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SECTION I ■ The concept catches on

                                     what the

                                     future holds
                                                                                         ■   BY MOHINISH SINHA

                                                                                                     n IT organization that I consulted for recently was

                                                                                         A           surprised by the sudden rise in employee attrition
                                                                                                     rates. When they examined the reasons, they came up
                                                                                                     with the usual "suspects" e.g. better salary, poor levels
                                                                                                     of engagement with work, going for higher education
                                                                                         etc. But then they also came across instances, mind you, very
                                                                                         few instances, of some of the employees leaving to change
                                                                                         tracks in career for e.g. one programmer who was tired of the
                                                                                         routine programming work, now wanted to chase his dreams of
                                                                                         becoming an entrepreneur; another employee was leaving to
                                                                                         take a break and travel the world.
                                                                                             It is easy to ignore these cases and treat them as isolated.
                                                                                         The HR team in this company, however, refused to treat these
                                                                                         outlier examples as minor ones, and took it upon themselves to
                                                                                         investigate this "desire to do something different" in the existing
                                                                                         employees. They were rather surprised by the high prevalence
                                                                                         of this desire in the current workforce. Fast forwarding to the
                                                                                         end of this story, the company came up with an innovative
                                                                                         career rotation policy that saw many takers. This went on to
                                                                                         become one of the most highly valued policies by the workforce.
                                                                                             What's the point of this story? Two points, really. One, that
                                                                                         the clue to the future is hidden possibly in the outlier of the
Is your organization geared                                                              present, and one has to be patient enough to look for it and,
                                                                                         two, have the orientation to examine it and courage enough to
to evolve as year 2020's                                                                 act on it. These two points together form the elements of
                                                                                         learning orientation - though this may not be the most complete
quintessential organization?                                                             definition of it. The HR function in this example demonstrated
.....................................................................................●   a learning orientation.

16    ■   June 2011                                                                                            ■
The learning organization                    bicycle or project management or           standards. Learners tend to mimic
Now picture this: What if everyone           the best way to retain employees.          prevalent ways of the organization
in your organization acted this way?         The process is cyclical. It moves from     when they make such choices.
How would you react? Would you               ‘observation’, to building a ‘concept’,    Today's managers, business heads,
feel: excited, cynical, afraid?              to initiating an ‘action’, followed by     OD/learning heads and CXOs are
Theorists and practitioners argue            ‘experiencing’ the act by way of           sometimes unaware of this practice
that whether you like it or not, if the      feelings, leading back to ‘observation’,   in the workforce. What about
rate of learning of your organization        and so on. The learner goes through        tomorrow? Learners dropping off
and its members is faster than its           the learning process as long as he         early in the learning journey and not
competitors or (more importantly)            wants, improving his capabilities          sticking through is the equivalent of
than the rate of change in its               each time he completes the loop.           leaving "money on the table". What
environment, your organization is                The learning process varies from       can managers / business heads and
more likely to be consistently               individual to individual. Some             HR do? Essentially, two things:
successful and hence sustainable. An         learners stop going through the            1. One, become a role model.
organization that operates like this is      learning process earlier, some later       Demonstrate their own learning
referred to as the learning                  and some, almost never. The                orientation of being lifelong learners,
organization.                                learners' decision to stop is critical     of willing to make mistakes or fail in
    Let us go back to the story above.       from the organization's point of view.     order to succeed later.
What if the career rotation policy           In mediocre organizations, learners        2. Two, demand world class quality
mooted by HR did not work and                tend to stop when they feel that the       of work (mind you, different from
had no takers? It would be an utter          skills they have acquired are "good        just delivering organization's goals
failure, creating the perfect setting        enough" or worse, enough to get            and results) from everyone all
for the blame game, much finger              through the current problem                around. No issue is small enough to
pointing and cynicism in some                situation. Some quit when they             demonstrate this world class
organizations, resulting in people           perceive the process of gaining            orientation.
with closed minds unwilling to try           expertise as tough.
out new things.                                  Now, imagine what the                  The learning ecosystem
    Learning organizations, on the           organization can gain if every learner     Just tinkering with the learning
other hand, are never disheartened           stuck through the entire learning          process to help everyone practice is
by the failures. In fact they anticipate     process to deliver world class             not enough. Organizations need to
them and prepare and
plan accordingly. World
class companies, for
example, actually look for
high failure rates in new
product development as
a sign so that the
optimum effort goes into
creating the most future
ready products. In fact
companies thrive on this
opportunity to improve
their product, testing its
failure earlier rather than
later.     World       class
companies demonstrate
innovation by minimizing
the time from concept, to
prototyping to market.

