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6th January , 2014

Daily Rice E-Newsletter by Rice Plus Magazine
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Daily Rice E-Newsletter by Rice Plus Magazine
News and R&D Section
Cell # 92 321 369 2874
TOP Contents - Tailored for YOU
LSU testing use of drones in agriculture
Jan. 5, 2014

Charles Malveaux, LSU AgCenter research associate, left, explains the capabilities of an unmanned aerial
vehicle to personnel at the Rice Research Station. The devices have the potential to aid farmers and crop
consultants by scouting fields for pests, and LSU AgCenter researchers are investigating other possible uses
for the aircraft. / Bruce Schultz/LSU AgCenter
BATON ROUGE — LSU AgCenter researchers are examining the possibility of using unmanned drones to
help farmers monitor their crops from the air.―The technology appears to be promising,‖ said AgCenter
engineer Randy Price.Price said a drone was used recently to check freeze damage in a sugarcane field by
taking aerial photographs.He said the AgCenter hopes to send a drone equipped with a sensor to measure crop

Daily Rice E-Newsletter by Rice Plus Magazine
News and R&D Section
Cell # 92 321 369 2874
growth. The device measures the growth of a plant, providing indications of whether more fertilizer is needed
on specific areas of a field.Jimmy Flanagan, LSU AgCenter county agent in St. Mary Parish, is learning to use a
helicopter drone to fly over sugarcane fields to determine if adequate fertilizer has been applied.Flanagan said
the drone would be useful in maturing fields of sugarcane and corn where it is difficult to scout tall crops for
disease and insufficient fertilizer.
Flanagan said radio-controlled airplanes are available. ―The copter is good for certain things, but the fixed wing
is faster for covering larger acreage.‖
Price said Charles Malveaux, an LSU AgCenter research associate, has built three programmable drones.
―We‘re in the process of building two more right now.‖Price said the Federal Aviation Administration is writing
regulations for drones to prevent interfering with other aircraft, including agricultural airplanes and helicopters.
The unmanned devices are still classified as hobby aircraft not available for commercial use, he said, but new
regulations will address commercial applications.Flanagan said the LSU AgCenter is applying for a special
FAA permit to conduct more research.He said entomologists should be able to use drones to seek out cropdamaging insects, and other scientists will be able to quickly view a field for herbicide-resistant weeds.Steve
Linscombe, director of the LSU AgCenter Rice Research Station, said the battery-powered drones might be
useful in rice breeding.―We think that they might be useful in creating wind movement that might facilitate the
transfer of pollen from restorer lines to male sterile lines to create the F1 seed,‖ he said.

Rice workshop is Monday in Bunkie, Wednesday in Ville Platte
Jan. 4, 2014

CROWLEY, La. — The LSU AgCenter plans a series of clinics in January to help rice farmers prepare for the
upcoming crop year.Steve Linscombe, director of the AgCenter Rice Research Station, says growers will be
able to get advice on variety selection and field preparations.
Clinic topics include controlling weeds, insects and diseases.
The schedule includes:
— Monday: Bunkie, 8:15 a.m., Masonic Lodge, 300 Floyd St.

Daily Rice E-Newsletter by Rice Plus Magazine
News and R&D Section
Cell # 92 321 369 2874
— Tuesday: Welsh, 8 a.m., Welsh Community Center, 101 Palmer St.
— Wednesday: Ville Platte, 8 a.m., Civic Center, 704 N. Soileau St.
— Thursday: Crowley, 8 a.m., Acadia Parish Extension Office, 157 Cherokee Drive.
— Friday: Kaplan, 8 a.m., American Legion Hall, 1504 American Legion Road.
— Jan. 29: Rayville, 9:25 a.m., Rayville Civic Center, 827 Louisa St.
More details are available by emailing

Case for GMO
In August, at the International Rice Research Institute in the Philippines, a group of activists vandalized test
fields of so-called ―golden rice,‖ which has been genetically engineered to contain beta-carotene, a precursor of
vitamin A. Some of the perpetrators were even supported by the Swedish government‘s International
Development Cooperation Agency via its funding of the radical Filipino group MASIPAG. For poor people
whose diet is composed largely of rice—a carbohydrate-rich but vitamin-poor source of calories—―biofortified‖
strains are invaluable. In developing countries, 200-300 million preschool children are at risk of vitamin A
deficiency, which compromises immune systems, increasing the body‘s susceptibility to illnesses like measles
and diarrheal diseases.
Every year, vitamin A deficiency causes blindness in about a half-million children; some 70 percent of them die
within a year.In September, an eminent group of scientists called upon the scientific community to ―stand
together in staunch opposition to the violent destruction of required tests on valuable advances, such as golden
rice, that have the potential to save millions‖ of people from ―needless suffering and death.‖ But this passionate
appeal fails to address the fundamental problem: the unfounded notion that there is a meaningful difference
between ―genetically modified organisms‖ and their conventional counterparts.The fact is that GMOs and their
derivatives do not amount to a ―category‖ of food products. They are neither less safe nor less ―natural‖ than
other common foods. Labeling foods derived from GMOs, as some have proposed, thus implies a meaningful
difference where none exists—an issue that even regulators have acknowledged.Humans have been engaging in
―genetic modification‖ through selection and hybridization for millennia.
Breeders routinely use radiation or chemical mutagens on seeds to scramble a plant‘s DNA and generate new
traits.A half-century of ―wide cross‖ hybridizations, which involve the movement of genes from one species or
genus to another, has given rise to plants—including everyday varieties of corn, oats, pumpkin, wheat, black
currants, tomatoes, and potatoes—that do not and could not exist in nature. Indeed, with the exception of wild

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News and R&D Section
Cell # 92 321 369 2874
berries, wild game, wild mushrooms, and fish and shellfish, virtually everything in North American and
European diets has been genetically improved in some way.Despite the lack of scientific justification for
skepticism about genetically engineered crops—indeed, no cases of harm to humans or disruption to ecosystems
have been documented—they have been the most scrutinized foods in human history. The assumption that
―genetically engineered‖ or ―genetically modified‖ is a meaningful—and dangerous—classification has led not
only to vandalism of field trials, but also to destruction of laboratories and assaults on researchers.Moreover, the
GMO classification has encouraged unscientific regulatory approaches that are not commensurate with the level
of risk, and that, by discriminating against modern molecular genetic-engineering techniques, inhibit
agricultural innovation that could reduce strain on the natural environment and enhance global food
security. Even as study after study—both formal risk assessments and ―real-world‖ observations—has
confirmed the technology‘s safety, the regulatory burden placed on GMOs has continued to grow.This trend is
making the testing and development of many crops with commercial and humanitarian potential economically
Despite robust laboratory research on plants since the invention of modern genetic-engineering techniques in
the early 1970‘s, the commercialization of products has lagged.Unprovoked attention from regulators inevitably
stigmatizes any product or technology. Endless discussion of the ―coexistence‖ of genetically engineered and
―conventional‖ organisms has reinforced the stigma, leading activists to pursue frivolous yet damaging
litigation. For example, in at least four lawsuits brought against regulators in the United States, judges initially
ruled that regulators had failed to comply with the procedural requirements of the US National Environmental
Policy Act. And marketing as ―natural‖ products that contain genetically engineered ingredients has led to
lawsuits for false labeling.The discriminatory treatment of GMOs creates widespread mischief. In many places,
the location of field trials now must be identified, even including GPS coordinates—a practice that facilitates
vandalism. (And activists frequently destroy conventional plants inadvertently, because they are difficult to
distinguish from genetically engineered varieties.).In 1936, the Nobel laureate Max Planck observed that
scientific innovations rarely spread as a result of their opponents‘ conversion; instead, opponents of innovation
―gradually die out,‖ and the next generation accepts the breakthrough. This was the case with vaccinations and
the recognition that DNA is the stuff of heredity—and it will happen eventually with genetic
engineering.Unfortunately, many will suffer needlessly in the interim. As University of California agricultural
economist David Zilberman and his colleagues have written, the lost benefits are ―irreversible, both in the sense
that past harvests have been lower than they would have been if the technology had been introduced and in the
sense that yield growth is a cumulative process of which the onset has been delayed.‖As long as today‘s
activists and regulators remain convinced that GMOs represent a distinct and dangerous category of research
and products, genetic engineering will fall short of its potential. That is bad news for the millions of poor people
for whom genetic engineering in agriculture, medicine, and environmental science could offer a healthier, more
The author, a physician and
University’s Hoover Institution










Daily Rice E-Newsletter by Rice Plus Magazine
News and R&D Section
Cell # 92 321 369 2874



Rice scientists create a super antioxidant
by PressRelease • January 5, 2014

Common catalyst cerium oxide opens door to nanochemistry for medicine.Scientists at Rice University
are enhancing the natural antioxidant properties of an element found in a car‘s catalytic converter to make it
useful for medical applications.Rice chemist Vicki Colvin led a team that created small, uniform spheres of
cerium oxide and gave them a thin coating of fatty oleic acid to make them biocompatible. The researchers say
their discovery has the potential to help treat traumatic brain injury, cardiac arrest and Alzheimer‘s patients and
can guard against radiation-induced side effects suffered by cancer patients.Their nanoparticles also have
potential to protect astronauts from long-term exposure to radiation in space and perhaps even slow the effects
of aging, they reported.The research appears in the American Chemical Society journal ACS Nano.Cerium
oxide nanocrystals have the ability to absorb and release oxygen ions — a chemical reaction known as
reduction oxidation, or redox, for short. It‘s the same process that allows catalytic converters in cars to absorb
and eliminate pollutants.The particles made at Rice are small enough to be injected into the bloodstream when
organs need protection from oxidation, particularly after traumatic injuries, when damaging reactive oxygen
species (ROS) increase dramatically.The cerium particles go to work immediately, absorbing ROS free radicals,
and they continue to work over time as the particles revert to their initial state, a process that remains a mystery,
she said. The oxygen species released in the process ―won‘t be super reactive,‖ she said.Colvin said cerium
oxide, a form of the rare earth metal cerium, remains relatively stable as it cycles between cerium oxide III and
IV. In the first state, the nanoparticles have gaps in their surface that absorb oxygen ions like a sponge. When
cerium oxide III is mixed with free radicals, it catalyzes a reaction that effectively defangs the ROS by
capturing oxygen atoms and turning into cerium oxide IV. She said cerium oxide IV particles slowly release
their captured oxygen and revert to cerium oxide III, and can break down free radicals again and again.
Colvin said the nanoparticles‘ tiny size makes them effective scavengers of oxygen.―The smaller the particles,
the more surface area they have available to capture free radicals,‖ Colvin said. ―A gram of these nanoparticles
can have the surface area of a football field, and that provides a lot of space to absorb oxygen.‖None of the
cerium oxide particles made before Rice tackled the problem were stable enough to be used in biological
settings, she said. ―We created uniform particles whose surfaces are really well-defined, and we found a waterfree production method to maximize the surface gaps available for oxygen scavenging.‖
Colvin said it‘s relatively simple to add a polymer coating to the 3.8-nanometer spheres. The coating is thin
enough to let oxygen pass through to the particle, but robust enough to protect it through many cycles of ROS
absorption.In testing with hydrogen peroxide, a strong oxidizing agent, the researchers found their most
effective cerium oxide III nanoparticles performed nine times better than a common antioxidant, Trolox, at first

