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Talent Pool
   Talent Puddle:
   Where’s the Talent
in Talent Management?
    by Marc Effron and Miriam Ort
The new corporate focus on talent issues could
                      dramatically increase the impact and influence of Talent
                      Management. Are we letting that opportunity slip
                      through our hands?

    These should be heady times for those in             firms you’ll hear an amazingly similar refrain,
 Talent Management. CEOs fueled by Good to               “There are very few people in this field to begin
 Great dreams are increasing their investment in         with and nearly none that we consider world-class
 building leaders. Companies fighting increased          talent.” Or stated another way by the head of the
 competition from China and India are recognizing        HR search practice at one of the big three firms,
 that great talent is their only competitive             “There are really only 8 people in this field who
 advantage. Individual leaders are realizing that        are any good.” Imagine that comment being made
 continually growing their capabilities is the only      about Finance, Marketing or any other function!
 sure path to success. With talent issues like these
 dominating the agendas of nearly every                     Another metric is the lack of “talent factories”
 organization,    Talent    Management         (TM)      for talent management.         With the notable
 practitioners should be the new corporate “rock         exception of organizations like Bank of America,
 stars.”                                                 Pepsi and GE, there are almost no companies
                                                         known for their ability to produce great
     Instead, this enhanced focus on talent building     professionals in this field.        Alumni from
 has produced an ironic result. After years spent        organizations like these are planting the seeds in
 begging to be put in the game, many players in          their new firms, but growing great TM talent takes
 TM are underperforming on the field. Their              time. Although few would acknowledge it, the
 promises to build leaders more quickly and              sheer lack of success building great TM practices
 effectively, if only given the chance, are showing      in most companies, as judged anecdotally by the
 little effect. Their practices still reflect the same   stories, presentations and complaints of TM
 bloated, impractical approaches that have long          practitioners themselves, shows that even TM
 caused line managers’ eyes to roll. Companies           admits it’s not getting the job done. Now that
 expecting their TM professionals to deliver             heat is being applied to the TM talent pool, it’s
 superior results are discovering the sad,               quickly evaporating into a talent puddle.
 surprising truth -- there’s not enough talent in
 talent management.                                      The Opportunity of a Lifetime
                                                            One of the most troubling aspects of this TM
 Talent Pool or Talent Puddle?                           talent shortage is that we’re currently blessed with
    A compelling metric of this talent shortage          a once in a lifetime opportunity. Executives are
 comes from those closest to the market. If you          looking to HR and TM to deliver the leaders they
 speak with leaders in the largest executive search      need. If we achieve this goal, we offer the hope of

Talent Pool or Talent Puddle?                                                                             1
redeeming HR’s increasingly tattered reputation         true business partner whose contribution to the
by producing something that executives truly            business is clearly visible on the balance sheet.
value – more great leaders. While line managers
might not embrace HR staples like compensation             First, let’s be transparent about our challenges.
matrices and interview training, they’ll put a bear     We emerged from the soft side of a soft
hug around anything that helps them create a            profession. Most of us in TM come from training,
high performing team. If we do our job well, TM         organization development, leadership develop-
can single-handedly change HR’s seat at the table       ment and other fields not traditionally known for
from a high-chair to an arm chair.                      having a hard business “edge.” Few of us have had
                                                        accountability for a balance sheet or been
   Success will also establish us as the driver of      responsible to make a payroll. We haven’t always
the talent engine within our companies. We will         been as knowledgeable about business in general
shift our reputation from being the provider of         as we should have been. We don’t always feel a
assessments and tools to being the trusted advisor      burning passion for the commercial realities of
on the most important talent decisions. Most            our organizations.
importantly, we will accomplish what most of us
seek from this profession – a                                                        We haven’t integrated
meaningful, positive impact                                                       HR processes in a way that
                                   “Our risk is as       large as our
on business results.                                                              truly    maximizes     their
                                    opportunity. Failure to deliver               potential to build talent.
    Our risk is as large as our                                                   Our solutions have been
opportunity. Failure to de-                  will be seen by our                  criticized      as       too
liver will be seen by our                                                         complicated      and     too
organizations as yet another
                                     organizations as yet another                 academic.     We’ve often
sign that HR doesn’t work.            sign that HR doesn’t work.”                 insisted     that     those
TM will be dismissed as                                                           solutions, even if rejected
another HR fad, another                                                           by our customers, were still
failed quick fix brought to you by those folks who the “right” ones. Overall, we haven’t consistently
just don’t seem to get the business. With the proven to our organizations that we add the value
debate about HR’s long-term value as a function we know is possible.
still raging, this would signal victory for those who
feel that blowing up HR is the best solution.              It’s a healthy list of challenges and overcoming
                                                        them requires making some fundamental and
Making it Work                                          difficult changes in who we are and what we do. If
    Here’s the good news – it ain’t over yet. While our hopes for talent management as a profession,
we do have a shovel in our hands, the hole’s not and for ourselves as practitioners, are to succeed,
very deep yet. We still have a chance to achieve we must:
the true potential of this field if we make some • Elevate Practitioner Quality: We must
substantial changes, quickly. The solutions                 improve our capabilities and business
suggested below aren’t intended to be simple, fast          orientation, injecting an operations mentality
or popular with the TM and HR community.                    into our Talent Management practices. We
They’re intended to position us for long-term               must fall in love with business. We must teach
success as the preeminent group within HR – the             others to do the same.