The learning process
When a learner engages
in the process of learning,
he demonstrates a
learning orientation. The
learning process typically
proceeds in a similar way
regardless of what you are
trying to learn - riding a

            ■                                                                     June 2011   ■   17
SECTION I ■ The concept catches on

                                              create an enabling ecosystem to              up the opportunity for newer
                                              sustain the learning orientation in          perspectives. For example, in one
                                              every       member        within       the   organization I noticed that the
                                              organization. Here is an ecosystem           quarterly MIS report does not
                                              that, in my experience, has resulted         comprise of performance reports
                                              in high impact learning. While I see         alone; it also contains a collection of
                                              most of the elements of this                 reflective questions polled together
                                              ecosystem consistently in place in           by some of the colleagues ("What is
                                              many organizations today, I believe          the sales report not telling us for
                                              that all of these will become essential      sure?", "what should we be really
                                              for the learning organizations of            unhappy about in this result?")
                                              tomorrow.                                    c) The power of repetition. The
                                              a) The power of purpose and                  opportunity to practice of a skill
                                              intent. This tells the learner why he        repeatedly (technical, functional or
                                              is engaging in the learning process.         behavioural) helps make the skill
                                              When the learner takes ownership             natural to the learner. This is similar
                                              of this intent, he makes the extra           to the way one learns to drive a car
                                              effort to continue with the learning         through practicing the movements
                                              process no matter what. If there is          of the accelerator, brake and clutch,
                                              no ownership, he might quit when             until these actions become intuitive.
                                              he is bored or feels afraid of the           For example, one organization built
                                              learning process. To illustrate: One         a certification process to build
Director   ■   Hay Group                      organization focused on making sure          expertise in any function that
Mohinish's core expertise is in               that everyone was well versed with           institutionalized practice. Here, when
organization transformation, leadership       the organization's tenets of quality.        the learners practiced the skill for a
development and coaching & setting up         One particular production manager            specified number of hours, they
and assessing learning functions. He          felt that it was "unnecessary" for him       moved closer to certification for that
works with clients to identify and address    to go for this program as there were         skill.
their needs for organizational                very few quality issues related to his       d) The power of the whole mind. I
transformations, change, learning by          quota of production deliveries. To           am using the coinage of the noted
helping turn their business strategies into   convert him, the "trick" that helped         writer Daniel Pink. In his book "The
the results they desire. He is also a         was demonstrating that the "very few         Whole New Mind" he suggests that
leadership coach and has coached and          quality issues" was not acceptable           the senses of Design, Story,
facilitated hundreds of senior and top        and that a production manager has            Symphony, Empathy, Play and
management executives within India and        to completely eliminate all quality          Meaning are necessary for the
outside. Mohinish works with a variety of     issues.                                      complex world that emerges.
clients in sectors of Education, Oil & Gas,        I have observed that when a             Organizations are designed for the
Banking and Financial Services and IT. He     learner does take ownership of the           "left brain" that values logical,
has also worked extensively with the          right intent, he will not engage in the      analytical process over sensing,
government, public sector and UN              learning process passionately.               creativity etc. However, as the world
organizations, multinationals, Indian         Unfortunately, I have also seen that         becomes more and more complex,
family owned businesses and start ups.        organizations tend to pay very little        there is never enough precise data
Mohinish holds an MBA from XLRI               attention to the intent behind the           to make accurate sense of the
Jamshedpur and a graduate degree in           learning by way of setting                   situation or the issues and it is clear
Physics from Delhi University.                expectations with the learner.               that newer senses need to be
                                              Organizations of tomorrow will raise         employed by the workforce and
                                              this intent to go far beyond just            fostered by the organization.
                                              improvement, to a fundamental                e) The power of personalizing
                                              personal and organization purpose            knowledge. The learning of any
                                              level. Mutually exploring the long           subject within the organizational
                                              term purpose of the learner and then         context begins with an existing pool
                                              aligning the learning opportunities to       of knowledge that may be explicit or
                                              it is the way the future will roll out.      implicit. It is vital for the learner to
                                              The good news is that it is already          gather the available knowledge
                                              happening in pockets.                        through various sources such as
                                              b) The power of reflection.                  classroom         training,     books/
                                              Teaching learners to ask reflective          periodicals or through interviewing
                                              questions is a critical skill. It provokes   colleagues and then apply this newly
                                              fresh and original thinking, opening         acquired knowledge with what he