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News and R&D Section
Cell # 92 321 369 2874
exposure, and held up well through 20 redox cycles.―The next logical step for us is to do some passive
targeting,‖ Colvin said. ―For that, we plan to attach antibodies to the surface of the nanoparticles so they will be
attracted to particular cell types, and we will evaluate these modified particles in more realistic biological
Colvin is most excited by the potential to help cancer patients undergoing radiation therapy.―Existing
radioprotectants have to be given in incredibly high doses,‖ she said. ―They have their own side effects, and
there are not a lot of great options.‖She said a self-renewing antioxidant that can stay in place to protect organs
would have clear benefits over toxic radioprotectants that must be eliminated from the body before they damage
good tissue.―Probably the neatest thing about this is that so much of nanomedicine has been about exploiting the
magnetic and optical properties of nanomaterials, and we have great examples of that at Rice,‖ Colvin said.
―But the special properties of nanoparticles have rarely been leveraged in medical applications.―What I like
about this work is that it opens a part of nanochemistry — namely catalysis — to the medical world. Cerium III
and IV are electron shuttles that have broad applications if we can make the chemistry accessible in a biological
―And of all things, this humble material comes from a catalytic converter,‖ she said.Co-authors of the paper are
Rice graduate students Seung Soo Lee, Wensi Song, Min Jung Cho and Hema Puppala; Rice alumna Phuc
Nguyen; postdoctoral researcher Huiguang Zhu, and Laura Segatori, the T.N. Law Assistant Professor of
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering and an assistant professor of biochemistry and cell biology. Colvin is
vice provost for research at Rice and the Kenneth S. Pitzer-Schlumberger Professor of Chemistry and a
professor of chemical and biomolecular engineering.
Read the abstract at: news release can be found online at

Scientists, exporters script $5-billion success story in basmati

Pusa-1121 and now Pusa-1509 are proof of continued vibrancy in the country‘s indigenous basmati breeding
programme, even as public sector farm research, in general, is seen to be floundering.One reason for it has to do
with the scientists involved in basmati varietal development working in close collaboration with farmers and the
exporting community right from the start.In 2012-13, India exported 3.46 million tonnes (mt) of basmati rice
valued at $3.56 billion. During the current fiscal from April till October, 2.11 mt got shipped out fetching $2.64
billion. The latter figure could well touch $5 billion at the end of 2013-14.
Private catalyst

Daily Rice E-Newsletter by Rice Plus Magazine
News and R&D Section
Cell # 92 321 369 2874
Anil Kumar Mittal, CMD of KRBL Ltd, estimates the share of Pusa-1121 – a variety developed by the Indian
Agricultural Research Institute (IARI) – in total basmati exports at ―70 to 75 per cent‖.Pusa-1121‘s commercial
success, in fact, owed a lot to KRBL. The company took the initiative to undertake large-scale multiplication of
the nucleus seeds supplied by its chief breeder V.P. Singh and test-market the milled rice among prospective
customers in West Asia.KRBL further created a special India Gate Classic brand for the new basmati variety
that was officially released in 2003. It took another three years for other companies to also start marketing this
rice in a big way.But the above tradition of working closely with the industry goes back even earlier from the
1970s. The focus of IARI scientists, then, was on collecting traditional basmati cultivars from farmers‘ fields
and screening these for uniformity of plant height, maturity and grain quality.It is through such ‗pure line
selection‘ that Taraori was identified as a superior traditional variety over Basmati-370, Type-3 and Dehraduni.
Taraori gained prominence when United Riceland Ltd, from 1984, began exporting it under the Tilda brand.

But the major problem with the traditional cultivars for all their unique basmati grain attributes – aroma, nonstickiness and elongation upon cooking – was very low paddy yields of around 10 quintals an acre.―It was
because the plants were tall, about 160 cm, and prone to lodging. So, you couldn‘t apply fertilisers either,‖ said
Ashok K. Singh, who now heads IARI‘s basmati breeding programme.The real breakthrough came with the
release of Pusa Basmati-1 in 1989.This was an evolved basmati derived from crossing Taraori with Pusa-150, a
high-yielding non-basmati line. The aim here was to combine the distinct grain quality traits of traditional
basmati with the high-yielding background of modern dwarf varieties.Pusa Basmati-1 was only 110 cm in
height, yielded 25 quintals/acre, and matured in 140 days compared with 160 days for traditional
varieties.Although the new variety had a milder aroma, its rice grains elongated to roughly 16 mm and recorded
four times volume expansion on cooking, as against 14 mm and 3.5 times for Taraori.By 2000-01, India‘s
basmati exports averaged 0.6-0.7 mt and worth about $450 million – 60 per cent of it from Pusa Basmati-1.
1121 revolution

The big bang, however, happened with Pusa-1121. It had lower yields (20 quintals) and more plant height (120
cm) than Pusa Basmati-1.But where it scored was grain elongation – 22 mm on cooking – and volume
expansion: A cup of milled rice gave nearly five cups of cooked rice.―Pusa-1121 was a hit, especially in Iran.
The fact you could fill up whole plates with fewer grains was enough to trigger huge demand,‖ noted Mittal.
Pusa-1121 today accounts for 78 per cent of India‘s total basmati acreage of 1.8 million hectares. The
downside: its growing susceptibility to bacterial blight, blast and brown plant hopper attacks.―We are hoping to
address these through Pusa-1509, which also has other advantages such as lower cropping duration, reduced
lodging and higher yields. The grain quality is also quite comparable with that of Pusa-1121,‖ claimed
Singh.IARI has already tied up with some 15 companies – including Kaveri Seeds, Bioseed, Metahelix and
KRBL – for multiplication of breeder and foundation seeds of Pusa-1509 under a public-private-partnership
programme. ―Our objective is to ensure farmers get maximum supplies ahead of the ensuing kharif planting
season,‖ Singh added.
(This article was published on January 5, 2014)

Keywords: Scientists, exporters, basmati, rice

Daily Rice E-Newsletter by Rice Plus Magazine
News and R&D Section
Cell # 92 321 369 2874
Vietnam Rice Sellers Increase Most of Their Quotes; India Rice Sellers Lower Some
of Their Quotes
Jan 03, 2014

Vietnam rice sellers increased most of their quotes by about $5 per ton today. India rice sellers lowered their
quotes for 5% broken rice and 100% broken rice by about $5 per ton each to about $400 - $410 per ton and
$290 - $300 per ton respectively. Thailand and Pakistan rice sellers kept their quotes mostly unchanged.
5% Broken Rice
Thai 5% rice (of new crop) is quoted around $415 - $425 per ton, about a $5 per ton premium over Viet 5% rice
shown around $410 - $420 per ton, up about $5 per ton from yesterday. Thai 5% rice of the old crop is shown
around $370 - $380 per ton.
Indian 5% rice is quoted around $400 - $410 per ton, down about $5 per ton from yesterday and about a $15 per
ton premium over Pak 5% rice quoted around $385 - $395 per ton.
25% Broken Rice
Thai 25% rice (of new crop) is quoted about $375 - $385 per ton, about a $10 per ton discount to Viet 25% rice
shown around $385 - $395 per ton, up about $5 per ton from yesterday. Thai 25% rice of the old crop is shown
around $345 - $355 per ton.
Indian 25% rice was last quoted about $370 - $380 per ton, about a $25 per ton premium over Pak 25% rice
quoted around $345 - $355 per ton.
Parboiled Rice
Thai parboiled rice of the old crop is quoted around $435 - $445 per ton.
Indian parboiled rice is quoted around $385 - $395 per ton, about a $35 per ton discount to Pak parboiled rice
quoted around $420 - $430 per ton.
100% Broken Rice
Thai broken rice, A1 Super, of the old crop is quoted around $295 - $305 per ton and about a $70 per ton
discount to Viet broken rice shown around $365 - $375 per ton, up about $5 per ton from yesterday.
Indian broken sortexed rice is quoted about $290 - $300 per ton, down about $5 per ton from yesterday and
about a $30 per ton discount to Pak broken sortexed rice quoted around $320 - $330 per ton.
Asia rice quotes, India rice quotes, Thailand rice quotes, Vietnam rice quotes, Pakistan rice quotes

Brazil Paddy Rice Index Declines Slightly in Last Week of 2013
Jan 03, 2014

Daily Rice E-Newsletter by Rice Plus Magazine
News and R&D Section
Cell # 92 321 369 2874
n paddy
ned by
stood at
real per
ms on
ber 30,
real per
ms recorded a week earlier on December 23, 2013.However, in terms of USD per ton, the index increased to
around $312 per ton on December 30, 2013, up about 2% from around $307 per ton seen on December 23, 2013
due to the weakening of the real against the USD.

Oryza Quick Glance at World News
Jan 03, 2014

Financial Times –
*FireEye, a New York-listed cyber threat detection company, has bought Mandiant, a U.S. cyber security
company at the forefront of fighting a new wave of cyber attacks, for more than $1 billion in a deal that
highlights the growing concern about government-backed online spying from China and the U.S. National
Security Agency.

Daily Rice E-Newsletter by Rice Plus Magazine
News and R&D Section
Cell # 92 321 369 2874
*A powerful car bomb explosion in a Hizbollah-controlled area of southern Beirut on Thursday killed at least
five people and injured more than 20 in what is being seen as a response to the assassination last week of a
prominent Sunni politician.
*Rémy Cointreau, the Cognac producer, said on Thursday that Frédéric Pflanz would step down as chief
executive after three months at the helm of the company
*The red metal, used extensively in construction and electrical applications, rose as high as $7,460 a ton for
delivery in three months on the London Metal Exchange – the highest price since June 5 - amid shrinking stocks
of refined product and optimism about the economic outlook in China.
*Turkey‘s military chiefs have filed a formal complaint over two high profile coup trials known as
Sledgehammer and Ergenekon that they say were part of a plot against the armed forces
*Despite the market turmoil caused last summer by concerns over the U.S. Federal Reserve‘s plans to scale
back its monetary stimulus programme, EM bond issuance jumped to $506 billion last year, surpassing 2012‘s
record $488 billion, according to Dealogic.
*George Soros has bought a stake in Spain‘s FCC, becoming the second prominent international investor after
Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates to bet on the indebted construction company in less than three months.
*Swiss dairy company Emmi said it has purchased a 50% stake in Mexideli 2000, for an undisclosed amount.
Wall Street Journal*Oil major Royal Dutch Shell said Thursday that it has completed the acquisition of Repsol SA's liquefied
natural gas portfolio outside North America for $3.8 billion net, slightly lower than the $4.4 billion originally
agreed on last February.
*The euro zone's manufacturing sector expanded for a third straight month in December, despite further
weakness in France, final data showed Thursday, providing further evidence that the economic recovery is
continuing. The final December manufacturing purchasing managers index rose to 52.7, unchanged from the
preliminary reading and up from November's 51.6.
*India's two-term Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Friday announced he would not seek another term in
national elections this year, an apparent attempt by his embattled Congress party to signal leadership change at a
time when there is widespread disillusionment with the current administration.
*Three U.S. senators urged Afghan President Hamid Karzai to sign a bilateral security agreement whose delay
has irritated relations, and flagged a new U.S. concern, the proposed release of dozens of detainees deemed to
be a threat to coalition forces.
*U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry arrived in the Middle East on Thursday with proposals for narrowing gaps
between Israelis and Palestinians on a peace deal, ones he said would require tough decisions by both sides.
*Pakistan's former military ruler, Pervez Musharraf, was taken to an army hospital Thursday after he suffered
an unexplained heart problem on his way to court for a third hearing in his treason trial.
*The Northeast U.S. braced for a storm that was expected to blanket the region in snow and frigid temperatures
Friday, a day after the same system swept through the Midwest, clogging roadways and snarling commutes.
New York Times*Myanmar‘s president said Thursday that he backed changing the country‘s Constitution to allow ―any citizen‖
to become president, apparently a reference to Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, the Nobel Prize-winning democracy
advocate whose political ambitions have been thwarted for decades by the military.
*Israel carried out another successful test on Friday of its upgraded Arrow interceptor, which is designed to
destroy in space the kind of missiles held by Iran and Syria, a Defense Ministry spokeswoman said.