Talent Pool or Talent Puddle?                                                                              2
•   Simplify our Work: We must radically                         strategy models.
    simplify and simultaneously add value to the             o   More MBAs: It’s possible to learn
    work we do. This means challenging every                     business fundamentals in many ways, but
    convention about how talent processes should                 the MBA still provides the most broad-
    be designed and, in many cases, starting from                based knowledge of how business works.
    scratch.                                                     The rigorous business thinking and
•   Define the Field: We must define the                         analytical skills that help engender love of
    boundaries of what we do, staking claim to                   the business are also most easily gained
    those areas of HR where we have the greatest                 through this course of study. This rigor is
    potential impact. We can’t start improving the               essential in evaluating the true business
    quality of what we do until we agree on exactly              impact of, and need for, TM processes. It
    what it is.                                                  also instills a discipline and toughness that
                                                                 helps in making the difficult calls and
Elevate Practitioner Quality                                     trade-offs that ultimately create a top
    The most difficult challenge we face is elevating            company for leaders.
the quality and capabilities of those who do this            o   More Line Managers: Even if we need
work. Declaring that we must elevate practitioner                to pay a 50% premium to get them, we
quality isn’t intended to disparage anyone in TM.                need to attract more line managers into
So let’s start by stipulating that everyone in our               this field. We may only get them for a
field has good intentions, are good people and                   temporary assignment, but even a year or
genuinely have the best interests of the business                two in this area will deliver a bracing dose
at heart. With that said, the facts still suggest that           of reality into many TM practices. After
there are meaningful gaps between what many                      their experiences, these line managers will
Talent Management practitioners offer and what                   also be great ambassadors of TM within
our businesses need. We can largely close these                  their organizations.
gaps if we know business, love business and have
a production mindset to building leaders.                •   Love the Business: We should be fascinated
                                                             by, and have a deep and unabiding curiosity
•   Know the Business: We must understand                    about, business and how it works. We should
    the financial, operational and strategic                 love how a new product is created, the selling
    realities of business and our organization’s             process, the journey from raw material to
    business. We should be able to speak to the              finished product and the constant struggle to
    challenges and opportunities in our business             keep the customer satisfied. It’s a highly
    environment with as much fact-based                      intangible thing but one that can only help TM
    knowledge as any other business leader at the            professionals’ effectiveness. Call it passion for
    table. How do we get there?                              business or intellectual curiosity or any other
    o Basic Business Literacy: At a                          label that works for you, but acknowledge that
        minimum, everyone in TM should have a                it’s a rare quality in this field.
        degree of business literacy that includes
        the ability to understand company                        We can select for passion through a great
        financial statements, the basics of how a            interview process, but it’s tough to say how we
        good or service is produced and an                   inspire this in others. One step might simply
        operative knowledge of one of the classic            be thoroughly exposing those entering this

