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1.                                                                                10 .



3.                                                                                11 .
                                                                                    step 1 -
                                                                                    step 2 -              '       '
                                                                                    step 3 -
                                                                                  12 .         ,
  SMS,                 ,             ,
    PC                                       -          ?                           util_iboard.php

4.         -
                                                                                    MySQL - TABLE,                          ,
                                                                                           ,     ,
5.                                                                                  iwindow(                  )         ,
                           /                                                        javascript

                                                                                  13 .                    URL
6.                                                                                                        URL
                   ,                                                                                                                  URL
                                                                                  14 .         ,


9 . PHP                                                                                  ,

  PHP                                                                             15 .               FAQ / TIP

  FORM     => PHP
     URL(GET) => PHP

file:///H|/APM_Setup/htdocs/utf8/manual_html/menu_map.html (1 of 2) [2007-11-24     2:07:44]
 util_****.php                                     iboard_help.html                                   array_index.html

 util_iboard.php                                   iboard_help.html                                   array_body.html

                                                   form_login.html                                    array_member.html

                /                                  form_mail.php                                      array_config.html

                                                   form_mem_reg.html                                  array_other.html

                                                   form_search.html                                   skin_board.html

                    1                              form_write1.html                                   skin_member.html

                    2                              form_write2.html                          step-1   skin_home1.html

                    3                              form_write3.html                          step-2   skin_home2.html

                    4                              form_write4.html                          step-3   skin_home3.html

            -                                      form_address.html

 SMS,               ,   ,                          exp_connect.html

                            copyright   : TECHNOTE INC ,

file:///H|/APM_Setup/htdocs/utf8/manual_html/menu_map.html (2 of 2) [2007-11-24   2:07:44]


                               TECHNOTE7 / techshop 1.2

                                            : TECHNOTE INC
                                                  : 2007 / 09

                                           CGI(Common Gateway Interface)                                                .
                   ,               ,            ,               ,                         ,            ..
                                                                              ,                                                                 .

                       : MySQL 3.8 ~ MySQL 5
   C.G.I           : PHP 4.3 ~ PHP 5                            (PHP Optimizer v2.5                    & iconv)
        OS         : Linux, Unix(Solaris), BSD,Windows(IIS)
                       : MSIE, FireFox, Netscape
                   :                                ,   /                 ,

                           (       )

                                       TECHNOTE. INC                                  .

                                            ,               ,         ,                                                     .
                               3                                                                                3                                   .
                                                                2                 (           ,   ,         )       -                       .

file:///H|/APM_Setup/htdocs/utf8/manual_html/menu_1.html (1 of 3) [2007-11-24                         2:08:25]

                     3                                                         .
      1COPY                              1                             1                                      .

               ,                                                                                          .
    0.0x                                                   .
                                        .(                             )
                                        . (1                                                                  -       )
    MySQL DB                                       (                   )                     ->               .

    PHP 4.3                                                                .

   1998.7 : TechNote_98
   2000.9 : TechNote_2000
   2001.8 : TechNote_2002, TechNote_PRO
   2002.11 : TechNote_TOP, TechNoteTOP_plus
   2006 : TechNote_PHP_06
   2007 : TechNote_PHP_07 SHOP

                               '    -          '       '       -       '                          .
                               '    -          '                                   .

file:///H|/APM_Setup/htdocs/utf8/manual_html/menu_1.html (2 of 3) [2007-11-24          2:08:25]

                           copyright    : TECHNOTE INC ,

file:///H|/APM_Setup/htdocs/utf8/manual_html/menu_1.html (3 of 3) [2007-11-24   2:08:25]

       DB:     MySQL 4.0 ~ MySQL 5
       CGI: PHP 4.3 ~ PHP 5
       Server: Linux,Solaris,BSD,Windows ....

       FTP                          (                       :             )

          ,1      MySQL DB
   .....technote7/lib.php                                           [1]
                                        .                                                DB
                                            ,                                                              .

                             -                      (                         )

   1.                 -       PC                                                                     .(           FTP               :       )
   2. ./data                       777              - .....technote7/data/                       777                    .
        technote7.tar.gz                                             1, 2                                                   .
   3.                  admin.php                -                                                       .
   4.             -                                 MySQL                                              -       .
   5.             -                                                                                    .
   6.                   -                                                                                                                 .

   7.                   - SMS       ,                   ,                         ,

                             -                      (                         )

  1.                 pc                                          FTP                                                     .
    FTP                                                     (BINARY)                     .

file:///H|/APM_Setup/htdocs/utf8/manual_html/menu_3.html (1 of 5) [2007-11-24         2:11:25]
,          (                ,BSD             ..)                             'technote7.tar.gz'                                  .
         .gz                                                                                      technote7.tar.gz
         gzip -d technote7.tar.gz [                                   ]
         tar xvfp technote7.tar [                             ]

             [                                                                ]
                                 :                        '                       '                   '        '               telnet                     .
                                open                                                                                    ID/                   .
                 <                       >
                 cd                               [               ]
                 cd .. [             ]
                 chmod 777                                                            [       ]
                 chmod -R 777                                                             [       ]                        ,
                 pwd [           ]
                 ls -al [            ]
                 mkdir                            [               ]
                 rm                  [        ]
                 rmdir                            [               ]
                 rm -rf                               [                   ]

       technote7/data/                                                        777                          .
       FTP                                                                                                         ,[          ]                      .

                                                                                                          chmod 777 data [         ]          .


file:///H|/APM_Setup/htdocs/utf8/manual_html/menu_3.html (2 of 5) [2007-11-24                                           2:11:25]
admin.php URL(                       .

       ##                                                    [enter]                     .

       ## MySQL DB                                 [enter]                       .(MySQL DB           )

       ##                                                              [enter]                .

file:///H|/APM_Setup/htdocs/utf8/manual_html/menu_3.html (3 of 5) [2007-11-24     2:11:25]
##                                                                                  .

                                [             ]                                                    .
                                [             ]                                                            .
                                [DB       ]               MySQL                                -               .


       SMS                      ,                 ,           ,                 ..

file:///H|/APM_Setup/htdocs/utf8/manual_html/menu_3.html (4 of 5) [2007-11-24   2:11:25]

                          Error ..
                                                                                 ?-           zend                                                            .
                                                                    ,                                                             .(
         quot;Fatal error: Call to undefined function: directory_creat_data()..quot;                                                                  ?
                                                . zend                                                                                .
         quot;Fatal error: Incompatible file format: The encoded file has format ID 2003120701, whereas the Optimiz...quot;
                                                                                                          .                                                       .
         '                           '                                                                                                            ?
         PHP                                                                                                    (safe_mode)                           .
                                                         quot;Internal Server Error The server encountered an ...quot;                                                            ?
                                                  . ...technote7/include/               ftp                          Binary                                                   .
                                (          )                   'X       '                     ?
             1.                                                                                       :
                   ...technote7/img/                                                                                 .(FTP-BINARY)
             2. [Root      ]→[Main]→[                    ]              [         ]-[             ]                  X                                                :
                  php          5.03            5.04                         . ([Root     ]→[Main]→[                      ]→[              ]                                       )
                  php      5.03           50.4                                                                                            .

              PC                                         -                  ?
    1.            PC    APM(             +PHP+MySQL)                        .(           : APM_Setup 5)

    2. PC                           'APM_Setup 5'                       .
    4. 'phpMyAdmin'                  MySQL                                              DB                    .(DB                )
    5. C:/APM_Setup/htdocs/technote7/                                                         .(APM_Setup5                                                )
    6.                                                                      Setup                               .

                                    copyright     : TECHNOTE INC ,

file:///H|/APM_Setup/htdocs/utf8/manual_html/menu_3.html (5 of 5) [2007-11-24                     2:11:25]

        4.         -

                                                                                        '       '
                                                     [               ] -> [DB         ] -> [            ]             .

        lib.php        ,           (include)
        util_iboard.php                                          -
        util_iboard_include.php                                  -    include                  util_***.php   (   )
        util_iframe_msgcheck.php                 (       )              '        '
        util_include_loginform.php                           ,               include
        util_include_rank_b.php                  (           )               (rank)
        util_include_rank_m.php                                             (rank)
        util_login_output.php              php
        util_rss.php       xml-RSS
        data               -
        include include          php

                               copyright    : TECHNOTE INC ,

file:///H|/APM_Setup/htdocs/utf8/manual_html/menu_4.html [2007-11-24            2:12:03]
-5.            ,




             ,               ,             ,                   ,                   ....                                                 (                                                   ..)
                                       .                                       '                              '                                 '                       '               .

