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    How Are Communication Technologies Re-Shaping Individual Relationships
                    Among College Undergraduates?

                            TJ Dinsmoor

                   University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
                   Research Methods 361, Spring 2009
                                Lab 801


       The digital age that we are now growing into has the ability to change how people

communicate with others. Today’s college undergraduate students are at the forefront of the

technological advances that are before them. College undergraduates of the millennial generation

are exploring the factors that shape their peer personality and identifying characteristics of that

personality through the online environment (Workman, 2008, p. 6). Social networking sites were

once used by a small elite, but now widely used by many and have become the subject of popular

culture, public interest, and political debate (Kollock & Smith, 1999/2005).

       The Internet is being used to connect people to people in many different ways. The

characteristics of interaction, communication, and coordination are different in online than when

people meet face-to-face (Kollock & Smith, 1999/2005). Using network communication such as

online chat, social networking sites such as Myspace and Facebook, email, even text messaging

creates a shift in interactions among people to be practical and more convenient (Kollock &

Smith, 1999/2005). It is the advancement in computer technology and the shift in communication

that brings attention to the changing individual relationships that college undergraduate’s

experience. Much previous research has studied the interactivity, interaction, and collaboration

among college undergraduates (Selwyn, 2007). This research has shown that with the growing

power of the Internet, college students are turned on by the convenience of the Internet’s speed,

display of availability information, and support for multiple conversations (Quan-Haase, 2008, p.

105). It is not surprising that there is an increase in the use of communication technologies

among college students, but it is surprising that there have been few studies that have examined

the link between the increase of communication technologies and the relationships among

college undergraduates. We know that there is a changing culture with the younger generation

because of the increase in Internet usage and communication technologies (Coyle & Vaughn,

2008, p. 15), but how does that directly affect individual relationships among college


                                           Literature Review

       First, I would like to define the area of communication technologies that will be mostly

focused on in this review: social networks. A social network is a configuration of people

connected to one another through interpersonal means, such as friendship, common interests, or

ideas (Coyle & Vaughn, 2008, p. 13). Social networks exist because humans are societal and

require relationships with other humans in order to survive (Coyle & Vaughn, 2008, p. 13).

Social networks are also critical to the psychological well-being of humans; this has been well

documented throughout the years and is still interesting to researchers today (Rheingold,

1993/2000, p. 321). Survey Research shows that an overwhelming majority of respondents report

forming personal relationships online (Coyle & Vaughn, 2008, p. 13).

       “Internet time” – the furious pace of change in digital culture—compresses the timelines

of events (Rheingold, 1993/2000, p. 335). Research shows that college student’s primary reasons

for using communication technologies is convenience, ease of use, privacy if there were other

people in the room, and the ability to multitask by engaging in multiple things, such as watching

television (Quan-Haase, 2008, p. 108). In another study done in Hong Kong, the primary

motivations of university students for using communication technologies were to express

affection, being sociable by thanking people, helping friends, and expressing encouragement

(Quan-Haase, 2008, p. 109).

       While using communication technologies and the Internet, college students report that

they communicate primarily with friends from home and on campus (Quan-Haase, 2008, p 106).

One of the more popular methods of communication among college students is a website titled

Facebook, where college students use the website to stay linked with people with whom they

used to be more closely involved with, e.g., former classmates and newer classmates (Coyle &

Vaughn, 2008, p. 16). Research shows that college students who use communication

technologies communicated considerably far more with peers than with relatives, suggesting a

generation gap in the adoption of the digital age (Quan-Haase, 2008, p. 107).

       With college students leaving their homes and sometimes traveling far distances to

schools, geographical distance reduces both communication frequency and psychological

closeness with high school friends and family (Quan-Haase, 2008, p. 108). With an increase in

distance, opportunities for meaningful interaction through conversation, persuasion, and sharing

of experiences decrease as well does closeness to old friends and family members (Quan-Haase,

2008, p. 108).

       Studies report social ties that are maintained through e-mail, instant messaging, or social

networking sites, such as Facebook and Myspace, show greater closeness than ties maintained

via the telephone and in person (Quan-Haase, 2008, p. 109). College students are aware of the

importance of in-person meetings for the maintenance of social ties, but communication

technologies gives college students a sense of connectedness and allows students to share

experiences with one another as if they were meeting face-to-face (Selwyn, 2007, p. 87).