Talent Pool or Talent Puddle?                                                                              3
field to the core business processes. On-          Simplify our Work
    boarding programs could go beyond a surface            No less a challenge than changing ourselves is
    knowledge of the business and instead require      changing our approach to designing and
    that time be spent learning key organization       implementing TM practices. One can barely
    processes. How much more successful would          identify what the core objectives are in much of
    a new TM practitioner be if her orientation        the TM work being done today. We give our
    included a week in your R & D center, a week       clients complicated selection processes, com-
    working on a new marketing campaign, a             petency models that proscribe in nit level detail
    week in your factory and a week with your          exactly what managers should do and
    sales force? That month-long investment            performance management processes that stretch
    would likely provide a more sound foundation       to multiple pages.
    and do more to inspire passion than anything
    you do today.                                       When these practices don’t work, it’s blamed
                                                     on lack of support from the business. We roll our
•   Take A Production Mindset to Building eyes and wonder when they’ll “get it,” while our
    Leaders: The TM role is                                                  managers sit in their
    often seen as a craftsman                                                offices wondering the same
    – an individual tasked             “Here’s where things get              thing about us. Research,
    with helping each leader          tough. To start, we must               practice      and    common
    achieve their ultimate                                                   sense tell us that TM
    potential.     So it’s a       forget most of what we know               practices are only effective
    challenging thought to                                                   if     they’re    successfully
    many in our field that we      about creating TM processes.” implemented. So we must
    should treat producing                                                   focus on designing our
    leaders like producing                                                   processes with successful
    widgets. The reality is that TM is a production implementation by managers as a primary goal.
    job. We are responsible to turn out a specific
    number of leaders over a specific period of         We can achieve this by making two
    time with a specific set of capabilities. We are fundamental changes:
    no different than a plant manager. Our
    responsibility is to deliver the most powerful • Radically Simplify our Processes: If
    element for the production of the goods or           implementation is the key to successful
    services in our company – qualified leaders.         outcomes, then making processes simple is the
                                                         key to successful implementation. Most
       This doesn’t mean that we don’t produce           managers will gladly use any HR tool or
    larger individual or societal benefits from this     process that delivers more value than the
    process. Creating highly skilled, self-aware,        effort required to use it. If we can redesign our
    talent building leaders has a multiplier effect      processes to always meet this value/effort
    that can meaningfully impact their families,         balance, we will see a marked increase in the
    their communities and society. It is important       effectiveness of our services. How do we get
    to realize that this is a wonderful ancillary        there?
    benefit – not our primary goal.
                                                            Here’s where things get tough. To start, we

Talent Pool or Talent Puddle?                                                                           4
must forget most of what we know about                 we need to approach the design and
   creating TM processes. This is tough because           implementation of any process by asking the
   many of us have spent a lifetime acquiring             fundamental question, “What is the essential
   knowledge and capabilities to achieve “expert”         business goal of this process?” We then need
   status in our field.       Besides our own             to start with a blank slate and an open mind
   experiences, we’ve worked hard to gain that            and design the simplest possible process
   expert knowledge through consultants,                  that uses the least amount of
   academicians and peers. We attend the                  information necessary to achieve those
   conferences, read the books and listen to the          results.
   speakers. We like to feel that we know the
   “best practices” in our area fairly well. But      We started using that exact approach at
   “best practices” according to who? Where is    Avon to redesign every talent process (i.e.
   the foundation, where are the facts, that justify
                                                  performance      management,     development
   how we design and implement TM practices?      planning, engagement survey) we had at Avon.
                                                                     We started calling this
        While there is signi-                                        approach “One Page Talent
   ficant research support-     “We need to start with a blank Management” because we
   ing what we do (i.e.          slate and an open mind and          typically found that we
   assessment and feed-                                              could fit the essential
   back, coaching, perfor-     design the simplest possible material on just one page.
   mance      management),                                           We applied this approach
   there is no evidence         process that uses the least to creating new processes
   supporting the compli-                                            for performance manage-
                                  amount of information”
   cated way in which we do                                          ment, development plan-
   it. Where is the evidence                                         ning and talent reviews,
   that a competency model                                           and in developing a new
   with 8 headings and 15 descriptions under      leadership capability model. Our success
   each helps anyone? Or that a goal setting      metrics were the only ones that mattered –
   process involving anything more than just      managers successfully using these tools. We
   listing a goal and a metric improves the       were gratified that not only were Avon’s
   outcome? Or that providing 360° feedback on    managers using the tools, they were thanking
   every possible leadership behavior actually    us for creating them and making them simple
   helps to change any leadership behavior?       to use.