     1.[                 ]           (............admin.php)                              .
     2.[                 ]→[                   -       ]                                  [                       ]                                 .
     3.[                 ]             '                   '           '                  '                   [            ]                                    .
     4.[                 ]                                                                                            .
     5.                                    URL                         ......board.php?board=myboard                                                                .

       quot;                -[12-1]-                   quot;                                                                                        ,                                               .

                                                                   [                  ]                                                                     ,
             ......admin.php?board=myboard                                                    URL                                                       .

                         (Root)                                                                                                                 3                                   .

       [         1] quot;              -[1-4]                                                                 quot;

       [         2] quot;              -[1-5]                                                     quot;                                                 .

                                           /                                                      .
                                                                           ,                                                                                                .

       [         3]                                                                                   .

file:///H|/APM_Setup/htdocs/utf8/manual_html/menu_5.html (1 of 3) [2007-11-24                                             2:12:43]
-5.       ,
                                   [                +                  ]                        .
            [                      ]→[Main]→[Root                     ]→[6,                                        ]             .


                                                                               '                '                                                            .
                                                              ,                             ,             , SMS,           ...
                                                    .                                                                                .

     1.[                 ]         (............admin.php)                 .
     2.[                 ]→[           -        ]                          [                                   ]                         .
     3.[                           ]                    '         '        '            '                 [            ]                     .
     4.[                           ]                                                                           .
     5.                                                     URL            ......admin.php?mboard=memberboard                                        .

       '             '                     '        '                                                                  .

                                                                           [            ]                                                        ,
                ......admin.php?mboard=memberboard                                     URL                                           .

                         (Root)                                                                                                      2                   .

       [        1] quot;                           -[1-3]                                               quot;

       [        2]                                                                 .
                                   [                +                  ]                        .
            [                      ]→[Main]→[Root                     ]→[6,                                        ]             .

file:///H|/APM_Setup/htdocs/utf8/manual_html/menu_5.html (2 of 3) [2007-11-24                       2:12:43]
-5.            ,
     1.[                  ]→ [                   ]→[          1,                                                      ]               '                   '               .
          [       2], [         3]                        .                                                                                                                       .
     2.                                                                           quot;[3-16]                                                                 quot;       -           .
     3.                                                                         [4-20]               'Tool                -                           '                               ,
                                                          .             (Tool               -             )
          ./skin_board/xx               /iwindow/iwindow_point.php                                                                            .
     4.[                                     ]→[my page]→[                               ]→[                                                      ]                               .
                          (                       )                                -
          ./skin_member/xx                   /point_info.php                       .                                                                                  .
      5.                  (             ,             )                                                                                   ?
              [                        ]→[my page]→[                    ]→[                                       ]

        SMS                                                                                               .
                                                                    SMS                                                               SMS           -> SMS-ASP

        ./include/public_inc/send_sms.php                                   .            SMS
        ./include/public_inc/send_sms.php                                           SMS                                                   /                                           .
                  sms                                                                                                     .

                                                          SMS                                                             .
           1,                                                                      .(                                 -[6-40])
           2,                                                                                   .(                        -[7-40])
           3,                           .(                        -[8-6])
           4,                                                                          .(                     )
           5,                                                                          .(                                     )
           6,                                         (       )                                      .(                           -[6-15])
           7,                                                                                                             .
           8,        ...                          SMS                                                                         .

                                     copyright    : TECHNOTE INC ,

file:///H|/APM_Setup/htdocs/utf8/manual_html/menu_5.html (3 of 3) [2007-11-24                                     2:12:43]

                 7.               -

 '                PHP'                                                                          .
 '           '      '             PHP'                                                              .


      3.                   (PG)
      4. SMS
      7.                                 (URL)


                                  3,                                .                                           .

                                                                                      (DB,              ,                       )                       .
          lib.php                          URL                                                                                                  .

                                                 URL :
                                                 URL :

                                                         : /user/home1/public_html/technote6/board.php
                                                         : /user/home1/public_html/technote7/board.php

                                                     .                                                                  .
                             URL,                                       .

          [1] technote6/lib.php             technote7/lib.php                              OPEN             .
          [2] $db_ident='a_tn';                                                            .(                               )
          [3] $ck_ident='aa';                                                         .(                            )
          [4] $CONFIG['session_path']= './data/session';                                                                                    .
                        lib.php                                             lib.php
                  $CONFIG['session_path']= '/user/home1/public_html/technote6/data/session';
                  $CONFIG['session_path']= '../technote6/data/session';                                                         technote6                   .
          [5] $CONFIG['data_url']= './data';                                 URL                                                    .
                        lib.php                           lib.php
                 $CONFIG['data_url']= '/technote6/data';                                        ROOT url                                        .
          [6] $CONFIG['data_path']= './data';                                                                                           .
                        lib.php                           lib.php
                 $CONFIG['data_path']= '/user/home1/public_html/technote6/data';
                 $CONFIG['data_path']= '../technote6/data';                                                             .

file:///H|/APM_Setup/htdocs/utf8/manual_html/menu_7.html (1 of 7) [2007-11-24                2:13:16]

         [7]           lib.php                                                                                                 ,
                                                    lib.php                                                                                .
         [8]           lib.php                                 technote7                                                                       .
         [9]                                                                                  .
                                                                lib.php                                       DB                                                                                      .
         [10]                                                                     &command=shop
                                                                                                   ./skin_board/           */9_element.php
                                                              (function Insert_Javascript()                                                        )
               ./include/                                                                  .

                                                                             (                 ,                   ,       ,                                       ...)       .
                                                                                                               .                                                                              .
           $data_path='./data';                      data                                                              .
                 [1]~[8]                 lib.php
                                                              lib.php                                                                                  .
                                           ,                                                                                                                                      .

                                                                                                   .                                                                                  .
         [1]         technote6                                                             ,           technote6                                                                          .
         [2]                                                                                                                                                   .
               ./skin_board/         *         ./skin_member/                *                     .
                 , ./skin_board/               */9_element.php                                                                             .(function Insert_Javascript()                         )
         [3]                                                   ,                                                                                                                          .

                                                                                                                           'B'                                 ,
                                                                          lib.php                      ,url                                                .


    F.                                                                                                                             /

                                     'B'                           lib.php
          $CONFIG['shop_unq']='1';                                                                                     .

              ,                                                                                    (                                       )           lib.php

file:///H|/APM_Setup/htdocs/utf8/manual_html/menu_7.html (2 of 7) [2007-11-24                            2:13:16]


  [1]                                http://*******/admin.php                                                       .
  [2]                                            '                 '                                                                                                                 .
  [3]                                                                                                                                                                                    .
  [4]                                                                    .                                                                                                                           .
  [5] '                         '                                                                               .
          a,                                         -                       ,                                                                                                               .                                   .
          b,                                         -                                                                                                                       .                                           .
          c,                                         -                               .
          d,                                         -                               .

  3.                                (PAY GATE)
                        ,                            ,                                                                           .
               ,                                                                          PG                                         .
                                                                                 ,                  ,                        ,                                                               .
        PG                                                                                                                                                                                                       .
                                     ,                     ./skin_shop/                         /pay/                                            .

                    PG                       ( -
        [1]                                      PG                                       .
        [2]                                                                                                 →                                →                                   →                                   '       '
                                             '           OS              '                                                                                                           .
        [3]                                      →                      →                           →2.                                          →PG
                                                 'dacom'                                                                                                 ID           mertKey                        .
                   mertKey                               [2]                                                                 .
        [4]                 ,                                                                                                            .

                                    PG                   ( -
        [1]                                               PG                                        .
        [2]                                      →                      →                           →2.                                          →PG
                                                 'allthegate'                                                                                                           ID                       .
                   (mertKey,                                                                                            .)
        [3]             ,                                                                                                                        .
                   a,                                                                                                    .
                   b,                                                   CP               , CP                   , SUB-CPID(                              ),                                          .
                   c, skin_shop/                                       /pay/allthegate/step1_send_data.php
                                                               '                                                '                                .
        [4]             ,                                                                                                                            .

