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English Text Spanish Text
Genetically modified crops" are controversial.In Europe,
militant "greens" and angry small-farmershaveattacked and
destroyed fields of experimental"GM" crops, seeing them
both as symbols of multinational agribusiness,and as
a threat to the world's natural environment.
Is there any sound scientific evidence to back up the
protestors' fears, or are the protests largely motivatedby
ignorance? Is the anti-GM movement progressive, or is it a
form of fundamentalism,caused by fear of the unknown?
Párrafo 1
Los cultivos genéticamente modificados son controversiales. En
Europa, militantes “ecológicos” y pequeños disgustados granjeros
han atacado y destruido los campos de cultivos experimentales
“GM” viéndolos como símbolos de la agroindustria multinacional, y
como una amenaza al ambiente naturaldel mundo.
¿Hay alguna evidencia científica que respalde los temores de los
protestantes, o son las protestas en su mayoría motivadas por la
ignorancia? ¿Es el movimiento progresivo anti-GM, o es esta una
forma de fundamentalismo, causado por el temor hacia lo
English Text Spanish Text
Different people have different views on the matter, but history
shows that quantum developments in science or technology
have always provoked a backlash motivated by fear or
When industrial machinery began to appear in British factories
over 200 years ago, factory-owners were wildly enthusiastic; so
were many workers. But there were other people who took a
different view. Groups known as the Luddites,
Diferente gente tiene diferentes visiones en el tema, pero la
historia demuestra que grandes desarrollos en la ciencia o la
tecnología han siempre provocado una resistencia motivada por
el temor o la incomprensión.
Cuando la maquinaria industrial empezó a aparecer en las
fábricas británicas hace 200 años, los dueños de las fabricas
estaban muy entusiasmados al igual que muchos trabajadores
pero había también otra gente que tenían una opinión diferente,
grupos conocidos como los ludditas,
English Text Spanish Text
When the first steam trains appeared inthe 1830's, they
provoked violent reactions too; opponents claimed that they
were dangerous, noisy and dirty,would destroy cities by fire,
and kill people through speed. Some landowners resolutely
refused to allowlines to be built over their land.Fifty years
later, the arrival of the motor car was met with a similar mixed
response - opponents arguing that "horseless carriages" were
far too dangerous to be allowed on Britain'sroads. For a while,
the opponents almost won the battle,and until 1896,cars on
Britain'sroads had to be preceded by a man walking with a
red flag.
Cuando los primeros trenes de vapor aparecieron en la década
de 1830, también provocaron reacciones violentas; los opositores
afirmaban que eran peligrosos, ruidosos y sucios, destruirían
ciudades por el fuego, y mataría personas por la velocidad.
Algunos terratenientes se negaron decididamente a permitir que
se construyeran líneas sobre sus terrenos. Cincuenta años más
tarde, la llegada del automóvil se encontró con una respuesta
mixta similar - oponentes argumentando que “los carruajes sin
caballos” eran demasiado peligrosos para ser permitidos en las
carreteras de Gran Bretaña. Durante un tiempo, casi ganan la
disputa, y hasta 1896, los carros en las carreteras de Gran Bretaña
tuvieron que ser encabezados por un hombre caminando con
una bandera roja.
English Text Spanish Text
Indeed, the history of scientific and technical progress is full of
examples of resistance to progress - in a paradoxical illustration
of Newton's third law of motion*.
This being the case, the vigorous reaction in Britain and several
other countries against the introduction of genetically
modified crops is not surprising; indeed, it is probably inevitable.
Since the catastrophe of "Mad Cow Disease", - and in spite of
the enormous benefits brought about by modern agricultural
practice - agribusiness and scientific modern farming methods
are seriously contested in many quarters.
De hecho, la historia del progreso científico y técnico está llena
de ejemplos de resistencia a progresar – en una ilustración
paradójica de la tercera ley del movimiento de Newton.
Siendo así, la vigorosa reacción en Gran Bretaña y varios otros
países contra la introducción de los cultivos modificados
genéticamente no es sorprendente; de hecho, es
probablemente inevitable. Desde la catástrofe de “la
enfermedad de las vacas locas”, - y a pesar de los enormes
beneficios traídos por la práctica agrícola moderna – la
agroindustria y los modernos métodos científicos de cultivo son
seriamente disputados en muchos distritos.
English Text Spanish Text
In Britain, the argument over GM crops has become the most
contested scientific dispute since the arrival of the atom
bomb.In 1998 a publicopinionpoll showed that 77% of British
peopledid not want genetically-modifiedcrops to be grown
in Britain- though only 58% were opposed genetic
modificationin principle. And in spite of historic parallelsthat
tend to suggest that resistance to change is rarely effective in
the long run, the controversy over genetically modified crops
is perhapsmore critical than most.
In spite of public apprehension, UK governments have
continued to support research into GM crops, and today
hundreds of hectares of genetically engineered plants are
growing in Britain, mostly in agricultural research centers,
universities and plant laboratories. Here and there, fields of
genetically modified crops have been planted and to the
passer-by,they look no different from other fields.
Párrafo 3
En Gran Bretaña, la discusión sobre los cultivos transgénicos se ha
convertido en la disputa científica más disputada desde la llegada
de la bomba atómica. En 1998, una encuesta de opinión pública
mostró que el 77% de los británicos no deseaban cultivos
genéticamente modificados en Gran Bretaña, aunque
solamente el 58% se oponía a la modificación genética en
principio. Y a pesar de los paralelos históricos que tienden a sugerir
que la resistencia al cambio rara vez es efectiva a largo plazo, la
controversia sobre los cultivos genéticamente modificados es tal
vez más crítica que la mayoría.
A pesar de la aprensión pública, los gobiernos del Reino Unido han
seguido apoyando la investigación sobre cultivos transgénicos, y
hoy en día cientos de hectáreas de plantas genéticamente
modificadas están creciendo en Gran Bretaña, principalmente en
centros de investigación agrícola, universidades y laboratorios de
plantas. Aquí y allá, se han sembrado campos de cultivos
modificados genéticamente y para el transeúnte, no se ven
diferentes de otros campos.