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News and R&D Section
Cell # 92 321 369 2874
*South Korea's central bank will carry out appropriate measures to stabilize local financial markets if needed,
its chief said on Friday, echoing the finance ministry's warning that volatility in the foreign exchange market
has to be curbe
*Police in the southern Chinese province of Guangdong have seized nearly three metric tons (3.3 tons) of the
drug crystal methamphetamine and arrested 182 people in raids on a village notorious for producing narcotics.
*Ezra Klein, an analyst, columnist and television commentator who runs The Washington Post‘s Wonkblog, is
making plans to leave the newspaper after failing to win support for a new website he wanted to create within
the company, according to four people with knowledge of the negotiations.
*The U.S. House of Representatives plans to consider legislation to make data on the Obamacare website more
secure when lawmakers return to Washington next week, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor said on Thursday.
*The New York Times said on Thursday that it would launch its redesigned website on January 8. The new
platform, which will allow for better integration of video and photography with text, among other features, had
been previously announced. The Times said it would be available to a small group of readers immediately as a
test rollout.
World news
- See more at:

Oryza Quick Glance at MDA Rice Crop Weather Update
Jan 03, 2014

Oryza shares some of MDA’s latest rice crop weather updates:
Rainfall may occur in parts of South China this week.
Snowfall is likely to continue in northern Japan this week.
Dry weather will favor rice harvest in Thailand and Vietnam this week.
Rainfall will favor rice crop in southeastern Philippines this week.
Rainfall may disrupt harvest in Java of Indonesia this week.
Some rainfall is likely in southeastern India this week.
Weather is expected to remain dry in Bangladesh and Pakistan this week.
Some rainfall is expected in southern Nigeria this week.
Rainfall will favor rice crop in southern and central areas of Brazil this week.
Rainfall may return to the Delta region of the U.S. this week.
For more complete weather information, contact:
Tags: Weekly weather report for rice

MDA Weather.pdf

Ghana Relaxes Ban on Rice Imports Via Borders
Daily Rice E-Newsletter by Rice Plus Magazine
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Cell # 92 321 369 2874
Jan 03, 2014

The Ghana government has relaxed the ban on rice imports through the country‘s borders to help rice importers
fulfill their purchase orders made prior to November 1, 2013, when the ban was implemented to ensure that
importers didn‘t evade taxes and other tariffs on rice imports.However, the Ghana-Ivory Coast Rice Importers
and Sellers Association (GISA) called the decision unacceptable and had urged the government to review its
decision. Local sources say that a meeting between officials of Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA), rice importers
and trade ministry officials is scheduled on January 7, 2014 to review rice import policy of the
government.Ghana produces about 300,000 tons of rice annually, against a consumption of around 925,000
tons. Ghana‘s rice imports in 2013-14 are estimated at around 575,000 tons. Rice consumption is increasing in
Ghana, and imported rice is growing in popularity in the country, say local sources.
Tags: Ghana rice imports

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India Winter Rice Crop Planting Area Reaches 325,000 Hectares; Down 27% from
Last Year
Jan 03, 2014

Rice planting area under India‘s winter (rabi) crop has reached around 325,000 hectares as of January 3, 2014,
which is down about 27% from about 445,000 hectares planted with rabi rice during same time last year,
according to the Ministry of Agriculture.
India‘s total rabi planting area (including rice and other grains) stands at about 59.2 million hectares, up about
4% from about 56.9 million hectares recorded during this time last year.

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Tags: India rice planting area

Oryza Afternoon Recap – Chicago Rough Rice Futures Continue Higher on Followthrough Technical Buying as well as Support from firmer Grains
Jan 03, 2014

Chicago rough rice futures for March delivery settled 8.5 cents per cwt (about $2 per ton) higher at $15.595 per
cwt (about $344 per ton). Rough rice futures continued higher but closed off of session highs as selling pressure
picked up during afternoon trading. Underlying support continues to be provided by January shorts that are
being forced to pay a premium to exit positions rather than make delivery of physical inventory at current
prices. The market turned positive following the mid-week holiday break with prices managing to erase early
losses, and eventually ending the week with a nearly 25 cent per cwt (about $5 per ton) gain. The other grains
provided a supportive backdrop today; soybeans finished the day about 0.1% higher at $12.7125 per bushel;
wheat finished about 1.5% higher at $6.0675 per bushel; and corn finished the day about 0.7% higher at
$4.2350 per bushel.U.S. stocks turned mostly lower on Friday, a day after Wall Street got off to its first negative
open to a year since 2008, as investors reacted to taper talk from central bank officials ahead of a speech by
Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke. The Fed confronts "immense" challenges as it starts to curb its
monthly bond purchases, Fed Bank of Philadelphia President Charles Plosser said on Friday. The Dow Jones
Industrial Average gained. The S&P 500 wavered, with telecommunications hardest hit and financials faring
best among its 10 major sectors.
The Nasdaq turned lower. U.S. stock markets are currently trading nearly unchanged, gold is trading about 1%
higher, crude oil is seen trading about 1.5% lower, and the U.S. dollar is seen trading about 0.2% higher at
about 2:00pm Chicago time.Turning to the daily continuation chart of Chicago rough rice futures for March
delivery, yesterday‘s rally above the 20-day moving average and into technically bullish territory managed to
spur follow-through buying interest in early trading this morning. Prices quickly moved to test overhead
resistance at $15.635 per cwt (about $345 per ton), provided by the 50-day moving average. Although prices
were unable to maintain such lofty prices and ultimately pulled back from the session high, today‘s move is
seen as confirmation of yesterday‘s move into positive territory. Traders will keep a close eye on the 50-day
moving average in early trading next week as an indication as to whether a bullish trend is developing in the
market. Today‘s move higher added to yesterday‘s rally to bring the total gains for the week to 24 cents per cwt
(about $5 per ton), as prices moved from $15.355 per cwt at the close on Friday December 27 to today‘s close
at $15.595 per cwt (about $344 per ton). The sessions trading range is noted as$15.480-$15.650 per cwt (about
$341-$345 per ton).Thursday, there were 804 contracts traded, up from 284 contracts traded on Tuesday. Open
interest – the number of contracts outstanding – on Thursday increased by 34 contracts to 6,996.
Tags: chicago rough rice futures, U.S. rice prices, U.S. rice market

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Oryza Rice Currency Analysis for Today – Euro Down 0.6%; Brazil Real Up 0.5%
Jan 03, 2014

U.S. dollar index was up +0.29% from the open today, when it traded at 80.858 at the close.
Euro was weaker -0.63% today by the close, trading around 1.3585 by end of day, after trading between an
intraday high of 1.3673 and low of 1.3583. The Euro continued to fall on bets the rally is overdone.
Thai baht was weaker -0.11%, trading at 33.000 at the close of business.
Indian rupee was +0.18% stronger, trading at 62.1550.
Brazilian real was +0.48% stronger than the open at today‘s close, when it ended at 2.3765 reais per dollar.
Pakistan rupee was +0.18% stronger at 105.4000.
Vietnamese dong was stronger +0.07% at 21095.
Mexican peso was +0.34% stronger today, when it traded at 13.1084 pesos per dollar by the close of business
Chinese yuan was -0.01% weaker at 6.0517.
Argentine peso was -0.16% weaker at 6.5553 pesos per dollar.
Tags: foreign exchange rates

Oryza U.S. Rough Rice Recap – Little Trade Occuring as Price Ideas Differ Greatly,

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Exports Increase
Jan 03, 2014

As of today, offers were unchanged near $15.55-$16.66 per fob farm (about $343-$367 per ton), depending on
where they are located in the U.S. mid-South and how quickly they could ship.
Bids from larger mills increased slightly to around $15.10 per cwt (about $333 per ton) while bids from
exporters could still be found around $15.15 per cwt (about $334 per ton), both for January through February
delivery, however there were no sellers near these levels today.
In the meantime, today the USDA reported that cumulative net export sales for the week ending on December
26th, totaled 87,800 tons, which was 55% higher than last week and 34 percent higher than the prior 4-week
Increases were reported for the following destinations including: 46,100 tons to Turkey, 38,600 tons to Mexico,
1,400 tons to Guatemala, 900 tons to Canada, and 600 tons to Jordan while decreases of 1,000 tons and 600 tons
were reported for Israel and Japan, respectively.
U.S. rice exporters shipped 147,000 tons, which was considerably higher than the previous week and the prior
4-week average. The primary destinations included: 40,000 tons to Iraq, 35,100 tons to Mexico, 26,500 tons to
Libya, 18,700 tons to Turkey, and 11,600 tons to Costa Rica.
Tags: U.S. rice prices, U.S. rice market

Which Rice is the Best? Top Chefs Tell Us
Jan 03, 2014

As a voracious rice eater, I often wonder whether people across the globe feel the same about their rice. For
example, I used to wonder whether Osmancik rice (of Turkey) would taste better than Basmati rice (grown in
India and Pakistan) in biryani or pulao, or would Japonica short grain rice (grown in China and Japan) taste
better than Indica rice in sweet dishes.We asked popular chefs from countries around the world to seek answers,
most of which weren‘t surprising. Most chefs say they prefer locally grown rice in the preparation of their
favorite rice dishes. This is something in line with expert opinion that taste has a lot to do with habit. However,
their responses also show that there is an emotional attachment with rice all around the world and that rice
dishes are relished everywhere.

