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By: Valeria Viña Leonardi
When the first steam trains appeared in the 1830's, they provoked
violent reactions too; opponents claimed that they were dangerous, noisy
and dirty, would destroy cities by fire, and kill people through speed.
Some landowners resolutely refused to allow lines to be built over their
land. Fifty years later, the arrival of the motor car was met with a
similar mixed response - opponents arguing that "horseless carriages"
were far too dangerous to be allowed on Britain's roads. For a while,
the opponents almost won the battle, and until 1896, cars on Britain's
roads had to be preceded by a man walking with a red flag.
Indeed, the history of scientific and technical progress is full of
examples of resistance to progress - in a paradoxical illustration of
Newton's third law of motion*.
This being the case, the vigorous reaction in Britain and several other
countries against the introduction of genetically modified crops is not
surprising; indeed, it is probably inevitable. Since the catastrophe of
"Mad Cow Disease", - and in spite of the enormous benefits brought
about by modern agricultural practice - agribusiness and scientific
modern farming methods are seriously contested in many quarters.
Cuando los primeros trenes de vapor aparecieron en 1830, provocaron
también reacciones violentas; los opositores alegaban que eran peligrosos,
ruidosos y sucios, destruirían ciudades con fuego y matarían a la gente a
través de la velocidad. Algunos dueños de tierras rechazaron rotundamente
permitir que las líneas fueran construidas en sus tierras. Cincuenta años
después, la llegada de los carros de motor fue acogida con algunas
respuestas similares de los opositores, argumentando que los “carruajes sin
caballo”, eran muy peligrosos para ser permitidos en los caminos
Británicos. Por un tiempo, los opositores casi ganan la batalla y hasta 1896,
los carros en los caminos Británicos, tuvieron que ser precedidos por un
hombre caminando con una bandera roja.
En efecto, la historia del progreso científico y técnico está llena de
ejemplos de resistencia al progreso – en una ilustración paradójica de la
tercera ley de Newton del movimiento.
Este es el caso de reacciones vigorosas en Gran Bretaña y muchos otros
países, en contra de la introducción de cultivos genéticamente modificados
que no es sorprendente, en realidad es inevitable. Desde la catástrofe de
“La enfermedad de las vacas locas”, y a pesar de los enormes beneficios
traídos por la práctica moderna de la agricultura – la agroindustria y
métodos modernos científicos de agricultura, son seriamente disputados
en varios sectores.
When I translate a text, most of the time I feel comfortable about it, but when the text includes words that I´m not used to them, for example (not
conversational vocabulary) I feel kind of lost.
In this paragraph I had some trouble trying to organize some ideas for example agribusiness and scientific modern farming methods are seriously
contested in many quarters. Fortunately I recognized the words and the context.
The strategy I always use, is to do “proof reading” it means I read the text several times, then I start to translate, when I finish I do the same with the
translate text, I read it several times and time by time, I find mistakes or a better way to redact the ideas. If I don´t know a word, I search for the
meaning in a dictionary or sometimes in a translator I have in my laptop, but I always make sure that the meaning is precise, because the translators
are not reliable, it´s better to use a conventional dictionary.
METHOD  It´s the way something is done.
 It can be defined also as the organized and planed scheme of a specific task.
 Systematic order and way to do something.
 Used for daily or routine task.
STRATEGY  It´s used when faced a new situation.
 An action plan to achieve a goal.
 Describes a specific plan step by step.
TECHNIQUE  Procedure for completing a specific task.
 The skill used in a particular field.
 A technique allows performing practical skills.
 Most of the time the techniques are used in scientific and arts fields.
Good afternoon Marco
Your translation is excellent, I couldn´t find any mistakes, you used very polite words and your redaction is organized and well done.
Excellent job
Good afternoon Nelson Javier
I think your translation is good and is clear, you didn´t change the context of the original text and that´s good; remember that the initials GM are in
english so it would be better if you write them in spanish, as "genéticamente modificados."
Thanks and well done.
Good afternoon Francisco
I think your file is very complete, your comparative chart has very good concepts and you included relevant information. I like your strategy to
translate, word by word, it´s better sometimes to translate like that because most of the translators are not reliable and they don´t give to the text any
By: Francisco Javier Alcala
English Test Spanish
One of the main objectives in altering the genes of certain plants is to
make them resistant to disease and to pests, and thus reduce the need for
pesticides. Another is to make them resistant to particular weed-killers,
so that farmers can spray fields knowing that the spray will kill almost
all plants except the selected crop that they are growing. Other genetic
modifications are aimed at producing plants that need less fertilizer or
are more resistant to drought, and thus need less watering. Most
developments in these directions are strongly positive in environmental
They are also positive in human terms, and development of drought-
resistant and disease-resistant crops will have major implications for
developing countries, where famine is a constant risk. It is therefore not
surprising that developing nations with large populations to feed, such as
China and India, are keen supporters of genetic research; unlike Europe
and North America, with their agricultural surpluses, many poorer
nations already cannot produce enough food to feed their populations.
In other developments, laboratories are genetically incorporating
vaccines - including hepatitis B and rabies - into certain plants. Plant-
based vaccines are potentially far cheaper to produce and easier to store
than their chemically-manufactured equivalents.
Uno de los principales objetivos en alterar los genes de ciertas plantas es
hacerlas resistentes a la enfermedades y a las plagas, y de esta forma
reducir la necesidad de pesticidas. Otra es hacerlos resistentes a los
herbicidas en particular, también esos granjeros pueden rociar campos
sabiendo que el rociar mataría casi todas las plantas, excepto el cultivo
seleccionado que está creciendo. Otras modificaciones genéticas están
destinados a producir plantas que necesitan menos fertilizantes o más
resistentes a las sequias, y por lo tanto necesitan menos riego, La
mayoría de los desarrollos en este sentido son fuertemente positivos en
términos ambientales.
