shot. Eleven other teams made the same mistake. “I think there will be a lot of “I am confident of their abilities and with this competition under excitement and anxiety, their belt, they will place much especially for those of us who higher in future events,” said have not deployed or been to Ornoski. that part of the world before.”
  • 7. MISSING FAMILIES IN READINESS GROUPS Capt Keith Hickox mean something to the Soldier, you FRG CAN PROVIDE It has been said many times before should belong to the FRG,” said that behind every great man is a great Ranaudo. 1. INFORMATION woman. Often it is turned around to For many, the ‘family’ aspect refers to say behind every great woman is a great the ‘Army family’. Christina Salisbury is 2. CAMARADERIE man. I am going to take it two steps the president of B Company, 55th 3. EMOTIONAL SUPPORT further and say, behind every great Brigade Support Battalion’s FRG. It is a Soldier is a great family — parents, relatively new but thriving FRG within 4. CONNECTIONS spouses, kids, the whole nine yards. our brigade. She said FRG is a very 5. SOCIAL OUTINGS Family Readiness Groups (FRGs) diverse community and everyone brings have existed for many years in the Army to the table their needs, abilities, talents 6. FINANCIAL SUPPORT National Guard. By regulation, there and contacts. 7. EXTENDED FAMILY should be one for every company. “If you are immediate family, distant However, you can always find units with relatives, friends, or neighbors with a 8. UNIT SUPPORT FRGs that are barely attended or even Soldier we welcome you to join the non-existent. 9. HOLIDAY PARTIES FRG,” said Salisbury. “The company Why is this? The companies are full Soldiers are just as vital. They are the 10. PIECE OF MIND of Soldiers. I’m certain most, if not all, of ones who encourage their families and the Soldiers have family members of friends to join the FRG and become involved.” interested in. Another reason to be a some sort. In my opinion, FRGs can get member is to have input and a voice in everything they need to help families, One turn-off for some who have had what goes on,” said Salisbury. “Our except families. past experience in an FRG are the stiff plans for the future also include a There are several popular theories regulations that you find in every formal dinner and events focused on that may explain why family members military organization. Is it possible to the kids. Other ideas, particularly during don’t participate in their FRG. By far the complete the mission of the FRG deployment, are a ‘Pamper Yourself’ greatest misconception is that the FRG without its volunteers feeling day, and play-dates at local parks.” is designed for Soldiers’ spouses and overwhelmed? And what about the volunteer more specifically wives. “Yes, I’m sure the regulations can be officers that run the FRGs? Historically, Kevin George is a Family Readiness challenging at times, and that is why we they seem to always be the wife of the Support Assistant (FRSA) who covers h ave F a m i ly R e a d i n e s s S u p p o r t company commander or one of the the western part of our brigade area. Assistants assigned to each of the major other officers or senior non- He disagrees with this assumption. Not c o m m a n d s a n d j o i n t f o r c e commissioned officers. Does the high all Soldiers have a spouse. Soldiers’ headquarters,” said George. “The FRSA rank of the Soldier really translate into families stretch far beyond spouses and supports and trains the FRG leadership, a high FRG position for the spouse? so should their FRG. unit’s commander and the family liaison assistant.” An FRG leader should want the “The FRG and leadership positions position and must be elected into the are available to all associated with the Some FRGs, like in B Company 55th position, not just be put in the position.  Soldier and their unit. FRG leaders can Brigade Special Troops Battalion, are “The best person for any job is the one be spouses, parents, siblings, and newly established and are still trying to who really wants it,” said Ranaudo. grandparents of the Soldier, and also develop more fun events along with “Any individual that is positive, retirees of the PA Guard,” said George. their support activities. outgoing, has leadership skills and loves Sherry Ranaudo is another FRSA “We have annual picnics and their Soldier, Guard and country makes covering the eastern part of our brigade Christmas parties. We also have a fine FRG president,” said George. area, and feels that FRGs are for anyone meetings with professional consultants discussing topics members are see FAMILY page 5... in the circle of the Soldier’s life.  “If you
  • 8. ALCOHOL, A POOR DECISION MULTIPLIER Beware of the Slippery Slope Command Sgt. Maj. Wade Heilman FOLLOW 55th HBCT Sharing a few drinks can be a driving, they also decided not to ON FACEBOOK great social activity. However, each obey the speed limit. The driver lost drink can make you more control of the car and rolled it. Two vulnerable to making poor occupants ended up in the hospital decisions. and the other two ended up in jail. One bad decision could cost Too many times I have heard an someone their career or even their excuse that sounded like, “Its not life. Often, poor decisions don’t my fault, I was drunk.” I don’t FAMILY... cont, page 4 stop with one, but continue know about you, but I would not “If you live in Pennsylvania and your spiraling downward to a very accept that excuse from my spouse, Soldier's unit is in Arizona, find a local sobering and sometimes tragic a friend or a coworker. I would also thud at the bottom. never use that as an excuse for my FRG to join for support and own actions. information,” said Salisbury. While a brigade unit was Still, there are some who believe the conducting annual training an It is really this simple: before reason why people don’t join their FRG unfortunate example of this point you drink, make a plan. Decide was made. what you are doing to do and what is much simpler. “Probably the number one reason why people do not you are not going to do. Don’t let While the battalion granted volunteer or participate in the FRG is friends pull you away from the plan Soldiers permission to drink, they that you know it right. Lastly, that they are too busy with the restricted the Soldiers’ activities to demands of job and family. Also, it could police your buddies. If you see post. Four Soldiers, who were be the perception that the FRG is just a someone who may be sliding down drinking heavily, decided to not that bad slope, stop them before ladies club for fund raising, or maybe — only violate one policy but two. something worse does. commanders, pay attention — no one They drove off post while all asked them to join or become a leader,” four were intoxicated. While said George. The biggest advantage to having a Where will it lead you? strong FRG is keeping families ready at all times throughout the deployment cycle. A family that is ready and supported allows their Soldier to focus Excessive drinking on the mission at hand, thereby making their unit’s overall mission a success. ! Violating policy Support, education, understanding and ! ! Driving drunk strength.  Your FRG is out there with a ! ! ! Excessive Speed great purpose and a great support staff. ! ! ! ! Serious Injury As many of our Soldiers are preparing ! ! ! ! ! Incarceration to deploy to Kuwait, I call for all Soldiers and those who hold them dear ! ! ! ! ! ! Reduction to reach out and participate in your ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Discharge FRG.