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µsu nology
Application area of the µsurf Technology
Structure depth
      1 mm
                     µsurf –
     100 µm          confocal
      10 µm

      1 µm

     100 nm
                    Roughness                      Flatness

      10 nm

      1 nm
                    1 µm     10 µm     100 µm 1 mm      10 mm   100 mm
                                     Structure width

Industrial metrology for laboratory and production

                                           The robust µsurf sensor technol-
                                           ogy is based on the CMP tech-
                                           nology (Confocal-Multi-Pinhole)
                                           of NanoFocus.

                                           Within seconds, topography,
                                           roughness and layer thickness
                                           in the micro and nanometer
                                           ranges are acquired.


             1. Principle
             The confocal microscope from NanoFocus comprises
             an LED light source (1), a rotating multi-pinhole disc                                       ➊
             (2), an objective lens with a piezo drive (3) and a CCD
             camera (5).

             The LED source is focused through the mulit-pinhole
             disc (MPD) and the objective lens on to the sample
             surface (4), which reflects the light. The reflected light
             is reduced by the pinhole of the MPD to that part                                                                                                                  ➎
             which is in focus, and this falls on the CCD camera.

             The sketch shows a point on the surface being imaged
             through one pinhole of the MPD. The MPD has a large
             number of such holes arranged in a special pattern.
             The rotation of the MPD enables seamless scanning of
             the entire surface of the sample within the image field.                                                                                         ➊ LED source
                                                                                                                                                              ➋ Multi-pinhole disc
                                                                                                                                                              ➌ Objective lens
                                                                                                                                                              ➍ Sample
                                                                                                                                                              ➎ CCD camera


             2. The Confocal Curve
             An image from a conventional optical microscope
             contains sharp and blurred detail.InIn contrast, lightthe
                                                    focus – reflected in is captured
                                                  by the CCD camera.
             confocal image, the blurred detail (unfocused) is filtered
             out by the operation of the MPD.
                                                                                                                                      Microscope image (left): out of focus
                                                                                                                                         Confocal Curve:

             Only light from the focal plane reaches the CCDlight is captured
                                                In focus – reflected camera,                                                           points the focal range comes the precision
                                                                                                                                               displayed as well as in focus
                                                                                                                                         of the height values.
                                                by the CCD camera.                                                                    points. Confocal image (right): Only
             with the intensity following the confocal curve. Thus the                                  Objective lens
                                                                                                                                      in focus points displayed.
             confocal microsocope is capable of high resolution in
             the nanometer range. The precision of the height values                                                                 Confocal Curve:
                                                                                                                                                           Out of focus
                                                                                                                                     from the focal range comes the precision
             follows from the focal range of the confocal curve.                                       Focal planes                  of the height values.
                                                                                                    Objective lens
                                                                                                       Sample                                             FWHM
                                                                                                                                    Height z

                                                                    Out of focus – reflected light                                                        in focus
             In focus – reflected light is captured                  is masked out.                                                                     Out of focus
             by the CCD camera.                                                                     Focal planes
                                                                                                    Sample                                             FWHM
                                                                                                                         Height z

                                                                           Confocal Curve:                                                                 Out of focus
                                                                 Out of focus – reflected light                                                         in focus
                                                                           from the focal range comes the precision
                                                                 is masked out.
                                                                           of the height values.        Objective lens
                                                Objective lens                                                                                         FWHM

                                                                                                                                                          Signal strength I
                                                                                                                                                       Out of focus
                                                                                             Out of focus
                                                Focal planes                                         Objective lens
                                                                                                       Focal planes
                                                Sample                                       FWHM       Sample
                                                                                                                                                       Signal strength I
                                                                      Height z

             Out of focus – reflected light                                                   in focus
             is masked out.
                                                                                                    Focal planes

4                                                                                            Out of focus

                                                 Objective lens
3. Confocal Image Stack
Each confocal image is a horizontal slice through the topography of the sample. Capturing of images at
different focal heights produces a stack of such images, achieved by the confocal microscope throught
precise vertical displacement of the objective lens by means of a piezo drive. 200 to 400 confocal images are
generally captured within a few seconds, after which the software reconstructs an exact three-dimensional
height image from the stack of confocal images. Therefore, service heights are measured, not calculated.
                      Height z

Measurement process:               Image stack:                       Results:
The objective lens is dis-         Up to 1,000 individual             The surface topography
placed in height by a piezo        confocal images                    is reconstructed from the
drive.                             are captured.                      confocal images.