Ellos son positivos también en términos humanos, y el desarrollo
resistentes a las sequias y enfermedades los cultivos tendrían una mayor
importancia para el desarrollo de los países, donde la hambruna está en
constante riesgo. Por lo tanto, no sorprende que las naciones en
desarrollo con grandes poblaciones para alimentar, como son China e
India, sean entusiastas de la investigación genética, a diferencia de
Europa Y Norteamérica, con sus excedentes agrícolas, muchas naciones
pobres ya no pueden producir suficiente comida para alimentar a sus
En otros desarrollos, los laboratorios están genéticamente incorporando
vacunas, incluyendo la de la hepatitis B y la rabia en ciertas plantas.
Vacunas basadas en plantas están potencialmente más baratas para
producir y más fáciles para almacenar como sus equivalentes fabricadas
I used the logical and coherent with regard to what the paragraph, I can find words difficult to translate literally and understand which mean for me it
is very enriching and enjoyable.
This words for me It is to easy to translate but the understand for me what´s means is so hard (Plant based vaccines)
I use the techniques of translation was Formal Equivalence or 'linguistic equivalence': It means a 'word-for-word' translation.
What is translation?
“Translation is the communication of the meaning of source-language text by means of an equivalent target language text” WIKIPEDIA
According to Nida, the function of these techniques of adjustment is to:
(1) Allow for adjusting the form the message takes to the structural requirements of the receptor language
(2) Produce semantically equivalent structures
(3) Provide stylistically appropriate equivalents
(4)Allow for a communicative equivalence.
Newmark also adopts the term ‘translation procedures’ from Vinay and Darbelnet, although he distinguishes these from what he calls ‘translation
While translation methods relate to whole texts, translation procedures are used for sentences and the smaller units of language. (Newmark, 1988, p.
81)However, the position he adopts is still that of contrastive linguistics, just as we can find in more recent studies, such as the method formulated by
Lopez Guix and Minett Wilkinson (1997).
They use the term ‘procedimientos de traduccion (‘translation procedures’) as synonymous with ‘strategy’, contrary to Wotjak’s approach, where they
reject the possible prescriptive nature of these procedures.
Translation strategies
Parallel to the development of Vinay and Darbelnet’s proposals, a new way of naming the mental processes performed by a translator emerged:
translation strategies.
METHOD While translation methods relate to
whole texts, translation procedures
are used for sentences and the smaller
units of language. (Newmark, 1988,
p. 81)
Systematic study of grammatical rules
plays an important role in fostering
students’ ability of reading comprehension
and producing grammatically correct
sentences. It has special importance for
students in teachers’ colleges for whom a
good mastery of the grammar system of
the target language. Understanding and
manipulating the morphology and syntax
will develop students’ ability of analyzing
and solving problems.
Memorizing grammar rules and
bilingual word lists does not motivate
students to actively communicate in the
target language.
STRATEGY Jaaskelainen (1999:71) considers
strategy as, "a series of competencies,
a set of steps or processes that favor
the acquisition, storage, and/or
utilization of
information." He maintains that
strategies are "heuristic and flexible
in nature,
and their adoption implies a decision
influenced by amendments in the
translator's objectives."
Enhancing English skills, particularly
reading, writing, listening, and speaking:
Bagheri and Fazel (2011) found that
translation assists students in acquiring
writing, facilitates their comprehension,
helps them develop and express ideas in
another language, and increases their
motivation to learn English.
Considered as a poor learning strategy
when it comes to the communicative
language teaching (CLT) approach,
where the best way for the learner to
gain aptitude in the target language is
to think, particularly, in that language,
an act that can increase proficiency in
the target language (Husain, 1995)
TECHNIQUE Wotjak (1981) uses the term ‘transfer
techniques in communication’ to
refer to the transfer process from one
language to another. Nevertheless,
throughout his book he
also uses the terms ‘strategy’, ‘rule’
and ‘procedure’ with the same
meaning as ‘translation techniques’
According to Nida, the function of these
techniques of
adjustment is to:
(1) allow for adjusting the form the
message takes to the structural
requirements of the receptor language
(2) produce semantically equivalent
(3) provide stylistically appropriate
equivalents; and (4) allow for a
communicative equivalence.
Without the knowledge of these
techniques which contemporary
linguistics have put within the
translator’s reach, the empirical
translator will continue to be embroiled
in continued puzzles which will take
up precious time and, most important
of all, s/he will be condemned to using
literalisms which are the universal
cause of all manner of mistakes.
(Vazquez Ayora, 1977, p. 251, my
Valeria :
The work is well written and the translation is according to the technique of literal translation and the reflection is rightful where i find the solutions ,
the solution to the problems presented .
Nelson Acosta :
The comparative chart, it is well structured very easy to understand, and the reflection relates how difficult it was to become a more accurate
translation but could finish. do the translation
Marco Ramos:
the paragraph that translated for me is long and extensive many new words for me agriculture was an unknown subject but with an effort comes one
to understand it In the reflection he tells how do the translation and the troubles he had , and how do I solve them.
By: Nelson Javier Acosta
English text Spanish Text
Genetically modified crops" are controversial. In Europe, militant "greens" and
angry small-farmers have attacked and destroyed fields of experimental
"GM" crops, seeing them both as symbols of multinational agribusiness, and as
a threat to the world's natural environment.
Is there any sound scientific evidence to back up the protestors' fears, or are
the protests largely motivated by ignorance? Is the anti-GM movement
progressive, or is it a form of fundamentalism, caused by fear of the unknown?
Different people have different views on the matter, but history shows
that quantum developments in science or technology have always provoked
a backlash motivated by fear or misunderstanding.
When industrial machinery began to appear in British factories over 200
years ago, factory-owners were wildly enthusiastic; so were many workers. But
there were other people who took a different view. Groups known as
the Luddites, opposed to the mechanization of factories, sprang up across
Britain, adopting commando tactics to break up new machinery in factories
- claiming that it would destroy jobs and change people's lives for the worse.
Las cosechas genéticamente modificadas " son polémicas. En
Europa, "Verdes" militantes y agricultores pequeños enfadados han
atacado y han destruido los campos de "GM" experimental corta,
viendo ellos ambos como los símbolos de agroindustria
multinacional, y como una amenaza al entorno líder mundial natural.