       As Kollock and Smith (1999/2005) have pointed out, “Community is now conceptualized

not in terms of physical proximity but in terms of social networks. Telephones, automobiles, and

airplanes have long meant that it was possible to establish and sustain important social

relationships outside of one’s immediate physical neighborhood” (para. 3). Now, in online

interaction, the experience is something like attending a cocktail party and only being able to see

people who are actively speaking, while the room and all the listeners are invisible (Kollock &

Smith, 1999/2005).

       Critics with dystopian views state that with a loss of strong bonds among members in

society, the Internet will limit connections between central and peripheral actors in society and

those on the peripheral structure will be less connected than ever before (Fisher, 2001, p. 24).

Fisher (2001) also notes that critics with utopian views state, “Cyberspace will make it easier for

people to communicate both politically and otherwise” (p. 24).

       Workman (2008) states that most “student affairs professionals and sociologists have

worried that the trend would lead to a population of students who were isolated and unable to

develop healthy “offline” relationships” (p. 7). Research further suggests that online interactions

do not necessarily remove people from their offline world but may indeed be used to support

relationships and keep people in contact, even when life changes move people away from each

other (Workman, 2008, p. 7). Rheingold (1993/2000) argues that, “virtual communities may

actually be part of the remedy for the loss of live community” (p. 275).


       As this review shows, research focusing on communication technology use among

college undergraduates is necessary because applying knowledge to the subject will show the

changing characteristics of individual relationships. The Internet is now taking over as a

communication tool that is more convenient than meeting in a face-to face environment for

college students. Students can use communication technologies to still achieve a sense of

connectedness with former high school friends and family back home. Research in this area also

suggests that virtual interaction may be a remedy for the loss of live community. One era is

coming to a close and the rising of a new era is coming. Further study will show as technologies

continue to advance, the students’ relationships will change alongside it.


       This study will focus on the growing use of communication technologies and look at the

question of “How are communication technologies re-shaping individual relationships among

college undergraduates?” To answer this question, it will require broad, open-ended feedback

from samples collected because individual viewpoints about their own relationships are likely to

be too complex for researchers. These responses have to come from college undergraduates, and

it is not necessary to single any particular group out, so the undergraduates can be either male or

female and the ethnicity of the undergraduate can be from all backgrounds. For these reasons, it

is appropriate to use a qualitative research approach.


       For this study, the availability/convenience and intensive interviewing sampling methods

will be the most appropriate because it will be used to focus on the Internet use and relationships

of the specific sample such as college undergraduates either male or female and ethnicity from

all backgrounds. There will be no need to generalize the results to the whole population since the

study is focused on just college undergraduates. Moreover, non-probability sampling methods

are considered easier and less costly to use (Schutt, 2004). To get an adequate number of

participants, the researchers will be able to wait for undergraduates around campus in places

such as school unions, outside of buildings and outside of college dormitories. The

availability/convenience method is used to select participants because they are available and easy

to find (Schutt, 2004). In a few ways it can be difficult to get a solid sampling frame, such as

mailing list or email lists, focused on college undergraduates because of universities privacy

laws. However, by walking around a college campus, researchers will encounter enough

participants to gather a sufficient amount. Thus, this technique will be the best way to collect

proper participants who are generous enough to contribute to the research.

       There are some weaknesses of using this type of method for gathering samples however.

An example being, with this type of method, it is only focusing on college undergraduates and

not all college students such as students going back to college for their masters or doctorate

degree. Respondents with higher education are likely to have different viewpoints from those of

undergraduates, so this sampling method may not ensure the quality of samples and diversity of

samples from all people who attend college.

