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                 Webinar | July 28, 2009

                                               Prepared by:
                                               Robert Bean
                                            Alanna McLeod
                                           Joellen Sarmast

                                                              Copyright © 2009. All rights reserved.
TODAY’S   Introductions
          Social media overview
AGENDA    The changing landscape
          The primary channels
           _ Facebook
           _ Twitter
           _ LinkedIn
           _ YouTube
          Getting started
          Sustaining your social media efforts
          Planning and coordinating best practices
ABOUT   Founded in 1972
   US       _
            _   Branding
            _   Advertising
            _   Marketing communications
            _   Direct marketing
            _   Earned media
                 · Public relations
                 · Social marketing
            _   Event planning
            _   Interactive
ABOUT   Robert Bean – Interactive Director
        Alanna McLeod – Account Executive and social media
   US   team member
        Joellen Sarmast – Copywriter and social media team
SOCIAL MEDIA   Online social networks are communities of people who
               share interests and activities, or who want to explore
   OVERVIEW    the interests and activities of others, both socially
               and professionally.
               Internet content is becoming user provided, versus
               being published by companies and organizations.
               Social networking web sites receive the most traffic
               on the Internet – you should be where your customers
               are and engage as an active brand.
IMPACT ON   Social media is transforming the way marketers not
            only reach, but engage with target audiences.
MARKETING   The universe of “influencers” is growing to include
            more than journalists and bloggers. Traditional media
   AND PR   is changing daily. You must adapt your
            communications efforts accordingly to be successful.
            It’s easier than ever for you to market – or be
            marketed against.
             _ Your brand could be the subject of social media chatter.
             _ Your brand could be promoted or damaged.
            You need to be equipped for these new realities.
             _ Monitor your brand to know what is being said
             _ Be trained in how to speak socially
             _ Consistently participate in the conversation
             _ Know when to hold back or bring in an emergency plan
“Consumers, who have become accustomed to the instant access
    and gratification of the Internet, now expect the same level of
 speed and ease in their customer service interactions. They trust
      their social networks, and they look to their peers online for
  information and advice. An unhappy customer has the power to
                   destroy a company’s brand with a single click.”
                                                        Chuck Ganapathi
                                              Vice President of Marketing
THE CHANGING   People want to connect with others and have their
               voices heard.
   LANDSCAPE   People trust what their peers, and even strangers, say
               over corporate America or institutions.
               Now, more than ever:
                _ PCs permeate every home.
                _ Nearly everyone is online.
                _ Half of Americans online have broadband connectivity.
                _ Technology is easy and ubiquitous.
               Additionally, mobile web surfing, e-mailing,
               Twittering, Facebooking, etc. are meeting people’s
               need for anytime, anywhere interaction.
THE CHANGING   With budgets being cut, marketers must find
               innovative, cost-effective ways to reach customers,
   LANDSCAPE   partners, and constituents.
                   _ “Traditional media” is still viable, but media
                     consumption habits are rapidly changing.
                   _ Interaction and user-generated content are key
                     features of most media outlets today.
                   _ Traditional press releases are becoming less
                     welcome and less important.
               In 2007, online advertising reached $14.6 billion in
               the U.S. alone. The Yankee Group predicts that
               number will climb to $50.3 billion in revenue by 2011.
               People are spending their time on social networks.
               According to Nielsen Online, in 2008, time spent on
               social media sites surpassed e-mail.
THE CHANGING   What does all of this mean to you?
                _ The landscape continues to evolve and transform all
   LANDSCAPE      aspects of marketing, including product development.
                _ Marketing and PR opportunities and challenges are at
                  an unprecedented high.
                _ New channels will continue to emerge.
                _ Many channels offer opportunities to get ultra-targeted
                  with marketing efforts by leveraging user profiles.
                _ You can target people who are willing to engage with
                  meaningful brands.
               Social media’s perception that it requires minimal
               capital investment has lead to its growth. However,
               marketers must remember, social media isn’t free.
                _ While it may not require a significant cash investment,
                  social media is time-intensive.
                _ A significant investment in human capital is required to
                  maintain an effective social media strategy.
THE   Facebook is a social networking web site that enables
           users to join networks, communicate with friends, and
CHANNELS   share information about their lives.
           When a user becomes a fan of a brand page or
FACEBOOK   interacts with an application, Facebook broadcasts
           these actions to the user’s friends.
           Facebook is the most popular social network with
           more than 200 million active users worldwide.
            _ The U.S. has 45.3 million active users.
            _ About half of these users are on Facebook every day.
           Almost half (45-percent) of Facebook’s U.S. audience
           is now 26 years old or older.
            _ Users age 35 to 54 and women 55 years and older make
              up the two fastest growing demographic segments.