Allí cualquier prueba científica sana debe sostener los miedos de los
manifestantes, o en gran parte son motivadas las protestas por la
ignorancia? ¿El movimiento Anti-GM es progresivo, o esto es una
forma de fundamentalismo, causado por el miedo del desconocido?
La gente diferente tiene vistas diferentes sobre la materia, pero la
historia muestra que acontecimientos cuánticos en la ciencia o la
tecnología siempre provocaban un contragolpe motivado por el
miedo o el malentendido.
Cuando la maquinaria industrial comenzó a aparecer en fábricas
británicas hace más de 200 años, los propietarios de la fábrica eran
desordenadamente entusiásticos; entonces eran muchos trabajadores.
Pero había otra gente que tomó una vista diferente. Los grupos
conocidos como el Luddites, se opusieron a la mecanización de
fábricas, apareció a través de Gran Bretaña, adoptando la táctica de
comandos para romper la nueva maquinaria en fábricas - reclamando
que esto destruiría empleos y cambiaría vidas de la gente para el
Really always it is difficult when a text is translated that the grammar remains correctly organized since the order is totally different from our mother
language. The truth was not for anything easily with the text that works. Beginning because some words of the English vocabulary did not remind or
known by it, As Crops, Threat and Quantum. In some occasions to organize phrases to interpret the idea of the text was a bit confused, honestly I am
very regular to interpret of written form the English and more when it is translating a text of Spanish into English. It has been necessary as technique
to improve, to practice too much, practicing the vocabulary across dictation of words, writing short and long phrases and in this case reading the
worn out text several times to be able to interpret it of the best way.
METHOD Many are the methods of translation that there are the available ones nowadays and that, some or others are more useful. In the
method it differs from others for the translation of a language and is that the order of the phrase Preserves, one translates the
words into one taking his more current meaning though it is out of context with the words.
The method of translation moves with more freedom and is very used, Translates adapting the text of a language to other one
though the meaning of the words is not the same. It tries to reproduce the contextual meaning of an exact way to the original one
in order that both the content and the language turn out to be easily understandable for the readers.
Depending on the use that is going to give him to the text it is more suitable to use a method of translation that different. Some
are much easier but the final result is something poor, whereas with others they carry a more specialized work but the result is
much better.
STRATEGY The strategies are to find a solution we must look for a way in the space of the problem that leads us to the aim, with the help of
strategies of search for in this case to improve the translation of a language. Unlike the others, the strategy takes into account
that the representation of the translated text is the objective and that of the original text the initial state, it is affirmed that
the translation strategy allows the translator to reach the representation of the translated text from the representation of the
original text. In short, a translation strategy is a means to find a solution to a translation problem.
The strategies are the used ones for solving problems, for what it is necessary to suppose that they can be applied to the
problems of translation. Nevertheless, they do not manage to solve always any problem not that his efficiency is the same. With
the strategy one tries to expose applications to improve the translation.
TECHNIQUE At the moment of translating a text several technologies can be used, depending on the result that you want to obtain. The
technologies of translation can use with adjustment, expansion, reduction, modulation and transposition. Unlike the others it is
in the habit of being in use for the translators in case of not finding a suitable correspondence. Both the expansion and the
reduction is in use, as agree about every moment.
TheTechnique can create words following the structure of the language of origin, since for example of "basketball" "basketball"
was created. It consists of changing the form thanks to a semantic change, doing the new translation from a new point of view.
The technique for the translation are in the habit of being sought and somehow to be used to do of the most
understandable translation for the one who is going to read or to listen to it, so much in a language as in other one it.
Good morning, fellow Francisco and Valeria. Generally each of us always look for different methods of translation in this case the English language
that is with which we are studying. The grammar of English in general is what must always be taken into account for the different methods, strategies
and techniques that will be used for the oral and written translation of English. Your individual documents reflect that. In recent years the role of
translation in the teaching of languages has been has been revalued since structuralism methods have been gradually replaced by others based on the
knowledge that has provided us with Generative transformational grammar. ¡Good job! In my opinion
By: Marco Tulio Ramos
In Britain, the argument over GM crops has become the most contested
scientific dispute since the arrival of the atom bomb . In 1998 a public
opinion poll showed that 77% of British people did not want genetically-
modified crops to be grown in Britain - though only 58% were opposed
genetic modification in principle. And in spite of historic parallels that
tend to suggest that resistance to change is rarely effective in the long run,
the controversy over genetically modified crops is perhaps more critical
than most.
In spite of public apprehension, UK governments have continued to
support research into GM crops, and today hundreds of hectares of
genetically engineered plants are growing in Britain, mostly in
agricultural research centres, universities and plant laboratories. Here and
there, fields of genetically modified crops have been planted and to the
passer-by, they look no different from other fields.
In many ways, GM crops are not really very different from others.
Scientists have been selecting and "improving" crops for hundreds of
years, often by the slow and dubious method of "trial and error". Most of
the crops and fruit growing in today's fields are very different from the
varieties grown two centuries ago, and far more productive; far from
being "natural" plants, they are new strains that have been developed by
genetic selection of the best. "Genetic Modification" just takes the
process one stage further, allowing agricultural scientists to produce new
varieties with specific required qualities.
En Gran Bretaña, el argumento sobre cultivos transgénicos se ha
convertido en la disputa científica más controvertida desde la llegada de la
bomba atómica. En 1998, una encuesta de opinión pública demostró que
el 77% de los británicos no quería que los cultivos genéticamente
modificados fueran cultivados en Gran Bretaña, aunque sólo 58% se
oponían a la modificación genética en principio. Y a pesar de los paralelos
históricos que tienden a sugerir que la resistencia al cambio rara vez es
efectiva a largo plazo, la controversia sobre cultivos genéticamente
modificados es quizás más crítica que la mayoría.
A pesar de la aprehensión pública, los gobiernos del Reino Unido han
continuado apoyando la investigación sobre cultivos transgénicos, y hoy
en día cientos de hectáreas de plantas genéticamente modificadas están
creciendo en Gran Bretaña, principalmente en centros de investigación
agrícola, universidades y laboratorios de plantas. Aquí y allá, se han
plantado campos de cultivos genéticamente modificados? y al transeúnte,
no parecen diferentes de otros campos.