English Text Spanish Text
In many ways, GM crops are not really very different from others.
Scientists have been selecting and "improving" crops for
hundreds of years, often by the slow and dubious method of
"trial and error". Most of the crops and fruit growing in today's
fields are very different from the varietiesgrown two centuries
ago, and far more productive;far from being "natural" plants,
they are new strains that have been developed by genetic
selection of the best. "Genetic Modification" just takes the
process one stage further, allowing agriculturalscientists to
produce new varietieswith specificrequired qualities.
En muchos sentidos, los cultivos transgénicos no son muy
diferentes de los demás. Los científicos han estado
seleccionando y "mejorando" los cultivos durante cientos de
años, a menudo mediante el lento y dudoso método de
"ensayo y error". La mayoría de los cultivos y fruta que crece en
los campos de hoy son muy diferentes de las variedades
cultivadas hace dos siglos, y mucho más productivas; lejos de
ser plantas "naturales", son nuevas cepas que se han
desarrollado mediante la selección genética de las mejores. La
"modificación genética" solo lleva el proceso una etapa más
allá, permitiendo que los científicos agrícolas produzcan nuevas
variedadescon cualidades específicas requeridas.
English Text Spanish Text
One of the main objectives in altering the genes of certain plants
is to make them resistant to disease and to pests, and thus
reduce the need for pesticides.
Another is to make them resistant to particular weed-killers, so
that farmers can spray fields knowing that the spray will kill
almost all plants except the selected crop that they are growing.
Other genetic modifications are aimed at producing plants that
need less fertilizer or are more resistant to drought, and thus
need less watering. Most developments in these directions are
strongly positive in environmental terms.
Párrafo 4
Uno de los principales objetivos al alterar los genes de ciertas
plantas es hacerlas más resistentes a las enfermedades y las
plagas, y por lo tantoreducir la necesidad de pesticidas.
Otro es hacerlas resistentes a pesticidas especiales, para que los
granjeros puedan rociar los campos sabiendo que el aerosol
matará casi todas las plantas excepto el cultivo seleccionado
que esta creciendo. Otras modificaciones genéticas están
dirigidas a producir plantas que necesiten menos fertilizantes o
sean mas resistentes a la sequía, y por lo tanto necesiten menos
riego. La mayoría de desarrollos en estas direcciones son
fuertementepositivos en términos ambientales.
English Text Spanish Text
They are also positive in human terms, and development of
drought-resistant and disease-resistant crops will have major
implications for developing countries, where famine is a constant
risk. It is therefore not surprising that developing nations with large
populations to feed, such as China and India, are keen
supporters of genetic research; unlike Europe and North
America, with their agricultural surpluses, many poorer nations
already cannot produce enough food to feed their populations.
In other developments, laboratories are genetically incorporating
vaccines - including hepatitis B and rabies - into certain plants.
Plant-based vaccines are potentially far cheaper to produce and
easier to store than their chemically-manufactured equivalents.
Además hay algo positivo en términos humanos, el desarrollo de
cultivos resistentes a la sequía y las enfermedades tendrán
mejores implicaciones para el desarrollo de ciudades donde la
hambruna es un riesgo constante. Por lo tanto no es
sorprendente que los países en desarrollo con grandes
poblaciones para alimentar, como China e India, son partidarios
de la investigación genética.
En otros desarrollos, los laboratorios están incorporando
genéticamente vacunas - incluyendo la hepatitis B y la rabia -
en ciertas plantas. Las vacunas basadas en plantas son
potencialmente mucho mas baratas de producir y mas fáciles
de almacenar que sus equivalentesfabricados químicamente.
English Text Spanish Text
Paragraph 5
Rejecting these arguments, opponents of genetic modification
point to the enormous risks that could be involved. While fears of
"mad corn disease" are as yet purely hypothetical, other risks
seem more realistic. Greatest of these is perhaps the fear that
genetically modified crops can naturally interact with other
plants, producing super-resistant weeds that could create chaos
in agriculture. According to the Government's own
advisory body English Nature, genetic crops "pose a threat to all
wildlife". In a recent paper, English Nature scientists stressed that
the introduction of genetically modified plants might dramatically
reduce plant diversity in Britain, destroying fragile ecosystems
and leading to the rapid disappearance of certain species of
plantlife,insects and birds. .
Parrafo 5
Rechazando estos argumentos, los opositores de la modificacion
genetica apuntan al enorme riesgo que podria estar
relacionado. Mientras los miedos del MAD CORN DISEASE son
hasta el momento puramente hipoteticos, otros riesgos parecen
mas reales. El mas grande de ellos es, tal ves el miedo de que los
cultivos geneticamente modificados pueden interactuar
naturalmente con otras plantas, produciendo hierbas super
resistentes que podrian crear un caos en la agricultura.
Deacuerdo con el propio organo asesor del gobierno ´´
ENGLISH NATURE´´ los cultivos geneticos plantean una amenaza
a toda la vida salvaje. En un reciente informe, los cientificos del
english nature enfatizaron que la introduccion de plantas
geneticamente modificadas podrian reducir dramaticamente la
diversidad de plantas en gran bretaña, destruyendo
ecosistemas fragiles y conduciendo al la rapida extinction de
ciertas especies de vida vegetal, insectos y aves.
English Text Spanish Text
Cynics might reply that species of plant life, insects and birds
have been disappearingfor years already.
In the short term, the arguments seems unlikely to go
away. American farmers are already mass producing genetically
modified crops, and so far there has been no reported disaster.
That does not mean that disasters are impossible. In ten or twenty
years' time, we may have a better idea of how likely, or unlikely
they are; in the long run the argument about genetic modification
will sort itself out one way or another. Until then, it is up to each
individual to weigh up the pros and the cons and decide if the
risks outweigh the advantagesor not.
Los cinicos podrian responder que lase species de vida vegetal,
insectos y avesya han estado desapareciendo por años.