                        PG                       ( -
          [1]                                         PG                                        .
          [2] PG                                                                                                                                              .
                    1, 10                                                        (                      )
                    2, key                           3         (keypass.enc, mcert.pem, mpriv.pem)
                    3, key password (                                        4       )

file:///H|/APM_Setup/htdocs/utf8/manual_html/menu_7.html (3 of 7) [2007-11-24                                                                        2:13:16]

       [3]                                          OS               (                                             )                 '                  ' PHP                                     .
              (                                              '                  '             '            '                                                                          )
       [4]                                                                                'INIpay41'                                         .
              /user/home1/INIpay41                                                      .(                                                                                                    )
       [5] **INIpay41/key/                                                                                     .   ,                                                              'abcde12345'
                  /user/home1/INIpay41/key/abcde12345/                                                                                                               key
                                                             key               3        (keypass.enc, mcert.pem, mpriv.pem)                                                           .
       [6]                                     .
                  /user/home1/INIpay41/phpexec/                                                                            : 755
                  /user/home1/INIpay41/key/                                                                    : 755,                             644
                  /user/home1/INIpay41/log/                                                  : 777
                  (                      log                                                                                                      .)
        [7]                             ./skin_shop/                      /pay/inicis/step3_pay_action.php
                  $inipay_dir_path=quot;/user/home1/INIpay41quot;;                                                                                                                        .
        [8]                            →              →                                 →2.                            →PG
                                        'inicis'                                                                                ID               key                      .
        [5]               ,                                                                                             .

                          PG             ( - Ajax xmlRequest
       [1]                                  PG                                      .
       [2]                         →                →                               →2.                            →PG
                                       'paygate'                                                                                         ID                      .
             (mertKey,                                                                            .)
       [3]            ,                                  (                  )                                                                                         .
             a,                                                                                                    (                 )                                    .
             b, skin_shop/                         /pay/paygate/step1_send_data.php
                                               '                 (                                )                                      '                  .(                &               )
       [4]            ,                                                                                                .

        [1] ./skin_shop/                           /pay/dacom/                                                                                          .
                                        stop1*.php ~ step7*.php                                                                                                                                   .
        [2] step2_info_msg.php                           step4_result_msg.php
                          PG                                                                 .                                                                                                .
        [3]                             →                →                               →2.                           →PG                                                                .

  4. SMS

             (                                   SMS                                                .
   SMS                                                                                                     .
                                                                            SMS                            .


                                   (                                                                                                               .

file:///H|/APM_Setup/htdocs/utf8/manual_html/menu_7.html (4 of 7) [2007-11-24                                          2:13:16]



                                                                          ./skin_shop/                                              .
                                ./skin_shop/standard/                                                                        .
                                        →                                 →2,SHOP                                                       .

                  →                             →2,SHOP                                                  .
       x        : ./skin_shop/                    /1_layout/top/*.php
       y        : ./skin_shop/                    /1_layout/left/*.php
       z        : ./skin_shop/                    /1_layout/right/*.php
       {        : ./skin_shop/                    /1_layout/bottom/*.php
       |        : ./skin_shop/                    /2_view_main/*.php

                  →                             →2,SHOP                                              .

                            '0'                                                         HTML
                      1_main_html.php                                      .
           ,                    URL
               HTML        myshop
       [2-1]                            html                                                             .
       tnshopmain                               [2-1]                              html                          .

                                    (             )

                      '5'                                                                                    .
                       ,                    ,                 ,                     ,          ...

                  →                             →2,SHOP

file:///H|/APM_Setup/htdocs/utf8/manual_html/menu_7.html (5 of 7) [2007-11-24                                            2:13:16]

        ./skin_shop/                  /abcde/testxx.php
                    (abcde)                                   (testxx.php)
                URL          ...board.php?board=tnshopmain&command=shop&view=abcde&exe=testxx
                       '5'                    testxx.php                                       .

                             (twindow)                  - ajax
                                          ,         ,                                  ...
                                                                                                         twindow_OPEN()                                           .
            ex, <a onclick=quot;twindow_OPEN('twindow_test','testid','xname=xvalue&yname=yvalue','left=100,top=120,move_left=-
100,move_top=20,slide=right,slide_out=3.5')quot;>                                           TWINDOW</a>
            twindow_OPEN('                              ','              ID',GET                   ','                  ','form_name','js_src','css_href','function_name')

                                      :                                'testxx'                                   ./skin_shop/          /3_plugin_twindow/testxx.php
                                                                                 ./skin_shop/                         /3_plugin_twindow/
                              ID :                                                       .
                    GET                   :                                                                                              .
                    form_name :                                                                          (submit())                                                   .                     name
                     js_src :                                                                                                      .                                                (url)                   .
                    css_href :                                                    CSS                                   .         CSS                 (url)                           .
                    function_name :                      (html               )                                                                                                                          .
                                                        funcname                                         .            function     testfunc(layerID,getHTML){ ... }
                                  :       left=100,top=120,move_left=-100,move_top=20,slide=right,slide_out=3 ...                                                                                           .
                              left :                          .                                                   .
                              top :                           .                                                   .
                              move_left :                          .                                                                              .
                              move_top :                           .                                                                              .
                              slide :                     .                                                      . (left,top,right,bottom)
                              slide_out :                         . 8                                             8                                           .

                iwindow                                  , iwindow               iframe                                                       i                                               ,
                                              twindow             ajax                  html                                                 html                                 (innerHTML)
                                                                                                                            .(                         iwindow                                     .)

        [1] ROOT→                                                        (         )                         .
        [2]                                    , quot;[2-1]                            html              quot;                                                                    .
                                                                                                                   [t_shop_default → 1_main_html.php]                         .
        [3]                                              (         )                                                         .
        [4]                                         ,                                    .

 file:///H|/APM_Setup/htdocs/utf8/manual_html/menu_7.html (6 of 7) [2007-11-24                                         2:13:16]

  7.                         (URL)
                           'myshop'                   URL            .
  (                                          →              →                         →                 )

                           : board.php?board=myshop&command=shop
                           : board.php?board=myshop&command=shop&view=2_view_list
                           : board.php?board=myshop&command=shop&corner=
                           : board.php?board=myshop&command=shop&sort=
                           : board.php?board=myshop&command=shop&view=2_view_body&no=
                           : board.php?board=myshop&command=shop&view=2_view_cart
                           : board.php?board=myshop&command=shop&view=order&exe=order_index
                           : board.php?board=myshop&command=shop&view=6_public_order&exe=order_search

                                                                (             )                        command=shop
                                                                          .               &       ..

                                (MySQL)      ./lib.php                                    .(                              )
                                                         ./include/schema/                                            .
       1                                                            '1,           '   D, E, F                   .


                            copyright   : TECHNOTE INC ,

file:///H|/APM_Setup/htdocs/utf8/manual_html/menu_7.html (7 of 7) [2007-11-24             2:13:16]


                                      1                                                                        .

                   ,                                                                                                       .
                   ,                                                                        .(     :       ,       ,   ,       ..)

       [           (Root)]                              (admin.php)                     .
       [     4] ~ [         10]                                                     .
       [                   1,2]                                                                        .
       [other1~3.php]                                   php                     .

file:///H|/APM_Setup/htdocs/utf8/manual_html/menu_8.html (1 of 2) [2007-11-24       2:13:32]

                                =>mboard1 ,                       =>testboard                           .
   1.            (Root) →                             mboard1                        .
   2. mboard1               [       ]-[1-2]                                                                 .(   :A           )
   3.            (Root) →                             testboard                      .
   4. testboard                    -[1-2]                               mboard1                                                           .
   5. testboard                    -[1-3]                                                       mboard1                           .
   6.                                                           .               ..
        a. testboard               -[3-3] '                 '       [       =>1]                    ,
        b.          '                    '                  testboard                      .(board.php?board=testboard)
        c.                                                                                                                            ,
        d.                                                                                                       .
        e.     testboard                                                                                                      .
        f.                                                                                                                                    .
        g.                         mboard1                                                                                                        .

                                               util_login_input.php                         .

    1.                                            util_login_output.php                                                   .
    2.                            php                                       ,                                                 .
    3.        php                                                                                                     .

                                 copyright    : TECHNOTE INC ,

file:///H|/APM_Setup/htdocs/utf8/manual_html/menu_8.html (2 of 2) [2007-11-24            2:13:32]

             9 . PHP

               ,                                                           PHP                                            .
    PHP quot;                   quot;                                                                                                      .

          PHP                      -(                                                     .)
                                   (EditPlus) :                                                    (     )

                                   (UltraEdit) :

      sample.php                                                                               .
              html                   php                                                                     .

          sample.php                                                            sample.php                         html

     <?                                                                  <html>                                                                 .
        //         '//'                            .                       <body>
                                                                                                                                  text1 :           ?
                                                                                                                                  text1 :           ?
        $text1 = quot;                   ?quot;;                                                               .<br><br>
        $text2 = quot;                   .quot;;                                                                                          text2 :           .
     ?>                                                                         text1 :                  ?<br>                    text2 :           .
                                                                                text1 :                  ?<br><br>
     <html>                                                                                                                                 ?

       <body>                                                                   text2 :                  . <br>                             .