            _ Women comprise 56.2-percent of the audience.
MARKETING   Social and business organizations are adopting pages
            and group functionality to facilitate discussion and
  THROUGH   meet marketing objectives because of the ease of use
            and low cost.
 FACEBOOK    _ Increase brand awareness and reach
             _ Target distinct audiences
             _ Test market and promote new products and ideas
             _ Build relationships with and among customers
             _ Improve search engine optimization (SEO)
             _ Recruit brand evangelists
             _ Promote events
             _ Foster word-of-mouth and viral marketing
            Plus, without revealing personal identifying
            information of users, Facebook will provide analytics
            to advertisers about consumer behavior.
THE   Twitter is a free social messaging service for people
           to communicate and stay connected in real time by
CHANNELS   answering the question: What are you doing?
           Live updates (or tweets) consist of text-based posts
 TWITTER   no more than 140 characters in length that are
           displayed on the user’s profile page and delivered to
           other users (followers) who want to receive them.
           In February 2009, Twitter experienced 1,382-percent
           year-over-year growth in unique monthly visitors
           worldwide. (Nielsen Online)
           Twitter is estimated to reach more than 4.1 million
           people in the U.S. monthly.
            _ Mobile, more educated, middle-aged adults
                  •   At 42-percent of the audience, adults ages 35-49 have
                      the largest representation, with nearly 3 million unique
                  •   35- to 44-year-old age group spends nearly 20 minutes
                      on Twitter during any given visit.
MARKETING   Twitter’s permanent nature enables marketers to:
             _ Find the tweets made about your organization
 THROUGH     _ Monitor what people are saying about your brand,
               products, competitors, and other keywords that relate to
  TWITTER      your business
             _ Listen to your customers, learn about their needs, and
               respond accordingly
            Release breaking news or live event updates
            Support customer service efforts
            Deliver promotions (i.e., coupons, sales, contests, etc.)
            Build brand awareness by joining the conversations
            and forging relationships
            Share pertinent information (i.e., articles, blogs, links,
            webinars, etc.) with your followers
THE   LinkedIn is an interconnected network of more than
            36 million experienced professionals from around the
CHANNELS    world, representing 170 industries and 200 countries.
             _ You can find, be introduced to, and collaborate with
 LINKEDIN      qualified professionals who you need to work with to
               accomplish your goals.
             _ LinkedIn helps you make better use of your professional
               network and assist the people you trust in return.
             _ LinkedIn’s mission is to connect the world’s
               professionals to accelerate their success.
            A new member joins LinkedIn approximately every
            About 50-percent of users are outside the U.S.
            Executives from all Fortune 500 companies are
            Members are educated, affluent, middle-aged, and
            slightly more male than female.
MARKETING   Target advertising to distinct audiences
            Recruit with LinkedIn Jobs and Talent Advantage tools
 THROUGH    Connect with like-minded people and organizations

 LINKEDIN   Demonstrate expertise by
             _ Participating in an interest or professional group
             _ Contributing to Q&A
            Strengthen word-of-mouth communications
             _ Get clients and vendors on LinkedIn to write
               recommendations that will appear on your personal
               profile and theirs
THE   YouTube is the leader in online video, and the premier
           destination to watch and share original videos
CHANNELS   worldwide through a web experience.
           YouTube allows people to easily upload and share
 YOUTUBE   video clips on and across the
           Internet through web sites, mobile devices, blogs, and
           YouTube recently surpassed 100 million unique
           monthly viewers in the U.S. and 300 million
           Views on YouTube account for over 40-percent of all
           videos watched online.
           YouTube is the #4 trafficked web site in the U.S.,
           behind only Google, Yahoo!, and Facebook.
MARKETING   Set up your own brand channel – an official YouTube
            page where your company’s videos are housed
 THROUGH    Post fun, instructional, viral, or informational videos
            that your customers will find valuable
  YOUTUBE   Encourage user participation with video interaction
            and contests
            Foster word-of-mouth and viral marketing
            Take advantage of tags to improve search results
            Incorporate YouTube videos into your web site, blogs,
            and other social networks
THE   Social networks offer unique opportunities for
             marketers to connect with consumers.
  CHANNELS    _ Increasing reach and recognizability
              _ Interacting with customers where and how they want
CONCLUSION    _ Engaging customers with your brand, creating brand
                evangelists, and communicating with influencers
              _ Targeting advertising to specific audiences
                    •   Banner ads are available on all channels
                    •   Decide how much to spend
                    •   Save effort and money by targeting the right people
GETTING   Think about how to strategically integrate these new
          channels into your marketing plans
STARTED   Conduct research and gain insight into your target
          audiences yourself or hire a marketing firm with
          experience in social media marketing
          Determine which strategy and channels are most
          appropriate to meet your goals – all social media
          channels may not be right for every marketing effort
          Have the resources internally or outsourced to sustain
          the social media efforts you embark on
          Engage an experienced marketing agency to help you
          identify opportunities, tailor your strategy
          appropriately, and implement your specific projects
          Be willing to relinquish some control
           _ Most content and opinions are created by users and help
             shape your brand.