18   ■   June 2011                                                                  ■
■   June 2011   ■   19
SECTION I ■ The concept catches on

                                                    needs to accomplish at the                that it dissuades employees from
 Changing trends                                    workplace. This helps the person
                                                    critique his current know-how about
                                                                                              learning. One organization actually
                                                                                              hoped to encourage employees to
  in e-Learning                                     the subject and increases his desire      be creative and innovative, without
                                                    to acquire new knowledge.                 doing away with the "penalty for
E-learning has been around for many                 f) The power of communities of            failure" incentive scheme.
years now; however its importance in                practice. On-going sharing and            i) The power of a mentor. One of
India has increased tremendously in last            contributing via feedback and             my favorite questions I ask a client
two years given the huge demand for                 suggestions with a view to helping        is (I refer to cricket - but please feel
world-class talent across sectors. As               colleagues - individually or as a group   free to substitute "Batsman" with
India takes the centre stage in global              - helps create the right climate for      what works for you): If you were
business, there is a need for employees             learning. Organizations take              trying to become a top notch
to continually acquire new skills and               advantage of technology to help           batsman and you had one
raise the work standards to match up to             colleagues connect and collaborate,       opportunity to be trained by the
the dynamic business environment. E-                sometimes including suppliers and         master batsman, Sachin Tendulkar,
learning and training is touted to be the           customers in the process, virtually       would you prefer to have him as a
only solution that will pave the way for            using conferences, blogs, wikis. For      trainer in a classroom lecturing you
building India as the ‘Talent Destination           example, one technology-savvy             on the finer aspects of batting or
of the World’. Besides, it is the most              organization run its promos by its        have him stand with you at the nets,
efficient and cost effective mode to                community of practice and obtain          watching you bat and giving you
impart training in a diverse country like           vital feedback before sending it to       feedback on improving your game?
India with multiple office locations and            customers, thus strengthening the         Every time, people chose Sachin at
dispersed workforce that would                      offering significantly.                   the nets. In some sense, that is the
otherwise lack effectiveness of face to             g) The power of developing                power of the mentor or a coach to
face and personal contact.                          scalable programs. Organizations          a learner. One great example is
Drawing a parallel, e-learning can do               devise institutionalized learning         Mindtree, which leveraged its leader,
                                                    programs to address critical issues       Subroto Bagchi's talents and time,
wonders to the training sector in India
                                                    or opportunities (e.g. foundational       full time, to coach and mentor
the same way as BPO industry helped
                                                    technical program for new recruits).      colleagues in the organization.
shape the IT industry. The major
                                                    This signals the importance of the        Subroto Bagchi aptly saw himself as
advantage of e-learning is that it is self-
                                                    issue to the wider workforce.             a "gardener" of talent.
paced and learning is done at the
                                                    Further, organizations also realize           The year 2020 is already here in
learner’s pace. As low cost PCs and
                                                    that such programs are more               2011 - in dribs and drabs though.
broadband penetration become a reality,
                                                    effective when they are on-going and      But that's immaterial. What matters
more and more professionals would be
                                                    spread over a period of time rather       is that the workforce of tomorrow
interested in learning the e-way because
                                                    than as a one-time effort. Smart          will be very different from what exists
of flexibility it offers. Not only this, e-
                                                    organizations tend to customize such      today. For a start, a large part of the
learning also offers customized solutions
                                                    programs for their unique audience        workforce will have been born after
like serious game based learning, story
                                                    e.g. One pharma organization              the internet revolution in 1995. While
based learning, simulations, etc.
                                                    completely customized their sales         we have no experience with this
depending on the requirements.
                                                    development program to suit staff         group as yet, the little we know tells
With increased adoption of technology               whose familiarity with scientific and     us that their orientation will be very
with gadgets like tablets, smart phones,            medical language was low. This            different from what we are currently
etc., more and more youth entering the              company eventually developed this         used to. It is already clear that they
job market will be able to take advantage           program to such an extent that it         are more comfortable expressing
of elearning and align their skills to suit         effectively groomed "non-Pharma"          themselves online rather than face
their job roles making on boarding easier           sales people into making top-notch        to face. Consequently, they may be
and faster for employers. .This is what             pharma sales persons predictably.         more comfortable expressing
we need to create a ready lineup of                 h) The power of rewards,                  themselves in terms of "left brain"
young leaders that will define our                  recognition and incentives. A             as well as "right brain" etc.
country’s growth and progress in the                critical question facing the                  The challenge in the learning
longer term.                                        organization which, in my                 orientation where such a young
                                                    experience, rarely gets the attention     workforce co-exists with employees
By Rajesh Jumani, Executive Vice President &
                                                    it should, is this: Does the reward,      who joined the job market in the
Chief Marketing Officer, Tata Interactive Systems
                                                    recognition and incentive support the     late 1980's is obvious. With the right
                                                    learning behavior or obstruct it?         learning orientation, organizations
                                                    Strangely I have seen organizations       will be able to harmonize these
                                                    unwilling to change existing reward       diverse talents and build a very
                                                    programs even though they know            potent workforce.                    HC