En muchos sentidos, los cultivos transgénicos no son realmente muy
diferentes de otros. Los científicos han estado seleccionando y
"mejorando" los cultivos durante cientos de años, a menudo por el método
lento y dudoso de "ensayo y error". La mayoría de los cultivos y frutales
en los campos actuales son muy diferentes de las variedades cultivadas
hace dos siglos, y mucho más productivas; lejos de ser plantas "naturales",
son nuevas cepas que han sido desarrolladas por selección genética de los
mejores. "Modificación genética" sólo lleva el proceso una etapa más, lo
que permite a los científicos agrícolas para producir nuevas variedades
con cualidades específicas requeridas.
I had some inconveniences in the translation of the paragraph, especially to organize the ideas that require a specific order; however the use of the
dictionary was fundamental to translate unknown words in my vocabulary. I have troubles with expressions for example: And in spite of historic
parallels that tend to suggest that resistance to change is rarely effective in the long run, the controversy over genetically modified crops. because
many of the words were unknown for me.
Rejecting these arguments, opponents of genetic modification point to
the enormous risks that could be involved. While fears of "mad corn
disease" are as yet purely hypothetical, other risks seem more realistic.
Greatest of these is perhaps the fear that genetically modified crops can
naturally interact with other plants, producing super-resistant weeds that
could create chaos in agriculture. According to the Government's own
advisory body English Nature, genetic crops "pose a threat to all
wildlife". In a recent paper, English Nature scientists stressed that the
introduction of genetically modified plants might dramatically reduce
plant diversity in Britain, destroying fragile ecosystems and leading to
the rapid disappearance of certain species of plantlife, insects and birds.
Cynics might reply that species of plant life, insects and birds have
been disappearing for years already.
Rechazando estos argumentos, los opositores a la modificación genética
apuntan a los enormes riesgos que podrían estar involucrados. Si bien el
miedo a la "enfermedad del maíz loco" es aún puramente hipotético, otros
riesgos parecen ser más realistas. El mayor de estos es quizás el temor de
que los cultivos genéticamente modificados puedan interactuar
naturalmente con otras plantas, produciendo malezas super resistentes
que podrían crear caos en la agricultura. De acuerdo con el propio
Gobierno el órgano asesor English Nature, los cultivos genéticos
"representan una amenaza para toda la vida silvestre". En un artículo
reciente, de English Nature los cientificos destacaron que la introducción
de plantas genéticamente modificadas podría reducir drásticamente la
diversidad de plantas en Gran Bretaña, destruyendo ecosistemas frágiles
y llevando a la rápida desaparición de ciertas especies de vida vegetal,
insectos y aves.
Los cínicos podrían responder que especies de vida vegetal, insectos y
aves han estado desapareciendo desde hace años.
In the short term, the arguments seems unlikely to go away. American
farmers are already mass producing genetically modified crops, and so
far there has been no reported disaster. That does not mean that disasters
are impossible. In ten or twenty years' time, we may have a better idea of
how likely, or unlikely they are; in the long run the argument about
genetic modification will sort itself out one way or another. Until then, it
is up to each individual to weigh up the pros and the cons and decide if
the risks outweigh the advantages or not.
En el corto plazo, parece poco probable que los argumentos
desaparezcan. Los agricultores estadounidenses ya producen en masa
cultivos genéticamente modificados, y hasta ahora no se ha informado de
un desastre. Eso no significa que los desastres son imposibles. Dentro de
diez o veinte años, podemos tener una mejor idea de qué tan probable o
improbable es; a la larga, el argumento sobre la modificación genética se
resolverá de una manera u otra. Hasta entonces, corresponde a cada
individuo sopesar los pros y los contras y decidir si los riesgos superan
las ventajas o no.
The translation of a text leads us to develop coherent logical skills in the formation of sentences and form a text, where the reader can understand is his
own language having the ability to create conclusions of the text. I can say that during the process of translating paragraph 3, there are diversity of
words that must be omitted to give coherence to the text, was one of the drawbacks I had in the course of translation because in some cases did not
present Coherence the phrase, the technique used was the literal and oblique, in the literal technique I allow me to translate word for word, then use the
oblique where you can change the grammatical structure of the text to give logic in the sequence of the words translated. I can say that this process in
enriching allowed me to concentrate and read the text carefully several times to be able to fit the words in appropriate way, Example:
"mad corn disease" and "Government's own advisory body English Nature"
To translate the paragraph, first of all, I searched at the dictionary for the unknown vocabulary, secondly, I used some methods of translation like:
Word for Word translation
Literal translation
Oblique translation
Newmark (1988b) mentions thedifference
between translation methods and translation
procedures. He writes that, "[w]hile
translation methods relate to
Whole texts, translation procedures are used
for sentences and the smaller units of
language" (p.81).
The translation method applies to the entire
text to be translated.
 Word-for-word translation
 Literal translation
 Semantic translation
 Faithful translation
 Adaptation
 Free translation
 Idiomatic translation
 Communicative translation
Bell (1998:188) "Differentiates between global
(those dealing with
whole texts) and local (those
dealing with text segments)
Strategies and confirms that this distinction
results from various kinds of translation
Use of a standard translation
 Minimum change, that is, a literal
 Extra allusive guidance added in the
 The use of footnotes.
 Stimulated familiarity or internal
 marking
 Replacement by a TL item
Poses a bit of a challenge at the moment of
applying them.
Translation technique varies
within the same text according to each case and
depending on the specific verbal elements that
will be translated.