           _ Sites have ever-changing policies, features, and layouts.
GETTING   Find the best places to reach your audience and tailor
          content appropriate for the culture of the channel
STARTED   Remain consistent with your brand personality. It’s
          always fun to surprise your audience, but your social
          media content must be authentic and in-character.
           _ Don’t pretend to be someone you’re not
           _ Don’t be anonymous – use a real person with a name
             and face to represent your company (i.e., be transparent
             and accessible)
          Don’t infringe on others’ intellectual property rights
          Don’t violate users’ privacy rights or flout the
          accepted rules of user engagement
          Remember to be mindful of what you say
           _ Keep the right tone for the right channel
           _ News and actions travel fast – good and bad
           _ Example: Tweets are permanent URLs that are
             searchable and visible to anyone
SUSTAINABLE   93-percent of social media users think companies
              should be present on social media, and 85-percent
   STRATEGY   believe companies should interact with consumers.
              (2008 Cone Business in Social Media Study)

              62-percent of marketers don’t monitor social media,
              nor do they respond to negative comments. (MarketingSherpa)
                _ These companies are missing the opportunity to learn
                  what’s being said about them and prevent negative
                  effects on their brands.
              Social networking is fast and furious, so your company
              needs to interact regularly, or the point is lost.
              How do you create a sustainable social media
                _ Maintain a continuous presence
                _ Align your social media communications with your overall
                  marketing and communications strategy
                _ Create a balanced messaging strategy
                _ Determine your organization’s ideal frequency for
                  posting – and stick to it
SUCCESSFUL    American Cancer Society – The Official Sponsor of
 STRATEGIES    _ For the more than 11 million Americans who have
                 survived cancer, Happy Birthday is a victory chant. The
                 American Cancer Society is encouraging people to join
                 the movement for more birthdays – and ultimately help
                 people stay well, get well, find cures, and fight back.
               _ The Official Birthday Blog
                     •   Celebration Stories from survivors
                     •   Facts
                     •   Happy birthday wishes to celebrities
               _ Create your birthday page to collect donations and
                 celebrate your birthday or a loved one’s
               _ Evites, blog badges, e-cards
               _ Facebook call to action
AMERICAN   Facebook
            _ Page
  CANCER             •   162,500 fans
                         Consistent posts to the wall

                     •   Interaction with posts from fans
                     •   Fan photos, official photos
                     •   Causes
            _ Application – Make us the official sponsor of your
                     •   313 fans
                     •   3,609 monthly users
                     •   Five-star rating
            _ 9,585 followers; following 10,314
            _ Consistent tweets – recipes, birthday wishes, volunteer
              requests, real-life stories, news, and more
            _ 462 subscribers
  CANCER    _ 74 videos

 SOCIETY          •


                      News reports
                      Prevention information
                  •   Survivor stories
            _ American Cancer Society Supporter Group
                  •   2,346 members
           Why is the campaign successful?
            _ Emphasizes their message – “A world with less cancer
              is a world with more birthdays”
            _ Connects with supporters to show how their support
              makes a difference
            _ Educates people about the organization, cancer
              prevention, detection, and research
            _ Consistently delivers the messages through all mediums
SUCCESSFUL    Originally Zappos! started as an online shoe store
              that offered “the absolute best selection in terms of
 STRATEGIES   brands, styles, colors, sizes, and widths.”
               _ Known for their outstanding customer service
               _ Have a quirky company culture
               _ Expanded to sell clothing, handbags, watches, and
              Active bloggers (
               _ CEO and COO
               _ Inside Zappos!
               _ Running, health and fitness, outdoor, comfort
               _ Fashion culture, couture
               _ Group for employees, former employees, customers, and
                 friends – 335 members
               _ Company page – 291 members
ZAPPOS!   Facebook
           _ Page
                 •   18,580 fans
                 •   Interaction with wall postings
                 •   Very social – questions like “What’s the best fast food
                 •   Videos, blog postings, reviews, photo albums
           _ Application
                 •   1,771 fans
                 •   186 monthly active users
                 •   Share favorite products and brands from Zappos with
                     your friends
           _ 596 subscribers
           _ Contests, comedy sketches, ask Zappos!, commercials,
             Life at Zappos!
ZAPPOS!   Twitter
           _ Main page
                    •   Internally focused – more than 400 employees use it
                    •   Enables the public to see and interact with Zappos!