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This blog entry may also reveal some interesting dishes and
tips to you as well. Read on.According to Turkey‘s Ciya restaurants, Osmancik rice is used to make the popular
local delicacy ―pilav.‖ Ciya representative says, ―Rice production is very common in Turkey. And we mostly
prefer local products. The best and famous meal is pilav made of rice. We usually cook rice with butter and then
we add some hot boiled water on to it.‖ However, the representative also warns that making pilav is not as
simple as it seems (as in the case of most rice dishes).
―Although it seems very simple, it's so hard to cook
pilav and there are - some tricks to cook it,‖ the
representative says.
And a little bit of research reveals that there are various
kinds of twists to pilav and other rice dishes in
Turkey.Europe's leading Malaysian chef Norman Musa
tells us that while basmati rice from India or Pakistan
are good to prepare rice-based dishes (particularly for
dry and fried dishes), it is jasmine rice grown in
Malaysia that is ―brilliant.‖Chef Musa loves ―Nasi
Kerabu‖, a rice-based dish specialty in Malaysia from
the east coast. Chef Musa shares that the rice in Nasi
Kerabu is in fact dyed blue with the extract of dried
Malaysian blue pea flowers that are soaked in water
which produces a natural indigo coloring. He says,

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―For 'dry' & fried rice dishes such as Nasi Goreng, I prefer to use "basmati" which is sourced from India or
Pakistan. The finer, less sticky grains work perfectly and give a nice texture.
But of course wherever possible I prefer to use Malaysian grown rice and its jasmine rice which is brilliant,
when steamed, with most Malaysian curries including famous Rendang.‖ Chef Musa also shares a secret: ―Add
in a pandan leaf when steaming and it helps give a lovely
fragrance to the rice.‖Chef Musa adds, ―Malaysian food is
amazingly diverse and I love all the variety and colors in our
cooking. We have so many different styles of rice from coconut
rice to tomato rice to byriani rice and we eat rice with virtually
any meal. Malaysian food deserves to be more widely
known.‖Mexico‘s Chef Hugo Ortega‘s favorite rice dish is Arroz
a la Tumbada, and he prefers long grain parboiled rice for this
dish with a Spanish tinge. ―Similar to the Paella, this dish is a
traditionally found in Veracruz and is made with the abundant
local seafood found around this region. I especially like this dish
because it showcases the Spanish influence found in Mexico,‖
Chef Hugo‘s secret: ―My favorite type to use here in the kitchen is par-boil long grain rice. We have found that
it keeps its shape during cooking, easy to prepare and absorbs flavors the best.‖
Chef Hugo also says why he likes rice. ―We have a variety of rice dishes here at Hugo's: the traditional Mexican
rice, red in color with carrots and peas; white rice with peas and cilantro; and black rice which we prepare using
the cooking liquid leftover from our frijoles de la olla (black beans cooked in a pot). The rice absorbs the
flavors very well in all three preparations,‖ he says. ―Here the ‗black rice‘ is black because of the leftover
cooking liquid from the black beans. The rice itself is
parboiled,‖ he clarifies.
Chef Hugo also says, ―The Spaniards introduced rice to Mexico
through the port of Veracruz in the 1520s. Rice grows well in
Veracruz, so it's possible that people here used locally grown
rice to make this traditional dish [Arroz a la Tumbada].‖French
Chef Raymond Blanc‘s favorite rice dish is ―Riz au Lait‖; the
British call it rice pudding. He says that Riz au Lait is a
timeless classic dish from French home cooking, both for
children and adults. He adds, ―Every mother has her own
recipe, which she hands down through her family, and of course
Chef Raymond Blanc fondly recollects the emotional connect
with Riz au Lait. He says, ―I once had a serious argument with
my chef patissier at Le Manoir aux Quat'Saisons, Benoit Blin, whose mother's recipe [of Riz au Lait] was
entirely different from mine, about whose recipe was best. I won - sorry, my mother won!‖

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Chef Raymond Blanc prefers to use short grain rice to make Riz au Lait, and shares a tip: ―You can bake the
rice pudding 1-2 hours in advance and serve it warm rather than hot. It can be served with poached pears or
We look forward to sharing more thoughts on rice from from other chefs. What is your favorite rice dish and the
best rice type/ origin required in preparing the dish?
Tags: opinion-editorial, Rice, top chef, rice dishes, rice culinary delights

Oryza White Rice Index Stable Amid New Year Celebrations – What Does the Next
Year Hold?
Jan 03, 2014

The Oryza White Rice Index, a weighted average of global white rice export quotes, ended the week at $461 per
ton, down $1 per ton from a week ago, up $1 per ton from a month ago, and down $13 per ton from a year ago.

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Rice quotes were stable this week with the New Year holiday and celebrations. On everyone‘s mind is what the
next year will hold, especially for Thailand and whether or not the Thai rice mortgage scheme will weather
domestic elections to be held on February 22.
Thailand 5% rice ended the week at around $420 per ton, down about $5 per ton from a week ago, up $25 per
ton from a month ago, and down $130 per ton from a year ago. The Thai baht has been stable around 32.75
baht per U.S. dollar.
Thailand has exported about 5.9 million tons of rice January-November 2013, a decrease of about 5.4% from
the same period in 2012. The Thai Rice Packers Association (TRPA) projects the price of rice in 2014 will be
similar to 2013 prices. However, if the mortgage scheme is scrapped it‘s hard to say what prices will do. They
could dip to clear old stocks and then recover after Thailand‘s rice export engine is repaired with a healthy dose
of reality over what paddy prices should be, not what the politicians try to promise constituents.
Over the last two years, the government has spent about 680 billion baht (about $20.6 billion USD) buying
about 44 million tons of paddy rice under the current rice pledging scheme. The country has only sold about
200 billion baht (about $6 billion USD) worth of rice stocks since the scheme started, according to local
sources. With prices the government pays farmers are significantly higher than what they can sell the rice for,
leaving the government with a loss that is only increasing and threatens to derail the nation‘s political stability
and economic strength.
The Thai Rice Exporters Association forecasts that Thai rice exports will increase from 6.6 million tons in 2013
to 7.5 million tons in 2014. However, the Department of Foreign Trade projects a more ambitious number –
they expect exports to exceed 8 million tons in 2014. For both groups, the anticipated rise is largely due to
increased needs by China and the Philippines – yet it is unlikely this will be enough for Thailand to regain its
place as the number one exporter of rice, a title that is currently held by India, due to India‘s rice stocks and
export rates and increased competition from Vietnamese rice.
Meanwhile, anti-government protestors threaten to shut down Bangkok starting Jan 13. They say they will
block key intersections in the city and assemble outside politicians‘ homes to prevent them from leaving. All of
this is in efforts to halt the Feb 2 election. The military has so far urged calm and peace but analysts say at
some point a coup is not out of the question.
India 5% rice is today shown around $405 per ton, down $5 per ton from a week ago, down $10 per ton from a
month ago, and down $30 per ton from a year ago. The India rupee has traded around 61.76 rupees per U.S.
dollar this week.

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India has shipped about 9.6 million tons of rice January-November 2013, up about 1% from about 9.5 million
tons for the same period in 2012.
Rice producers are selling to private traders and rice millers for prices much below the minimum support price
due to slow purchases and delayed payments by the State Agency, according to local reports.
India‘s basmati exports to Iran April-September 2013 were 137% higher (in value) and 77% higher (in quantity)
than the same period in 2012, but Indian exporters fear a significant decrease from increased competition from
Pakistan now that U.S. sanctions against Iran have been eased.
India‘s exports to Nigeria were considerably lower this year as a result of high import tariffs imposed by
Nigeria. During April-September 2013, India exported rice worth $13.6 million to Nigeria, down considerably
from about $339.4 million exported in full FY 2012-13.
Qatar is seeking to purchase 24,000 tons of Indian basmati rice with applications due Jan 20.
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has announced that he will retire after the summer elections.
Vietnam 5% rice ended the week around $415 per ton, up $5 per ton from a week ago, down $15 per ton from a
month ago, and unchanged from a year ago. The Vietnam dong stayed around 20,950 dong per U.S. dollar this
Vietnam has exported about 6.5 million tons of rice worth $2.9 billion USD, according to the VFA – down
about 15% from the previous year.
While official exports are down, overland exports to China increased fourfold to 1.4-1.6 million tons in 2013
according to estimates. China bought about 32% of Vietnam‘s rice exports. Africa is second, purchasing 30%
of Vietnam‘s exports. Vietnam and India together have decimated Thai market share in Africa in recent
Analysts say the shift from official exports to cross border trade will limit Vietnam‘s ability to create brand
reputation and premium.
Pakistan 5% broken rice is today quoted around $390 per ton, up about $5 per ton from a week ago, up $15 per
ton from a month ago, and down $25 per ton from a year ago. The Pakistan rupee was stable this week around
104.40 per U.S. dollar.
Pakistan‘s High Commissioner-designate to South Africa encouraged exporters of rice, textiles,
pharmaceuticals, fruits, and other goods to focus on exports to South Africa, claiming that development of

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bilateral trade between the two nations is crucial for the growth of both.
Brazil 5% ended the week around $685 per ton, unchanged from a week ago and unchanged from a months ago.
The Brazil real fell about 1% this week to around 2.37 per U.S. dollar. The falling real continues to make
Brazil rice more competitive than it otherwise would be. Analysts say that prices will need to rise before
acreage is expanded; meanwhile Brazil remains the most expensive origin. Acreage growth continues to favor
soy and corn over rice.
The Brazilian paddy rice index maintained by CEPEA stood at around 36.45 real per 50 kilograms on
December 30, 2013, down slightly from around 36.55 real per 50 kilograms recorded a week earlier on
December 23, 2013.
However, in terms of USD per ton, the index increased to around $312 per ton on December 30, 2013, up about
2% from around $307 per ton seen on December 23, 2013 due to the weakening of the real against the USD.
Argentina & Uruguay
Five percent broken rice from Argentina and Uruguay is shown around $630 per ton, unchanged from a week
ago and unchanged from a month ago. The Argentine peso declined about 1% this week to around 6.52 pesos
per U.S. dollar. The Uruguayan peso traded around 20.72 per U.S. dollar, little changed from earlier this week.
U.S. 4% broken rice ended the week around $595 per ton, unchanged from a week ago, up $5 per ton from a
month ago, and up $11 per ton from a year ago.
Trade in the domestic market has been slow with the holidays and a large discrepancy over where buyers and
sellers see prices.
Other Markets
Ghana lifted its ban on overland importation of rice after the ban resulted in significant losses for importers and
sellers in the country.
The USDA projects that Indonesia will increase its rice imports next year to about 1.5 million tons.
Tags: Oryza White Rice Index (WRI)
Contents are published with permission of ORYZA

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Cell # 92 321 369 2874

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6th january,2013 oryza global rice e newsletter by riceplus magazine