                                          Method Design

       To study the habits and actions of college undergraduates, it is best to use qualitative

research methods because they primarily focus on human subjectivity. By human subjectivity, I

mean the meanings that people attach to their individual actions or events (Schutt 2004). It is

also because responses from the research participants may not be anticipatable or quite complex

regarding their individual relationships or their communication habits. With all the possible

choices among qualitative research methods, the availability/convenience method will be most

suitable. Availability/convenience method, intertwined with intensive interviewing, is designed

to lead the respondents to talk in-depth, and provide information in their own words. Intensive

interviewing is also helpful to make clear that respondents understand the questions being asked

or when researchers do not understand the response from a participant.

       This method will allow researchers to gain accurate open-ended feedback about the

participant’s use of communication technologies and social networking sites and how it might

affect their individual relationships. The researchers will not only ask participants their prepared

questions, but they will also reach for further meaning beyond the answers to their prepared

questions. For example, a prepared question like “How do you use social networking sites to

communicate between family and friends?” After a participant answers the question, they may be

presented with further details, and then the researcher may ask follow-up questions. In the

appendix you will see some example questions that will cover the main topics of the study. The

list of questions is a guide, rather than a strict protocol, that will be closely followed regardless

of the interviewee’s answers.

       Intensive interviewing will take place in the student unions of college campuses or

outside of buildings as undergraduates walk by. While undergraduates wait between classes in

the union or outside on a bench, researchers will approach them and describe to them the purpose

of the study. This will allow the interviewing to be conducted on the spot.

       One of the strengths of the intensive interviewing method is that the researchers can

easily recognize and find the proper samples and conduct interviews immediately. Thus, this will

be very efficient for the researcher’s time and cost. This method will also allow the researchers

to ask broad questions like “How have your individual relationships changed, if at all, since

you’ve gone to college?” The researcher then may ask follow-up questions to gain more

information. Also possible, the researcher is able to make sure that the participant understands

the questions, and this will help ensure the quality of the information.

       There are a few weaknesses in this method. An example being, college undergraduates

may not feel comfortable being put on the spot and being interviewed. With a lack of

communication between the researcher and the participant, it may bring about the use of note

taking or a simple recording devise. Possible samples could complicate the research by not

honestly answering questions or being confused, and the researchers need to determine if

samples can contribute to the study. Another possible weakness could be if an intensive

interview is conducted on only college undergraduates, then respondents may not be as diverse

as they should be such as other people who attend college for graduate or doctoral purposes, and

potentially could have very similar types of responses.

       The use of intensive interviewing may be used to battle communication barriers since

interviewing allows samples to talk openly. With a possible lack of diversity in samples, it can be

overcome by interviewing in other college campuses around the Milwaukee area. The

researchers will also ask each participant the college they attend in order to make sure there is

diversity among the samples.


       Inductive research techniques can be used to develop an explanation to account for how

the advancement of communication technologies affects college undergraduate’s relationships.

Since the area of research on communication technologies is relatively new, research will have to

start with specific data before coming up with a theory. With research ongoing, researchers will

create a grounded theory, or building up inductively a systematic theory that is based on the

observations (Schutt 2004). As interviewing and reflection continue, researchers will cultivate

their definitions of problems and concepts and select indicators. As communication technologies

continue to advance and people having different terms when referring to a specific type of

technology, research will be progressively refined as experience is gained in the setting. An

example of a code would be when a research participant refers to a message sent on Facebook as

a “wall post,” “commented,” or “face-booked.” All mean the same thing but could post a

problem for researchers looking at data early in the research process. Once problems and

concepts are identified, researchers can check the frequency and distribution of the phenomena

and generate a theory.


       The study proposed, to seek how technological advances in communication particularly

social networking sites, affect college undergrads individual relationships is still a relatively new

area of research, considering new social networking sites and communication technologies

continue to advance and pop up on the Internet. The studies that have been done previously only

focused on the early social networking sites such as Facebook and Myspace, and researchers

were primarily concerned with how much time was spent on the sites and their reason for using

social networking sites (Coyle & Vaughn, 2008).

       Even though communication technologies and social networking sites continue to grow

and change, the findings of this research will be significant because they will help understand

how college undergraduates communicate between family and friends in a new era of

technology. With more and more young adults going off to college they are seeking new ways to

keep connected with friends and family. The research will show whether or not communication

done online directly affects individual relationships. Also, this type of knowledge about

communication methods among college undergraduates will be helpful to the social networking

sites and other communication companies on what types of communication methods are growing

among popularity and what types of communication methods are fading as technology advances.