4. Quantitative analysis and reports
The measured values are transferred to the analysis program containing standardize analysis methods,
such as ISO 25178 or ISO 4287 roughness (2D and 3D parameters), form, translucent film thickness and
microgeometry. Results are automatically transferred to a pre-formatted report.

     Color-scaled height display                 Single profile from the measurement          Automatically produced
                                                                                              measurement report

Exact and reliable 3D
measurement data

              The µsurf technology offers various advantages for                         Additionally, in an independent third party study
              the characterization of technical surfaces in the micro                    performed by the National Institute of Standards and
              and nanometer ranges.                                                      Technology (NIST), comparing intererometry, laser
                                                                                         confocal, and NanoFocus’ Multi-Pinhole Confocal,
              Both measurements of an electron beam structured                           the µsurf technology acheived the highest correlation
              roll, one done with the µsurf technology and the other                     (99 %) to tactile systems. With such high correlation to
              a SEM, have comparable resolution. Contrary to the                         traditional methods, historical data on 2D parameters
              SEM (x,y), µsurf offers the data in true 3-dimensional                     is no longer obsolete. All the while acquiring surface
              coordinates (x,y,z). Only with this quantitative data                      data a lot faster, without damaging the measurement
              can an exact analysis of 3D surface parameters be                          sample.
              performed, delivering a larger range of information
              about the surface texture.

                                          Comparison of a SEM and a µsurf confocal microscope

                                                               REM                                               µsurf

              Structured Surface (100×90 µm), REM: Alcan Research Center, Neuhausen.

                                   Correlation of tactile systems and the µsurf confocal microscope

                   Sign. A


                   Sign. B

                                  0.0    0.1    0.2     0.3    0.4    0.5     0.6     0.7    0.8   0.9   1.0   1.1   1.2    1.3
                                                                            Profile length (µm)

                                  99% correlation (KKF)
                                  Best system in the comparison study at NIST, 2005

Meaningful measurement results
within seconds

The µsurf systems do not require preparation of          charts, profiles and 3D pictures. With the automation
the surface of the measurement sample. When the          software µsoft automation, measurements can be
sample is positioned under the objective, the clearly    processed at a high throughput rate with highest
arranged user interface leads the operator through the   efficiency and without user influence.
measurement process in just a few clicks. Afterwards,
the settings of the measurement parameters can be
used for serial measurements. Already after a few
seconds the µsurf technology provides meaningful
data for further analysis.
                                                                                                                 Contrary to other techniques,
                                                                                                                 the µsurf technology delivers
When measurement data is imported into the report                                                                meaningful measurements
                                                                                                                 and analyses in a few
templates of the µsoft analysis software, a full meas-                                                           seconds. Easy handling and
urement report is automatically generated. The output                                                            intelligent software guarantee
                                                                                                                 maximum efficiency.
analysis parameters can be modified and displayed as

Robust precision metrology
for industrial applications

              The µsurf technology was developed especially for           Of the many that employ the µsurf technology, Thyssen
              use in the typically rough production environment. The      Krupp Steel AG, a customer and research partner of
              robust design and features, such as integrated spring       NanoFocus AG, trusts in the µsurf at their Rolling Mills
              feet, guarantee reliable and correct measurement            to get repeatable measurements on the fly.
              results. Environmental influences, such as vibrations,
              dust or splash water, do not affect the precision or        From steel to solar, medicine to machine tools,
              accuracy.                                                   automotibiles to airplanes, electronics to optics, manu-
                                                                          facturers, printers, forensic specialists, researchers,
              Historical use of the µsurf technology, deployed in         and physicians worldwide trust in NanoFocus µsurf
              support of high-paced production inspection, has            confocal technology to get them precise, accurate,
              forged its reputation as a tool to produce high precision   and reliable data everytime.
              measurements repeatedly in less-than-ideal conditions.

Hightech – Made in Germany

 Made in Germany

                                                      The components used for
NanoFocus designs, develops, and produces complete    NanoFocus measurement
                                                      systems have to go through
3D measurement solutions, hardware and software.      strict selection and validation
                                                      processes to guarantee
                                                      highest quality levels.
The components that the µsurf systems are built
from, at the manufacturing facility in Oberhausen,
Germany, are of the highest quality standards. They
must be low-maintenance and durable, such as the
high performance LED used as the light source. Com-
ponents like these guarantee the economic usage of
a measurement system that is always ready to use.