                                                                                text2 :                  . <br><br>
                                                                            <font color=#ooooff>
         text1 : <?= $text1 ?><br>                                                             ? <br>                . <br><br>
         text1 : <? echo $text1 ?><br><br>                                  </font>

         text2 : <?= $text2 ?> <br>                                        </body>
file:///H|/APM_Setup/htdocs/utf8/manual_html/menu_9.html (1 of 5) [2007-11-24        2:13:50]

           text2 : <? echo $text2 ?> <br><br>                            </html>

          <font color=#0000ff>
            echo quot; $text1 <br>quot;;
            echo quot; $text2 <br><br>quot;;


      [        ]                sample.php                                                                               .
           //                                                                                    .
           $text              $                                               '   '     .
           php            <?       ?>                     .
           <?= $abcd ?>            $abcd                                                .
           <? echo $abcd ?>             $abcd                                                        .

      Main php                    Sub php                        include                     .
                   main.php         sub.php     include                                                  .


     1.                                     .<br>                        1.                                      .
     <? include quot;./sub.phpquot;; ?>                                          2.                                          .
     3.                                 .                                3.                                  .

           sub.php                 ↓↑

file:///H|/APM_Setup/htdocs/utf8/manual_html/menu_9.html (2 of 5) [2007-11-24     2:13:50]

     2.                                   .<br>

                       :1                                           .
                    : $myname=quot;           quot;;
                    : echo $myname ;                <?= $myname ?>

                       :                                        .
                    : $myfamily = array(father=>'               ' , mother=>'            ' , me=>'       ' , sister=>'   ');
                    : echo $myfamily[father] ;               <?= $myfamily[mother] ?>

                                                                                (function)           .
                      - php                                             .


     $string = quot;                   quot;;                                       13
     echo strlen($string);

           strlen                                     $string                                                       .

          function          -                                       .


file:///H|/APM_Setup/htdocs/utf8/manual_html/menu_9.html (3 of 5) [2007-11-24        2:13:50]

        function plus_plus($int){                                               216
            $int2 = $int + 2;                                                   19
            return $int2

        echo plus_plus(214);
        echo plus_plus(17);

               plus_plus          function             +2                                             .

              if($strin == 'abcd') echo 'ok';          //       , $strin                     'abcd'       'ok'                      .
              for($i=1; $i<=10; $i++) echo 'ok';            // $i    10                      1                   'ok'                       .
              while($i < 10){ echo 'ok'; $i=$i+1; } // $i            10                      1                   'ok'                       .
              foreach($myfamily as $value) echo $value;              //                $myfamily                                                .

              FORM           => PHP
        html       Form                                 php                                                             .

              form.html                                                                               show.php

        <form method=post action='./show.php'>                                                                              .<br>                               .
                 <input type=text name=myname value='                      '>                    1.          : <?=$myname?><br>                     1.   :
                 <input type=text name=mynick value='                     '>                     2.          : <?=$mynick?><br>                     2.   :
                 <input type=text name=mymail value=''>                               3.          : <?=$mymail?><br>                     3.   :
            <input type=submit value='            '>

    [              ]                     (html)                     name             php                                                .
             $_POST['myname'] , $_POST['mynick'] , $_POST['mymail']                                                                 .

file:///H|/APM_Setup/htdocs/utf8/manual_html/menu_9.html (4 of 5) [2007-11-24              2:13:50]

               URL(GET) => PHP                                 URL                GET                .

           link.html                                                            show.php

                                                                                                    .<br>                        .
                                                                         1.             : <?=$myname?><br>           1.   :
        <a href=quot;/show.php?myname=                &mynick=
                                                                         2.             : <?=$mynick?><br>           2.   :
              &mymail=qwe@fgc.netquot;>                      </a>
                                                                         3.             : <?=$mymail?><br>           3.   :

    [           ]                  URL              name         php                                    .
         $_GET['myname'] , $_GET['mynick'] , $_GET['mymail']                                                 .

                                  copyright   : TECHNOTE INC ,

file:///H|/APM_Setup/htdocs/utf8/manual_html/menu_9.html (5 of 5) [2007-11-24      2:13:50]
10 .

                                                                    html                     .

                                                     ,                               .

       (                                                                             )


                                  : [                    ]→[2,             ]                           .
                                            : [              ]→[2-1,                             ]                           .

                             :                           charset    EUC-KR                   UTF-8                                                         .
                     -                            EUC-KR         'ANSI'                                        UTF-8             'UTF-8'                           .
       charset                                               . (charset        : ROOT                      →                     )

                                                   my_home_skin                          (                               ,           ,                 )       ,
                                            free_board                           .

   ./skin_board/                                                   (a_standard)
                                 my_home_skin                          .

  2.                 -
       my_home_skin                               free_board                                                         ,
       [2,               ]          my_home_skin                   -                                                                       .

file:///H|/APM_Setup/htdocs/utf8/manual_html/menu_10.html (1 of 6) [2007-11-24                       2:14:07]
3.                                                     -> 1_main_html.

      4.                                           -> 2_index.php
                                             -[4, Main                             ]




      5.                                         -> 3_body.php
                             3_body.php   3_only_body.php
                                          -[5,                         ]
           3_body.php :                                            .
           3_only_body.php : '                           '
                        1_main_html.php                       .(           ,           ..)

                         4_write.php      4_writing_editor.php                                       .
                                                  -[6,                         ]       .
           4_write.php :                   Main                            .
           4_writing_editor.php :                                                            .

            *                                        : 1_main_htmla.php , 1_main_htmlb.php , 1_main_htmlc.php .....

 file:///H|/APM_Setup/htdocs/utf8/manual_html/menu_10.html (2 of 6) [2007-11-24                  2:14:07]
*                                : 2_indexa.php , 2_indexb.php , 2_indexc.php .....
           *                               : 3_bodya.php , 3_bodyb.php , 3_bodyc.php .....
           *                                  : 4_writea.php , 4_writeb.php , 4_writec.php .....

                     a, b, c, d ...                                        ,                                        .
                                       [               ]→[2,     ]
                                                   .                               .

                                            (1_main_html.php)                                           .

           2_index.php , 3_body.php                                                                                                                                     .
                      [        1, 2]                                               insert_add1.php                                                                          .
       insert_add1.php                                                                                      .                     html
               <body>                      </body>

       [           1] -
                                             (insert_add1.php)                         (./skin_board/my_home_skin/)                                                             ,
                   board.php?board=free_board&command=skin_insert&exe=insert_add1                                           URL          (            )         .
                                  free_board                                                      insert_add1.php                                     -         .
                          my_home_skin                                                       .
                              , insert_add1.php                       free_board                                                                                .
               *                                                                        .
               *          ,                                                                                     (       , ./skin_board/my_home_skin/abcde/insert_add1.php)

                      ...board.php?board=free_board&command=skin_insert&exe=insert_add1&dir_to=abcde                                                 url                    .

       [           2] -
                                                  (insert_add1.php)    './other_insert/'
                   board.php?board=free_board&command=other_insert&exe=insert_add1                                          URL          (             )            .
                                  'free_board'                                                   insert_add1.php                                 -          .
                          my_home_skin                                                       .
                                  insert_add1.php                     free_board                                                                                    .
                          './other_insert/'                                            lib.php
                   $CONFIG['insert_path']= './other_insert';
               *                              ,                                                                                              .
               *          ,                                                    (   , ./other_insert/abcde/insert_add1.php)
                      ...board.php?board=free_board&command=other_insert&exe=insert_add1&dir_to=abcde                                                 url                       .

file:///H|/APM_Setup/htdocs/utf8/manual_html/menu_10.html (3 of 6) [2007-11-24               2:14:07]
[        3] -
                    (                                                                                    .)

                                          freeboard                                      /html/abcd.html                           .

                                     freeboard                                  board.php?board=databbs&command=body&no=3                                                               .
                                                                                    urlencode                               .

            c.                             url
                                     freeboard                                                                         .
                                                                                                              [b]               urlencode                                       .
                    <css              >
                    board.php?board=freeboard&command=other_insert&url=;border:1px solid #ff3344
                                     css style                                               .                                     height
                                                                                                          style                            height                                           .

       [        4] -
                [            1 ,2 ,3]            ,       !
                                                                            !                                               .                                           .
                [            1 ,2]                                                                                                                                  .
                                                                                                          .                                 .
           1,                                                                                            .
           2, [                  ]→[2-1,                         html           ]                                                                   .
           3, [                  ]→[5-20]                                                ]                                                      .
           4,                                                                        '               '                                                              .
                                                             [   ],[    /           ]
                                                     .                                                                                                                      .
           5,                                                                                                                                                   .
                board.php?board=                         &command=body&no=                                                  ....
           7,            ,                       ,                      [                        ]→[5,                  ]                                   .