  • 1. 6th January , 2014 Daily Rice E-Newsletter by Rice Plus Magazine News and R&D Section Cell # 92 321 369 2874
  • 2. Share developments in RICE and allied sectors, Promote the Concept of Knowledge Economy Dear Sir/Madam, YOUR IDEA has a great worth---JUST share it through RICE PLUS 10000+ stakeholders of rice industry read & apply various ideas and analysis written by the authors. Be the part of Rice plus authors Visit:, Daily Rice E-Newsletter by Rice Plus Magazine News and R&D Section Cell # 92 321 369 2874
  • 3. TOP Contents - Tailored for YOU LSU testing use of drones in agriculture Jan. 5, 2014 Charles Malveaux, LSU AgCenter research associate, left, explains the capabilities of an unmanned aerial vehicle to personnel at the Rice Research Station. The devices have the potential to aid farmers and crop consultants by scouting fields for pests, and LSU AgCenter researchers are investigating other possible uses for the aircraft. / Bruce Schultz/LSU AgCenter BATON ROUGE — LSU AgCenter researchers are examining the possibility of using unmanned drones to help farmers monitor their crops from the air.―The technology appears to be promising,‖ said AgCenter engineer Randy Price.Price said a drone was used recently to check freeze damage in a sugarcane field by taking aerial photographs.He said the AgCenter hopes to send a drone equipped with a sensor to measure crop Daily Rice E-Newsletter by Rice Plus Magazine News and R&D Section Cell # 92 321 369 2874
  • 4. growth. The device measures the growth of a plant, providing indications of whether more fertilizer is needed on specific areas of a field.Jimmy Flanagan, LSU AgCenter county agent in St. Mary Parish, is learning to use a helicopter drone to fly over sugarcane fields to determine if adequate fertilizer has been applied.Flanagan said the drone would be useful in maturing fields of sugarcane and corn where it is difficult to scout tall crops for disease and insufficient fertilizer. Flanagan said radio-controlled airplanes are available. ―The copter is good for certain things, but the fixed wing is faster for covering larger acreage.‖ Price said Charles Malveaux, an LSU AgCenter research associate, has built three programmable drones. ―We‘re in the process of building two more right now.‖Price said the Federal Aviation Administration is writing regulations for drones to prevent interfering with other aircraft, including agricultural airplanes and helicopters. The unmanned devices are still classified as hobby aircraft not available for commercial use, he said, but new regulations will address commercial applications.Flanagan said the LSU AgCenter is applying for a special FAA permit to conduct more research.He said entomologists should be able to use drones to seek out cropdamaging insects, and other scientists will be able to quickly view a field for herbicide-resistant weeds.Steve Linscombe, director of the LSU AgCenter Rice Research Station, said the battery-powered drones might be useful in rice breeding.―We think that they might be useful in creating wind movement that might facilitate the transfer of pollen from restorer lines to male sterile lines to create the F1 seed,‖ he said. Rice workshop is Monday in Bunkie, Wednesday in Ville Platte Jan. 4, 2014 CROWLEY, La. — The LSU AgCenter plans a series of clinics in January to help rice farmers prepare for the upcoming crop year.Steve Linscombe, director of the AgCenter Rice Research Station, says growers will be able to get advice on variety selection and field preparations. Clinic topics include controlling weeds, insects and diseases. The schedule includes: — Monday: Bunkie, 8:15 a.m., Masonic Lodge, 300 Floyd St. Daily Rice E-Newsletter by Rice Plus Magazine News and R&D Section Cell # 92 321 369 2874
  • 5. — Tuesday: Welsh, 8 a.m., Welsh Community Center, 101 Palmer St. — Wednesday: Ville Platte, 8 a.m., Civic Center, 704 N. Soileau St. — Thursday: Crowley, 8 a.m., Acadia Parish Extension Office, 157 Cherokee Drive. — Friday: Kaplan, 8 a.m., American Legion Hall, 1504 American Legion Road. — Jan. 29: Rayville, 9:25 a.m., Rayville Civic Center, 827 Louisa St. More details are available by emailing Case for GMO In August, at the International Rice Research Institute in the Philippines, a group of activists vandalized test fields of so-called ―golden rice,‖ which has been genetically engineered to contain beta-carotene, a precursor of vitamin A. Some of the perpetrators were even supported by the Swedish government‘s International Development Cooperation Agency via its funding of the radical Filipino group MASIPAG. For poor people whose diet is composed largely of rice—a carbohydrate-rich but vitamin-poor source of calories—―biofortified‖ strains are invaluable. In developing countries, 200-300 million preschool children are at risk of vitamin A deficiency, which compromises immune systems, increasing the body‘s susceptibility to illnesses like measles and diarrheal diseases. Every year, vitamin A deficiency causes blindness in about a half-million children; some 70 percent of them die within a year.In September, an eminent group of scientists called upon the scientific community to ―stand together in staunch opposition to the violent destruction of required tests on valuable advances, such as golden rice, that have the potential to save millions‖ of people from ―needless suffering and death.‖ But this passionate appeal fails to address the fundamental problem: the unfounded notion that there is a meaningful difference between ―genetically modified organisms‖ and their conventional counterparts.The fact is that GMOs and their derivatives do not amount to a ―category‖ of food products. They are neither less safe nor less ―natural‖ than other common foods. Labeling foods derived from GMOs, as some have proposed, thus implies a meaningful difference where none exists—an issue that even regulators have acknowledged.Humans have been engaging in ―genetic modification‖ through selection and hybridization for millennia. Breeders routinely use radiation or chemical mutagens on seeds to scramble a plant‘s DNA and generate new traits.A half-century of ―wide cross‖ hybridizations, which involve the movement of genes from one species or genus to another, has given rise to plants—including everyday varieties of corn, oats, pumpkin, wheat, black currants, tomatoes, and potatoes—that do not and could not exist in nature. Indeed, with the exception of wild Daily Rice E-Newsletter by Rice Plus Magazine News and R&D Section Cell # 92 321 369 2874
  • 6. berries, wild game, wild mushrooms, and fish and shellfish, virtually everything in North American and European diets has been genetically improved in some way.Despite the lack of scientific justification for skepticism about genetically engineered crops—indeed, no cases of harm to humans or disruption to ecosystems have been documented—they have been the most scrutinized foods in human history. The assumption that ―genetically engineered‖ or ―genetically modified‖ is a meaningful—and dangerous—classification has led not only to vandalism of field trials, but also to destruction of laboratories and assaults on researchers.Moreover, the GMO classification has encouraged unscientific regulatory approaches that are not commensurate with the level of risk, and that, by discriminating against modern molecular genetic-engineering techniques, inhibit agricultural innovation that could reduce strain on the natural environment and enhance global food security. Even as study after study—both formal risk assessments and ―real-world‖ observations—has confirmed the technology‘s safety, the regulatory burden placed on GMOs has continued to grow.This trend is making the testing and development of many crops with commercial and humanitarian potential economically unfeasible. Despite robust laboratory research on plants since the invention of modern genetic-engineering techniques in the early 1970‘s, the commercialization of products has lagged.Unprovoked attention from regulators inevitably stigmatizes any product or technology. Endless discussion of the ―coexistence‖ of genetically engineered and ―conventional‖ organisms has reinforced the stigma, leading activists to pursue frivolous yet damaging litigation. For example, in at least four lawsuits brought against regulators in the United States, judges initially ruled that regulators had failed to comply with the procedural requirements of the US National Environmental Policy Act. And marketing as ―natural‖ products that contain genetically engineered ingredients has led to lawsuits for false labeling.The discriminatory treatment of GMOs creates widespread mischief. In many places, the location of field trials now must be identified, even including GPS coordinates—a practice that facilitates vandalism. (And activists frequently destroy conventional plants inadvertently, because they are difficult to distinguish from genetically engineered varieties.).In 1936, the Nobel laureate Max Planck observed that scientific innovations rarely spread as a result of their opponents‘ conversion; instead, opponents of innovation ―gradually die out,‖ and the next generation accepts the breakthrough. This was the case with vaccinations and the recognition that DNA is the stuff of heredity—and it will happen eventually with genetic engineering.Unfortunately, many will suffer needlessly in the interim. As University of California agricultural economist David Zilberman and his colleagues have written, the lost benefits are ―irreversible, both in the sense that past harvests have been lower than they would have been if the technology had been introduced and in the sense that yield growth is a cumulative process of which the onset has been delayed.‖As long as today‘s activists and regulators remain convinced that GMOs represent a distinct and dangerous category of research and products, genetic engineering will fall short of its potential. That is bad news for the millions of poor people for whom genetic engineering in agriculture, medicine, and environmental science could offer a healthier, more secure future. The author, a physician and University’s Hoover Institution molecular biologist, is Fellow in Scientific Philosophy and Public Daily Rice E-Newsletter by Rice Plus Magazine News and R&D Section Cell # 92 321 369 2874 Policy at Stanford
  • 7. Rice scientists create a super antioxidant by PressRelease • January 5, 2014 Common catalyst cerium oxide opens door to nanochemistry for medicine.Scientists at Rice University are enhancing the natural antioxidant properties of an element found in a car‘s catalytic converter to make it useful for medical applications.Rice chemist Vicki Colvin led a team that created small, uniform spheres of cerium oxide and gave them a thin coating of fatty oleic acid to make them biocompatible. The researchers say their discovery has the potential to help treat traumatic brain injury, cardiac arrest and Alzheimer‘s patients and can guard against radiation-induced side effects suffered by cancer patients.Their nanoparticles also have potential to protect astronauts from long-term exposure to radiation in space and perhaps even slow the effects of aging, they reported.The research appears in the American Chemical Society journal ACS Nano.Cerium oxide nanocrystals have the ability to absorb and release oxygen ions — a chemical reaction known as reduction oxidation, or redox, for short. It‘s the same process that allows catalytic converters in cars to absorb and eliminate pollutants.The particles made at Rice are small enough to be injected into the bloodstream when organs need protection from oxidation, particularly after traumatic injuries, when damaging reactive oxygen species (ROS) increase dramatically.The cerium particles go to work immediately, absorbing ROS free radicals, and they continue to work over time as the particles revert to their initial state, a process that remains a mystery, she said. The oxygen species released in the process ―won‘t be super reactive,‖ she said.Colvin said cerium oxide, a form of the rare earth metal cerium, remains relatively stable as it cycles between cerium oxide III and IV. In the first state, the nanoparticles have gaps in their surface that absorb oxygen ions like a sponge. When cerium oxide III is mixed with free radicals, it catalyzes a reaction that effectively defangs the ROS by capturing oxygen atoms and turning into cerium oxide IV. She said cerium oxide IV particles slowly release their captured oxygen and revert to cerium oxide III, and can break down free radicals again and again. Colvin said the nanoparticles‘ tiny size makes them effective scavengers of oxygen.―The smaller the particles, the more surface area they have available to capture free radicals,‖ Colvin said. ―A gram of these nanoparticles can have the surface area of a football field, and that provides a lot of space to absorb oxygen.‖None of the cerium oxide particles made before Rice tackled the problem were stable enough to be used in biological settings, she said. ―We created uniform particles whose surfaces are really well-defined, and we found a waterfree production method to maximize the surface gaps available for oxygen scavenging.‖ Colvin said it‘s relatively simple to add a polymer coating to the 3.8-nanometer spheres. The coating is thin enough to let oxygen pass through to the particle, but robust enough to protect it through many cycles of ROS absorption.In testing with hydrogen peroxide, a strong oxidizing agent, the researchers found their most effective cerium oxide III nanoparticles performed nine times better than a common antioxidant, Trolox, at first Daily Rice E-Newsletter by Rice Plus Magazine News and R&D Section Cell # 92 321 369 2874