Coyle, C.L., & Vaughn, H. (2008). Social networking: communication revolution or
       evolution? Bell Labs Technical Journal, 13(2), 13-18.

Fisher, D.R., & Wright, L.M. (2001). On utopias and dystopias: toward an understanding
        of the discourse surrounding the internet. Journal of Computer-Mediated
        Communication, 6(2), 23-26.

Kollock, P., & Smith, M. (2005). Communities in cyberspace. New York: Routledge.
       (Original work published 1999).

Quan-Haase, A. (2008). Instant messaging on campus: use and integration in university
      students’ everyday communication. The Information Society, 24(2), 105-115.

Rheingold, H. (2000). The Virtual Community. Massachusetts: The MIT Press. (Original
      work published 1993).

Schutt, Russell K. 2004. Investigating the Social World. London: Sage Publications, Inc.

Selwyn, N. (2007). The use of computer technology in university teaching and learning: a
      critical perspective. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 23, 83-94.

Workman, T. (2008). The real impact of virtual worlds. Chronicle of Higher Education,
     55(4), B12-B13.

                                Intensive Interviewing Sample Questions

     1. How many hours a day do you spend online?
     2. What is your preferred source of communication (Cell phone, email, internet, face to
        face, telegram, etc)?
     3. What types of social networking sites do you use or communication technologies?
     4. How many hours a day do you typically spend on a social networking site?
     5. When you use communication technologies what do you primarily use them for
        (Uploading photos, blogging, communication between friends/family, etc)?
     6. If you communicate between people, whom do you mostly communicate with?
     7. Have you ever meet someone online that goes to the same college and eventually met up
        with them?
     8. How would you describe a relationship with someone you met online as opposed to
        meeting someone face to face (Is it stronger, weaker, the same, never met anyone online,
     9. How is it easier to talk to people online than in face to face?
     10. How do you see communication technologies advancing over the next few years?
     11. By using communication technologies, has it affected your relationships positively or
        negatively, and how?
     12. Which feature do you use the most on social networking sites (chat, email messaging,
        wall-posting, video chat, etc)?
     13. In response to question #12, why do you use that feature over other features?