Measurement and analysis conforming
to international standards

                                                                 Standards are catalysts for innovations. One example
                                                                 are the EN ISO 25178 standards.

                                                                 Finally, this norm made a broad range of new analyses
                                                                 possible that describe the surface characteristics and
                                                                 their functions much more precisely. That´s why
                                                                 NanoFocus continuously implements new standards
                                                                 in the measurement systems and the software.

                                                                 For NanoFocus it is not only important to design
                                                                 measurement solutions conforming to international
                                                                 standards. NanoFocus also uses its experts’ know-
                                                                 ledge in the field of optical metrology to actively
                                                                 support the development of new standards. Jet
                                                                 another technical advantage of NanoFocus systems.

             Conformity of the µsurf technology and software to international standards

             ISO 25178-6, ISO 5436-1, VDI 2655-1.2a

             µsoft control (control and measurement software)

             ISO 11562, ISO 4287 ISO 4288, ISO 5436-1, ISO 5436-2

             µsoft analysis (analysis software)

             EUR 15178 EN, ISO 1101, ISO 11562, ISO 12085, ISO 12181-1, ISO 12181-2, ISO 12780-1, ISO 12780-2,
             ISO 12781-1, ISO 12781-2, ISO 1302, ISO 13565-1, ISO 25178-2, ISO 25178-6, ISO 4287 ISO 4288,
             ISO 5436-1, ISO 5436-2, ISO/TS 16610-1, ISO/TS 16610-20, ISO/TS 16610-22, ISO/TS 16610-31,
             ISO/TS 16610-40, ISO/TS 16610-41, ISO/TS 16610-49

Product groups



          Standard                                                     Modular
The complete package                                         The individual concept
NanoFocus´ standard systems, µsurf basic, µsurf              Some measurement tasks are that complex, that
explorer and µsurf mobile, prove that the entrance           they require a customized measurement system. The
into the micro and nanotechnology realm does not                       Integration
                                                             broad range of standardized components, as well as
have to be expensive and complicated. Unpack, plug           the experience and competence of our hardware and
in, measure. It has never been that easy to perform          software experts, allow NanoFocus to equip the µsurf
three dimensional analyses into the nanometer ranges.        custom for specific requirements.
The µsurf standard systems are used in various indus-                  Business Solution
                                                             The custom systems are especially used for extremely
tries: to measure the roughness of medical blood pumps,      challenging and specialized surfaces as well as in basic
for production control of electronic components for the      research and in medical device manufacturing, where
automotive sector, the supporting production of complex                Standard
                                                             strict norms have to be met.
electronic modules, the inspection of thinnest layers,
          Business Solution
in metal processing or the paper and print industry.                   Dienstleistung

          Integration                                                  Modular

          Business Solution                                            Integration
The fully developed, industry-specific solution              Benefit from technical advance
Increasingly more industries request measurement             The sensors and measurement heads of the µsurf
systems that meet the exacting requirements of their         systems can be fully integrated in production processes.
products as well as their development and produc-                      Business Solution
                                                             Many industry partners of NanoFocus use the technol-
tion processes. NanoFocus´ business solutions offer          ogy to equip their products with best components for
just this: industry-specific solutions, developed with       three dimensional surface analysis. Besides metrology
key customers in those respective markets. That´s            and medical technology, it is especially the forensic
how industry related knowledge and fully developed           sector that is utilizing the µsurf sensors. For example,
NanoFocus technology are combined in the business                      Dienstleistung
                                                             the world’s leading company for forensic analyzing
solutions. The result is a system that is able to perform    systems uses NanoFocus measuring heads for the
industry-specific and complex measurement tasks close        precise analysis of bullets.
to production without investing in further customized

One of these solutions is µsurf cylinder, which is used by
                                                             Applications of µsurf systems sorted by measurement tasks
premium car manufacturers worldwide for development
and production control of energy efficient and wear-         µsurf basic
reduced engine cylinders. With the business solution         µsurf explorer
µsurf solar, development processes of solar cells are                      µsurf custom, µsurf cylinder, µsurf solar
sped up, production processes are verified and the                                                                     µsurf sensor
performance and quality of solar cells are improved           Process development (R&D)        Process control             Production control


3D measurement system for
laboratory and production

                                    surf explorer

  lexible allround metrology
 Compact design
 User-friendly concept

                                 µsurf explorer is a flexible and user-friendly 3D measurement system for precise surface
                                 analyses that can be used in measurement and testing laboratories, as well as in produc-
                                 tion environments. The µsurf explorer, awarded for its compact design, delivers reliable 3D
                                 measurement results quick and uncomplicated in a few steps.