       We have become so self-referential as a         Add Value to Each Practice: Taking work out
   field that we are now all equally smart (or         of complex processes is one approach to
   equally dumb) about how to do this work. We         improving TM effectiveness. Adding additional
   don’t challenge the fundamental assumptions         value to each practice is another. As an example,
   about the effectiveness of these practices. We      at Avon we applied our One Page Talent
   don’t ask, “Is there a radically different way to   Management approach to both our new
   do this that would deliver better results?”         engagement survey and our new 360 assessment
                                                       process. Both of these processes tend to present
       To achieve the value from TM practices,         managers with overwhelming and complex

Talent Pool or Talent Puddle?                                                                        5
Focus On: One Page Talent Management
    Implementation is the key to success and simple processes are the key to implementation. Here’s how we applied the
           One Page Talent Management approach during the design of our Performance Management process

                                         Identify the core business goal

                     Ensure each associate understands their goals and is fairly evaluated at year end

                                Identify the simplest process to achieve that

                                            Manager tells associate their goals

                     Add complexity to the process only if it adds significant value

       •   Document goals to allow managers and associates to clearly remember them 
       •   Add a metric for each goal to ensure fair measurement 
       •   Include a weighting for each goal for a precise measurement of overall performance 
           (Why: implies false precision in the ability to evaluate achievement, removes managerial discretion, suggests
           formulaic approach to rating)
       •   Include labels for performance definitions, i.e. Strong Performer, Met Goals 
           (Why: adds no value, requires additional interpretation step, gives managers “crutch” to avoid tough

information, unsupported by any practical advice               page. Managers at Avon are now held account-
about what to do next.           In crafting our               able to increase their survey scores by a set
engagement survey report, we wanted to add                     percent each year – an objective hard-wired into
value for managers without adding complexity.                  every VP and General Manager’s performance
We thought that if we could “pre-analyze” each                 plan.
manager’s survey for them, providing them with
specific advice about what to do, the survey would                Returning to the underlying proposition that
quickly become a useful tool.                                  implementation is the key to success, anything we
                                                               can do that simplifies a manager’s ability to
    Our “one page” solution provided managers                  implement makes us more effective.
with the essential information about their group’s
survey results, including exactly which actions                Define the Field
they could take to improve scores next year. The                  Finally, we need to establish the boundaries of
latter was accomplished through a proprietary                  our role in organizations. Our field is emerging
algorithm that identified which questions were the             without direction, without a common definition of
significant drivers of engagement for each                     what we do. Today, TM professionals might own
individual. Since almost every question was                    any combination of talent reviews, succession
written in a way that suggested the activities                 planning, executive education, recruiting and
required to increase it (i.e. “my manager provides             coaching,    with    performance     management,
me     with   frequent      feedback  about    my              employee engagement and training often in the
performance”), increasing engagement scores was                mix as well. Some focus exclusively on the “top
as easy as doing exactly what was said on that                 100” as defined in their organization; others have

Talent Pool or Talent Puddle?                                                                                              6
accountability down to the supervisory level.              is to address those vital few things that are
                                                           missing – business knowledge and passion, a
   The sooner we identify the key practices,               production mindset and a commitment to
processes and outcomes we want to own, the                 simplicity. If we can successfully change how we
faster we’ll be able to start instituting the              do Talent Management, the effectiveness of what
improvements detailed above. A clearer defini-             we do will dramatically increase.
tion will also help dispel the image of TM as
simply a re-labeling of HR, the next step after               The good news is that we own this challenge
“Personnel.” This clarification can happen in              and we control our future. If we set higher
many ways, from the laissez-faire (it naturally            standards for ourselves and our teams, push down
emerges over time based on common practice) to             our egos just a bit to consider new ideas and hold
the highly structured (a professional organization         ourselves accountable for the success or failure of
like Human Resource Planning Society or Society            TM practices, we will move this profession to
for Human Resource Management (SHRM)                       where it needs to be. And, if we can’t do that,
defines it for us).                                        maybe what they’re saying about HR is true.