Parece poco probable que los argumentos desaparezcan en el
corto plazo. Los agricultores Americanos ya están produciendo
en masa cultivos genéticamente modificados, y hasta ahora no
ha habido ningún desastre. Eso no significa que los desastres
sean imposibles. Dentro de diez o veinte años, es posible que
tengamos una mejor idea de cuán probable o improbable
sean; en el largo plazo el argumento sobre la modificación
genética se resolverá de una forma u otra. Hasta entonces,
depende de cada individuo para sopesar los pros y los contras y
decidir si los riesgos superan o no las ventajas.
I find translation of English texts interesting, engaging and fun to do, always
attracted to read all kinds of articles, newspapers, magazines and
books since I was in High school , the main purpose is finding new
vocabulary and getting the most accurate cultural idea involved in it, that is
to say seizing as much as I can the cultural English mentality. I did live 12
years in U.S.A where had the chance to understand and realize the common
meaning behind some expressions, idioms, words, slangs among other
cultural structures. I am Chemical engineer so the technical English in some
texts are relatively easy to comprehend by me.
Modestly speaking I didn´t find any major challenges in this paragraph, of
course there are some portions in it which could be translated slightly different
by others due to some synonymy or descriptive equivalent translation
procedure but in general terms I did use oblique translation techniques as
modulation, transposition, equivalence.
With regard to the development of the first task, I can express the following:
From the paragraph I chose, I found several words of which I did not know its
meaning; for which use free online dictionaries like Wordreference, and the
Cambridge dictionary. Also, with the words that I found more difficulties were
agribusiness that means “Agroindustria” and is according to the text,
contested that according to the text means "disputados" or "refutados". Now,
regarding the expressions, and with which I still have doubt is This being the
case since it literally translates “Siendo este el caso” but I preferred to use
“Siendo así” to start the paragraph.
To carry out this translation, I have used the following methods: Word-for-word
translation, Semantic translation and Communicative translation. In addition, I
took into account the Direct Translation Techniques as Literal Translation and
Oblique Translation Techniques as modulation and transposition.
For the translation of the text, I initially read it and try to make me a general
idea, about what it was about, in this way give a meaning to the words that I
didn’t know, which I marked as I read the text. Then I take a dictionary and I
start to search the meaning in spanish of the words, so that I could incorporate
to my vocabulary for later, to try to translate the text literally. So I believe that
my translate techniques were:
Direct translation technique: literal, because I try to pass the text from English
to Spanish without generating changes that alter its meaning.
Oblique translation technique: transposition, because between English and
Spanish there are some differences in the use of nouns and adjectives.
I have always found translation task fun, it has made me improve the way I
can understand things and not put every word into Spanish literally. Honestly
as my vocabulary has been growing at the time goes by, this translation
wasn’t that hard to get it done, so I actually didn’t use any dictionary or any
other tool to get it done.
As for which technique I have used, I found the oblique translation techniques
(transposition and modulation) very helpful.
I share the following reflection:
The major difficulty for translating this text is the anonymous words.
e.g. GM crops - In spite of - passer-by-strains.
Also because the text has many technical expressions about G,M crops.
some of the factors to take into account when translating a text is important to know
what is the main meaning of a word in a language. In addition you have to take into
account the evolution of the language since the meaning can change. also the style
that the author uses is very important to take into account to select the appropriate
lexico. Here are some of the translation techniques:
The transcript, the literaltranslation, translated loans, lexical synonymy
the transposition, modulation, the contraction, the expansion, the restructuring, the
This is a very complex task, the translator's learning is long and can be arduous because,
unfortunately, "Humpty Dumpty's statementin Alice through the mirror is not quite true,
that wordsmean what we want them to mean "
As Krings (1986) stated
“translator´s potentially
conscious plans for solving
concrete translation problems
in the framework of a concrete
translation task”.
Strategies are divided into two
categories according to
Jaaskelainen (2005):
-Strategies related to what
happens to texts.
-Strategies related to what
happens in the process.
Used to translate sentences
and other units of language,
using techniques as Harvey
(2000) proposes :
-Functional equivalence.
-Formal equivalence.
-Transcription or borrowing.
-Descriptive translation.
Is a plan that specifies steps,
concepts directed to achieve a
goal using tasks, are related to
whole texts, examples of methods
according to Newmark (1988b) are:
-Word for word translation.
-Literal translation.
-Faithful translation.
-Semantic translation.
-Free Translation.
-Idiomatic translation.
-Communicative translation.
By Astrid Garnica
_According to Broudly, (1963)
“Method refers to the formal
structure of the sequence of
acts commonly denoted by
_It refers to the organized
procedure that is carried out to
achieve a purpose.
_It includes the techniques.
_According to Jaaskelainen
(1999:71) considers strategy as,
“a series of competencies, a
set of steps or processes that
favor the acquisition, storage,
and/or utilization of
_It refers to the way a
particular task is performed.
_Techniques are ways of
implementing a method.
By Franklin Rangel
• Method is a way something
is done.Example:The recipe
that I found in the cookbook
had different ways to cook
the potatoes, but I chose
the bake method in the
• Described as an overall plan
for systematic presentation
of language based upon a
• A generalized set of
classroom specifications for
accomplishing linguistic
- A plan of action designed to
achieve an overall aim.
Example, "Whats your strategy
for setting goals?", is ok to say
but some people might not
know what you mean. Strategy
is almost like the word 'tactic'.
Example :
A) What tactics do you use?
B) My teams tactics are going
- Specific methods of
approaching a problem or
task, modes of operation for
achieving a particular end, or
planned design for controlling
and manipulating certain
• Technique is a procedure or
skill for completing a specific
task. If a class room is
becoming distracted a
teacher may use the
technique to use a quick
physical activity to distract
their distraction and get
them all to do the same
thing at the same time.
• Implementational – that
which actually takes place
in a classroom. It is particular
trick, stratagem, or
contrivance used to
accomplish an immediate
By Franklin Rangel
• Tend to be concerned
primarily with teacher and
student roles and behaviours
and secondarily with such
features as linguistic and
subject-matter objectives,
sequencing, and materials.