                                        Dental implant                 ground surface            Step height measurement (50 nm)

Ready for use everywhere

   surf mobile

                                                                                                         Mobile usage with battery 
                                                                                                                       Only 5.5 kg 
                                                                                                                Motorized xyz axis 

The compact and portable µsurf mobile was developed for surface measurements on large
objects such as printing rolls and body parts. In a few minutes, the five kilogram, hand-carried
system is ready to operate, allowing for large-scale measurements on rolls along the radius
of curvature.

          EDT roll                      Half tone printing roll           Gravure printing roll

3D microscopy for industrial research

                                 surf basic

 Turreted optics

 75 mm height range
  opographical 3D view in
  real color

                              µsurf basic is a 3D microscope optimized for the requirements of industrial and industry-oriented
                              research. The system compels through its high measurement speed and its flexibility, especially
                              when there are a lot of different measurement tasks to accomplish with various requirements.

                                     Screw thread                     Rubbing wear                          Resistor

Measurement system made-to-order

   surf custom

                                                                                                      Modular concept 
                                                                                                      Fully automatable 
                                                                                                   For intricate surfaces 

µsurf custom is specifically designed to the requirements of an individual measurement task.
A large assortment of hardware and software components enables universal laboratory measure-
ment systems, as well as fully automated systems for quality control. Even with smallest height
structures, measurement results with nanometer accuracy are guaranteed – within seconds.

          Implant                       Sensor membrane                     Micro lenses

Specialized solution for motor cylinders

                                   surf cylinder

 Angulated optics
  or cylinder bores from
  70 mm to 165 mm dia.
  ariable measurement
  positioning (radial, axial)

                                µsurf cylinder is conceived to measure cylinder running surfaces in automotive industry. The
                                angulated optics dive into the cylinder bore, as controlled by a joystick. Every position in the
                                bore is accessable without destroying the engine. For repeating measurements and serial
                                inspections, automated measurement protocols are stored in a database. With the Linewalking
                                system as an additional automation solution, measurement processes can be performed even
                                more effectively and efficiently, with the track system attached to the engine block.

                                       Honed structure                    AluSil surface                    Coated piston

Allround solution for solar cells

   surf solar

                                                                                                          Up to 12 area measurements 
                                                                                                                         in 1 minute
                                                                                                                 Simple and intuitive 

µsurf solar is a high precision optical measurement solution for the broad range of solar
applications in laboratory and production. With portal configuration available up to the meter
range, whole thin film solar modules can be measured. A vacuum chuck for safe fixture and
the integration of specialized algorithms for better analysis of anti-reflecting surfaces guarantee
optimal measurement results. With the integrated automation function, measurement and
analysis cycles can be programmed quickly and easily.

                                                                                Laser Scribes
     Pyramid structure                   Finger measurement

OEM solution to integrate easily

                                   surf sensor

 Simple integration
 Individual designs possible
 Ready to use immediately

                                The confocal µsurf area sensor is the heart of the µsurf 3D technology. It can be integrated
                                separately in production machines and analysis systems. Soft interfaces, in the form of software
                                development kits, enable the complete integration in a superior software solution.

                                       Lasered structrure                  Milled structure                Structure of a painting


   soft control                                             soft analysis

With the easy-to-use software, µsoft control, measure-   µsoft analysis is a comprehensive software package
ment data can be analyzed and visualized quickly. The    for 2D and 3D surface analysis. The software always
user interface is separated in three areas, providing    contains the latest standards and filter functions. The
a useful overview. The measurement assistant that        versions Standard, XT and Premium are available based
controls the system is already integrated in µsoft       on analysis demands.
control. From measuring to analyzing, only one
program is needed.

   soft automation                                        Stitch-Tool

With the µsoft automation, individual measurements       In some cases, the measurement field of an objec-
and analyses can be automated in an easy way. All        tive does not suffice for the evaluation of spacious
chosen parameters are saved in a measurement             characteristics such as form, roughness or waviness.
template, so the user can start a measurement cycle      To extend the total measurement area, neighboring
with one click. The measurement data is transferred      measurement fields can be assembled to one suture-
to a database that forms the interface between the       less measurement.
inspection system and a customized µsoft automation
analytics module.