20   ■   June 2011                                                                     ■

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Mohinish Sinha on Human Capital What 2020 holds

  • 1. SECTION I ■ The concept catches on what the future holds ■ BY MOHINISH SINHA n IT organization that I consulted for recently was A surprised by the sudden rise in employee attrition rates. When they examined the reasons, they came up with the usual "suspects" e.g. better salary, poor levels of engagement with work, going for higher education etc. But then they also came across instances, mind you, very few instances, of some of the employees leaving to change tracks in career for e.g. one programmer who was tired of the routine programming work, now wanted to chase his dreams of becoming an entrepreneur; another employee was leaving to take a break and travel the world. It is easy to ignore these cases and treat them as isolated. The HR team in this company, however, refused to treat these outlier examples as minor ones, and took it upon themselves to investigate this "desire to do something different" in the existing employees. They were rather surprised by the high prevalence of this desire in the current workforce. Fast forwarding to the end of this story, the company came up with an innovative career rotation policy that saw many takers. This went on to become one of the most highly valued policies by the workforce. .....................................................................................● What's the point of this story? Two points, really. One, that the clue to the future is hidden possibly in the outlier of the Is your organization geared present, and one has to be patient enough to look for it and, two, have the orientation to examine it and courage enough to to evolve as year 2020's act on it. These two points together form the elements of learning orientation - though this may not be the most complete quintessential organization? definition of it. The HR function in this example demonstrated .....................................................................................● a learning orientation. 16 ■ June 2011 ■
  • 2. The learning organization bicycle or project management or standards. Learners tend to mimic Now picture this: What if everyone the best way to retain employees. prevalent ways of the organization in your organization acted this way? The process is cyclical. It moves from when they make such choices. How would you react? Would you ‘observation’, to building a ‘concept’, Today's managers, business heads, feel: excited, cynical, afraid? to initiating an ‘action’, followed by OD/learning heads and CXOs are Theorists and practitioners argue ‘experiencing’ the act by way of sometimes unaware of this practice that whether you like it or not, if the feelings, leading back to ‘observation’, in the workforce. What about rate of learning of your organization and so on. The learner goes through tomorrow? Learners dropping off and its members is faster than its the learning process as long as he early in the learning journey and not competitors or (more importantly) wants, improving his capabilities sticking through is the equivalent of than the rate of change in its each time he completes the loop. leaving "money on the table". What environment, your organization is The learning process varies from can managers / business heads and more likely to be consistently individual to individual. Some HR do? Essentially, two things: successful and hence sustainable. An learners stop going through the 1. One, become a role model. organization that operates like this is learning process earlier, some later Demonstrate their own learning referred to as the learning and some, almost never. The orientation of being lifelong learners, organization. learners' decision to stop is critical of willing to make mistakes or fail in Let us go back to the story above. from the organization's point of view. order to succeed later. What if the career rotation policy In mediocre organizations, learners 2. Two, demand world class quality mooted by HR did not work and tend to stop when they feel that the of work (mind you, different from had no takers? It would be an utter skills they have acquired are "good just delivering organization's goals failure, creating the perfect setting enough" or worse, enough to get and results) from everyone all for the blame game, much finger through the current problem around. No issue is small enough to pointing and cynicism in some situation. Some quit when they demonstrate this world class organizations, resulting in people perceive the process of gaining orientation. with closed minds unwilling to try expertise as tough. out new things. Now, imagine what the The learning ecosystem Learning organizations, on the organization can gain if every learner Just tinkering with the learning other hand, are never disheartened stuck through the entire learning process to help everyone practice is by the failures. In fact they anticipate process to deliver world class not enough. Organizations need to them and prepare and plan accordingly. World class companies, for example, actually look for high failure rates in new product development as a sign so that the optimum effort goes into creating the most future ready products. In fact companies thrive on this opportunity to improve their product, testing its failure earlier rather than later. World class companies demonstrate innovation by minimizing the time from concept, to prototyping to market. The learning process When a learner engages in the process of learning, he demonstrates a learning orientation. The learning process typically proceeds in a similar way regardless of what you are trying to learn - riding a ■ June 2011 ■ 17