   Another option is that we – the people who
actually do this work – use our own formal and             Marc Effron is President of The Talent Strategy
informal networks to agree on a rough definition           Group. He is consultant, researcher and speaker on
                                                           human resource and talent issues. He can be reached
of Talent Management. Through networking tools
like Linked-In™, we can establish a network of
TM professionals that can work collaboratively to          Miriam Ort is Senior Manager, Human Resources
get this done. This network might even evolve into         for PepsiCo in Purchase, NY. She can be reached at
a more formal organization for our field, much   
like SHRM serves HR generalists and World at
Work focuses on compensation and benefits                  Marc and Miriam are the authors of One Page Talent
                                                           Management: Eliminating Complexity, Adding Value
                                                           (Harvard Business Press, 2010).

    The bottom line is that until we agree on what
it is we do, it will be difficult to achieve significant   This article is also available in edited form in The AMA
improvements.                                              Handbook of Leadership by Marshall Goldsmith , John
                                                           Baldoni and Sarah McArthur.
Taking Charge
   While there’s not enough talent in talent
management, we have the opportunity to both
solve that issue and elevate this field to its rightful
position in organizations. We know from our
experience that when what we do works, the
positive impact on individuals and companies
exceeds any other organizational lever.            We
already possess many of the capabilities we need
to succeed.      We are a well-educated, well-
intentioned and experienced group. Our challenge

Talent Pool or Talent Puddle?                                                                                   7