                    •   Explanation from the CEO “If you don't trust your
                        employees to tweet freely, it's an employee or
                        leadership issue, not an employee Twitter policy issue.”
           _ CEO Twitter page
                    •   1,029,247 followers, following 407,241
                    •   Some tweets about company and its culture, but mostly
                        fun comments – CEO Tony Hsieh is a true personality
                    •   Customer feedback/testing – asking followers to check
                        out new social shopping site and provide thoughts
          Why is the campaign successful?
           _ Gives customers an honest look at the Zappos culture
           _ Develops a personal connection with employees and
           _ Continues the promise of customer service – fast
             answers, product ratings, constructive feedback
SUCCESSFUL    Why are organizations and companies like American
              Cancer Society and Zappos! successful in their social
 STRATEGIES   media efforts?
               _ They have a clear message expressed consistently
   SUMMARY       across the channels.
               _ The message is geared toward online social interaction.
               _ They know how to speak socially.
               _ They show personality, while remaining true to their
                 brand image.
               _ They add value to fans and followers.
               _ They do not blatantly market their services/products, but
                 instead create an environment where people want to
                 engage with their brands.
EPIC   What guarantees social media failure?
           _ You ignore questions and comments from your fans and
FAILURE      followers.
           _ You start something without following through.
           _ You blatantly market your brand.
           _ Your pages are void of personality and only contain a
             news feed.
           _ You spread yourself too thin, trying to focus on every
             channel without considering your audience.
           _ You don’t put any emphasis on the relationships you
             make with your customers – or their feedback.
           _ You take a haphazard approach and don’t strategize.
TEAM   By creating a social media team, you can achieve
           the day-to-day maintenance that is key to success.
APPROACH   A social media team should span the resources of
           your entire organization. Your team may include
           some or all of the following:
           _   Marketing, sales, and public relations
           _   General counsel
           _   Investor and government relations
           _   Human resources
           _   Customer service
           Teams provide a greater pool of resources, ideas,
           and contacts from which content may be generated.
           The more people available to suggest and write
           content, the greater the chance your efforts will
           continuously connect with your audience.
DEVELOP A   Communications plans establish processes for
            implementing social media strategies by helping you:
     PLAN    _ Collect your thoughts
             _ Establish your messages
             _ Determine your overall strategy
             _ Coordinate with other marketing activities
             _ Consistently communicate and sustain the effort
            A good communications plan will:
             _ Consist of a high-level plan uses social media to
               support traditional media strategies
             _ Include a tactical calendar that provides the details to
               help you execute your high-level social media plan
             _ Track consistent sources of inbound information
             _ Track the main outbound channels where you can take
               information and repurpose it across multiple channels
            We can help you set up and tailor your social media
            communications plan.
MESSAGING   A balanced messaging strategy includes three main
APPROACH     _ Fun (but relevant)
             _ Knowledge-based (i.e., tips, techniques, and advice)
             _ Marketing communications (i.e., product highlights,
               releases, etc.)
            Determine the ratio of these types of communications
            based on:
             _ Your company’s culture
             _ Your social media goals
             _ The amount of relevant content you have access to
            Decide how frequently you will communicate.
            Use a communications plan to pre-plan your
            messages for the next several weeks based on the
            ratio and frequency.
MESSAGE   Once you’ve determined your communications ratio,
           the next step is to identify your primary message and
PLANNING   what materials you have to support it.
            _ Video and photo assets
            _ Insight and commentary on industry trends
            _ Industry-related articles
            _ Direct appeals
            _ Product promotions
            _ Employment opportunities
            _ Organizational milestones
            _ Announcements
           Always remember that when talking socially, you
           should discuss the topics that relate to your products
           and not about your products directly.
Take advantage of your existing customer lists and
BUILDING        the syndication inherent in social media platforms

 TRAFFIC        to build initial momentum.
                Reach out to existing customers by inviting them to
    (Organic)   “join the conversation” on the new social channels.
                Facebook traffic builders
                _   Monthly contests
                _   Posting questions from your fan base to the wall
                _   Survey and polls
                _   Facebook events to promote specific events
                _   Interviews from industry experts, customers, and
                    brand evangelists – could be text-based or video
                _   Communication, coordination, and wall posting to
                    other industry pages and groups
                _   Monthly direct message to fans (Facebook e-mail)
                _   Facebook applications
BUILDING      Possible advertising topics could include:
              _   The launch of your social media channels
 TRAFFIC      _
                  Specific product campaign tie-ins
                  Seasonal and special product offers
     (Paid)   _   Contest announcements
              _   General awareness
              Facebook ads can be targeted by:
              _   Location
              _   Age
              _   Gender
              _   Keywords
              _   Education
              _   Workplaces
              _   Relationship status
              _   Languages
              _   Similar categories exist in LinkedIn
SOCIAL MEDIA   Social media is enabling people to access and
               respond to information on the Internet in new,
   SUMMARY     interactive, and collaborative ways.