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Research Proposal

  • 1. 1 How Are Communication Technologies Re-Shaping Individual Relationships Among College Undergraduates? TJ Dinsmoor University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Research Methods 361, Spring 2009 Lab 801
  • 2. 2 Introduction The digital age that we are now growing into has the ability to change how people communicate with others. Today’s college undergraduate students are at the forefront of the technological advances that are before them. College undergraduates of the millennial generation are exploring the factors that shape their peer personality and identifying characteristics of that personality through the online environment (Workman, 2008, p. 6). Social networking sites were once used by a small elite, but now widely used by many and have become the subject of popular culture, public interest, and political debate (Kollock & Smith, 1999/2005). The Internet is being used to connect people to people in many different ways. The characteristics of interaction, communication, and coordination are different in online than when people meet face-to-face (Kollock & Smith, 1999/2005). Using network communication such as online chat, social networking sites such as Myspace and Facebook, email, even text messaging creates a shift in interactions among people to be practical and more convenient (Kollock & Smith, 1999/2005). It is the advancement in computer technology and the shift in communication that brings attention to the changing individual relationships that college undergraduate’s experience. Much previous research has studied the interactivity, interaction, and collaboration among college undergraduates (Selwyn, 2007). This research has shown that with the growing power of the Internet, college students are turned on by the convenience of the Internet’s speed, display of availability information, and support for multiple conversations (Quan-Haase, 2008, p. 105). It is not surprising that there is an increase in the use of communication technologies among college students, but it is surprising that there have been few studies that have examined the link between the increase of communication technologies and the relationships among college undergraduates. We know that there is a changing culture with the younger generation
  • 3. 3 because of the increase in Internet usage and communication technologies (Coyle & Vaughn, 2008, p. 15), but how does that directly affect individual relationships among college undergraduates? Literature Review First, I would like to define the area of communication technologies that will be mostly focused on in this review: social networks. A social network is a configuration of people connected to one another through interpersonal means, such as friendship, common interests, or ideas (Coyle & Vaughn, 2008, p. 13). Social networks exist because humans are societal and require relationships with other humans in order to survive (Coyle & Vaughn, 2008, p. 13). Social networks are also critical to the psychological well-being of humans; this has been well documented throughout the years and is still interesting to researchers today (Rheingold, 1993/2000, p. 321). Survey Research shows that an overwhelming majority of respondents report forming personal relationships online (Coyle & Vaughn, 2008, p. 13). “Internet time” – the furious pace of change in digital culture—compresses the timelines of events (Rheingold, 1993/2000, p. 335). Research shows that college student’s primary reasons for using communication technologies is convenience, ease of use, privacy if there were other people in the room, and the ability to multitask by engaging in multiple things, such as watching television (Quan-Haase, 2008, p. 108). In another study done in Hong Kong, the primary motivations of university students for using communication technologies were to express affection, being sociable by thanking people, helping friends, and expressing encouragement (Quan-Haase, 2008, p. 109). While using communication technologies and the Internet, college students report that they communicate primarily with friends from home and on campus (Quan-Haase, 2008, p 106).
  • 4. 4 One of the more popular methods of communication among college students is a website titled Facebook, where college students use the website to stay linked with people with whom they used to be more closely involved with, e.g., former classmates and newer classmates (Coyle & Vaughn, 2008, p. 16). Research shows that college students who use communication technologies communicated considerably far more with peers than with relatives, suggesting a generation gap in the adoption of the digital age (Quan-Haase, 2008, p. 107). With college students leaving their homes and sometimes traveling far distances to schools, geographical distance reduces both communication frequency and psychological closeness with high school friends and family (Quan-Haase, 2008, p. 108). With an increase in distance, opportunities for meaningful interaction through conversation, persuasion, and sharing of experiences decrease as well does closeness to old friends and family members (Quan-Haase, 2008, p. 108). Studies report social ties that are maintained through e-mail, instant messaging, or social networking sites, such as Facebook and Myspace, show greater closeness than ties maintained via the telephone and in person (Quan-Haase, 2008, p. 109). College students are aware of the importance of in-person meetings for the maintenance of social ties, but communication technologies gives college students a sense of connectedness and allows students to share experiences with one another as if they were meeting face-to-face (Selwyn, 2007, p. 87). As Kollock and Smith (1999/2005) have pointed out, “Community is now conceptualized not in terms of physical proximity but in terms of social networks. Telephones, automobiles, and airplanes have long meant that it was possible to establish and sustain important social relationships outside of one’s immediate physical neighborhood” (para. 3). Now, in online interaction, the experience is something like attending a cocktail party and only being able to see