07/07/2010. Technical data subject to change without notice. NanoFocus and μsurf are registered trademarks of NanoFocus AG.  Design:

Are you interested in other NanoFocus-Technology?
Please call us +49 208 62 000-0 or write an email to

NanoFocus AG
Lindnerstrasse 98 | 46149 Oberhausen | Phone +49 208-62 000-0 | Fax +49 208-62 000-99 | |
NanoFocus, Inc.

Dr. Christian M. Wichern | Innsbrook Corporate Center 
4470 Cox Road, Suite 250 | Glen Allen, Virginia 23060
Phone ++1 804-228-4195 | Fax ++1 804-527-1816 |
NanoFocus Pte. Ltd.
Mr. Alan Ong | 5012, Ang Mo Kio Avenue 5, #05-06F, Techplace 2 | Singapore 569876
Phone ++65 96849735 |

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µSurf Produkt broschuere Uk Web

  • 2. Application area of the µsurf Technology Structure depth 1 mm µsurf – areal 100 µm confocal microscopy Geometry 10 µm 1 µm 100 nm Roughness Flatness 10 nm 1 nm 1 µm 10 µm 100 µm 1 mm 10 mm 100 mm Structure width 2
  • 3. Industrial metrology for laboratory and production The robust µsurf sensor technol- ogy is based on the CMP tech- nology (Confocal-Multi-Pinhole) of NanoFocus. Within seconds, topography, roughness and layer thickness in the micro and nanometer ranges are acquired. 3
  • 4. Technology 1. Principle The confocal microscope from NanoFocus comprises an LED light source (1), a rotating multi-pinhole disc ➊ (2), an objective lens with a piezo drive (3) and a CCD camera (5). The LED source is focused through the mulit-pinhole disc (MPD) and the objective lens on to the sample surface (4), which reflects the light. The reflected light is reduced by the pinhole of the MPD to that part ➎ which is in focus, and this falls on the CCD camera. ➋ The sketch shows a point on the surface being imaged through one pinhole of the MPD. The MPD has a large number of such holes arranged in a special pattern. The rotation of the MPD enables seamless scanning of the entire surface of the sample within the image field. ➊ LED source ➋ Multi-pinhole disc ➌ ➌ Objective lens ➍ Sample ➎ CCD camera ➍ 2. The Confocal Curve An image from a conventional optical microscope contains sharp and blurred detail.InIn contrast, lightthe focus – reflected in is captured by the CCD camera. confocal image, the blurred detail (unfocused) is filtered out by the operation of the MPD. Microscope image (left): out of focus Confocal Curve: Only light from the focal plane reaches the CCDlight is captured In focus – reflected camera, points the focal range comes the precision from displayed as well as in focus of the height values. by the CCD camera. points. Confocal image (right): Only with the intensity following the confocal curve. Thus the Objective lens in focus points displayed. confocal microsocope is capable of high resolution in the nanometer range. The precision of the height values Confocal Curve: Out of focus from the focal range comes the precision follows from the focal range of the confocal curve. Focal planes of the height values. Objective lens Sample FWHM Height z Out of focus – reflected light in focus In focus – reflected light is captured is masked out. Out of focus by the CCD camera. Focal planes FWHM Sample FWHM Height z Confocal Curve: Out of focus Out of focus – reflected light in focus from the focal range comes the precision is masked out. of the height values. Objective lens Objective lens FWHM Signal strength I Out of focus Out of focus Focal planes Objective lens Focal planes Sample FWHM Sample Signal strength I Height z Out of focus – reflected light in focus is masked out. Focal planes FWHM Sample 4 Out of focus Objective lens
  • 5. 3. Confocal Image Stack Each confocal image is a horizontal slice through the topography of the sample. Capturing of images at different focal heights produces a stack of such images, achieved by the confocal microscope throught precise vertical displacement of the objective lens by means of a piezo drive. 200 to 400 confocal images are generally captured within a few seconds, after which the software reconstructs an exact three-dimensional height image from the stack of confocal images. Therefore, service heights are measured, not calculated. Height z Measurement process: Image stack: Results: The objective lens is dis- Up to 1,000 individual The surface topography placed in height by a piezo confocal images is reconstructed from the drive. are captured. confocal images. 4. Quantitative analysis and reports The measured values are transferred to the analysis program containing standardize analysis methods, such as ISO 25178 or ISO 4287 roughness (2D and 3D parameters), form, translucent film thickness and microgeometry. Results are automatically transferred to a pre-formatted report. Color-scaled height display Single profile from the measurement Automatically produced measurement report 5