               People are hyper-informed and are constantly looking
               to cut through the ever-mounting clutter.
               New media can be used to better target consumers –
               to find niches and interested, pre-qualified customers
               rather than relying on mass marketing.
               Don’t ignore social media. It’s here to stay, and when
               properly integrated into your marketing plan, it can
               make a tremendous difference in your success.
JOIN   Want to see how much fun online socializing can be?
            Join us on:
   BURNS     _ Facebook:
             _ Twitter:
MARKETING    _ Blog:

            Have questions? Contact us today.

            Rob Bean
            Senior Account Executive/
            Interactive Media Director
            Burns Marketing Communications
            4848 Thompson Parkway, Floor 4
            Johnstown, CO 80534
            970.776.1780, fax: 970.203.9657

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Swimming lessons stay afloat in social media

  • 1.
  • 2. SWIMMING LESSONS: STAY AFLOAT IN SOCIAL MEDIA Webinar | July 28, 2009 Prepared by: BURNS MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS Robert Bean Alanna McLeod Joellen Sarmast Copyright © 2009. All rights reserved.
  • 3. TODAY’S Introductions Social media overview AGENDA The changing landscape The primary channels _ Facebook _ Twitter _ LinkedIn _ YouTube Getting started Sustaining your social media efforts Planning and coordinating best practices Conclusion Questions
  • 4. ABOUT Founded in 1972 Services: US _ _ Strategy Research _ Branding _ Advertising _ Marketing communications _ Direct marketing _ Earned media · Public relations · Social marketing _ Event planning _ Interactive
  • 5. ABOUT Robert Bean – Interactive Director Alanna McLeod – Account Executive and social media US team member Joellen Sarmast – Copywriter and social media team member
  • 6. SOCIAL MEDIA Online social networks are communities of people who share interests and activities, or who want to explore OVERVIEW the interests and activities of others, both socially and professionally. Internet content is becoming user provided, versus being published by companies and organizations. Social networking web sites receive the most traffic on the Internet – you should be where your customers are and engage as an active brand.
  • 7. IMPACT ON Social media is transforming the way marketers not only reach, but engage with target audiences. MARKETING The universe of “influencers” is growing to include more than journalists and bloggers. Traditional media AND PR is changing daily. You must adapt your communications efforts accordingly to be successful. It’s easier than ever for you to market – or be marketed against. _ Your brand could be the subject of social media chatter. _ Your brand could be promoted or damaged. You need to be equipped for these new realities. _ Monitor your brand to know what is being said _ Be trained in how to speak socially _ Consistently participate in the conversation _ Know when to hold back or bring in an emergency plan
  • 8. “Consumers, who have become accustomed to the instant access and gratification of the Internet, now expect the same level of speed and ease in their customer service interactions. They trust their social networks, and they look to their peers online for information and advice. An unhappy customer has the power to destroy a company’s brand with a single click.” Chuck Ganapathi Vice President of Marketing
  • 10. THE CHANGING People want to connect with others and have their voices heard. LANDSCAPE People trust what their peers, and even strangers, say over corporate America or institutions. Now, more than ever: _ PCs permeate every home. _ Nearly everyone is online. _ Half of Americans online have broadband connectivity. _ Technology is easy and ubiquitous. Additionally, mobile web surfing, e-mailing, Twittering, Facebooking, etc. are meeting people’s need for anytime, anywhere interaction.
  • 11. THE CHANGING With budgets being cut, marketers must find innovative, cost-effective ways to reach customers, LANDSCAPE partners, and constituents. _ “Traditional media” is still viable, but media consumption habits are rapidly changing. _ Interaction and user-generated content are key features of most media outlets today. _ Traditional press releases are becoming less welcome and less important. In 2007, online advertising reached $14.6 billion in the U.S. alone. The Yankee Group predicts that number will climb to $50.3 billion in revenue by 2011. People are spending their time on social networks. According to Nielsen Online, in 2008, time spent on social media sites surpassed e-mail.
  • 12. THE CHANGING What does all of this mean to you? _ The landscape continues to evolve and transform all LANDSCAPE aspects of marketing, including product development. _ Marketing and PR opportunities and challenges are at an unprecedented high. _ New channels will continue to emerge. _ Many channels offer opportunities to get ultra-targeted with marketing efforts by leveraging user profiles. _ You can target people who are willing to engage with meaningful brands. Social media’s perception that it requires minimal capital investment has lead to its growth. However, marketers must remember, social media isn’t free. _ While it may not require a significant cash investment, social media is time-intensive. _ A significant investment in human capital is required to maintain an effective social media strategy.