 Direct Translation Techniques
 Oblique Translation Techniques
 Literal Translation

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Unit1 task3 group_24

  • 1. By: Valeria Viña Leonardi TASK 1 - PARAGRAPH 2 ENGLISH TEXT SPANISH TEXT GM-CROPS – FRANKENSTEIN FOOD? PARAGRAPH 2 When the first steam trains appeared in the 1830's, they provoked violent reactions too; opponents claimed that they were dangerous, noisy and dirty, would destroy cities by fire, and kill people through speed. Some landowners resolutely refused to allow lines to be built over their land. Fifty years later, the arrival of the motor car was met with a similar mixed response - opponents arguing that "horseless carriages" were far too dangerous to be allowed on Britain's roads. For a while, the opponents almost won the battle, and until 1896, cars on Britain's roads had to be preceded by a man walking with a red flag. Indeed, the history of scientific and technical progress is full of examples of resistance to progress - in a paradoxical illustration of Newton's third law of motion*. This being the case, the vigorous reaction in Britain and several other countries against the introduction of genetically modified crops is not surprising; indeed, it is probably inevitable. Since the catastrophe of "Mad Cow Disease", - and in spite of the enormous benefits brought about by modern agricultural practice - agribusiness and scientific modern farming methods are seriously contested in many quarters. CULTIVOS GENETICAMENTE MODIFICADOS – LA COMIDA DE FRANKENSTEIN? PARRAFO 2 Cuando los primeros trenes de vapor aparecieron en 1830, provocaron también reacciones violentas; los opositores alegaban que eran peligrosos, ruidosos y sucios, destruirían ciudades con fuego y matarían a la gente a través de la velocidad. Algunos dueños de tierras rechazaron rotundamente permitir que las líneas fueran construidas en sus tierras. Cincuenta años después, la llegada de los carros de motor fue acogida con algunas respuestas similares de los opositores, argumentando que los “carruajes sin caballo”, eran muy peligrosos para ser permitidos en los caminos Británicos. Por un tiempo, los opositores casi ganan la batalla y hasta 1896, los carros en los caminos Británicos, tuvieron que ser precedidos por un hombre caminando con una bandera roja. En efecto, la historia del progreso científico y técnico está llena de ejemplos de resistencia al progreso – en una ilustración paradójica de la tercera ley de Newton del movimiento. Este es el caso de reacciones vigorosas en Gran Bretaña y muchos otros países, en contra de la introducción de cultivos genéticamente modificados que no es sorprendente, en realidad es inevitable. Desde la catástrofe de “La enfermedad de las vacas locas”, y a pesar de los enormes beneficios traídos por la práctica moderna de la agricultura – la agroindustria y métodos modernos científicos de agricultura, son seriamente disputados en varios sectores.
  • 2. TASK 2 REFLECTION When I translate a text, most of the time I feel comfortable about it, but when the text includes words that I´m not used to them, for example (not conversational vocabulary) I feel kind of lost. In this paragraph I had some trouble trying to organize some ideas for example agribusiness and scientific modern farming methods are seriously contested in many quarters. Fortunately I recognized the words and the context. The strategy I always use, is to do “proof reading” it means I read the text several times, then I start to translate, when I finish I do the same with the translate text, I read it several times and time by time, I find mistakes or a better way to redact the ideas. If I don´t know a word, I search for the meaning in a dictionary or sometimes in a translator I have in my laptop, but I always make sure that the meaning is precise, because the translators are not reliable, it´s better to use a conventional dictionary.
  • 3. TASK 3 – CHART CONCEPT DIFFERENCES METHOD  It´s the way something is done.  It can be defined also as the organized and planed scheme of a specific task.  Systematic order and way to do something.  Used for daily or routine task. STRATEGY  It´s used when faced a new situation.  An action plan to achieve a goal.  Describes a specific plan step by step. TECHNIQUE  Procedure for completing a specific task.  The skill used in a particular field.  A technique allows performing practical skills.  Most of the time the techniques are used in scientific and arts fields.
  • 4. TASK 4 - FEEDBACK Good afternoon Marco Your translation is excellent, I couldn´t find any mistakes, you used very polite words and your redaction is organized and well done. Excellent job Good afternoon Nelson Javier I think your translation is good and is clear, you didn´t change the context of the original text and that´s good; remember that the initials GM are in english so it would be better if you write them in spanish, as "genéticamente modificados." Thanks and well done. Good afternoon Francisco I think your file is very complete, your comparative chart has very good concepts and you included relevant information. I like your strategy to translate, word by word, it´s better sometimes to translate like that because most of the translators are not reliable and they don´t give to the text any context.
  • 5. By: Francisco Javier Alcala TASK 1 – PARAGRAPH 4 English Test Spanish GM-CROPS – FRANKENSTEIN FOOD? PARAGRAPH 4 One of the main objectives in altering the genes of certain plants is to make them resistant to disease and to pests, and thus reduce the need for pesticides. Another is to make them resistant to particular weed-killers, so that farmers can spray fields knowing that the spray will kill almost all plants except the selected crop that they are growing. Other genetic modifications are aimed at producing plants that need less fertilizer or are more resistant to drought, and thus need less watering. Most developments in these directions are strongly positive in environmental terms. They are also positive in human terms, and development of drought- resistant and disease-resistant crops will have major implications for developing countries, where famine is a constant risk. It is therefore not surprising that developing nations with large populations to feed, such as China and India, are keen supporters of genetic research; unlike Europe and North America, with their agricultural surpluses, many poorer nations already cannot produce enough food to feed their populations. In other developments, laboratories are genetically incorporating vaccines - including hepatitis B and rabies - into certain plants. Plant- based vaccines are potentially far cheaper to produce and easier to store than their chemically-manufactured equivalents. CULTIVOS GENETICAMENTE ODIFICADOS – LA COMIDA DE FRANKENSTEIN? PARRAFO 4 Uno de los principales objetivos en alterar los genes de ciertas plantas es hacerlas resistentes a la enfermedades y a las plagas, y de esta forma reducir la necesidad de pesticidas. Otra es hacerlos resistentes a los herbicidas en particular, también esos granjeros pueden rociar campos sabiendo que el rociar mataría casi todas las plantas, excepto el cultivo seleccionado que está creciendo. Otras modificaciones genéticas están destinados a producir plantas que necesitan menos fertilizantes o más resistentes a las sequias, y por lo tanto necesitan menos riego, La mayoría de los desarrollos en este sentido son fuertemente positivos en términos ambientales. Ellos son positivos también en términos humanos, y el desarrollo resistentes a las sequias y enfermedades los cultivos tendrían una mayor importancia para el desarrollo de los países, donde la hambruna está en constante riesgo. Por lo tanto, no sorprende que las naciones en desarrollo con grandes poblaciones para alimentar, como son China e India, sean entusiastas de la investigación genética, a diferencia de Europa Y Norteamérica, con sus excedentes agrícolas, muchas naciones pobres ya no pueden producir suficiente comida para alimentar a sus poblaciones. En otros desarrollos, los laboratorios están genéticamente incorporando vacunas, incluyendo la de la hepatitis B y la rabia en ciertas plantas. Vacunas basadas en plantas están potencialmente más baratas para producir y más fáciles para almacenar como sus equivalentes fabricadas químicamente