  • 5. 5 people who are actively speaking, while the room and all the listeners are invisible (Kollock & Smith, 1999/2005). Critics with dystopian views state that with a loss of strong bonds among members in society, the Internet will limit connections between central and peripheral actors in society and those on the peripheral structure will be less connected than ever before (Fisher, 2001, p. 24). Fisher (2001) also notes that critics with utopian views state, “Cyberspace will make it easier for people to communicate both politically and otherwise” (p. 24). Workman (2008) states that most “student affairs professionals and sociologists have worried that the trend would lead to a population of students who were isolated and unable to develop healthy “offline” relationships” (p. 7). Research further suggests that online interactions do not necessarily remove people from their offline world but may indeed be used to support relationships and keep people in contact, even when life changes move people away from each other (Workman, 2008, p. 7). Rheingold (1993/2000) argues that, “virtual communities may actually be part of the remedy for the loss of live community” (p. 275). Conclusion As this review shows, research focusing on communication technology use among college undergraduates is necessary because applying knowledge to the subject will show the changing characteristics of individual relationships. The Internet is now taking over as a communication tool that is more convenient than meeting in a face-to face environment for college students. Students can use communication technologies to still achieve a sense of connectedness with former high school friends and family back home. Research in this area also suggests that virtual interaction may be a remedy for the loss of live community. One era is coming to a close and the rising of a new era is coming. Further study will show as technologies
  • 6. 6 continue to advance, the students’ relationships will change alongside it. Methodology This study will focus on the growing use of communication technologies and look at the question of “How are communication technologies re-shaping individual relationships among college undergraduates?” To answer this question, it will require broad, open-ended feedback from samples collected because individual viewpoints about their own relationships are likely to be too complex for researchers. These responses have to come from college undergraduates, and it is not necessary to single any particular group out, so the undergraduates can be either male or female and the ethnicity of the undergraduate can be from all backgrounds. For these reasons, it is appropriate to use a qualitative research approach. Sample For this study, the availability/convenience and intensive interviewing sampling methods will be the most appropriate because it will be used to focus on the Internet use and relationships of the specific sample such as college undergraduates either male or female and ethnicity from all backgrounds. There will be no need to generalize the results to the whole population since the study is focused on just college undergraduates. Moreover, non-probability sampling methods are considered easier and less costly to use (Schutt, 2004). To get an adequate number of participants, the researchers will be able to wait for undergraduates around campus in places such as school unions, outside of buildings and outside of college dormitories. The availability/convenience method is used to select participants because they are available and easy to find (Schutt, 2004). In a few ways it can be difficult to get a solid sampling frame, such as mailing list or email lists, focused on college undergraduates because of universities privacy laws. However, by walking around a college campus, researchers will encounter enough
  • 7. 7 participants to gather a sufficient amount. Thus, this technique will be the best way to collect proper participants who are generous enough to contribute to the research. There are some weaknesses of using this type of method for gathering samples however. An example being, with this type of method, it is only focusing on college undergraduates and not all college students such as students going back to college for their masters or doctorate degree. Respondents with higher education are likely to have different viewpoints from those of undergraduates, so this sampling method may not ensure the quality of samples and diversity of samples from all people who attend college. Method Design To study the habits and actions of college undergraduates, it is best to use qualitative research methods because they primarily focus on human subjectivity. By human subjectivity, I mean the meanings that people attach to their individual actions or events (Schutt 2004). It is also because responses from the research participants may not be anticipatable or quite complex regarding their individual relationships or their communication habits. With all the possible choices among qualitative research methods, the availability/convenience method will be most suitable. Availability/convenience method, intertwined with intensive interviewing, is designed to lead the respondents to talk in-depth, and provide information in their own words. Intensive interviewing is also helpful to make clear that respondents understand the questions being asked or when researchers do not understand the response from a participant. This method will allow researchers to gain accurate open-ended feedback about the participant’s use of communication technologies and social networking sites and how it might affect their individual relationships. The researchers will not only ask participants their prepared questions, but they will also reach for further meaning beyond the answers to their prepared
  • 8. 8 questions. For example, a prepared question like “How do you use social networking sites to communicate between family and friends?” After a participant answers the question, they may be presented with further details, and then the researcher may ask follow-up questions. In the appendix you will see some example questions that will cover the main topics of the study. The list of questions is a guide, rather than a strict protocol, that will be closely followed regardless of the interviewee’s answers. Intensive interviewing will take place in the student unions of college campuses or outside of buildings as undergraduates walk by. While undergraduates wait between classes in the union or outside on a bench, researchers will approach them and describe to them the purpose of the study. This will allow the interviewing to be conducted on the spot. One of the strengths of the intensive interviewing method is that the researchers can easily recognize and find the proper samples and conduct interviews immediately. Thus, this will be very efficient for the researcher’s time and cost. This method will also allow the researchers to ask broad questions like “How have your individual relationships changed, if at all, since you’ve gone to college?” The researcher then may ask follow-up questions to gain more information. Also possible, the researcher is able to make sure that the participant understands the questions, and this will help ensure the quality of the information. There are a few weaknesses in this method. An example being, college undergraduates may not feel comfortable being put on the spot and being interviewed. With a lack of communication between the researcher and the participant, it may bring about the use of note taking or a simple recording devise. Possible samples could complicate the research by not honestly answering questions or being confused, and the researchers need to determine if samples can contribute to the study. Another possible weakness could be if an intensive