  • 14. THE Facebook is a social networking web site that enables users to join networks, communicate with friends, and CHANNELS share information about their lives. When a user becomes a fan of a brand page or FACEBOOK interacts with an application, Facebook broadcasts these actions to the user’s friends. Facebook is the most popular social network with more than 200 million active users worldwide. _ The U.S. has 45.3 million active users. _ About half of these users are on Facebook every day. Almost half (45-percent) of Facebook’s U.S. audience is now 26 years old or older. _ Users age 35 to 54 and women 55 years and older make up the two fastest growing demographic segments. _ Women comprise 56.2-percent of the audience.
  • 15. MARKETING Social and business organizations are adopting pages and group functionality to facilitate discussion and THROUGH meet marketing objectives because of the ease of use and low cost. FACEBOOK _ Increase brand awareness and reach _ Target distinct audiences _ Test market and promote new products and ideas _ Build relationships with and among customers _ Improve search engine optimization (SEO) _ Recruit brand evangelists _ Promote events _ Foster word-of-mouth and viral marketing Plus, without revealing personal identifying information of users, Facebook will provide analytics to advertisers about consumer behavior.
  • 16. THE Twitter is a free social messaging service for people to communicate and stay connected in real time by CHANNELS answering the question: What are you doing? Live updates (or tweets) consist of text-based posts TWITTER no more than 140 characters in length that are displayed on the user’s profile page and delivered to other users (followers) who want to receive them. In February 2009, Twitter experienced 1,382-percent year-over-year growth in unique monthly visitors worldwide. (Nielsen Online) Twitter is estimated to reach more than 4.1 million people in the U.S. monthly. _ Mobile, more educated, middle-aged adults • At 42-percent of the audience, adults ages 35-49 have the largest representation, with nearly 3 million unique visitors. • 35- to 44-year-old age group spends nearly 20 minutes on Twitter during any given visit.
  • 17. MARKETING Twitter’s permanent nature enables marketers to: _ Find the tweets made about your organization THROUGH _ Monitor what people are saying about your brand, products, competitors, and other keywords that relate to TWITTER your business _ Listen to your customers, learn about their needs, and respond accordingly Release breaking news or live event updates Support customer service efforts Deliver promotions (i.e., coupons, sales, contests, etc.) Build brand awareness by joining the conversations and forging relationships Share pertinent information (i.e., articles, blogs, links, webinars, etc.) with your followers
  • 18. THE LinkedIn is an interconnected network of more than 36 million experienced professionals from around the CHANNELS world, representing 170 industries and 200 countries. _ You can find, be introduced to, and collaborate with LINKEDIN qualified professionals who you need to work with to accomplish your goals. _ LinkedIn helps you make better use of your professional network and assist the people you trust in return. _ LinkedIn’s mission is to connect the world’s professionals to accelerate their success. A new member joins LinkedIn approximately every second. About 50-percent of users are outside the U.S. Executives from all Fortune 500 companies are members. Members are educated, affluent, middle-aged, and slightly more male than female.
  • 19. MARKETING Target advertising to distinct audiences Recruit with LinkedIn Jobs and Talent Advantage tools THROUGH Connect with like-minded people and organizations LINKEDIN Demonstrate expertise by _ Participating in an interest or professional group _ Contributing to Q&A Strengthen word-of-mouth communications _ Get clients and vendors on LinkedIn to write recommendations that will appear on your personal profile and theirs
  • 20. THE YouTube is the leader in online video, and the premier destination to watch and share original videos CHANNELS worldwide through a web experience. YouTube allows people to easily upload and share YOUTUBE video clips on and across the Internet through web sites, mobile devices, blogs, and e-mail. YouTube recently surpassed 100 million unique monthly viewers in the U.S. and 300 million worldwide. Views on YouTube account for over 40-percent of all videos watched online. YouTube is the #4 trafficked web site in the U.S., behind only Google, Yahoo!, and Facebook.
  • 21. MARKETING Set up your own brand channel – an official YouTube page where your company’s videos are housed THROUGH Post fun, instructional, viral, or informational videos that your customers will find valuable YOUTUBE Encourage user participation with video interaction and contests Foster word-of-mouth and viral marketing Take advantage of tags to improve search results Incorporate YouTube videos into your web site, blogs, and other social networks
  • 22. THE Social networks offer unique opportunities for marketers to connect with consumers. CHANNELS _ Increasing reach and recognizability _ Interacting with customers where and how they want CONCLUSION _ Engaging customers with your brand, creating brand evangelists, and communicating with influencers _ Targeting advertising to specific audiences • Banner ads are available on all channels • Decide how much to spend • Save effort and money by targeting the right people
  • 24. GETTING Think about how to strategically integrate these new channels into your marketing plans STARTED Conduct research and gain insight into your target audiences yourself or hire a marketing firm with experience in social media marketing Determine which strategy and channels are most appropriate to meet your goals – all social media channels may not be right for every marketing effort Have the resources internally or outsourced to sustain the social media efforts you embark on Engage an experienced marketing agency to help you identify opportunities, tailor your strategy appropriately, and implement your specific projects Be willing to relinquish some control _ Most content and opinions are created by users and help shape your brand. _ Sites have ever-changing policies, features, and layouts.