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Talent puddle article v5

  • 1. Talent Pool or Talent Puddle: Where’s the Talent in Talent Management? by Marc Effron and Miriam Ort
  • 2. The new corporate focus on talent issues could dramatically increase the impact and influence of Talent Management. Are we letting that opportunity slip through our hands? These should be heady times for those in firms you’ll hear an amazingly similar refrain, Talent Management. CEOs fueled by Good to “There are very few people in this field to begin Great dreams are increasing their investment in with and nearly none that we consider world-class building leaders. Companies fighting increased talent.” Or stated another way by the head of the competition from China and India are recognizing HR search practice at one of the big three firms, that great talent is their only competitive “There are really only 8 people in this field who advantage. Individual leaders are realizing that are any good.” Imagine that comment being made continually growing their capabilities is the only about Finance, Marketing or any other function! sure path to success. With talent issues like these dominating the agendas of nearly every Another metric is the lack of “talent factories” organization, Talent Management (TM) for talent management. With the notable practitioners should be the new corporate “rock exception of organizations like Bank of America, stars.” Pepsi and GE, there are almost no companies known for their ability to produce great Instead, this enhanced focus on talent building professionals in this field. Alumni from has produced an ironic result. After years spent organizations like these are planting the seeds in begging to be put in the game, many players in their new firms, but growing great TM talent takes TM are underperforming on the field. Their time. Although few would acknowledge it, the promises to build leaders more quickly and sheer lack of success building great TM practices effectively, if only given the chance, are showing in most companies, as judged anecdotally by the little effect. Their practices still reflect the same stories, presentations and complaints of TM bloated, impractical approaches that have long practitioners themselves, shows that even TM caused line managers’ eyes to roll. Companies admits it’s not getting the job done. Now that expecting their TM professionals to deliver heat is being applied to the TM talent pool, it’s superior results are discovering the sad, quickly evaporating into a talent puddle. surprising truth -- there’s not enough talent in talent management. The Opportunity of a Lifetime One of the most troubling aspects of this TM Talent Pool or Talent Puddle? talent shortage is that we’re currently blessed with A compelling metric of this talent shortage a once in a lifetime opportunity. Executives are comes from those closest to the market. If you looking to HR and TM to deliver the leaders they speak with leaders in the largest executive search need. If we achieve this goal, we offer the hope of Talent Pool or Talent Puddle? 1
  • 3. redeeming HR’s increasingly tattered reputation true business partner whose contribution to the by producing something that executives truly business is clearly visible on the balance sheet. value – more great leaders. While line managers might not embrace HR staples like compensation First, let’s be transparent about our challenges. matrices and interview training, they’ll put a bear We emerged from the soft side of a soft hug around anything that helps them create a profession. Most of us in TM come from training, high performing team. If we do our job well, TM organization development, leadership develop- can single-handedly change HR’s seat at the table ment and other fields not traditionally known for from a high-chair to an arm chair. having a hard business “edge.” Few of us have had accountability for a balance sheet or been Success will also establish us as the driver of responsible to make a payroll. We haven’t always the talent engine within our companies. We will been as knowledgeable about business in general shift our reputation from being the provider of as we should have been. We don’t always feel a assessments and tools to being the trusted advisor burning passion for the commercial realities of on the most important talent decisions. Most our organizations. importantly, we will accomplish what most of us seek from this profession – a We haven’t integrated meaningful, positive impact HR processes in a way that “Our risk is as large as our on business results. truly maximizes their opportunity. Failure to deliver potential to build talent. Our risk is as large as our Our solutions have been opportunity. Failure to de- will be seen by our criticized as too liver will be seen by our complicated and too organizations as yet another organizations as yet another academic. We’ve often sign that HR doesn’t work. sign that HR doesn’t work.” insisted that those TM will be dismissed as solutions, even if rejected another HR fad, another by our customers, were still failed quick fix brought to you by those folks who the “right” ones. Overall, we haven’t consistently just don’t seem to get the business. With the proven to our organizations that we add the value debate about HR’s long-term value as a function we know is possible. still raging, this would signal victory for those who feel that blowing up HR is the best solution. It’s a healthy list of challenges and overcoming them requires making some fundamental and Making it Work difficult changes in who we are and what we do. If Here’s the good news – it ain’t over yet. While our hopes for talent management as a profession, we do have a shovel in our hands, the hole’s not and for ourselves as practitioners, are to succeed, very deep yet. We still have a chance to achieve we must: the true potential of this field if we make some • Elevate Practitioner Quality: We must substantial changes, quickly. The solutions improve our capabilities and business suggested below aren’t intended to be simple, fast orientation, injecting an operations mentality or popular with the TM and HR community. into our Talent Management practices. We They’re intended to position us for long-term must fall in love with business. We must teach success as the preeminent group within HR – the others to do the same. Talent Pool or Talent Puddle? 2