                                                                   1_main_html.php                                              include                                             .
                        quot;7                                                               quot;                                             .
                        1_main_html.php                                                                  include                                                    .

file:///H|/APM_Setup/htdocs/utf8/manual_html/menu_10.html (4 of 6) [2007-11-24                               2:14:07]
<? include './other_insert/head_html.php'; ?>
    ... 1_main_html.php          html        ...
<? include './other_insert/foot_html.php'; ?>

     include          require       ,       <img src=quot;                   quot;>                                             .

                                             , board.php                                                        .

                                                                      $this_skin                                    .

            [ex1 -                      ]
             <img src=quot;<?=$this_skin?>/b_img/icons/arow2.gifquot;>                                              .

            [ex2 - include      ]

             ./skin_board/my_home_skin/left_menu.php                       include
             include quot;$this_skin/left_menu.phpquot;;                                           .

                                                   $this_skin                                                       .

    top_menu_layer.html                                                              .
             ./skin_board/my_home_skin/top_menu_layer.html                                          .
                       1_main_html.php                       top_menu_layer.html
             <? include quot;$this_skin/top_menu_layer.htmlquot;; ?>
                     include                             .

                                3_body.php           '            '                                                                 ?
                                                                       (reply_write.php)                ,

file:///H|/APM_Setup/htdocs/utf8/manual_html/menu_10.html (5 of 6) [2007-11-24           2:14:07]
./skin_board/my_home_skin/reply_write.php                                     .
          include quot;$this_skin/reply_write.phpquot;;
                 include                              .

   14 .             /                       .

                                 URL              .

                           copyright    : TECHNOTE INC ,

file:///H|/APM_Setup/htdocs/utf8/manual_html/menu_10.html (6 of 6) [2007-11-24   2:14:07]
11 .



    1,            (http://......technote/admin.php)→[                 ]→[           ]        'testboard'               .
    2, http://......technote/board.php?board=testboard                    'testboard'                      5                   .
    3,                      ....technote/skin_board/a_standard/1_main_html.php                      open       .

   step 1 .                                     ->    1_main_html.php [1]

file:///H|/APM_Setup/htdocs/utf8/manual_html/menu_11.html (1 of 5) [2007-11-24    2:14:28]
1_main_html.php [1]

    'testboard'               (http://......technote/board.php?board=testboard)             .
                                                      1_main_html.php                                              .
    1_main_html.php                 html
                        .                             .           html                                     .

    1_main_html.php                                               html                          html
    1_main_html.php                        ,                             php                                   .

         ,                                                                                             .
                             html               1_main_html.php                                                        .

   step 2 .              '    '                               ->     1_main_html.php [2]

file:///H|/APM_Setup/htdocs/utf8/manual_html/menu_11.html (2 of 5) [2007-11-24   2:14:28]
<TABLE>~ </TABLE>                                                             1_main_html.php [2]       .

       1_main_html.php [2]                                              ->                       1_main_html.php

    'testboard'                                                                                       .
    <TABLE>~ </TABLE>                                                                                         .
    <TABLE>~ </TABLE>                                        (      ,            ..)        '             '           .

   step 3 .                                                  ->     1_main_html.php [3]

file:///H|/APM_Setup/htdocs/utf8/manual_html/menu_11.html (3 of 5) [2007-11-24   2:14:28]
'testboard'                  .
                 quot;step 2 .            '   '          quot;                                HTML
    php                                                                           .

                                              1_main_html.php                            .
    [13 .             URL]                    .

   step 4 .                                                            ,
    index.html                                                  index.html                               .

file:///H|/APM_Setup/htdocs/utf8/manual_html/menu_11.html (4 of 5) [2007-11-24    2:14:28]
<META HTTP-EQUIV=quot;Refreshquot; CONTENT=quot;0; URL=                                     quot;>



         <head><title>                           </title></head>

               <frame src=quot;                     quot;>

    [      ]                                '             '
        src=quot;;                    url                  .
        src=quot;efgh/......quot;                                                              ,         . ,                                                  .

                            copyright   : TECHNOTE INC ,

file:///H|/APM_Setup/htdocs/utf8/manual_html/menu_11.html (5 of 5) [2007-11-24   2:14:28]
12 .          ,
                                    ,                                                                                                ,
                                                                                ,                                                            .

                                                                        .                                                                                .
*                        '              '                                                                                        .
*                                                                                                                            .
*                                               '               '                   '           '                                                .
*                                           .
*                                                                                                                                        .
*                                                       ,                                                                                            .

                                                                    ,                    html                                        .
                                                                                                    '                '       html                            .


                             1 (form_write1.html)
                             2 (form_write2.html)
                             3 (form_write3.html)
                             4 (form_write4.html)

               /                   (form_address.html)


                    (form_mail.php ←php                                                                          )


               :                                                        (   ,           ..)                              .
                                            [               ]                                                                .
        <                      >
                                                                    1                                    .

file:///H|/APM_Setup/htdocs/utf8/manual_html/menu_12.html (1 of 9) [2007-11-24                2:15:29]
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Technote Index Map Help