  • 3. SECTION I ■ The concept catches on create an enabling ecosystem to up the opportunity for newer sustain the learning orientation in perspectives. For example, in one every member within the organization I noticed that the organization. Here is an ecosystem quarterly MIS report does not that, in my experience, has resulted comprise of performance reports in high impact learning. While I see alone; it also contains a collection of most of the elements of this reflective questions polled together ecosystem consistently in place in by some of the colleagues ("What is many organizations today, I believe the sales report not telling us for that all of these will become essential sure?", "what should we be really for the learning organizations of unhappy about in this result?") tomorrow. c) The power of repetition. The a) The power of purpose and opportunity to practice of a skill intent. This tells the learner why he repeatedly (technical, functional or is engaging in the learning process. behavioural) helps make the skill When the learner takes ownership natural to the learner. This is similar of this intent, he makes the extra to the way one learns to drive a car effort to continue with the learning through practicing the movements process no matter what. If there is of the accelerator, brake and clutch, no ownership, he might quit when until these actions become intuitive. he is bored or feels afraid of the For example, one organization built MOHINISH SINHA learning process. To illustrate: One a certification process to build Director ■ Hay Group organization focused on making sure expertise in any function that Mohinish's core expertise is in that everyone was well versed with institutionalized practice. Here, when organization transformation, leadership the organization's tenets of quality. the learners practiced the skill for a development and coaching & setting up One particular production manager specified number of hours, they and assessing learning functions. He felt that it was "unnecessary" for him moved closer to certification for that works with clients to identify and address to go for this program as there were skill. their needs for organizational very few quality issues related to his d) The power of the whole mind. I transformations, change, learning by quota of production deliveries. To am using the coinage of the noted helping turn their business strategies into convert him, the "trick" that helped writer Daniel Pink. In his book "The the results they desire. He is also a was demonstrating that the "very few Whole New Mind" he suggests that leadership coach and has coached and quality issues" was not acceptable the senses of Design, Story, facilitated hundreds of senior and top and that a production manager has Symphony, Empathy, Play and management executives within India and to completely eliminate all quality Meaning are necessary for the outside. Mohinish works with a variety of issues. complex world that emerges. clients in sectors of Education, Oil & Gas, I have observed that when a Organizations are designed for the Banking and Financial Services and IT. He learner does take ownership of the "left brain" that values logical, has also worked extensively with the right intent, he will not engage in the analytical process over sensing, government, public sector and UN learning process passionately. creativity etc. However, as the world organizations, multinationals, Indian Unfortunately, I have also seen that becomes more and more complex, family owned businesses and start ups. organizations tend to pay very little there is never enough precise data Mohinish holds an MBA from XLRI attention to the intent behind the to make accurate sense of the Jamshedpur and a graduate degree in learning by way of setting situation or the issues and it is clear Physics from Delhi University. expectations with the learner. that newer senses need to be Organizations of tomorrow will raise employed by the workforce and this intent to go far beyond just fostered by the organization. improvement, to a fundamental e) The power of personalizing personal and organization purpose knowledge. The learning of any level. Mutually exploring the long subject within the organizational term purpose of the learner and then context begins with an existing pool aligning the learning opportunities to of knowledge that may be explicit or it is the way the future will roll out. implicit. It is vital for the learner to The good news is that it is already gather the available knowledge happening in pockets. through various sources such as b) The power of reflection. classroom training, books/ Teaching learners to ask reflective periodicals or through interviewing questions is a critical skill. It provokes colleagues and then apply this newly fresh and original thinking, opening acquired knowledge with what he 18 ■ June 2011 ■
  • 4. June 2011 ■ 19