  • 6. Exact and reliable 3D measurement data The µsurf technology offers various advantages for Additionally, in an independent third party study the characterization of technical surfaces in the micro performed by the National Institute of Standards and and nanometer ranges. Technology (NIST), comparing intererometry, laser confocal, and NanoFocus’ Multi-Pinhole Confocal, Both measurements of an electron beam structured the µsurf technology acheived the highest correlation roll, one done with the µsurf technology and the other (99 %) to tactile systems. With such high correlation to a SEM, have comparable resolution. Contrary to the traditional methods, historical data on 2D parameters SEM (x,y), µsurf offers the data in true 3-dimensional is no longer obsolete. All the while acquiring surface coordinates (x,y,z). Only with this quantitative data data a lot faster, without damaging the measurement can an exact analysis of 3D surface parameters be sample. performed, delivering a larger range of information about the surface texture. Comparison of a SEM and a µsurf confocal microscope REM µsurf Structured Surface (100×90 µm), REM: Alcan Research Center, Neuhausen. Correlation of tactile systems and the µsurf confocal microscope 1 Sign. A (µm) tactile 0 -1 1 Sign. B (µm) µsurf 0 -1 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Profile length (µm) 99% correlation (KKF) Best system in the comparison study at NIST, 2005 6
  • 7. Meaningful measurement results within seconds The µsurf systems do not require preparation of charts, profiles and 3D pictures. With the automation the surface of the measurement sample. When the software µsoft automation, measurements can be sample is positioned under the objective, the clearly processed at a high throughput rate with highest arranged user interface leads the operator through the efficiency and without user influence. measurement process in just a few clicks. Afterwards, the settings of the measurement parameters can be used for serial measurements. Already after a few seconds the µsurf technology provides meaningful data for further analysis. Contrary to other techniques, the µsurf technology delivers When measurement data is imported into the report meaningful measurements and analyses in a few templates of the µsoft analysis software, a full meas- seconds. Easy handling and urement report is automatically generated. The output intelligent software guarantee maximum efficiency. analysis parameters can be modified and displayed as 7
  • 8. Robust precision metrology for industrial applications The µsurf technology was developed especially for Of the many that employ the µsurf technology, Thyssen use in the typically rough production environment. The Krupp Steel AG, a customer and research partner of robust design and features, such as integrated spring NanoFocus AG, trusts in the µsurf at their Rolling Mills feet, guarantee reliable and correct measurement to get repeatable measurements on the fly. results. Environmental influences, such as vibrations, dust or splash water, do not affect the precision or From steel to solar, medicine to machine tools, accuracy. automotibiles to airplanes, electronics to optics, manu- facturers, printers, forensic specialists, researchers, Historical use of the µsurf technology, deployed in and physicians worldwide trust in NanoFocus µsurf support of high-paced production inspection, has confocal technology to get them precise, accurate, forged its reputation as a tool to produce high precision and reliable data everytime. measurements repeatedly in less-than-ideal conditions. 8
  • 9. Hightech – Made in Germany Made in Germany The components used for NanoFocus designs, develops, and produces complete NanoFocus measurement systems have to go through 3D measurement solutions, hardware and software. strict selection and validation processes to guarantee highest quality levels. The components that the µsurf systems are built from, at the manufacturing facility in Oberhausen, Germany, are of the highest quality standards. They must be low-maintenance and durable, such as the high performance LED used as the light source. Com- ponents like these guarantee the economic usage of a measurement system that is always ready to use. 9