  • 1. Index / Map 1. 10 . ? PHP PHP History 2. 3. 11 . step 1 - step 2 - ' ' step 3 - - - 12 . , SMS, , , PC - ? util_iboard.php 4. - MySQL - TABLE, , - , , 5. iwindow( ) , / javascript / SMS 13 . URL 6. URL URL URL 7. URL , URL URL 8. 14 . , php 9 . PHP , PHP PHP 15 . FAQ / TIP include FORM => PHP URL(GET) => PHP file:///H|/APM_Setup/htdocs/utf8/manual_html/menu_map.html (1 of 2) [2007-11-24 2:07:44]
  • 2. - util_****.php iboard_help.html array_index.html util_iboard.php iboard_help.html array_body.html form_login.html array_member.html / form_mail.php array_config.html form_mem_reg.html array_other.html form_search.html skin_board.html 1 form_write1.html skin_member.html 2 form_write2.html step-1 skin_home1.html 3 form_write3.html step-2 skin_home2.html 4 form_write4.html step-3 skin_home3.html - form_address.html SMS, , , exp_connect.html copyright : TECHNOTE INC , file:///H|/APM_Setup/htdocs/utf8/manual_html/menu_map.html (2 of 2) [2007-11-24 2:07:44]
  • 3. PHP PHP TECHNOTE7 / techshop 1.2 : TECHNOTE INC : 2007 / 09 ? CGI(Common Gateway Interface) . , , , , , .. , . : MySQL 3.8 ~ MySQL 5 C.G.I : PHP 4.3 ~ PHP 5 (PHP Optimizer v2.5 & iconv) OS : Linux, Unix(Solaris), BSD,Windows(IIS) : MSIE, FireFox, Netscape : , / , ( ) . TECHNOTE. INC . . . . , , , . 3 3 . 2 ( , , ) - . file:///H|/APM_Setup/htdocs/utf8/manual_html/menu_1.html (1 of 3) [2007-11-24 2:08:25]
  • 4. PHP . 3 . 1COPY 1 1 . PHP . , . 0.0x . .( ) . (1 - ) MySQL DB ( ) -> . PHP . . PHP 4.3 . History 1998.7 : TechNote_98 2000.9 : TechNote_2000 2001.8 : TechNote_2002, TechNote_PRO 2002.11 : TechNote_TOP, TechNoteTOP_plus 2006 : TechNote_PHP_06 2007 : TechNote_PHP_07 SHOP ' - ' ' - ' . ' - ' . file:///H|/APM_Setup/htdocs/utf8/manual_html/menu_1.html (2 of 3) [2007-11-24 2:08:25]
  • 5. PHP copyright : TECHNOTE INC , file:///H|/APM_Setup/htdocs/utf8/manual_html/menu_1.html (3 of 3) [2007-11-24 2:08:25]
  • 6. 3. DB: MySQL 4.0 ~ MySQL 5 CGI: PHP 4.3 ~ PHP 5 Server: Linux,Solaris,BSD,Windows .... FTP ( : ) ! ,1 MySQL DB .....technote7/lib.php [1] . DB , . . - ( ) 1. - PC .( FTP : ) 2. ./data 777 - .....technote7/data/ 777 . technote7.tar.gz 1, 2 . 3. admin.php - . 4. - MySQL - . 5. - . 6. - . 7. - SMS , , , . - ( ) 1. pc FTP . FTP (BINARY) . file:///H|/APM_Setup/htdocs/utf8/manual_html/menu_3.html (1 of 5) [2007-11-24 2:11:25]
  • 7. , ( ,BSD ..) 'technote7.tar.gz' . .gz technote7.tar.gz gzip -d technote7.tar.gz [ ] tar xvfp technote7.tar [ ] . [ ] : ' ' ' ' telnet . open ID/ . < > cd [ ] cd .. [ ] chmod 777 [ ] chmod -R 777 [ ] , pwd [ ] ls -al [ ] mkdir [ ] rm [ ] rmdir [ ] rm -rf [ ] 2. technote7/data/ 777 . FTP ,[ ] . chmod 777 data [ ] . 3. file:///H|/APM_Setup/htdocs/utf8/manual_html/menu_3.html (2 of 5) [2007-11-24 2:11:25]
  • 8. admin.php URL( . ## [enter] . ## MySQL DB [enter] .(MySQL DB ) ## [enter] . file:///H|/APM_Setup/htdocs/utf8/manual_html/menu_3.html (3 of 5) [2007-11-24 2:11:25]
  • 9. ## . 4. [ ] . [ ] . [DB ] MySQL - . 5. . 6, SMS , , , .. file:///H|/APM_Setup/htdocs/utf8/manual_html/menu_3.html (4 of 5) [2007-11-24 2:11:25]
  • 10. . Error .. ?- zend . , .( quot;Fatal error: Call to undefined function: directory_creat_data()..quot; ? . zend . quot;Fatal error: Incompatible file format: The encoded file has format ID 2003120701, whereas the Optimiz...quot; . . ' ' ? PHP (safe_mode) . . quot;Internal Server Error The server encountered an ...quot; ? . ...technote7/include/ ftp Binary . ( ) 'X ' ? 1. : ...technote7/img/ .(FTP-BINARY) 2. [Root ]→[Main]→[ ] [ ]-[ ] X : php 5.03 5.04 . ([Root ]→[Main]→[ ]→[ ] ) php 5.03 50.4 . PC - ? 1. PC APM( +PHP+MySQL) .( : APM_Setup 5) 2. PC 'APM_Setup 5' . 3. 4. 'phpMyAdmin' MySQL DB .(DB ) 5. C:/APM_Setup/htdocs/technote7/ .(APM_Setup5 ) 6. Setup . copyright : TECHNOTE INC , file:///H|/APM_Setup/htdocs/utf8/manual_html/menu_3.html (5 of 5) [2007-11-24 2:11:25]
  • 11. PHP 4. - ' ' . [ ] -> [DB ] -> [ ] . technote admin.php board.php lib.php , (include) help.php member.php util_iboard.php - util_iboard_include.php - include util_***.php ( ) util_iframe_calendar.php util_iframe_loginform.php util_iframe_msgcheck.php ( ) ' ' util_iframe_onlinelist.php util_include_loginform.php , include util_include_rank_b.php ( ) (rank) util_include_rank_m.php (rank) util_login_input.php util_login_output.php php util_recommend_id.php util_rss.php xml-RSS data - other_insert img include include php skin_board skin_member skin_shop copyright : TECHNOTE INC , file:///H|/APM_Setup/htdocs/utf8/manual_html/menu_4.html [2007-11-24 2:12:03]
  • 12. -5. , 5. . / , , , , .... ( ..) . ' ' ' ' . 1.[ ] (............admin.php) . 2.[ ]→[ - ] [ ] . 3.[ ] ' ' ' ' [ ] . 4.[ ] . 5. URL ......board.php?board=myboard . , quot; -[12-1]- quot; , . [ ] , ......admin.php?board=myboard URL . (Root) 3 . [ 1] quot; -[1-4] quot; . ......admin.php?board=myboard [ 2] quot; -[1-5] quot; . / . , . [ 3] . file:///H|/APM_Setup/htdocs/utf8/manual_html/menu_5.html (1 of 3) [2007-11-24 2:12:43]
  • 13. -5. , [ + ] . [ ]→[Main]→[Root ]→[6, ] . / ' ' . , , , SMS, ... . . 1.[ ] (............admin.php) . 2.[ ]→[ - ] [ ] . 3.[ ] ' ' ' ' [ ] . 4.[ ] . 5. URL ......admin.php?mboard=memberboard . . ' ' ' ' . [ ] , ......admin.php?mboard=memberboard URL . (Root) 2 . [ 1] quot; -[1-3] quot; . ......admin.php?mboard=memberboard [ 2] . [ + ] . [ ]→[Main]→[Root ]→[6, ] . file:///H|/APM_Setup/htdocs/utf8/manual_html/menu_5.html (2 of 3) [2007-11-24 2:12:43]
  • 14. -5. , . 1.[ ]→ [ ]→[ 1, ] ' ' . [ 2], [ 3] . . 2. quot;[3-16] quot; - . 3. [4-20] 'Tool - ' , . (Tool - ) ./skin_board/xx /iwindow/iwindow_point.php . 4.[ ]→[my page]→[ ]→[ ] . ( ) - ./skin_member/xx /point_info.php . . 5. ( , ) ? [ ]→[my page]→[ ]→[ ] . SMS SMS SMS . SMS SMS -> SMS-ASP ./include/public_inc/send_sms.php . SMS ./include/public_inc/send_sms.php SMS / . sms . SMS . 1, .( -[6-40]) 2, .( -[7-40]) 3, .( -[8-6]) 4, .( ) 5, .( ) 6, ( ) .( -[6-15]) 7, . 8, ... SMS . copyright : TECHNOTE INC , file:///H|/APM_Setup/htdocs/utf8/manual_html/menu_5.html (3 of 3) [2007-11-24 2:12:43]
  • 15. - 7. - ' PHP' . ' ' ' PHP' . . INDEX 1. 2. 3. (PG) 4. SMS 5. 6. 7. (URL) 8. 1. A. 3, . . B. (DB, , ) . . lib.php URL . URL : URL : : /user/home1/public_html/technote6/board.php : /user/home1/public_html/technote7/board.php . . URL, . [1] technote6/lib.php technote7/lib.php OPEN . [2] $db_ident='a_tn'; .( ) [3] $ck_ident='aa'; .( ) [4] $CONFIG['session_path']= './data/session'; . lib.php lib.php $CONFIG['session_path']= '/user/home1/public_html/technote6/data/session'; $CONFIG['session_path']= '../technote6/data/session'; technote6 . [5] $CONFIG['data_url']= './data'; URL . lib.php lib.php $CONFIG['data_url']= '/technote6/data'; ROOT url . [6] $CONFIG['data_path']= './data'; . lib.php lib.php $CONFIG['data_path']= '/user/home1/public_html/technote6/data'; $CONFIG['data_path']= '../technote6/data'; . file:///H|/APM_Setup/htdocs/utf8/manual_html/menu_7.html (1 of 7) [2007-11-24 2:13:16]