  • 5. SECTION I ■ The concept catches on needs to accomplish at the that it dissuades employees from Changing trends workplace. This helps the person critique his current know-how about learning. One organization actually hoped to encourage employees to in e-Learning the subject and increases his desire be creative and innovative, without to acquire new knowledge. doing away with the "penalty for E-learning has been around for many f) The power of communities of failure" incentive scheme. years now; however its importance in practice. On-going sharing and i) The power of a mentor. One of India has increased tremendously in last contributing via feedback and my favorite questions I ask a client two years given the huge demand for suggestions with a view to helping is (I refer to cricket - but please feel world-class talent across sectors. As colleagues - individually or as a group free to substitute "Batsman" with India takes the centre stage in global - helps create the right climate for what works for you): If you were business, there is a need for employees learning. Organizations take trying to become a top notch to continually acquire new skills and advantage of technology to help batsman and you had one raise the work standards to match up to colleagues connect and collaborate, opportunity to be trained by the the dynamic business environment. E- sometimes including suppliers and master batsman, Sachin Tendulkar, learning and training is touted to be the customers in the process, virtually would you prefer to have him as a only solution that will pave the way for using conferences, blogs, wikis. For trainer in a classroom lecturing you building India as the ‘Talent Destination example, one technology-savvy on the finer aspects of batting or of the World’. Besides, it is the most organization run its promos by its have him stand with you at the nets, efficient and cost effective mode to community of practice and obtain watching you bat and giving you impart training in a diverse country like vital feedback before sending it to feedback on improving your game? India with multiple office locations and customers, thus strengthening the Every time, people chose Sachin at dispersed workforce that would offering significantly. the nets. In some sense, that is the otherwise lack effectiveness of face to g) The power of developing power of the mentor or a coach to face and personal contact. scalable programs. Organizations a learner. One great example is Drawing a parallel, e-learning can do devise institutionalized learning Mindtree, which leveraged its leader, programs to address critical issues Subroto Bagchi's talents and time, wonders to the training sector in India or opportunities (e.g. foundational full time, to coach and mentor the same way as BPO industry helped technical program for new recruits). colleagues in the organization. shape the IT industry. The major This signals the importance of the Subroto Bagchi aptly saw himself as advantage of e-learning is that it is self- issue to the wider workforce. a "gardener" of talent. paced and learning is done at the Further, organizations also realize The year 2020 is already here in learner’s pace. As low cost PCs and that such programs are more 2011 - in dribs and drabs though. broadband penetration become a reality, effective when they are on-going and But that's immaterial. What matters more and more professionals would be spread over a period of time rather is that the workforce of tomorrow interested in learning the e-way because than as a one-time effort. Smart will be very different from what exists of flexibility it offers. Not only this, e- organizations tend to customize such today. For a start, a large part of the learning also offers customized solutions programs for their unique audience workforce will have been born after like serious game based learning, story e.g. One pharma organization the internet revolution in 1995. While based learning, simulations, etc. completely customized their sales we have no experience with this depending on the requirements. development program to suit staff group as yet, the little we know tells With increased adoption of technology whose familiarity with scientific and us that their orientation will be very with gadgets like tablets, smart phones, medical language was low. This different from what we are currently etc., more and more youth entering the company eventually developed this used to. It is already clear that they job market will be able to take advantage program to such an extent that it are more comfortable expressing of elearning and align their skills to suit effectively groomed "non-Pharma" themselves online rather than face their job roles making on boarding easier sales people into making top-notch to face. Consequently, they may be and faster for employers. .This is what pharma sales persons predictably. more comfortable expressing we need to create a ready lineup of h) The power of rewards, themselves in terms of "left brain" young leaders that will define our recognition and incentives. A as well as "right brain" etc. country’s growth and progress in the critical question facing the The challenge in the learning longer term. organization which, in my orientation where such a young experience, rarely gets the attention workforce co-exists with employees By Rajesh Jumani, Executive Vice President & it should, is this: Does the reward, who joined the job market in the Chief Marketing Officer, Tata Interactive Systems ( recognition and incentive support the late 1980's is obvious. With the right learning behavior or obstruct it? learning orientation, organizations Strangely I have seen organizations will be able to harmonize these unwilling to change existing reward diverse talents and build a very programs even though they know potent workforce. HC 20 ■ June 2011 ■