  • 9. 9 interview is conducted on only college undergraduates, then respondents may not be as diverse as they should be such as other people who attend college for graduate or doctoral purposes, and potentially could have very similar types of responses. The use of intensive interviewing may be used to battle communication barriers since interviewing allows samples to talk openly. With a possible lack of diversity in samples, it can be overcome by interviewing in other college campuses around the Milwaukee area. The researchers will also ask each participant the college they attend in order to make sure there is diversity among the samples. Analysis Inductive research techniques can be used to develop an explanation to account for how the advancement of communication technologies affects college undergraduate’s relationships. Since the area of research on communication technologies is relatively new, research will have to start with specific data before coming up with a theory. With research ongoing, researchers will create a grounded theory, or building up inductively a systematic theory that is based on the observations (Schutt 2004). As interviewing and reflection continue, researchers will cultivate their definitions of problems and concepts and select indicators. As communication technologies continue to advance and people having different terms when referring to a specific type of technology, research will be progressively refined as experience is gained in the setting. An example of a code would be when a research participant refers to a message sent on Facebook as a “wall post,” “commented,” or “face-booked.” All mean the same thing but could post a problem for researchers looking at data early in the research process. Once problems and concepts are identified, researchers can check the frequency and distribution of the phenomena and generate a theory.
  • 10. 10 Significance The study proposed, to seek how technological advances in communication particularly social networking sites, affect college undergrads individual relationships is still a relatively new area of research, considering new social networking sites and communication technologies continue to advance and pop up on the Internet. The studies that have been done previously only focused on the early social networking sites such as Facebook and Myspace, and researchers were primarily concerned with how much time was spent on the sites and their reason for using social networking sites (Coyle & Vaughn, 2008). Even though communication technologies and social networking sites continue to grow and change, the findings of this research will be significant because they will help understand how college undergraduates communicate between family and friends in a new era of technology. With more and more young adults going off to college they are seeking new ways to keep connected with friends and family. The research will show whether or not communication done online directly affects individual relationships. Also, this type of knowledge about communication methods among college undergraduates will be helpful to the social networking sites and other communication companies on what types of communication methods are growing among popularity and what types of communication methods are fading as technology advances.
  • 11. 11 References Coyle, C.L., & Vaughn, H. (2008). Social networking: communication revolution or evolution? Bell Labs Technical Journal, 13(2), 13-18. Fisher, D.R., & Wright, L.M. (2001). On utopias and dystopias: toward an understanding of the discourse surrounding the internet. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 6(2), 23-26. Kollock, P., & Smith, M. (2005). Communities in cyberspace. New York: Routledge. (Original work published 1999). Quan-Haase, A. (2008). Instant messaging on campus: use and integration in university students’ everyday communication. The Information Society, 24(2), 105-115. Rheingold, H. (2000). The Virtual Community. Massachusetts: The MIT Press. (Original work published 1993). Schutt, Russell K. 2004. Investigating the Social World. London: Sage Publications, Inc. Selwyn, N. (2007). The use of computer technology in university teaching and learning: a critical perspective. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 23, 83-94. Workman, T. (2008). The real impact of virtual worlds. Chronicle of Higher Education, 55(4), B12-B13.
  • 12. 12 Appendix Intensive Interviewing Sample Questions 1. How many hours a day do you spend online? 2. What is your preferred source of communication (Cell phone, email, internet, face to face, telegram, etc)? 3. What types of social networking sites do you use or communication technologies? 4. How many hours a day do you typically spend on a social networking site? 5. When you use communication technologies what do you primarily use them for (Uploading photos, blogging, communication between friends/family, etc)? 6. If you communicate between people, whom do you mostly communicate with? 7. Have you ever meet someone online that goes to the same college and eventually met up with them? 8. How would you describe a relationship with someone you met online as opposed to meeting someone face to face (Is it stronger, weaker, the same, never met anyone online, etc)? 9. How is it easier to talk to people online than in face to face? 10. How do you see communication technologies advancing over the next few years? 11. By using communication technologies, has it affected your relationships positively or negatively, and how? 12. Which feature do you use the most on social networking sites (chat, email messaging, wall-posting, video chat, etc)? 13. In response to question #12, why do you use that feature over other features?