  • 16. - . [7] lib.php , . . lib.php . [8] lib.php technote7 . [9] . lib.php DB . [10] &command=shop ./skin_board/ */9_element.php (function Insert_Javascript() ) ./include/ . : ( , , , ...) . . . util_iframe_msgcheck.php $data_path='./data'; data . [1]~[8] lib.php lib.php . , . C. ./data/ . 'B' . . . [1] technote6 , technote6 . lib.php . [2] . ./skin_board/ * ./skin_member/ * . , ./skin_board/ */9_element.php .(function Insert_Javascript() ) [3] , . D. 'B' , lib.php ,url . E. lib.php $db_ident='a_tn'; $ck_ident='aa'; . F. / 'B' lib.php $CONFIG['shop_unq']='1'; . , ( ) lib.php $CONFIG['table_sord']=$db_ident.'4_shop1_ord'; $CONFIG['table_sord2']=$db_ident.'4_shop1_ord2'; $CONFIG['table_sord3']=$db_ident.'4_shop1_ord3'; . file:///H|/APM_Setup/htdocs/utf8/manual_html/menu_7.html (2 of 7) [2007-11-24 2:13:16]
  • 17. - . 2. . [1] http://*******/admin.php . [2] ' ' . [3] . [4] . . . [5] ' ' . a, - , . . b, - . . c, - . d, - . 3. (PAY GATE) , , . , PG . , , , . . PG . , ./skin_shop/ /pay/ . PG ( - [1] PG . [2] → → → ' ' ' OS ' . [3] → → →2. →PG 'dacom' ID mertKey . mertKey [2] . [4] , . PG ( - [1] PG . [2] → → →2. →PG 'allthegate' ID . (mertKey, .) [3] , . a, . b, CP , CP , SUB-CPID( ), . c, skin_shop/ /pay/allthegate/step1_send_data.php ' ' . [4] , . PG ( - [1] PG . [2] PG . 1, 10 ( ) 2, key 3 (keypass.enc, mcert.pem, mpriv.pem) 3, key password ( 4 ) file:///H|/APM_Setup/htdocs/utf8/manual_html/menu_7.html (3 of 7) [2007-11-24 2:13:16]
  • 18. - [3] OS ( ) ' ' PHP . ( ' ' ' ' ) [4] 'INIpay41' . . , /user/home1/public_html/technote7/board.php /user/home1/INIpay41 .( ) [5] **INIpay41/key/ . , 'abcde12345' /user/home1/INIpay41/key/abcde12345/ key key 3 (keypass.enc, mcert.pem, mpriv.pem) . [6] . /user/home1/INIpay41/phpexec/ : 755 /user/home1/INIpay41/key/ : 755, 644 /user/home1/INIpay41/log/ : 777 ( log .) [7] ./skin_shop/ /pay/inicis/step3_pay_action.php $inipay_dir_path=quot;/user/home1/INIpay41quot;; . [8] → → →2. →PG 'inicis' ID key . [5] , . PG ( - Ajax xmlRequest [1] PG . [2] → → →2. →PG 'paygate' ID . (mertKey, .) [3] , ( ) . a, ( ) . b, skin_shop/ /pay/paygate/step1_send_data.php ' ( ) ' .( & ) [4] , . PG [1] ./skin_shop/ /pay/dacom/ . stop1*.php ~ step7*.php . [2] step2_info_msg.php step4_result_msg.php PG . . [3] → → →2. →PG . 4. SMS sms( ( SMS . SMS . SMS . 5. ( . . file:///H|/APM_Setup/htdocs/utf8/manual_html/menu_7.html (4 of 7) [2007-11-24 2:13:16]
  • 19. - . 6. ./skin_shop/ . ./skin_shop/standard/ . standard → →2,SHOP . . include → →2,SHOP . x : ./skin_shop/ /1_layout/top/*.php y : ./skin_shop/ /1_layout/left/*.php z : ./skin_shop/ /1_layout/right/*.php { : ./skin_shop/ /1_layout/bottom/*.php | : ./skin_shop/ /2_view_main/*.php . → →2,SHOP . '0' HTML 1_main_html.php . , URL ...board.php?board=myshop&command=shop HTML myshop [2-1] html . ... tnshopmain [2-1] html . ./skin_board/t_shop_default/1_main_html.php . ./skin_board/t_shop_default/1_main_html.php . . , ( ) , . '5' . , , , , ... → →2,SHOP . file:///H|/APM_Setup/htdocs/utf8/manual_html/menu_7.html (5 of 7) [2007-11-24 2:13:16]
  • 20. - ./skin_shop/ /abcde/testxx.php (abcde) (testxx.php) URL ...board.php?board=tnshopmain&command=shop&view=abcde&exe=testxx '5' testxx.php . . . (twindow) - ajax , , ... twindow_OPEN() . ex, <a onclick=quot;twindow_OPEN('twindow_test','testid','xname=xvalue&yname=yvalue','left=100,top=120,move_left=- 100,move_top=20,slide=right,slide_out=3.5')quot;> TWINDOW</a> twindow_OPEN() twindow_OPEN(' ',' ID',GET ',' ','form_name','js_src','css_href','function_name') . : 'testxx' ./skin_shop/ /3_plugin_twindow/testxx.php . ./skin_shop/ /3_plugin_twindow/ . ID : . . GET : . form_name : (submit()) . name . js_src : . (url) . css_href : CSS . CSS (url) . function_name : (html ) . funcname . function testfunc(layerID,getHTML){ ... } . : left=100,top=120,move_left=-100,move_top=20,slide=right,slide_out=3 ... . left : . . top : . . move_left : . . move_top : . . slide : . . (left,top,right,bottom) slide_out : . 8 8 . iwindow , iwindow iframe i , twindow ajax html html (innerHTML) . .( iwindow .) [1] ROOT→ ( ) . [2] , quot;[2-1] html quot; . [t_shop_default → 1_main_html.php] . [3] ( ) . [4] , . file:///H|/APM_Setup/htdocs/utf8/manual_html/menu_7.html (6 of 7) [2007-11-24 2:13:16]
  • 21. - 7. (URL) 'myshop' URL . ( → → → ) : board.php?board=myshop&command=shop : board.php?board=myshop&command=shop&view=2_view_list : board.php?board=myshop&command=shop&corner= : board.php?board=myshop&command=shop&sort= : board.php?board=myshop&command=shop&view=2_view_body&no= : board.php?board=myshop&command=shop&view=2_view_cart : board.php?board=myshop&command=shop&view=order&exe=order_index : board.php?board=myshop&command=shop&view=6_public_order&exe=order_search ( ) command=shop . & .. 8. (MySQL) ./lib.php .( ) ./include/schema/ . . 1 '1, ' D, E, F . . . copyright : TECHNOTE INC , file:///H|/APM_Setup/htdocs/utf8/manual_html/menu_7.html (7 of 7) [2007-11-24 2:13:16]
  • 22. - 8. ? 1 . , . , .( : , , , ..) [ (Root)] (admin.php) . [ 4] ~ [ 10] . [ 1,2] . [other1~3.php] php . , . file:///H|/APM_Setup/htdocs/utf8/manual_html/menu_8.html (1 of 2) [2007-11-24 2:13:32]
  • 23. - =>mboard1 , =>testboard . 1. (Root) → mboard1 . 2. mboard1 [ ]-[1-2] .( :A ) 3. (Root) → testboard . 4. testboard -[1-2] mboard1 . 5. testboard -[1-3] mboard1 . 6. . .. a. testboard -[3-3] ' ' [ =>1] , b. ' ' testboard .(board.php?board=testboard) c. , d. . e. testboard . f. . g. mboard1 . util_login_input.php . . php 1. util_login_output.php . 2. php , . 3. php . . copyright : TECHNOTE INC , file:///H|/APM_Setup/htdocs/utf8/manual_html/menu_8.html (2 of 2) [2007-11-24 2:13:32]
  • 24. -php 9 . PHP , PHP . PHP quot; quot; . PHP -( .) (EditPlus) : ( ) (UltraEdit) : PHP sample.php . html php . sample.php sample.php html <? <html> . // '//' . <body> text1 : ? text1 : ? $text1 = quot; ?quot;; .<br><br> $text2 = quot; .quot;; text2 : . ?> text1 : ?<br> text2 : . text1 : ?<br><br> <html> ? <body> text2 : . <br> . text2 : . <br><br> .<br><br> <font color=#ooooff> text1 : <?= $text1 ?><br> ? <br> . <br><br> text1 : <? echo $text1 ?><br><br> </font> text2 : <?= $text2 ?> <br> </body> file:///H|/APM_Setup/htdocs/utf8/manual_html/menu_9.html (1 of 5) [2007-11-24 2:13:50]
  • 25. -php text2 : <? echo $text2 ?> <br><br> </html> <font color=#0000ff> <? echo quot; $text1 <br>quot;; echo quot; $text2 <br><br>quot;; ?> </font> </body> </html> [ ] sample.php . // . $text $ ' ' . php <? ?> . <?= $abcd ?> $abcd . <? echo $abcd ?> $abcd . include Main php Sub php include . main.php sub.php include . main.php 1. .<br> 1. . <? include quot;./sub.phpquot;; ?> 2. . 3. . 3. . sub.php ↓↑ file:///H|/APM_Setup/htdocs/utf8/manual_html/menu_9.html (2 of 5) [2007-11-24 2:13:50]
  • 26. -php 2. .<br> . :1 . : $myname=quot; quot;; : echo $myname ; <?= $myname ?> : . : $myfamily = array(father=>' ' , mother=>' ' , me=>' ' , sister=>' '); : echo $myfamily[father] ; <?= $myfamily[mother] ?> (function) . - php . php $string = quot; quot;; 13 echo strlen($string); strlen $string . function - . php file:///H|/APM_Setup/htdocs/utf8/manual_html/menu_9.html (3 of 5) [2007-11-24 2:13:50]