• An approach is axiomatic, a
method is procedural.
• Must be consistent with a
method, and therefore in
harmony with an approach
as well.
By Nataly cotes Diaz
• It is a way something is
done, used for routine tasks.
It is based on a selected
approach and it is the
presentation of language in
an operational way.
• A method is a description of
the way that information or
behaviour is carried forward
or consolidated during the
instructional processes
It usually requires some sort of
planning. It would be probably
used when faced with a new
situation like winning a game.
A plan of action designed to
achieve an overall aim.
Defines the basic procedure of
how content is elaborated
during the teaching process.
There are two possible
• The cognitive approach
which is expository.
• The affective approach
which is based on
discovering and uses the
curiosity of the student to let
him find out something on
his own.
• It is a procedure or skill for
completing a specifictask
that could be sued for
predictable events like
solving a vision equation.
• It is a detailed list of rules or
a guideline for any teaching
or non-teaching activity.
• It describe the steps or a set
of do´s and don’ts and can
often be linked to method or
By Sandra Milena Cuadros
.Faithful translation: it attempts to
produce the precise contextual
meaning of the original within the
constraints of the TL grammatical
•Semantic translation: which differs
from 'faithful translation' only in as
far as it must take more account of
the aesthetic value of the SL text.
•Adaptation: which is the freest
form of translation, and is used
mainly for plays (comedies) and
poetry; the themes, characters,
plots are usually preserved, the SL
culture is converted to the TL
culture and the text is rewritten.
-Cohen (1998: 4) afirma que "el
elemento de la conciencia es lo
que distingue las estrategias de
estos procesos que no son
-Jaaskelainen (1999:71) considers
strategy as, "a series of
competencies, a set of steps or
processes that favor the
acquisition, storage, and/or
utilization of information."
- "involve the basic tasks of
choosing the foreign text to be
translated and developing a
method to translate it”
_According to Piotrobska,
strategies precede techniques in
time, are oriented to the text.
It is a procedure or a
set of practical
procedures, in view of
the achievement of a
By Sandra Milena Cuadros
-Free translation: it produces the TL
text without the style, form, or
content of the original.
-Idiomatic translation: it reproduces
the 'message' of the original but
tends to distort nuances of
meaning by preferring
colloquialisms and idioms where
these do not exist in the original.
-Communicative translation: it
attempts to render the exact
contextual meaning of the original
in such a way that both content
and language are readily
acceptable and comprehensible
to the readership
BY Alexander Garcia
Good evening Franklin Ferney
I read carefully your translation I did find
several mistakes, which I described
them with explanatory comments.
I read your translation, well done, but I find
a litlemixup from you. as you can see from :
In the translated text :
advisory body means : órgano asesor
English nature : nombre del órgano asesor
thus , "According to the Government's own
advisory body English Nature," could
be translated
as: de acuerdo al propio órgano asesor del gob
ierno English Nature,
Another sentence related with it,
"In a recent paper, English Nature
scientists stressed" could be translated
as: En un reciente informe, los cientificos del Engl
ish Nature enfatizaron (recalcaron)
Best regards
By Astrid Garnica
My opinion about your translation, I just
see that you forgot to delete a
parenthesis. On the other hand, I don´t
consider necessary to add several
possible translations to the same word,
because the text can lose its meaning
and distract the reader.
Best Regards.
I saw your translation and I just want to make
a suggestion regarding the
word agribusiness. You translate it
as agricomercio but in Spanish it is not
common to hear it like this. Therefore, I
suggest its translation
as Agroindustia or Industria agropecuaria.
According to the following
Best Regards
By Franklin Rangel
Good Day
About your reflection, I think that is very
honest and sincere, and I agree. About
your comment, I agree with to link the
different versions of the individual
activities into one box.
Good Day
Partner with respect to your translation, I
think that is a good job, nevertheless I
advise you to pull apart the paragraphs,
and underline the works marked in the
original text. Be careful with the commas,
full stops and other signs.
By Nataly Cotes
thanks for your feedback, it was very
helpful. it is great to have someone with
so much knowledge to check your work
and help you out with it. thanks a lot. i
will make the changes you have
suggested me to do.
also thanks for the reference that you
sent me, i totally forgot lol.
i will try and check the powerpoint
presentation as soon as possible and
add my work as well,
by the way, franklin said that we need a
password to access to it, please check
that out and if we do so please send it.
i have just read your paper and i think is
very accurate, i have just one little
suggestion as for this one and only
part ´´ cars on Britain's roads had to be
preceded by a man walking with a red
i understand exactly what you mean but
´´maybe´´ instead of ´´precedido´´ you
could use a more simple and used word
like ´´guiado´´. it is just a suggestion that
cuold be more helpful to people who do
not have enough vocabulary.
By Sandra Milena Cuadros
Hello Nataly
About your traduction paragraph 5
Los cinicos podrian responder que lase species de vida vegetal, insectos y aves ya han
estado desapareciendo por años.
Cynics might reply that species of plant life, insects and birds have been disappearing for
years already.
as the context translates Cynics ----- skeptics
we must take into account that the word fits the text and style of the author.
it is up to each individual ..... when you highlight the previous expression, it is valuable to
understand the translation of the complete sentence and the meaning of it, contrary if it is
traged word by word.
Good job....
Ordudari, M. (july 2007). Translation procedures, strategies and methods. Translation
Journal, 11(3). Retrieved March 22, 2017, from
Bosco,G.(n.d.).Translation Techniques. Retrieved March 22, 2017,
Jaaskelainen, R., (1999). Tapping the process: an explorative study of cognitive and
effective factors involved in translating. Joensuu: University of Joensuu Publications in

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Task3 group 551037_4

  • 2.