  • 8. exposure, and held up well through 20 redox cycles.―The next logical step for us is to do some passive targeting,‖ Colvin said. ―For that, we plan to attach antibodies to the surface of the nanoparticles so they will be attracted to particular cell types, and we will evaluate these modified particles in more realistic biological settings.‖ Colvin is most excited by the potential to help cancer patients undergoing radiation therapy.―Existing radioprotectants have to be given in incredibly high doses,‖ she said. ―They have their own side effects, and there are not a lot of great options.‖She said a self-renewing antioxidant that can stay in place to protect organs would have clear benefits over toxic radioprotectants that must be eliminated from the body before they damage good tissue.―Probably the neatest thing about this is that so much of nanomedicine has been about exploiting the magnetic and optical properties of nanomaterials, and we have great examples of that at Rice,‖ Colvin said. ―But the special properties of nanoparticles have rarely been leveraged in medical applications.―What I like about this work is that it opens a part of nanochemistry — namely catalysis — to the medical world. Cerium III and IV are electron shuttles that have broad applications if we can make the chemistry accessible in a biological setting. ―And of all things, this humble material comes from a catalytic converter,‖ she said.Co-authors of the paper are Rice graduate students Seung Soo Lee, Wensi Song, Min Jung Cho and Hema Puppala; Rice alumna Phuc Nguyen; postdoctoral researcher Huiguang Zhu, and Laura Segatori, the T.N. Law Assistant Professor of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering and an assistant professor of biochemistry and cell biology. Colvin is vice provost for research at Rice and the Kenneth S. Pitzer-Schlumberger Professor of Chemistry and a professor of chemical and biomolecular engineering. Read the abstract at: news release can be found online at Scientists, exporters script $5-billion success story in basmati EW DELHI, JAN. 5: Pusa-1121 and now Pusa-1509 are proof of continued vibrancy in the country‘s indigenous basmati breeding programme, even as public sector farm research, in general, is seen to be floundering.One reason for it has to do with the scientists involved in basmati varietal development working in close collaboration with farmers and the exporting community right from the start.In 2012-13, India exported 3.46 million tonnes (mt) of basmati rice valued at $3.56 billion. During the current fiscal from April till October, 2.11 mt got shipped out fetching $2.64 billion. The latter figure could well touch $5 billion at the end of 2013-14. Private catalyst Daily Rice E-Newsletter by Rice Plus Magazine News and R&D Section Cell # 92 321 369 2874
  • 9. Anil Kumar Mittal, CMD of KRBL Ltd, estimates the share of Pusa-1121 – a variety developed by the Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI) – in total basmati exports at ―70 to 75 per cent‖.Pusa-1121‘s commercial success, in fact, owed a lot to KRBL. The company took the initiative to undertake large-scale multiplication of the nucleus seeds supplied by its chief breeder V.P. Singh and test-market the milled rice among prospective customers in West Asia.KRBL further created a special India Gate Classic brand for the new basmati variety that was officially released in 2003. It took another three years for other companies to also start marketing this rice in a big way.But the above tradition of working closely with the industry goes back even earlier from the 1970s. The focus of IARI scientists, then, was on collecting traditional basmati cultivars from farmers‘ fields and screening these for uniformity of plant height, maturity and grain quality.It is through such ‗pure line selection‘ that Taraori was identified as a superior traditional variety over Basmati-370, Type-3 and Dehraduni. Taraori gained prominence when United Riceland Ltd, from 1984, began exporting it under the Tilda brand. drawbacks But the major problem with the traditional cultivars for all their unique basmati grain attributes – aroma, nonstickiness and elongation upon cooking – was very low paddy yields of around 10 quintals an acre.―It was because the plants were tall, about 160 cm, and prone to lodging. So, you couldn‘t apply fertilisers either,‖ said Ashok K. Singh, who now heads IARI‘s basmati breeding programme.The real breakthrough came with the release of Pusa Basmati-1 in 1989.This was an evolved basmati derived from crossing Taraori with Pusa-150, a high-yielding non-basmati line. The aim here was to combine the distinct grain quality traits of traditional basmati with the high-yielding background of modern dwarf varieties.Pusa Basmati-1 was only 110 cm in height, yielded 25 quintals/acre, and matured in 140 days compared with 160 days for traditional varieties.Although the new variety had a milder aroma, its rice grains elongated to roughly 16 mm and recorded four times volume expansion on cooking, as against 14 mm and 3.5 times for Taraori.By 2000-01, India‘s basmati exports averaged 0.6-0.7 mt and worth about $450 million – 60 per cent of it from Pusa Basmati-1. 1121 revolution The big bang, however, happened with Pusa-1121. It had lower yields (20 quintals) and more plant height (120 cm) than Pusa Basmati-1.But where it scored was grain elongation – 22 mm on cooking – and volume expansion: A cup of milled rice gave nearly five cups of cooked rice.―Pusa-1121 was a hit, especially in Iran. The fact you could fill up whole plates with fewer grains was enough to trigger huge demand,‖ noted Mittal. Pusa-1121 today accounts for 78 per cent of India‘s total basmati acreage of 1.8 million hectares. The downside: its growing susceptibility to bacterial blight, blast and brown plant hopper attacks.―We are hoping to address these through Pusa-1509, which also has other advantages such as lower cropping duration, reduced lodging and higher yields. The grain quality is also quite comparable with that of Pusa-1121,‖ claimed Singh.IARI has already tied up with some 15 companies – including Kaveri Seeds, Bioseed, Metahelix and KRBL – for multiplication of breeder and foundation seeds of Pusa-1509 under a public-private-partnership programme. ―Our objective is to ensure farmers get maximum supplies ahead of the ensuing kharif planting season,‖ Singh added. (This article was published on January 5, 2014) Keywords: Scientists, exporters, basmati, rice Daily Rice E-Newsletter by Rice Plus Magazine News and R&D Section Cell # 92 321 369 2874
  • 10. ORYZA NEWS Vietnam Rice Sellers Increase Most of Their Quotes; India Rice Sellers Lower Some of Their Quotes Jan 03, 2014 Vietnam rice sellers increased most of their quotes by about $5 per ton today. India rice sellers lowered their quotes for 5% broken rice and 100% broken rice by about $5 per ton each to about $400 - $410 per ton and $290 - $300 per ton respectively. Thailand and Pakistan rice sellers kept their quotes mostly unchanged. 5% Broken Rice Thai 5% rice (of new crop) is quoted around $415 - $425 per ton, about a $5 per ton premium over Viet 5% rice shown around $410 - $420 per ton, up about $5 per ton from yesterday. Thai 5% rice of the old crop is shown around $370 - $380 per ton. Indian 5% rice is quoted around $400 - $410 per ton, down about $5 per ton from yesterday and about a $15 per ton premium over Pak 5% rice quoted around $385 - $395 per ton. 25% Broken Rice Thai 25% rice (of new crop) is quoted about $375 - $385 per ton, about a $10 per ton discount to Viet 25% rice shown around $385 - $395 per ton, up about $5 per ton from yesterday. Thai 25% rice of the old crop is shown around $345 - $355 per ton. Indian 25% rice was last quoted about $370 - $380 per ton, about a $25 per ton premium over Pak 25% rice quoted around $345 - $355 per ton. Parboiled Rice Thai parboiled rice of the old crop is quoted around $435 - $445 per ton. Indian parboiled rice is quoted around $385 - $395 per ton, about a $35 per ton discount to Pak parboiled rice quoted around $420 - $430 per ton. 100% Broken Rice Thai broken rice, A1 Super, of the old crop is quoted around $295 - $305 per ton and about a $70 per ton discount to Viet broken rice shown around $365 - $375 per ton, up about $5 per ton from yesterday. Indian broken sortexed rice is quoted about $290 - $300 per ton, down about $5 per ton from yesterday and about a $30 per ton discount to Pak broken sortexed rice quoted around $320 - $330 per ton. Tags: Asia rice quotes, India rice quotes, Thailand rice quotes, Vietnam rice quotes, Pakistan rice quotes Brazil Paddy Rice Index Declines Slightly in Last Week of 2013 Jan 03, 2014 Daily Rice E-Newsletter by Rice Plus Magazine News and R&D Section Cell # 92 321 369 2874
  • 11. The Brazilia n paddy rice index maintai ned by CEPEA stood at around 36.45 real per 50 kilogra ms on Decem ber 30, 2013, down slightly from around 36.55 real per 50 kilogra ms recorded a week earlier on December 23, 2013.However, in terms of USD per ton, the index increased to around $312 per ton on December 30, 2013, up about 2% from around $307 per ton seen on December 23, 2013 due to the weakening of the real against the USD. Oryza Quick Glance at World News Jan 03, 2014 Financial Times – *FireEye, a New York-listed cyber threat detection company, has bought Mandiant, a U.S. cyber security company at the forefront of fighting a new wave of cyber attacks, for more than $1 billion in a deal that highlights the growing concern about government-backed online spying from China and the U.S. National Security Agency. Daily Rice E-Newsletter by Rice Plus Magazine News and R&D Section Cell # 92 321 369 2874
  • 12. *A powerful car bomb explosion in a Hizbollah-controlled area of southern Beirut on Thursday killed at least five people and injured more than 20 in what is being seen as a response to the assassination last week of a prominent Sunni politician. *Rémy Cointreau, the Cognac producer, said on Thursday that Frédéric Pflanz would step down as chief executive after three months at the helm of the company *The red metal, used extensively in construction and electrical applications, rose as high as $7,460 a ton for delivery in three months on the London Metal Exchange – the highest price since June 5 - amid shrinking stocks of refined product and optimism about the economic outlook in China. *Turkey‘s military chiefs have filed a formal complaint over two high profile coup trials known as Sledgehammer and Ergenekon that they say were part of a plot against the armed forces *Despite the market turmoil caused last summer by concerns over the U.S. Federal Reserve‘s plans to scale back its monetary stimulus programme, EM bond issuance jumped to $506 billion last year, surpassing 2012‘s record $488 billion, according to Dealogic. *George Soros has bought a stake in Spain‘s FCC, becoming the second prominent international investor after Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates to bet on the indebted construction company in less than three months. *Swiss dairy company Emmi said it has purchased a 50% stake in Mexideli 2000, for an undisclosed amount. Wall Street Journal*Oil major Royal Dutch Shell said Thursday that it has completed the acquisition of Repsol SA's liquefied natural gas portfolio outside North America for $3.8 billion net, slightly lower than the $4.4 billion originally agreed on last February. *The euro zone's manufacturing sector expanded for a third straight month in December, despite further weakness in France, final data showed Thursday, providing further evidence that