  • 27. -php function plus_plus($int){ 216 $int2 = $int + 2; 19 return $int2 } echo plus_plus(214); echo plus_plus(17); plus_plus function +2 . if($strin == 'abcd') echo 'ok'; // , $strin 'abcd' 'ok' . for($i=1; $i<=10; $i++) echo 'ok'; // $i 10 1 'ok' . while($i < 10){ echo 'ok'; $i=$i+1; } // $i 10 1 'ok' . foreach($myfamily as $value) echo $value; // $myfamily . FORM => PHP html Form php . form.html show.php <form method=post action='./show.php'> .<br> . <input type=text name=myname value=' '> 1. : <?=$myname?><br> 1. : <input type=text name=mynick value=' '> 2. : <?=$mynick?><br> 2. : <input type=text name=mymail value=''> 3. : <?=$mymail?><br> 3. : <input type=submit value=' '> </form> [ ] (html) name php . $_POST['myname'] , $_POST['mynick'] , $_POST['mymail'] . file:///H|/APM_Setup/htdocs/utf8/manual_html/menu_9.html (4 of 5) [2007-11-24 2:13:50]
  • 28. -php URL(GET) => PHP URL GET . link.html show.php .<br> . 1. : <?=$myname?><br> 1. : <a href=quot;/show.php?myname= &mynick= 2. : <?=$mynick?><br> 2. : &mymail=qwe@fgc.netquot;> </a> 3. : <?=$mymail?><br> 3. : [ ] URL name php . $_GET['myname'] , $_GET['mynick'] , $_GET['mymail'] . copyright : TECHNOTE INC , file:///H|/APM_Setup/htdocs/utf8/manual_html/menu_9.html (5 of 5) [2007-11-24 2:13:50]
  • 29. 10 . ? . html . . , . . . ( ) technote .... skin_board skin_member .... . . : [ ]→[2, ] . : [ ]→[2-1, ] . : charset EUC-KR UTF-8 . - EUC-KR 'ANSI' UTF-8 'UTF-8' . charset . (charset : ROOT → ) my_home_skin ( , , ) , free_board . 1. ./skin_board/ (a_standard) my_home_skin . 2. - my_home_skin free_board , [2, ] my_home_skin - . file:///H|/APM_Setup/htdocs/utf8/manual_html/menu_10.html (1 of 6) [2007-11-24 2:14:07]
  • 30. 3. -> 1_main_html. php 1_main_html.php . . 4. -> 2_index.php . -[4, Main ] . . , 2_index.php . 5. -> 3_body.php 3_body.php 3_only_body.php . -[5, ] . . . 3_body.php : . 3_only_body.php : ' ' 1_main_html.php .( , ..) 6. 4_write.php 4_writing_editor.php . -[6, ] . . . 4_write.php : Main . 4_writing_editor.php : . 7. . . * : 1_main_htmla.php , 1_main_htmlb.php , 1_main_htmlc.php ..... file:///H|/APM_Setup/htdocs/utf8/manual_html/menu_10.html (2 of 6) [2007-11-24 2:14:07]
  • 31. * : 2_indexa.php , 2_indexb.php , 2_indexc.php ..... * : 3_bodya.php , 3_bodyb.php , 3_bodyc.php ..... * : 4_writea.php , 4_writeb.php , 4_writec.php ..... a, b, c, d ... , . [ ]→[2, ] . . (1_main_html.php) . 8. 1_main_html.php 2_index.php , 3_body.php . [ 1, 2] insert_add1.php . insert_add1.php . html <html> <head>....</head> <body> </body> </html> . [ 1] - (insert_add1.php) (./skin_board/my_home_skin/) , board.php?board=free_board&command=skin_insert&exe=insert_add1 URL ( ) . free_board insert_add1.php - . my_home_skin . , insert_add1.php free_board . * . * , ( , ./skin_board/my_home_skin/abcde/insert_add1.php) ...board.php?board=free_board&command=skin_insert&exe=insert_add1&dir_to=abcde url . [ 2] - (insert_add1.php) './other_insert/' board.php?board=free_board&command=other_insert&exe=insert_add1 URL ( ) . 'free_board' insert_add1.php - . my_home_skin . insert_add1.php free_board . './other_insert/' lib.php $CONFIG['insert_path']= './other_insert'; . * , . * , ( , ./other_insert/abcde/insert_add1.php) ...board.php?board=free_board&command=other_insert&exe=insert_add1&dir_to=abcde url . file:///H|/APM_Setup/htdocs/utf8/manual_html/menu_10.html (3 of 6) [2007-11-24 2:14:07]
  • 32. [ 3] - ( .) a. board.php?board=freeboard&command=other_insert&url=/html/abcd.html freeboard /html/abcd.html . b. board.php?board=freeboard&command=other_insert&url=<?=urlencode('board.php?board=databbs&command=body&no=3')?> freeboard board.php?board=databbs&command=body&no=3 . urlencode . c. url board.php?board=freeboard&command=other_insert&url= freeboard . [b] urlencode . <css > board.php?board=freeboard&command=other_insert&url=;border:1px solid #ff3344 css style . height style height . [ 4] - [ 1 ,2 ,3] , ! ! . . [ 1 ,2] . , . . 1, . 2, [ ]→[2-1, html ] . 3, [ ]→[5-20] ] . 4, ' ' . [ ],[ / ] . . 5, . board.php?board= &command=body&no= .... 7, , , [ ]→[5, ] . 9. 1_main_html.php include . quot;7 quot; . 1_main_html.php include . file:///H|/APM_Setup/htdocs/utf8/manual_html/menu_10.html (4 of 6) [2007-11-24 2:14:07]
  • 33. <? include './other_insert/head_html.php'; ?> ..... ... 1_main_html.php html ... ...... <? include './other_insert/foot_html.php'; ?> . include require , <img src=quot; quot;> . , , board.php . $this_skin . [ex1 - ] ./skin_board/my_home_skin/4_write.php ./skin_board/my_home_skin/b_img/icons/arow2.gif <img src=quot;<?=$this_skin?>/b_img/icons/arow2.gifquot;> . [ex2 - include ] ./skin_board/my_home_skin/left_menu.php include include quot;$this_skin/left_menu.phpquot;; . . $this_skin . top_menu_layer.html . ? ./skin_board/my_home_skin/top_menu_layer.html . 1_main_html.php top_menu_layer.html <? include quot;$this_skin/top_menu_layer.htmlquot;; ?> include . 3_body.php ' ' ? (reply_write.php) , file:///H|/APM_Setup/htdocs/utf8/manual_html/menu_10.html (5 of 6) [2007-11-24 2:14:07]
  • 34. ./skin_board/my_home_skin/reply_write.php . 3_body.php include quot;$this_skin/reply_write.phpquot;; include . 14 . / . . URL . copyright : TECHNOTE INC , file:///H|/APM_Setup/htdocs/utf8/manual_html/menu_10.html (6 of 6) [2007-11-24 2:14:07]
  • 35. 11 . . . . 1, (http://......technote/admin.php)→[ ]→[ ] 'testboard' . 2, http://......technote/board.php?board=testboard 'testboard' 5 . 3, ....technote/skin_board/a_standard/1_main_html.php open . step 1 . -> 1_main_html.php [1] file:///H|/APM_Setup/htdocs/utf8/manual_html/menu_11.html (1 of 5) [2007-11-24 2:14:28]
  • 36. 1_main_html.php [1] 'testboard' (http://......technote/board.php?board=testboard) . 1_main_html.php . 1_main_html.php html php . . html . 1_main_html.php html html 1_main_html.php , php . , . html 1_main_html.php . step 2 . ' ' -> 1_main_html.php [2] file:///H|/APM_Setup/htdocs/utf8/manual_html/menu_11.html (2 of 5) [2007-11-24 2:14:28]
  • 37. <TABLE>~ </TABLE> 1_main_html.php [2] . 1_main_html.php [2] -> 1_main_html.php 'testboard' . <TABLE>~ </TABLE> . <TABLE>~ </TABLE> ( , ..) ' ' . step 3 . -> 1_main_html.php [3] file:///H|/APM_Setup/htdocs/utf8/manual_html/menu_11.html (3 of 5) [2007-11-24 2:14:28]
  • 38. 'testboard' . quot;step 2 . ' ' quot; HTML php . 1_main_html.php . , [13 . URL] . step 4 . , index.html index.html . <html> <head> file:///H|/APM_Setup/htdocs/utf8/manual_html/menu_11.html (4 of 5) [2007-11-24 2:14:28]
  • 39. <META HTTP-EQUIV=quot;Refreshquot; CONTENT=quot;0; URL= quot;> </head> </html> <html> <head><title> </title></head> <frameset> <frame src=quot; quot;> </frameset> </html> . [ ] ' ' src=quot;; url . src=quot;efgh/......quot; , . , . copyright : TECHNOTE INC , file:///H|/APM_Setup/htdocs/utf8/manual_html/menu_11.html (5 of 5) [2007-11-24 2:14:28]
  • 40. 12 . , , , . , . util_iboard.php . . * ' ' . * . * ' ' ' ' . * . * . * , . , html . . ' ' html . (form_login.html) (form_mem_reg.html) 1 (form_write1.html) 2 (form_write2.html) 3 (form_write3.html) 4 (form_write4.html) / (form_address.html) (form_search.html) (form_mail.php ←php ) . . : ( , ..) . [ ] . < > 1 . file:///H|/APM_Setup/htdocs/utf8/manual_html/menu_12.html (1 of 9) [2007-11-24 2:15:29]