  • 6. TASK TWO - REFLECTION I used the logical and coherent with regard to what the paragraph, I can find words difficult to translate literally and understand which mean for me it is very enriching and enjoyable. This words for me It is to easy to translate but the understand for me what´s means is so hard (Plant based vaccines) I use the techniques of translation was Formal Equivalence or 'linguistic equivalence': It means a 'word-for-word' translation. Definitions: What is translation? “Translation is the communication of the meaning of source-language text by means of an equivalent target language text” WIKIPEDIA According to Nida, the function of these techniques of adjustment is to: (1) Allow for adjusting the form the message takes to the structural requirements of the receptor language (2) Produce semantically equivalent structures (3) Provide stylistically appropriate equivalents (4)Allow for a communicative equivalence. Newmark also adopts the term ‘translation procedures’ from Vinay and Darbelnet, although he distinguishes these from what he calls ‘translation methods’: While translation methods relate to whole texts, translation procedures are used for sentences and the smaller units of language. (Newmark, 1988, p. 81)However, the position he adopts is still that of contrastive linguistics, just as we can find in more recent studies, such as the method formulated by Lopez Guix and Minett Wilkinson (1997). They use the term ‘procedimientos de traduccion (‘translation procedures’) as synonymous with ‘strategy’, contrary to Wotjak’s approach, where they reject the possible prescriptive nature of these procedures. Translation strategies Parallel to the development of Vinay and Darbelnet’s proposals, a new way of naming the mental processes performed by a translator emerged: translation strategies.
  • 7. TASK 3 - COMPARATIVE CHART NAME DESCRIPTION ADVANTAGE DISAVANTAGE METHOD While translation methods relate to whole texts, translation procedures are used for sentences and the smaller units of language. (Newmark, 1988, p. 81) Systematic study of grammatical rules plays an important role in fostering students’ ability of reading comprehension and producing grammatically correct sentences. It has special importance for students in teachers’ colleges for whom a good mastery of the grammar system of the target language. Understanding and manipulating the morphology and syntax will develop students’ ability of analyzing and solving problems. Memorizing grammar rules and bilingual word lists does not motivate students to actively communicate in the target language. STRATEGY Jaaskelainen (1999:71) considers strategy as, "a series of competencies, a set of steps or processes that favor the acquisition, storage, and/or utilization of information." He maintains that strategies are "heuristic and flexible in nature, and their adoption implies a decision influenced by amendments in the translator's objectives." Enhancing English skills, particularly reading, writing, listening, and speaking: Bagheri and Fazel (2011) found that translation assists students in acquiring writing, facilitates their comprehension, helps them develop and express ideas in another language, and increases their motivation to learn English. Considered as a poor learning strategy when it comes to the communicative language teaching (CLT) approach, where the best way for the learner to gain aptitude in the target language is to think, particularly, in that language, an act that can increase proficiency in the target language (Husain, 1995) TECHNIQUE Wotjak (1981) uses the term ‘transfer techniques in communication’ to refer to the transfer process from one language to another. Nevertheless, throughout his book he also uses the terms ‘strategy’, ‘rule’ and ‘procedure’ with the same meaning as ‘translation techniques’ According to Nida, the function of these techniques of adjustment is to: (1) allow for adjusting the form the message takes to the structural requirements of the receptor language (2) produce semantically equivalent structures (3) provide stylistically appropriate equivalents; and (4) allow for a communicative equivalence. Without the knowledge of these techniques which contemporary linguistics have put within the translator’s reach, the empirical translator will continue to be embroiled in continued puzzles which will take up precious time and, most important of all, s/he will be condemned to using literalisms which are the universal cause of all manner of mistakes. (Vazquez Ayora, 1977, p. 251, my translation
  • 8. TASK 4 – FEEDBACK Valeria : The work is well written and the translation is according to the technique of literal translation and the reflection is rightful where i find the solutions , the solution to the problems presented . Nelson Acosta : The comparative chart, it is well structured very easy to understand, and the reflection relates how difficult it was to become a more accurate translation but could finish. do the translation Marco Ramos: the paragraph that translated for me is long and extensive many new words for me agriculture was an unknown subject but with an effort comes one to understand it In the reflection he tells how do the translation and the troubles he had , and how do I solve them.
  • 9. By: Nelson Javier Acosta TASK 1 - PARAGRAPH 1 English text Spanish Text Genetically modified crops" are controversial. In Europe, militant "greens" and angry small-farmers have attacked and destroyed fields of experimental "GM" crops, seeing them both as symbols of multinational agribusiness, and as a threat to the world's natural environment. Is there any sound scientific evidence to back up the protestors' fears, or are the protests largely motivated by ignorance? Is the anti-GM movement progressive, or is it a form of fundamentalism, caused by fear of the unknown? Different people have different views on the matter, but history shows that quantum developments in science or technology have always provoked a backlash motivated by fear or misunderstanding. When industrial machinery began to appear in British factories over 200 years ago, factory-owners were wildly enthusiastic; so were many workers. But there were other people who took a different view. Groups known as the Luddites, opposed to the mechanization of factories, sprang up across Britain, adopting commando tactics to break up new machinery in factories - claiming that it would destroy jobs and change people's lives for the worse. Las cosechas genéticamente modificadas " son polémicas. En Europa, "Verdes" militantes y agricultores pequeños enfadados han atacado y han destruido los campos de "GM" experimental corta, viendo ellos ambos como los símbolos de agroindustria multinacional, y como una amenaza al entorno líder mundial natural. Allí cualquier prueba científica sana debe sostener los miedos de los manifestantes, o en gran parte son motivadas las protestas por la ignorancia? ¿El movimiento Anti-GM es progresivo, o esto es una forma de fundamentalismo, causado por el miedo del desconocido? La gente diferente tiene vistas diferentes sobre la materia, pero la historia muestra que acontecimientos cuánticos en la ciencia o la tecnología siempre provocaban un contragolpe motivado por el miedo o el malentendido. Cuando la maquinaria industrial comenzó a aparecer en fábricas británicas hace más de 200 años, los propietarios de la fábrica eran desordenadamente entusiásticos; entonces eran muchos trabajadores. Pero había otra gente que tomó una vista diferente. Los grupos conocidos como el Luddites, se opusieron a la mecanización de fábricas, apareció a través de Gran Bretaña, adoptando la táctica de comandos para romper la nueva maquinaria en fábricas - reclamando que esto destruiría empleos y cambiaría vidas de la gente para el peor.