the economic recovery is continuing. The final December manufacturing purchasing managers index rose to 52.7, unchanged from the preliminary reading and up from November's 51.6. *India's two-term Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Friday announced he would not seek another term in national elections this year, an apparent attempt by his embattled Congress party to signal leadership change at a time when there is widespread disillusionment with the current administration. *Three U.S. senators urged Afghan President Hamid Karzai to sign a bilateral security agreement whose delay has irritated relations, and flagged a new U.S. concern, the proposed release of dozens of detainees deemed to be a threat to coalition forces. *U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry arrived in the Middle East on Thursday with proposals for narrowing gaps between Israelis and Palestinians on a peace deal, ones he said would require tough decisions by both sides. *Pakistan's former military ruler, Pervez Musharraf, was taken to an army hospital Thursday after he suffered an unexplained heart problem on his way to court for a third hearing in his treason trial. *The Northeast U.S. braced for a storm that was expected to blanket the region in snow and frigid temperatures Friday, a day after the same system swept through the Midwest, clogging roadways and snarling commutes. New York Times*Myanmar‘s president said Thursday that he backed changing the country‘s Constitution to allow ―any citizen‖ to become president, apparently a reference to Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, the Nobel Prize-winning democracy advocate whose political ambitions have been thwarted for decades by the military. *Israel carried out another successful test on Friday of its upgraded Arrow interceptor, which is designed to destroy in space the kind of missiles held by Iran and Syria, a Defense Ministry spokeswoman said. Daily Rice E-Newsletter by Rice Plus Magazine News and R&D Section Cell # 92 321 369 2874
  • 13. *South Korea's central bank will carry out appropriate measures to stabilize local financial markets if needed, its chief said on Friday, echoing the finance ministry's warning that volatility in the foreign exchange market has to be curbe *Police in the southern Chinese province of Guangdong have seized nearly three metric tons (3.3 tons) of the drug crystal methamphetamine and arrested 182 people in raids on a village notorious for producing narcotics. *Ezra Klein, an analyst, columnist and television commentator who runs The Washington Post‘s Wonkblog, is making plans to leave the newspaper after failing to win support for a new website he wanted to create within the company, according to four people with knowledge of the negotiations. *The U.S. House of Representatives plans to consider legislation to make data on the Obamacare website more secure when lawmakers return to Washington next week, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor said on Thursday. *The New York Times said on Thursday that it would launch its redesigned website on January 8. The new platform, which will allow for better integration of video and photography with text, among other features, had been previously announced. The Times said it would be available to a small group of readers immediately as a test rollout. Tags: World news - See more at: Oryza Quick Glance at MDA Rice Crop Weather Update Jan 03, 2014 Oryza shares some of MDA’s latest rice crop weather updates: Rainfall may occur in parts of South China this week. Snowfall is likely to continue in northern Japan this week. Dry weather will favor rice harvest in Thailand and Vietnam this week. Rainfall will favor rice crop in southeastern Philippines this week. Rainfall may disrupt harvest in Java of Indonesia this week. Some rainfall is likely in southeastern India this week. Weather is expected to remain dry in Bangladesh and Pakistan this week. Some rainfall is expected in southern Nigeria this week. Rainfall will favor rice crop in southern and central areas of Brazil this week. Rainfall may return to the Delta region of the U.S. this week. For more complete weather information, contact: Tags: Weekly weather report for rice pdf: MDA Weather.pdf Ghana Relaxes Ban on Rice Imports Via Borders Daily Rice E-Newsletter by Rice Plus Magazine News and R&D Section Cell # 92 321 369 2874
  • 14. Jan 03, 2014 The Ghana government has relaxed the ban on rice imports through the country‘s borders to help rice importers fulfill their purchase orders made prior to November 1, 2013, when the ban was implemented to ensure that importers didn‘t evade taxes and other tariffs on rice imports.However, the Ghana-Ivory Coast Rice Importers and Sellers Association (GISA) called the decision unacceptable and had urged the government to review its decision. Local sources say that a meeting between officials of Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA), rice importers and trade ministry officials is scheduled on January 7, 2014 to review rice import policy of the government.Ghana produces about 300,000 tons of rice annually, against a consumption of around 925,000 tons. Ghana‘s rice imports in 2013-14 are estimated at around 575,000 tons. Rice consumption is increasing in Ghana, and imported rice is growing in popularity in the country, say local sources. Tags: Ghana rice imports Daily Rice E-Newsletter by Rice Plus Magazine News and R&D Section Cell # 92 321 369 2874
  • 15. India Winter Rice Crop Planting Area Reaches 325,000 Hectares; Down 27% from Last Year Jan 03, 2014 Rice planting area under India‘s winter (rabi) crop has reached around 325,000 hectares as of January 3, 2014, which is down about 27% from about 445,000 hectares planted with rabi rice during same time last year, according to the Ministry of Agriculture. India‘s total rabi planting area (including rice and other grains) stands at about 59.2 million hectares, up about 4% from about 56.9 million hectares recorded during this time last year. Daily Rice E-Newsletter by Rice Plus Magazine News and R&D Section Cell # 92 321 369 2874
  • 16. Tags: India rice planting area Oryza Afternoon Recap – Chicago Rough Rice Futures Continue Higher on Followthrough Technical Buying as well as Support from firmer Grains Jan 03, 2014 Chicago rough rice futures for March delivery settled 8.5 cents per cwt (about $2 per ton) higher at $15.595 per cwt (about $344 per ton). Rough rice futures continued higher but closed off of session highs as selling pressure picked up during afternoon trading. Underlying support continues to be provided by January shorts that are being forced to pay a premium to exit positions rather than make delivery of physical inventory at current prices. The market turned positive following the mid-week holiday break with prices managing to erase early losses, and eventually ending the week with a nearly 25 cent per cwt (about $5 per ton) gain. The other grains provided a supportive backdrop today; soybeans finished the day about 0.1% higher at $12.7125 per bushel; wheat finished about 1.5% higher at $6.0675 per bushel; and corn finished the day about 0.7% higher at $4.2350 per bushel.U.S. stocks turned mostly lower on Friday, a day after Wall Street got off to its first negative open to a year since 2008, as investors reacted to taper talk from central bank officials ahead of a speech by Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke. The Fed confronts "immense" challenges as it starts to curb its monthly bond purchases, Fed Bank of Philadelphia President Charles Plosser said on Friday. The Dow Jones Industrial Average gained. The S&P 500 wavered, with telecommunications hardest hit and financials faring best among its 10 major sectors. The Nasdaq turned lower. U.S. stock markets are currently trading nearly unchanged, gold is trading about 1% higher, crude oil is seen trading about 1.5% lower, and the U.S. dollar is seen trading about 0.2% higher at about 2:00pm Chicago time.Turning to the daily continuation chart of Chicago rough rice futures for March delivery, yesterday‘s rally above the 20-day moving average and into technically bullish territory managed to spur follow-through buying interest in early trading this morning. Prices quickly moved to test overhead resistance at $15.635 per cwt (about $345 per ton), provided by the 50-day moving average. Although prices were unable to maintain such lofty prices and ultimately pulled back from the session high, today‘s move is seen as confirmation of yesterday‘s move into positive territory. Traders will keep a close eye on the 50-day moving average in early trading next week as an indication as to whether a bullish trend is developing in the market. Today‘s move higher added to yesterday‘s rally to bring the total gains for the week to 24 cents per cwt (about $5 per ton), as prices moved from $15.355 per cwt at the close on Friday December 27 to today‘s close at $15.595 per cwt (about $344 per ton). The sessions trading range is noted as$15.480-$15.650 per cwt (about $341-$345 per ton).Thursday, there were 804 contracts traded, up from 284 contracts traded on Tuesday. Open interest – the number of contracts outstanding – on Thursday increased by 34 contracts to 6,996. Tags: chicago rough rice futures, U.S. rice prices, U.S. rice market Daily Rice E-Newsletter by Rice Plus Magazine News and R&D Section Cell # 92 321 369 2874
  • 17. Oryza Rice Currency Analysis for Today – Euro Down 0.6%; Brazil Real Up 0.5% Jan 03, 2014 U.S. dollar index was up +0.29% from the open today, when it traded at 80.858 at the close. Euro was weaker -0.63% today by the close, trading around 1.3585 by end of day, after trading between an intraday high of 1.3673 and low of 1.3583. The Euro continued to fall on bets the rally is overdone. Thai baht was weaker -0.11%, trading at 33.000 at the close of business. Indian rupee was +0.18% stronger, trading at 62.1550. Brazilian real was +0.48% stronger than the open at today‘s close, when it ended at 2.3765 reais per dollar. Pakistan rupee was +0.18% stronger at 105.4000. Vietnamese dong was stronger +0.07% at 21095. Mexican peso was +0.34% stronger today, when it traded at 13.1084 pesos per dollar by the close of business today. Chinese yuan was -0.01% weaker at 6.0517. Argentine peso was -0.16% weaker at 6.5553 pesos per dollar. Tags: foreign exchange rates Oryza U.S. Rough Rice Recap – Little Trade Occuring as Price Ideas Differ Greatly, Daily Rice E-Newsletter by Rice Plus Magazine News and R&D Section Cell # 92 321 369 2874
  • 18. Exports Increase Jan 03, 2014 As of today, offers were unchanged near $15.55-$16.66 per fob farm (about $343-$367 per ton), depending on where they are located in the U.S. mid-South and how quickly they could ship. Bids from larger mills increased slightly to around $15.10 per cwt (about $333 per ton) while bids from exporters could still be found around $15.15 per cwt (about $334 per ton), both for January through February delivery, however there were no sellers near these levels today. In the meantime, today the USDA reported that cumulative net export sales for the week ending on December 26th, totaled 87,800 tons, which was 55% higher than last week and 34 percent higher than the prior 4-week average. Increases were reported for the following destinations including: 46,100 tons to Turkey, 38,600 tons to Mexico, 1,400 tons to Guatemala, 900 tons to Canada, and 600 tons to Jordan while decreases of 1,000 tons and 600 tons were reported for Israel and Japan, respectively. U.S. rice exporters shipped 147,000 tons, which was considerably higher than the previous week and the prior 4-week average. The primary destinations included: 40,000 tons to Iraq, 35,100 tons to Mexico, 26,500 tons to Libya, 18,700 tons to Turkey, and 11,600 tons to Costa Rica. Tags: U.S. rice prices, U.S. rice market Which Rice is the Best? Top Chefs Tell Us Jan 03, 2014 As a voracious rice eater, I often wonder whether people across the globe feel the same about their rice. For example, I used to wonder whether Osmancik rice (of Turkey) would taste better than Basmati rice (grown in India and Pakistan) in biryani or pulao, or would Japonica short grain rice (grown in China and Japan) taste better than Indica rice in sweet dishes.We asked popular chefs from countries around the world to seek answers, most of which weren‘t surprising. Most chefs say they prefer locally grown rice in the preparation of their favorite rice dishes. This is something in line with expert opinion that taste has a lot to do with habit. However, their responses also show that there is an emotional attachment with rice all around the world and that rice dishes are relished everywhere. Daily Rice E-Newsletter by Rice Plus Magazine News and R&D Section Cell # 92 321 369 2874