  • 3. English Text Spanish Text PARAGRAPH 1 Genetically modified crops" are controversial.In Europe, militant "greens" and angry small-farmershaveattacked and destroyed fields of experimental"GM" crops, seeing them both as symbols of multinational agribusiness,and as a threat to the world's natural environment. Is there any sound scientific evidence to back up the protestors' fears, or are the protests largely motivatedby ignorance? Is the anti-GM movement progressive, or is it a form of fundamentalism,caused by fear of the unknown? Párrafo 1 Los cultivos genéticamente modificados son controversiales. En Europa, militantes “ecológicos” y pequeños disgustados granjeros han atacado y destruido los campos de cultivos experimentales “GM” viéndolos como símbolos de la agroindustria multinacional, y como una amenaza al ambiente naturaldel mundo. ¿Hay alguna evidencia científica que respalde los temores de los protestantes, o son las protestas en su mayoría motivadas por la ignorancia? ¿Es el movimiento progresivo anti-GM, o es esta una forma de fundamentalismo, causado por el temor hacia lo desconocido? BY ALEXANDER GARCIA
  • 4. English Text Spanish Text Different people have different views on the matter, but history shows that quantum developments in science or technology have always provoked a backlash motivated by fear or misunderstanding. When industrial machinery began to appear in British factories over 200 years ago, factory-owners were wildly enthusiastic; so were many workers. But there were other people who took a different view. Groups known as the Luddites, Diferente gente tiene diferentes visiones en el tema, pero la historia demuestra que grandes desarrollos en la ciencia o la tecnología han siempre provocado una resistencia motivada por el temor o la incomprensión. Cuando la maquinaria industrial empezó a aparecer en las fábricas británicas hace 200 años, los dueños de las fabricas estaban muy entusiasmados al igual que muchos trabajadores pero había también otra gente que tenían una opinión diferente, grupos conocidos como los ludditas,
  • 5. BY ASTRID GARNICA English Text Spanish Text PARAGRAPH 2 When the first steam trains appeared inthe 1830's, they provoked violent reactions too; opponents claimed that they were dangerous, noisy and dirty,would destroy cities by fire, and kill people through speed. Some landowners resolutely refused to allowlines to be built over their land.Fifty years later, the arrival of the motor car was met with a similar mixed response - opponents arguing that "horseless carriages" were far too dangerous to be allowed on Britain'sroads. For a while, the opponents almost won the battle,and until 1896,cars on Britain'sroads had to be preceded by a man walking with a red flag. PÁRRAFO 2 Cuando los primeros trenes de vapor aparecieron en la década de 1830, también provocaron reacciones violentas; los opositores afirmaban que eran peligrosos, ruidosos y sucios, destruirían ciudades por el fuego, y mataría personas por la velocidad. Algunos terratenientes se negaron decididamente a permitir que se construyeran líneas sobre sus terrenos. Cincuenta años más tarde, la llegada del automóvil se encontró con una respuesta mixta similar - oponentes argumentando que “los carruajes sin caballos” eran demasiado peligrosos para ser permitidos en las carreteras de Gran Bretaña. Durante un tiempo, casi ganan la disputa, y hasta 1896, los carros en las carreteras de Gran Bretaña tuvieron que ser encabezados por un hombre caminando con una bandera roja.
  • 6. English Text Spanish Text Indeed, the history of scientific and technical progress is full of examples of resistance to progress - in a paradoxical illustration of Newton's third law of motion*. This being the case, the vigorous reaction in Britain and several other countries against the introduction of genetically modified crops is not surprising; indeed, it is probably inevitable. Since the catastrophe of "Mad Cow Disease", - and in spite of the enormous benefits brought about by modern agricultural practice - agribusiness and scientific modern farming methods are seriously contested in many quarters. De hecho, la historia del progreso científico y técnico está llena de ejemplos de resistencia a progresar – en una ilustración paradójica de la tercera ley del movimiento de Newton. Siendo así, la vigorosa reacción en Gran Bretaña y varios otros países contra la introducción de los cultivos modificados genéticamente no es sorprendente; de hecho, es probablemente inevitable. Desde la catástrofe de “la enfermedad de las vacas locas”, - y a pesar de los enormes beneficios traídos por la práctica agrícola moderna – la agroindustria y los modernos métodos científicos de cultivo son seriamente disputados en muchos distritos.
  • 7. BY SANDRA MILENA CUADROS English Text Spanish Text PARAGRAPH 3 In Britain, the argument over GM crops has become the most contested scientific dispute since the arrival of the atom bomb.In 1998 a publicopinionpoll showed that 77% of British peopledid not want genetically-modifiedcrops to be grown in Britain- though only 58% were opposed genetic modificationin principle. And in spite of historic parallelsthat tend to suggest that resistance to change is rarely effective in the long run, the controversy over genetically modified crops is perhapsmore critical than most. In spite of public apprehension, UK governments have continued to support research into GM crops, and today hundreds of hectares of genetically engineered plants are growing in Britain, mostly in agricultural research centers, universities and plant laboratories. Here and there, fields of genetically modified crops have been planted and to the passer-by,they look no different from other fields. Párrafo 3 En Gran Bretaña, la discusión sobre los cultivos transgénicos se ha convertido en la disputa científica más disputada desde la llegada de la bomba atómica. En 1998, una encuesta de opinión pública mostró que el 77% de los británicos no deseaban cultivos genéticamente modificados en Gran Bretaña, aunque solamente el 58% se oponía a la modificación genética en principio. Y a pesar de los paralelos históricos que tienden a sugerir que la resistencia al cambio rara vez es efectiva a largo plazo, la controversia sobre los cultivos genéticamente modificados es tal vez más crítica que la mayoría. A pesar de la aprensión pública, los gobiernos del Reino Unido han seguido apoyando la investigación sobre cultivos transgénicos, y hoy en día cientos de hectáreas de plantas genéticamente modificadas están creciendo en Gran Bretaña, principalmente en centros de investigación agrícola, universidades y laboratorios de plantas. Aquí y allá, se han sembrado campos de cultivos modificados genéticamente y para el transeúnte, no se ven diferentes de otros campos.