  • 10. TASK 2 – REFLECTION Really always it is difficult when a text is translated that the grammar remains correctly organized since the order is totally different from our mother language. The truth was not for anything easily with the text that works. Beginning because some words of the English vocabulary did not remind or known by it, As Crops, Threat and Quantum. In some occasions to organize phrases to interpret the idea of the text was a bit confused, honestly I am very regular to interpret of written form the English and more when it is translating a text of Spanish into English. It has been necessary as technique to improve, to practice too much, practicing the vocabulary across dictation of words, writing short and long phrases and in this case reading the worn out text several times to be able to interpret it of the best way.
  • 11. TASK 3 - COMPARATIVE CHART NAME DIFFERENCES METHOD Many are the methods of translation that there are the available ones nowadays and that, some or others are more useful. In the method it differs from others for the translation of a language and is that the order of the phrase Preserves, one translates the words into one taking his more current meaning though it is out of context with the words. The method of translation moves with more freedom and is very used, Translates adapting the text of a language to other one though the meaning of the words is not the same. It tries to reproduce the contextual meaning of an exact way to the original one in order that both the content and the language turn out to be easily understandable for the readers. Depending on the use that is going to give him to the text it is more suitable to use a method of translation that different. Some are much easier but the final result is something poor, whereas with others they carry a more specialized work but the result is much better. STRATEGY The strategies are to find a solution we must look for a way in the space of the problem that leads us to the aim, with the help of strategies of search for in this case to improve the translation of a language. Unlike the others, the strategy takes into account that the representation of the translated text is the objective and that of the original text the initial state, it is affirmed that the translation strategy allows the translator to reach the representation of the translated text from the representation of the original text. In short, a translation strategy is a means to find a solution to a translation problem. The strategies are the used ones for solving problems, for what it is necessary to suppose that they can be applied to the problems of translation. Nevertheless, they do not manage to solve always any problem not that his efficiency is the same. With the strategy one tries to expose applications to improve the translation. TECHNIQUE At the moment of translating a text several technologies can be used, depending on the result that you want to obtain. The technologies of translation can use with adjustment, expansion, reduction, modulation and transposition. Unlike the others it is in the habit of being in use for the translators in case of not finding a suitable correspondence. Both the expansion and the reduction is in use, as agree about every moment. TheTechnique can create words following the structure of the language of origin, since for example of "basketball" "basketball" was created. It consists of changing the form thanks to a semantic change, doing the new translation from a new point of view. The technique for the translation are in the habit of being sought and somehow to be used to do of the most understandable translation for the one who is going to read or to listen to it, so much in a language as in other one it.
  • 12. TASK 4 – FEEDBACK Good morning, fellow Francisco and Valeria. Generally each of us always look for different methods of translation in this case the English language that is with which we are studying. The grammar of English in general is what must always be taken into account for the different methods, strategies and techniques that will be used for the oral and written translation of English. Your individual documents reflect that. In recent years the role of translation in the teaching of languages has been has been revalued since structuralism methods have been gradually replaced by others based on the knowledge that has provided us with Generative transformational grammar. ¡Good job! In my opinion
  • 13. By: Marco Tulio Ramos TASK 1 - PARAGRAPH 3 ENGLISH TEXT SPANISH TEXT PARAGRAPH 3 In Britain, the argument over GM crops has become the most contested scientific dispute since the arrival of the atom bomb . In 1998 a public opinion poll showed that 77% of British people did not want genetically- modified crops to be grown in Britain - though only 58% were opposed genetic modification in principle. And in spite of historic parallels that tend to suggest that resistance to change is rarely effective in the long run, the controversy over genetically modified crops is perhaps more critical than most. In spite of public apprehension, UK governments have continued to support research into GM crops, and today hundreds of hectares of genetically engineered plants are growing in Britain, mostly in agricultural research centres, universities and plant laboratories. Here and there, fields of genetically modified crops have been planted and to the passer-by, they look no different from other fields. In many ways, GM crops are not really very different from others. Scientists have been selecting and "improving" crops for hundreds of years, often by the slow and dubious method of "trial and error". Most of the crops and fruit growing in today's fields are very different from the varieties grown two centuries ago, and far more productive; far from being "natural" plants, they are new strains that have been developed by genetic selection of the best. "Genetic Modification" just takes the process one stage further, allowing agricultural scientists to produce new varieties with specific required qualities. PÁRRAFO 3 En Gran Bretaña, el argumento sobre cultivos transgénicos se ha convertido en la disputa científica más controvertida desde la llegada de la bomba atómica. En 1998, una encuesta de opinión pública demostró que el 77% de los británicos no quería que los cultivos genéticamente modificados fueran cultivados en Gran Bretaña, aunque sólo 58% se oponían a la modificación genética en principio. Y a pesar de los paralelos históricos que tienden a sugerir que la resistencia al cambio rara vez es efectiva a largo plazo, la controversia sobre cultivos genéticamente modificados es quizás más crítica que la mayoría. A pesar de la aprehensión pública, los gobiernos del Reino Unido han continuado apoyando la investigación sobre cultivos transgénicos, y hoy en día cientos de hectáreas de plantas genéticamente modificadas están creciendo en Gran Bretaña, principalmente en centros de investigación agrícola, universidades y laboratorios de plantas. Aquí y allá, se han plantado campos de cultivos genéticamente modificados? y al transeúnte, no parecen diferentes de otros campos. En muchos sentidos, los cultivos transgénicos no son realmente muy diferentes de otros. Los científicos han estado seleccionando y "mejorando" los cultivos durante cientos de años, a menudo por el método lento y dudoso de "ensayo y error". La mayoría de los cultivos y frutales en los campos actuales son muy diferentes de las variedades cultivadas hace dos siglos, y mucho más productivas; lejos de ser plantas "naturales", son nuevas cepas que han sido desarrolladas por selección genética de los mejores. "Modificación genética" sólo lleva el proceso una etapa más, lo que permite a los científicos agrícolas para producir nuevas variedades con cualidades específicas requeridas.