  • 4. Simplify our Work: We must radically strategy models. simplify and simultaneously add value to the o More MBAs: It’s possible to learn work we do. This means challenging every business fundamentals in many ways, but convention about how talent processes should the MBA still provides the most broad- be designed and, in many cases, starting from based knowledge of how business works. scratch. The rigorous business thinking and • Define the Field: We must define the analytical skills that help engender love of boundaries of what we do, staking claim to the business are also most easily gained those areas of HR where we have the greatest through this course of study. This rigor is potential impact. We can’t start improving the essential in evaluating the true business quality of what we do until we agree on exactly impact of, and need for, TM processes. It what it is. also instills a discipline and toughness that helps in making the difficult calls and Elevate Practitioner Quality trade-offs that ultimately create a top The most difficult challenge we face is elevating company for leaders. the quality and capabilities of those who do this o More Line Managers: Even if we need work. Declaring that we must elevate practitioner to pay a 50% premium to get them, we quality isn’t intended to disparage anyone in TM. need to attract more line managers into So let’s start by stipulating that everyone in our this field. We may only get them for a field has good intentions, are good people and temporary assignment, but even a year or genuinely have the best interests of the business two in this area will deliver a bracing dose at heart. With that said, the facts still suggest that of reality into many TM practices. After there are meaningful gaps between what many their experiences, these line managers will Talent Management practitioners offer and what also be great ambassadors of TM within our businesses need. We can largely close these their organizations. gaps if we know business, love business and have a production mindset to building leaders. • Love the Business: We should be fascinated by, and have a deep and unabiding curiosity • Know the Business: We must understand about, business and how it works. We should the financial, operational and strategic love how a new product is created, the selling realities of business and our organization’s process, the journey from raw material to business. We should be able to speak to the finished product and the constant struggle to challenges and opportunities in our business keep the customer satisfied. It’s a highly environment with as much fact-based intangible thing but one that can only help TM knowledge as any other business leader at the professionals’ effectiveness. Call it passion for table. How do we get there? business or intellectual curiosity or any other o Basic Business Literacy: At a label that works for you, but acknowledge that minimum, everyone in TM should have a it’s a rare quality in this field. degree of business literacy that includes the ability to understand company We can select for passion through a great financial statements, the basics of how a interview process, but it’s tough to say how we good or service is produced and an inspire this in others. One step might simply operative knowledge of one of the classic be thoroughly exposing those entering this Talent Pool or Talent Puddle? 3
  • 5. field to the core business processes. On- Simplify our Work boarding programs could go beyond a surface No less a challenge than changing ourselves is knowledge of the business and instead require changing our approach to designing and that time be spent learning key organization implementing TM practices. One can barely processes. How much more successful would identify what the core objectives are in much of a new TM practitioner be if her orientation the TM work being done today. We give our included a week in your R & D center, a week clients complicated selection processes, com- working on a new marketing campaign, a petency models that proscribe in nit level detail week in your factory and a week with your exactly what managers should do and sales force? That month-long investment performance management processes that stretch would likely provide a more sound foundation to multiple pages. and do more to inspire passion than anything you do today. When these practices don’t work, it’s blamed on lack of support from the business. We roll our • Take A Production Mindset to Building eyes and wonder when they’ll “get it,” while our Leaders: The TM role is managers sit in their often seen as a craftsman offices wondering the same – an individual tasked “Here’s where things get thing about us. Research, with helping each leader tough. To start, we must practice and common achieve their ultimate sense tell us that TM potential. So it’s a forget most of what we know practices are only effective challenging thought to if they’re successfully many in our field that we about creating TM processes.” implemented. So we must should treat producing focus on designing our leaders like producing processes with successful widgets. The reality is that TM is a production implementation by managers as a primary goal. job. We are responsible to turn out a specific number of leaders over a specific period of We can achieve this by making two time with a specific set of capabilities. We are fundamental changes: no different than a plant manager. Our responsibility is to deliver the most powerful • Radically Simplify our Processes: If element for the production of the goods or implementation is the key to successful services in our company – qualified leaders. outcomes, then making processes simple is the key to successful implementation. Most This doesn’t mean that we don’t produce managers will gladly use any HR tool or larger individual or societal benefits from this process that delivers more value than the process. Creating highly skilled, self-aware, effort required to use it. If we can redesign our talent building leaders has a multiplier effect processes to always meet this value/effort that can meaningfully impact their families, balance, we will see a marked increase in the their communities and society. It is important effectiveness of our services. How do we get to realize that this is a wonderful ancillary there? benefit – not our primary goal. Here’s where things get tough. To start, we Talent Pool or Talent Puddle? 4
  • 6. must forget most of what we know about we need to approach the design and creating TM processes. This is tough because implementation of any process by asking the many of us have spent a lifetime acquiring fundamental question, “What is the essential knowledge and capabilities to achieve “expert” business goal of this process?” We then need status in our field. Besides our own to start with a blank slate and an open mind experiences, we’ve worked hard to gain that and design the simplest possible process expert knowledge through consultants, that uses the least amount of academicians and peers. We attend the information necessary to achieve those conferences, read the books and listen to the results. speakers. We like to feel that we know the “best practices” in our area fairly well. But We started using that exact approach at “best practices” according to who? Where is Avon to redesign every talent process (i.e. the foundation, where are the facts, that justify performance management, development how we design and implement TM practices? planning, engagement survey) we had at Avon. We started calling this While there is signi- approach “One Page Talent ficant research support- “We need to start with a blank Management” because we ing what we do (i.e. slate and an open mind and typically found that we assessment and feed- could fit the essential back, coaching, perfor- design the simplest possible material on just one page. mance management), We applied this approach there is no evidence process that uses the least to creating new processes supporting the compli- for performance manage- amount