  • 8. English Text Spanish Text In many ways, GM crops are not really very different from others. Scientists have been selecting and "improving" crops for hundreds of years, often by the slow and dubious method of "trial and error". Most of the crops and fruit growing in today's fields are very different from the varietiesgrown two centuries ago, and far more productive;far from being "natural" plants, they are new strains that have been developed by genetic selection of the best. "Genetic Modification" just takes the process one stage further, allowing agriculturalscientists to produce new varietieswith specificrequired qualities. En muchos sentidos, los cultivos transgénicos no son muy diferentes de los demás. Los científicos han estado seleccionando y "mejorando" los cultivos durante cientos de años, a menudo mediante el lento y dudoso método de "ensayo y error". La mayoría de los cultivos y fruta que crece en los campos de hoy son muy diferentes de las variedades cultivadas hace dos siglos, y mucho más productivas; lejos de ser plantas "naturales", son nuevas cepas que se han desarrollado mediante la selección genética de las mejores. La "modificación genética" solo lleva el proceso una etapa más allá, permitiendo que los científicos agrícolas produzcan nuevas variedadescon cualidades específicas requeridas.
  • 9. English Text Spanish Text PARAGRAPH 4 One of the main objectives in altering the genes of certain plants is to make them resistant to disease and to pests, and thus reduce the need for pesticides. Another is to make them resistant to particular weed-killers, so that farmers can spray fields knowing that the spray will kill almost all plants except the selected crop that they are growing. Other genetic modifications are aimed at producing plants that need less fertilizer or are more resistant to drought, and thus need less watering. Most developments in these directions are strongly positive in environmental terms. Párrafo 4 Uno de los principales objetivos al alterar los genes de ciertas plantas es hacerlas más resistentes a las enfermedades y las plagas, y por lo tantoreducir la necesidad de pesticidas. Otro es hacerlas resistentes a pesticidas especiales, para que los granjeros puedan rociar los campos sabiendo que el aerosol matará casi todas las plantas excepto el cultivo seleccionado que esta creciendo. Otras modificaciones genéticas están dirigidas a producir plantas que necesiten menos fertilizantes o sean mas resistentes a la sequía, y por lo tanto necesiten menos riego. La mayoría de desarrollos en estas direcciones son fuertementepositivos en términos ambientales. BY FRANKLIN RANGEL
  • 10. English Text Spanish Text They are also positive in human terms, and development of drought-resistant and disease-resistant crops will have major implications for developing countries, where famine is a constant risk. It is therefore not surprising that developing nations with large populations to feed, such as China and India, are keen supporters of genetic research; unlike Europe and North America, with their agricultural surpluses, many poorer nations already cannot produce enough food to feed their populations. In other developments, laboratories are genetically incorporating vaccines - including hepatitis B and rabies - into certain plants. Plant-based vaccines are potentially far cheaper to produce and easier to store than their chemically-manufactured equivalents. Además hay algo positivo en términos humanos, el desarrollo de cultivos resistentes a la sequía y las enfermedades tendrán mejores implicaciones para el desarrollo de ciudades donde la hambruna es un riesgo constante. Por lo tanto no es sorprendente que los países en desarrollo con grandes poblaciones para alimentar, como China e India, son partidarios de la investigación genética. En otros desarrollos, los laboratorios están incorporando genéticamente vacunas - incluyendo la hepatitis B y la rabia - en ciertas plantas. Las vacunas basadas en plantas son potencialmente mucho mas baratas de producir y mas fáciles de almacenar que sus equivalentesfabricados químicamente. BY FRANKLIN RANGEL
  • 11. BY NATALY COTES DIAZ English Text Spanish Text Paragraph 5 Rejecting these arguments, opponents of genetic modification point to the enormous risks that could be involved. While fears of "mad corn disease" are as yet purely hypothetical, other risks seem more realistic. Greatest of these is perhaps the fear that genetically modified crops can naturally interact with other plants, producing super-resistant weeds that could create chaos in agriculture. According to the Government's own advisory body English Nature, genetic crops "pose a threat to all wildlife". In a recent paper, English Nature scientists stressed that the introduction of genetically modified plants might dramatically reduce plant diversity in Britain, destroying fragile ecosystems and leading to the rapid disappearance of certain species of plantlife,insects and birds. . Parrafo 5 Rechazando estos argumentos, los opositores de la modificacion genetica apuntan al enorme riesgo que podria estar relacionado. Mientras los miedos del MAD CORN DISEASE son hasta el momento puramente hipoteticos, otros riesgos parecen mas reales. El mas grande de ellos es, tal ves el miedo de que los cultivos geneticamente modificados pueden interactuar naturalmente con otras plantas, produciendo hierbas super resistentes que podrian crear un caos en la agricultura. Deacuerdo con el propio organo asesor del gobierno ´´ ENGLISH NATURE´´ los cultivos geneticos plantean una amenaza a toda la vida salvaje. En un reciente informe, los cientificos del english nature enfatizaron que la introduccion de plantas geneticamente modificadas podrian reducir dramaticamente la diversidad de plantas en gran bretaña, destruyendo ecosistemas fragiles y conduciendo al la rapida extinction de ciertas especies de vida vegetal, insectos y aves.
  • 12. English Text Spanish Text Cynics might reply that species of plant life, insects and birds have been disappearingfor years already. In the short term, the arguments seems unlikely to go away. American farmers are already mass producing genetically modified crops, and so far there has been no reported disaster. That does not mean that disasters are impossible. In ten or twenty years' time, we may have a better idea of how likely, or unlikely they are; in the long run the argument about genetic modification will sort itself out one way or another. Until then, it is up to each individual to weigh up the pros and the cons and decide if the risks outweigh the advantagesor not. Los cinicos podrian responder que lase species de vida vegetal, insectos y avesya han estado desapareciendo por años. Parece poco probable que los argumentos desaparezcan en el corto plazo. Los agricultores Americanos ya están produciendo en masa cultivos genéticamente modificados, y hasta ahora no ha habido ningún desastre. Eso no significa que los desastres sean imposibles. Dentro de diez o veinte años, es posible que tengamos una mejor idea de cuán probable o improbable sean; en el largo plazo el argumento sobre la modificación genética se resolverá de una forma u otra. Hasta entonces, depende de cada individuo para sopesar los pros y los contras y decidir si los riesgos superan o no las ventajas.