  • 14. TASK 2 – REFLECTION I had some inconveniences in the translation of the paragraph, especially to organize the ideas that require a specific order; however the use of the dictionary was fundamental to translate unknown words in my vocabulary. I have troubles with expressions for example: And in spite of historic parallels that tend to suggest that resistance to change is rarely effective in the long run, the controversy over genetically modified crops. because many of the words were unknown for me. TASK 3 COMPARATIVE CHART NONE TASK 4 FEEDBACK NONE
  • 15. BY: LEONARD ANDRÉS VARGAS USCÁTEGUI TASK 1 - PARAGRAPH 5 ENGLISH TEXT SPANISH TEXT GM-CROPS – FRANKENSTEIN FOOD? PARAGRAPH 5 Rejecting these arguments, opponents of genetic modification point to the enormous risks that could be involved. While fears of "mad corn disease" are as yet purely hypothetical, other risks seem more realistic. Greatest of these is perhaps the fear that genetically modified crops can naturally interact with other plants, producing super-resistant weeds that could create chaos in agriculture. According to the Government's own advisory body English Nature, genetic crops "pose a threat to all wildlife". In a recent paper, English Nature scientists stressed that the introduction of genetically modified plants might dramatically reduce plant diversity in Britain, destroying fragile ecosystems and leading to the rapid disappearance of certain species of plantlife, insects and birds. Cynics might reply that species of plant life, insects and birds have been disappearing for years already. CULTIVOS GENETICAMENTE MODIFICADOS – LA COMIDA DE FRANKENSTEIN? PARRAFO 5 Rechazando estos argumentos, los opositores a la modificación genética apuntan a los enormes riesgos que podrían estar involucrados. Si bien el miedo a la "enfermedad del maíz loco" es aún puramente hipotético, otros riesgos parecen ser más realistas. El mayor de estos es quizás el temor de que los cultivos genéticamente modificados puedan interactuar naturalmente con otras plantas, produciendo malezas super resistentes que podrían crear caos en la agricultura. De acuerdo con el propio Gobierno el órgano asesor English Nature, los cultivos genéticos "representan una amenaza para toda la vida silvestre". En un artículo reciente, de English Nature los cientificos destacaron que la introducción de plantas genéticamente modificadas podría reducir drásticamente la diversidad de plantas en Gran Bretaña, destruyendo ecosistemas frágiles y llevando a la rápida desaparición de ciertas especies de vida vegetal, insectos y aves. Los cínicos podrían responder que especies de vida vegetal, insectos y aves han estado desapareciendo desde hace años.
  • 16. In the short term, the arguments seems unlikely to go away. American farmers are already mass producing genetically modified crops, and so far there has been no reported disaster. That does not mean that disasters are impossible. In ten or twenty years' time, we may have a better idea of how likely, or unlikely they are; in the long run the argument about genetic modification will sort itself out one way or another. Until then, it is up to each individual to weigh up the pros and the cons and decide if the risks outweigh the advantages or not. En el corto plazo, parece poco probable que los argumentos desaparezcan. Los agricultores estadounidenses ya producen en masa cultivos genéticamente modificados, y hasta ahora no se ha informado de un desastre. Eso no significa que los desastres son imposibles. Dentro de diez o veinte años, podemos tener una mejor idea de qué tan probable o improbable es; a la larga, el argumento sobre la modificación genética se resolverá de una manera u otra. Hasta entonces, corresponde a cada individuo sopesar los pros y los contras y decidir si los riesgos superan las ventajas o no.
  • 17. TASK 2 – REFLECTION The translation of a text leads us to develop coherent logical skills in the formation of sentences and form a text, where the reader can understand is his own language having the ability to create conclusions of the text. I can say that during the process of translating paragraph 3, there are diversity of words that must be omitted to give coherence to the text, was one of the drawbacks I had in the course of translation because in some cases did not present Coherence the phrase, the technique used was the literal and oblique, in the literal technique I allow me to translate word for word, then use the oblique where you can change the grammatical structure of the text to give logic in the sequence of the words translated. I can say that this process in enriching allowed me to concentrate and read the text carefully several times to be able to fit the words in appropriate way, Example: "mad corn disease" and "Government's own advisory body English Nature" To translate the paragraph, first of all, I searched at the dictionary for the unknown vocabulary, secondly, I used some methods of translation like: Word for Word translation Literal translation Oblique translation
  • 18. TASK 3 – CHART METHOD STRATEGY TECHNIQUE Newmark (1988b) mentions thedifference between translation methods and translation procedures. He writes that, "[w]hile translation methods relate to Whole texts, translation procedures are used for sentences and the smaller units of language" (p.81). The translation method applies to the entire text to be translated.  Word-for-word translation  Literal translation  Semantic translation  Faithful translation  Adaptation  Free translation  Idiomatic translation  Communicative translation Bell (1998:188) "Differentiates between global (those dealing with whole texts) and local (those dealing with text segments) Strategies and confirms that this distinction results from various kinds of translation problems". Use of a standard translation  Minimum change, that is, a literal translation.  Extra allusive guidance added in the text.  The use of footnotes.  Stimulated familiarity or internal  marking  Replacement by a TL item Poses a bit of a challenge at the moment of applying them. Translation technique varies within the same text according to each case and depending on the specific verbal elements that will be translated.  Direct Translation Techniques  Oblique Translation Techniques  Literal Translation