  • 10. Measurement and analysis conforming to international standards Standards are catalysts for innovations. One example are the EN ISO 25178 standards. Finally, this norm made a broad range of new analyses possible that describe the surface characteristics and their functions much more precisely. That´s why NanoFocus continuously implements new standards in the measurement systems and the software. For NanoFocus it is not only important to design measurement solutions conforming to international standards. NanoFocus also uses its experts’ know- ledge in the field of optical metrology to actively support the development of new standards. Jet another technical advantage of NanoFocus systems. Conformity of the µsurf technology and software to international standards µsurf ISO 25178-6, ISO 5436-1, VDI 2655-1.2a µsoft control (control and measurement software) ISO 11562, ISO 4287 ISO 4288, ISO 5436-1, ISO 5436-2 , µsoft analysis (analysis software) EUR 15178 EN, ISO 1101, ISO 11562, ISO 12085, ISO 12181-1, ISO 12181-2, ISO 12780-1, ISO 12780-2, ISO 12781-1, ISO 12781-2, ISO 1302, ISO 13565-1, ISO 25178-2, ISO 25178-6, ISO 4287 ISO 4288, , ISO 5436-1, ISO 5436-2, ISO/TS 16610-1, ISO/TS 16610-20, ISO/TS 16610-22, ISO/TS 16610-31, ISO/TS 16610-40, ISO/TS 16610-41, ISO/TS 16610-49 10
  • 11. Product groups Produktkategorien Standard Standard Modular The complete package The individual concept NanoFocus´ standard systems, µsurf basic, µsurf Some measurement tasks are that complex, that explorer and µsurf mobile, prove that the entrance they require a customized measurement system. The Modular into the micro and nanotechnology realm does not Integration broad range of standardized components, as well as have to be expensive and complicated. Unpack, plug the experience and competence of our hardware and in, measure. It has never been that easy to perform software experts, allow NanoFocus to equip the µsurf Standard three dimensional analyses into the nanometer ranges. custom for specific requirements. Produktkategorien Integration The µsurf standard systems are used in various indus- Business Solution The custom systems are especially used for extremely tries: to measure the roughness of medical blood pumps, challenging and specialized surfaces as well as in basic for production control of electronic components for the research and in medical device manufacturing, where Modular automotive sector, the supporting production of complex Standard strict norms have to be met. electronic modules, the inspection of thinnest layers, Business Solution in metal processing or the paper and print industry. Dienstleistung Integration Modular Dienstleistung Business Solution Integration The fully developed, industry-specific solution Benefit from technical advance Increasingly more industries request measurement The sensors and measurement heads of the µsurf systems that meet the exacting requirements of their systems can be fully integrated in production processes. Dienstleistung products as well as their development and produc- Business Solution Many industry partners of NanoFocus use the technol- tion processes. NanoFocus´ business solutions offer ogy to equip their products with best components for just this: industry-specific solutions, developed with three dimensional surface analysis. Besides metrology key customers in those respective markets. That´s and medical technology, it is especially the forensic how industry related knowledge and fully developed sector that is utilizing the µsurf sensors. For example, NanoFocus technology are combined in the business Dienstleistung the world’s leading company for forensic analyzing solutions. The result is a system that is able to perform systems uses NanoFocus measuring heads for the industry-specific and complex measurement tasks close precise analysis of bullets. to production without investing in further customized design. One of these solutions is µsurf cylinder, which is used by Applications of µsurf systems sorted by measurement tasks premium car manufacturers worldwide for development and production control of energy efficient and wear- µsurf basic reduced engine cylinders. With the business solution µsurf explorer µsurf solar, development processes of solar cells are µsurf custom, µsurf cylinder, µsurf solar sped up, production processes are verified and the µsurf sensor performance and quality of solar cells are improved Process development (R&D) Process control Production control continuously. 11
  • 12. 3D measurement system for laboratory and production surf explorer  lexible allround metrology F solution  Compact design  User-friendly concept µsurf explorer is a flexible and user-friendly 3D measurement system for precise surface analyses that can be used in measurement and testing laboratories, as well as in produc- tion environments. The µsurf explorer, awarded for its compact design, delivers reliable 3D measurement results quick and uncomplicated in a few steps. Dental implant ground surface Step height measurement (50 nm) 12
  • 13. Ready for use everywhere surf mobile Mobile usage with battery  Only 5.5 kg  Motorized xyz axis  The compact and portable µsurf mobile was developed for surface measurements on large objects such as printing rolls and body parts. In a few minutes, the five kilogram, hand-carried system is ready to operate, allowing for large-scale measurements on rolls along the radius of curvature. EDT roll Half tone printing roll Gravure printing roll 13