  • 19. This blog entry may also reveal some interesting dishes and tips to you as well. Read on.According to Turkey‘s Ciya restaurants, Osmancik rice is used to make the popular local delicacy ―pilav.‖ Ciya representative says, ―Rice production is very common in Turkey. And we mostly prefer local products. The best and famous meal is pilav made of rice. We usually cook rice with butter and then we add some hot boiled water on to it.‖ However, the representative also warns that making pilav is not as simple as it seems (as in the case of most rice dishes). ―Although it seems very simple, it's so hard to cook pilav and there are - some tricks to cook it,‖ the representative says. And a little bit of research reveals that there are various kinds of twists to pilav and other rice dishes in Turkey.Europe's leading Malaysian chef Norman Musa tells us that while basmati rice from India or Pakistan are good to prepare rice-based dishes (particularly for dry and fried dishes), it is jasmine rice grown in Malaysia that is ―brilliant.‖Chef Musa loves ―Nasi Kerabu‖, a rice-based dish specialty in Malaysia from the east coast. Chef Musa shares that the rice in Nasi Kerabu is in fact dyed blue with the extract of dried Malaysian blue pea flowers that are soaked in water which produces a natural indigo coloring. He says, Daily Rice E-Newsletter by Rice Plus Magazine News and R&D Section Cell # 92 321 369 2874
  • 20. ―For 'dry' & fried rice dishes such as Nasi Goreng, I prefer to use "basmati" which is sourced from India or Pakistan. The finer, less sticky grains work perfectly and give a nice texture. But of course wherever possible I prefer to use Malaysian grown rice and its jasmine rice which is brilliant, when steamed, with most Malaysian curries including famous Rendang.‖ Chef Musa also shares a secret: ―Add in a pandan leaf when steaming and it helps give a lovely fragrance to the rice.‖Chef Musa adds, ―Malaysian food is amazingly diverse and I love all the variety and colors in our cooking. We have so many different styles of rice from coconut rice to tomato rice to byriani rice and we eat rice with virtually any meal. Malaysian food deserves to be more widely known.‖Mexico‘s Chef Hugo Ortega‘s favorite rice dish is Arroz a la Tumbada, and he prefers long grain parboiled rice for this dish with a Spanish tinge. ―Similar to the Paella, this dish is a traditionally found in Veracruz and is made with the abundant local seafood found around this region. I especially like this dish because it showcases the Spanish influence found in Mexico,‖ Chef Hugo says. Chef Hugo‘s secret: ―My favorite type to use here in the kitchen is par-boil long grain rice. We have found that it keeps its shape during cooking, easy to prepare and absorbs flavors the best.‖ Chef Hugo also says why he likes rice. ―We have a variety of rice dishes here at Hugo's: the traditional Mexican rice, red in color with carrots and peas; white rice with peas and cilantro; and black rice which we prepare using the cooking liquid leftover from our frijoles de la olla (black beans cooked in a pot). The rice absorbs the flavors very well in all three preparations,‖ he says. ―Here the ‗black rice‘ is black because of the leftover cooking liquid from the black beans. The rice itself is parboiled,‖ he clarifies. Chef Hugo also says, ―The Spaniards introduced rice to Mexico through the port of Veracruz in the 1520s. Rice grows well in Veracruz, so it's possible that people here used locally grown rice to make this traditional dish [Arroz a la Tumbada].‖French Chef Raymond Blanc‘s favorite rice dish is ―Riz au Lait‖; the British call it rice pudding. He says that Riz au Lait is a timeless classic dish from French home cooking, both for children and adults. He adds, ―Every mother has her own recipe, which she hands down through her family, and of course hers is always the best!‖ Chef Raymond Blanc fondly recollects the emotional connect with Riz au Lait. He says, ―I once had a serious argument with my chef patissier at Le Manoir aux Quat'Saisons, Benoit Blin, whose mother's recipe [of Riz au Lait] was entirely different from mine, about whose recipe was best. I won - sorry, my mother won!‖ Daily Rice E-Newsletter by Rice Plus Magazine News and R&D Section Cell # 92 321 369 2874
  • 21. Chef Raymond Blanc prefers to use short grain rice to make Riz au Lait, and shares a tip: ―You can bake the rice pudding 1-2 hours in advance and serve it warm rather than hot. It can be served with poached pears or peaches in vanilla.‖ We look forward to sharing more thoughts on rice from from other chefs. What is your favorite rice dish and the best rice type/ origin required in preparing the dish? Tags: opinion-editorial, Rice, top chef, rice dishes, rice culinary delights Oryza White Rice Index Stable Amid New Year Celebrations – What Does the Next Year Hold? Jan 03, 2014 The Oryza White Rice Index, a weighted average of global white rice export quotes, ended the week at $461 per ton, down $1 per ton from a week ago, up $1 per ton from a month ago, and down $13 per ton from a year ago. Daily Rice E-Newsletter by Rice Plus Magazine News and R&D Section Cell # 92 321 369 2874
  • 22. Rice quotes were stable this week with the New Year holiday and celebrations. On everyone‘s mind is what the next year will hold, especially for Thailand and whether or not the Thai rice mortgage scheme will weather domestic elections to be held on February 22. Thailand Thailand 5% rice ended the week at around $420 per ton, down about $5 per ton from a week ago, up $25 per ton from a month ago, and down $130 per ton from a year ago. The Thai baht has been stable around 32.75 baht per U.S. dollar. Thailand has exported about 5.9 million tons of rice January-November 2013, a decrease of about 5.4% from the same period in 2012. The Thai Rice Packers Association (TRPA) projects the price of rice in 2014 will be similar to 2013 prices. However, if the mortgage scheme is scrapped it‘s hard to say what prices will do. They could dip to clear old stocks and then recover after Thailand‘s rice export engine is repaired with a healthy dose of reality over what paddy prices should be, not what the politicians try to promise constituents. Over the last two years, the government has spent about 680 billion baht (about $20.6 billion USD) buying about 44 million tons of paddy rice under the current rice pledging scheme. The country has only sold about 200 billion baht (about $6 billion USD) worth of rice stocks since the scheme started, according to local sources. With prices the government pays farmers are significantly higher than what they can sell the rice for, leaving the government with a loss that is only increasing and threatens to derail the nation‘s political stability and economic strength. The Thai Rice Exporters Association forecasts that Thai rice exports will increase from 6.6 million tons in 2013 to 7.5 million tons in 2014. However, the Department of Foreign Trade projects a more ambitious number – they expect exports to exceed 8 million tons in 2014. For both groups, the anticipated rise is largely due to increased needs by China and the Philippines – yet it is unlikely this will be enough for Thailand to regain its place as the number one exporter of rice, a title that is currently held by India, due to India‘s rice stocks and export rates and increased competition from Vietnamese rice. Meanwhile, anti-government protestors threaten to shut down Bangkok starting Jan 13. They say they will block key intersections in the city and assemble outside politicians‘ homes to prevent them from leaving. All of this is in efforts to halt the Feb 2 election. The military has so far urged calm and peace but analysts say at some point a coup is not out of the question. India India 5% rice is today shown around $405 per ton, down $5 per ton from a week ago, down $10 per ton from a month ago, and down $30 per ton from a year ago. The India rupee has traded around 61.76 rupees per U.S. dollar this week. Daily Rice E-Newsletter by Rice Plus Magazine News and R&D Section Cell # 92 321 369 2874
  • 23. India has shipped about 9.6 million tons of rice January-November 2013, up about 1% from about 9.5 million tons for the same period in 2012. Rice producers are selling to private traders and rice millers for prices much below the minimum support price due to slow purchases and delayed payments by the State Agency, according to local reports. India‘s basmati exports to Iran April-September 2013 were 137% higher (in value) and 77% higher (in quantity) than the same period in 2012, but Indian exporters fear a significant decrease from increased competition from Pakistan now that U.S. sanctions against Iran have been eased. India‘s exports to Nigeria were considerably lower this year as a result of high import tariffs imposed by Nigeria. During April-September 2013, India exported rice worth $13.6 million to Nigeria, down considerably from about $339.4 million exported in full FY 2012-13. Qatar is seeking to purchase 24,000 tons of Indian basmati rice with applications due Jan 20. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has announced that he will retire after the summer elections. Vietnam Vietnam 5% rice ended the week around $415 per ton, up $5 per ton from a week ago, down $15 per ton from a month ago, and unchanged from a year ago. The Vietnam dong stayed around 20,950 dong per U.S. dollar this week. Vietnam has exported about 6.5 million tons of rice worth $2.9 billion USD, according to the VFA – down about 15% from the previous year. While official exports are down, overland exports to China increased fourfold to 1.4-1.6 million tons in 2013 according to estimates. China bought about 32% of Vietnam‘s rice exports. Africa is second, purchasing 30% of Vietnam‘s exports. Vietnam and India together have decimated Thai market share in Africa in recent years. Analysts say the shift from official exports to cross border trade will limit Vietnam‘s ability to create brand reputation and premium. Pakistan Pakistan 5% broken rice is today quoted around $390 per ton, up about $5 per ton from a week ago, up $15 per ton from a month ago, and down $25 per ton from a year ago. The Pakistan rupee was stable this week around 104.40 per U.S. dollar. Pakistan‘s High Commissioner-designate to South Africa encouraged exporters of rice, textiles, pharmaceuticals, fruits, and other goods to focus on exports to South Africa, claiming that development of Daily Rice E-Newsletter by Rice Plus Magazine News and R&D Section Cell # 92 321 369 2874
  • 24. bilateral trade between the two nations is crucial for the growth of both. Brazil Brazil 5% ended the week around $685 per ton, unchanged from a week ago and unchanged from a months ago. The Brazil real fell about 1% this week to around 2.37 per U.S. dollar. The falling real continues to make Brazil rice more competitive than it otherwise would be. Analysts say that prices will need to rise before acreage is expanded; meanwhile Brazil remains the most expensive origin. Acreage growth continues to favor soy and corn over rice. The Brazilian paddy rice index maintained by CEPEA stood at around 36.45 real per 50 kilograms on December 30, 2013, down slightly from around 36.55 real per 50 kilograms recorded a week earlier on December 23, 2013. However, in terms of USD per ton, the index increased to around $312 per ton on December 30, 2013, up about 2% from around $307 per ton seen on December 23, 2013 due to the weakening of the real against the USD. Argentina & Uruguay Five percent broken rice from Argentina and Uruguay is shown around $630 per ton, unchanged from a week ago and unchanged from a month ago. The Argentine peso declined about 1% this week to around 6.52 pesos per U.S. dollar. The Uruguayan peso traded around 20.72 per U.S. dollar, little changed from earlier this week. US U.S. 4% broken rice ended the week around $595 per ton, unchanged from a week ago, up $5 per ton from a month ago, and up $11 per ton from a year ago. Trade in the domestic market has been slow with the holidays and a large discrepancy over where buyers and sellers see prices. Other Markets Ghana lifted its ban on overland importation of rice after the ban resulted in significant losses for importers and sellers in the country. The USDA projects that Indonesia will increase its rice imports next year to about 1.5 million tons. Tags: Oryza White Rice Index (WRI) Contents are published with permission of ORYZA Daily Rice E-Newsletter by Rice Plus Magazine News and R&D Section Cell # 92 321 369 2874