  • 25. GETTING Find the best places to reach your audience and tailor content appropriate for the culture of the channel STARTED Remain consistent with your brand personality. It’s always fun to surprise your audience, but your social media content must be authentic and in-character. _ Don’t pretend to be someone you’re not _ Don’t be anonymous – use a real person with a name and face to represent your company (i.e., be transparent and accessible) Don’t infringe on others’ intellectual property rights Don’t violate users’ privacy rights or flout the accepted rules of user engagement Remember to be mindful of what you say _ Keep the right tone for the right channel _ News and actions travel fast – good and bad _ Example: Tweets are permanent URLs that are searchable and visible to anyone
  • 27. SUSTAINABLE 93-percent of social media users think companies should be present on social media, and 85-percent STRATEGY believe companies should interact with consumers. (2008 Cone Business in Social Media Study) 62-percent of marketers don’t monitor social media, nor do they respond to negative comments. (MarketingSherpa) _ These companies are missing the opportunity to learn what’s being said about them and prevent negative effects on their brands. Social networking is fast and furious, so your company needs to interact regularly, or the point is lost. How do you create a sustainable social media strategy? _ Maintain a continuous presence _ Align your social media communications with your overall marketing and communications strategy _ Create a balanced messaging strategy _ Determine your organization’s ideal frequency for posting – and stick to it
  • 28. SUCCESSFUL American Cancer Society – The Official Sponsor of Birthdays™ STRATEGIES _ For the more than 11 million Americans who have survived cancer, Happy Birthday is a victory chant. The American Cancer Society is encouraging people to join the movement for more birthdays – and ultimately help people stay well, get well, find cures, and fight back. _ The Official Birthday Blog • Celebration Stories from survivors • Facts • Happy birthday wishes to celebrities _ Create your birthday page to collect donations and celebrate your birthday or a loved one’s _ Evites, blog badges, e-cards _ Facebook call to action
  • 29. AMERICAN Facebook _ Page CANCER • 162,500 fans Consistent posts to the wall SOCIETY • • Interaction with posts from fans • Fan photos, official photos • Causes _ Application – Make us the official sponsor of your birthday • 313 fans • 3,609 monthly users • Five-star rating Twitter _ 9,585 followers; following 10,314 _ Consistent tweets – recipes, birthday wishes, volunteer requests, real-life stories, news, and more
  • 30. AMERICAN YouTube _ 462 subscribers CANCER _ 74 videos SOCIETY • • • Advertisements News reports Prevention information • Survivor stories LinkedIn _ American Cancer Society Supporter Group • 2,346 members Why is the campaign successful? _ Emphasizes their message – “A world with less cancer is a world with more birthdays” _ Connects with supporters to show how their support makes a difference _ Educates people about the organization, cancer prevention, detection, and research _ Consistently delivers the messages through all mediums
  • 31. SUCCESSFUL Originally Zappos! started as an online shoe store that offered “the absolute best selection in terms of STRATEGIES brands, styles, colors, sizes, and widths.” _ Known for their outstanding customer service _ Have a quirky company culture _ Expanded to sell clothing, handbags, watches, and sunglasses Active bloggers ( _ CEO and COO _ Inside Zappos! _ Running, health and fitness, outdoor, comfort _ Fashion culture, couture LinkedIn _ Group for employees, former employees, customers, and friends – 335 members _ Company page – 291 members
  • 32. ZAPPOS! Facebook _ Page • 18,580 fans • Interaction with wall postings • Very social – questions like “What’s the best fast food hamburger?” • Videos, blog postings, reviews, photo albums _ Application • 1,771 fans • 186 monthly active users • Share favorite products and brands from Zappos with your friends YouTube _ 596 subscribers _ Contests, comedy sketches, ask Zappos!, commercials, Life at Zappos!