  • 13.
  • 14. ALEXANDER GARCIA´S REFLECTION I find translation of English texts interesting, engaging and fun to do, always attracted to read all kinds of articles, newspapers, magazines and books since I was in High school , the main purpose is finding new vocabulary and getting the most accurate cultural idea involved in it, that is to say seizing as much as I can the cultural English mentality. I did live 12 years in U.S.A where had the chance to understand and realize the common meaning behind some expressions, idioms, words, slangs among other cultural structures. I am Chemical engineer so the technical English in some texts are relatively easy to comprehend by me. Modestly speaking I didn´t find any major challenges in this paragraph, of course there are some portions in it which could be translated slightly different by others due to some synonymy or descriptive equivalent translation procedure but in general terms I did use oblique translation techniques as modulation, transposition, equivalence.
  • 15. ASTRID GARNICA´S REFLECTION With regard to the development of the first task, I can express the following: From the paragraph I chose, I found several words of which I did not know its meaning; for which use free online dictionaries like Wordreference, and the Cambridge dictionary. Also, with the words that I found more difficulties were agribusiness that means “Agroindustria” and is according to the text, contested that according to the text means "disputados" or "refutados". Now, regarding the expressions, and with which I still have doubt is This being the case since it literally translates “Siendo este el caso” but I preferred to use “Siendo así” to start the paragraph. To carry out this translation, I have used the following methods: Word-for-word translation, Semantic translation and Communicative translation. In addition, I took into account the Direct Translation Techniques as Literal Translation and Oblique Translation Techniques as modulation and transposition.
  • 16. FRANKLIN RANGEL´S REFLECTION For the translation of the text, I initially read it and try to make me a general idea, about what it was about, in this way give a meaning to the words that I didn’t know, which I marked as I read the text. Then I take a dictionary and I start to search the meaning in spanish of the words, so that I could incorporate to my vocabulary for later, to try to translate the text literally. So I believe that my translate techniques were: Direct translation technique: literal, because I try to pass the text from English to Spanish without generating changes that alter its meaning. Oblique translation technique: transposition, because between English and Spanish there are some differences in the use of nouns and adjectives.
  • 17. NATALY COTES DIAZ´S REFLECTION I have always found translation task fun, it has made me improve the way I can understand things and not put every word into Spanish literally. Honestly as my vocabulary has been growing at the time goes by, this translation wasn’t that hard to get it done, so I actually didn’t use any dictionary or any other tool to get it done. As for which technique I have used, I found the oblique translation techniques (transposition and modulation) very helpful.
  • 18. SANDRA MILENA CUADROS´S REFLECTION I share the following reflection: The major difficulty for translating this text is the anonymous words. e.g. GM crops - In spite of - passer-by-strains. Also because the text has many technical expressions about G,M crops. some of the factors to take into account when translating a text is important to know what is the main meaning of a word in a language. In addition you have to take into account the evolution of the language since the meaning can change. also the style that the author uses is very important to take into account to select the appropriate lexico. Here are some of the translation techniques: The transcript, the literaltranslation, translated loans, lexical synonymy the transposition, modulation, the contraction, the expansion, the restructuring, the modification This is a very complex task, the translator's learning is long and can be arduous because, unfortunately, "Humpty Dumpty's statementin Alice through the mirror is not quite true, that wordsmean what we want them to mean "
  • 19.
  • 20. STRATEGIES PROCEDURES METHODS As Krings (1986) stated “translator´s potentially conscious plans for solving concrete translation problems in the framework of a concrete translation task”. Strategies are divided into two categories according to Jaaskelainen (2005): -Strategies related to what happens to texts. -Strategies related to what happens in the process. Used to translate sentences and other units of language, using techniques as Harvey (2000) proposes : -Functional equivalence. -Formal equivalence. -Transcription or borrowing. -Descriptive translation. Is a plan that specifies steps, concepts directed to achieve a goal using tasks, are related to whole texts, examples of methods according to Newmark (1988b) are: -Word for word translation. -Literal translation. -Faithful translation. -Semantic translation. -Adaptation. -Free Translation. -Idiomatic translation. -Communicative translation. By ALEXANDER GARCIA
  • 21. By Astrid Garnica METHOD STRATEGY TECHNIQUE _According to Broudly, (1963) “Method refers to the formal structure of the sequence of acts commonly denoted by instruction”. _It refers to the organized procedure that is carried out to achieve a purpose. _It includes the techniques. _According to Jaaskelainen (1999:71) considers strategy as, “a series of competencies, a set of steps or processes that favor the acquisition, storage, and/or utilization of information.” _It refers to the way a particular task is performed. _Techniques are ways of implementing a method.
  • 22. By Franklin Rangel METHOD STRATEGY TECHNIQUE • Method is a way something is done.Example:The recipe that I found in the cookbook had different ways to cook the potatoes, but I chose the bake method in the oven. • Described as an overall plan for systematic presentation of language based upon a selectedapproach. • A generalized set of classroom specifications for accomplishing linguistic objectives. - A plan of action designed to achieve an overall aim. Example, "Whats your strategy for setting goals?", is ok to say but some people might not know what you mean. Strategy is almost like the word 'tactic'. Example : A) What tactics do you use? B) My teams tactics are going around. - Specific methods of approaching a problem or task, modes of operation for achieving a particular end, or planned design for controlling and manipulating certain information. • Technique is a procedure or skill for completing a specific task. If a class room is becoming distracted a teacher may use the technique to use a quick physical activity to distract their distraction and get them all to do the same thing at the same time. • Implementational – that which actually takes place in a classroom. It is particular trick, stratagem, or contrivance used to accomplish an immediate objective.
  • 23. By Franklin Rangel METHOD STRATEGY TECHNIQUE • Tend to be concerned primarily with teacher and student roles and behaviours and secondarily with such features as linguistic and subject-matter objectives, sequencing, and materials. • An approach is axiomatic, a method is procedural. • Must be consistent with a method, and therefore in harmony with an approach as well.