of information” cated way in which we do ment, development plan- it. Where is the evidence ning and talent reviews, that a competency model and in developing a new with 8 headings and 15 descriptions under leadership capability model. Our success each helps anyone? Or that a goal setting metrics were the only ones that mattered – process involving anything more than just managers successfully using these tools. We listing a goal and a metric improves the were gratified that not only were Avon’s outcome? Or that providing 360° feedback on managers using the tools, they were thanking every possible leadership behavior actually us for creating them and making them simple helps to change any leadership behavior? to use. We have become so self-referential as a Add Value to Each Practice: Taking work out field that we are now all equally smart (or of complex processes is one approach to equally dumb) about how to do this work. We improving TM effectiveness. Adding additional don’t challenge the fundamental assumptions value to each practice is another. As an example, about the effectiveness of these practices. We at Avon we applied our One Page Talent don’t ask, “Is there a radically different way to Management approach to both our new do this that would deliver better results?” engagement survey and our new 360 assessment process. Both of these processes tend to present To achieve the value from TM practices, managers with overwhelming and complex Talent Pool or Talent Puddle? 5
  • 7. Focus On: One Page Talent Management Implementation is the key to success and simple processes are the key to implementation. Here’s how we applied the One Page Talent Management approach during the design of our Performance Management process Identify the core business goal Ensure each associate understands their goals and is fairly evaluated at year end Identify the simplest process to achieve that Manager tells associate their goals Add complexity to the process only if it adds significant value • Document goals to allow managers and associates to clearly remember them  • Add a metric for each goal to ensure fair measurement  • Include a weighting for each goal for a precise measurement of overall performance  (Why: implies false precision in the ability to evaluate achievement, removes managerial discretion, suggests formulaic approach to rating) • Include labels for performance definitions, i.e. Strong Performer, Met Goals  (Why: adds no value, requires additional interpretation step, gives managers “crutch” to avoid tough conversations) information, unsupported by any practical advice page. Managers at Avon are now held account- about what to do next. In crafting our able to increase their survey scores by a set engagement survey report, we wanted to add percent each year – an objective hard-wired into value for managers without adding complexity. every VP and General Manager’s performance We thought that if we could “pre-analyze” each plan. manager’s survey for them, providing them with specific advice about what to do, the survey would Returning to the underlying proposition that quickly become a useful tool. implementation is the key to success, anything we can do that simplifies a manager’s ability to Our “one page” solution provided managers implement makes us more effective. with the essential information about their group’s survey results, including exactly which actions Define the Field they could take to improve scores next year. The Finally, we need to establish the boundaries of latter was accomplished through a proprietary our role in organizations. Our field is emerging algorithm that identified which questions were the without direction, without a common definition of significant drivers of engagement for each what we do. Today, TM professionals might own individual. Since almost every question was any combination of talent reviews, succession written in a way that suggested the activities planning, executive education, recruiting and required to increase it (i.e. “my manager provides coaching, with performance management, me with frequent feedback about my employee engagement and training often in the performance”), increasing engagement scores was mix as well. Some focus exclusively on the “top as easy as doing exactly what was said on that 100” as defined in their organization; others have Talent Pool or Talent Puddle? 6
  • 8. accountability down to the supervisory level. is to address those vital few things that are missing – business knowledge and passion, a The sooner we identify the key practices, production mindset and a commitment to processes and outcomes we want to own, the simplicity. If we can successfully change how we faster we’ll be able to start instituting the do Talent Management, the effectiveness of what improvements detailed above. A clearer defini- we do will dramatically increase. tion will also help dispel the image of TM as simply a re-labeling of HR, the next step after The good news is that we own this challenge “Personnel.” This clarification can happen in and we control our future. If we set higher many ways, from the laissez-faire (it naturally standards for ourselves and our teams, push down emerges over time based on common practice) to our egos just a bit to consider new ideas and hold the highly structured (a professional organization ourselves accountable for the success or failure of like Human Resource Planning Society or Society TM practices, we will move this profession to for Human Resource Management (SHRM) where it needs to be. And, if we can’t do that, defines it for us). maybe what they’re saying about HR is true. Another option is that we – the people who actually do this work – use our own formal and Marc Effron is President of The Talent Strategy informal networks to agree on a rough definition Group. He is consultant, researcher and speaker on human resource and talent issues. He can be reached of Talent Management. Through networking tools at like Linked-In™, we can establish a network of TM professionals that can work collaboratively to Miriam Ort is Senior Manager, Human Resources get this done. This network might even evolve into for PepsiCo in Purchase, NY. She can be reached at a more formal organization for our field, much like SHRM serves HR generalists and World at Work focuses on compensation and benefits Marc and Miriam are the authors of One Page Talent Management: Eliminating Complexity, Adding Value leaders. (Harvard Business Press, 2010). The bottom line is that until we agree on what it is we do, it will be difficult to achieve significant This article is also available in edited form in The AMA improvements. Handbook of Leadership by Marshall Goldsmith , John Baldoni and Sarah McArthur. Taking Charge While there’s not enough talent in talent management, we have the opportunity to both solve that issue and elevate this field to its rightful position in organizations. We know from our experience that when what we do works, the positive impact on individuals and companies exceeds any other organizational lever. We already possess many of the capabilities we need to succeed. We are a well-educated, well- intentioned and experienced group. Our challenge Talent Pool or Talent Puddle? 7