  • 33. ZAPPOS! Twitter _ Main page • Internally focused – more than 400 employees use it • Enables the public to see and interact with Zappos! employees • Explanation from the CEO “If you don't trust your employees to tweet freely, it's an employee or leadership issue, not an employee Twitter policy issue.” _ CEO Twitter page • 1,029,247 followers, following 407,241 • Some tweets about company and its culture, but mostly fun comments – CEO Tony Hsieh is a true personality • Customer feedback/testing – asking followers to check out new social shopping site and provide thoughts Why is the campaign successful? _ Gives customers an honest look at the Zappos culture _ Develops a personal connection with employees and customers _ Continues the promise of customer service – fast answers, product ratings, constructive feedback
  • 34. SUCCESSFUL Why are organizations and companies like American Cancer Society and Zappos! successful in their social STRATEGIES media efforts? _ They have a clear message expressed consistently SUMMARY across the channels. _ The message is geared toward online social interaction. _ They know how to speak socially. _ They show personality, while remaining true to their brand image. _ They add value to fans and followers. _ They do not blatantly market their services/products, but instead create an environment where people want to engage with their brands.
  • 35. EPIC What guarantees social media failure? _ You ignore questions and comments from your fans and FAILURE followers. _ You start something without following through. _ You blatantly market your brand. _ Your pages are void of personality and only contain a news feed. _ You spread yourself too thin, trying to focus on every channel without considering your audience. _ You don’t put any emphasis on the relationships you make with your customers – or their feedback. _ You take a haphazard approach and don’t strategize.
  • 37. TEAM By creating a social media team, you can achieve the day-to-day maintenance that is key to success. APPROACH A social media team should span the resources of your entire organization. Your team may include some or all of the following: _ Marketing, sales, and public relations _ General counsel _ Investor and government relations _ Human resources _ Customer service Teams provide a greater pool of resources, ideas, and contacts from which content may be generated. The more people available to suggest and write content, the greater the chance your efforts will continuously connect with your audience.
  • 38. DEVELOP A Communications plans establish processes for implementing social media strategies by helping you: PLAN _ Collect your thoughts _ Establish your messages _ Determine your overall strategy _ Coordinate with other marketing activities _ Consistently communicate and sustain the effort A good communications plan will: _ Consist of a high-level plan uses social media to support traditional media strategies _ Include a tactical calendar that provides the details to help you execute your high-level social media plan _ Track consistent sources of inbound information _ Track the main outbound channels where you can take information and repurpose it across multiple channels We can help you set up and tailor your social media communications plan.
  • 39. MESSAGING A balanced messaging strategy includes three main elements: APPROACH _ Fun (but relevant) _ Knowledge-based (i.e., tips, techniques, and advice) _ Marketing communications (i.e., product highlights, releases, etc.) Determine the ratio of these types of communications based on: _ Your company’s culture _ Your social media goals _ The amount of relevant content you have access to Decide how frequently you will communicate. Use a communications plan to pre-plan your messages for the next several weeks based on the ratio and frequency.
  • 40. MESSAGE Once you’ve determined your communications ratio, the next step is to identify your primary message and PLANNING what materials you have to support it. _ Video and photo assets _ Insight and commentary on industry trends _ Industry-related articles _ Direct appeals _ Product promotions _ Employment opportunities _ Organizational milestones _ Announcements Always remember that when talking socially, you should discuss the topics that relate to your products and not about your products directly.
  • 41. Take advantage of your existing customer lists and BUILDING the syndication inherent in social media platforms TRAFFIC to build initial momentum. Reach out to existing customers by inviting them to (Organic) “join the conversation” on the new social channels. Facebook traffic builders _ Monthly contests _ Posting questions from your fan base to the wall _ Survey and polls _ Facebook events to promote specific events _ Interviews from industry experts, customers, and brand evangelists – could be text-based or video _ Communication, coordination, and wall posting to other industry pages and groups _ Monthly direct message to fans (Facebook e-mail) _ Facebook applications
  • 42. BUILDING Possible advertising topics could include: _ The launch of your social media channels TRAFFIC _ _ Specific product campaign tie-ins Seasonal and special product offers (Paid) _ Contest announcements _ General awareness Facebook ads can be targeted by: _ Location _ Age _ Gender _ Keywords _ Education _ Workplaces _ Relationship status _ Languages _ Similar categories exist in LinkedIn
  • 43. SOCIAL MEDIA Social media is enabling people to access and respond to information on the Internet in new, SUMMARY interactive, and collaborative ways. People are hyper-informed and are constantly looking to cut through the ever-mounting clutter. New media can be used to better target consumers – to find niches and interested, pre-qualified customers rather than relying on mass marketing. Don’t ignore social media. It’s here to stay, and when properly integrated into your marketing plan, it can make a tremendous difference in your success.
  • 44. JOIN Want to see how much fun online socializing can be? Join us on: BURNS _ Facebook: _ Twitter: MARKETING _ Blog: Have questions? Contact us today. Rob Bean Senior Account Executive/ Interactive Media Director Burns Marketing Communications 4848 Thompson Parkway, Floor 4 Johnstown, CO 80534 970.776.1780, fax: 970.203.9657