  • 14. 3D microscopy for industrial research surf basic  Turreted optics NEW  75 mm height range  opographical 3D view in T real color µsurf basic is a 3D microscope optimized for the requirements of industrial and industry-oriented research. The system compels through its high measurement speed and its flexibility, especially when there are a lot of different measurement tasks to accomplish with various requirements. Screw thread Rubbing wear Resistor 14
  • 15. Measurement system made-to-order surf custom Modular concept  Fully automatable  For intricate surfaces  µsurf custom is specifically designed to the requirements of an individual measurement task. A large assortment of hardware and software components enables universal laboratory measure- ment systems, as well as fully automated systems for quality control. Even with smallest height structures, measurement results with nanometer accuracy are guaranteed – within seconds. Implant Sensor membrane Micro lenses 15
  • 16. Specialized solution for motor cylinders surf cylinder  Angulated optics  or cylinder bores from F 70 mm to 165 mm dia.  ariable measurement V positioning (radial, axial) µsurf cylinder is conceived to measure cylinder running surfaces in automotive industry. The angulated optics dive into the cylinder bore, as controlled by a joystick. Every position in the bore is accessable without destroying the engine. For repeating measurements and serial inspections, automated measurement protocols are stored in a database. With the Linewalking system as an additional automation solution, measurement processes can be performed even more effectively and efficiently, with the track system attached to the engine block. Honed structure AluSil surface Coated piston 16
  • 17. Allround solution for solar cells surf solar Up to 12 area measurements  in 1 minute Simple and intuitive  automation µsurf solar is a high precision optical measurement solution for the broad range of solar applications in laboratory and production. With portal configuration available up to the meter range, whole thin film solar modules can be measured. A vacuum chuck for safe fixture and the integration of specialized algorithms for better analysis of anti-reflecting surfaces guarantee optimal measurement results. With the integrated automation function, measurement and analysis cycles can be programmed quickly and easily. Laser Scribes Pyramid structure Finger measurement 17
  • 18. OEM solution to integrate easily surf sensor  Simple integration  Individual designs possible  Ready to use immediately The confocal µsurf area sensor is the heart of the µsurf 3D technology. It can be integrated separately in production machines and analysis systems. Soft interfaces, in the form of software development kits, enable the complete integration in a superior software solution. Lasered structrure Milled structure Structure of a painting 18
  • 19. Software soft control soft analysis With the easy-to-use software, µsoft control, measure- µsoft analysis is a comprehensive software package ment data can be analyzed and visualized quickly. The for 2D and 3D surface analysis. The software always user interface is separated in three areas, providing contains the latest standards and filter functions. The a useful overview. The measurement assistant that versions Standard, XT and Premium are available based controls the system is already integrated in µsoft on analysis demands. control. From measuring to analyzing, only one program is needed. soft automation Stitch-Tool With the µsoft automation, individual measurements In some cases, the measurement field of an objec- and analyses can be automated in an easy way. All tive does not suffice for the evaluation of spacious chosen parameters are saved in a measurement characteristics such as form, roughness or waviness. template, so the user can start a measurement cycle To extend the total measurement area, neighboring with one click. The measurement data is transferred measurement fields can be assembled to one suture- to a database that forms the interface between the less measurement. inspection system and a customized µsoft automation analytics module. 19
  • 20. 07/07/2010. Technical data subject to change without notice. NanoFocus and μsurf are registered trademarks of NanoFocus AG.  Design: Are you interested in other NanoFocus-Technology? Please call us +49 208 62 000-0 or write an email to NanoFocus AG Lindnerstrasse 98 | 46149 Oberhausen | Phone +49 208-62 000-0 | Fax +49 208-62 000-99 | | NanoFocus, Inc.
 Dr. Christian M. Wichern | Innsbrook Corporate Center 
4470 Cox Road, Suite 250 | Glen Allen, Virginia 23060 Phone ++1 804-228-4195 | Fax ++1 804-527-1816 | NanoFocus Pte. Ltd. Mr. Alan Ong | 5012, Ang Mo Kio Avenue 5, #05-06F, Techplace 2 | Singapore 569876 Phone ++65 96849735 |