  • 24. By Nataly cotes Diaz METHOD STRATEGY TECHNIQUE • It is a way something is done, used for routine tasks. It is based on a selected approach and it is the presentation of language in an operational way. • A method is a description of the way that information or behaviour is carried forward or consolidated during the instructional processes It usually requires some sort of planning. It would be probably used when faced with a new situation like winning a game. A plan of action designed to achieve an overall aim. Defines the basic procedure of how content is elaborated during the teaching process. There are two possible alternatives. • The cognitive approach which is expository. • The affective approach which is based on discovering and uses the curiosity of the student to let him find out something on his own. • It is a procedure or skill for completing a specifictask that could be sued for predictable events like solving a vision equation. • It is a detailed list of rules or a guideline for any teaching or non-teaching activity. • It describe the steps or a set of do´s and don’ts and can often be linked to method or strategy.
  • 25. By Sandra Milena Cuadros METHOD STRATEGY TECHNIQUE .Faithful translation: it attempts to produce the precise contextual meaning of the original within the constraints of the TL grammatical structures. •Semantic translation: which differs from 'faithful translation' only in as far as it must take more account of the aesthetic value of the SL text. •Adaptation: which is the freest form of translation, and is used mainly for plays (comedies) and poetry; the themes, characters, plots are usually preserved, the SL culture is converted to the TL culture and the text is rewritten. -Cohen (1998: 4) afirma que "el elemento de la conciencia es lo que distingue las estrategias de estos procesos que no son estratégicos". -Jaaskelainen (1999:71) considers strategy as, "a series of competencies, a set of steps or processes that favor the acquisition, storage, and/or utilization of information." - "involve the basic tasks of choosing the foreign text to be translated and developing a method to translate it” _According to Piotrobska, strategies precede techniques in time, are oriented to the text. It is a procedure or a set of practical procedures, in view of the achievement of a result. Adaptation Expansion Reduction Compensation Tracing Modulation Transposition Equivalence
  • 26. By Sandra Milena Cuadros METHOD STRATEGY TECHNIQUE -Free translation: it produces the TL text without the style, form, or content of the original. -Idiomatic translation: it reproduces the 'message' of the original but tends to distort nuances of meaning by preferring colloquialisms and idioms where these do not exist in the original. -Communicative translation: it attempts to render the exact contextual meaning of the original in such a way that both content and language are readily acceptable and comprehensible to the readership
  • 28. BY Alexander Garcia TO FRANKLIN FERNEY: Good evening Franklin Ferney I read carefully your translation I did find several mistakes, which I described them with explanatory comments. TO NATALY COTES: I read your translation, well done, but I find a litlemixup from you. as you can see from : In the translated text : advisory body means : órgano asesor English nature : nombre del órgano asesor thus , "According to the Government's own advisory body English Nature," could be translated as: de acuerdo al propio órgano asesor del gob ierno English Nature, Another sentence related with it, "In a recent paper, English Nature scientists stressed" could be translated as: En un reciente informe, los cientificos del Engl ish Nature enfatizaron (recalcaron) Best regards
  • 29. By Astrid Garnica TO NATALY COTES: My opinion about your translation, I just see that you forgot to delete a parenthesis. On the other hand, I don´t consider necessary to add several possible translations to the same word, because the text can lose its meaning and distract the reader. Best Regards. TO ALEXANDER GARCIA: I saw your translation and I just want to make a suggestion regarding the word agribusiness. You translate it as agricomercio but in Spanish it is not common to hear it like this. Therefore, I suggest its translation as Agroindustia or Industria agropecuaria. According to the following reference: es/translation.asp?tranword=agribusiness Best Regards
  • 30. By Franklin Rangel TO NATALY COTES: Good Day Nataly About your reflection, I think that is very honest and sincere, and I agree. About your comment, I agree with to link the different versions of the individual activities into one box. Thanks To ALEXANDER GARCIA: Good Day Alexander Partner with respect to your translation, I think that is a good job, nevertheless I advise you to pull apart the paragraphs, and underline the works marked in the original text. Be careful with the commas, full stops and other signs. Thanks
  • 31. By Nataly Cotes TO ALEXANDER GARCIA thanks for your feedback, it was very helpful. it is great to have someone with so much knowledge to check your work and help you out with it. thanks a lot. i will make the changes you have suggested me to do. also thanks for the reference that you sent me, i totally forgot lol. i will try and check the powerpoint presentation as soon as possible and add my work as well, by the way, franklin said that we need a password to access to it, please check that out and if we do so please send it. TO ASTRID GARNICA: i have just read your paper and i think is very accurate, i have just one little suggestion as for this one and only part ´´ cars on Britain's roads had to be preceded by a man walking with a red flag.´´ i understand exactly what you mean but ´´maybe´´ instead of ´´precedido´´ you could use a more simple and used word like ´´guiado´´. it is just a suggestion that cuold be more helpful to people who do not have enough vocabulary.
  • 32. By Sandra Milena Cuadros TO NATALY COTES: Hello Nataly About your traduction paragraph 5 Los cinicos podrian responder que lase species de vida vegetal, insectos y aves ya han estado desapareciendo por años. Cynics might reply that species of plant life, insects and birds have been disappearing for years already. as the context translates Cynics ----- skeptics we must take into account that the word fits the text and style of the author. it is up to each individual ..... when you highlight the previous expression, it is valuable to understand the translation of the complete sentence and the meaning of it, contrary if it is traged word by word. Good job....
  • 33. REFERENCES Ordudari, M. (july 2007). Translation procedures, strategies and methods. Translation Journal, 11(3). Retrieved March 22, 2017, from Bosco,G.(n.d.).Translation Techniques. Retrieved March 22, 2017, from Jaaskelainen, R., (1999). Tapping the process: an explorative study of cognitive and effective factors involved in translating. Joensuu: University of Joensuu Publications in Humanities.